w YODER NEWSLETTER - Yoder Family Information

w YODER NEWSLETTER - Yoder Family Information

w YODER NEWSLETTER - Yoder Family Information

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w<strong>YODER</strong> <strong>NEWSLETTER</strong>Issue Number 30 P.O. Box 594' Goshen, IN 46527 October 1997Hamburg Christian <strong>Yoder</strong>The Ortbuhl-a Steffisburg EstateSteflisburg, a Swiss origin place for the <strong>Yoder</strong> (Joder) family,is divided into an "Upper Town" and a "Lower Town" by apicturesque stream with a dog-walk along side part of it. The Ortbuhlfarm is a major block of land to the west of the "Upper Town". Thebirth registeries of Steflisburg show Joders connected with this farmover many years. In the 1670s and 1680s Jost Joder "im Ortbuhl"witnessed the birth of children to Anabaptists : Christian Blank andAnna Joder; Jakob Joder and Verena Kaufmann; and Hans Joderand Kathrin Russer. In 1687 Casper Joder "Im Ortbuhl" and hiswife Anni Zaug (Zookl record the birth of their son Casper. As late as1758, a Jakob Joder is marked as "Ortbuhl" in the record of thebirth of his daughter Anna.The records of European <strong>Yoder</strong> researchers Karl Joder andOttmar Jotter show the estate of Ortbuhl as being among the "Theresidences (literally 'dwelling places.') of the Joder <strong>Family</strong> inStelfisburg". The following families are associated with the holdings(estate) of the Joder family in Ortbuhl:R.ooL 'For years the story was handed down that one Barbara <strong>Yoder</strong>,whose husband died at sea, landed in America some time before 1720.with nine small children--eight sons and a daughter--and that theysettled in the Oley Valley, where sons Hans and Yost became wellknown.Eventually an alert descendant publicized a discrepancy in thestory and family historians began to chip away at this garbled mixingof two lines of <strong>Yoder</strong> immigrants.Although there has never been any documentation available aboutthe "Widow BArbara", it is agreed that she did exist.We know that"Widow Barbara" arrived not prior to 1720, but on September 21,1742, on the Francis and Elizabeth. Three <strong>Yoder</strong> men signed the shiplist upon their docking in Philadelphia. Through the efforts of Dr.Hugh Gingerich, we now know there were eight Amish <strong>Yoder</strong> men ofthe first generation, and we know that two of these 1742 signatories(Jacob and Christian Joder) were sons of "Widow Barbara" , Wenow know that Barbara did indeed have nine children (see YNL 2,Oct. 83), but only four of those sori5 were hers. The other fourbelonged to the other <strong>Yoder</strong> family aboard ship. This second <strong>Yoder</strong>family was once said to have been that of "Strong Jacob" <strong>Yoder</strong>, butnow we know the head of the second family was the Christian Jotteron the ship list . For some reason a clerk wrote Jacob's name for himand it appears directly above that of his older brother, who wrote hisname Christian Joder (See YNL 20). It is interesting to see this mix ofspelling---Joder, the spelling used by their Swiss forebears, and Jotter,a spelling adopted by some of the family in Alsace and also inEppstein, Germany (YNL 10)The older Christian Jotter located in Berks County on landsituated where the present day townships of Upper Bern, Center, andPenn come together, but Barbara's family settled closer to the villageof [Iamburg, which is no doubt the reason that her son was known as"Hamburg Christian" to distinguish him from the others. As thesesons became of age they took farms of their own, Christian "on thetwenty-ninth day of the eighth month, 1743" and Jacob on October28, 1147. One old diagram in the archives at Harrisburg showsChristian's land bounded by the farms of Isaac Kauffman, Stephen('onlinued on Page,lCaspar Joiler L; Jost Joder, the magistrate of Thun; CasparJoder & Margret Moser; Peter Joder & Magdalene Zaugg (Zook); PeterJoder & Trini Eymann; Caspar Joder III. & Anni Meyer; Pauli Joder &Francis Hennig; Caspar Joder & Mgrgret Hennig; Hans Joder &Magret Bronnimann; Caspar Joder & Barbly Burky; Niclaus Joler &Anna Trachsel: Jost Joder & Anna Trachselln Dr. Don <strong>Yoder</strong>'s Jan. 1983 Pennsylvania Mennonite Heritagearticle "The Kung-Gnagi Connection", he mentions that Adam Joder(son of Niclaus Joder and Anna Trachsel above) lived on the Ortbuhlfarm. The Ortbuhl is therefore a point of origin for all the Oley<strong>Yoder</strong>s, as Adam was the father of immigrants Hans and Jost. TheAnabaptist links also tie many of the rest of us back to this estate.41,$,,.,: .,.&9q,:.t?,u#1,: -,t 4.,2 .r:THE ORTBUHL FARM- BIGGEST ROOF IN STEFFISBURGDr. Michael Stettler, retired director of the Bernese HistoricalMuseum, is the present day owner of the large farm house on theOrtbuhl property. In August, 1995 he wrote that he had no(lontinued on Prtge 6

ti*i******it*i*ii*****************************************The <strong>Yoder</strong> Newsletter- Founded t983 byBen F <strong>Yoder</strong> (1913-1992h Chris <strong>Yoder</strong> & Rachel KreiderFROM THE EDITORSChris <strong>Yoder</strong>, Editor, Battle Creek, MI; John W. <strong>Yoder</strong>, CirculationManager, Middlebury, IN; Rachel Kreider, Senior ContributingEditor, Goshen, IN; Esther E. <strong>Yoder</strong>, Mail Manager, Goshen, IN;Donald Kauffman, YNL llomepage Webnraster, Edntonton, Alberta,Canada. Other Contributors: Richard H. <strong>Yoder</strong>, Bechtelsville, PA;Hubert A. <strong>Yoder</strong>, Charlotte, NC; Dorothy <strong>Yoder</strong> Coffman, Malvern,PA; Dr. Don <strong>Yoder</strong>, Devon, PA; Neil Wilfong, Cleveland, NC; and Dr'Delbert Gratz, Bluffton, OHtt***t*tttt***i*t***tti***************atii*******i***tt***SEND YNL CORRESPONDENCE:-FOR CIRCULATION ISSUES ONLY such as new or renewedsubscriptions, changes of address, orders for back issues to: <strong>Yoder</strong>Newsletter, P.O. Box 594, Goshen, IN 46527-0594.- ALL OTHER- Dealing with ancestral queries or contributions forfuture YNLs or archives (such as reunion notices, letters to the Editor'copies of Bible records or other historical information) to: Chris<strong>Yoder</strong>,203 Lakeshire Rd., Battle Creek, MI 49015 (or by electronicmail to " 75751 .337 l@compuserve.com").t*i*t***t***********************************ti************YNL PRICE INFOR]T{ATION $$$$-The YNL subscription is on aIr annual basis-two issues for $3.