Hannah Montana - Mobile Production Pro

Hannah Montana - Mobile Production Pro

Hannah Montana - Mobile Production Pro

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firehouse PRODUCTIONSComplete Sound Systems for Every Aspect of Live SoundTour Guide feature firehouse productionscSimon Welch(FOH Engineer)Bryan Olson, touring monitorengineer and founder ofFirehouse <strong><strong>Pro</strong>duction</strong>s, beganby providing sound equipment forsome of the best known ar tists ofthe time including Peter Gabriel, TheCure, Tears for Fears, and ThomasDolby, to name a few. Bryan recognizedthe need to ser vice his topclients with the highest quality monitorsound available and used his owndesigns to create custom systemsfor some of the most discerning earsin the business. Over the years, thecompany has built a steadfast reputationby continuing to provide the highestquality sound equipment togetherwith superior client ser vicing for allits touring acts.30Tour Guide Journal

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