行政院國家科學委員會專題研究計畫成果報告 - 臺北科大機構典藏系統 ...

行政院國家科學委員會專題研究計畫成果報告 - 臺北科大機構典藏系統 ... 行政院國家科學委員會專題研究計畫成果報告 - 臺北科大機構典藏系統 ...

行 金 理 精 類 行 年 年 行 立 北 料 論 理 利 年 年

行 政 院 國 家 科 學 委 員 會 補 助 專 題 研 究 計 畫 成 果 報 告□ 期 中 進 度 報 告鋼 鐵 表 面 鐵 鋁 合 金 硬 化 處 理 研 究計 畫 類 別 : 個 別 型 計 畫 □ 整 合 型 計 畫計 畫 編 號 :NSC 97-2221-E-027-006-執 行 期 間 : 97 年 8 月 1 日 至 98 年 7 月 31 日計 畫 主 持 人 : 陳 貞 光共 同 主 持 人 :計 畫 參 與 人 員 : 詹 仕 名 、 黃 哲 勳成 果 報 告 類 型 ( 依 經 費 核 定 清 單 規 定 繳 交 ): 精 簡 報 告 □ 完 整 報 告本 成 果 報 告 包 括 以 下 應 繳 交 之 附 件 : 赴 國 外 出 差 或 研 習 心 得 報 告 一 份□ 赴 大 陸 地 區 出 差 或 研 習 心 得 報 告 一 份□ 出 席 國 際 學 術 會 議 心 得 報 告 及 發 表 之 論 文 各 一 份□ 國 際 合 作 研 究 計 畫 國 外 研 究 報 告 書 一 份處 理 方 式 : 除 產 學 合 作 研 究 計 畫 、 提 升 產 業 技 術 及 人 才 培 育 研 究 計 畫 、 列管 計 畫 及 下 列 情 形 者 外 , 得 立 即 公 開 查 詢 涉 及 專 利 或 其 他 智 慧 財 產 權 , 一 年 □ 二 年 後 可 公 開 查 詢執 行 單 位 : 國 立 台 北 科 技 大 學中 華 民 國 九 十 八 年 七 月 三 十 一 日- 1 -

摘 要本 研 究 利 用 中 碳 鎳 鉻 鉬 合 金 鋼 作 為 底 材 , 在 低 溫 且 簡 易 的 製 程 環 境 下 , 以 包 覆 擴 散 的 方式 (Pack Cementation) 於 基 材 表 層 披 覆 上 Fe 3 Al 或 FeAl 鐵 鋁 合 金 鍍 層 , 提 高 母 材 表 面 之 硬 度 與高 溫 特 性 , 並 於 鐵 鋁 合 金 中 固 溶 微 量 的 鉻 (2~5%) 進 一 步 提 高 鍍 層 室 溫 抗 腐 蝕 性 。本 計 畫 所 發 展 之 製 程 技 術 分 為 兩 大 主 軸 , 一 為 鋁 單 層 鍍 膜 , 二 為 鋁 鉻 複 合 鍍 膜 。 其 中 鋁單 層 鍍 膜 使 用 450°C~700°C 的 低 溫 , 進 行 2~24 小 時 的 滲 鋁 還 原 反 應 , 在 650°C 以 下 溫 度生 成 Fe 2 Al 5 鐵 鋁 合 金 , 其 厚 度 介 於 15~100μm 間 , 其 成 長 所 需 之 活 化 能 僅 為 15.23 KJ/mole,實 驗 結 果 顯 示 該 鐵 鋁 鍍 層 硬 度 最 高 可 達 到 Hv850 以 上 , 且 具 有 較 佳 之 耐 磨 耗 性 。鋁 鉻 複 合 鍍 膜 則 採 用 一 階 段 與 二 階 段 等 兩 種 製 程 設 計 , 單 階 段 製 程 中 因 鉻 與 碳 迅 速 形 成碳 化 層 , 導 致 膜 厚 無 法 顯 著 增 厚 ; 兩 階 段 的 升 溫 製 程 則 成 功 改 善 了 碳 化 問 題 , 先 以 550°C 的處 理 在 鋼 鐵 表 面 生 成 含 Cr(2~5%) 的 Fe 3 Al 以 及 FeAl 相 , 在 第 二 階 段 則 使 用 750°C 的 2~8 小時 處 理 形 成 外 部 保 護 的 富 鉻 層 , 整 體 膜 厚 隨 時 間 不 同 介 於 25~43μm 之 間 。 但 當 高 溫 處 理 時 間超 過 6 小 時 以 上 , 表 面 的 鉻 再 度 形 成 碳 化 鉻 相 , 阻 擋 鋁 、 鉻 後 續 擴 散 與 鍍 層 增 厚 。關 鍵 字 : 包 覆 擴 散 、 複 合 鍍 膜 、 硬 面 鍍 膜 、 介 金 屬 化 合 物AbstractIn this study, Fe-Al intermetallic compounds are formed on SNCM439 steel by packcementation to improve its surface hardness and high temperature properties. In order to furtherprovide Fe-Al intermetallic compound with aqueous corrosion resistance capability at roomtemperature, 2~5% Cr is added.The pack cementation processes discussed in current study include two parts: aluminizing andaluminum-chromizing composite coatings. In aluminizing, the process temperatures range between450°C and 700°C and diffusion time varies from 2 to 24 hours. 15~100μm of Fe 2 Al 5 coating isobtained at temperatures below 650℃. The activation energy for growth of Fe 2 Al 5 coating wasestimated to be 15.23 KJ/mole. Such coating is shown to bear surface hardness as high as Hv850and demonstrate improved wear resistance.Aluminum-chromizing composite coating layers are obtained using either single-step ortwo-step process. In single-step process by reacting at 750°C, chromium carbide layer is formedrapidly on the surface. The carbide layer limits the growth of Fe-Al layers. Two-step process wasdeveloped to solve this problem. The specimens are first heated at 550°C for 2hr to form 2~5% Crcontaining Fe 3 Al and FeAl phases. The specimens are then heated to 750°C and held for 2~8hr toform Cr-rich protective layer. When diffusion time of the second step process reaches over 6hrs, thechromium carbide layer again form on the surface and Fe-Al layer growth was impeded.Keywords: Pack cementation, composite coatings, hard coating, intermetallic compounds- 2 -

一 、 前 言鋼 鐵 材 料 本 身 具 有 高 的 強 度 , 並 且 可 透 過 熱 處 理 等 方 式 的 調 質 , 以 達 到 所 要 求 的 性 質[1]。 但 透 過 熱 處 理 或 合 金 成 分 添 加 等 方 式 進 行 的 改 質 , 均 使 成 本 上 升 。 而 透 過 表 面 處 理 的 方式 , 改 善 鋼 材 的 表 面 性 質 , 也 是 一 種 可 行 的 方 法 。鐵 鋁 合 金 具 極 高 之 硬 度 、 高 溫 機 械 性 質 、 良 好 的 耐 腐 蝕 性 、 甚 至 較 低 的 密 度 等 性 質 [2][3],這 些 性 質 對 於 鋼 鐵 材 料 來 說 是 較 為 欠 缺 的 。 文 獻 指 出 , 當 鋼 材 表 面 滲 鋁 後 可 耐 溫 至 1093°C(~2000°F)[4], 若 將 鋼 鐵 材 料 表 面 改 質 為 鐵 鋁 合 金 , 不 僅 提 高 了 室 溫 下 的 耐 磨 耗 性 能 、 延 長 使用 壽 命 , 亦 可 使 鋼 鐵 材 料 應 用 於 高 溫 與 易 腐 蝕 之 環 境 , 讓 鋼 鐵 材 料 具 有 更 多 元 的 應 用 範 圍 。二 、 研 究 目 的包 覆 擴 散 (Pack Cementation) 製 程 反 應 溫 度 往 往 高 於 950°C, 處 理 時 間 更 長 達 數 小 時 之久 , 且 過 程 中 全 程 須 連 續 通 入 氰 氣 , 整 個 過 程 非 常 耗 能 且 繁 複 , 同 時 對 母 材 的 強 度 與 組 織 都有 不 良 的 影 響 。 近 年 來 全 球 暖 化 的 議 題 , 受 到 世 界 的 重 視 , 人 們 開 始 在 生 活 中 的 各 個 小 細 節思 索 著 , 使 用 降 低 二 氧 化 碳 的 排 放 量 以 及 節 省 能 源 等 方 式 來 生 產 各 式 產 品 , 達 到 降 低 暖 化 的速 度 的 目 的 。本 研 究 嘗 試 於 以 相 對 低 溫 的 擴 散 處 理 溫 度 , 且 不 通 入 或 者 僅 通 入 微 量 保 護 性 氣 體 的 方式 , 進 行 包 覆 擴 散 試 驗 , 期 可 於 較 低 的 溫 度 、 簡 易 的 節 能 環 境 下 , 成 功 披 覆 鐵 鋁 基 合 金 於SNCM439 鎳 鉻 鉬 合 金 鋼 表 面 , 改 善 鋼 材 表 面 性 質 ; 並 希 望 透 過 鋁 鉻 複 合 鍍 膜 的 方 式 , 於 鐵 鋁基 合 金 中 固 溶 微 量 鉻 , 同 時 改 善 鐵 鋁 基 合 金 的 抗 蝕 特 性 。三 、 文 獻 探 討包 覆 擴 散 法 (Pack Cementation) 乃 將 金 屬 工 件 包 覆 於 粉 狀 滲 劑 中 , 同 時 加 熱 以 進 行 氣 / 固 相擴 散 反 應 。 此 一 製 程 具 有 簡 易 、 成 本 低 廉 以 及 對 工 件 外 型 的 複 雜 程 度 有 較 大 的 容 許 值 等 優 點 。根 據 處 理 溫 度 、 時 間 、 粉 狀 滲 劑 , 基 材 成 份 、 基 材 相 以 及 氣 氛 的 不 同 會 使 鍍 膜 相 的 成 分 有 所變 化 [5][6]。製 程 中 之 粉 狀 滲 劑 需 含 三 大 要 素 , 分 別 為 鍍 層 金 屬 、 活 化 劑 以 及 惰 性 填 充 粉 。 鍍 層 金 屬一 般 為 單 一 元 素 , 在 鍍 合 金 層 時 亦 可 使 用 合 金 粉 ; 活 化 劑 則 為 氯 化 物 或 氟 化 物 , 可 使 鍍 層 金屬 與 鹵 素 結 合 成 金 屬 鹵 化 物 , 而 此 金 屬 鹵 化 物 , 於 基 材 表 面 行 化 學 反 應 後 , 可 將 鍍 層 金 屬 還原 沉 積 於 工 件 表 面 ; 惰 性 填 充 粉 的 添 加 可 避 免 鍍 層 金 屬 粉 的 燒 結 以 及 保 護 工 件 使 其 避 免 受 到氧 化 , 一 般 使 用 氧 化 鋁 、 氧 化 矽 等 粉 體 。 包 覆 擴 散 反 應 主 要 可 分 為 以 下 四 個 步 驟 [6][7]:(1) 活 化 劑 與 鍍 層 金 屬 形 成 金 屬 鹵 化 物 。(2) 金 屬 鹵 化 物 以 氣 態 的 方 式 由 粉 末 中 擴 散 至 欲 鍍 工 件 表 面 。(3) 金 屬 鹵 化 物 於 工 件 表 面 發 生 化 學 反 應 , 使 金 屬 沉 積 至 工 件 表 面 。(4) 沉 積 於 工 件 表 面 的 鍍 層 金 屬 , 接 著 擴 散 至 基 材 內 部 , 與 基 材 形 成 介 金 屬 化 合 物 。反 應 的 過 程 中 , 金 屬 鹵 化 物 的 形 成 與 其 在 反 應 中 蒸 氣 壓 的 高 低 , 是 影 響 包 覆 擴 散 速 率 的關 鍵 因 素 。 同 時 , 根 據 研 究 顯 示 , 要 進 行 兩 個 元 素 的 共 擴 散 反 應 處 理 , 必 須 將 兩 種 鹵 化 物 的蒸 氣 壓 控 制 至 一 至 二 個 數 量 級 以 內 , 以 避 免 因 蒸 氣 壓 差 異 過 大 , 導 致 另 一 元 素 無 法 鍍 上 [8][9]。於 鐵 基 材 料 上 進 行 鋁 擴 散 塗 層 反 應 , 根 據 文 獻 以 及 相 圖 顯 示 [10][11], 反 應 在 1000°C 以下 可 形 成 的 鐵 鋁 介 金 屬 化 合 物 包 括 Fe 3 Al、FeAl 2 、Fe 2 Al 5 、FeAl 以 及 FeAl 3 等 , 然 而 會 以 何 種介 金 屬 化 合 物 存 在 於 鍍 層 中 , 則 視 實 驗 參 數 的 設 定 與 鋁 活 性 而 定 。 這 些 化 合 物 中 鋁 濃 度 較 高- 3 -

的 FeAl 2 、Fe 2 Al 5 性 質 較 脆 [12], 應 用 價 值 較 小 , 而 鐵 含 量 較 高 的 Fe 3 Al 以 及 FeAl 相 則 具 備 較佳 的 機 械 性 質 、 韌 性 以 及 高 溫 塑 性 [13], 其 中 Fe 3 Al 對 於 高 溫 抗 硫 化 、 抗 氧 化 以 及 抗 熱 腐 蝕 性等 均 有 優 異 的 性 能 , 但 在 室 溫 下 抗 溶 液 腐 蝕 特 性 則 較 差 , 因 此 可 以 固 溶 微 量 的 Cr 於 Fe 3 Al 鐵鋁 合 金 中 [14] 獲 得 改 善 。典 型 的 鉻 擴 散 反 應 外 層 是 由 碳 化 鉻 (Cr 23 C 6 ) 所 構 成 , 這 是 由 於 基 材 內 的 碳 , 迅 速 向 外 擴 散所 致 , 也 因 此 在 塗 層 下 方 會 出 現 碳 空 乏 區 , 此 類 鍍 層 通 常 在 下 方 會 形 成 孔 洞 ; 且 此 碳 化 層 的形 成 易 使 鍍 膜 成 長 受 限 , 更 會 導 致 基 材 出 現 脫 碳 的 情 況 降 低 基 材 的 機 械 性 質 , 目 前 有 兩 種 方式 可 以 防 止 此 情 況 發 生 ,(1) 鍍 層 金 屬 粉 使 用 高 鉻 低 鋁 的 合 金 粉 進 行 共 擴 散 反 應 [15][16];(2)使 用 高 鉻 低 鋁 配 比 的 純 元 素 金 屬 粉 , 搭 配 二 階 段 升 溫 方 式 的 鉻 鋁 共 擴 散 反 應 [17]。鉻 鋁 共 擴 散 處 理 的 目 的 , 除 了 可 於 鐵 鋁 基 合 金 中 固 溶 微 量 的 Cr 外 , 也 可 改 善 單 一 鉻 處 理時 , 於 表 面 生 成 碳 化 鉻 層 造 成 後 續 鍍 膜 的 沉 積 受 到 限 制 的 問 題 。 同 時 , 鋁 的 添 加 可 促 使 肥 粒鐵 的 形 成 , 由 於 肥 粒 鐵 含 碳 量 極 低 , 碳 將 較 不 易 與 鉻 反 應 , 進 而 降 低 碳 化 鉻 的 形 成 , 且 肥 粒鐵 對 鉻 的 固 溶 量 較 大 , 可 使 鉻 在 鐵 中 的 固 溶 量 增 大 。 本 研 究 採 用 了 兩 階 段 的 升 溫 方 式 , 相 對較 具 實 用 性 , 但 所 採 用 的 溫 度 則 大 幅 降 低 到 文 獻 報 導 的 950°C 以 下 。四 、 研 究 方 法四 .1. 實 驗 流 程本 實 驗 流 程 如 圖 1 所 示 。 主 要 可 分 成 熱 處 理 前 、 熱 處 理 中 以 及 分 析 等 三 個 部 份 。 熱 處 理前 又 包 括 基 材 前 處 理 以 及 滲 劑 的 混 合 , 本 實 驗 使 用 中 碳 SNCM439 合 金 作 為 基 材 , 其 成 分 如表 一 所 示 , 其 前 處 理 首 先 以 水 冷 式 砂 輪 機 切 割 成 長 × 寬 × 高 約 為 10mm × 10mm × 1.5mm 之大 小 , 再 以 SiC 砂 紙 研 磨 至 #200, 即 可 獲 得 無 銹 乾 淨 之 試 片 , 接 著 將 其 浸 泡 於 丙 酮 溶 劑 中 ,置 於 超 音 波 震 盪 器 內 震 盪 10 分 鐘 後 , 取 出 並 烘 乾 之 。 滲 劑 則 依 實 驗 的 不 同 由 99.9% 純 度 的Al 粉 、 與 99.9% 純 度 的 Cr 粉 , 活 化 劑 AlCl 3 粉 或 NH 4 Cl 以 及 惰 性 填 充 物 Al 2 O 3 粉 配 製 而 成 。表 一 、SNCM439 成 份 表 (wt%)C Si Mn Ni Cr Mo V0.5~0.55 0.4~0.6 0.4~0.7 1~2 0.8~1.3 0.3~0.5 0.1~0.2鍍 膜 處 理 部 分 分 為 一 階 段 以 及 二 階 段 製 程 等 兩 種 方 式 , 以 了 解 複 合 成 膜 的 機 構 。 其 中 一階 段 處 理 製 程 使 用 於 滲 鋁 以 及 複 合 滲 鋁 / 鉻 膜 等 兩 種 鍍 層 , 係 將 受 鍍 物 與 滲 劑 、 活 化 劑 、 惰 性填 充 物 等 直 接 以 450~750°C 的 溫 度 持 溫 進 行 2~24 小 時 的 處 理 , 其 持 溫 時 間 依 擴 散 原 理 隨 處 理溫 度 上 升 而 縮 減 ( 表 二 、 表 三 ); 二 階 段 處 理 則 先 以 550°C 低 溫 處 理 兩 小 時 再 以 10 °C/min 的 升溫 速 率 加 熱 到 750°C 進 行 2~8 小 時 的 處 理 ( 表 三 ), 其 中 在 二 階 段 製 程 初 期 通 入 氰 氣 , 以 避 免在 滲 鉻 的 過 程 中 生 成 氧 化 鉻 或 氮 化 鉻 , 影 響 鍍 膜 的 沉 積 。 完 成 鍍 膜 之 試 片 分 別 進 行 金 相 、SEM、XRD、 硬 度 [18]、 磨 耗 性 質 等 分 析 。- 4 -

滲 劑 混 合基 材 處 理一 階 段 製 程基 材 包 覆二 階 段 製 程通 入 氰 氣持 溫一 階 段 持 溫升 溫二 階 段 持 溫空 冷分 析金 相SEM XRD EPMA 硬 度 磨 耗圖 1 實 驗 流 程 圖表 二 、 鍍 鋁 製 程 參 數 ( 一 階 段 製 程 )擴 散 處 理 溫 度擴 散 處 理 時 間 (hr)滲 鋁 劑 濃 度(°C) 700 2、4、6650 2、3、4、6、12600 2、4、6、12550 4、6、994% Al 2 O 3 + 4% Al + 2% AlCl 3500 9、12450 12、24- 5 -

表 三 、 鋁 / 鉻 複 合 鍍 膜 製 程 參 數類 別擴 散 處 理溫 度 (°C) 擴 散 處 理 時 間 (hr) 滲 鋁 劑 濃 度一 階 段製 程二 階 段製 程750 1、2、4、8550+750550°C 2hr +750°C 2、4、6、885% Al 2 O 3 +3% NH 4 Cl+ 12% (15%Al+ 85%Cr)五 、 結 果 與 討 論五 .1. 鋁 單 層 鍍 膜 處 理五 .1.1. 鋁 合 金 生 成 相 結 構 分 析圖 2 顯 示 在 550°~650°C 擴 散 處 理 後 產 生 一 與 基 材 附 著 良 好 之 鋁 單 層 鍍 層 。 由 XRD 分 析( 圖 3 ) 顯 示 450°C 製 程 可 生 成 Fe 2 Al 5 與 含 鋁 量 更 高 的 FeAl 3 相 , 經 EDS 分 析 ,450°C 生 成 相之 Al 濃 度 亦 較 500~700°C 鍍 層 之 Al 濃 度 高 , 因 此 可 確 認 450°C 之 生 成 相 為 Fe 2 Al 5 與 FeAl 3兩 相 , 顯 示 隨 溫 度 上 升 , 鍍 層 中 的 鋁 含 量 逐 步 降 低 , 鍍 層 相 亦 隨 之 變 化 。圖 2 550~700°C 同 經 6 小 時 擴 散 處 理 之 鋁 單 層 鍍 膜 截 面 組 織 比 較 :(a) 550°C(b) 600°C(c) 650°C(d) 700°C。而 當 以 700°C 兩 小 時 製 程 進 行 擴 散 時 間 時 , 鍍 層 中 生 成 兩 種 不 同 的 相 , 圖 4 顯 示 SEM與 EDS 線 掃 描 分 析 結 果 , 可 以 發 現 鍍 層 中 形 成 明 顯 的 雙 層 組 織 , 最 外 層 的 Al 濃 度 保 持 在 固定 的 範 圍 中 , 而 另 一 層 則 呈 現 出 濃 度 梯 度 , 由 表 面 向 母 材 方 向 逐 步 降 低 。 這 些 組 織 , 結 合 XRD與 EDS 的 成 分 分 析 , 確 認 外 層 為 Fe 2 Al 5 之 鐵 鋁 介 金 屬 化 合 物 , 中 間 層 則 為 具 備 濃 度 梯 度 的 固- 6 -

溶 體 , 其 晶 體 結 構 與 鐵 - 鋁 相 圖 中 的 Fe 3 Al 相 同 , 此 一 結 構 為 有 序 的 體 心 立 方 組 織 , 與 母 材 結構 類 似 , 且 成 分 濃 度 呈 梯 度 分 布 , 表 示 該 層 可 以 成 為 母 材 與 表 面 硬 面 鍍 層 間 良 好 的 介 面 組 織 ,緩 衝 母 材 與 表 面 硬 膜 的 結 構 差 異 , 有 利 於 提 升 母 材 與 鍍 層 的 結 合 性 能 。◆◆ : Fe 2 Al 5▲ : FeAl 3● : Fe▲▲▲ ▲◆◆▲▲450°C 24 小 時◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆◆ ◆◆◆500°C 12 小 時550°C 6 小 時600°C 6 小 時●650°C 6 小 時●●700°C 6 小 時substrate●圖 3 以 450~700°C 溫 度 進 行 鋁 單 層 鍍 膜 處 理 試 片 表 面 之 XRD 分 析AluminumIron20um圖 4 700°C,2 小 時 鋁 單 層 鍍 膜 處 理 之 截 面 SEM 組 織 與 EDS 分 析五 .1.2. 鐵 鋁 鍍 層 動 力 學 計 算圖 5 綜 合 經 表 二 製 程 生 成 之 鋁 鍍 層 厚 度 隨 溫 度 與 時 間 增 加 的 情 形 , 其 鍍 膜 厚 度 介 於15~100μm 之 間 。 其 中 , 以 700°C 進 行 擴 散 處 理 的 試 片 , 在 較 短 的 2 小 時 擴 散 時 間 時 , 似 乎反 而 形 成 偏 低 的 鍍 膜 厚 度 , 但 因 該 溫 度 高 於 鋁 熔 點 時 , 反 應 為 固 相 / 液 相 界 面 反 應 , 熔 融 態 的鋁 附 著 於 母 材 之 表 面 , 迅 速 增 加 了 兩 者 的 反 應 面 積 , 使 鋁 逐 漸 的 擴 散 至 母 材 中 , 加 上 原 子 在液 體 中 之 擴 散 速 率 較 在 固 體 中 快 , 即 Fe 擁 有 更 大 的 擴 散 速 率 , 因 而 生 成 富 鐵 相 —Fe 3 Al, 因此 在 高 溫 反 應 下 , 鍍 層 主 要 以 形 成 Fe 3 Al 結 構 為 主 , 而 其 成 長 機 構 與 650°C 以 下 的 鍍 層 並 無- 7 -

法 相 提 並 論 。本 研 究 主 要 目 的 為 了 解 包 覆 擴 散 中 的 低 溫 固 相 / 固 相 反 應 , 因 此 可 以 將 650°C 以 下 鍍 層 結果 使 用 下 列 方 程 式 來 了 解 鐵 鋁 介 金 屬 之 成 長 厚 度 與 時 間 、 溫 度 之 關 係 :lnhQRTln D01ln t2其 中 h 為 生 成 相 之 厚 度 (μm),Q 為 反 應 活 化 能 (J/mole),T 為 溫 度 (K),D 則 為 擴 散 係 數 ,t 為擴 散 時 間 (s)。由 上 式 可 得 知 : 在 相 同 擴 散 時 間 下 ,ln h 與 1000/T 成 一 線 性 關 係 。 當 將 t 以 6 小 時 進 行計 算 , 可 以 獲 得 活 化 能 約 為 Q=15.23 KJ/mole( 約 等 於 0.15eV), 此 一 活 化 能 遠 低 於 一 般 固 態 擴散 之 活 化 能 , 表 示 鐵 鋁 鍍 層 以 極 高 的 速 度 成 長 , 也 顯 示 在 包 覆 滲 鋁 反 應 中 , 鐵 鋁 相 的 成 長 實際 上 係 以 氣 相 而 非 以 固 態 置 換 原 子 的 擴 散 方 式 進 行 。鍍 層 厚 度 (um)100806040200700˚C650˚C600˚C550˚C500˚C450˚C0 4 8 12時 間 (hr)圖 5 不 同 擴 散 溫 度 與 時 間所 生 成 之 鋁 單 層 鍍 膜 厚 度圖 6 鐵 鋁 鍍 層 硬 度 與擴 散 處 理 溫 度 之 關 係五 .1.3. 鐵 鋁 鍍 層 微 硬 度 試 驗本 研 究 所 使 用 的 鋁 單 層 鍍 膜 溫 度 為 550~700°C, 低 於 A 1 與 A 3 溫 度 , 對 於 母 材 的 顯 微 組織 影 響 應 當 相 對 較 小 , 可 使 擴 散 處 理 後 之 母 材 仍 保 有 處 理 前 的 強 度 與 韌 性 。 圖 6 為 鍍 層 硬 度與 溫 度 之 關 係 圖 , 隨 著 溫 度 的 上 昇 , 母 材 之 硬 度 由 Hv243 降 低 到 Hv140, 鐵 鋁 層 鍍 膜 的 硬 度則 達 Hv 700~850 間 。 其 中 , 在 600°C 製 程 下 生 成 一 最 高 硬 度 Hv 850 的 鍍 層 , 當 處 理 溫 度 高於 此 溫 度 時 , 反 應 較 為 快 速 , 容 易 因 Kirkendall effect 形 成 孔 洞 而 影 響 了 其 機 械 性 質 ; 當 處 理溫 度 較 低 時 , 鍍 層 中 鋁 含 量 增 加 , 使 得 硬 度 隨 著 溫 度 的 降 低 而 下 降 。五 .1.4. 磨 耗 試 驗本 實 驗 使 用 使 用 島 津 西 原 式 金 屬 磨 耗 試 驗 機 , 採 用 滾 動 磨 擦 之 形 式 , 其 測 試 試 片 與 對 磨試 片 皆 為 圓 輪 , 本 研 究 將 具 鐵 鋁 鍍 層 之 試 片 與 其 SNCM439 母 材 對 磨 , 由 於 鍍 膜 試 片 在 鍍 膜過 程 中 容 易 產 生 具 粗 糙 度 之 表 面 , 當 與 平 整 的 母 材 面 接 觸 時 , 接 觸 面 上 各 位 置 產 生 不 同 程 度的 正 向 應 力 與 應 變 , 此 接 觸 狀 態 稱 為 賀 氏 接 觸 (Hertzian contact)[19][20]。 由 於 磨 耗 過 程 中 試 片實 際 接 觸 面 積 會 不 斷 改 變 , 雖 無 法 準 確 估 算 此 實 際 接 觸 面 積 , 但 隨 磨 耗 距 離 的 增 加 , 試 片 的作 用 區 域 會 逐 漸 延 伸 至 整 個 接 觸 面 , 即 試 片 寬 度 b, 可 使 用 下 式 來 表 示 本 研 究 之 最 大 接 觸 應- 8 -

