Focus on Energy, 2010 - Karanovic & Nikolic

Focus on Energy, 2010 - Karanovic & Nikolic

Focus on Energy, 2010 - Karanovic & Nikolic

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Slovenia in 2007. In the same year, discussi<strong>on</strong>s <strong>on</strong> the possible establishment of a new Forum <strong>on</strong> socialissues were held between the parties to the Treaty which c<strong>on</strong>sequently lead to the adopti<strong>on</strong> of the“Memorandum of Understanding <strong>on</strong> Social Issues” which envisaged the possibility of the establishmentof the “Social Forum”. The “Social Forum” c<strong>on</strong>siders the social impact of energy market reform. The first“Social Forum” took place in November 2008. At its December 2008 meeting, the Ministerial Councildecided to extend the scope of the Treaty <strong>on</strong> the oil sector and to establish an “Oil Forum”. Pursuant tothe aforementi<strong>on</strong>ed decisi<strong>on</strong>, the “Oil Forum” is to advise the <strong>Energy</strong> Community <strong>on</strong> issues related tothe oil sector. It is envisaged that “Oil Forum” will meet annually. The first “Oil Forum” was c<strong>on</strong>vened inSeptember 2009.The SecretariatThe Secretariat is based in Vienna and it provides am<strong>on</strong>gst other things, administrative support to theother instituti<strong>on</strong>s of the <strong>Energy</strong> Community. It co-ordinates the d<strong>on</strong>or activities and it m<strong>on</strong>itors the properimplementati<strong>on</strong> of Treaty obligati<strong>on</strong>s by the parties. It then submits yearly progress reports to the MinisterialCouncil and performs the day to day activities of the <strong>Energy</strong> Community. The Secretariat has a Directorthat is appointed by the Ministerial Council. The Director of the Secretariat or a nominated alternate assistsat the Ministerial Council, the Permanent High Level Group, the Regulatory Board and the Forums.Decisi<strong>on</strong> Making ProcessThe <strong>Energy</strong> Community takes measures in the form of decisi<strong>on</strong>s which are legally binding and recommendati<strong>on</strong>swhich have no binding force. Measures relating to the applicati<strong>on</strong> of the acquis communautairecan be taken by the Ministerial Council, the Permanent High Level Group or the RegulatoryBoard <strong>on</strong>ly up<strong>on</strong> a proposal of the European Commissi<strong>on</strong>. Measures related to the other core activities(such as the creati<strong>on</strong> of a specific regulatory framework for an efficient regi<strong>on</strong>al energy market and thecreati<strong>on</strong> of a single energy market) can be taken by the same bodies up<strong>on</strong> the proposal of a party to theTreaty including the Secretariat in the case of measures for the creati<strong>on</strong> of the single energy market.The measures are adopted either by a simple majority (as is the case with the decisi<strong>on</strong>s relating to theapplicati<strong>on</strong> of acquis communautaire), or by a two-thirds majority (as is the case with the decisi<strong>on</strong>srelating to the creati<strong>on</strong> of a specific regulatory framework for efficient regi<strong>on</strong>al energy market), or byunanimity (as is the case with the decisi<strong>on</strong>s relating to the creati<strong>on</strong> of the single energy market). Internalaffairs, such as organizati<strong>on</strong>al, budgetary and transparency issues of the <strong>Energy</strong> Community areregulated by procedural acts.The parties to the Treaty are obliged to implement decisi<strong>on</strong>s adopted by the Ministerial Council, the PermanentHigh Level Group or the Regulatory Board (that are addressed to them) in their domestic legal system.A failure to comply with this obligati<strong>on</strong> may be brought to the attenti<strong>on</strong> of the Ministerial Council byany party, the Secretariat or the Regulatory Board. Whether or not there has been a breach of obligati<strong>on</strong>sof the parties is determined by the Ministerial Council. In the event of serious and persistent breaches bya party of its obligati<strong>on</strong>s, the Ministerial Council may, acting by unanimity, suspend certain rights grantedto the n<strong>on</strong>compliant party under the Treaty, including the suspensi<strong>on</strong> of voting rights and the offendingparty’s subsequent exclusi<strong>on</strong> from meetings or other such mechanisms provided for in the Treaty.7FOCUS ON ENERGYIn practice, the above mechanism started to apply after the Rules of Procedure for Dispute Settlementunder the <strong>Energy</strong> Community Treaty (the “Dispute Rules”) had been adopted in June 2008 1 . From15 October 2009, the Secretariat has received five complaints out of which <strong>on</strong>e was levelled againstSerbia, <strong>on</strong>e against Bosnia and Herzegovina and three against Maced<strong>on</strong>ia. It is worth menti<strong>on</strong>ing thateach complaint has been initiated by private bodies. According to the aforementi<strong>on</strong>ed Dispute Rules,up<strong>on</strong> receiving a complaint, the Secretariat assesses the merits of a case and decides whether to initiatea formal procedure. If the respective country, as a reply to the complaint, harm<strong>on</strong>ises its legislati<strong>on</strong> andpractice so that it is in line with the Treaty and if that is satisfactory to both the complainant and to theSecretariat, then the case is closed without the initiating of a formal procedure. So far, the <strong>on</strong>ly formalprocedure initiated to date has been against Maced<strong>on</strong>ia.1 Procedural Act No. 2008/01/MC-EnC dated 27 June 2008.

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