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ODwyersOctobermagazine:Layout 1.qxd - Odwyerpr.com

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DKC386 Park Avenue SouthNew York, NY 10016212/685-4300Sean Cassidy, PresidentRobert Leonard, Executive VPTim Sullivan, Senior VPDKC offers expertise in developingand implementing brandbuildingmarketing and public relationscampaigns for healthcareproviders, pharmaceutical <strong>com</strong>panies,academic institutions andhealth-focused not-for-profitorganizations.Established in 1991, New YorkbasedDKC is one of the nation’slargest independent public relationsand marketing firms. DKC maintainsone of the highest grossing andmost well-connected providerbasedhealthcare practices in theUnited States.The firm’s experience includescampaigns on behalf of: ContinuumHealth Partners, HYTHIAMPharmaceuticals, Pfizer, MailmanSchool of Public Health atColumbia University, Ortho-McNeil, Children’s Health Fund,Saint Vincent Catholic MedicalCenters, Departments of Neuro-Oncology and Radiology at NYUMedical Center, Children’s Hospitalat Montefiore, Stony BrookUniversity Medical Center andRudolph Giuliani Trauma Center.DONLEYCOMMUNICATIONS232 Madison Avenue, Suite 802New York, NY 10016212/751-6126Newton W. Lamson, Pres. & CEOAnna Ray-Jones, VP, HealthcarePeter Cullum, VP, HealthcareDonley Communications hasover 20 years of major media andPR counseling experience in severalhealthcare areas including:employee health benefits, consumerdriven health plans, disease management,Medicare Part D, longterm care, the healthcare insuranceindustry, disability coverage, healthcare legislation analysis, the managedcare market and healthcarecosts indexes.The agency has long-standingrelationships with the healthcarenews media, trade publications, TVproducers and reporters, and academicjournals serving the medicalprofession and the pharmaceuticalProfiles of Healthcare & Medical PR Firmsindustry.Donley has provided PR strategiesto Milliman’s Care Guidelinessince 1992, proactively fieldingmedia inquiries as the Guidelinesbecame the major source of bestpractice re<strong>com</strong>mendations throughthe 1990s to date. Donley has furtheradvised Milliman on messagepoints and arranged interviews withpublications like The ew YorkTimes, The Wall Street Journal,ewsweek, USA Today and theFinancial Times. It has alsoarranged special events and mediabriefings for key healthcare reportswritten by Milliman’s consultantsacross the <strong>com</strong>pany’s healthcarepractice.EDELMAN1500 BroadwayNew York, NY 10036212/768-0550new.york@edelman.<strong>com</strong>www.edelman.<strong>com</strong>With a mastery of multiple <strong>com</strong>municationschannels and expertisein building trusting relationships,Edelman has helped many of theworld’s leading organizations andbrands thrive in the business ofhealth. Our staff – more than threehundred dedicated, smart and creativeindividuals – has collaboratedwith clients to address importantglobal issues, including chronicdisease prevention, the health technologyrevolution, infectious diseasepandemics, and access tohealthcare. Edelman’s offeringincludes specialties in Rx Health,Consumer Health, Health Policy &Public Affairs, Corporate Health,Life Sciences, Health Alliances,and Health Media, as well asBioScience Communications, ourfull-service medical relations, educationand publishing <strong>com</strong>pany.FLEISHMAN -HILLARD200 N. Broadway St.St. Louis, MO 63102314/982-1755Fax: 314/982-8642www.fleishman.<strong>com</strong>Global Practice Group Leaders:Michael Rinaldo, New YorkAnne St. Peter, Kansas CityFleishman- Hillard’s healthcarepractice is one of the largest andbest-regarded in the <strong>com</strong>municationsindustry. We are passionateabout delivering solid strategicthinking, appropriate creativeapproaches, and execution that isdelivered on time, on strategy, andon budget. We work in virtuallyevery sector of the industry — forprofit and not-for-profit — representingall of the largest pharmaceutical<strong>com</strong>panies as well as leadinghealth foundations and institutes,patient advocacy and medicalprofessional associations, state andfederal government health initiatives,medical device manufacturers,biotech <strong>com</strong>panies, leadinghospital systems and academicmedical centers, contract researchorganizations, insurance <strong>com</strong>panies,and HMOs. This breadth ofexperience is invaluable to ourclients because it means we providecounsel and strategy based on solidrelationships with the key playersin the industry and our deep understandingof the nuances of the legislativeand regulatory areas andclinical research.Our healthcare team is <strong>com</strong>prisedof marketing and <strong>com</strong>municationsprofessionals, formerhealthcare journalists, healthcarepolicy experts, healthcare lawexperts, former government officials,patient recruitment specialists,and crisis <strong>com</strong>municationsspecialists who have had substantialexperience with all facets ofhealthcare <strong>com</strong>munications.Fleishman- Hillard’s healthcarestaff has developed and managedpre-launch and launch <strong>com</strong>municationsfor more than 100 products inover 40 therapeutic categories. Wehave similar experience with sustainingmarketing programs fordrugs already on the market, havingrepresented more than 60 drugsspanning all of the leading therapeuticcategories. Communicationsactivities have ranged from the creationof groundbreaking publiceducation campaigns to buildingunderstanding for basic scienceadvances, from counseling on criticalcorporate issues to leading sensitivealliance-building initiativeswith third-party allies.FRENCH / WEST /VAUGHAN112 East Hargett St.Raleigh, NC 27601919/832-6300www.fwv-us.<strong>com</strong>Rick French, President/CEOLauren Taylor, Executive VP, PartnerDavid Gwyn, Executive VP, PartnerJack Glasure, Chief Marketing OfficerFrench/West/Vaughan (FWV) isthe Southeast’s largest independentpublic relations, public affairs andemerging media agency, and is thenation’s 19th largest independentlyowned PR firm. Headquartered inRaleigh, N.C., the agency also hasoffices in both New York City andTampa. Founded in 1997, FWVcelebrates its 10th anniversary thisyear.FWV’s healthcare practice continuesto demonstrate exceptionalgrowth, and has ranked among thetop 20 largest private agency practicesin the United States every yearsince its inception in 2003.FWV specializes in helping itshealthcare clients increase brandawareness among key decisionmakers for their product lines andservices through targeted mediacoverage, public affairs, specialevents, trade show support, emergingmedia applications and crisis<strong>com</strong>munications. The agency providesa full range of services tohealthcare clients including privateand clinical practices, research labs,health IT <strong>com</strong>panies, laboratoryand medical device manufacturers,drug development firms and largepharmaceutical manufacturers.FWV’s present and past healthcareclients include Pfizer,GlaxoSmithKline, New HopeFertility Center, bioMérieux,Structure House, TriangleOrthopaedic Associates, A4 HealthSystems, Cardinal Health,CeNeRx,Foresight,MDeverywhere, Medcryption,Proctor & Gamble (Prilosec),Southtech, Sterling Healthcare andWakeMed.GIBBS & SOELL600 Third Avenue, 6th FloorNew York, NY 10016212/697-2600www.gibbs-soell.<strong>com</strong>Cos Mallozzi, President & CEO,New YorkChrista Miller, Client ServiceManager, RaleighGibbs & Soell, one of the 10largest independent PR firms,blends strategic counsel, creativity,quality writing, and professionalmedia relations with deep industryknowledge to the daily benefit of itsclients’ businesses. The agency’sdedicated healthcare team providesclients – ranging from top-tierpharmaceutical <strong>com</strong>panies, healthcareinformation technologyproviders and large CROs to device<strong>com</strong>panies and biotechnology startups– with real-world experiencethat spans virtually every therapeuticarea.Core services include corporate Continued on page 3028OCTOBER 2007 • WWW.ODWYERPR.COM • ADVERTISING SECTION

