NCRI-Monthly-April 2014-en

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NCRI-Monthly-April 2014-en

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http://wom<strong>en</strong>.ncr-iran.org/ Facebook / <strong>NCRI</strong> Wom<strong>en</strong>'s Committee Twitter/ <strong>NCRI</strong>Wom<strong>en</strong>'sCommittee

<strong>April</strong> <strong>2014</strong>IntroductionThe month of <strong>April</strong> was simultaneous with the escalation of pressure and repression againstwom<strong>en</strong> such as issuing death s<strong>en</strong>t<strong>en</strong>ces, det<strong>en</strong>tions and violations of wom<strong>en</strong>’s basic rightsincluding the raid by the Iranian regime's repressive State Security Forces and prison authoritiesto a section of a wom<strong>en</strong> prison in the Shahr-e-ray, located in Greater Tehran metropolitan area,harshly beating the def<strong>en</strong>seless female prisoners.Reyhaneh Jabbari’s death s<strong>en</strong>t<strong>en</strong>ce, the 26-year-old woman who had committed murder in selfdef<strong>en</strong>se,became one of the main subjects of the international reports about Iran which alsoattracted reaction of Dr. Ahmed Shahid, the UN Special Rapporteur on Iran. In her willaddressed to her mother, she stated how the misogynist system ruling Iran provides no rights forthe people, particularly wom<strong>en</strong>. The <strong>NCRI</strong> Wom<strong>en</strong>’s Committee has launched an urg<strong>en</strong>tcampaign to save the life of Reyhaneh Jabbari from immin<strong>en</strong>t execution and we ask all supportersof human rights to be her voice by signing a statem<strong>en</strong>t which will be addressed to the UnitedNations Secretary G<strong>en</strong>eral and UNWom<strong>en</strong> to order the Iranian regime to halt the execution.Please find the link to the campaign at the <strong>en</strong>d of the bulletin.Unfortunately, ev<strong>en</strong> more shocking was the fact that despite the deteriorating situation forwom<strong>en</strong> under the rule of the mullahs’ ruling Iran, the United Nations appointed Iran foranother four years as a member of the Commission on the Status of Wom<strong>en</strong>. A lot of humanrights and wom<strong>en</strong>’s rights activists around the world were outraged at this questioning how couldit be possible for a regime who is not ev<strong>en</strong> a signatory to the Committee on the Elimination ofDiscrimination against Wom<strong>en</strong> (CEDAW) and has executed over 20 wom<strong>en</strong> in the last year andis on the verge of execution a young woman who only def<strong>en</strong>ded her honor, repres<strong>en</strong>t and be acountry to decide on the status of wom<strong>en</strong> in the level stated?We invite you to read an Op-ed on this matter writt<strong>en</strong> by a member of the <strong>NCRI</strong> Wom<strong>en</strong>’s Committee:http://wom<strong>en</strong>.ncr-iran.org/news-ev<strong>en</strong>ts/incoming-articles/521-the-world-must-stop-ignoring-irans-record-on-wom<strong>en</strong>Executions & death s<strong>en</strong>t<strong>en</strong>cesThe death s<strong>en</strong>t<strong>en</strong>ce of Falaknaz Moradi was postponed two minutes after she was susp<strong>en</strong>ded fromthe gallows on <strong>April</strong> 17, <strong>2014</strong>. The 60 year-old prisoner who has sp<strong>en</strong>t almost one-third of her lifein prison (18 years), has be<strong>en</strong> waiting for her s<strong>en</strong>t<strong>en</strong>ce to be carried all through this time.On <strong>April</strong> 11, Amnesty international, issued and statem<strong>en</strong>t opposing the death s<strong>en</strong>t<strong>en</strong>ce issued forReyhaneh Jabbari. Reyhaneh Jabbari, aged 26, was arrested in 2007 for the murder of MortezaAbdolali Sarbandi, a former employee of Iran’s Ministry of Intellig<strong>en</strong>ce. Reyhaneh Jabbarihttp://wom<strong>en</strong>.ncr-iran.org/ Facebook / <strong>NCRI</strong> Wom<strong>en</strong>'s Committee Twitter/ <strong>NCRI</strong>Wom<strong>en</strong>'sCommittee

