,661 - Archive copies of DX MAGAZINE - worldwide dx club

,661 - Archive copies of DX MAGAZINE - worldwide dx club

,661 - Archive copies of DX MAGAZINE - worldwide dx club

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22PERU - New 4810 Peruvian is Radio Logos, testing on air. 4809.9 Radio Logos. Chazuta, Peru. 2330-0310 UTJulio 24. En emisiones de prueba la nueva estacion peruana en banda tropical desde el distrito de Chazuta, conprogramacion en vernacular hasta las 0200, luego musica folclorica instrumental; para luego de las 0240 UT lasprimeras palabras en espanol "...primera de Juan, capitulo 1..." para luego lectura en vernacular, asi tambien elcapitulo 2 y 3. A las 0258 UT completa identificacion por locutora en espanol."...Radio Logos naciendo en el corazon de la selva amazonica OAW9A, saliendo en prueba al aire en la frecuencia4.81 MHz desde el distrito de Chazuta, ciudad de la amistad, provincia y region de San Martin para el Peru y elmundo. Transmitiendo para usted el mensaje de la palabra de Dios, Radio Logos invita a las personas que deseenhacer sus comunicados al Jiron Arica 3ra cuadra sin numero, Iglesia Evangeliza Central de Chazuta..."En un correo anterior habia informado como nombre tentativo que seria "El habla de mi pueblo" pero al parecer porla ayuda recibida de HCJB y Ray Rising quien ayudo tambien en la Radio Logos de Bolivia, optaron por estenombre, asi no seria raro escuchar en sus emisiones la cadena Alas.(Rafael Rodriguez-CLM, <strong>dx</strong>ld July 25)4775 R. Tarma, Tarma, 2231-2243, 10 Aug, Castilian, Indian songs, talks; 34332, QRM de B.4955 R. Cultural Amauta, Huanta, 2210-2219, 12 Aug, Castilian (pres), exhalted talks, songs; 15331.9674.9 Pacífico Radio, Lima, 2241-... UT on 10 Aug, Castilian, music; 23431, adjt. QRM de B on 9675 kHz.(Carlos Goncalves-POR, <strong>dx</strong>ld Aug 15)PHILIPPINES - 15190 R. Pilipinas. Took a short break today from listening to Bangaldesh Betar to check onthis. August 9 (Thursday) at 1804 UT noted in Tagalog and English with good signal; \\ 11720 kHz (fair).Aoki still shows the simulcasts for Tue-Wed-Thurs (R. ng Bayan and R. Magasin), but my recent observations arethat they have dropped these simulcasts. Very unfortunate, as they were great fun to listen to. I should learn fromthis and in the future when I hear a program I really enjoy via SW, I should write to the station and express myappreciation.17700 R. Pilipinas, 0211-0222, August 13. In English with extensive coverage about the new tropical stormheaded their way; reports <strong>of</strong> rescue operations, evacuations and Philippine Red Cross operations due to the recentheavy monsoon rains. (Ron Howard-CA-USA, <strong>dx</strong>ld Aug 13)RVA Frequency Change (Urdu-Filipino)Radio Veritas Asia will be implementing a frequency change on August 19, 2012 for the following broadcast:Delete: 1430-1457 UTC Urdu 15435 kHzAdd: 1430-1457 UTC Urdu 15330 kHzDelete: 1500-1553 UTC Filipino 15350 kHzAdd: 1500-1553 UTC Filipino 15320 kHz(Ashik Eqbal Tokon-?, hc<strong>dx</strong> Aug 17)PRIDNESTROVJE - 9665, Sunday August 5 at 2211, poor signal in Russian, must be Radio PMR asscheduled. I was noticing that there haven`t been any logs <strong>of</strong> this reaching my desk for many weeks and wonderedif it had vanished without notice. First checked it Friday August 3 at 2201, but that was too late, as their broadcastweek concludes at 2100 Fridays, resumes at 2100 UT Sundays. Best chance for us to hear English is at 2230 Sun-Fri, unchecked. Lack <strong>of</strong> reports must be due to absolutely boring programming and poor summer reception overhere, intended only for Europe (gh, <strong>DX</strong>LD)ROMANIA - New txmissions <strong>of</strong> Brother Stair TOM via IRRS from Aug 1:1400-1500 15215 TIG 100 kW 100deg SAs Daily1700-1800 17770 TIG 100 kW 187deg CAf Su-Fr1700-1730 17770 TIG 100 kW 187deg CAf Sa1730-1800 17770 TIG 100 kW 187deg CAf Sat other programs <strong>of</strong> IRRS1900-2000 7290 TIG 100 kW 290deg WEu Daily(<strong>DX</strong> MIX News, via ww<strong>dx</strong>c BC-<strong>DX</strong> TopNews Aug 1) (see also IRRS comments under ITALY)RUSSIA - Updated summer A-12 for Voice <strong>of</strong> Russia:Arabic1600-1700 5925 7305 12060 12065 12110

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