Oct-Dec, 2011 - Indian Journal of Pharmacy Practice

Oct-Dec, 2011 - Indian Journal of Pharmacy Practice Oct-Dec, 2011 - Indian Journal of Pharmacy Practice


Ramanath K.V -Evaluation of the Impact of a Training Module on Patient Counseling for Practising Community Pharmacistsvarious drugs used in the treatment. Patient InformationLeaflets were prepared based on the drugs and diseases. Thepre and post training evaluation indicated that training onpatient counseling had a positive impact on the communitypharmacists of Mysore city.The present training module considerably enhanced theperformance of patient counseling by community pharmacistand improved their counseling skills .The study showed thatthe need for such programs to enlighten the communitypharmacists on the role, they can play and contribute tohealth care in the community. All the participants realized thatpatient counseling is their professional responsibility.Limitation of the study:1. This study is limited only to the selected communitypharmacists of Mysore city; Similar study can beextended to the hospital pharmacy and other places ofcommunity pharmacies also.2. The number of community pharmacists who participatedin the training is very less compared to the numberpracticing. Hence the generalization cannot be made onthe out come achieved. More studies are to be conductedto achieve statistically significance conclusions.ACKNOWLEDGMENTSWe acknowledge our sincere thanks to Principal, JSS Collegeof pharmacy for constant support to finish this research workin smooth manner. We also thank to HOD of department ofpharmacy practice, all the community pharmacists and otherparticipants who involved directly or indirectly in this work.REFERENCES1. Role of pharmacist in health care system “WHO, Geneva,1990.16-19.2. Revi kumar. “ Department of hospital and clinical pharmacys e r v i c e s ” . P h a r m a c y p r a c t i c e m e d i c a l c o l l e g e ,thiruvanathapuram year 1999,page no 11-19.3. USP medication counselling behaviour guidelines”. USPDIupdate volumes I and II Rockville, the united statepharmacopoeia convention,Inc 1997: 664-675,1739-1748.4. S.Mg Ginnity et al. “ Counselling patient on discharege”hospital pharmacist ,September 1999: 6:224-226.5. Richard K,Lewies etal . “ Patient counselling –How to make ithappen in your pharmacy”. Australian pharmacist : august1991: 10: 163-167.6. Susans J.Sanders and Kim Brackly. “ New roles in primary care:skills training to promote to effectiveness” Pharm J: August1996:257:297-2987. Cartina R. Livingstone et al . “ Developing communityPharmacy services wanted by local people information andadvice about Prescription medicines ” Int J Pharm Pract: June1996:91-1018. Rose Marie Parr. “ A study of pharmacists attitude andparticipation in continuing education in Scotland ” Pharm J:1997:259:32-34.9. Rose Marie Parr et al “ Shared Learning – A collaborativeEducation and Training intiative for community pharmacistand general medical practitioners” Pharm J: January 2000:264:35-38.10. Alison Blenkinsopp. “Community Pharmacy services andstandards: Royal Pharmaceutical Survey”. Pharm J: March1997:258:633-635.11. Down Sykes and Pauline Westwood. “Training CommunityPharmacists to advise general Practiceners on Prescribing”.Pharm J: March 1997:258:417-418.12. Michael Wilcock. “Asthma Training and the CommunityPharmacists”. Pharm J: February 1998:260:315-316.Indian Journal of Pharmacy Practice Volume 4 Issue 4 Oct - Dec, 2011 84

