Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana - Uprrda.org

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<strong>Pradhan</strong> <strong>Mantri</strong> <strong>Gram</strong> <strong>Sadak</strong> <strong>Yojana</strong>GuidelinesforQuality Monitoring byState Quality MonitorsunderSecond Tier of Quality Control MechanismUttar Pradesh Rural Roads Development AgencyMinistry of Rural Development,Government of Uttar PradeshApril, 20071

Index of ContentsTopicsPage No.1. Introduction 32. Arrangements of Inspection 53. Prioritization of Works for Inspection 74. Information and Details to be furnished to SQM by PIU 85. Inspection, Observation and Grading of Works 10List of Annexure1 Annexure 1 – Requirement of Man power, Equipments and Implements.2 Annexure 2 – Item-wise observations, their method, frequency and awardablequality grading3 Format 1 – Part I – Work Information4 Format 1 – Part II – Observations of SQM for Ongoing/Completed Work

1. IntroductionThe State Governments are responsible for implementation of <strong>Pradhan</strong> <strong>Mantri</strong><strong>Gram</strong> <strong>Sadak</strong> <strong>Yojana</strong> (PMGSY) in the State, as such; it is the responsibility of theState Government to ensure quality of road works under this programme.However, since the programme lays special emphasis on the quality and timelycompletion of road works, a three tier quality management mechanism has beenoperationalised.The standards for quality of works have been prescribed under thepublication ‘Ministry of Rural Development, Specifications for Rural Roadspublished by IRC in August, 2004’ (hereinafter referred to as Specifications). Thecomprehensive details about rural roads are provided in Rural Roads Manual IRCSP: 20, 2002. In order to provide detailed guidance to the field engineers about thetests and testing procedures, the NRRDA has published Quality Control HandBook (being revised by IRC) and for recording the test results, Quality ControlRegisters have been prescribed.The first tier of quality management mechanism is envisaged as in-housequality control system to ensure the implementation of quality standards by way ofcarrying out mandatory tests, however, the second tier is envisaged as independentquality check and monitoring mechanism to be operationalised by the States.Whereas, the State Governments are responsible for quality management throughoperationalization of the first two tiers, the National Rural Roads DevelopmentAgency (NRRDA) arranges for quality monitoring through independent monitorstermed as National Quality Monitors (NQMs). The objective of this third tier ofquality mechanism is to monitor the quality of road works executed by the Stateswith a view to ensure that the road works under the programme conform tostandards and to see whether the quality management mechanism in the State iseffective. The role of this tier is to provide guidance to State implementationmachinery and the field engineers rather than ‘fault finding’, as such; theshortcomings are identified by the NQMs and a feedback is provided to the Statesfor improvement.The National Quality Monitors are performing inspection of works sinceMarch, 2002. The guidelines for inspection and reporting formats were prescribedduring the initial period of operationalization of this tier of QM; however, basedon the feedback from various stakeholders, the guidelines and reporting formatswere revised in July, 2004. Having gathered the experience of independent QualityMonitoring of rural roads in last four years and based on the valuable suggestionsand feedback has been provided not only by the State officials and NQMs but alsoby the field officers and auditing agencies, it is felt that certain revisions in respectof the following items are necessary.1. The attention of the third tier of QM should focus on the quality of work,guidance related to quality rather than other aspects.

2. The observations of the NQMs should be objectively based on definedmethods.3. The NQM should be more accountable for the observations he has made.Therefore, as an endeavor to continuously update to achieve the targets ofbest of the quality, the guidelines and reporting format for inspection of worksunder third tier are being revised and the process of continuous performanceevaluation of National Quality Monitors by way of periodic review of reports andfield verification by reputed institutions is envisaged.Under the revised guidelines, the PIU and the NQM would also be requiredto use OMMAS website www.pmgsyonline.nic.in extensively. The NQM wouldbe required to download the list of works in the district to be visited by him/herand make mandatory online entry of sub-item grading in the website which wouldgenerate the item grading as well as the overall grading and also enable the States,PIUs and the NRRDA to carry out the further analysis of NQM reports. To enablethe NQM to make online entry, he/she would be given the log-in and the passwordfor limited data entry. The PIU would be able to generate Part-I Work Informationfrom the OMMAS using the PIU Log-in.