confessed to the murder immediately after her arrest, though she did not have a lawyer pres<strong>en</strong>t atthe time she made her confession. She stated that the murder took place in self-def<strong>en</strong>se.Reyhaneh Jabbari was s<strong>en</strong>t<strong>en</strong>ced to death under qesas (“retribution-in-kind”) by a criminal courtin Tehran in 2009. The death s<strong>en</strong>t<strong>en</strong>ce was upheld by the Supreme Court the same year.Fox News Website announced on <strong>April</strong> 14: The U.N. human rights office in G<strong>en</strong>eva saysReyhaneh Jabbari is reportedly due to be executed Tuesday for the 2007 killing of MortezaAbdolali Sarbandi, a former employee of the Iranian Intellig<strong>en</strong>ce Ministry.On the same day, the UN Special Rapporteur objected this inhuman s<strong>en</strong>t<strong>en</strong>ce and urged its haltin his website :The United Nations Special Rapporteur on the situation ofhuman rights in Iran, Ahmed Shaheed, today urged theIslamic Republic of Iran to halt immediately the execution ofan Iranian woman, Reyhaneh Jabbari...Ms Jabbari, an interior designer by profession, was s<strong>en</strong>t<strong>en</strong>cedto death for the alleged murder of Morteza Abdolali Sarbandi,a former employee of the Iranian Intellig<strong>en</strong>ce Ministry, in acase that has raised legal concerns.“The Iranian authorities should review her case and refer it back to court for a re-trial, <strong>en</strong>suringthat the def<strong>en</strong>dant due process rights guaranteed under both Iranian law and international law,”Mr Shaheed said...Since her arrest and throughout her prosecution, Ms. Jabbari has maintainedthat her actions were tak<strong>en</strong> in self-def<strong>en</strong>se, and were aimed at prev<strong>en</strong>ting a pot<strong>en</strong>tial serioushttp://wom<strong>en</strong>.ncr-iran.org/ Facebook / <strong>NCRI</strong> Wom<strong>en</strong>'s Committee Twitter/ <strong>NCRI</strong>Wom<strong>en</strong>'sCommittee

assault on her person. She has also alleged being coerced to confess to actions under severeduress.“Ms. Jabbari’s case raises serious due process concerns, particularly with regard to herinterrogation and the reluctance of the court to take into account all relevant circumstantialevid<strong>en</strong>ce into its judgm<strong>en</strong>t,” the Special Rapporteur said, stressing that her conviction for premeditatedmurder was allegedly based on confessions made under duress possibly amounting totorture... “If her allegations are true, Ms. Jabbari may have be<strong>en</strong> doubly victimized; first by herattacker, and th<strong>en</strong> by the judicial system, which is supposed to protect victims of int<strong>en</strong>ded andactual sexual and physical assault,” the expert stressed. “Sexual viol<strong>en</strong>ce, oft<strong>en</strong> directed againstwom<strong>en</strong>, must always be fought in all of its forms.”Mr. Shaheed regretted the spike in executions this year in Iran and r<strong>en</strong>ewed his call to theGovernm<strong>en</strong>t to immediately halt them. Over 170 persons including at least two wom<strong>en</strong> havebe<strong>en</strong> executed since the beginning of <strong>2014</strong> and a large number of prisoners on death row riskimmin<strong>en</strong>t execution.“The imposition of the death p<strong>en</strong>alty plainly goes against the curr<strong>en</strong>t international tr<strong>en</strong>d to<strong>en</strong>courage a moratorium on, and abolition of the death p<strong>en</strong>alty. We urge the authorities to jointhis world tr<strong>en</strong>d by establishing a moratorium on execution with a view of abolishing the deathp<strong>en</strong>alty,” the expert stressed.Excerpts of Reyhaneh’s will writt<strong>en</strong> on <strong>April</strong> 1, <strong>2014</strong>: “Because in the court of God I will chargethe inspectors, I will charge inspector Shamlou, I will charge judge, and the judges of country’sSupreme Court that beat me up wh<strong>en</strong> I was awake and did not refrain from harassing me. In thecourt of the creator I will charge Dr. Farvandi, I will charge Qassem Shabani and all those thatout of ignorance or with their lies wronged me and trampled on my rights and didn’t pay heed tothe fact that sometimes what appears as reality is differ<strong>en</strong>t from it. Dear soft-hearted Sholeh (hermother’s name), in the other world it is you and me who are the accusers and others who are theaccused. Let’s see what God wants. I wanted to embrace you until I die. I love you.”Link to Reyhaneh’s will address to her mother from prison: http://wom<strong>en</strong>.ncr-iran.org/newsev<strong>en</strong>ts/news/515-young-woman-on-death-row-leaves-will-to-mother-from-prisonLink to Urg<strong>en</strong>t Call to save the life of Reyhaneh Jabbari:https://www.thunderclap.it/projects/11562-help-save-reyhaneh-jabbariPrisonPrisons were the other area imposing pressure on wom<strong>en</strong>. After the raid on wom<strong>en</strong> ward inVaramin Prison the problem appears ev<strong>en</strong> worse. On <strong>April</strong> 28th a large number of femaleprisoners in Qarchak Varamin prison (c<strong>en</strong>tral Iran) were attacked with batons, electrical shockershttp://wom<strong>en</strong>.ncr-iran.org/ Facebook / <strong>NCRI</strong> Wom<strong>en</strong>'s Committee Twitter/ <strong>NCRI</strong>Wom<strong>en</strong>'sCommittee

