TERMS AND CONDITIONS – Online Car Loans* Facebook Contest ...

TERMS AND CONDITIONS – Online Car Loans* Facebook Contest ... TERMS AND CONDITIONS – Online Car Loans* Facebook Contest ...


In order to be eligible to win the prizes (described below), an individual must, in additionto meeting the requirements above, (i) be a holder of a CIBC FirstCaribbean Car Loanon or before the end of the Contest Period and that loan must remain outstanding up toor after September 11, 2012, or (ii) be a holder of a Car Loan that is directly connectedto a written pre-approval obtained from CIBC FirstCaribbean during the Contest Period.In each case, the CIBC FirstCaribbean Car Loan must be secured by a Bill of Sale inBarbados or such other security as mandated by CIBC FirstCaribbean and must be ingood standing on September 11, 2012.REGULATORY MATTERS:CIBC FirstCaribbean reserves the right to change the interest rates as set out in theseTerms and Conditions due to changes to law and/or guidelines issued by the CentralBank of Barbados.PRIZES:There will be five prizes – Local currency equivalent of US$500.00 | Two new ipads |Ride in Mark Hamilton’s rally car | Local currency equivalent of US$250.00 gas voucherfrom Sol (Barbados) Ltd.Prizes are subject to change at the sole discretion of CIBC FirstCaribbean InternationalBank and must be accepted as awarded. CIBC FirstCaribbean International Bank willnot be liable for any changes to prizes occurring outside of its control.Prizes must be accepted as awarded without substitution and is not transferable orredeemable for cash or allowed to be sold. In the event that the selected entrant isunable to redeem any or all of the prize components due to reasons beyond the controlof CIBC FirstCaribbean no compensation or substitution prize will be provided.If the Contest winners cannot be contacted by telephone or e-mail by CIBCFirstCaribbean within 72 hours of the draw dates, the Prizes will be forfeited andreplacement winners will be selected. If the replacement winners cannot be contactedby telephone or e-mail by CIBC FirstCaribbean within 24 hours of being selected as thereplacement winners then the Prizes will be forfeited and no further replacementwinners will be contacted.MECHANICS OF THE CONTEST:Random draws for the prizes will be conducted on July 06, 2012, August 10, 2012 andSeptember 10, 2012 from all eligible entries received during the Contest Period at CIBCFirstCaribbean’s Head Office, Warrens, St. Michael, Barbados.

All customers who apply for car loans online during the months of June – August 2012and are approved by 10 th September will receive 75 basis points off the standardinterest rate. In addition they will receive a reduction of the loan fee, specifically 0.5% ofthe loan value instead of the standard 1% of loan value*These customers will also be eligible to win the above mentioned prizes once they “like”the facebook page. Names of eligible customers will be submitted to be part of threeprize draws which will be conducted by representatives of the CIBC FirstCaribbeanMarketing Operations Department. The winner of the first draw in July will get a chanceto ride in Mark Hamilton’s rally car and an US$250.00 gas voucher from Sol (Barbados)Ltd. The winner of the second draw in August will win one new Ipad. The winner of thefinal draw in September will win one new Ipad and local currency equivalent ofUS$500.00.METHOD OF NOTIFICATION:A representative from the Marketing Operations Department in Barbados will assumeresponsibility for contacting the Prize winners a maximum of five times each within 72hours after their names have been selected as the Prize winners. If the Prize winnerscannot be contacted by telephone or e-mail by CIBC FirstCaribbean, the Prizes will beforfeited and replacement winners will be selected. If the replacement Prize winnerscannot be contacted by telephone or e-mail by CIBC FirstCaribbean within 24 hours ofbeing selected as the replacement Prize winners then the Prizes will be forfeited and nofurther replacement winners will be contacted.The winners hereby agree to take part in any publicity event (s) arranged by CIBCFirstCaribbean and accompanying or resulting from the prize draws. If the winnersdecline to participate in any publicity event, they will have forfeited the prizes.METHOD OF CLAIMING PRIZES:Within five (5) business days of being contacted, the Prize winners must present PhotoIdentification (Government issued) at CIBC FirstCaribbean’s Head Office in order tosign a declaration and release.This document will include, without limitation, authorisation for CIBC FirstCaribbean andits agents to announce and publish the Prize winners’ names, addresses and/orphotographs or images or other likeness, without further compensation, at any time andfrom time to time, in any future publicity, and release CIBC FirstCaribbean from anyliability that may arise in connection with the Prizes.CIBC FirstCaribbean reserves the right with the permission of the local LotteryCommission governing the territory of the Prize winners drawn; to amend, suspend orterminate this Contest at any time with or without notice.OTHER TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE CONTEST:

All customers who apply for car loans online during the months of June – August 2012and are approved by 10 th September will receive 75 basis points off the standardinterest rate. In addition they will receive a reduction of the loan fee, specifically 0.5% ofthe loan value instead of the standard 1% of loan value*These customers will also be eligible to win the above mentioned prizes once they “like”the facebook page. Names of eligible customers will be submitted to be part of threeprize draws which will be conducted by representatives of the CIBC First<strong>Car</strong>ibbeanMarketing Operations Department. The winner of the first draw in July will get a chanceto ride in Mark Hamilton’s rally car and an US$250.00 gas voucher from Sol (Barbados)Ltd. The winner of the second draw in August will win one new Ipad. The winner of thefinal draw in September will win one new Ipad and local currency equivalent ofUS$500.00.METHOD OF NOTIFICATION:A representative from the Marketing Operations Department in Barbados will assumeresponsibility for contacting the Prize winners a maximum of five times each within 72hours after their names have been selected as the Prize winners. If the Prize winnerscannot be contacted by telephone or e-mail by CIBC First<strong>Car</strong>ibbean, the Prizes will beforfeited and replacement winners will be selected. If the replacement Prize winnerscannot be contacted by telephone or e-mail by CIBC First<strong>Car</strong>ibbean within 24 hours ofbeing selected as the replacement Prize winners then the Prizes will be forfeited and nofurther replacement winners will be contacted.The winners hereby agree to take part in any publicity event (s) arranged by CIBCFirst<strong>Car</strong>ibbean and accompanying or resulting from the prize draws. If the winnersdecline to participate in any publicity event, they will have forfeited the prizes.METHOD OF CLAIMING PRIZES:Within five (5) business days of being contacted, the Prize winners must present PhotoIdentification (Government issued) at CIBC First<strong>Car</strong>ibbean’s Head Office in order tosign a declaration and release.This document will include, without limitation, authorisation for CIBC First<strong>Car</strong>ibbean andits agents to announce and publish the Prize winners’ names, addresses and/orphotographs or images or other likeness, without further compensation, at any time andfrom time to time, in any future publicity, and release CIBC First<strong>Car</strong>ibbean from anyliability that may arise in connection with the Prizes.CIBC First<strong>Car</strong>ibbean reserves the right with the permission of the local LotteryCommission governing the territory of the Prize winners drawn; to amend, suspend orterminate this <strong>Contest</strong> at any time with or without notice.OTHER <strong>TERMS</strong> <strong>AND</strong> <strong>CONDITIONS</strong> OF THE CONTEST:

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