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第 5 卷 第 1 期古 生 物 学 文 摘 ( 网 络 版 )目录2009 年 3 月古 生 物 学综 论 ………………………(1)遗 迹 化 石 …………………(8)分 子 古 生 物 学 ……………(12)古 生 态 学 …………………(15)微 体 古 生 物 学综 论 ………………………(20)孢 粉 ………………………(21)疑 源 类 ……………………(28)牙 形 石 ……………………(30)小 壳 化 石 …………………(32)古 植 物 学综 论 ………………………(33)藻 类 ………………………(36)真 菌 ………………………(39)地 衣 植 物 与 苔 藓 植 物 ……(40)蕨 类 植 物 ( 广 义 )………(40)裸 子 植 物 …………………(42)被 子 植 物 …………………(43)古 无 脊 椎 动 物 学综 论 ………………………(45)原 生 动 物 …………………(46)古 杯 、 多 孔 及 腔 肠 动 物 …(55)苔 藓 动 物 …………………(60)腕 足 动 物 …………………(61)软 体 动 物 …………………(70)节 肢 动 物 …………………(90)棘 皮 动 物 …………………(103)笔 石 动 物 …………………(108)分 类 位 置 不 明 ……………(110)古 脊 椎 动 物 学综 论 ………………………(113)鱼 类 ………………………(115)两 栖 类 ……………………(119)爬 行 类 ……………………(120)鸟 类 ………………………(130)哺 乳 类 ……………………(133)历 史 地 质 学 、 地 层 学综 论 ………………………(143)古 地 理 学 、 古 气 候 学 ……(149)前 古 生 界 …………………(150)古 生 界 ……………………(162)中 生 界 ……………………(175)新 生 界 ……………………(182)

第 5 卷 第 1 期古 生 物 学 文 摘 ( 网 络 版 )2009 年 3 月古 生 物 学综 论2009010001特 异 埋 葬 的 有 机 质 压 型 化 石 的 背 散 射 电 子成 像 = Backscattered electron imaging offossils exceptionally-preserved as organiccompressions. ( 英 文 ). Orr P J; Kearns SL;Briggs D E G. Palaios, 2002, 17(1): 110–117Backscattered electron imaging of fossilsexceptionally-preserved as organic compressionsreveals anatomical details that are notevident either under incident light or insecondary electron images. The method can beused to differentiate between anatomicalfeatures that are superimposed, lack relief, andcompressed essentially to a single plane. Insitu observation is possible, removing the needto liberate the fossil from the matrix by eitherchemical or physical means, both of whichhave their limitations. Fossils exceptionallypreserved, at least in part, as organiccompressions are characteristic of a largenumber of Konservat Lagerstätten, and themethod has significant potential forelucidating aspects of their morphology.2009010002国 际 古 生 物 协 会 : 章 程 修 订 议 案 =International Palaeontological Association:proposed revision of Constitution. ( 英 文 ).Aldridge R J; Maddocks R F. Lethaia, 2005,38(4): 3042009010003化 石 组 合 的 不 可 靠 性 = Infidelities of fossilassemblages. ( 英 文 ). Dominici S; Zuschin M.Lethaia, 2005, 38(4): 381 - 3822009010004生 物 演 化 的 地 质 结 果 = The geologicalconsequences of evolution. ( 英 文 ). Knoll A H.Geobiology, 2003, 1(1): 3 - 14Geobiologists seek to understand the role oforganisms in the Earth system. By extension,one can ask how evolutionary innovations and,more generally, the population geneticprocesses that mediate evolution haveinfluenced the Earth's surface through time.The example of oxygenic photosynthesis andthe redox history of atmospheres and oceansillustrates the complex relationship betweenevolution and environmental change.Biological innovations determine thedimensions of biological participation in theEarth system, but by themselves they seldomgenerate lasting environmental change. Morecommonly, environments change whenphysical drivers exceed the limitedenvironmental buffering capacity conferred bypopulation genetics and nutritionalcodependence. Environmental change, in turn,feeds back on biology, creating newopportunities for evolutionary innovation.2009010005地 史 时 期 海 生 动 物 生 物 量 的 控 制 因 素 =Controls on marine animal biomass throughgeological time. ( 英 文 ). Payne J L; FinneganS. Geobiology, 2006, 4(1): 1-10Total animal biomass depends on fourfactors: (1) food supply, (2) the efficiencywith which animals consume available food,(3) the efficiency with which animals convertconsumed food into biomass, and (4) the rateat which animals lose biomass to theenvironment through respiration or death.Each of these factors may change throughgeological time because each is a function ofanimal ecology and physiology. Animalecology and physiology, in turn, are productsof interacting evolutionary and environmentalfactors. The direction of change in animalbiomass through time may be predicted givenknowledge of environmental and ecologicalchange. At a finer level, physiologicaldifferences among phyla or other higher taxasuggest that they would have had differentialresponses to specific environmental changes.Physiological features shared by all of life,such as the dependence of metabolic rate onambient temperature, suggest that even acoarse time-series of relative changes inanimal biomass may enrich understanding ofbiogeochemical cycling among all organisms,including phytoplankton and microbes.Changes in the abundance of skeletal materialin shallow marine deposits through geologicaltime indicate that the biomass of benthicskeletal invertebrates has fluctuated1

significantly on timescales from millions tohundreds of millions of years. During theOrdovician radiation, increase in thecomplexity of animal food webs and increasein the efficiency of animal communities inremoving available food from the watercolumn and sediment appear most likely toaccount for a secular increase in animalbiomass. Decrease in animal biomass after theend-Permian extinction appears to have beendriven by a combination of factors butparticularly decreased aggregate growthefficiency and consumption efficiency.Comparing biomass and diversity trendsthrough other major transitions in the historyof animal life has the potential to shed light onthe relationship between physicalenvironmental change and ecosystemsevolution.2009010006二 叠 纪 末 集 群 灭 绝 期 间 透 光 层 通 气 不 良 的生 物 地 球 化 学 控 制 = Biogeochemicalcontrols on photic-zone euxinia during theend-Permian mass extinction. ( 英 文 ). MeyerK M; Kump L R; Ridgwell A. Geology, 2008,36(9): 747-750Geochemical, biomarker, and isotopicevidence suggests that the end-Permian wascharacterized by extreme oceanic anoxia thatmay have led to hydrogen sulfide buildup andmass extinction. We use an earth systemmodel to quantify the biogeochemical andphysical conditions necessary for widespreadoceanic euxinia and hydrogen sulfide releaseto the atmosphere. Greater than threefoldincreases in ocean nutrient content combinedwith nutrient-trapping ocean circulation causesurface-water H 2 S accumulation in thepaleo–Tethys Ocean and in areas of strongupwelling. Accounting for the presence ofsulfide-oxidizing phototrophs in the modelsuppresses but does not prevent widespreadrelease of H 2 S to the atmosphere. Evidencefrom the geologic record is consistent withmodeled geochemical distributions ofwidespread nutrient-induced euxinia duringthe end-Permian, suggesting H 2 S toxicity andhypercapnia may have provided the killmechanism for extinction.2009010007国 际 古 生 物 协 会 = The InternationalPalaeontological Association. ( 英 文 ).Aldridge R J; Kaesler R L; Maddocks R F.Lethaia, 2004, 37(1): 1262009010008关 于 与 河 马 相 象 的 anthracothere 的 传 说 :有 关 同 源 与 趋 同 的 疑 难 问 题 = The myth ofthe hippo-like anthracothere: The eternalproblem of homology and convergence. ( 其他 ). Pickford M. Revista Espanola depaleontologia, 2008, 23(1): 31-90The notion that anthracotheres had hippolikebody proporions, locomotion andlifestyles has been in the literature for so long,and has been repeated so many times, that ithas taken on the aura of unquestionable truth.However, right from the beginning of sudiesof studies into hippo-anthracothererelationships over a century and a half ago,observations were made that revealed theexistence of fundamental differences in dental,cranial and postcranial anatomy in the twogroups. From 1836 to 1991 two skeletalcharacters have overshadowed all others insuggesting close relationships between hipposand a single anthracothere genus(Merycopotamus) later to be joined by asecond genus, Libycosaurus, in 1991 for thedescending angle, and 2003 for the raisedorbits (Lithoreau, 2003; Pickford, 1991).Close examination of these structures revealsthat they are not homologous in the twogroups, yet they have played an inordinatelystubborn role in interpretations of therelationships between them, featuring inpapers as recently as 2005.2009010009属 的 灭 绝 、 起 源 和 沉 积 间 断 的 持 续 时 间 =Genus extinction, origination, and thedurations of sedimentary hiatuses. ( 英 文 ).Peters S E. Paleobiology, 2006, 32(3): 387-407Short-term variations in rates of taxonomicextinction and origination in the fossil recordmay be the result of true changes in rates ofturnover, variable rates of fossil preservation,or some combination of the two. Here,positive extinction and origination rateexcursions among Phanerozoic marine animalgenera are reexpressed in terms of the amountof normal, background time they represent. Inaddition to providing a background-adjustedcalibration of rate intensities, this reexpressiondetermines the durations of sampling gaps thatwould be required to explain entirely allobserved rate excursions as sampling artifacts.This possibility is explored by analyzing a2

new compilation of the timing and duration ofsedimentary hiatuses in North America.Hiatuses spanning more than approximatelyone million years (Myr) in the marinesedimentary rock record have a mean durationof 73 Myr. There are two major hiatus types—those that form in response to long-durationtectonic cycles and that bound the majorSloss-scale sequences (mean duration 200Myr), and those that form in response toshorter-duration changes in sedimentaccommodation space and that occur withinmajor Sloss-scale sequences (mean durationless than 23 Myr). The latter areapproximately exponentially distributed andhave a mean duration that is comparable to themean duration of intervening sedimentaryrock packages.Although sedimentary hiatuses aregenerally long enough in duration toaccommodate the hypothesis that short-termvariations in rates of genus origination andextinction are artifacts of sampling failures atmajor unconformities ("Unconformity Bias"hypothesis), the observed evolutionary ratesare not correlated with hiatus durations.Moreover, hiatuses that follow the major massextinctions are not long in comparison to mostother non–mass extinction intervals. Theseresults do not support the hypothesis thathiatuses at major unconformities alone haveartificially clustered genus first and lastoccurrences, thereby causing many of thedocumented statistical similarities between thetemporal structure of the sedimentary rockrecord and macroevolutionary patterns.Instead, environmental changes related to theexpansion and contraction of marineenvironments may have been the primaryforcers of both biological turnover and thespatio-temporal pattern of sedimentaccumulation. Fully testing this "CommonCause" hypothesis requires quantifying andovercoming lingering taxonomic,biostratigraphic, facies, and numerous otherbiases that are both inherent in geologic dataand imposed by imperfect knowledge of thefossil record.2009010010生 物 多 样 性 的 化 石 记 录 —— 营 养 、 生 产力 、 生 境 和 差 异 保 存 = The fossil record ofbiodiversity: nutrients, productivity, habitatarea and differential preservation. ( 英 文 ).Martin R. Lethaia, 2003, 36(3): 179-193It is hypothesized that the Phanerozoicrecord of fossil diversity is a function of asecular increase in nutrient availability andproductivity (food, energy), and cyclicchanges in sea level and habitat area due tosupercontinent assembly and rifting. Bothvariables may have affected biodiversitythrough the combined variable ofproductivity area . Productivity arearemained relatively constant after the Cambro-Ordovician until the end of the Permian, as didthe traditional curve for biodiversity. Duringassembly of Pangea, decreasing sea level andhabitat area were counteracted by increasingnutrient inputs due to uplift and the spread ofvascular plants and enhanced continentalweathering. As Pangea underwent its finalassembly, interior drainage increased, so thatby the end of the Permian both habitat areaand nutrient runoff decreased. Following theend-Permian extinctions, the traditional curveof diversity began to increase, habitat area,nutrient levels and productivity all increased.Despite the confounding factors of differentialpreservation and sampling bias toward thepresent, the fossil record reflects a realresponse by the marine biosphere to tectonism,sea level, paleoceanographic regime andclimate, and the spread of terrestrial floras,and their influence on habitat area, nutrientinputs, and productivity through time.2009010011利 用 贝 叶 斯 反 演 推 导 化 石 记 录 中 的 表 型 演化 = Inferring phenotypic evolution in thefossil record by Bayesian inversion. ( 英 文 ).Hannisdal B. Paleobiology, 2007, 33(1): 98-115This paper takes an alternative approach tothe problem of inferring patterns of phenotypicevolution in the fossil record. Reconstructingtemporal biological signal from noisystratophenetic data is an inverse problemanalogous to subsurface reconstructions ingeophysics, and similar methods apply. Toincrease the information content ofstratophenetic series, available geological dataon sample ages and environments are includedas prior knowledge, and all inferences areconditioned on the uncertainty in thesegeological variables. This uncertainty, as wellas data error and the stochasticity of fossilpreservation and evolution, prevents anyunique solution to the stratophenetic inverseproblem. Instead, the solution is defined as adistribution of model parameter values thatexplain the data to varying degrees. Thisdistribution is obtained by direct Monte Carlosampling of the parameter space, and3

evaluated with Bayesian integrals. TheBayesian inversion is illustrated with Miocenestratigraphic data from the ODP Leg 174AXBethany Beach borehole. A sample of thebenthic foraminifer Pseudononion pizarrensisis used to obtain a phenotypic covariancematrix for outline shape, which constrains amodel of multivariate shape evolution. Theforward model combines this evolutionarymodel and stochastic models of fossiloccurrence with the empirical sedimentaryrecord to generate predicted stratopheneticseries. A synthetic data set is inverted, usingthe Neighbourhood Algorithm to sample theparameter space and characterize the posteriorprobability distribution. Despite small samplesizes and noisy shape data, most of thegenerating parameter values are well resolved,and the underlying pattern of phenotypicevolution can be reconstructed, withquantitative measures of uncertainty.Inversion of a stratigraphic series into a timeseries can significantly improve ourperception and interpretation of anevolutionary pattern.2009010012加 法 多 样 性 分 割 的 定 量 零 模 型 —— 检 验 β多 样 性 对 灭 绝 的 响 应 = A quantitative nullmodel of additive diversity partitioning:examining the response of beta diversity toextinction. ( 英 文 ). Layou K M.Paleobiology, 2007, 33(1): 116-124Paleobiological diversity is often expressedas (within-sample), ß (among-sample), and(total) diversities. However, when studying theeffects of extinction on diversity patterns, onlyvariations in and diversities are typicallyaddressed. A null model that examineschanges in ß diversity as a function of percentextinction is presented here.The model examines diversity in thecontext of a hierarchical sampling strategy thatallows for the additive partitioning of diversityinto mean and ß diversities at varying scales.Here, the sampling hierarchy has four levels:samples, beds, facies, and region; thus, thereare four levels of diversity ( 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ) and threelevels of ß diversity (ß 1 , ß 2 , and ß 3 ). Taxa arerandomly assigned to samples within thehierarchy according to probability ofoccurrence, and initial mean and ß values arecalculated. A regional extinction is imposed,and the hierarchy is resampled from theremaining extant taxa. Post-extinction meanand ß values are then calculated.Both non-selective and selective extinctionswith respect to taxon abundance yielddecreases in, ß, and diversities. Non-selectiveextinction with respect to taxon abundanceshows little effect on diversity partitioningexcept at the highest extinction magnitudes(above 75% extinction), where thecontribution of 1 to total increases at theexpense of ß 3 , with ß 1 and ß 2 varying littlewith increasing extinction magnitude. The preextinctioncontribution of 1 to total diversityincreases with increased probabilities of taxonoccurrence and the number of shared taxabetween facies. Both ß 1 and ß 2 contributeequally to total diversity at low occurrenceprobabilities, but ß 2 is negligible at highprobabilities, because individual samplespreserve all the taxonomic variation presentwithin a facies. Selective extinction withrespect to rare taxa indicates a constantincrease in 1 and constant decrease in ß 3 withincreasing extinction magnitudes, whereasselective extinction with respect to abundanttaxa yields the opposite pattern of an initialdecrease in 1 and increase in ß 3 . Both ß 1 and ß 2remain constant with increasing extinction forboth cases of selectivity. By comparingdiversity partitioning before and after anextinction event, it may be possible todetermine whether the extinction was selectivewith respect to taxon abundances, and if so,whether that selectivity was against rare orabundant taxa.Field data were collected across a LateOrdovician regional extinction in theNashville Dome of Tennessee, with samplinghierarchy similar to that of the model. Thesedata agree with the abundant-selective model,showing declines in, ß, and diversities, and adecrease in 1 and increase in ß 3 , whichsuggests this extinction may have targetedabundant taxa.2009010013利 用 几 何 形 态 测 量 研 究 化 石 的 模 拟 构 造 变形 = Investigation of simulated tectonicdeformation in fossils using geometricmorphometrics. ( 英 文 ). Angielczyk K D;Sheets H D. Paleobiology, 2007, 33(1): 125-148Tectonic deformation is an important partof the taphonomic histories of many fossils.Although the effects of deformation, andmethods to remove those effects, have been asubject of inquiry for over a century,systematic testing under known parametershas never been used to determine how the4

