YSI IQ SensorNet VARiON Plus Sensor Manual - YSI.com

YSI IQ SensorNet VARiON Plus Sensor Manual - YSI.com YSI IQ SensorNet VARiON Plus Sensor Manual - YSI.com


Operating manualIQ SENSOR NETVARiON ®Plus 700 IQIQ SENSOR NETModular combination sensorfor ammonium and nitrateba76000e01 01/2012

Operating manual<strong>IQ</strong> SENSOR NET<strong>VARiON</strong> ®<strong>Plus</strong> 700 <strong>IQ</strong><strong>IQ</strong> SENSOR NETModular <strong>com</strong>bination sensorfor ammonium and nitrateba76000e01 01/2012

<strong>VARiON</strong> ®<strong>Plus</strong> 700 <strong>IQ</strong>NoteFor the most recent version of the manual, please visit www.ysi.<strong>com</strong>.ContactCopyright<strong>YSI</strong>1725 Brannum LaneYellow Springs, OH 45387 USATel: +1 937-767-7241800-765-4974Email: environmental@ysi.<strong>com</strong>Internet: www.ysi.<strong>com</strong>© 2012 Xylem Inc.2 ba76000e01 01/2012

<strong>VARiON</strong> ®<strong>Plus</strong> 700 <strong>IQ</strong>Contents<strong>VARiON</strong> ®<strong>Plus</strong> 700 <strong>IQ</strong> - Contents1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-11.1 How to use this <strong>com</strong>ponent operating manual . . . . . . . . 1-11.2 Structure of the <strong>com</strong>bination sensor<strong>VARiON</strong> ®<strong>Plus</strong> 700 <strong>IQ</strong> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-21.3 Re<strong>com</strong>mended fields of application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-42 Safety instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-12.1 Authorized use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-22.2 General safety instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-23 Commissioning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-13.1 Scopes of delivery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-13.2 <strong>IQ</strong> SENSOR NET system requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-23.3 Notes on the handling of the electrodes . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-33.3.1 Reference electrode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-33.3.2 Measurement electrodes and <strong>com</strong>pensationelectrodes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-43.4 Preparing the sensor for measurement . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-53.4.1 Equipping the sensor with electrodes . . . . . . . . 3-53.4.2 Mounting the protective hood . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-73.4.3 Connecting the sensor to the <strong>IQ</strong> SENSOR NET .3-83.5 Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-103.5.1 General information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-103.5.2 Setting table of the <strong>VARiON</strong> A (ammoniumsensor) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-113.5.3 Setting table of the <strong>VARiON</strong> N (nitrate sensor) 3-143.5.4 Setting table of the <strong>VARiON</strong> K (potassiumsensor) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-164 Matrix adjustment, check and calibration . . . . . . . . . 4-14.1 General information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-14.2 Matrix adjustment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-34.2.1 General information on matrix adjustment . . . . 4-34.2.2 Carrying out the matrix adjustment . . . . . . . . . . 4-34.2.3 Result of the matrix adjustment . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-54.2.4 Program extension . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-74.3 Check and calibration in standard solutions . . . . . . . . . . 4-84.3.1 General information on checking andcalibrating . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-8ba76000e01 01/20120 - 1

Contents<strong>VARiON</strong> ®<strong>Plus</strong> 700 <strong>IQ</strong>4.3.2 Result of the check . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-104.3.3 Result of the calibration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-115 Measuring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-15.1 Measuring operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-15.2 Factors affecting the measured value . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-16 Maintenance and electrode exchange . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-16.1 General maintenance notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-16.2 Exterior cleaning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-36.3 Exchanging the electrodes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-56.4 Polishing the chloride electrode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-67 Replacement parts and accessories . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-17.1 Electrodes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7-17.2 General accessories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7-18 What to do if ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-18.1 Interpretation of the drift voltage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8-18.2 Error causes and remedies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8-29 Technical data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-19.1 Measuring characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-19.2 Application conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-39.3 General data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-49.4 Electrical data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-49.5 Data of the <strong>VARiON</strong> ®<strong>Plus</strong> electrodes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-59.5.1 Response times . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-59.5.2 Materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-59.5.3 Weights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-510 Contact Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-110.1 Ordering & Technical Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10-110.2 Service Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10-111 Indexes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-111.1 Explanation of the messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11-111.1.1 Error messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11-111.1.2 Info messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11-211.2 Status info . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11-30 - 2 ba76000e01 01/2012

<strong>VARiON</strong> ®<strong>Plus</strong> 700 <strong>IQ</strong>Overview1 Overview1.1 How to use this <strong>com</strong>ponent operating manualStructure of the<strong>IQ</strong> SENSOR NEToperatingmanual<strong>IQ</strong> <strong>Sensor</strong> Net Operating <strong>Manual</strong>SystemOperating<strong>Manual</strong>(Ring Binder)<strong>IQ</strong> <strong>Sensor</strong>Operating<strong>Manual</strong>M<strong>IQ</strong> ModuleOperating<strong>Manual</strong>M<strong>IQ</strong> TerminalOperating<strong>Manual</strong>Component Operating <strong>Manual</strong>sFig. 1-1Structure of the <strong>IQ</strong> SENSOR NET operating manualThe <strong>IQ</strong> SENSOR NET operating manual has a modular structure like the<strong>IQ</strong> SENSOR NET itself. It consists of a system operating manual and theoperating manuals of all the <strong>com</strong>ponents used.Please file this <strong>com</strong>ponent operating manual in the ring binder of thesystem operating manual.ba76000e01 01/20121 - 1

Overview<strong>VARiON</strong> ®<strong>Plus</strong> 700 <strong>IQ</strong>1.2 Structure of the <strong>com</strong>bination sensor<strong>VARiON</strong> ®<strong>Plus</strong> 700 <strong>IQ</strong>Fig. 1-21 2 3 4 5Structure of the <strong>com</strong>bination sensor <strong>VARiON</strong> ®<strong>Plus</strong> 700 <strong>IQ</strong>1 Protective hood2 Temperature probe3 Electrode support with electrodes (sample equipment)4 <strong>Sensor</strong> shaft5 Plug head connectorElectrodesAutomatic interferingions <strong>com</strong>pensationFor a <strong>VARiON</strong> ®<strong>Plus</strong> 700 <strong>IQ</strong> <strong>com</strong>bination sensor ready to measure, ajointly used reference electrode and at least one ion sensitive electrodefor the main measured parameters (ammonium, nitrate) are required.The electrodes are screwed into the electrode support. The electrodesupport has four receptacles for this.The <strong>VARiON</strong> ®<strong>Plus</strong> 700 <strong>IQ</strong> enables the automatic interfering ions<strong>com</strong>pensation for one main measured parameter. Thus the influence ofcertain interfering ions due to measuring technique can beautomatically <strong>com</strong>pensated for.Interfering ions in water / waste water applications are mostly chloridefor nitrate measurement and potassium for ammonium measurement.To determine the interfering ions concentration, another electrode(<strong>com</strong>pensation electrode) is mounted into a free receptacle.NoteInformation on the fundamentals of measuring with ion sensitiveelectrodes are given in the <strong>YSI</strong> primer, ION SELECTIVE MEASUREMENT INONLINE ANAL<strong>YSI</strong>S.Operating modes andelectrode equipmentDue to its modular structure, the <strong>VARiON</strong> ®<strong>Plus</strong> 700 <strong>IQ</strong> can be adaptedto various requirements (see table on the following page).1 - 2 ba76000e01 01/2012

<strong>VARiON</strong> ®<strong>Plus</strong> 700 <strong>IQ</strong>OverviewNotes:The reference electrode has an extra receptacle marked by a recess.The ion sensitive electrodes can be mounted in the remaining threereceptacles in any order. Empty receptacles have to be closed with the<strong>VARiON</strong> ® BP blind plug.Operating modeElectrode equipmentAmmoniummeasurement,<strong>com</strong>pensated<strong>VARiON</strong> ® Ref(recess)Ref<strong>VARiON</strong> ®<strong>Plus</strong> NH4<strong>VARiON</strong> ®<strong>Plus</strong> KBlind plugNitrate measurement,<strong>com</strong>pensated<strong>VARiON</strong> ® RefRef<strong>VARiON</strong> ®<strong>Plus</strong> NO3<strong>VARiON</strong> ®<strong>Plus</strong> ClBlind plugAmmoniummeasurement,<strong>com</strong>pensated,plus nitratemeasurement<strong>VARiON</strong> ® RefRef<strong>VARiON</strong> ®<strong>Plus</strong> NH4<strong>VARiON</strong> ®<strong>Plus</strong> K<strong>VARiON</strong> ®<strong>Plus</strong> NO3Nitrate measurement,<strong>com</strong>pensatedplus ammoniummeasurement<strong>VARiON</strong> ® RefRef<strong>VARiON</strong> ®<strong>Plus</strong> NO3<strong>VARiON</strong> ®<strong>Plus</strong> Cl<strong>VARiON</strong> ®<strong>Plus</strong> NH4Ammoniummeasurement<strong>VARiON</strong> ® RefRef<strong>VARiON</strong> ®<strong>Plus</strong> NH4Blind plugBlind plugNitrate measurement<strong>VARiON</strong> ® RefRef<strong>VARiON</strong> ®<strong>Plus</strong> NO3Blind plugBlind plugAmmoniummeasurement,nitrate measurement<strong>VARiON</strong> ® RefRef<strong>VARiON</strong> ®<strong>Plus</strong> NH4<strong>VARiON</strong> ®<strong>Plus</strong> NO3Blind plugba76000e01 01/20121 - 3

