Focus on Energy, 2010 - Karanovic & Nikolic

Focus on Energy, 2010 - Karanovic & Nikolic Focus on Energy, 2010 - Karanovic & Nikolic
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Private ShareholdersEVN MACEDONIAAs part of the “EVN Austria” group, EVN Macedonia operates the distribution and electrical supply systemin the state. In 2005, “EVN Austria” bought 90% of the ESM distribution company for approximately EUR220 million and today it jointly owns it with the MEPSO (10%). With more than 3,000 employees and asupply of over 5,000 GWh of electricity, EVN Macedonia reached a turnover of approximately EUR 300Million in 2008 5 and stands as one of the biggest and most successful companies in Macedonia. Aside fromthe distribution and supply, EVN Macedonia owns and operates 11 smaller hydro plants with an installedpower of over 40 MW. In the past two years, the Government and EVN Macedonia disagreed over billingpolicy. The state-owned producer ELEM claims that EVN Macedonia has debts of over EUR 100 Million.The relations between the Austrian-owned distributor and the Government have improved in 2009, butthe dispute is still unresolved. In addition to this, the price of the supplied electricity is strictly regulated bythe ERC, dictating a low supply price regardless of the real costs incurred by the distributors. So-called “costreflective pricing” will most likely feature in the amendments to the Macedonian energy law scheduled forthis year.OKTA A.D.50FOCUS ON ENERGYThe only oil refinery in Macedonia is operated by the JSC ”Okta a.d.”, a company owned by the Greekgroup Hellenic Petroleum with an 81% majority shareholding (“OKTA”). Built during the early 1980’s usingSoviet technology, the facility is operating with higher costs and relatively low efficiency. This is havinga big impact on the environment. The scope of the company includes the refining of crude oil as well as theimport and trade of petroleum products. The refinery has an annual refining capacity of 2.5 million metrictons. The main products produced are liquid petroleum gas, leaded and unleaded gasoline, aircraft fuels,diesel fuel, heating oil and heavy fuel oil. The products of the company cover the largest part of the internalmarket and significant quantities are exported to Kosovo. The company also operates a network of 36outlets 6 . In 2008, OKTA was the biggest company in Macedonia with an annual turnover of over EUR 650Million. Currently, the company is being modernized, mainly as a result of the energy regulators increasingthe pressure on them to mitigate their impact on the environment and also due to an increased demandamongst consumers for a higher quality fuel product.MAKPETROL A.D.“Makpetrol a.d.” is the biggest company in Macedonia regarding the distribution and supply of oil products.It has been operating since 1947. The company, through its network of over 110 petrol stations and 12 oilproduct storage facilities, has established a significant infrastructure for the distribution and trade of oilproducts. Having over 1,900 employees and a 60% market share, “Makpetrol a.d.” was amongst the twolargest companies in Macedonia in 2008, with revenues of nearly EUR 400 Million. In 1996, the Governmentand “Makpetrol a.d.” jointly established the public company ”GA MA”, the current natural gas market operatorin Macedonia. Also, “Makpetrol a.d.” is the major importer and supplier of natural gas in the country.REGULATORY FRAMEWORKThe Umbrella LawThe energy sector in Macedonia is regulated by the so-called “umbrella” law, covering different areas ofenergy such as electricity, renewables, oil, gas, as well as the regulation of the markets, transport and thetransmission of energy. This is the Law on Energy, enacted in May 2006 and published in the Official Gazetteof Macedonia no. 63/2006 (the “Energy Law”). It has been amended twice, once in 2007 and more recentlywith the amendments of 2008.5 Euro business center, Skopje – publication “200 biggest companies in Macedonia”6 “Hellenic Petroleum” Data,