力 :m ax 0.418PEb 1r11r2圖 7 顯 示 試 片 損 失 重 量 與 磨 耗 距 離 之 關 係 , 結 果 顯 示 滲 鋁 試 片 在 磨 耗 初 期 之 磨 耗 量 雖 然遠 大 於 母 材 , 但 由 賀 氏 接 觸 理 論 可 知 磨 耗 作 用 面 積 與 最 大 壓 應 力 成 反 向 關 係 。 而 滲 鋁 試 片 因其 表 面 粗 糙 度 遠 高 於 未 處 理 過 之 對 磨 材 , 使 其 磨 耗 作 用 面 積 降 低 、 壓 應 力 提 高 , 因 此 在 磨 耗初 期 時 , 滲 鋁 試 片 之 磨 耗 量 迅 速 的 增 加 。 但 隨 磨 耗 距 離 增 加 , 高 應 力 區 域 因 為 磨 耗 或 塑 性 變形 使 得 磨 耗 作 用 面 積 逐 漸 增 大 , 最 終 趨 近 於 試 片 之 寬 度 b 值 , 最 大 接 觸 應 力 則 逐 漸 降 低 , 故鍍 膜 試 片 的 磨 耗 速 率 逐 步 減 小 , 磨 耗 作 用 面 之 型 態 也 因 此 趨 近 穩 定 。 由 圖 7 可 得 知 當 磨 耗 距離 達 10000 轉 時 , 滲 鋁 試 片 之 損 失 量 相 對 降 低 , 而 對 磨 材 失 重 卻 快 速 的 增 加 , 這 說 明 了 當 磨耗 作 用 面 積 趨 於 穩 定 時 , 鐵 鋁 鍍 層 相 較 於 母 材 顯 然 耐 磨 性 有 所 提 升 。總 損 失 重 量 (g) 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000磨 耗 距 離 ( 回 轉 數 )圖 7 滲 鋁 與 對 磨 材 損 失 重 量 與 磨 耗 距 離 之 關 係母 材 對 磨 - 上 方母 材 對 磨 - 下 方650°C 對 磨 試 片650°C 滲 鋁 試 片550°C 對 磨 試 片550°C 滲 鋁 試 片500°C 對 磨 試 片500°C 滲 鋁 試 片五 .2. 鋁 鉻 複 合 鍍 膜 處 理五 .2.1. 鋁 鉻 複 合 鍍 層 結 構 分 析圖 8 顯 示 以 一 階 段 製 程 所 生 成 的 鉻 鋁 複 合 鍍 層 , 可 分 成 上 下 兩 層 , 總 厚 度 約 為 9~11μm,上 膜 厚 約 1~4μm, 其 膜 厚 隨 時 間 的 增 加 並 無 顯 著 的 增 長 , 且 上 下 層 之 間 分 界 並 非 平 整 的 交 界 。經 由 EDS 線 掃 瞄 結 果 可 觀 察 到 , 愈 接 近 基 材 位 置 鉻 含 量 愈 少 , 鐵 、 鉻 兩 者 濃 度 呈 相 互 擴 散 的現 象 , 上 部 鍍 層 顯 然 為 富 鉻 區 , 於 上 鍍 層 中 段 後 , 鉻 的 擴 散 驟 減 , 而 在 下 鍍 層 中 晶 界 則 以 垂直 於 基 材 之 表 面 方 向 進 行 成 長 ; 鋁 成 分 主 要 分 布 在 下 鍍 層 , 其 含 量 在 下 鍍 層 與 基 材 之 間 的 介面 有 一 最 高 值 。綜 合 EDS 以 及 XRD( 圖 9 ) 的 分 析 結 果 , 可 推 測 上 層 應 為 碳 化 鉻 Cr 7 C 3 以 及 Fe-Cr 固 溶 合- 9 -

金 ; 而 下 鍍 層 根 據 Bangaru 及 Krutenat 的 研 究 指 出 [21], 由 於 沃 斯 田 鐵 對 於 鋁 的 溶 解 度 相 當 低 ,在 進 行 鋁 擴 散 處 理 時 , 下 層 易 形 成 肥 粒 鐵 並 固 溶 微 量 Cr 以 及 Al 的 成 分 , 由 於 本 實 驗 處 理 溫度 恰 於 A1 溫 度 附 近 , 可 使 含 鐵 、 鋁 、 鉻 之 擴 散 層 以 肥 粒 鐵 相 垂 直 試 片 表 面 成 長 。圖 8 一 階 段 (750°C, 4hr) 製 程 鋁 鉻 複 合 鍍 層 及 其 EDS 線 掃 瞄 分 析圖 9 鋁 鉻 複 合 擴 散 處 理 後 試 片 表 面 之 XRD 分 析二 階 段 鋁 鉻 複 合 鍍 層 之 結 構 顯 示 於 圖 10 , 亦 具 有 兩 層 鍍 層 , 但 厚 度 可 以 提 升 到25~43μm。 其 中 , 下 鍍 層 並 未 如 一 階 段 複 合 鍍 層 呈 現 垂 直 於 鍍 層 之 肥 粒 鐵 晶 界 , 取 而 代 之 的是 一 連 續 鐵 鋁 合 金 層 。 經 由 EPMA 的 分 析 顯 示 Al 愈 往 基 材 內 部 含 量 愈 少 ,Fe 含 量 之 趨 勢 則相 反 , 而 Cr 濃 度 變 化 不 大 , 扣 除 碳 化 層 的 高 含 量 部 分 , 鍍 層 間 的 Cr 含 量 大 約 為 2%。 隨 著 第二 階 段 處 理 時 間 增 長 , 鐵 鋁 濃 度 度 差 持 續 提 高 , 當 第 二 階 段 處 理 時 間 超 過 6hr 時 , 表 面 的 鐵鋁 比 已 達 Fe 3 Al 的 比 例 , 但 此 時 亦 於 表 面 開 始 形 成 碳 化 層 , 結 合 XRD( 圖 9 ) 分 析 顯 示 , 外 層結 構 隨 時 間 增 長 , 在 初 期 形 成 FeAl 相 、 接 著 產 生 Fe 3 Al 相 , 在 6hr 以 上 時 表 面 出 現 Cr 23 C 6 與- 10 -

Cr 7 C 3 碳 化 層 ,8hr 以 上 的 處 理 時 間 後 則 形 成 Cr 7 C 3 相 。(a)(b)(c)圖 10二 階 段 鋁 鉻 複 合 鍍 層 BEI 以 及 EPMA 分 析 結 果(a) 550°C2hr+750°C2hr (b) 550°C2hr+750°C4hr (c) 550°C2hr+750°C6hr五 .2.2. 鋁 鉻 複 合 鍍 膜 機 構綜 合 以 上 結 果 , 可 以 瞭 解 , 以 包 覆 擴 散 方 式 形 成 鐵 鋁 鍍 膜 極 為 有 效 , 能 以 單 階 段 的 製 程在 650°C 以 下 的 低 溫 且 短 時 間 內 形 成 緻 密 、 介 面 良 好 的 鍍 膜 ; 而 第 二 階 段 製 程 的 處 理 , 在 750°C的 高 溫 進 行 , 富 鉻 層 的 擴 散 於 此 階 段 加 速 生 成 , 此 鍍 層 一 旦 形 成 , 鍍 層 就 難 以 繼 續 增 厚 , 因此 對 下 鍍 層 產 生 保 護 。 而 此 一 擴 散 阻 絕 效 果 , 主 要 發 生 在 當 第 二 階 段 750°C 處 理 時 間 超 過 6hr- 11 -

之 後 , 由 於 鉻 層 透 過 鐵 鋁 層 取 得 母 材 中 的 碳 , 逐 漸 在 表 面 生 成 碳 化 鉻 , 根 據 文 獻 指 出 [8], 碳化 鉻 的 生 成 阻 擋 外 部 鉻 以 及 鋁 的 擴 散 。因 此 單 階 段 複 合 鍍 層 因 在 高 溫 進 行 鋁 與 鉻 的 同 時 擴 散 , 一 旦 鉻 在 高 溫 下 於 表 面 形 成 擴 散阻 絕 層 , 鐵 鋁 層 的 成 長 速 率 即 受 到 限 制 , 無 法 隨 著 時 間 增 長 而 增 加 。 而 在 二 階 段 複 合 鍍 層 處理 中 , 因 第 一 階 段 製 程 先 提 供 低 溫 環 境 形 成 鐵 鋁 層 後 , 使 表 面 碳 含 量 下 降 , 可 獲 得 較 厚 的 鐵鋁 擴 散 層 , 接 著 在 750°C 下 , 鉻 的 擴 散 鍍 膜 開 始 進 行 , 隨 著 時 間 增 加 因 滲 劑 中 鋁 含 量 下 降 ,鍍 膜 鐵 含 量 愈 趨 增 加 , 並 使 整 個 反 應 趨 向 鉻 的 生 成 , 因 此 在 表 面 獲 得 富 鉻 層 的 保 護 。圖 11 一 階 段 鋁 鉻 複 合 鍍 膜製 程 膜 厚 與 時 間 關 係圖 12 二 階 段 鋁 鉻 複 合 鍍 膜製 程 膜 厚 與 時 間 關 係六 、 結 論鋁 單 層 鍍 膜 處 理 最 低 擴 散 處 理 溫 度 為 450°C, 處 理 時 間 2~24 小 時 , 生 成 相 的 厚 度 介 於15~100μm, 鍍 層 結 構 紮 實 且 平 整 , 且 與 母 材 界 面 接 合 性 質 良 好 , 相 較 於 母 材 有 更 佳 的 耐 磨耗 性 。 隨 著 溫 度 的 升 高 , 生 成 相 之 膜 層 也 越 厚 , 其 成 長 所 需 之 活 化 能 為 15.23 KJ/mole。 當擴 散 溫 度 提 高 到 鋁 熔 點 以 上 時 , 表 面 鍍 層 生 成 兩 種 不 同 的 相 , 最 外 層 之 生 成 相 為 Fe 2 Al 5 鐵 鋁介 金 屬 化 合 物 , 中 間 層 則 為 Fe 3 Al 結 構 之 固 溶 體 , 且 Al 濃 度 呈 現 出 一 梯 度 的 現 象 。 這 些 鐵 鋁介 金 屬 化 合 物 的 鍍 膜 , 具 備 達 Hv 850 以 上 的 硬 度 , 且 Fe 3 Al 中 間 相 的 形 成 , 有 助 於 提 升 表 面硬 膜 與 母 材 底 層 之 間 , 取 得 更 佳 的 介 面 性 質 。 經 滲 鋁 處 理 之 試 片 因 其 較 高 的 硬 度 , 相 較 於 母材 有 較 佳 之 耐 磨 性 , 若 能 控 制 膜 層 之 表 面 粗 糙 度 , 可 更 有 效 的 提 升 耐 磨 耗 性 。鋁 鉻 複 合 鍍 層 以 750°C 進 行 一 階 段 熱 處 理 時 , 因 表 面 迅 速 形 成 碳 化 鉻 , 阻 擋 鋁 與 鉻 之 擴散 , 導 致 鐵 鋁 鉻 合 金 鍍 膜 厚 度 增 厚 有 限 , 僅 達 11μm; 經 二 階 段 製 程 之 設 計 , 膜 厚 明 顯 提 升 至25~43μm, 可 將 碳 化 鉻 的 形 成 控 制 到 第 二 階 段 後 期 方 開 始 生 成 , 因 此 成 功 的 於 基 材 表 面 披 覆上 含 2%Cr 的 Fe 3 Al 以 及 FeAl 介 金 屬 化 合 物 鍍 膜 , 此 兩 種 鍍 膜 具 備 較 佳 的 機 械 性 質 、 韌 性 以及 高 溫 特 性 , 表 面 並 可 生 成 富 鉻 之 合 金 保 護 , 具 備 更 佳 之 抗 腐 蝕 性 能 。七 、 參 考 文 獻[1] J. M. Panchal, T. Vela and T. Robisch, ASM International, OH: Metals Park, 1990, pp.245-260.[2] D. G. Morris, M. A. Muñoz-Morris, and J. Chao, Intermetallics, 12, 2004, pp.821-826.- 12 -

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而 本 研 究 針 對 鋁 鉻 複 合 二 階 段 低 溫 鍍 膜 處 理 , 瞭 解 鋁 、 鉻 的 鍍 層 機 構 與 條 件 , 控 制 複 合鍍 層 的 形 成 , 也 僅 在 高 溫 處 理 前 通 入 少 量 的 氰 氣 , 驅 趕 腔 體 內 的 氮 、 氧 氣 , 防 止 與 鉻 生 成 氮氧 化 物 , 成 功 的 於 表 面 生 成 含 2%Cr 的 Fe 3 Al 以 及 FeAl 介 金 屬 化 合 物 , 此 二 化 合 物 相 較 鋁 單層 鍍 膜 中 形 成 高 鋁 含 量 的 FeAl 2 、Fe 2 Al 5 具 備 更 佳 的 機 械 性 質 、 韌 性 以 及 高 溫 特 性 , 實 用 性 更高 , 且 微 量 的 Cr 含 量 進 一 步 可 提 高 抗 氧 化 、 抗 硫 化 腐 蝕 等 性 質 。該 複 合 鍍 層 之 高 溫 、 磨 耗 、 腐 蝕 等 功 能 特 性 仍 持 續 進 行 分 析 當 中 , 咸 信 能 對 業 界 之 硬 質輥 輪 材 料 表 面 處 理 有 所 助 益 。十 、 推 廣 及 應 用 價 值Fe 3 Al 對 於 高 溫 抗 硫 化 、 抗 氧 化 以 及 抗 熱 腐 蝕 性 有 非 常 好 的 性 質 , 但 在 室 溫 時 會 有 溶 液 腐蝕 的 問 題 , 因 此 需 要 固 溶 微 量 的 Cr 於 Fe 3 Al 鐵 鋁 合 金 中 。 本 研 究 利 用 鋁 鉻 複 合 二 階 段 鍍 膜 處理 的 方 式 , 成 功 的 於 SNCM439 鎳 鉻 鉬 合 金 鋼 上 , 披 覆 出 含 微 量 Cr 且 為 高 鐵 含 量 Fe 3 Al 的 鐵鋁 介 金 屬 化 合 物 鍍 層 。 本 鍍 膜 對 於 該 母 材 原 係 使 用 於 工 業 輥 輪 材 料 , 較 之 於 原 始 未 鍍 膜 之 母材 , 預 期 將 有 利 於 應 用 在 300°C 以 下 溫 度 、 且 有 腐 蝕 性 離 子 的 環 境 , 具 備 實 用 之 機 能 , 亦 能應 用 於 鍋 爐 等 需 高 溫 抗 氧 化 、 抗 硫 以 及 抗 熱 腐 蝕 等 設 備 。- 14 -

可 供 推 廣 之 研 發 成 果 資 料 表 可 申 請 專 利 可 技 術 移 轉 日 期 :98 年 8 月 1 日國 科 會 補 助 計 畫計 畫 名 稱 : 鋼 鐵 表 面 鐵 鋁 合 金 硬 化 處 理 研 究計 畫 主 持 人 : 陳 貞 光計 畫 編 號 :NSC 97-2221-E-027-006學 門 領 域 : 材 料 學 門技 術 / 創 作 名 稱 以 包 覆 擴 散 法 製 作 複 合 鍍 膜發 明 人 / 創 作 人 陳 貞 光中 文 :本 技 術 利 用 遠 低 於 一 般 擴 散 鍍 膜 所 使 用 之 溫 度 , 在 鋼 鐵 表 面 ,進 行 鋁 與 其 他 第 二 種 金 屬 合 金 化 之 表 面 鍍 膜 , 可 以 減 低 高 溫 對 鋼 鐵產 生 軟 化 之 影 響 , 並 生 成 具 高 硬 度 與 機 械 性 質 之 鐵 鋁 間 介 金 屬 化 合物 鍍 膜 , 而 第 二 種 金 屬 可 於 表 面 提 供 其 他 功 能 性 之 保 護 , 以 提 高 其抗 腐 蝕 性 能 。技 術 說 明可 利 用 之 產 業 及可 開 發 之 產 品英 文 :This technique forms dual layer Fe-Al intermetalliccompound coatings on the surface of steels by packcementation. The temperatures required for composite coatingformation are much lower than those reported in theliterature. Furthermore, a second element can be added toprotect the intermetallic compound layer and to improve itscorrosion resistance.可 應 用 於 須 暴 露 在 300°C 以 下 、 溶 液 腐 蝕 環 境 中 、 具 硬 面 需 求 之 鋼鐵 材 料 , 如 : 紙 業 中 的 鋼 鐵 輥 輪 材 料 等 之 表 面 處 理 。技 術 特 點推 廣 及 運 用 的 價 值本 技 術 使 用 的 擴 散 溫 度 低 於 鋼 鐵 之 A1 點 , 即 可 在 短 時 間 內 產 生 達40μm 厚 度 的 含 鉻 鋁 之 複 合 介 金 屬 化 合 物 薄 膜 , 具 備 良 好 的 機 械 性能 、 耐 磨 耗 性 、 與 抗 腐 蝕 性 。Fe 3 Al 對 於 高 溫 抗 硫 化 、 抗 氧 化 以 及 抗 熱 腐 蝕 性 有 非 常 好 的 性 質 ,但 在 室 溫 時 有 溶 液 腐 蝕 的 問 題 , 因 此 可 以 固 溶 微 量 的 Cr 於 Fe 3 Al鐵 鋁 合 金 中 。 本 技 術 利 用 鋁 鉻 複 合 鍍 膜 處 理 的 方 式 , 成 功 的 於SNCM439 鎳 鉻 鉬 合 金 鋼 上 , 披 覆 出 含 微 量 Cr 且 為 高 鐵 含 量 Fe 3 Al的 鐵 鋁 介 金 屬 化 合 物 鍍 層 。 本 鍍 膜 預 期 將 有 利 於 使 鋼 材 適 用 於300°C 以 下 溫 度 、 且 有 腐 蝕 性 離 子 的 環 境 , 具 備 實 用 之 機 能 , 亦 能應 用 於 鍋 爐 等 需 高 溫 抗 氧 化 、 抗 硫 以 及 抗 熱 腐 蝕 等 設 備 。※ 1. 每 項 研 發 成 果 請 填 寫 一 式 二 份 , 一 份 隨 成 果 報 告 送 繳 本 會 , 一 份 送 貴 單 位 研發 成 果 推 廣 單 位 ( 如 技 術 移 轉 中 心 )。※ 2. 本 項 研 發 成 果 若 尚 未 申 請 專 利 , 請 勿 揭 露 可 申 請 專 利 之 主 要 內 容 。- 15 -

國 科 會 計 畫 出 席 「ICCE-17」 國 際 會 議 出 國 報 告98 年 8 月 1 日計 畫 編 號 NSC97-2221-E-027-006 計 畫 名 稱 鋼 鐵 表 面 鐵 鋁 合 金 硬 化 處 理 研 究報 告 人 姓 名陳 貞 光學 校 名 稱 及 國 立 台 北 科 技 大 學職 稱 材 料 及 資 源 工 程 系 副 教 授會 議 時 間 2009 年 7 月 26~8 月 1 日 會 議 地 點 美 國 Honolulu, HI( 中 文 )2009 年 國 際 複 合 暨 奈 米 材 料 學 術 研 討 會會 議 名 稱 ( 英 文 )17th International Conference on Composites/Nano Engineering(ICCE-17, 2009)主 辦 單 位 International Community for Composites or Nano Engineering( 中 文 ) 以 原 生 TiC 強 化 複 合 工 具 鋼 之 研 究發 表 論 文( 英 文 ) Strengthening of Composite Tool Steels by Self-Synthesized題 目TiC( 一 ) 會 議 背 景ICCE-17 國 際 會 議 , 係 由 美 國 紐 奧 爾 良 大 學 機 械 工 程 系 的 Prof.David Hui 主 導 的 國際 複 合 暨 奈 米 工 程 學 會 所 主 辦 , 全 球 來 自 數 十 個 國 家 專 家 學 者 , 齊 聚 一 堂 , 每 年 選 定 於不 同 地 點 召 開 , 本 次 舉 辦 為 第 十 七 屆 , 於 美 國 夏 威 夷 檀 香 山 市 自 2009 年 7 月 26 日 到 8月 1 日 召 開 , 共 計 一 周 的 時 間 , 論 文 集 結 發 行 於 CD 光 碟 以 及 World Journal ofEngineering (2010 年 發 行 ),2010 年 大 會 則 預 定 於 明 年 7 月 4~10 日 在 美 國 阿 拉 斯 加 州安 克 拉 治 市 舉 行 。( 二 ) 會 議 內 容本 次 會 議 , 共 分 十 八 個 場 次 , 發 表 論 文 及 海 報 共 約 600 篇 , 參 加 人 數 估 計 超 過 五 百人 , 本 人 此 次 係 第 一 次 參 加 ICCE 國 際 會 議 。 以 複 合 材 料 暨 奈 米 工 程 為 中 心 , 發 展 主 題 共包 括 : 奈 米 工 程 、 金 屬 基 複 合 材 料 、 數 學 模 擬 、 磁 性 複 合 材 料 、 生 化 複 合 材 料 、 纖 維 織構 材 料 (textile)、 化 學 、 氧 化 物 、 環 境 建 設 相 關 領 域 。其 中 主 要 邀 請 的 引 言 人 包 括 : 美 國 國 家 工 程 院 院 士 Dr.K.Gschneidner Jr.(Ames Lab)主 講 鑭 系 元 素 5-(Si/Ge)4 在 相 分 離 過 程 中 所 產 生 的 獨 特 電 / 磁 性 質 、 美 國 國 家 工 程 學 院 院士 Dr.K.Hess(UI, Urbana) 由 奈 米 工 程 的 角 度 討 論 未 來 世 代 中 量 子 計 算 與 分 子 計 算 之 發展 。 除 此 之 外 , Prof.Hui 也 邀 請 到 包 括 美 國 國 家 科 學 基 金 會 (National ScienceFoundation) 工 程 研 究 中 心 的 Dr.J.Sankar 說 明 有 關 美 國 政 府 部 門 的 計 畫 補 助 方 向 。- 1 -

( 三 ) 與 會 心 得1. 本 人 論 文 報 告本 人 所 進 行 的 論 文 報 告 , 排 定 於 金 屬 基 複 合 材 料 場 次 , 並 受 邀 擔 任 其 中 一 場 次 的Chair person。 其 主 題 為 原 生 TiC 在 複 合 工 具 鋼 中 的 強 化 研 究 , 此 一 製 程 的 特 點 在 於 ,TiC 係 由 Ti 與 C 於 機 械 合 金 中 自 發 反 應 生 成 奈 米 級 的 顆 粒 , 並 利 用 拉 曼 散 射 分 析 確 認 其形 成 , 這 些 奈 米 TiC 顆 粒 與 工 具 鋼 粉 混 合 後 , 可 以 利 用 真 空 燒 結 的 方 式 達 到 98% 的 緻 密度 ; 由 於 胚 體 中 open pore 大 幅 縮 減 , 因 此 不 須 封 罐 即 可 直 接 進 行 熱 均 壓 製 程 , 經 過 熱均 壓 製 程 的 複 合 材 料 , 則 可 達 到 99.9% 的 緻 密 程 度 , 強 度 可 超 越 過 去 以 封 罐 熱 均 壓 的 結果 , 為 一 相 對 簡 化 的 製 程 方 式 。 報 告 之 後 , 獲 得 在 場 兩 位 學 界 人 士 的 提 問 , 首 先 是 有 關TiC 原 生 粉 末 的 產 生 條 件 , 另 一 個 問 題 , 則 是 有 關 整 體 製 程 技 術 的 延 伸 性 。2. 與 會 心 得此 次 國 際 學 術 會 議 由 於 經 國 科 會 網 站 發 布 訊 息 , 因 此 台 灣 代 表 眾 多 , 包 括 台 大 、 成大 、 交 大 、 雲 科 大 、 高 應 大 、 東 海 、 大 同 、 義 守 、 逢 甲 、 中 原 、 文 化 、 明 道 等 大 學 均 有教 授 參 與 , 雖 然 人 數 眾 多 , 但 因 領 域 各 有 不 同 、 且 場 次 眾 多 , 因 此 多 以 各 教 師 之 專 長 領域 與 國 際 人 士 相 互 互 動 為 主 。本 次 與 會 的 內 容 , 雖 然 領 域 涵 蓋 繁 雜 , 但 由 歐 美 等 先 進 國 家 所 報 導 的 課 題 中 , 個 人觀 察 可 以 綜 合 研 判 在 奈 米 / 複 合 材 料 趨 勢 上 , 因 奈 米 材 料 的 許 多 特 殊 性 能 , 與 塊 材 完 全 不同 , 因 此 在 發 展 應 用 科 技 前 , 常 投 以 大 量 的 理 論 計 算 由 原 子 間 作 用 評 估 物 理 特 性 , 包 括 :力 學 、 光 學 、 磁 學 、 電 學 、 熱 學 等 性 能 。 而 由 應 用 端 方 面 觀 察 與 會 之 論 文 , 則 集 中 在 能源 、 光 電 、 結 構 、 化 學 觸 媒 等 領 域 , 而 隨 著 材 料 尺 寸 的 下 降 , 物 理 特 性 的 量 測 亦 成 為 一大 考 驗 與 研 究 之 方 向 。3. 會 後 感 想由 本 次 參 加 ICCE-17 盛 會 過 程 , 個 人 可 以 由 許 多 歐 美 日 等 國 的 演 講 中 , 深 刻 感 受 到雖 然 台 灣 的 研 究 風 氣 已 經 大 幅 進 步 , 在 發 表 數 量 上 也 領 先 許 多 國 家 , 因 此 可 以 在 會 場 中見 到 許 多 中 生 代 的 台 灣 教 授 ; 但 相 對 來 說 , 許 多 先 進 國 家 甚 至 包 括 大 陸 , 在 奈 米 工 程 與- 2 -

複 合 材 料 領 域 上 , 均 十 分 重 視 基 礎 的 工 程 科 技 研 究 , 例 如 : 奈 米 力 學 電 腦 模 擬 計 算 與 複合 材 料 奈 米 化 的 技 術 結 合 , 或 許 這 是 科 技 研 究 長 期 經 營 的 必 要 策 略 , 卻 須 政 府 部 門 或 業界 長 期 的 資 源 挹 注 。這 也 令 筆 者 反 思 十 五 年 前 自 己 在 美 國 研 讀 博 士 的 歷 程 中 , 曾 經 對 於 基 礎 研 究 所 投 入的 專 注 , 相 對 於 目 前 的 研 究 工 作 受 限 於 包 括 : 學 生 、 研 究 資 源 、 經 費 持 續 性 、 以 及 社 會對 學 校 的 短 期 實 質 績 效 期 待 , 使 得 個 人 對 較 為 深 入 、 長 期 性 的 研 究 仍 有 些 力 不 從 心 的 感覺 , 因 此 也 自 許 個 人 能 在 中 長 期 計 畫 中 逐 步 累 積 資 源 , 方 有 機 會 培 育 博 士 生 進 行 較 為 專注 的 研 究 計 畫 。( 四 ) 附 件甲 、ICCE-17 國 際 會 議 研 討 會 議 程 。乙 、 報 告 人 之 發 表 論 文 , J.K.Chen, H.J.Chiu, B.S.Yu, S.H.Chang, “Srengtheningof Composite Tool Steels by Self-Synthesized TiC”, #137, SeventeenthInternational Conference on Composites or Nano Engineering, D.Hui,ICCE-178, July 26 – August 1 2009, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA. 本 文 另 將 於 近期 內 以 完 整 資 料 全 文 另 行 投 遞 Composite B 期 刊 發 表 。丙 、 會 議 Proceedings 與 相 關 取 得 之 技 術 資 料 由 與 會 人 存 檔 。- 3 -