Overview<strong>VARiON</strong> ®<strong>Plus</strong> 700 <strong>IQ</strong>Calibration freeoperationThe <strong>VARiON</strong> ®<strong>Plus</strong> 700 <strong>IQ</strong> <strong>com</strong>bination sensor is immediately ready tomeasure after being equipped with electrodes. For precisemeasurements, it is only necessary to adjust the electrodes to thesample matrix ("matrix adjustment"). In the re<strong>com</strong>mended application(see section 1.3 RECOMMENDED FIELDS OF APPLICATION), the measuringcharacteristics of the electrodes remain stable for their entire servicelife. Thus, calibration is no longer required.Possible changes of the sample matrix can be determined byoccasional <strong>com</strong>parison measurements (e.g. photometer) and<strong>com</strong>pensated for by a new matrix adjustment. The sensor does nothave to be taken out of the sample for this.Shielding of the<strong>VARiON</strong> ®<strong>Plus</strong> 700 <strong>IQ</strong>The <strong>VARiON</strong> ®<strong>Plus</strong> 700 <strong>IQ</strong> <strong>com</strong>bination sensor and the correspondingelectrodes in conjunction with the <strong>IQ</strong> SENSOR NET system form ameasuring system that is protected to a high degree against low andhigh frequency interference as well as against the indirect effects oflightning strikes.1.3 Re<strong>com</strong>mended fields of applicationThe <strong>VARiON</strong> ®<strong>Plus</strong> 700 <strong>IQ</strong> <strong>com</strong>bination sensor is a sensor for the onlinedetermination of ammonium ions and/or nitrate ions in water / wastewater applications. It supplements D. O. measurement in the aerationtank of waste water treatment plants and enables an efficient processcontrol of nitrogen removal.NoteMore detailed information on measuring with ion sensitive electrodes isgiven in the <strong>YSI</strong> primer, ION SELECTIVE MEASUREMENT IN ONLINEANAL<strong>YSI</strong>S.1 - 4 ba76000e01 01/2012

<strong>VARiON</strong> ®<strong>Plus</strong> 700 <strong>IQ</strong>Safety instructions2 Safety instructionsThis <strong>com</strong>ponent operating manual contains special instructions thatmust be followed in the operation of the <strong>VARiON</strong> ®<strong>Plus</strong> 700 <strong>IQ</strong><strong>com</strong>bination sensor. Thus, it is essential to read this <strong>com</strong>ponentoperating manual before carrying out any work using this sensor. Inaddition to this manual, the SAFETY chapter of the <strong>IQ</strong> SENSOR NETsystem operating manual must be followed.Always keep this <strong>com</strong>ponent operating manual together with thesystem operating manual and any other <strong>com</strong>ponent operating manualsin the vicinity of the <strong>IQ</strong> SENSOR NET system.Special userqualificationsGeneral safetyinstructionsThe <strong>VARiON</strong> ®<strong>Plus</strong> 700 <strong>IQ</strong> <strong>com</strong>bination sensor was developed forapplications in online measurement - essentially in the field ofwastewater treatment. Thus, we assume that the operators are familiarwith the necessary precautions to take when dealing with chemicals asa result of their professional training and experience.Safety instructions in this operating manual are identified by thewarning symbol (triangle) in the left column. The signal word (e. g."Caution") indicates the level of danger:Warningindicates instructions that must be followed precisely in order toprevent serious dangers to persons.Cautionindicates instructions that must be followed precisely in order toavoid slight injuries or damage to the instrument or theenvironment.Other labelsNoteindicates notes that draw your attention to special features.Noteindicates cross-references to other documents, e.g. operatingmanuals.ba76000e01 01/20122 - 1

Safety instructions<strong>VARiON</strong> ®<strong>Plus</strong> 700 <strong>IQ</strong>2.1 Authorized useThe authorized use of the <strong>VARiON</strong> ®<strong>Plus</strong> 700 <strong>IQ</strong> with the electrodes builtin consists of its use as a sensor within the <strong>IQ</strong> SENSOR NET.Please observe the technical specifications according to chapter 9TECHNICAL DATA. Only operation according to the instructions given inthis operating manual is considered to be authorized.Any other use is considered to be unauthorized. Unauthorized useinvalidates any claims with regard to the guarantee.CautionOnly connect and operate the sensor together with <strong>IQ</strong> SENSOR NETaccessories.2.2 General safety instructionsThe sensor left the factory in a safe and secure technical condition.Function andoperational safetyThe failure-free function and operational safety of the sensor is onlyguaranteed if the generally applicable safety measures and the specialsafety instructions in this operating manual are followed during its use.The failure-free function and operational safety of the sensor is onlyguaranteed under the environmental conditions that are specified inchapter 9 TECHNICAL DATA.The specified temperature (chapter 9 TECHNICAL DATA) must bemaintained during the operation and transport of the sensor. Protectthe sensor, particularly against frost or overheating.CautionThe sensor may only be opened by specialists authorized by <strong>YSI</strong>.2 - 2 ba76000e01 01/2012

<strong>VARiON</strong> ®<strong>Plus</strong> 700 <strong>IQ</strong>Safety instructionsSafe operationIf safe operation is no longer possible, the sensor must be taken out ofoperation and secured against inadvertent operation.Safe operation is no longer possible if the sensor:• has been damaged in transport• has been stored under adverse conditions for a lengthy period oftime• is visibly damaged• no longer operates as described in this manual.If you are in any doubt, contact the supplier of your sensor.Obligations of theoperatorThe operator of the sensor must ensure that the following rules andregulations are followed when dealing with hazardous substances:• EEC directives for protective labor legislation• National protective labor legislation• Safety regulations• Safety data sheets of the chemical manufacturer.ba76000e01 01/20122 - 3

Safety instructions<strong>VARiON</strong> ®<strong>Plus</strong> 700 <strong>IQ</strong>2 - 4 ba76000e01 01/2012

<strong>VARiON</strong> ®<strong>Plus</strong> 700 <strong>IQ</strong>Commissioning3 Commissioning3.1 Scopes of delivery<strong>YSI</strong> supplies the <strong>VARiON</strong> ®<strong>Plus</strong> 700 <strong>IQ</strong> in sets for different measuringrequirements. Each set contains the following <strong>com</strong>ponents:• Unequipped sensor <strong>VARiON</strong> ®<strong>Plus</strong> 700 <strong>IQ</strong>. The electrodereceptacles are closed with blind plugs• Reference electrode, <strong>VARiON</strong> ® Ref• Depending on the set, the suitable selection from the followingmeasurement and <strong>com</strong>pensation electrodes:– <strong>VARiON</strong> ®<strong>Plus</strong> NH4 (ammonium electrode)– <strong>VARiON</strong> ®<strong>Plus</strong> K (potassium electrode for <strong>com</strong>pensation)– <strong>VARiON</strong> ®<strong>Plus</strong> NO3 (nitrate electrode)– <strong>VARiON</strong> ®<strong>Plus</strong> Cl (chloride electrode for <strong>com</strong>pensation)• Special socket wrench• Protective hood <strong>VARiON</strong> ® 700 <strong>IQ</strong>-SK• Potassium chloride solution for storing the reference electrode• Operating manual and <strong>YSI</strong> primer, ION SELECTIVE MEASUREMENT INONLINE ANAL<strong>YSI</strong>S.NoteInformation on the available sets is given in the <strong>YSI</strong> catalog and on theInternet.ba76000e01 01/20123 - 1

Commissioning<strong>VARiON</strong> ®<strong>Plus</strong> 700 <strong>IQ</strong>3.2 <strong>IQ</strong> SENSOR NET system requirementsSoftware statuses of thecontroller and terminal<strong>com</strong>ponentsOperation of the <strong>VARiON</strong> ®<strong>Plus</strong> 700 <strong>IQ</strong> requires the following softwarestatuses in the <strong>IQ</strong> SENSOR NET, depending on the system:• D<strong>IQ</strong>/S 182 Software: Version 3.21or higher• M<strong>IQ</strong>/MC Controller software: Version 2.83or higher• <strong>IQ</strong> software pack Software: Version 5.00or higher3 - 2 ba76000e01 01/2012

<strong>VARiON</strong> ®<strong>Plus</strong> 700 <strong>IQ</strong>Commissioning3.3 Notes on the handling of the electrodesThe electrodes of the <strong>VARiON</strong> ®<strong>Plus</strong> 700 <strong>IQ</strong> <strong>com</strong>bination sensor weredeveloped for the rough use in waste water treatment plants. They are,however, precision parts that can be damaged by inappropriate use.Therefore, exactly follow the instructions in the two following chapters.3.3.1 Reference electrodeCommissioningNutReference electrodeJunctionWatering capSealing ringFig. 3-1Reference electrode with storing aidsIn the delivery condition, the electrode is equipped with a watering capand a nut that protects the screw-in thread. The watering cap contains3 mol/l potassium chloride solution. Before mounting, unscrew thewatering cap. Then, using the special hexagon key, unscrew theelectrode from the nut. Keep both storing aids in case you want to storethe electrode.CautionThe junction of the reference electrode must not• dry up (follow notes on storage)• be damaged• be brought into contact with grease.Notes on storageIf you will not use the electrode for a longer period of time, screw theelectrode into the nut as far as it will go. Fill the watering cap to the brimwith 3 mol/l potassium chloride solution and tightly screw the wateringcap on the electrode by hand.ba76000e01 01/20123 - 3

Commissioning<strong>VARiON</strong> ®<strong>Plus</strong> 700 <strong>IQ</strong>3.3.2 Measurement electrodes and <strong>com</strong>pensation electrodesCommissioningNutElectrodeWatering capSealing ringFig. 3-2Measurement electrode or <strong>com</strong>pensation electrode with storing aidsIn the delivery condition, each electrode is equipped with a wateringcap and a nut that protects the screw-in thread. Prior to installation, firstremove the watering cap and, using the special hexagon key, unscrewthe electrode from the nut. Keep both storing aids in case you want tostore the electrode.CautionThe membrane of the electrode must not• dry up (follow notes on storage)• be damaged• be brought into contact with grease.Notes on storageIf you will not use the electrode for a longer period of time, screw theelectrode into the nut as far as it will go. Soak the foam insert in thewatering cap with <strong>VARiON</strong> ® /ES-1 standard solution (lowerconcentration) and plug the electrode into the watering cap.CautionMake sure to use the correct solution for the watering cap(<strong>VARiON</strong> ® /ES -1 standard solution). If you use the wateringsolution of the reference electrode instead the function of theelectrode can be seriously damaged.3 - 4 ba76000e01 01/2012

<strong>VARiON</strong> ®<strong>Plus</strong> 700 <strong>IQ</strong>Commissioning3.4 Preparing the sensor for measurement3.4.1 Equipping the sensor with electrodesCautionThe sensor can be damaged by dirt and moisture. Beforemounting the electrodes make sure the area behind the sealingring of the electrodes and the receptacle are dry and clean. The<strong>VARiON</strong> ®<strong>Plus</strong> 700 <strong>IQ</strong> may only be submersed when the electrodesor original blind plugs are mounted.NoteMore detailed information on the electrode equipment for the variousoperating modes is given in the table on page 1-3.Blind plugMeasurement and<strong>com</strong>pensation electrodesReferenceelectrodeMark forreference electrodeSpecial socket wrenchFig. 3-3Equipping the sensor with electrodes.All receptacles are closed with blind plugs in the delivery condition.Screw the electrodes into the receptacles instead of the blind plugs.When doing so observe the following points:• The receptacle for the reference electrode is marked by a recess. Itextends into the inside of the sensor clearly deeper than the otherthree receptacles (see Fig. 3-3).ba76000e01 01/20123 - 5