Besides the regulation of the electricity, gas, oil and geothermal energy markets, the Energy Law also setsthe goals of the energy policies, defines energy activities and promotes energy efficiency and renewableenergy. The energy activities that can be performed under the Energy law fall under 26 specific descriptions,such as the:Furthermore, the Energy Law sets the Government as the energy policy maker, through the preparation andenactment of the Strategy. This national document, that is supposed to initially cover the period 2010-2020with a longer term vision until 2030, is to be enacted this year. On the other hand, the Energy Law establishesthe ERC as the independent body regulating the energy markets, especially in the determination ofpre-set prices and tariffs, the enacting of various by-laws, the issuing of permits and the issuing of licensesregarding energy activities and the monitoring of the energy sector in general.LicensesIn order to be able to perform energy activities in Macedonia, it is necessary to acquire an energy licenseissued by the ERC. Energy licenses are issued for a period of between 3 to 35 years, depending on the activity,the period of time for the use of the energy goods (e.g. concession agreement), as well as the submittedrequest of the energy activity performer. It is important to mention that the energy licenses, when granted,cannot be transferred to another person or entity.51Regarding the energy licenses, the ERC adopted the Rulebook on the Conditions, Method and Procedure onIssuing, Altering, Extending and Withdrawing Energy Activity Licenses (“Licenses Rulebook”). Applicants areobliged, along with the license application, to issue a letter of intent, a declaration on the reliability of theapplication and the data provided, and to submit a substantial number of documents.The ERC is obliged to issue an energy license within 90 days of the receipt of an application, once all thepreconditions are met. Finally, no energy license is required for the following energy activities:distribution systems;with biofuels;with biofuels, in road or railway tanks or by other transportation means.FOCUS ON ENERGYConstruction of Energy FacilitiesAccording to the Energy Law, domestic and foreign investors can build new power plants with an installedpower capacity of more than 1 MW for the production of electricity, heat and the combined production ofelectricity and heat, only when they are holding an authorization that has been issued by the Government.However, if the performing of the energy activity is conditioned by the requirement of a concession, thepreconditions for the construction of such a power plant are arranged through the concession agreementand no subsequent authorization is required. Also, if the installed power of the PP to be constructed is under1 MW, there is no requirement for Governmental authorization. The submitted documentation, complete

Besides the regulati<strong>on</strong> of the electricity, gas, oil and geothermal energy markets, the <strong>Energy</strong> Law also setsthe goals of the energy policies, defines energy activities and promotes energy efficiency and renewableenergy. The energy activities that can be performed under the <strong>Energy</strong> law fall under 26 specific descripti<strong>on</strong>s,such as the:Furthermore, the <strong>Energy</strong> Law sets the Government as the energy policy maker, through the preparati<strong>on</strong> andenactment of the Strategy. This nati<strong>on</strong>al document, that is supposed to initially cover the period <strong>2010</strong>-2020with a l<strong>on</strong>ger term visi<strong>on</strong> until 2030, is to be enacted this year. On the other hand, the <strong>Energy</strong> Law establishesthe ERC as the independent body regulating the energy markets, especially in the determinati<strong>on</strong> ofpre-set prices and tariffs, the enacting of various by-laws, the issuing of permits and the issuing of licensesregarding energy activities and the m<strong>on</strong>itoring of the energy sector in general.LicensesIn order to be able to perform energy activities in Maced<strong>on</strong>ia, it is necessary to acquire an energy licenseissued by the ERC. <strong>Energy</strong> licenses are issued for a period of between 3 to 35 years, depending <strong>on</strong> the activity,the period of time for the use of the energy goods (e.g. c<strong>on</strong>cessi<strong>on</strong> agreement), as well as the submittedrequest of the energy activity performer. It is important to menti<strong>on</strong> that the energy licenses, when granted,cannot be transferred to another pers<strong>on</strong> or entity.51Regarding the energy licenses, the ERC adopted the Rulebook <strong>on</strong> the C<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong>s, Method and Procedure <strong>on</strong>Issuing, Altering, Extending and Withdrawing <strong>Energy</strong> Activity Licenses (“Licenses Rulebook”). Applicants areobliged, al<strong>on</strong>g with the license applicati<strong>on</strong>, to issue a letter of intent, a declarati<strong>on</strong> <strong>on</strong> the reliability of theapplicati<strong>on</strong> and the data provided, and to submit a substantial number of documents.The ERC is obliged to issue an energy license within 90 days of the receipt of an applicati<strong>on</strong>, <strong>on</strong>ce all theprec<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong>s are met. Finally, no energy license is required for the following energy activities:distributi<strong>on</strong> systems;with biofuels;with biofuels, in road or railway tanks or by other transportati<strong>on</strong> means.FOCUS ON ENERGYC<strong>on</strong>structi<strong>on</strong> of <strong>Energy</strong> FacilitiesAccording to the <strong>Energy</strong> Law, domestic and foreign investors can build new power plants with an installedpower capacity of more than 1 MW for the producti<strong>on</strong> of electricity, heat and the combined producti<strong>on</strong> ofelectricity and heat, <strong>on</strong>ly when they are holding an authorizati<strong>on</strong> that has been issued by the Government.However, if the performing of the energy activity is c<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong>ed by the requirement of a c<strong>on</strong>cessi<strong>on</strong>, theprec<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong>s for the c<strong>on</strong>structi<strong>on</strong> of such a power plant are arranged through the c<strong>on</strong>cessi<strong>on</strong> agreementand no subsequent authorizati<strong>on</strong> is required. Also, if the installed power of the PP to be c<strong>on</strong>structed is under1 MW, there is no requirement for Governmental authorizati<strong>on</strong>. The submitted documentati<strong>on</strong>, complete

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