ICCE-17 July 26-August 1, 2009 in Honolulu, Hawaii, USAMonday 7:50AM-8:00AM OPENING CEREMONY Co-chair dean Dr. Kendall T. Harris (Prairie View A&M U.)Monday 8:00AM-10:00AM KEYNOTE LECTURES, BALLROOMExotic Magnetic and Electrical Behaviors in the Phase Separated State of the Naturally Nano-Layered R 5 (Si,Ge) 4 Intermetallics,where R is a Heavy Lanthanide Element Karl GSCHNEIDNER Jr., M. Zou, R. Nirmala, V.K. Pecharsky (Ames lab, Iowa) Member NAE305High Efficiency 3D Dye Sensitized Solar Cells and the Nano-Surface Control Shuzi HAYASE (Kyushu I.T., Japan) 341How are Inter-Nanoparticle Interactions Different from those Between Molecules or Larger Colloidal Particles?Jacob ISRAELACHVILI (UC Santa Barbara, Calif.) member NAS 409Nanostructure Quantum Computation or Cellular Automata? Karl HESS (U. Illinois-Urbana) Mon, member NAE, member NAS 351N. Bozovic (San Jose St.U., Calif.) 87Monday 10:00AM-10:30AM COFFEE BREAKMonday 10:30AM-1:00PM BALLROOMSession 1a NANO 1Chairs: S. Gupta, R. Shuker, R. Clark, G.W. BEallTailoring Defects in Nanocarbons: Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes andComposites With Nanodiamond by Irradiation Sanju GUPTA, A.M. Schuttler,J. Farmer (U. Missouri-Columbia) Mon-Wed 319Optical Nonlinear and Amplification Effects in CdS Nano-Rods ReubenSHUKER, Yevgeni Shabayev, Leila Zeiri (Ben Gurion U., Israel) Mon-Thurs 941Experimental Investigation on Viscosity-Temperature Relationship of CNFsFilled Epoxy Robert L. CLARK III, Nathan Brock, Kuang-Ting Hsiao (U. SouthAlabama, Mobile) 163Growth, Manufacturing, and Characterization of Three DimensionallyReinforced Multifunctional Nanocomposites Vamshi M. GUDAPATI, KavehKhosroshahi, Mehrdad N. Ghasemi-Nejhad (U. Hawaii Manoa, Honolulu) chair309Effect of Matrix Plasticisation on the Characterisation of Polypropylene /ClayNanocomposites Yu DONG (Curtin U.Tech., Perth, Australia), DebesBhattacharyya (U. Auckland, New Zealand) 197MoF-Graphite Oxide Nanocomposites: Properties and Application for GasSeparation Camille Petit, Teresa J. BANDOSZ (City Coll, CUNY) Mon-Tues 801Electrocatalyst by Transmetallation for Oxygen Reduction Reaction Mei-HuaLEE, Jing-Shan Do (Tunghai U., Taichung) 557The Processing and Properties of Nanostructured Ceramics Jon BINER(Loughborough U., UK) INVITED 30 min, mondayMonday 10:30AM-1:00PM Room ASession 1b MAGNETIC 1Chairs, W.J. Fan, X. Batlle, P. Srivastava, Q.H. TranBand Structures and Optical Gain of Direct-Bandgap Tensile Strained Ge/Ge1-X-YSIXSNY Type I Quantum Wells W.J. FAN (Nanyang Tech U., Singapore)237Magnetic Nanoparticles: Basic Research And Biomedical Applications XavierBATLLE, Amílcar Labarta, Nicolas Perez, Pablo Guardia (U. Barcelona, Spain)A.G. Roca, M. P. Morales, C.J. Serna (CSIC, Madrid, Spain), F. Bartolome, L.M.García, J. Bartolome (U. Zaragoza, Spain) 65Stability Analysis of Different Thin Magnesium Nanowires PankajSRIVASTAVA (Indian Inst. Informatio Tech.Man., Gwalior), Satyendra Singh(Farah, India), Prabodh Sahai Saxena (Gwalior, India) 981A Novel High-K (K > 40) Gate Dielectric for Pentacene Organic Thin FilmTransistors Ramesh R. NAVAN, K. Prashanthi, Anukool Rajoriya, M. ShojaeiBaghini, V.R. Palkar, V. Ramgopal Rao (Indian Inst.Tech., Bombay) 731Effect of Zirconium Addition on Neodymuim-Iron –Boron (NdFeB) SinteredMagnet M.H. SALEH, E.A. Othman, N. Roslani, M. Mohammad (AMREC,Kedah, Malaysia) 883Application of Pulse Frequency to Control the Nano Grain Size of Gold PlatedThin Films Reza KAMALI Sarvestani, John D. Williams (U. Alabama, Huntsville)Friday chair 453Electrical Properties of on Polymer Composites with Ferroelectric Ceramics,Carbon Fiber and Metal Salt Takeo FURUKAWA, Kensuke Yoshida, DaisukeKimura (Tokyo U. Sci., Japan) Mon-Tues 259Monday 10:30AM-1:00PM Room BSession 1c MATH 1Chairs: T.C. Chen, A. Jankowski, S.P. Singh, K. BehdinanPhase Transformations In Mono-Crystalline Si Induced by RepeatedNanoindentations Tei-Chen CHEN, Yen-Hung Lin (Nat. Cheng Kung U., Tainan)1215The Non-linear Damping Coefficient in the Contact Model of Discrete ElementMethod Guoming Hu, Wenfeng Zhang , Bin Jian, Liping Liu (Wuhan U. China)1223Some Considerations on the Parameters Selection of DEM Simulation forTumbling Ball Mills Guoming HU, Yu Liu, Muqun Liu, Hui Wan (Wuhan U.,China) 1217Modeling Boundary Layer from Point of View Combustion of Liquid and SolidFuels Antoni JANKOWSKI (Air Force Inst.Tech., Warsaw, Poland) 417The Selection Ratio of Crack Path on Fatigue Crack Propagation in CompositeMaterials by Metal Hirohide ISHIHARA, Takeshi Ishihara (Seeda Adv. TechInst, Tokyo, Japan) 407Genetic Algorithms for Robust Parameter Optimization Nicolo A.L.BELAVENDRAM (Univ. T. Abdul Rahman, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia) 75Micromechanical Study of Two Phase Composite Rakesh Chandra, PramodKumar(Jalandhar, India), S.P.SINGH(Indian Inst.Tech.,New Delhi) 119Modeling on Constitutive Behavior for Short Fiber Reinforced CompositesHong-Gun Kim, Lee-Ku Kwac, Young Woo Kang (Jeonju U., Korea), Suk-ChanNah (Bakje U., Korea), Jae Yeol Kim, Yong Hoon CHA (Chosun U., Korea) Mon-Tues 491Interfacial Shear Strength of C/C Composites and Debond Detection UsingWavelet Analysis Soydan Ozcan, Jale Tezcan, Bijay Gurung, Peter FILIP (SouthernIllinois U., Carbondale, IL) Chair, Mon 775Monday 10:30AM-1:00PM Room CSession 1d GENERAL 1Chairs: M.I. Pech-Canul, Jianren Zhou, B. Buczek, G. GornyPreparation of Sandwich Structure and Functionally Graded Al/SiCpComposites M.I. PECH-Canul, V.F. Garza-Ruiz (Saltillo, Mexico), M.A. Pech-Canul (Merida Yuc, Mexico), David Hui (U. New Orleans) 1221The Effect of Surface Ligands on Optical and Electronic Spectra ofSemiconductor Nanoclusters Svetlana Kilina, Sergei Ivanov, and Sergei TRETIAK(Los Alamos N.L., NM) 1219Space Radiation Shielding Efectiveness and Radiation Effects On Properties OfPolyimide Bonded Martian Regolith Jianren ZHOU, Sukesh Aghara, RichardWilkins, Jerrel Moore, Yang Zhong (Prairie View A&M U., TX) 1225Hydrophobized Limestone Powder As An Antiexplosive Agent BronislawBUCZEK, Elzbieta Vogt (AGH Univ. Sci Tech, Cracow, Poland) 97Optimal Parameters for Design of Optical System in Maskless Exposure Mee-Suk JUNG (Korea Polytec. U., Siheung-city) 443Micronic, Sub-Micronic and Nano-Micronic Precision Metrological Micro-Technologies G. Ion GHEORGHE (Polytec U. Bucharest, Romania) 269Computational Technique for Weight Reduction of Aero- Engine Rotor KumarKENCHEGOWDA, Ajit Prasad (Mandaya, India), K. Ramachandra (RV Coll.Engrg. Bangalore, India) 521Integrated Composite Particles for Designing of Microstructural ControlledNanocomposite Hiroyuki MUTO (Kurume Nat. Coll Tech., Japan), Akihiro Mitani,Go Kawamura, Atsunori Matsuda, Mototsugu Sakai (Toyohashi U.T., Japan) 721Tool Materials for High Speed Cutting Process Gabriela GORNY (U. Sci Tech,Krakow, Poland), Lucyna Jaworska (Krakow), Ludosław Sobierski (U. Sci.Tech.Krakow), Andrzej Olszyna (Warsaw U.T.) 285

Monday 1:00PM-2:00PM LUNCHMonday 2:00PM-4:30PM BALLROOMSession 2a NANO 2Chairs: A.A. Shamsuri, D. Raghavan, R.M. OverneyProperties and Preparation of Nylon-6/Liquid Natural Rubber/MontmorilloniteNanocomposites Via Emulsion Dispersion Ahmad Adlie SHAMSURI, RusliDAIK, Ishak Ahmad, Mohd Hafizuddin Jumali (UKM, Selangor, Malaysia)INVITED 30 min 915Physical Properties of ZnTe Nanocrystals by Ellipsometry Spectroscopic A.EnNACIRI, F. Ahmed (U. Paul -Metz, France), J.J. Grob (InESS, Strasbourg,France) 221Nano-Thermomechanical Determination of the Adhesive Strength inNanocomposite Membranes René M. OVERNEY, Jason.P. Killgore (U.Washington, Seattle) 773Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectral Probing of Nanocomposite SystemsConstituted by Plasmonic Metal Nanoparticles and Organic Species BlankaVLCKOVA, Ondrej Dammer, Karolina Siskova (Charles U., Prague, Czech Rep.),Jiri Pfleger (ASCR, Czech Rep.), Marek Prochazka (Charles U.), Miroslav Slouf(ASCR) 1073Capillary Negative Pressure and Cavitation in Rectangular NanochannelsRuijing ZHANG, Teruaki Motooka (Kyushu U., Japan) 1191Characterization of Electrospun BaTiO 3 /PVP Nanofibers Deuk-Yong LEE(Daelim Univ. Coll., Anyang, Korea), Myung-Hyun Lee (KICET, Seoul), Nam-IhnCho (Sun Moon U., Asan, Korea) Mon-Tues 539Modeling of a Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell A.B. Mahmud HASAN,Shengmin Guo, M.A. Wahab (Louisiana St.U.) 337Transmittance and Self-Sensing of CNT Nanocomposites Using Electro-Micromechanical Technique and Wettability Joung-Man PARK, Jung-HoonJang, Zuo-Jia Wang, Joel GnidaKouong (Gyeongsang Nat U., Korea), Woo-Il Lee(Seoul N.U., Korea), Jong-Kyoo Park (Agency for Def. Dev., Deajeon, Korea), K.Lawrence DeVries (U. Utah) Mon-TuesDevelopment of Nano-Structured Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Electrodes GuenterSCHILLER, Syed Asif Ansar, Matthias Müller (German Aero Cen, DLR, Stuttgart)899Monday 2:00PM-4:30PM Room BSession 2c MATH 2Chairs: J.Q. Tarn, J.J. Lee, W. A. Jesser, A.H. ErtasExact Analysis of Circular Elastic Cylinders Under Extension, Torsion,Bending, and Temperature Change Jiann-Quo TARN, Hsi-Hung Chang (Nat.Cheng Kung U., Tainan) 1017Evaluation of Micro Patterning Effect on Adhesion Strength of Composite-Metal Interfaces Jung-Ju LEE, Won-Seock Kim (KAIST, Daejeon, Korea) 551Correlation Between Dislocation Distribution Density and Interface RelaxationStress in Epitaxial Thin Layer on a Flexible Substrate Igor DOBOVSEK(Ljubljana, Slovenia) 193Equivalence of Thermal and Mechanical Loads in Bimaterial Strips WithInterface Cracks B. Neethi SIMON, K. Ramesh (Indian Inst.Tech., Madras) 949The Role of Length Scales in Phase Diagrams:a Tool for Designing CompositesWilliam A. JESSER, Wen-Shen Cheng (U. Virginia), C.T. Schamp (Austin, TX)423Design of Fiber Reinforced Laminates for Maximum Fatigue Strength Ahmet H.ERTAS, Fazil O. Sonmez (Bogazici U., Turkey) 229Thermal Buckling of Piezothermoelastic Composite Plates Using a Mixed FiniteElement Formulation Balasubramanian Datchanamourty, George E.BLANDFORD (U. Kentucky) 177Linear Analytical Study of Large Deflection of Elastically-Bossed Sensor Platedue to Lateral Load Chun-Fu CHEN, Nai-Di Gao (Chung-Hua U., Hsinchu) 135Diffusive-Advective Gas Flow Modeling in Random Nanoporous Systems(RNPS) at Different Knudsen Regimes Vahid Shabro, Farzam JAVADPOUR,Carlos Torres-Verdin. Serge B. Fomel (U.Texas, Austin) 913Monday 2:00PM-4:30PM Room ASession 2b MAGNETIC 2Chairs: F. Fedrych, O.K. Park, L. Voisin, B.F. Habenicht3D-Metal Based Nanogranular Magnetic Composites for Sensors and HighFrequency Applications Prepared by UHV Hollow Cathode Plasma JetFrantisek FENDRYCH (ASCR, Prague, Czch Rep.), Jana Poltierova Vejpravova,Jiri Pospisil (Charles U. Prague, Czech Rep.), Adriana Lancok, Ladislav Peksa(ASCR), Petr Repa (Charles U.), Zdenek Kluiber (Czech T.U.), Klaus Seemann(Inst.Mat., Karlsruhe, Germany), Rudolf Schaefer (IFW Dresden, Germany) 243Effect of Surface Treatement of Cnts on the Electrical Conductivity andHydrophilicity of PANI Coated Cnts/Epoxy Composites Ok-Kyung PARK,Sambhu Bhadra, Namo Hoon Kim, Joong-Hee Lee (Chonbuk N.U., Jeonju, Korea)791Exchange Bias Variations in NiFe/IrMn Bilayer as a Function of FM and AFMLayer Thicknesses S. ANANDAKUMAR, V. SudhaRani, J.R. Jeong, CheolGi Kim(Chungnam N.U., Daejeon, Korea) 27Titanium Doped Ito Thin Films Produced by Combinatorial Sputtering MethodLeandro VOISIN, Makoto Ohtsuka, Takashi Nakamura (Tohoku U., Japan) Mon-Tues 1075Cobalt Nanofibers Encapsulated in Graphite Shell Nasser A. M. Barakat, S.J.Park, Hak Yong KIM (Chonbuk N.U., Jeonju, Korea) 61Ab Initio Study of Phonon-Induced Dephasing of Electronic Excitations inNarrow Graphene Nanoribbons Bradley F. Habenicht (U. Washington, Seattle),Oleg N. Kalugin (Kharkiv N.U., Ukraine), Oleg V. PREZHDO (U. Washington)321Hybrid Multiferroic Composite Films of CoFe 2 O 4 - BaTiO 3 NanostructuresEmbedded in Piezoelectric Polyvinylidene Fluoride V. CORRAL-FLORES, D.Bueno-Baqués, Ronald F. Ziolo (Res. Cen App. Chemistry, CIQA, Saltillo, Mexico)167Structural and Magnetic Properties of NiFe 2 O 4 -BaTiO 3 Multiferroic Core-ShellType Nanostructures Dario BUENO-BAQUES, V. Corral-Flores, R. Ziolo(Saltillo Coah,Mexico) 99Session 2d GENERAL 2Chairs: P. Li, A.F. Barbero, H.t. Kim, R. WithnallElectromagnetic Interference Shielding Effects of Polyaniline Coated Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes/High Density Polyethylene Composites Ho-YounKANG, Kyung Bok Sun, Nam Hoon Kim, Joong Hee Lee (Chonbuk N.U., Korea)465The Solid Phase Formability of Polypropylene/Clay Nanocomposites in UniaxialTension Seung-Ho LEE, Peng Li, Sang Hoon Han (Chonbuk N.U., Jeonju, Kore),Gye Hyoung Yoo (KCR, Jeonbuk, Korea), Joong Hee Lee (Chonbuk N.U.) 563Continuous Carbon Fiber/Graphite/Epoxy Hybrid Composites for Fuel CellBipolar Plates Jong-Wan KIM, Ok-Kyung Park, Nam Hoon Kim, Sambhu Bhadra,Joong-Hee Lee (Chonbuk N.U., Jeonju, Korea) 495Improved Mechanical Behavior of the Composite Hydrogel Prepared by IonicMonomer and Acid- Treated Clay Peng LI, Nam Hoon Kim, Joong- Hee Lee(Chonbuk N.U., Jeonju, Korea) 581Polymer- Inorganic Nanoparticle Composites for Humidity Sensor R.P. SINGH,Monika Joshi (Amity U., Noida, India) 955Wetting of Minigels Ivan Suarez, Antonio Fernandez-BARBERO (U. Almeria,Spain) 985Fabrication and Characterization of Ink-Jet Printed Alumina Thick Film withLow-loss Resin Infiltration Hyo-Tae KIM, Jihoon Kim, Young Joon Yoon,Jong-hee Kim (Korea Inst. Ceramic Eng Tech, Seoul) 489Implementation of Micro Hot Runner System in Injection Molding MultipleMicro Components Shi-Chang TSENG, Meng-Yu Jiang (Nat. Yunlin U. Sci.Tech.,Yunlin) Mon-Tues 1037Mechanical Properties of High Density Polyethylene Compound for PipesExtruded Under the Influence of Ultrasound Robert WITHNALL, AliAhmadnia, Amir Khamsehnezhad, Jack Silver, Peter Allan, Karnik Tarverdi (BrunelU.,Uxbridge, UK) 11214:30PM-4:45PM Short Break

Monday 4:45PM-7:15PM BALLROOMSession 3a NANO 3Chairs: J. Fan, Q.C. Hsu, Cheng Li, C.Y. XuMacroscale Heat Transfer in Nanofluids Jing FAN, Liqiu Wang (U. Hong Kong,China) 233Next Frontier in Nanofluids Research and Development Liqiu WANG (U. HongKong, China) 1085Process Effects on Nanoimprint Lithography by Molecular DynamicsSimulation Quang-Cherng HSU, Chien-An Tu (Nat. Kaohsiung U. App Sci,Kaohsiung) 365Eletrical Conductivity of the Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes/EpoxyNanocomposites Hendra SUHERMAN, Abu Bakar Sulong and Jaafar Sahari (U.Kebangsaan Malaysia) 987Uv/Ozone Treated Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes Reinforced PolyethyleneComposite Fibre by Melt Spinning Jaafar SAHARI, Abu Bakar Sulong,NorhamidiMohamad , Che Husna Azhari (U. Kebangsaan Malaysia), Joohyuk Park(Sejong U. Seoul,Korea) 873Mechanical and Electrical Properties of Functionalized Multi-Walled CarbonNanotubes Reinforced Polyethylene Composite Fabricated by Extrusion ShearFlow Abu Bakar SULONG, Jaafar Sahari, NorhamidiMuhamad, Che Husna Azahari(U. Kebangsaan Malaysia), Joohyuk Park (Sejong U., Seoul, Korea) 989Carbon Nanofiber Reinforced Ceramic Nanocomposites Cheng LI, Fei Liang,Yong Tang, Jihua Gou, Chengying Xu, Linan An (U. Cen. Florida, Orlando) 575Ceramic Matrix Nanocomposites Reinforced with CarbonNanotubes/Nanofibers Chengying XU, Jihua Gou and Linan An (U. Cen Florida,Orlando) 1145Monday 4:45PM-7:15PM Room BSession 3c MATH 3Chairs: I.S. Holek, Sirong Zhu, Simon Wang, E. NakanishiThe Volume Fraction Dependence of the Effective Viscosity of Hard SphereSuspensions and Emulsions of Nearly Spherical Droplets Ivan Santamaria-HOLEK, Carlos I. Mendoza (UNAM, Mexico) 885Optimization in Fabricating 90nm NMOS Utilizing Taguchi Method MAIZANMuhamad, Sunaily Lokman, Hanim Hussin (U.T. MARA, Selangor, Malaysia) 637Load-Sensitivity of Part-Overlapped Carbon Fiber Polymer-Matrix SmartComposite Sirong ZHU, Huasheng Zheng, Zhuoqiu Li (Wuhan U.T., China) 1211Making Flanged Nanobearings with Carbon Nanotubes P.M. Shenai, YangZHAO (Nanyang T.U., Singapore) 927In-plane and Transverse-plane Measurements to Determine CombinativePermeability of Laminates in VARTM Process Yu-Ti JHAN, Ya-Jung Lee, ,Shenq-Feng Fuh (Nat. Taiwan U., Taipei), Cheng-Hsien Chung (United Ship DesignDev Cen., Taipei) 425On Crack Mode Partition of Composite Laminated Beams Simon WANG, C.Harvey, (Loughborough U., UK) 1105The Role of Temperature on Fracture Strength of Aramid Fiber EitokuNAKANISHI, Yoshihiro Ando, Seijiro Maki (Mie U., Japan) 729Investigation of Friction and Wear Behaviors for a Silica/PolypropyleneNanocomposites M.H. NIEN (Tatung U., Taipei), Jin-Chein Lin (Tech Sci InstNorthern Taiwan, Taipei) 749A New Type Thermoelastic Composite With Dispersed PZT Particle Layers inPiezo-Control Forced Vibrations Jin-Chein LIN (Tech Sci Inst. NorthernTaiwan, Taipei) , M.H. Nien (Tatung U., Taipei) 597Monday 4:45PM-7:15PM Room ASession 3b METAL 1Chairs: A.E. Ares, W.M.W. Nik, M.a. Wahab, A. JaffarObservations of the Columnar to Equiaxed Transition in DirectionallySolidified Zinc-Aluminum Alloys and Composites A.E. ARES, C.E. Schvezov(U. Misiones, Posadas, Argentina) 37Study on the Dynamic Characteristics of an Aluminium Metal Matrix-CarbonParticulate Composite With Uniform and Graded Dispersion Using 3D-FEMAnd FDM Sibi CHACKO, Ahmad Majdi Abdul-Rani, N V R Rama Sastry, M AJoseph (U.T. Petronas, Malaysia) 111Non-Conventional Machining of Aluminum Metal Matrix Composite AhmadMajdi Abdul-RANI, Alexis M. Nanimina, Faiz Ahmad (U. Teknologi Petronas,Malaysia) 843Experimental Analysis of the Force Required For Processing Aluminium Alloysby Equal Channel Angular Extrusion R. Luri, C.J. Luis-Perez, D. Salcedo,Javier Leon, Ignacio PUERTAS, I. Perez (U. Public Navarre, Spain) 625A New Method to Produce Grain Refinement Materials by Continuous SeverePlastic Deformation Processes: Continuous Combined Drawing and RollingJavier LEON, C.J. Luis, I. Puertas, I. Pérez, R. Luri (U. Publica Navarre, Spain) 569Electrical Properties of Natural Inhibitors on Corrosion Inhibition in SeawaterW.M.W. NIK (U. Malaysia Terengganu), R. Rosliza (Tati Univ. Coll, Terengganu),M.M. Rahman (IIUM, Pahang, Malaysia), Y. Prawoto (U. Teknologi Malaysia,Johor) 751Rapid Fabrication of Periodic Metallic Nanostructures Using Polymer MoldGuided Near Field Photothermal Annealing Fan Xiao, Ting-Hsiang Wu, Pei-Yu CHIOU (UCLA, Calif.) 1141An Investigation on Mechanical Properties of Aluminum MatrixNanocomposites Z. Razavi HESABI, Jose J. Gracio (U. Aveiro, Portugal) 349Development on Metal Surface Cleaning Using Novel Electro-Plasma Process(EPP) M.A. WAHAB, Jiandong Liang, S.M Guo (Louisiana St.U.) 1077Characteristics of Injection Molding of 17-4PH Stainless Steel Powder AmalinaAmir, Ahmed JAFFAR (U.T. Mara, Selangor, Malaysia), Mohd. Afian Omar,Muner Md Taha (SIRIM, Kedah, Malaysia), Noraini Wahab (UT Mara) 25Finite Element Analysis of 80Au/20Sn in an Interconnection Assembly HurangHu (Tennessee St.U., Nashville), Ayo ABATAN (Miami U., Hamilton, OH) 367Monday 4:45PM-7:15PM Room CSession 3d GENERAL 3Chairs: H.C. Huang, K. Yoshida, J.H. Lee, Guoqiang LiProperties and Microstructures of UV-Cureable Exfoliated Clay/EpoxyNanocomposites Heh-Chang HUANG, Shu-Ping Huang, Tsung-Eong Hsieh (Nat.Chiao Tung U., Hsinchu) 373Microstructural Control of Two-Dimensional SiC Fiber-Reinforced SiCComposites for Improvement of their Thermal Conductivity KatsumiYOSHIDA, Satoshi Kajikawa, Masamitsu Imai, Toyohiko Yano (Tokyo I.T., Japan)1165A Case Study in the Structured Application of Statistical Design of Experimentsand FMEA to Reduce Wrinkles and Delamination on Composite Panels M.Iqbal HUSSAIN, Zuraidah Mohd Zain (U. Malaysia Perlis), Paul Mullenix(Selangor, Malaysia), Mohd. Shuid Salleh (U. Malaysia Perlis) 381Effect of Resin Impregnation to Bipolar Plate for Phosphoric Acid Fuel Cell onAir Permeability JaeHoon LEE, Won-Shik Chu (Seoul N.U., Korea), Jung S. Yi,Kyoung-Hwan Choi (Samsung Adv Inst.Tech., Yongjin, Korea), Sung-Hoon Ahn(Seoul N.U.) Mon-Wed 549Composites Panels for Reducing Noise in Air-Moving Duc Tracy Yatsze CHOY,K.T. Lau (Hong Kong Poly U., China), David Hui (U. New Orleans) 153Preparation and PTCR Properties of MnO 2 Doped BaTiO 3 - (Bi 0.5 Na 0.5 )TiO 3Lead Free PTCR Ceramics With High Tc (>160 o C) Jong-Hoo PAIK, Chul-Min Kim, Young-Hun Jeong , Young-Jin Lee (Korea Inst. Ceramic Eng & Tech.,Seoul) 779Poly(ethylene-co-Vinyl alcohol) and Nylon 6/12 Nanofibers Produced by MeltElectrospinning System Equipped with a Line-like Laser Beam Melting DeviceNaoki SHIMADA (U. Fukui, Japan), Shinji Yamaguchi (Future Textile Mat,Kurashiki, Japan), Koji Nakane, Nobuo OGATA (U. Fukui, Japan) Tues-Wed 935Mechanical Properties of Natural Rubber-Polyethylene-Rubber Modified RiceHusk Composites Adullah IBRAHIM, A. Ishak, E.L. Chong (U. KebangsaanMalaysia) 389Self-Healing Using Shape Memory Polymer Guoqiang LI (Louisiana St.U., &Southern U. Baton Rouge) 577Monday 7:15PM-7:30PM short break