-BACK ISSUES of the YNL are $1 per issue.-<strong>Yoder</strong> Newsletter Issues I Through 25 - bound 240 page volumeincludes a topical index of major articles, an "every name index".(Price $25 ptus $3 postage and handling for each book).Order from: The <strong>Yoder</strong> Newsletter, P.O.Box 594, Goshen, IN 46527.t*******ii********************************i***************<strong>YODER</strong> HOMEPAGE GROWSTo The Editor--<strong>Yoder</strong> Dairv. Norfolk. VAIt was with interest that I read your article on <strong>Yoder</strong> FoodMixer in the last YNL, Then I really perked up when I read about theYodcr Dairy Milk Bottles.. My father and uncle, Eli and Elmer<strong>Yoder</strong>, sttrted a retail route in the city of Norfolk in 1929.The announcement \ilas on about Jun l9th, 1929- "We proposeto establish a Daily Retail Delivery System in Norfolk City Proper forsale of Pure Sweet Grade A Milk, Cream, Butter, Cottage Cheese,Eggs and other products of our farms. Quality will be such as yorrhave been getting from the Mennonite Market Stands Years Past."Signed by my father, Eli M. <strong>Yoder</strong>.They went on to sell on their first day of delivery l2 qt of milkon June 19,1929. The name is still being used but none ofthe originalowners are living any longer. They are still making Home Deliverysand bottle in glass and paper. The only dairy in the state doing so.The business started small bottleing by hand and capping the bottlesby hand. It soon outgrew 16s sntall 16 x 20 and they built a largerfacility, the later built a larger at arrotlrer location and still ol)eratethere.There was another dairy selling milk by the name <strong>Yoder</strong> inNewport News along about the same tinre, but has long been out ofbusiness.* * * * * * * * * * * **.-- -.. l:it.t:"lt; 3rff ::.1::::: *...YODBR SKETCHES BY LYNN LORAHThanks to the technical Magic of"<strong>YODER</strong> Webmaster" DonaldKauffman, our Homepage continues to prosper. Since the last issue ofthe YNL scores of cousins have come in contact with us for the firsttime through the wonders of the Internet. Added records incorpoartedinclude: 1900-OH census (Thanks to Dorothy Coffman), several IowaCensuses (Thanks to William Johnson); 1900-IN census (Thanks toKeith <strong>Yoder</strong>); an assortment of smaller state cenusues; and selectedother county records. Donald Iloneywell, a premier researchcr of the"<strong>Yoder</strong>s" line of Southwestern Pa, has also provided an extensiveupdate of descent for that family. The "every nanre index" from thehardcopy conrpilation of YNL l-25 has also been added..with "links"to the text of each issue.Our Web address is:http://www.genealogy.orgl-yoder/1l I ::.11.".l:i .':ff ll.t. Il'i :'.t. I: l'.1 i':: :.o-o-::'i.. ....* * * * *Over 80 Members on the <strong>YODER</strong> LISTSERVERA"listseryer" is an electronic mail discussion group. This one isfocused on the <strong>Yoder</strong> family. If you have "email" you can subscribeby means of a simple process. To SUBSCRIBE to the list, send amessage to "yoder-l-request@)rootsweb.com" and put "subscribe" onthe first line of the body of the message (not the subject line - anythingyou put in the subject line is ignored). THERE IS NO CHARGE to beon this mail group. lts purpose is to exchange family information ofeither current or historic interest. Thanks to "ginseng" for helpingsetup and administer our listerserver function,Periodic messagesenthave included: Reminders to celebrate St. Joder's Day (August l6);Histor ical Notes ("On This Day in <strong>Yoder</strong> IIistor.v"); and requests forhelp on family inquiries.***t*it*t**t*t***l*it*************************i***********---:: - __:.*.,*.ft-Talented area sketch artist Lynn Lorah created a number oforiginalworks to commemorate the OIey Valley "Heritage Tour". Thesebeautiful sketches are still available. The following themes and priccsapply: --llxl4s prints are $16: Hans <strong>Yoder</strong> Homestead; Hans <strong>Yoder</strong>Jr. Homestead; Griesemer's Covered Bridge; Lobachsville Mill.--8x10prints: the 8xl0 are $12: .f acob and Marie <strong>Yoder</strong> Homestead; Sawmillat Hans <strong>Yoder</strong> Homestead; Pigpen at Hans <strong>Yoder</strong> Homestead; Hans<strong>Yoder</strong> Homestead. --Note Cards (four different designs/ eight cardstotal) and Lobachsville Mill Note Cards (four different designs/ eightcards total) at $8 for set of 8 cards plus envelopes. All prints areunframed. Add $2.50 postage and handling for one print (or cardorder). Add $l for each additional. Order from: Lynn Lorah, RD2,Box 144, Oley, Pa 19547. Phone (610) 987-6175.******************************************************Columbiana Co.. Oh. Marriaees. 1800-1870<strong>Yoder</strong>, Henry & Susannah Wisler m. 15 June 1830 by Jacob Crola?,Society of the Mennonist (2/394)(YBl323)--formerly unlinked ttBL'rCatharine <strong>Yoder</strong> of Salem Twp m. Samuel Heaton of Fairfield Twp,on 18 Sep 1828 by John Keller MG (?Who was she?)*t******i***********************************************Ilanrillon ('ounl\' Ohio Proh:rte (-orrrl Record:llcnrr Yoden nrar.rietll-lizullelh Snudec on lhc 28lh d:rr' ol Nor crnbet. ltlSJ ln sil:rs.{ nd reu's.************************************************t *

