Focus on Energy, 2010 - Karanovic & Nikolic

Focus on Energy, 2010 - Karanovic & Nikolic Focus on Energy, 2010 - Karanovic & Nikolic
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In 2009, an independent system operator was established as an entity responsible for overall electricitysystem operation. The process of unbundling the distribution has not yet been completed; nonethelessspecific activities in that direction are ongoing.The transposition of the EC Directive on the assessment of the effects of certain public and private projectson the environment 7 has been partially achieved through the passing of the Law on EnvironmentalProtection 8 however its full implementation still requires further legislation.Competition legislation is generally in line with EU regulations.As for renewable energy sources, on the entities level, some important steps have been made in respectto the implementation of the EU Directive on the promotion of electricity produced from renewableenergy sources in the internal electricity market 9 . First of all, a system of incentives has been adopted forelectricity generated from renewable sources. Also, electricity generation facilities which use renewablesources are paying 50% of the fixed part of the connection fees adopted by the country’s Energy RegulatoryCommission. Facilities using hydro power can use this benefit if their capacity does not exceed 10MW. Moreover, there are several renewable projects being developed in both entities and many moreare in the planning phase. Investment in new thermal power plants (“TPPs”) is underway as well asinvestment in the distribution networks.10Bosnia and Herzegovina does not have an energy strategy or policy adopted on a state level. Nevertheless,the Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina issued a comprehensive “Medium-Term DevelopmentStrategy” in 2004. This determines its main objectives with regard to energy sector reform.Areas of emphasis include the attraction of investment, the security of supply, the improvement ofenergy efficiency, a liberalized and competitive market, environmental protection and an increase in theuse of renewable energy.FOCUS ON ENERGYMacedoniaAccording to the latest Report, new amendments to the Macedonian energy law 10 are currently beingprepared by the Ministry of Economy of Macedonia in order to increase the compliance with the energyacquis communnautaire and hopefully these will fill the existing gaps in the legislation. It is expectedthat the amendments will create the framework for real market opening and will enhance the powerof regulatory bodies. Transmission tariffs should be increased to ensure the viability of the Macedoniantransmission system operator 11 on medium and long-term period.Given that the Macedonian energy law covers all energy sectors in Macedonia, the gas market is under itsscope as well. Many crucial provisions of the EC Directive concerning common rules for the internal marketin natural gas and the previously mentioned EC Directive concerning measures to safeguard securityof natural gas supply are yet to be transposed through amendments to the Macedonian energy law.The EC Directive 1997/11/EC, referred to earlier, has been integrated into the national legal system forthe most part. Significant progress has been made regarding the implementation of competition lawprovisions but there are still shortcomings in the enforcement procedures.The regulatory framework to support renewable energy sources is well advanced but this is to be testedthrough practical implementation.The adoption of an energy strategy as laid out in the “Draft Strategy for the Development of Energy” 12is expected in the near future. This Draft Strategy provides for two scenarios for the development of the7 1997/11/EC of 27 June 1985.8 Law on Environmental Protection (“Official Gazette of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina” No. 33/03).9 2001/77/EC of 27 September 2001.10 The Law on Energy (“Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia” No. 63/06),.11 Macedonian Transmission System Operator- „MEPSO a.d.“, Orce Nikolov b.b., Skopje.12 Draft Strategy for the Development of Energy presented on 16 June 2009 for the period 2008-2020 with vision until 2030, prepared by the MacedonianAcademy of Science and Arts (the “Draft Strategy”).