and tear gas. According to witnesses, some of the prisoners suffered injuries to the head, face andeyes. Their bodies are still bruised. Female prisoners with civil charges are held in QarchakVaramin prison, which has inapt conditions and facilities. Social activists have warned severaltimes about the prison’s unsuitable conditions and viol<strong>en</strong>t treatm<strong>en</strong>t by its authorities.Meanwhile the mother of political prisoner Hossein Ronaqi Maleki (aprisoner who is protesting the raid to ward 350) stated that the governm<strong>en</strong>t’steam of experts has still not answered about the <strong>April</strong> 17 attack on Evinprison’s ward 350.She said, “We the families of the prisoners rallied one day in front of theparliam<strong>en</strong>t and the next day in front of the presid<strong>en</strong>t’s office. Theparliam<strong>en</strong>tarians promised us to investigate but we have received no answer yet. A person namedColonel Amanian told the prisoners while beating them with a baton that next time they wouldbe beat<strong>en</strong> to death. Our childr<strong>en</strong> have no security in Evin Prison and we are worried day andnight. I urge all the human rights activists and Ahmad Shahid and whoever can do anything, tohelp us.”Arrests and det<strong>en</strong>tion of wom<strong>en</strong>Pressure on Baha’is continued this month. One rec<strong>en</strong>t ev<strong>en</strong>t was the arrest of twoBaha’i sisters in Mashhad.In another ev<strong>en</strong>t, Nasrin Sotoudeh was summoned by the Security officials inKhouzestan Province on March 30. She was accused of anti-governm<strong>en</strong>t activities.Wom<strong>en</strong> suppressionDuring the month of <strong>April</strong>, SSF announced a new suppressive plan against wom<strong>en</strong> for thesummer and hot weather calling it Darya (sea).According to the Tasnim state-run News Ag<strong>en</strong>cy- Apr. 26, theState Security Forces commander in Mazandaran province(northern Iran), announced that according to a new plannamed Darya which will start in late May, police will confrontmal-veiled wom<strong>en</strong> and those who disrupt moralsecurity.Massoud Jafari said, “The plan is nationwide and notspecifically for Mazandaran province. According to the plan,police will confront mal-dressed and mal-veiled persons.http://wom<strong>en</strong>.ncr-iran.org/ Facebook / <strong>NCRI</strong> Wom<strong>en</strong>'s Committee Twitter/ <strong>NCRI</strong>Wom<strong>en</strong>'sCommittee

