radon in groundwater - Mark- och vattenteknik - KTH

radon in groundwater - Mark- och vattenteknik - KTH

radon in groundwater - Mark- och vattenteknik - KTH

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Kirlna Skeppström TRITA LWR.LIC 2032water conta<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g 1000 Bq/l. Groundwater isextracted from different sources and<strong>groundwater</strong> from bedrock aquifers (drilledwells) has a greater potential of conta<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>gan enhanced concentration of 222 Rn than<strong>groundwater</strong> extracted from soil aquifers <strong>in</strong>dug wells (Åkerblom and L<strong>in</strong>dgren, 1997).In bedrock aquifers, <strong>groundwater</strong> occurs andflows <strong>in</strong> fractures. Radium-rich m<strong>in</strong>eralspresent along the surfaces of fractures decayand release 222 Rn atoms <strong>in</strong>to <strong>groundwater</strong>.S<strong>in</strong>ce the recoil distance as well as the diffusionlength of 222 Rn is small (Tanner, 1980),it is widely accepted that only those m<strong>in</strong>eralsly<strong>in</strong>g on the surfaces of fractures, <strong>in</strong> directcontact with the <strong>groundwater</strong>, contribute to<strong>in</strong>creased 222 Rn levels <strong>in</strong> the water. Changes<strong>in</strong> <strong>groundwater</strong> chemistry can lead to differentm<strong>in</strong>eral fluid <strong>in</strong>teractions (Siegel andBryan, 2004). 238 U is affected by redox conditions.When an oxidis<strong>in</strong>g environmentprevails, 238 U enters solution and is transportedalong with the water and is eventuallyprecipitated <strong>in</strong> a reduc<strong>in</strong>g environment(Schumann and Gundersen, 1996). 226 Raoccurrence and distribution <strong>in</strong> <strong>groundwater</strong>is guided by its production from its immediateparent isotope thorium ( 230 Th) and itsremoval from solution is governed by theadsorption or cation exchange properties(Herczeg et al., 1988). The re-deposition of238 U and 226 Ra along the walls of a fracture isknown as secondary m<strong>in</strong>eral enrichment andcontributes to significantly <strong>in</strong>creas<strong>in</strong>g theconcentration of222 Rn <strong>in</strong> <strong>groundwater</strong>(Åkerblom and L<strong>in</strong>dgren, 1997).The above-mentioned microscopic processescomb<strong>in</strong>ed with the heterogeneity offractures <strong>in</strong> a rock matrix often make itdifficult to quantify transport of radioactiveelements <strong>in</strong> a bedrock aquifer. Not all fracturesare hydraulically significant - only a feware hydraulic conductors and facilitate fluidflow (NRC, 1996; Olofsson et al., 2001).However, despite the complexity of thebedrock aquifer system, there is still a needto predict <strong>radon</strong> potential <strong>in</strong> <strong>groundwater</strong>. InSweden and other countries, a large numberof people depend on <strong>groundwater</strong> extractedfrom bedrock aquifers for their daily waterneeds, imply<strong>in</strong>g long-term exposure to radioactive222 Rn <strong>in</strong> some cases. At municipallevel, prediction of <strong>radon</strong> potential <strong>in</strong><strong>groundwater</strong> is important for the plann<strong>in</strong>gof new hous<strong>in</strong>g areas, as well as the considerationof remediation measures for exist<strong>in</strong>ghouses. In order to make realistic predictionof 222 Rn levels <strong>in</strong> <strong>groundwater</strong>, <strong>in</strong>fluenc<strong>in</strong>gfactors should be studied <strong>in</strong> a holistic way.Many studies conducted on <strong>radon</strong> <strong>in</strong> thenatural environment are pr<strong>in</strong>cipally surveysand <strong>in</strong>volve sampl<strong>in</strong>g and measurements of<strong>radon</strong> <strong>in</strong> <strong>groundwater</strong>. Such studies areperformed for different reasons, <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>gsearch<strong>in</strong>g for uranium deposits, search<strong>in</strong>gfor thrust and faults, search<strong>in</strong>g for seismicrelatedchanges and also for better knowledgeof the spatial distribution of <strong>radon</strong>(Monn<strong>in</strong> and Seidel, 1992; Choubey et al.2001; Porsani et al., 2005; Schubert et al.,2005; Ishikawa et al., 2005). Such surveys arenecessary steps <strong>in</strong> the reconnaissance of anarea prior to more detailed analyses regard<strong>in</strong>g<strong>in</strong>fluenc<strong>in</strong>g factors. Other studies focusma<strong>in</strong>ly on geological aspects, such as bedrockcomposition and uranium occurrenceand distribution <strong>in</strong> bedrock. Åkerblom andL<strong>in</strong>dgren (1997) <strong>in</strong>vestigated bedrock andsoil data <strong>in</strong> Sweden with the aim of mapp<strong>in</strong>gthe <strong>groundwater</strong> <strong>radon</strong> potential. Choubeyet al. (2000) <strong>in</strong>vestigated hydrogeology andfound that the <strong>groundwater</strong> flow characteristics<strong>in</strong>fluence the concentration of <strong>radon</strong> <strong>in</strong>spr<strong>in</strong>gs. Other studies related to bedrockand distribution of uranium <strong>in</strong>clude thework of Lidén et al. (1995), Ståhl (1997),Choubey and Ramola (1997) and Salih et al.(2002). Studies on temporal variations <strong>in</strong><strong>radon</strong> <strong>in</strong> <strong>groundwater</strong> are few. Knutsson(1977) studied seasonal fluctuations for dugwells and found large variations depend<strong>in</strong>gon type of soil aquifer. Nilssen (2001) observedlarge fluctuations <strong>in</strong> 222 Rn concentration<strong>in</strong> drilled wells from granite rocks.Regard<strong>in</strong>g <strong>radon</strong> and <strong>groundwater</strong> chemistry,only a few correlation studies have beenperformed (Lew<strong>in</strong> Pihblad, 1998; Lew<strong>in</strong> andSimeonidis, 1998; Salih et al., 2004). Most ofthe research work related to <strong>groundwater</strong>chemistry focuses pr<strong>in</strong>cipally on the parentelements of 238 U and 226 Ra (Waite et al.,1994; Schumann and Gundersen, 1996;2

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