Activities of the "House of <strong>Yoder</strong>"-Report by Carl <strong>Yoder</strong>sNewly Elected olficers & The House of yoder Executive committee(From the left: Doris Ours, Pres.l Harvey L. yoder, Vice pres. (notpictured); Phylis Weaver; Kenneth <strong>Yoder</strong>, Bldg. Supt.; Loonie yoder,Publicity/lVlembership; Paul H. <strong>Yoder</strong>, Secretary; Edgar <strong>Yoder</strong>,Treasurerl Gerald <strong>Yoder</strong>. (not pictured- Lowell Bender & Carl M.<strong>Yoder</strong>s).ll++trY{rr+rrttlltratlrttTl+{ttl{+TT}rrlltrr+T}YtlllllllltllThe John S.<strong>Yoder</strong> Home Restoration-Status Report by Blaine Miller, TreasProgress in revitalizing the Old <strong>Yoder</strong> Homestead at its newlocation in rural Sugarcreek is proceeding more slowly than planned,due, for the most part, to the lack of funds (See YNL 26).However, since the house was moved across town in May of'95, the Amish Heritage Foundation has installed a beautifulbasement, using the original cut foundation stone, with a solid redbrick floor. The house has been painted, a new front porch with aslate roof has been added and landscaping and sidewalk building hasbeen done.Our next endeavor will be the restoration of the kitchen and"parlor".We hope to make solid strides in those rooms this fall andbe ready to open in the spring,Our spring fund raiser, "The Fussganger Fest" in May, wasdisappointing. The wind nearly blew our vendors away andattendance was not good.We currently have for sale: behutiful woodcut replicas withbrass inscription for $20.00; 4 x 6 <strong>Yoder</strong> Home throws for $45.00;wood-framed prints of the <strong>Yoder</strong> Home, painted by local artists TomMiller and Mahlon Troyer, are $75.00 and up. Add $5.00 forshipping and handling.Tax deductible contributions can be made to The AmishHeritage Foundation, Box 704, Sugarcreek, OH 4468f.1"-:t"til9iTl:: :t.".'l-tll ..-* * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * *S'I'ATTIS OF FAIlI IL\' (;ROTTP IiPD,\TEThe update ol orrr l:rnrilv group infornurtion to add corrpleswith a first child b1, 1900 is well under wly. Work is in process onahout 300 :rssembletl fantil,r' grotrp sheets. Rachel Kreider is reviewinglhe.\nrish line against her noles. \\e ltope lo huvc these records typedand incorporatcd u'ithin our Dat:r on Disk lnd our Homepage,\rchives br, the spring YNl,.This photo was taken at the Mar.l2, 1997 meeting held in the GreatHall at the Spruce Village, Grantsville, Md.. The Committee requeststhat all <strong>Yoder</strong>-<strong>Yoder</strong>s help to make this most worthwhile project asuccess through financial support or volunteering their labor,materials, etc."Please Give Your Support". The Next Annual Meetingis scheduled to be held Nov, 8, 1997. "You are Encouraged toAttend".SPECIAL NOTE: Thanks to the continuing support of our readers,the YNL is in good financial condition and has just contributed $500toward the furtherance ofthe House of <strong>Yoder</strong> Project.***ti*t***ii*******************i******************tt****i*<strong>YODER</strong> COOKBOOK LAUNCHED!-Submitted by Richard B. <strong>Yoder</strong>The Oley Reunion Association is announcing plans to publish acookbook of "<strong>Yoder</strong> <strong>Family</strong> Recipes". The efTort will be chaired byAlice <strong>Yoder</strong> of Soudertown,Pa. Alice and her committee of Nancy<strong>Yoder</strong>, Rose <strong>Yoder</strong>, and Mary Jane Gofus are soliciting <strong>Yoder</strong> <strong>Family</strong>recipes that have been favorites over the years. So, we are asking "all"<strong>Yoder</strong>'s everywhere to dig up Aunt Nora's, Aunt Ada's and AuntSarah's favorite dish and submit for printing, so that we all mightenjoy the traditional <strong>Yoder</strong> <strong>Family</strong> cuisine. If interested inparticipating, please send all recipes, with your name, address andorigin of the recipe to: Alice <strong>Yoder</strong>, 433 Manor House Lane,Soudertown, Pa. 18964.The authors of the submitted published recipes will be properlyacknowledges in the text. Upon publishing, the cookbook will be soldas a fundraiser for the Pleasantville Union Cemetara fund. This burialground of the original family cemetery of Johannas and Yost <strong>Yoder</strong>,the first <strong>Yoder</strong>s to come to the new Continent and the site of theoldest known tombstone in America. (Daniel <strong>Yoder</strong>, 1747, designation-orTll;.... .. * * * * * * r i * * * * * * * * * * i * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * r * * * * * * * * * * *MATH E NI,\'I(',\L FO RNI Ti I,,\ F0R G EN EALOGISTSHave you ever found :r cenreten' record which says somethinglike "Died .f trne 7, 1888 :rge 8l vr { mo l2 tlavs" and wondered howto find the dirte of birth? There is a nrathennticnl formula rvhich willhelp vou do this. lt works ls follnws:188806 07 (r'eur-{ digits, nronth-2 digits. dar'-2 digits): ll I 0.1 ! 2 (agc in velrs, months, davs)18070l 95 (subtruct the 2nd line from lhc first): 88 Z0 (llu'at s lhe sitnre nunrbers-"81170" )1806 l3 25lLl2 ( l3 nronths : I vear and I lnontlr. carry the vear)18070l 25 '\nswer- date ol'birlh wls .lan. 25. 1807

Continrred from Page IKauffman. Hans Ilertzler and vacant land. Soon afterward the mapshows that the farms of his brother Jacob, and Christian Fisher(apparentty a brother-in-law), adjoining his. The Hertzler propertywas now in the name of Jacob Hertzler.By 1767 Jacob <strong>Yoder</strong> was living farther south, in LancasterCounty, but as far as we know, Christian stayed on his original farmas long as he lived.Hamburg Christian's wife was named Barbara. Dr. Gingerich felt itwas probable that Barbara was the daughter ofJacob Beiler and thather sister married his brother Jacob <strong>Yoder</strong>. There is no proof of this'but it seems possible given the known connections and proximity ofthe families. Christian and Barbara reared eleven children in thishome, but as time went on most of them left the community. The chiefreason was probably the lure of more and cheaper land' but thetensions of the American Revolution no doubt exerted an influence aswell."flamburg Christian" died in his fifties (probably in 1772,although some records say l77l). His will was dated December 10,1771. The scribe wrote it out in beautiful English script. From thedetails in this will, in which Christian reflected his concern that hisbeloved Barbara be well-cared for after his death, we can get aglimpse of how the pioneers in his time were living.