Commissioning<strong>VARiON</strong> ®<strong>Plus</strong> 700 <strong>IQ</strong>• The measurement and <strong>com</strong>pensation electrodes can be mounted inthe remaining three receptacles in any order.• During installation make sure the area behind the sealing ring of theelectrode and the receptacle are absolutely dry and clean.• Plug the electrode on the special socket wrench provided and insertthe electrode with the special socket wrench.• Screw until the electrode seats without any gap on the electrodesupport. Thus the tightness and electrical contacting are granted.NoteWhen mounted, the electrodes can be recognized by the featuresdescribed in section 6.3.3 - 6 ba76000e01 01/2012

<strong>VARiON</strong> ®<strong>Plus</strong> 700 <strong>IQ</strong>Commissioning3.4.2 Mounting the protective hoodCH cleaning head(option)For permanent operation, we re<strong>com</strong>mend to use the CH cleaning headfor <strong>com</strong>pressed air-driven cleaning. It is mounted instead of thestandard protective hood. The <strong>com</strong>pressed air cleaning is started timecontrolledvia the <strong>IQ</strong> SENSOR NET system. Information on the required<strong>com</strong>ponents is given in the <strong>YSI</strong> catalog and on the Internet.If no CH cleaning head is used the standard protective hood shouldalways be mounted for measuring. It protects the electrodes from roughmechanical impact.Mounting the standardprotective hood1Fig. 3-4Mounting the standard protective hood.1 Loosen the coupling ring (1) of the protective hood.2 Push the protective hood on the sensor as far as it will go.3 Tighten the coupling ring of the protective hood.Cleaning the protectivehoodThe coupling ring of the protective hood can be taken apart for cleaningpurposes (see section 6.2 EXTERIOR CLEANING).ba76000e01 01/20123 - 7

Commissioning<strong>VARiON</strong> ®<strong>Plus</strong> 700 <strong>IQ</strong>3.4.3 Connecting the sensor to the <strong>IQ</strong> SENSOR NETConnection cableThe SAC<strong>IQ</strong> sensor connection cable is required to connect the sensor.Information on this and other <strong>IQ</strong> SENSOR NET accessories is given inthe <strong>YSI</strong> catalog and on the Internet.NoteDo not suspend the sensor on the sensor connection cable. Use anarmature or electrode holder. Information on this and other <strong>IQ</strong> SENSORNET accessories is given in the <strong>YSI</strong> catalog and on the Internet.NoteHow to connect the SAC<strong>IQ</strong> sensor connection cable to the<strong>IQ</strong> SENSOR NET is described in chapter 3 INSTALLATION of the<strong>IQ</strong> SENSOR NET system operating manual.Are the plugconnections dry?Before connecting the sensor and sensor connection cable, make surethat the plug connections are dry. If moisture gets into the plugconnections, first dry the plug connections (dab them dry or blow themdry using <strong>com</strong>pressed air).Connecting the sensorto the sensorconnection cableSAC<strong>IQ</strong>21Fig. 3-5Connect the sensor1 Take the protective caps off the plug connections of the sensorand the SAC<strong>IQ</strong> sensor connection cable, and keep them safe.3 - 8 ba76000e01 01/2012

<strong>VARiON</strong> ®<strong>Plus</strong> 700 <strong>IQ</strong>Commissioning2 Plug the socket of the SAC<strong>IQ</strong> sensor connection cable onto theplug head connector of the sensor. At the same time, rotate thesocket so that the pin in the plug head connector (1) clicks intoone of the two holes in the socket.3 Then screw the coupling ring (2) of the sensor connectioncable onto the sensor up to the stop.ba76000e01 01/20123 - 9

Commissioning<strong>VARiON</strong> ®<strong>Plus</strong> 700 <strong>IQ</strong>3.5 Settings3.5.1 General informationAutomatic electroderecognitionThe <strong>VARiON</strong> ®<strong>Plus</strong> 700 <strong>IQ</strong> software automatically recognizes the builtinelectrodes and checks the equipment for validity. Depending on theequipment, the following sensors are displayed in the list of sensors:<strong>Sensor</strong><strong>VARiON</strong> ®<strong>Plus</strong> 700 <strong>IQ</strong> Ammonium sensor<strong>VARiON</strong> ®<strong>Plus</strong> 700 <strong>IQ</strong> Nitrate sensorDesignation<strong>VARiON</strong> A<strong>VARiON</strong> NNote<strong>Manual</strong>ly, you can also have the potassium electrode displayed as theextra sensor, <strong>VARiON</strong> K.<strong>Sensor</strong><strong>VARiON</strong> ®<strong>Plus</strong> 700 <strong>IQ</strong> potassium sensorDesignation<strong>VARiON</strong> KCarrying out settingsWith , switch to the main settings menu from the measured valuedisplay. Then navigate to the setting menu (setting table) of the sensor.The exact procedure is described in the relevant <strong>IQ</strong> SENSOR NETsystem operating manual.The setting tables of the sensors are described in the followingchapters.<strong>Sensor</strong> overlappingsettingsCertain settings are sensor overlapping and can be made in any one ofthe setting tables. The setting is used by all sensors.The sensor overlapping settings are:• Temperature mode (°C/°F)• Temp. adjustment3 - 10 ba76000e01 01/2012

<strong>VARiON</strong> ®<strong>Plus</strong> 700 <strong>IQ</strong>Commissioning3.5.2 Setting table of the <strong>VARiON</strong> A (ammonium sensor)Menu item Selection/values ExplanationsMeasuring modeMeasuring range(Measuring mode: NH4-N)Measuring range(Measuring mode: NH4)Measuring range(Measuring mode: mV)<strong>VARiON</strong> KCalib. history K(only with setting <strong>VARiON</strong>K: hide)• NH4-N• NH4• mV• AutoRange• 0.1 ... 100.0 mg/l• 1 ... 1000 mg/l• AutoRange• 0.1 ... 130.0 mg/l• 1 ... 1290 mg/l• -2000 ... 2000 mV• hide• show• Do not download• Transmit to log bookCitation form of the mass concentration orvoltage of the electrode.2 measuring ranges can be selected.With AutoRange, the instrumentautomatically switches to the suitablemeasuring range.2 measuring ranges can be selected.With AutoRange, the instrumentautomatically switches to the suitablemeasuring range.Fixed rangehide (standard setting):The potassium electrode is not displayedas an extra sensor in the measured valuedisplay.show:If the sensor is equipped with thepotassium electrode, the electrode isdisplayed as the extra sensor <strong>VARiON</strong> Kin the measured value display.The relevant settings can be done in anextra setting table (see section 3.5.4).Note: If the maximum number of sensorsfor the system is exceeded by activatingthe sensor, the <strong>VARiON</strong> K cannot beactivated.If you select Transmit to log book, a logbook message with the calibration historyof the potassium electrode is generated.When opening the setting table again thesetting is reset to Do not download.ba76000e01 01/20123 - 11

Commissioning<strong>VARiON</strong> ®<strong>Plus</strong> 700 <strong>IQ</strong>Menu item Selection/values ExplanationsPotassium <strong>com</strong>pens.(only with setting<strong>VARiON</strong> K: hide)automatic / manual1 ... 1000 mg/lautomatic(with a potassium electrode mounted):When the potassium electrode ismounted, the potassium <strong>com</strong>pensationtakes places automatically only. The valueof the potassium concentration measuredat the time the setting table was opened isdisplayed in the next line (Potassiumconc.).manual(without any potassium electrodemounted):After determining the potassium content ofthe test solution enter the determinedpotassium content manually in the nextline (Potassium conc.).The measured value is accordinglycorrected by the entered potassiumcontent.Note: Detailed information on the subjectof potassium <strong>com</strong>pensation is given in the<strong>YSI</strong> primer, ION SELECTIVE MEASUREMENTIN ONLINE ANAL<strong>YSI</strong>S.Potassium conc.(only with setting<strong>VARiON</strong> K: hide)1 ... 1000 mg/l With Potassium <strong>com</strong>pens.: automatic:Display of the potassium measured value.With Potassium <strong>com</strong>pens.: manual:Entry of the K value<strong>IQ</strong>-LabLink • Not active (not used)Temperature mode(only with Measuring mode:NH4-N or NH4)• °C• °FUnit of the measured temperature value(Celsius, Fahrenheit).3 - 12 ba76000e01 01/2012

<strong>VARiON</strong> ®<strong>Plus</strong> 700 <strong>IQ</strong>CommissioningMenu item Selection/values ExplanationsTemp. adjustment(only with Measuring mode:NH4-N or NH4)-1.5 °C ... +1.5 °C The temperature <strong>com</strong>pensation functionenables the temperature sensor to bebalanced against a reference temperaturemeasurement (displacement of the zeropoint by ±1.5 °C).Notes:• Due to the thermal capacity of thesensor, it is necessary to place it in acontainer with at least 2 liters of water.• Leave the sensor in this container for atleast 15 minutes while stirringoccasionally, then carry out theadjustment.If the temperature difference of thewater and sensor is > 10°C, leave thesensor in the container for at least onehour while stirring occasionally.Conc. offset -1.0 mg/l ... +1.0 mg/l Constant value, which is added to themeasuered value.Program level 0 ... 2 Program extension (0 = Off = standard setting).Refer to section 4.2.4 for details about theprogram extension.Save and quitQuitThe system confirms the saving of thesettings and the display switches to thenext higher level.The display switches to the next higherlevel without saving the new settings.ba76000e01 01/20123 - 13

