Amasya - Türkiye Seyahat Acentaları Birliği

Amasya - Türkiye Seyahat Acentaları Birliği Amasya - Türkiye Seyahat Acentaları Birliği
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What to eat in Babakale?Babakale is a paradise for fish lovers. The fried calamari and stuffed calamarieaten without sauce are very famous. So is the shrimp desert. Meat lovers arehappy too because the meat and milk of the sheep and goats grazing on thethyme-covered hills are very tasty. There are quails, partridges, ducks andboars too. Some dishes such as Hindiba, Isırgan Çullaması and Kaya Koruğuare delicious. You must taste Keşkek, Su Böreği, and other local dishes. If youhappen to have digestive troubles, distilled thyme juice might come to yourassistance.Babakale’nin surları, cami minaresi, kalesinin içi ve kale kapısı üzerindeki kitabesi.Babakale Walls, minaret of the mosque and the interior of the citadel and inscription on thecitadel gate.For nature friends.Two species which are almost extinct are seen here too. One of them is theMediterranean Seal that finds a habitat on the Assos shores. The other is theBoz Kiraz Kuşu (emberiza cineracea) a bird with a beautiful song. Although notendangered, there is an endemic plant which is under threat: Mullein. This plantwhich looks like yellow flowered spike on the roadside cures almost all diseases.“Kraliyet Bayrak Balığı”nı hiç duydunuz mu?Sırt ve yüzgeçlerindeki renkli desenler kendi bayraklarına benzediği için, ona buadı İngilizler takmışlar: “Royal Flagfin”. Latincesi Aulopus filamentosus. Türkçesi“Filamentli Zurna Balığı” olarak bilimsel kayıtlara geçen bu balık 35 cm uzunluğaerişiyor ve kimileri lezzetini çok beğeniyor. Çok uzaklardan çıkıp Akdeniz’dedolaşan, son yıllarda Babakale sularını da sıkça ziyaret etmeye başlayan bu balık,bakarsınız “ilk defa Babakale’de görülmüştü” diye bizde de meşhur olabilir.Have you ever heard “Royal Flagfin”?The British gave this fish its name since the colorful designs on its fin and backresemble their own flag. The “Royal Flagfin” is ‘Aulopus filamentosus’ in Latin and“Filamentli Zurna Balığı” in Turkish and can grow to 35 centimeters. Some peoplefind its taste delicious. Who knows, this fish which comes from distant watersand swims around the Mediterranean, recently often visiting Babakale, might befamous for being “seen here first”.26 TÜRSAB DERGİ | AĞUSTOS 2013

VAR ETTİNİZ,VAR OLUN...Darüşşafaka varsa sayenizde var.150 yıldır iyi ki varsınız.Darüşşafaka’ya bağış yapın, annesi veya babası hayattaolmayan binlerce çocuğumuzun eğitimine katkıda | 444 1863

What to eat in Babakale?Babakale is a paradise for fish lovers. The fried calamari and stuffed calamarieaten without sauce are very famous. So is the shrimp desert. Meat lovers arehappy too because the meat and milk of the sheep and goats grazing on thethyme-covered hills are very tasty. There are quails, partridges, ducks andboars too. Some dishes such as Hindiba, Isırgan Çullaması and Kaya Koruğuare delicious. You must taste Keşkek, Su Böreği, and other local dishes. If youhappen to have digestive troubles, distilled thyme juice might come to yourassistance.Babakale’nin surları, cami minaresi, kalesinin içi ve kale kapısı üzerindeki kitabesi.Babakale Walls, minaret of the mosque and the interior of the citadel and inscription on thecitadel gate.For nature friends.Two species which are almost extinct are seen here too. One of them is theMediterranean Seal that finds a habitat on the Assos shores. The other is theBoz Kiraz Kuşu (emberiza cineracea) a bird with a beautiful song. Although notendangered, there is an endemic plant which is under threat: Mullein. This plantwhich looks like yellow flowered spike on the roadside cures almost all diseases.“Kraliyet Bayrak Balığı”nı hiç duydunuz mu?Sırt ve yüzgeçlerindeki renkli desenler kendi bayraklarına benzediği için, ona buadı İngilizler takmışlar: “Royal Flagfin”. Latincesi Aulopus filamentosus. Türkçesi“Filamentli Zurna Balığı” olarak bilimsel kayıtlara geçen bu balık 35 cm uzunluğaerişiyor ve kimileri lezzetini çok beğeniyor. Çok uzaklardan çıkıp Akdeniz’dedolaşan, son yıllarda Babakale sularını da sıkça ziyaret etmeye başlayan bu balık,bakarsınız “ilk defa Babakale’de görülmüştü” diye bizde de meşhur olabilir.Have you ever heard “Royal Flagfin”?The British gave this fish its name since the colorful designs on its fin and backresemble their own flag. The “Royal Flagfin” is ‘Aulopus filamentosus’ in Latin and“Filamentli Zurna Balığı” in Turkish and can grow to 35 centimeters. Some peoplefind its taste delicious. Who knows, this fish which comes from distant watersand swims around the Mediterranean, recently often visiting Babakale, might befamous for being “seen here first”.26 TÜRSAB DERGİ | AĞUSTOS 2013

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