broughtonhall news Feb 2011.pub - Broughton Hall High School

broughtonhall news Feb 2011.pub - Broughton Hall High School

broughtonhall news Feb 2011.pub - Broughton Hall High School

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<strong>Broughton</strong> <strong>Hall</strong>NewsEdition 25 <strong>Feb</strong>ruary 2011BSF UPDATEProgressYear 7 “THINK DIFFERENTLY”Building a DomeCOMENIUS VISITSEstonia & HanoverBEAUTY AND THE BEASTPhotographs from this years’performanceSPORTS AND PE NEWSBadminton & FootballEXPO 2010Shanghai China

World Expo 2010Liverpool to ShanghaiLaura Maloney and Aime PeltzerIn September 2009 six pupils were chosen to have aninterview with Mr Murphy and Ms Parry. The six pupils were,Aime Peltzer, Sophie Coan, Lauren Flemming, Emily Brown,Jodie Fitzgerald and myself, Laura Maloney. We all hadindividual interviews and were asked to return to MrMurphy’s office at the end of the day, still not having anyidea what we had been interviewed for. At 3 o’clock, the firstfour were called in separately but Aime and I were the lastto be called in together. Mr Murphy finally told us, that 62pupils had been chosen to represent Liverpool at theShanghai World Expo 2010 and he told Aime and myselfthat we were going to... Shanghai!!! We couldn’t believe ourluck, we were ecstatic.Before we left for Shanghai, we had three meetings explainingwhat was expected from us at the Expo site. We wereput into groups and we were in group 4. Also we learnt alittle Mandarin, what food we were likely to eat and mostimportantly, how to address the Chinese people. We flew toAmsterdam and then onto Shanghai which tookapproximately 12 hours. We were met by Ying Ma who tookus to the hotel, which was a luxurious 4 star hotel with aswimming pool and fantastic facilities, and we were warnedif we used the pool, that the Chinese walk around naked…what a culture shock!!The Liverpool Pavilion was amazing. Our roles were to sellLiverpool and show the visitors around the site. To talkabout football, the Beatles, education and how our culture isdifferent to theirs.We were lucky enough to visit the Pearl Tower, the Bund (water front) and the World Financial Centre, which isthe second tallest sky scraper in the world. Also we went shopping. It was so different to shopping back homeas you had to haggle to lower the price which was fun. We went to the Shanghai Science and TechnologyMuseum, and visited Bile <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> and took part in an English and music lesson which was fantastic. Wealso visited XJTLU University. We spent a day at Suzhou and took part in cultural activities in the old city‘Venice of the East. The food was so different, and we didn’t really like it. It was completely different from ourChinese take away and we couldn’t wait to get back and have a proper chippy tea.

oadened my horizons through offers granted to me in the future to promoteour generation further. Although my position lasted a mere month, Iseized every experience thrown at me and can now say I’ve done things noother teenager has. Meeting our Lord Mayor has given me pride and understandingof how active Liverpool is, with a number of exciting events occurringevery day! I believe our part should be to embrace this unity of cultureand get involved, and I for one will grab every and any chance to join in themany opportunities our city has to offer and ultimately grant us, the youngpeople, the future people, a voice.Teri DuffyMe in my Chain of Office – Remembrance Sunday, St George’s <strong>Hall</strong>Year 11 Badminton County FinalistsThe team won their group over Wirral Grammar and Rainford playing some excellent badminton to gothrough to the semi finals. They faced a tough match against Greenbank and did exceptionally well againsttheir club players. They girls got beat in the semis, but played some outstanding badminton throughout theday. They were the most successful Liverpool team on the day and did <strong>Broughton</strong> very proud! Well donegirls!Ellie Clarke Rachel Kilbride Caitlan Riley Rachael Hindley

Awards EveningOn Wednesday 1 st December 2010, we held our Year 11and 13 Awards Evening. The evening was extremely wellattended and parents and guardians joined staff andstudents to celebrate the academic achievements ofyears 11 and 13. GCSE and A Level certificates werepresented to students by the guest speaker WinifredRobinson. Winifred originally from Liverpool and now aradio 4 presenter, was an excellent role model andinspiration to the students. Awards were also given tostudents recognising outstanding academic and personalachievements, as well as awards for outstanding effortand commitment.After the presentations all the students, guests and staffwere invited to a buffet in the main hall, kindly provided bythe PTA. This gave everybody an opportunity to catch upon the latest <strong>news</strong> and ventures, especially for thestudents who have now completed their studies at<strong>Broughton</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> and have moved on to University andother employment opportunities. The evening was awonderful opportunity to celebrate the achievements andtalents of our students.Mrs LodgeYear 10 GCSE Dance GroupThe Year 10 GCSE Dance Group performed at theYear 7 Christmas Service.Parents and family of Year 7s attended thewell attended evening service.