Commissioning<strong>VARiON</strong> ®<strong>Plus</strong> 700 <strong>IQ</strong>3.5.3 Setting table of the <strong>VARiON</strong> N (nitrate sensor)Menu item Selection/values ExplanationsMeasuring modeMeasuring range(Measuring mode NO3-N)Measuring range(Measuring mode: NO3)Measuring range(Measuring mode: mV)Chloride <strong>com</strong>pens.• NO3-N• NO3• mV• AutoRange• 0.1 ... 100.0 mg/l• 1 ... 1000 mg/l• AutoRange• 0.5 ... 450.0 mg/l• 5 ... 4500 mg/l• -2000 ... 2000 mVautomatic / manual1 ... 1000 mg/lCitation form of the mass concentration orvoltage of the electrode.2 measuring ranges can be selected.With AutoRange, the instrumentautomatically switches to the suitablemeasuring range.2 measuring ranges can be selected.With AutoRange, the instrumentautomatically switches to the suitablemeasuring range.Fixed rangeautomatic(with a chloride electrode mounted):When a chloride electrode is mounted, thechloride <strong>com</strong>pensation takes placesautomatically only. The value of thechloride concentration measured at thetime the setting table was opened isdisplayed in the next line.manual(without any chloride electrode mounted):After determining the chloride content ofthe test solution enter the determinedchloride content manually in the next line.The measured value is accordinglycorrected by the entered chloride content.Note: Detailed information on the subjectof chloride <strong>com</strong>pensation is given in the<strong>YSI</strong> primer, ION SELECTIVE MEASUREMENTIN ONLINE ANAL<strong>YSI</strong>S.Chloride conc. 1 ... 1000 mg/l With Chloride <strong>com</strong>pens.: automatic:Display of the chloride measured value.With Chloride <strong>com</strong>pens.: manual:Entry of the Cl valueCalib. history Cl(only with setting Chloride<strong>com</strong>pens.: automatic)• Do not download• Transmit to log bookSend to log book generates a log bookmessage with the calibration history of thechloride electrode. When opening thesetting table again the setting is reset toDo not download.3 - 14 ba76000e01 01/2012

<strong>VARiON</strong> ®<strong>Plus</strong> 700 <strong>IQ</strong>CommissioningMenu item Selection/values Explanations<strong>IQ</strong>-LabLink • Not active (not used)Temperature mode(only with Measuringmode: NO3-N or NO3)• °C• °FUnit of the measured temperature value(Celsius, Fahrenheit).Temp. adjustment(only with Measuringmode: NO3-N or NO3)-1.5 °C ... +1.5 °C The temperature adjustment functionenables the temperature sensor to bebalanced against a reference temperaturemeasurement (displacement of the zeropoint by ±1.5 °C).Notes:• Due to the thermal capacity of thesensor, it is necessary to place it in acontainer with at least 2 liters of water.• Leave the sensor in this container for atleast 15 minutes while stirringoccasionally, then carry out theadjustment.If the temperature difference of thewater and sensor is > 10°C, leave thesensor in the container for at least onehour while stirring occasionally.Conc. offset -1.0 mg/l ... +1.0 mg/l Constant value, which is added to themeasuered value.Program level 0 ... 2 Program extension (0 = Off = standard setting).Refer to section 4.2.4 for details about theprogram extension.Save and quitQuitThe system confirms the saving of thesettings and the display switches to thenext higher level.The display switches to the next higherlevel without saving the new settings.ba76000e01 01/20123 - 15

Commissioning<strong>VARiON</strong> ®<strong>Plus</strong> 700 <strong>IQ</strong>3.5.4 Setting table of the <strong>VARiON</strong> K (potassium sensor)NoteThese sensor settings are only available if in the sensor settings for the<strong>VARiON</strong> A the <strong>VARiON</strong> K setting was set to Active (see section 3.5.2).The basic settings are taken over from the <strong>VARiON</strong> A sensor but canbe adjusted separately afterwards.Menu item Selection/values ExplanationsMeasuring modeMeasuring range(Measuring mode: K (mg/l))Measuring range(Measuring mode: mV)• K (mg/l)• mV• 1 ... 1000 mg/l• -2000 ... 2000 mVCitation form of the mass concentration orvoltage of the electrode.Fixed rangeFixed range<strong>IQ</strong>-LabLink • Not active (not used)Temperature mode(only withMeasuring mode: K (mg/l))• °C• °FUnit of the measured temperature value(Celsius, Fahrenheit).Temp. adjustment(only withMeasuring mode: K (mg/l))-1.5 °C ... +1.5 °C The temperature <strong>com</strong>pensation functionenables the temperature sensor to bebalanced against a reference temperaturemeasurement (displacement of the zeropoint by ±1.5 °C).Notes:• Due to the thermal capacity of thesensor, it is necessary to place it in acontainer with at least 2 liters of water.• Leave the sensor in this container for atleast 15 minutes while stirringoccasionally, then carry out theadjustment.If the temperature difference of thewater and sensor is > 10°C, leave thesensor in the container for at least onehour while stirring occasionally.Conc. offset -10 mg/l ... +10 mg/l Constant value, which is added to themeasuered value.Program level 0 ... 2 Program extension (0 = Off = standard setting).Refer to section 4.2.4 for details about theprogram extension.3 - 16 ba76000e01 01/2012

<strong>VARiON</strong> ®<strong>Plus</strong> 700 <strong>IQ</strong>CommissioningMenu item Selection/values ExplanationsSave and quitQuitThe system confirms the saving of thesettings and the display switches to thenext higher level.The display switches to the next higherlevel without saving the new settings.ba76000e01 01/20123 - 17

Commissioning<strong>VARiON</strong> ®<strong>Plus</strong> 700 <strong>IQ</strong>3 - 18 ba76000e01 01/2012

<strong>VARiON</strong> ®<strong>Plus</strong> 700 <strong>IQ</strong>Matrix adjustment, check and calibration4 Matrix adjustment, check and calibration4.1 General informationCalibration freeoperationThe <strong>VARiON</strong> ®<strong>Plus</strong> 700 <strong>IQ</strong> <strong>com</strong>bination sensor is immediately ready tomeasure after being equipped with electrodes. For precisemeasurements, it is only necessary to adjust the electrodes to thesample matrix ("matrix adjustment").With the re<strong>com</strong>mendedapplication (see section 1.3 RECOMMENDED FIELDS OF APPLICATION), themeasuring characteristics of the electrodes remain stable for theirentire service life. Thus, calibration is no longer required.Possible changes of the sample matrix can be determined byoccasional <strong>com</strong>parison measurements (e.g. photometer) and<strong>com</strong>pensated for by a new matrix adjustment as necessary. The sensordoes not have to be taken out of the sample for this. At the same time,a matrix adjustment provides information on the state of the electrodes.StepsStart: press ElectrodezeroingYes/NoYes if a new or different electrode is<strong>com</strong>missionedSelection of procedureMatrix adjustment Check CalibrationCalibration free operationProcedures for special cases(see section 4.3)Fig. 4-1Schematic diagramba76000e01 01/20124 - 1

Matrix adjustment, check and calibration<strong>VARiON</strong> ®<strong>Plus</strong> 700 <strong>IQ</strong>Drift potentialSimultaneously with the matrix adjustment (or calibration), the driftvoltage DV(mV) of the <strong>com</strong>bination electrode is determined. It servesto evaluate the long-term behavior of the <strong>com</strong>bination electrode. Thedrift voltage changes due to the following factors:• Influences due to the sample <strong>com</strong>position (matrix)• Changes of the electrode characteristics.Electrode zeroingThe temporal change of the drift voltage is recorded in the calibrationhistory so the long-term behavior of a <strong>com</strong>bination electrode can beevaluated. As a start value, the user has to set the drift voltage to zeroat the beginning of this evaluation period in order to observe changesin the calibration history.The electrode zeroing itself is carried out with the matrix adjustment (orcalibration) procedure for the selected <strong>com</strong>bination electrode(s). Itbe<strong>com</strong>es effective if the procedure was successfully carried out.For each electrode, the user can carry out the electrode zeroingseparately and at any time. We re<strong>com</strong>mend, however, to start theevaluation period with the <strong>com</strong>missioning of a new or differentelectrode to be able to see the entire operating life of an electrode inthe calibration history.It is not possible to zero an electrode with the Check procedure, as thisprocedure stores no data in the sensor.Resetting the slope byelectrode zeroingMaintenance andcalibration case,<strong>VARiON</strong> ® CaseElectrode zeroing with the matrix adjustment procedure resets theslope to the default setting (+ or - 59.2 mV) at the same time. Electrodezeroing with the calibration procedure replaces the existing slope withthe newly determined value.For adjustment, calibration and maintenance activities on site, the<strong>VARiON</strong> ® Case is available. The convenient case provides room for allrequired accessories (details, see section 6.1).4 - 2 ba76000e01 01/2012

<strong>VARiON</strong> ®<strong>Plus</strong> 700 <strong>IQ</strong>Matrix adjustment, check and calibration4.2 Matrix adjustment4.2.1 General information on matrix adjustmentThis procedure adjusts the value directly measured in the test sampleto an independently determined reference value ("lab value"). Todetermine the reference values, a sample is taken from the measuringsolution and the relevant concentrations are measured (e.g.photometrically).First select for which of the installed <strong>com</strong>bination electrodes the matrixadjustment should be carried out. Based on this selection and theelectrode equipment, the sensor software determines the ion types forwhich a reference measurement must be carried out. The menu guidedroutine adapts itself correspondingly and informs you of all necessaryactions.4.2.2 Carrying out the matrix adjustmentNoteA chloride electrode should be checked for coatings and polished off asnecessary before the matrix adjustment is carried out (see section 6.4).Main stepsStep 1:Step 2:Step 3:Determination of all <strong>com</strong>bination electrode voltages("reference voltages"). The sensor is in the sample.The procedure is started from the measured value displaywith . After <strong>com</strong>pletion the system returns to themeasured value display.Sampling at the same place and time if possible anddetermination of all relevant reference valuesEntry of the measured reference values. This step isstarted by pressing again.Online helpMatrix adjustment withelectrode zeroingA <strong>com</strong>fortable, menu guided routine guides you through the matrixadjustment. All steps are easily and understandably explained on thedisplay. In addition, you can call up an Online help for each step. To doso, move the highlighting to the Online help menu item with the arrowkeys or the toggle switch and press . A helptext with detailed information on the relevant operating step appears onthe display. It provides, for example, important instructions on how tokeep the correct basic conditions. When is pressed once again,the display returns to the current operating step.After installing a new or different electrode you have to zero theelectrode to facilitate a long-term evaluation. Details on electrodezeroing, see section 4.1.ba76000e01 01/20124 - 3

Matrix adjustment, check and calibration<strong>VARiON</strong> ®<strong>Plus</strong> 700 <strong>IQ</strong>Practical instructions• Ammonium and nitrate have to be determined immediately aftertaking the sample as the their content changes very quickly due tothe micro organisms that are present. It is best to take the sampleusing a syringe filter for transport to the laboratory or to stabilize itotherwise. When adding stabilizing solutions, the dilution factor hasto be taken into account.• While determining the reference concentrations in the lab (step 2),you can use the sensor for control purposes again by switching themaintenance condition off and thus releasing the linked outputs. Thesensor continues to use the data of the previous matrix adjustment(or calibration). The reference voltages determined in step 1 will notbe lost. They remain stored until step 3 of the matrix adjustment is<strong>com</strong>pleted. They do not have to be noted and entered again.• Use the Online help if you are unsure of anything during the matrixadjustment.4 - 4 ba76000e01 01/2012

