FROM THE PRINCIPAL - Academy of Mary Immaculate

FROM THE PRINCIPAL - Academy of Mary Immaculate

FROM THE PRINCIPAL - Academy of Mary Immaculate

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Issue 4/2011 25 th March 2011Reflection:Ever-faith full God, You hear our voice whenever we call.During these weeks <strong>of</strong> Lent, inspire us by your word and transform us into yourimage.We ask this through Jesus who is light for our days who lives and reigns withyou in the unity <strong>of</strong> the Holy Spirit, holy and loving God forever and ever.Amen<strong>FROM</strong> <strong>THE</strong> <strong>PRINCIPAL</strong>Dear Members <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Academy</strong> Community,Over the past week we have been delighted to host staff and students from our sister school, Nisihyama High School.We are very fortunate to have such a significant sister school relationship which goes back about 16 years withbiennial short term visits and longer student exchange programs. Over the years we have also celebrated verysignificant events together.In 2007 the Principal <strong>of</strong> Nishiyama High School and our much loved friend, De san, journeyed to Australia tocelebrate with us our 150 th anniversary. Later in that year Mr Adrian Fuller and I travelled to Japan to join withNishiyama High School students and staff in the celebration <strong>of</strong> their 80 th anniversary.The welcome Assembly on March 15 th provided an opportunity to acknowledge the work <strong>of</strong> De san in consolidatingrelationships between the two schools. We were also able to express our sympathy to Nishiyama High School on Desan’s sudden death in January 2010.The Assembly took on another dimension given the earthquake and the tsunami and I quote from my speech.“When I was preparing for this Assembly I thought <strong>of</strong> this assembly as having welcome as the sole focus –welcoming Nishiyama students and staff to the <strong>Academy</strong> and the joy associated with that. But today this Assemblytakes on another dimension given the catastrophic events that have occurred in Japan over the last few days, theearthquake, the tsunami and the fear about nuclear radiation. On behalf <strong>of</strong> the College, I assure Nishiyama staff andstudents that we stand in solidarity with you and <strong>of</strong>fer you our support and our prayers. Our hearts go out to you all.The television news broadcasts have focused almost continuously on Japan’s earthquake and the tsunami sincethe terrible events last Friday and many words have been spoken. Many , many words as TV and radio broadcastershave attempted to describe/ come to grips with the disaster, the carnage that has occurred right before our eyes.Probably never before have we viewed in such graphic detail a disaster as it is actually occurring – and that allmagnifies the horror. But <strong>of</strong> course while the TV and radio broadcasters have used many words, there are no wordsthat could describe this catastrophe , no words that could adequately capture the horror <strong>of</strong> the experience for thepeople <strong>of</strong> Japan and the enormous task ahead for the Japanese Government and the Japanese people in terms <strong>of</strong>burying the dead, rebuilding shattered lives and starting again. Over the last few days we have witnessed nature ather most powerful and most demanding. But the human spirit, while acknowledging the forces <strong>of</strong> nature, is not boweddown.<strong>Academy</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Mary</strong> <strong>Immaculate</strong>Mercy Secondary Education Inc. A0035660B88 Nicholson Street, Fitzroy 3065, Telephone: (03) 9419 3044 Fax: (03) 9419 3885, Email: academy @academy.vic.edu.au

We know that the resilience and tenacity <strong>of</strong> the human spirit will prevail and the people <strong>of</strong> Japan will work together andstart again....All we can do at this time is to assure you <strong>of</strong> our support.One <strong>of</strong> the traditional ways <strong>of</strong> showing solidarity and support has been through having a minute’s silence. So I wouldask all staff and students to please stand and take a minute to <strong>of</strong>fer a prayer for the people <strong>of</strong> Japan and, through thissymbolic gesture, formally assure you Miko sensei, Fumi sensei and Tamaki Sensei <strong>of</strong> our support and our prayersfor Japan and its people at this time <strong>of</strong> particular need.”Catholic Education Week – last week the SRC and Sports Leaders represented the College at the St Patrick’s DayMass at the Cathedral. Teachers and students from Primary and Secondary Schools from the Archdiocese <strong>of</strong>Melbourne joined together to celebrate Catholic Education and the feast day <strong>of</strong> St Patrick. At the end <strong>of</strong> the Massthere was a commissioning <strong>of</strong> teachers and students -“We commit ourselves to spreading the Good News <strong>of</strong> Jesus Christ by working together in respect, love and peace,making God’s Kingdom a reality in the world. Today we re-commit ourselves to Catholic education and to care <strong>of</strong> allthose in our school community.”SRC / Sports Leaders with Mr Ted Baillieu and with Archbishop HartWith best wishesSr <strong>Mary</strong> Moloney rsmPrincipal<strong>Academy</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Mary</strong> <strong>Immaculate</strong>Mercy Secondary Education Inc. A0035660B88 Nicholson Street, Fitzroy 3065, Telephone: (03) 9419 3044 Fax: (03) 9419 3885, Email: academy @academy.vic.edu.au

