Why Wesleyan? - West Virginia Wesleyan College

Why Wesleyan? - West Virginia Wesleyan College Why Wesleyan? - West Virginia Wesleyan College


NEWS FROM ERICKSON ALUMNI CENTERHomecoming 2010From mum corsages and glow-in-the-dark putt-puttgolf to great food and athletic games, there’s trulysomething for everyone at Homecoming! Don’tmiss this opportunity to walk down memory laneand reminisce about your college days.2010 Alumni AwardsDuring Homecoming weekend we have the pleasure ofhonoring our 2010 Alumni Award recipients, a programsponsored by the Alumni Council. Join us at the annualAlumni Banquet on Saturday evening, October 2, as wepay tribute to the following distinguished alumni andfriends of Wesleyan.ALUMNI SERVICE AWARDJ. BROOKS JONES, CLASS OF 1962Brooks Jones’ ’62 service to Wesleyan truly began asa student. During his college years, he was a memberof Kappa Sigma Kappa (now Theta Xi), CommunityCouncil, and Concert Chorale, as well as a chartermember of the Wesleyan Circle of Omicron DeltaKappa. But it is his outstanding commitment toWesleyan as an alumnus, a volunteer, and a staffmember that warrants this recognition. For decades,he has worked tirelessly for the betterment of theCollege, and many of his good deeds have often goneundocumented. His advocacy for the College hasbeen at a level termed “an unprecedented degree.”Brooks spent more than 20 years serving Wesleyan in a variety of alumni relationsand fundraising positions. From 1968 to 1972, Brooks served as director of alumnirelations. He returned in 1989 as director of development and director of the SecondCentury Campaign, which raised over $28 million for college programs, endowment,faculty salaries, and a new dining center. He retired in 2005 as director of gift planning.Brooks and his wife, Josette Holtzworth Jones ’63, continue to reside in Buckhannon,and he remains in active service to Wesleyan today as a board member of the BobcatPride Club and an advisor to the Office of Advancement.Visit with friends September30 to October 3 when wecelebrate all alumni andfriends of Wesleyan.Join us as we salute ourreunion classes. Specialreunion activities are opento all alumni and recognizethe classes of ’30, ’35, ’40,’45, ’50, ’55, ’60, ’65, ’70, ’75,’80, ’85, ’90, ’95, ’00, and ’05.Registration is free and easy!Simply complete the hard-copyform in the brochure and mailit to Erickson Alumni Center orgo online towww.wvwc.edu/alumni.Brochures including thecomplete Homecomingschedule were mailed earlierthis summer.1 6 SUNDIAL SUMMER/FALL 2010

