Touchstone Winter 2013 - Cerebral Palsy League

Touchstone Winter 2013 - Cerebral Palsy League Touchstone Winter 2013 - Cerebral Palsy League


All about youNew funding forcommunication aidsDo you or a family member usecommunication books?Well, you can now apply forfunding to access the CerebralPalsy League’s CommunicationBoard Service through thestate government’s CommunityAids, Equipment and AssistiveTechnology Initiatives’ (CAEATI)funding.Lucraecia’s big hearthelps Grace walkFive year old Lucraceia Hibberthas a big heart for a little girl.Earlier this year, while watchingtelevision coverage of theAustralia Day weekend floods, shetold her mum Shelley she wantedto help.Lucraecia, who has cerebral palsyand had recently outgrown herwalker, decided she wanted togive it to a child who needed one.“The whole family was just soproud of her,” Shelley said.Shelley contacted the CerebralPalsy League in Hervey Bay whereLucraecia has been accessingservices since 2008, asking ifthere was a child who wouldbenefit from the donation.Early Intervention Officer EvaLemenkuehler was thrilled to findthe perfect candidate in three yearold Grace Lukan from Gin Gin.Grace’s mum Lucy said she wasoverwhelmed to learn that Gracewould be receiving the precisewalker she had been prescribed.“It was very heart warming andas this walker would have costaround $3800 - it would havejust been impossible for us at thistime,” she said.Shelley said it was simply a matterof paying it forward.“A few years ago when wewere fundraising for Lucraecia’swheelchair, a five year old boyfrom our neighbourhood askedhis birthday party guests to givedonations for her chair, rather thanpresents for himself. He raised$586 for her,” she said.“In a way, it’s like we’re repayingthat kindness.”Photos from left to right: Grace in hernew walker for the first time; Lucraeciaand mum Shelley with the walker beinggifted to GraceYou can apply forcommunication supportthrough CAEATI funding, upto a maximum of $4,500 perperson, for PODD or othercommunication books, songboards and alphabet displays.Cerebral Palsy League evenoffers a bonus service to replacethe covers, binding coil andupdate the ‘People and Places’pages of each communicationbook after 12 months of usage.Be quick as funding for thisprogram will close on 30 Junethis year!Speech PathologistsAny speech pathologistcan easily refer people withdisability to the Cerebral PalsyLeague for the development ofcommunication support. Go to download allthe documentation needed.Contact the Cerebral PalsyLeague on 1800 275 753 to findout how you can access thisfunding today.10 Touchstone Winter 2013

In BriefYour sayThanks so much to the 298 people who filled out our Touchstone 'How do you get your news andinformation' survey, included in our recent Autumn edition. As a result of this survey, we have provided 91people with Touchstone via email and 25 people with Touchstone via email and in hard copy. Please contactus at if you would like to receive Touchstone electronically. Please read on, some of theresults might surprise you!How do you get your news?The majority of our readers whoresponded ranked television asthe best way that they liked toreceive their news. Television wasranked in the top three favouriteways that members, clientsunder 18, clients over 18 andvolunteers liked to receive theirinformation.*See figure to the right for results.Results incude those who respondedDo you regularly use theInternet?The majority of those whoresponded have internetaccess and most readers whoresponded use a computer orlaptop to access the internet.The largest group which donot have internet access aremembers. 30% of respondentsaccess the internet through aniPad and 22% of respondentsaccess the internet through theiriPhone. It is interesting to notethat 15% of our readers don’thave internet access.I use my electronic device for...97% of people surveyed usetheir electronic devices foremail, followed by 66% tobrowse the internet and 42% topurchase goods and services.MediaRanking1How often do you use theInternet?The majority (50%) of thosewho responded use the internetdaily, however only 11% use ithourly, 8% weekly and 0.3%fortnightly.Do you use the following socialmedia programs?The majority of our readers(61%) use Facebook, with a lotless using other social mediaprograms like Linked In (11%),Twitter (10%) or Pinterest 6%.Ranking2Ranking3Ranking4State National NP 44 32 39 67 57Local free NP 29 54 55 64 35Radio 37 69 56 35 33TV 116 65 65 25 6Internet 53 31 31 27 83TOTAL 298 298 298 298 298Ranking5Would you prefer to receive anonline version of Touchstoneinstead of a hard copy in themail?60% of readers would like tocontinue to receive a hardcopy of Touchstone. However,30% would like to receive anelectronic copy and 6% wouldlike to receive both a hard andelectronic copy.This issue of Touchstone is thefirst we have emailed out tothose who have requested it,moving us to communicatingwith readers online and in atraditional hard copy format.Touchstone Winter 201311

In BriefYour sayThanks so much to the 298 people who filled out our <strong>Touchstone</strong> 'How do you get your news andinformation' survey, included in our recent Autumn edition. As a result of this survey, we have provided 91people with <strong>Touchstone</strong> via email and 25 people with <strong>Touchstone</strong> via email and in hard copy. Please contactus at if you would like to receive <strong>Touchstone</strong> electronically. Please read on, some of theresults might surprise you!How do you get your news?The majority of our readers whoresponded ranked television asthe best way that they liked toreceive their news. Television wasranked in the top three favouriteways that members, clientsunder 18, clients over 18 andvolunteers liked to receive theirinformation.*See figure to the right for results.Results incude those who respondedDo you regularly use theInternet?The majority of those whoresponded have internetaccess and most readers whoresponded use a computer orlaptop to access the internet.The largest group which donot have internet access aremembers. 30% of respondentsaccess the internet through aniPad and 22% of respondentsaccess the internet through theiriPhone. It is interesting to notethat 15% of our readers don’thave internet access.I use my electronic device for...97% of people surveyed usetheir electronic devices foremail, followed by 66% tobrowse the internet and 42% topurchase goods and services.MediaRanking1How often do you use theInternet?The majority (50%) of thosewho responded use the internetdaily, however only 11% use ithourly, 8% weekly and 0.3%fortnightly.Do you use the following socialmedia programs?The majority of our readers(61%) use Facebook, with a lotless using other social mediaprograms like Linked In (11%),Twitter (10%) or Pinterest 6%.Ranking2Ranking3Ranking4State National NP 44 32 39 67 57Local free NP 29 54 55 64 35Radio 37 69 56 35 33TV 116 65 65 25 6Internet 53 31 31 27 83TOTAL 298 298 298 298 298Ranking5Would you prefer to receive anonline version of <strong>Touchstone</strong>instead of a hard copy in themail?60% of readers would like tocontinue to receive a hardcopy of <strong>Touchstone</strong>. However,30% would like to receive anelectronic copy and 6% wouldlike to receive both a hard andelectronic copy.This issue of <strong>Touchstone</strong> is thefirst we have emailed out tothose who have requested it,moving us to communicatingwith readers online and in atraditional hard copy format.<strong>Touchstone</strong> <strong>Winter</strong> <strong>2013</strong>11

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