effects of deformation and the performance ofretrodeformation techniques might vary.Comparative studies of morphology dependon the accurate estimation of variancecovariancestructure, so an understanding ofthe effects of retrodeformation on covariancestructure is important in assessing the utility ofthese methods. Here we address these issuesby using geometric morphometric simulations.Nondeformed data sets were generated fromspecimens of the extant turtle Emysmarmorata, which were known by definitionto be nondeformed, and which possess aknown ontogenetic signal. Deformation wassimulated by applying a combination ofuniform shear and uniformcompression/dilation to the data. Data wereretrodeformed by reflection and averaging ofbilaterally symmetric landmarks, use of aprincipal components analysis to identify adeformation component of shape variation,and removal of the affine component of shapevariation among specimens. Deformationincreased the amount of variance in the data,as well as altering the variance structure.However, low to moderate levels ofdeformation did not prevent the confidentrecovery of the known ontogenetic signal insome cases. The tested retrodeformationtechniques did not work well. They eitherremoved too little or too much variance fromthe data, and provided little improvement invariance structure. Retrodeformation often didnot improve our ability to extract theontogenetic signal from the data, and in somecases introduced an artifactual relationshipbetween size and shape. All of the scrutinizedmethods showed some properties, such asreducing variance or producing visuallyappealing images of specimens, that couldmake them appear to be working in caseswhere the correct biological signal is notknown. This emphasizes the need forsimulation testing in the development andevaluation of retrodeformation techniques.2009010014生 命 史 中 不 断 增 长 的 等 级 复 杂 性 —— 趋 势机 理 的 系 统 发 生 验 证 = Increasinghierarchical complexity throughout the historyof life: phylogenetic tests of trend mechanisms.( 英 文 ). Marcot J D; McShea D W.Paleobiology, 2007, 33(2): 182-200The history of life is punctuated by anumber of major transitions in hierarchy,defined here as the degree of nestedness oflower-level individuals within higher-levelones: the combination of single-celledprokaryotic cells to form the first eukaryoticcell, the aggregation of single eukaryotic cellsto form complex multicellular organisms, andfinally, the association of multicellularorganisms to form complex colonialindividuals. These transitions togetherconstitute one of the most salient and certaintrends in the history of life, in particular, atrend in maximum hierarchical structure,which can be understood as a trend incomplexity. This trend could be produced by abiased mechanism, in which increases inhierarchy are more likely than decreases, or byan unbiased one, in which increases anddecreases are about equally likely. At stake iswhether or not natural selection or some otherforce acts powerfully over the history of life todrive complexity upward.Too few major transitions are known topermit rigorous statistical discrimination oftrend mechanisms based on these transitionsalone. However, the mechanism can beinvestigated by using "minor transitions" inhierarchy, or, in other words, changes in thedegree of individuation of the upper level.This study tests the null hypothesis that theprobability (or rate) of increase and decreasein individuation are equal in a phylogeneticcontext. We found published phylogenetictrees for clades spanning minor transitionsacross the tree of life and identified changes incharacter states associated with those minortransitions. We then used both parsimony- andmaximum-likelihood-based methods to test forasymmetrical rates of character evolution.Most analyses failed to reject equal rates ofhierarchical increase and decrease. In fact, abias toward decreasing complexity wasobserved for several clades. These resultssuggest that no strong tendency exists forhierarchical complexity to increase.2009010015海 洋 动 物 属 的 灭 绝 与 沉 寂 = Extinction andquiescence in marine animal genera. ( 英 文 ).Foote M. Paleobiology, 2007, 33(2): 261-272If last appearances of marine animal generaare taken as reasonable proxies for trueextinctions, then there is appreciable globalextinction in every stage of the Phanerozoic. If,instead, backsmearing of extinctions byincomplete sampling is explicitly taken intoconsideration, a different view of extinctionemerges, in which the pattern of extinction ismuch more volatile and in which quiescenttime spans—with little or no global extinction5

for several million years—are punctuated bymajor extinction events that are even moreextreme than is generally thought. Independentsupport for this alternative view comes fromanalysis of genus occurrence data in thePaleobiology Database, which agrees withprevious estimates of sampling probability andimplies that offsets between extinction and lastappearance of one or more stages are quiteprobable.2009010016脉 动 性 集 群 灭 绝 事 件 的 置 信 区 间 =Confidence intervals for pulsed massextinction events. ( 英 文 ). Wang S C; EversonP J. Paleobiology, 2007, 33(2): 324-336Many authors have proposed scenarios formass extinctions that consist of multiple pulsesor stages, but little work has been done onaccounting for the Signor-Lipps effect in suchextinction scenarios. Here we introduce amethod for computing confidence intervals forthe time or stratigraphic distance separatingtwo extinction pulses in a pulsed extinctionevent, taking into account the incompletenessof the fossil record. We base our method on aflexible likelihood ratio test framework that isable to test whether the fossil record isconsistent with any extinction scenario,whether simultaneous, pulsed, or otherwise.As an illustration, we apply our method to adata set on marine invertebrates from thePermo-Triassic boundary of Meishan, China.Using this data set, we show that the fossilrecord of ostracodes and that of brachiopodsare each consistent with simultaneousextinction, and that these two extinction pulsesare separated by 720,000 to 1.2 million yearswith 95% confidence. With appropriate data,our method could also be applied in othersituations, such as tests of origination patterns,coordinated stasis, and recovery after a massextinction.2009010017海 生 无 脊 椎 动 物 属 的 对 称 性 繁 盛 与 衰 退 =Symmetric waxing and waning of marineinvertebrate genera. ( 英 文 ). Foote M.Paleobiology, 2007, 33(4): 517-529Occurrence data from the PaleobiologyDatabase are used to analyze the waxing andwaning of genera over time. Irrespective ofwhether we tabulate species richness,frequency of occurrence, geographic range, orother measures, the average rise and fall ofgenera is remarkably symmetrical. Generatend already to be in a state of decline whenthey become extinct. Genera that last appear inthe major mass extinction stages, however, aremore frequently truncated while they areholding steady or even increasing. This neednot imply that mass extinctions arequalitatively different from other events; it isconsistent with the expected effects of simplyincreasing the magnitude of extinction. Forreasons that are not completely clear, post-Paleozoic genera show less of a rise and fallon average and tend to be less symmetricalthan do Paleozoic genera.2009010018寒 武 纪 布 尔 吉 斯 页 岩 型 沉 积 享 有 共 同 的 化石 化 模 式 = Cambrian Burgess Shale–typedeposits share a common mode offossilization. ( 英 文 ). Gaines R R; Briggs D EG; Zhao Yuanlong. Geology, 2008, 36(10):755-758Although Cambrian Burgess Shale – type(BST) biotas are fundamental to understandingthe radiation of metazoans, the nature of theirextraordinary preservation remains controversial.There remains disagreement about theimportance of the role of early mineralreplication of soft tissues versus theconservation of primary organic remains. Mostprior work focused on soft-bodied fossils fromthe two most important BST biotas, those ofthe Burgess Shale (Canada) and MaotianshanShale (Chengjiang, China). Fossils from thesetwo deposits do not provide ideal candidatesfor specimen-level taphonomic study becausethey have been altered: the Burgess Shale bygreenschist facies metamorphism and theMaotianshan Shale by intensive subsurfaceweathering. Elemental mapping of soft-bodiedfossils from 11 other BST deposits worldwidedemonstrates that BST preservation representsa single major taphonomic pathway that mayshare a common cause wherever it occurs. Theconservation of organic tissues, and not earlyauthigenic mineralization, is the primarymechanism responsible for the preservation ofBST assemblages. Early authigenic mineralreplacement preserves certain anatomicalfeatures of some specimens, but thepreservation of non-biomineralized BSTfossils requires suppression of the processesthat normally lead to the degradation oforganic remains in marine environments2009010019西 伯 利 亚 极 区 碳 酸 盐 地 层 中 的 阿 瓦 龙 型 化石 = Carbonate-hosted Avalon-type fossils in6

arctic Siberia. ( 英 文 ). Grazhdankin D V;Balthasar U; Nagovitsin K E; Kochnev B B.Geology, 2008, 36(10): 803-806Avalon-type fossils are crucial tounderstanding the origin of Phanerozoicecosystems, but their usual occurrence involcaniclastic and siliciclastic facies greatlylimits their paleobiological resolution. Theunique carbonate-hosted assemblage of theKhatyspyt Formation, on the Olenek uplift ofnorth-central Siberia, promises a muchenhanced anatomical and paleo-ecologicalview of these enigmatic organisms. Avalontypefossils are preserved by authigeniccarbonate cementation in intervals of finelylaminated nodular limestones (Khatyspyt-typetaphonomic window). Interbedded silicifiedcalcareous mudstones yield diversecarbonaceous compressions, occasionally withtaphonomic phantoms of Avalon-type taxa(Miaohe-type taphonomic window). Styles ofmoldic preservation do not appear to be taxonselective, and therefore cannot alone beresponsible for the morphologicaldistinctiveness of Ediacaran macrofossils andthe profound disparity in the taxonomiccomposition between fossil assemblages. Onthe other hand, the exclusion of Avalon-typefossils from carbonaceous compressions(Miaohe-type preservational window) is a realtaphonomic signal that provides an importantconstraint on the properties of certainEdiacaran tissues2009010020海 生 动 物 多 样 性 历 史 浅 析 = An Analysis ofthe History of Marine Animal Diversity. ( 英文 ). Stanley S M. Paleobiology, 2007,33(4_Suppl): 1-55According to when they attained highdiversity, major taxa of marine animals havebeen clustered into three groups, theCambrian, Paleozoic, and Modern Faunas.Because the Cambrian Fauna was a relativelyminor component of the total fauna after mid-Ordovician time, the Phanerozoic history ofmarine animal diversity is largely a matter ofthe fates of the Paleozoic and Modern Faunas.The fact that most late Cenozoic generabelong to taxa that have been radiating for tensof millions of years indicates that the post-Paleozoic increase in diversity indicated byfossil data is real, rather than an artifact ofimprovement of the fossil record toward thepresent.Assuming that ecological crowdingproduced the so-called Paleozoic plateau forfamily diversity, various workers have usedthe logistic equation of ecology to modelmarine animal diversification as dampedexponential increase. Several lines of evidenceindicate that this procedure is inappropriate. Aplot of the diversity of marine animal generathrough time provides better resolution thanthe plot for families and has a more jaggedappearance. Generic diversity generallyincreased rapidly during the Paleozoic, exceptwhen set back by pulses of mass extinction. Infact, an analysis of the history of the PaleozoicFauna during the Paleozoic Era reveals nogeneral correlation between rate of increasefor this fauna and total marine animaldiversity. Furthermore, realistically scaledlogistic simulations do not mimic theempirical pattern. In addition, it is difficult toimagine how some fixed limit for diversitycould have persisted throughout the PaleozoicEra, when the ecological structure of themarine ecosystem was constantly changing.More fundamentally, the basic idea thatcompetition can set a limit for marine animaldiversity is incompatible with basic tenets ofmarine ecology: predation, disturbance, andvagaries of recruitment determine localpopulation sizes for most marine species.Sparseness of predators probably played alarger role than weak competition in elevatingrates of diversification during the initial(Ordovician) radiation of marine animals andduring recoveries from mass extinctions. Aplot of diversification against total diversityfor these intervals yields a band of pointsabove the one representing backgroundintervals, and yet this band also displays nosignificant trend (if the two earliest intervalsof the initial Ordovician are excluded as timesof exceptional evolutionary innovation). Thus,a distinctive structure characterized the marineecosystem during intervals of evolutionaryradiation — one in which rates ofdiversification were exceptionally high and yetincreases in diversity did not depress rates ofdiversification.Particular marine taxa exhibit backgroundrates of origination and extinction that ranksimilarly when compared with those of othertaxa. Rates are correlated in this way becausecertain heritable traits influence probability ofspeciation and probability of extinction insimilar ways. Background rates of originationand extinction were depressed during the latePaleozoic ice age for all major marineinvertebrate taxa, but remained correlated.Also, taxa with relatively high background7

ates of extinction experienced exceptionallyheavy losses during biotic crises becausebackground rates of extinction wereintensified in a multiplicative manner;decimation of a large group of taxa of thiskind in the two Permian mass extinctionsestablished their collective identity as thePaleozoic Fauna.Characteristic rates of origination andextinction for major taxa persisted fromPaleozoic into post-Paleozoic time. Because ofthe causal linkage between rates of originationand extinction, pulses of extinction tended todrag down overall rates of origination as wellas overall rates of extinction by preferentiallyeliminating higher taxa having relatively highbackground rates of extinction. Thisextinction/origination ratchet depressedturnover rates for the residual Paleozoic Faunaduring the Mesozoic Era. A decline of thisfauna's extinction rate to approximately that ofthe Modern Fauna accounts for the nearlyequal fractional losses experienced by the twofaunas in the terminal Cretaceous massextinction.Viewed arithmetically, the fossil recordindicates slow diversification for the ModernFauna during Paleozoic time, followed bymuch more rapid expansion during Mesozoicand Cenozoic time. When viewed moreappropriately as depicting geometric — orexponential—increase, however, the empiricalpattern exhibits no fundamental secularchange: the background rate of increase forthe Modern Fauna—the fauna that dominatedpost-Paleozoic marine diversity — simplypersisted, reflecting the intrinsic originationand extinction rates of constituent taxa.Persistence of this overall background ratesupports other evidence that the empiricalrecord of diversification for marine animal lifesince Paleozoic time represents actualexponential increase. This enduring ratemakes it unnecessary to invoke environmentalchange to explain the post-Paleozoic increaseof marine diversity.Because of the resilience of intrinsic rates,an empirically based simulation that entailsintervals of exponential increase for thePaleozoic and Modern Faunas, punctuated bymass extinctions, yields a pattern that isremarkably similar to the empirical pattern. Itfollows that marine animal genera and specieswill continue to diversify exponentially longinto the future, barring disruption of themarine ecosystem by human-induced ornatural environmental changes.2009010021均 时 作 用 —— 一 个 常 见 但 不 易 识 别 的 埋 葬学 现 象 = Time-Averaging:A Common ButComplicated Taphonomic Phenomenon. ( 中文 ). 泮 燕 红 ; 沙 金 庚 . 古 生 物 学 报 , 2007,46(4): 493-502生 物 化 石 群 落 在 埋 葬 过 程 中 普 遍 经 历 了均 时 作 用 的 过 程 。 正 是 这 种 作 用 导 致 了 同一 生 态 环 境 域 , 但 不 同 时 期 生 物 组 合 相 混合 的 结 果 。 因 此 , 这 种 化 石 群 落 可 能 为 一个 连 续 演 化 群 落 的 不 同 阶 段 的 混 合 体 , 也可 能 是 环 境 连 续 演 化 过 程 中 不 同 生 态 群 落的 混 合 组 合 , 这 样 的 化 石 组 合 所 记 录 的 古生 物 学 信 息 非 常 复 杂 。 因 此 , 对 化 石 累 积过 程 中 的 均 时 作 用 的 清 晰 了 解 , 将 非 常 有助 于 古 生 物 群 落 的 分 类 学 、 居 群 动 力 学 、埋 葬 学 、 古 生 态 学 、 演 化 古 生 物 学 , 甚 至地 层 学 研 究 精 度 的 提 高 。 文 章 根 据 前 人 的研 究 , 扼 要 介 绍 和 讨 论 均 时 作 用 的 概 念 、过 程 、 程 度 、 效 应 和 判 别 , 及 受 均 时 作 用影 响 的 化 石 组 合 的 分 类 。遗 迹 化 石2009010022智 利 中 南 部 瓦 尔 迪 维 亚 新 近 系 SantoDomingo 组 坡 相 沉 积 中 一 个 高 密 度 的 遗 迹化 石 线 粒 迹 组 合 的 古 生 态 与 古 环 境 意 义 =Paleoecological and paleoenvironmentalimplications of a high-density Chondritesassociation in slope deposits of the NeogeneSanto Domingo Formation, Valdivia, southcentralChile. ( 英 文 ). Encinas A (Encinas A;Buatois L A; Finger K L. Ameghiniana, 2008,45(1): 225-231Neogene marine strata of the SantoDomingo Formation crop out in the vicinity ofValdivia, south-central Chile (40 degrees S,73 degrees W). The succession ischaracterized by dark-gray sandy siltstonewith abundant Chondrites isp. The occurrenceof this ichnotaxon and lower-bathyal benthicforaminifers is consistent with a slopedepositional environment. The abundance ofChondrites and the low ichnodiversity revealpoorly oxygenated bottom waters. The SantoDomingo Formation most likely accumulatedin fault-controlled, intraslope silled minibasins,which werw formed during a major event ofNeogene subsidence of the Chilean margin.2009010023阿 根 廷 巴 塔 哥 尼 亚 下 中 新 统 Chenque 组 的遗 迹 学 : 动 物 - 底 质 相 互 作 用 与 现 代 演 化 动8