<strong>VARiON</strong> ®<strong>Plus</strong> 700 <strong>IQ</strong>Matrix adjustment, check and calibration4.2.3 Result of the matrix adjustmentEvaluationAfter the matrix adjustment, the system automatically evaluates thecurrent condition of the electrode(s) based on the drift voltage. For asuccessful matrix adjustment, the drift voltage must be within the range-45 mV ... +45 mV. The drift voltage is set to 0 mV if you have selectedto zero the electrode.At the end of the matrix adjustment procedure the drift voltage of allselected electrodes is shown on the display. The evaluation isdisplayed with "+" (successful) or "-" (unsuccessful). Additionally, theslopes are displayed that are used for the current measured valuecalculation. The slopes are marked by a star (*) as they were notchanged by the matrix adjustment.Taking over thedetermined valuesFor each successfully adjusted electrode you can individually decidewhether the values should be stored for measurement.NoteIf the matrix adjustment was erroneous due to an incorrectdetermination or entry of the reference concentration, you can correctthe entry (if necessary several times). If, by doing so, it is not possibleto eliminate the error, the <strong>com</strong>plete matrix adjustment has to berepeated or discarded for this electrode. If it is discarded, measurementis continued with the values of the last valid matrix adjustment (orcalibration). Values of successfully adjusted electrodes that werealready stored are retained.NoteActions for error elimination are given in the Online help and in chapter8 WHAT TO DO IF ....History of matrixadjustments(only available in the<strong>IQ</strong> SENSOR NETsystem 2020 XT)The history of matrix adjustments can be viewed in the so-calledcalibration history.Last electrodezeroing viamatrix adjustmentChronological list ofthe last matrixadjustmentsFig. 4-2 Calibration history with matrix adjustments (example: <strong>VARiON</strong> A)ba76000e01 01/20124 - 5

Matrix adjustment, check and calibration<strong>VARiON</strong> ®<strong>Plus</strong> 700 <strong>IQ</strong>DateSDVRef1Ref2The history of matrix adjustments contains the following information:Date of the matrix adjustmentSlope [mV] of the electrode.The slopes are marked by a star (*) because they were not changedby the matrix adjustment or reset to the default condition with theelectrode zeroing.Drift voltage [mV]0 is displayed after an electrode zeroing.Reference concentration [mg/l]This column is of no importance for the matrix adjustmentK+ or Cl- Measured or entered interfering ions concentration [mg/l]PTRProcedure (1 = matrix adjustment)Temperature [°C]Evaluation of the matrix adjustment+ : Matrix adjustment successful.The sensor measures with the new adjustment data.? : Matrix adjustment unsuccessful.Invalid adjustment data was discarded. Measurement iscontinued with the last valid values.NoteIf you set the potassium electrode to be displayed as the extra sensor<strong>VARiON</strong> K, the calibration history of the potassium electrode can beviewed under <strong>VARiON</strong> K. The <strong>IQ</strong> SENSOR NET does not keep an extralog book for this sensor. Log book messages are displayed with themain sensor, <strong>VARiON</strong> A.For the chloride electrode, or if the potassium electrode is not displayedas an extra sensor, you can generate a log book message with thecalibration history by means of the menu item, Calib. history Cl (or K)in the setting table of the relevant sensor. How to do this is describedon page 3-11. The log book message is recorded in the log book of therelevant main sensor (<strong>VARiON</strong> A -> message code IC5395 or <strong>VARiON</strong>N -> message code IC6396).4 - 6 ba76000e01 01/2012

<strong>VARiON</strong> ®<strong>Plus</strong> 700 <strong>IQ</strong>Matrix adjustment, check and calibration4.2.4 Program extensionThe simple matrix adjustment, as described in the sections 4.2.2 to4.2.3, will in most cases lead to precise measurement results. In somecases, special effects in the matrix can cause the real characteristiccurve of the ISE measurement to deviate very much from the factorycharacteristic curve. This can lead to measured values that are notprecise enough.From sensor software version 3.20, the setting table provides theProgram Level setting, which can be used to enhance the functionalityof the matrix adjustment. Program Level 0 is the simple matrixadjustment as described in the sections 4.2.2 to 4.2.3. The programlevels 1 and 2 provide tools with which the real characteristic curve ofthe ISE measurement can be better approximated.For more detailed information please address your <strong>YSI</strong> contact person.NoteTo restore the factory characteristic curve, select Program Level 0 inthe setting table and then quit the menu with Save and quit.ba76000e01 01/20124 - 7

Matrix adjustment, check and calibration<strong>VARiON</strong> ®<strong>Plus</strong> 700 <strong>IQ</strong>4.3 Check and calibration in standard solutions4.3.1 General information on checking and calibratingIn addition to the <strong>com</strong>parison measurement or matrix adjustment underreal measurement conditions, it is possible to check the function of theentire sensor in standard solutions. If necessary, you can also takeover to the sensor the slope and potential level of the individual<strong>com</strong>bination electrodes via an exact calibration in standard solutions.The slope will be retained with a future matrix adjustment if it is carriedout without zeroing the electrode.CautionThe long term stable <strong>VARiON</strong> ®<strong>Plus</strong> electrodes are calibration-freewith the re<strong>com</strong>mended application. A check in standard solutionsis only of significance if all basic conditions (cleanness,conditioning etc.) are strictly kept. Calibration can cause majormeasurement errors if the basic conditions are not sufficientlykept. After calibrating, a matrix adjustment is normally requiredadditionally(always with the re<strong>com</strong>mended application). Standard solutionsdo not represent any real test sample!When does a check orcalibration make sense?A check or calibration can be useful in the following special cases:• If the measured values do not appear to be correct even after acareful matrix adjustment and if you suspect the electrode slopes tohave changed• If a new application is to be started, the sample <strong>com</strong>position of whichconsiderably deviates from that of the re<strong>com</strong>mended application(see section 1.3 RECOMMENDED FIELDS OF APPLICATION)• Routinely within the framework of the <strong>com</strong>pany quality assurance.4 - 8 ba76000e01 01/2012

<strong>VARiON</strong> ®<strong>Plus</strong> 700 <strong>IQ</strong>Matrix adjustment, check and calibrationDifferences betweencheck and calibrationStandard solutionsThe check and calibration are carried out in two separate routines. Theschema is the same with both routines: Two standard solutions withdifferent concentrations are measured one after the other. Thedifferences between the check and calibration are as follows:• For the check, the basic conditions to be kept are less strict. It issuitable as a quick method to check whether the slope and potentiallevel of the <strong>com</strong>bination electrodes are within the allowed limits. Theresults are just for information. No characteristics or sensor settingsare changed.• For calibration, the basic conditions must <strong>com</strong>ply with very highrequirements (longer conditioning times, discarding of theconditioning solution, temperature adjustment etc.).Correspondingly, it requires more time. During calibration, the slopeand drift voltage are exactly determined and evaluated. If thecalibration was successful, the determined values can be taken overfor measurement. The procedure can, however, be used as a merecheck method. Calibration is documented in the calibration historyand in the log book.For the check or calibration, the following two <strong>YSI</strong> standard solutionsare required in this order:• <strong>VARiON</strong> ® /ES-2 (high concentration)• <strong>VARiON</strong> ® /ES-1 (low concentration).These standard solutions contain all ion types that <strong>com</strong>e into question(ammonium, nitrate, potassium and chloride) and are especiallyadapted to the <strong>VARiON</strong> ®<strong>Plus</strong> 700 <strong>IQ</strong>.Online helpCalibration withelectrode zeroingA <strong>com</strong>fortable, menu guided routine guides you through the procedure.All steps are easily and understandably explained on the display. Inaddition, you can call up an Online help for each step. To do so, movethe highlighting to the Online help menu item with the arrow keys or the toggle switch and press . A help textwith detailed information on the relevant operating step appears on thedisplay. It provides, for example, important instructions on how to keepthe correct basic conditions. When is pressed once again, thedisplay returns to the current operating step.After installing a new or different electrode you have to zero theelectrode to facilitate a long-term evaluation. Details on electrodezeroing, see section 4.1.NoteA chloride electrode should be checked for coatings and polished off asnecessary before the check or calibration is carried out (see section6.4).ba76000e01 01/20124 - 9

Matrix adjustment, check and calibration<strong>VARiON</strong> ®<strong>Plus</strong> 700 <strong>IQ</strong>Preparations andinstructions on how tokeep the basicconditions• Select a place where clean working conditions and a constant,sufficiently high temperature are granted (a room, e.g. laboratory).Temperatures under 10 °C extend the conditioning timeconsiderably.• Make sure the temperature of all <strong>com</strong>ponents (sensor, standardsolutions, containers, accessories etc.) is similar and constant. Were<strong>com</strong>mend to store the standard solutions in the same place wherethe check or calibration is carried out.• Use containers and accessories (beaker, stirring rod) that areabsolutely clean and without detergent residues. Detergent residuescan seriously affect the function of the electrodes.• Remove the protective hood and clean the sensor thoroughly.Before the check, rinse the sensor with standard solution <strong>VARiON</strong> ® /ES-2.• Make sure the depth of immersion is sufficient (minimum 5 cm).• Make sure there are no air bubbles in front of the electrodemembrane.• Conditioning times: During the conditioning steps, all relevant<strong>com</strong>bination electrode voltages are indicated on the display. Thusyou can observe the conditioning process.• Regular stirring accelerates the conditioning process considerably.Stirring with a stirring rod or the sensor itself is sufficient.• For calibration, the standard solution is discarded after conditioning.This is pointed out by a corresponding note in the calibration routine.It is essential for an exact calibration result.• Use the Online help if you are unsure of anything during calibration.4.3.2 Result of the checkEvaluationAt the end of the check, the result for the <strong>com</strong>bination electrodes isshown on the display with "+" (successful) or "-" (unsuccessful). Theexact check criteria are given in the Online help of the result display. Atthe same time the result is entered in the log book as an info message.There is no entry in the calibration history.4 - 10 ba76000e01 01/2012