Staff at GYMR surround Emmy and Golden Globe Awardwinningactress Jane Seymour after a jam packed Hillevent celebrating the “Value of Medical Technology:People Who Make Progress You Can See” on behalf ofAdvaMed. Seymour spoke about her personal experiencewith advanced medical technology that ended her painafter a minimally invasive spinal procedure.Gibbs & SoellContinued from page 28<strong>com</strong>munications, marketing <strong>com</strong>munications,event marketing,employee <strong>com</strong>munications, leadershippositioning, new media and e-<strong>com</strong>munications, and <strong>com</strong>municationstraining.Gibbs & Soell also providesclients with medical writing andregulatory <strong>com</strong>munications servicesthrough a team of experts whohave senior level industry experienceand Ph.D.s in pharmacology.With offices in New York,Chicago, Raleigh, San Franciscoand Zurich, as well as affiliates andinternational partners in Europe,the Pacific Rim and Latin America,Gibbs & Soell provides internationalcounsel as well as tacticalimplementation that is relevant andeffective in the markets that mattermost to each client.GYMR1825 Connecticut Ave., N.W., Ste 300Washington, DC 20009-5708202/745-5100Fax: 202/234-6159www.gymr.<strong>com</strong>Pattie Yu, Patrick J. McCabe,Sharon M. Reis, PartnersProfiles of Healthcare & Medical PR FirmsGYMR is a Washington, D.C.-based public relations agency thatprovides health/healthcare clientswith strategic <strong>com</strong>munications thatcapitalize on the dynamics unique toWashington. GYMR’s uniquestrength is the background of itsteam - government, advocacy, associations,foundations, corporationsand nonprofit organizations - whoexecute strategies that include imageand alliance building, public educationcampaigns or media relations toharness the formidable forces ofWashington and produce successfulresults for clients. The agency hascounseled a wide range of clients,including trade associations, healthvoluntary organizations, coalitions,foundations, corporations, federaland state agencies and nonprofitgroups.Clients include: Academy ofManaged Care Pharmacies,AdvaMed, Advertising Council,American Academy ofDermatology, American Academyof Family Physicians, AmericanCollege of Emergency Physicians,American College ofNeuropsychopharmacology,American College of Obstetriciansand Gynecologists, AmericanPsychiatric Association, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Heart RhythmSociety, Markle Foundation,National Association of PublicHospitals, National Institutes ofHealth, National Sleep Foundation,Robert Wood Johnson Foundation,University of California at SanDiego, and Vision Council ofAmerica.HAGER SHARP1090 Vermont Ave., N.W.Washington, DC 20005202/842-3600Fax: 202/842-4032www.hagersharp.<strong>com</strong>Celebrating its 34th year, HagerSharp Inc. is a woman-owned firmthat provides <strong>com</strong>munications andpublic relations services to governmentand not-for-profit clients.Firmly rooted in social marketingand behavior change theory, HagerSharp is a leader in national healthand public information programs.Hager Sharp delivers highly personalservice and creativity instrategic planning, design andimplementation of award-winningnational health media campaigns,often concentrating on multiculturaloutreach.Current health clients include :National Institute of Diabetes andDigestive and Kidney Diseases;National Heart, Lung, and BloodInstitute; Office on Women’sHealth; Annie E. CaseyFoundation’s KIDS COUNT;National Institute of EnvironmentalHealth Science’s Sister Study (astudy designed to examine theunderlying causes of breast cancer);and President’s Cancer Panel.These health campaigns includea full range of <strong>com</strong>municationssupport including audienceresearch, message development,engaging partners, producing targetedmaterials for health care professionals,the media and the public– especially at-risk audiences.HEALTHSTARPUBLIC RELATIONS90 Fifth Ave., 9th FloorNew York, NY 10011212/532-0909www.healthstarpr.<strong>com</strong>Helene Ellison, President & CEOErinn White, GM / EVP RXAlicia Cimbora, GM/EVPConsumerHealthSTAR Public Relationsis a full service agency dedicatedsolely to healthcare, medical andpharmaceutical <strong>com</strong>munications.HSPR uses strategic media relationsto measurably enhance corporateimage and increase brandshare-of-voice in connection clinical,regulatory and marketingmilestones and in coordinationwith medical education, promotionand direct-to-consumeradvertising.HSPR’s senior leadership teamhas over 40 years of experience,cumulatively launching or managingmore than 100 pharmaceutical,biotech, device, diagnosticsor consumer health products.Headquartered in New YorkCity, HSPR is a part ofHealthSTAR CommunicationsInc., the largest independent medical<strong>com</strong>munications <strong>com</strong>pany inthe nation.KATCHER VAUGHN& BAILEY401 Church St., #2100Nashville, TN 37219615/248-8202Fax: 615/248-8120kvbmail@kvbpr.<strong>com</strong>www.kvbpr.<strong>com</strong>At Katcher Vaughn & BaileyPublic Relations, we have theinside perspective on healthcare.With evolving technology, anever-changing reimbursementenvironment and increased marketing<strong>com</strong>petition, the healthcareindustry faces distinctive <strong>com</strong>municationschallenges.Our award-winning track recordincludes strategically planning andimplementing expansion projects,business development, professionalrecruiting, physician office <strong>com</strong>munications,patient and <strong>com</strong>munityrelations, employee <strong>com</strong>munications,grassroots advocacy campaignsand crisis planning andmanagement.KVBPR’s spectrum of experienceincludes programs for suchclients as BlueCross BlueShield ofTennessee, Hospital Alliance ofTennessee, Nashville Health CareCouncil and the Tennessee MedicalAssociation, among others.KETCHUM1285 Avenue of the AmericasNew York, NY 10019646/935-3900www.ketchum.<strong>com</strong>Ann Moravick, EVP/Dir., GlobalHealthcare & Brand AdvocacyNancy Hicks, SVP/Assoc. Dir., N.America Healthcare PracticeAmy McCarthy, SVP/Dir., NYHealthcare PracticeSusan Newberry, SVP/Dir., Wash.D.C. Healthcare PracticeKetchum, a global full-servicepublic relations agency, is uniquelypositioned to help today's healthcareorganizations navigate a dynamicand <strong>com</strong>plex healthcare environment.Our specialists have expertisespanning the healthcare spectrum —pharmaceutical, medical devicesand biotech, managed care andhealth insurers, patient advocacy,professional associations and governmentinstitutions.We apply these capabilities to anarray of healthcare categoriesincluding, but not limited to,AIDS/HIV, anti-infectives, cardiovascular,central nervous system,dermatology, diabetes, gastrointesti-30OCTOBER 2007 • WWW.ODWYERPR.COM • ADVERTISING SECTION