物 群 = Ichnology of the Lower MioceneChenque Formation, Patagonia, Argentina:animal-substrate interactions and the ModernEvolutionary Fauna. ( 英 文 ). Carmona N B;Buatois L A; Mangano M G; Bromley R G.Ameghiniana, 2008, 45(1): 93-122The lower Miocene Chenque Formation ofPatagonia contains superbly preserved anddiverse ichnofaunas, including theichnogenera Asterosoma, Balanoglossites,Chondrites, Gastrochaenolites, Gyrolithes,Helicodromites, Macaronichnus, Nereites,Ophiomorpha, Palaeophycus, Phycosiphon,Planolites, Protovirgularia, Rhizocorallium,Rosselia, Schaubcylindrichnus, Scolicia,Siphonichnus, Skolithos, Spongehomorpha,Taenidium, Teichichnus, and Thalassinoides.Wave-influenced open-marine deposits arecharacterized by intense bioturbation, complextiering structures and a very high diversity.Restricted, brackish-water, tide-dominateddeposits display lesser degrees of bioturbation,less complex tiering structures and lowerichnodiversity. Both marginal- and openmarinedeposits are commonly punctuated bydiscontinuity surfaces delineated byfirmground ichnofaunas. The complex tieringstructure of open marine ichnofaunas showsthe development of a finely partitionedinfaunal niche and an increment inbioturbation by the Neogene, which isconsistent with trends revealed by body fossils.However, further expansion of the Cenozoicichnologic database is necessary in order toevaluate the role of evolutionary andlatitudinal controls.2009010024古 网 迹 的 数 学 分 析 : 图 论 法 = Mathematicalanalysis of Paleodictyon: a graph theoryapproach. ( 英 文 ). Honeycutt C E; Plotnick RE. Lethaia, 2005, 38(4): 345 - 350The graphoglyptid ichnogenus Paleodictyonhas been alternatively interpreted as a foragingor farming trace; as a subsurface burrow forthe habitation of one or more unknownorganisms; the remains of a xenophyophore;and as the result of modular growth of anunknown organism. Graph theory and analysisof the geometry of the regular ichnospeciessuggests that if the elements of Paleodictyonare interpreted as tunnels, then they are ofextraordinary length relative to the size of anylikely solitary tracemaker. In addition, becauseeach vertex of the mesh is of degree three, anypossible path through mesh requires revisitingin order to travel through the entire network;this makes the minimum path length evenlonger. These results suggest that it is unlikelythat Paleodictyon is the result of subsurfaceburrowing.2009010025遗 迹 化 石 命 名 — 一 种 统 一 的 途 径 = Namesfor trace fossils: a uniform approach. ( 英 文 ).Bertling M; Braddy S J; Bromley R G;Demathieu G R; Genise J; Mikulás R; NielsenJ K; Nielsen K S S; Rindsberg A K; Schlirf M;Uchman A. Lethaia, 2006, 39(3): 265 - 286The taxonomic treatment of trace fossilsneeds a uniform approach, independent of theethologic groups concerned. To this aim, tracefossils are rigorously defined with regard tobiological taxa and physical sedimentarystructures. Potential ichnotaxobases areevaluated, with morphology resulting as themost important criterion. For trace fossilsrelated to bioerosion and herbivory, substrateplays a key role, as well as composition forcoprolites. Size, producer, age, facies andpreservation are rejected as ichnotaxobases.Separate names for undertracks and otherpoorly preserved material should gradually bereplaced by ichnotaxa based on well-preservedspecimens. Recent traces may be identifiedusing established trace fossil taxa but newnames can only be based on fossil material,even if the distinction between recent andfossil may frequently remain arbitrary. It isstressed that ichnotaxa must not beincorporated into biological taxa insystematics. Composite trace fossil structures(complex structures made by the combinedactivity of two or more species) have noichnotaxonomic standing but compound traces(complex structures made by one individualtracemaker) may be named separately undercertain provisions. The following emendationsare proposed to the International Code ofZoological Nomenclature: The term 'work ofan animal' should be deleted from the code,and ichnotaxa should be based solely on tracefossils as defined herein.2009010026挪 威 斯 瓦 尔 巴 群 岛 西 北 斯 匹 次 卑 尔 根 岛下 — 中 泥 盆 统 Wood Bay 组 河 流 相 老 红 砂岩 沉 积 中 的 遗 迹 化 石 组 合 = A trace fossilassemblage from fluvial Old Red deposits(Wood Bay Formation; Lower to MiddleDevonian) of NW-Spitsbergen, Svalbard. ( 英文 ). Wisshak M; Volohonsky E; Seilacher A;Freiwald A. Lethaia, 2004, 37(2): 149 - 1639

From the fluvial Old Red Sandstone (ORS)of the Lower to Middle Devonian Wood BayFormation (NW-Spitsbergen), a diverse tracefossil assemblage, including two newichnotaxa, is described: Svalbardichnustrilobus igen. n., isp. n. is interpreted as thethree-lobed resting trace of an earlyphyllocarid crustacean (Rhinocarididae).Cruziana polaris isp. n. yields morphologicaldetails that point towards a trilobite origin.This occurence of presumably marine tracemakers in a fluvial red bed sequence raises thequestion of whether we are dealing withmarine ingressions that are notsedimentologically expressed, withhomeomorphy, or with an adaptation ofmarine groups to non-marine environments.2009010027最 古 老 的 中 生 代 近 岸 螺 旋 潜 迹 —— 来 自 德国 三 叠 系 的 证 据 = The oldest Mesozoicnearshore Zoophycos: evidence from theGerman Triassic. ( 英 文 ). Knaust D.Lethaia, 2004, 37(3): 297 - 306The trace fossil Zoophycos has beendescribed from the Middle Triassic carbonatesof the German Basin for the first time. Itoccurs in a calcilutite bed at the top of ashallowing-upward cycle (parasequence) inthe transgressive systems tract of the Middleto Upper Muschelkalk sequence of Thuringia(Germany). Based on sedimentological andpalaeontological features, the studied intervalis interpreted as deposited in a marinenearshore environment with proximal stormdeposits (tempestites). Zoophycos occurs in avery simple planar form with lobate spreiten,which were most likely produced by a wormlikeanimal by strip mining. The upper tier ofthe ichnofabric consists of Zoophycos,whereas the lower tier is occupied bycylindrical trace fossils of unknowntaxonomic affiliation and with decreasing sizetowards the bottom. Associated trace fossilssuch as Rhizocorallium, Balanoglossites andTrypanites indicate a partly firm to hardsubstrate. No mixed layer is developed at thetop of the trace fossil bearing succession. Theichnofabric together with the sedimentologicalfeatures (disseminated pyrite, blue-grey colour)and palaeontological circumstances (poorbenthic fauna, meiofauna with a small bodysize) support an interpretation of a dysaerobicenvironment. In the view of evolutionarychange, Palaeozoic Zoophycos occurs in bothdeep and shallow marine deposits, whereasMesozoic and Cenozoic Zoophycos is onlycommon in shelfal and deeper-marine deposits.The new finding from the shallow-marineMiddle Triassic represents the first reliableoccurrence of Zoophycos after the end-Permian mass extinction and shows closesimilarities to its Palaeozoic precursors. Itdemonstrates that the producer survived theend-Permian mass extinction, became reestablishedin the nearshore realm andprogressively colonized deeper-marineenvironments during the Mesozoic andCenozoic.2009010028关 于 矿 物 基 底 上 动 物 侵 蚀 遗 迹 化 石 的 生 态框 架 : 建 立 一 种 新 的 类 别 —fixichnia = Anethological framework for animal bioerosiontrace fossils upon mineral substrates withproposal of a new class, fixichnia. ( 英 文 ).Gibert J D; Dom è nech R; Martinell J.Lethaia, 2004, 37(4): 429 - 437Animal bioerosion trace fossils uponmineral substrates are analyzed from the pointof view of the Seilacherian ethologicalclassification. Several of the currentlyaccepted ethological classes: cubichnia,fugichnia, repichnia, fodinichnia, agrichnia,calichnia and aedificichnia are not representedin these substrates. This fact points out a lowerbehavioral diversity of hard substrate tracefossils when compared with soft sedimenttrace fossils. Bioerosion traces can beclassified in just five classes: domichnia,pascichnia, equilibrichnia, praedichnia andfixichnia. Fixichnia is here erected to gathersuperficial etching scars resulting from theanchoring of fixation of sessile epiliths bymeans of a soft or skeletal body part.Praedichnia and fixichnia are exclusive of thebioerosion realm.2009010029遗 迹 化 石 的 埋 藏 学 与 分 类 学 —— 评 论 =Taphonomy and the taxonomy of trace fossils:a commentary. ( 英 文 ). MacNaughton R B;Pickerill R K. Lethaia, 2003, 36(1): 66-692009010030显 生 宙 早 期 深 海 环 境 的 生 态 空 间 利 用 ——美 国 阿 肯 色 州 中 奥 陶 统 Blakely 砂 岩 中 的 深层 生 物 扰 动 = Ecospace utilization in earlyPhanerozoic deep-marine environments: deepbioturbation in the Blakely Sandstone (MiddleOrdovician), Arkansas, USA. ( 英 文 ). Orr P J.Lethaia, 2003, 36(2): 97-10610

Ichnofabric analysis of alternating light anddark-coloured mudstone layers in the BlakelySandstone (Middle Ordovician) at CrystalSprings Landing, Lake Ouachita (west of HotSprings, western Arkansas, USA) reveals twoequilibrium palaeoichnocoenoses. The firstwas emplaced under variable, but low, oxygenlevels during deposition of the dark-colouredlayers; small diameter transition layer burrowsoverprint a mixed layer ichnofabric. Thetransition layer infauna was tiered withabundant Chondrites representing the deeperof two shallow tiers. Light-coloured layersaccumulated during prolonged intervals inwhich the sediments were oxygenated to agreater extent and depth. Preservation of amixed layer ichnofabric within them is theresult of limited, but deep (up to at least 400mm), reworking subsequently in the transitionlayer by an equilibrium community. Thesetransition layer trace fossils are not tiered. Ifrepresentative of oxygenated sedimentcolumns in Ordovician deep-marineenvironments, an extensive volume ofinfaunal ecospace was colonized (in this caseby deposit feeders); its more efficient usesubsequently, including vertical partitioning ofthe infaunal community into specificenvironmental niches (tiering), could haveaccommodated increases in diversity andcommunity complexity. Changes over time inthe maximum depth to which sediments werebioturbated, alone, would therefore be a poormeasure of the extent of ecospace utilization.2009010031各 种 无 脊 椎 动 物 潜 穴 壁 微 尺 度 的 氧 分 布 =Microscale oxygen distribution in variousinvertebrate burrow walls. ( 英 文 ). Zorn M E;Lalonde S V; Gingras M K; Pemberton S G;Konhauser K O. Geobiology, 2006, 4(2): 137-145Profiles of dissolved oxygen were measuredin pore waters of unburrowed sediment andthe burrow walls of seven invertebratedwellings. Burrows studied include those ofCorophium volutator, Heteromastus filiformis,Arenicola marina, Saccoglossusbromophenolosus, Clymenella sp.,Hemigrapsus oregonensis and Cirriformialuxuriosa all from mudflats in Willapa Bay,Washington. These animals comprise a rangeof burrow architectures ranging from simple,unlined burrows to more complex, mucouslined burrows. Oxygen penetrated unburrowedsediment between depths of 0.4 – 2.6 mm,whereas oxygen penetrated the burrow wallsfrom 0.3 mm to 2.3 mm. Three groups ofburrows are recognized based on the oxygendiffusive properties relative to the unburrowedsediment including those that: (1) slightlyimpeded oxygen penetration, (2) clearlyinhibited oxygen penetration, and (3)enhanced oxygen penetration. Differences inthe diffusive properties of the burrow wall arerelated to the burrow microstructure andpresumably the microbial communities livingwithin the burrow microenvironment. Theresults of this study suggest that burrow shapeand burrow-wall architecture may play animportant role in controlling the diffusion ofoxygen, and possibly of other dissolved gases(i.e. CO 2 , H 2 S). The results furtherdemonstrate that simplified assumptions (i.e.that bioturbation uniformly enhances oxygendiffusion into suboxic and anoxic sediments),while requisite for numerical modelling, arenot necessarily representative of field data.2009010032泛 大 陆 西 北 部 异 常 多 样 的 早 三 叠 世 遗 迹 化石 组 合 : 浅 海 栖 息 带 的 一 个 实 例 =Anomalously diverse Early Triassicichnofossil assemblages in northwest Pangea:A case for a shallow-marine habitable zone.( 英 文 ). Beatty T W; Zonneveld J P;Henderson C M. Geology, 2008, 36(10): 771-774Early Triassic trace fossil assemblages fromthe northwest margin of Pangea record adiverse suite of postextinction infauna. Theseichnofossil assemblages occurred within welloxygenated,shallow-marine refuges in aPanthalassa Ocean otherwise characterized bywidespread anoxia. We propose anenvironmentally controlled model for theirdistribution, in which wave aeration, enhancedby frequent storms, gave rise to an optimalzone for benthic colonization. Within thishabitable zone extinction pressures wereameliorated and postextinction recoveryduration was minimized2009010033贵 州 贞 丰 三 叠 纪 原 始 爬 行 类 足 迹(Chirotherium) 的 研 究 = Chirotherium -Footprints Of A Primitive Reptile From TheMiddle Triassic, Zhenfeng, Guizhou,Southwest China. ( 中 文 ). 杨 超 ; 吕 洪 波 ; 陈 清华 ; 孙 昶 旭 . 古 生 物 学 报 , 2008, 47(2): 240-247研 究 和 讨 论 贵 州 贞 丰 龙 场 中 三 叠 统 关 岭组 中 发 现 的 一 系 列 足 迹 。 通 过 与 贞 丰 县 牛11