Arrangements of InspectionThe SQMs shall be given the programme to inspect the works in designateddistricts during the designated months. The PIU shall make necessaryarrangements for visit of SQMs. The detailed guidelines for arrangement ofinspection of SQMs are given below:1. The State Quality Monitors will be sent the letter of request with programme ofinspection of works. The copy of the letter will also be endorsed to the PIUs formaking necessary arrangements.2. On receipt of the letter the PIU shall contact the SQM and get the tentativeprogramme of inspection. In case, the PIU does not contact the SQM, the SQMmay take initiative.3. It shall be responsibility of the PIU to ensure adequate arrangements forinspection of SQM. In these revised guidelines, it is mandatory for the SQM tomake observations on the basis of quality control tests/ hand-feel tests/measurements performed under his personal supervision for which necessaryequipments, staff and implements would be required; therefore, it shall be thepersonal responsibility of the PIU to ensure that requisite staff and equipmentsare provided to SQM for performing/ getting performed required tests (List ofequipments and staff required for inspection is enclosed as Annexure 1).4. The details of schedule of visit will be available on website www.uprrda.<strong>org</strong> inthe last week of the preceding month to enable the PIUs to make necessaryarrangements.5. The SQM is required to inspect maximum of three districts in a single visit inmonth.6. In the present format, the SQM is required to perform/ get performed theprescribed tests which would take time and it would not be possible to makedesired observations in a day for one completed work of maximum 3km length or 2ongoing works each of maximum 3km length in which about 50% work has beencompleted, as such; the SQM should finalize a suitable programme to spend notmore than 3 days in each district inspecting not more than 1 completed work or 1completed and one on-going work in just initial stages or 2 on-going works bothwith less than 50% physical progress( per day ). The inspection of 1-2 road worksis suggested with a view that normally, a road in PMGSY would not be of a lengthmore than 3 Km, however; if the length of road work is more, every 3 Km lengthor part thereof shall be treated as another work. It must be clearly understood thatthe observations required during the work should be made with due care anddiligence. In no case, the superficial inspection/ observations would be acceptedby UPRRDA.7. The SQM is expected to make his own arrangements to travel up tonearest rail/ air head of one of the District Headquarters of the districts allotted tohim. The PIU shall make necessary arrangements for transport required for

inspection of works within the District and from one District to the next. The PIUmay make arrangements of boarding of SQM in Government Guest Houses/Inspection Bungalows but in case of non-availability of such an accommodation,the SQM may stay in private Hotels/ Guest Houses and the reimbursement toSQM for boarding charges will be done by UPRRDA as per terms and conditions.8. The programme of inspection is valid for the inspection of works foronly the months mentioned in letter of request; therefore, in no case should theinspection spill over to the next month. This is necessary as the same district mighthave been allotted to another SQM for the next month. The inspection of workswould therefore not be valid for purposes of reimbursement of expenses byUPRRDA for a month other than the allotted one.9. The SQM shall not be entitled for remunerations including travelexpenses etc. for such inspections which are carried out in contravention to theguidelines or found to be superficial.

Prioritization of Works for InspectionIt has been noticed that the SQMs are not able to inspect the works as perthe priorities given in the guidelines. It is also noticed that either the PIUs havetendency to offer the works of their choice for inspection or some SQMs prefer toinspect the works which are situated at convenient locations. It has been thereforedecided that the SQM before proceeding to the concerned district for inspectionwould obtain the list of works in the district and after obtaining the list, he willselect the works as per the criteria for prioritization of works given in thisguidelines.While inspecting the works, the SQM shall prioritize the selection of roadsas follows:1. Priority 1 shall be to inspect works which are at earthwork stage. This is with aview to examine the system and procedures which is being followed by the PIUand the Contractor. SQM intervention at this stage would help in ensuring thatsubsequent stages of the work are carried out after system deficiencies areremoved.Under this category it would be sufficient that only one work of the contractpackage is examined. (As the PIU and Contractor would be common). In the nextvisit, the other SQM should inspect any other road in progress under the samepackage.2. Priority 2 ongoing works (excluding Phase I ,II, and III works) whichhave not been inspected at all by SQM before.3. Priority 3 shall be ongoing works that have not been inspected by SQMin the last 8 months.4. Priority 4 shall be inspection of completed works and which have notbeen inspected by SQM in the 6 month period upon completion.5. Works of Phase I, II, III and works under World Bank funded packagesshall not be inspected by SQM unless specifically requested by SQC.6. The same ongoing road work shall not be inspected if the previousinspection by SQM is less than 6 months earlier and no ongoing road work shallbe inspected if it has been inspected twice before by any SQM , and, no completework shall be inspected if it has been inspected once before by any SQM7. If the SQM is inspecting any road after the inspection by a NQM, heshall inspect the work with a view to analyze the quality of work in light of theobservations made by NQM also.8. Complaint cases and ATR cases shall be got inspected on case to casebasis.

Information and Details to be furnished to SQM by PIUThe PIU shall ensure that the information as detailed in the followingparagraphs is provided to SQM :1. The PIU shall furnish the phase-wise list of road works to the SQM in theformat given below in which the details about previous inspections shallcompulsorily be mentioned. The PIU shall also make available a road mapshowing the location of roads to enable planning of the itinerary andselection of works to be inspected.Name of PIU _____________________ Date _______________NameofRoadPhaseandDate ofStart%ProgressDetails ofInspt. (if any)by SQM/NQMAction Taken/Rectification Doneand whether reinspectedDateofInspt.Name ofNQM/SQM2. The SQM shall select roads out of this list in accordance with the prioritygiven in the guidelines and shall enclose a copy of the list of roads given tohim by the Programme Implementing Unit. However, if the SQM is given alist of roads to be inspected with the inspection programme, works from thislist only shall be inspected. Detailed reasoning shall be furnished by SQM incase of deviation in selection of works from the specified list3. After the SQM selects the roads to be visited, the PIU shall provide thenecessary works information in respect of the road in Part I of the InspectionReport Format (enclosed as Format 1). The PIUs are supposed to updatedata on OMMAS, as such; majority of information prescribed in Part I -Work Information shall be available in the OMMAS database. Thearrangements for downloading the information from website are beingmade by NRRDA and in future, the format of Part I – Work Informationwould be downloaded by the PIU from his own login and handed over tothe SQM after filling information in the blank spaces. It is expected thatthe PIU would provide this information to the SQM without wasting anytime.