DEPUTY <strong>PRINCIPAL</strong>Important Dates (end <strong>of</strong> term 1 7 start <strong>of</strong> term 2)Thursday, April 7 th – students finish classes at 3.30pm.Friday, April 7 th to Tuesday, April 26 th – school holidays.Sunday, April 17 th – Palm Sunday.Wednesday, April 20 th – Foundation Day.Thursday, April 21 st – Holy Thursday.Friday, April 22 nd – Good Friday.Saturday, April 23 rd – Easter Saturday.Sunday, April 24 th – Easter Sunday.Monday, April 25 th – Easter Monday & ANZAC Day.Tuesday, April 26 th –ANZAC Day Public Holiday.Wednesday, April 27 th – All students commence classes for Term 2.Changeover to the Winter UniformStudents may wear either the Summer or Winter Uniform in the first 2 weeks <strong>of</strong> Term 2; however, the Winter Uniformis compulsory for all students from Monday, May 9 th . The College Uniform requirements are listed in full on page(xiii) <strong>of</strong> the Student Planner. The following applies to all students whilst wearing the Winter Uniform:The Dress is to have a hem that is at knee length or longer.The Blazer is a compulsory part <strong>of</strong> the Uniform and is always worn as the outer garment outside the grounds <strong>of</strong>the college.Students are expected to wear the tie correctly i.e. the knot <strong>of</strong> the tie is worn up to the collar.All students who have hair shoulder length or longer, are asked to have their hair tied back.The only item <strong>of</strong> jewellery allowed is one sleeper or plain earring in the each ear lobe. No other piercings areacceptable.Shoes and T Bar Sandals are worn correctly i.e. laces tied and buckles done up.Parent Teacher Interviews – Thursday, May 5 th (1.30pm to 8.30pm) & Thursday, May 12 th (1.30pm to 8.30pm)All interviews will be held in the Palmer Street Building and a directory <strong>of</strong> staff locations will be posted at the entranceto the College and on each level <strong>of</strong> the Palmer Street Building. Students will finish classes at 12.50pm on both days.The College will be using the internet-based booking system called Parent Teacher On-Line (PTO) for our2011 Parent/Teacher Interviews. Using this system parents will be able to book the interview times that best suitthem from any internet-connected computer. College computers will be available during school hours for families thatare unable to access internet based computers.Access to the Parent Teacher On Line system will be through an icon on the bottom right hand corner <strong>of</strong> the CollegeWeb Site (www.academy.vic.edu.au). The envelope containing your daughter’s 2011 Interim Report will also containa system PIN number and a set <strong>of</strong> clear instructions for the task <strong>of</strong> booking Parent/Teacher interviews.Parents may commence booking interviews as soon as their PIN number arrives. When parents have made all thebookings they require, there is an option to print a report <strong>of</strong> their Parent/Teacher Interview bookings in time order, staffwill also be able to print out their interview times. Parents can also log in and change or cancel bookings any time upto the morning <strong>of</strong> the interviews.Missed SAC’s forms (Non Submission <strong>of</strong> Work Policy)Please be aware that students submit the form to the Student Office before obtaining the parent signature, not after.The process is:On the FIRST DAY that you return to School, fill in the front page <strong>of</strong> the ‘NOTIFICATION OF MISSED SAC’form (obtained from the Student Office or Homeroom noticeboard) and the student signs this form.The student then submits the form to MISSED SAC’s box in the Student Office tray by 3.30 pm. The parentdoes not sign the form at this stage.The form will be processed, signed by Mr. Fuller and returned to the student via the Homeroom Roll. Theform will indicate the day that the Supplementary SAC is to be completed.Return the letter, with a parent signature on the back page, to the MISSED SAC’s box on or before the day<strong>of</strong> the Supplementary SAC session.Attend the Supplementary SAC session in E3.7 on the day specified in the letter.<strong>Academy</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Mary</strong> <strong>Immaculate</strong>Mercy Secondary Education Inc. A0035660B88 Nicholson Street, Fitzroy 3065, Telephone: (03) 9419 3044 Fax: (03) 9419 3885, Email: academy @academy.vic.edu.au

