Why Wesleyan? - West Virginia Wesleyan College

Why Wesleyan? - West Virginia Wesleyan College Why Wesleyan? - West Virginia Wesleyan College


Alumni News & Class Notes19962001Birth Announcements1962Arundel County Public schools. 41995 2000D. BOYD DOTSON, JR., Charleston,WV, would like to announce hisnew grandson, Andrew JordanREBECCA FLESHMAN JAY, Frederick,MD, along with her husbandSteve, are happy to announce the1Dotson, son of Mr. & Mrs.birth of their daughter MeganMATTHEW DAVID DOTSON ’94, Elizabeth on January 8, 2010. Sheborn February 25, 2010. FatherMatt is a former outstandingWV Wesleyan College linebackerand grandfather Boyd is a chartermember of the Wesleyan AthleticHall of Fame, with letters infootball, basketball and track. 1joins big brothers Matthew andRyan at home. 31997GEORGE K. COYNE, III, Alexandria,VA, and his wife, Allison, are happyto announce the birth of theirsecond son, Gavin Paul, on21975February 26, 2010. Gavin joins hisJOSEPH M. SHREVE, Buckhannon,WV, and his wife, VICKY OVERBECKSHREVE ’75, announce the birthof a grandson, Isaac Paul Minigh,four-year-old big brother, Jackson.George continues to work as amental health therapist in privatepractice in Falls Church, VA.3 4born May 5, 2010.19981990KRISTEN HOLMBERG POLLOCK,KRISTI HOOVER-KOZAMCHAK, Severna Park, MD, along with2002Dallas, TX, and her husband,Joe, welcomed the arrival oftheir second child, Emily Sarah,born October 1, 2009. She is theher husband, George, are proudto announce the birth of AydenWilliam born January 21, 2010. Hejoins big sister Caroline Elizabeth,younger sister of Samuel Anthony age 3, at home. Kristen is a special5who is 3 years old.education teacher for Anne20036 78 9SAMUEL L. MAURY, JR.,Mechanicsburg, PA, and his wife,Kesha, welcomed their thirdchild in July 2009. Now Grace andFrances have a brother, little Sam.ANGELA MCFARLAND BORN, SaintLouis, MO, and her husband, John,along with their other childrenBrooke (13), JD (7), and William(6) are pleased to announce thebirth of triplets on January 1, 2010– Samuel Dennis, Matthew Keith,and Audree Hope. Angela plans toretire from Meda Pharmaceuticalsafter 12 years of specialty sales tocare for her new additions. 2JENNIFER J. SIMMONS MOSS,along with her husband, STEVENM. MOSS ’04 announce with loveand joy the birth of their son,Keegan Alexander, on March 2,2010. REV. R. KEITH SIMMONS ’74and REV. RUTH LANTZ SIMMONS’74 are the proud grandparents,and LAURA SIMMONS ’04 isdelighted to become an aunt.Steve was also recently recognizedas the top performer nationwidein 2009 for Canon copierdealership sales. 5LAUREN MCCOLLUM BROCCHI,Washington, PA, and her husband,MICHAEL BROCCHI ’98, announcethe birth of their daughter LaineElizabeth, born December 27, 2009.6THOMAS CLAY WELSHONCE,Wexford, PA, and his wife,CAROLYN HENLEY WELSHONCE’02, announce the birth of theirson, Eben James, born October 19,2008. Eben is the grandson ofJEFFREY C. WELSHONCE ’75,DEBORAH CRAWFORDWELSHONCE ’75, and KRISTINEKNOBEL HENLEY ’75, and thegreat-grandson of LAURA WATKINSCRAWFORD ’49 and HARRIETTWHETSELL WELSHONCE ’43.PHILLIP PARSONS, Little Hocking,OH, and his wife, Becky, announcethe birth of their first child, PaigeLeeAnn, born July 25, 2009. 7JAMES NAMSUPAK, Morgantown,WV and his wife, LAUREN PECTYONAMSUPAK ’04, welcomedtheir first child, Lorelei PectyoNamsupak, on July 30, 2009. 8EMILY BYRER LUTERAN,Meadville, PA, and her husband,JARED P. LUTERAN ’98, welcomedtheir second child, Ava Marilyn,on February 16, 2010. Lucas isnow 3 1/2. 93 0 SUNDIAL SUMMER/FALL 2010

