Section 2 i) Initial Research Work - Gewerbliche Schule Ravensburg

Section 2 i) Initial Research Work - Gewerbliche Schule Ravensburg Section 2 i) Initial Research Work - Gewerbliche Schule Ravensburg
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Section 5Environmental German Company Reports1) MTUVisit 18.05.2011The MTU engine plant produces a range of high output engines, for example Gasengine systems, Diesel engine systems, Gas turbine systems and Gen-drive enginesfor ships, military vehicles or emergency generator for nuclear power plants.Agenda:9:00: Arriving at MTU, short introduction into the company, how the company wasformed and background information.9:30- 10:30: Showing raw material of the engines and the treatment.10:30-11.30: Assembly process of the engines.11.30-12:30: Fitting of the ancillaries.12:30-13:30: Installing of the electricity into the engines.13:30-13.45: Engine testing.13.45- 14:00: Painting, finishing, wrapping of the engine and dispatch of the product.14:00: Asking questions about the company.18

MTU view on Sustainability:Climate-neutral, regenerative energy sources will continue to play an increasinglyimportant role in our future. MTU Onsite Energy is taking on the responsibility fortomorrow‘s needs with innovative solutions for a better and more sustainable energysupply.MTU EnergyThe MTU factory is on the edge of Lake Constance, they take full advantage of thelake by using the water from there in the factory. They use the water in the factory forcoolant; wash down components and for urinals. They have requirements to followwhen using the lake water and this is for them to recycle the water and return it tothe lake. They treat the water, check the degrees and have to monitor the PH scaleof it before returning it to the lake.Another energy resource that is saved is heat energy. Heat energy is saved by themburning their waste packaging, which is then converted into heat and used all aroundthe factory for drying paint sprayed on the engines and heating etc.They also save energy by keeping the heat in around the factory by using fire wooddoors and well insulated ceilings, floors and walls. They have automatic doors soonce a vehicle leaves the doors automatically close, this is to ensure heating doesnot get wasted and is kept constant.A new company called Daimler will take over on Wednesday 18 th of May 2011 andwill look more into environmental issues. As right now MTU Company did not haveany prospects set up to look and save energy to lower their outgoing costs. WhenDaimler steps in they will be looking to save costs, outgoings, lower Co2 emissions,energy used and look into projects being set up.19

MTU view on Sustainability:Climate-neutral, regenerative energy sources will continue to play an increasinglyimportant role in our future. MTU Onsite Energy is taking on the responsibility fortomorrow‘s needs with innovative solutions for a better and more sustainable energysupply.MTU EnergyThe MTU factory is on the edge of Lake Constance, they take full advantage of thelake by using the water from there in the factory. They use the water in the factory forcoolant; wash down components and for urinals. They have requirements to followwhen using the lake water and this is for them to recycle the water and return it tothe lake. They treat the water, check the degrees and have to monitor the PH scaleof it before returning it to the lake.Another energy resource that is saved is heat energy. Heat energy is saved by themburning their waste packaging, which is then converted into heat and used all aroundthe factory for drying paint sprayed on the engines and heating etc.They also save energy by keeping the heat in around the factory by using fire wooddoors and well insulated ceilings, floors and walls. They have automatic doors soonce a vehicle leaves the doors automatically close, this is to ensure heating doesnot get wasted and is kept constant.A new company called Daimler will take over on Wednesday 18 th of May 2011 andwill look more into environmental issues. As right now MTU Company did not haveany prospects set up to look and save energy to lower their outgoing costs. WhenDaimler steps in they will be looking to save costs, outgoings, lower Co2 emissions,energy used and look into projects being set up.19

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