场 足 迹 进 行 比 较 , 利 用 现 场 采 制 的 石 膏 拓模 以 及 胶 片 描 图 , 绘 制 单 个 足 迹 和 一 系 列足 迹 的 图 形 , 并 测 出 步 蝠 角 和 趾 间 角 等 角度 。 参 照 国 际 上 流 行 的 计 算 方 法 , 利 用 足迹 学 的 知 识 对 现 场 足 迹 进 行 分 析 , 初 步 得出 造 迹 动 物 形 态 和 运 动 状 态 的 一 些 特 征 。同 时 , 通 过 牛 场 、 龙 场 两 地 足 迹 趾 尖 印 痕的 对 比 , 着 重 讨 论 手 兽 在 运 动 时 脚 掌 着 地和 发 力 的 挣 点 , 从 而 阐 述 该 造 迹 动 物 的 一些 运 动 习 性 。 文 中 还 将 研 究 的 足 迹 与 恐 龙进 行 简 单 对 比 , 期 待 以 后 对 手 兽 更 深 入 的研 究 能 够 更 好 地 认 识 恐 龙 的 出 现 。2009010034河 南 泌 阳 凹 陷 古 近 纪 核 桃 园 组 遗 迹 化 石 组合 及 其 环 境 意 义 —— 兼 论 深 水 湖 泊 遗 迹 相特 征 = Trace Fossil Assemblages And TheirEnvironmental Significance From HetaoyuanFormation Of Palaeogene In BiyangDepression Of Henan Province. ( 中 文 ). 齐 永安 ; 曾 光 艳 ; 胡 斌 ; 张 国 成 ; 龚 一 鸣 . 古 生 物 学报 , 2007, 46(4): 441-452南 襄 盆 地 泌 阳 凹 陷 古 近 纪 核 桃 园 组 湖 泊沉 积 中 发 育 大 量 遗 迹 化 石 , 含 5 个 遗 迹 组合 , 形 成 于 从 滨 湖 到 深 湖 的 不 同 沉 积 环 境中 。Taenidium serpentinum 遗 迹 组 合 反 映稍 有 覆 水 并 周 期 性 暴 露 的 低 能 滨 湖 环 境 ;Skolithos linearis 遗 迹 组 合 代 表 湖 泊 中上 临 滨 环 境 ;Planolites montanus 遗 迹 组合 与 低 能 浅 湖 环 境 有 关 ;Skolithosverticalis 遗 迹 组 合 形 成 于 浅 湖 的 远 源 风暴 沉 积 中 ; Semirotundichnusdongyingensis 遗 迹 组 合 发 育 在 贫 氧 的 半 深湖 - 深 湖 沉 积 环 境 中 。2009010035川 中 - 川 南 地 区 上 三 叠 统 滨 浅 湖 沉 积 中 的 遗迹 化 石 = Ichnocoenosis Of Shore-ShallowLacustrine Uupper Triassic In Central AndSouth Sichuan Province. ( 中 文 ). 施 振 生 ; 杨 威 ;郭 长 敏 ; 谢 增 业 ; 金 惠 ; 朱 秋 影 ; 刘 满 仓 . 古 生 物学 报 , 2007, 46(4): 453-463川 中 - 川 南 地 区 上 三 叠 统 滨 浅 湖 沉 积 中 产有 丰 富 的 动 物 遗 迹 化 石 , 识 别 为 3 大 类 6属 8 种 , 包 括 Skolithos linearis ,S . verticalis , Ophiomorpha nodosa ,Planolites beverleyensis ,P.montanus,Palacophycus tubularis,Taenidium satanassi 和 Cochlichnusanguineus, 另 外 , 逃 逸 构 造 也 很 发 育 。 这些 遗 迹 化 石 主 要 是 无 脊 椎 动 物 的 居 住 迹 、进 食 迹 和 觅 食 迹 , 大 多 为 全 浮 痕 和 上 浮 痕保 存 。 根 据 遗 迹 化 石 的 组 合 特 征 及 其 沉 积环 境 , 可 识 别 出 3 个 遗 迹 组 合 :1 )Skolithos linearis 遗 迹 组 合 , 主 要 由 长的 垂 直 或 高 角 度 倾 斜 的 悬 食 居 住 潜 穴 构成 , 反 映 高 能 的 砂 质 滨 湖 环 境 ;2 )Cochlichnus-Planolites 遗 迹 组 合 , 主 要由 进 食 迹 和 牧 食 迹 组 成 , 形 成 于 低 能 的 滨湖 沼 泽 环 境 ;3)Skolithos-Planolites 遗迹 组 合 , 以 居 住 潜 穴 和 进 食 潜 穴 为 主 , 遗迹 化 石 的 丰 度 较 高 , 代 表 潮 湿 气 候 条 件 下的 浅 湖 环 境 。 根 据 生 物 扰 动 的 分 布 及 扰 动强 度 , 浅 湖 中 可 识 别 出 两 类 扰 动 类 型 , 即1) 砂 泥 边 界 扰 动 , 扰 动 主 要 发 育 于 砂 泥 交界 处 , 代 表 了 浅 湖 下 部 环 境 ;2) 薄 砂 层 扰动 , 扰 动 主 要 发 育 于 薄 砂 层 中 , 主 要 出 现于 浅 湖 中 下 部 沉 积 中 。2009010036加 拿 大 东 部 中 泥 盆 统 Gaspé 砂 岩 群 中 一 个大 型 节 肢 动 物 形 迹 = A large arthropodtrackway from the Gaspé Sandstone Group(Middle Devonian) of eastern Canada. ( 英 文 ).Braddy S J; Milner A R C. Canadian Journalof Earth Sciences, 1998, 35(10): 1116–1122A large arthropod trackway from the Capaux-OsMember of the Battery PointFormation (Gaspé Sandstone Group, MiddleDevonian), from the Baie de Gaspé, easternCanada, is described and assigned to theichnotaxon Palmichnium (= Paleohelcura)antarcticum (Gevers et al., 1971). A largestylonurid eurypterid or scorpion is consideredthe most likely producer. A shallow-watermarginal fluvial environment is inferred as thesetting, the animal making a transition fromwalking to swimming along the course of thetrackway.分 子 古 生 物 学2009010037应 用 于 细 菌 、 古 细 菌 和 真 核 生 物 的 基 于 基因 组 的 演 化 树 构 建 的 地 质 生 物 学 分 析 =Geobiological analysis using whole genomebasedtree building applied to the Bacteria,Archaea, and Eukarya. ( 英 文 ). House C H;Runnegar B; Fitz-Gibbon S T.Geobiology, 2003, 1(1): 15-26We constructed genomic trees based on thepresence and absence of families of proteinencodinggenes observed in 55 prokaryoticand five eukaryotic genomes. There arefeatures of the genomic trees that are notcongruent with typical rRNA phylogenetictrees. In the bacteria, for example,12

Deinococcus radiodurans associates with theGram-positive bacteria, a result that is alsoseen in some other phylogenetic studies usingwhole genome data. In the Archaea, themethanogens plus Archaeoglobus form aunited clade and the Euryarchaeota aredivided with the two Thermoplasma genomesand Halobacterium sp. falling below theCrenarchaeota. While the former appears to bean accurate representation of methanogenrelatedness,the misplacement ofHalobacterium may be an artefact ofparsimony. These results imply the lastcommon ancestor of the Archaea was not amethanogen, leaving sulphur reduction as themost geochemically plausible metabolism forthe base of the archaeal crown group. It alsosuggests that methanogens were not acomponent of the Earth's earliest biosphereand that their origin occurred sometime duringthe Archean. In the Eukarya, the parsimonyanalysis of five Eukaryotes using theCrenarchaeota as an outgroup seems tocounter the Ecdysozoa hypothesis, placingCaenorhabditis elegans (Nematoda) below thecommon ancestor of Drosophila melanogaster(Arthropoda) and Homo sapiens (Chordata)even when efforts are made to counter thepossible effects of a faster rate of sequenceevolution for the C. elegans genome. Furtheranalysis, however, suggests that the gene lossof 'animal' genes is highest in C. elegans andis obscuring the relationships of theseorganisms.2009010038中 温 硫 酸 盐 还 原 作 用 和 含 氧 光 合 作 用 起 源的 演 化 定 时 : 谱 系 基 因 组 学 定 年 方 法 =Evolutionary timing of the origins ofmesophilic sulphate reduction and oxygenicphotosynthesis: a phylogenomic datingapproach. ( 英 文 ). Blank C E.Geobiology, 2004, 2(1): 1-20Until recently, the deep-branchingrelationships in the bacterial domain havebeen unresolved. A new phylogeneticapproach (termed compartmentalization) wasable to resolve these deep-branchingrelationships successfully by using a largenumber of genes from whole genomesequences and by reducing long branchattraction artefacts. This new, well-resolvedphylogenetic tree reveals the evolutionaryrelationships between diverse bacterial groupsthat leave important traces in the geologicalrecord. It shows that mesophilic sulphatereducers originated before the Cyanobacteria,followed by the origination of sulphur- andpyrite-oxidizing bacteria after oxygen becameavailable in the biosphere. This evolutionarypattern mirrors a similar pattern in thePalaeoproterozoic geological record. Sulphurisotopic fractionation records indicate thatlarge-scale bacterial sulphate reduction beganin marine environments around 2.45 billionyears ago (Ga), followed by rapid oxygenationof the atmosphere about 2.3 or 2.2 Ga.Oxygenation was then followed by increasingoceanic sulphate concentrations (probablyowing to pyrite oxidation and continentalweathering), which then resulted in thedisappearance of banded iron formations by1.8 Ga. The similarity between thephylogenetic and geological records suggeststhat the geochemical changes observed on thePalaeoproterozoic Earth were caused by majororigination events in the mesophilic bacteria,and that these geochemical changes thencaused additional origination events, such asaerobic respiration. If so, then constraints ondivergence dates can be established for manymicrobial groups, including the Cyanobacteria,mesophilic bacteria, mesophilic sulphatereducers, methanotrophs, several anoxygenicphototrophs, as well as for mitochondrialendosymbiosis. These dates may also help toexplain a large number of other changes in thegeological record of the Neoarchean andPalaeoproterozoic Earth. This hypothesis,however, does not agree with the finding ofcyanobacterial and eukaryote lipids at 2.7 Ga,and suggests that further work needs to bedone to elucidate the discrepancies in boththese areas.2009010039生 命 的 合 成 途 径 、 基 因 替 代 及 遗 迹 =Biosynthetic pathways, gene replacement andthe antiquity of life. ( 英 文 ). Raymond J;Blankenship R E. Geobiology, 2004, 2(4):199-203The appearance of oxygen in the Earth'satmosphere, a by-product of oxygenicphotosynthesis invented by primitive cyanobacteria,stands as one of the major events inthe history of life on Earth. While independentlines of geological data suggest that oxygenfirst began to accumulate in the atmosphere c.2.2 billion years ago, a growing body ofbiomarker data purports to push this date backfully 500 million years, based on thepresumption that an oxygen-dependentbiochemistry was functional at this time. Here,we present a cautionary tale in the extension13

of modern biochemistry into Archean biota,identifying a suite of examples of evolutionaryconvergence where an enzyme catalysing ahighly specific, O 2 -requiring reaction has anoxygen-independent counterpart, able to carryout the same reaction under anoxic conditions.The anaerobic enzyme has almost certainlybeen replaced in many reactions by the moreefficient and irreversible aerobic version thatuses O 2 . We suggest that the unambiguousinterpretation of Archean biomarkers demandsa rigorous understanding of modernbiochemistry and its extensibility into ancientorganisms.2009010040基 因 对 雪 球 的 响 应 : 热 休 克 蛋 白 HSP90 在寒 武 纪 大 爆 发 中 的 作 用 = The geneticresponse to Snowball Earth: role of HSP90 inthe Cambrian explosion. ( 英 文 ). Baker M E.Geobiology, 2006, 4(1): 11-14The events that shaped the Cambrianexplosion from 545 to 530 Ma, whenmulticellular animals suddenly appeared in thefossil record, are not fully understood. It islikely that the evolution of new transcriptionfactors and other signal transduction proteinsthat regulated developmental networks wasimportant in the emergence of diverse animalphyla seen in the Cambrian. I propose that oneor both extensive glaciations that ended about670 and 635 Ma were important in theevolution of signal transduction proteins insmall animals in the Neoproterozoic /Proterozoic. These glaciations have beencalled Snowball Earth. One consequence ofthese glaciations is that they increased theexpression of genetic diversity in animals dueto the effect of extreme climatic stress onheat-shock protein 90 (HSP90). Climaticstress diverted HSP90 from chaperoning thefolding and proper intracellular localization ofmany signal transduction proteins that regulatedevelopment in animals. As a result, preexistingmutant signal transduction proteinsand developmental pathways were expressedin animals. Selectively advantageousmutations were fixed in stem group animalsand later were a source for the expansion ofanimal phyla during the Cambrian.2009010041日 本 最 北 端 中 新 世 地 层 内 断 裂 圈 闭 的 含 水层 中 微 生 物 群 落 的 分 子 特 征 = Molecularcharacterization of microbial communities infault-bordered aquifers in the Mioceneformation of northernmost Japan. ( 英 文 ).Shimizu S; Akiyama M; Ishijima Y; Hama K;Kunimaru T; Naganuma T. Geobiology, 2006,4(3): 203-213We investigated the diversity anddistribution of archaeal and bacterial 16SrRNA gene sequences in deep aquifers of midtolate Miocene hard shale located in thenorthernmost region of the Japanesearchipelago. A major fault in the north-west–south-east (NW – SE) direction runs acrossthe studied area. We collected threegroundwater samples from boreholes on thesouth-west (SW) side of the fault at depths of296, 374 and 625 m below ground level(m.b.g.l.) and one sample from the north-east(NE) side of the fault at a depth of 458 m.b.g.l.The groundwater samples were observed to beneutral and weakly saline. The total microbialcounts after staining with acridine orangewere in the order 10 5 −10 6 cells mL −1 and 10 3cells mL −1 in the aquifers to the SW and to theNE of the fault, respectively. A total of 407archaeal and bacterial 16S rRNA genesequences (204 and 203 sequences,respectively) were determined for clonelibraries constructed from all groundwatersamples. Phylogenetic analyses showed thatthe libraries constructed from the SW aquiferswere generally coherent but considerablydifferent from those constructed from the NEaquifer. All of the archaeal clone librariesfrom the SW aquifers were predominated by asingle sequence closely related to the archaeonMethanoculleus chikugoensis, and thecorresponding bacterial libraries were mostlypredominated by the sequences related toBacteroidetes, Firmicutes and δ -Proteobacteria. In contrast, the libraries fromthe NE aquifer were dominated by unculturedenvironmental archaeal clones with nomethanogen sequences and by β -proteobacterial clones with no sequencesrelated to Bacteroidetes and δ-Proteobacteria.Hence, the possible coexistence ofmethanogens and sulphate reducers inHoronobe deep borehole (HDB) on the SWside is suggested, particularly in HDB-6 (374m.b.g.l.). Moreover, these organisms mightplay an important geochemical role in thegroundwater obtained from the aquifers.2009010042速 足 目 主 要 类 群 系 统 发 育 的 分 子 证 据 =Molecular Phylogeny Of Major Groups OfPodocopida. ( 中 文 ). 张 克 云 ; 徐 明 旭 ; 杨 寿 运 ;14

孙 捷 ; 杨 群 . 古 生 物 学 报 , 2007, 46(4): 464-472文 章 基 于 速 足 目 现 生 主 要 类 群 18SrDNA、28S rDNA 和 COI 基 因 序 列 , 采 用贝 叶 斯 法 、 邻 接 法 和 最 大 简 约 法 , 尝 试 构建 速 足 目 的 分 子 系 统 树 ; 结 合 形 态 特 征 和化 石 记 录 , 主 要 对 速 足 目 各 超 科 级 分 类 阶元 的 系 统 发 育 关 系 进 行 探 讨 。 结 果 表 明 ,速 足 目 现 生 超 科 Bairdiacea 、Darwinulacea、Cypridacea 和 Cytheracea 均为 单 系 群 , 支 持 形 态 学 上 关 于 上 述 4 个 超科 的 的 界 定 ;3 种 基 因 均 支 持 形 态 学 上Darwinulacea 和 Cypridacea 具 有 较 近 的 亲 缘关 系 的 观 点 。18S rDNA 序 列 分 析 在 较 显 著水 平 上 支 持 Darwinulacea 和 Bairdiacea 为 姐妹 群 ,Darwinulacea 可 能 从 Bairdiacea 中 的一 支 演 化 而 来 ;Bairdiacea 和 Darwinulacea组 成 的 分 支 是 Cypridacea 的 姐 妹 群 , 支 持将 三 者 合 并 为 Bairdiocopina 亚 目 的 观 点 ;Cytheracea 是 Cypridacea(Darwinulacea+Bairdiacea ) 的 姐 妹 群 , 可 提 升 为Cytheracopina 亚 目 。2009010043网 角 海 绵 目 (Dictyoceratida) 谱 系 发 育 与形 态 发 生 分 析 = Phylogeny AndMorphogenesis Of Dictyoceratida(Porifera: Demospongiae). ( 中 文 ). 马 俊业 ; 杨 群 . 古 生 物 学 报 , 2007, 46(4): 473-480采 用 形 态 和 分 子 数 据 相 结 合 的 方 法 探 讨网 角 海 绵 目 谱 系 发 育 和 骨 骼 形 态 发 生 问题 。 根 据 11 个 普 通 海 绵 种 的 18S rRNA 序列 , 结 合 11 个 形 态 与 结 构 特 征 以 及 生 化 和细 胞 学 性 状 , 对 网 角 海 绵 目 的 系 统 发 育 关系 进 行 综 合 分 析 。 分 子 系 统 学 分 析 表 明 ,网 角 海 绵 目 及 角 骨 海 绵 科 为 单 系 类 群 , 具有 宽 口 型 领 细 胞 室 的 掘 海 绵 科 属 于 网 角 海绵 目 。 表 型 数 据 显 示 , 网 角 海 绵 目 内 的 4个 科 ( Dysideidae , Thorectidae ,Irciniidae,Spongiidae) 为 单 系 类 群 。 网 角海 绵 目 的 单 系 性 表 明 具 有 等 级 分 化 特 征 的海 绵 质 骨 架 纤 维 为 同 源 特 征 , 而 领 细 胞 室类 型 的 分 化 , 即 宽 口 型 和 二 咽 型 领 细 胞 室的 分 化 , 是 在 网 角 海 绵 内 部 类 群 分 化 的 同时 发 生 的 。 结 合 角 海 绵 类 及 相 关 类 群 的 化石 记 录 和 文 中 关 于 网 角 海 绵 谱 系 发 育 分 析推 测 , 早 期 网 角 海 绵 可 能 主 要 通 过 胶 原 纤维 粘 附 外 源 碎 屑 颗 粒 来 支 撑 内 部 骨 架 系统 ; 网 角 海 绵 的 演 化 向 两 个 方 向 发 展 :1合 成 多 种 海 绵 质 纤 维 取 代 外 源 物 形 成 骨 架系 统 ( 网 角 海 绵 和 指 角 海 绵 );2 合 成 硅质 骨 针 取 代 外 源 颗 粒 构 成 海 绵 骨 架 ( 现 代所 有 具 有 骨 针 的 普 通 海 绵 )。2009010044脂 肪 酮 分 子 在 第 四 纪 古 土 壤 中 的 分 布 及 其古 气 候 意 义 = Distributions Of N-alkan-2-ones In Quaternary Paleosols Indicative OfPaleoclimate Changes. ( 中 文 ). 谢 树 成 ; 梁 斌 ;顾 延 生 ; 杨 欢 . 古 生 物 学 报 , 2008, 47(3): 273-278广 泛 分 布 于 地 质 体 并 受 成 土 作 用 改 造 的α- 正 构 脂 肪 酮 在 全 球 变 化 中 的 应 用 比 较 少见 . 远 不 如 其 他 脂 肪 族 化 合 物 ( 如 正 构 烷烃 、 脂 肪 酸 等 ) 那 样 普 遍 。 文 章 以 位 于 长江 中 下 游 红 土 和 黄 土 交 接 地 带 的 安 徽 宣 城红 土 剖 面 和 黄 土 高 原 的 黄 土 剖 面 为 研 究 对象 . 探 讨 α- 正 构 脂 肪 酮 的 分 布 规 律 。α- 正构 脂 肪 酮 在 安 徽 宣 城 红 土 堆 积 序 列 中 表 现出 与 黄 土 高 原 黄 土 古 土 壤 序 列 相 似 的 变 化规 律 . 其 碳 优 势 指 数 (CPI 值 ) 不 仅 能 区 分出 黄 色 亚 砂 土 和 红 色 亚 粘 土 ( 古 土 壤 ),而 且 还 能 进 一 步 体 现 出 黄 色 土 层 和 网 纹 红土 层 内 部 的 旋 回 性 变 化 。 总 的 变 化 规 律是 ,CPI 值 在 古 土 壤 层 中 表 现 出 相 对 低 值 ,如 在 宣 城 剖 面 古 土 壤 层 中 变 化 于 2.34.0之 间 ;CPI 值 在 宣 城 剖 面 黄 土 层 中 变 化 范 围为 2.47.1。 成 土 作 用 增 强 ,CPI 值 降低 。α- 正 构 脂 肪 酮 这 种 规 律 性 变 化 反 映 了成 土 过 程 中 微 生 物 对 类 脂 物 分 子 的 改 造 强度 , 微 生 物 不 仅 输 入 其 本 身 的 类 脂 物 而 且对 高 等 植 物 不 同 类 脂 物 ( 正 构 烷 烃 和 脂 肪酸 ) 的 改 造 都 会 使 脂 肪 酮 CPI 值 发 生 规 律性 变 化 。 古 土 壤 脂 肪 酮 CPI 值 由 此 可 以 揭示 受 气 候 驱 动 的 微 生 物 作 用 , 从 而 可 以 反映 古 气 候 的 变 化 。古 生 态 学2009010045在 接 近 奥 陶 纪 - 志 留 纪 界 线 的 多 种 危 机 中 的生 物 礁 : 加 拿 大 东 部 克 安 蒂 库 斯 提 岛 和 世界 范 围 = Reefs during the multiple crisestowards the Ordovician-Silurian boundary:Anticosti Island, eastern Canada, andworldwide. ( 英 文 ). Copper P. CanadianJournal of Earth Sciences, 2001, 38(2): 153-171Multiple latest Ordovician (Rawtheyan –Hirnantian) glaciations in central Africa, withconcomitant global sea-level lowstands andcooler, restricted, equatorial carbonate shelvesand ramps, interrupted by warmer interstadialhighstands, had a dramatic global impact on15