<strong>VARiON</strong> ®<strong>Plus</strong> 700 <strong>IQ</strong>Matrix adjustment, check and calibration4.3.3 Result of the calibrationEvaluationWith calibration, the system automatically evaluates the condition of a<strong>com</strong>bination electrode based on the data of its characteristic curve. Thedrift potential and slope are evaluated separately. For a calibrationprocedure to be valid, the potential level, slope and drift voltage mustbe within certain ranges.Valid ranges for slope and drift potential:Value of the slope:Drift voltage:50 ... 70 mV-45 ... +45 mVThe valid potential levels (MIN, MAX) can be taken from the online help.Taking over thedetermined valuesFor each successfully calibrated electrode you can individually decidewhether the values should be stored for measurement.NoteActions for error elimination are given in chapter 8 WHAT TO DO IF ....ba76000e01 01/20124 - 11

Matrix adjustment, check and calibration<strong>VARiON</strong> ®<strong>Plus</strong> 700 <strong>IQ</strong>Calibration history(only available in the<strong>IQ</strong> SENSOR NETsystems 2020 XT)In the calibration history, a calibration has the entries ES1 and ES2 inthe Ref1 and Ref2 columns which the matrix adjustment has not:Last electrodezeroing (here, viacalibration)Chronological listwith the last matrixadjustments andcalibrationsFig. 4-3 Calibration history (example: <strong>VARiON</strong> A)The calibration history contains the following information:DateSDVRef1/Ref2Date of the calibration or matrix adjustmentSlope [mV] of the electrode.Note: After a matrix adjustment, the values for the slope are markedby a star (*) because they were not changed by this procedure.Drift voltage [mV]After an electrode zeroing and subsequent calibration or matrixadjustment, 0 is displayed.Depending on the procedure.Matrix adjustment: Reference concentration [mg/l]Calibration: Used standard solutionK+ or Cl- Depending on the procedure.Matrix adjustment: Interfering ions concentration [mg/l]Calibration: Standard solution, <strong>VARiON</strong> ® /ES-2PTRProcedure (1 = matrix adjustment, 3 = calibration)Temperature [°C]Evaluation of the calibration or matrix adjustment+ : Calibration or matrix adjustment.The sensor measures with the new calibration or adjustmentdata.? : Calibration or matrix adjustment unsuccessful.Invalid calibration or adjustment data were discarded.Measurement is continued with the last valid values.4 - 12 ba76000e01 01/2012

<strong>VARiON</strong> ®<strong>Plus</strong> 700 <strong>IQ</strong>Matrix adjustment, check and calibrationNoteIf you set the potassium electrode to be displayed as the extra sensor<strong>VARiON</strong> K, the calibration history of the potassium electrode can beviewed under <strong>VARiON</strong> K. The <strong>IQ</strong> SENSOR NET does not keep an extralog book for this sensor. Log book messages are displayed with themain sensor, <strong>VARiON</strong> A.For the chloride electrode, or if the potassium electrode is not displayedas an extra sensor, you can generate a log book message with thecalibration history by means of the menu item, Calib. history Cl (or K)in the setting table of the relevant sensor. How to do this is describedon page 3-11. The log book message is recorded in the log book of therelevant main sensor (<strong>VARiON</strong> A -> message code IC5395 or <strong>VARiON</strong>N -> message code IC6396).ba76000e01 01/20124 - 13

Matrix adjustment, check and calibration<strong>VARiON</strong> ®<strong>Plus</strong> 700 <strong>IQ</strong>4 - 14 ba76000e01 01/2012

<strong>VARiON</strong> ®<strong>Plus</strong> 700 <strong>IQ</strong>Measuring5 Measuring5.1 Measuring operationNote the data given in section 9.2 APPLICATION CONDITIONS, especiallythe minimum immersion depth of the sensor (> 50 mm with mountedprotective hood).NoteTo keep the sensor clean, we re<strong>com</strong>mend to use the CH cleaning head(see chapter 7 REPLACEMENT PARTS AND ACCESSORIES).5.2 Factors affecting the measured valueCautionGreases, oils, certain tensides and similar substances canshorten the operational lifetime of the electrodes. Therefore, theyshould not be present in the test sample.For measurement with the <strong>VARiON</strong> ®<strong>Plus</strong> 700 <strong>IQ</strong> the followinginfluencing variables can be important, depending on the measuredparameter:Measured parameterAmmoniumNitrateInfluencing variable• pH value• Potassium ions• Chloride ionsNoteThe effects of influencing variables on measurement and<strong>com</strong>pensating actions are described in detail in the <strong>YSI</strong> primer, IONSELECTIVE MEASUREMENT IN ONLINE ANAL<strong>YSI</strong>S.ba76000e01 01/20125 - 1

Measuring<strong>VARiON</strong> ®<strong>Plus</strong> 700 <strong>IQ</strong>5 - 2 ba76000e01 01/2012

<strong>VARiON</strong> ®<strong>Plus</strong> 700 <strong>IQ</strong>Maintenance and electrode exchange6 Maintenance and electrode exchange6.1 General maintenance notesWarningContact with the sample can be dangerous for the user!Depending on the type of sample, suitable protective measuresmust be taken (protective clothing, protective goggles, etc.).Maintenance condition<strong>VARiON</strong> ® /EpackMaintenance andcalibration case,<strong>VARiON</strong> ® CaseWe re<strong>com</strong>mend to switch on the maintenance condition each time thesensor is taken out of the measuring position. This avoids unwantedreactions of linked outputs. More information on the maintenancecondition is given in the relevant <strong>IQ</strong> SENSOR NET system operatingmanual.The <strong>VARiON</strong> ® /Epack set with usual replacement parts is available formaintenance (see chapter 7 REPLACEMENT PARTS AND ACCESSORIES).For adjustment, calibration and maintenance activities on site, the<strong>VARiON</strong> ® Case is available. The convenient case provides room for allrequired accessories (details, see next page).ba76000e01 01/20126 - 1

a76000e01 2/20111Maintenance and electrode exchange<strong>VARiON</strong> ®<strong>Plus</strong> 700 <strong>IQ</strong>123674859Operating manual10<strong>VARiON</strong> ®<strong>Plus</strong> 700 <strong>IQ</strong>11<strong>IQ</strong> SENSOR NETModular <strong>com</strong>bination sensorfor ammonium and nitrateFig. 6-1Sample equipment of the <strong>VARiON</strong> ® Case calibration and maintenance case1 Blind plug2 Special socket wrench3 Polishing strip4 Replacement electrodes with watering caps5 Compartments for various accessories (wiping cloths, samplebottles, personal protective equipment etc.)6 Recess for sensor7 Storing solution for reference electrode8 Replacement reference electrode with storing aids9 Calibration standards10 Operating manual11 Protective hood6 - 2 ba76000e01 01/2012

<strong>VARiON</strong> ®<strong>Plus</strong> 700 <strong>IQ</strong>Maintenance and electrode exchange6.2 Exterior cleaningNoteTo keep the electrodes clean, we re<strong>com</strong>mend to use the CH cleaninghead (see chapter 7 REPLACEMENT PARTS AND ACCESSORIES).With normal operation (e.g. municipal wastewater) we stronglyre<strong>com</strong>mend to clean the outside of the sensor and calibrate:• when it is strongly contaminated (after visual check)• if erroneous measured values are suspected• each time before removing or exchanging an electrodeCautionDo not use any detergents for cleaning. Detergent residues canseriously affect the function of the electrodes.NoteWe re<strong>com</strong>mend to clean the sensor shaft and electrodes while thesensor is still connected to the sensor connection cable. Otherwise,moisture and/or dirt can get into the plug connection where it can causecontact problems.If you would like to disconnect the sensor from the sensor connectioncable, please note the following points:• Before disconnecting the sensor from the SAC<strong>IQ</strong> sensor connectioncable, remove any larger pieces of contamination from the sensor,particularly in the area of the plug connection (brush it off in a bucketof tap water, wash it off with a hose or wipe it off with a cloth).• Unscrew the sensor from the SAC<strong>IQ</strong> sensor connection cable.• Always place a protective cap on the plug head of the sensor and onthe SAC<strong>IQ</strong> sensor connection cable so that no moisture or dirt canget into the contacting surfaces.• In corrosive environments, close the socket of the sensorconnection cable with the screwable SAC<strong>IQ</strong>-Plug when it is dry inorder to protect the electrical contacts from corrosion. The protectiveplug is available as an accessory (see section 7.2 GENERALACCESSORIES).Cleaning the sensorClean the sensor shaft with tap water and a soft sponge or brush.Remove the protective hood. The electrodes are best cleaned underrunning tap water using a soft toothbrush or brush.ba76000e01 01/20126 - 3

Maintenance and electrode exchange<strong>VARiON</strong> ®<strong>Plus</strong> 700 <strong>IQ</strong>Cleaning the couplingring of the protectivehoodThe coupling ring can be unscrewed and dismantled for cleaning asfollows:321Fig. 6-2Dismantling the coupling ring1 Remove the retaining ring (pos. 1 in Fig. 6-2).2 Remove the intermediate ring (pos. 2) and sealing ring (pos.3).After the parts have been cleaned, reassemble the coupling ring inreverse order. When doing so make sure that the tapered side of theintermediate ring (pos. 2) points towards the sealing ring (pos. 3).6 - 4 ba76000e01 01/2012

<strong>VARiON</strong> ®<strong>Plus</strong> 700 <strong>IQ</strong>Maintenance and electrode exchange6.3 Exchanging the electrodesCautionThe sensor can be damaged by dirt and moisture. Each timebefore dismantling an electrode carefully clean the area aroundthe electrodes (section 6.2). Before mounting an electrode makesure the area behind the sealing ring of the electrode and thereceptacle are dry and clean. The <strong>VARiON</strong> ®<strong>Plus</strong> 700 <strong>IQ</strong> may only besubmersed when the electrodes or original blind plugs aremounted.Use the special socket wrench provided to dismantle an electrode.Electrodes are installed as described in section 3.4.1 EQUIPPING THESENSOR WITH ELECTRODES.Recognizing theelectrode type fromoutsideWhen mounted, the electrodes can be recognized by the followingfeatures:Electrode Hexagon FrontsurfaceOther features<strong>VARiON</strong> ® Ref black black – Thread at thehexagon<strong>VARiON</strong> ®<strong>Plus</strong> NH4 black black – Hexagonwithout thread<strong>VARiON</strong> ®<strong>Plus</strong> K black white<strong>VARiON</strong> ®<strong>Plus</strong> NO3 white white – Labeled with theelectrode type<strong>VARiON</strong> ®<strong>Plus</strong> Cl black black – Largermembrane– Membrane flushwith the frontsurfaceNoteFor the correct storage of the electrodes please follow the instructionsin section 3.3 NOTES ON THE HANDLING OF THE ELECTRODES.ba76000e01 01/20126 - 5

