Amasya - Türkiye Seyahat Acentaları Birliği

Amasya - Türkiye Seyahat Acentaları Birliği

Amasya - Türkiye Seyahat Acentaları Birliği

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8TÜRSAB DERGİ | AĞUSTOS 2013myth in different versions starting from the assignation ofprophecy of Prophet Abraham. Nimrud’s daughter Zelihawho believed in Abraham also threw herself into fire andthe place she threw herself also became a lake. This isthe same lake called “Ayn-ı Zeliha today”. These areconnected to each other via channels and sacred carpfish swim in between. It is very pleasant to take a rowon the second lake.Post of Prophet AbrahamWe continue to see the surroundings of Balıklı Lake.Now it is time see the cave or “Post” AbrahamProphet was born. Visitors create a long queuein front of the entrance gate of the post thathas two domes and a stone cove. As thisplace is considered sacred, one needs totake off its shoes. You can throw coinsto sacred water inside and make awish. Walking backwards while goingout is another attitude of respect tothe Post.Rızvaniye Mosque30x150 m Balıklı Lake is surroundedwith the beautiful structures ofHalil-ür Rahman complexes. Here isHalil-ür Rahman or Rızvaniye Mosquerepaired by Rıdvan Ahmet Pasha whowas Rakka Governor in 1717. In fact thismosque was constructed by Ayyubids in 13 th century; however, as it is ruined somuch, the traces were not visible after the reparation. This is also called Makam(Post) Mosque, because there is another area which is also regarded as a “Post”and believed that Prophet Abraham fell from fire. There is a minaret balcony with“muqarnas” in the minaret with an octagonal body. Interior gate of the mosque withthree domes with a rectangular plan is one of most beautiful examples of Ottoman’skündekari technique and white stonemasonry with black minbar. The wooden gatewas done with fitting and inlaying technique without using any nails and garnishedwith rich herbal and geometrical patterns. This gate is unique in Urfa!Hasan Padişah MosqueSummer heat in Urfa is scorching. Thus, structures in the historic fabric ofthe city, hold cooling characteristics. Such as interior pools. Hasan PadişahMosque constructed by Akkoyun Sultan Uzun Hasan in 1460 has a pool andis situated in the middle of a wide yard. This mosque was constructed afterToktemur Prayer Room which was nextto it and then this mosque includedthis room. The minbar of this mosqueconsisting of two sections is made ofpink, white and yellow marbles. Whenwe look at the two reticulate motiveson the side walls of the minbar, theabove one has a svatisca compositionwhile the other one below has pinwheelmotives. The minaret with a singlebalcony and polygonal body was left onthe side of the street after madrasahrooms of the mosque were demolishedfor road construction.

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