nal, oncology, ophthalmology,OTC, respiratory, rheumatology andwomen's health.Our global network of healthcareexperts and specialists offers clientsinsights and experiences in scientific<strong>com</strong>munications, clinical trialrecruitment, advocacy relations,opinion leader development, corporatereputation, regulatory affairs,product launches, disease education,reimbursement, and health policy.Clients include: BoehringerIngelheim, GlaxoSmithKline,Johnson & Johnson, MontefioreMedical Center, Novartis, Roche,Takeda, Wyeth, Cancer TreatmentCenters of America and Hospital forSpecial Surgery.L.C. WILLIAMS &ASSOCIATES150 N. Michigan Avenue, Ste. 3800Chicago, IL 60601312/565-3900Fax: 312/565-1770info@lcwa.<strong>com</strong>www.lcwa.<strong>com</strong>Kim Blazek Dahlborn, PresidentGreg Gordon, Senior VicePresident, Research and StrategyFounded in 1985, L.C. Williams& Associates (LCWA) has developedand implemented public relationsstrategies and programs fornumerous healthcare organizationsincluding work in the fields of pediatrics,neurology, oncology, dentistryand orthopedics, as well as forhospitals and insurance <strong>com</strong>panies.A distinctive and specializedLCWA capability in this arena is<strong>com</strong>munications research servicesprovided to healthcare associationsby the firm’s full-service,in-house research division.During the past year alone,LCWA has planned and conductedresearch of association members,prospective members,healthcare practitioners, healthcareexecutives and/or consumerson behalf of the AmericanAssociation of Endodontists,American Nurses Association, theAmerican Academy of PhysicalMedicine & Rehabilitation, theNational Council of State Boards ofNursing and the Society forVascular Surgery.In addition to the presentation of<strong>com</strong>prehensive reports detailingresearch findings, many researchassignments include the criticaldevelopment by LCWA’s publicrelations professionals of fact-based<strong>com</strong>munications messages and re<strong>com</strong>mendationsdriven by theresearch data.Profiles of Healthcare & Medical PR FirmsLUKASZEWSKIGROUPTen Bank St., Suite 530White Plains, NY 10606914/681-0000www.e911.<strong>com</strong>James E. Lukaszewski, ChairmanThe Lukaszewski Group guidessenior management through sensitivesituations. Jim Lukaszewskihas more than 25 years of experiencein the healthcare and medicalindustries and has advised clientsthrough a range of management<strong>com</strong>munication issues.These include adverse legislation/publicpolicy, animal rights,blood issues, anti-corporate activistaction and <strong>com</strong>munity/organizedopposition, boycotts, and confrontation.He also assists with <strong>com</strong>petitivecrises, civil and criminal litigation,executive leadership development,medical waste/ environmental problems,labor negotiations,Medicare/Medicaid fraud investigations,physician attitude and perceptionproblems, privatization of hospitalfacilities, product recalls/tampering,and explosively visibleproblems.MACCABEE GROUP211 N. First St.Minneapolis, MN 55401612/337-0087Paul Maccabee, PresidentGwen Chynoweth, Vice PresidentMaccabee Group has handledhealthcare PR campaigns forHazelden Foundation, AmericanMedical Systems, CIGNABehavioral Health, MiracleEar/Amplifon, AddictionIntervention Resources, AdvancedRespiratory, Ergotron, Fleming &Co. Pharmaceuticals, Upsher-SmithLaboratories and TRIA OrthopaedicCenter. The firm, known for its specialexpertise in behavioral andmental health <strong>com</strong>munications,recently employed sex expert Dr.Ruth as the spokesperson for its“Keeping Sexual Intimacy Alive”campaign for medical device <strong>com</strong>panyAmerican Medical Systems,helping to integrate special events,radio/TV and newspaper interviews,and online/direct marketing to reachmen dealing with erectile dysfunction.Maccabee Group is nowpreparing PR for the 2007 nationallaunch of the book, “It’s Not OK ToBe A Cannibal: How to Keep“Ugly Betty” star America Ferrara shows off the smilethat GlaxoSmithKline insured for $10 million as part ofMarina Maher Communications’ PR launch for newAquafresh White Trays.Addiction from Eating Your FamilyAlive.”MAKOVSKY +COMPANY575 Lexington AvenueNew York, NY 10022212/508-9600www.makovsky.<strong>com</strong>gbashe@makovsky.<strong>com</strong>Ken Makovsky, President & CEOGil Bashe, EVP, Health PracticeKristie Kuhl, SVP, Health PracticeFounded 28 years ago,Makovsky + Company is noted forits “power of specialized thinking,”the driving force behind an agencywidefocus on clients, products andissues requiring a high level of categoryunderstanding and professionalexperience. MakovskyHealth Practice is well regarded foroutstanding performance in “issuesmarketing<strong>com</strong>munications” – theability to take on clinical, legal orpolicy concerns impacting brandsuccess. The measure of our success,and the reward for our passionfor client delight, has been 96 percentclient retention during the pastfour years.2007 clients include: Abbott,Alexion, B. Braun, BioTrove,Covidien, Dyax, Eisai, EmergentBioSolutions, Gene Logic, H. D.Smith, King Pharmaceuticals,Pfizer, Sepracor and Tercica.MARINA MAHERCOMMUNICATIONS830 Third AvenueNew York, NY 10022212/485-6800www.maher<strong>com</strong>m.<strong>com</strong>Marina Maher, PresidentMegan Svensen, EVP/Hlthcr Prac. Dir.Frank Funaro, Group SVP/Hlthcr Prac.Janene Ferrara, SVP/Hlthcr Prac.Joanne Marlin, SVP/Hlthcr Prac.Shirley Stadtmueller, SVP/Hlthcr Prac.Marina Maher Comms.’healthcare practice specializes inbuilding brand relationships forover-the-counter and prescriptiondrug brands.The firm is noted for itsexpertise in marketing to womenand provides domestic and globalPR for products and servicesdesigned for their health. MMCsupports investigational, newand mature products, publicizesclinical and regulatory milestones,and develops consumerbranded education campaigns.The firm’s Media ConnectionsGroup, which includes healthspecialists, partners with accountteams to develop media strategiesto engage the press andmotivate consumer and influenceprofessional audiences. MediaConnections includes LifestyleTrends, which links clients’products and services to currenttrends, and Digital/Social Media,which develops online and viralprograms to engage target consumers.The healthcare practice is ledby EVP, Healthcare PracticeDirector Megan Svensen. Thefirm was awarded several newpieces of business in the pastyear, including Galderma’sAesthetics and Correctives division,which includes the treatmentsTri-Luma, Pliaglis andElevess, and domestic and globalprogramming for Pfizer’sinvestigational treatment foroveractive bladder and fesoterodine.ADVERTISING SECTION • OCTOBER 2007 • WWW.ODWYERPR.COM 31