Monday 7:30PM-10:00PM BALLROOMSession 4a NANO (miscellaneous and posters)Chairs: P. Staszczuk, J. Kadla, Xuhui Sun, T.C. Chen Adsorption and PorosityStrategies for Controlled Assembly at the Nanoscale Federico ROSEI (U.Quebec, Canada) INVITED 30 min MondayProperties of Chosen NanomaterialsPiotr STASZCZUK (Marie Curie-Sklodowska U., Lublin, Poland) POSTERQuality and Cutting Performance of Nanocomposite Coatings Miroslav PISKA,Alex Polzer, Dagmar Stankova (Brno U.T., Czech Rep.) for poster 805 Effect ofNano-Patterns on Improvementof Light Extraction of Gan-LEDs K.-J. Byeon,E.-J. Hong, H. Park, Heon LEE (Korea U., Seoul) for poster 101Fracture Characteristics and Indentation Creep Analysis of Al 2 O 3 – EpoxyBased Nanocomposites Kaiyang ZENG, Sheau-Hooi Lim (N.U. Singapore) forposter 1185Preparation and Properties of Acrylate Resin/ Layered Double HydroxideNanocomposite Used for UV Curing Coatings Preparation of Composites ofAluminium With Carbon Nanotubes (CNTS) P. Dominik, K. Lyzwa, K.Trocewicz, Slawomir Podsiadlo (CH, PW, Poland) INVITED 30 minSynthesis of Aluminium Nitride Nanopowder P. Dominik, D. Smolen, SlawomirPodsiadlo (CH, PW, Poland)Gallium Nitride Nanocrystals Obtained by Sublimation Sandwich Method P.Dominik, W. Adamkiewicz, Slawomir Podsiadlo (CH, PW, Poland)Nanofibrous Structures from Natural Polymers and Polyblends John KADLA(U. British Columbia, Canada)One Dimensional Chalcogenide Nanomaterials for Information Storage XuhuiSUN (Soochow U., Suzhou, China)Phase Transformations in Mono-Crystalline Si Induced by RepeatedNanoindentation Yen-Hung Lin, Tei-Chen CHEN (Nat. Cheung Kung U., Tainan)Prepapration of Clay/Polymer Nanocomposites Using Dual Surfactants XujinBAO (Loughborough U., UK)Self-Assembly of Nanocomposite Polymer Latex and Structural Color CoatingsLimin WU (Fudan U., Shanghai, China)Functional Nanocomposite Coatings Near Percolation Threshold VladimirZAPOROJTCHENKO (TU Kiel, Germany) INVITED 30 minNew Nano-Sized Surface Modification Technique Using Interfering UltashortPulse Laser Yoshiki NAKATA, Takuya Hiromoto, Noriaki Miyanaga (Osaka U.,Japan) INVITED 30 min Mon-WedNanomaterials and Cosmetics Natalia Dushkina (Millersville)Monday 7:30PM-10:00PM Room ASession 4b MAGNETIC (miscellaneous or posters)Chairs: S.P. Chang, Beongki Cho, S. Madani, I.D. NikolovZnO Nanotube Ethanol Gas Sensor Sheng-Po CHANG, Ting-JenHsueh, Peng-Yu Su, Chien-Yuan Lu, Shoou-Jin Chang (Cheng Kung U., Tainan)for POSTER 123A Lateral ZnO Nanowire UV Photodetector Prepared on ZnO:Ga/GlassTemplate Chien-Yuan LU, Sheng-Po Chang, Ting-Jen Hsueh, Shoou-Jin Chang,Peng-Yu Su (Cheng Kung U., Tainan) for POSTER 617The Effect of SDBS-Ag+ Ligand Structure On The Preparation Of Flake-LikeSilver Particles Y.H. SONG, Gongying Liang (Xi’an Jiaotong U., China), Y. Yang,W.W. Gao (Xi’an U. Architecture and Tech, China) POSTER 973Initial Oxidation Behavior of NiCo 6.5 Cr 17.8 Al 3.7 Y 0.5 Alloy Chao Zhu, YuanWu, Gongying LIANG (Xi’an Jiaotong U., China) POSTER 1209Electrochemical Properties of Metastable Al-Si-Co Alloys As Anode Materialsfor Lithium-Ion Batteries Qing Hu, Zhanbo Sun, Xiaoping SONG, Xiaohui Ma(Xi’an Jiaotong U., China) POSTER 369Gold Nanoparticles In Situ Crystallized From Amorphous Films DuringReplacement Reactions Wenjun Tong (Xi’an Jiaotong U., China), Xiaohui Ma(Beijing, China), Bingjun DING (Xi’an Jiaotong U., China) POSTER 1027Synthesis and Magnetic Properties of Nanosized Silver-iron CompositeNanoparticles Ke Liu, Shengchun YANG (Xi’an Jiaotong U., China), Xiaohui Ma(Beijing, China), Zhimao Yang (Xi’an Jiaotong U., China) POSTER 603Design, Synthesis and Optical Properties of Donor-Acceptor DyeChromophores Young-A SON, Xiaochuan Li (Chungnam Nat.U., Daejeon, S.Korea) for poster 971Current-Induced Domain Wall Nucleation and its Characteristics at a Notch ina Spin Valve Stripe Beongki CHO, Youngman Jang, Seungha Yoon (Gwangju Inst.Sci Tech., Korea) for poster 145Synthesis of ZnO Nanowires and their Properties Samah MADANI, BouguerraMadjid (U. A. Mira, Algeria)Nanophotonics Materials and Nanodevices For Ultra-High Density OpticalMemories Ivan D. Nikolov (U. Sofia, Bulgaria)Monday 7:30PM-10:00PM Room BSession 4c MATH (miscellaneous and posters)Chairs: I.H. Jung, E. Mahajerin, Y. Aminanda, B. LaukeSimple Approach for Statistical Distribution of Residual Strength in CompositeStructure subjected to Low Velocity Impact Il-Hun JUNG, Hee-Jin Shim(Hanyang U., Seoul, Korea), Ki-Weon Kang (Kunsan N.U., Jeonbuk, Korea), Jung-Kyu Kim (Hanyang U.) POSTER 441Buckling Analysis of Corrugated Shipping Containers Enayat MAHAJERIN(Saginaw Valley St.U., MI), Gary Burgess (Michigan St.U.) for poster 633FE Modeling of Transient Gas Permeation in Polymeric Membrane BarriersAmir KHALILOLLAHI (Penn St.U.-Erie) for poster 479Blast Loading on Structures and Retrofitting Girum URGESSA (George MasonU., Fairfax, VA)Multi‐Level Simulation of Sandwich Structure With Nomex Honeycomb CoreSubjected to Quasi‐Static Impact Loading and its Residual Strength UnderCompression After Impact (CAI) Loading Yulfian AMINANDA (IIUM, KualaLumpur, Malaysia), Bruno Castanie, Christophe Bouvet (IGMT, Toulouse, France),Jean‐Jacques Barrau (LGMT, Toulouse, France)Experimental Investigation of Electrospun Nanofibers Mat - RelationshipBetween Mechanical Elastic Property and Thickness Based on Tensile TestingWenzhong LOU (Beijing Inst.Tech., China)Particle Size Effect on Fracture Toughness of Polymer Composites BerndLAUKE (TU Dresden, Germany)Solution of the Gibbs Effect in Mechanical Fields Solved by Mazya's BoundaryPiont Method Jan NOVAK (CVUT, Czech Rep.) Gradient Theory forComposites Elias C. Aifantis (AUTH, Greece)Modeling on Constitutive Behavior for Short Fiber Reinforced CompositesHong-Gun KIM (Jeonju U., Korea)Fiber-Optic Sensors for Microscale Force and Displacement Measurements inComposite Materials Nguyen Q NGUYEN, Nikhil Gupta (Poly Inst, New YorkU.)Nanotechnology Education S. Michael CONDREN (U.Wisconson-Madison)On the Effect of Time Delay in the Coupling of Structure and Wake OscillatorModels in Vortex Induced Vibrations M. TYAGI, Kumar V. Singh (Miami U.,OH)Monday 7:30PM-10:00PM Room CSession 4d BIO (miscellaneous or posters)Chairs: W.Marcil, Donglu Shi, M. Sarikaya, A. YasinDimensional Hierarchy: A Union of Form And Function William MARCIL, Daniel R.Wilson (Creighton U., Omaha, Nebraska) POSTER 651 Polysilicon-Based PiezoresistiveMicrocantilever for Biological Sensing Nina Korlina MADZHI (U.T. MARA, Selangor,Malaysia), Anuar Ahmad, Lee Yoot Khuan, Rozina Abd. Rani (Malaysia) For POSTER 631Preparation and Characterization of Hybrid Dental Nanocomposite Piyanart EKWORAPOJ(Srinakarinwirot U., Bangkok, Thailand) Composite Bioactive Materials for AdvancedImplants Ion MIHAILESCU (Nat. Inst. Lasers, Bucharest, Romania) Fluorescent SuperParamagnetic Nanoparticles for Medical Diagnosis And Treatment Donglu SHI, H.S. Cho,Chris Huth (U. Cincinnati, OH), Hong Xu , H.C. Gu (Shanghai Jiao Tong U., China), G.M.Pauletti, Z.Y. Dong (U. Cincinnai), J. Lian, R. C. Ewing (U. Michigan, Ann Arbor) Thurs-FriPeptide-Based Smart Materials for Technology and Medicine Mehmet SARIKAYA (U.Washington, Seattle) Multiple Solutions on a Ball for a Generalized Lane Emden EquationAbeer YASIN (U. Western Ontario, Canada) chair 1157 Atmospheric Plasma Treatment ofComposites For Improved Adhesion. Bob HICKS Study of Effect of Plastic Material onHuman Being Vandana DUBEY (Jabalpur, India), P. Dubey, Ajay Singh, J.M. Keller (RDUniv., India) Organic Memory Devices Based on Ferroelectric: Semiconductor BlendsP.W.M. BLOM (RUG, the Netherlands) Chemomechanical Mapping of BiomolecularAssemblies and Systems at the Single Molecule Level Bingqian XU (U. Georgia, Athens, GA)Synthesis, Characterization and Application of Bifunctional Nanocomposites Tamil S.SUBRAMANIAN (IMRE, Singapore) INVITED 30 min Imitation Bone Optimization ofComposite Pipe Using Trenchless Technology Fan WANG (Jinan U., Guangzhou, China)Enhancement of Osteoblast Cell Growth Induced by Malaysia Medicinal Herbs K.H. KIM(UM, Malaysia) Preparation and Characterization of Biocompatible Quaternized ChitosanNanoparticles Encapsulating CDS Quantum Dots Yan LI (Wuhan U. China), Baiwen Qi

(Zhongnan Hospital of Wuhan Univ., China), Xiaoying Wang, Yumin Du (South China U.T.,Guangzhou, China) Iron Sulfide or Oxide Compartmentation n Vesicles and RelatedReactions Alfred FAHR , Wolfgang Weigand (U. Jena, Germany) Host-Pathogen Interactionand Innate Immunity Jeak Ling DING (Nat. U. Singapore) Bio-Nanocomposites ofNanocellulose With Biodegradable Polymers for Application in Food Packaging andAgricultural Field Mulching N. Vigneshwaran (Central Inst. Cotton Tech., India) POSTERNovel Metal-Polymer Composites and Methods of Polymerization for Dental Use IvanSTANGEL (BioMat Sci, Rockville, MD) The Use of Nano Technology in Polymeric FoodPackaging Films Melvin PASCALL (Ohio St.U.) A Novel Nanocomposite for BiomedicalApplication Hossein GHANBARI (U.College London, UK) Collagen Fiber Remodeling inCardiovascular Tissue Ilia HARITON (Ben Gurion U. of Negev, Israel) Nano-Impacts ofFood Glycemic Indices in Type 2 Diabetes: Analyzing the Interplay of Fiber andIncretins in Glucose Release and Absorption in the Small Intestines Perceval S. BAHADO-SINGH, Andrew O. Wheatley, Helen N. Asemota (U. West Indies, Mona)

Tuesday 7:50AM-8:00 ANNOUNCEMENTS8:00AM-10:00AM KEYNOTE Lectures, BALLROOMApplication of Shape Memory Alloys in Civil Engineering: Past, Present and Future Masoud MOTAVALLI, Christoph Czaderski, Andrea Bergamini, Lars Janke (EMPA,Duebendorf, Switzerland) 709Stochastic Resonance Nanodevices for Fluctuation-Robust Electronic Systems Seiya KASAI (Hokkaido U., Japan) KEYNOTE, mon or Tues 467Basalt FRP Composite as Reinforcements in Infrastructure Zhishen WU, Xin Wang (Ibaraki U., Hitachi, Japan), Gang Wu (Southeast U. Nanjing) 1135Nano-Structured Films of Cuprate Superconductors and Other Complex Oxides: MBE Synthesis, Characterization, and Engineered Properties Ivan BOZOVIC, G.Logvenov, A. Gozar, A. Bollinger, O. Pelleg (Brookhaven Nat.Lab, Upton, NY), Z. Radovic (U. Belgrade, Serbia),Tuesday 10:00AM-10:30AM COFFEE BREAKTuesday 10:30AM-1:00PM BALLROOMSession 5a NANO 4Chairs: W.H. Zhong, V. Gulbin, N.I. Polushin, Qipeng GuoMechanical and Physical Properties of Polyetherimide/CNF CompositesFabricated by Different Methods Bin LI, Wei-Hong Zhong (Washington St.U.,Pullman) Mon-Wed 573One-Dimensional Vanadium and Molybdenum Oxide Nanomaterials:Assembling and Properties Liqiang MAI (Wuhan U. China, and Harvard U.),Lin Xu, Yanhui Gu, Bin Hu (Wuhan U., China) Mon-Tues AM 635Electrochemical Approaches for Micro and Nano Scale Fabrication of ArrayedFunctional Structures Takayuki HOMMA, Takanari Ouchi, Yuki Arikawa,Kentaro Uzawa (Waseda U., Japan) INVITED 30 min, Wed-Fri 353Generation of Ultrafine and Monodispersed Silicon Nanoparticles Below 10 nmby Plasma Modulation María Jose INESTROSA-IZURIETA, Noemi Aguilo-Aguayo, Enric Bertran (U. Barcelona, Spain) 397The Composite Materials Reinforced With Nano-Powders Victor N. GULBIN,Valentin Yu. Konkevich (Moscow, Russia) 311Development and Investigation of Composites Reinforced by High-Hard Nano-Powders Nikolay I. POLUSHIN, Victor N. Gulbin (Moscow, Russia), Martin Ptacek(Hranice, Czech Rep.) 813Nanotoughening of Matrix Thermoset Resin Systems for Advanced CompositesQipeng GUO (Deakin U., Geelong, Australia) 313Tuesday 10:30AM-1:00PM Room ASession 5b MAGNETIC 3Chairs: S. Ugur, S.N. Patra, C. Villanueva, Ing KongFilm Formation Process of PS/PBA Latex Blends Depending on Particle SizeSaziye UGUR, M. Selin Sunay (Istanbul T.U., Turkey), Onder Pekcan (Kadir HasU., Turkey) 1051Dependence of Multiplexed Hologram Recording Characteristics on MonomerDiffusion and Reaction Parameters of Photopolymer Media Akiyo Goto,Shuhei Yoshida, Naruki YOSHIDA, Manabu Yamamoto (Tokyo U. Sci, Japan),Tomoya Mizuta, Hiroto Miyake (Daicel Chem. Ind.), Kyohei Fukaya, Ken’ichiKoseki (Chiba U., Japan) Mon-Thurs 287Poly(Lactic Acid) Based Conducting Nanofibrous Structure ThroughElctrospinning Soumendra .N. PATRA, Debes Bhattacharyya (U. Auckland, NewZealand) 795Magnetoresistance on Post-Annealed Fe 70 Co 30 -AlN Sputter Deposited Thin FilmYuji MASUBUCHI, Yuki Hirokawa,Teruki Motohashi, Shinichi Kikkawa(Hokkaido U., Sapporo, Japan) 657Effect of the Conditions of Film Processability of Low Density Polyethylene inthe Mechanical Properties C. VILLANUEVA, Rosa M. Jimenez (U.Guadelajara, Jalisco, Mexico), R. Gosselin, D. Rodriguez (U. Laval, Canada), R.Gonzalez-Nunez (Jalisco) 1071Magnetic Behavior of Magnetite Nanoparticles and its Nanocomposites IngKONG, Sahrim Hj. Ahmad, Mustaffa Hj. Abdullah, Ahmad Nazlim Yusoff (U.Kebangsaan Malaysia, Selangor) 509Biodegradable Gelatin/Chitosan Based Packaging Films With Embedded SilverNanoparticles Jyoti VERMA, Allan J. Easteal (U. Auckland, New Zealand) 1067Properties of Glycerol Plasticized Whey Films Modified by GluiniodineThiocynate Sumit LAL, Allan Easteal, Neil Edmonds (U. Auckland, New Zealand)529Tuesday 1:00-2:00PM LUNCH BREAKTuesday 10:30AM-1:00PM Room BSession 5c MATH 4Chairs: J. Malachowski, M.F Liu, Jiri Minster, K.P. BeenaThe Studial Analysis of Open-Cell Porous Materials Jerzy MALACHOWSKI,Danuta Miedzinska (Military U.T., Warsaw, Poland), Zbigniew Smalko (Air ForceInst.Tech., Warsaw, Poland) 639Numerical Simulation of Real Foams Microstructure Behaviour Subjected toUniaxial Load Danuta Miedzinska, Tadeusz NIEZGODA, Jerzy Malachowski(Military U.T., Warsaw, Poland) 677Mechanical Stress of Functionally Graded Composite Plate Kyung-Su Na, Ji-Hwan KIM (Seoul N.U., Korea) 725On the Governing Equations for the Vibration Problem of the TransverselyIsotropic Magneto- Electro-Elastic Rectangular Plate Mei-Feng LIU (I-ShouU., Kaohsiung), Tai-Ping Chang (Nat. Kaohsiung First U. Sci Tech., Kaohsiung)605Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Void Morphology in Crystalline Silicon:Temperature Dependence Tomohiko OGATA, K. Ogasawara, S. Munetoh,Teruaki Motooka (Kyushu U., Japan) INVITED 30 min 761Direct Microindentation Measurements of Viscoelastic Properties of a Quasi-Homogeneous Epoxy Matrix Jiri MINSTER (Inst.Theo App Mech., Prague,Czech Rep.), Olga Bláhova (U. West Bohemia, Plzen), Jaroslav Lukes, Jiri Nemecek(Czech T.U.) 689Adaptive Finite Strip Analysis of Layered Fibre Composite Plates K.P. BEENA,V. Kalyanaraman (Indian Inst Tech. Madras) Tues-Wed 73Observation of Failure Characteristics of Notched Injection MoldedPP/TPO/MMT Nanocomposites Byoung-Ho CHOI (Korea U., Seoul),Alexander Chudnovsky, Zhenwen Zhou (U. Illinois at Chicago) 149Characterization of Mechanical and Electrical Properties of PC/ABS BasedHybrid Materials Seong-Ho JEON (Korea U., Seoul), Heon-Mo Kim (Daejeon),Tae-Hong Park (Gyounggi-do), Byoung-Ho Choi, Woo-Chun Choi (Korea U.) 419Dependence of the Tensile Behavior of Single Graphene Sheet on Temperatureand Strain Rate Tongwei Han, Pengfei HE, Bailin Zheng (Tongji U., Shanghai,China) 333Tuesday 10:30AM-1:00PM Room CSession 5d GENERAL 4Chairs: S. I. Ibekwe, J.B. Albertini, A. Vakili, V. LoprestoA Shape Memory Polymer Based Self-Healing Syntactic Foam Samuel I.IBEKWE, Guoqiang LI (Louisiana St.U., Southern U.B.R.), Manu John (LouisianaSt.U.) 387Micro-Fluxgate Technology and Applications Jean¬Baptiste ALBERTINI (CEA,Grenoble, France) 19Fabrication of Low-Cost Composites Using Roving-Like Mesophase Pitch-Based Carbon Fibers Zhongren YUE, Matthew P. Duran and Ahmad Vakili (U.Tennessee Space Inst., Tullahoma) 1171nfluence of Fiber Surface Treatments On Low-Cost Carbon Fiber CompositesAhmad VAKILI, Zhongren Yue, Matthew P. Duran (U. Tennessee Space Inst.,Tullahoma) 1061Development of the Direct-Drive Wind Turbine Rotor Blades from CompositeMaterials Bosko RASUO, Mirko Dinulovic, Aleksandar Bengin, Aleksandar Veg(U. Belgrade, Serbia) 849Designing Space Compressor for System on Chip Test Satyendra N. BISWAS(Georgia Southern U., GA), Sunil R. Das (Troy U., AL) Mon-Tues 83Composite Material Structures for the Future European Launch VehiclesGuy.RAMUSAT (European Space Agency, Paris, France) 841Polycarbonate Modified by Thermosetting Resin Guangye XU, Qilin Mei,Zhixiong Huang (Wuhan U.T., China) 1147New Foamy Materials by Recycling Wastes from Tannery Industry V.LOPRESTO, C. Leone, Isabella deIORIO (U. Naples, Italy) 615

Tuesday 2:00PM-4:30PM BALLROOMSession 6a NANO 5Chairs: L. Persano, M.L. Saladino, Molin Chan, Eun-Ju LeeEnhancement of the Forward Emission of Light-Emitting Composites by SoftNanolithographies Luana PERSANO, A. Camposeo, R. Cingolani and D. Pisignano(U. Salento, Italy) 799Characterization of PLGA Composite Microspheres Containing HaNanoparticles Seho Lee, Kwang-Mahn Kim, Kyoung-Nam Kim, Yong-Keun LEE(Yonsei U. Coll Dentistry, Korea) 561Preparation and Characterization of Transparent Ce: Yag-PmmaNanocomposite Maria Luisa SALADINO, A. Zanotto, R. Matassa, G. Nasillo, A.Spinella, D. Chillura Martino, E. Caponetti (U. Palermo, Italy) 881Investigation of the Elastoplastic Deformation Behaviour by Nano ScratchingMethod Sumaiya ISLAM, Raafat N. Ibrahim (Monash U., Australia) 415Interfacial Bonding and Mechanism in Nanoclay/Epoxy Composite MolinCHAN, Kin-tak Lau, Tsun-tat Wong (Hong Kong Poly U., China) 117Synthesis, Properties and AC Field Heating of Hybrid Nanostructures SavasDelikanli, Heng Huang, Shuli He, Arnd Pralle, Hao ZENG (U. Buffalo, SUNY, NY)179The Optimum Condition to Prepare Agar Nano-Particles by EmulsificationMethod Kwang-Hee LIM (Daegu U., Korea), Eun-Ju Lee (Kyungpook N.U.,Daegu, Korea), Tae-Jong Lee (Gyeongbuk, Korea), Saeed Ahmad Khan (Daegu U.)593Chitosan-Nanoparticle Preparation by Polyelecrolyte Complexation Eun-JuLEE (Kyungpook N.U., Korea), Saeed Ahmad Khan, Kwang-Hee Lim (Daegu U.,Gyungbuk, Korea) 541Tuesday 2:00PM-4:30PM Room ASession 6b MAGNETIC 4Charis: Jianren Zhou, P.S. Mohanty, C.H. Liu, R. HoubertzIndication of Single Wall Carbon Nanotubes Dispersion States Laura CARSON,Pasakorn Traisawatwong, Jianren Zhou, E. Gloria C. Regisford (Praire View A&MU., TX) 103AFM Characterization of Poly(Methyl Methacrylate) and Poly(EthyleneGlycol) Deposited by Ink-Jet Printing Pasakorn TRAISAWATWONG, JianrenZhou, Carson Laura, E. Gloria C. Regisford (Prairie View A&M U., Texas) 1033Phase Evolution in Nano Titania Doped Hydroxyapatite Coatings Pravansu S.MOHANTY, V. Varadaraajan (U. Michigan, Dearborn) 703Microstrctural Changes and Optical Behavior of FeCl 3 Doped PMMA ThinnFilms K.K. KAMANI (Chitradurga, India), V. Ravindrachary, R.F. Bhajantri andIsmayil (Mangaore U., India) 455Effect of the Various Doping Concentration of Bf 2 on Polysilicon-Gate PMOSAnees Abdul AZIZ, Nur Shazwany Zamani, Ahmad Sabirin Zoolfakar (UT Mara,Selangor, Malaysia) 47ZnO Nanorod-Based Msm Photodectors Fabricated On Flexible SubstratesL.W. Ji, C.Z. Wu, T.H. Fang, Chien-Hung LIU, T.H. Meen (Nat. Formosa U.,Yunlin), K. T. Lam (Nat. Cheng Kung U., Tainan), J.C. Shen (Nat. Formosa U.) 427Index Tuning of Nanomaterials for Photonic Applications Ruth HOUBERTZ, A.Bock, V. Fodermeyer (Fraunhofer ISC, Wuerzburg, Germany), S. Steenhusen, G.Sextl (U. Wuerzburg, Germany) Mon-Tues 355Tuesday 2:00PM-4:30PM Room BSession 6c MATH 5Chairs: L. Isakov, F.C.M. Menandro, P.P. Prochazka, H. Alicia KimCommon Approach to the Phase Transition Theory by the Examples ofFracture Mechanics and the Theory of Detonation Leonid ISAKOV, YuriPetrov (St. Petersburg St.U., Russia) 405New Continuum Approach in Dynamics of Fracture Arseny KASHTANOV (St.Petersburg St.U., Russia) 473Dynamic Analysis With Stress Recovery for Functionally Graded Materials:Numerical Simulation and Experimental Testing Fernando C.M.MENANDRO, Carlos A.D.F. Filho, Rivania H.P. de Romero, Juan Sérgio RomeroSaenz (U. Fed Espirito Santo, Brazil) 671Post-Buckling of Corrugated Paperboard Celia KUEH; S. Ilanko (U. Waikato,New Zealand), N. Navaranjan (Rotorua, New Zealand), M. Duke (U. Waikato) 519Circumferential Locating the Corrosion in Bimetal Composite Pipe based onthe Longitudinal Guided Wave Hongwei MA, Weiwei Zhang (Jinan U.,Guangzhou, China) 627Eigenfrequencies of 2D Thick-Walled Composite Arches Petr P. PROCHAZKA,Vladimir Dolezel (Prague, Czech Rep.) 823Variational Bounds Based on Extended H-S Principles Vladimir DOLEZEL(UPCE Pardubice, Czech Rep.), Petr P. Procházka (TU Prague, Czech Rep) 195Progressive Failure of Top Hat Stiffeners for Keel Structures RAJU and B.G.Prusty, Don W. Kelly, D. Lyons, G.D. Peng (U. New South Wales, Sydney,Australia) 839 Analysis of Cylindrical Composite Shell Structure KamilaKotrasová, Eva KORMANÍKOVA (TU Kosice, Slovak Rep.) 459A Study on the Nano Control for Ultra-precision Machining Using InverseHysteresis Model Lee-Ku KWAC , Hong-Gun Kim (Jeonju U., Korea), Jae-YoelKim (Chosun U., Korea) Mon-Tues 525Tuesday 2:00PM-4:30PM Room CSession 6d GENERAL 5Chairs: Weijia Wen, G.P. Tandon, R.Pop-Ilev, TVolker HansMicro-Fabrications With Flexible Conducting Composite Weijia WEN (HongKong U. Sci.Tech., China) Mon-Tues 1115Characterizing and Simulating Oxidation Behavior of High TemperaturePolymer Matrix Laminates for the Symposium Durability of Composites G.P.TANDON (U. Dayton Res. Inst,OH) Mon-Wed 1013Novel Classes of Rotomolded Integral Skin Cellular Polymeric CompositesRemon POP-ILEV (Univ. Ontario Inst.Tech., Oshawa, Canada) 817Use of Organically Modified Montmorillonite in the Preparation of ImpactModified Polystyrene C.E. YENIOVA, U. Yilmazer, E. Bayramli (METU, Ankara,Turkey) 1161Polymers for Solar Energy Applications Sam-Shajing SUN, Cheng Zhang,Thuong H. Nguyen, Jianyuan Sun, Rui Li (Norfolk St.U., VA) 991Gas Flow Measurement With Cross Correlation Functions of Ultrasonic SignalsTaking Advantage of Artficially Generated Vortices Volker HANS, YaoyingLin (U. Duisburg-Essen, Germany) 335Assessment of the Mechanical Behavior of a Glass Ceramic Matrix ReinforcedWith Carbide Particles Wilson ACCHAR (Fed U. Rio Grande do Norte,Brazal), A.M. Segadaes (U. Aveiro, Portugal) 7MoSi 2 -Si-Cr Coating for SiC Coated Carbon/Carbon Composites AgainstOxidation He-Jun LI, Qian-Gang Fu (Northwestern Poly U., Xi’an, China) Mon-Thurs 579Lightweight, Energy-Dense Systems for Gaseous Hydrogen Storage Samir N.Shoukry, Jacky C. Prucz, Gergis W. WILLIAM, Thomas H. Evans (West VirginiaU.) 939The Production of Nano Composites by Mechanical Processing for EnergyStorage Applications C. C. HUANG (Hosokawa Micron Powder Sys, Summit, NJ)Mon-Wed 371Tuesdasy 4:30-4:45PM SHORT BREAK

Tuesday 4:45PM-7:15PM BALLROOMSession 7a NANO 6Chairs: V.K. Pujari, M.I. Pividori, N.V. Seetala, U.ErbKey Properties of Monolithic and Nano Composite Armor Ceramic MaterialsVimal K. PUJARI (Saint-Gobain High Perf.Mat., Northboro, MA) 827Gold Nanocomposite for Food Safety María Isabel PIVIDORI, Salvador Alegret(U Auto Barcelona, Spain) 807Epoxy/MWCNT Nanocomposites as Thermal Sensors and Actuators Heinz-Christoph NEITZERT, Andrea Sorrentino, Luigi Vertuccio, Vittoria Vittoria (U.Salerno, Italy) 733Controlled the Morphology of ZnO Nanostructures by Ph Value Ching-HsunCHAO, Chien-Hung Chan, Sheng-Hua Huang, Ping-Shuo Huang, Tzung-Ruei Tsai(Mingdao U., Chang-Hwa) 125Sol-Gel Synthesis, Characterization and Activities of Alumina SupportedNanoparticle CuO-NiO-CeO 2 Catalysts forWater-Gas-Shift (WGS) Reaction*Naidu V. SEETALA (Grambling St.U., LA), Upali Siriwardane, Ramakrishna S.Garudadri (Louisiana Tech, Ruston), Johnte Bass (Grambling St.U.) INVITED 30min 903Electrodeposited Nanomaterials for Manufacturing Innovation Uwe ERB (U.Toronto, Canada), G. Palumbo (Integran Tech, Toronto) INVITED 30 min, Mon-Wed 225Tailoring of Si Nanostructures Embedded Into Epitaxial Oxides for VariousApplications Andreas FISSEL, Apurba Laha, Eberhard Bugiel, Rytis Dargis(Leibniz U., Hannover, Germany), Ashkar Ali (Penn St.U.), H. Jorg Osten (LeibnizU.) 245Patterned Periodic Nanoparticle Arrays by Means of Electron Beam Radiationto Polystyrene Nanospheres Mohd Arif Bin AGAM, Robijah Kamarulzaman(UTHM, Malaysia), Quanmin Guo (U. Birmingham,UK) 13Tuesday 4:45PM-7:15PM Room ASession 7b INFRASTRUCTURE 1Chairs: K.T.V. Grattan, M.Jacobson, Luciano Feo, Debes BhattacharyyaOptical Fiber Sensors in Civil Engineering Applications for Structural HealthMonitoring Kenneth T. V. GRATTAN, Tong Sun (City U. London, UK), D.O.McPolin, S.K.T. Grattan, Susan E. Taylor, P.A. Mohammed Basheer (Queen’s U.Belfast, UK) 295Influence of Concrete Matrix Creep and Shrinkage on Performance of Steel-Concrete Composite Prestressed Structural Members Subjected To Long-TermLoads Gnida SOSSOU (Kwame Nkrumah U.Sci.Tech., Kumasi Ghana) 977Airfield Pavement Surface Technologies Used at the Houston Airport SystemAdil GODIWALLA (Houston Airport Sys., TX) INVITED 30 min 279Effects of Sea Water on Fiberglass Sandwich Panels Michael JACOBSON,Nilanjan Mitra, Thomas Woo (Calif. Poly St.U. San Luis Obispo) 411Experimental Study on Wind Performance of Hybrid Buckling-restrainedBraces Young K. JU, Do-Hyun Kim, Sang-Dae Kim (Korea U., Seoul) 439The Influence of Bolt Diameter on the Bearing Failure Load of GlassFibre/Epoxy Bolted Laminates: an Experimental Investigation FrancescoAscione (U. Rome, Italy), Luciano FEO (U. Salerno, Italy) INVITED 30 min 43Design and Analysis of Wood Veneer Sandwich Panels DebesBHATTACHARYYA, S. Banerjee, S. Kavermann (U. Auckland, New Zealand) 77Pultrusion Composites and Products With High Fire Resistance on the Base ofNanomodified\ Polymers in Bridge Engineering Andrey USHAKOV(APATECH, Moscow, Russia) Thurs-Friday 1059Durability Characteristics of Cement-based Composites with Geo-NanofillersRina WASSERMAN (Technion-Israel Inst.Tech.) 1113Analytical Evaluation on High-Rise Building using Hybrid Buckling-RestrainedBraces Do-Hyun KIM (Dongyang Structural Eng., Seoul, Korea), Jong-Hyock Lee(Korea U.), Myoung-Ho Oh (Mockpo Nat. U., Korea), Young K. JU , Sang-DaeKim (Korea U.) Mon 485Tuesday 4:45PM-7:15PM Room BSession 7c MATH 6Chairs: P.C. Upadhyay, G.T. Reed, A. Dubey, T.H. FronkThermoelastic Stresses in Hollow Cylinders Coated With Functionally Graded(TBC) Layer Prakash C. UPADHYAY, W. Scott Wayne, D.W. Lyons, Jacky Prucz(West Virginia U.) 1057Optimization of NiTi Based Smart Composites for Shape Control CarmineMaletta, Leonardo PAGNOTTA (UNICAL, Italy) 641The Use of Chirped Fibre Bragg Grating Sensors to Monitor Disbond GrowthGraham T. REED, S.L. Ogin, A.D. Crocombe, A.M. Thorne, J. Palaniappan, T.F.Capell (U. Surrey, UK), S.C. Tjin, L. Mohanty (Nanyang U., Singapore) INVITED30 min, mon-Tues 851Study of Behaviour of Natural Fiber Composites Abhitab DUBEY, N.D. Mittal(Maulana A. Nat. Inst.Tech., Bhopal, India) 203 Theoretical Prediction of Workof-Fractureof Carbon/Carbon Composites. Kouichi YASUDA, Tadashi Shiota,Yohtaro Matsuo (Tokyo I.T., Japan) 1159Experimental and Numerical Computations of Composite Notch StressIntensity Factors Shen-Haw Ju, B.J. Jhao (Nat. Cheng Kung U., Tainan) 437Constrained Layer Damping due to In-Plane Excitation Thomas H. FRONK,Steven L. Folkman (Utah St. U., Logan) 253Mechanical Properties of Hybrid Polymer Fiber-Reinforced Laminates InCryogenic Conditions Michael D. LAMBERT, Eric A. Clark, Thomas H. Fronk(Utah St.U., Logan) 531The Cryogenic Tensile Evaluation of an Aluminum-Composite Bond Eric A.CLARK, Thomas H. Fronk, Michael D. Lambert (Utah St.U., Logan) 159Tuesday 4:45PM-7:15PM Room CSession 7d METAL 2Chairs: C.P. Ju, J.W. Choi, Faiz Ahmad, Fengfeng XiEffect of Graphitization Temperature on Mechanical and Tribological Behaviorof a Pan-Phenolic Resin-Based Carbon-Carbon Composite C.P. JU, Y.M.Chen, H.Y. Lin (Nat. Cheng Kung U., Tainan), K.J. Lee (I-Shou U., Kaohsiung),J.H. Chern Lin (Nat. Cheng Kung U., Tainan) 435Effects of Bismuth Addition on Bending Properties of Cast Ti-35nb Based AlloySystem J.H. Chern LIN, S.J. Lin, C.W. Lin, C.P. Ju (Nat. Cheng Kung U., Tainan)599A Study On Darcy's Law Analysis and Process of Al 2 O 3 Fiber/AC8A Compositeby Low Pressure Infiltration JongWon CHOI, Jiang Jun, HyunJun Lee,SunChul Huh, WonJo Park (Gyeongsang, Korea) 151Characteristics on the Intermetallic Compound of Metal Matrix Composite(Ni/AC8A) Using Nickel Porous Preform HyunJun LEE, Huawei Rong,SungHo Park, SunChul Huh, WonJo Park (Gyeongsang, Korea) 547Comparison of Wear Properties of Aluminum Matrix Composites and BrakeDisc Material Faiz AHMAD (U.T. Petronas, Malaysia), S.H. Jason Lo (CANMET,Canada), A.Majdi Abd Rani, M.R.R.Malik, A. Haziq (U.T. Petronas) 17Modeling and Simulation of the Fine Grinding/Finishing Process Fengfeng XI(Ryerson U., Toronto, Canada) 1139Synthesis and Properties of Powder Metallurgical TiAl Based Alloys ContainingTiB 2 Particulates Mok-Soon KIM, S.H. Yoon (Inha U. Korea) 497Measurement of Surface Resistivity/Conductivity of Anodized Aluminium Alloyby Optical Interferometry Techniques Khaled HABIB (KSIR, Safat, Kuwait)323Numerical Computations of Aluminum Plate Surface Strengthening by SeverePlastic Deformation Michal ZEMKO, Zbysek Novy, Vaclav Kubec, Libor Kraus,Karel Sperlink (COMTES FHT Inc., Dobrany, Czech Rep.) 1183Shear Characterization of Aluminum Foam Sandwich Panels CaterinaCASAVOLA, Carmine Pappalettere, Fabio Renzoni (Politec Bari, Italy) 105Tuesday 7:15PM-7:30PM SHORT BREAK

