Elcam Medical New Generation Flexi-Q Auto-Injectors

Elcam Medical New Generation Flexi-Q Auto-Injectors Elcam Medical New Generation Flexi-Q Auto-Injectors


Flexi-Q DV Design Characteristics -Patient Advantages – Safety• Prevents needle-stick injuries – needle isprotected throughout the process of reconstitutionand injection• Reduced local skin reactions – Injection startsonly after full needle penetration and into the correctdepth (SC)• Clear visual and audible confirmation of theinjection progress from beginning to end• Prevents expensive drug spillage duringreconstitution and injection – proprietary featurelocks plunger while not reconstituting orautomatically injecting• Prevents false trigger activation during all steps10

Vial Adaptor Options• Standard Vial Adaptor is designed for 13 mm neckvials:‣ most common for self-injectable drugs‣ all relevant sizes• Additional options available:1. For vials with 20 mm neck2. A vented Vial Adaptor11

Vial Adaptor Options• Standard Vial Adaptor is designed for 13 mm neckvials:‣ most common for self-injectable drugs‣ all relevant sizes• Additional options available:1. For vials with 20 mm neck2. A vented Vial Adaptor11

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