the tropical shallow-water reef ecosystem andcarbonate production. With the Ordovician-Silurian boundary strata on Anticosti Island asa global standard for a carbonate shelf-rampsetting, the latest Ordovician and earliestSilurian reveal three reef phases, ended bythree extinctions. The first extinction, towardsthe end of the Rawtheyan, affected the last"Richmondian"-type reefs (Vaureal Formation,Mill Bay Member). The second extinction wasless pronounced, ending with reefs at the baseof the Prinsta Member (Ellis Bay Formation),interpreted as the top of the Normalograptusextraordinarius graptolite Subzone. The thirdand most severe extinction phase capped theLaframboise patch reef complex (Ellis BayFormation), at the top of the Normalograptuspersculptus Zone. In the paleotropics, theHirnantian interglacials showed higherbiodiversity than either the precedingRawtheyan or following Rhuddanian (earlyLlandovery) warm intervals, a feature perhapsachieved by high innovation rates viaintroduction of "Silurian" reef biotas duringthe Hirnantian. The Anticosti reef successionis compared with latest Ordovician reefs fromnorthwestern Europe (Baltic Basin and U.K.),the northwestern margins of Gondwana (Spainand Austria), the Urals, Siberia, Kazakhstan,northeast Russia, and China. Reefs show aglobal decline from the late Caradoc throughlate Ashgill, marked by hiatuses towards theO–S boundary. A protracted 3–4 millionyearrecovery phase for Early Silurian tropicalmarine biotas, generally without reefs, markedthe succeeding Rhuddanian; full reef recoverywas delayed until the mid-Aeronian.2009010046加 拿 大 魁 北 克 Charlevoix 地 区 南 永 冻 层 泥炭 田 的 古 生 态 分 析 = A paleoecologicalanalysis of a southern permafrost peatland,Charlevoix, Quebec. ( 英 文 ). Zimmermann C;Lavoie C. Canadian Journal of EarthSciences, 2001, 38(5): 909-919The southernmost site where permafrost hasbeen located in the Quebec – Labradorpeninsula is in a peatland on the subalpinesummit of Lac des Cygnes Mountain (47°41'N, 70°36'W). Because of the thickness ofits peat deposit, this site contains richecological information about the history of thepeatland and its surrounding subalpineenvironment. We conducted a detailedmacrofossil analysis to reconstruct the 6000-year history of the peatland. In general, thedevelopment of the Lac des Cygnes Mountainpeatland has followed the classic successionof rich fen – poor fen – bog found in otherpeatlands in subarctic, boreal, and temperateenvironments. An abrupt decline in all treemacrofossils ca. 4000 BP suggests that amajor deforestation event occurred on thesummit of Lac des Cygnes Mountain. Theexact cause of this deforestation event isunknown, but fire is a possible factor. Thelack of absolute chronological resolution nearthe top of the macrofossil record precludesproper dating of permafrost inception, but thebalance of evidence appears to indicate thatthe permafrost is modern.2009010047中 新 世 哺 乳 动 物 记 录 的 生 态 变 化 显 示 出 持续 的 气 候 驱 动 力 影 响 = Ecological changesin Miocene mammalian record show impact ofprolonged climatic forcing. ( 英 文 ). Badgley C;Barry J C; Morgan M E; Nelson S V;Behrensmeyer A K; Cerling T E; Pilbeam D.proceedings of the National Academy ofSciences, 2008, 105(34): 12145-12149 4 图 版 .Geohistorical records reveal the long-termimpacts of climate change on ecosystemstructure. A 5-myr record of mammalianfaunas from floodplain ecosystems of SouthAsia shows substantial change in speciesrichness and ecological structure in relation tovegetation change as documented by stableisotopes of C and O from paleosols. Between8.5 and 6.0 Ma, C 4 savannah replaced C 3forest and woodland. Isotopic historical trendsfor 27 mammalian herbivore species, incombination with ecomorphological data fromteeth, show three patterns of response. Mostforest frugivores and browsers maintainedtheir dietary habits and disappeared. Otherherbivores altered their dietary habits toinclude increasing amounts of C 4 plants andpersisted for >1 myr during the vegetationtransition. The few lineages that persistedthrough the vegetation transition showisotopic enrichment of δ 13 C values over time.These results are evidence for long-termclimatic forcing of vegetation structure andmammalian ecological diversity at thesubcontinental scale.2009010048石 膏 包 壳 的 微 生 物 生 态 系 统 的 生 物 地 球 化学 = Biogeochemistry of a gypsum-encrustedmicrobial ecosystem. ( 英 文 ). Canfield D E;16

SØrensen K B; Oren A. Geobiology, 2004,2(3): 133-150Gypsum crusts containing multicoloredstratified microbial populations grow in theevaporation ponds of a commercial saltern inEilat, Israel. These crusts contain twoprominent cyanobacterial layers, a brightpurple layer of anoxygenic phototrophs, and alower black layer with active sulphatereduction. We explored the diel dynamics ofoxygen and sulphide within the crust usingspecially constructed microelectrodes, andfurther explored the crust biogeochemistry bymeasuring rates of sulphate reduction, stablesulphur isotope composition, and oxygenexchange rates across the crust – brineinterface. We explored crusts from ponds withtwo different salinities, and found that thecrust in the highest salinity was the less active.Overall, these crusts exhibited much lowerrates of oxygen production than typicalorganic-rich microbial mats. However, thiswas mainly due to much lower cell densitieswithin the crusts. Surprisingly, on a per cellvolumebasis, rates of photosynthesis weresimilar to organic-rich microbial mats. Due torelatively low rates of oxygen production anddeep photic zones extending from 1.5 to 3 cmdepth, a large percentage of the oxygenproduced during the day accumulated into thecrusts. Indeed, only between 16% to 34% ofthe O 2 produced in the crust escaped, and theremainder was internally recycled, usedmainly in O 2 respiration. We view these crustsas potential homologs to ancient salt-encrustedmicrobial ecosystems, and we compared themto the 3.45 billion-year-old quartz baritedeposits from North Pole, Australia, whichoriginally precipitated gypsum.2009010049伊 朗 北 部 中 - 上 寒 武 统 Mila 组Rankenella–Girvanella 生 物 礁 = Middle–Late Cambrian Rankenella–Girvanella reefsof the Mila Formation, northern Iran. ( 英 文 ).Kruse P D; Zhuravlev A Yu. CanadianJournal of Earth Sciences, 2008, 45(7): 619–639Following the collapse of the EarlyCambrian archaeocyathan – calcimicrobialreef consortium, the Middle–Late Cambrian– Furongian was an interval dominated bypurely microbial dendrolite and stromatolitereefs. However, among these latter, a fewexceptional occurrences of metazoan reefs areknown. One such reef complex occurs in thelate Middle – early Late Cambrian –Furongian portion of the Mila Formation ofnorthern Iran. In the otherwise low-energyinterval of this formation, the anthaspidelliddemosponge Rankenella hamdii sp. nov. isassociated with encrusting Girvanella,eocrinoid plates, rhynchonelliformeanbrachiopod valves and subordinate hyolithsand trilobites in tempestite shell beds; thesebeds underwent synsedimentary cementationon the seafloor to form hardgrounds. In thesucceeding, higher energy interval, a complexof metre-scale bioherms and (or) taphohermsincorporates toppled or transportedRankenella hamdii in association withbrachiopods, echinoderm plates, trilobites andsome red argillaceous lime mud. Among these,undoubted reefs were constructed from aframework of digitate Rankenella hamdii withthick Girvanella encrustations. Theseencrustations locally developed as subverticalcolumnar ministromatolites, which could alsomerge laterally to form more extensive masses.Subsequent pervasive cementation generatedisopachous rinds that preserved the reefframework intact. Coeval and youngerCambrian anthaspidellid–calcimicrobial reefsare known from California – Nevada andTexas, USA. These were heralds of the EarlyOrdovician resurgence of metazoan reefs.2009010050大 堡 礁 陆 源 内 陆 架 发 育 的 珊 瑚 群 落 最 近1200 年 的 古 生 态 记 录 = 1200 yearpaleoecological record of coral communitydevelopment from the terrigenous inner shelfof the Great Barrier Reef. ( 英 文 ). Perry C T;Smithers S G; Palmer S E; Larcombe P;Johnson K G. Geology, 2008, 36(9): 691-694Increased terrestrial sediment and nutrientyields are regarded as significant threats tocoral reef health. Within the central GreatBarrier Reef lagoon, where water quality hasreportedly declined since European settlement(since ca. A.D. 1850), inner-shelf reefconditions have purportedly deteriorated.However, the link between reef decline andwater-quality change remains controversial,primarily because of a lack of pre-Europeanperiod ecological baseline data against whichto assess contemporary ecological states. Herewe present a high-resolution record of reefaccretion and coral community compositionfrom a turbid-zone, nearshore reef on the innershelf of the Great Barrier Reef; the record isbased on six radiocarbon date–constrained17

cores, and extends back to ca. 1200 calibratedyr B.P. Results demonstrate not only thepotential for coral communities to initiate andpersist in settings dominated by fine-grainedterrigenous sediment accumulation, but alsothat a temporally persistent (but low diversity)suite of corals has dominated the reef-buildingcommunity at this site for at least the pastmillennium. Furthermore, the coralassemblages exhibit no evidence ofcommunity shifts attributable to post-European water-quality changes. Whileextrapolation of these findings to other turbidzonereefs must remain tentative, the studyraises important questions about the resilienceof inner-shelf reefs that are under terrestrialsediment influence and subject to elevatedturbidity conditions, and demonstrates thepotential to develop detailed, millennial timescale, coral community records from Holocenereef systems.2009010051利 用 化 石 群 落 恢 复 印 度 中 部 上 纳 马 达 峡 谷晚 更 新 世 古 生 态 = Reconstruction of LatePleistocene palaeoecology of the UpperNarmada valley (Central India) using fossilcommunities. ( 英 文 ). Kotlia B S; Joshi M.Palaeoworld, 2008, 17(2): 153-159Pleistocene deposits of Narmada valley areexposed in the Jabalpur and Narshingpurdistricts of Central India and have yieldedmicrovertebrates (rodents, lizards and fish) aswell as invertebrates (gastropods andpelecypods). The Late Pleistocene fossilbearinghorizons are from two fossil localities,Bhedaghat and Devakachar. Earlier report ofHomo erectus from the valley strengthenspalaeoecological interpretations. Here, wecombine our study of microfossils with theearlier work on large mammals in ourtentative reconstruction of palaeoecology ofthe area. The most common microfossilcommunities belong to stream, pond–pondbank, wooded grassland and arid to semi-aridhabitats.2009010052以 底 栖 有 孔 虫 为 基 础 的 白 垩 系 / 早 第 三 系 过渡 期 的 古 环 境 转 换 = Paleoenviromentalturnover across the Cretaceous/Paleogenetransition based on benthic foraminifera. ( 其他 ). Alegret Badiola L. Revista Espanola depaleontologia, 2008, 23(1): 15-30Changes in benthic foraminiferalassemblages across the K/Pg boundary havebeen interpreted as the result of the collapse ofthe pelagic food web and the scarcity of foodsupply to the benthos, resulting from the massextinction of calcareous plankton. However,changes in the composition of benthicassemblages after the K/Pg boundary weregeographically variable, and there is noagreement as to the detailedpaleoenvironmental interpretation of theassemblages (anoxic or eutrophic conditionsin spanish sections, logitrophic conditions inTunisian sections, high and unstable organicflux in N Pacific, etc).2009010053西 班 牙 南 部 Ossa-Morena 地 区 发 育 于 新 元古 代 安 山 岩 构 造 不 稳 定 裂 隙 中 的 早 寒 武 世腔 肠 生 物 群 落 = Early Cambrian coelobionticcommunities in tectonically unstable crevicesdeveloped in Neoproterozoic andesites, Ossa-Morena, southern Spain. ( 英 文 ). Vennin E;Álvaro J J; Moreno-Eiris E; Perej ó n A.Lethaia, 2003, 36(1): 53-65A well-preserved biota of Lower Cambriancavity-dwelling organisms is recorded withinfissures in Neoproterozoic andesites in Ossa-Morena (southern Spain). The cavities areunique among described Lower Cambriancoelobiontic communities due to the igneouscharacter of the host rock. Coelobiontichabitat was episodically enlarged bysynsedimentary tectonic fracturing reflectingpolyphase infill of recurrent facies. Thepioneer coelobiontic biota was diverse, andconsisted of encrusting stromatolites andthromboids (dominated by Epiphyton andRenalcis), attached to walls and ceilings of thecavities, associated with archaeocyaths.Sponge spicules and chancelloriid scleritesoccur as dense clusters indicating in situgrowth, death and decay of spiculate spongesand coeloscleritophorans. Other organisms,such as echinoderms, trilobites andbrachiopods, are also found within the cavitiesas reworked skeletons, indicating that theywere washed in from the overlying, openseafloor. The main feature of the coelobionticbiota is the dominance of a sessile,chemosynthetic and filter-feeding epibenthos,composed of microbial communities,archaeocyaths, spiculate sponges(demosponges and rarer hexactinellides) andcoeloscleritophorans.200901005418

