Oct-Dec, 2011 - Indian Journal of Pharmacy Practice

Oct-Dec, 2011 - Indian Journal of Pharmacy Practice Oct-Dec, 2011 - Indian Journal of Pharmacy Practice


Ramanath K.V -Evaluation of the Impact of a Training Module on Patient Counseling for Practising Community PharmacistsTable1: Demographic details of community pharmacistsof first and second training modulestndParameter I training II trainingmodulemodule1.SexMale 9(64.28%) 16(72.27%)Female 5(35.71%) 6(27.77%)2. Age in years20-30 4(25.57%) 9(40.90%)31-40 6(42.85%) 10(42.85%)41-50 3(21.42%) 3(45.45%)51-60 1(7.1%) -3.QualificationsD.Pharm 8(57.14%) 18(81.81%)D.Pharm with other qualifications 9(42.85%) 4(18.18%)like BSc,B.Com etc4. Years of experience1-5 Years 5(35.71%) 9(40.90%)6-10 Years 5(35.71%) 7(31.81%)11-15 Years – 3(13.63%)16-20 Years 4(28.57%) 2(9.09%)Table2: Comparison of the barriers for not attending thetraining programstndReasons I training II trainingmodulemodule1.Lack of locum 33(52.3%) 28(48%)2.Lack of interest 23(36.5%) 16(21.5%)3.Lack of locum( non availability 19(30.1%) 6(10.5%)of pharmacist)4.Lack of idea about its use 12(19.4%) 6(10.5%)5.Lack of direct monetary benefits 12(19.4%) 7(12.06%)6. Lack of transportation and the 4(6.3%) 2(3.42%)venue of Programme is too farA pretest was conducted to assess the professional knowledgeof the Community Pharmacists. The pretest questionnaireincluded basic concepts of drugs and cosmetic act, basicknowledge of pharmacology. After the training Programmethe post test was conducted and assessed their knowledge.The pretest and post test scores of the community pharmacistare given in the table3.For assessing the patient counseling items used by thecommunity pharmacists the USP patient counselingquestionnaire was used. The patient counselingquestionnaire consisted of counseling introduction items (1-4), counseling content items (5-13), counseling process items(14-16), and counseling conclusion items (17-20). The patientcounseling items used by the community pharmacists afterTable-3: Percentages of the pretest and post testscores of the community pharmacistsPercentage Pretest scoring Post test scoring75 -- 7(31.81% distinction)the first and second training programs are given in the table4.After the assessment of patient counseling items, the personalopinion about the training programme was assessed/evaluated by using questionnaire for the trained communitypharmacists. 81.8% of pharmacists expressed that thetraining program was very useful and informative & 6 hourstraining module was good and interesting. 18.2% ofpharmacist said that training should be for 4 hours. 54.5% ofthe participants expressed a feeling of 2 diseases weresufficient to be covered in one and half hour schedule and36.3% of participants mentioned that 3 diseases are adequatein the session. Only 9% of the participants mentioned thatsession must be restricted to one disease, where as 81.8% ofthe participants were satisfied with the information giving oncounseling points for drugs, 95.4% agreed that patientcounseling is must, to improve their professional state andrecognition in the society, and 81.8% of the participantsexpressed that pharmacist should do health care services suchas B.P monitoring, blood glucose estimation and lungfunction test.86.36% of participants have readily agreed thatattending continuing education programme certainlyenhanced their confidence in the practice and helps toanalyzing and removing barriers for patient counseling.About 77.27% of participants mentioned that demonstrationon health care screening will help them to put that in theirpractice. All participants agreed that communication skills areessential for working pharmacist and also mentioned that theyare very much interested in attending the future continuingeducation Programmes.DISCUSSIONOne of the main responsibilities of the community pharmacistis to provide information on drugs and disease, diet and lifestyle modification to the patient. Unfortunately the scenarioin India is different. The community pharmacist has becomemore traders and dispensers rather than a health careprofessional. This may be because lack of proper training oncounseling to the community pharmacist, lack of monitorybenefits for counseling,. Hence this study was mainly aimedat to bring considerable change in pharmacists attitude, skillsand knowledge.Indian Journal of Pharmacy Practice Volume 4 Issue 4 Oct - Dec, 2011 82

