Christening of the Wayne E. Meyer (DDG 108) - Bath Iron Works

Christening of the Wayne E. Meyer (DDG 108) - Bath Iron Works

Christening of the Wayne E. Meyer (DDG 108) - Bath Iron Works

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BIW NEWSOctober2008<strong>Christening</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong><strong>Wayne</strong> E. <strong>Meyer</strong>(<strong>DDG</strong> <strong>108</strong>)See story on page 6INSIDEFrom <strong>the</strong> Helm - 2Performance - 3EPA Performance Track - 3LCS 2 <strong>Christening</strong> - 45 Star Compliance - 4Make Health a Priority - 5BHW Reminds You - 5Retirees - 5<strong>DDG</strong> <strong>108</strong> <strong>Christening</strong> - 6From <strong>the</strong> Fleet - 8Mrs. Poulin’s Wood Stove - 9New Hires - 9Service Anniversaries - 10Recent Contract Award - 10Pumpkin Guy Bill Clark - 11Performance Incentive - 11Pumpkin Fest Regatta - 12

From <strong>the</strong> HelmDugan Shipway, President, <strong>Bath</strong> <strong>Iron</strong> <strong>Works</strong>Determination. Perseverance. Personal commitment.At <strong>the</strong> christening <strong>of</strong> <strong>DDG</strong> <strong>108</strong> on October 18, I highlightedthose three characteristics in <strong>the</strong> context <strong>of</strong>RADM <strong>Wayne</strong> E. <strong>Meyer</strong>’s success in bringing Aegis to <strong>the</strong> U. S.Navy’s Fleet. Those same traits are fundamental for our successat BIW. Whe<strong>the</strong>r we are continuing to reduce <strong>the</strong> number<strong>of</strong> labor hours we expend building ships, enhancing safety andcompliance in <strong>the</strong> shipyard or pursuing elimination <strong>of</strong> tobaccouse in your personal life, <strong>the</strong> degree <strong>of</strong> determination, perseveranceand personal commitment we put into our efforts willdictate <strong>the</strong> final outcome. Based on events in October, I’d saywe’re doing pretty well.On October 3rd, we delivered Stockdale (<strong>DDG</strong> 106) to ourNavy customer having completed <strong>the</strong> ship for approximately150,000 fewer labor hours than we achieved on Sterett (<strong>DDG</strong>104). You did that while accelerating our original trial scheduleby two weeks; you held <strong>the</strong> line on cost; and you successfullycompleted super trials with a net reduction in <strong>the</strong> number <strong>of</strong>issued trial cards. Without determination, perseverance andpersonal commitment on <strong>the</strong> part <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>DDG</strong> 106 Team, <strong>the</strong>outcome could have been much different.Over <strong>the</strong> next two weeks we successfully christenedIndependence (LCS 2) in Mobile, Alabama (October 4) and<strong>the</strong>n <strong>Wayne</strong> E. <strong>Meyer</strong> (<strong>DDG</strong> <strong>108</strong>) in <strong>Bath</strong>, Maine (October 18)where we were honored by <strong>the</strong> presence <strong>of</strong> RADM <strong>Meyer</strong> andhis wife, Anna Mae, <strong>the</strong> Ship Sponsor. In celebrating those twoevents, we recognized <strong>the</strong> hard work and dedication <strong>of</strong> thousands<strong>of</strong> skilled men and women. In an interview with <strong>the</strong>Associated Press immediately after <strong>the</strong> christening <strong>of</strong> <strong>DDG</strong> <strong>108</strong>,ADM Gary Roughead, USN, Chief <strong>of</strong> Naval Operations, andour Principal Speaker that day spoke about BIW. He told <strong>the</strong>journalist, “They [BIW] really have made some significantstrides that I think set <strong>the</strong> standard for <strong>the</strong> whole industry”and <strong>the</strong>n went on to describe this shipyard as “an Americantreasure.” As a result <strong>of</strong> your determination, perseverance andpersonal commitment, you have taken this shipyard from <strong>the</strong>brink <strong>of</strong> potential disaster to <strong>the</strong> point <strong>of</strong> receiving high praiseand recognition from <strong>the</strong> Chief <strong>of</strong> Naval Operations.Our safety performance is generally headed in <strong>the</strong> rightdirection but more needs to be done. Our Recordable InjuryRate through <strong>the</strong> month <strong>of</strong> September is 16% better than thissame point last year. However, we are above our target for thisyear. Our Lost Time rate through September was also aboveour goal for this year but is 4.6% better than last year at thissame time. As far as compliance is concerned, through <strong>the</strong>middle <strong>of</strong> this month, nearly 80% <strong>of</strong> all compliance areas haveachieved and are maintaining <strong>the</strong>ir compliance status. At an<strong>of</strong>f-site communications meeting on October 11, we talkedabout <strong>the</strong> effects <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Not Thinking Syndrome (NTS). Allaccidents are preventable and compliance with applicable lawsand regulations is achievable—but only if we think before weact. Determination, perseverance and personal commitmentto make safety and compliance a priority every day is whatis required.As we come through <strong>the</strong> final quarter <strong>of</strong> 2008 and begin tolook ahead, we can see many challenges on <strong>the</strong> horizon. We willconduct a formal Production Readiness Review with <strong>the</strong> Navy at<strong>the</strong> end <strong>of</strong> this month which, pending a successful outcome, willallow us to begin full scale construction <strong>of</strong> <strong>DDG</strong> 1000 early in2009. We continue to make excellent progress on our LPD 24work for Northrop Grumman Ship Systems and we are in <strong>the</strong>process <strong>of</strong> investigating a recent request for information from<strong>the</strong> U. S. Coast Guard concerning an Offshore Patrol Vessel. Inaddition, we are continuing to work closely with <strong>the</strong> Navy as<strong>the</strong>y evaluate alternatives and make decisions relative to <strong>the</strong> possiblerestart <strong>of</strong> <strong>DDG</strong> 51 class construction activities. Today’suncertain economic outlook introduces additional complexitiesinto an already complex business environment.RADM <strong>Meyer</strong> demonstrated that with determination, perseveranceand personal commitment, great things can be accomplished.We’ve also demonstrated that those characteristics areembedded in <strong>the</strong> fiber <strong>of</strong> BIW. I am confident <strong>of</strong> our ability tomeet <strong>the</strong> challenges in <strong>the</strong> months ahead.One final thought. On November 4, each <strong>of</strong> us will have <strong>the</strong>opportunity to exercise one <strong>of</strong> our basic rights as citizens <strong>of</strong> thisgreat country—a right for which many men and women havegiven <strong>the</strong>ir lives to preserve. Exercise that right with dignity andrespect for all those who continue to defend our freedom andvote for <strong>the</strong> candidates <strong>of</strong> your choice on Election Day.“TOGETHER WE CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE”2 | October 2008 | BIW NEWS