Profiles of Healthcare & Medical PR Firmswww.mcspr.<strong>com</strong>Joe Boyd, CEOJeff Hoyak, PresidentTo demonstrate the microscopic precision ofCleveland Clinic Hospital’s da Vinci robotic system,O’Connell & Goldberg arranged for an artist to add thesmile on a 3-inch re-creation of Leonardo da Vinci’srenowned Mona Lisa using the surgical system. Theartwork-in-progress was shown on a large screen ascardiac pioneer Dr. Walter Boyd described the rangeof motion and dexterity of the robot’s mechanicalwrists.M BOOTH &ASSOCIATES300 Park Ave. SouthNew York, NY 10010212/481-7000www.mbooth.<strong>com</strong>Joyce Yaeger, Senior VP, Directorof Healthcare PracticeDennis Tartaglia, Senior VP,Healthcare Practice Media DirectorM Booth & Associates providesPR counsel to pharmaceutical,healthcare, biotechnology,public health, provider, and biomedicalresearch institutionsand organizations.Work has included productand corporate branding programsfor Pfizer, ColumbiaUniversity Medical Center,Bristol-Myers Squibb, UnileverBestfoods, Siemens HearingInstruments,Peptor,Brookhaven NationalLaboratory, The Robert WoodJohnson Foundation, AmericanBoard of Medical Specialties,and IPRO.The firm has created <strong>com</strong>municationsprograms that includeproduct launches and positioning;media relations campaigns;reported education and awarenessprograms; crisis <strong>com</strong>munications;patient/professionaleducation and influencer programsand special events to promoteproducts, issues, organizations,and ideas.MCKINNEYADVERTISING & PR1520 Penton Media Building1300 East Ninth St.Cleveland, OH 44114216/621-5133www.mckinneyad.<strong>com</strong>jcerne@mckinneyad.<strong>com</strong>Judy Cerne, President & CEOMcKinney Advertising & PublicRelations has more than 70 years ofexperience developing and implementingsuccessful public relationsprograms. The hallmark of ouragency is our proven expertise todevelop and implement <strong>com</strong>prehensivepublic relations strategies thattarget key audiences for hospitalsystems, medical/physicians groupsand health related non-profit clients.With an emphasis on results,McKinney focuses its efforts onmeeting objectives of the publicrelations program as well as clientbusiness goals by delivering theright message to the right audiencethrough the right medium. Whetherbuilding brand awareness or managingmedia relations, we ensure projectsare <strong>com</strong>pleted on time, withinbudget and that creative and innovativeinitiatives are continuously generated.MCS1420 State Highway 206Bedminster, NJ 07921908/234-9900MCS is an independent healthcarepublic relations and marketing<strong>com</strong>munications agency recognizedfor its strategic focus, creativityand knowledge of issues affectingthe pharmaceutical industry.Since its founding in 1985, MCShas worked with the world’s leadingpharmaceutical and biotechnology<strong>com</strong>panies. Our expertise inhealthcare <strong>com</strong>munications allowsus to convey our clients’ perspectivesin a way that enhances credibilityand trust while providing ameasurable impact on their businessgoals.MOORECONSULTING GROUP2011 Delta BoulevardTallahassee, Florida 32303850/224-0174Fax: 850/224-9286moore-pr.<strong>com</strong>Karen Moore, CEO/President,CRPC, APRTerrie Glover Ard, Senior VicePresident, APRMoore Consulting Group hasbeen recognized as a leader inhealthcare since 1992, when itachieved international attention andstellar results for promoting innovativeresearch to help detectmelanoma cancer. Since then, theintegrated <strong>com</strong>munications firm hashelped hospitals rebrand theirimage, implemented public affairsand advocacy programs forPhRMA, and represented nationaland global pharmaceutical andbiotech <strong>com</strong>panies and majorhealthcare associations, includingthe Florida Academy of FamilyPhysicians, American LungAssociation and NAMI.Moore Consulting Group hasorchestrated educational outreach tovarious target audiences, includingelected officials, key influentials,provider groups and associations forhealthcare access and preventionissues. Karen Moore has testifiedbefore the U.S. House and SenateHealthcare and AppropriationsCommittees on Medicare andMedicaid. With national rankingsfrom O’Dwyers and PRWeek,Moore Consulting Group has wonmore than 320 <strong>com</strong>municationsawards for making a difference inthe healthcare industry and our trackrecord of delivering targeted strategyand cutting edge results.Moore Consulting GroupCEO Karen Moore.MWW GROUPOne Meadowlands PlazaEast Rutherford, NJ 07073201/507-9500Michael W. Kempner, Pres. & CEOMWW Group develops integratedprograms that <strong>com</strong>municate corporate,product and consumer messagesfor managed care <strong>com</strong>panies,pharmaceutical and biotech organizations,hospitals, patient advocacygroups and foundations to reachkey stakeholders.The firm has expertise in conveyingkey corporate, product andconsumer messages through grassrootsand niche marketing, patienteducation, advocacy and supportprograms and branding. MWWGroup also offers corporate <strong>com</strong>munications,government relations,public affairs and financial <strong>com</strong>munications.Clients include MedcoHealth Solutions, Sabin GlobalHealth Institute, Oxford HealthPlans, Roche, StarkeyLaboratories, The NationalHemophilia Foundation, DiabetesCenters of America, CatholicHealth and Human Services andNatural Health Science, LLC.O’CONNELL &GOLDBERG450 North Park Road, Suite 600Hollywood, FL 33021954/964-9098www.oconnellgoldberg.<strong>com</strong>Since its inception, O’Connell &Goldberg has demonstrated expertisein healthcare <strong>com</strong>munications. Continued on page 3432OCTOBER 2007 • WWW.ODWYERPR.COM • ADVERTISING SECTION

O’Connell & GoldbergContinued from page 32Working with physicians, foundationsand hospitals, the agencyuncovers unique perspectives fromwhich to deliver client messagesand rise above the media clutter.This “What If?” approach results inout-of-the-ordinary campaigns thatgenerate attention.O’Connell & Goldberg offersclients healthcare expertise in publicityand media relations, <strong>com</strong>municationcounsel and strategy, <strong>com</strong>munityrelations, special events,promotions, media training and crisis<strong>com</strong>munication. Among itshealthcare clientele, the firm represents11 Tenet hospitals throughoutSouth Florida.O&G’s practitioners are a balancedmix of former newsreporters, individuals with specialevents expertise, writers and healthspecialists whose know-how, talentsand experience provide theplatform from which innovative,effective campaigns are created.PAINEPR19000 MacArthur Blvd., 8th FloorIrvine, CA 92612949/809-6854www.painepr.<strong>com</strong>Daryl McCullough, CEOEric Borsum, GM, Los Angeles –Healthcare Practice LeaderJustin McCarthy, Vice President,Business DevelopmentPainePR, regarded as one of thenation’s leading mid-sized firms,has a reputation for high-qualityservice, strategic brand building,and creative programming.Clients in the healthcare practiceinclude Aurora ImagingTechnology, Beckman Coulter andCardioNet.In 2007, PainePR increasedawareness for Aurora ImagingTechnology’s dedicated breast MRIsystem within the medical imaging,breast surgeon and oncology industries.Additionally, PainePR continuesto support Beckman Coulter inraising awareness of colorectal canceras a preventable disease, and theavailable screening options, includingits Hemoccult ICT product.In addition to work specificallyfor healthcare <strong>com</strong>panies, PainePRhas an expertise in public educationand social marketing initiatives,leading the charge to change perceptionor activate consumer behaviorfor established brands and publicProfiles of Healthcare & Medical PR Firmsinitiatives including the CaliforniaDepartment of Public Health’sNetwork for a Healthy Californiacampaign to encourage consumersto eat more fruits and vegetablesand be physically active.PASCALECOMMUNICATIONS430 Devonshire StreetPittsburgh, PA 15213412/526-1756www.pascale<strong>com</strong>munications.