NCRI-Monthly-April 2014-en

NCRI-Monthly-April 2014-en NCRI-Monthly-April 2014-en

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Preparations for carrying out the plan have been made.”Emphasizing that mal-veiled and mal-dressed individuals would be fined, he said, “Unfortunatelysome of us believe that special measures by the judiciary have to be carried out to confront suchpeople.”Discrimination against womenDiscrimination against women continues, showing itself in the elimination of women fromeducational fields, daily works and jobs.Women’s role reduced in medical jobsOn Saturday April 5 th , Deputy Hygiene Minister in Educational Affairs introduced a new plancalled ‘Gender Balancing at Medical Sciences Universities’, which limits women’s acceptance atuniversities. As its first step toward this policy the Hygiene Ministry announced a first plan. SharqPaper wrote, “The Hygiene Ministry has started to put limitations on women for nearly twentyyears while women have been the most accepted gender in medical fields’. According to officialfigures issued by the Iranian Statistics Center in 1991, from sixty five thousand medical students,37 thousand were men and 27 thousand women, but after 1997 females succeeded to obtainmore opportunities and the number of female students in medical fields reached 72 thousandwhile the number of men educating in these area is 52 thousand. Women’s roles continuedincreasing and in 2006 female medical students became 73 percent while the men were morethan 26 percent. Duration of this process resulted in 68 percent girls in comparison with 32percent men in 2010 which is the same during the current academic year. However Rouhani’sgovernment passed a doubled urgency plan in the Hygiene and Treatment Committee of theparliament to correct the equality in high educations rule. According to this plan, the 25 percentwomen’s quota in the mostly wanted fields of surgery assistance was eliminated and midwifery aswell as women specialty was 100 percent reserved for women.However, the number of women accepted in universities does not lead to more opportunities insocial and economic jobs. The number of women employment still has a great distance to menemployment. Only 20 percent of women are members of scientific boards and only 13 percent ofthem have effective roles in the Iranian job market.” (Radio Zamaneh- April. 6, 2014)Numbers show the real pictureTo provide a bright image from limitations and pressures imposed on women, it is adequate togive some statistics issued in state-run medias.Statistic Report: Iranian woman and hard life condition Facebook / NCRI Women's Committee Twitter/ NCRIWomen'sCommittee

Doubled number of single-parent womenBased on the results of the 2011 census announced by the State Statistic Organization, 12 percentof the 21 million, 110 thousand and 481 families in the country are presided by single-parentwomen whereas the number was 6.5 per cent the preliminary figures. This result shows adoubling in 2011 number and the Head of the State Statistic Organization predicts the numberwill increase to 15 per cent during the three coming years. Thirty five per cent of single-parentwomen have husbands and the rest do not have. Other figure shows, 26 per cent of women agedbellow 35 are divorcees. (Fars state-run News Agency- Apr. 1, 2014)Eighty-two percent of single-parent women are unemployedBased on conducted census, from the 2 million and 500 thousand single-parent women living inthe country only 18 per cent are employed and the rest 82 per cent are unemployed. Consideringthat the figures are based on three age regiments of bellow 35, 35-65 and older than 65, Head ofthe Statistic Organization stipulated, “Statistics show that the higher number of single-parentwomen are middle aged.”Average income of $341.550 a year for single-parent womenThe average income of the single parent women is said to be 9 billion and 900 million rials(about $341.550) which raises great concern because 81 percent of women in poor society areilliterate and the number of their family is high.Women’s low employment, proof of discrimination against themDeputy President in Women and Family Affairs, Shahindokht Mollaverdi believes that the lownumber of single-parent women employment is an evidence of inequality in employment andsays, “As the single-parent women are bearing life difficulties solely on their own shoulders, theycould face physical and psychological problems in long term. (Fars state-run News Agency- Apr. 1,2014)Unemployment in different provinces and percentage of unemployed womenThe Statistical Center of Iran provided the results of the autumn 2013 work forces’ figure, whichindicate a 10.3 percent unemployment rate during this season with 2 million and 401 thousandunemployed people.According to this report, the higher rate of unemployment was among 20-24 year-old women witha rate of 468 percent.According to Statistical Center of Iran, unemployment rate among 10-year-old people and up is10.3 percent. The highest numbers between the provinces were respectively 18.9 percent inLorestan and 16.1 percent in Kurdistan. The best situation of employment is in GolestanProvince with 4 percent unemployed people. (State-run Asre Iran Website- Apr. 9, 2014)Sixty three percent of educated women are unemployed Facebook / NCRI Women's Committee Twitter/ NCRIWomen'sCommittee