A reminder that any student (Year 10, 11 or 12) undertaking a VCE Subject requires a Medical Certificate ifthey are absent on the day <strong>of</strong> a SAC due to illness. In the case <strong>of</strong> absence due to family circumstances sucha funeral or serious illness <strong>of</strong> a family member, you are asked to contact Mr Fuller at the College on 9419 3044.Review <strong>of</strong> the Code <strong>of</strong> Conduct to be conducted in Term 2 (Advance Notice)The College is presently undertaking a review <strong>of</strong> the Code <strong>of</strong> Conduct for students and we will be seeking feedbackfrom parents early in term 2. Future Newsletters will contain information regarding the process for providing parentfeedback.DIRECTOR OF FAITH AND MISSIONMr Adrian Fuller, Deputy PrincipalPlanning for the Community Action Programme is well underway. The timeline is included below.1. By now The RE Office/Student Office will have received written confirmation <strong>of</strong> your assignedplacement for Community Action Week.2. March (ieRing the placement to check to arrange a time for you to meet them & sign the form.before 1 stApril)3. 4 th April Year 10 Reflection Day – preparation for Community Action: what to expect, safety issues,legal issues, how to make the most <strong>of</strong> Community Action placement.4. April schoolholidaysVisit the placement with your partner/s to introduce yourselves and sign the CommunityAction contract. Students going to special schools need to go during school hours, sopreferably before the holidays.5. April 29 th Return your signed Community Action Contract to the envelope in your homeroom roll.All steps above are compulsory. Any student who misses the Reflection Day, will have to complete the appropriatetraining session with Ms Luscombe after school BEFORE the end <strong>of</strong> Term 1.The Year 10 Reflection Day will be held on Monday, 4 th April, at The Holy Cross Centre, Templestowe. On this daystudents will prepare for their Community Action time. Morning tea will be provided, but students should bring theirown lunch. Neat, warm casual clothes should be worn. Given the activities students will participating in, closed incomfortable shoes and loose clothes, including jeans/pants should be worn. Thongsor sandals are not permitted.If any Year 10 Student has not yet received written confirmation <strong>of</strong> their CommunityAction placement, or if there are any problems, they should see Mrs Allen as soon aspossible.Archbishop’s Address to Student Leaders On Tuesday, College Captain, SylviaRienks and Vice Captain, Bridget McKernan went with Ms Luscombe to ArchbishopHart’s Conversation with Student Leaders. Fr Chris Ryan also spoke to the studentson what difference it makes being a Christian leader. Some <strong>of</strong> Fr Chris’ points were:Love is the only power that can change the world. God is the source <strong>of</strong> all love.Power without love is anti-human. A world that excludes God is anti-human. Jesusshow us what love truly is, and ordinary people, although you may never hear<strong>of</strong> them, are changing the world. (pictures: Sylvia and Bridget withArchbishop Hart, <strong>Academy</strong> and Simonds College students)At the cake stall and Face Painting at the Athletics Day, we raised $670.This money will be sent to Caritas New Zealand for their work with earthquakeaffected people.On Thursday, <strong>Academy</strong> hosted “It Takes Two”, also as a fundraiser forCaritas New Zealand. Thank you everyone for your support. Planning forfundraising for disaster affected people in Japan has begun. Stay tuned.<strong>Academy</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Mary</strong> <strong>Immaculate</strong>Mercy Secondary Education Inc. A0035660B88 Nicholson Street, Fitzroy 3065, Telephone: (03) 9419 3044 Fax: (03) 9419 3885, Email: academy @academy.vic.edu.au