As CreativesAs Creatives is an independent creativityconsultancy team. After a successful interview ledby pupils and supported by a successful bid throughthe Creative Partnerships programme a six monthplan with creativity at the forefront saw As Creativesworking with three groups of teachers in school toshare good practise and to continue to exploreinnovative approaches to teaching and learning.The programme culminated in the final groupworking with As Creatives to co-plan and co- delivera whole day ‘launch’ of the going global theme to100 year 7 students.This consisted of whole group opening and closingactivities. a carousel of activities, a going global quizand the construction of a large geometric domecovered in the students learning.Feedback from the pupils involved in the day wasvery positive.“I liked that we were learning, but we were stillhaving lots and lots of fun at the same time.”I have enjoyed the game where you have to trade,because it was really fun and exciting.”“We enjoyed designing the triangles, because it wasvery creative.”“This has been a good and enjoyable experience!”“I now understand the competencies!”“I can make the connection between what we learnand how we learn.”“When can we do this again?”Ms Penny

This was performed on the 8 th , 9 th and 10 th December in the Dance Drama.It involved a large cast of 60 students from year 7, 8, 9, 10 (GCSE Dancers)and year 12, with rehearsals held on Wednesday, Thursday and Fridayevenings. This was a very successful production involving a large productionteam, consisting of Mike Mangan, Liz Armstrong, Steph Hayes, Katherin Ellison,Charlotte Bromilow, Gareth Bromilow, Tracey Ellams and Linda West.

FootballThe U13 football team have reached thelast 8 schools in the English <strong>School</strong>s’ Cupout of the initial 420 entrants – a fantasticachievement!! Their results includedefeating Woodchurch <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> 11.1,St Peter and Paul Catholic College 12.0,Saddleworth <strong>School</strong> 4.2 and Unity College,Burnley 5.2. They will travel to Nunthorpe<strong>School</strong>, Middlesborough for theirquarter-final this <strong>Feb</strong>ruary.The squad for both cups are:Year 7Hayley Taylor, Tori Charnock, Paige Coult,Sophie Cantley, Brianna Riley, Ellie Taylor,Emma Corley, Hannah Byrne.Year 8Kate McKenzie, Mica Kinnear, Charlotte Bresweth,Lydia Bright, Molly Greenbank, HollyLloyd, Sophie Horne, Sarah NorfolkThe U13 team have also just reached thesemi-final of the Merseyside Cup bydefeating Maricourt <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> 7.1.<strong>Broughton</strong> are the holders of this cup at themoment. The semi-final will be playedagainst St Julies this month.The U14 football team are in thequarter-finals of the Merseyside Cup –they will play Alsop <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> laterthis month. The U15 English <strong>School</strong>s’football team reached the 3 rd round ofthe cup this year. They defeatedSavio College 3.1 to get to the 3 rdround, but then unfortunately lost 4.3in extra time to West Kirkby Grammar<strong>School</strong>.L to R: Heather Welsh, AmbarVillanueva-Brackley, Georgia Hampson,Charlie Millea, Lauren Whitehead, AlexO'Sullivan, Beth Seasman, Paige Whitehead,Hannah Atherton, Sarah Jackson(Capt) and Ellie McDonough. (not picturedGeorgia Donnellan and Sian Ronan)

Liverdelphia 2010We flew from Manchester to Paris as a connection flight,and then from Paris directly to Philadelphia. When wearrived at the airport our families and partners werewaiting for us. For most it was a chance to see theirfriends, they hadn’t seen since March, but also a chancefor the new partners to meet. We arrived at tea time andso that night was given to us to meet the family andspend some time getting to know each other.Liverdelphia Exchange Programme with the LeadershipAcademy Philadelphia USA.. The American students visitedin March. Then in October 2010 we visited Philadelphia for5 days after months of fundraising. The trip allowed us tobuild everlasting friendships and also made most of usconsider university outside of Liverpool.As a group we experienced what it was like to attend aschool in another country. We saw how American lessonsdiffered from ours, but also as individuals we learnt what itwas like to be part of a household in a different country.The next day (Wednesday) we went to lessons in themorning then we visited the famous South Street and wewere given an hour or two to shop round and go to tastesome typical American food, such as the cheese steak.We later went bowling as a group and then to abasketball game, where we all bought foam fingers andone of the teachers seat was picked so she wasbroadcast to the big screen. Thursday we went siteseeing around Philadelphia. We visited Rocky Statueand other places such as Love Park. Later we went on ascavenger hunt and then visited an American Chineserestaurant. A sleepover was arranged for that night, so afew partners all came together in one house to spendsome time together. The next day we visited New Yorkwhere everyone spent the whole day shopping. Saturdaywe went to the King of Prussia Mall (our Trafford Centrewhere again we went shopping and got a chance to getsome food. Later that day we had a cooked meal back inSLA school where we all attended, as well as SLApartners and parents. Also because it was <strong>Hall</strong>oween is abig event in America.We also did some pumpkin carving too. That night wewere given free time with families and some people wentto a big party, which was held in one of the SLA kids houses. Sunday we had the morning to say goodbyeand spend a little more time with the family and our partner. We then met at school and travelled to theairport. For many of us it was a TOTALLY life changing experience. We’ve all made many new friendswho we still keep in touch with, and hope to always be friends with. We speak to our partners and othermembers of the group daily, as well as still uploading videos and pictures of the trip to FacebookMat, Hannah, Louise and Jess