<strong>com</strong>georgette@pascale<strong>com</strong>munications.<strong>com</strong>Georgette Pascale, PresidentPascale Communications (PC)knows the healthcare PR marketplace.With <strong>com</strong>bined backgroundsin medical writing, event planning,public relations and integrated marketingcampaigns, PC understandsthe intricacies of a well-run pharmaceuticalbrand.Representing a broad range ofproducts across different subspecialties,PC’s current clientsinclude: Advanced Medical Optics,SkinMedica, Iridex and ValeantPharmaceuticals, among others.According to David Kellner,Editorial Director, RefractiveEyecare for Ophthalmologists,“The PC team is simply the bestmedical public relations team Ihave encountered in 30 years.” Inaddition to their relationships withthe media, PC prides themselves ontheir <strong>com</strong>petitive intelligence andhighly strategic goals.PUBLICCOMMUNICATIONS35 E. Wacker DriveChicago, IL 60601ideas@pcipr.<strong>com</strong>www.pcipr.<strong>com</strong>Dorothy Pirovano, APR, Pres.& CEORuth Mugalian, PrincipalJill Allread, APR, PrincipalPublic Communications Inc.has a diverse healthcare practiceproviding <strong>com</strong>prehensive <strong>com</strong>municationsservices to pharmaceuticaland device firms, healthcareproviders and medical associations.Two-thirds of PCI’s clientsare in healthcare; many have beenwith the firm 20 years or more.Whether announcing a kneereplacement designed for women,informing physicians about diseasemanagement guidelines, ordirecting consumers to free healthscreenings, PCI’s counselors, writersand media relations specialistsconduct strategic programsdesigned to meet each client’sgoals.The American Academy ofDermatology, the AmericanCollege of Allergy, Asthma andImmunology, Baxter Healthcareand Zimmer Inc. are among PCI’slong-term healthcare clients.PEPPERCOM470 Park Ave. SouthNew York, NY 10016212/931-6100www.pepper<strong>com</strong>.<strong>com</strong>Steven Cody, Managing PartnerEdward Moed, Managing PartnerPepper<strong>com</strong> is a mid-sized <strong>com</strong>municationsagency that specializesin developing strategic andcreative PR programs for healthcare<strong>com</strong>panies.It represents clients in medicaldevices, imaging, research anddevelopment and tort reform. Inaddition to PR campaigns, servicesinclude a positioning programto differentiate a client from its<strong>com</strong>petitive set, a crisis managementprogram called CrisisRx,Pepper Digital, which focuses ondigital initiatives, and Pain-BasedSelling to identify the gap betweenwhat client sales forces think customersare thinking and what theyactually are, and ways to leverageexisting partnerships or developnew ones.Pepper<strong>com</strong> is ranked among thetop 20 largest independent PRfirms in the U.S. by O’Dwyer’s.Clients include Catalent PharmaSolutions and TNS Healthcare.PERRY COMMS.GROUP925 L St., #1200,Sacramento, CA 95814916/658-0144Fax: 916/658-0155www.perry<strong>com</strong>.<strong>com</strong>Kassy Perry, President/CEOCynthia Moore, EVPPerry Communications Group,Defining Tomorrow’s IssuesToday SM , is ranked among the topfirms specializing in healthcarePR by O’Dwyer’s. PerryComms. Group is an independent,full-service public relationsand public affairs firm specializingin issues management, mediarelations and coalition building.Since 1996, Kassy Perry andher award winning team havehad a profound impact on societyand their clients’ bottomline...with nationally recognizedcampaigns tackling pressingissues facing society includingMedicare, public health, housing,the environment, access toprescription medicines, cancerand mental health.Clients include: Amgen,Amylin Pharmaceuticals, Inc.,Associated Bodyworks andMassage Professionals,California Rice Commission,California State ParksFoundation, California StateSheriffs’ Association, CaliforniaSubject Matters Project,California TherapeuticCommunities, Eli Lilly and Co.,Governor’s Council on PhysicalFitness and Sports, HealthyMarriage Project of Sacramento,HearingMed, LandmarkPharmasolutions, Inc.,Molecular Biology Consultants,Pharmaceutical Research &Manufacturers of America,REACH Air Medical Services,and Schering-Plough Corp.PRX COMMS.STRATEGISTS991 West Hedding, Suite 201San Jose, CA 95126408/287-1700www.prxinc.<strong>com</strong>Brenna Bolger, Founder & CEOSteve Mangold, President & COOSince 1975, PRx has been thehealthcare industry’s prescriptionfor excellence in publicrelations and strategic marketing<strong>com</strong>munications. For 32years, we have representedmedical research institutes,biotech and pharmaceutical<strong>com</strong>panies, device manufacturersand hospital systems.A full-service agency, PRxhas graphic designers and Webdevelopers to supply collateralmaterials, ads and online <strong>com</strong>munications.Please seewww.first5kids.org.Clients include Guidant,Becton-Dickinson, CaliforniaMedical Association, AbbottCritical Care, Blue Cross ofCalifornia, Parkinson's Institute,AMI Hospitals, FIRST 5 SantaClara County, Children’s HealthInitiative and National DisplaySystems. PRx has been AOR forSanta Clara Valley Health &Hospital System for 29 years.PRx introduced the first hospital-gradenanodisinfectant as Continued on page 3634OCTOBER 2007 • WWW.ODWYERPR.COM • ADVERTISING SECTION

Profiles of Healthcare & Medical PR FirmsRosica Strategic PR developed a “valor award” for emergencymedical personnel for client Moore Medical.PRx Comms. StrategistsContinued from page 34well as the first provider ofweb-based <strong>com</strong>municationtools for hospitals, clinics, laboratoriesand practitioners.PRx also launched a clinicaldata, EMR and practice managementapplication serviceprovider for small and midsizedphysician offices.A member of InternationalPublic Relations Network, PRxhas affiliates in 30 countries,from Argentina to UAE, fromSingapore to South Africa.RACEPOINT GROUP404 Wyman St., Suite 375Waltham, MA 02451781/487-4600www.racepointgroup.<strong>com</strong>Marijean Lauzier, President & CEOLarry Weber, ChairmanRacepoint Group is a globalpublic relations agency with specialexpertise in digital mediarelations.We leverage the power of traditionaland digital media relationsto elevate premium and emerginghealth, science and technologybrands – generating world-classmedia and analyst coverage thatdirectly impacts mindshare andmarketshare. We lead in theapplication of technology to ourcraft and provide clients with alevel of research, analytics andmeasurement that is unmatchedin the public relations industry.Healthcare clients includeGenzyme, Kingfisher Healthcare,NeuroLogica and HelicosBiosciences.THE REILLY GROUP1519 West Berteau Ave.Chicago, Illinois 60613773/348-3800Fax: 773/348-3890susanreilly@thereillygroup.