3 rd Week <strong>of</strong> LentProject Compassion, Week 3, brings you the story <strong>of</strong> Rosa.Rosa lives in Bolivia’s isolated Yuquí-Yuracaré Indigenous Community Lands. WithCaritas Australia’s support, these river communities have come together to identify theirstrengths and their needs. From this, the Ethno Eco Tourism project was born. Oneproject with three amazing outcomes: to provide an income, to protect the environmentand preserve their culture.Photo: Wilmer GalarzaMendozaYour donation to Project Compassion enables marginalised communities to participatein their own development and create a future free from poverty.www.caritas.org.auShoah Holocaust Memorial Service for Christians and all People <strong>of</strong> Good WillFor the sake <strong>of</strong> the present we do not forget the past.You are invited to gather...to reflect...to pray... as we remember the destruction <strong>of</strong> six million Jews in the Holocaust,the loss <strong>of</strong> something <strong>of</strong> our won humanity, and to look forward in hope to peace.Thursday 5 May 2011, 7.30 pm, St Paul’s Cathedral, Flinders and Swanston Streets, MelbourneAfter the service you are invited to share kosher light refreshments and conversation.(An initiative <strong>of</strong> the Anglican Diocese <strong>of</strong> Melbourne Committee for Interfaith Relations, Melbourne Archdiocesan Sub-Committee for Catholic-Jewish Relations and Uniting Church Synod <strong>of</strong> Victoria and Tasmania Working Group onChristian-Jewish Relations.)Tuesday 8.05 am Morning Masses: All students and parents welcome at all masses. Masses are as follows: 29 thMarch: Mrs Appleby’s Religion in Society, 5 th April: Mr De Cata’s Religion in Society, 3 rd May: Mr Natoli’s Religion inSociety, 10 th May: 7 Blue.Ms Andrea Luscombe, Director <strong>of</strong> Faith and MissionDIRECTOR OF TEACHING AND LEARNINGInterim Reports and Parent Teacher InterviewsThe interim reports will be distributed to the students on the last day <strong>of</strong> term, Thursday April 7. These reports give aone page summary <strong>of</strong> your daughter’s progress in all her subjects. The report includes information regarding herunderstanding <strong>of</strong> the subject content, her level <strong>of</strong> participation in the class and her approach to her work. Thesubsequent Parent Teacher Interviews will be held on Thursday, May 5 (1.30 pm to 8.30pm) and Thursday May 12(1.30pm to 8.30pm).Year 9 and 10 Students Selecting to Study acceleration VCE Units in 2012.The College provides programs to allow high achieving Year 10 students the opportunity to study a VCE Unit 1&2subject as part <strong>of</strong> their Year 10 studies and high achieving Year 11 students to study a VCE Unit 3&4 subject as part<strong>of</strong> their Year 11studies.To be successful in the application to study an accelerated VCE Unit the Year 9 student and the Year 10 student mustdemonstrate on both her Semester One and Semester Two reports• No NS, or NGL grades in ANY Subject.• An average grade for ALL grades in all Subjects <strong>of</strong> a B or above.• No days absent without a College Approved Reason.These criteria look to identify high achieving students who have the maturity and work habits to cope successfully withthe high demands <strong>of</strong> acceleration in their VCE program.Application forms for the program will be available from Mr Hyland during the subject selection period in SemesterTwo.Assessment CalendarThe calendar is organized such that most tasks are identified as occurring in the given week. You will observe thatsome tasks have been allocated to a specific day.<strong>Academy</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Mary</strong> <strong>Immaculate</strong>Mercy Secondary Education Inc. A0035660B88 Nicholson Street, Fitzroy 3065, Telephone: (03) 9419 3044 Fax: (03) 9419 3885, Email: academy @academy.vic.edu.au