energy sector in Macedonia. One is with regard to the construction of a nuclear power plant; the other iswithout the construction of such a plant. The document envisages the modernization and revitalizationof the existing hydro and thermo energy infrastructure. It envisages the full use of both the hydro electricpotential as well as the full utilization of the states lignite or brown coal resources. The developmentof natural gas and RES are also emphasised. The Draft Strategy also envisages for energy market to beliberalized and to operate based on market prices.MontenegroIn 2009 Montenegro initiated the process of upgrading its energy legislation by drafting the new energylaw in tight cooperation with experts from the Secretariat. In general, the draft energy law presentssubstantial improvement and provides for the transposition of the core requirements of the energy acquiscommunnautaire. In July 2009, the Montenegrin transmission service operator 13 unbundled from“Elektoprivreda Crne Gore a.d.” and accordingly making the first step toward a competitive market. Inaddition, 17% of the state owned stake in “Elektoprivreda Crne Gore a.d.” was sold to an Italian basedcompany “A2A S.p.A”. Additional efforts have to be made in the areas of transmission and distributiontariffs because users do not have transparent tariffs yet.Although the gas market is underdeveloped, the gas sector has been integrated into the draft energylaw. The provisions of the EC Directive 2003/55/EC 14 and most of the provisions of the EC regulation1775/2005/EC 15 and partially EC Directive 2004/67/EC 16 have been transposed into the draft energy law.Secondary legislation shall be developed parallel to gas projects which may be realized in the future.Montenegrin environmental legislation is in general compliant with EC Directive 1997/11/EC 17 but furtherwork has to be done in respect of the environmental acquis communnautaire.11A new competition law is currently being drafted and is expected to be adopted in the course of this year.This law should remove the current shortcomings of the current Montenegrin law on the protection ofcompetition 18 , especially with regard to shortcomings surrounding the independence of the competitionauthority, the various competition procedures available to the commission and the issuing of fines foranti competitive actions.The revision of the domestic energy law also deals with biofuels and transposes other relevant provisionsof the EC Directive on the promotion of the use of biofuels or other renewable fuels for transport 19as well as the EC Directive 2001/77/EC 20 . It is important to note that the Montenegrin government hasinitiated the tender process for investment in wind and small hydro power plants.The “Energy Development Strategy of Montenegro” 21 , among other things, sets out the main strategiccommitments such as the improvement of energy efficiency in the areas of production and consumption,improvements to the security of supply along with the development and use of renewable energyresources. The development of hydro electric power and a reduction in the state’s energy dependencyare also emphasised.FOCUS ON ENERGYSerbiaThe draft amendments to the Serbian energy law 22 were submitted to the Secretariat for their commentsat the end of October 2009. These comments should help increase compliance related to transpositionof the electricity, gas, RES and security of supply related acquis communnautaire.It is expected that amendments to the Serbian energy law shall provide the framework for the real13 „Prenos a.d.“, Podgorica.14 Previously defined.15 Idem.16 Idem.17 Idem.18 The Law on Protection of Competition (“Official Gazette of the Montenegro” Nos. 69/2005 and 37/2007).19 2003/30/EC of 8 May 2003.20 Previously defined.21 The Energy Development Strategy of Montenegro dated December 2007, prepared by Montenegrin Ministry of Economy.22 The Law on Energy (“Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia” No. 84/2004).