*t***i******************************************************Berks County Wills, Volume 2, page lf 0Will of Christian Joder DecdMay 4th 1772Ltr Adm inistra _Testame nts/granted to BarbaraJoder, Widow &c Bondln the name of the Holy and High Praised TrinityGod Father Son and Holy Ghost be our Beginning Mean andEnd!As I Christian Joder Senior through daity Experience haveconceivedthat as all mortal Men, so I Christian Joder, yet in good andsound Reason have principally to take Care and Concern formyself about the incorruptable lnheritance and native Countrywhen the Almighty God according to his paternal Will shallreguire me frcm the Temporal and receive me in his heavenlyKingdom of Honor and Joy, But my inanimated Corps shallbecome incorporated with the Earth. So of the earthly Estatewhere with I am blessed and leave behind me, this is my lastTestamentary Will. Viz. That my one dear and worthy Wife,Barbara Joder, shall have my said Estate under her Care andmanage the same as long as rt rs agreeable to her and thechildren shall be obedient according to their Duty, but in casethey shall be disobedient and disagree, then my dear WifeBarbara Joder may choose five impartial Men of theCommunity and by them cause as well the Place as theMoveable Estate to be valued and appraised, and cause themoveable Estate to be divided among the children, But theRoad Wagon with four horses and gears, plough and harrowshall be left on the place and the price estimated accordinglyand the monies thense ailsing for like Manner shall be dividedamong my Children which I leave behind to whom I wish God'srich blessing if they walk in the Ways of the Lord and lead alife well pleasing to God.I begueath to my dear Wife Barbara Joder whom I leavebehind all yearly and till this happy Departure according to theWill of God, if it is agreeable to the Mother to remain in theDwelling Room with the Son that takes the Place to himself,but in Case the contrary shall happen the said son or who hasthe Place in Hand must build her a separate commodiusDwelling with a Cellar Floor, Kitchen, and Windows. Doors andall necessary Articles to compleat the same on his Cosf.s asalso cut and deliver the necessary Firewood before theDwelling the Keeping and the Benefits of one Cow and in Caseof Age or lnfirmity of Body she may not be able to milk andfodder the said Cow then the said Son or Son-in-law, or inwant of either, tfe Possessor of the Place shall do and performthe said Service for the Mother, five Bushels of Rye fiveBushels of Wheat these the aforesaid must on request causeto be measured and taken to the Miil for my dear Wife BarbaraJoder and the Meal and Brcn thereof made to be brought to thePlace where she shall desire a Horse to ride must be given toher at any Time. Of the present Kitchen Garden a piece mustbe cut off and enclosed and the necessary Dung must everyYear be caftied on it. One fat Hog of a hundred Pounds withfifty Pounds of Beef, ten Pounds of good hatchelled Hemp andten pounds of Tow or Flax. The one thid Paft of Eggs laid bythe Hens on the Plantation.The Wool of two Sheep Ail theseabove mentioned Articles must all be provided yearly. Thatwhich my descended to my Dear Wife Barbara Joder from herhappy Father's lnheritance is reserved to her free anduninterrupted Disposition. For the Confirmation of this I havewith my own hand in the Presonce of Witnesses subscribedand I ratify it with my Seal and Death So done and given inBern Township Berks County the lOth DecemberAno one thousand seven hundred and seventy one---Christian Joder lSeal)T*i ,o*s of uppt" tr""tfrom which the Owner of thePlace must make the bestapples into Cyder and deliverin the Cellar to the Mother.Hannes <strong>Yoder</strong>Benedict (x) Lehman, his markJacob Gindelsbpreger*****ii**********i***********************n**********iHere we have a "Widow Barbara" who is documented, in the taxrecords of Berks County. She outlived her husband by about nineyears-her name appearing on the tax roster through 1781.BERKS COUNTY TAX LISTS- From PA ATchives SeTies1779 Bern Barbara JodcrJohn Yodcr, tory(singlc frccmen)Jacob YordcrChristian YordcrYost Yordcr1780 Bcrn Jno JodcrBarb'a Jodcr(single freemen)Yost Yorderl78l Bcrn Barbara JodcrJohn Joder(single frecmen)Jost JodcrJacob Yodcr1784 Bcrn Jost JodcrJohn Joder1785 Bcrn Yost JodcrJohn JodcrHcnry Jodcracres horsc-cattlc200 2-6 tax 1,360 w/oYRl2tax -- YRIT100 3-6100 l-'t1001002-13-5tax 15 shillings YRl2ltax l5 shillings YRl22tax 15 shillings YRl27tax 26.0.0 YRITtax 15.0.0 w/oYRl2tax 15.0.0 YRl27tax 4.15.0 w/o YRl2tax ,1.19.2 YRlTtax 2.5.0 YR127tax 2.10.0 YRl2lhorses-cattlc-shcep No. pcople150 1-3-4 2 YRl27150 2-3-3 1l YRl Ttax 1,10.0tax 2.0.0tax 1.10.0YRI27YR17YRI28

CHRISTIAN <strong>YODER</strong> (\'Rl2) "Hamburg Christian"Christian <strong>Yoder</strong>( c1722 Errrope- ll- /l'772 BP)Barbara _(c1723 Europe- fZSf ne;Jacobb cl7-15 BPm FranlHochstetlcrd cltlJ2)Christianb cl7{7 BPd. f82{ SOElizabcth Barblrab ct7{9 BP b cl75l BPm Christian nr JacobHertzlcr Hcrtzlcrt !tvl'791BP b rri2r NrPJohnh cl75J BPMagdalcnaStutzmrnd T oFannlh cl755 BPm JohnNlillcr.loseph Hrnrl Annah cl757 BP b c1759 BP b cl7(rl BPm Elizahcth m Lerh m JacobJutti Hcrlzler Stutzmand t0/28/18J3 i\IP b lu2l MPDar id Cathcrineb cl76J BP b c1765 BPm Jtcobina m JohnfshNl iller{l lll2l) NIP d"J"/25/tli{{l HoJacobJohnJoseph J Daniclh 5/Jl/1782 BP b l2ll l/r7n8 SP b {iJll7eJ SPm l\lrr1 Sipc ml Gcrtnrtle m Susannld t/Jt/ltl67 HO Schroclt Rrmsbergcrnt2 Julianr d l/ /ltlJg SPRlmshergcrd J/l/186J SPElizahcth Annah t2l_lr79t sP b {/2611798 BPm Yost Schrock m Frcderickd l(l/2/lti52 HO Hclmuthd l/lsil8{l HoSarahbsi nglcdHenrySolomon Catherine Lctinab 5/r/ln(l{ sP h 1787 BP b 5/rJ/r790 BPntl Eliz. Kcim m Christian m John Richlm2 *tar1 Wif trout KaulTman d 6l2llltl79 UPd l2lJ(l/ltl7l SP d cltl(r6 NfPHenrrbsingledctdJohnb 1U27n793 BPm fliz. Zookd J/t2ll87ri MPJohnBirrbarl Sarah Dlnie| Cuthcrinc Elizubcth Christian Stcphen J Susannirb 2l2l1111P b 911111116 P b 1777P h h 1l28lt1ut sP h 2i7lr782 sP b 6/t0/178-l sP b {/7/179t sPm John m Yost <strong>Yoder</strong> m Blrhlra singlc m Y()st H <strong>Yoder</strong> m Cathetinr nr Vcronicl m Nlicharl\irdcr(YR2J9) (YR25ll) <strong>Yoder</strong> (YR2J6l) d(YR26l l) Wingard Yodcr (YR23{6) Schroclrd l2ll/ltl5(, CP d 5/f,/lnJ-l JP d [r5.