Tuesday 7:30PM-10:00PM BALLROOMSession 8a NANO (miscellaneous and posters)Chairs: Jun Qu, Tengyong Ng, F. Rosei, P. LuraA Low-Cost Nanostructured Superhydrophobic Coating Jun QU (Oak RidgeNat. Lab, TN)Design and Synthesis of Recyclable Multifunctional Nanoaprticles forPotocatalysis Applications Jun-Min XUE (Nat U. Singapore) INVITED 30 minSynthesis of Macroporous Cage-like Silica Microspheres with Fe 3 O 4Superparamagnetic Nanoparticles Loaded in their Shells Xiaosheng TANG,Jun-Min Xue (Nat.U. Singapore)A Facil Route to Synthesize Sater-Stable ZnO Nanoparticles Student of Jun-MinXUE (Nat.U. Singapore)Synthesis and Characterization of Aligned MWCNTS for Application inDevices Norani Muti MOHAMED (U. Teknologi Petronas, Malaysia)Industrialization of SiC Fibers, SiC Nano-Powders and SiC/SiC Composites byNITE Process. Akira KOHYAMA (Japan)Preparation and Study of Silver Nanocubes by Microwave Irradiation K.NAGARAJAN (Nehru Memorial Coll, Puthanampatti, India)Characterization of Metal-CNT Nanolaminates from Dynamic and StaticFlexural Measurements Yun Daniel PARK (Seoul Nat. U., Korea)Vibration Studies on Double-Walled Carbon Nanotubes Embedded in ElasticMedium with Consideration for Small Size Effects for Applications inNanocomposites Tengyong NG (Nanyang Tech U., Singapore)Nanocrystalline Diamond/β-SiC Composite Films for Tool Applications VadaliV.S.S. Srikanth, Thorsten Staedler, Xin JIANG (U. Siegen, Germany)Experimental Study on Resonant Sound Transmission Characteristic of PTFEMicro-Aperture Membrane Fenglin WAN, Xin Li (Beijing Inst.Tech., China)Synthesis of Nano-Polymer Particles Florin J. VLAD (Firmenich Inc, Princeton,NJ)Nanocatalytic Conversion of Lactic Acid to Propylene Glycol in MicrofluidicsChannels Robert Y. Ofoli (MSU)Considerations About Nanoindentation on Hardened Cement Pastes Based onTomography at Nanoscale Resolution Pietro LURA (EMPA, Switzerland)Heat Transfer Models for Rubber Reinforced with CNT Eden MAMUT(Romania)Tuesday 7:30PM-10:00PM Room BSession 8c METAL (Miscellaneous and posters)Chairs: M. Zaimi, C. Luis, Chan Chao Wen, Nanlin ShiEffect of Bath Condition During Ni-P Electroless Plating Muhammad ZAIMI,Kazuhiko Noda, Imai Hachiro (Shibaura I.T., Tokyo, Japan)A Comparative Study of Two Surface Engineering Methods For ImprovingWear Properties of Ti 6Al 4V Alloy Sarala UPADHYA, K S Rajam, B KMuralidhara (UVCE, Bangalore, India)Experimental Analysis of the Required Force for Processing Aluminium Alloysby Equal Channel Angular Extrusion Carmelo LUIS (Public U. Navarre,Spain)Processing of Aluminium Alloys by a Continuous Severe Plastic DeformationProcess Carmelo Luis (Public U. Navarre, Spain)Non-Symmetry and Material Deposition in Finite Element Analyses of WeldingBased Layered Manufacturing M.P. MUGHAL, R.A. Mufti, H. Fawad (U.Engrg Tech Lahore, Pakistan)The Mechanical Properties of Nature Graphite Compact Reinforced by CopperFilm Without Binder Chan-Chao Wen (Feng Chia U., Taichung)Fabrication of 3-D Ordered Macroporous Structural Alloys by TemplateAssited Electrodeposition Yao LI, Xiang-Dong Meng, Wu-Hong Xin (HarbinInst.Tech., China)Preparation of SiC Fibre Reinforced Aluminium Matrix Composite by Semi-Solid Diffusing Method Nanlin SHI (Inst Metal Res., Shenyang, China)Fabrication of 3-D Ordered Macroporous Structural Alloys by TemplateAssisted Electrodeposition Yao LI (Harbin I.T., China)Microporous Stainless Steel Powders produced by Atomization andDecarburization Annealing Process (ADAP) Mario M. LOPEZ (CiudadLaHabana, Cuba)Microstructure Controlling and Properties of Highly Porosity Ceramics by Freeze-Casting Jiecai HAN, Changqing Hong, Xinghong Zhang, Jiancong Du, Wei Zhang(Harbin I.T., China) poster 327Tuesday 7:30PM-10:00PM Room ASession 8b MAGNETIC (miscellaneous and posters)Chairs: J. Ding, T. Nishiyama, J. Nowotny, W. RicciNanomagnets (Nanostructured Magnetic Materials). Jun DING (Nat. U.Singapore)High-Gravity-Assisted Pulsed Laser Ablation System for the Fabrication ofFGM Thin Film Takashi NISHIYAMA (Kyushu U., Japan)Processing of Photosensitive Oxide Semiconductors and their Use for theGeneration of Solar Hydrogen From Water Janusz NOWOTNY (U. WesternSydney. Australia)Novel Polymer Composite Cantilever Sensors for Lab-on-Chip Applications V.Ramgopal RAO (Indian Inst. Tech. Bombay)Thin Film Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticle Field William RICCI MangeticComposites Based on Magnetic Microwires For Electromagnetic WaveAbsorption Pilar MARIN (Spain)Semiconductor Devices: CMOS, Memory, PV or Photonics Hong-Yu YU(Nanyang Tech. U., Singapore) Vibration Analysis of Piezo-Electric-MagneicMaterials in the Spherical Symmetry Qun Guan (Hefei U. Tech., Anhui, China)Effect of Ag Shell on Magnetic Properties of FePt Nanoparticles Yong JIANG,Liying Lu, Dong Wang, Xiaoguang Xu (U.Sci.Tech. Beijing, China)Patterning and Characterizations of Barium Titanate Thin Films Yongjun WU(Zhejiang U., China) INVITED 30 minPoly(Lactic acid) Based Conducting Nanofibrous Networks by ElectrospinningSoumendra PATRA (U. Auckland, New Zealand)Electrochemical Performance Of Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cell MasakiHAIBARA, Yuki Kagawa, Kohei Ota, Kazuhiko Noda and Hachiro Imai (ShibauraI.T., Japan)Tuesday 7:30PM-10:00PM Room CSession 8d GENERAL (miscellaneous and posters)Chairs: V. Antoska, L.D. Galatchi, D. Parashiv, Chunyu LiNumerical Simulation of the Fluid Flow Between Blades and Around theTurbine Blade Vesna ANTOSKA (U. St. Kliment Ohridski, Macedonia), RyszardChodkiewicz (TU Lodz, Poland), Bozin Donevski (U.St. Kliment Ohridski) forposter 33Diamonds as Superior Material SON Le-Ngoc, Bao Nguyen Le (Duy Tan U., DaNang, Vietnam) POSTER 969Environmental Policy Making Risk Assessment Related to NanotechnologyLiviu-Daniel GALATCHI (Ovidius U. Constanta, Romania) POSTER 261Advances and Foreground of Interaction in the Formation for EnergyResources of Oil,Gas,Coal and Uranium P.L. WuMethod and Tool for the Integration into the Sustainable Development(Environment and Economy): Case of Cimentrie Polluting Industry M.ABDELMOUMENE, N. Bourmada (U. Batna, Algeria)Considerations on Deposition of Vacuum Ionic Plasma Coating DragosPARASHIV, I. Sarbu, E.Enculescu, C. Schnakovszky (TUIASI, Romania)Maya Pigments: Ancient Technology/Modern Economic Opportunity RussCHIANELLI (U.Texas El Paso) Dynamic Response Of Composite Coated WithPolyurea Chunyu LI (Newark, Delaware)Carbon Fiber Composite Antenna Structures for High Frequency SpaceTelecommunication Applications Giuseppe CODISPOTI (Italian SpaceAgency, Rome, Italy)On the use of SVM-Based Techniques in Defects Classification MadinaHAMIANE (Royal Univ. Women, Bahrain)Signal Detection from Noise Using Non-Parametric Tests Mircea MIHAESCU(IBM, Somers, NY), Horia Carstea (Poly U. Timisoara, Romania), Liliana Mihaescu(Waterloo, Ontario, Canada)Optimization Strategies for Multiple Decisions Horia Carstea (Poly U. Timisoara,Romania), Mircea Mihaescu (IBM, Somers, NY), Liliana MIHAESCU (RIMWaterloo, Ontario, Canada)

Wednesday KEYNOTE LECTURES 8:00AM-10:00AMPreparation and Stability of Fluoroalkyl End-Capped Oligomers/Silica Nanocomposites Hideo SAWADA (Hirosaki U., Japan) 895Carbon Nanotubes for High Performance Organic Light-Emitting Devices Samuel MAO (Lawrence Berkeley Nat. Lab, Calif.)Higher-Order Continuum Model and Its Application to CNTS K.M. LIEW (City U. Hong Kong, China), Yuzhou Sun (Zhongyuan U.T., Zhengzhou, China) Wed 589Engineering the Surface of Nanoparticles. Interfacial Glass Transition Temperature in PMMA/Silica Nanocomposites Juan BASELGA (Carlos III U., Madrid, Spain)Graphene Sheets for Novel Nanocatalyst Support and Polymer Nanocomposites Samy El-SHALL (Virginia Comm. U.)Wednesday 10:00AM-10:30AM COFFEE BREAKGOVERNMENT FUNDING TRENDS WORKSHOP (10:30AM-1:00PM)co-chairs and Opening Remarks, Jag Sankar (NCAT) dean Dr. Kendall T. Harris (Prairie View A&M U.)Revolutionizing Metallic Biomaterials” National Science Foundation – Engineering Research Center Jag SANKAR (N. Carolina A&T St.U., Greensboro)Overview of Infrastructure Composites Research Louis TRIANDAFILOU (FHWA, Baltimore, MD) WednesdayEnvironmental Issues on Nanotechnology Nora SAVAGE (EPA, Washington DC)High Volume, Lower Cost Carbon Fiber for Multiple Industries – a National Initiative Critical to Maintaining US Leadership Dave WARREN (Oak Ridge N.L.,TN) 1111Wednesday 1:00PM-2:00PM LUNCH BREAKWednesday 2:00PM-4:30PM BALLROOMSession 9a NANO 7Chairs: Guanghua Gao, Yusof Faridah, M. Spirkova, P. ScarfatoDensity Functional Study of Separation for Hydrogen-Carbon MonoxideMixture in Carbon Nanotube Guanghua GAO, Chong Gu (Tsinghua U.,Beijing, China) 265Controllable Synthesis of Noble Nanoparticles by Sonoelectrochemical Methodand their Electrochemical Applications Qin-Ming Shen, Jing-Jing ZHANG,Junjie Zhu (Nanjng U., China) 925Statistical Optimization of Carbon Nanotube Production by DSCVD and itsApplication in Protein Purification Yusof FARIDAH, N.M. Mubarak, M.F.Alkhatib, A. AlSaadi, M. Khalid (IIUM, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia) 241Ionic Liquid Nanoparticles Formed by Additive-Free Aerosol Process Bilal El-ZAHAB, Aaron R. Barnum, Aaron Tesfai, David K. Bwambok, Michael P. Tolocka,Isiah M. Warner (Louisiana St.U.) chair 219Hybrid Organic-Inorganic Nanocomposite Coatings - Preparation andCharacterization Milena SPIRKOVA, Adam Strachota, Jirí Brus (IMC, CzechRep.), Petr Duchek (U. West Bohemia, Plzen, Czech Rep.) 979PS-Silicate Nanocomposite Microspheres as Novel Controlled Release DevicesPaola SCARFATO, Pio Iannelli (U. Salerno, Italy), Pietro Russo, DomenicoAcierno (U. Naples, Italy) 897Nanoscale Nonlinear Optics Dragomir NESHEV (Australian Nat. U., Canberra)INVITED 30 min 739Nanofillers in Epoxy Resins for Multifunctional Materials: from Electrical toBarrier Properties A.Sorrentino, L. Vertuccio, L. Guadagno, V. VITTORIA, V.Tucci, B. De Vivo, P. Lamberti (U. Salerno, Italy), G. Iannuzzo, E. Calvi, S. Russo(ALENIA, Italy) 975Wednesday 2:00PM-4:30PM Room ASession 9b BIO 3Chairs: G.H. Hsiue, H. Asanuma, Thomas J. Webster, M.R. KnechtIntelligent Multi-Functional Nano-Micelles for Cancer Therapy Ging-HoHSIUE, C.L. Lo, C.K. Huang (Nat. Tsinghua U., Hsinchu) 363Light Driven Nanomachine Composed Of An Azobenzene-Modified DNAHiroyuki ASANUMA, Toshio Mochizuki, Nobutaka Takenaka, Hidenori Nishioka,Xingguo Liang (Nagoya U., Japan) Tues-Thursday 41Nano-Analysis Model of Curing and Adhesion in Dental Biomaterials KunioWAKASA (U. Hiroshima, Japan) INVITED 30 min 1079Piezoelectric Nanocomposites for Improved Neurological Applications Justin T.Seil and Thomas J. WEBSTER (Brown U., Providence, RI) INVITED 30 min 905Bio-Inspired Processing and Assembly of Gold Nanomaterials Marc R.KNECHT, Manish Sethi, GaEun Joung (U. Kentucky) Mon 505Different Types of Protein Nanostructures Based on Coordinative Bond GorazdHRIBAR, Marjan Bele, Vladka Gaberc-Porekar (Nat. Inst. Chem, Ljubljana,Slovenia) 359Enhanced Adhesion of Microorganisms to Polymer Using Surface MolecularImprinting Technology BarbaraWANDELT, Kamila Hachulka, MalgorzataLekka, Wojciech Ambroziak, Joanna Okrajni (TU Lodz, Poland) 1083Water Sorption Isotherms for Polymer Composites With Hydrophylic,Biodegradable Component Maria MUCHA, Sylwia Ludwiczak (TU Lodz,Poland) 717Nano-Micelles Based on Stearic Acid-Grafted Polyethyleneimine as NonviralGene Carrier Wei-Ti Kuo, Hong-Yi Huang, Yi-You HUANG (Nat. Taiwan U.,Taipei) 523Application of Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes as Aspirin Delivery SystemAlias Mohd YUSOF, Mohd Lokman Ibrahim, Nor Aziah Buang (UTM, Skudai,Malaysia) 1175

Wednesday 2:00PM-4:30PM Room BSession 9c METAL 3Chairs: N.A. Fadil, K. Fujiwara, T. Tanabe, L. CristeaCorrosion Behavior of Ni Thin Film Plating Nor Akmal FADIL, K. Noda,Muhammad Zaimi (Shibaura I.T., Tokyo, Japan), Atuty Amrin (U. Tek Malaysia,Johor) 231Localized Corrosion Behavior of the Functionally Graded Material Based OnStainless Steel Hiroshi KANEKO, Tomo Saitoh, Kazuhiko Noda (Shibaura I.T.,Tokyo, Japan), Yoshimi Watanabe (Nagoya I.T., Japan) 463Corrosion Behavior of Zr Based Metallic Glasses Fabricated By LaserIrradiation Kazuki FUJIWARA, Kazuhiko Noda, Tadahiko Masaki (Shibaura I.T.,Tokyo, Japan) 257Corrosion Behavior of Cu Wire Electrode for Leakage Detection System KoheiANEHA, Kazuhiko Noda, Hachiro Imai (Shibaura I.T., Tokyo, Japan) 29Electrochemical Performance of Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cell MasakiHAIBARA, Yuki Kagawa, Kohei Ota, Kazuhiko Noda, Hachiro Imai (Shibaura I.T.,Tokyo, Japan) 325Effect of Rotating Rate on Dissolution of Iron Tomohiro TANABE, KazuhikoNoda, Kazutoshi Fujiwara, Masafumi Domae (Shibaura I.T., Japan) 1011Synthesis of in-situ Quasicrystalline Al-Matrix Composite Bostjan MARKOLI(U. Ljubljana, Slovenia), T. Boncina, F. Zupanic (U. Maribor, Slovenia) Tues-Fri653Properties of Grain Refining Particles in Deformable Aluminum Lidia CRISTEA, MihaiButu, Alexandru Pintea (U. Poli, Romania) 171Study on the Damping Characteristics of an Aluminium Metal Matrix-Carbon ParticulateComposite With Uniform and Graded Dispersion Using 3D-FEM and FDM Sibi CHACKO,N.V.R. Rama Sastry, M.A. Joseph (Univ Tek Petronas, Perak, Malaysia) 113Wednesday 2:00PM-4:30PM Room CSession 9d GENERAL 6Chairs: G. Fu, G. Bayram, G. Kiriakdis, G. WestinA Hot-Pressing Reaction Technique for SiC Coating of C/C Composites Qian-Gang FU, He-Jun Li, Heng Wu, Ke-Zhi Li, Feng-Tao Lan (Northwestern Poly U.,Xi’an, China) Mon-Thurs 255Hybrid and Non Hybrid Composite Automotive Tubular Shaft M.A. Badie,Elsadig MAHDI, A.M.S. Hamouda (Qatar U., Doha) 51Flammability and Thermal Properties of Polypropylene/ Silicon-BasedPreceramic Polymer Composites Damla Eroglu, Goknur BAYRAM (MiddleEast T.U., Ankara, Turkey) 227Optimal Design of a Composite Wing With Morphing High Lift Devices RyokoMorishima, Shijun GUO (Cranfield U., UK) 707TCAD Modeling Study of the Stress Memorization Process in Strained SiliconDevices Kin-Shun WONG, Y. Gong, C.M. Ng (Nanyang Tech.U., Singapore) Mon-Tues 1129Ultra Sensitive Ozone Sensing ZnO Films George KIRIAKIDIS, I. Kortidis, K.Moschovis (FORTH, Crete, Greece) 503Design and Manufacturing of Active Composite Blades F. Ternoy, FlorenceROUDOLFF (ONERA, Chatillon, France) 1023Ceramic Matrix Composites for Solar Energy Applications: from Solution toProduct Gunnar WESTIN, Annika Pohl, Asa Ekstrand (Uppsala U., Sweden) , KjellJansson (Stockholm U., Sweden) INVITED 30 min 1117Design of Visible Light Sensitive (Fe, Ti) - Containing Mesoporous SilicaPhotocatalyst Using a Photo-Assisted Deposition (PAD) Method R.M.Mohamed, A.M. El toni, F.A. Harraz, I.A. IBRAHIM (CMRD, Cairo, Egypt) 391Effect of Solvent on the Growth of Nanosized Skutterudite via Coprecipitation Ying CHU,Xinfeng Tang, Yuli Chen (Wuhan U.T., China), Hongyan Ding, David Hui (U. New Orleans)155Lightweight Structures With Autarchic Functional Piezo Ceramic Modules for EnergyHarvesting Michael HEINRICH, Lothar Kroll, Holg Elsner, Jan Leibelt (Chemnitz U.T.,Germany) Mon-Wed 347Wednesday 4:30PM-4:45PM SHORT BREAKWednesday 4:45PM-7:15PM BALLROOMSession 10a BIO 1Chairs: V.S. Rani, N. Umehara, M.I. Illyas, M.A.F. KendallSynthesis of Au Nanowires for Biosensing Applications V. Sudha RANI, S.Anandakumar (Chungnam N.U., Daejeon, Korea), Seok Soo Yoon (Andong N.U.,Korea), J.R. Jeong, CheolGi Kim (Chungnam N.U.) 845Neuroelectronic Composites Containing Conducting Polymers and CarbonNanotubes Shlomo YITZCHAIK (Hebrew U. Jerusalem, Israel), Alberto Bianco(CNRS Strasbourg, France), Shoshana Ben-Valid (Hebrew U.), Helene Dumortier(CNRS Strasbourg), Ruthy Sfez (Hebrew U.), Marion Decossas (CNRSStrasbourg), Aiping Zeng, Leah Reiss (Hebrew U.), Bea Botka (Hungarian AcadAci, Budapest) INVITED 30 min 1163Reduction of Adhesion of Grilled Fish Protein Against Steel Plate Coated WithUltra-Hydrophobic DLC Noritsugu UMEHARA, Naoko Honda, Makoto Kajiya,Young-Jun Jang, Hiroyuki Kousaka (Nogoya U., Japan) 1055Determination of Glutamate in Food Samples by Heterogeneous MembraneWith Chitosan as Ionophore Md Isa ILLYAS (UPSI, Perak, Malaysia),Sulaiman Ab Ghani (U. Sains Malaysia, Pinang) 401Design Optimisation of Porcelain-Fused-to-Metal Dental Bridges ZhongpuZHANG, Qing Li, Wei Li, Michael Swain (U. Sydney, Australia) 1195Nanopatches: Engineering Devices for Targeted Delivery to Skin, ImprovingVaccines M.A.F. KENDALL (U. Queensland, Australia) 475A Statistical Analysis of Interaction Between Crstallinity and Elongation inPlasticized Biopolymer Deeptangshu CHAUDHARY, Yu Dong (Curtin U.T.,Australia) 129Bone: a Natural Nanocomposite Joanna McKITTRICK, Po-Yu Chen, Damon Toroian, PaulPrice (UC San Diego, Calif.) Mon 665Emission Properties of Conjugated Polymers and Nanocomposite Light-Emitting Nanofibers S. Pagliara, F. Di Benedetto, R. Cingolani, A. Camposeo,Dario PISIGNANO (U. Salento, Lecce, Italy) 777A Study on the Mechanical Properties of Steel Fiber Reinforced Water-Permeable Concrete for Pavement Using Industrial by-Products SeungBumPARK, B.J. Lee, Young Il Jang, S.H. Park (Chungnam Nat. U., Korea) 785Mechanical Properties of Coir Fiber Reinforced Polypropylene CompositesNoor Hisyam Noor MOHAMED, Mohd. Shahril Osman (U. Malaysia Sarawak) 699Mechanical and Wear Properties of UHMWPE Nanocomposites Filled WithCarbon Nanofillers Weston WOOD, Wei-Hong Zhong (Washington St.U.,Pullman) Mon-Wed 1131Design Considerations of FRP Stay Cable for Extra Long Span Cable-StayedBridge Xin WANG, Zhishen Wu (Ibaraki U., Hitachi, Japan) 1103Sensing Properties of Epoxy Resin/Sprayed Carbon Black ConductiveComposites Xiaoyong Ji, Hui Li, Jian WANG (Harbin I.T., China) 1095Wednesday 7:15PM-7:30PM SHORT BREAKWednesday 4:45PM-7:15PM Room ASession 10b INFRASTRUCTURE 2Chairs: Luc Taerwe, SeungBum Park, N.H.N. Mohamed, W. WoodPerformance Evaluation for PVC Composite Systems II-PVC-Mica CompositesY.M.S. El-SHAZLY, A.I. Ali, R.R. Zahran, B.A. Gebril (Alexandria U., Egypt) 217Performance Evaluation for PVC Composite Systems I-PVC-Fiber GlassComposites A.I. Ali, Y.M.S. El-Shazly, R.R. ZAHRAN, B.A. GEBRIL (AlexandriaU., Egypt) 21Effect of the Enucleating Agent on Indialite-Cristobalite Glass-CeramicsMohammed A. BinHUSSAIN, M. Mujtaba Khan (KACST, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia)79Specific Aspects of the Structural Behaviour of Continuous Rc BeamsStrengthened With FRP Lander Vasseur, Stijn Matthys, Luc TAERWE (Ghent U.,Belgium) Tues-Thurs 1065

