Bibliography of the Plecoptera SABARTH, A. (1996 ...

Bibliography of the Plecoptera SABARTH, A. (1996 ...

Bibliography of the Plecoptera SABARTH, A. (1996 ...


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<strong>Bibliography</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>Plecoptera</strong><br />

S<br />

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Gesellschaft für Limnologie (DGL) - Tagungsbericht 1995 (Berlin) (Krefeld, <strong>1996</strong>), 2:607-611.<br />

SABATER, S., V. ACUNA, A. GIORGI, E. GUERRA, I. MUNOZ, & A.M. ROMANI (2005): Effects <strong>of</strong><br />

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Hydrobiologie, 163 (4):479-496.<br />

SAETTEM, L.M. & J.E. BRITTAIN (1985): Life cycles and emergence <strong>of</strong> Ephemeroptera and <strong>Plecoptera</strong> from<br />

Myrkdaisvatn, and oligotrophic lake in western Norway. Aquatic Insects (Lisse), 7:229-242.<br />

SAGAR, P.M. & G.J GLOVA (1992): Invertebrate drift in a large, braided New Zealand river.Freshw. Biol.<br />

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SAILER, R.J. (1950): A <strong>the</strong>rmophobie insect. Science (Lancaster, Pa.), 112:743.<br />

SAITO, K. (1949): On two species <strong>of</strong> <strong>Plecoptera</strong> and two species <strong>of</strong> Collembola on <strong>the</strong> snow. Trans. Tohoku ent.<br />

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SAKURAI, M. (1981): An example <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> distribution pattern <strong>of</strong> aquatic Insect larvae in a temporarily dried-out<br />

stream. Jap. J. Limnol., Otsu, Japan, 42 (1):40-45.<br />

SALAS, M. & D. DUDGEON (2001): Stable-isotope determination <strong>of</strong> mayfly (Insecta: Ephemeroptera) food<br />

sources in three tropical Asian streams. Arch. Hydrobiol., 151:17-32.<br />

SALEEM, P.M. & F. AKBAR (1987): Some stonefly nymphs <strong>of</strong> Swat (Pakistan). Biologia (Pakistan), 33<br />

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SALMAN, S.A. (1979): Etude écologique d'un ruisseau de plaine "Le Fontanil". Manuscript. These de<br />

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SALTVEIT, S.J. (1978a): Field and laboratory studies on <strong>the</strong> life histories <strong>of</strong> three species <strong>of</strong> Amphinemura.<br />

Gewässer und Abwässer (Düsseldorf), 64:30-31.<br />

SALTVEIT, S.J. (1978b): The small nymphs <strong>of</strong> Diura nanseni (Kempny) (<strong>Plecoptera</strong>). Ent. Scand. (Lund),<br />

9:297-298.<br />

SALTVEIT, S.J. (1979): Field and laboratory studies on <strong>the</strong> life history <strong>of</strong> three species <strong>of</strong> Amphinemura.<br />

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SALTVEIT, S.J., T. BREMNES & J.E. BRITTAIN (1994): Effect <strong>of</strong> a changed temperature regime on <strong>the</strong><br />

benthos <strong>of</strong> a Norwegian regulated river. Regulated Rivers Research & Management, 9 (2):93-102.<br />

SALTVEIT, S.J. & J.E. BRITTAIN (1986): Short-wingedness in <strong>the</strong> stonefly Diura nanseni (Kempny)<br />

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SALTVEIT, S.J., I. HAUG, & J.E. BRITTAIN (2001): Invertebrate drift in a glacial river and its non-glacial<br />

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SALTVEIT, S.J. & A. LILLEHAMMER (1984): Studies on egg development in <strong>the</strong> Fennoscandian Isoperla<br />

species (<strong>Plecoptera</strong>). Annls. Limnol., 20 (1-2):91-94. (English, French abstract).<br />

ŠÁMAL, J. (1919): Nemura arctica ptrs. v. Čechách. - Čas. čsl. Spol. ent. (Praha), 16:63-64.<br />

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ŠÁMAL, J. (1921b): Plécoptères Sud-Américains nouveaux. Ann. Soc. ent. Belg. (Bruxelles), 61:109-112.<br />

ŠÁMAL, J. (1923): Etude morphologique et biologique de Perla abdominalis Burm. (Plécoptère). Ann. Biol.<br />

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ŠÁMAL, J. (1924): Studio o biologii Perla abdominalis Burm. (<strong>Plecoptera</strong>). Čas. národ. Mus. (Praha), 2:1-16.<br />

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ŠÁMAL, J. (1926b): Fauna sumatrensis (Beitrag Nr. 22) <strong>Plecoptera</strong>. Ent. Mitt. (Berlin), 15:302-305.<br />

ŠÁMAL, J. (1928): L'autohémorrhée chez les inscetes. C. R. Ass. Anatomistes (Paris), 23:409-410.<br />

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ŠÁMAL, J. (1932): The description <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> larva <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Chilean stonefly Diamphipnoa virescentipennis Blanch.<br />

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Basin (SE spain). Biodiversity and Conservation, 15 (14):4507-4520.<br />

SÁNCHEZ-ORTEGA, A. (1986): Taxonomia, ecologia y cyclos de vida de los Plecopteros de Sierra Nevada.<br />

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SÁNCHEZ-ORTEGA, A. & J. ALBA-TERCEDOR (1985): Consideraciones taxonomicas sobre Leuctra fusca<br />

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SÁNCHEZ-ORTEGA, A. & J. ALBA-TERCEDOR (1987): Lista faunistica y bibliografica de los Plecopteros<br />

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SÁNCHEZ-ORTEGA, A. & J. ALBA-TERCEDOR (1988a): Description and life cycle <strong>of</strong> Leuctra iliberis sp. n.<br />

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SÁNCHEZ-ORTEGA, A. & J. ALBA-TERCEDOR (1988b): Sobre las ninfas de Isoperla nevada Aubert, 1952<br />

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SÁNCHEZ-ORTEGA, A. & J. ALBA-TERCEDOR (1990): Life cycles <strong>of</strong> some species <strong>of</strong> <strong>Plecoptera</strong> in Sierra<br />

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SÁNCHEZ-ORTEGA, A. & J. ALBA-TERCEDOR (1991): The life cycle <strong>of</strong> Perla marginata and Dinocras<br />

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SÁNCHEZ ORTEGA, A., J. ALBA-TERCEDOR, & J.M. TIERNO DE FIGUEROA (2002): Lista faunística y<br />

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SÁNCHEZ-ORTEGA, A. & M. AZZOUZ (1999): Faunistique et phénologie des Plécoptères (Insecta,<br />

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SANDBERG, J.B. & K.W. STEWART (2005b): Life history <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> stonefly Isogenoides zionensis (<strong>Plecoptera</strong>:<br />

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