Performance September 2008 BIWNEWSRECORDABLE INJURIESCumulative Through September 20087006005004003002001000671696ImprovementTargetEnvironmentalActualYear to date (YTD) progress toward achievingour environmental performance goals under<strong>the</strong> Maine DEP STEP UP and o<strong>the</strong>r environmentalprograms is displayed as follows:Equal to or better than YTD goalAbove YTD goal, improvedfrom prior yearAbove YTD goal, not improvedfrom prior yearLOST-TIME INJURIESCumulative Through September 2008300250200150100500185ImprovementTarget220ActualCumulative Through September 2008Solid WasteHazardous WasteEnergy CostsBIW NEWS is published monthly by <strong>the</strong>Communications Department (D94) <strong>of</strong><strong>Bath</strong> <strong>Iron</strong> <strong>Works</strong> and is produced internallyin <strong>the</strong> BIW Print Shop.The primary objectives <strong>of</strong> BIW NEWSare to recognize <strong>the</strong> service, accomplishments,innovation and contributions<strong>of</strong> our employees and to provide informationon matters that are <strong>of</strong> interest toour workforce.Comments and suggestions arewelcome and should be forwarded toDixie Stedman at Mail Stop 1210 orby e-mail at dixie.stedman@biw.com.Facility/ShiftInformation Call LineToll free information on facility status,work shift delays, and cancellations1-866-630-BATH(1-866-630-2284)Performance Track on TrackThe New England Regional Office <strong>of</strong><strong>the</strong> U.S. Environmental ProtectionAgency (EPA) recently accepted BIWfor a renewing, three-year PerformanceTrack membership, along with six o<strong>the</strong>rrenewing and two newly-joining companies.Member companies must have a sustainedrecord <strong>of</strong> exceeding compliance with environmentalregulations and must commit t<strong>of</strong>uture environmental goals that exceednational standards.During <strong>the</strong> previous three years, BIWreduced hazardous and non-hazardouswaste disposal by 16% and 11%, respectively,reduced paper use by 49% and reducedenergy use by nearly 2.5%.Vince Dickinson (D1310) said, “Beinga member <strong>of</strong> this nation-wide programvalidates <strong>the</strong> strength <strong>of</strong> our environmentalprogram and gives us access to EPAsponsoredprograms where we benchmarkagainst <strong>the</strong> highest standards being practicedin <strong>the</strong> country. Through this process, EPAalso gets to know us, which is an advantagein many ways. Part <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> objective <strong>of</strong>Performance Track is to review barriers toachieving improved performance. Oneexample is that EPA allows us to file certainquarterly reports semi-annually, whichreduces our paperwork and allows us to concentrateon environmental performance.”To encourage Performance Track membersto address EPA’s environmental priorities,renewing members are <strong>of</strong>fered “challengegoals,” which are more demanding.As a renewing member, BIW has selected <strong>the</strong>challenge goal <strong>of</strong> reducing greenhouse gasemissions by at least 5%.BIW’s Environmental Group includes, l to r:Vince Dickinson (foreground), Don Strout,Brett Hardacker, Wade Behnke and StephanieCarver.BIW NEWS | October 2008 | 3

