LIFE AFTER SQ006 - Orient Aviation

LIFE AFTER SQ006 - Orient Aviation

LIFE AFTER SQ006 - Orient Aviation

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B U s i n e s s D i g e s tRPK GROWTH RATESSET TO RECEDEIn November, members of the Association of Asia Pacific Airlines(AAPA) reported 8.5% and 8.2% growth in revenue passengerkilometres (RPK) and passengers carried (PAX), respectively.Capacity expanded 7.9%, resulting in a passenger load factor (PLF) of73.1%, up a marginal 0.4 of a percentage point year-on-year.Five airlines recorded more than 10% growth with GarudaIndonesia (GA) leading the group with 33.9%. The other four carrierswere China Airlines (CI – 21.9%), Vietnam Airlines (VN – 20.1%),Royal Brunei Airlines (BI – 13.7%) and Ansett Australia (AN – 12.7%).No airline reported negative RPK growth.PLF growth moderated further from October, with only fiveairlines recording improvements. Garuda Indonesia (8.5 percentagepoints) once again headed the list, followed by Japan Airlines (JL– 4.3 percentage points) and Royal Brunei Airlines (3.3 percentagepoints). On the other hand, seven airlines experienced a decline inload factor, ranging from 0.3 percentage points (China Airlines) to3.8 percentage points (Vietnam Airlines).Airlines with high load factors were Asiana Airlines (OZ – 77.3%),Japan Airlines (77%), Thai Airways International (TG – 76.6%) andSingapore Airlines (SQ – 76%). Seven other airlines reported PLFs inthe low 70s (%). Royal Brunei Airlines posted under 70%.Cargo ResultsIn the light of the U.S. economic slowdown, freight tonne kilometres(FTK) grew by only 5.8%, but this was better than October’sgrowth of 3.5%. Capacity expanded 8.2%, resulting in a reducedfreight load factor (FLF) of 1.6 percentage points to 70.2%.All but three airlines managed to register FTK growth. Experiencingstrong cargo growth in November were China Airlines(16.8%), Ansett Australia (16.2%) and Cathay Pacific Airways (CX– 11.2%). Of the three airlines showing a decrease in FTKs, JapanAirlines and Korean Air (KE) contracted less than 1%, while RoyalBrunei Airlines contracted 13.7%.Only Garuda (6.6 percentage points) and Korean Air (1.1percentage points) recorded improvements in FLF. The remainingairlines registered a decline with Royal Brunei Airlines (11.6percentage points), Vietnam Airlines (7.5 percentage points) andEVA Air (BR – 5.5 percentage points) recording the sharpest fall inload factors.Freight load factor (FLF) remained high for six airlines, exceedingthe 70% mark. Ansett Australia recorded 81.8%, followed by ChinaAirlines (81.2%), Asiana Airlines (79.2%), EVA Air (78.7%), CathayPacific Airways (75.4%) and Korean Air (74.7%). The others turnedin load factors below 70%.Results for the 12 monthsending November 30 2000The consolidated RPK figures and number of passengers carriedfor the 12-month period under review increased by 11.2% and 9.4%respectively. Seat capacity rose 8%, resulting in a 2.2 percentagepoint improvement in load factor to 75%.Growth in RPKs during the 12 months varied among member40RPK Growth by CarrierPercentage (Nov 00 vs Nov 99)30PAX Growth by CarrierPercentage (Nov 00 vs Nov 99)30202010100SQCX BR OZ TG KEJLANBI VN CI GA0CXSQTGOZKEBRBIJL CI AN VN GA48 | <strong>Orient</strong> <strong>Aviation</strong> | March 01

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