4. The PIU shall produce to SQM the original DPR of the work beinginspected along with working drawings.5. The PIU shall produce the Quality Control Registers Part I and Part II toenable the SQM to understand the details of tests conducted.6. The SQM shall get some hand feel tests and field test conducted underthis personal supervision as such, the PIU shall necessarily provide theessential equipment and facilities and manpower to SQM for the purpose.7. The road which has already been inspected by SQM earlier may also beselected by SQM for inspection (the road inspected by SQM shall not beinspected by other SQM till 6 months after the inspection of earlier SQM).The PIU shall provide the copy of report of SQM/NQM to SQM, so thatwhile inspecting the work, the SQM could look into the issues raised bySQM/ NQM. If, there is marked difference in the observations ofNQM/SQM made during the previous visits, the SQM is also required toanalyze the reasons for difference in observations, therefore; it ismandatory for PIU to provide copy of NQM/SQM inspectionsconducted earlier.

Inspection, Observation and Grading of WorksThe objective of second tier of Quality Monitoring under PMGSY, i.e.inspection of road works by state level independent monitors is to identifyshortcomings in respect of quality of road works and to guide the PIUs about thespecifications, good practices and effective execution of works with desiredquality. The role of these monitors is to critically examine the road works and givefeedback about quality of road works and quality management relatedshortcomings to the first tier quality management team and UPRRDA to enablesystemic improvements. After the selection of work for inspection as perguidelines, the PIU would furnish the details of work in the part-1 of theprescribed format. The SQM should visit the work and perform critical inspectionof the entire work.5.1 How to make observations: There could be many methods ofinspecting, making observations and evaluating various items and sub-itemsinvolved in construction of a rural road. With a view to achieve uniformity,objectivity in observations and evaluation, the efforts have been made tostandardize the methods of observations and evaluation. Various items and subitemsinvolved in construction of a rural road have been listed in Annexure 2.Each of the sub-items shown in the Appendix shall be examined by SQM as perthe method of observation mentioned in column – 4 and as per the frequencymentioned in column – 5. The quality of the sub-item/item would be quantified inone of the 2/3 grades prescribed in column – 6. The SQM shall base hisobservations on the method of field tests, hand feel tests, measurements andvisual observations as specified in column – 4 of the Annexure 2 only and inno other way.The SQM shall record observations at the space provided in Format-1 Part-II.5.2 How to <strong>org</strong>anize inspection: The SQM is expected to traverse throughthe entire road length to ascertain the quantum of work such as length of road,number of CDs, protection works, side drains, catch water drains, rigid pavementand other aspects of the work. After the traverse, the SQM would decide about thelocations for detailed observations.In case of on-going work/item of work it is easier to take samples of material;however, in case of completed work/item it may be difficult to take samples. Ascan be seen from Annexure 2, the tests are generally required to be made in onekilometer, as such, in case of completed work, it is suggested that after traversingthe entire length of the road, the SQM should select one such spot in everykilometer, which is fairly representative of the overall quality of the road in thatkilometer. The observations can be made on this spot by digging a pit either onpavement or at half pavement and half shoulder, as decided by the SQM.

5.3 Grading of Works: The quality of every item and sub-item of workwould be evaluated by the SQM on the basis observations made as per prescribedstandard method. The grading would be recorded in every item and abstracted atappropriate space provided in Part III of the format. The grading of work would bedone with an intention to quantify the observations showing level of satisfactionin relation to the specification of the work/item under observation. The objectivewould be to indicate to the Executing Agency, as to whether the material orworkmanship is acceptable, or unacceptable. If the item is unacceptable, theimprovement could be done by either replacement of the entire material/portion ofwork or by rectification in workmanship or material. The grading should be able toindicate to the PIU/ State, the level of intervention required for improvement.Therefore, based on the type of item and method of observation, each item/ subitemof work would be graded in any of the categories i.e. ‘Satisfactory (S)’,‘Requires Improvement (RI)’ or ‘Unsatisfactory (U)’ out of the categoriesprescribed as per column 6 of the Annexure 2. Based on grading, the PIU shalltake action for rectification of defect, therefore, it is very important to record thedefect as well as the suggestive method by which the rectification could be done.The SQM shall record, in the space provided in Part II observation sheet, thegrade as well as clear and express reasons for grading the item of work as‘RI’ or ‘U’ along with his suggestions for improvement. The reasons andsuggestions shall be recorded clearly in such a way that there are no ambiguities orcontradictions with observations in other items. The detailed method of makingobservations and grading of item/ sub-item of works is given in paragraphs below.5.4 How to fill up the reporting format and grade the items/ sub-itemsof the work: The detailed guidelines for making observations, filling up of theinspection format and grading are given below. It shall be ensured by the SQMthat space provided for observations are not left blank without any observations.The space for observations in respect of items not executed should be filled up bywriting “Item not executed” but if material is available at site, testing shall bedone and observations be made for the quality of material.5.5 Observations on Quality Arrangements: In case of ongoing worksthis item shall be examined. The observations about establishment of fieldlaboratory would be made. It should be carefully seen that whether the fieldlaboratory has adequate equipments and whether the equipments are being used toactually test the material and workmanship of the road work.If field laboratory has not been established, ‘U’ grade would be awarded; iflaboratory is established but does not have sufficient equipments or theequipments have not been used, ‘RI’ grade would be awarded; if field laboratorywith sufficient equipments has been established and equipments are being used ‘S’grade would be awarded.5.6 Attention to Quality: Two types of observations are required to be made inthis item. The first observation is regarding the maintenance of Quality ControlRegister Part I and II in case of ongoing works. It should be carefully seen that