LCS 2 <strong>Christening</strong>On October 4, 2008, <strong>the</strong> GeneralDynamics Littoral Combat ShipIndependence (LCS 2) was christenedat <strong>the</strong> Austal USA shipyard inMobile, Alabama with over 1,000 guestsand dignitaries from <strong>the</strong> U.S. Navy, <strong>the</strong>State <strong>of</strong> Alabama and <strong>the</strong> City <strong>of</strong>Mobile present.The ship’s sponsor is Doreen A. Scott,wife <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> 10th Master chief PettyOfficer <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Navy, Terry Scott. She wasassisted by her daughter and Maid <strong>of</strong>Honor, Lauren A. Scott. Her olderdaughter and Matron <strong>of</strong> Honor, ENSLindsay Fatz, USN, was out <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> countryon orders but ENS Fatz retains herposition as part <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> ship’s life andhistory, as mentioned in <strong>the</strong> ceremony.U.S. Senator Jeff Sessions <strong>of</strong> Alabamawas <strong>the</strong> principal speaker at <strong>the</strong> christeningevent and his remarks were punctuatedby <strong>the</strong> flyover <strong>of</strong> a U.S. Navy jetfrom Pensacola Naval Air Station.Mrs. Scott broke <strong>the</strong> bottle <strong>of</strong> christeningchampagne against a “strikingShip Sponsor, Doreen A. Scott, christening Independence in October.bar” welded onto <strong>the</strong> ship’s forecastle, aNavy-approved alternative to striking <strong>the</strong>ship’s narrow bow which sat about 60 feetaway from <strong>the</strong> dock.The bottle break was attended by a greatdeal <strong>of</strong> drama as <strong>the</strong> sponsor’s party wasescorted from <strong>the</strong> indoor speaker’s platformand onto <strong>the</strong> ship while Bob Browning,Austal’s Managing Director and CEO,described <strong>the</strong> trimaran’s unusual hull form.Within moments, <strong>the</strong> large doors <strong>of</strong> Austal’sbuilding hall began to open and <strong>the</strong> largeflag behind <strong>the</strong> speaker’s platform lifted toreveal Independence filling nearly all <strong>the</strong>visual space. Mrs. Scott and her partystrode across <strong>the</strong> bow to <strong>the</strong> point <strong>of</strong> christeningwhere one firm whack and bursts <strong>of</strong>champagne announced that tradition hadbeen sustained and Independence wouldsoon be at sea.5 StarComplianceThe 5-Star Compliance Programincludes compliance training,correction, and ongoing oversightdesigned to improve our regulatorycompliance and ensure everyone’ssafety on <strong>the</strong> job.The goal for each work area, notedon <strong>the</strong> left side <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> chart, is to earnand maintain certification in all fivecategories shown at <strong>the</strong> top.Status is reported by colored symbolsas explained in <strong>the</strong> legend. An area maybe in compliance (green), involved in<strong>the</strong> assessment process (yellow),preparing for assessment (gray), or itmay have failed to maintain itscertification (red).OCTOBER 10, 2008LLTF/Hyde SouthABC PlatH 502 (<strong>DDG</strong> 106)H 503 (<strong>DDG</strong> <strong>108</strong>)H 504 (<strong>DDG</strong> 109)Rigging/Carpenter/South Hyde ShopsP0II/Ultra hallEBMFHardingsACE/CW<strong>Bath</strong> WarehousesBlast I, II, IIIAluminum ShopAssembly BuildingPanel Line5-SkidsMachine/Intake-Uptake/Strut shopsFacilitiesElectricalMachineGuardingFallProtectionFire,Health,SafetyHousekeepingCompliant Engaged in Assessment Preparing for Assessment Lost Star4 | October 2008 | BIW NEWS