[ TO(l J/15/1856 SP d l/29i l1169 SO d l2llJllfl(,7 TO d lti55 \\'ODanie|b lltll797 BPml Lcah Yodcrm2 Phoebe Hcrtzle rd l/15/ltl(rtl l\tPSolomonb I l/16/ltllxl BPm !'cronica Riehld 2/22lltiti0 BMJosephGcorge Jatobh B P h B PJohn Christian H:rnnlh Sarah Cutherineh lTtl(r BP h cl7tl9 BP b ll)/J/I791 BP h 212211193 BP b 7/9/1795 BPm Sus:rnn:r nr Nlarl Richl m Nlichacl m Abrahrm m AhrahamStutzmirn d 2l_llu6o MP Stutzmnn KnulTmln Stutzmantl l2ll7lltl6l Ll tl lttl2llU2l lVlP d 7/7/ltJ75 MP d 6/27i ltl(rS LlEliz:rbcth Joscphh ll3l1197 BP b ll)/l('/lll7(l BPm Wm She:rrcr m i\largaret Shc:rrcrd 2/(,/ltltl{ NIP d {/l(l/ltl7(l l\IPDavidDlniel Rchrccab 179t BP b l(l/18/179J BP(?m B:rrbarl m Jacob ZookYodrr'(YR25l(r) dJonllthrn J0sc;lhb 91211793 BP h 9n7 n797 BPm l\f ag. Wagncl m C:lth. Lilntztl llzltllrJ69 l\tL d l2lJl/llltlT l\ILN{:tgtlllcna Vcronicl l\lar1 Lcahh +lZJll199 BP lt lllllltttt2 P h {/l l/ltll)l P h l2ltt/ltll)6 Pm John Lantz m Jocl l'orlcr (\'R2571) m John Yodcr (YR257J) m Yost Yodcr (YR257(r)d ltlJ{ l\rP d J/25/ltl5(r JP d d l/2llltlll9 XKThe Hertzler genealogy of 1885 says that by 1789 six of Christian'schildren were living in Somerset County (Bedford then).BEDFORD (Sonerset) COUNIY TAX LISTS (Pattial)acres hors€s-cattle-sheepComments1779 Quemahoning John <strong>Yoder</strong> 150 2-2- YR1251783 Quemahoning John Ycothcr 200 2-2-2 tax 2.0.0 YR125Brothers Valley -single freemcnchristian Yoeder 200 -- tax 2,3.0 YR122 (?)1784 Quemahoning John YotherBrothers ValleyChristian Todcr200houses whites| 7 YRr25- l YR122 (?)YR122- Christian, according to AAMG, is said to possibly have beenthe fellow who purchased land in Brothers Valley Township of whatwould later be Somerset County. From the tax records shown above,unmarried "Christian Yorder" vanishes from Berks County after the1779 tax year. A single Christian <strong>Yoder</strong> appears in Brothers Valley in1783. But by the 1790 Census this man has gone. What became ofhim?We believe the answer this question lies in an early will record fromStark County, OH. Stark County Will book Record A p 75, Writtenon Sep.7, 1824:"lnthe name of God Amen I Christian yotter of Cantontownship in the County of Sta* in the State of Ohio.... t giveand begueath unto John Gerber and Christian yotter Jr. all andsingular my goods and chattels and personnel estate...."We find that four of the others later moved to Mifllin County. Thiswas much closer, but the land had not been opened for settlementuntil the 1790's.YRl2l- Jacob, the oldest, married Franey Hochstetler and in 1785 hebought 360 acres in Somerset County-Jand that was situated on bothsides of the Casselman River. Three of his children moved on toHolmes County, Ohio. His son Joseph, known as "Axie", was featuredin YNL 10, Oct. 87.For many years, we tried to make an Alsatian <strong>Yoder</strong> link with thisentry, as Stark County was where many of these immigrants settled. Itdid, however, seem earlier than they were known to be there. By the1830's one Christian Yotter (YA7) from Alsace was living in thecounty. The research by Huckel (see YNL28) now establishes thefather of this Christian as John (Jean) who married CatherineKlopfenstein and died in France..not a "Christian". So who are theparties in the 1824 will???( ontinued on Page (r5

(-otrlilrtrt'tli'onr P:rge 5In the 1820 census, Christian <strong>Yoder</strong> (identified by AAMG asYRl256), a nephew, is living in Canton Twp. The John Gerber inStark County at this time is the husband of Anna <strong>Yoder</strong> (YRl73) whowould have been a first cousin of our Christian. It now seems obviousthat this is the will of our bachelor Christian leaving his estate to twokinsmen, including nephew Christian Jr (meaning "the younger"-notson).YRl23- Elizabeth was the first wife of Christian Hertzler, son ofJacob, the Bishop. Three oftheir children married Zooks and three oftheir daughters married men with the name of Christian <strong>Yoder</strong>---"Butcher Christ","Cooper Christ", and"Keifer Christ"! The sevenchildren grew up in Berks County, but scattered into five othercounties.YRl24- Barbara rnarried Christian Hertzler's older brother Jacob.They remained in the l{amburg neighborhood and are buried in theoriginal Hertzler burial ground - also known as the cemetery of theoriginal Northkill Amish Congregation- just west of Hamburg. Sevenof their twelve children died as infants. The one surviving daughter'Barbara, married John Stuzman and moved to Fairfield Co.' Oh.YRl25- John (Han's) married Magdalena Stutzman. He bought landin Somerset County on the same day as did his brother Jacob (Feb' 4'1785) but in 1812 he moved on to Ohio. They and apparently a sonsettled about a mile north of Shanesville, on the west side of thepresent Highway 93. A white fence encloses the well-kept cemetery onthe hill behind the house, where it overlooks the farmstead and theroad below (see YNL 18 article). This homestead was still in thehands of the family as late as 1957 and still may be. Of Han's eightchildren, five married <strong>Yoder</strong>s from three distinctly different branches'YRl26- Franey married John Miller, son of "Indian John" orsometimes called "Wounded John". Franey's John was known as"Annas" and their eleven children lived in Holmes County'YRl27- Joseph married Elizabeth lutzi from a pioneer family' and hedied in Mi{Ilin County on about Oct. 28, 1823 (a correction fromAAMG dateXsee YNLI4- Page 5).Joseph W. <strong>Yoder</strong>, a descendant (YNL 15' Apr.90) in his bookRosanna of the Amish, refers to a tract of 2000 acres in MifllinCounty acquired by captain Armstrong for his services in the Frenchand-IndianWar. He built a stone house' which was on the 700 acreplot sotd to Joseph <strong>Yoder</strong> on April 2, 1796. Built in 1770, the housewas still in good repair a century and a half later and still owned bydescendants. Five of Joseph's children stayed in Mifllin County(Christian, Hannah, Sarah, Elizabeth, Joseph). John and Catherine'who married Stutzmans, moved to Lagrange Co., lndiana. The 1824Orphan's Court petition showed eldest sons George (b.c1782) andJacob (b.c1784) listed as living (See YNL 14, page 5). Neither could befound in Mifllin County' however. <strong>Family</strong> histories and relatedgenealogies do not show what became of them, and for years we'vehad to search for clues on where they eventually settled.George, the oldest, seems likely to be the fellow found in 1820 and1830 in Wayne Co,OH; in 1840 in Summit Co,OH; and later inStephenson Co,IL. The whereabouts of the second son, Jacob, has alsobeen in question for may years. Speculation at the YNL has focusedon Jacob <strong>Yoder</strong> (1784-4l1111864') who is