Preparations for carrying out the plan have be<strong>en</strong> made.”Emphasizing that mal-veiled and mal-dressed individuals would be fined, he said, “Unfortunatelysome of us believe that special measures by the judiciary have to be carried out to confront suchpeople.”Discrimination against wom<strong>en</strong>Discrimination against wom<strong>en</strong> continues, showing itself in the elimination of wom<strong>en</strong> fromeducational fields, daily works and jobs.Wom<strong>en</strong>’s role reduced in medical jobsOn Saturday <strong>April</strong> 5 th , Deputy Hygi<strong>en</strong>e Minister in Educational Affairs introduced a new plancalled ‘G<strong>en</strong>der Balancing at Medical Sci<strong>en</strong>ces Universities’, which limits wom<strong>en</strong>’s acceptance atuniversities. As its first step toward this policy the Hygi<strong>en</strong>e Ministry announced a first plan. SharqPaper wrote, “The Hygi<strong>en</strong>e Ministry has started to put limitations on wom<strong>en</strong> for nearly tw<strong>en</strong>tyyears while wom<strong>en</strong> have be<strong>en</strong> the most accepted g<strong>en</strong>der in medical fields’. According to officialfigures issued by the Iranian Statistics C<strong>en</strong>ter in 1991, from sixty five thousand medical stud<strong>en</strong>ts,37 thousand were m<strong>en</strong> and 27 thousand wom<strong>en</strong>, but after 1997 females succeeded to obtainmore opportunities and the number of female stud<strong>en</strong>ts in medical fields reached 72 thousandwhile the number of m<strong>en</strong> educating in these area is 52 thousand. Wom<strong>en</strong>’s roles continuedincreasing and in 2006 female medical stud<strong>en</strong>ts became 73 perc<strong>en</strong>t while the m<strong>en</strong> were morethan 26 perc<strong>en</strong>t. Duration of this process resulted in 68 perc<strong>en</strong>t girls in comparison with 32perc<strong>en</strong>t m<strong>en</strong> in 2010 which is the same during the curr<strong>en</strong>t academic year. However Rouhani’sgovernm<strong>en</strong>t passed a doubled urg<strong>en</strong>cy plan in the Hygi<strong>en</strong>e and Treatm<strong>en</strong>t Committee of theparliam<strong>en</strong>t to correct the equality in high educations rule. According to this plan, the 25 perc<strong>en</strong>twom<strong>en</strong>’s quota in the mostly wanted fields of surgery assistance was eliminated and midwifery aswell as wom<strong>en</strong> specialty was 100 perc<strong>en</strong>t reserved for wom<strong>en</strong>.However, the number of wom<strong>en</strong> accepted in universities does not lead to more opportunities insocial and economic jobs. The number of wom<strong>en</strong> employm<strong>en</strong>t still has a great distance to m<strong>en</strong>employm<strong>en</strong>t. Only 20 perc<strong>en</strong>t of wom<strong>en</strong> are members of sci<strong>en</strong>tific boards and only 13 perc<strong>en</strong>t ofthem have effective roles in the Iranian job market.” (Radio Zamaneh- <strong>April</strong>. 6, <strong>2014</strong>)Numbers show the real pictureTo provide a bright image from limitations and pressures imposed on wom<strong>en</strong>, it is adequate togive some statistics issued in state-run medias.Statistic Report: Iranian woman and hard life conditionhttp://wom<strong>en</strong>.ncr-iran.org/ Facebook / <strong>NCRI</strong> Wom<strong>en</strong>'s Committee Twitter/ <strong>NCRI</strong>Wom<strong>en</strong>'sCommittee

