proform 385ex - Fitness Equipment

proform 385ex - Fitness Equipment

proform 385ex - Fitness Equipment

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INVITOIl Dipartimento di Biologia delle PianteAgrarie dell’Università di Pisa, il CentroSperimentale per il Vivaismo (Ce.Spe.Vi.) diPistoia e l’Agenzia nazionale per le nuovetecnologie, l’energia e lo sviluppo economicosostenibile (ENEA) di Roma, organizzano ilworkshop nazionale “Orti e Giardini SenzaTerra per le Città del Futuro”, che si terràpresso la Facoltà di Agraria di Pisa il 5febbraio 2010.La partecipazione è gratuita, ma per ragioniorganizzative gli interessati sono pregati dispedire alla Segreteria la scheda diregistrazione, per fax o per email, entro il 15gennaio 2010.CONTENUTONelle città moderne gli spazi destinati alverde ornamentale e ricreativo oppure allacosiddetta “orticoltura urbana” risultanoquasi sempre limitati e la realizzazione digiardini e orti richiede sempre piùfrequentemente il ricorso a tecnichealternative a quelle tradizionali.Tra queste troviamo la coltura fuori terrautilizzata per giardini pensili, pareti e tettiverdi o, più semplicemente, per lacoltivazione non-professionale di ortaggi epiante aromatiche. Quest’ultima, peraltro,svolge un ruolo importante in molte areeurbane nei paesi sottosviluppati, fornendoun significativo contributo quantitativo equalitativo alla dieta delle fasce più poveredella popolazione.Obiettivo del Workshop è discutere, con ilcontributo di esperti del settore, gli aspettiecologici, agronomici, architettonici e socialidella coltura senza suolo applicata per larealizzazione in città delle aree a verde.8.30 REGISTRAZIONEPROGRAMMA9.00 APERTURA DEI LAVORI:M. Giovannetti (Università di Pisa)A. Pardossi (Università di Pisa)P. Marzialetti (Ce.Spe.Vi., Pistoia)9.20 A. Lambertini (Università di Firenze):Specie di spazi aperti e nuovi paesaggiurbani.9.40 S. Benvenuti (Università di Pisa):Ecosistemi come fonte di germoplasmaper la biodiversità urbana.10.00 E. Paoli (Libero professionista):“Tetti verdi”: aspetti bio-architettonici enormative.10.20 G. Gianquinto (Univ. di Bologna):Orti senza terra.10.40 PAUSA-CAFFÉ11.10 M. Rossi (Tecology, Milano):Tappeti erbosi verticali.11.30 R. Ceccarini e M. Branchetti(Comune di Livorno): Orti sociali11.50 C.A. Campiotti (ENEA, Roma):I sistemi-serra nelle città moderne.12.10 F. Ferrini (Università di Firenze):Edible landscaping: paesaggio damangiare.12.30 F. Tei (Università di Perugia):Orti urbani per anziani.12.50 DISCUSSIONE E CONCLUSIONI

14. Never start the treadmill while you are standingon the walking belt. Always hold thehandrails while using the treadmill.15. The treadmill is capable of high speeds.Adjust the speed in small increments to avoidsudden jumps in speed.16. To reduce the possibility of the treadmill overheating,do not operate the treadmill continuouslyfor longer than 1 hour.17. Never leave the treadmill unattended while itis running. Always remove the key when thetreadmill is not in use.18. Do not attempt to raise, lower, or move thetreadmill until it is properly assembled. (SeeASSEMBLY on page 5, and HOW TO MOVETHE TREADMILL on page 10.) You must beable to safely lift 45 pounds (20 kg) in order toraise, lower, or move the treadmill.20. When folding or moving the treadmill, makesure that the storage latch is fully closed.21. Inspect and tighten all parts of the treadmillregularly.22. Never drop or insert any object into any opening.23.DANGER: Always unplug the powercord immediately after use, before cleaningthe treadmill, and before performing the maintenanceand adjustment procedures describedin this manual. Never remove themotor hood unless instructed to do so by anauthorized service representative. Servicingother than the procedures in this manualshould be performed by an authorized servicerepresentative only.24. This treadmill is intended for in-home useonly. Do not use this treadmill in any commercial,rental, or institutional setting.19. Do not change the incline of the treadmill byplacing objects under the treadmill.WARNING: Before beginning this or any exercise program, consult your physician. Thisis especially important for persons over the age of 35 or persons with pre-existing health problems.Read all instructions before using. ICON assumes no responsibility for personal injury or propertydamage sustained by or through the use of this product.SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONSThe decal shown below has been placed on your treadmill. If the decal is missing, or if it is not legible,please call our Customer Service Department, toll-free, to order a free replacement decal (see ORDERINGREPLACEMENT PARTS on the back cover of this manual). Apply the decal in the location shown.3

