Why Wesleyan? - West Virginia Wesleyan College

Why Wesleyan? - West Virginia Wesleyan College Why Wesleyan? - West Virginia Wesleyan College


Alumni News & Class Notes4567Workforce WV, and RESA 5.She teaches job readiness andlife skills to students who arereceiving cash assistance throughthe State of West Virginia as partof the WV Works program. Susansays, “by God’s grace” she wasrecognized at the WV AdultEducation Association’s FallConference for obtaining fourthplace among her peers in gainingprofessional development creditsduring fiscal year 2008/2009. Shecontinues to teach private pianolessons and is actively involvedin music ministry at her homechurch, Williams Creek Baptist.Susan and her husband, Terence,reside in Parkersburg, and sharea total of six adult children andtwo grandchildren.KELLY HAMPTON NADEAU,Conyers, GA, works for the Stateof Georgia in the Division ofEmergency Preparedness andResponse. She is the Directorof the Healthcare CommunityPreparedness Program and workswith hospitals, community healthcenters, nursing homes, publichealth, and healthcare volunteers.This involves lots of travel aroundthe state. Kelly is still teachingtrauma and ACLS courses in her“spare” time.1981SUSAN C. MCGHEE, Bloomington,IN, was named the ExecutivePresbyter of the Presbytery ofOhio Valley, a middle governingbody of the Presbyterian Church(USA) that serves 80 congregationsin central and southern Indiana.1983TAMARA NICKLAS MANHARD,Apex, NC, passed her InternationalBoard of Certified LactationConsultants exam. She has beenan RN since graduation and workson the mother/baby floor at UNCHospital, Chapel Hill, NC. Tamara’shusband, PATRICK MANHARD ’82,was awarded CFO of the yearfor a midsize company in theDurham Triangle.FERN ANNETTE LANE FIELDS,Wilmington, DE, is a breast cancersurvivor!198919841985WILLIAM E. HASTINGS, Harrisville,PA, was ordained as a full elder atthe Western Pennsylvania AnnualConference, June 14, 2009, byBISHOP THOMAS BICKERTON ’81.Bill continues to serve at HarrisvilleUnited Methodist Church.NICOLE ONORI HANSEN, Rochester,MN, and her husband, Jay, areproud to announce that their14-year-old son, Evan, achievedthe rank of Eagle Scout onOctober 15, 2009. For his EagleScout project, Evan planned,designed and led a crew of boysin the construction of a “3D”Archery Course at Camp Olson innorth-central Minnesota. Nicolecompleted the WellcoachesWellness Coach Training andCertification Program in 2008,which is endorsed by the AmericanCollege of Sports Medicine. Nicoleis a Certified Wellness Coach,Licensed Corporate Wellcoachand occupational therapist. Sherecently founded and launchedTrue North Life & WellnessCoaching, a private coachingpractice based in Rochester, MN,that provides comprehensive life& wellness coaching services forindividuals and small businesses.In September 2009, she was hiredby Wellcoaches Corporation asa Workshop Manager. In thisposition, she manages andcoordinates live workshopsthroughout the United States andCanada. Nicole may be reached atwww.truenorthcoachingmn.com.STEPHEN M. JONES, Greenville, NC,is the head of school at WashingtonMontessori Public Charter School,one of only three Montessorischools in the state. Stephen andhis wife, KELLI KEECH JONES ’89,live in Greenville with their two sons,Garrett and Grant. 4SHARON STARTZELL WALTON,French Creek, WV, was selectedas the WV Society for GeneralMusic’s 2010 General MusicTeacher of the Year. Sharoncurrently teaches at four UpshurCounty schools.1992KATHLEEN MORSE GORKA, Wexford,PA, is a family social worker forThe Children’s Home of Pittsburgh& Lemieux Family Center. Sheworks for the organization’sadoption program, and in hernew position Kathy will completeand approve family studies withprospective adoptive parents. Shebrings her personal experienceas an adoptee, as well as clinicalexperience as a therapist to TheChildren’s Home. Prior to joiningThe Children’s Home, Kathy wasan intake worker at Beaver CountyBehavioral Health. 51994DEREK B. STEED, Burlington, NC,an attorney with the Burlingtonlaw firm of Wishart NorrisHenninger & Pittman, joined theboard of trustees of Alamance2 6 SUNDIAL SUMMER/FALL 2010