buried in Lewisburg, UnionCounty, Pa. His oldest son Peter was living in Stephenson Co, Il atthe settlement of his father's estate in 1864. We hope to eventuallyproduce a major article about these fanrilies.YRl28- Henry married Barbara Kauffnran. Their six children lived inMifltin County except for the two who married Riehls... Levina inChester County and Solomon in Maryland' Solomon, a bishop, wasactive in "church planting" (YNL 8' Oct'86).YR129- Anna married Jacob Stutzman, a brother to Jacob's wifeMagdalena. They too moved to Holmes County and had five sons. Thefamily buriai plot near Walnut Creek was destroyed when Highway39 was improved and the stone markers were taken away. Son JostJustus went back to Somerset County, where he was Justice of thePeace for many years and he served for a short time in theLegislature.YRl2a-. David married Jacobina Esh who arrived from Switzerlandin 1780. In 1811, they settled in Mifllin County' rvhere he died in1820. He had financial difficulties and at the time of his death wasinsolvent. Four of his children married <strong>Yoder</strong>s and the youngestdaughters maried three <strong>Yoder</strong> brothers! Son Jonathan and Josephsettled in lllinois, and Leah, the youngest child, whose children wereboth born in Juniata Countv. moved to Kansas.YRl2b- Catherine also married a John Miller, as did her sisterFraney. Catherine's husband was known as "Broad Run John", andthe two men are believed to have been cousins. J. Virgil Miller foundthe location of the two Miller homes, side-by-side, in Holmes County.Leroy Beachy discovered the marker for Catherine's grave, an"unusually large fieldstone slab, which now is used as a cover for anenclosed spring in a ravine....near the center of the farm. Thegraveyard was destroyed to make room for the plow." All but one of:i: H :."911'1.:'.T:i: :: il.T"":T."::: :lil;.* * * * * * **,* * lJi :'::J.::.'1.'l 5 :'J1."1.".11 :1:':"l: I ::...* * * * * * * i * * * (lontintred fronr Plge lknowledge regarding the Joder family link to the estate, and describedits history as follows:"Our house, Bern patrician style, was huilt in 1794 around an olderhouse which belongel to Pastor Samuel Yersons (?) who gave it to hisnephew Bailit (?)Gonlieb Emanuel Vl/agner + 1814, he gave our househis heautiful fornt witlr 4 huge coluntns in front. Nextby was a lTtlrcentury woolen furmhouse vhich hurnt lotvn and wts rehuilt hyWrgner in 1825, with the biggest rorf rf Stffisburg. It nny be that tlrc<strong>Yoder</strong>s were living in that olderfarmhouse before they left (1751?) forthe USA for confessional reasons, the llern government persecuted theAnabaptists. I have a drawing of tlte older farmhouse of vlrich I join aphotograph " (photo on cover ofthis issue)"Il may also be that your origin is in the farnircuse in "outer Ortbuhl"(whilewe are in "inner Orthuhl") huilt in early ISth century belongingto a Reusserfamily. Coultl yourfamily not be as offspring of that outerOrtbuhl? "Dr. Stettler goes on to speak ofhis visit many years before fromDr. Don <strong>Yoder</strong>, and the year before by Richard B. <strong>Yoder</strong> (see OleyReunion article). In November he wrote again to mention an August95 visit by Judith S. and David A. Gurka from <strong>Yoder</strong> family of BerksCounty Pennsylvania. We are certainly greatful to Dr. Stettler forsharing this information and intersting photo with us.Pickwav Co..Oh. Marriase Records throueh 1820:Catherine <strong>Yoder</strong> m. May 20, l8l9 Andrew Dill/Deill/Dull (M32?)Marhta (Martha?)<strong>Yoder</strong> m. ???? Daniel Somers (?Who was she?)Original Land Entries. Adams Twn.. Seneca Co..Oh.Melchior Yotter. s.w.l/4 s.w.l/4 sec. 21, Jan.25'1833Melchior Yotter. s.e.l/4 s.e. l/4 sec. 20, March 25'1833Montqomerv Co.. Oh. Marriage Records:Elizabeth <strong>Yoder</strong> m. Aug.20,1857 to Charles Kilian*******ii*************************************************6

*lr* * *** *** *******t**Queries* * **** ir****i**it* *rr * *** *The YNL will publish <strong>Yoder</strong> related inquiries or exchanges at nocharge. Please limit as possible to include a full return address. Allinquiries are checked against our records to see ifwe can help too. Ifyou receive added info, please share it with the YNL for our files.Send to: Chris <strong>Yoder</strong>, 203 Lakeshire Rd., Battle Creek,Mi 49015********t*******t******************************************Adelheid Jauther born in Dussldorfabout 1849-1850 and was about 3when she emmigrated. Her family and her husband's family wereCatholic. She settled in New York City at least until my gmother wasborn because her birth certificate is dated April 4, 1887. By this timeshe had married CIIARLIE MAHN, also said to have emmigratedfrom Dussldorf. We have lost contact with both the MAHN and theJAUTHER families. Christine Wallace (wallace@wwnet.com)****tt******i*********i************************************Have a <strong>Yoder</strong> with no information or first name. My <strong>Yoder</strong> married aPattie Epehimer around 1800 give or take a few years. Pattie was thedaugther of William Epehinrer and Ann Campbell. If any of thismakes a light come on please let nre know.Wesley A. Leiser,722 JuraWay, Sunnyvale, Calif. 9'1087, Wesleiser@aol.cornLooking for William Eli <strong>Yoder</strong>, born about 1922 around Hartville,OH. Son of David <strong>Yoder</strong> and Catherine Sommers. Wm. m RubyShortridge. William has a sister who lived at one time around SugarCreek. He and brothers at one point drove trucks out of Detroit area.Donna Leaser, 10516 Burrows Rd, Berlin Heights, OII 44814Have been searching for info about a Yost Jotter/Yotter, d. BushkillTwp Northampton Co Pa 1800-1810. Wife's given name BvaCatharine. Had dau Anna Maria m. Henry Werner. Jost warrant65a Moore Twp 1785. Member Moorestown Reformed Cong. HarryWerner,9'10 (lortz l)r, Denver.Clo 80221My Great grandrnother Mary Trommeter m. Jacob Faust Neifert. Ibelieve Mary had a sister named Celcia who married a SamuelYodar. They lived in Liberty, Pa. Ultimately anr trying to findCelcia which may lead me to Mary's parents. I would be happy toknow more about Samuel as he and his kin are mentioned in myGGrandmother's diaries. Can you help? I don't know Samuel,sparents or anything like that, Barbara Lavin, 393 Kent Lane,Perkasie. Pa 18944.