Oct-Dec, 2011 - Indian Journal of Pharmacy Practice

Oct-Dec, 2011 - Indian Journal of Pharmacy Practice Oct-Dec, 2011 - Indian Journal of Pharmacy Practice


Singh B -Respiratory Tract Problems associated with allergies in Punjab region, India-A survey reportconsider SES as a key patient-level marker of risk for poor13outcomes.In India, there have been only a few population-based studies14,15 16on the prevalence of COPD some hospital based studies17and some in specific population groups such as workers or18patients attendants. Only few of these studies have usedstandardized questionnaires, operational definitions ofchronic bronchitis and asthma. Few studies with regard to therisk factors associated with chronic respiratory disease inurban areas have been conducted. Questionnaires are the mostcommonly used subjective instrument of measurement inrespiratory epidemiology. They represent a convenient tool ofinvestigating large sample population owing to low cost, easyto use by the investigator, and good compliance of the19subjects.MATERIAL AND METHODSThe survey report is based on the questionnaire method,where patients suffering from respiratory problems wereincluded in the study. It was carried out after obtainingapproval from Dean, LFAMS, Lovely ProfessionalUniversity, Phagwara, in the state of Punjab, India.ObjectivesŸ Assessment of respiratory health by questionnaire surveyŸ Assessment of behavioural characteristicsStudy SampleThe number of individuals in the age group 10-40 year was200, the total number of individuals who were actuallyscreened were 126. The rest of 74 individuals could not bescreened because of their non- availability.Study PeriodthPeriod of study was four month from 15 February, 2009 toth14 June, 2009. The population under study was also verifiedduring this period. All the collected data were analysedtabulated and subjected to statistical analysis.Planning and procedure followed for the studyIndividuals were randomly selected within the universitycampus. We developed a questionnaire asking whether theywere suffering from RTP or not, symptoms associated withRTP, smoking history, exercise and details of medicationhistory were noted.RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONIncidence of Respiratory tract problem according togenderTable 1 shows, Incidence of the Respiratory disease accordingto gender where 73 (58%) were male as compared to 53 (42%)were female. Most studies from India and other countrieshave observed a male preponderance for the occurrence ofCOPD. The difference is attributed to the differential rates ofsmoking and occupational exposure between the two20genders. The ratio of incidences has been representedgraphically in Graph 1.Table 1: Incidence of RTP according to genderMale (%) Female (%)58 42Fig. 1: Incidence of Respiratory problem according to genderDistribution of Respiratory tract problem according toageTable II shows the distribution of the Respiratory individualaccording to the age. In the present study respiratory problemis more in the age group 21-30 year is 48%. Some studies haveobserved a relationship between acute lower respiratory tractinfection in the first two years of life and chronic respiratorydisease in later life. For example, acute lower respiratoryinfection in childhood has been related to chronic cough in21 22young adults , adult mortality from bronchitis , reduced lungfunction and increased bronchial reactivity. The ratio ofincidences has been represented graphically in Graph 2.Table 2: Distribution of Respiratory problem according to ageGroup Age (in year) Distribution of candidateswith RTP (%)G1 10-20 20G2 21-30 48G3 31-40 32Fig. 2: Distribution of Respiratory tract problem according to ageIndian Journal of Pharmacy Practice Volume 4 Issue 4 Oct - Dec, 2011 74

