Noise and Vibration Report - Transnet

Noise and Vibration Report - Transnet

Noise and Vibration Report - Transnet

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ENVIRO-ACOUSTIC RESEARCHSCOPING NOISE REPORT – TRANSNET: SWAZI RAIL LINK – DAVEL YARD TO NERSTON RSA ROUTEtime (operating cycles), in different combinations, in different sequences <strong>and</strong> on differentparts of the construction site. Table 4-1 gives an indication of the maximum noise levelsthat can potentially be generated by a variety of construction equipment. Table 4.2presents the equivalent (average) noise level as measured over a long period, as well asthe potential extend of such a noise level.4.1.2 Material, Equipment supply <strong>and</strong> Borrow PitsMaterial <strong>and</strong> equipment supply has not yet been defined. It is likely that <strong>Transnet</strong> will bemaking use of road transport, railway line transportation as well as borrow pits to sourceaggregate. This will increase traffic (both road <strong>and</strong> rail) at construction areas along therailway route. Construction traffic is expected to be generated throughout the entireconstruction period, however, the volume <strong>and</strong> type of traffic generated will be dependentupon the construction activities being conducted, which will vary during the constructionperiod. This however will only be investigated during the ENIA phase.4.1.3 BlastingBlasting may be required as part of the civil works to clear obstacles or to preparefoundations. Should a borrow pit be used to supply rocks for construction <strong>and</strong> ballastsupply purposes, blasting could also be expected.Blasting will not be considered during the scoping or ENIA phase for the following reasons:• Blasting is highly regulated, <strong>and</strong> control of blasting to protect human health,equipment <strong>and</strong> infrastructure will ensure that any blasts will use minimumexplosives <strong>and</strong> will occur in a controlled manner. With regards to blasting in borrowpits, explosives are used with a low detonation speed, reducing vibration, soundpressure levels <strong>and</strong> air blasts. The breaking of obstacles with explosives is also aspecialized field, <strong>and</strong> when correct techniques are used, it causes less noise thanusing a rock-breaker.• People are generally more concerned over ground vibration <strong>and</strong> air blast levels thatmight cause building damage than the impact of the noise from the blast.• Blasts are an infrequent occurrence, with a loud but a relative instantaneouscharacter. Potentially affected parties normally receive sufficient notice (siren), <strong>and</strong>the knowledge that the duration of the siren noise as well as the blast will be overrelative fast, resulting in a higher acceptance of the noise.P a g e | 20

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