**i*t*****t**************************************r*********RESTORATION OF SCHWEITZBR CHRISTIAN<strong>YODER</strong> CBMETERYBeginning with a contribution by Gordon <strong>Yoder</strong> of Dallas,Texas, the YNL is launching a project to restore and mark the "Old<strong>Yoder</strong> Cemetery" north of Brotherton in Somerset County, Pa.Although most of the headstones nre unmarked, this cemetery isbelieved the likely resting place of "Schweitzer Christian" <strong>Yoder</strong>(YR23).Plans call for a weekend clean-up crew sometime in the springor surnmer of 1998, and tlre setting of a brass historical marker. Ifyou would be interested in lrelping out, contact Chris <strong>Yoder</strong>, 203Lakeshire lld., Battle Creek, NII 49105.***********************************************************Groom Bride tlate oflicialAdam <strong>Yoder</strong> Mary Hollingcr lll2/1843+remark--" Iady preferring another,Adam <strong>Yoder</strong> Ann lcenhart l/22/1843 Clark. S.B. JPJohn Yotter Elizabeth Beigh ll23/lS4g Nicholas Noel JBJacob Yotter Amanda F. Williams l0/l l/1855 Michael Long MGAnthony Huber Susanah Yotter 3/20/lS56 Wm,Jones,MG(Adam-A D; John, Jacob and Susanah- belived children of "M31,')****i*********************************i***r************i**t***tt******t*********i*********************t**********t**iSome Rhoads Descendants of Yost <strong>Yoder</strong> of Oley,Berks County, Pa.-by Rodney F. Rhoadsf,lizabeth <strong>Yoder</strong> was the granddaughter of yost yoder ofStelfisburg, Switzerland who settled in Oley, Berks county,pA , Shewas born to his son John Yost <strong>Yoder</strong> and Catherine Euster (Oyster)in Oley township on Decenrber 26, 1751. Elizabeth nrarried MatthiasRoth (Rhoads) of Amity Township, Berks County,PA . The exact dateof marriage is not currently known. Seven children were born to thisunion, of whom six are known.The Rhoads family who became linked to the yoders arrived inAmerica in l7l7 at Philadelphia. ln Wuerttemburg, specifically inBonfeld, the family surname was ROTH.Johann Jacob Roth (Jr) was a first settler in Amity township,Berks county, PA and purchased land there immediatety upon arrivalin 1717. His second son, Johann Jacob Roth (III), born in Bonfeld inl7ll. remained in Amity and married Anna Elizabeth _ priorto 1738. Their son Matthias, b. 1742 married Elizabeth yoder andhad children: Mary, Esther, Jacob, Joseph, Abraham, John.It is interesting to note that by this time alt parties were usingtheir surname of RHOADS ,although in the church they stillcontinued to be recorded as ROTII. For exanrple, the church recordsof the Gerrnarr Refornted Church -Schwartzwald-Rev. William Boos -has a burial .,.ROTH, Matthias, his wife-December 2l,l75l-December6,179039 years,less 20 days... (Elizabeth <strong>Yoder</strong> Rhoads). and also hada baptism of note: Parent-Matthias Roth- Joseph,born Nov. 12,1785,baptized October 21,1787. Sponsor, the father.Mntthias Rhoads served as Lt. Col. in Col. Jacob Weavers'sbattalion, 5th Battalion Berks County Militia in 177'l and was presentat the battle of Brandywine and probably at the route in Paoli,serving on duty in the Great Valley afterwards. Matthias died in 1804,some 14 years after his wife Elizabeth <strong>Yoder</strong>, The siblings were thenscattered to the environs of a neighboring county. Joseph Rhoads, theauthorrs antecedent, was still a minor technically, at this time andJacob Griesemer, his sister's husband was appointed guardian at hisrequest. Joseph had followed, with the death of his father, several ofhis brothers and sisters to Northumberland county. Note also, thatMatthias Rhoads had George <strong>Yoder</strong> and son John <strong>Yoder</strong>, "trustyfriend" appointed as executors to his lvill dated 1804.Joscph Rhoads was known locally as "the Gernran Major"because he served in the War of 1812 and finally achieved the rank ofMajor with the local militia. Joseph was mentioned in the witl of hisgrandfather John Yost <strong>Yoder</strong> which was probated April 13,1812 inReading.The <strong>Yoder</strong> farnily history has touched that of the Rhoadsfamily in many ways and we are the better for it with the inspirationof those rugged "Schweizers" and their travails and accomplishments.il'"X l".'.'l'.ell il.,l..,Yl.d..J"x."y:tfl:."'"1x'.,.1.. f :l:ii :i.rJi:l l:;, .,,Folks submitting <strong>Family</strong> Group <strong>Information</strong>:^***Jeff <strong>Yoder</strong>, Farmington, Pa--David <strong>Yoder</strong> (YR26l l9)fi,obert Rees, Bertlesville,OK- Abraham D. <strong>Yoder</strong> (YR2337475)Karolyn Roberts, Jasper, lN- Noah <strong>Yoder</strong> (Y8134532)Peggy <strong>Yoder</strong> Stauffer, Willow Grove, Pa - Reuben <strong>Yoder</strong> (OHl33lb)D. Handalong, deanneh@post.cis.smu.edu- Saml <strong>Yoder</strong> (YR235646)Lloyd M. Kelly, Auburn, WA- Elizabeth <strong>Yoder</strong>s Sharp (M24)Marge Puka, Twin Falls, Id- John <strong>Yoder</strong> (YRl4234)Laurie Dyche, lauriedyche@juno.com- Levi John <strong>Yoder</strong> (YR233335)Marvin Ogburn, Arlingtort,VA- (YRl5,l9,252,l463,YRBl,YRB14)Julann L Dunn, Bay Village, Oh - Mary <strong>Yoder</strong> (YR2345151)Alan Adrianson, AAdrianson@aol.com- Moses <strong>Yoder</strong> (YR235446)Rhoda Howard, Eugene, Or- John <strong>Yoder</strong> (YA4)Katie Sessler, Manslield, TX - Frederick and Maria Shartle <strong>Yoder</strong> (B)Edward S. <strong>Yoder</strong>, compuserve.com- Jacob <strong>Yoder</strong> (YR14223)Marvin <strong>Yoder</strong>, Summerville, SC- Norman C <strong>Yoder</strong> (YR26f l81)

