Why Wesleyan? - West Virginia Wesleyan College

Why Wesleyan? - West Virginia Wesleyan College Why Wesleyan? - West Virginia Wesleyan College


A BRIEF OVERVIEW&Sororities & FraternitiesAT WESLEYANAlpha Gamma DeltaHistory: The Alpha Omicron Chapterof Alpha Gamma Delta at West VirginiaWesleyan was founded March 20, 1948.Nationally, it was started in 1904 atSyracuse University. Alpha Gamma Deltapreviously had a suite in the EnglishAnnex, but then moved to Hollowaywhere it has a suite today. Alpha GammaDelta has won the Service ScholarshipAward for many semesters.Colors: Red, Buff, GreenMascot: SquirrelGreek life at West Virginia Wesleyan continues tothrive and is an important campus life activity forcurrent students.Two members of the Class of 2010 compiled the followinginformation, Carlee Gault and Jon Fatemi, both of whomcompleted internships in the Office of Alumni Relations duringSpring Semester 2010. Carlee is a sister of Alpha Xi Delta andJon is a brother of Theta Xi.Philanthropy: Alpha Gamma DeltaFoundation, Diabetes, and Women’s AidIn CrisisService: Canned food drives forUpshur Parish House, Kick-A-Thon,Tuck-Ins, Skate-a-Thon, raffles, socialtea party, and dress auction.Alpha Gamma Delta Today: TheAlpha Gamma Delta Alumni Associationis very active, benefiting from the loyaltyof four very involved local alumni. Thealumni have monthly meetings with thecurrent sisters. There are presently 42members on the West Virginia Wesleyancampus. Nationally, there are chapterson 109 colleges and universities.For more info regarding sororities and fraternities at Wesleyan,contact John Bohman ’90, director of intramurals and greekaffairs, at bohman_j@wvwc.edu or call 304-473-8073.1 2 SUNDIAL SUMMER/FALL 2010

Alpha Delta Pi Alpha XI Delta ZETA TAU AlphaHistory: Alpha Delta Pi Sorority wasfounded May 15, 1851 by six women atWesleyan Female College in Macon, GA. WestVirginia Wesleyan’s Gamma Kappa chapterwas founded in May 1948 by 14 members.The sorority maintains an on-campus suitecurrently located in Holloway and managed bya housing corporation. The sorority is heavilyinvolved in many areas of campus life.Colors: Azure Blue and WhiteSymbol: DiamondMascot: Lion named “Alphie”Philanthropy: Ronald McDonald HouseService: Alpha Delta Pi sisters engagein over 20 service projects per year for theRonald McDonald House. These include“Rebound for Ronald,” collecting pop tabs,cooking dinner for the families in the RonaldMcDonald House, making holiday carepackages for Operation Christmas Child,collecting house supplies for the Wish ListDrive, Rocking for Ronald during theHomecoming football game to raise money,and the Pi-K run and walk.Alpha Delta Pi Today: Alpha Delta Pialumni are very involved with the sororityincluding involvement with the Alpha DeltaPi Alumni Association and the Alpha Delta PiHousing Corporation, which maintains thesuite on campus. Alpha Delta Pi currentlyhas 59 active sisters at Wesleyan. It has over140 chapters in the United States.History: Alpha Xi Delta was founded onApril 17, 1893 at Lombard College in Galesburg,IL. The Beta Sigma Chapter at Wesleyan wasfounded October 18, 1947 with 30 sisters and21 new members. Alpha Xi Delta holds eventsin their suite in Holloway residence hall.Colors: Light Blue, Dark Blue, GoldMascot: BetXi BearPhilanthropy: Alpha Xi Delta’sphilanthropy previously focused on ChooseChildren, but it chose to support a singleorganization in 2009 and joined inpartnership with Autism Speaks.Service: Alpha Xi Delta membersundertake many service projects eachsemester to raise money as well asawareness for Autism Speaks. Theseprojects include selling Autism Awarenessbracelets, handing out blue ribbons, tyingblue ribbons and hanging up flyers aroundcampus, a lemonAXID stand in which eachcup has a fact about autism, and the 24-hourXI Saw at Homecoming. They also take partin other community philanthropies such asRelay for Life, Crop Walk, and assisting localchurches in a book sale.Alpha Xi Delta Today: The sisterhoodcurrently consists of 60 members here andis nationally represented on 112 college anduniversity campuses. Although there is noalumni association, the sorority holds analumni tea during Homecoming and springweekend each year.History: The Delta Upsilon Chapter of ZetaTau Alpha at Wesleyan was founded May 4,1963. Nationally, it began October 15, 1898 atLongwood College in Farmville, VA. Zeta TauAlpha currently has a suite in Holloway.Colors: Turquoise Blue and Steel GreySymbol: Five-Pointed CrownPhilanthropy: Breast Cancer Educationand AwarenessService: Save Lids to Save Lives (YoplaitYogurt), selling water at the Forest Festivalin Elkins, Trick-or-Treating for canned goodsfor the needy, Mr. & Miss Wesleyan, Children’sFestival, Candle Light Vigil for Cancer Victimsand Survivors, Operation Christmas Child,Boxes for Haiti, and Co-Host Special OlympicsHalloween Dance.Zeta Tau Alpha Today: Alumni of theDelta Upsilon chapter are very involved, notonly with Wesleyan’s collegiate members, butalso within their local alumnae chapter. Thechapter holds annual fundraisers such as VeraBradley Bingo to raise money and supportfor Zeta Tau Alpha Foundation (Breast CancerAwareness). Delta Upsilon alumnae regularlyattend many functions sponsored by thecollegiate chapter, including biannualalumnae teas and ice cream socials with newmembers, as well as some of Delta Upsilon’sservice and fundraising activities. The sisterscontinue to benefit from the guidance andsupport of their alumnae, specifically that oftheir general advisor and Province President,both of which are alumnae of the DeltaUpsilon chapter. Currently, the WVWC chapterhas 60 members. Nationally, Zeta Tau Alphahas 243 thriving chapters.SUMMER/FALL 2010 SUNDIAL 13

