Section 2 i) Initial Research Work - Gewerbliche Schule Ravensburg

Section 2 i) Initial Research Work - Gewerbliche Schule Ravensburg Section 2 i) Initial Research Work - Gewerbliche Schule Ravensburg
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Conclusion:When we carried out our industrial visit at General Electric Aviation Wales weasked the same set of questions we asked every other company. The engines theyrepair then go to operators all over the world. This is achieved by transporting themby lorry and by putting them on wing to fly out to where they want to be. Consideringthe industry General electric aviation Wales is part of, while they can control theamount of emissions to a certain extend by making then more efficient the enginesstill put out a lot of emission, they are of the damage that this could be causing theenvironment so they make an effort with in their business to reduce the amount ofemissions and energy used in overhauling the engines.While General Electric Aviation Wales is not an EMAS or ISO1400 accreditedbusiness they are concerned about the amount of waste and energy they use. Theyare part of the green sky project, whose aim it is to reduce emissions produced byaircraft by 50% by 2050, and they are also accredited by the carbon trust due to thework they are doing to reduce the amount of emissions and energy they use.In conclusion to this visit as a group we decided that General Electric is aresponsible company concerned about the amount of emissions produced by theirindustry and doing their best to reduce their footprint46

Section 8ConclusionThe idea behind the German/Welsh exchange was to look into several differentmanufacturing companies throughout Germany and Wales. Our main goal was togather information and put together a report outlining different areas of eachcompany regarding environmental sustainability and compare our findings.The site tours and discussions involved took us through the processes of thecompanies, from which we were able to determine not only the energy efficiency ofeach site, but the future plans and active practices currently employed.Briefly, we found that MTU had a significant problem with the disposal of oil andcomponents contaminated with it. There appeared to be very little planning withregards to the impact the company hason the environment, but they weremaking an improvement with waterwaste, which they were treating andreturning to Lake Constance. There wasno evidence of future environmentalprojects or plans to reduce waste orother disruption caused to theenvironment. However, this companywere in the process of being taken over by a company called Daimler, who haveextensive environmental policies already in place.RAFI, on the other hand, employed a team which monitored energy usage and theamount of waste produced. This team worked together with the production staff tocome up with various ways to save energy and money,such as energy efficient lighting around the site. They alsohave a reuse and recycle policy which has had a positiveimpact on their waste production. The only negative wefound was the oil and oil contaminated components, whichcannot be reused or recycled.47

Conclusion:When we carried out our industrial visit at General Electric Aviation Wales weasked the same set of questions we asked every other company. The engines theyrepair then go to operators all over the world. This is achieved by transporting themby lorry and by putting them on wing to fly out to where they want to be. Consideringthe industry General electric aviation Wales is part of, while they can control theamount of emissions to a certain extend by making then more efficient the enginesstill put out a lot of emission, they are of the damage that this could be causing theenvironment so they make an effort with in their business to reduce the amount ofemissions and energy used in overhauling the engines.While General Electric Aviation Wales is not an EMAS or ISO1400 accreditedbusiness they are concerned about the amount of waste and energy they use. Theyare part of the green sky project, whose aim it is to reduce emissions produced byaircraft by 50% by 2050, and they are also accredited by the carbon trust due to thework they are doing to reduce the amount of emissions and energy they use.In conclusion to this visit as a group we decided that General Electric is aresponsible company concerned about the amount of emissions produced by theirindustry and doing their best to reduce their footprint46

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