<strong>com</strong>Susan Reilly, PresidentThe Reilly Group is a fullservice<strong>com</strong>munications firmspecializing in the pharmaceutical,health, food and fitnesssectors. The <strong>com</strong>pany providesmedia relations, product supportpublicity, FDA preparedness,issues management andcorporate image programmingand execution.The firm offers expertise inmedia relations for clinicaladvances as well as launch andpost-launch publicity support.Sister <strong>com</strong>pany Diamond CityMusic and Film enables thefirm to provide clients withaccess to full-service broadcastcapabilities including conceptualizationand execution ofeditorial packages and advertising.Client experience includespharmaceutical <strong>com</strong>panies,biopharmaceutical <strong>com</strong>panies,OTC products, diagnosticequipment, food and sports performanceproducts, at-homediagnostic tests and medicalorganizations.TRG’s experience spansacross every major diseasestate with emphasis on cardiovasculardisease, adult andpediatric oncology, infectiousdisease, women’s health, asthmaand allergies, endocrinologyand dermatology.ROSICASTRATEGIC PR95 Route 17 SouthParamus, NJ 07652201/843-5600Fax: 201/843-5680Chris Rosica, President & CEOFor more than 27 years, RosicaStrategic PR has developed PR programsand garnered media coveragefor such healthcare and medicalclients as Professional DisposablesInternational (PDI), the healthcaredivision of Nice-Pak Products, Inc.,The Rascal Company, The NationalAssociation For Home Care &Hospice, Moore Medical Corp.,Physicians for a National HealthProgram, and the NJ Dept. ofHealth and Senior Services.Serving PDI’s healthcare and<strong>com</strong>mercial divisions throughstrategic counsel and expertise,Rosica’s PR program is to educateall audiences about PDI’s pre-moistenedwipes for proper hygiene andsurface sanitation. Key influencersare infection control, medical andlong term care professionals; decision-makersin hospitals, emergencymedical services and schools,as well as consumers. Rosica garnersmedia attention by events promotinghand hygiene programs inschools, educating consumers onthe prevention of MRSA and fluand cold viruses, and keeping themedical <strong>com</strong>munity abreast of newdevelopments and products.Expanding PDI’s presence in thepharmaceutical category, the firmintroduced FDA-approvedCholorascrub, a product with a fastkill time and prolonged antimicrobialactivity; Sani-Hands for Kids,antimicrobial alcohol gel wipes thatreduces absenteeism in places suchas schools and day care centers andSani-Cloth Bleach Wipes that sanitizesnon-porous surfaces.Our program for the RascalCompany, renowned makers ofelectric scooters that enhancemobility, included the presentationof electric scooters to disabledAmerican veterans in Dallas, TX onMemorial Day and the donation ofscooters to the victims of theBluffton University bus crash inOhio.For Moore Medical, suppliers ofmedical, surgical and pharmaceuticalproducts, Rosica initiated theMoore Medical Valor Awards thatrecognized exceptional heroism inthe line of duty by EMS and EMTpersonnel.RUDER FINN301 East 57th StreetNew York, NY 10022212/593-6400Susan Hirsch, Global Head,Health Care, New YorkSusan Smirnoff, Global Head,Health & Wellness, New YorkNancy Glick, Executive VP & Dir.,Hlth & Nut.Affairs, Wash., DCAs one of the recognized industryleaders in providing global andregional <strong>com</strong>munications servicesto pharmaceutical and biopharmaceuticalcorporations, medicaldevice <strong>com</strong>panies, and relatedindustries, Ruder Finn Health Carebrings to our clients practice managerswith diverse experience insuch fields as journalism, hospitalmarketing, publishing, entertainment,government relations, publicpolicy, and patient advocacy andintegrates hands-on senior managementon all account teams.Along with extensive expertise inlaunching, promoting and brandingfirst-in-class drugs and lifesavingtreatments, Ruder Finn specializesin addressing lifestyle issues andregularly works with associationsand clients on partnerships to establishinnovative platforms and breaknew ground in <strong>com</strong>municatingbranded and non-branded information.RF also has extensive experienceexecuting <strong>com</strong>municationsprograms surrounding drug pricingand reimbursement, including issuesparticular to emerging markets.Ruder Finn’s Washington officecreates and implements strategicpublic affairs programs that influencepublic opinion, build supportfor regulatory and legislativeactions, and manage critical issues.For corporations, associations andnon-profit organizations, we utilizea range of coordinated strategies andactivities — from engaging policymakers and advocacy groups, creatingcoalitions, mounting state andnational media relations programsand targeting attention-gettingadvertising — to achieve ourclients’ policy and business objectives.Ruder Finn also has a demonstratedtrack record of conductinghigh-impact <strong>com</strong>munications wellnesscampaigns for OTC medicines,skincare products, food and nutritionprograms, and products/servicesto promote exercise andweight loss. Clients includeCelgene; Forest Laboratories;Genta; Gerber; Intercultural CancerCouncil; Johnson & Johnson;36OCTOBER 2007 • WWW.ODWYERPR.COM • ADVERTISING SECTION

Kellogg; Medtronic; New YorkBlood Center; Novartis; Pfizer;Schering-Plough; and, Vertex.SAWCHUK BROWN& ASSOCIATES41 State St., Suite 500Albany, NY 12207518/462-0318www.sawchukbrown.<strong>com</strong>Pamela Sawchuk Brown, Pres. & CEOSean Casey, Senior Vice PresidentSince 1979, Sawchuk BrownAssociates has provided servicesto a variety of health-relatedclients, including hospitals, managedcare organizations, physiciangroups, pharmaceutical <strong>com</strong>paniesand statewide associations.Programs for healthcare clientsthat include strategic <strong>com</strong>municationsplans, integrated marketing,crisis <strong>com</strong>munications, mediarelations, research, special events,public affairs and governmentrelations. The firm has worked onissues such as managed care, mentalhealth, preventive care andwellness, long-term care and publichealth issues.New clients this year includeThe Kingston Hospital,Benedictine Hospital, Center forDisability Services, St. Peter’sHospital, and expanded projectsfor MVP Health Care and the NewYork State Academy of FamilyPhysicians.Other clients have included,Adirondack Oral and MaxillofacialSurgery, Albany Medical Center,American Heart Assn., AmericanRed Cross, Bellevue Women’sHospital, Empire Blue Cross andBlue Shield, Healthcare Assn. ofNew York State, Horton MemorialHospital, Kaiser Permanente, NYSHealth Facilities Assn., NYS Dept.of Health, Pfizer, Sterling Drug,SUNY Downstate Medical Center,Trudeau Institute and others.The firm is an associate ofGolinHarris International.SCHWARTZCOMMS. INC.230 Third AvenueProspect PlaceWaltham, MA 02451781/684-0770www.schwartz-pr.<strong>com</strong>Steve Schwartz, CEO & PresidentLloyd Benson, Executive VPSchwartz Communications wasfounded in 1990 by the husbandand-wifeteam of Steve and PaulaProfiles of Healthcare & Medical PR FirmsMae Schwartz. With offices inWaltham, Mass., San Francisco,Stockholm, and a London officeopening in October, Schwartz hasmore than 210 employees.Schwartz Communications hasgarnered many honors and wasnamed three times to the Inc. 500list of the fastest-growing private<strong>com</strong>panies. Schwartz is one ofNorth America’s leading publicrelations agencies focused on thehigh-technology, medical device,pharmaceutical and biotechnologyindustries.The healthcare practice ofSchwartz Communications worksto generate media coverage formedical device, pharmaceutical,biotechnology and healthcare IT<strong>com</strong>panies.The firm specializes in patientawareness campaigns, the visibilityof clinical data, publicizing criticalregulatory milestones, clinical trialrecruitment and disease awarenesscampaigns. Schwartz has beenresponsible for significant medicalcampaigns of the past decade.Clients include AtheroGenics,Panacos Pharmaceuticals, OsirisTherapeutics, Cytyc Corp.,Cyberonics, Caliper Life Sciences,West Pharmaceutical Services,Nanosphere, NxStage Medical,High Throughput Genomics, TheTrizetto Group and others.SOLOMONMCCOWN & CO.177 Milk Street, Suite 610Boston, MA 02109617/695-9555www.solomonmccown.