BEFORE YOU BEGINThank you for selecting the PROFORM¨ 385EX treadmill.The 385EX treadmill combines advanced technologywith innovative design to let you enjoy an excellentform of cardiovascular exercise in the convenience andprivacy of your home. And when youÕre not exercising,the unique 385EX can be folded up, requiring less thanhalf the floor space of other treadmills.For your benefit, read this manual carefully beforeusing the treadmill. If you have additional questions,please call our Customer Service Department toll-freeat 1-800-999-3756, Monday through Friday, 6 a.m.until 6 p.m. Mountain Time (excluding holidays). Tohelp us assist you, please note the product modelnumber and serial number before calling. The modelnumber of the treadmill is PFTL38580. The serial numbercan be found on a decal attached to the treadmill(see the front cover of this manual for the location).Before reading further, please review the drawingbelow and familiarize yourself with the labeled parts.ConsoleAccessory TrayHandrailStorage LatchKey/ClipWater BottleHolder (Bottlenot included)HandrailLEFT SIDERIGHT SIDEWalking BeltHoodFoot RailsCircuitBreakerPower CordFront WheelRear RollerAdjustment BoltsInclineLegCushioned WalkingPlatform4

ASSEMBLYAssembly requires two people. Set the treadmill in a cleared area and remove all packing materials. Do notdispose of the packing materials until assembly is completed. Note: The treadmill walking deck is coated withhigh-performance lubricant. During shipping, a small amount of lubricant may be transferred to the top of thewalking belt or the shipping carton. This is a normal condition and does not affect treadmill performance. If thereis lubricant on top of the walking belt, wipe off the lubricant with a soft cloth and a mild, non-abrasive cleaner.During assembly, refer to the drawingsat the right to identify the small partsused in assembly.Assembly requires a phillips screwdriver, an adjustablewrench, and scissors(not included), as well as the includedallen wrench .Washer (16)Ð21/2" Screw (13)Ð23/4" Screw (59)Ð4Handrail Bolt (15)Ð2 Extension Leg Screw (34)Ð41. With the help of a second person, carefully lay thetreadmill on its right side as shown (refer to the drawingon page 4 to identify the right side).134Insert the Extension Legs (41) into the treadmill. Makesure that the Extension Legs are turned so the BasePads (36) are on the indicated side. Attach eachExtension Leg with an Extension Leg Screw (34).With the help of a second person, carefully raise thetreadmill to the upright position so the Extension Legs(41) are resting flat on the floor.3641ShippingBracketBoltRefer to the inset drawing. Remove the nut, bolt, andshipping bracket from the left Upright (14) and discard.2. Refer to HOW TO LOWER THE TREADMILL FOR USEon page 11. Follow the instructions in step 2 to lower thetreadmill.236413415Nut14Plastic TieCut the plastic ties that hold the cage nuts in eachHandrail (2).162Position one of the Handrails (2) on the left Upright (14).The lower end of the Left Handrail should be restingagainst the bracket on the Extension Leg (41) as shown.Thread a Handrail Bolt (15) with a Handrail Washer (16)into the left Upright and Handrail. Do not tighten theHandrail Bolt yet.14Make sure that the hole in the bracket on the ExtensionLeg (41) is aligned with the hole in the Handrail (2).Tighten an Extension Leg Screw (34) into the bracket andHandrail.34Bracket415

