Section 2 i) Initial Research Work - Gewerbliche Schule Ravensburg

Section 2 i) Initial Research Work - Gewerbliche Schule Ravensburg Section 2 i) Initial Research Work - Gewerbliche Schule Ravensburg
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Looking at TOX, we found that very few of their waste materials could be recycled orreused. They have regular meetings to monitor and work on solutions for the amountof waste being produced. Again, they had a significant amount of materialcontaminated with oil which could not be effectively disposed of.Our visit to RPC Containers suggested a very well structuredenvironmental policy and strictly implemented plan. A veryhigh percentage of their waste was recycled or reused, andenergy usage had been greatly reduced in recent years. Aproblem for this company was the high use of compressed air,which has very high energy consumption.At GE, there is an employee led environmental team whichdeals with everyday environmental issues, as well as longterm solutions. There is intelligent lighting, upgradedextraction systems, air leak monitors, heating efficient doorsand recycling schemes across the site. GE has employed anoutside agency to monitor and report on their energyconsumption. Oil contaminated goods are the major problemfor them on site.As can be seen from the report, the results we achieved contained a wide range ofdata concerning the main aspects of the environmental issues relevant today. Withour planned questions and strong project outline, we were able to directly comparewhat we learned from each company and come up with some interesting contrasts.48

One of the most poignant findings was during our visit to MTU. They were thecompany which proved to have the most devastating effects on the environment, andthe fewest policies and procedures in place for energy and waste management.Being the largest grossing company, they would in effect have the most money tosave, should they implement some basic but significant changes to theirenvironmental attitude.Another interesting result was the effect that oil contaminated materials had on therecycling effort of each company. We found that there was no effective way to cleanor dispose of these products, which was often the only major blemish on their wastemanagement reports.Looking at our results, we believe that the project goal has been achieved. In manyways, we learned much more than we initially set out to. We experienced a widerange of manufacturing processes throughout the visits in Germany and Wales andbecome we became increasingly familiar with the legislation governing theenvironmental laws throughout Europe.From the outset, we felt that the project was very relevant to the modernmanufacturing industry. The affect that manufacturing has on the landscape, theatmosphere and natural resources is huge. It is important that all companies,whether local or international, control, monitor and reduce their energy consumption,waste production, use of resources and transportation. This project has helped us tounderstand how these companies work, what measurements they have in place forimprovements and what they are still trying to find solutions for.49

One of the most poignant findings was during our visit to MTU. They were thecompany which proved to have the most devastating effects on the environment, andthe fewest policies and procedures in place for energy and waste management.Being the largest grossing company, they would in effect have the most money tosave, should they implement some basic but significant changes to theirenvironmental attitude.Another interesting result was the effect that oil contaminated materials had on therecycling effort of each company. We found that there was no effective way to cleanor dispose of these products, which was often the only major blemish on their wastemanagement reports.Looking at our results, we believe that the project goal has been achieved. In manyways, we learned much more than we initially set out to. We experienced a widerange of manufacturing processes throughout the visits in Germany and Wales andbecome we became increasingly familiar with the legislation governing theenvironmental laws throughout Europe.From the outset, we felt that the project was very relevant to the modernmanufacturing industry. The affect that manufacturing has on the landscape, theatmosphere and natural resources is huge. It is important that all companies,whether local or international, control, monitor and reduce their energy consumption,waste production, use of resources and transportation. This project has helped us tounderstand how these companies work, what measurements they have in place forimprovements and what they are still trying to find solutions for.49

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