<strong>com</strong>hsolomon@solomonmccown.<strong>com</strong>Helene Solomon, President & CEOMassachusetts is pioneeringthe route to healthcare reformwhile the nation watches.Solomon McCown & Company(SMA&C) has been a part ofthis groundbreaking effort,engaged by the MassachusettsHospital Association and mostrecently the Health Care Qualityand Cost Council ofMassachusetts, which was createdunder the state’s HealthCare Reform Law to createtransparency around hospitaland provider cost and qualityinformation.Healthcare <strong>com</strong>municationsrequires understanding the <strong>com</strong>plexitiesof the space, packagingand disseminating <strong>com</strong>plicatedinformation and strategicthinking to engender the trust ofdisparate, and sometimes hardto-reachaudiences.SMA&C has a proven trackrecord of helping healthcareorganizations carry out theirmission through integrated<strong>com</strong>munications programs,including media and <strong>com</strong>munityrelations, thought leadership,strategic partnerships, and whennecessary, issues management.Current clients also includeHarvard Vanguard MedicalAssociates and Atrius Health,Visiting Nurse Association ofBoston, and the InternationalSociety for Infectious Disease.SPECTRUMSCIENCE COMMS.2000 K St. N.W.Washington, DC 20006202/955-6222www.spectrumscience.<strong>com</strong>John Seng, Founder/PresidentKara McCollum, SeniorVP/Business DevelopmentSpectrum Science Comms. is anindependent healthcare-onlyagency. Spectrum’s servicesinclude product marketing, advocacyrelations, PA, research <strong>com</strong>munications,interactive <strong>com</strong>municationsand graphic design.Spectrum conducts activities ona regional, national and internationalscale. It is a founding partnerand chair of GLOBALHealthPR,an international group of independentlyowned agencies.The agency has worked across arange of therapeutic categories,including oncology, cardiology,diabetes, dermatology, cosmeticscience, gastroenterology, pulmonology,rheumatology,women’s health, urology, developmentaldisorders and Alzheimer’sdisease.Clients include the AmericanCollege of Cardiology, AmericanDiabetes Assn., Genentech, Procter& Gamble, Kennedy KriegerInstitute, Myriad, KingPharmaceuticals and Pfizer Inc.VERSAGGI BIO-COMMUNICATIONS9 Carolyn Ct.Mill Valley, CA 94941415/806-6039www.versaggibio.<strong>com</strong>Charles Versaggi, Ph.D., PresidentVersaggi Bio<strong>com</strong>municationsis a marketing consultancy specializingin corporate and marketing<strong>com</strong>munications for thelife-science industry. Foundedin 1986, the S.F. Bay Area firmprovides an unequaled mix ofexpertise and resources to clarifyand <strong>com</strong>municate the mosteffective market position for itsclients, helping them to establisha solid market presence,higher profitability and maximumvaluation. The firm servesclients in every stage of development— from seed fundingthrough R&D, clinical trials,and product launch.Combining creative strategiesand tactics with a thoroughunderstanding of healthcaremarkets, the firm works closelywith business and scientificteams to make <strong>com</strong>plex technologiesaccessible to key audiencesand market influencers.In addition to its own stable oftalent, the firm draws from anextraordinary creative networkthat includes market research,graphic design, video production,and Internet services.V-FLUENCEINTERACTIVE PR7770 Regents Road, #113-576San Diego, CA 92122-1937877/835-8362www.v-fluence.<strong>com</strong>info@v-fluence.<strong>com</strong>Jay Byrne, PresidentWith 75 percent of Internetusers relying on the web forhealthcare information, it’simperative for brands and<strong>com</strong>panies to understand howto assess and discern bothopportunities and risks in Web1.0 and Web 2.0 spaces. Enterv-Fluence Interactive PublicRelations, the Internet marketingand issues managementleader. v-Fluence’s patentpendingonline researchmethodology delivers uniqueanalytics and insights abouthow online consumers engagehealthcare brands, productsand issues, who’s behind whatthey find and how best toshape the online environmentto measurably meet clientgoals. Major brands andorganizations that care aboutconsumer perceptions choosev-Fluence. Discover our differencetoday. Visit our website:www.v-fluence.<strong>com</strong>.ADVERTISING SECTION • OCTOBER 2007 • WWW.ODWYERPR.COM 37

Westchester Medical Group President Dr. SimeonSchwartz cuts the ribbon to mark the opening ofWMG’s new facility in Rye, New York. He is joined byRye Mayor Steve Otis, WMG’s Medical Director Dr.Barney Newman, Chief Operating Officer NancyLevesque and Port Chester Mayor Dennis Pilla.Zlokower Public Relations handled media relations forthe official ribbon cutting ceremony.VOLLMER PR808 Travis, Suite 501Houston, Texas 77002713/970-2100www.vollmerpr.<strong>com</strong>Helen Vollmer, Allen Caudle,Carolyn MayoVOLLMER provides healthcareclients with the “outside ofthe administrative suite” view ofmarketing needed to achieve theirmarketing goals and protect themselvesfrom the many risk managementissues facing hospitalstoday. Working with organizationsranging from small <strong>com</strong>munityhospitals to large hospital systems,we help administrators and<strong>com</strong>munications departmentsdevelop and execute strategic<strong>com</strong>munication programs thatmeet their goals. With deepexpertise in issues facing hospitalstoday, we can quickly developand implement the needed <strong>com</strong>municationtools. And our inhousemedia and presentationtraining team can prepare all thekey executives to face the mostdifficult audience with confidenceand the messages necessary.In addition, with 265 years ofexperience in numerous industries,VOLLMER brings a deepexpertise in tried and true marketingand <strong>com</strong>munity relations techniquesthat make a natural transitionto the hospital industry helpingto promote a hospital’s keyareas of excellence or servicelines. We use our marketing experienceto help hospitals achievetheir goals specialty by specialtyProfiles of Healthcare & Medical PR Firmsas well as support the constantneed to attract the very best physiciansto their organization.VOLLMER’s experience inhealthcare services marketingincludes work for CHRISTUSHealth, DePelchin Children’sCenter, Memorial HermannHealthcare System, MethodistHealthcare System, St. Luke’sEpiscopal Hospital, TexasInstitute of Health, The Universityof Texas Health Science Centerand Texas Children’s Hospital.WEBERSHANDWICK919 Third Ave.New York, NY 10022212/445-8000www.webershandwick.