中 古 生 代 与 晚 新 生 代 之 间 海 洋 化 石 组 合 理论 生 态 空 间 利 用 的 变 化 = Changes intheoretical ecospace utilization in marinefossil assemblages between the mid-Paleozoicand late Cenozoic. ( 英 文 ). Bush A M;Bambach R K; Daley G M.Paleobiology, 2007, 33(1): 76-97We present a new three-dimensionaltheoretical ecospace for the ecologicalclassification of marine animals based onvertical tiering, motility level, and feedingmechanism. In this context, analyses of adatabase of level-bottom fossil assemblageswith abundance counts demonstratefundamental changes in marine animalecosystems between the mid-Paleozoic (461–359 Ma) and late Cenozoic (23–0.01 Ma).The average local relative abundance ofinfaunal burrowers, facultatively motileanimals, and predators increased, whereassurface dwellers and completely non-motileanimals decreased in abundance. Consideringtiering, motility, and feeding together, moremodes of life had high to moderate averagerelative abundance in the Cenozoic than in thePaleozoic. These results are robust to thebiasing effects of aragonite dissolution inPaleozoic sediments and to heterogeneities inthe latitudinal and environmental distributionsof collections. Theoretical ecospace provides aunified system for future analyses of theutilization of ecologic opportunities by marinemetazoa.2009010055利 用 理 论 生 态 空 间 量 化 古 生 代 和 现 代 海 生生 物 群 的 生 态 多 样 性 = Using a theoreticalecospace to quantify the ecological diversityof Paleozoic and modern marine biotas. ( 英文 ). Novack-Gottshall P M.Paleobiology, 2007, 33(2): 273-294The process of evolution hinders our abilityto make large-scale ecological comparisons—such as those encompassing marine biotasspanning the Phanerozoic — because thecompared entities are taxonomically andmorphologically dissimilar. One solution is tofocus instead on life habits, which arerepeatedly discovered by taxa because ofconvergence. Such an approach is applied to acomparison of the ecological diversity ofPaleozoic (Cambrian–Devonian) and modernmarine biotas from deep-subtidal, softsubstratehabitats. Ecological diversity(richness and disparity) is operationalized byusing a standardized ecospace framework thatcan be applied equally to extant and extinctorganisms and is logically independent oftaxonomy. Because individual states in theframework are chosen a priori and notcustomized for particular taxa, the frameworkfulfills the requirements of a universaltheoretical ecospace. Unique ecological lifehabits can be recognized as each discrete, n-dimensional combination of character states inthe framework. Although the basic unit ofanalysis remains the organism, the frameworkcan be applied to other entities — species,clades, or multispecies assemblages—for thestudy of comparative paleoecology andecology. Because the framework isquantifiable, it is amenable to analyticaltechniques used for morphological disparity.Using these methods, I demonstrate that thecomposite Paleozoic biota is approximately asrich in life habits as the sampled modern biota,but that the life habits in the modern biota aresignificantly more disparate than those in thePaleozoic; these results are robust totaphonomic standardization. Despite broadlysimilar distributions of life habits revealed bymultivariate ordination, the modern biota iscomposed of life habits that are significantlyenriched, among others, in mobility,infaunality, carnivory, and exploitation ofother organisms (or structures) for occupationof microhabitats.2009010056始 新 世 Messel 湖 化 石 食 物 网 的 稳 定 同 位 素证 据 = Stable isotopic evidence for fossil foodwebs in Eocene Lake Messel. ( 英 文 ).Schweizer M K; Steele A; Toporski J K W;Fogel M L. Paleobiology, 2007, 33(4): 590-609Carbon and nitrogen stable isotopiccompositions of fossil materials from LakeMessel (47 Ma) in Germany are used toinvestigate Eocene ecosystem dynamics.Autolithified soft tissues of terrestrial andaquatic vertebrate organisms, as well as plantcompression fossils, contain organic material(20–50 wt% C, 1–6 wt% N), which appearsto retain precursor compositions. Stableisotopic compositions ( 13 C and 15 N) of Messelfossils are similar to those reported forcomponents in modern lacustrine ecosystems.These data show trophically sensibleenrichments relative to food sources, reflectmultiple feeding strategies for each organism(e.g., omnivory, planctivory, piscivory), anddifferentiate between benthic and pelagicorganic carbon sources. These chemical data19

oadly confirm existing Messel food webmodels based on coprolite and gut contentanalyses. 13 C values for the lacustrine shalerange from – 30.3 to – 26.3, pointing tomixed terrestrial and aquatic origins forprimary producers in the food web. 13 C valuesfor primary consumers such as insects overlapwith those for primary producers but arecomparatively enriched in 15 N. Secondary andhigher consumers (fish, crocodiles, and frogs)are associated with even more positive 15 Nvalues and show a more constrained range of13 C values. Omnivory appears widespread inboth low and high trophic level consumers.Hence, the stable isotopic compositions ofMessel fossils are complex and overlap, andmust be combined with paleontologicalinvestigations in order to be conclusive. Thisstudy represents the first comprehensiveisotopic reconstruction, featuring tens ofcomponents, of an ecosystem of Eocene age.A thorough understanding of trophic structurein Eocene Lake Messel contributes to theglobal databank of ecological history.微 体 古 生 物 学综 论2009010057中 元 古 代 海 洋 中 真 核 生 物 多 样 性 的 透 射 电镜 证 据 = TEM evidence for eukaryoticdiversity in mid-Proterozoic oceans. ( 英 文 ).Javaux E J; Knoll A H; Walter M R.Geobiology, 2004, 2(3): 121-132Biomarker molecular fossils in 2770 Mashales suggest that the Eucarya diverged fromother principal domains early in Earth history.Nonetheless, at present, the oldest fossils thatcan be assigned to an extant eukaryotic cladeare filamentous red algae preserved in ca.1200 Ma cherts from Arctic Canada. Betweenthese records lies a rich assortment ofpotentially protistan microfossils. Combinedlight microscopy, scanning electronmicroscopy, and transmission electronmicroscopy on 1500-1400 Ma fossils from theRoper Group, Australia, and broadly coevalrocks from China show that these intermediateassemblages do indeed include a moderatediversity of eukaryotic remains. In particular,preserved cell wall ultrastructure, observedusing transmission electron microscopy(TEM), can help to bridge the currentstratigraphic gap between the unambiguouseukaryotic morphologies of later Proterozoicassemblages and molecular biomarkers inmuch older rocks.20090100582Ga( 二 十 亿 年 ) 微 体 化 石 的 生 长 方 式 =Growth modes of 2-Ga microfossils. ( 英 文 ).Bennett S; Boal D; Ruotsalainen H.Paleobiology, 2007, 33(3): 382-396By digitally imaging colonies with morethan a hundred cells, the distributions of cellsize and shape are determined for fourexamples of 2-Ga microfossils: bacillusshapedEosynechococcus moorei and threedyads or diplococci (Sphaerophycus parvumand two forms of Eoentophysalis belcherensis).By assuming that each colony obeys steadystategrowth, the measured distributions can beinverted to infer the time evolution of theindividual cell shape. The time evolution canalso be predicted analytically from rate-basedmodels of cell growth, permitting the data todistinguish among different postulates for thephysical principles governing growth. The cellcycles are found to be best described by theexponential growth of cell volume, althoughlinear volume growth is not ruled out.However, the measured dyad cycles areinconsistent with several growth models basedon surface area or the behavior of the septumat the division plane. Where they have beenmeasured, modern bacilli obey exponentialgrowth whereas eukaryotics obey lineargrowth, which implies that these 2-Gamicrofossils are likely prokaryotic.2009010059加 拿 大 曼 尼 托 巴 湖 沉 积 岩 芯 中 硅 质 微 体 化石 和 矿 物 磁 性 特 征 : 冰 川 湖 Agassiz 的 残 留= Siliceous microfossils and mineral magneticcharacteristics in a sediment core from LakeManitoba, Canada: a remnant of glacial LakeAgassiz. ( 英 文 ). Risberg J; Sandgren P; TellerJ T; Last W M. Canadian Journal of EarthSciences, 1999, 36(8): 1299–1314A 14.2 m long core was recovered from thesouthern Lake Manitoba basin. The sediment,consisting mainly of silty clay, was studied forsiliceous microfossil content and mineralmagnetics; 14 new accelerator massspectrometry (AMS) radiocarbon datesprovide chronological control of thepaleoenvironmental history of the basin. Thebasal 5 m contains ice-rafted clasts and islargely barren of siliceous microfossils; thesesediments were deposited when the lake waspart of glacial Lake Agassiz. Sedimentsimmediately overlying the barren part of thesequence contain AMS dates of 7700-7400 BPand reflect a dramatic change in conditions in20

the basin. Diatom abundances rise abruptly.Magnetic characteristics change substantially.The presence of freshwater taxa such asStephanodiscus niagarae, together withbrackish water diatoms, indicate that shallow,turbid, high-nutrient conditions with variablesalinity occurred during the early part of themiddle Holocene. Although climaticconditions throughout the northern GreatPlains are known to have become drier andwarmer during the mid-Holocene, there is adistinct change in diatom taxa in the LakeManitoba sequence toward less salineconditions at this time. The presence of theriverine diatom Aulacoseira granulata in thisinterval supports previous conclusions thatthese freshwater conditions resulted from thenorthward diversion of the Assiniboine Riverinto the basin. Following this, diatomsindicate an abrupt increase in salinity to >1500mg·L -1 total dissolved solids between 4000and 2600 BP, reflecting the diversion of thefresh waters of the Assiniboine River awayfrom Lake Manitoba. Increasingly cooler andwetter conditions during the late Holocene,combined with differential isostatic rebound,caused a freshening of the lake during the lateHolocene.2009010060英 国 威 尔 士 怀 城 峡 谷 赫 尔 南 特 阶 的 传 统 标准 地 区 和 新 的 关 键 剖 面 新 的 几 丁 类 = Newchitinozoans from the historical type area ofthe Hirnantian Stage and additional keysections in the Wye Valley, Wales, UK. ( 英文 ). Vandenbroucke T R A; Hennissen J;Zalasiewicz J A; Verniers J. GeologicalJournal, 2008, 43(4): 397 - 414The type locality for several core elementsof the Hirnantia brachiopod fauna is a smalldisused quarry on the western slopes of CwmHirnant. There, the Hirnant LimestoneMember of the Foel-y-Ddinas MudstoneFormation yields a new, well-preservedchitinozoan assemblage, attributed to theSpinachitina taugourdeaui Biozone. Thisallows tight correlation with the Hirnantian ofBaltica and Laurentia and neatly ties thechitinozoan zonation with the classicalbrachiopod fauna. Nearby, the chitinozoanassemblage from the Caradoc CymerigLimestone Member at Gelli-grîn belongs tothe Spinachitina cervicornis Biozone?, and isidentical to that recovered from the Burrellianin the Onny Valley, Welsh Borderland. ASilurian assemblage higher up section,discovered in the Cwm-yr-Aethnen Formation,is attributed to the globally recognizedEisenackitina dolioliformis Biozone. Attemptsto integrate the chitinozoan and graptolitebiozonation, in the central Welsh Rhayaderarea, were less successful2009010061松 辽 盆 地 白 垩 纪 微 体 生 物 群 分 布 特 征 与 富烃 源 岩 层 的 形 成 = The Characteristics OfCretaceous Microbiotas And Formation OfHydrocarbon-Rich Source Rocks In SongliaoBasin. ( 中 文 ). 黄 清 华 ; 梁 万 林 ; 叶 得 泉 ; 曹 维福 . 古 生 物 学 报 , 2007, 46(3): 380-386松 辽 盆 地 是 我 国 白 垩 纪 最 大 的 陆 相 含 油气 盆 地 , 晚 白 垩 世 两 次 大 的 湖 侵 事 件 导 致 了微 体 生 物 群 的 繁 盛 和 富 烃 源 岩 层 的 形 成 。在 论 述 松 辽 盆 地 白 垩 纪 微 体 古 生 物 群 分 布特 征 的 基 础 上 , 着 重 阐 述 了 以 微 体 生 物 为 核心 的 松 花 江 生 物 群 的 发 育 与 富 烃 源 岩 层 形成 的 关 系 。 认 为 大 型 富 营 养 湖 泊 的 发 育 为松 花 江 生 物 群 的 繁 盛 创 造 了 良 好 的 外 部 条件 , 而 湖 盆 内 繁 盛 的 微 体 生 物 群 则 为 富 烃 源岩 层 的 形 成 提 供 了 丰 厚 的 物 质 基 础 , 与 此 同时 , 长 期 继 承 性 深 水 构 造 凹 陷 和 非 补 偿 沉 积则 是 富 烃 源 岩 层 形 成 的 有 利 场 所 。2009010062粉 砂 岩 和 泥 板 岩 中 的 微 化 石 : 秦 岭 造 山 带北 部 陶 湾 群 年 限 = Microfossils from thesiltstones and muddy slates: Constraint on theage of the Taowan Group in the NorthernQinling Orogenic Belt, Central China. ( 英 文 ).Wang Zongqi; Gao Lianda; Wang Tao; JiangChunfa. Science in China Series D: EarthSciences, 2008, 51(2): 172-180The age of the Taowan Group is still a hottopic in the Northern Qinling Orogenic Belt,because of limited fossil evidence from thesestrata and different ideals on the Cambrianfossils of the conglomerate beds and limestoneblocks. Early Ordovician acritarchs,chitinozoa and scolecodonts occur in thesiltstone and muddy slate beds of the Guoling,Sanchakou, Fengmaimiao and GoushenmiaoFormations of the Taowan Group, indicatingthe age of the Taowan Group should be theOrdovician. These fossil assemblages consistof 7 genera and 13 species of acritarchs, 7genera and 9 species of chitinozoa, and 2genera and 2 species of scolecodonts.孢 粉200901006321

唇 形 科 薄 荷 族 Nepetinae 亚 族 的 花 粉 形 态比 较 和 超 微 结 构 = Comparative pollenmorphology and ultrastructure of Mentheaesubtribe Nepetinae (Lamiaceae). ( 英 文 ).Moon H-K; Vinckier S; Smets E; Huysmans S.Review of Palaeobotany andPalynology, 2008, 149(3-4): 174-186This study provides new pollen data of 52representative species belonging to all 12genera in the currently classification of thesubtribe Nepetinae, and considers the possiblepresence of orbicules for the first time. Pollenmorphology and ultrastructure wereinvestigated with light, scanning electron andtransmission electron microscopy. Nepetinaepollen is small to large (P = 16–65 µm,E = 17–53 µm), oblate to prolate (P/E = 0.7–1.6) in shape and mostly hexacolpate(sometimes octocolpate). The exinestratification in all taxa studied is similar andcharacterized by unbranched columellae and acontinuous, granular endexine. Sexineornamentation in the Nepetinae is bireticulate,microreticulate or perforate. In perforate andmicroreticulate pattern a tendency towards abireticulum could be recognized due to traceof secondary tectal connections. Thebireticulate pattern is most common withvariations of primary muri and secondaryreticulum. In Hymenocrater and Schizonepetathe observed variation of sexineornamentation is particularly valuable at thegeneric level. Pollen data support Lophanthusand Nepeta as very closely allied andLallemantia is clearly distinct fromDracocephalum. The formerly suggestedinfrageneric relationships withinDracocephalum and Nepeta are only partlycorroborated by palynological characters.Orbicules are absent in the Nepetinae.2009010064南 极 查 尔 斯 王 子 山 二 叠 纪 末 绝 灭 事 件 后 孢粉 植 物 群 的 绝 灭 与 复 苏 : 冈 瓦 纳 孢 粉 植 物群 大 变 迁 的 意 义 = Synchronouspalynofloristic extinction and recovery afterthe end-Permian event in the Prince CharlesMountains, Antarctica: Implications forpalynofloristic turnover across Gondwana. ( 英文 ). Lindström S; McLoughlin S. Review ofPalaeobotany and Palynology, 2007, 145(1-2):89-122In the Prince Charles Mountains (PCMs)the conformable Permian–Triassic (P–T)succession is characterised by an abrupttransition from coal-bearing to coal-lackingstrata, which coincides with the demise of thePermian Glossopteris-dominated flora. About32% of the typical Permian spores and pollenare registered for the last time in theuppermost coal. Throughout the earliestTriassic an additional 34% of the lingeringPermian taxa disappear, while pioneeringtypical Triassic taxa appear. This interval ofcontemporaneous stepwise extinction andrecovery resulted in an actual increase inspore-pollen taxa diversity during the earliestTriassic. The estimated average sedimentationrate indicates that the 24 m sampling gap thatseparates the last Permian assemblage fromthe first Triassic one represents ca96 000 years, and that the continued stepwiseextinction and recovery lasted for ca325 000 years. In the aftermath of the end-Permian crisis only 27% of the typicalPermian spores and pollen, that were presentfrom the lower McKinnon Member in thePrince Charles Mountains survived to the lateInduan, but by then the biodiversity had onlydecreased by less than 10%. Comparisons ofGondwanan palynological and lithologicaldata indicate that intense global warming hadalready begun in the Permian, and that highlatitude Gondwana areas such as the PCMs,were affected later than areas to the north andwest. They also suggest that the end-Permiancrisis affected the various Gondwana regionsin different ways, but that the end resultappears to have been a more equable, subhumidto semi-arid, and less seasonal climateacross southern Gondwana.2009010065南 非 西 开 普 塞 德 堡 蹄 兔 类 (hyraceum) 晚第 四 纪 排 泄 物 中 花 粉 的 分 析 和 定 年 = Pollenanalysis and dating of Late Quaternary faecaldeposits (hyraceum) in the Cederberg,Western Cape, South Africa. ( 英 文 ). ScottLouis; Woodborne S. Review of Palaeobotanyand Palynology, 2007, 144(3-4): 123-134Pollen preserved in hyrax faecalaccumulations (hyraceum) in the Pakhuis PassShelter, Western Cape, presents a proxyrecord of local vegetation communitystructure for the last 23,000 years. Severalhyraceum fragments were individuallyradiocarbon dated to establish the sequence.The associated pollen assemblages suggestthat the LGM (Last Glacial Maximum)vegetation was predominantly composed oflow shrubs (low-spine pollen ofStoebe/Elytropappus type) and "pure fynbos"(including Ericaceae, Passerina, Cliffortia and22