Singh B -Respiratory Tract Problems associated with allergies in Punjab region, India-A survey reportIncidences of causative allergen of RTP in male andfemaleTable III show the various type of allergen which areresponsible for the respiratory tract problem. Smoke/dustconstitute 38%, humidity 17%, perfume 20%, powder 19%,food article 2%, poullants 12% and temperature 8% of allthese allergen is responsible for the respiratory tract problemin the present study. Allergic diseases result from a complexinteraction between genes, allergens and co-factors whichvary between regions. The role of allergens in thedevelopment of asthma is well established. The ratio ofincidences has been represented graphically in Graph 3.Table 3: Incidence of causative allergen of RTP in male and femaleAllergens Subject (%)Smoke/dust 38Humidity 13Perfume 16Powders 15food article 02Poullants 10Temperature 06Fig. 3: Incidences of causative allergen of RTP in male and femaleTable 4: Incidence of medication trend in both male andfemale suffering from RTPSelf medication (%) Registered Medical Practitioner (%)58 42Fig. 4: Incidence of medication trend in both male andfemale suffering from RTPIncidence of RTP in both male and female according tolocationTable V show the distribution of respiratory tract problem ismore in urban 79% and 47% in rural area. Air pollution isconsidered as the most important contributing factor forrespiratory illnesses in urban area. The ratio of incidences hasbeen represented graphically in Graph 5.Table 5: Incidence of RTP in both male and femaleaccording to locationUrban (%) Rural (%)63 37Fig. 5: Incidence of Respiratory problem according to genderIncidence of medication trend in both male and femalesuffering from RTPTable IV shows that self medication is more commonly usedin the respiratory tract problem 58% as compared toregistered medical practitioner 42%. It was reported invarious survey, most of the individuals used self-medicationmainly for the treatment of respiratory tract infection illnesssuch as common cold, cough and fever. The ratio ofincidences has been represented graphically in Graph 4.CONCLUSIONThis study shows a very clear picture that respiratory tractallergies are more common today, where environmentalpollution has a great role to play. Teenagers are often thesuffers from such problems due to smoking habits mainly,followed by perfume and humidity. No doubt people areIndian Journal of Pharmacy Practice Volume 4 Issue 4 Oct - Dec, 2011 75

Singh B -Respiratory Tract Problems associated with allergies in Punjab region, India-A survey reportIncidences <strong>of</strong> causative allergen <strong>of</strong> RTP in male andfemaleTable III show the various type <strong>of</strong> allergen which areresponsible for the respiratory tract problem. Smoke/dustconstitute 38%, humidity 17%, perfume 20%, powder 19%,food article 2%, poullants 12% and temperature 8% <strong>of</strong> allthese allergen is responsible for the respiratory tract problemin the present study. Allergic diseases result from a complexinteraction between genes, allergens and co-factors whichvary between regions. The role <strong>of</strong> allergens in thedevelopment <strong>of</strong> asthma is well established. The ratio <strong>of</strong>incidences has been represented graphically in Graph 3.Table 3: Incidence <strong>of</strong> causative allergen <strong>of</strong> RTP in male and femaleAllergens Subject (%)Smoke/dust 38Humidity 13Perfume 16Powders 15food article 02Poullants 10Temperature 06Fig. 3: Incidences <strong>of</strong> causative allergen <strong>of</strong> RTP in male and femaleTable 4: Incidence <strong>of</strong> medication trend in both male andfemale suffering from RTPSelf medication (%) Registered Medical Practitioner (%)58 42Fig. 4: Incidence <strong>of</strong> medication trend in both male andfemale suffering from RTPIncidence <strong>of</strong> RTP in both male and female according tolocationTable V show the distribution <strong>of</strong> respiratory tract problem ismore in urban 79% and 47% in rural area. Air pollution isconsidered as the most important contributing factor forrespiratory illnesses in urban area. The ratio <strong>of</strong> incidences hasbeen represented graphically in Graph 5.Table 5: Incidence <strong>of</strong> RTP in both male and femaleaccording to locationUrban (%) Rural (%)63 37Fig. 5: Incidence <strong>of</strong> Respiratory problem according to genderIncidence <strong>of</strong> medication trend in both male and femalesuffering from RTPTable IV shows that self medication is more commonly usedin the respiratory tract problem 58% as compared toregistered medical practitioner 42%. It was reported invarious survey, most <strong>of</strong> the individuals used self-medicationmainly for the treatment <strong>of</strong> respiratory tract infection illnesssuch as common cold, cough and fever. The ratio <strong>of</strong>incidences has been represented graphically in Graph 4.CONCLUSIONThis study shows a very clear picture that respiratory tractallergies are more common today, where environmentalpollution has a great role to play. Teenagers are <strong>of</strong>ten thesuffers from such problems due to smoking habits mainly,followed by perfume and humidity. No doubt people are<strong>Indian</strong> <strong>Journal</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Pharmacy</strong> <strong>Practice</strong> Volume 4 Issue 4 <strong>Oct</strong> - <strong>Dec</strong>, <strong>2011</strong> 75

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