Alumni News & Class NotesCommunity College and wassworn in August 10, 2009. Inaddition, Derek was chosen forthe special “Rising Stars” categoryof “Super Lawyers,” whichselects outstanding attorneysin more than 70 practices in theBurlington area who have attainedhigh peer recognition andprofessional achievement. Derekis the son of Jerry and DIANASTEED ’89, brother of BRADLEY G.STEED ’86, and the husband ofJULIE BRANNON STEED ’94. 6CHRISTOPHER T. BISHOP,Ridgefield, CT, received thefirst-ever ROAR Community StarAward, a new honor presentedeach year to an individual fromWilton or Ridgefield who makes“a significant contribution to thewell-being of dogs and cats,helping to enhance the bondbetween animals and people,and in the process enrichinglife for families and individualsthroughout our community.” Hisinterest in ROAR and in fightingcanine cancer stems from his loveof dogs. Chris received this awardon February 27, 2010. 7BRADLEY J. LESZCZYNSKI,Morristown, NJ, along withpartners Jennifer LoBiancoGregersen and Andrea Hoffmannannounce the launch of 8fold(www.8foldworks.com), anintegrated creative servicesagency. Each of the partnershas worked with brands largeand small over the years,including recognizable namessuch as CENTURY 21, Blimpie,Arby’s, T-Mobile, New York Life,and Cheap Tickets.ANGEL L. WILLIAMSON, DistrictHeights, MD, submitted this photoof an alumni summer gatheringon May 29, 2010 in UpperMarlboro, MD, including MAKEISEFAISON-RICKS ’98, SHERRONSANDERS SMITH ’00, ANGELWILLIAMSON ’99, CLIFTON TAYLOR’01, and KRISTAL TURNER ’02. 8ANNE THORNTON HELMICK,Berkeley Springs, WV, was oneof 12 West Virginia teachers toreceive the Arch Coal TeacherAchievement Award on March 9at the Clay Center in Charleston.The Arch Coal awards programis the longest running, privatelysponsored teacher recognitionprogram in West Virginia. Anneteaches a self-contained sixthgrade class at the Paw PawSchool in Morgan County. Annereceived a $3500 cash award andher school received a $1000 grantfrom the West Virginia EducationAssociation to use with at-riskstudents. Anne’s husband, IAN L.HELMICK ’00, teaches music anddirects the band in the sameK–12 system. They have a threeyear-olddaughter, Audrey.JESSICA L. WHALEN, Charlotte,NC, submitted this photo froma Charlotte Alumni Chaptercommittee meeting. Memberson the committee are: TRAVISSTOWERS ’03, MONICA NORMAN’02, WHITNEY HITCHCOCK ’02,KATIE BOWLES MILLER ’03, LEEANN PATTON ’84, and JESSICAWHALEN ’02. q08MELINDA L. LAPAN, MBA ’96,Neptune, NJ, recently was named200091995 for the WVU versus Cincinnatifootball game on November 13,HR Person of the Year by theHuman Resources ManagementAssociation of Princeton, NJ.CHRIS LONG, Cincinnati, OH, andhis wife, AMY THORP LONG ’00,hosted several Wesleyan friends2009. Pictured, left to right, areCURTIS WILKERSON ’99, KRISTIq0LAWRENCE WILKERSON ’99, PAULDAUGHTERY ’00, AMY THORPLONG ’00, CHRIS LONG ’00,Jeremy Hofer, ALLISON QUINNGUIDO ’02, CRAIG GUIDO ’00and CHAD BURDETTE ’00. 92002CODY PHILLIPS and MATTHEWSURRENCY, Hurricane, WV, andGlen Allen, VA, have joined toform the country music actof Phillips and Surrency. Theirdebut CD is ready for release.Cody’s and Matt’s music islive on their website at www.phillipsandsurrency.com, whereyou can order the CD or downloadto MP-3. Cody is the son of BRENTPHILLIPS ’69 and SUSIE TRAINERPHILLIPS ’71, and the husband ofCOURTNEY CRIST PHILLIPS ’03.Matt is the husband of MELISSARIFFEE SURRENCY ’03.2004STEPHEN BROTHERS-MCGREW,Buckhannon, WV, earned a Masterof Arts in Communication Studiesfrom West Virginia University onMay 16, 2010. The degree emphasiswas in corporate and organizationalcommunication. Stephen hasbeen on staff at WVWC sinceFebruary 2007.2005ANDREW S. DUNCAN, Fairborn,OH, won an audition as atrombonist in the United StatesAir Force Band of Flight. AndrewqaqwSUMMER/FALL 2010 SUNDIAL 27