The College presents this Assessment Calendar to help students comply with our College expectation that allAssessment Tasks will be completed on the due date.For this newsletter, I have included both the last week <strong>of</strong> Term 1 and the first week <strong>of</strong> Term 2.March 28 Day 6Yr 7 English Analysis <strong>of</strong> a character or theme from Hitler’s Daughter’Yr 9 English Oral presentation based on short storiesYr 11 English Context: Encountering Conflict: ExpositoryYr 12 Eng Language SAC 1BYr 11 Studio Arts- Unit 1- Outcome 1- Visual DiaryYear 7 IT Word Processing FolderYr 8 IT Groups 1 & 2 Mercy Day Movie ProjectYr 12 Unit 3 & 4 Revolutions Sac OneApril 4 Day 1Yr 9 English Short Story AnalysisYr 11 VCE Art ‘Formal Interpretive Framework’ SACYr 9 / 10 MMD Pinnacle assignment due, Research assignment dueVET Interactive Digital Media Complete SAC 1Yr 10 RE Justice EssayUnit 3&4 Texts & Traditions: Report on the Historical and LiteraryBackground <strong>of</strong> Luke’s Gospel29 Day 7 30 Day 85 Day 2Yr 10 Digital ArtandPhotographyFolio 1 DueVCE DramaPeformanceAnalysis SAC(Outcome 3)6 Day 3Yr 10 Digital Art andPhotography Folio 1Due31 Day 97 Day 4Interim Reportsdistributed inHomeroomClasses finish at3.15pmEnd <strong>of</strong> Term 18 Day 5StaffPr<strong>of</strong>essionalDevelopment DayNOCLASSESVISUAL ART DEPARTMENTMr Mark Hyland, Director <strong>of</strong> Teaching and LearningArt <strong>Academy</strong>’s Excursion to the Linden Centre for Contemporary Arts Postcard ShowOn Wednesday 16 th March, the Art <strong>Academy</strong> went on an adventure, an adventure to the “Linden Centre”. The LindenCentre for Contemporary Art Postcard Show is a fundraiser right in the heart <strong>of</strong> St. Kilda, housed in a lovely andhistorical building; they raise money to support the exhibition’s programs. Linden is a place where people can seecontemporary art in an informal and friendly environment. The Centre is filled with many pieces <strong>of</strong> 30cm x 30cm x30cm art. It was a great experience, enjoying the beautiful artwork by people from around Australia from ages asyoung as 5 to ages as old as 50. But this amazing experience wouldn’t have arisen, if it wasn’t for Ms Evansorganising this event and Mr. McInerney accompanying us on this adventure. But the clock struck 2:30 and eventuallythe adventure had to end. The Linden Art Postcard Show will continue until 27 th March, it’s a good place to visit and Ihope there will be many people visiting the Postcard show in the days ahead.Aesha Abenir, Year 8BGirls drawing at St KildaPostcards that the girls drew and sentIRCThe Joint Standing Committee on Cybersafety has commenced an inquiry into online safety and is keen to hear fromindividuals about their concerns and experiences. Submissions are required by the end <strong>of</strong> March but extra time maybe given by contacting the Committee Secretariat, details <strong>of</strong> which are on the following web site:http://www.aph.gov.au/house/committee/jscc/index.htmStudents may also complete an online survey about their experiences.Ms McPhee, Head <strong>of</strong> Information Services<strong>Academy</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Mary</strong> <strong>Immaculate</strong>Mercy Secondary Education Inc. A0035660B88 Nicholson Street, Fitzroy 3065, Telephone: (03) 9419 3044 Fax: (03) 9419 3885, Email: academy @academy.vic.edu.au

NOTICESON CAMPUSUNIFORM SHOPThere will be a 40% discount on the old style uniformThe Uniform Shop is open on the following days during school terms:Tuesdays—3.00pm to 4.00pm and Fridays—12.30pm to 1.30pm,The uniform shop will be open during the Term 1 holiday break on the following days and times:Wednesday, April 13 th 10.00am to 2.00pmThursday, April 14 th 10.00am to 2.00pmFriday, April 15 th10.00am to 2.00pmMrs Clorinda Novembre, Phone 9486 0130Dear Parents,WORK EXPERIENCEOur Year 10 students enjoy working in a variety <strong>of</strong> places during their WORK EXPERIENCE WEEK at the end <strong>of</strong> third termeach year. In order that their experience may be broadened we are seeking your assistance please. Does your workenvironment <strong>of</strong>fer this opportunity and if so would you kindly indicate your details via the following form or email our WorkExperience Coordinator, Anne Marie Allan – annemarie.allan@academy.vic.edu.auPlease note: Students may access <strong>Academy</strong>’s Work Experience database via the College intranet. You may wish to explorewith your daughter, options for a suitable placement. Work Experience Forms can also be downloaded from the intranet.If you wish to discuss any matters relating to work experience please contact Anne Marie at the College on 9419 3044.WORK EXPERIENCE 2011NAME OF PARENTWORKPLACE ADDRESSWORKPLACE PHONEWORKPLACE EMAILTYPE OF WORK OFFERED……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………AVAILABILITY 19 - 23 September 2011? Yes NoFUTURE AVAILABILITY? Yes No<strong>Academy</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Mary</strong> <strong>Immaculate</strong>Mercy Secondary Education Inc. A0035660B88 Nicholson Street, Fitzroy 3065, Telephone: (03) 9419 3044 Fax: (03) 9419 3885, Email: academy @academy.vic.edu.au

