Elcam Medical New Generation Flexi-Q Auto-Injectors

Elcam Medical New Generation Flexi-Q Auto-Injectors Elcam Medical New Generation Flexi-Q Auto-Injectors


Summary: Needle Tip Quality Confirmed The needle quality is NOT compromisedwhen using the Flexi-Q DV and P-DVRauto-injectors It was proved that the same needle canbe used both for drug aspiration /reconstitution and for injectionAcknowledgement: Melab GmbH, Leonberg, Germany44

Testimonials – from recent work withpharma companiesYear /Company* Description Testimonials452010One of top10 pharmaTechnical duediligenceperformedby a US third-partyon behalf of apharma customerfor the use of theFlexi-Q PFSautoinjector for aPhase III drug(auto-immuneindication)"The assembly steps as outlined here look relativelyeasy to manage and tool for scale up activities...""One thing that jumps out of the design review is that ingeneral, clever and novel design approaches areevident throughout the product...“"The product uses the minimum number ofcomponents to achieve the desired functionality,without undue component complexity... “"… we consider the device to be below average riskfor dose repeatability, and generalized functionalperformance.“"… our assessment of the “robustness” of thedesign, its perceived fault tolerance, and ability tofunction reliably and repeatably in a wide variety ofmanufacturing and environmental conditions isfavorable.“J.C., CEO, founder, major US-based engineering firm performingtechnical due-diligence* Due to confidentiality agreements, no disclosure of company names are possible

Testimonials – from recent work withpharma companiesYear /Company* Description Testimonials452010One of top10 pharmaTechnical duediligenceperformedby a US third-partyon behalf of apharma customerfor the use of the<strong>Flexi</strong>-Q PFSautoinjector for aPhase III drug(auto-immuneindication)"The assembly steps as outlined here look relativelyeasy to manage and tool for scale up activities...""One thing that jumps out of the design review is that ingeneral, clever and novel design approaches areevident throughout the product...“"The product uses the minimum number ofcomponents to achieve the desired functionality,without undue component complexity... “"… we consider the device to be below average riskfor dose repeatability, and generalized functionalperformance.“"… our assessment of the “robustness” of thedesign, its perceived fault tolerance, and ability tofunction reliably and repeatably in a wide variety ofmanufacturing and environmental conditions isfavorable.“J.C., CEO, founder, major US-based engineering firm performingtechnical due-diligence* Due to confidentiality agreements, no disclosure of company names are possible

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