Elcam Medical New Generation Flexi-Q Auto-Injectors

Elcam Medical New Generation Flexi-Q Auto-Injectors Elcam Medical New Generation Flexi-Q Auto-Injectors


Method (cont.)• Compare needle quality before and after penetrationinto the vial adaptor septum:○○Group A*: simulation of real use (N=32)tested once following removal of the RNS, and thenafter a single penetration into the Vial Adaptor Septum (TPE)Group B: excessive number of septum penetrations (N=3)tested after 12 septum’s penetrations, and after re-coatingwith silicone oil (explore wiped away silicone effect)• Needle tip investigation for damages by usingx30 magnifying microscope40* Note: another group (N=32) was used for the 2 nd option ofSeptum material (as material not selected – these results are notshown).

Results & DiscussionTPE SeptumF 1 – cutting resistancerepresents tip qualityF R – friction of the shaftassociated with siliconization layerNeedle conditionNew. Only RNS piercingAfter single septum penetrationAfter 12 septum penetrationsF 1– max load [N]Avg. ± SD0.84 ± 0.030.94 ± 0.040.96 ± 0.04F R[N]Avg. ± SD0.16 ± 0.020.18 ± 0.020.33 ± 0.01ControlgroupDevicenormaluseAfter re-coating0.88 ± 0.030.11 ± 0.0141• Slight increase in the max force (F 1 ) after septumpenetration (single or multiple)• Decreased after re-coating with silicone-oil• No change in Friction Force (F R ) after singleseptum penetration• Friction Force is doubled after 12 penetrations anddecreased back after re-coating

Results & DiscussionTPE SeptumF 1 – cutting resistancerepresents tip qualityF R – friction of the shaftassociated with siliconization layerNeedle condition<strong>New</strong>. Only RNS piercingAfter single septum penetrationAfter 12 septum penetrationsF 1– max load [N]Avg. ± SD0.84 ± 0.030.94 ± 0.040.96 ± 0.04F R[N]Avg. ± SD0.16 ± 0.020.18 ± 0.020.33 ± 0.01ControlgroupDevicenormaluseAfter re-coating0.88 ± 0.030.11 ± 0.0141• Slight increase in the max force (F 1 ) after septumpenetration (single or multiple)• Decreased after re-coating with silicone-oil• No change in Friction Force (F R ) after singleseptum penetration• Friction Force is doubled after 12 penetrations anddecreased back after re-coating

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