<strong>Academy</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Mary</strong> <strong>Immaculate</strong>Mercy Secondary Education Inc. A0035660B88 Nicholson Street, Fitzroy 3065, Telephone: (03) 9419 3044 Fax: (03) 9419 3885, Email: academy @academy.vic.edu.au

ACADEMY OF MARY IMMACULATE&SIMONDS CATHOLIC COLLEGE2011.OPENING NIGHTTHURSDAY 19 THMAY - 7:30PM IN <strong>THE</strong> SCHOOL HALLEVENING & MATINEE PERFORMANCESFRIDAY 20 TH MAY -7:30PM SATURDAY 21 ST MAY - 2:00PMFRIDAY 27 TH MAY -7:30PM SATURDAY 28 TH MAY - 2:00PM<strong>Academy</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Mary</strong> <strong>Immaculate</strong>Mercy Secondary Education Inc. A0035660B88 Nicholson Street, Fitzroy 3065, Telephone: (03) 9419 3044 Fax: (03) 9419 3885, Email: academy @academy.vic.edu.au

The <strong>Academy</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Mary</strong> <strong>Immaculate</strong> &Simonds Catholic CollegeProudly Present The 2011 Production…“Grease”Ticket SalesAdultChild/Concession/StudentFamily (2 Adults, 2 Children)$15$10$35NB Please indicate your preference (1-5). Be aware that there are a limited number <strong>of</strong> seats for eachperformance and ticket allocation cannot be guaranteed!All forms and monies due by Friday 29 th April. NO LATE ORDERS WILL BE ACCEPTED-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Grease Ticket Order FormPlease indicate the number <strong>of</strong> tickets required for each performance. Place payment and completed form in aclearly labeled envelope marked with “Grease”,and return the <strong>Academy</strong> Student Office no later thanFriday 29 th April. NO LATE ORDERS WILL BE ACCEPTED. Thank you.Student Name: _________________________________ Student Homeroom: ________Contact Phone No:______________________ Mobile No:_________________________ Opening Night – Thursday 19 th May at 7:30pmAdult ___ @ $15 = _________Child/Concession/Student ___ @ $10 = _________Family (1 ticket for 2 adults & 2 children) ___ @ $35 = _________Total no. <strong>of</strong> tickets: _____ Total = $_________ Friday 20 th May at 7:30pmAdult ___ @ $15 = _________Child/Concession/Student ___ @ $10 = _________Family (1 ticket for 2 adults & 2 children) ___ @ $35 = _________Total no. <strong>of</strong> tickets: _____Total = $_________ Saturday 21 th May at 2-00pm (Matinee)Adult ___ @ $15 = _________Child/Concession/Student ___ @ $10 = _________Family (1 ticket for 2 adults & 2 children) ___ @ $35 = _________Total no. <strong>of</strong> tickets: _____ Total = $_________ Friday 27 th MayAdult ___ @ $15 = _________Child/Concession/Student ___ @ $10 = _________Family (1 ticket for 2 adults & 2 children) ___ @ $35 = _________Total no. <strong>of</strong> tickets: _____ Total = $_________ Saturday 28 th May at 2-00pm (Matinee)Adult ___ @ $15 = _________Child/Concession/Student ___ @ $10 = _________Family (1 ticket for 2 adults & 2 children) ___ @ $35 = _________Total no. <strong>of</strong> tickets: _____ Total = $_________<strong>Academy</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Mary</strong> <strong>Immaculate</strong>Mercy Secondary Education Inc. A0035660B88 Nicholson Street, Fitzroy 3065, Telephone: (03) 9419 3044 Fax: (03) 9419 3885, Email: academy @academy.vic.edu.au

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