Make Your Health a PriorityThere are simple things you can doevery day to practice healthyhabits at work and at home.Building Healthy Ways introduced <strong>the</strong>5210 concept earlier this year to promotelifelong habits <strong>of</strong> healthy living, payingspecial attention to nutrition and physicalactivity.What’s 5210? It is an easy-to-rememberreminder <strong>of</strong> a few sensible healthyhabits that could easily become part <strong>of</strong>our everyday lives.5: Aim for 5 servings <strong>of</strong> fruit andvegetables every day2: Try to limit TV, videos and computertime at home to 2 hours orless, 5 days a week1: Make time for 1 hour <strong>of</strong> physicalactivity most days0: Replace soda and sugar-addedjuices with water or natural fruitjuiceBetter health is <strong>the</strong> best reward for ahealthy lifestyle. Keeping track <strong>of</strong> yourhealthy habits, however, could also scoreyou a great prize. When you can check13 out <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> 17 “healthy practices” on<strong>the</strong> Building Healthy Ways WellnessScorecard (scorecards were mailed to allemployees earlier this year) and return<strong>the</strong> scorecard, you will be entered in adrawing for a weekend at a Maine resortvalued at $250.Did you get a flu shot or a Healthcheckearlier this month? Check <strong>of</strong>f bothon your scorecard.So far this year, three quarterly drawingsfor this program have occurred and<strong>the</strong> winners include Mike LeMay (D10),Edwin Greenlaw (D81) and Gerald Kensell(D27). The last drawing is December 15,2008, so start working on your healthyhabits. Wellness Scorecards are availablefrom <strong>the</strong> following sources:• Benefits Help Desk• BIP – Gerry Pepin• CROF – Sue Garneau, Jessica Giancola,Nancy Larsen (2nd shift), Linda Wood• CW/Bissons – Hazel Baise• EBMF – Deena Bennett• Hardings – Jean Barnes• James – Hazel Meserve, Phil Coyne, BillSchumaker• North Stores – Candy Nesbitt• Phyllis Wolfe, ext. 2915 orphyllis.wolfe@biw.comSeptember 2008RetireesDept.Name10-00 Richard O. Bussiere41 Years, 2 MonthsLeadperson III11-00 Donald E. Pherigo20 Years, 1 MonthPipecoverer III15-00 Dennis P. Goulet18 Years, 3 MonthsPipefitter III27-00 Phillip L. Caron20 Years, 1 MonthPreservation Tech III27-00 Daniel J. Lamontagne20 YearsPreservation Tech III45-05 Francis G. Pinette, Jr.21 Years, 3 MonthsAdministrative Technician66-00 Daniel M. Small20 Years, 5 MonthsInsulator III86-00 Stephen J. Hart34 Years, 9 MonthsTechnician II, Engineering90-00 Marc A. Chabot26 Years, 3 MonthsDirector, Surface ShipSupportBHWRemindsYouIT’S TIME FOR YOUR ANNUAL BENEFITS CHECK-UP!Annual enrollment runs from October 27through November 14, 2008. All changesyou make during <strong>the</strong> annual enrollment periodwill take effect on January 1, 2009.Remember—you’ll need your password toreview, enroll in, or make changes to your benefits,ei<strong>the</strong>r online or by phone. If you’ve lost orforgotten your password, you can request that anew one be mailed to you (allow 5–7 days formailing) or sent via e-mail if you have an e-mailaddress on file with <strong>the</strong> General DynamicsService Center. To make this request, go onlineto or call 1-888-432-3633.BIW NEWS | October 2008 | 5

<strong>Christening</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>Wayne</strong> E. <strong>Meyer</strong> (<strong>DDG</strong> <strong>108</strong>)<strong>Christening</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>Wayne</strong> E. <strong>Meyer</strong> (<strong>DDG</strong> <strong>108</strong>) was a fourdayevent as we joined <strong>the</strong> Navy in honoring a livingnamesake for only <strong>the</strong> third time in recent BIW history.RADM <strong>Wayne</strong> E. <strong>Meyer</strong> is known as <strong>the</strong> Fa<strong>the</strong>r <strong>of</strong> AEGIS for hisvision, his drive and his determination, as well as <strong>the</strong> decades <strong>of</strong>work which created <strong>the</strong> strategic AEGIS weapon system and <strong>the</strong>shipbuilding programs, CG 47 Class and <strong>DDG</strong> 51 Class, whichfield <strong>the</strong>se systems throughout <strong>the</strong> world.<strong>DDG</strong> <strong>108</strong> contains <strong>the</strong> 100th AEGIS system manufacturedby Lockheed Martin, an additional tribute to RADM <strong>Meyer</strong>.The ship’s sponsor is RADM <strong>Meyer</strong>’s wife, Anna Mae <strong>Meyer</strong>.She was assisted by her daughter, Anna Seixas, her stepdaughter,Paula <strong>Meyer</strong>, and her stepdaughter-in-law, Nina <strong>Meyer</strong>.Samantha Alexander, <strong>the</strong> daughter <strong>of</strong> Laurie Burtt (D19)served as flower girl. She and her mo<strong>the</strong>r visited with <strong>the</strong><strong>Meyer</strong>s on Thursday and <strong>the</strong>re was genuine interest on bothsides as Samantha learned about AEGIS and <strong>the</strong> <strong>Meyer</strong>s learnedabout Samantha’s education and career goals.Here’s a brief look at several <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> events supported by BIW,<strong>the</strong> U.S. Navy, and <strong>the</strong> PreCom Crew <strong>of</strong> <strong>DDG</strong> <strong>108</strong> during <strong>the</strong>week <strong>of</strong> October 18, 2008.<strong>DDG</strong> <strong>108</strong> displaying <strong>the</strong> familiar AEGIS pr<strong>of</strong>ile.Friday October 17, 2008: Mast Stepping, ALO and RehearsalMast SteppingFar left: Fire Controlman 2nd ClassSmith with <strong>the</strong> commemorative coinsto be welded in place at <strong>the</strong> base <strong>of</strong><strong>the</strong> ship’s mast, symbolizing aspects<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> ship’s birth and a gesture <strong>of</strong>safe passage for <strong>the</strong> crew.Center: The sponsor’s party andmembers <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>Wayne</strong> E. <strong>Meyer</strong>Precommissioning Crew onboard<strong>DDG</strong> <strong>108</strong>;Left: PCO Nick Sarap, Ship SponsorAnna Mae <strong>Meyer</strong> and FC2 Smith prepareto transfer <strong>the</strong> coins to a BIWwelder.Aegis Light OffFar Left: RADM <strong>Meyer</strong> spoke with<strong>the</strong> group from inside CIC.Sponsor’s RehearsalCenter: Jim Favreau assisted AnnaMae <strong>Meyer</strong> as she prepared to sign<strong>the</strong> wooden bottle alongside herpractice dent. Left: CDR Sarap,Dana McIntire and Leo Bergeronobserve <strong>the</strong> rehearsal for <strong>the</strong> nextday’s bottle break.6 | October 2008 | BIW NEWS