Alumni News & Class NotesNICHOLAS R. PERPERAS,Bridgeport, WV, and his wife,KATHERINE E. DAVIS PERPERAS’03, announce the birth of theirson, Jack Ryan, born November29, 2009. Nick is an alumnus ofAlpha Sigma Phi and Katie is analumna of Alpha Gamma Delta.Jack is the grandson of NICHOLASJ. PERPERAS ’74 and REBECCAANDREWS PERPERAS ’74. q02004 20 07q0NICOLE MUTAFIS MORAVY andCRAIG MORAVY, Frederick, MD,announce the birth of their firstson, Mason Anthony, on October26, 2009. qqELIZABETH ANDERSON VIVIANO,Wheeling, WV, and her husband,BRIAN VIVIANO ’05, announcethe birth of their daughter, AvaMichele, born July 15, 2009. Ava isthe granddaughter of Vincent andMary Viviano and Paula and JAMESANDERSON ’70.qaFor the schedule of events, additional details, and to register, go to www.wvwc.edu/alumni.Contact us if you have questions at 800-768-8264 or alumni@wvwc.edu.SUMMER/FALL 2010 SUNDIAL 31

Alumni News & Class Notes19962001Birth Announcements1962Arundel County Public schools. 41995 2000D. BOYD DOTSON, JR., Charleston,WV, would like to announce hisnew grandson, Andrew JordanREBECCA FLESHMAN JAY, Frederick,MD, along with her husbandSteve, are happy to announce the1Dotson, son of Mr. & Mrs.birth of their daughter MeganMATTHEW DAVID DOTSON ’94, Elizabeth on January 8, 2010. Sheborn February 25, 2010. FatherMatt is a former outstandingWV <strong>Wesleyan</strong> <strong>College</strong> linebackerand grandfather Boyd is a chartermember of the <strong>Wesleyan</strong> AthleticHall of Fame, with letters infootball, basketball and track. 1joins big brothers Matthew andRyan at home. 31997GEORGE K. COYNE, III, Alexandria,VA, and his wife, Allison, are happyto announce the birth of theirsecond son, Gavin Paul, on21975February 26, 2010. Gavin joins hisJOSEPH M. SHREVE, Buckhannon,WV, and his wife, VICKY OVERBECKSHREVE ’75, announce the birthof a grandson, Isaac Paul Minigh,four-year-old big brother, Jackson.George continues to work as amental health therapist in privatepractice in Falls Church, VA.3 4born May 5, 2010.19981990KRISTEN HOLMBERG POLLOCK,KRISTI HOOVER-KOZAMCHAK, Severna Park, MD, along with2002Dallas, TX, and her husband,Joe, welcomed the arrival oftheir second child, Emily Sarah,born October 1, 2009. She is theher husband, George, are proudto announce the birth of AydenWilliam born January 21, 2010. Hejoins big sister Caroline Elizabeth,younger sister of Samuel Anthony age 3, at home. Kristen is a special5who is 3 years old.education teacher for Anne20036 78 9SAMUEL L. MAURY, JR.,Mechanicsburg, PA, and his wife,Kesha, welcomed their thirdchild in July 2009. Now Grace andFrances have a brother, little Sam.ANGELA MCFARLAND BORN, SaintLouis, MO, and her husband, John,along with their other childrenBrooke (13), JD (7), and William(6) are pleased to announce thebirth of triplets on January 1, 2010– Samuel Dennis, Matthew Keith,and Audree Hope. Angela plans toretire from Meda Pharmaceuticalsafter 12 years of specialty sales tocare for her new additions. 2JENNIFER J. SIMMONS MOSS,along with her husband, STEVENM. MOSS ’04 announce with loveand joy the birth of their son,Keegan Alexander, on March 2,2010. REV. R. KEITH SIMMONS ’74and REV. RUTH LANTZ SIMMONS’74 are the proud grandparents,and LAURA SIMMONS ’04 isdelighted to become an aunt.Steve was also recently recognizedas the top performer nationwidein 2009 for Canon copierdealership sales. 5LAUREN MCCOLLUM BROCCHI,Washington, PA, and her husband,MICHAEL BROCCHI ’98, announcethe birth of their daughter LaineElizabeth, born December 27, 2009.6THOMAS CLAY WELSHONCE,Wexford, PA, and his wife,CAROLYN HENLEY WELSHONCE’02, announce the birth of theirson, Eben James, born October 19,2008. Eben is the grandson ofJEFFREY C. WELSHONCE ’75,DEBORAH CRAWFORDWELSHONCE ’75, and KRISTINEKNOBEL HENLEY ’75, and thegreat-grandson of LAURA WATKINSCRAWFORD ’49 and HARRIETTWHETSELL WELSHONCE ’43.PHILLIP PARSONS, Little Hocking,OH, and his wife, Becky, announcethe birth of their first child, PaigeLeeAnn, born July 25, 2009. 7JAMES NAMSUPAK, Morgantown,WV and his wife, LAUREN PECTYONAMSUPAK ’04, welcomedtheir first child, Lorelei PectyoNamsupak, on July 30, 2009. 8EMILY BYRER LUTERAN,Meadville, PA, and her husband,JARED P. LUTERAN ’98, welcomedtheir second child, Ava Marilyn,on February 16, 2010. Lucas isnow 3 1/2. 93 0 SUNDIAL SUMMER/FALL 2010

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