Maintenance and electrode exchange<strong>VARiON</strong> ®<strong>Plus</strong> 700 <strong>IQ</strong>6.4 Polishing the chloride electrodeCaused by the test medium, a coating can develop on the surface ofthe chloride electrode, which reduces the electrode slope. To maintaina proper chloride <strong>com</strong>pensation the surface must be renewed bypolishing at regular intervals.CautionDanger of damaging the electrode. Exclusively use the SF 300polishing strip. Never use <strong>com</strong>mercial sandpaper or similar.The polishing can be done while the electrode is mounted (remove theprotective hood as necessary). To polish the electrode, use the SF 300polishing strip provided with the electrode. Moisten the rough side ofthe polishing strip with water and polish off any coatings under slightpressure.SF 300Fig. 6-3Polishing the chloride electrode6 - 6 ba76000e01 01/2012

<strong>VARiON</strong> ®<strong>Plus</strong> 700 <strong>IQ</strong>Replacement parts and accessories7 Replacement parts and accessories7.1 ElectrodesExchange electrodesDescription Model Order no.Reference electrode <strong>VARiON</strong> ® Ref 107 042YAmmonium electrode <strong>VARiON</strong> ®<strong>Plus</strong> NH4 107 044YNitrate electrode <strong>VARiON</strong> ®<strong>Plus</strong> NO3 107 045YPotassium electrode <strong>VARiON</strong> ®<strong>Plus</strong> K 107 046YChloride electrode <strong>VARiON</strong> ®<strong>Plus</strong> Cl 107 047YStoring equipmentDescription Model Order no.250 ml potassium chloridesolution for the storage of theelectrodeKCl-250109 705Y7.2 General accessoriesStandard solutionsfor calibrationDescription Model Order no.1 liter <strong>com</strong>bination standard 1(low concentration)1 liter <strong>com</strong>bination standard 2(high concentration)<strong>VARiON</strong> ® /ES-1<strong>VARiON</strong> ® /ES-2107 050Y107 052YMaintenance equipmentDescription Model Order no.Polishing film SF 300 203 680YProtective plugsDescription Model Order no.Screwable plug for sensorconnection cableSAC<strong>IQ</strong>-Plug480 065Yba76000e01 01/20127 - 1

Replacement parts and accessories<strong>VARiON</strong> ®<strong>Plus</strong> 700 <strong>IQ</strong>General replacementpartsDescription Model Order no.Protective hood <strong>VARiON</strong> ® 700 <strong>IQ</strong>-SK 107 056YReplacement parts set,<strong>com</strong>prising– 1 blind plug for receptacle– 1 special socket wrench– 3 replacement sealing ringsfor electrodes/blind plugs– Storing equipment forelectrodes:1 nut (transparent),1 watering cap with sponge1 nut (black)1 watering cap (withoutsponge) for referenceelectrode<strong>VARiON</strong> ® /Epack107 057YCalibration andmaintenance caseDescription Model Order no.Empty case for the storage ofcalibration and maintenanceequipment for the<strong>VARiON</strong> ®<strong>Plus</strong> 700 <strong>IQ</strong><strong>VARiON</strong> ® Case107 058YComponents forcleaning systemDescription Model Order no.Cleaning head CH 900 107YPassive valve module D<strong>IQ</strong>/CHV 472 007YActive valve module (does notrequire a free relay output in the<strong>IQ</strong> SENSOR NET system)Air <strong>com</strong>pressor supplying thesensor cleaning system withcleaning airM<strong>IQ</strong>/CHV PLUSCleaning Air Box115 VAC230 VAC480 018Y480 017Y480 019YNoteInformation on other <strong>IQ</strong> SENSOR NET accessories is given in the <strong>YSI</strong>catalog and on the Internet.7 - 2 ba76000e01 01/2012

<strong>VARiON</strong> ®<strong>Plus</strong> 700 <strong>IQ</strong> What to do if ...8 What to do if ...8.1 Interpretation of the drift voltageThe drift voltage is influenced by the potential levels of themeasurement electrode and reference electrode. If the potential levelsshift, e.g. caused by aging, both parts can move into the same directionor into opposite directions. The <strong>com</strong>parison of the drift voltages of twoor three electrodes enables to draw conclusions concerning the stateof individual electrodes if a matrix adjustment or calibration resulted inan invalid or considerably deviating drift voltage.Assessment aidsView the calibration history of the <strong>com</strong>bination electrodes. In thefollowing cases, assessment is relatively easy:• If the drift voltages of all <strong>com</strong>bination electrodes show the sametrend, i. e. the drift voltages have shifted in the same direction(positive or negative) by approximately the same amount, thisindicates that the potential level of the reference electrode hasshifted. The reference electrode is possibly highly contaminated orat the end of its service life.• If the drift voltages of all <strong>com</strong>bination electrodes do not show a trendbut shift by different amounts into different directions, the potentiallevel of the reference electrode has not changed considerably. Theinvalid drift voltage is probably caused by a defective measuringelectrode. The measuring electrode is possibly highly contaminatedor at the end of its service life.ba76000e01 01/20128 - 1

What to do if ...<strong>VARiON</strong> ®<strong>Plus</strong> 700 <strong>IQ</strong>8.2 Error causes and remediesNo measured valuedisplayCauseRemedy– <strong>Sensor</strong> not connected – Connect the sensor– Incorrect electrodeequipment– Electrode(s) not at all orincorrectly recognized by thesystem– Correct electrode equipment– Check the installation andcontacts of the electrode (gapfreemounting)– Check electrode receptacle formoisture– If necessary, unscrew theelectrode/blind plug andthoroughly dry the electrode/blind plug and receptacle– Unknown – Look for error messages in thelog book– Liquid in the sensor shaft – <strong>Sensor</strong> defective, send it backMeasurement providesimplausible measuredvaluesCause– No matrix adjustment orcalibration carried out– Adjustment or calibrationerror (e.g. incorrect labvalues, contaminatedstandard solutions)– <strong>Manual</strong> interfering ions<strong>com</strong>pensation works with anunsuitable value– Electrode(s) not at all orincorrectly recognized by thesystemRemedy– Adjust or calibrate theelectrode– Check the adjustment orcalibration conditions– Readjust or recalibrate theelectrode– Determine and enter theinterfering ions <strong>com</strong>pensationonce again, then recalibrate– Check the installation andcontacts of the electrode (gapfreemounting)– Check electrode receptacle formoisture– If necessary, unscrew theelectrode/blind plug andthoroughly dry the electrode/blind plug and receptacle8 - 2 ba76000e01 01/2012

<strong>VARiON</strong> ®<strong>Plus</strong> 700 <strong>IQ</strong> What to do if ...CauseRemedy– Electrode contaminated – Clean the electrode (seesection 6.2)– Liquid in the sensor shaft – <strong>Sensor</strong> defective, send it backMeasurement providesjumping, unstable ordrifting valuesCause– Measurement /<strong>com</strong>pensation electrode:Electrode membrane notmoistened by measuringsolution, e.g. due to air infront of the membrane– Measurement /<strong>com</strong>pensation electrode:Air bubble behind themembrane– Measurement electrode /<strong>com</strong>pensation and referenceelectrode:Insufficient electrical contactin the electrode receptacleRemedy– Moisten membrane withdeionized water using a washbottle. To do so, position theopening of the wash bottle onthe membrane and splashagainst the membranevigorously– Hold the electrode in a verticalposition with the membranedown and knock it on the sidewith the special socket wrench– Check the installation andcontacts of the electrode (gapfreemounting)– Check electrode receptacle formoisture– If necessary, unscrew theelectrode/blind plug andthoroughly dry the electrode/blind plug and receptacle– Reference electrode dried up – Replace reference electrode– Measurement /<strong>com</strong>pensation electrode orreference electrode leaky ordamaged– Replace defective electrode– Liquid in the sensor shaft – <strong>Sensor</strong> defective, send it backba76000e01 01/20128 - 3

What to do if ...<strong>VARiON</strong> ®<strong>Plus</strong> 700 <strong>IQ</strong>Faulty result of thematrix adjustmentCause– Error during procedure, e.g.incorrect lab values– Reference electrode ormeasurement electrodedefective due to aging (seesection 8.1)Remedy– Check the basic conditions– Follow the practical notes onpage 4-4 or in the online help– Recalibrate the electrode– Replace defective electrodeFaulty result ofcalibrationCause– Error during procedure, e.g.contaminated standardsolutions– Reference electrode ormeasurement electrodedefective due to aging (seesection 8.1)Remedy– Check the basic conditions– Follow the practical notes onpage 4-10 or in the online help– Recalibrate the electrode– Replace defective electrode8 - 4 ba76000e01 01/2012

<strong>VARiON</strong> ®<strong>Plus</strong> 700 <strong>IQ</strong>Technical data9 Technical data9.1 Measuring characteristicsMeasuring principlePotentiometric measurement by means of ion sensitive electrodes.Modular structure with jointly used reference electrode and ionsensitive electrodes. Integrated microprocessor electronics, screened2-wire connection for power and data transmission.Measured parametersMain measured parametersSecondary measured parameterCompensation parametersAmmonium and/or nitrate(depending on the electrodeequipment)TemperaturePotassium or chloride(depending on the electrodeequipment)Measuring ranges andresolution,AmmoniummeasurementMeasuringmodeNH4-NNH4Measuring range0.1 ... 100.0 mg/l1 ... 1000 mg/l0.1 ... 129.0 mg/l1 ... 1290 mg/lResolution0.1 mg/l1 mg/l0.1 mg/l1 mg/lmV -2000 ... +2000 mV 1 mVMeasuring ranges andresolution,Nitrate measurementMeasuringmodeNO3-NNO3Measuring range0.1 ... 100.0 mg/l1 ... 1000 mg/l0.5 ... 450.0 mg/l5 ... 4500 mg/lResolution0.1 mg/l1 mg/l0.5 mg/l5 mg/lmV -2000 ... +2000 mV 1 mVMeasuring ranges andresolution,PotassiummeasurementMeasuringmodeMeasuring rangeResolutionK 1 ... 1000 mg/l 1 mg/lmV -2000 ... +2000 mV 1 mVba76000e01 01/20129 - 1