Saturday October 18, 2008: <strong>Christening</strong><strong>Christening</strong>Clockwise from upper left:Dugan Shipway escortingRADM <strong>Meyer</strong> to <strong>the</strong> ceremony;<strong>the</strong> <strong>Meyer</strong>s discussing a drawing<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> ship which <strong>the</strong>ygave to <strong>the</strong> christening flowergirl, Samantha Alexander; celebrating<strong>the</strong> bottle break; capsfor sale by <strong>the</strong> Ship’s Force;RADM <strong>Meyer</strong> and CNO GaryRoughead; members <strong>of</strong> <strong>DDG</strong><strong>108</strong>’s Precommissioning crew;and RADM and Mrs. <strong>Meyer</strong> on<strong>the</strong> speaker’s platform.Saturday–Sunday, October 18–19, 2008: Translation and Float-<strong>of</strong>fTranslationLeft: <strong>DDG</strong> <strong>108</strong> began a controlled glide into <strong>the</strong> drydock immediately after <strong>the</strong> christeningceremony on Saturday and proceeded to translate overnight, above, to float-<strong>of</strong>f and tie-upalongside <strong>the</strong> east side <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Land Level Transfer Facility.BIW NEWS | October 2008 | 7

From <strong>the</strong> FleetOff <strong>the</strong> Barbary Coast <strong>of</strong> SomaliaIn September and October, <strong>the</strong> U.S.Navy was again monitoring Somalipirates who had hijacked severalcommercial vessels and holding <strong>the</strong>m,<strong>the</strong>ir crew members and cargo, insideSomali territorial waters. Of particularinterest was a hijacked Ukrainianoperated,Belize-flagged cargo vessel,Faina, which was thought to be carryingan arms cargo allegedly bound forKenya but suspected to be headed toSudan. The watchers in <strong>the</strong> cat andmouse game that persisted for a number<strong>of</strong> weeks became an internationalforce as ships from <strong>the</strong> U.S. Navy’s 5thFleet were joined by a Russian warshipand French forces on alert.A spokesperson for <strong>the</strong> U.S. 5th Fleetconfirmed that <strong>the</strong> BIW-built USS Howard(<strong>DDG</strong> 83) under <strong>the</strong> command <strong>of</strong> CDRCurtis Goodnight was <strong>the</strong> first U.S. ship on<strong>the</strong> scene and in visual contact with Fainaand her captors. In mid-October, USSHoward remained in place as <strong>the</strong> stalemateover Faina continued, although several o<strong>the</strong>rhijacked ships and crews were released from<strong>the</strong> same general area, allegedly as a result <strong>of</strong>ransom money paid by ship owners andinsurance companies. Faina’s captors hadreduced <strong>the</strong>ir demands from $20M to $8M,but various news organizations reportedlittle activity onboard <strong>the</strong> ship.Text based on U.S. Navy releases.The “cat.” USS Howard operating <strong>of</strong>f <strong>the</strong> coast<strong>of</strong> Somalia with <strong>the</strong> U.S. 5th Fleet.The “cheese.” The crew <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> MV Faina on <strong>the</strong> deck <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> ship on October 3, 2008 after <strong>the</strong> U.S.Navy requested a check <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> crew’s health and well-being.The “mouse.” Pirates holding <strong>the</strong> MV Faina performeda resupply while observed by U.S. Navyships. U.S. Navy photos.USS Sterett (<strong>DDG</strong> 104) Arrives in San DiegoUSS Sterett (<strong>DDG</strong> 104) is shownarriving in her homeport <strong>of</strong> SanDiego, California on September23, 2008. After leaving her commissioningcity <strong>of</strong> Baltimore, Maryland, USSSterett sailed through <strong>the</strong> Panama Canalto reach San Diego where many crewmembers were reunited with familymembers.Ed Clark (D75), BIW’s home portmanager in San Diego, provided <strong>the</strong>photo to <strong>the</strong> right and this update.“The ship is getting ready for SystemsQualifications Testing in Sou<strong>the</strong>rnCalifornia Operating Areas to be fol-8 | October 2008 | BIW NEWSlowed by Final Contract Trials. Next, her PostShakedown Availability, which BIW will supportas <strong>the</strong> PSA Planning Yard, is scheduled tobegin in March 2009. She’s a beautiful ship.”