3. With the help of a second person, hold the Console Base(6) and the other Handrail (2) near the right Upright (14)as shown. Insert the Wire Harness (26) down into the rightUpright; bend the Wire Harness, if necessary. Next, routethe Wire Harness through the bracket on the Handrail andinsert the bracket into the right Upright. Make sure thatthe Wire Harness is not pinched.3Bracket2626144. Thread a Handrail Bolt (15) with a Handrail Washer (16)into the right Upright (14) and the right Handrail (2). Donot tighten the Handrail Bolt yet.Make sure that the hole in the bracket on the ExtensionLeg (41) is aligned with the hole in the Handrail (2).Tighten an Extension Leg Screw (34) into the bracket andHandrail.42151614345. Attach the Console Base (6) to the Handrails (2) with four3/4Ó Screws (59).541BracketTighten all parts used in steps 2, 4, and 5.25962596. Remove the backing from the Adhesive Clip (74). Pressthe Adhesive Clip onto the base of the Uprights (14) inthe indicated location. Press the Allen Wrench (73) intothe Adhesive Clip.61474737. Attach the Storage Latch (12) to the left Upright (14) withtwo 1/2Ó Screws (13). Be careful not to overtighten theScrews.7 88. Make sure that all parts are tight before you use thetreadmill. (Note: The ratchet screws shown at the farright are factory set and should not be adjusted.) Toprotect the floor or carpet from damage, place a matunder the treadmill.141213RatchetScrews6

OPERATION AND ADJUSTMENTTHE PERFORMANT LUBE TM WALKING BELTYour treadmill features a walking belt coated withPERFORMANT LUBE TM , a high-performance lubricant.IMPORTANT: Never apply silicone spray or othersubstances to the walking belt or the walking platform.They will deteriorate the walking belt andcause excessive wear.HOW TO PLUG IN THE POWER CORDDANGER: Improper connectionof the equipment-grounding conductor canresult in an increased risk of electric shock.Check with a qualified electrician or servicemanif you are in doubt as to whether theproduct is properly grounded. Do not modifythe plug provided with the productÑif it willnot fit the outlet, have a proper outlet installedby a qualified electrician.Your treadmill, like any other type of sophisticatedelectronic equipment, can be seriously damaged bysudden voltage changes in your homeÕs power.Voltage surges, spikes, and noise interference can resultfrom weather conditions or from other appliancesbeing turned on or off.To decrease the possibilityof your treadmillbeing damaged,1always use a surgeprotector (not included)with yourtreadmill.electric shock. This product is equipped with a cordhaving an equipment-grounding conductor and agrounding plug. Plug the power cord into a surgeprotector, and plug the surge protector into an appropriateoutlet that is properly installed andgrounded in accordance with all local codes andordinances.This product is for use on a nominal 120-volt circuit,and has a grounding plug that looks like the plug illustratedin drawing 1 below. A temporary adapter thatlooks like the adapter illustrated in drawing 2 may beused to connect the surge protector to a 2-pole receptacleas shown in drawing 2 if a properly grounded outletis not available.The temporary adapter should be used only until aproperly grounded outlet (drawing 1) can be installedby a qualified electrician.The green-colored rigid ear, lug, or the like extendingfrom the adapter must be connected to a permanentground such as a properly grounded outlet box cover.Whenever the adapter is used it must be held in placeby a metal screw. Some 2-pole receptacle outlet boxcovers are not grounded. Contact a qualified electricianto determine if the outlet box cover isgrounded before using an adapter.Grounded Outlet BoxGrounding PinGrounding PlugTreadmill Power CordGrounding PlugSurge protectors aresold at most hardwarestores and departmentstores. Use only a ULlistedsurge protector,rated at 15 amps, with a14-gauge cord of fivefeet or less in length.2Grounded OutletGrounded Outlet BoxAdapterGrounding PinThis product must begrounded. If it shouldmalfunction or breakdown, grounding providesa path of least resistancefor electric currentto reduce the risk ofLugMetal ScrewGrounding PinGrounding PlugSurge Protector7

