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USA Today/ - News, Sex, 30 de Março de 2012<br />


Obama cites health care -- not high court<br />

case<br />

President Obama touted his health care law today but<br />

did not discuss the Supreme Court case that could<br />

make or break it.<br />

"Change is the health care reform we passed after a<br />

century of trying," Obama told a campaign rally at the<br />

University of Vermont in Burlington.<br />

The high court is deciding whether the 2010 law<br />

passes constitutio<strong>na</strong>l muster, particularly its<br />

requirement that nearly all Americans have to buy<br />

health insurance or pay a fine.<br />

The justices held three days of hearings on the law this<br />

week. They are likely to hand down a decision in<br />

June.<br />

White House officials say they are making no<br />

contingencies in case the court strikes down the law<br />

but are instead continuing plans to implement its<br />

provisions.<br />

Obama has not commented publicly on this week's<br />

arguments.<br />

Instead, at a pair of fundraisers in Burlington, Obama<br />

included health care in a list of his accomplishments,<br />

including the auto bailout, the end of combat<br />

operations in Iraq and the death of Osama bin Laden.<br />

At an earlier fundraiser in Burlington, Obama told<br />

backers, "I said that we would get a health care law<br />

that would provide near universal coverage so that<br />

people don't have to go bankrupt when they get sick in<br />

this country; we got it passed."<br />


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