Noise and Vibration Report - Transnet

Noise and Vibration Report - Transnet

Noise and Vibration Report - Transnet

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ENVIRO-ACOUSTIC RESEARCHSCOPING NOISE REPORT – TRANSNET: SWAZI RAIL LINK – DAVEL YARD TO NERSTON RSA ROUTE15. Recommendations, i.e. if there could be a significant impact, or if more informationis needed, a recommendation that an environmental noise impact assessment beconducted; <strong>and</strong>16. If remedial measures will provide an acceptable solution which would prevent asignificant impact, these remedial measures should be outlined in detail <strong>and</strong>included in the final record of decision if the approval is obtained from the relevantauthority. If the remedial measures deteriorate after time <strong>and</strong> a follow-up auditingor maintenance programme (or both) is instituted, this programme should beincluded in the final recommendations <strong>and</strong> accepted in the record of decision if theapproval is obtained from the relevant authority.In addition, the Scoping report should contain sufficient information to allow theEnvironmental Assessment Practitioner (EAP) to compile the Plan of Study forEnvironmental Impact Assessment (EIA), including the <strong>Noise</strong> component.In this regard the following will be included to assist the EAP in the compilation of the Planof Study (PoS) for the ENIA:• The potential impact will be evaluated (where possible) in terms of the nature(description of what causes the effect, what/who might be affected <strong>and</strong> how it/theymight be affected) as well as the extent of the impact. This will be done by means of asite visit, where appropriate ambient sound levels will be determined <strong>and</strong> theidentification of potential noise-sensitive developments/areas;• A statement regarding the potential significance of the identified issues based on theevaluation of the issues/impacts;• The identification of issues to be investigated in more detail during the EnvironmentalImpact Assessment phase; <strong>and</strong>• Details regarding the methodology followed to estimate <strong>and</strong> assess the potentiallysignificant impacts during the ENIA phase.1.6 POTENTIAL SENSITIVE RECEPTORS (NOISE SENSITIVE DEVELOPMENTS)Potentially sensitive receptors (also known as noise-sensitive developments or NSDs) at adistance of approximately 450 m along the Davel to Nerston rail route were identifiedusing Google Earth ® . These receptors are illustrated in Figure 1-3. The status of thesedwellings (derelict, residential etc.) may be confirmed during the ENIA phase.P a g e | 7

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