HOW TO FOLD AND MOVE THE TREADMILLHOW TO FOLD THE TREADMILL FOR STORAGEUnplug the power cord. Caution: You must be able tosafely lift 45 pounds (20 kg) in order to raise, lower, ormove the treadmill.1. Hold the treadmill with your hands in the locations shownat the right. Caution: To decrease the possibility of injury,bend your legs and keep your back straight. Asyou raise the treadmill, make sure to lift with your legsrather than your back. Raise the treadmill about halfwayto the vertical position.2. Move your right hand to the position shown and hold thetreadmill firmly. Raise the treadmill until the storage latchcloses over the catch. Make sure that the storage latchis fully engaged over the catch.To protect the floor or carpet from damage, place amat under the treadmill. Keep the treadmill out ofdirect sunlight. Do not leave the treadmill in the storageposition in temperatures above 85¡ Fahrenheit.StorageLatchCatchClosedHOW TO MOVE THE TREADMILLBefore moving the treadmill, convert the treadmill to the storageposition as described above. Make sure that the storagelatch is closed fully over the catch.1. Hold the handrails and place one foot on the base asshown.2. Tilt the treadmill back until it rolls freely on the front wheels.Carefully move the treadmill to the desired location. Nevermove the treadmill without tipping it back. To reducethe risk of injury, use extreme caution while movingthe treadmill. Do not attempt to move the treadmillover an uneven surface.3. Place one foot on the base, and carefully lower the treadmilluntil it is resting in the storage position.BaseFront Wheels10

HOW TO LOWER THE TREADMILL FOR USE1. Hold the upper end of the treadmill with your right hand asshown. Using your left thumb, press the storage latch andhold it. Pivot the treadmill until the frame and foot rail arepast the storage latch.OpenedStorageLatch2. Hold the treadmill firmly with both hands, and lower thetreadmill to the floor. Caution: To decrease the possibilityof injury, bend your legs and keep your backstraight.11

MAINTENANCE AND TROUBLE-SHOOTINGMost treadmill problems can be solved by following the steps below. Find the symptom that applies, andfollow the steps listed. If further assistance is needed, please call our Customer Service Department tollfreeat 1-800-999-3756, Monday through Friday, 6 a.m. until 6 p.m. Mountain Time (excluding holidays).PROBLEM: The power does not turn onSOLUTION: a. Make sure that the power cord is plugged into a surge protector, and that the surge protector isplugged into a properly grounded outlet. (See HOW TO PLUG IN THE POWER CORD on page7.) Use only a UL-listed surge protector, rated at 15 amps, with a 14-gauge cord of five feet orless in length.b. After the power cord has been plugged in, make sure that the key is fully inserted into the console.(See step 1 on page 8.)c. Check the circuit breaker located on the treadmillnear the power cord. If the switch protrudes asshown, the circuit breaker has tripped. To reset thecircuit breaker, wait for five minutes and then pressthe switch back in.cTrippedTrippedResetResetPROBLEM: The power turns off during useSOLUTION: a. Check the circuit breaker located on the treadmill frame near the power cord (see 1. c. above). Ifthe circuit breaker has tripped, wait for five minutes and then press the switch back in.b. Make sure that the power cord is plugged in.c. Remove the key from the console. Reinsert the key fully into the console. (See step 1 on page 8.)d. If the treadmill still will not run, please call our Customer Service Department, toll-free.PROBLEM: The displays of the console do not function properlySOLUTION: a. Check the batteries in the console. See BATTERY INSTALLATION on page 8. Most problems arethe result of drained batteries.b. Remove the six screws from the hood. Carefully removethe hood. Locate the Reed Switch (86) and theMagnet (87) on the left side of the Pulley (85). Turnthe Pulley until the Magnet is aligned with the ReedSwitch. Make sure that the gap between theMagnet and the Reed Switch is about 1/8Ó. If necessary,loosen the Screw (35) and move the ReedSwitch slightly. Retighten the Screw. Re-attach thehood, and run the treadmill for a few minutes to checkfor a correct speed reading.1/8Ó 85868735TopView12