Ramanath K.V -Evaluation of the Impact of a Training Module on Patient Counseling for Practising Community PharmacistsstndTable4: Use of individual patient counseling items by the community pharmacists after the I and II training programsItems Number of pharmacist Number of pharmaciststin I trainingndII training1.Conducts appropriate counseling introduction 14(100%) 21(100%)2.Obtains patient initial drug related problems 2(14.28%) 20(95.2%)3. Warns patient about taking other medication 0(0) 9(42.85% )4. Assesses the patient understanding the therapy 10(71.42%) 21(100% )5. discusses the need and indication of the medication 13(92.85%) 21(100%)6. Explains the dosage regimen 12(85.71%) 21(100%)7. Explains how long to take 5(35.71%) 18(85.71%)8.Discusses storage recommendations 0(0) 13(61.90%)9.Discusses the potential side effects 2(14.28%) 7(33.33 %)10. Discusses the how to manage the side effects of drug if they do occur 2(14.28%) 7(33.33% )11.Discusses precautions 4(28.57%) 15(71.42% )12. Discusses the significant interactions 1(7.14%) 3(14.28%)13.Explains what to do if the patient misses the dose 0(0) 3(14.28%)14. Uses the language patient is likely to understand 14(100) 21(100% )15.Uses appropriate counseling aids 5(35.71%) 6(28.57% )16.Uses open ended questions 11(78.57%) 2 (100% )17.Verifies the patient understandings 5(35.71%) 16(76.19%)18.Summarize by emphasizing key point of the information 1(7.14%) 9(42.85%)19.Provides an opportunity for final concerns or questions 3(21.42%) 8(38.09%)20.Helps patient to plan follow-up and next step 2(14.28%) 16(76.19% )When community pharmacists were approached during thefirst training module, they have given many reasonsexpressing their inability to attend the training programme.Common reasons for not attending the training were lack oftime, lack of interest, and lack of locum,. Pharmacist's showedlack of awareness about the professional responsibilities andattitude for learning in the second training program. and manypharmacist have attended from near by village & number ofparticipants was increased by 50%. The reason for thisenhancement was identified as increased awareness andcoordination by the fellow pharmacist who attended thetraining program.The result of the pretest suggested that many pharmacistknowledge base is poor. because, most of the pharmacist havecompleted their professional qualification that is diploma inpharmacy, five years ago (70%). During their practicepharmacists were restricted only to dispensing and did nothave an opportunity to enhance their knowledge in theirregular practice. Only the continuing education program mayhelp them to nurture their knowledge and professional skills.The post test results suggested that though the communitypharmacist were away from the college for long time, they arein the profession, there by they performed better counseling.During the first counseling skills assessment, it was observedthat no community pharmacist warned the patient abouttaking the drugs of other systems like Ayurveda/Homeopathy.No pharmacist gave any storage recommendations and theinformation in case the patient misses a dose. Very fewpharmacists discussed about the potential side effects andstrategies to over come them.ndDuring the 2 training assessment the performance of theCommunity Pharmacists was considerably enhanced. Thismay be because of giving the feedback to the pharmacistsregarding their strengths and weakness and helping them totune their skills.The validation results proved that the designed trainingmodule was appropriate and kindled interest for counseling,helped them to analyze and reduced their barrier forcounseling. All the pharmacists agreed that the programenhanced their communication skills. They also suggestedthat these programs should be conducted at least once in twomonths. This suggests that if proper training is given to all thepharmacists will be motivated to offer the patient counseling.CONCLUSIONSelected community pharmacists of Mysore city were trainedin two modules on diseases like Diabetes, hypertension,asthma, peptic ulcer disease, malaria, tuberculosis andIndian Journal of Pharmacy Practice Volume 4 Issue 4 Oct - Dec, 2011 83

