radon in groundwater - Mark- och vattenteknik - KTH

radon in groundwater - Mark- och vattenteknik - KTH

radon in groundwater - Mark- och vattenteknik - KTH

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Radon <strong>in</strong> <strong>groundwater</strong> - Influenc<strong>in</strong>g factors and prediction methodology for a Swedish environmentHerczeg, A., Simpson, J.H., Anderson, R., Trier, R., Mathieu, G.G. and Deck, B. 1988. Uraniumand radium mobility <strong>in</strong> <strong>groundwater</strong>s and br<strong>in</strong>es with<strong>in</strong> the Delaware Bas<strong>in</strong>, SoutheasternNew Mexico, USA. Chemical Geology (Isotioe Geoscience Section) 72: 181-196.Ishikawa, T., Yosh<strong>in</strong>aga, S. & Tokonami, S. 2005. Airborne and waterborne <strong>radon</strong> concentrations<strong>in</strong> houses with the use of <strong>groundwater</strong>. International Congress Series 1276: 301-302.Johnson, R. and Wichern, D. 2002. Applied Multivariate Statistical Analysis. Prentice Hall, NewJersey, 426-476 pp.Kendall, G.M. 2004. Controls on radioactivity <strong>in</strong> water supplies <strong>in</strong> England and Wales, with especialreference to <strong>radon</strong>. Journal of Radiological Protection 24: 409-412.Kim, J.H., Kim, R.H., Lee, J., Cheong, T.J., Yum, B.W. and Chang, H.W. 2004. Multivariatestatistical analysis to identify the major factors govern<strong>in</strong>g <strong>groundwater</strong> quality <strong>in</strong> thecoastal area of Kimje, South Korea. Hydrological Processes 19: 1261-1276.Knutsson, G. 1977. Radon Content <strong>in</strong> Various Types of Groundwater <strong>in</strong> South-eastern Sweden:A Prelim<strong>in</strong>ary Report. Striae, pp. 55-59.Knutsson, G. and Olofsson, B. 2002. Radon content <strong>in</strong> <strong>groundwater</strong> from drilled wells <strong>in</strong> theStockholm region of Sweden. NGU-bullet<strong>in</strong>, pp. 79-85.Kohli, S., Sahlén, K., Löfman, O., Sivertun, Å., Foldevi, M., Trell, E. and Wigertz, O. 1997. Individualsliv<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> areas with high background <strong>radon</strong>: A GIS method to identify populationsat risk. Computer Methods and Programs <strong>in</strong> Biomedic<strong>in</strong>e 53: 105-112Kraak, M.J. and Koussoulakou, A. 2004. A visualization environment for the space-time cube. In:P.F Fisher (Editor), Developments <strong>in</strong> Spatial Data Handl<strong>in</strong>g, 11 th International Symposiumon Spatial Data Handl<strong>in</strong>g, Spr<strong>in</strong>ger Verlag, Berl<strong>in</strong> Heidelberg, pp. 189-200.Lew<strong>in</strong> Pihblad, L. 1998. The relationship between the contents of <strong>radon</strong>, fluoride and heavymetals <strong>in</strong> drilled wells and geological and technical factors (<strong>in</strong> Swedish), Miljökontoret,Uppsala Kommun, Uppsala.Lew<strong>in</strong>, L. and Simeonidis, A. 1998. A survey of Radon, Fluoride and Heavy Metals <strong>in</strong> DrilledWells <strong>in</strong> Uppsala Municipality (<strong>in</strong> Swedish), Miljökontoret, Uppsala Kommun, Uppsala.Lidén, E., L<strong>in</strong>dén, A., Andersson, A., Åkerblom, G. and Åkesson, T. 1995. Radon i vatten frånbergborrade brunnar. Resultat från en undersökn<strong>in</strong>g i Örebro kommun (<strong>in</strong> Swedish).Statents Strålskydds<strong>in</strong>stitut, SSI-rapport 95:18.L<strong>in</strong>dberg, J., Olofsson, B. and Gumbricht, T. 1996. Risk mapp<strong>in</strong>g of <strong>groundwater</strong> sal<strong>in</strong>izationus<strong>in</strong>g Geographical Information Systems, 14 th Salt Water Intrusion Meet<strong>in</strong>g (SWIM), 16-21 June 1996, Malmö, Sweden. SGU Rapporter <strong>och</strong> Meddelanden no 87, pp 188-197.L<strong>in</strong>dberg, J. and Olofsson, B. 1997. Risk for Salt Water Intrusion (<strong>in</strong> Swedish), Report fromNorrtälje municipality, SGU (Geological Survey of Sweden) and <strong>KTH</strong>. Norrtälje municipality,32 pp.Monn<strong>in</strong>, M. and Seidel, J.L. 1992. Radon <strong>in</strong> soil-air and <strong>in</strong> <strong>groundwater</strong> related to major geophysicalevents: A survey. Nuclear Instruments and Methods <strong>in</strong> Physics Research A314:316-330.Nilssen, R.S.A. 2001. Radon <strong>in</strong> Groundwater from Drilled Wells <strong>in</strong> Hard Rock. Studies from FiveLocalities <strong>in</strong> Bergen and Os. (<strong>in</strong> Norwegian). MSc. thesis, Geologisk Institutt - Universiteti Bergen, 1-92 pp.NRC:National Resource Council (USA). 1996. Rock Fractures and Fluid Flow. National AcademyPress, Wash<strong>in</strong>gton, D.C.Olofsson, B. 2000. Prediction of the impact on <strong>groundwater</strong> <strong>in</strong> soil by tunnel construction <strong>in</strong>hard rocks us<strong>in</strong>g GIS. In: T. Nilsson (Editor), Nordic Hydrological Conference. NordicAssociation for Hydrology, Uppsala, Sweden, pp. 441-448.21

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