Amasya - Türkiye Seyahat Acentaları Birliği

Amasya - Türkiye Seyahat Acentaları Birliği Amasya - Türkiye Seyahat Acentaları Birliği
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dan biri Gülhane Parkı girişinden Osman Hamdi Bey Yokuşu boyunca seferyapıyor, Arkeoloji Müzesi’nde yolcu indirip bindirerek Topkapı Sarayı biletgişelerine kadar gidiyor. Sonra Topkapı Sarayı’ndan çıkanları alıp müzeyegetiriyor. Diğer araç ise Ayasofya civarındaki ziyaretçileri Topkapı SarayıBab-ı Hümayun’a kadar getirerek müzeye ulaşmaları için Osman HamdiBey Sokağı’na yönlendiriyor. Bu servis, özellikle yaşlı ve engelli ziyaretçileriçin kolaylık sağlarken, diğer ziyaretçilerin de yoğun ilgisini çekiyor...Nasıl mümkün oldu?İstanbul Kalkınma Ajansı (İSTKA) tarafından desteklenen bu projeTÜRSAB tarafından kurgulandı ve müzenin tanıtımının yanı sıra yaşlı veengelli ziyaretçilere yarar sağlayan önemli bir hizmet halini aldı. TÜR-SAB, T.C Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı ile yapmış olduğu sözleşme uyarınca2009 yılından bu yana müzenin gelişimi için çalışıyor. Müzenin koleksiyonlarıkadar önemli olan tarihi binalarının depreme karşı güçlendirmeve restorasyonu da TÜRSAB tarafından yaptırılıyor.Müze ziyaretini eğlenceli hale getiren bu araçların gürültü yapmaması veçevreyi kirletmemesi için elektrikle çalışanlar, özellikle seçildi. Bakanlıkkararıyla İstanbul Arkeoloji Müzeleri’ne dahil edilen ve müze ile aynıkotta bulunan Darphane-i Amire Binaları’nın sergiler ve kültürel etkinliklerleyaşayan büyük bir kültür kompleksine dönüştürülmesinde de buaraçlardan yardım alınacak.İstanbul Arkeoloji Müzeleri hakkındaT.C. Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı’na bağlı çalışan “İstanbul ArkeolojiMüzeleri” neden “Müzesi” değil de “Müzeleri”? Çünkü onun yönetimialtında hem Arkeoloji Müzesi hem de Eski Şark Eserleri Müzesi ve ÇiniliKöşk Müzesi olmak üzere iki ayrı müze daha var. Üstelik hepsi de aynıyerde. İstanbul Arkeoloji Müzeleri gezisi kapsamında müzenin muhteşemgüzellikteki bahçesi ve o bahçenin içinde yer alan üç ayrı binayı ziyaretetmek mümkün.Tarihin farklı dönemlerine izler bırakmış uygarlıklardan kalan çeşitlieserlere ev sahipliği yapan İstanbul Arkeoloji Müzeleri, dünyada müzebinası olarak tasarlanan ve kullanılan ilk on müze arasında yer alır.Ayrıca 1993’te Avrupa’da “Yılın Müzesi” seçilerek “Avrupa Konseyi MüzeÖdülü”nü de almıştır.İstanbul Arkeoloji Müzeleri, tarihin koridorlarında bir yolculuk yapmakve uygarlıkların izini sürmek isteyen herkes için bir “olmazsa olmazdır”! TÜRSAB DERGİ | AĞUSTOS 2013

Museums the passengers it gathered from Topkapı Palace and completes itsroundtrip at the Gülhane Park entrance.The other vehicle picks up tourists near the Hagia Sophia, brings them to theTopkapı Palace Main Gate (Bâb-ı Hümayun) and leads them towards the ArchaeologicalMuseums through the Osman Hamdi Bey Street. These two shuttleservices which offer great convenience, especially for the elderly and disabledvisitors, are actually highly appreciated by all visitors.How was it made possible?This project supported by the İstanbul Development Agency (İSTKA) anddeveloped by TÜRSAB has become an important service particularly benefittingthe elderly and disabled, and at the same time, introducing and promotingthe Archaeological Museums with the public at large. TÜRSAB is committedsince 2009 to the development of the museum according to the agreement itconcluded then with the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Republic ofTurkey and still continues to renovate and modernize the Archaeological Museums.The reinforcement against earthquakes and the restoration of the historicbuildings, which are as valuable assets as the collections of the museums, arecarried out by TÜRSAB. It was important to opt for an environment-friendlysolution concerning those vehicles which also help turn museum visits into fun.To this end, electrically operated quiet vehicles were chosen on purpose. In thenear future these vehicles will also serve The Imperial Mint (Darphane-i Amire)building being integrated into the Archaeological Museums compound.museums; the first being the Archaeological Museum as such; the second beingthe Museum of the Ancient Orient and the third being the Tiled Pavilion Museum.The building of the İstanbul Archaeological Museum which houses a vastarray of artefacts from civilizations having left behind their traces at differentperiods of history is among world’s ten top museum structures having beenoriginally designed and constructed as museum buildings. It was also awardedthe “Council of Europe Museum Prize” in 1993, by being selected “EuropeanMuseum of the Year”. ( İstanbul Archaeological MuseumsWhy is this museums’ complex under the administration of the Ministry ofCulture and Tourism of the Republic of Turkey called “İstanbul ArchaeologicalMuseums”?Why “Museums” rather than “Museum”? The complex actually includes threeTÜRSAB DERGİ | AĞUSTOS 2013 61

Museums the passengers it gathered from Topkapı Palace and completes itsroundtrip at the Gülhane Park entrance.The other vehicle picks up tourists near the Hagia Sophia, brings them to theTopkapı Palace Main Gate (Bâb-ı Hümayun) and leads them towards the ArchaeologicalMuseums through the Osman Hamdi Bey Street. These two shuttleservices which offer great convenience, especially for the elderly and disabledvisitors, are actually highly appreciated by all visitors.How was it made possible?This project supported by the İstanbul Development Agency (İSTKA) anddeveloped by TÜRSAB has become an important service particularly benefittingthe elderly and disabled, and at the same time, introducing and promotingthe Archaeological Museums with the public at large. TÜRSAB is committedsince 2009 to the development of the museum according to the agreement itconcluded then with the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Republic ofTurkey and still continues to renovate and modernize the Archaeological Museums.The reinforcement against earthquakes and the restoration of the historicbuildings, which are as valuable assets as the collections of the museums, arecarried out by TÜRSAB. It was important to opt for an environment-friendlysolution concerning those vehicles which also help turn museum visits into fun.To this end, electrically operated quiet vehicles were chosen on purpose. In thenear future these vehicles will also serve The Imperial Mint (Darphane-i Amire)building being integrated into the Archaeological Museums compound.museums; the first being the Archaeological Museum as such; the second beingthe Museum of the Ancient Orient and the third being the Tiled Pavilion Museum.The building of the İstanbul Archaeological Museum which houses a vastarray of artefacts from civilizations having left behind their traces at differentperiods of history is among world’s ten top museum structures having beenoriginally designed and constructed as museum buildings. It was also awardedthe “Council of Europe Museum Prize” in 1993, by being selected “EuropeanMuseum of the Year”. ( İstanbul Archaeological MuseumsWhy is this museums’ complex under the administration of the Ministry ofCulture and Tourism of the Republic of Turkey called “İstanbul ArchaeologicalMuseums”?Why “Museums” rather than “Museum”? The complex actually includes threeTÜRSAB DERGİ | AĞUSTOS 2013 61

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