Alumni News & Class NotesCommunity <strong>College</strong> and wassworn in August 10, 2009. Inaddition, Derek was chosen forthe special “Rising Stars” categoryof “Super Lawyers,” whichselects outstanding attorneysin more than 70 practices in theBurlington area who have attainedhigh peer recognition andprofessional achievement. Derekis the son of Jerry and DIANASTEED ’89, brother of BRADLEY G.STEED ’86, and the husband ofJULIE BRANNON STEED ’94. 6CHRISTOPHER T. BISHOP,Ridgefield, CT, received thefirst-ever ROAR Community StarAward, a new honor presentedeach year to an individual fromWilton or Ridgefield who makes“a significant contribution to thewell-being of dogs and cats,helping to enhance the bondbetween animals and people,and in the process enrichinglife for families and individualsthroughout our community.” Hisinterest in ROAR and in fightingcanine cancer stems from his loveof dogs. Chris received this awardon February 27, 2010. 7BRADLEY J. LESZCZYNSKI,Morristown, NJ, along withpartners Jennifer LoBiancoGregersen and Andrea Hoffmannannounce the launch of 8fold(www.8foldworks.com), anintegrated creative servicesagency. Each of the partnershas worked with brands largeand small over the years,including recognizable namessuch as CENTURY 21, Blimpie,Arby’s, T-Mobile, New York Life,and Cheap Tickets.ANGEL L. WILLIAMSON, DistrictHeights, MD, submitted this photoof an alumni summer gatheringon May 29, 2010 in UpperMarlboro, MD, including MAKEISEFAISON-RICKS ’98, SHERRONSANDERS SMITH ’00, ANGELWILLIAMSON ’99, CLIFTON TAYLOR’01, and KRISTAL TURNER ’02. 8ANNE THORNTON HELMICK,Berkeley Springs, WV, was oneof 12 <strong>West</strong> <strong>Virginia</strong> teachers toreceive the Arch Coal TeacherAchievement Award on March 9at the Clay Center in Charleston.The Arch Coal awards programis the longest running, privatelysponsored teacher recognitionprogram in <strong>West</strong> <strong>Virginia</strong>. Anneteaches a self-contained sixthgrade class at the Paw PawSchool in Morgan County. Annereceived a $3500 cash award andher school received a $1000 grantfrom the <strong>West</strong> <strong>Virginia</strong> EducationAssociation to use with at-riskstudents. Anne’s husband, IAN L.HELMICK ’00, teaches music anddirects the band in the sameK–12 system. They have a threeyear-olddaughter, Audrey.JESSICA L. WHALEN, Charlotte,NC, submitted this photo froma Charlotte Alumni Chaptercommittee meeting. Memberson the committee are: TRAVISSTOWERS ’03, MONICA NORMAN’02, WHITNEY HITCHCOCK ’02,KATIE BOWLES MILLER ’03, LEEANN PATTON ’84, and JESSICAWHALEN ’02. q08MELINDA L. LAPAN, MBA ’96,Neptune, NJ, recently was named200091995 for the WVU versus Cincinnatifootball game on November 13,HR Person of the Year by theHuman Resources ManagementAssociation of Princeton, NJ.CHRIS LONG, Cincinnati, OH, andhis wife, AMY THORP LONG ’00,hosted several <strong>Wesleyan</strong> friends2009. Pictured, left to right, areCURTIS WILKERSON ’99, KRISTIq0LAWRENCE WILKERSON ’99, PAULDAUGHTERY ’00, AMY THORPLONG ’00, CHRIS LONG ’00,Jeremy Hofer, ALLISON QUINNGUIDO ’02, CRAIG GUIDO ’00and CHAD BURDETTE ’00. 92002CODY PHILLIPS and MATTHEWSURRENCY, Hurricane, WV, andGlen Allen, VA, have joined toform the country music actof Phillips and Surrency. Theirdebut CD is ready for release.Cody’s and Matt’s music islive on their website at www.phillipsandsurrency.com, whereyou can order the CD or downloadto MP-3. Cody is the son of BRENTPHILLIPS ’69 and SUSIE TRAINERPHILLIPS ’71, and the husband ofCOURTNEY CRIST PHILLIPS ’03.Matt is the husband of MELISSARIFFEE SURRENCY ’03.2004STEPHEN BROTHERS-MCGREW,Buckhannon, WV, earned a Masterof Arts in Communication Studiesfrom <strong>West</strong> <strong>Virginia</strong> University onMay 16, 2010. The degree emphasiswas in corporate and organizationalcommunication. Stephen hasbeen on staff at WVWC sinceFebruary 2007.2005ANDREW S. DUNCAN, Fairborn,OH, won an audition as atrombonist in the United StatesAir Force Band of Flight. AndrewqaqwSUMMER/FALL 2010 SUNDIAL 27

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