Proteaceae), while Holocene vegetationconsisted of a mosaic of fynbos and thicketvegetation (including Dodonea and Olea) withAizoaceae type succulents and Asteraceae.This transition is probably the result ofdecreasing soil moisture and ambienttemperatures although variations in theproportions of Asteraceae types, Cyperaceaeand succulents apparently reflect millennialand shorter scale seasonality, temperature andmoisture variations.2009010066爱 尔 兰 梅 奥 郡 Achill 岛 新 石 器 时 代 初 期 植物 群 落 性 质 的 模 拟 —— 花 粉 散 布 和 沉 积 模型 的 潜 在 作 用 = Simulating the nature ofvegetation communities at the opening of theNeolithic on Achill Island, Co. Mayo, Ireland— the potential role of models of pollendispersal and deposition. ( 英 文 ). Caseldine C;Fyfe R; Langdon C; Thompson G. Review ofPalaeobotany and Palynology, 2007, 144(3-4):135-144The landscapes of the extreme westernfringe of the European seaboard providesignificant challenges to the reconstruction ofprehistoric landscapes. The landscapes thatexist today often bear little resemblance tothose that existed in the middle Holoceneowing to a combination of climatic and humaninfluences on the landscape, and there are fewsurviving landscapes which offer an analogousvegetation situation. The coast of Co. Mayo inIreland provides perhaps one of the biggestchallenges in this regard, being now virtuallytreeless and covered with extensive tracts ofombrotrophic peat. Palaeoecological data setsindicate extensive woodland in the past inthese areas, and the archaeological recordshows that the region supported Neolithicpopulations practising early forms ofagriculture. Landscape reconstruction usingmodels that relate pollen dispersal tovegetation communities offers a potentialstochastic insight into the nature of formerlandscapes. The results presented here from amodelling approach to reconstructing earlierprehistoric landscapes clearly demonstratelikely spatial vegetation patterning whichcould produce pollen assemblages comparableto those in the sub-fossil record. Areas such asAchill Island would have had extensivewoodland cover dominated by taxa such aspine, oak and elm, a landscape substantiallydifferent from that which exists today. It isargued that at the onset of clearance during theNeolithic the area would have beensignificantly more attractive to agriculturethan it is today.2009010067美 国 俄 亥 俄 州 下 石 炭 统 大 孢 子 化 石Lagenicula (Triletes) variabilis (Winslow,1962) Arioli et al. (2004) 的 形 态 和 细 胞 壁 超微 结 构 特 征 = Morphology and wallultrastructure of the megaspore Lagenicula(Triletes) variabilis (Winslow, 1962) Arioli etal. (2004) from the Lower Carboniferous ofOhio, USA. ( 英 文 ). Arioli C; Wellman C;Lugardon B; Servais T. Review ofPalaeobotany and Palynology, 2007, 144(3-4):231-248Megaspores assigned to Lagenicula(Triletes) variabilis (Winslow, M., 1962. Plantspores and other microfossils from UpperDevonian and Lower Mississippian Rocks ofOhio. Geol. Surv. Prof. Pap. 364, 1–93) Arioliet al., 2004, from the Lower Carboniferous(Tournaisian) of northeastern Ohio, USA,have been analysed using light microscopy(LM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM)and transmission electron microscopy (TEM).These studies provide new information onmorphology, gross structure and wallultrastructure. Previous reports of in situmegaspores indicate that Upper CarboniferousLagenicula (and related forms) derive fromthe Lepidocarpaceae, that include many of thelarge arborescent lycopsids that dominated theEuramerican Coal Measure forests. Based onmorphological and, to a lesser extent,ultrastructural similarities with UpperCarboniferous forms, it seems likely thatLower Carboniferous Lagenicula also derivefrom similar plants. This suggests that largearborescent lycopsids typical of the UpperCarboniferous (or at least their precursors)were already present in the LowerCarboniferous, possibly forming forests insimilar environments. These may beunderrepresented in the fossil record becauseof the paucity of deposits of this agerepresenting such environments.2009010068日 本 西 南 部 大 阪 沉 积 盆 地 更 新 世 沉 积 物 中榆 科 Hemiptelea 花 粉 的 地 层 分 布 =Stratigraphic distribution of Hemiptelea(Ulmaceae) pollen from Pleistocene sedimentsin the Osaka sedimentary basin, southwestJapan. ( 英 文 ). Hongo Misao. Review ofPalaeobotany and Palynology, 2007, 144(3-4):287-29923

Pollen of Hemiptelea, now extinct in Japan,obtained from Pleistocene sediments fromKobe City, Kinki District, southwest Japan,provides key information on stratigraphicvariations that correlate with seasonalvariations in paleotemperature andpaleoprecipitation.In the Osaka sedimentary basin, Hemipteleapollen is distributed stratigraphically from theMa 2 marine clay bed, which corresponds tothe upper part of the Lower Pleistocene, to theMa 12 marine clay bed, which corresponds tothe lower part of the Upper Pleistocenesediments. Moreover, pollen of this genusoccurs stably throughout marine clay beds Ma3 to Ma 11, which correspond to the MiddlePleistocene. The climatic conditions whereHemiptelea davidii grows naturally at present,for example, in the central and northern partsof the Korean Peninsula and in continentalChina, together with the results of the presentstudy imply that the Middle Pleistocenepaleoclimate in Kinki District was cooler anddrier than that of the Early Pleistocene,especially during the winter.2009010069葡 萄 牙 海 岸 沉 积 中 早 白 垩 世 被 子 植 物 花 粉的 新 记 录 : 对 确 定 被 子 植 物 辐 射 时 间 的 意义 = New records of Early Cretaceousangiosperm pollen from Portuguese coastaldeposits: Implications for the timing of theearly angiosperm radiation. ( 英 文 ). HeimhoferU; Hochuli P A; Burla S; Weissert H. Reviewof Palaeobotany and Palynology, 2007,144(1-2): 39-76Detailed and continuous palynologicalrecords from two well-dated successions inthe Portuguese Algarve and Lusitanian Basinsdocument the diversification of earlyangiosperm pollen during the Late Barremianto Middle Albian time interval. Based ondinoflagellate cyst biostratigraphy, an accuratestratigraphic framework has been establishedfor the studied near-shore deposits resulting indistinct changes of the stratigraphic positionof individual units. The qualitative andquantitative analysis of the palynofloras of thetwo sections revealed a total of 66 differenttypes of angiosperm pollen. Most of them (55taxa) are monoaperturate grains of magnoliidor monocot affinity. In both records, eudicots,represented by various tri- and polyaperturatetaxa (11 taxa), are restricted to the Albian partof the sections. Angiosperm pollen grainsdisplay a distinct increase in both, diversityand relative abundance between the LateBarremian and the Middle Albian.Comparison with published palynofloras fromother areas shows strong similarities withregard to floral composition and the timing offirst appearances of particular angiospermpollen forms. Our results indicate a new ageinterpretation of the well-known angiospermmesofossil floras from the Portuguese BeiraLitoral region which have been interpreted asBarremian or possibly Aptian in age. Severallines of evidence, including sequence- andbiostratigraphy as well as palynology, indicatea post-Aptian age for these assemblages,hence demonstrating a major radiation phaseduring the Early Albian.2009010070波 兰 上 西 里 西 亚 煤 田 盆 地 那 慕 尔 阶 特 色 小孢 子 = New distinctive miospore species fromthe Namurian of the Upper Silesia Coal Basin,Poland. ( 英 文 ). Oliwkiewicz-Miklasinska M.Journal of Micropalaeontology, 2001, 20(part2): 169-177Three new miospore species, Pilosisporitesaleksandrae, Neoraistrickia crinita andPteroretis obliquus are described from theNamurian of the Upper Silesia Coal Basin.The first two species appear to bestratigraphically restricted to the Arnsbergian-Marsdenian stages. Pilosisporites aleksandraeoccurs in miospore assemblages representingthe west European miosporezones Stenozonotriletes triangulus Rotasporaknoxi (TK), Kraeuselisporites ornatus-Lycospora subtriquetra (SO) and Crassisporakosankei-Grumosisporites varioreticulatus(KV), while Neoraisirickia crinitaoccurs inthe SO and KV zones. Pteroretis obliquus isrecorded from the upper part of the SO Zoneand KV Zone and has a slightly shorterstratigraphical range, probably Chokierian-Marsdenian.2009010071加 拿 大 新 不 伦 瑞 克 敏 图 煤 田 上 石 炭 统 煤 系岩 石 学 、 孢 粉 学 、 煤 相 和 沉 积 环 境 =Petrology, palynology, coal facies, anddepositional environments of an UpperCarboniferous coal seam, Minto Coalfield,New Brunswick, Canada. ( 英 文 ). KalkreuthW; Marchioni D; Utting J. Canadian Journalof Earth Sciences, 2000, 37(9): 1209–1228Coal petrology and palynology of the Mintocoal seam enable depositional environments ofthe precursor mire to be established in termsof facies-critical maceral ratios, maceral24

assemblages, and spore and pollenassemblages. The overall petrographiccomposition indicates a vitrinite-rich coal(mean 67%), followed by inertinite (mean27%) and liptinite (mean 7%). Pyrite iscommon to abundant (maximum 15%).Lithotype logs demonstrate a dominance ofdull lithotypes (dull and banded dull).Petrographic composition at the lithotype andseam subsection level is highly variable.Vitrinite maceral assemblages are enriched inbrighter lithotypes (banded bright and bright),whereas liptinite and inertinite maceralassemblages are enriched in dull and bandeddull lithotypes. The duller lithotypes areenriched by mineral matter. Based on spores,the seam is assigned to the Vestispora Zone ofAtlantic Canada, with the basal Torisporasecuris-Torispora laevigata (SL) Zone ofwestern Europe and the lower Torisporasecuris-Vestispora fenestrata (SF) of theIllinois Basin. This indicates an earlyBolsovian (Westphalian C) age. Based on theTissue Preservation Index - Gelification Indexfacies concept, the seam was deposited in anupper delta plain. At the seam subsection level,facies-critical maceral ratios (GroundwaterInfluence Index, Vegetation Index) andmaceral assemblages suggest both limnic(open moor) conditions and somewhat drierconditions. Relative low Vegetation Indicessuggest mainly herbaceous source material,which is partly supported by the rare tocommon occurrence of small lycopsid sporesand arboreous lycopods. The abundantsphenopsids, including Calamites, and raregymnosperms may have grown outside themire.2009010072俄 罗 斯 远 东 地 区 布 列 亚 盆 地 侏 罗 - 白 垩 系 界线 层 的 孢 粉 组 合 = The palynologicalassemblages from the J–K boundary beds ofthe Bureya Basin, Russian Far East. ( 英 文 ).Markevicha V S; Bugdaeva E V.Palaeoworld, 2008, 17(2): 135-141Palynological assemblages were studiedfrom the coal-bearing Upper Jurassic (TalanjaFormation) to the Lower Cretaceous(Dublikan Formation) deposits of the BureyaBasin, Russia. The palynological assemblagesfrom the upper part of the Talanja Formationare dominated by gymnosperms, mainlyGinkgocycadophytus (up to 40%) and conifersrelated to Pinaceae (up to 70%). Thecontribution of non-seed plants is not great,but their diversity is considerable. Themiospore assemblages of the Talanja sequenceare characterized by the last appearance of thespore taxa Staplinisporites pocockii,Camptotriletes cerebriformis, Camptotriletesnitida, and Cingulatisporites sanguinolentus.The palynological assemblage from theDublikan Formation is dominated by ferns (upto 84%), represented mainly by Cyathiditesand Duplexisporites. Among gymnospermsthe role of Classopollis increases (making upabout 20%). Another feature is the firstappearance of the spore taxa Stereisporitesbujargiensis, Neoraistrickia rotundiformis,Contignisporitesdorsostriatus,Appendicisporites tricostatus, andConcavissimisporites asper.2009010073加 拿 大 西 部 柏 树 山 、 木 材 山 和 龟 山 地 区 上白 垩 统 - 古 新 统 陆 相 孢 粉 生 物 地 层 =Terrestrial palynomorph biostratigraphy of theCypress Hills, Wood Mountain, and TurtleMountain areas (Upper Cretaceous -Paleocene) of western Canada. ( 英 文 ).Braman D R; Sweet A R. Canadian Journal ofEarth Sciences, 1999, 36(5): 725–741Three cored test holes were drilled to studythe stratigraphic interval spanning theCretaceous-Tertiary boundary: one in thewestern Cypress Hills near Elkwater, Alberta;a second in the eastern portion of the WoodMountain area near Killdeer, Saskatchewan;and a third on the western edge of TurtleMountain near Goodlands, Manitoba. Theterrestrial elements of the palynologicalassemblages are discussed. The Maastrichtianassemblages encompassed the Scollardiatrapaformis Zone and two new subzones,Myrtipites scabratus - Aquilapollenitesdelicatus var. collaris and Porosipollisporosus - Aquilapollenites notabile within theWodehouseia spinata Zone. The Paleocenezones encountered include theAquilapollenites reticulatus Subzone of the W.spinata Zone, the previously describedWodehouseia fimbriata and Momipiteswyomingensis zones, and the newly definedTricolporopollenites kruschii Zone. Theseprovide a biostratigraphy for the coredintervals which can be related to polaritychrons. The observations made demonstratethat existing zonations are not applicable basinwide, as there are chronologically distinctdisconformity-bounded sequences in westernand eastern basin sectors. Apparentdiachronisms within the preservedassemblages were documented by earlier entry25

levels within the Momipites lineage and asignificant upwards extention in the range ofW. fimbriata in the eastern part of the basin.2009010074斯 卡 巴 勒 湖 组 的 古 植 物 地 理 : 新 的 观 点 和意 义 = Paléophytogéographie de la formationde Scarborough : nouvelles donn é es etimplications. ( 法 文 ). Richard P J R; OcchiettiS; Clet M; Larouche A C. Canadian Journalof Earth Sciences, 1999, 36(10): 1589–1602Palynological study of the upper part of theDon Formation, in the Toronto area, confirmsthe progressive change from a mixed forestwith numerous thermophilous trees (Quercus,Ulmus, Carya) to a cold balsam fir forest(Abies balsamea, Picea mariana, Pinusbanksiana) towards the end of theSangamonian climatic optimum. TheScarborough Formation pollen contentindicates a forest-tundra or treed tundraenvironment similar to modern subarcticconditions. Macrofossil content also points toharsh climatic conditions. Mean annualtemperature could then have been 10 ° Clower than the present in the Toronto area.Our data refute the reconstruction of a climaticcycle (cold-warmer-cold) within theScarborough Formation. To explain thesimultaneous presence of floristic elementstypical of presently contrasted climatic regions(cold boreal, warm temperate), we proposethat Lake Scarborough acted as a climaticbuffer for riverine plants: thermophilousspecies survived in an englaciation context inremote regions. The upper part of the DonFormation corresponds with the end of theSangamonian climatic optimum (end ofisotopic substage 5e). After a sedimentary gapof unknown duration, the ScarboroughFormation is apparently correlative to the Lévrard Till in the Middle St. Lawrence RiverValley (isotopic stage 5b).2009010075山 西 保 德 晚 石 炭 世 - 早 二 叠 世 孢 粉 = LateCarboniferous-Early Permian palynology ofBaode (Pao-te-chou) in Shanxi Province,North China. ( 英 文 ). Liu Feng; ZhuHuaicheng ; Ouyang Shu. GeologicalJournal, 2008, 43(4): 487 - 510The Late Carboniferous-Early Permianstrata cropping out in northern ShanxiProvince, China contain a continuous andvaried fossil record, making this successiona classical locality for the study ofpalynology during that interval in NorthChina. Abundant, diverse and wellpreservedmiospores are recorded andillustrated from the Penchi Formation to theShansi Formation, comprising 191 speciesassigned to 67 genera, as well as somescolecodonts. Three new species(Neoraistrickia leiclavatus sp. nov.,Indospora verrucatus sp. nov.,Balteosporites tomentosus sp. nov.) areproposed.According to the first appearance of a fewselected species and the changes ofpalynological abundance in the succession,four miospore assemblage zones have beenrecognized in ascending order, viz., theTorispora securis-Torispora laevigata (SL)Assemblage Zone, the Torispora verrucosa-Pachetisporites kaipingensis (VK)Assemblage Zone, the Thymosporathiessenii-Striatosporites heyleri (TH)Assemblage Zone and Platysaccus minus-Gulisporites cochlearius (MC) AssemblageZone. With evidence from microfossils(mainly fusulinids and conodonts), the ageof these assemblage zones can bedetermined approximately. The SL Zonedescribed here is roughly equivalent to theSL Zone established by Clayton et al.([1977]) in Western Europe, indicating anage of Westphalian C-D (Moscovian). TheVK Zone ranges from Stephanian A-Autunian (Kasimovian-late Gzhelian);however, it only includes the elements of theOT Zone (Clayton et al. [1977]) whichusually occur from Westphalian D toStephanian A (late Moscovian-earlyKasimovian) in Europe. Microfaunalevidence also shows that the age of the THand MC zones should be Early Permian, buttheir components are evidently differentfrom those derived from other coevalassemblage zones around the world. Thisdiscrepancy can be explained byenvironmental differences occurring duringthat interval, which were brought about bythe Hercynian tectonic event. Usingbiostratigraphical zonations of othermicrofossil groups, a palynologicalCarboniferous-Permian boundary in N.China can be located within the miosporesuccession. The miospore assemblage zonesproposed in this paper are also comparedwith zonations proposed by earlier studies inN. China and other parts of the world.200901007626