whether adequate number of tests as per prescribed mandatory frequency havebeen carried out or not (see abstract of tests in Quality Control Register). Theother observation would be about the verification of test results recorded by theContractor/PIU. In the subsequent paragraphs, the process for sampling and fieldtesting is mentioned, the results of field tests carried out by SQMs shall be crossreferenced with the test results recoded in Quality Control Register Part-I and thecomment on correctness of the test results shall be recorded by the SQM.If, record of tests is properly maintained and monitored through QualityControl Register Part I and II, all the tests as per prescribed frequency have beencarried out ‘S’ grade would be awarded. If, the above items have been partlyattended ‘RI’ grade would be awarded and if, these items have not been attendedby PIU ‘U’ grade would be awarded.On verification of the test results recorded by the PIU, the sub-item aboutverification of test results would be graded. The grading would be ‘S’ if testresults recorded by Contractor/PIU reasonably matches with the test resultsobtained by SQM after field testing at the same location otherwise the item wouldbe graded ‘U’.5.7 Observations on geometrics: In case of ongoing and completed works, theobservations shall be made for this item. The measurements about the road waywidth, carriage way width and adequacy of camber shall be made at a selected RDand shall be tabulated in reporting format. The observations about execution ofhorizontal curve, superelevation and extra widening as per the provisions of DPRshall be made and entered at relevant space in the reporting format. If, it is felt thatthe provisions about camber, superelevation, extra widening etc. has not beenmade in DPR but are required as per field conditions, in such cases, clearobservations should be made in the space provided under ‘General Observations’at the end of reporting format. If above items have been executed properly asprovided in DPR ‘S’ grade would be awarded otherwise ‘U’ grade would beawarded.5.8 Observations about the quality of work- General: The observation aboutthe quality of work is required to be made for every item and sub-item ofconstruction in the manner given in subsequent sub-paragraphs. In case of flexiblepavements the observation about sub-grade, sub-base, base-course and surfacecourse are required to be made for on-going as well as completed works. In case ofon-going works/items under observations, it is easy to take samples; however, incase the item under observation is already complete or the entire work is completeit is required to take at least one observation pit of appropriate size and depth inevery Km. The observations in case of completed works shall be based on testsperformed on samples drawn form these observation pits. After reconnaissance, alocation of fairly representative quality of road may be identified for digging a pit.The size of pit could be about 30cm x 30cm and upto a depth where the sub-gradestarts. The pit should be dug with the help of appropriate tools but the observationshould start right from application of the digging tool. Needless to add that the

observation about sub-base course, base-course and sub-grade can be taken fromthe same pit and it may not be generally required to dig more than one pit in oneKm.From the surface course, the material of PMC/surface dressing may beremoved and kept separately. The top layer of WBM can be removed, thickness oflayer can be measured and course aggregate and fine aggregates can be separatedeasily. The gradation test can be performed on these samples of aggregate. Thehand-feel tests for plasticity may be performed on fine aggregates. Forascertaining the adequacy of compaction, hand-feel test is mentioned in sub-para bof sub-para C below. The same process can be repeated in other layers of WBM. Ifit is difficult to distinguish between the different layers of WBM, still thegradation tests can be performed and fair assessment about the gradation of theaggregates, adequacy of compaction, plasticity of the screening/filler material maybe done.After making observations about WBM, the observations about thickness,gradation and plasticity of material can be easily made for GSB but for adequacyof compaction, sand replacement/core cutter method may be adopted. Aftermaking observations about GSB, the observations about the sub-grade could beeasily made.5.9 Observation of Earth Work and Sub-grade: The Earth Work in ruralroads could be either for embankment construction or for formation cutting. Theobservations shall be made for ongoing as well as completed works. The award ofgrades shall be done for earthwork in embankment and for cutting based on thetype of works involved. There may be situations where either of the two sub-itemswould be involved but in exceptional cases where both the items have beenexecuted, the grading of both the items may be suitably done. The SQM shallmake the observations in the following manner.(a) Earthwork and Sub-grade in Embankment:(i) Suitability of material for embankment construction: TheSQM shall make detailed observations at-least at one location perkilometer and the RD at which observation is made shall be recorded inthe table given in the reporting format. The SQM shall makeobservation about the suitability of the soil by visual classification ofsoil as prescribed in Annex 5.1 of Operations Manual and clearobservations regarding the suitability should be made in reference toSpecifications clause 301. In case of completed works or completeditem of work the observations shall be based on test pit.If soil is suitable “S” grade would be awarded otherwise “U” gradewould be awarded.(ii) For making observations about adequacy of compaction, theSQM shall carry actual field test for field density of the subgrade/embankment.The field density shall be taken either by corecutter method or by sand replacement method, for ascertaining the

