Noise and Vibration Report - Transnet

Noise and Vibration Report - Transnet

Noise and Vibration Report - Transnet

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ENVIRO-ACOUSTIC RESEARCHSCOPING NOISE REPORT – TRANSNET: SWAZI RAIL LINK – DAVEL YARD TO NERSTON RSA ROUTE• WP2: The construction of a new terminal <strong>and</strong> network links at Davel – known asDavel Yard <strong>and</strong> Connections.• WP3: The upgrade of the existing line between the proposed Davel Yard <strong>and</strong>Lothair.• WP4: The upgrade of the existing line between Sidvokodvo (Swazil<strong>and</strong>) <strong>and</strong>Phuzumoya (Swazil<strong>and</strong>). This also includes the construction of a new line incertain sections.• WP5: The upgrade of the existing line between Phuzumoya (Swazil<strong>and</strong>) <strong>and</strong>Golela (Swazil<strong>and</strong> – RSA border). This also includes the construction of a new linein certain sections.• WP6: The upgrade of the existing line between Golela (Swazil<strong>and</strong> – RSA border)<strong>and</strong> Nsese near Richards Bay. This also includes the construction of a new line incertain sections.This <strong>Noise</strong> Scoping report specifically focuses on the proposed upgrade of the existingline between the proposed Davel Yard <strong>and</strong> Lothair (WP3) as well as the construction of anew rail link between Lothair (Mpumalanga) to Sidvokodvo (Swazil<strong>and</strong>)(WP1).The <strong>Transnet</strong> operation ideal envisages consolidation of loads into the maximum lengthsfor a single siding(s). Currently loads can vary in length from 40 wagon block loadsthrough 50 <strong>and</strong> 60 up to 75/80 <strong>and</strong> 100 wagon general freight trains. The upgrading <strong>and</strong>implementation of the proposed railway section will enable freight loads to exceed thecurrent capacities up to 150/160 <strong>and</strong> 200 wagon trains. The reverse (de-consolidation)has been planned for traffic returning from the export ports. Passing loops will beimplemented to allow traffic flow in both directions on the rail, passing loop specifications<strong>and</strong> locations are unknown for the purpose of this report (dead end, up <strong>and</strong> downworking etc). Potential diesel fuelling stations may be implemented at a rail loopsenabling servicing of locomotives to their required destination.This assessment indicated that the proposed project could have an impact of significanceon the noise climate of the surrounding area as there are <strong>Noise</strong>-sensitive developmentswithin the area of influence of the railway line. The main factor that will determine thepotential noise impact is the distance that the noise-generating activities would be from aNSD, the type of activities taking place, the speed of the locomotives, the existingambient soundscape at receptors dwellings, as well as the likely noise abatementmeasures to be implemented.P a g e | iii

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