Section 2 i) Initial Research Work - Gewerbliche Schule Ravensburg

Section 2 i) Initial Research Work - Gewerbliche Schule Ravensburg Section 2 i) Initial Research Work - Gewerbliche Schule Ravensburg
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o Looking at what areas are coldest and which areas need more heatthan others• Doorso New doors being installed to conserve heat and therefore reduceheating required• Energy management teamo Weekly meetings to discuss progress and ideaso Meet with RUM to collate datao Look at trends, improvements and changes in working practices• Shop floor energy teamo Monthly meetings to produce new ideas from the people actuallyworking in the areas consuming large amounts of energyo Welcome ideas from the whole staff• Working with local breweryo Helping each other come up with new ideas for energy saving, eg.Growing fruit and vegetables in the grounds to use in the canteenEnvironmental• Cleaning of surfaceso Company uses lots of solvents for the cleaning of metalso This must be reported to the council to report consumption and its safedisposalo Responsibility to dispose of safely, could cause pollution, acid rain, etcif not done so properly• Watero Company treats all their own water, therefore reducing costso All water that has come into contact with metal is treated ascontaminatedo Welsh Water test the water each month to ensure it is cleano The company treat 75 cubic meters of water per day• Air conditioningo Old system in place, making it inefficiento Leaks gas, produces condensationo New system will save energy and money• Fuel12

o Inspectors visit annually to check bands on fuel tanks to ensure thereare no leakso Drip trays are used when the fuel lorry is unloading to preventspillages, waste and accidentso Keys are taken from fuel lorry driver to reduce risk of lorry movingwhilst the hose is attachedo Spill kits are available at spill stations around the siteo Drains and floats are used in case of spillages and to monitor levelso Dedicated spill response team and 24 hour emergency team available• Solid wasteo Three different bins on site to segregate rubbisho Bubble wrap, metal and hazardous waste separatedo Cardboard is baled and sold to a recycling companyo SOS metals pay for clean metal, 1 tonne at a timeo Hazardous material disposal cost £47,000 last montho Hazardous material includes gloves, rags and anything that has beenin contact with metal and cannot be sorted• Healtho Encourage healthy lifestyleo Health Ahead provides reduced gym membershipo Cycle to work scheme offering discounts on bikeso Many sporting groups, football, rugby, squash, golfo All of the above are encouraging people to be healthier and alsoencouraging them to use their cars less, therefore reducing energyconsumptiono The company are recognised for their proactive approach to promotinghealthy options for the workforce13

o Looking at what areas are coldest and which areas need more heatthan others• Doorso New doors being installed to conserve heat and therefore reduceheating required• Energy management teamo Weekly meetings to discuss progress and ideaso Meet with RUM to collate datao Look at trends, improvements and changes in working practices• Shop floor energy teamo Monthly meetings to produce new ideas from the people actuallyworking in the areas consuming large amounts of energyo Welcome ideas from the whole staff• <strong>Work</strong>ing with local breweryo Helping each other come up with new ideas for energy saving, eg.Growing fruit and vegetables in the grounds to use in the canteenEnvironmental• Cleaning of surfaceso Company uses lots of solvents for the cleaning of metalso This must be reported to the council to report consumption and its safedisposalo Responsibility to dispose of safely, could cause pollution, acid rain, etcif not done so properly• Watero Company treats all their own water, therefore reducing costso All water that has come into contact with metal is treated ascontaminatedo Welsh Water test the water each month to ensure it is cleano The company treat 75 cubic meters of water per day• Air conditioningo Old system in place, making it inefficiento Leaks gas, produces condensationo New system will save energy and money• Fuel12

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