PROBLEM: The walking belt slows when walked onSOLUTION: a. Use only a UL-listed surge protector, rated at 15 amps, with a 14-gauge cord of five feet or less inlength.b. If the walking belt is overtightened, treadmill performancemay decrease and the walking belt may bepermanently damaged. Remove the key and UN-PLUG THE POWER CORD. Using the allen wrench,turn both rear roller adjustment bolts counterclockwise,1/4 of a turn. When the walking belt is properlytightened, you should be able to lift each side of thewalking belt 2 to 3 inches off the walking platform. Becareful to keep the walking belt centered. Plug in thepower cord, insert the key and run the treadmill for afew minutes. Repeat until the walking belt is properlytightened.b2ÓÐ3ÓRear Roller Adjustment Boltsc. If the walking belt still slows when walked on, please call our Customer Service Department, tollfree.PROBLEM: The walking belt is off-center when walked onSOLUTION: a. If the walking belt has shifted to the left, first removethe key and UNPLUG THE POWER CORD. Usingthe allen wrench, turn the left rear roller adjustmentbolt clockwise, and the right bolt counterclockwise,1/4 of a turn each. Be careful not to overtighten thewalking belt. Plug in the power cord, insert the keyand run the treadmill for a few minutes. Repeat untilthe walking belt is centered.ab. If the walking belt has shifted to the right, first removethe key and UNPLUG THE POWER CORD. Usingthe allen wrench, turn the left rear roller adjustmentbolt counterclockwise, and the right bolt clockwise,1/4 of a turn each. Be careful not to overtighten thewalking belt. Plug in the power cord, insert the keyand run the treadmill for a few minutes. Repeat untilthe walking belt is centered.bPROBLEM: The walking belt slips when walked onSOLUTION: a. If the walking belt slips when walked on, first removethe key and UNPLUG THE POWER CORD. Usingthe allen wrench, turn both rear roller adjustmentbolts clockwise, 1/4 of a turn. When the walking beltis correctly tightened, you should be able to lift eachside of the walking belt 2 to 3 inches off the walkingplatform. Be careful to keep the walking belt centered.Plug in the power cord, insert the key and carefullywalk on the treadmill for a few minutes. Repeat untilthe walking belt is properly tightened.a13

CONDITIONING GUIDELINESWARNING: Before beginningthis or any exercise program, consult yourphysician. This is especially important for individualsover the age of 35 or individualswith pre-existing health problems.The following guidelines will help you to plan your exerciseprogram. RememberÑthese are general guidelinesonly. For more detailed exercise information, obtaina reputable book or consult your physician.EXERCISE INTENSITYWhether your goal is to burn fat or to strengthen yourcardiovascular system, the key to achieving the desiredresults is to exercise with the proper intensity.The proper intensity level can be found by using yourheart rate as a guide. The chart below shows recommendedheart rates for fat burning and aerobic exercise.(This chart is also found on the console.)training zone. It may also be helpful to set the speedcontrol on the console to FAT BURN to help you maintainthe proper intensity level. (See page 9.)Aerobic ExerciseIf your goal is to strengthen your cardiovascular system,your exercise must be Òaerobic.Ó Aerobic exerciseis activity that requires large amounts of oxygen forprolonged periods of time. This increases the demandon the heart to pump blood to the muscles, and on thelungs to oxygenate the blood. For aerobic exercise,adjust the speed and incline of the treadmill until yourheart rate is near the highest number in your trainingzone. It may also be helpful to set the speed control onthe console to AEROBIC to help you maintain theproper intensity level. (See page 9.)High Performance Athletic ConditioningIf your goal is high performance athletic conditioning,set the speed control on the console to PERFOR-MANCE to help you maintain the proper intensity level.(See page 9.) Note: During the first few weeks of yourexercise program, keep your heart rate near the lowend of your training zone.HOW TO MEASURE YOUR HEART RATETo find the proper heart rate for you, first find your ageat the bottom of the chart (ages are rounded off to thenearest ten years). Next, find the three numbers aboveyour age. The three numbers are your Òtraining zone.ÓThe lower two numbers are recommended heart ratesfor fat burning; the higher number is the recommendedheart rate for aerobic exercise.To measure yourheart rate, stop exercisingand placetwo fingers onyour wrist asshown. Take a sixsecondheartbeatcount, and multiplythe result by ten tofind your heartrate. (A six-second count is used because your heartrate drops quickly when you stop exercising.) If yourheart rate is too high or too low, adjust the speed or inclineof the treadmill accordingly.WORKOUT GUIDELINESFat BurningTo burn fat effectively, you must exercise at a relativelylow intensity level for a sustained period of time. Duringthe first few minutes of exercise, your body uses easilyaccessible carbohydrate calories for energy. Only afterthe first few minutes does your body begin to usestored fat calories for energy. If your goal is to burn fat,adjust the speed and incline of the treadmill until yourheart rate is near one of the lower two numbers in your14A well-rounded workout includes the following threeimportant parts:A Warm-upStart each workout with 5 to 10 minutes of stretchingand light exercise (see SUGGESTED STRETCHES onpage 15). A proper warm-up increases your bodytemperature, heart rate, and circulation in preparationfor exercise.