Mrs. Poulin’s Wood StoveJim Waterman (D19) is a BIW electricianand <strong>the</strong> Fire Chief in his hometown <strong>of</strong> Freedom, Maine. He wasalso a neighbor <strong>of</strong> BIW employee LynnPoulin who was killed while on activeduty with <strong>the</strong> Maine Army NationalGuard in Mosul, Iraq in December 2004.As a nearby neighbor, Jim was deeplyaffected by this loss. As a communityleader, he is in a position to know whatgoes on around his town.Last year, Lynn Poulin’s 79-year oldmo<strong>the</strong>r, Theresa Poulin, a Freedom residentwho lives alone, had a fire in herhome which was attributed to <strong>the</strong> woodstove in her basement. Knowing thatMrs. Poulin had limited means but thatshe was extremely independent andresourceful, even to <strong>the</strong> point <strong>of</strong> continuingto work odd jobs to supplement herincome, Jim and several o<strong>the</strong>rs in townattempted to provide her with a saferheating situation for <strong>the</strong> coming winter.A fund was started locally and neighborscontributed at several businessesaround town. Then Jim thought to see ifsome <strong>of</strong> his fellow workers would beinterested in helping Lynn’s mo<strong>the</strong>r,knowing that Lynn, her only son, hadlooked after her needs until his death.With <strong>the</strong> okay <strong>of</strong> Labor Relations, arequest was posted near <strong>the</strong> c<strong>of</strong>fee messwhich said, in part, “In gratitude forLynn’s friendship and service, we arelooking for donations to assist his elderlymo<strong>the</strong>r. We need approximately $1,000to purchase a small wood stove to serveas her secondary heat source.”This request met with an immediateresponse, including several large donationsfrom a few individuals. LillyBelmore (D43) and Larry Stegna (D19)turned in over $700 donated from <strong>the</strong>irwork area. With <strong>the</strong>se funds, JimWaterman and fellow employee, JimTrainor (D19) purchased and installed anew wood stove appropriate to Mrs.Poulin’s residence and will provide <strong>the</strong>balance <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> funds in <strong>the</strong> form <strong>of</strong> avoucher from her fuel company, knowingMrs. Theresa Poulin.that last winter’s fire occurred when she wasout <strong>of</strong> fuel oil and solely dependent on herwood stove.In an additional act <strong>of</strong> concern and generosity,Jim Trainor asked about her cookingstove and learned that she used a very oldcombination gas/wood range in questionablecondition. On his own, he purchased a newgas range for her needs and delivered it toMrs. Poulin’s home where it was installed bymembers <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Freedom Volunteer FireDepartment.Jim Waterman’s purpose in telling thisstory is two-fold. First, he wanted to thankall those who donated so generously and soquickly. He said, “Many people rememberLynn so I posted <strong>the</strong> request to see if peoplemight care about his mo<strong>the</strong>r’s situation.That question was quickly answered.”He <strong>the</strong>n made a second, equally importantpoint, saying, “I wanted to bring this upto remind us that this will be a difficult winterfor many people, especially <strong>the</strong> elderlywho live alone. At a time when <strong>the</strong> UnitedWay campaign is underway, I’d like to pointout that <strong>the</strong>re’s a number <strong>of</strong> ways to helpneighbors in need, whe<strong>the</strong>r or not we know<strong>the</strong>m personally.”Jim continued, “I hope that hearing aboutwhat was done for one individual mightencourage people to do for o<strong>the</strong>rs this winter.That would be a generous way to honorLynn’s memory and his service.”WelcomeThe following employees joinedBIW during September, 2008.Please welcome <strong>the</strong>m.NameDept.Anderson, Drew Randall 8400Berry, Hillary M 2400Ble<strong>the</strong>n, Ian Colin* 2000Comora, Christopher George 1000Cook, Kenneth Edward* 1700Duty III, William Boyd 8600Grierson, Darrell Carleton* 0900Johnston, Gregory Warren 4000Laberge, Michael Lucien* 0900Mims, John Stephen* 0900Murphy, Robert James* 1900Parini, Stephen Gene* 1900Patterson, Donald Albert* 1900Rose, Roy Edgar* 1900Semprebon, Michael Duston* 0900White, Steve Arthur* 1000* Returning EmployeeBIW NEWS | October 2008 | 9