A BRIEF OVERVIEW&Sororities & FraternitiesAT WESLEYANAlpha Gamma DeltaHistory: The Alpha Omicron Chapterof Alpha Gamma Delta at <strong>West</strong> <strong>Virginia</strong><strong>Wesleyan</strong> was founded March 20, 1948.Nationally, it was started in 1904 atSyracuse University. Alpha Gamma Deltapreviously had a suite in the EnglishAnnex, but then moved to Hollowaywhere it has a suite today. Alpha GammaDelta has won the Service ScholarshipAward for many semesters.Colors: Red, Buff, GreenMascot: SquirrelGreek life at <strong>West</strong> <strong>Virginia</strong> <strong>Wesleyan</strong> continues tothrive and is an important campus life activity forcurrent students.Two members of the Class of 2010 compiled the followinginformation, Carlee Gault and Jon Fatemi, both of whomcompleted internships in the Office of Alumni Relations duringSpring Semester 2010. Carlee is a sister of Alpha Xi Delta andJon is a brother of Theta Xi.Philanthropy: Alpha Gamma DeltaFoundation, Diabetes, and Women’s AidIn CrisisService: Canned food drives forUpshur Parish House, Kick-A-Thon,Tuck-Ins, Skate-a-Thon, raffles, socialtea party, and dress auction.Alpha Gamma Delta Today: TheAlpha Gamma Delta Alumni Associationis very active, benefiting from the loyaltyof four very involved local alumni. Thealumni have monthly meetings with thecurrent sisters. There are presently 42members on the <strong>West</strong> <strong>Virginia</strong> <strong>Wesleyan</strong>campus. Nationally, there are chapterson 109 colleges and universities.For more info regarding sororities and fraternities at <strong>Wesleyan</strong>,contact John Bohman ’90, director of intramurals and greekaffairs, at bohman_j@wvwc.edu or call 304-473-8073.1 2 SUNDIAL SUMMER/FALL 2010

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