Preparations for carrying out the plan have be<strong>en</strong> made.”Emphasizing that mal-veiled and mal-dressed individuals would be fined, he said, “Unfortunatelysome of us believe that special measures by the judiciary have to be carried out to confront suchpeople.”Discrimination against wom<strong>en</strong>Discrimination against wom<strong>en</strong> continues, showing itself in the elimination of wom<strong>en</strong> fromeducational fields, daily works and jobs.Wom<strong>en</strong>’s role reduced in medical jobsOn Saturday <strong>April</strong> 5 th , Deputy Hygi<strong>en</strong>e Minister in Educational Affairs introduced a new plancalled ‘G<strong>en</strong>der Balancing at Medical Sci<strong>en</strong>ces Universities’, which limits wom<strong>en</strong>’s acceptance atuniversities. As its first step toward this policy the Hygi<strong>en</strong>e Ministry announced a first plan. SharqPaper wrote, “The Hygi<strong>en</strong>e Ministry has started to put limitations on wom<strong>en</strong> for nearly tw<strong>en</strong>tyyears while wom<strong>en</strong> have be<strong>en</strong> the most accepted g<strong>en</strong>der in medical fields’. According to officialfigures issued by the Iranian Statistics C<strong>en</strong>ter in 1991, from sixty five thousand medical stud<strong>en</strong>ts,37 thousand were m<strong>en</strong> and 27 thousand wom<strong>en</strong>, but after 1997 females succeeded to obtainmore opportunities and the number of female stud<strong>en</strong>ts in medical fields reached 72 thousandwhile the number of m<strong>en</strong> educating in these area is 52 thousand. Wom<strong>en</strong>’s roles continuedincreasing and in 2006 female medical stud<strong>en</strong>ts became 73 perc<strong>en</strong>t while the m<strong>en</strong> were morethan 26 perc<strong>en</strong>t. Duration of this process resulted in 68 perc<strong>en</strong>t girls in comparison with 32perc<strong>en</strong>t m<strong>en</strong> in 2010 which is the same during the curr<strong>en</strong>t academic year. However Rouhani’sgovernm<strong>en</strong>t passed a doubled urg<strong>en</strong>cy plan in the Hygi<strong>en</strong>e and Treatm<strong>en</strong>t Committee of theparliam<strong>en</strong>t to correct the equality in high educations rule. According to this plan, the 25 perc<strong>en</strong>twom<strong>en</strong>’s quota in the mostly wanted fields of surgery assistance was eliminated and midwifery aswell as wom<strong>en</strong> specialty was 100 perc<strong>en</strong>t reserved for wom<strong>en</strong>.However, the number of wom<strong>en</strong> accepted in universities does not lead to more opportunities insocial and economic jobs. The number of wom<strong>en</strong> employm<strong>en</strong>t still has a great distance to m<strong>en</strong>employm<strong>en</strong>t. Only 20 perc<strong>en</strong>t of wom<strong>en</strong> are members of sci<strong>en</strong>tific boards and only 13 perc<strong>en</strong>t ofthem have effective roles in the Iranian job market.” (Radio Zamaneh- <strong>April</strong>. 6, <strong>2014</strong>)Numbers show the real pictureTo provide a bright image from limitations and pressures imposed on wom<strong>en</strong>, it is adequate togive some statistics issued in state-run medias.Statistic Report: Iranian woman and hard life conditionhttp://wom<strong>en</strong> Facebook / <strong>NCRI</strong> Wom<strong>en</strong>'s Committee Twitter/ <strong>NCRI</strong>Wom<strong>en</strong>'sCommittee

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