Wednesday 4:45PM-7:15PM Room BSession 10c CHEMISTRY IChairs: R. Sergiienko, P.K. Dubey, Lubomir Lapcik, J. PflegerDevelopment of Low-Current Plasma Process With Ultrasonic Cavitations ForSynthesizing Metal-Filled Carbon Nanocapsules In Organic Solution RuslanSERGIIENKO, Etsuro Shibata, Takashi Nakamura (Tohoku U., Japan) 907Effect of Sintering Temperature on Photoluminescence of Y 2 O 3 :Tb 3 + PhosphorsPrepared by Liquid-Phase Reaction Method Koo-Hyun LEE (Korea I.Mat Sci,Changwon), Chung-Sik Park, Min-Ki Kwak, Yo-Seung Song (Korea Aero Univ.,Goyang), Jin-Hyo Park, Jeong Suk Kim (Pusan Nat. U. Korea), Deuk Yong Lee(Daelim U., Anyang, Korea), Nam-Ihn Cho (Sun Moon U., Ansan, Korea) 555Phenylazoaniline Dyes Covalently Bonded to Functionalized CarbonNanotubes- Design of Novel Nano-Colorant Nathaniel Soboyejo, Aderemi OKI,Paul Biney (Prairie View A&M U., TX) 967Self-Assembled Monolayer (SAM) of Small Organic Molecule for Efficient Random-Peptide Phage Display Selection Using A Cuvette Type Quartz-Crystal Microbalance(QCM) Device Yoichi TAKAKUSAGI, Aiko Suzuki, Fumio Sugawara, Susumu Kobayashi,Kengo Sakaguchi (Tokyo U. Sci., Japan) Tues-Wed 1005Nucleation and Growth of the Second Stage Crystallization in Al 83 Ni 10 Ce 7 Glass G.MWANG, Shenghai Wang (Hebei U. Engineering, Handan, China) 1091 Effect of Si Addition onthe Glass Forming Ability and Thermal Stability of Al 83 Ni 10 Ce 7 Alloy Shenghai WANG,G.M Wang (Hebei U. Engineering, Handan, China) 1099Rheological and Curing Behaviour of Core-Shell Emulsion/Amine Crosslinking Process JiaLU, Allan J. Easteal, Clive J. Bolt, Neil R. Edmonds (U. Auckland, New Zealand) 619Role of Activator Concentration In Zinc Selenide Doped With Ag Phosphors Prakash K.DUBEY, Ajay Singh, V. Dubey (Madhya Pradesh, India) 205 Evaluation of CelluloseDerivatives Gels for Would Healing Dressing Lubomir LAPCIK, Jr., K. Novotna, B.Lapcikova, A. Minarik (Tomas Bata U., Czech Rep.) 533Study of self-Organization of Silver Halides in Gel-Like Phases in the Presence ofConvection A. MINARIK, L. Lapcik, L. Lapcik, Jr. (Tomas Bata U., Czech Rep.) 687Semiconductive Polymer Nanocomposites With Plasmonic Nanoparticles: How to AchieveStrong Polymer Electron System – Surface Plasmon Interaction Jiri PFLEGER, KarolinaSiskova, Klara Podhajecka, Ondrej Dammer (Inst. Macrom Chem, Prague, Czech Rep.) 803Wednesday 4:45PM-7:15PM Room CSession 10d TEXTILEChairs: P. Rohatgi, J. Lawrence, M.I. Ghazali, D. KremenakovaInterface Structure and Mechanical Properties of 3D Carbon Fiber Weave ReinforcedA206 Aluminum Alloy Composites Pradeep ROHATGI, Benjamin Schultz (U. Wisconsin-Wednesday 7:30PM-10:00PM BALLROOM ASession 11a NANO (miscellaneous and posters)Chairs, C.X. Cui, Q. Hu, A. Kaplan, Guoping ZhangMicrostructure and Biocompatibility of Nano-K2(Ti 8 O 17 )/ TiO 2 /Ti BioactiveCoating Composite Fabricated by Electrochemical Deposition Chunxiang CUI(Harbin Univ. Tech., China) Micro and Nano Structure Printing by NanoParticles Qin HU (Cambridge U., UK)Femtosecond Carriers Dynamics in Si Nanopillars and Si NanocompositesAndrey KAPLAN (U. Birmingham, UK)Nanoindentation Behavior of Naturally Nanostructured Layered MaterialsGuoping ZHANG (Louisiana St.U.)Thermal Conductivity of Nano Materials Navin KUMAR (Stevens I.T.,Hoboken, NJ)Multiresolution Analysis of Size and Interfacial Effects in Low DensityAdvanced Composite Materials With Dispersed Micro and Nano ParticlesAbu Al-Rub, Rashid (Texas A&M U.)Graphene Nanomaterials Ting YU (Nanyang Tech U., Singapore)A Techno-Economic Analysis of High and Medium Temperature Solid OxideFuel Cells Integrated with Biomass Gasification David R. McILVEEN-Wright(U. Ulster, UK), M. Moglie (U. Poli Marche, Ancona, Italy), S. Rezvani, Y. Huang,N. J. Hewitt (U. Ulster)Nano-Ionics in the Context of Alternative Energy Sources Palani BALAYA (Nat.U. Singapore) INVITED 30 minSupercritical Hydrothermal Sythesis of Advanced High Melting NanomaterialsK. BYRAPPA, B. Basavalingu, T. Adschiri (Mysore U., India) Coarserning ofSpecial Nanoparticles During High Temperature Exposure JaroslavPURMENSKY , Vaclav Foldyna (VSB TU Ostrava, Czech Rep.) 829Polymer Nanocomposites: Pass, Current and Future Mo SONG (U.Loughborough, UK) INVITED 30 minHydrogenated Nitrile Butadiene Rubber / Silicate Nanocomposites WithImproved Properties for Harsh Condition Rahul M. Cadambi, ElahehGHASSEMIEH (Sheffield U., UK)Morphology and Mechanical Properties of Natural Rubber/ PolypropyleneComposites Containing Calcium Carbonate Nanocystals G. UNNIKRISHNAN,Suraj Varma and Pao- Chi Chen (India)Milwaukee), Bo Yao, Yongho Sohn (U. Cen Florida, Orlando), Kyu Cho (Army Res. Lab, MD)865Microstructural Modeling of Woven Fiber Composites Mark A. Nicosia (Widener U.,Chester, PA), Frank Vineis, Jeffrey LAWRENCE, Scott T. Holmes (V Syst Composites,Chester, PA) Mon-Thurs 747Tensile Strength of Metroxylon Sago Fiber Treated by Sodium Hydroxide Hairul ABRAL(U. Andalas, Padang, Indonesia) 5Probing Boundary Lubrication Phenomena on Textile Relevant Surfaces via LFM YanVivian LI, Juan P. Hinestroza (Cornell U., NY) Mon-Tues AM 585Theoretical Prediction of Mean Crushing Force in Progressive Failure of Woven FRPComposite Box Structures A. Aboutorabi, Hessam GHASEMNEJAD, H. Hadavinia(Kingston U., London, UK) 3Investigation on Energy Absorption Performance and Fracture Analysis of Arenga PinnataFibre Reinforced Composites Mohd Imran GHAZALI, Ahmad Mujahid Ahmad Zaidi(UTHM, Malaysia) 267 Modeling of Polypropylene Yarn Properties DanaKREMENAKOVA (TU Liberec, Czech Rep.) 515Compressive Creep of Kevlar-Epoxy Resin Linear Composite Jiri MILITKY, DanaKřemenákova (TU Liberec, Czech Rep.) 681 Modal Analysis of Delaminated Woven FiberComposite Plates Shishir K. SAHU, Jayaram Mohanty, Bankim C. Ray, Indira P. Bhanja (NITRourkela, India), Pravat Kr Parhi (CET, Orissa, India) 875Electromagnetic Characterization of Carbon Nanotube Tapes, Yarns and Carpets GregoryKOZLOWSKI (Wright St. U., Dayton, OH)Electronic Properties of SWNT Fabric/Conducting Polyaniline Interface Ryan E. GIEDD,Aleksandar Jankovic, Rishi J. Patel (Missouri St.U., Springfield) Mon-Wed PM 271High Temperature and Long Term Behaviour of Glass and Carbon Filament Yarns forComposite Applications Ayham YOUNES, Evelin Hufnagl, Thomas Engler, Andre Seidel,Chokri Cherif (TU Dresden, Germany) 1167Mechanical Properties of the OIL Palm Empty Fruit Bunch Fiber (OPEFBF)/GlassReinforced in Aluminium Composite Laminates M.S. OSMAN, C.V. Sia (U. MalaysiaSarawak) for poster 769POSTERS Low Velocity Impact Damage Characterizations in Plain, 0/90 s Woven E-Glass Fiber Reinforced Composite Laminates K. Al Dheylan, Z. Khan, F. Al-Sulaiman, I.Al-Zaharna, Asrarul Kounain M. (KFUPM, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia) 3D Reinforcement ofComposites, Process Steps for Serial 3D Production, Combination with Nano FinishingAlexander Buesgen (Hochschule Niederrhein, Germany) Mechanical Properties of NaturalRubber-Polyethylene-Rubber Modified Rice Husk Composites Ibrahim ABDULLAH, A.Ishak, E.L. Chong (U. Kebangsaan Malaysia) Ceramic Braid Materials Thomas GRIES(RWTH-Aachen, Germany) Mechanical Properties and Sound Absorption Performance ofKenaf Fibre Reinforced Composite Ahmad Mujahid Ahmad ZAIDI (UTHM, Malaysia)Thermal Mechanical Effect on Microstructures and Textures Developed in Alfa BrassDaniel CHEN (Kunming U. Sci. Tech., China) DISTINGUISHED lecture 40 min Spray-onFabric Manel TORRES (Fabrican Ltd, London, UK)Wednesday 7:30PM-10:00PM Room ASession 11b MAGNETIC (miscellaneous and posters)Chairs; NA. Fadil, C.H. Chan, Sergei Tretiak, T. E. HuberCorrosion Behavior of Ni Thin Film Plating Nor Akmal FADIL, MuhammadZaimi and Kazuhiko Noda (Shibaura I.T., Japan) Syntheses of SilverNanoparticles Melted into ZnO Nanorod and its Photocatalytic Activity forDegradation of Methylene Blue Ching-Hsun Chao, Chien-Hung CHAN, Hsin-YuWu, Sheng-Hua Huang, Ping-Shuo Huang, Tzung-Ruei Tsai, Hsiou-Wei Kuo, Chi-Hsing Hsieh (Mingdao U., Chang-Hwa)Patterned Nanostructures Processed by Energetic Particle Beam IrradiationLumin WANG (U. Michigan) INVITED 30 min Thurs-FridayFunctionalized Quantum Dots for Light Harvesting Applications: TheoreticalInsights Sergei TRETIAK (Los Alamos N.L., NM)The Condensed Matter of Thermoelectric Nanowires: Electronic Transport,Finite and Quantum Size Size Effects Tito E. HUBER (Howard U.) INVITED 30minToward Tranformational Thermoelectric Nanocarbon Ensembles Dieter M.GRUEN (Argonne Nat. Lab., IL) Nanocrystals for Thermoelectric ApplicationsQingyu Alex Yan (Nanyang Tech U., Singapore)Reinforcing Ultraporous Materials for Thermoelectric and ElectrochemicalTechnologies Jeffrey SAKAMOTO and Ryan (MSU) ….Photonics and Semiconductor Science In Synthsized Nanostructures Kai SHUM(Brooklyn U., CUNY, NY) INVITED 30 minExperiments and Characterization of Single-Wall Carbon Nanotubes Dispersion PasakornTraisawatwong, Jianren Zhou, Carson Laura, E. Gloria C. Regisford (Prairie View A&M U.,Texas)Space Radiation Shielding Efectiveness and Radiation Effects on Properties of PolyimideBonded Martian Regolith Jianren ZHOU, Sukesh Aghara, Richard Wilkins, Jerrel Moore,Yang Zhong, Thomas Fogarty (Prairie View A&M U., Texas) Synthesis, Processing, andMechanical Behavior of Nanocomposite Thin Films Robert C. CAMMARATA (JohnsHopkins U., MD)

Wednesday 7:30PM-10:00PM Room BSession 11c MATH (Miscellaneous and posters)Chairs, N.D. Mittal, Guoqiang Li, R. Artiaga, S. NayaAnalysis of Stress Concentration in Fiber Reinforced Laminated CompositePlates N.D. MITTAL, Nitin Kumar Jain (Maulana A. Nat. Inst. Tech., Bhopal,India)Composite Damage Detection Using Nonlinear System IdentificationTechniques and Laser Vibrometry facturable Constraint Douglas ADAMS(Purdue U., IN) Dianzi LIU (U. Leeds, UK)Locally Optimal Fiber Directions and Contents in Perforated OrthotropicComposite to Enhance Tensile Strength Performance Hee-Keun CHO (KAIST,Daejeon, Korea)Analysis of Orthotropic Shallow Spherical Shell with Piezoelectric Layer onElastic Foundation K.M. GUPTA (India)Analytical Modeling of Shape Memory Polymer Based Self-Healing Sealant inExpansion Joint Zhenyu Ouyang, Guoqiang Li (Louisiana St.U.)Thermomechanical Programming of Shape Memory Polymer Based Self-Healing Syntactic Foam Under 1-D Compression Damon Nettles, Guoqiang Li(Louisiana St.U.)Thermomechanical Programming of Shape Memory Polymer Based Self-Healing Syntactic Foam Under 3-D Compression Naveen Uppu, Guoqiang Li(Louisiana St.U.)Optimization of the Smart Adhesive Joint System or Grid CompositeStructures Jinquan CHENG (Louisiana St.U.)Virtual Filler Effect on Thermal Stability Observed by TGA Ramón ARTIAGA,Javier Tarrío-Saavedra, Salvador Naya, Jorge López-Beceiro (U. Coruna, Spain)Hypotehesis Test On Paramemeters of Thermal Degradation Models ofMaterials Salvador NAYA, Ricardo Cao, Ramón Artiaga, Javier Tarrío-Saavedra,Jorge López-Beceiro (U. Coruna, Spain)Effect of Stress and Temperature on Viscoelasticity and Viscoplasticity in LongFibre GMT Composites Prasad Dasappa, Pearl LEE-SULLIVAN (U. Waterloo,Canada)A Semidefinite Harmonic Oscillator for Seismic Analysis of Structures in aComplex Space: a Physical and Mathematical Shake Table J. L. URRUTIA-GALICIA (U. Nac Autonom Mexico)Dynamic Response of Bimodulus Laminted Cylindrical Shells Yogendra NATH(Indian Inst. Tech, Delhi) Inverse Eigenvalue Problems in Aeroelasticity KumarV. SINGH, B. Datta, T. Hanson (Miami U., OH)Wednesday 7:30PM-10:00PM Room CSession 11d GENERAL (miscellaneous and posters)Chairs: J. Thota, Sharian L.Y. Ling, David M. Pratt, Wei Jiang YehQuasistatic and Vibration Response of Prototype Composite Ducts for AircraftComponents Jagadeep THOTA, Kimberly L. Clark, Brendan J. O’Toole (U.Nevada, Las Vegas) 1025Dried Cattail Leaves in Heavy Metal Removal Sharian L.Y. LING (UMS,Malaysia)Use of Microwaves in Processing of Thermoplastic Composites John HARPER(U. Loughborough, UK)Advanced Composites into Air Force Space Systems George EPSTEIN (AirForce) INVITED 30 minDesign and Implementation of a CPLD Controlled Android Capable ofPerforming Diverse Tasks and Avoiding Obstacles Norma Elva ChávezRODRÍGUEZ, Norma Saiph Savage, Rodrigo Savage (Mexico)Major Developments in Composite Structure Technology that InfluencedModern Aircraft Design David M PRATT, Edward Forster, Richard Holzwarth,Donald Paul (Wright Patterson ABF, OH)Barium Ferrite Composites for Microwave Applications Wei Jiang YEH (U.Idaho) Study of Coatings on Carbon Fibers Used for Mg Composites JacquelineLECOMTE (ULG, Belgium) Effective Collaboration in STEM Education: theDayton Regional STEM Center Initiatives and Impact Margy STEVENS(Dayton STEM Center, OH), Beth BASISTA (Wright St.U., OH) Mon-TuesCombined Environmental Effects on Reinforced Nylons and Polycarbonate V.Tam BUI, H.W. Bonin, L-L. Innes, M-C. Lapointe (Royal Military Coll, Canada)Mon,TuesNucleation and Growth of the Second Stage Crystallization in Al83ni10ce7Glass Guimei WANG, Shenghai Wang (Hebei U. Engineernig, Handan, China)Effect of Si Addition on the Glass Forming Ability and Thermal Stability ofAl 83 Ni 10 Ce 7 Alloy Shenghai WANG, Guimei Wang (Hebei U. Engineernig, Handan,China)

Thursday 8:00AM-10:30AM BALLROOMSession 12a NANO 8Chairs: C.H. Chen, V. Privman, M.M. Viana, Deuk-Yong LeeThe Mechanical Properties of Polystyrene/Al 2 O 3 Nanocomposites Chin-HsingCHEN (Chinese Culture U., Taipei), Yun-Yun Sun (Tung Fang I.T., Kaohsiung),Chun-Hsien Wu (Chinese Culture U.) 131Shape Selection in Synthesis of Colloids and Nanoparticles Igor Sevonkaev,Vladimir PRIVMAN (Clarkson U., NY) chair Tues-Fri 909 Carbon NanotubeFibers for High Performance Composite Lianxi ZHENG (Nanyang. Tech. U.,Singapore) 1199Synthesis and Characterization of Ag/TiO 2 Nanocomposite Thin Films MarceloMachado VIANA, Nelcy D. S. Mohallem (UFMG, Belo Horizonte, Brazil) 1069Preparation of Sulfonated Silica Nanoparticles and their Applications in ProtonExchange Membranes for Direcft Methanol Fuel Cells Ying-Ling LIU, Yu-Huei Su, Suryani, Juin-Yih Lai (Chung Yuan Christian U., Chung Yuan) INVITED30 min 613Dielectric Behavior of (PZT/PVDF) Nanocomposites for Temperature SensorsJinglan DENG (Wuhan U.T., China), Ch. V. Subba Reddy, Edwin H. Walker, Jr.(Southern U., Baton Rouge, LA) 185Synthesis and Characterizations of Core Shell Nano-Structured Bimetallic CoPtThe Implications of the Constrained Polymer Region for InterpretingNanocomposite Behavior Gary W. BEALL (Texas St.U., San Marcos) Tues-Thurs71The Electrical Influences of Various Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes WithPlasma Modification and Chemical Oxidation In The Polymer Matrix Chuh-Yung CHEN, Wan-Jung Chou (Nat. Cheng Kung U., Tainan) 133Thursday 8:00AM-10:30AM Room ASession 12b MAGNETIC 5Chairs: Yuhang Ren, M. Zaimi, Andrian Crisan, J.N. AneliGyroscopic Quasirelativistic Dynamics Of Magnetic Vortices On The DomainWall Of Yttrium Orthoferrite M.V. CHETKIN, Yu.N. Kurbatova, T.B.Shapaeva(Moscow St.U., Russia) 143Ultrafast Optical Diagnostics of Surface/Interface Magnetizatism andMagnetization Reorientation in Fe Film and Nanoparticle Arrays YuhangREN, W. Lai, R. Kutayiah (Hunter Coll, CUNY, NY), C. Kim, S. Delikanli, HaoZeng (U. at Buffalo, CUNY, NY) INVITED 30 min Mon-thurs 855Influence of Gallium Doping Content on Zinc Oxide Film Morphology andDevice Performance of MEH-PPV/ZnO Hybrid Solar Cells KasinKasemsuwan (Pathumthani, Thailand), Varong Pavarajarn (Chulalongkorn U.,Bangkok), Chanchana THANACHAYANONT (Pathumthani, Thailand) 471Influence of CDS Content on Performance of Meh-PPV/CDS Hybrid SolarCells Kroekchai INPOR (Pathumthani, Thailand), Vissanu Meeyoo (MahanakornU.T., Bangkok), Chanchana Thanachaynont (Nat. Metal and Mat TechCen,Pathumthani, Thailand) 399Effect Of Bath Condition During Ni-P Electroless Plating Muhammad ZAIMI,Kazuhiko Noda and Hachiro Imai (Shibaura I.T., Japan) 1177Nanoengineered Pinning Centres In Superconducting Thick Films for High-Magnetic Field Power Application Adrian CRISAN, P. Mikheenko, M.M.Awang Kechik, V.S. Dang, A. Sarkar, J.S. Abell (U. Birmingham, UK) 169Template Effect on the Synthesis of Nano WO 3 Thin Film QONITATILLAH andMadzlan Aziz (UTM, Johor, Malaysia) 831Electrical Conductivity and Mechanical Properties of Polymer CompositesPyrolysed at High Temperatures J.N. ANELI, Z.K. Kebadze, Omari V.Mukbaniani (Tbilisi St.U., Georgia) 31Enhancement of the Field-Sensitivity of a Planar Hall Effect Sensor by Using aWeak Exchange Bias Coupling Structure Quang-Hung TRAN, Sunjong Oh,Jong-Ryul Jeong, CheolGi Kim (Chungnam N.U., Daejeon, Korea) 1035Thursday 8:00AM-10:30AM Room BSession 12c MATH 7Chairs: Carmen Bal, Chih-Ping Wu, M. Goebel, TaeSoo KimThe Proportional Flow and Pressure in the Longs Pipes Carmen BAL, NicolaieBal (TU Cluj Napoca, Romania) 55Study on the Postbuckling Behavior and Carrying Load Ability of StiffenerComposite Panels Jinjian NING, Yining Zhang (Shenyang Aircraft Des Res Inst.,China), Baozong Huang, Jun Liu (Northeast U., Shenyang, China) 753Free Vibration Responses of Functionally Graded Magneto-Electro-ElasticShells by the Method of Perturbation Chih-Ping WU, Yi-Hwa Tsai (Nat. ChengKung U., Tainan) 1133Fibre-Reinforced Adhesives-Analysis of Composite Effects Michael GOEBEL, F.Werner (Bauhaus U. Weimer, Germany) 281An Experimental Study On Block Shear Fracture Behavior Of Single ShearBolted Connection With Varied Plate Thickness and End Distance YongTaegLEE, TaeSoo Kim, HaYoung Jeong, SeungHun Kim (Hanbat Nat. U., Daejeon,Korea) 565Punching Shear Strength of Composite Slab With Polystyrene Forms SeungHunKIM, HwanGu Lee, TaeSoo Kim, YongTaeg Lee (Hanbat Nat. U., Daejeon, Korea)499Numerical Investigation on Block Shear Fracture Behavior And Curling Effectof Single Shear Bolted Connection With Varied Plate Thickness And EndDistance TaeSoo KIM, HaYoung Jeong, SeungHun Kim, YongTaeg Lee (HanbatNat. U., Daejeon, Korea) 501Effect of Trapezoidal Profile Shape on the Crushing Behaviour of RadialCorrugated Composite Tubes Subjected to Lateral Quasi-Static Load ElfetoriF. ABDEWI, A.M.S. Hamouda(Qatar U. Doha) 1Compressive Fracture Characterization of GFRP/Aluminum HoneycombHybrid Laminate by Acoustic Emission Ja-Uk GU, Ki-Ho Lee, Nak-Sam Choi(Hanyang U., Korea) 307Thursday 8:00AM-10:30AM Room CSession 12d GENERAL 7Chairs: Cheung Poon, Brendon O’Toole, Huy K. Tran, H.H. HwangReview of High Temperature Fatigue Research on Polymer Composites CheungPOON, X. Gu, M. Selezneva (Ryerson U., Toronto, Canada) 815Strain Analysis of a Composite Ankle-Foot Orthosis (AFO) Brendan O’Toole,Michelle Cameron Hawkins, Edward Neumann (U. Nevada, Las Vegas), MitchellWarner (Ortho Rehab Designs, Las Vegas) 757Binder Variation Effects on a Porous State-Change Material Kevin S.NELSON,, Stacy M. Nelson, Brendan J. O’Toole (U. Nevada, Las Vegas) 735Burst Testing Composite Over-Wrapped Pressure Vessels Using Liquid HeliumTo Verify True Material Performance Thomas K. DELAY (NASA Marshall,AL)Characterization of Phenolic Impregnated Carbon Ablator (PICA) for the HeatShield Development of the Stardust Sample Return Capsule Huy K. TRAN(NASA Ames, Calif.)Thermal Protection System Challenges for The Mars Science LaboratoryHeatshield Christine SZALAI (JPL, Pasadena, Calif.), Mark Lippold (FiberMaterials, Inc.), Eric Slimko (JPL) 999The Race Towards Launch: Qualifying The Mars Science LaboratoryHeatshield in UnderTen Months Helen H. HWANG, David M. Driver, MichaelJ. Wright, Robin A.S. Beck (NASA Ames, Calif.) 383Mechanical Characterization of a Porous State-Change Material for WaterSoluble Tooling Stacy M. NELSON, Brendan J. O’Toole, Jagadeep Thota (U.Nevada, Las Vegas) 737Design and Development of Prototype Composite Ducts for AircraftComponents Kimberly L. CLARK, Brendan O’Toole (U. Nevada, Las Vegas) 161Composite Membranes Based on Speek for Proton Exchange Membrane FuelCells Maria Luisa DiVONA (U. Roma Tor Vergata, Italy), Philippe Knauth (U.Provence, Marseille, France) 189Thursday 10:00AM-10:30AM COFFEE BREAK

Thursday 10:30AM-1:00PM BALLROOMSession 13a NANO 9Chairs: Y. Goto, Y/ Matsuki, Hazizan, Zorica C. OrelInteraction of Organic Dyes With Cross-Linked Fluoroalkyl End-CappedOligomeric Nanocomposites and Photodegradation Of Organic Dyes in theseComposites Yuki GOTO, Hideo Sawada (Hirosaki U., Japan) 289Preparation and Applications of Fluoroalkyl End-Capped Oligomers/Binaphthol/ Silica Nanocomposites Yusuke MATSUKI, Yuki Goto (Hirosaki U.Japan), Shun Kodama, Masashi Sugiya (Nippon Chem. Ind., Tokyo, Japan), HideoSawada (Hirosaki U.) 659Preparation and Applications of Novel Fluoroalkyl End-Cappedoligomers/Titanium Oxide Nanocomposites Eri SAWADA, Hiroshi Kakehi, YukiyasuChounan (Hirosaki U., Japan), Masashi Miura, Yusuke Sato, Norifumi Isu (INAX,Corp, Tokoname, Japan), Hideo Sawada (Hirosaki U.) POSTER 893Mesurement on the Dynamic Properties of Nanosilica/Polypropylene CompositeUsing Split Hopkinson Pressure Bar Technique HAZIZAN Md Akil, ZainalArifin Ahmad, Mohd Firdaus Omar, Ong Hui Lin (U. Sains Malaysia), David Hui(U. New Orleans) 345Effect of Water Absoption on the Dynamic Mechanical Properties of PultrudedJute Fibre Reinforced Polyester Composites Adlan Akram MohamadMAZUKI, Hazizan Md Akil, Azhar Abu Bakar, Zainal Arifin Mohd Ishak,Sahnizam Safiee (U. Sains Malaysia, Pinang) 661Nanocomposites as an Effective Uv Absorber With Nano-Size Zinc Oxide andPMMA Zorica Crnjak OREL, Alojz Anzlovar, Majda Zigon (Nat. Inst. Chem.,Ljubljana, Slovenia) INVITED 30 min 763Continuum-Atomistic Modelling of Nanomechanical Systems Gwidon SZEFER,Dorota Jasinska (Cracow U.T., Poland) 1001Surface Grating Configuration of Nanocrystallized Seeded Silver Samples andResistivity of ITO Deposition Substrate Rafal Miedziński (U. Czestochowa,Poland), Jean EBOTHE, L. Nzoghe-Mendome (U. Reims, France), Iwan Kityk,Izabela Fuks-Janczarek (Poland) 679Thursday 10:30AM-1:00PM Room ASession 13b MAGNETIC 6Chairs: K. Takenaka, V. Tsukruk, Yongchang Fan, M.I.N. IsaEffect of the Technological Factors on Electric Conductivity of Filled SiliconeRubbers Omari V. MUKBANIANi, J.N. Aneli, E.G. Markarashvili (Tbilisi St.U.,Georgia) 719Giant Negative Thermal Expansion in Antiperovskite Manganese Nitrides:Materials, Mechanism, and Applications Koshi TAKENAKA, K. Asano, T.Inagaki, R. Watanabe, A. Ozawa, T. Shibayama (Nagoya U., Japan) 1009Nanocomposite Free-Standing Structures With Encapsulated NanoparticlesVladimir TSUKRUK (Georgia Tech.) 1043 Effect of Electrode Composition onthe Morphology and Electrochemical Behavior of Ni-Cu-PVC CompositeElectrode Mohamed Rozali OTHMAN, Riyanto, Jumat Salimon (U. Kebangsaan,Selangor, Malaysia) 771Fabrication of Poly-Silicon Spikes on Glass Substrates by Excimer LaserIrradiation of Submicron Thick a-SI: H Films Yongchang FAN, M.J. Rose,S.K. Persheyev, M.Z. Shaikh, C. Main (U. Dundee, UK) 239Preparation and Characterization of Conducting Polymer/Multi-WalledCarbon Nanotube Composites Tzong-Ming WU, Yen-Wen Lin, Shih-HsiangLin (Nat. Chung Hsing U., Taichung) Mon-Thurs 1131Constriction of Ferromagnetic Patterned Thin Film by Scratch Process UsingAtomic Force Microscope Yasushi TAKEMURA (Yokohama Nat. U., Japan),Jun-ich Shirakashi (Tokyo U. Agricul Tech., Japan) INVITED 30 min, Wed 1007Electrical and FTIR Study of Chitosan Complexed With Adipic Acid ProtonConducting Polymer Electrolytes M.I.N. ISA, N.A. Zakaria (U. MalaysiaTerengganu) 403Photopyroelectric Spectroscopy of the Ceramic ZnO Doped With Bi 2 O 3 , Co 3 O 4 ,MnO 2 , TiO 2 Zahid RIZWAN (Nat. Textile U., Faisalabad, Pakistan), Azmi Zakaria(U. Putra Malaysia) 863Thursday 10:30AM-1:00PM Room BSession 13c MATH 8Chairs: Peter Filip, J. Pindera, R. Zemcik, F. ArunayeStacking Sequence Optimization of FRP Composites for Maximization ofFailure Strength Based on Tsai – Wu Criterion Using Genetic AlgorithmNathi Shyam KUMAR (Jagans Coll Engrg Tech, Nellore, India) 945The Electromechanical Properties of Epoxy Matrix Filled Carbon BlackComposites Under Static and Cyclic Load Xiaoyong JI, Jianhua Feng, Hui LI(Harbin I.T., China) 431Plastic Strain Localization in Periodic Porous Metal Sheets Hamed Khatam,Marek-Jerzy PINDERA (U. Virginia) 481 A Novel Technique to Characteriseand Evaluate the Interfacial Fracture Toughness of Coatings JoeELAMBASSERIL, R. Ibrahim (Monash U., Australia), R. Das (CSIRO,Clayton,Australia) 215Structural Health Monitoring of Composite Sandwich Beam With PiezoelectricPatches. Robert ZEMCIK, Radek Kottner, Jakub Odvárka and Vladislav Las (U.West Bohemia, Czech Rep.) 1181Shape Memory Alloy Actuation for Asymmetric Bistable Composites H. AliciaKIM, David Betts, Aki I.T. Salo, Christopher R. Bowen (U. Bath, UK) Thurs-Fri487Macro-/Micro-Structures and Mechanical Properties of Elytra In Beetles-Balance Of Lightweight and High-Strength Zhendong DAI, Zhixiang Yang(NUAA, Nanjing, China) Monday 173Derivation of Continuous Functional for the Behavior of Limited LifeGeotextile Materials for Reinforcing an Embankment on the Soft GroundAbraham MWASHA (U. West Indies, St. Augustine, Trinidad), F.I. Arunaye (U.W.Indies, Mona, Jamaica) 723Symmetry Analysis of Differential Equations for Composites Festus I.ARUNAYE (U. West Indies, Mona, Jamaica), B.S. Bhatt (U W.Indies,TrinidadTobago) 39Dynamic Analysis of Substructures When Tested in Isolation Using FiniteElement Method Ramin Amid, Kamran BEHDINAN, Hamid Ghaemi (Ryerson U.,Toronto, Canada) 23Thursday 10:30AM-1:00PM Room CSession 13d INFRASTRUCTURE 3Chairs: Z. Yan, W. Fan, N.S.V.K. Rao, M. CanbazDebonding Characteristics of Masonry Structures Retrofitted With FRP ZhugeYAN (U. Southern Queensland, Australia), Xiang-Yeap Kai (QR Network,Brisbane) 1151Imitation Bone Optimization of Composite Pipe Using Trenchless TechnologyWang FAN (Jinan U., Guangzhou, China) 1089Full-Range Behavior of FRP-to-Concrete Bonded Joints with End AnchorageHong YUAN, Ting Sun (Jinan U., Guangzhou, China) 1169Analysis of Isolation of Structures Subjected to Seismic Excitation UsingTrenches N.S.V. Kameswara RAO (U Malaysia Saba), Ranjan Kumar Shrivastava(Indian Inst.Tech., Kanpur) 847Acoustic Emission in Analysis of Friction Stir Welded Joints C.N. Suresha , B.M.RAJAPRAKASH, , B.K. Muralidhara (Bangalore U., India) 995Simulation of FRP Thin-Walled Beams by a Combined Analytical and FiniteElement Beam Model Wei-Ming LAI, Huei-Jeng Lin (Nat. Taiwan U., Taipei) 527Microstructural Analysis of Alkali Activated Slag Mortars Under Acid Attackİlker Bekir Topcu, Mehmet CANBAZ (Eskisehir O. Univ., Turkey) 1029Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Concrete: Mechanical Improvement by GammaRadiation Gonzalo MARTINEZ-Barrera (LIDMA, San Cayetano, Mexico) 655Characterisation of Temperature-Dependent Behaviour of Chopped StrandMat GRP During Low Cyclic Fatigue B. Gangadhara PRUSTY (U. New SouthWales, Australia), Jan Wei Pan (Virginia Tech.), J. Sul (Univ. N.S.W., Australia)825THURSDAY 1:00PM-2:00PM LUNCH BREAK