Indian Journal of Pharmacy PracticeInstructions to AuthorsAssociation of Pharmaceutical Teachers of IndiaIndian Journal of Pharmacy Practice (ijopp) is official journal ofAssociation of Pharmaceutical Teachers of India (APTI). IndianJournal of Pharmacy Practice, a quarterly publication is devoted topublishing reviews and research articles in the area of PharmacyPractice. Articles in the areas of clinical pharmacy, hospitalpharmacy, community pharmacy, pharmaceutical care,pharmacovigilance, pharmacoeconomics, clinical research, clinicalpharmacokinetics and other related issues can be sent forpublication in ijopp. All manuscripts should be submitted in triplicatealong with 'Authorship Responsibility Undertaking', signed by all theauthors of the paper to,The Editor,Indian Journal of Pharmacy Practice,Association of Pharmaceutical Teachers of India,H.Q.:Al-Ameen College of Pharmacy, Hosur Road, Opp. Lalbagh MainGate, Bangalore- 560 027.Authors should retain a copy of all materials submitted to the journal;the editor cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage tosubmitted materials.Manuscripts will be subjected to peer review process to determinetheir suitability for publication, provided they fulfilled therequirements of the journal. After the review, manuscript will bereturned for revision along with reviewer's and /or editor'scomments. One original copy of the final revised manuscript shouldbe submitted for publication within one month after receiving thecomments. It is also desirable to submit the final revised manuscripton a CD prepared in MS word version 6.0/95 or a higher version.Submission of a manuscript to ijopp for publication implies thatthe same work has not been either published or underconsideration for publication in another journal.Author/s publishing results from in-vivo experiments involvinganimal or humans should state whether due permission for conductof these experiments was obtained from the relevant authorities/Ethics committee/Institutional Review Board.Manuscript preparation:Manuscripts should be concisely typewritten in double space in A4sized sheets, only on one side with a 2 cm margin on all sides. Themanuscript shall be prepared in Times New Roman font using afont size of 12. Title shall be in a font size 14. All section titles in themanuscript shall be in font size 12, bold face capitals. Subtitles ineach section shall be in font size 12, bold face lower case followed bya colon. The pages shall be numbered consecutively with arabicnumbers, beginning with title page, ending with the (last) page offigure legends. The length of an Review/ Science Education articleshould not exceed 25 manuscript pages to include figures, tablesand references. No abbreviations or acronyms shall be used in theTitle or Abstract acronyms, except for measurements. All thereferences, figures (Fig.) and tables (Table) in the text shall benumbered consecutively as they first appear. No sentence shall startwith a numeral. Abbreviations like “&” and “etc” shall be avoided inthe paper. There shall not be any decorative borders anywhere in thetext including the title page. The entire MS Word document withgraphs and illustrations pasted in it shall not exceed 2 MB.Manuscripts must conform to the “Uniform Requirements forManuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals” http://www.icmje.org/.The Content of the manuscript shall be organized in the followingsequence and shall start on separate pages: title page (includingauthor's name, affiliations and address for correspondence),abstract (including atleast 4 key words), text (consisting ofintroduction, materials and methods, results, discussion, conclusionand acknowledgements), references, figure legends, tables andfigures. Titles should be short, specific, and clear. Beginning with thefirst page of text, each page should be consecutively numbered.For the Review Articles, the author(s) is absolutely free to designthe paper. The Abstract section is needed for review articles too. Thearticle should not exceed 15 manuscript pages including figures,tables and references. References, figures, and legends shall followthe general guidelines described below. For all other Articles, thefollowing format shall be strictly followed.Title Page. The following information should appear: title of article (Arunning title or short title of not more than 50 characters), authors'name, and last name. The author to whom all correspondence beaddressed should be denoted by an asterisk mark. Full mailingaddress with pin-code numbers, phone and fax numbers, andfunctional e-mail address should be provided of the author forcorrespondence. Names of the authors should appear as initialsfollowed by surnames for men and one given-name followed bysurname for women. Full names may be given in some instances toavoid confusion. Names should not be prefixed or suffixed by titles ordegrees.Abstract: The abstract is limited to 250 words, and should describethe essential aspects of the investigation. In the first sentence, thebackground for the work should be stated; in the second sentencethe specific purpose or hypothesis shall be provided; followedsequentially by summary of methods, results and conclusion. Noreferences should be cited.Indian Journal of Pharmacy Practice Volume 4 Issue 4 Oct - Dec, 2011