Exercise FrequencyTo maintain or improve your condition, complete threeworkouts each week, with at least one day of rest betweenworkouts. After a few months, you may completeup to five workouts each week if desired. The keyto success is to make exercise a regular and enjoyablepart of your everyday life.SUGGESTED STRETCHESThe correct form for several basic stretches is shown in thedrawings at the right. Move slowly as you stretchÑneverbounce.11. Toe Touch StretchStand with your knees bent slightly and slowly bend forwardfrom your hips. Allow your back and shoulders to relax as youreach down toward your toes as far as possible. Hold for 15counts, then relax. Repeat 3 times. Stretches: Hamstrings,back of knees and back.22. Hamstring StretchSit with one leg extended. Bring the sole of the opposite foottoward you and rest it against the inner thigh of your extendedleg. Reach toward your toes as far as possible. Hold for 15counts, then relax. Repeat 3 times for both legs. Stretches:Hamstrings, lower back and groin.33. Calf/Achilles StretchWith one leg in front of the other, reach forward and place yourhands against a wall. Keep your back leg straight and yourback foot flat on the floor. Bend your front leg, lean forward andmove your hips toward the wall. Hold for 15 counts, then relax.Repeat 3 times for both legs. To cause further stretching of theachilles tendons, bend your back leg as well. Stretches:Calves, achilles tendons and ankles.44. Quadriceps StretchWith one hand against a wall for balance, reach back andgrasp one foot with your other hand. Bring your heel as closeto your buttocks as possible. Hold for 15 counts, then relax.Repeat 3 times for both legs. Stretches: Quadriceps and hipmuscles.55. Inner Thigh StretchSit with the soles of your feet together and your knees outward.Pull your feet toward your groin area as far as possible. Holdfor 15 counts, then relax. Repeat 3 times. Stretches:Quadriceps and hip muscles.15