OMC & MDD the SQM shall examine the QC Registers and record thevalue in reporting format.In case of on-going works at-lease one test per Km for field densityshall be done. If the compaction work is on-going, one test for FieldMoisture Content of the soil shall also be done to understand whetherthe compaction is being done at OMC or not.The findings shall be recorded in the report in the prescribed table. Theobservation sheet shall be enclosed with the report.If degree of compaction is found to be adequate “S” grade would beawarded otherwise “U” grade would be awarded.(iii) The visual observation about the side slopes and profile shall bemade and recorded for completed work only.If proper side slopes with proper profile exist “S” grade would beawarded otherwise “U” grade would be awarded.(b) Earthwork and Sub-grade in Cutting:The visual observations about stability and workmanship of cut slopes andadequacy of slope protection shall be made by the SQM.If cut slopes withadequate stability exist, “S” grade would be awarded, if the defects can berectified by some improvement, ‘RI’ grade would be awarded andotherwise, “U” grade would be awarded.5.10 Observation of Granular Sub-base: The construction of GranularSub-base is required to be done as per clause 401 of specifications, as such; theSQM is required to make observations about quality of material as well asworkmanship for ongoing as well as completed works.(a) Quality of Material: At-least one test of gradation shall be carried outby the SQM for every kilometer of road. The observation sheet for thegradation test result shall be enclosed with the report. For the assessment ofplasticity of the material, it may not be possible to carry out the tests forliquid limit and plasticity index; however, the SQM can carry out hand feeltests of making ball by mixing small quantity of water in the material andtry to make balls. If, well defined ball can be made by hands, the materialwould generally be plastic enough to be ranked as unsuitable and if ballcannot be made by hands the material is treated non-plastic to the desiredextent. If the material is of suitable gradation and plasticity “S” gradewould be awarded otherwise “U” grade would be awarded.(b) Workmanship and Compaction: Generally the field density test bysand replacement method shall be carried out but if it is not be possible tocarry out detailed test about the compaction of GSB material, the adequacyof compaction may be judged by making visual observations about thedensity of compacted layer. In case of on-going works or in case ofcompleted item, the observations about the denseness of GSB layer can bemade at time of application of pick axe or crow bar while digging the test

pit. If degree of compaction is found to be adequate “S” grade would beawarded otherwise “U” grade would be awarded.5.11 Observations of Base Course: In rural roads, generally the basecourseis being constructed with WBM. The construction of WBM base course isrequired to be done as per the provisions contained in clause 405 of Specificationsfor Rural Roads. The observations about WBM shall be made for completed aswell as ongoing work by SQM in the following manner:(a) Quality of Material: At-least one test for gradation of aggregate ofevery layer of WBM shall be done for each kilometer in case of on-goingworks as well as completed works. The observation sheet for the gradationtest result shall be enclosed with the report. For the assessment of plasticityof the crushable aggregate used as fillers or screenings, it may not bepossible to carry out the tests for liquid limit and plasticity index, however,the SQM can carry out hand feel tests of making ball by mixing water intothe material and make observations as to whether the material is nonplasticto the desired extent or is plastic enough to be ranked as unsuitable.If grading of course aggregate/ fine aggregate and plasticity ofcrushable aggregate/ filler is suitable “S” grade would be awardedotherwise “U” grade would be awarded.(b) Compaction: The exact assessment of compaction in a WBM is quitedifficult, however; it is quite simple to make fair assessment about the factthat whether the compaction has been adequately done or not. Forassessing the adequacy of compaction, the SQM is supposed to carry outthe volumetric analysis. After digging the pit course and fine aggregatescan be separated by sewing or by manual measures and comparativequantity of filers and course aggregate can fairly be judged, the courseaggregate can be refilled in the same pit and it should be observed that howmuch bulging has taken place above the level of compacted surface. Thisprocess will give a fair idea as to whether the proper compaction has beendone. The SQM shall make all the observations about the compaction onlyafter carrying out the above hand feel test. It may however be noted bySQMs that by even the visual observations during the process ofapplication of pick axe or crow bar also the compactness of WBM layercan be fairly assessed.If compaction is found to be adequate “S” grade would be awardedotherwise “U” grade would be awarded.5.12 Observations on Bituminous Construction: In Rural Roads,generally the BT surfacing is being done over prime coat, tack coat. BT workgenerally consists of 20mm premix carpet with seal coat. In few cases, surfacedressing is constructed, whereas, in some other cases, modified penetrationmacadam is also constructed. It is rare to have BM or other types of BT surfacingunder PMGSY. The observations about BT surface shall be made by SQM in thefollowing manner:

(a) Quality of BT surface in case of completed work: At the selectedlocation the observation on a pit shall be tabulated in which thickness oflayer shall be assessed. The observations in a pit shall reveal the fact thatwhether the BT surface has been constructed after proper cleaning of thegranular surface or not, this observation should be assessed and recorded.Quality of workmanship shall be assessed in light of surface evenness,surface colour and texture, camber etc.In case of ongoing works/item of works, based on the stage ofconstruction, the observations about cleaning of granular surface receivingBT, Prime coat, Tack coat etc. shall be made. The observations aboutgradation of aggregate by gradation test and verification of grade ofbitumen by examination of original test report of the manufacturer shall bedone. The observations will include the quality of aggregate, quality andquantity of binder, temperature at mixing point and laying temperature,rolling and other aspects.If material and workmanship is found satisfactory, ‘S’ grade shall beawarded otherwise ‘U’ grade shall be awarded.5.13 Observations on Shoulders: The SQM should make observationsabout the classification of soil and if suitable soil is used for shoulders “S” gradewould be awarded otherwise “U” grade would be awarded. The SQM should makevisual observation about the shoulders and ascertain whether the shoulder has beenconstructed simultaneously with GSB and record observation carefully. Ifcompaction is found to be adequate “S” grade would be awarded otherwise “U”grade would be awarded.5.14 Observations on Cross Drainage Works: The SQM shall inspect atleast 50% of CDs situated on roads. In Rural Roads generally flushed causewaysand vented causeways with hume pipes are built. Box culverts and Slab culvertsare also common. The SQM shall give details about the span and type of CDs withtheir numbers. Detailed observations about every inspected CD work withreference to Material and Workmanship shall be made by SQMs. In the reportingformat the observations about Causeways of all the spans and Culverts upto 6 m.span shall be recorded, however, for Culverts/ bridges beyond 6 m. span separateobservation sheet shall be enclosed in which detailed observations about quality ofmaterial and workmanship shall be made by SQM, at present detailed format is notbeing prescribed. The effect of quality grading of CD beyond 6 m. span shall bedecided by UPRRDA on case to case basis.General observation about quality of material used in CD works shall bemade and recorded by the SQM. If proper CD work is found “S” grade would beawarded, if CD work requires improvement ‘RI’ grade would be awarded, if workis not upto the standards “U” grade would be awarded.General observation about workmanship of CD works shall be made andrecorded. If workmanship in CD work is found satisfactory “S” grade would be

awarded, if it requires improvement ‘RI’ grade would be awarded, if work is notupto the standards “U” grade would be awarded.5.15 Observations on Side Drains and Catch Water Drains: In Rural Roadssituated in plain areas Kuchha Side Drains are required and these drains arerequired to be integrated with Cross Drains. In hilly and rolling terrain CatchWater Drains are constructed. Detailed observations should be made about thesedrains.If proper drainage work is found “S” grade would be awarded, if CD workrequires improvement ‘RI’ grade would be awarded, if work is not upto thestandards “U” grade would be awarded.5.16 Observations on Cement Concrete Pavements and Associated Drains:The observations about CC Pavements or other type of rigid or semi-rigidpavements and Associated Side Drains should be made in respect of Material andWorkmanship. If quality and workmanship is found acceptable, “S” grade wouldbe awarded otherwise “U” grade would be awarded.5.17 Observations on Road Furniture and Markings: Main Informatory Board,Citizen Information Board and Logo Board is required to be fixed during theconstruction of work, however, other signage are fixed after the work iscompleted. It is prescribed that all the information in the boards should bedisplayed in local language and it is essential that information should be providedin such a way that it is well understood by the local people. The observationsabout signage fixing, language used and quality of signage should be made bySQM. If furniture are found properly fixed with information in understandablelanguage and the quality and workmanship is acceptable in case of ongoing andcompleted works (as specified), “S” grade would be awarded otherwise “U” gradewould be awarded.5.18 General Observations of SQMs: The SQM is expected to interact with thePIU staff and Engineers of Contractors or Consultants. The work of SQM isguidance rather than fault finding, as such, the interaction with the personal shouldbe oriented towards guidance. The SQM is expected to make observations aboutprogress of work with reference to works programme and the action taken by PIUfor liquidated damages etc. In case of ongoing works, the SQM should find outwhether the work has been completed within sanctioned cost or not. The SQMshould specifically focus his general observations about the action taken by PIUon observation made by senior officers/SQMs and other SQMs and make clearremarks about the efficacy of action taken. In addition, the SQM is free to makeother observations but it is clarified here that the SQMs should not make suchobservations which are in contravention to guidelines of PMGSY or provisions ofspecifications. It should be clearly understood by SQM that his observationsshould not amount to direct or indirect un-due advantage to eithercontractor, consultants or other personnel involved in the work.5.19 Sub-item/Item wise Grading and Overall Grading of Work: The sub-itemwise grading of every item of work would be entered in the table at para 15 of