ALUMNI ACHIEVEMENT AWARDROBIN JEAN DAVIS, CLASS OF 1978The Honorable Robin Jean Davis’78 currently serves as Chief Justiceof the West Virginia Supreme Courtof Appeals. She completed a master’sdegree and law degree from WestVirginia University in 1982. From1982 to 1996, she was engaged inprivate practice of law. In 1991, shewas appointed to the West VirginiaBoard of Law Examiners, and in 1993she became the first lawyer in West Virginia to be inducted intothe American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers. In 1996, shewas elected to fill an unexpired term on the Supreme Courtof Appeals. She was re-elected in 2000 to a full 12-year term.Her accomplishments as a Supreme Court Justice are immenseincluding continuing the Court’s work with children andfamilies, and keeping the Court current with technology.A native of Boone County, WV, Justice Davis received theDistinguished West Virginian Award in 2000. In 2008, shereceived the Graduate of Distinction Award from the WestVirginia Education Alliance. She is also the author of severalWest Virginia Law Review articles. She is married to Scott Segaland has a son, Oliver.ALUMNI ACHIEVEMENT AWARDCAROL DUFFIELD, CLASS OF 1999Serving as director of the UpshurParish House for more than a decade,Carol Duffield ’99 came to parishministry at mid-life. She pastoredchurches in McDowell County, WVbefore moving on to churches on theUpshur/Barbour County line. Shebegan her studies at Wesleyan inthe mid-1990s as a nontraditionalstudent. Since 2000, she completedher seminary education and was ordained as an Elder in TheUnited Methodist Church. Carol and her husband, Doug,recently returned to Ohio to live closer to their family.While at the Parish House, Carol gave a tremendous amountof kindness and energy to the Upshur County community andits residents and also to Wesleyan and its students. She hostednumerous Bonner Scholars, student interns, and communityengagement students. She brought vision and creativity to hersense of fair play and unqualified respect for all people, expandingthe programs of the Parish House in every direction. In additionto programming expansion, the physical size of the ParishHouse location grew under Carol’s direction. From food pantryvouchers to clothing vouchers, from utility payment assistance tolayettes, and from home repair to after-school programs, Carolselflessly guided considerable growth, development and progressat the Upshur Parish House, a place she refers to as family, whereneighbors help neighbors.YOUNG ALUMNI SERVICE AWARDPETER GALARNEAU, JR., CLASS OF 1998Pete Galarneau ‘98 first becamea Bobcat in 1996 as a staff memberwith Sports Information. Hefinished his communication studiesdegree in 1998 and became theCollege’s first webmaster that sameyear. He earned his master’s degreein organizational communicationfrom West Virginia University in2003, and became an instructor ofcommunication at Wesleyan that fall.Today, Pete is an assistant professor in the communicationdepartment with concentrations in media studies and publicrelations. He is a published fiction novelist whose current worksinclude The Cubit (2008) and The Djed (2009). Pete is currentlyworking on his third novel, 0-Time.In addition to his work as a teacher and author, Pete is consideredone of the biggest Bobcat sports fans on campus, someonewho has become part of the very fabric of Bobcat athletics.Giving much of his time and energy to athletics, he is oftenfound photographing, videorecording, and writing about andannouncing game play at various sporting events. He will runa time clock or keep statistics, if that is what is needed. Petealso assists with utilizing technology for athletics. His serviceto Wesleyan and, in particular, to the Department of Athleticsis outstanding.YOUNG ALUMNI ACHIEVEMENT AWARDALLISON QUINN GUIDO, CLASS OF 2002Allison Quinn Guido ’02 currentlyserves as General Manager/Partnerof Almar Building & RemodelingCo. As such, she was named the2004 Rookie of the Year from theBuilders Association of GreaterBoston, was profiled in South ShoreLiving Magazine in their Women inBusiness feature, works with BetterHomes & Gardens as one of their“Ask the Pros,” and was recently honored as one of Cape &Plymouth Business Magazine’s 40 Under 40. She is a memberof the South Shore Business Roundtable, South Shore YoungProfessionals, and the South Shore Women’s Business Network.Beyond her professional accomplishments, Allison also coordinatesa team for the American Lung Association’s annual Asthma Walk;volunteers on the Survivors Tent planning committee for theSusan G. Komen Race for the Cure – Boston; serves as secretaryfor the Baystate Alumnae chapter of Zeta Tau Alpha; and ispresident of the Alumnae Association for Notre Dame Academy.She resides in Randolph, MA with her husband Craig Guido ’00.SUMMER/FALL 2010 SUNDIAL 17