energy sector in Maced<strong>on</strong>ia. One is with regard to the c<strong>on</strong>structi<strong>on</strong> of a nuclear power plant; the other iswithout the c<strong>on</strong>structi<strong>on</strong> of such a plant. The document envisages the modernizati<strong>on</strong> and revitalizati<strong>on</strong>of the existing hydro and thermo energy infrastructure. It envisages the full use of both the hydro electricpotential as well as the full utilizati<strong>on</strong> of the states lignite or brown coal resources. The developmentof natural gas and RES are also emphasised. The Draft Strategy also envisages for energy market to beliberalized and to operate based <strong>on</strong> market prices.M<strong>on</strong>tenegroIn 2009 M<strong>on</strong>tenegro initiated the process of upgrading its energy legislati<strong>on</strong> by drafting the new energylaw in tight cooperati<strong>on</strong> with experts from the Secretariat. In general, the draft energy law presentssubstantial improvement and provides for the transpositi<strong>on</strong> of the core requirements of the energy acquiscommunnautaire. In July 2009, the M<strong>on</strong>tenegrin transmissi<strong>on</strong> service operator 13 unbundled from“Elektoprivreda Crne Gore a.d.” and accordingly making the first step toward a competitive market. Inadditi<strong>on</strong>, 17% of the state owned stake in “Elektoprivreda Crne Gore a.d.” was sold to an Italian basedcompany “A2A S.p.A”. Additi<strong>on</strong>al efforts have to be made in the areas of transmissi<strong>on</strong> and distributi<strong>on</strong>tariffs because users do not have transparent tariffs yet.Although the gas market is underdeveloped, the gas sector has been integrated into the draft energylaw. The provisi<strong>on</strong>s of the EC Directive 2003/55/EC 14 and most of the provisi<strong>on</strong>s of the EC regulati<strong>on</strong>1775/2005/EC 15 and partially EC Directive 2004/67/EC 16 have been transposed into the draft energy law.Sec<strong>on</strong>dary legislati<strong>on</strong> shall be developed parallel to gas projects which may be realized in the future.M<strong>on</strong>tenegrin envir<strong>on</strong>mental legislati<strong>on</strong> is in general compliant with EC Directive 1997/11/EC 17 but furtherwork has to be d<strong>on</strong>e in respect of the envir<strong>on</strong>mental acquis communnautaire.11A new competiti<strong>on</strong> law is currently being drafted and is expected to be adopted in the course of this year.This law should remove the current shortcomings of the current M<strong>on</strong>tenegrin law <strong>on</strong> the protecti<strong>on</strong> ofcompetiti<strong>on</strong> 18 , especially with regard to shortcomings surrounding the independence of the competiti<strong>on</strong>authority, the various competiti<strong>on</strong> procedures available to the commissi<strong>on</strong> and the issuing of fines foranti competitive acti<strong>on</strong>s.The revisi<strong>on</strong> of the domestic energy law also deals with biofuels and transposes other relevant provisi<strong>on</strong>sof the EC Directive <strong>on</strong> the promoti<strong>on</strong> of the use of biofuels or other renewable fuels for transport 19as well as the EC Directive 2001/77/EC 20 . It is important to note that the M<strong>on</strong>tenegrin government hasinitiated the tender process for investment in wind and small hydro power plants.The “<strong>Energy</strong> Development Strategy of M<strong>on</strong>tenegro” 21 , am<strong>on</strong>g other things, sets out the main strategiccommitments such as the improvement of energy efficiency in the areas of producti<strong>on</strong> and c<strong>on</strong>sumpti<strong>on</strong>,improvements to the security of supply al<strong>on</strong>g with the development and use of renewable energyresources. The development of hydro electric power and a reducti<strong>on</strong> in the state’s energy dependencyare also emphasised.FOCUS ON ENERGYSerbiaThe draft amendments to the Serbian energy law 22 were submitted to the Secretariat for their commentsat the end of October 2009. These comments should help increase compliance related to transpositi<strong>on</strong>of the electricity, gas, RES and security of supply related acquis communnautaire.It is expected that amendments to the Serbian energy law shall provide the framework for the real13 „Prenos a.d.“, Podgorica.14 Previously defined.15 Idem.16 Idem.17 Idem.18 The Law <strong>on</strong> Protecti<strong>on</strong> of Competiti<strong>on</strong> (“Official Gazette of the M<strong>on</strong>tenegro” Nos. 69/2005 and 37/2007).19 2003/30/EC of 8 May 2003.20 Previously defined.21 The <strong>Energy</strong> Development Strategy of M<strong>on</strong>tenegro dated December 2007, prepared by M<strong>on</strong>tenegrin Ministry of Ec<strong>on</strong>omy.22 The Law <strong>on</strong> <strong>Energy</strong> (“Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia” No. 84/2004).

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