Ramanath K.V -Evaluation <strong>of</strong> the Impact <strong>of</strong> a Training Module on Patient Counseling for Practising Community PharmacistsstndTable4: Use <strong>of</strong> individual patient counseling items by the community pharmacists after the I and II training programsItems Number <strong>of</strong> pharmacist Number <strong>of</strong> pharmaciststin I trainingndII training1.Conducts appropriate counseling introduction 14(100%) 21(100%)2.Obtains patient initial drug related problems 2(14.28%) 20(95.2%)3. Warns patient about taking other medication 0(0) 9(42.85% )4. Assesses the patient understanding the therapy 10(71.42%) 21(100% )5. discusses the need and indication <strong>of</strong> the medication 13(92.85%) 21(100%)6. Explains the dosage regimen 12(85.71%) 21(100%)7. Explains how long to take 5(35.71%) 18(85.71%)8.Discusses storage recommendations 0(0) 13(61.90%)9.Discusses the potential side effects 2(14.28%) 7(33.33 %)10. Discusses the how to manage the side effects <strong>of</strong> drug if they do occur 2(14.28%) 7(33.33% )11.Discusses precautions 4(28.57%) 15(71.42% )12. Discusses the significant interactions 1(7.14%) 3(14.28%)13.Explains what to do if the patient misses the dose 0(0) 3(14.28%)14. Uses the language patient is likely to understand 14(100) 21(100% )15.Uses appropriate counseling aids 5(35.71%) 6(28.57% )16.Uses open ended questions 11(78.57%) 2 (100% )17.Verifies the patient understandings 5(35.71%) 16(76.19%)18.Summarize by emphasizing key point <strong>of</strong> the information 1(7.14%) 9(42.85%)19.Provides an opportunity for final concerns or questions 3(21.42%) 8(38.09%)20.Helps patient to plan follow-up and next step 2(14.28%) 16(76.19% )When community pharmacists were approached during thefirst training module, they have given many reasonsexpressing their inability to attend the training programme.Common reasons for not attending the training were lack <strong>of</strong>time, lack <strong>of</strong> interest, and lack <strong>of</strong> locum,. Pharmacist's showedlack <strong>of</strong> awareness about the pr<strong>of</strong>essional responsibilities andattitude for learning in the second training program. and manypharmacist have attended from near by village & number <strong>of</strong>participants was increased by 50%. The reason for thisenhancement was identified as increased awareness andcoordination by the fellow pharmacist who attended thetraining program.The result <strong>of</strong> the pretest suggested that many pharmacistknowledge base is poor. because, most <strong>of</strong> the pharmacist havecompleted their pr<strong>of</strong>essional qualification that is diploma inpharmacy, five years ago (70%). During their practicepharmacists were restricted only to dispensing and did nothave an opportunity to enhance their knowledge in theirregular practice. Only the continuing education program mayhelp them to nurture their knowledge and pr<strong>of</strong>essional skills.The post test results suggested that though the communitypharmacist were away from the college for long time, they arein the pr<strong>of</strong>ession, there by they performed better counseling.During the first counseling skills assessment, it was observedthat no community pharmacist warned the patient abouttaking the drugs <strong>of</strong> other systems like Ayurveda/Homeopathy.No pharmacist gave any storage recommendations and theinformation in case the patient misses a dose. Very fewpharmacists discussed about the potential side effects andstrategies to over come them.ndDuring the 2 training assessment the performance <strong>of</strong> theCommunity Pharmacists was considerably enhanced. Thismay be because <strong>of</strong> giving the feedback to the pharmacistsregarding their strengths and weakness and helping them totune their skills.The validation results proved that the designed trainingmodule was appropriate and kindled interest for counseling,helped them to analyze and reduced their barrier forcounseling. All the pharmacists agreed that the programenhanced their communication skills. They also suggestedthat these programs should be conducted at least once in twomonths. This suggests that if proper training is given to all thepharmacists will be motivated to <strong>of</strong>fer the patient counseling.CONCLUSIONSelected community pharmacists <strong>of</strong> Mysore city were trainedin two modules on diseases like Diabetes, hypertension,asthma, peptic ulcer disease, malaria, tuberculosis and<strong>Indian</strong> <strong>Journal</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Pharmacy</strong> <strong>Practice</strong> Volume 4 Issue 4 <strong>Oct</strong> - <strong>Dec</strong>, <strong>2011</strong> 83

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