ALUMNI ACHIEVEMENT AWARDROBIN JEAN DAVIS, CLASS OF 1978The Honorable Robin Jean Davis’78 currently serves as Chief Justiceof the <strong>West</strong> <strong>Virginia</strong> Supreme Courtof Appeals. She completed a master’sdegree and law degree from <strong>West</strong><strong>Virginia</strong> University in 1982. From1982 to 1996, she was engaged inprivate practice of law. In 1991, shewas appointed to the <strong>West</strong> <strong>Virginia</strong>Board of Law Examiners, and in 1993she became the first lawyer in <strong>West</strong> <strong>Virginia</strong> to be inducted intothe American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers. In 1996, shewas elected to fill an unexpired term on the Supreme Courtof Appeals. She was re-elected in 2000 to a full 12-year term.Her accomplishments as a Supreme Court Justice are immenseincluding continuing the Court’s work with children andfamilies, and keeping the Court current with technology.A native of Boone County, WV, Justice Davis received theDistinguished <strong>West</strong> <strong>Virginia</strong>n Award in 2000. In 2008, shereceived the Graduate of Distinction Award from the <strong>West</strong><strong>Virginia</strong> Education Alliance. She is also the author of several<strong>West</strong> <strong>Virginia</strong> Law Review articles. She is married to Scott Segaland has a son, Oliver.ALUMNI ACHIEVEMENT AWARDCAROL DUFFIELD, CLASS OF 1999Serving as director of the UpshurParish House for more than a decade,Carol Duffield ’99 came to parishministry at mid-life. She pastoredchurches in McDowell County, WVbefore moving on to churches on theUpshur/Barbour County line. Shebegan her studies at <strong>Wesleyan</strong> inthe mid-1990s as a nontraditionalstudent. Since 2000, she completedher seminary education and was ordained as an Elder in TheUnited Methodist Church. Carol and her husband, Doug,recently returned to Ohio to live closer to their family.While at the Parish House, Carol gave a tremendous amountof kindness and energy to the Upshur County community andits residents and also to <strong>Wesleyan</strong> and its students. She hostednumerous Bonner Scholars, student interns, and communityengagement students. She brought vision and creativity to hersense of fair play and unqualified respect for all people, expandingthe programs of the Parish House in every direction. In additionto programming expansion, the physical size of the ParishHouse location grew under Carol’s direction. From food pantryvouchers to clothing vouchers, from utility payment assistance tolayettes, and from home repair to after-school programs, Carolselflessly guided considerable growth, development and progressat the Upshur Parish House, a place she refers to as family, whereneighbors help neighbors.YOUNG ALUMNI SERVICE AWARDPETER GALARNEAU, JR., CLASS OF 1998Pete Galarneau ‘98 first becamea Bobcat in 1996 as a staff memberwith Sports Information. Hefinished his communication studiesdegree in 1998 and became the<strong>College</strong>’s first webmaster that sameyear. He earned his master’s degreein organizational communicationfrom <strong>West</strong> <strong>Virginia</strong> University in2003, and became an instructor ofcommunication at <strong>Wesleyan</strong> that fall.Today, Pete is an assistant professor in the communicationdepartment with concentrations in media studies and publicrelations. He is a published fiction novelist whose current worksinclude The Cubit (2008) and The Djed (2009). Pete is currentlyworking on his third novel, 0-Time.In addition to his work as a teacher and author, Pete is consideredone of the biggest Bobcat sports fans on campus, someonewho has become part of the very fabric of Bobcat athletics.Giving much of his time and energy to athletics, he is oftenfound photographing, videorecording, and writing about andannouncing game play at various sporting events. He will runa time clock or keep statistics, if that is what is needed. Petealso assists with utilizing technology for athletics. His serviceto <strong>Wesleyan</strong> and, in particular, to the Department of Athleticsis outstanding.YOUNG ALUMNI ACHIEVEMENT AWARDALLISON QUINN GUIDO, CLASS OF 2002Allison Quinn Guido ’02 currentlyserves as General Manager/Partnerof Almar Building & RemodelingCo. As such, she was named the2004 Rookie of the Year from theBuilders Association of GreaterBoston, was profiled in South ShoreLiving Magazine in their Women inBusiness feature, works with BetterHomes & Gardens as one of their“Ask the Pros,” and was recently honored as one of Cape &Plymouth Business Magazine’s 40 Under 40. She is a memberof the South Shore Business Roundtable, South Shore YoungProfessionals, and the South Shore Women’s Business Network.Beyond her professional accomplishments, Allison also coordinatesa team for the American Lung Association’s annual Asthma Walk;volunteers on the Survivors Tent planning committee for theSusan G. Komen Race for the Cure – Boston; serves as secretaryfor the Baystate Alumnae chapter of Zeta Tau Alpha; and ispresident of the Alumnae Association for Notre Dame Academy.She resides in Randolph, MA with her husband Craig Guido ’00.SUMMER/FALL 2010 SUNDIAL 17

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