Hannah Montana - Mobile Production Pro

Hannah Montana - Mobile Production Pro

Hannah Montana - Mobile Production Pro

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internationalcCBeeBies Live!viUK Arena Tour is a “Wonderland”For the second year running, Bandit Lites UKhas supplied full lighting production to theCBeebies Live! UK arena tour. This year titled“Wonderland,” it’s a 2 part, action packedmulti-act show starring The Tweenies, TheTeletubbies, Bob The Builder, Postman Pat,Fireman Sam and many others.The high profile tour is producedby BBC Worldwide, and runs allover the Christmas and the NewYear period, 3 shows a day mostdays. It culminates in being thefirst show to inaugurate the brandnew Liverpool Echo Arena inJanuary.Once again, Bandit’s LesterCobrin assisted in realizing MarkCunniffe’s lighting design, utilizinga fast-paced blend of theatreand televisual techniques, whichis operated on tour by EwanCameron.The rig is based on four triangulartrusses constructed from 3 x24ft A-type trusses, hung above athrust stage with a circular end,making it almost in-the-round.The triangles all have white gauzestretched across their inside edges,accentuating their shapes for lightingand projected effects. Theyalso make an attractive shapedroof above the stage, and offergreat flexibility in terms of all themoving lights being able to hitalmost anywhere on the stage.Each triangle is identical interms of lights, with 6 Martin<strong>Pro</strong>fessional MAC 2K Washes, 3Vari*Lite 3000 <strong>Pro</strong>files, 2 4-lampbars of PARs and 4 bars of ACLs,plus 4 UV cannons and 3 stringsof egg-strobe festoon. The twodownstage triangles also have 16linear 4-lite DWE units for audienceillumination. It is a highlyinteractive show in that way.On the floor are 8 V*L3000s atthe back and sides of stage and 6V*L 2500 <strong>Pro</strong>files focussed on theset. Bandit has also supplied 24Pulsar ChromaStrips which areused in the set, 2 haze machines, 4Lycian 2K Xenon follow spots anda rigging package including 44Lodestar hoists.Stretch your coach budget in EuropeSLEEPER COACHESSuperb sleeper coaches for all pockets. Please visit http://jumbocruiser.com or call +44 1297 2471738 Tour Guide Journal

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