<strong>com</strong>Laura Schoen, President, GlobalHealthcare PracticeWeber Shandwick’s globalteam of seasoned healthcarestrategists offers expertise inbiotechnology, pharmaceuticals,over-the-counter medications,consumer health products,medical devices, insuranceand health maintenanceorganizations, healthcare associations,health systems andhospitals.Weber Shandwick’s globalhealthcare practice consists ofhealthcare public relations professionalsin 26 offices on threecontinents, with regional hubsin New York, Baltimore,Washington, Minneapolis,Toronto, Chicago, London,Brussels, Barcelona, Paris,Geneva, Munich, Milan, andHong Kong.Key offerings include newproduct launches, sustainedawareness programs, crisismanagement, advocacy grouprelations, health policy initiatives,scientific <strong>com</strong>municationsand medical education.Clients include sanofi aventis,Boehringer Ingelheim, EliLilly, Gilead, Genentech,Merck, Pfizer, Roche, andSusan G. Komen for the Cure.WEISSCOMMPARTNERS1700 Montgomery Street, Suite 485San Francisco, CA 94111415/362-5018www.wcpglobal.<strong>com</strong>Jim Weiss, President & CEODiane Weiser, Chief Operating OfficerJennifer Gottlieb, Man. Dir., NYAngela Pennington, Man. Dir., SFAmy Martini, Exec VP, Corp.Comms, &Investor Rels.WeissComm Partners is thelargest independent <strong>com</strong>municationsagency focused exclusivelyon the healthcare industryserving the corporate,investor and product <strong>com</strong>municationsneeds of leadingbiotechnology, pharmaceutical,device and diagnostic <strong>com</strong>panies.Our senior professionalsspecialize in corporate andproduct PR, investor and advocacyrelations, clinical trialrecruitment, sports marketingprograms for biotech andgrassroots direct-to-patient PRprograms.The WeissComm team has abroad base of therapeuticexpertise including cardiology,CNS, dermatology, diagnostics,endocrinology, gastroenterology,infectious disease,molecular diagnostics, oncology,pain management, pediatrics,personalized medicine,respiratory, rheumatology,urology and women’s health.WeissComm provides a rare<strong>com</strong>bination of high-levelstrategy, counsel and “handson”execution for our clients.We build long-term, multifacetedrelationships that grow.Ranked among the top independentPR firms in the UnitedStates, WeissComm servesclients globally with offices inSan Francisco, New York andChicago, and in London via astrategic alliance with ResoluteCommunications.WESTSIDE PR5215 Sepulveda, Ste. 22ACulver City CA 90230310/398-5565www.westsidepr.<strong>com</strong>James Harris, PrincipalWestside PR helps healthcaretechnology, managed care andfinancial services <strong>com</strong>paniesbuild brand awareness and enternew markets. Founded in 2000,the agency has extensive experiencein marketing to physicians,hospitals, employers and consumers.We help launch newproducts in the healthcare informationsystem, managed care,employee benefits and riskmanagement sectors.Westside provides positioningstrategy, media relations,marketing <strong>com</strong>munications andtrade show support. Our campaignsuse traditional and newmedia. Clients include OpusHealthcare Solutions,MidMarket Capital, EvergreenRe, Isabel Healthcare,WebTribesInc.<strong>com</strong> andMedSynergies.ZLOKOWERCOMPANY60 Madison Avenue, Suite 910New York, NY 10010212/447-9292www.zlokower.<strong>com</strong>Harry Zlokower, PresidentGail Horowitz, Vice PresidentDavid Closs, Vice PresidentZlokower Company is notedfor its excellence in healthcarepublic relations. Since 1998 wecreated media campaigns,newsletters, and brochures forGreenwich Hospital, WestchesterMedical Group, The League forthe Hard of Hearing, and TheNathaniel Witherell NursingHome, for doctors specializing inradiation oncology, ophthalmology,cosmetic surgery and brainsurgery and for GeneLink, agenetic testing service.We publicized three dimensionalconformal radiation therapyfor cancer treatment, firstcorneal implant surgery in NewYork City, innovative cosmeticsurgery new hospital buildingopenings and <strong>com</strong>munity supportcampaigns.Zlokower Company won amajor award for its professionalservices public relations skills. 38OCTOBER 2007 • WWW.ODWYERPR.COM • ADVERTISING SECTION

O’DWYER’S RANKINGSTOP HEALTHCARE & MEDICAL PR FIRMSFirm Net Fees Firm Net Fees1. Edelman New York $ 92,376,0592. Ruder Finn New York 52,460,0003. APCO Worldwide Wash., D.C. 25,425,9284. Dorland PR Philadelphia 11,167,0005. Cooney/Waters Group New York 9,177,0656. Schwartz Comms. Waltham, MA 8,441,0437. Vox Medica Healthcare Philadelphia 6,920,4108. HealthStar New York 6,617,0009. Spectrum Science Comms.Wash., D.C. 6,412,23210. Communications Strategies Madison, NJ 4,396,68211. Zeno Group New York 4,069,40512. DKC/Dan KloresComms.New York 4,000,00013. GYMR Wash., D.C. 3,727,84214. MCS Bedminster, NJ 3,309,40015. CrosbyMarketingComms. Annapolis, MD 3,130,72016. Makovsky & Co. New York 2,956,00017. Public Communications Chicago 2,929,50418. Waggener Edstrom Bellevue, WA 2,717,00019. Hager Sharp Wash., D.C. 2,429,47820. French|West|Vaughan Raleigh, NC 2,425,77121. Capstrat Raleigh 2,200,00022. Davies Santa Barbara, CA 2,100,00023. Moore Consulting Tallahassee 2,065,13724. RF | Binder Partners New York 2,002,00025. The Rogers Group Los Angeles 1,920,78426. McNeely Pigott & Fox New York 1,573,97727. Widmeyer Comms. Wash., D.C. 1,520,00028. Coyne PR Parsippany, NY 1,460,48029. Padilla Speer Beardsley Minneapolis, MN 1,346,45630. M Booth & Assocs. New York 1,280,47131. Perry Comms. Group Sacramento 1,183,50032. Rasky Baerlein Boston 961,58833. Carmen Group Wash., D.C. 901,95034. PainePR Irvine, CA 897,45335. John Bailey & Assocs. Troy, MI 863,00036. Vollmer PR Houston 748,92137. Qorvis Comms. Wash., D.C. 748,12238. Regan Comms. Group Boston 700,50039. 5W PR New York 700,00040. Katcher Vaughn & Bailey Brentwood, TN 683,000© 2007 J.R. O’Dwyer Co.41. Cerrell Associates Los Angeles 646,83842. Ron Sachs Comms. Tallahassee 600,47743. Pepper<strong>com</strong> New York 496,52544. Kaplow Comms. New York 492,50045. PRx San Jose, CA 464,33246. Rosica Strategic PR Paramus, NJ 372,00047. L.C. Williams & Assocs. Chicago 348,85148. Marx Layne & Company Farmington Hills, MI 343,17649. Charleston/Orwig Hartland, WI 339,49150. Travers, Collins & Co. Buffalo, NY 337,55851. Gibbs & Soell New York 307,30052. Toplin & Assocs. Washington, PA 306,60853. Cooper Katz & Co. New York 302,79954. Stanton Crenshaw New York 300,00055. New West Louisville, KY 300,00056. Maccabee Group Minneapolis, MN 295,62757. Dudell & Assocs. Oakland, CA 282,48058. Jackson Spalding Atlanta 268,50859. Transmedia Group Boca Raton, FL 250,00060. Rhea & Kaiser Naperville, IL 249,19361. Bridge Global Strategies New York 227,70062. Standing Partnership St. Louis 220,76063. Lambert, Edwards &Assocs. Grand Rapids, MI 204,32264. Praco PR Colorado Spring, CO 198,00065. v-Fluence Interactive PR St. Louis 186,81266. Airfoil Detroit 182,54167. Valencia, Perez & Echeveste S. Pasadena, CA 160,11568. Schneider Assocs. Boston 156,70869. Maloney & Fox New York 156,00070. Landis Comms. San Francisco 153,90071. Pierpont Comms. Houston 134,11372. Morris + King Co. New York 119,06873. Richmond PR Seattle 115,00074. Access PR San Francisco 113,91875. Thorp & Co. Coral Gables, FL 103,35576. Bader Rutter Brookfield, WI 100,00077. Hope-Beckham Atlanta 90,00078. Zeppos & Assocs. Milwaukee 87,62779. Bliss, Gouverneur &Assocs.New York 85,00080. Dawson + Murray + Teague Dallas 81,423

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