October 2008Service AnniversariesDept. Name40 Years24 Daigle, David Alan81 Morrison, Norman Everett35 Years10 Bowen Jr, Basil Hamilton10 Ferrell, Roy Michael10 Harper, David Joseph17 Livernois, Dennis Gerard20 Fisher, John Casey32 Avery, Paul Winfield43 Knight Sr, Norman Giles43 Ladd, Alan Curtis43 Thibodeau, Lucien Robert43 Williams, Harry Emil45 Manter, Kevin Paul49 Dodge, Mary Hodgdon50 Lufkin, Michael Pierre50 Sansouci, Ronald David80 Watson, Peter Daniel81 Giles, Dale Allen82 Lewis, Terrence Lee84 Ayotte, Gerard86 Bourque, Alfred Alcide86 Lachance, Peter Roland87 Atwood, William Thomas91 Tome, Dennis Clark06 Jacobs, Dale Earl07 Flaig, Roger Lewis30 Years10 Chartier, Jeffrey Lionel10 Favreau, James Allen17 Hunt, Glen Alan19 Upham, John Alton20 Brown, David James20 Kunesh, Alan George25 Stephenson, James Lee27 Owen, Carolyn May27 Stewart, Robert Charles29 Christian, Richard Lee43 Anderson, Kenneth Bryan68 Staples, Harvey Leonard81 Ebert, Karel Josef81 James, Karl Irving82 Giggey, Gerald Arthur86 Gildart, Dennis Michael86 Lambert, Eric John86 Riendeau, Russell Joseph87 Radjavitch Jr, Joseph Lawrence87 Rice, Kevin Anthony91 Thebeau, Paul John10 | October 2008 | BIW NEWSDept. Name25 Years26 Lizotte, Edgar Edmond40 Gurney, Dayl Thomas40 Salonen, Michael William57 Hinkley, Linda Rezin86 Lussier, John Louis87 Campbell, Byron Timothy20 Years09 Cook, Robin Dale09 Lavallee, James Allen10 Campbell, Scott Andrew10 Gillogly, Timothy Eugene10 Jackson, Randall Francis10 Lussier, Kirk Joseph11 Bodge-Miller, Mary-Lou11 Butcher, Arthur George15 Boyce, Shawn Alan15 Chase, Laurence Edgar15 Earley, James Cecil15 Gastonguay, James Arthur15 Kittredge, David George15 Pepin, Mark Richard17 Alexander, Gary Stephen17 Bernier, Robert James17 Leary, Jeffrey Lynn17 Moskus, Peter Warren17 Reed, Jeffrey Eastman17 Searles, Arnold Earl19 Brilyea, Daniel Forrest19 Dean, Donald Raymond19 Hanks, Alvin Joseph19 Henry, Robert Phillip19 Ladd, Kevin Scott19 Libby II, Fred Irving19 Markowski Jr, Edwin Paul19 Michaud, Jeffrey William19 Milligan, Jamie Angie19 Sacre, Michael James19 Salo Jr, Frank Albert19 Walsh, John David19 Washburn, Dana Jon20 Gurney, Irwin Charles27 Burnham, Dana Roy27 Clabby, Michael John27 Curtis, Darryl Richard27 Hersom, Donald Alton27 Moore Jr, Dale Avon27 Therrien, Laurier Roland27 Williams, Diane Anaise28 Barbor, Christina Ann30 Frizzle, Tobey <strong>Wayne</strong>Dept. Name38 Babb, William Warren40 Duong, Lap Trung40 Mitchell, Christopher Felix40 Rowe, Judith Ellen43 Doll<strong>of</strong>f, Joel Eugene43 Jacobs Jr, Robert Michael43 Ketchen, Eugene Kenneth43 Lyons, David Scott43 Miles, Michael James43 Richardson, Dana Scott43 Stubbs, Charles Arnold45 Hinkley, Narda Ann50 Maheux, Scott Ronald50 Mertz, Ronald Joseph50 Murphy, Patrick Sean50 Rancourt, Kevin Allen50 Sprague, Chester Harvey52 Jolicoeur, Danny Frederick66 Faulkingham, Chris Allen69 Stevens Jr, Gerald Arthur81 Brown, David Robert82 Davis, Jeffrey Clifford84 Young, Mark David86 Caouette, Joseph Roger86 Leclair, Alan David87 Anderson, Deborah Rouillard87 Crocker-Wilson, Jonna Day87 Field, Susan Jane87 Gingrow, Barbara Ann87 McMullan, Sean Patrick87 Morales, Daniel Almario87 Stoklas, Maryann Elizabeth15 Years40 Detwiler, Brian Walter10 Years02 LaMagna, Richard Michael06 Whittaker, John Lincoln09 Huntington, Robert Kenneth19 Parsons, Callie Jo32 Wyman, Stuart ShaneDept. NameRecent Contract Award<strong>DDG</strong>/FFG Planning Yard40 Boddie, Michael Jon40 Gilpatrick, Carroll Hunter40 Sproul, Alden Lewis43 Carlile, William Leroy43 Conklin, Larry Harold43 Daigle, <strong>Wayne</strong> Michael43 Duteau, Kevin Charles43 Magee, Roy Gene43 Morneault, Peter43 Poussard, Cherie Lee44 Dalton, Pamela Jean50 Beaulieu, Jason Roland50 Garneau, Eric Patrick69 Plourd, Jay Armand75 Clark, Edward Schuyler86 Fitzherbert, John Harvey86 Tondreau, Stephen Ge<strong>of</strong>frey5 Years19 Popadak Jr, Bernard Richard20 Fournier, Sean James30 Duke, Shawn Aric30 Williams, Michael Don40 Kupfer, Ronnie Paul43 Brann Jr, Robert Author43 Caraway, Michael Lee43 Chadbourne, Adam Ross43 Garner, Darlene May43 Johnson, Dale Michael43 Jordan, Scott Gary Allen43 Lewis, Robert Francis43 Nelson, Carey-Paul H43 Rhodes, Corey Mark43 Shields, Gary William43 Welch, Ryan Alton50 Belanger, Jean Roger50 Biron, David Normand50 Blais, Eric Rejean50 Daigle, Steven Andrew50 Daignault, Andrew Paul50 Fortin, Maxim GeorgeOn September 29, 2008, <strong>the</strong> Navyawarded BIW an $83.4M modificationto its existing contract to provide <strong>DDG</strong>51 and FFG 7 Class Integrated PlanningYard Services. This option modifies a contractinitially awarded in December 2005.BIW has provided planning yard services for <strong>DDG</strong> 51and FFG 7 class ships since 1990, including expert designplanning and material support services for both maintenanceand modernization <strong>of</strong> <strong>DDG</strong> 51 Class and FFG 7Class ships.

