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May 01, 2012 Issue 218When one thinks about doing business with the Netherlands,most of the time one would probably be prone to think of theoil industry, water management, shipping, ports and flowers.What many don’t know is that Dutch architecture has playedan important role in the international discourse on architecturein three eras. The first of these was during the 17th century;the second was in the first half of the 20th century, duringthe development of modernism. The third and present era isnot yet concluded and involves many contemporary Dutcharchitects who are now achieving global prestige.DUTCHARCHITECTURALDESIGNThe remarkable passion and skill of a new generation ofDutch architects is yet unknown to Oman. The NetherlandsEmbassy in Oman felt it was high time to do something aboutthat. Five contemporary and renowned top architects - Teunvan Wijk – ICSadviseurs, Reinald Top - Zwarts en Jansma,Rob Torsing – Zwarts en Jansma, Jo Barnett - BergerBarnett, Thomas Bogli – Liag - were invited from Holland topresent Dutch Architectural Design. The highly versatile andtalented group of architects <strong>com</strong>bined their creative mindsculminating in an informative and original programme, whichtook place on April 18th. The presentations of the architectswere interactive; focusing on vision, creativity, efficiency, andsustainability and, in particular, style, beauty, and design.The presentations lasted a full day. The first half was reservedfor government officials, business people, experts andstudents of architecture in Oman. During the presentationslisteners were given the opportunity to acquaint themselveswith Dutch architecture and design. In the afternoon therewas a special workshop for architecture students fromGUtech. The students were challenged with an assignmentto <strong>com</strong>e up with an innovative design for a roundabout.Under supervision of professional architects from Holland,the students actually built prototypes and models.Those models were exhibited that very same night atthe Queen’s Day Reception, which celebrated the 74thbirthday of the Queen of Holland, under the theme of ‘DutchArchitecture’. Aside from the models built by the students, anarray of displays showed examples of Dutch architecture.Some of the participating architects are already active inOman, so there is no doubt that Oman will be enjoying DutchDesign in the very near future.33

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