eporting format and the item grading would be the lowest of the grading of subitemswithin that item. The overall Item Grading would be entered in the table atPara 16 (table also given below) of the reporting format and the overall grading ofwork shall be calculated in the following manner# Item Awarded Grade1 Quality Control Arrangements2 Attention to Quality3 Geometrics4 Earthwork and Sub-grade in Embankment/Cutting5 Granular Sub-base6 Base Course Non-Bituminous and shoulders7 Bituminous Surfacing8 Shoulders9 CD Works10 Side Drains and Catch Water Drains11 CC/Semi-Rigid Pavement and Associated PukkaDrains12 Road Furniture and MarkingsOverall GradingIf, any of the items in item no. 4, 5, 6 and 7 are graded as ‘U’, overall grading of the workshall be ‘U’ i.e. ‘Unsatisfactory’.If, all the items given in above four items are ‘S’ but grading in any of other items is ‘U’or ‘RI’, the overall grading of work shall be ‘S-RI’ i.e. Satisfactory but RequiringImprovement.If grading of all items is ‘S’, the overall grading of work shall be ‘S’ i.e. ‘Satisfactory’.

Reporting and Performance Evaluation of SQMsThe observations of the SQM shall be recorded by SQM in his ownhandwriting. The reporting format shall be prepared in 4 copies, one copy shall behanded over by SQM to the PIU immediately after the inspection is over and in allcases before the SQM leaves the district where the works have been inspected.One set each of the observations should be sent to State Quality Coordinator of theconcerned State and Chief Engineer of concerned department at headquarter soonafter the inspection is over in that district. The reports should be sent to officers byname.The performance of SQMs shall be evaluated in UPRRDA on the basis ofobservations recorded in reporting formats. The reporting formats selected onrandom basis from time to time shall be evaluated. Generally, the performance ofSQM would be evaluated on the following points:a. Whether the SQM has carried out inspection as per the guidelines,b. Is there lack of application of mind by SQM in recording observations,c. Is there a tendency to avoid desirable technical observations,d. Whether the SQM has left inspection format incomplete without anyreasons.The continuation of SQMs would depend on the performance not onlyrelated to the quality of field inspections and reporting but also on the observanceof Code of Conduct.

Annexure 1Requirement of Man power, Equipments and Implements formaking the Observations by State Quality MonitorThe following Man power, Equipments and Implements are required for makingthe Observations by State Quality Monitor during the inspection of a roadworkunder PMGSY.1. One or two unskilled laborers are required to dig the pit and take thesamples of the material depending upon the work involved.2. In addition, the following equipments and implements will also berequired:# Observation Method of ObservationEquipments/ImplementsRequired1 2 4 6Item - Geometrics1 Widths Actual Measurements2 Camber Actual Measurements3Horizontal Curve,Superelevationand Actual Measurementsextra widening4LongitudenalSectionActual MeasurementsItem - Earth Work and Sub-grade in Embankment1 Quality of MaterialVisual Classification ofSoils2 CompactionField Density Test by sandreplacement/ Core Cuttermethod.Measuring tapes of20m, thread, spiritlevel and straightedge.Visual ObservationRapid MoistureMeter, SandReplacement Test/Core CutterApparatus.Item - Sub-Base1 Quality of Materiala. Grain Size Gradation Test Standard Sieves.

. Plasticity Hand-feel test.2 Compaction3Total Thickness ofLayerField Density Test by sandreplacement/ Core Cuttermethod.MeasurementItem - Base Course – Water Bound Macadam1 Quality of Materiala. Grain Size ofCourse AggregateGradation Testb. Suitability ofCourse Aggregate inrespect degree ofHand-feel test .hardness.c. Plasticity ofCrushable Aggregate Hand-feel test.used as fillersAdequacy of2 Compaction through Hand-feel test.volumetric analysis.3Thickness of everylayer of WBM.Measurement.Item - Bituminous Layer – Premix Carpet (PMC)/ Surface Dressing (SD)Rapid MoistureMeter, SandReplacement Test/Core CutterApparatus.Measuring Tapeand Steel Scale of30cm.Standard Sieves.Pick axe, crow barsand steel Scale of 30cm.Steel Scale of 30cm.1Gradation ofAggregateGradation Test.Standard Sieves.3Mixing Temperatureof Mix.Measurement.Thermometers.4Laying Temperatureof Mix.Measurement.Thermometers.5 Thickness of layer Measurement. Steel Scale of 30cm.Item - CC/ Semi Rigid Pavements and Associated Pukka Drains3 Thickness of Layer Measurements Steel Scale of 30cm.