Thursday 2:00PM-4:30PM BALLROOMSession 14a BIO 2Chairs: Marco Giovine, M. Safarikova, R. Bedzinski, A.K. BledzkiBiosilica Structure from Marine Sponges: Optical Fiber Properties of SpiculesMarco GIOVINE (U. Genova, Italy), Andrea Camposeo, Dario Pisignano (U.Salento, Italy), Umberto Benatti (U. Genova) 275Magnetically Responsive Microbial Cells: Smart Composites For BiocatalysisAnd Biosorption Mirka SAFARIKOVA, Ivo Safarik (Ceske Budejovice, CzechRep.) 869Utilizing Carbon Nanopipettes for Intracellular Injection and ElectrophysiologyMichael G. SCHRLAU, Eugen Brailoiu (Temple U., Philadelphia, PA), Haim H.Bau (U. Pennsylvania), Nae J. Dun (Temple U.) Tues-Fri 901Ortanique Peel Biomolecules: Characterization and NanoparticularizationFor Potential Biomedical Application Curtis O. Green, Andrew O. Wheatley,Lowell L. Dilworth , Helen N. ASEMOTA (U. Wst Indies, Mona, Jamaica) 297Mechanics of Implants With Tissue Interactions Romuald BEDZINSKI,Krzysztof Scigala (Wroclaw U.T., Poland) 867Ultrasonic Enhancement of Drug Release from Microspheres M.M.MOHAMED, M.A. El belbese, M.A. Kotb, N. M. Fikry, H.S. Ramadan (AlexandriaU., Egypt) 697High-Strength Bio-Composites for Technical Applications Andrzej K. BLEDZKI,A. Jaszkiewicz, Volker E. Sperber (U. Kassel, Germany) 85The Amazing Strength and Structure of Woodpecker’s Tongue P. Zhou, X.Q.Kong, Chengwei WU (Dalian U.T., China), Zhen Chen (U. Missouri Columbia)1205Kinetic Control of DNA Oligomerization Daniel LUBRICH (Nat. U. Singapore)623Thursday 2:00PM-4:30PM Room ASession 14b CHEMISTRY 2Chairs: Sun-il Mho, T. Kajiwara, F. Torrens, Shguang DengPreparation and Characterization of Size-Controlled V 2 O 5 /PolyanilineComposite Electrodes for Li Battery Sun-il MHO, Minh-Triet Thieu, YounaKim (Ajou U., Suwon, Korea), In-Hyeong Yeo (Dongguk U., Seoul, Korea) 675Synthesis of Novel Polysiloxanes Containing Polyhedral Octasilsesquioxanesand their Properties Takashi KAJIWARA, Takahiro Shioda, Yoshimoto Ane,Takahiro Gunji (Tokyo U.Sci., Japan) 451Some Simple Chemistry for Exotic Polymers P. PRAMANIK (Indian Inst.Tech.-Kharagpur) 819 Defect Behavior in Colloidal Crystals Under Gravity AtsushiMORI (Tokushima U., Japan) INVITED 30 min 705Interaction of Oxygen and Water with Group III-Nitride (InN, GaN) surfacesAnja Eisenhardt, Pierre Lorenz, Marcel Himmerlich (TU Ilmenau, Germany),Richard Gutt (Freiburg, Germany), Juergen A. Schaefer, Stefan KRISCHOK (TUIlmenau) INVITED 30 min 211Compatibility of Epoxy Matrix/Thermoplastic Modifier/Nanofil FranciscoTORRENS, Gloria Castellano (U. Valencia, Spain) 1031 Hydrogen Adsorption inOrdered Mesoporous Carbons Doped with Pd, Pt, Ru and Ni Dipendu Saha,Vimal Chaitanya, Shuguang DENG (New Mexico St.U.) 871CHEMISTRY (MISCELLANEOUS) X-Ray Diffraction Analysis of Solid State PolymericRadiation Detectors Treated With Low- and High-Let Ion Beams K.K. DWIVEDI (NewDelhi, India), S.P. Tripathy, R. Mishra (APAT, Rome, Italy) POSTER, chair 209An Innovative Catalytic Path: Direct Oxidation of Propane to Acrylic Acid Ayush MISHRA(Indian Inst. Tech., Roorkee), Jyoti Verma, Sumit Lal (U. Auckland, New Zealand), Won-HoLee (Deajon, S. Korea)Preparation and Characterization of 2-ZIRCONYL-2-Methylethane-Poly(Styrene-Divinylbenzene) Chloride Adsorbents Mohd Sani Sarjadi (U. Malaysia Sabah), MohdMarsin Sanagi (U. Tek. Malaysia, Johor) Electroluminescence Studies of Zinc Sulphide AjaySINGH, P.K. Dubey (RD Univ., India), V. Dubey (Jalalpur, India)MoSi 2 -Si-Cr Coating for SiC Coated Carbon/Carbon Composites Against Oxidation He-JunLI, Tao Feng, Qian-Gang Fu, Yu-Lei Zhang, Ke-Zhi Li, Cui-Wei Cao (Northwest Poly U.,Xi’an, China) chair Syntheses of Some Heterocyclic Active Molecules And Also on SomePPV and Polyimides Ahmad Sazali HAMZAH (U. Tek Mara, Selangor, Malaysia)Synthesis of La 0.6 Ba 0.4 Co 0.2 Fe 0.8 O 3 Nano powder for SOFC Cathode ApplicationMohammed GHOUSE (KACST, Riyadh, S. Arabia) Growth Studies of Thin HydroxyapatiteLayers Obtained by Pulsed Laser Deposition on Titanium Substrates Palkowski Carrado,Adele CARRADO (U. Strasburg, France)Preparation and Characterization of PLA/Silk Powder Composites Microcellular WithSupercritical CO 2 Deng Xu (Korea) Effects of pH on Transport and Toxicity ofCadmium on Candian Beans (Phaseolus Vulgaris) Benabid HOCINE (U. Batna, Algeria)Thursday 2:00PM-4:30PM Room BSession 14c INFRASTRUCTURE 4Chairs: Alex Li, Sarah Mouring, H.Y. Kim, U. MeierBehaviour of a Full-Scale Bonded Steel-Concrete Composite Beam Alex LI,Loubna Bouazaoui, Gilles Perrenot, Yves Delmas (U. Reims, France) 571Analysis of Sandwich Wall Panels With GFRP Skin and Polyurethane FoamCore Used for Cladding of Buildings Tarek SHARAF, Amir Fam (Queen’s U.,Kingston, Canada) 921Sandwich T-Joint Structures with and without Cutout under Shear LoadsShijun Guo, Ryoko MORISHIMA, Pingwang Wei (Cranfield U., UK) 317Adhesively Bonded Composite Structures Having Different ConfigurationsSaied M. DARWISH, A.M. Alsamhan (King Saud U., Saudi Arabia) chair 175Tensile Testing of Hybrid Metal-to-Composite Joints Sarah MOURING (USNaval Acad, Annapolis, MD), Yang Yang, Luke Louca (Imperial Coll London, UK),Peter Joyce (US Nava Acad.) 715A Pultruded GFRP Deck Panel for Temporary Structures Hyeong-Yeol KIM,Ki-Tae Park, Jinwoo Jeong, Young-Ho Lee, Yoon-Koog Hwang (Korea InstConstruction Tech, Gyeonggi) 493Seismic Retrofit with Pre-Tensioned Pin Loaded CFRP Tendons Urs MEIER,Andreas Winistörfer, Iwan Stocklin (EMPA, Switzerland) 669Thursday 2:00PM-4:30PM Room CSession 14d GENERAL 8Chairs: K. Shimoda, D. Wang, R. M. DiWan, Jose M. CastroHydrogen Desorption Properties and NMR Characterization of ScH 2 + MBn(M=Mg,Ca) Composites Keiji SHIMODA, Tessui Nakagawa, Takayuki Ichkawa,Yoshitsugu Kojima (Hiroshima U., Japan) 937TiSi 2 Nanonet-Based Novel Materials for Efficient Energy Conversions DunweiWANG, S.A. Zhou, Yongjing Lin, Xiaohua Liu, Stafford W. Sheehan (Boston Coll.,MA) Mon-Wed 1087Polymer/Ceramic Composite Nano-Fiber Mat for Lunar Surface HabitatThermal Control Ron BAJON, Kaci Callahan , Shengmin Guo (Louisiana St.U.),Y.D. Qi (Southern U. Baton Rouge) 53Thermal Oxidation Cycling Studies of APS and EB-PVD Composite TBCMicrostructured Coatings Ravinder M. DIWAN, Patrick F. Mensah, Ogad A.Agu (Southern U., Baton Rouge, LA), Douglas E. Wolfe (Penn. Stu.U.) 191Impact of CO 2 Saturated Brine on Fractures in Well Cement MilevaRADONJIC, Tevfik Yalcinkaya, Cedrick St. Julian, Duy Bui, Lik Xiong Soo Tot(Louisiana St.U.) 833Nano Composties for Wind Blade Applications: Moldability and Cycle TimeVersus Performance Yunior Hioe, Siva Movva, Dante Guerra, Zhi-Qi Cai, Jose M.CASTRO, L. James. Lee (Ohio St.U.) 107Hydrogen Storage in Aluminum Hydride Kazutaka IKEDA, Masaharu Menjo,Hai-Wen Li (Tohoku U., Japan), Shunsuke Muto, Kazuyoshi Tatsumi (Nagoya U.,Japan), Kunihiko Hashi, Hideaki Itoh (Muroran, Japan), Toshiki Kabutomori (JapanSteel Works, Tokyo), Shin-ichi Orimo (Tohoku U.) INVITED 30 min, Mon-Tues393Synthesis of Laminar Organic-Inorganic METAL PhosphONates: their Rolein the Efficient Storage of Hydrogen Ernesto BRUNET, Carlos Cerro, OlgaJuanes , Juan Carlos Rodriguez-Ubis (U. Auto Madrid, Spain) 95Co-Existing Formation of Multi-Energy Mineral Deposits in the Ordos Basin:Analysis from Coal System Xianglan JIN, Hong Zhang, Zhiyuan Yang (Xi’anCoal Res.Inst., China) 433The Properities of PET/Kaolin Nanocomposites Shuli DING, Yuzhuang Sun(Hebei U. Engineernig, Handan, China), Qinfu Liu (China Univ. Mining Tech.,Beijing) 943Geochemical Characteristics of Illite Clay Rocks In Zhangcun Coal MineYinchao YANG (Jizhong Energy Group, Xingtai, China), Yuzhuang Sun (Hebei U.Engrg., Handan, china) 1153Thursday 4:30PM-4:45PM SHORT BREAK

Thursday 4:45PM-7:15PM BALLROOMSession 15a NANO (miscellaneous and posters)Chairs: H. Brune, Chunhong Wang, C.Q. Ru, Alan DaltonNanomechanics AFM Measurements on CNTs Harold BRUNE (EPFL,Lausanne, Switzerland) INVITED 30 min Study on Nanoclay Reinforced FlaxNoil Nanocomposite by Electrospinning Chunhong WANG (U. British Columbia,Canada) Al 2 O 3 Nanoparticle Reinforced Al Matrix Nanocomposites ChengyingXu (U. Cen. Florida, Orlando), Yiguang Wang (Northwestern Poly U., Xi’an,China), Linan AN (U. Cen. Florida)Carbon Nanotubes for High Performance Composite Materials Laszlo FORRO(Ecole Poly Fed Lausanne, Switzerland)Preparation of Conducting PPY Nanocomposites and Studies on the SomeProperties Jun-Seo PARK, Kriangsak Keptang, Ok-Hee Chung (Hankyong U.,Korea)Intrinsic Dissipation of Nanowire Resonators C. Q. RU (U. Alberta, Edmonton,Canada)High Performance Carbon Nanotube Composites Using Latex TemplatedAssembly Alan DALTON (U. Surrey, UK) INVITED 30 minInorganic/Organic Nanocomposites and their Applications Asim RAY (QueenMary U. London, UK)Nanofabrication Process of Single Electron Transistors and Nanopixels UsingSingle Silicon and Germanium Nanostructures A. SOUIFI (INSA-Lyon,France) Defect Nanoenginerring in Graphitic Structures Mauricio TERRONES(IPICyT, Mexico) INVITED 30 minConsiderations about Nanoindentation on Hardened Cement Pastes Based onTomography at Nanoscale Resolution Pietro LURA (EMPA, Switzerland)Gold Nanoparticle Silvia MITTLER (U. Western Ontario, Canada) Nano-Structures for Direct Conversion, Nano-Sinter for Direct Transmutation AndNano-Structures for Radiation Guiding Liviu Popoa SimilEffect of Solvent on the Growth of Nanosized Skutterudite via CoprecipitationYing CHU, Lijun Jiang (Beijing, China), Xinfeng Tang (Wuhan U.T., China)Shape Memory Nanocomposite Foams by Solid State Foaming Erica A. SQUEO,A. Guglielmotti, C. Lucignano, F. Quadrini, V. Tagliaferri (U. Rome Tor Vergata,Italy)Epoxy Nanocomposite Foams by Solid State Foaming Fabrizio QUADRINI, A.Guglielmotti, F. Lamastra, C. Lucignano, F. Nanni, L. Santo, E.A. Squeo (U. RomeTor Vergata, Italy) Invited 30 minZnO:V Nanorods and Some Ferroic Nanomaterials GovindCHANDRASEKARAN (Pondicherry U., India) Synthesis Strategies toNanocomposites and Nanostructured Materials Annika POHL (Uppsala U.,Sweden) INVITED 30 minThursday 4:45PM-7:15PM Room ASession 15b MAGNETIC (miscellaneous and posters)Chairs: Murli H. Manghnani, M.H. bin Saleh, Reza Kamalis, C. JeonCharacterization of Microstructure, Fatigue and Thermal Damage in Fiber-Reinforced Ceramic Composites by Scanning Acoustic Microscopy Murli H.MANGHNANI, Vahid Askarpor, Anwar Hushur (U. Hawaii, Honolulu), ManikaPrasad (Colorado Sch Mines, Golden), Sofia Slabeyciusova (U. Zilina, Slovakia)The Effect of Zirconia Addition on Neodymium-Iron-Boron (NdFeB) SinteredMagnet Mat Husin binSALEH, N. Roslani, E. A. Othman, M. Muhammad(AMREC, Kedah, Malaysia)Application of Pulse Frequency to Control the Nano Grain Size of Gold PlatedThin Films Reza KAMALI S., John D. Williams (U. Alabama, Huntsville)Reduction of Defects in SiO 2 /SiC Interface by MeV e-Beam Irradiation CheolhoJEON (SungKyunKwan U., Suwon, Korea) Superior Enhanced Electrical andMechanical Properties of Functionalized Carbon Nanotube PolymerComposites for Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) Shielding Applications'Sunghoon PARK (UC San Diego, Calif.) High Anisotropy FePt (001) ThinFilms for Ultrahigh Density Magnetic Recording Jingsheng CHEN, B.C. Lim,J.F. Hu, G.M.Chow (Nat. U. Singapore)Simulation Method about Recording and Reconstruction Process ofMultiplexed Hologram in Photopolymer Media Shuhei YOSHIDA, AkiyoGoto, Manabu Yamamoto (Tokyo U. Sci., Japan)Emission characteristics of InGaN/GaN Nanocolumn Arrays Under HighOptical Excitation at Room Temperature Tetsuya Kouno, Katsumi KISHINO,Kouji Yamano, Akihiko Kikuchi (Sophia U., Japan) Mon-WedStudies on Electrically Conductive Plastics and Composites: Some CriticalIssues Moshe NARKIS (Technion, Israel)An Overview on Processing of 8 Mol% Yttria Stabilized Zirconia: Shaping,Densification, Grain Growth, Mechanical Behavior and ElectricalConductivity Mehdi MAZAHERI (EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland), ZohrehRazavi Hesabi, F. Golestani-Fard (Tehran, Iran)Thursday 4:45PM-7:15PM Room BSession 15c MATH (miscellaneous and posters)Chairs, Ning Du, Christine Arlt, R. Spawi, Wenli WeiMonotonic Compression Buckling Response of Initially Delaminated CompositeSandwich Samples Tony TRAN, Chris Choi, Jesus Calderon, Adolfo Gutierrez(Calif. Poly St.U., San Luis Obispo) Correlation Between Structure andMechanical Properties of Spider Silk Ning DU (Nat. U. Singapore)Determination of Mechanical Properties of Functionally Graded Materials byCentrifugal Method K.M. NARAYAYANAPPA, M. Krishna, H.N.N. Murthy,R.S. Kulkarni (Bangalore, India) POSTERThe Influence of Surfaces and Shapes of Alumina Particles on Dispersing andSelected Properties of Epoxy Resins Christine ARLT, C. Schilde, U. Riedel, M.Sinapius (DLR, German Aero Cen, Brunswick, Germany) POSTERStatistical Experimental Design for E-Beam Evaporation Rohana SAPAWI,S.M.W. Masra, M.S. Muhammad (U. Malaysia Sarawak)Implicit Bidiagonal Numerical Scheme for Simulation of 2D Flood WavesWenli WEI, Guiwen Rong (Xi’an U.T., China)Cast In Situ Functionally Graded Materials (FGMS) Produced By SHS MethodE. Fras, Andrzej Janas, E. Olejnik (AGH, Poland)Computational Science and Engineering: State of the Art Review N.RADHAKRISHNAN (N.Carolina A&T St.U., Greensboro) INVITED 30 minSome Considerations on the Parameters Selection of DEM Simulation forTumbling Ball Mills Guoming HU, Yu Liu, Muqun Liu and Hui Wan (Wuhan U.,China)The Non-Linear Damping Coefficient in the Contact Model of the DiscreteElement Method Wenfeng Zhang, Guoming Hu, Bin Jian, Liping Liu (Wuhan U.China)Prediction of Intra-Lamina Crack Propagation In Fiber Reinforced CompositeLaminate Xuan WANG, Simon Wang (Loughborough U., UK) The Influence ofThermal Field on the Mechanical Properties of Getinacks in the Case ofUniaxial Static Tensile Sona VALESYAN (U. Johannesburg, S. Africa)Monotonic Compression Buckling Response of Initially Delaminated CompositeSandwich Samples Eltahry ELGHANDOUR, Faysal A. Kolkailah, Nilanjan Mitra,Tony Tran, Chris Choi, Jesus Calderon, Adolfo Gutierrez (Calif Polytech St.U., SanLuis Obispo)Thursday 4:45PM-7:15PM Room CSession 15d GENERAL (miscellaneous and posters)Chairs: Shuli Ding, Yuzhuang Sun, Shoufeng Yang, Peter GiddingsPreparation of Nano-Kaolinite Shuli DING, Yuzhuang Sun (Handan, China),Mingzhen Wang (China U. Min and Tech, Beijing)Gallium Concentration in a coal Seam from Xingtai Coal Mine, ChinaYuzhuang Sun, Cunliang Zhao (Handan, China)Smart self healing Composites for applications Zhenyu OUYANG (LouisianaSt.U)Free-Forming Technique for Microwave Metamaterials Shoufeng YANG, HaoYang (Queen Mary Univ. London, UK)Piezoelectrically Actuated Bistable Composites Peter GIDDINGS, ChristopherBowen, Alicia Kim (U. Bath, UK)Novel 3-D Composite Components From Cellulose Materials’ Mizi.FAN (BrunelU., UK)Information Technology, Telecommunication and Information Security MedSalim BOUHLEL (Sfax U., Tunisia)Mechanism, Concept and Analyses of Nano Clay based Polymer NanocompositeRefat El-SHEIKHY, Mosleh Al-Shamrani (King Saud U., S. Arabia)Modeling and Mechanism of Special Phenomenon of Behavior of Nano ClayMineral due to Water Effects in Saudi Arabia Refat El-Sheikhy, Mosleh AL-SHAMRANI (King Saud U., S. Arabia)Synthesis and Solar Energy Applications of Heterostructured SemiconductorNanowire Arrays Kijung YONG (POSTECH, Korea) INVITED 30 min, Mon-WedThe Structure of Cell Membranes Revealed by in-Situ Atomic ForceMicroscope Hongda WANG (CIAC, JL, China)Non-Traditional Precursor Materials and Conversion Approaches for LowerCost Carbon Fiber for Multiple Industries C. David WARREN, Felix L.Paulauskas, C. Cliff Eberle, Amit K. Naskar, Soydan Ozcan (Oak Ridge NationalLab.,TN)

Thursday 7:15PM-7:30PM SHORT BREAK

Friday 8:00AM-10:30AM BALLROOMSession 16a NANO 10Chairs: J.E. Houston, Ernest S.C. Chin, J.W. Park, R.R. LiuLocal Viscoelastic Measurements using Interfacial Force Microscopy Jack E.HOUSTON (Sandia Nat. Lab., NM) 357Engineering Properties via Microstructure Design of Commercial ScaleLightweight Nanoengineered Aluminum Composites B. Yao, T. Patterson, C.Hofmeister, H. Heinrich, Y.H. SOHN (U. Cen. Florida, Orlando), G. Wolfe, M. vanden Bergh, K. Cho (DWA, Chatsowrth, Calif.), K. Cho (US Army Res Lab, MD)1155Future Applications of Lightweight Metal Matrix Composites for GroundCombat Vehicles Kyu CHO, Chian F. Yen, Ernest S.C. Chin (US Army Res Lab,APG, MD) INVITED 30 min 147Hybrid AFM-Based Nanolithography on Brittle Material Deug Woo Lee (PusanNat. U. Korea), Jeong Woo PARK (Chosun U., Korea) Mon-Tues 787Preparation of Al 2 O 3 -ZrO 2 Multilayer Composite with Controllable Thicknessusing a Rolling Machine P.G. Zhang , L.P. Li, S.M. Guo (Louisiana St.U.) 1189Numerical Simulation of Reactive Multilayer Nanofoil Heat Transfer R.R. LIU,Xiaotun Qiu (Louisiana St.U.), Jiapin Wang (Tsinghua U., Beijing, China),Shengmin Guo (Louisiana St.U.) 611Preparation and Characterization of Kaolinite Intercalated NanocompositesJose PASCUAL-Cosp, Monica Benitez-Guerrero (U. Malaga, Spain), FranciscoCorpas (U. Jaen, Spain), Ramon Artiaga (U. a Coruna, Ferrol, Spain), AntonioRamirez del Valle (U. Malaga) DISTINGUISHED 40 min 793Thermal Stability of Imidazolium Modified Clay and TGDDM-Based EpoxyNanocomposites Dharmara RAGHAVAN (Howard U., Washington DC) Thurs-Friday 835Friday 8:00AM-10:30AM Room ASession 16b MAGNETIC 7Investigation of Indentation Behavior of Metallic Glass Thin Film Via MolecularDynamics Simulation Yun-Che WANG, H.C. Lin, C.Y. Wu, C.C. Hwang (NatCheng Kung U., Tainan), P.K. Liaw , Y. Gao (U. Tennessee), Jinn P. Chu (NatTaiwan U., Taipei) 1109Laser 3D-Structured Materials Saulius JUODKAZIS, Hiroaki Misawa (HokkaidoU., Japan) INVITED 30 min, Mon 445Preparation of the Functional Thin Films by Photo-Induced Chemical SolutionProcess Tetsuo TSUCHIYA, T. Nakajima, T. Kumagai (Nat.Inst. AIST, Tsukuba,Japan) INVITED 30 min 1039FeCo-Based Nanocrystalline Alloys With Tailorable Soft Magnetic PropertiesIvan SKORVANEK, Jozef Marcin, Jana Turcanova, Ján Hanko, Peter Svec (Kosice,Slovakia) INVITED 30 min 957Magnetic and Textural Studies of Xerogel and Aerogel Nanocomposites Formedby Ni Ferrites Dispersed in Silica Matrix Nelcy D.S. MOHALLEM, JulianaBatista da Silva (Belo Horizonte, Brazil) 695Molecular Beam Epitaxy of Ferromagnetic Silicide for Spin-Transistors withGe Channel Masanobu MIYAO, Kohei Hamaya, Taizoh Sadoh (Kyushu U.,Fukuoka, Japan) Mon-Tues 691Synthesis of Copper Oxide Nanowires by the Thermal Oxidation of CopperSheet in Air Dinesh Pratap SINGH, O.N. Srivastava (Banaras Hindu U., India) 951Domain Wall Propagation in Bistable Amorphous Microwires ValentinaZHUKOVA, Mihail Ipatov, Anatoly Zvezdin, Arcady Zhukov (U. Pais Vasco,Spain) 1213Methods of Tailoring Magnetic Properties Of Magnetic Composites BarbaraSLUSAREK, Marek Przybylski (ITR, Warsaw, Poland) 965Friday 8:00AM-10:30AM Room BSession 16c MATH 9Chairs: H.R.H. Kabir, Ming Yang Liu, F. Zhou, Chiaki MiyasakaAnalytical Solution to All Laminated all Edge Clamped Cylidrical Panels WithFourier Series Solution Function Humayun R.H. KABIR (Kuwait U.) 449Thermal Buckling Behavior of Composite Laminates Le-Chung Shiau (Nat.Cheng Kung U., Tainan), Shih-Yao Kuo (Aletheia U., Tainan), Cheng-Yuan Chen(Nat. Cheng Kung U.) 931Enhancing the Thermal and Flame Retardant Performance of Glass FiberReinforced Polymer (GFRP) Composite by Using Clay/Vinyl EsterNanocomposites Ming-Yang LIU, Jang-Kyo KIM, Christopher K. Y. Leung(Hong Kong U. Sci Tech., China) 607A Study on Computational Analysis of Impact Resistance Properties ofT300/Epoxy Composite Sangkyo Lee (Inha U., Incheon, Korea), G. Zhao (Xi’anJiaotong U., China), S.B. Lee, C.Y. Han (Inje U., Gimhae, Korea), C. CHO (Inha U.,Korea) Mon-Thurs 559The Ballistic Impact Response and Damage of 3D Woven Textiles Based onGlass and Carbon Fiber F. ZHOU (Queen Mary U. London, UK), Leo Daniel(MIT, Cambridge, MA), Paul Hogg (U. Manchester, UK) 1203Non-Uniform Materials Behavior in Multi-Layered Composite Structure UnderBlast Wave Hakin Gimm (Agency Def. Dev.,Daejeon, Korea), Mu-Yeol Seo,Dong-Hwan Kang (Hanyang U., Seoul, Korea), Jee-Woo Park, Jae-Hyun Joo(Daejeon, Korea), Tae-Won KIM (Hanyang U.) 273Experimental Analyses on Impact-Induced Damage in CFRP LaminatedComposites With Scanned Image Microscopy Chiaki MIYASAKA(Pennsylvania St.U.), Hideaki Kasano (Takushoku U., Tokyo, Japan), Bernhard R.Tittmann (Penn.St.U.) 693A Modified Energy-Balance Model to Predict Low-Velocity Impact Responsefor Sandwich Composites Choon-Chiang FOO (Inst.High Perform. Comput.,Singapore), L.K. Seah, G.B. Chai (Nanyang Tech.U., Singapore) 251Torsional Residual Strength After Impact of CFRP Tubes G. Minak (U.Bologna, Italy), S. Abrate (Southern Illinois U., Carbondale), D. Ghelli, RiccardoPANCIROLI, A. Zucchelli (U. Bologna, Italy) 685Identification of Impact Location and Force on Unidirectional Carbon/EpoxyComposite Plate Tomas KROUPA, Robert Zemcík, Radek Kottner, Vladislav Las(U.West Bohemia Pilsen, Czech Tep.) 517Friday 8:00AM-10:30AM Room CSession 16d METAL 5Chairs: Lai-Hsu Fan, Rong Liu, Weijie Lu, J.K. ChenThe Influence of Alumnium and Temperature on the Microstructure of HighEntropy Alloys Al x CoCrCuFeNi Lai-Hsu FAN, Shuang-Shii LIAN (Nat.Taiwan U., Taipei) 235Studies on Wear Properties of 7075 (Al-Zn-Mg) Alloy subjected toRetrogression and Reaging Heat Treatment C.N. CHANDRAPPA, K.V.Sharma, M.K. Muralidhara (Ramaiah Inst.Tech., Bangalore, India) 121Novel Bronze-Based T-401 Tribaloy Alloy Composite for Journal BearingComponents A.Tavakoli, Rong LIU (Carleton U., Canada), X.J. Wu(Nat.Res.Council Canada, Ottawa) 1019Microstructural Characterization of Layered Martensite Structures in CopperBased Shape Memory Alloys Osman ADIGUZEL (Firat U., Turkey) 11Mechanical Properties of In Situ Synthesized Titanium Matrix CompositesWeijie LU, Jining Qin, Lu Xiao, Yifei Chen, Di Zhang (Shanghai Jiaotong U.,China) 621Strengthening of Composite Tool Steels by Self-Synthesized TiC Jhewn-KuangCHEN, Hsiao-Jing Chiu, Cheng Liang, Bing-Sheng Yu, Shih-Hsien Chang (Nat.Taipei U. of Tech.) Mon-Wed 137Suface and XPS Studies of the Niti Endodontic Rotary Instruments AfterMagnetoelectropolishing Tadeusz HRYNIEWICZ, K. Rokosz (Koszalin, Poland),R. Rokicki (Electrobright, Macungie, PA) 361Fretting Behavior of Nano-Al 2 O 3 Reinforced Copper-Matrix CompositesPrepraed by Coprecipitation Hongyan DING, Guanghong Zhou (Huaiyin I.T.,Huaian, China), David Hui (U. New Orleans) 187Friday 10:00AM-10:30AM COFFEE BREAK