PART LISTÑModel No. PFTL38580R0399AKey No. Qty.DescriptionKey No. Qty.Description1 1 Key/Clip2 2 Handrail3 2 Cage Nut4 6 Hood Screw5 2 Rear Isolator Screw6 1 Console Base7 1 Speed Control Knob8 1 Speed Potentiometer9 1 Battery Cover10 8 Isolator Screw11* 1 Console Assembly12 1 Storage Latch13 2 1/2Ó Screw14 1 Upright/Base15 2 Handrail Bolt16 7 Washer17 1 Motor Belt18 1 Motor Swivel Nut19* 1 Motor/Pulley/Flywheel/Fan20 1 Pulley/Flywheel/Fan21 1 Motor22 3 Motor Tension Bolt/Incline Bolt23 1 Motor Tension Washer24 1 Motor Tension Star Washer25 1 Motor Swivel Bolt26 1 Wire Harness27 2 Ground Wire Screw28 1 Hood29 1 Hood Shield30 10 Screw/Handrail Screw31 1 Latch Decal32 2 Frame Pivot Washer33 2 Frame Pivot Bolt34 2 Extension Leg Screw35 8 Electronics Screw36 4 Base Pad37 2 Wheel Bolt38 2 Wheel39 7 Wheel Nut/Base Pivot Nut40 1 Controller41 2 Extension Leg42 1 Circuit Breaker43 1 Power Cord Grommet44 1 Power Cord45 2 Upright Spacer46 4 Isolator47 12 Belly Pan Fastener48 1 Choke49 1 Motor Locknut50 2 Belt Guide51 1 Belly Pan52 1 Releasable Tie53 1 Cable Tie Clamp54 1 Motor Belly Pan55 1 11 1/2Ó Cable Tie56 4 8Ó Cable Tie57 1 Ratchet Spring58 1 Ratchet59 11 3/4Ó Screw60 1 Ratchet Spring Screw61 2 Ratchet Screw62 1 Incline Leg Plate63 2 Roller Guard64 2 Incline Wheel Bolt65 2 Incline Wheel66 4 Wheel Nut67 2 Upright Plug68 1 Ground Wire69 1 Incline Leg70 1 Frame71 2 Rear Roller Adj. Bolt72 1 Rear Roller Endcap73 1 Allen Wrench74 1 Adhesive Clip75 2 Foot Rail76 1 Rear Roller77 4 Platform Screw78 1 Latch Catch79 1 Walking Platform80 1 Walking Belt81 1 Front Roller Adjustment Bolt82 1 Shock83 1 Ratchet Pivot Bolt84 1 Sensor Clip85 1 Front Roller/Pulley86 1 Reed Switch87 1 Magnet88 2 Incline Leg Spacer (short)89 1 Incline Leg Spacer (long)# 1 8Ó Black Wire, Pig Tail# 1 8Ó White Wire, Male/Female# 1 UserÕs Manual* Includes all parts shown in the box# These parts are not illustrated

ORDERING REPLACEMENT PARTSTo order replacement parts, call our Customer Service Department toll-free at 1-800-999-3756, Monday throughFriday, 6 a.m. until 6 p.m. Mountain Time (excluding holidays). When ordering parts, please be prepared to givethe following information:¥ The MODEL NUMBER OF THE PRODUCT (PFTL38580).¥ The NAME OF THE PRODUCT (PROFORM¨ 385EX treadmill).¥ The SERIAL NUMBER OF THE PRODUCT (see the front cover of this manual).¥ The KEY NUMBER AND DESCRIPTION OF THE PART(S) (see the EXPLODED DRAWING and PART LISTattached to the center of this manual).If possible, place the treadmill near your telephone for easy reference when calling.LIMITED WARRANTYICON Health & <strong>Fitness</strong>, Inc. (ICON), warrants this product to be free from defects in workmanship andmaterial, under normal use and service conditions, for a period of ninety (90) days from the date of purchase.This warranty extends only to the original purchaser. ICON's obligation under this warranty is limitedto replacing or repairing, at ICON's option, the product at one of its authorized service centers. Allproducts for which warranty claim is made must be received by ICON at one of its authorized servicecenters with all freight and other transportation charges prepaid, accompanied by sufficient proof of purchase.All returns must be pre-authorized by ICON. This warranty does not extend to any product ordamage to a product caused by or attributable to freight damage, abuse, misuse, improper or abnormalusage or repairs not provided by an ICON authorized service center, to products used for commercial orrental purposes, or to products used as store display models. No other warranty beyond that specificallyset forth above is authorized by ICON.ICON is not responsible or liable for indirect, special or consequential damages arising out of or in connectionwith the use or performance of the product or damages with respect to any economic loss, lossof property, loss of revenues or profits, loss of enjoyment or use, costs of removal, installation or otherconsequential damages of whatsoever nature. Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidentalor consequential damages. Accordingly, the above limitation may not apply to you.The warranty extended hereunder is in lieu of any and all other warranties and any implied warranties ofmerchantability or fitness for a particular purpose is limited in its scope and duration to the terms setforth herein. Some states do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts. Accordingly,the above limitation may not apply to you.This warranty gives you specific legal rights. You may also have other rights which vary from state to state.ICON HEALTH & FITNESS, INC., 1500 S. 1000 W., LOGAN, UT 84321-9813Part No. 146110 H01751-C R0399APrinted in USA © 1998 ICON Health & <strong>Fitness</strong>, Inc.

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