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Parent Newsletter - John Hersey High School - High School District ...

Parent Newsletter - John Hersey High School - High School District ...

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The National Scholastic PressThe National Scholastic Press Association willhonor seven advisers who show exceptionaldedication to improving journalism programs intheir schools at the national JEA/NSPA conventionin November. Janet Levin, the adviser for TheCorrespondent, published at <strong>John</strong> <strong>Hersey</strong> <strong>High</strong><strong>School</strong> in Arlington Heights, IL, was selected toreceive the NSPA Pioneer Award.Levin was chosen as one of the foremost leaderswho commit time outside of job requirementsfor the betterment of scholastic journalism. “It’sinspiring to know that she is being rewarded forreaching out beyond our room to make an impact onso many others,” junior Ashley Hawkins said of heradviser.Levin was recognized and nominated by three pastPioneer award winners, Susan Tantillo, CandaceBowen, and Randy Swikle.“Those three people are amazing journalism teach“It’s an honor because it’s about my whole career,”Levin said about the Pioneer status.Through her leadership she has guided many ofher students to receive individual national and stateawards as well.The National Council of Teacher ofEnglish Achievement Award in Writing toa <strong>Hersey</strong> Student<strong>John</strong> <strong>Hersey</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> is proudto announce that senior MonicaBurckhardt has been named arecipient of The National Councilof Teacher of English (NCTE)Achievement Award in Writing. The AchievementAwards in Writing program was established in 1957to encourage high school students in their writingand to recognize publicly the best student writersin the nation. Assessments of student writing arebased on student’s samples of their own best proseor verse and on impromptu themes that are writtenunder supervision. A team of English teachersjudges the writing, looking especially for writingthat demonstrates effective and imaginative use oflanguage to inform and move an audience.This year, more than 1,600 students from across theUnited States, Canada, and the Virgin Islands werenominated by their teachers, and Burckhardt wasone of 520 chosen for recognition. She was one ofapproximately 40 Illinois students to achieve thisdistinction.Illinois Principals Association HoraceMann 2011 Innovative Education AwardWinner - Dr. Tina CantrellCongratulations to Dr. Cantrell who has beennamed IPA/Horace Mann Insurance Company 2011Innovative Education Award winner. This awardrecognizes an outstanding program that has beenspear-headed and directed by an Illinois Principal.Dr. Cantrell has provided the vision and directionof the Partnering to Develop Global CitizensProgram. The purpose of the program is todevelop global citizenry by preparing students forthe global business and engineering world. Byteaching Mandarin Chinese, this program preparesstudents for successful opportunities that require theability to communicate, collaborate, connect, makecomparisons and understand the diverse culture ofthe Chinese people.9

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