<strong>Indian</strong> <strong>Journal</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Pharmacy</strong> <strong>Practice</strong>Instructions to AuthorsAssociation <strong>of</strong> Pharmaceutical Teachers <strong>of</strong> India<strong>Indian</strong> <strong>Journal</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Pharmacy</strong> <strong>Practice</strong> (ijopp) is <strong>of</strong>ficial journal <strong>of</strong>Association <strong>of</strong> Pharmaceutical Teachers <strong>of</strong> India (APTI). <strong>Indian</strong><strong>Journal</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Pharmacy</strong> <strong>Practice</strong>, a quarterly publication is devoted topublishing reviews and research articles in the area <strong>of</strong> <strong>Pharmacy</strong><strong>Practice</strong>. Articles in the areas <strong>of</strong> clinical pharmacy, hospitalpharmacy, community pharmacy, pharmaceutical care,pharmacovigilance, pharmacoeconomics, clinical research, clinicalpharmacokinetics and other related issues can be sent forpublication in ijopp. All manuscripts should be submitted in triplicatealong with 'Authorship Responsibility Undertaking', signed by all theauthors <strong>of</strong> the paper to,The Editor,<strong>Indian</strong> <strong>Journal</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Pharmacy</strong> <strong>Practice</strong>,Association <strong>of</strong> Pharmaceutical Teachers <strong>of</strong> India,H.Q.:Al-Ameen College <strong>of</strong> <strong>Pharmacy</strong>, Hosur Road, Opp. Lalbagh MainGate, Bangalore- 560 027.Authors should retain a copy <strong>of</strong> all materials submitted to the journal;the editor cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage tosubmitted materials.Manuscripts will be subjected to peer review process to determinetheir suitability for publication, provided they fulfilled therequirements <strong>of</strong> the journal. After the review, manuscript will bereturned for revision along with reviewer's and /or editor'scomments. One original copy <strong>of</strong> the final revised manuscript shouldbe submitted for publication within one month after receiving thecomments. It is also desirable to submit the final revised manuscripton a CD prepared in MS word version 6.0/95 or a higher version.Submission <strong>of</strong> a manuscript to ijopp for publication implies thatthe same work has not been either published or underconsideration for publication in another journal.Author/s publishing results from in-vivo experiments involvinganimal or humans should state whether due permission for conduct<strong>of</strong> these experiments was obtained from the relevant authorities/Ethics committee/Institutional Review Board.Manuscript preparation:Manuscripts should be concisely typewritten in double space in A4sized sheets, only on one side with a 2 cm margin on all sides. Themanuscript shall be prepared in Times New Roman font using afont size <strong>of</strong> 12. Title shall be in a font size 14. All section titles in themanuscript shall be in font size 12, bold face capitals. Subtitles ineach section shall be in font size 12, bold face lower case followed bya colon. The pages shall be numbered consecutively with arabicnumbers, beginning with title page, ending with the (last) page <strong>of</strong>figure legends. The length <strong>of</strong> an Review/ Science Education articleshould not exceed 25 manuscript pages to include figures, tablesand references. No abbreviations or acronyms shall be used in theTitle or Abstract acronyms, except for measurements. All thereferences, figures (Fig.) and tables (Table) in the text shall benumbered consecutively as they first appear. No sentence shall startwith a numeral. Abbreviations like “&” and “etc” shall be avoided inthe paper. There shall not be any decorative borders anywhere in thetext including the title page. The entire MS Word document withgraphs and illustrations pasted in it shall not exceed 2 MB.Manuscripts must conform to the “Uniform Requirements forManuscripts Submitted to Biomedical <strong>Journal</strong>s” http://www.icmje.org/.The Content <strong>of</strong> the manuscript shall be organized in the followingsequence and shall start on separate pages: title page (includingauthor's name, affiliations and address for correspondence),abstract (including atleast 4 key words), text (consisting <strong>of</strong>introduction, materials and methods, results, discussion, conclusionand acknowledgements), references, figure legends, tables andfigures. Titles should be short, specific, and clear. Beginning with thefirst page <strong>of</strong> text, each page should be consecutively numbered.For the Review Articles, the author(s) is absolutely free to designthe paper. The Abstract section is needed for review articles too. Thearticle should not exceed 15 manuscript pages including figures,tables and references. References, figures, and legends shall followthe general guidelines described below. For all other Articles, thefollowing format shall be strictly followed.Title Page. The following information should appear: title <strong>of</strong> article (Arunning title or short title <strong>of</strong> not more than 50 characters), authors'name, and last name. The author to whom all correspondence beaddressed should be denoted by an asterisk mark. Full mailingaddress with pin-code numbers, phone and fax numbers, andfunctional e-mail address should be provided <strong>of</strong> the author forcorrespondence. Names <strong>of</strong> the authors should appear as initialsfollowed by surnames for men and one given-name followed bysurname for women. Full names may be given in some instances toavoid confusion. Names should not be prefixed or suffixed by titles ordegrees.Abstract: The abstract is limited to 250 words, and should describethe essential aspects <strong>of</strong> the investigation. In the first sentence, thebackground for the work should be stated; in the second sentencethe specific purpose or hypothesis shall be provided; followedsequentially by summary <strong>of</strong> methods, results and conclusion. Noreferences should be cited.<strong>Indian</strong> <strong>Journal</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Pharmacy</strong> <strong>Practice</strong> Volume 4 Issue 4 <strong>Oct</strong> - <strong>Dec</strong>, <strong>2011</strong>

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