Technical data<strong>VARiON</strong> ®<strong>Plus</strong> 700 <strong>IQ</strong>Measuring ranges andresolution,Chloride measurementMeasuringmodeMeasuring rangeResolutionCl 1 ... 1000 mg/l 1 mg/lmV -2000 ... +2000 mV 1 mVInterfering ions<strong>com</strong>pensationMain measured parameterInterfering ions that can be<strong>com</strong>pensated forAmmonium Potassium (K + )Nitrate Chloride (Cl - )Selectable proceduresforinterfering ions<strong>com</strong>pensationCompensation proceduresAutomatic<strong>Manual</strong>Descriptionup to 1000 mg/l interfering ionswhen equipped with thecorresponding <strong>com</strong>pensationelectrode (chloride for nitratemeasurement or potassium forammonium measurement)without <strong>com</strong>pensation electrodeby manual entry of the interferingionsconcentration(range 1 ... 1000 mg/l).TemperaturemeasurementSensing element typeMeasuring rangeAccuracyResolutionResponse time t 95integrated NTC- 5 °C ... + 60 °C (23 ... 140 °F)± 0.5 K0.1 K< 20 sTemperature<strong>com</strong>pensationautomatic in the range 0 °C ... 40 °C (32 ... 104 °F)9 - 2 ba76000e01 01/2012

<strong>VARiON</strong> ®<strong>Plus</strong> 700 <strong>IQ</strong>Technical data9.2 Application conditionsAllowedtemperature rangeMeasuring mediumStorage/transport0 °C ... 40 °C (32 ... 104 °F)0 °C ... 40 °C (32 ... 104 °F)Allowed pH range of themeasuring medium4 ... 12Pressure resistance<strong>Sensor</strong> with the electrodes or blind plugs screwed in and the SAC<strong>IQ</strong>sensor connection cable connected:Max. allowed overpressure2 x 10 4 Pa (0.2 bar)Type of protectionDepth of immersionOperating positionFields of application<strong>Sensor</strong> with the electrodes or blind plugs screwed in and the SAC<strong>IQ</strong>sensor connection cable connected:IP 68, 0.2 bar (2 x 10 4 Pa)min. 50 mm; max. 2 m depthElectrode support pointing downward (maximum angle to the plumbline = 60 °)• Control / monitoring in the aeration tank of a waste water treatmentplant• Water and waste water monitoringba76000e01 01/20129 - 3

Technical data<strong>VARiON</strong> ®<strong>Plus</strong> 700 <strong>IQ</strong>9.3 General dataDimensionsMinimum immersiondepth 50 mm39248 55 40Socket SAC<strong>IQ</strong>...Weight (without sensorconnection cable)Connection techniqueapprox. 670 g with protective hoodConnection via SAC<strong>IQ</strong> sensor connection cableMaterialShaft V4A stainless steel 1.4571Protective hoodElectrode supportPOMPOMTemperature probe V4A stainless steel 1.4571Plug head connector housing POMPlug, 3-pole ETFE (blue) Tefzel ®Electrodes see section 9.5Instrument safetyApplicable norms – EN 61010-1– UL 3111-1– CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 1010.19.4 Electrical dataNominal voltagePower consumptionProtective classmax. 24 VDCvia the <strong>IQ</strong> SENSOR NET (details seechapter TECHNICAL DATA of the<strong>IQ</strong> SENSOR NET system operatingmanual)0.2 WIII9 - 4 ba76000e01 01/2012

<strong>VARiON</strong> ®<strong>Plus</strong> 700 <strong>IQ</strong>Technical data9.5 Data of the <strong>VARiON</strong> ®<strong>Plus</strong> electrodes9.5.1 Response times<strong>VARiON</strong> ®<strong>Plus</strong> NH4 <strong>VARiON</strong> ®<strong>Plus</strong> NO3 <strong>VARiON</strong> ®<strong>Plus</strong> K <strong>VARiON</strong> ®<strong>Plus</strong> ClResponse time t 90 < 3min < 3min < 3min < 3minMeasured at 20 °C (68 °F)and a concentration changeof ...10 to 100 mg/lNH4-N5 to 50 mg/lNO3-N5 to 50 mg/lK10 to 100 mg/lCl9.5.2 Materials<strong>VARiON</strong> ®<strong>Plus</strong> NH4 <strong>VARiON</strong> ®<strong>Plus</strong> NO3 <strong>VARiON</strong> ®<strong>Plus</strong> K <strong>VARiON</strong> ®<strong>Plus</strong> Cl <strong>VARiON</strong> ® RefElectrodesHousing POM POM POM PVC PVCClamping ring POM POM POM - -Membranesoft PVC withstainless steelprotectivegratingsoft PVC withstainless steelprotective gratingsoft PVC withstainlesssteelprotectivegratingISE element(solid body)in epoxyJunction - - - - PorousPVDFSealing ring FPM (Viton ® ) FPM (Viton ® ) FPM (Viton ® ) FPM (Viton ® ) FPM (Viton ® )Connectioncontactsgold-plated gold-plated gold-plated gold-plated gold-plated-Storing equipmentWatering cap POM POM POM POM POMNut PMMA PMMA PMMA PMMA POM9.5.3 Weights<strong>VARiON</strong> ®<strong>Plus</strong> NH4 <strong>VARiON</strong> ®<strong>Plus</strong> NO3 <strong>VARiON</strong> ®<strong>Plus</strong> K <strong>VARiON</strong> ®<strong>Plus</strong> Cl <strong>VARiON</strong> ® Ref5g 5g 5g 5g 13 gba76000e01 01/20129 - 5

Technical data<strong>VARiON</strong> ®<strong>Plus</strong> 700 <strong>IQ</strong>9 - 6 ba76000e01 01/2012

<strong>VARiON</strong> ®<strong>Plus</strong> 700 <strong>IQ</strong>Contact Information10 Contact Information10.1 Ordering & Technical SupportTelephone: (800) 897-4151(937) 767-7241Monday through Friday, 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM ETFax: (937) 767-1058Email:Mail:Internet:environmental@ysi.<strong>com</strong><strong>YSI</strong> Incorporated1725 Brannum LaneYellow Springs, OH 45387USAwww.ysi.<strong>com</strong>When placing an order please have the following information available:<strong>YSI</strong> account number (if available)Model number or brief descriptionQuantityName and Phone NumberBilling and shipping addressPurchase Order or Credit Card10.2 Service Information<strong>YSI</strong> has authorized service centers throughout the United States andInternationally. For the nearest service center information, please visitwww.ysi.<strong>com</strong> and click ‘Support’ or contact <strong>YSI</strong> Technical Supportdirectly at 800-897-4151.When returning a product for service, include the Product Return formwith cleaning certification. The form must be <strong>com</strong>pletely filled out for an<strong>YSI</strong> Service Center to accept the instrument for service. The ProductReturn form may be downloaded at www.ysi.<strong>com</strong> and clicking on the‘Support‘ tab.ba76000e01 01/201210 - 1

Contact Information<strong>VARiON</strong> ®<strong>Plus</strong> 700 <strong>IQ</strong>10 - 2 ba76000e01 01/2012

<strong>VARiON</strong> ®<strong>Plus</strong> 700 <strong>IQ</strong>Indexes11 Indexes11.1 Explanation of the messagesThis chapter contains a list of all the message codes and relatedmessage texts that can occur in the log book of the <strong>IQ</strong> SENSOR NETsystem for the <strong>VARiON</strong> ®<strong>Plus</strong> 700 <strong>IQ</strong> sensor.NoteInformation on• the contents and structure of the log book and• the structure of the message codeis given in the LOG BOOK chapter of the <strong>IQ</strong> SENSOR NET systemoperating manual.NoteThe last three digits of the message code identify the source of themessage:• 521 = <strong>VARiON</strong>+700 <strong>IQ</strong> (armature / <strong>com</strong>ponent class, ADA adapters)• 395 = <strong>VARiON</strong> A (ammonium / potassium sensor)• 396 = <strong>VARiON</strong> N (nitrate sensor)11.1.1 Error messagesMessage codeEA1395EA1396EA2521EA3521EAN395EAO396Message textMeas. range exceeded or undercut* Check process* Select other meas. rangeMeas. range exceeded or undercut* Check process* Select other meas. range<strong>Sensor</strong> temperature too high!* Check process and application<strong>Sensor</strong> temperature too low!* Check process and applicationPotassium measurement: range exceeded or undercut* Check processChloride measurement: range exceeded or undercut* Check processba76000e01 01/201211 - 1

Indexes<strong>VARiON</strong> ®<strong>Plus</strong> 700 <strong>IQ</strong>Message codeEIA521ES1521Message textIncorrect equipment* for correct electrode equipment see operating manualComponent hardware defective* Contact service11.1.2 Info messagesMessage codeIC3395IC4396IC5395IC6396IC7395IC7396ICA395ICA396ICB395ICC396ICD395ICD396ICE395ICF396IIA521IAI397Message textK electrode has been successfully calibrated* For calibration data, see calibration historyCl electrode has been successfully calibrated* For calibration data, see calibration history(this message contains calibration data of the potassium electrode)(this message contains calibration data of the chloride electrode)<strong>Sensor</strong> could not be calibrated,Measuring with old calibration values* Check calibration conditions and calibration standard* View calibration history* Service sensor immediately(see operating manual)Electrode: check successfulK electrode: check successfulCl electrode: check successfulElectrode: check unsuccessfulPlease follow online help.K electrode: check unsuccessfulPlease follow online help.Cl electrode: check unsuccessfulPlease follow online help.(This message is generated when the electrode equipment is changed.It informs you of the new assignment of the electrode receptacles)see <strong>VARiON</strong> A11 - 2 ba76000e01 01/2012

<strong>VARiON</strong> ®<strong>Plus</strong> 700 <strong>IQ</strong>Indexes11.2 Status infoThe status info is a piece of coded information about the current stateof a sensor. Each sensor sends this status info to the controller. Thestatus info of sensors consists of 32 bits, each of which can have thevalue 0 or 1.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15Status info,general structure1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (general)0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (internal)16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31The bits 0 - 15 are reserved for general information.The bits 16 - 21 are reserved for internal service information.You obtain the status info:• via a manual query in the menu, Einstellungen/Settings/Service/Listof all <strong>com</strong>ponents (see system operating manual)• via an automated query– of a superordinate process control (e. g. when connected to theProfibus)– of the <strong>IQ</strong> Data Server (see operating manual of the<strong>IQ</strong> SENSOR NET software pack)NoteThe evaluation of the status info, e.g. in the case of an automatedquery, has to be made individually for each bit.<strong>VARiON</strong> ®<strong>Plus</strong> 700 <strong>IQ</strong>Status infoStatus bit ExplanationBit 0 Component hardware defectiveBit 1-31 -ba76000e01 01/201211 - 3

Indexes<strong>VARiON</strong> ®<strong>Plus</strong> 700 <strong>IQ</strong>11 - 4 ba76000e01 01/2012

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