Annexure 2Statement showing item-wise observations, their method, frequency and awardablequality grading# Sub item forobservationIn case ofworkMethod of Observation Frequency Grades1 2 3 4 5 6Item 1 - Quality ArrangementsQualityOn-going Verification of field laboratory General S/RI/UArrangementsand availability of equipments. observationItem Grade S/RI/UItem 2 - Attention to QualityabMaintenance of QCRegistersVerification of testresultsOn-goingOn-going/CompleteVerification of QC Register Iand IIVerification of test results onthe basis of field tests.GeneralobservationNot SpecifiedS/RI/UItem GradeS/RI/UItem 3 – Geometricsa Road way width Ongoing or Actual Measurements 2 per Km S/Ub Carriageway width complete Actual Measurements 2 per Km S/Uc Camber Measurement 2 per Km S/Ud Superelevation &Measurement 2 per Km S/UExtra Widening atCurvese Longitudinal Gradientin case of road in hilly/rolling terrain.Ongoing/completeVisual Observation/Measurements2 criticalstretches in aKmS/UItem GradeS/UItem 4 - Earth Work and Sub-grade in Embankment/ Cuttinga Quality of Material for Ongoing or Visual Classification of Soils 1 per Km S/UEmbankment/ Subgradecompleteb CompactionField Density Test by sandreplacement/core-cutter method.1 per Km S/UcSide Slopes andProfileComplete Measurement 4Observationsper KmS/US/U

dStability andWorkmanship of CutSlopes (in case ofhilly/ rolling terrain)Ongoing orcompleteVisual Observation 4 per Km S/Ue Adequacy of SlopeProtection (in case ofhighembankments/hilly/rolling terrain)Visual Observation 4 per Km S/UItem GradeS/UItem 5 - Sub-BaseQuality of Materiala Grain Size Ongoing or Gradation Test 1 per Km S/Ub Plasticitycomplete Hand-feel test of ball making 1 per Km S/Uwith moisture contentc Compaction Ongoing orcompletedTotal Thickness ofLayerOngoing orcompleteField Density Test by sandreplacement/ core cuttermethod.Measurement by taking pit forfull layer thickness1 per Km S/U1 per Km S/UabcdGrain Size of CourseAggregatePlasticity of CrushableAggregate used asfillersAdequacy ofCompaction throughvolumetric analysis.Thickness of everylayer of WBM.Item GradeS/UItem 6 - Base Course – Water Bound MacadamQuality of MaterialOngoing or Gradation Test 1 per Km S/UcompleteHand-feel test of ball making 1 per Km S/Uwith moisture contentHand-feel test by digging pitand volumetric analysis.Actual Measurement by takingpit1 per Km S/U1 per Km S/UItem GradeItem 7 - Bituminous Layer – Premix Carpet (PMC)/ Surface Dressing (SD)S/UaGradation ofAggregateOngoingGrain Size Analysis (GradationTest).1 at hot-mixplant/ 1 perKmS/U

cMixing Temperatureof Mix.Laying Temperature ofMix.OngoingOngoingMeasurement of temperature bythermometer.Measurement of temperature bythermometer.1 at hot-mixplant1 wherelaying is inprogress.d Thickness of layer Ongoing or Measurement by taking pit 2 per Km S/Ucompletee Surface Evenness Ongoing or By straight edge 2 per Km S/UcompleteItem GradeS/UItem 8 - Shouldersa Quality of material forshouldersComplete Visual classification of soil 1 test per Km S/RI/Ub Degree of compaction Complete Field Density Test by sandreplacement/core-cutter method.S/US/U1 test per Km S/RI/Uc Camber. Complete Measurements 1 test per Km S/RI/UItem GradeS/RI/UItem 9 - Cross Drainage Works – Causeways of all spans and Culverts upto 6 m. span.a Quality of Material –Concrete, Stone/ brickmasonry, Hume pipesincluding size etc.Ongoing orcompleteVisual observation ( for CCverify cube test results fromrecords)GeneralobservationS/RI/UbQuality ofWorkmanship such aspositioning of pipes,wing walls, cushionover H Pipes etc.General quality of SideDrains/ Catch WaterDrains and theirintegration with CDs.Visual observationGeneralobservationS/RI/UItem Grade S/RI/UItem 10 - Side Drain and Catch Water DrainOngoing orcompleteVisual observationGeneralobservationS/RI/Ua Quality of Material –Concrete, Stone/Concrete BlockPavement etc.Item GradeItem 11 - CC/ Semi Rigid Pavements and Associated Pukka DrainsOngoing orcompleteVisual Observation 1 per 100 m.Length ofPavementS/RI/US/U

Strength of CC inConcrete Pavement/Concrete BlockPavementStrength using appropriaterebound hammers/ verificationof cube test results from testrecords.1 per 100 m.Length ofPavementS/UcQuality ofWorkmanship –Wearing surfacetexture, Adequacy ofsetting of concrete,Joints, Edges etc.Visual observationGeneralobservationS/Ud Thickness of Layer Measurements 1 per 100 m.Length ofPavementItem GradeItem 12 - Road Furniture and MarkingsaCitizen InformationBoard, MainInformatory Board,Quality and whetherfixed duringconstruction.Ongoing Visual observation GeneralobservationS/US/US/UbLogo boards, 200 mstones and Km stones,quality and whetherfixed after completion.Complete Visual observation GeneralobservationS/UCWhether theinformation in boardsis given in locallanguage.Complete/OngoingItem GradeVisual observationGeneralobservationS/US/U

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