\/ '<strong>Yoder</strong> IClon Unites At Historic Areq ChurchlltcKolYD lLY_RtCORD-Sot., Augugt 23r|'99fBi[ yorler. vice prcsi(lcnt, rc-Ar a tanrlty gatherlng held.re' sithp.ri\:ate1::ds:Jl:,1":Fl:i"l:?,1l,oito,l thnt lrst.oet,rir.r, I? morrtcentlv in the llickory area, plansexpActstoralseone-nallollne.tlt''he.s,,illrelocalfarnilvw^rcllostsloOley YOdef RgUniOnwere8irenbyaprominentedUcatornlatcdcostsofrcpaIrs.lheunoolngDrr)nnYdcI'l""'"""'.lili,,::l.,:li"l'.,".;,.!1i"Tl:i"$.i;.':l.xi;l]i"j[ii""|iiilinf|rri.rghmrrsszit5200yearsofdoub|efrontentrancesintoasingle[stionortheWc|r|ncr(wh1tln:llCliristi"n-.inistty.access, is arnong changes planned 9l ctan. whtch wqs holrtirrg n lll.":l::[,J","?i,nT"*$""fo.l,i#]iiJi'.".?;,:i:ii:;,,ii".tii".iiit;;,"*l"rTEi':l";H;iirij",.*i[?:Ii.T:.,:J,i"j,'at zion Evangelical Lu$reral Racbael tlahn Kennedy. ot and fellowship(ihnrch in lllckorY, Dr.J'todcr t.lkcd 8t lcnBth slloul lhc snssion Ms Kennody recognrz9oclan that Arrs l6 wrq elsnlvnl in ValleV Settlements.ifl..fJ";T"3,".::.'i[;"::iti'Jif5:i::,-;i$.i;liJij$'"fJ.'JItli:l1"llt."lql*:1':llliIi'4rH.*,",luu';,li"ode.r,.theii:ii"1"'l;;, ix"5'ifi"'""in"l'n'"l,rraugh.i:i$T"l'",}1f,iGraceedificewasatwo.S|orylo8}'oungestguest'..Beth.'wasbornonAnationalreunion0[th"N1:::'l:huildinsituated on propertv ac- Nov 25' 1996'ite <strong>Yoder</strong>s lvill translire '",ll;to;tl president Richard B. yoderquired irom Samuel Jarrelt for $8.introduced olllcers and committeew. Edward Ilarper Jr., the pastor the Bucks and. LehiFh coul<strong>Yoder</strong>,amemberofthefacultyatotzim-t-uttrran?;t'u."h.orri'"j"l"".il:Il i|:.#::lilii:&il?i ii"li"'#ijJJjl,n:,j i:;';'i", i' "1""*";:"Jl.f 'lT,i:,i";ii: .y"i "t""ltTilhat the anniversa;:T"'":iT;i,tT"j;'"'"";:il:;"ii:$;,["i'lli[l*:l{l*l.:":l::".'"rl*;;.;;;;;"*'l".!*,Idj. =i","iJ,""r,,",'li",":.:1:r""';:J';1:::;L:",?';",ilffii;:"iJ" vii'r, ]",!! f,X,ll.,1i,'",ii,.il111 ':Tl;111"_,1, se(rlers.lrom the crace pulpit. Yodei com- daughter' Sbannon Also attendinll pooplc to contribuie lihcrrlly t,r-o"t"j GiL in t*lo denturies only 20 their-Jirst yoder reunion *er.e..MI yoricr-relatcd ciuscs. ttachrelrra"tors had led the Lutheran "hui.6 and Mrs Ed (l,ane).Craves and.their Kennerty, presitlont, aske(l visitors l,li-f,"'iirit .i"-i.i.i, il" n"r. John dauglrters. Am-anda anrl... Alysa sh;;e tdni'r timitu photo.rat,trs SFci;"ari"l:,liiiJr.".irbtirh"oth"con-Rtsidentsof. [,awrenceville,$"; iotatyNeato.rvitiongoicjle"clanatt"griion tog"itr"r Fith a Swiss 11s- Mrs Graves is a direct des-cengall proirrot",l the llorrse of Yo(ler, aioii.eA cteiic, the Flev. Andrerv of .lacob <strong>Yoder</strong>' the second son of iianned archivcs rnd muscurn coDrl,orctz'l'he licfornled element (norv SwissimmisrantConrad<strong>Yoder</strong>' olcx now untler constrrrction in lhca part ot the United Church of N,lr and Mrs. W.A.,,Blll" sprucel,cnnAlps.lndividurl,hrlilyclrrist) ceased to worship at-crace (luarilvn) Yodcr of llickory were andlifemembershipsareavailable.Church in the earl,' 1970s..A! tllat iecoen'izerl for cleaning and mowinglirne. Ihe neformed interest it, tf" th"oi,jyod"rprivatec"emetery.r;raceFourteen births, l4 marriaBes anupt.l crlJ sas turncd over lo,.withtt,o Luit,"i"ni a suggestion Ted M. <strong>Yoder</strong> delivered a mono- 37 deaths were announced in the exthatthe tatter take care ot it untit logue recounting early <strong>Yoder</strong> his- tended <strong>Yoder</strong> and Reep families.i,.h iinre as it (the 1856 brick tory Portraying a renowned.Ca'sincethelasthomecoming..hurch) fcl! do{n. '<strong>Yoder</strong> said. tawba hislorian of the lgth century,Rather lhan allorv the landma,, ( cnl. ceor8e Monroc <strong>Yoder</strong> rhe next meetins of the N.c.(1826-1920), he also talked abNt theto deleriorate, the structure<strong>Yoder</strong> clan is set for the scond Sunnrarkedfor restoration o. ."pliifounding of Zion Chutch.in 179.9-iit] a"y in August 1998 at zion LutheranAdcl.d to ilre Natioral Register oia.. ttnlon sun(hv.s(ltilol. "] (111"1Churchrn"Hickory.Itjsroric Fta(es in 1990, rhe "r".-i {'hurch {i'l-"-'-"Yodor artcd1"i] Tlll:hsJncluar) will be rejuvenated paltly assupollnlenqenl*+x*Y++{++a****{r{Yt+{{{++{***{+++illtYt*r+*{rl**rr}l}{++{}POSSIBLE FTJTURE NATIONAL REUNIONS2000- The <strong>Yoder</strong>s of North Carolina have asked thnt the year 2000 bereserved for them to host another National <strong>Yoder</strong> Reunion (see YNL26). This year will be in concert with the celebration of their 50thannual reunion.1999- The Yothers <strong>Family</strong> of the Bucksfuehigh County, Pa Mennonite<strong>Yoder</strong> Line (see Hans of Great Swap) are evaluating whether theyhave the resources to host a National Reunion in 1999. Members ofthe Mennonite (or any other) <strong>Yoder</strong> line who are willing to offer theirhelp are invited to contact: Mrs. Alverna Hunsberger' 4389Applebutter Rd., Perkasie,PA,l 8944.*********************************i********i*****************PASSINGS:Raymond James <strong>Yoder</strong>-Sep.6, 1996 (p8, YNLIT)(YR233746c line)Richard Kinsey Yotter- May 26, 1995 (unlinked line A)Edie <strong>Yoder</strong> Godfrey- Dec. 19, 1996 (OIIl4526l line)Pleasantvillel.'.'li:J::*1T:llJ:i::;?'.'i::?lJri:.".:!ili:::""1:i3y.'.1'.*")Who can identify:G.W. <strong>Yoder</strong> who m. Hannah G. Cearon, res. Eaton, Preble Co., Oh.': ::;::::::".*:I.::: Il.lll?i. xr: ::l........ { r { +(Kathy Schlusser, Rich <strong>Yoder</strong>, Nancy Yorler, & young paul T.Schlusser)Maps were also distributed for a "drive by" car excusionm toseveral sites with historic <strong>Yoder</strong> significance. These inctuded: theHans Joder Homestead; Cleaver Fulling Mill; the Odd Fellows Hall;Pleasantville Innl "Common School of Oley Township"; locations ofthe Yost Joder and Solomon <strong>Yoder</strong> homestead; and the llans <strong>Yoder</strong>Jr Homestead which is next to the covered bridge on Toll HouseRoad. The tour ended at the Pleasantville Union Cemetery whereDick, author of a booklet about this site, discussed its historicalsignificance.The reunion was enjoyed by all in attendance. The committeesolicited reactions to determine future frequency of these events. In1996, the Association sponsored a national reunion attended by over300 people from 25 states. Planning meetings are held at the historicInn. Anyone interested in particpating in planning andactivities are encouraged to attend. Contact the secretary, Nancy<strong>Yoder</strong>, (610\ 323-7737 for further details.The Oley <strong>Yoder</strong>s are announcing that the 1998 annual familyreunion will be held July 18, 1998, somewhere in the Pleasantvillearea. Put it on your calendar NOW! -Submitted by Richard B. <strong>Yoder</strong>*******************************************************al

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