Friday 10:30AM-1:00PM BALLROOMSession 17a NANO 11Chairs: Xin Li, Weilie Zhou, H. Dreysse, W.I. MilneExperimental Investigation of Polyurethane Electrospun Nanofiber Mats -Relationship Between Mechanical Property and Thickness Xin LI, WenzhongLou, Rongchang Song (Beijing Inst.Tech., China) 583Mechanical Response of Compliant Polymer Nanofibers Xiangfa WU (NorthDakota St.U., Fargo) 1133Synthesis of II-VI Core/shell Nanocable Arrays for Solar Energy HarvestingKai Wang, Jiajun Chen, Zhongming Zeng, Weilie ZHOU (U. New Orleans) 1097Evaluation of Material Properties of a Square-Form Porous Nanofilter AdamKOVACS (Budapest U.T. & Economics, Hungary), Andras Kovacs (HochschuleFurtwangen U. App Sci, Germany) 511Extension of a Model of Protein Folding to the Modeling of Nanowires HuguesDREYSSE (U. Strasbourg, France), Vasyl Tokar (Kiev, Ukraine) 199 HighPerformance Poly(ether-ether-ketone)/ Aluminium Trioxide and AluminiumNitride Based Micro and Nano Composites R.K. Goyal (Pune, India), A.N.Tiwarib (Indian Inst Tech- Bombay), Y.S. NEGI (Indian Inst Tech-Roorkee) 291Self-Assembled Nanocomposites Jun Liu, Donghai Wang, Daiwon Choi, Gary Z.Yang, Vilayanur V. Viswanathan, Zimin Nie (Pacific Northwest Nat. Lab., WA)Thurs-Fri 601Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconducor Compatibility of CarbonNanotubes? William I. MILNE, S.M. Kim, Y. Zhang, S. Haque, F. Udrea, J.Robertson, M. Mann, K.B.K.Teo (Cambridge U., UK) Mon-Thurs 683Buckling of a Heteroepitaxial Film With Periodic Connections to a SubstrateYong-Wei ZHANG, Z.J. Liu, P. Liu (IHPC, Singapore), F.F. Lange (UC SantaBarbara) 1187Friday 10:30AM-1:00PM Room ASession 17b MAGNETIC 8Chairs: M. Mensik, Miha Drofenik, Ning Bew Wong, A. ZhukovMagnetic Propreties and Anisotropy of GaMnAs Structures for SpintronicDevices Souleymane Kamara, Adelaide Raguin (Montpellier U., France), JanuszSadowski (Lund, Sweden), Rose Marie Galera (Grenoble, France), CatherineGourdon (Paris, France), Salam Charar, Ferial TERKI (Montpellier U., France) 457Resonant Amplifying of Rabi Oscillations and Excited State Decay MiroslavMENSIK, Karel Král (Prague, Czech Rep.) 673Optical Spectra Line Width in Quantum Dots Karel KRAL, Miroslav Mensik(Acad Sci Czech Rep, Prague.) 513Synthesis of Superparamagnetic Ba-Hexaferrite Particles Miha DROFENIK,Irena Ban, Gregor Ferk, Darko Makovec, Andrej Znidarsic, Darja Lisjak (J. StefanInstitute, Slovenia) 201Thermal, Mechanical and Dielectric Properties of PMMA/ClayNanocomposites: Effect of Intecalant Type Yeh WANG, Jiang Y. Kuo, Wei-C.Chen (Tunghai U., Taichung) 1107Silicon Nanowires for Fabrication of Hybrid Solar Cells M.L. Zhang , Ning-BewWONG (City U., Hong Kong, China) 1127Recent Advances in Development of Amorphous and Nanocrystalline Glass-Coated Microwires for Magnetic Applications Arcady ZHUKOV, M. Ipatov, J.Gonzalez, V. Zhukova (U. Pais Vasco, San Sebastian, Spain) INVITED 30 minNanomechanical Properties of Differently Oriented YBCO Thin Films JacobAZOULAY (Hadassah Acad. Coll. Jerusalem, Israel) 49Magnetic Properties of Thermoplastic Natural Rubber NanocompositesReinforced With Carbon Nanotubes Mou'ad. A. TARAWNEH, Ing Kong,Sahrim Hj. Ahmad, Rozaidi Rasid (U. Kebangsaan Malaysia), S.Y. Yahya (U.T.Mara, Selangor, Malaysia), Lih Jiun Yu, Moayad Husein Flaifel (U. KebagsaanMalaysia) 1015Friday 10:30AM-1:00PM Room BSession 17c OXIDE 1Chairs: T. Hashishin, Jin-Hyo Park, T. Satoh, J. M. ColinoParticle Size Effect of Pd on Octane Detection of Hydrothermally SynthesizedPd-SnO 2 Nanoparticles Takeshi HASHISHIN, Taisuke HATTORI, Jun TAMAKI(Ritsumeikan U., Shiga, Japan) 339Band Gap of Photo-Catalyst Slab System Based on InVO 4 With WaterMolecules Adsorbed on the Surface Mitsutake OSHIKIRI (NIMS, Tsukuba,Japan), M. Boero (U. Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg, France) 767Acoustic Emission Characteristics of TgO Growth in Thermal Oxidation TestJin-Hyo PARK, Jeong Suk Kim (Pusan N.U., Korea), Koo Hyun Lee (Changwon,Korea), Yo Seung Song (Korea Aero U., Goyang) 789Inorganic/Organic Composites Powder El Device Toshifumi SATOH, YuichiNkamura, Shinya Ohmura, Takeshi Homma, Yusuke Noguchi, Takayuki Uchida(Tokyo Polytechnic U., Japan) 891Nanoscale Ripple Formation In Cobalt Films With 1 Kev Ar+ Beam SputteringJose M. COLINO (UCLM, Toledo, Spain), Miguel A. Arranz (Ciudad Real, Spain)165Optical Emission Spectroscopy of Sputtering Type Oxygen Radical Source forthe Deposition of TiO 2 Films at High Rate Hao LEI, Yoichi Hoshi, DaikiIshihara, Meihan Wang, Yutaka Sawada (Tokyo Polytech.U., Japan) 567Effect of Annealing on Plastic Substrate with ITO used in Flexible OLEDsTakayuki UCHIDA, Makoto Wakana, Toshifumi Satoh (Tokyo Polytech. U., Japan)1047 Arrangement of Oxide Nanoparticles by DNA Jinghua Han, SatoshiOHARA, Kazuyoshi Sato, Hui Xu, Makio Naito (Osaka U., Japan), Ping Shan(Tianjin U., China) 331Synthesis and Superparamagnetic Characterization of Isolated Carbon-CoatedIron Oxide Nanoparticles Obtained by Plasma Arc Noemi AGUILO-Aguayo,Maria Jose Inestrosa-Izurieta, Enric Bertran (U. Barcelona, Spain) 15Formation of Inorganic Fibers by Thermal Decomposition of Cellulose Acetate-Metal Alkoxide Precursor Gel Fibers Koji NAKANE, Nobuo Ogata (U. Fukui,Japan), Youichi Kurokawa (Tohoku Univ., Japan) Tues-Wed 727Formation of Inorganic Fibers by Thermal Decomposition of Cellulose Acetate-Metal Alkoxide Precursor Gel Fibers Koji NAKANE, Nobuo Ogata (U. Fukui,Japan), Youichi Kurokawa (Tohoku Univ., Japan) Tues-Wed 727Friday 10:30AM-1:00PM Room CSession 17d METAL 4Chairs: K. Endo, K. Cho, Brendon McWilliams, B. SieminskaSurface Analysis of Shocked Bi-Pb-Sr-Ca-Cu-O (BPSCCO) Particles by CCDHiroshi Kezuka, Nakagawa Yuta (Tokyo U. Tech., Japan), Kazuhiro ENDO(Kanzawa I.T., Japan), Hiroyuki Fujita, Mineo Ito (Kinki U., Japan), HitoshiMatsumoto, Hiroaki Kishimira (Nat. Def Acad., Japan), Tamio Endo (Mie U., Japan)INVITED 30 min 477The Processing and Characteristics of Tri-Modal Aluminum Metal-Matrix-Composites Mark R. van den Bergh, Cory A. Smith (DWS Alum Compo,Chatsworth, Calif.), Y.H. Sohn (U. Cen. Florida), B.S. Majumdar (New MexicoI.Mining Tech, Socorro), K. Cho (Army Res. Lab, MD) 1063Microstructure Modeling and Design of Trimodal Aluminum Metal MatrixComposites Brandon McWILLIAMS, Chian Yen, Kyu Cho (Army Res. Lab, MD)667Novel Alloy For Modern Ic Engine Piston Application Zenon SLAWINSKI(Lublin U.T., Poland), Dagmara Jankowska, Antoni Jankowski (Warsaw, Poland),Jerzy Nykiel (Stalowa Wola, Poland), Barbara Sieminska (Warsaw) 963Composite Alloy With Very Low Dimensional Hysteresis During Heating andCooling for Combustion Engine Piston Barbara SIEMINSKA, Antoni Jankowski(Inst.Aeronautics, Warsaw, Poland) 947Microstructure and Erosive Properties of Cobal arc /Mild STEEL SURFACEhard coating D.P. GIRISH (Inst of Tech, Kodaikanal, India), , N. Kodaikana(Bangalore, India) 277Coextrusion of a Crystalline Aluminum Alloy With a Zr-Based Bulk MetallicGlass K.S. LEE, S.H. Kang, Y.S. Lee (Korea Inst Mat Sci, Gyeongnam) 553Friday 1:00PM-2:00PM LUNCH BREAK

Friday 2:00PM-4:30PM BALLROOMSession 18a NANO 12Chairs: J.A. Juazrez, B. Deliktas, M. Szafran, Wei M. ChenEffect on Nanoprecipitates on the Mechanical Properties of AdvancedStructural Steels Julio A. JUAZREZ-ISLAS, B. Campillo, O. Fregoso (UNAM,Mexico) 447Mutliscale Modeling of the Inelastic Behavior of the Nano-ReinforcedComposites Babur DELIKTAS (Mustafa Kemel U., Turkey), George Voyiadjis(Louisiana St.U.) 183 Mono and Disaccharides in Deflocculation Process ofNanoceramics Powders Mikolaj SZAFRAN, Pawel Falkowski, Anna Danelska(Warsaw U.T., Poland) INVITED 30 min 997Dispersion of Nano – Materials Into Structural Adhesive S.C. SHARMA, M.Krishna, Nagaraj Shanmukha (RV Coll, Bangalore, India) 923 MagneticNanoparticles and Magnetic Nanostructures Jean-Marc GRENECHE (U. Maine)INVITED 30 min 301Polystyrene and Poly(Butylene Terephthalate) Composite Fibers ContainingNanotubes: Preliminary Process-Structure-Property Relationships DomenicoACIERNO, Pietro Russo, Paola Spena (U. Naples Federico II, Italy) 9Preparation of Sandwich Structure and Functionally Graded Al/SicpComposites M. I. Pech-Canul, V. F. Garza-Ruiz (Coahuila, Mexico), M.A. Pech-Canul (Merida, Mexico), David Hui (U. New Orleans) 797Production of Nanopowders by HYSYCVD A.L. Leal-Cruz, M. I. Pech-Canul(Coahuila, Mexico) 537The Controlled Growth of Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes on Carbon Fibersand the Related Composites Wei M. CHEN, Steven R. Nutt (U. Southern Calif.)141 Silicon Nanoparticles as Fluorescent Imaging in Vivo Keisuke SATO, NaokiFukata (NIMS, Tsukuba, Japan) INVITED 30 min, Tues-Wed 889Friday 2:00PM-4:30PM Room ASession 18b OXIDE 2Chairs: E. Barna, Hao Gong, M.H. Nguyen, Marcio FontanaSynthesis and Application of Silica/Alumina Mixed Oxide Nanoparticles forTransparent Polyurethane Nanocomposites Elisabeth BARNA, Andri Vital,Christian Weiher (EMPA, Duebendorf, Switzerland), Wolfgang P. Meier (U. Basel,Switzerland), Thomas J. Graule (EMPA) 63NiO-C Nano-Composite and Supercapacitor Applications Hao GONG,Guangxia Hu, Weiqiang Tay (Nat.U. Singapore) INVITED 30 min 2833D Simulation on a Novel LiNbO 3 -based Splitters Fabricated by CombiningPhotonic Crystal and Ridge Structures Minh-Hang NGUYEN, Ming-Chang M.Lee (Nat. Tsing Hua U., Hsinchu), Fan-Gang Tseng (Academia Sinica, ROC) 745Transparent Conductive Oxide and Permeation Barrier Oxide Multilayers onFlexible Polymers Gun-Hwan LEE, Jungheum Yun, Sunghun Lee, Yujeong Jeong,Jae-Hye Jung, Sang-Hyun Cho (Korean Inst.Mat.Sci., Changwon) 543 OxideBarrier Coatings on Ion-Beam Treated Polymer Substrates Jungheum YUN,Sunghun Lee, Yujeong Jeong , Gun-Hwan Lee (Korean Inst.Mat.Sci, Changwon)1173Characterization of Photosensitivity of Electrical Resistance of NanostructurePorous Tin Oxide Films Deposited From Spray Method Marcio FONTANA,Nilo Matias, Aiese C. Barros, Fabiano F. Costay, Amauri Oliveira (Fed U. Bahia,Brazil) chair 249Polymerization Mechanism of Emulsifier-free P(MMA/BA/VAc/AM)/ Nano-SiO 2 Composite Emulsion Jianzhong MA, Jing Hu, Weijun Deng, Liping Yan(Shaanxi U.Sci.Tech., Xi’an, China) 629Preparation and Characterization of Polymethacrylic acid/ Na-montmorillonite/Nano-SiO 2 Composites Yan Bao, Jianzhong Ma, Qunna Xu (ShaanxiU.Sci.Tech., Xi’an, China) 59Study on Diallyldialkyl Ammonium Bromide Modified MMT Dangge GAO,Jianzhong Ma, Lü Bin(Shaanxi U.Sci.Tech., Xi’an, China), Haiqing Guo (Peking U.,Beijing, China) 263 POSTERShape and Size Selective Synthesis of ZnO on Substrates Via MicrowaveAssisted Chemical Method and Applications in Photocatalysis Vaishali R.SHINDE, Tanaji P Gujar, Takeshi Noda, Diasuke Fujita (NIMS, Ibaraki, Japan)Friday 2:00PM-4:30PM Room BSession 18c BIO 4Chairs: Halina Podbielska, A. Ibanez, M. Greger, Bin ZhuThe Surface Modification on the Surface of magnetic Nanocrystals forBiological and Environmental Applications Chunjiao Zhou (Hunan U.,Changsha, China), Pengfei Rong, Wei Wang, Jianda Zhou (Central South U.,Changsha), Wenjie Zhang, Qiang Wan (Hunan U.), Bingsuo ZOU (Beijing I.T.,China) 1201Nanomaterials for Sterilization and Photosterilization Halina PODBIELSKA,Katarzyna Wysocka, K. Kowal, Joanna Bauer (Wroclaw U.T., Poland) INVITED30 min 809Organic Fluorescent Nanocrystals for Labelling and Bio-Imaging AlainIBANEZ, C. Philippot , F. Dubois (U. Joseph Fourier, Grenoble, France), M.Maurin, P.L. Baldeck (U. Joseph Fourier, St. Martin d’Heres, France) INVITED 30min 385Structure and Properties of Titanium for Dental Implants Miroslav GREGER,Radim Kocich (TU Ostrava, Czech Rep.), Adam Hernas (Silesian U.T., Katowice,Poland), Ladislav Kander, Martin Cerny (Ostrava, Czech Rep.) 299NANOCOFC Approach to Develop Advanced 300-600C Fuel Cells Bin ZHU(KTH, Sweden) Tues-Fri 1207Techno-Economic Analysis of High and Medium Temperature Solid Oxide Fuel Cellsintegrated with Biomass Gasification David R. McILVEEN-Wright (U. Ulster, Ireland),Mattwo Moglie (Ancona, Italy), Sina Rezani, Ye Huang, Neil Hewitt (U. Ulster) Tues-Fri 663Electrochemical Performance of a Nanocomposite Electrode Fabricated by Layer-by-LayerAssembly of Pt Nanoparticles and Glucose Oxidase as a Glucose Biosensor MelvinRajaratnam, Diep V. CA (Shenandoah U., Winchester, VA) 837Enhancement of Bone-Related Cell Function by Bone-Like Nanocomposite MasanoriKIKUCHI (NIMS, Tsukuba, Japan), Atsushi Irie (Tokyo Metropol. Inst., Japan) INVITED 30min 483Nanocomposite for Blood Vessel Replacement Vince BEACHLEY, Xuejun Wen (Medical U.South Carolina, Charleston) Tues-Fri 69Experimental Measurement of Cortical Bone Properties Mei-ling LAU, Kin-takLau, Yan-dong Yao Yeo (Hong Kong Poly U., China) 535Friday 2:00PM-4:30PM Room CSession 18d Infrastructure (Miscellaneous and posters)Chairs: K. Galal, Feng Liu, L. Braescu, Yufei WuMechanical Properties of Recycled PET Fiber Reinforced Concrete FernandoFRATERNALI, Luciano Feo, Vincenzo Ciancia, Gianvittorio Rizzano, Luciano DiMaio, Loredana Incarnato (U. Salerno, Italy)Applications of FRP in Strengthening and Reinforcing Structural MasonryElements Khaled GALAL (Concordia U., Canada) Study of Constitutive Equationand Performance of Rubber Filled Concrete Feng Liu, Bin Yuang, Dongping Pan,Lijuan LI, Fengmin Ren (Guangdong U.T., China)Nanofillers in Wood Based Composites Azzeddine OUDJEHANE (Burnaby,Canada)Mass and Heat Transport in Crystal Growth Processes Without Contact Withthe Crucible Walls Liliana Braescu (West U. Timisoara, Romania)Experimental Tests and Modeling for the Compressive Strength of CFRP-Confined Rectangular Concrete Columns Yufei WU, You-Yi Wei (City U.,Hong Kong, China)Investigation on Durability of Steel Structures Rehabilitated WithCarbon/Epoxy Composites Yoshino Sugita, Lijuan Dawn Cheng, ValeriaLaSAPONARA (UC Davis, Calif.)Strength of Double Containment Joints having Right Angle Supports A.M.Alsamhan (King Saud U., Saudi Arabia)Performance Comparison of Various Short Natural Fiber Composites JohnWolodko, K. Alemaskin (Alberta Res. Council, Canada)A Novel Concept for Sandwich Composite Structures Nilanjan MITRA (Cal PolySan Luis Obispo, Calif.) Joints of Components Made of Polymeric CompositesVladimir GOLOVANEVSKIY (Curtin U. Tech., Australia)A Posteriori Error Analysis of Modeling Errors Friedel HARTMANN (U. Kassel,Germany)Use of EPS (expansed Polistyrene) in Composite Structures Mixed WithConcrete Francesca CERONI (UNISANNIO, Italy)Durability Testing For Wrapping Composites David Hui (U. New Orleans),Piyush K. Dutta (Dutta Tec., Palm Beach Gardens, FL) for poster 375A Micro Damage Analysis of MMC with Equivalent Inclusion NumericalComputation Rongxin Guo , Zebin Fan, Haiting Xia, Bangcheng Yang, Junchang Li(Kunming U. Sci Tech, China) Poster 315

STRENGTHING OF COMPOSITE TOOL STEELS BY SELF-SYNTHESIZED TiCJhewn-Kuang Chen, Hsiao-Jing Chiu, Cheng Liang, Bing-Sheng Yu, Shih-Hsien ChangInstitute of Materials Science and Engineering, National Taipei University of Technology, Taipei 106, TaiwanIntroductionMetal matrix composites (MMCs) provide goodcombinations of metal properties and ceramiccharacteristics[1]. Among MMCs, TiC reinforced ferrouscomposites are characterized for being chemically stable.TiC greatly improve hardness and wear-resistant propertiesof tool steels and MMCs[2].In present study, Composite tool steels containing TiC areproduced by a novel process which combines in-situ andpowder metallurgy techniques. The TiC strengtheningparticles are synthesized via mechanical alloying (MA) [3].These TiC and tool steel powders are then sintered bycombining two powder metallurgy routes[4], vacuumsintering and hot isostatic pressing (HIP). Up to 44 vol.%of TiC is added to study the effects of MA parameters andTiC volume fractions on properties of MMCs.ExperimentalElemental Ti (10μm, purity 99.9%) and nano-carbonpowders (30 nm, purity 99.8%) were used as raw materialsand mixed to give composition of Ti 50 C 50 . Commercialtool steel powders (40μm) with compositions of1.7C-8Si-0.3Mn-18Cr-1Mo (in wt%) were used as matrix.The milling process for TiC was carried out at roomtemperature using high-energy planetary ball mill. Theball-to-powder weight ratio was 10:1. The materials weremilled at 100~400rpm for 0~16hrs. X-ray diffraction(XRD) with CuKα radiation was used to identify thephases of powders after ball milling. Raman spectroscopywas applied to further confirm TiC formation.Tool steel powders were milled for 2hrs at 450 rpm.Composite powders containing 0 to 44 vol.% TiC werethen prepared using TiC powders milled at 400rpm for8hrs. Densification processes included vacuum sintering(1543°K, 1hr) and HIPping (1523°K, 120MPa, 4hrs) aftervacuum sintering. Heat treatements were performed byaustenitizing the specimens at 1373°K for 1 hr, quenchingin water, tempering twice at 480°C for 3 hrs, and furnacecooled. Microstructure of composites was observed byoptical microscope and SEM. The bulk density of thecomposites was determined by Archimedes’ principle. Thehardness test was performed according to ASTM E18-08b.Results and DiscussionTiC Synthesizing ProcessesFor all Ti and C powders milled at 100-300rpm for 16 hrs,only Ti and C peaks are observed. As rotation speedincreases to 400 rpm, Ti and C peaks disappear and TiCpeaks emerge.Fig.1 XRD spectra of Ti and C powder mixtures milled forvaried milling time at 400rpm.By fixing the rotation speed at 400rpm, the effects ofmilling time are further studied. Fig.1 shows the XRDspectra of 400rpm ball milled Ti 50 C 50 powders with variedMA durations. Within the first six hours, only Ti peaks areobserved. When milling time further increases to 8 hrs, Tipeaks disappear and only TiC peaks exists. TiC formationreaction occurs very rapidly by high energy milling. Itundergoes a mechanically induced self-propagatingreaction (MSR)[5]. The Raman spectra of ball milled Ti-Cmixtures also confirm that TiC is formed successfully[6].SEM shows that the TiC powders made by milling >8hrsat 400rpm have size of ~1um with spherical shapeclustered by nanosize particles.Composite DensificationMicrostructures of the vacuum sintered + HIPpedcomposites containing 15-44vol.%TiC are shown in Fig.2.It is found that the fine TiC particles distribute uniformlywithin the tool steel matrix.The relative density (97.9 to 95.3%) decreases withincreasing TiC content in vacuum sintered composites.After HIPping, the relative density increases with TiCcontent (98.7 to 99.9%). The apparent porosity of vacuumsintered composites is lower than 1.8%, and that ofHIPped specimen is below 0.5%. It shows that TiC

einforcements hinder densification and increase theinternal voids, while HIPping process reduces internalvoids and improves densification effectively by closing upTiC-steel interfaces.voids of vacuum sintered composites and thus increasescomposite hardness. The benefits of HIPping appear toweaken as TiC content increases over 44 vol%. Compositehardness as high as 71 HRc are achieved.Fig.2 Microstructures of vacuum sintered plus HIPpedcomposites containing (a)15 (b)26 (c)35 (c)44 vol% TiC(black areas are TiC partly removed during grinding).Fig.3 shows that the hardness values of compositesreinforced with synthesized TiC in current study are noless than those of commercial TiC containing compositessintered by encapsulated HIPping[7]. The hardnessincreases linearly with TiC content except at 0%TiC. In0% TiC specimens, carbon concentration in matrixdecreases due to chromium carbide formation whichcauses the hardness to drop to under 40HRc. Specimenwith over 71HRc is achieved by adding 44 vol% TiC. Thedual process combining vacuum sintering and HIPpinggives slightly higher hardness than vacuum sintering. Itindicates that HIPping is indeed effective in reducinginternal voids as proposed. Hardness obtained by the twoprocesses becomes almost the same when TiC vol%increases to over 40%. The effects of porosity on hardnessare apparently less pronounced in composites containinggreat amount of TiC.ConclusionTiC powders are successfully synthesized by mechanicalalloying elemental Ti and nano-carbon for over 8hrs at 400rpm. TiC forms at an instant via a mechanically inducedself-propagating reaction. Vacuum sintering and HIPpingare applied to consolidate the composite compacts. Up to99.9% sintering density is achieved without encapsulation.The composites strengthened by synthesized TiC bearmechanical properties comparable to those strengthened bycommercial TiC. HIPping is beneficial in reducing internalFig.3 Variation of composite hardness with TiC content sinteredby different processes in comparison with encapsulatedHIPping using commercial TiC powders[7].AcknowledgementThe authors would like to express their appreciations fortechnical support of Assab Steels Taiwan and financialsupport of National Science Council of Taiwan undergrants #NSC96-2221-E-027-047 and #NSC97-2221-E-027-006.References1. Tjong, S.C. and Ma, Z.Y. Microstructural and MechanicalCharacteristics of in situ Metal Matrix Composites. Mater.Sci. Eng., R29 (2000) 49-113.2. Ye, L.L. and Quan, M.X. Synthesis of Nanocrystalline TiCPowders by Mechanical Alloying. Nanostruct. Mater., 5 1(1995) 25-31.3. Sherif El-Eskandarany, M. Structure and Properties ofNanocrystalline TiC Full-Density Bulk Alloy Consolidatedfrom Mechanically Reacted Powders. J. Alloys Compd., 305(2000) 225-238.4. Das, K., Bandyopadhyay, T.K. and Das, S. A Review on theVarious Synthesis Routes of TiC Reinforced Ferrous BasedComposites. J. Mat. Sci., 37 (2002) 3881-3892.5. Lohse, B.H., Calka, A. and Wexler, D. Effect of StartingComposition on the Synthesis of Nanocrystalline TiC duringMilling of Titanium and Carbon. J. Alloys Compd., 394(2005) 148–151.6. Lohse, B.H., Calka, A. and Wexler, D. Raman spectroscopyas a tool to study TiC formation during controlled ballmilling. J. Appl. Phys., 97 114912 (2005) 1-7.7. Chen, J. K., Tang, T. P., Chan, S. F. and Chang, S. H. Effectsof particle size on mechanical properties of a TiC containingtool steel by hot isostatic press. Mater. Trans., 49 (2008)624-628.

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