Comenius Estonia Spodramus Sports TripVÄNDRA GYMNASIUM, ESTONIASeptember 2010The Year 11 GCSE PE Group alongwith Ms Crummey, Ms Park & MsCalvert visited Estonia. The studentsstayed with Estonian families and hadthe opportunity to play sports, interact& learn about cultures of differentcountries. Our students experienced arange of sports from vollyball, relays &acrosport. One of the highlights was aprocession through the town with theirwhole school. We look forward tohosting our own sports in May.Miss Park

Comenius Hanover Music TripThe Chamber Group visited Gymnasium GrossIlsedeNovember 23rd—28thThey spent 3 days preparing for a music concert with pupils fromGermany, Spain and Estonia.There were 3 projects• Cultural pieces that the girls had prepared in Liverpool.• A percussion piece that all pupils come together to perform.• An Improvisation based on the European anthem in which theyhad to practice and rehearse with pupils from other countries.The Chamber Group Christy Tubi,Jessica Parkinson, Rebecca Green andLaura Moloney (Year 11 Pupils)Luckily for us all the other participants spoke excellent English, but ourpupils rose to every challenge, were willing to contribute their ideas anddrove the project on with their sense of fun.Staff Ms McGowan, Mrs Carlisle, andMusic teacher Ms Anne Marie Owens

These Year 11 students did 2weeks work experience, Theyspent a week at the BeechleyDisabled Riding Stables and the2nd week at Alder Vets.All of Year 10 hadto complete an “An experience that willonline application prepare me for theform, CV and letter world of work”of application inpreparation for their Steph Daley 10 Curiemock interviews forWork Experience.Employers verykindly gave up thetime to conduct theinterviews“A brilliant experienceand I would definitelyrecommend it forfuture year 10s”Heather Rawling10 CurieI thoroughly enjoyed theexperience as it gave methe confidence toprepare for interviewsand I will know whatemployers will expect ofme in the future.Abbi Whitehead 10 PankYear 9 took part in a Criminal Justice Day to increase their understanding of crime & punishmentand how a court case proceeds in a magistrates court. Kate Black, Court Administrator fromLiverpool, organised several visitors to come into school to explain the case of Ali Authur who wascharged with assault. Brian Foreshaw, Crown Prosecutor, Anna O’Hare, Defence Solicitor, andBarbara Ellis, magistrate.The case was acted out by Year 12 Students and the whole year group had to decide the guilt orinnocence of the defendant. Barbara Ellis explained why the defendant was given a “Not Guilty”verdict.

November Remembrance DayA wall of remembrance was created with messages byStudents in the shape of a heart.Year 7’s retreat NovemberYear 7’s Christmas Service Monday 13th December<strong>Broughton</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> sent 120shoeboxes, filled with goodies tothe children of Liberia inWest Africa.

Breast CancerOn the 20th October 2010 we held ourannual breast cancer awareness day.The money we raise goes directly to helpand support local women suffering frombreast cancer. This year with the help of9HI we made pink sweet parcels to selland all pupils were encouraged to wearpink ribbons on the day.A group of Year 7s visited MorganSindall, who joined us this year bywearing pink safety helmets to show theirsupport for the campaign. We raised£472.00 in totalThank you everyoneMrs SelsbyYear 8 Hand Washing TechniquesAs part of their Healthy Wealthy and Wise topic for EnquiringMinds, Year 8 took part in an experiment to determine whichwas the best hand washing technique. They had to choosebetween washing with just water, water and soap or handsanitizer. Water and soap had the best results.Keep on washing!Hand Washing

£1200 wasraised onown clothesday<strong>School</strong> LibraryAssembly & <strong>School</strong> <strong>Hall</strong>Building <strong>School</strong>s inNigeriaMr Lea Knowles a formermember of staff at<strong>Broughton</strong> <strong>Hall</strong> and hiswife, have travelled toNigeria to volunteer inbuilding schools for Africa.Whilst over there MrKnowles will work withteachers to improveteaching methods and workwith the local governmentto improve the national curriculum.Ibrahim showing termite damageThe organisationhe works with is VSO,which works in providing education in Africa, Asia, the pacificand the Caribbean . This attempts to identify and help peoplewho are disadvantaged in the education system and providechildren with a good quality education. To support this causewe are currently fundraising as a school with events such asan “non uniform day”. Funds raised will provide equipmentand support for the children in Nigeria. This is a very worthycause and we would like to thank you for your continuoussupport.Hannah Titchen (Deputy Head Girl)Santa StaffA number of staff took part in the Santadash on 5th December 2010.They helped raise money for the NewBorn Baby appeal on behalf of Ms. Adair.“We started together and finished withbreakfast in the Pilgrim, who knows whathappened in between” said Mr ManganSanta Dash

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