Quest for <strong>the</strong> Orange ContinuesAfter a number <strong>of</strong> years <strong>of</strong> pursuing<strong>the</strong> horticultural arts <strong>of</strong> growingreally big pumpkins, Bill Clark(D40) has added a new event to hisresume—pumpkin regatta organizer.Damariscotta’s fourth annual GreatPumpkin Fest and Regatta was heldColumbus Day weekend featuring,among o<strong>the</strong>r orange events, 25 giantpumpkins along Main Street whichwere carved, painted and reimaginedby artists and art students.There was a car-death–by-giantpumpkinevent, sort <strong>of</strong> a demolitionderby, held at Round Top where a 711-pound pumpkin was rigged, raised,and dropped onto an old Buick. ThePumpkin Drop was hosted by comedianBob Marley who was at times unableto speak for laughing, saying, “only inMaine.”This year’s Pumpkin Fest was previewedin DownEast magazine’s October2008 edition. All up and down <strong>the</strong> coast,word was passed that this was <strong>the</strong> eventto see on Columbus Day weekend.Students from a film school in Camden saidthat it was widely known up <strong>the</strong>ir way andtourists were being advised to head toDamariscotta.A film crew for <strong>the</strong> Discovery channelinterviewed Bill and o<strong>the</strong>rs for a segmenton Adventure Guy which will air this winter.But you don’t have to wait, a search forsomething like “Damariscotta Pumpkin”on YouTube should provide <strong>the</strong> early outtakes<strong>of</strong> this year’s event.The regatta was <strong>the</strong> peak, or <strong>the</strong> stem, <strong>of</strong><strong>the</strong> weekend’s festivities. Hosted by TVChannel 6’s Bill Green and visited by SenatorSusan Collins, <strong>the</strong>re were boats with motorsand boats without motors. There were singleraces and relay races where <strong>the</strong> trick was toget in and get out and keep going. Therewere races where <strong>the</strong> boats went morearound than ahead and where <strong>the</strong> decoration<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> pumpkin craft was more importantthan <strong>the</strong> manner in which it proceeded.There was also an unlimited class, whichif nothing else, gives inspiration to nextyear’s enthusiasts.Bill Clark says <strong>the</strong>re will be a regatta again nextyear. More photos on p.12.Bill inaugurated and won <strong>the</strong> PuppyChallenge in one <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> two adultmale/scared canine boats in <strong>the</strong> water.Cooper, his 1-year old Shar-pei was unsureat first to be in a pumpkin with a motorattached. Bill said, “After a little while,he stopped trembling and relaxed. Stillworried, but more relaxed.” With his wife’sstrong instructions to “Save <strong>the</strong> dog, first,”Bill managed not to dunk with Cooperaboard, but o<strong>the</strong>r turns around <strong>the</strong> coveresulted in drenching, sobering reminders<strong>of</strong> what happens when guys just try tohave fun.Performance IncentiveThree data points per hull are shownin <strong>the</strong> Performance Incentive chart:Cumulative Performance to Date(solid column); Future PerformanceRequired to Achieve Level 1 Goal (blue bar);and Future Performance Required toAchieve Level 2 Goal (black bar). PerformanceRequired values change month tomonth to reflect performance during <strong>the</strong>period.The Performance Incentive Programincludes a payout <strong>of</strong> $750 per employeeupon achieving <strong>the</strong> Hull 502 StockdaleLevel 1 performance goal. Payout amountsfor all hulls can be found in BIW Bulletin09-07A, available on <strong>the</strong> BIW Intranet.Performance incentives are paid to allemployees at sailaway and <strong>the</strong>se planneddates are shown to <strong>the</strong> right. Contact yoursupervisor for more information.This chart reflects changes to <strong>the</strong> Level1 Performance Required at Completion forHulls 502, 505 and 506 as described in BIWBulletin 22-08 dated September 16, 2008and available on <strong>the</strong> BIW Intranet.OCTOBER 12, 2008Cost Performance Index150.0%125.0%100.0%75.0%* *— — — — —50.0%Stockdale <strong>Wayne</strong> E. <strong>Meyer</strong> Jason Dunham Spruance Michael MurphyHull 502 Hull 503 Hull 504 Hull 505 Hull 506SAILAWAY—Jan ’09 Aug ’09 May ’10 Dec ’10 Feb ’11Cumulative Performance—Lev 1 Future Perf Req’d—Lev 2 Future Perf Req’dPerformance Required value exceeds <strong>the</strong> scale <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> chart.*BIW NEWS | October 2008 | 11

700 Washington Street<strong>Bath</strong>, ME 04530PRSRT STDU.S. POSTAGE PAIDBATH, MAINE04530PERMIT NO. 31The Great Pumpkin Fest and Regatta(See story on pg. 11)When interviewed, Bill said, “Call me captain.”Pumpkin boat envy.Bill Clark and Cooper, <strong>the</strong> fastest dog on <strong>the</strong>water.A trimaran hull pumpkin. Contenders in <strong>the</strong> Puppy Challenge. Spectator sport.Duck blind interpretation.Pumpkin boat sailboat.Talking with Bill Green and later handing outtrophies, Senator Collins kept her game faceon while vowing revenge on her schedulers.

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