Focus on Energy, 2010 - Karanovic & Nikolic

Focus on Energy, 2010 - Karanovic & Nikolic Focus on Energy, 2010 - Karanovic & Nikolic
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NEWS ARTICLEITALYENCOURAGESLONG-DISTANCE TRANSMISSIONCONNECTIONS AND CONSTRUCTIONOF POWER PLANTS IN WEST BALKANS32FOCUS ON ENERGYNew long-distance transmissionconnection between Romania,Serbia and Montenegro with asubmarine cable from Tivat (Montenegro)to Pescara (Italy) is supportedby the new Italian energystrategy which attempts to solve apart of the electricity supply problemsin the central and southern part of Italy. Due to thesignificant ecological issues in Italy this has been recognizedas a large-scale problem and for that the attemptsfor partial solution of the problem with a submarinehigh-voltage cable conduit with the capacity of 1000MW have been set in motion, in addition to the importantenergy investments mainlyin the West Balkans countries.Recent ratification of agreementbetween Italy and Montenegro onconstruction of a submarine cableconduit from Tivat to Pescara, thetotal value of which is 720 millioneuros, should bring the matterone step closer to realizationof the ratified energy agreementbetween Serbia and Italy, whichprovides for the hydropower plantconstruction with the capacity of approximately 600MW and wind parks with the capacity of approximately500 MW.Author: Dragan ObradovićBelgradeSource: Energetika.NETRegional Energy energy agreements have been signed betweenSerbia and Italy. One of them envisages joint constructionof production capacities in the field of electricitypower generation from renewables and the other determinesthe incentive measures and mechanisms forproduction and export of electricity, the price of whichis a few times higher than the commercial electricityprices in Serbia.“We have signed an agreement on utilization of a partof the hydro potential as a renewable source of energyand of a part of the potential wind energy. Wehave agreed that the capacity of about 1000 MW willrepresent indicative installed power for productionof clean electricity and export of clean electricity toItaly. The promoted price (feed-in tariff) for hydroenergyin Italy is as high as 18 euro cents per kWh, regardlessof the installed capacities. That means thatthis price promotes not only production capacities inhydropower plants of 10 MW butalso in hydropower plants of 200and 300 MW, which can be veryinteresting for our participants,particularly for ElektroprivredaSrbije (EPS),” said Serbian Ministerof Energy Petar Skundric.This price is four to five timeshigher than the commercialelectricity price in Serbia andconsidering the Serbian feed-intariffs, twice as high. Accordingto Skundric, an agreement with Italy has also beenmade regarding the project of construction of hydrocentralsystem on the river Ibar. This agreementprovides for construction of ten smaller hydropowerplants on this river, with the total capacity of up to100 MW (individually from seven to nine MW), whileon the mid part of the Drina river three hydropowerplants with the total capacity of 365 MW should be

33FOCUS ON ENERGYconstructed, says the Serbian Ministry of Energy. Apossibility of construction of one new 140 MW hydropowerplant Kupinovo on the river Sava will bestudied as well.The capacity of the total anticipated hydropotential isabout 600 MW and with the obtained energy licence theItalian partners have an option to build small hydropowerplants as well; this could increase their participation. Inaddition, 500 MW of wind power is also anticipated. Theactual physical realization of these projects is envisagedto start this year and the ownership structure will be definedwith an agreement between partners (companies)from Italy and Serbia. A precondition to transmit theelectricity generated in Serbia to Italy is the constructionof a submarine interconnection cable conduit for directcurrent with the capacity of 1000 MW. According to theinitial projections, this cable conduit should be set up by2013. In order to transmit green electricity from renewablesources of energy from Serbia to Montenegro, thepublic company Elektromreža Srbije (EMS) should soonsign a triple memorandum with Prenos from Montenegroand with Terna from Italy on construction of a new400 kV long-distance transmission system. Accordingto EMS, the point of this long-distance transmission issupposed to be located in West Serbia (in Bajna Basta).With the new 400 kV connection with Romania, whichis going to be established shortly, this would strengthenthe electricity transmission from Serbia to the Easternand Western Europe.

NEWS ARTICLEITALYENCOURAGESLONG-DISTANCE TRANSMISSIONCONNECTIONS AND CONSTRUCTIONOF POWER PLANTS IN WEST BALKANS32FOCUS ON ENERGYNew l<strong>on</strong>g-distance transmissi<strong>on</strong>c<strong>on</strong>necti<strong>on</strong> between Romania,Serbia and M<strong>on</strong>tenegro with asubmarine cable from Tivat (M<strong>on</strong>tenegro)to Pescara (Italy) is supportedby the new Italian energystrategy which attempts to solve apart of the electricity supply problemsin the central and southern part of Italy. Due to thesignificant ecological issues in Italy this has been recognizedas a large-scale problem and for that the attemptsfor partial soluti<strong>on</strong> of the problem with a submarinehigh-voltage cable c<strong>on</strong>duit with the capacity of 1000MW have been set in moti<strong>on</strong>, in additi<strong>on</strong> to the importantenergy investments mainlyin the West Balkans countries.Recent ratificati<strong>on</strong> of agreementbetween Italy and M<strong>on</strong>tenegro <strong>on</strong>c<strong>on</strong>structi<strong>on</strong> of a submarine cablec<strong>on</strong>duit from Tivat to Pescara, thetotal value of which is 720 milli<strong>on</strong>euros, should bring the matter<strong>on</strong>e step closer to realizati<strong>on</strong>of the ratified energy agreementbetween Serbia and Italy, whichprovides for the hydropower plantc<strong>on</strong>structi<strong>on</strong> with the capacity of approximately 600MW and wind parks with the capacity of approximately500 MW.Author: Dragan ObradovićBelgradeSource: Energetika.NETRegi<strong>on</strong>al <strong>Energy</strong> energy agreements have been signed betweenSerbia and Italy. One of them envisages joint c<strong>on</strong>structi<strong>on</strong>of producti<strong>on</strong> capacities in the field of electricitypower generati<strong>on</strong> from renewables and the other determinesthe incentive measures and mechanisms forproducti<strong>on</strong> and export of electricity, the price of whichis a few times higher than the commercial electricityprices in Serbia.“We have signed an agreement <strong>on</strong> utilizati<strong>on</strong> of a partof the hydro potential as a renewable source of energyand of a part of the potential wind energy. Wehave agreed that the capacity of about 1000 MW willrepresent indicative installed power for producti<strong>on</strong>of clean electricity and export of clean electricity toItaly. The promoted price (feed-in tariff) for hydroenergyin Italy is as high as 18 euro cents per kWh, regardlessof the installed capacities. That means thatthis price promotes not <strong>on</strong>ly producti<strong>on</strong> capacities inhydropower plants of 10 MW butalso in hydropower plants of 200and 300 MW, which can be veryinteresting for our participants,particularly for ElektroprivredaSrbije (EPS),” said Serbian Ministerof <strong>Energy</strong> Petar Skundric.This price is four to five timeshigher than the commercialelectricity price in Serbia andc<strong>on</strong>sidering the Serbian feed-intariffs, twice as high. Accordingto Skundric, an agreement with Italy has also beenmade regarding the project of c<strong>on</strong>structi<strong>on</strong> of hydrocentralsystem <strong>on</strong> the river Ibar. This agreementprovides for c<strong>on</strong>structi<strong>on</strong> of ten smaller hydropowerplants <strong>on</strong> this river, with the total capacity of up to100 MW (individually from seven to nine MW), while<strong>on</strong> the mid part of the Drina river three hydropowerplants with the total capacity of 365 MW should be

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