Doubled number of single-par<strong>en</strong>t wom<strong>en</strong>Based on the results of the 2011 c<strong>en</strong>sus announced by the State Statistic Organization, 12 perc<strong>en</strong>tof the 21 million, 110 thousand and 481 families in the country are presided by single-par<strong>en</strong>twom<strong>en</strong> whereas the number was 6.5 per c<strong>en</strong>t the preliminary figures. This result shows adoubling in 2011 number and the Head of the State Statistic Organization predicts the numberwill increase to 15 per c<strong>en</strong>t during the three coming years. Thirty five per c<strong>en</strong>t of single-par<strong>en</strong>twom<strong>en</strong> have husbands and the rest do not have. Other figure shows, 26 per c<strong>en</strong>t of wom<strong>en</strong> agedbellow 35 are divorcees. (Fars state-run News Ag<strong>en</strong>cy- Apr. 1, <strong>2014</strong>)Eighty-two perc<strong>en</strong>t of single-par<strong>en</strong>t wom<strong>en</strong> are unemployedBased on conducted c<strong>en</strong>sus, from the 2 million and 500 thousand single-par<strong>en</strong>t wom<strong>en</strong> living inthe country only 18 per c<strong>en</strong>t are employed and the rest 82 per c<strong>en</strong>t are unemployed. Consideringthat the figures are based on three age regim<strong>en</strong>ts of bellow 35, 35-65 and older than 65, Head ofthe Statistic Organization stipulated, “Statistics show that the higher number of single-par<strong>en</strong>twom<strong>en</strong> are middle aged.”Average income of $341.550 a year for single-par<strong>en</strong>t wom<strong>en</strong>The average income of the single par<strong>en</strong>t wom<strong>en</strong> is said to be 9 billion and 900 million rials(about $341.550) which raises great concern because 81 perc<strong>en</strong>t of wom<strong>en</strong> in poor society areilliterate and the number of their family is high.Wom<strong>en</strong>’s low employm<strong>en</strong>t, proof of discrimination against themDeputy Presid<strong>en</strong>t in Wom<strong>en</strong> and Family Affairs, Shahindokht Mollaverdi believes that the lownumber of single-par<strong>en</strong>t wom<strong>en</strong> employm<strong>en</strong>t is an evid<strong>en</strong>ce of inequality in employm<strong>en</strong>t andsays, “As the single-par<strong>en</strong>t wom<strong>en</strong> are bearing life difficulties solely on their own shoulders, theycould face physical and psychological problems in long term. (Fars state-run News Ag<strong>en</strong>cy- Apr. 1,<strong>2014</strong>)Unemploym<strong>en</strong>t in differ<strong>en</strong>t provinces and perc<strong>en</strong>tage of unemployed wom<strong>en</strong>The Statistical C<strong>en</strong>ter of Iran provided the results of the autumn 2013 work forces’ figure, whichindicate a 10.3 perc<strong>en</strong>t unemploym<strong>en</strong>t rate during this season with 2 million and 401 thousandunemployed people.According to this report, the higher rate of unemploym<strong>en</strong>t was among 20-24 year-old wom<strong>en</strong> witha rate of 468 perc<strong>en</strong>t.According to Statistical C<strong>en</strong>ter of Iran, unemploym<strong>en</strong>t rate among 10-year-old people and up is10.3 perc<strong>en</strong>t. The highest numbers betwe<strong>en</strong> the provinces were respectively 18.9 perc<strong>en</strong>t inLorestan and 16.1 perc<strong>en</strong>t in Kurdistan. The best situation of employm<strong>en</strong>t is in GolestanProvince with 4 perc<strong>en</strong>t unemployed people. (State-run Asre Iran Website- Apr. 9, <strong>2014</strong>)Sixty three perc<strong>en</strong>t of educated wom<strong>en</strong> are unemployedhttp://wom<strong>en</strong>.ncr-iran.org/ Facebook / <strong>NCRI</strong> Wom<strong>en</strong>'s Committee Twitter/ <strong>NCRI</strong>Wom<strong>en</strong>'sCommittee

Zahra Akhavan, expert in social and wom<strong>en</strong>’s affairs, said in the pres<strong>en</strong>ce of the mullah’spresid<strong>en</strong>t at the national gathering on wom<strong>en</strong>’s leadership in economics and cultural affairs that:“The crisis of unemploym<strong>en</strong>t is ext<strong>en</strong>sive in the county particularly wh<strong>en</strong> sixty-three perc<strong>en</strong>t ofeducated wom<strong>en</strong> are unemployed. Unfortunately, what I am warning is that girls in our societyfind themselves in traps wh<strong>en</strong> searching for jobs. In fact if economic and cultural problems ar<strong>en</strong>ot resolved, we will be faced with crisis in the near future.”(State-run Tasnim News Ag<strong>en</strong>cy- Apr. 20, <strong>2014</strong>)http://wom<strong>en</strong>.ncr-iran.org/ Facebook / <strong>NCRI</strong> Wom<strong>en</strong>'s Committee Twitter/ <strong>NCRI</strong>Wom<strong>en</strong>'sCommittee

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