青 海 省 北 祁 连 中 三 叠 统 孢 粉 组 合 及 其 沉 积相 意 义 = Middle Triassic Spore-PollenAssemblage from Northern Qilian, Qinghaiand its Significance In Sedimentology. ( 中 文 ).冀 六 祥 ; 罗 伟 ; 朱 怀 诚 ; 欧 阳 舒 . 古 生 物 学报 , 2008, 47(1): 58-72青 海 省 祁 连 县 俄 博 乡 大 擦 汗 沟 、 土 圈沟 、 柯 柯 里 等 三 叠 系 剖 面 的 粉 砂 岩 、 砂 质页 岩 、 泥 质 页 岩 中 首 次 发 现 较 丰 富 的 孢 粉和 疑 源 类 化 石 , 计 57 属 98 种 。 孢 粉 中 的 蕨类 植 物 孢 子 占 总 组 合 的 44.6%, 裸 子 植 物 花粉 占 33.9%; 疑 源 类 有 8 属 13 种 , 占 21.5%,称 Verrucosisporites-Triadispora-Trematosphaeridium 孢 粉 组 合 。 该 组 合 面 貌 与 国 内 外中 三 叠 世 不 同 相 区 的 孢 粉 组 合 特 征 基 本 相似 并 可 对 比 。 北 祁 连 山 南 坡 本 组 合 及 上 下其 它 组 合 中 海 相 疑 源 类 的 存 在 , 表 明 该 区 在三 叠 纪 受 到 海 水 影 响 , 海 水 完 全 退 出 是 在 三叠 纪 之 后 。 文 章 还 初 步 探 讨 其 沉 积 相 意义 。2009010077云 南 丽 江 - 大 理 地 区 现 代 表 土 花 粉 垂 直 分 布特 征 = A Study of Surface Pollen on anElevational Gradient in Lijiang and Dali Areas,Yunnan Province, Chian. ( 中 文 ). 李 春 海 ; 童国 榜 ; 沈 吉 ; 王 苏 民 ; 羊 向 东 ; 刘 志 明 . 古 生 物 学报 , 2008, 47(2): 168-175文 章 主 要 研 究 云 南 丽 江 - 大 理 地 区 不 同 海拔 高 度 表 土 花 粉 。 虽 然 松 属 花 粉 在 各 个 植被 带 都 占 有 优 势 , 但 是 建 群 种 花 粉 含 量 相对 较 高 。 降 趋 对 应 分 析 法 (detrendedcorrespondenc eanalysis, 简 称 DCA) 分 析显 示 , 表 土 花 粉 的 分 布 和 海 拔 之 间 具 有 非常 密 切 的 关 系 ,DCA 第 一 轴 的 值 和 海 拔 高度 之 间 的 线 性 相 关 系 数 达 0 . 82(r^2=0.82)。 此 次 研 究 表 明 , 在 云 南 山地 , 可 以 通 过 含 量 相 对 较 高 的 花 粉 来 重 建古 植 被 。2009010078成 都 平 原 4000aBP 以 来 的 孢 粉 记 录 与 环 境变 化 = Spore-Pollen Assemblage andEnvironmental Changes of the Chengdu Plainduring the Late Holocene. ( 中 文 ). 罗 丽 萍 ; 朱利 东 ; 向 芳 ; 杨 文 光 ; 阚 瑷 珂 ; 罗 虹 ; 张 擎 ; 朱 章 义 .古 生 物 学 报 , 2008, 47(2): 195-202成 都 平 原 晚 全 新 世 以 来 沉 积 的 泥 质 层 发现 丰 富 的 孢 粉 。 根 据 孢 粉 成 分 组 合 特 征 和生 态 类 型 可 划 分 出 5 个 孢 粉 组 合 带 , 结 合剖 面 上 6 个 14^C 测 年 数 据 , 提 出 在 过 去 的4000a 研 究 区 植 被 类 型 及 气 候 环 境 经 历 了 5个 阶 段 的 变 化 :3800-3600aBP 为 亚 热 带 常绿 阔 叶 林 , 气 候 暖 偏 湿 ;3600-3400aBP 为含 常 绿 树 种 的 落 叶 阔 叶 林 , 气 候 温 暖 湿润 ;3400-2600aBP 为 草 / 湿 地 , 气 温 下降 , 环 境 更 潮 湿 ;2600-900aBP 为 落 叶 阔 叶林 , 温 度 又 开 始 逐 渐 回 升 , 气 候 温 和 偏湿 ;900-300aBP 再 次 变 为 草 / 湿 地 , 偏 干冷 的 气 候 环 境 。2009010079阴 山 山 脉 东 段 花 粉 通 量 及 其 与 表 土 花 粉 比较 研 究 = Pollen Influx and Comparison withSurface Pollen in The East Part of YinshanMountains. ( 中 文 ). 曹 现 勇 ; 田 芳 ; 许 清 海 ; 李月 丛 ; 张 振 卿 ; 贾 红 娟 ; 张 丽 艳 ; 王 学 丽 . 古 生 物学 报 , 2007, 46(4): 411-419阴 山 山 脉 东 段 蛮 汉 山 和 大 青 山 山 顶 草甸 、 桦 木 林 、 虎 榛 子 灌 丛 、 人 工 油 松 林 及杂 草 草 原 5 个 植 被 类 型 花 粉 通 量 与 表 土 花粉 对 比 研 究 发 现 , 不 同 植 被 类 型 及 同 一 植被 类 型 不 同 样 点 花 粉 通 量 和 花 粉 浓 度 差 异明 显 , 捕 捉 器 样 品 花 粉 源 区 面 积 小 于 表 土样 品 , 能 较 好 地 反 映 样 品 点 周 围 植 被 组成 , 但 受 虫 媒 植 物 和 局 地 植 物 花 粉 影 响 ,与 表 土 样 品 花 粉 组 合 差 异 明 显 ; 表 土 样 品中 松 属 、 桦 属 、 蒿 属 及 藜 科 花 粉 含 量 多 高于 捕 捉 器 样 品 , 表 明 这 些 花 粉 不 仅 易 于 传播 , 而 且 在 表 土 中 具 有 较 强 的 保 存 能 力 ;禾 本 科 花 粉 具 低 代 表 性 , 花 粉 保 存 能 力 较低 。 地 层 花 粉 分 析 中 应 引 起 注 意 。2009010080江 苏 宜 兴 龙 池 山 现 代 植 被 表 土 孢 粉 的 初 步研 究 = Preliminary Study on Surface PollenFlora in the Longchi Mountain NatureReserve, Yixing, Jiangsu Province. ( 中 文 ). 舒军 武 ; 王 伟 铭 ; 王 爱 根 . 古 生 物 学 报 , 2007,46(3): 340-346江 苏 宜 兴 龙 池 山 森 林 自 然 保 护 区 表 土 花粉 分 析 结 果 表 明 , 表 土 孢 粉 植 物 群 主 要 以 栎属 (Quercus)、 松 属 (Pinus)、 青 冈 属( Cyclobalanopsis ) 、 栲 属(Castanopsis)/ 柯 属 (Lithocarpus)、栗 属 (Castanea) 占 优 势 的 木 本 植 物 组 成 ,混 生 有 枫 香 属 (Liquidambar)、 杨 梅 属( Myrica )、 冬 青 属 (Ilex )、 女 贞 属(Ligustrum)、 紫 树 属 (Nyssa)、 盐 肤木 属 (Rhus)、 黄 连 木 属 (Pistacia) 等亚 热 带 常 见 植 物 类 型 。 研 究 区 不 同 海 拔 高度 的 表 土 孢 粉 组 合 特 征 基 本 反 映 了 当 地 现今 的 植 物 构 成 、 植 被 面 貌 及 其 垂 直 分 布 规律 。 结 合 长 江 三 角 洲 及 其 周 边 地 区 其 他 代27

表 性 表 土 花 粉 资 料 , 首 次 提 出 以 常 绿 阔 叶 木本 植 物 与 落 叶 阔 叶 木 本 植 物 含 量 之 比(E/D), 并 结 合 重 要 优 势 、 标 志 木 本 植 物科 属 , 初 步 识 别 和 确 立 各 地 带 性 森 林 植 被 的表 土 花 粉 指 标 , 为 这 一 地 区 开 展 第 四 纪 古 植被 和 古 气 候 等 孢 粉 研 究 提 供 参 考 性 依 据 。2009010081依 据 孢 粉 资 料 探 讨 我 国 西 北 地 区 第 三 纪 时期 的 干 旱 化 及 其 与 季 风 的 关 系 =Palynological Implications for Relationshipbetween Aridification and Monsoon Climatein the Tertiary of NW China. ( 中 文 ). 宋 之 琛 ;王 伟 铭 ; 毛 方 园 . 古 生 物 学 报 , 2008, 47(3):265-272文 章 依 据 孢 粉 资 料 讨 论 我 国 西 北 地 区 第三 纪 时 期 植 被 的 演 变 情 况 , 认 为 始 新 世 时古 地 中 海 和 副 古 地 中 海 (Paratethys) 自 南亚 及 中 亚 地 区 的 撤 退 , 以 及 中 新 世 时 青 藏高 原 的 隆 起 对 东 亚 季 风 的 屏 蔽 , 都 对 西 北地 区 的 干 旱 化 起 了 重 大 作 用 。 上 新 世 中 期开 始 的 青 藏 高 原 的 持 续 隆 起 和 冬 季 风 ( 寒流 ) 的 劲 吹 , 使 本 地 区 植 被 成 分 更 趋 单调 . 演 变 成 荒 漠 型 植 被 . 气 候 更 趋 干 旱 。根 据 孢 粉 资 料 推 测 : 太 平 洋 季 风 至 少 在 中中 新 世 已 经 形 成 并 可 伸 展 至 兰 州 地 区 , 而印 度 洋 季 风 有 可 能 是 同 时 出 现 的 , 并 可 侵袭 到 目 前 的 甘 肃 南 部 地 区 。2009010082末 次 冰 消 期 以 来 巽 他 陆 架 孢 粉 、 藻 类 及 其古 环 境 意 义 = Palynology and Algae Recordsand their Paleoenvironmental Significances onSunda Shelf since the Last Deglaciation. ( 中文 ). 王 晓 梅 ; 孙 湘 君 ; 汪 品 先 ;Stattegger K. 古生 物 学 报 , 2008, 47(3): 313-318根 据 南 海 南 部 巽 他 陆 坡 上 的 柱 状 剖 面SONNE 18287 的 高 分 辨 率 的 藻 类 和 孢 粉 记录 . 探 讨 海 平 面 变 化 和 其 反 映 的 古 环境 . 得 到 往 16.513.9kaBP 之 间 . 较 高 的热 带 低 山 雨 林 百 分 含 量 和 较 低 的 热 带 低 地雨 林 含 量 反 映 了 当 时 仍 较 低 的 气 温 ; 各 类陆 相 花 粉 和 环 纹 藻 浓 度 都 很 高 . 而 沟 鞭 藻含 量 很 低 . 说 明 当 时 巽 他 陆 架 处 于 低 水 位环 境 ;13.910.2kaBP 期 间 . 热 带 低 山 雨林 含 量 的 减 少 和 热 带 低 地 雨 林 的 增 加 反 映了 气 温 的 回 升 ; 各 类 陆 相 花 粉 和 环 纹 藻 浓度 都 大 大 降 低 . 而 沟 鞭 藻 含 量 增 加 . 说 明巽 他 陆 架 逐 渐 被 淹 没 ;10.27kaiBP 热 带 低山 雨 林 含 量 的 持 续 减 少 和 热 带 低 地 雨 林 的增 加 反 映 了 气 温 继 续 缓 慢 回 升 ; 花 粉 浓 度的 降 低 说 明 陆 架 完 全 被 淹 没 . 花 粉 的 物 源区 变 远 , 同 时 环 纹 藻 浓 度 的 略 有 增 加 说 明此 时 有 淡 水 注 入 :7kaBP 各 类 花 粉 的 百 分含 量 相 对 稳 定 . 说 明 气 温 基 本 稳 定 . 沟 鞭藻 浓 度 的 突 然 降 低 . 说 明 存 在 一 个 气 候 变冷 事 件 使 得 海 平 面 升 高 受 到 抑 制 . 但 接 下来 沟 鞭 藻 浓 度 又 继 续 回 升 . 指 示 温 度 升高 . 海 平 面 稳 定 升 高 。疑 源 类2009010083比 利 时 下 志 留 统 疑 源 类 和 草 绿 藻 的 修 订 =Revision of acritarchs and prasinophyte algaefrom the lower Silurian of Belgium. ( 英 文 ).Mullins G L. Journal ofMicropalaeontology, 2002, 21(part 1): 87-94The type acritarch and prasinophyte algalmaterial of Stockmans & Williere (1963),from the Silurian of the Courtrai region,Belgium, has been re-examined. Reviseddescriptions for the holotypes of several typespecies are given, which detail the greatermorphological diversity recognized. Four newcombinations are proposed(Buedingiisphaeridium parveroquesi,Dictyotidium deflandrei, Helosphaeridiumechinodermum and Multiplicisphaeridiumpentagonale). Micrhystridium? radians isprovisionally retained, although it is probablethat this species should be referred to a new,unrecognized genus (it possesses a pylomeand spinose, simple and branched processes).The synonymy of Diexallophasis denticulataand Diexallophasis remota (proposed byPlayford, 1977) is rejected, as the latter hasbroader-based and more robust processes. Thegeneric assignment of Diexallophasismucronata is confirmed. Several of the taxaproposed by Stockmans & Williere have beenre-illustrated to show clearly the features oftaxonomic importance. These descriptions andillustrations will enable the reliablerecognition of these taxa in contiguoussections elsewhere, and will help to form thebasis of future population studies.2009010084加 拿 大 北 极 Wynniatt 组 复 杂 的 早 新 元 古 代真 核 生 物 的 重 建 = Reconstructing a complexearly Neoproterozoic eukaryote, WynniattFormation, arctic Canada. ( 英 文 ). ButterfieldN. Lethaia, 2005, 38(2): 155 - 169Flanged filamentous microfossils from twogeographically separated assemblages in theearly Neoproterozoic Wynniatt Formation,arctic Canada, co-occur with flangedClavitrichoides-type filaments, flanged28

Osculosphaera-type vesicles and wrinkled, bilayeredvesicles assigned to a new acritarchform-taxon Plicatosphaeridium impostor n.gen., n. sp. Marked similarities inmorphological and microstructural detailidentify most, if not all, of these forms ascomponents of a single, relatively complex,multicellular eukaryote, Cheilofilumhysteriopsis n. gen., n. sp. The filamentous,occasionally branched thallus was composedof large cylindrical cells, and extended viarupture of cell termini. Filaments originatedfrom Clavitrichoides-type or Osculosphaeratypevesicles via a similar process of rupture,flange formation and apical extension.Presence of a distinctively mottled walltexture supports the ontogenetic relationshipof Wynniatt Cheilofilum, 'Clavitrichoides' and'Osculosphaera,' and provides circumstantialevidence for including a Plicatosphaeridiumphase. Despite superficial similarities,Cheilofilum cannot be interpreted as afilamentous cyanobacterium, strobilatingscyphozoan or polychaete worm tube. Thedistinctive cytokinesis of the filamentouscomponent has close analogues among theannellophores and/or phialides (conidiophores)of various hyphomycetous fungi, though itslarge size and absence of an associatedmycelium argue against its placement withinthe Fungi. Unambiguous fungalsynapomorphies are expressed in co-occurringTappania, however, and both Cheilofilum andTappania include a closely comparableClavitrichoides-type phase in their life cycle.2009010085东 欧 地 台 Billingen 阶 ( 阿 仑 尼 克 统 下 部 / 下奥 陶 统 ) 疑 源 类 及 其 古 生 物 地 理 意 义 =Billingen (Lower Arenig/Lower Ordovician)acritarchs from the East European Platformand their palaeobiogeographic significance.( 英 文 ). Raevskaya E; Vecoli M; BednarczykW; Tongiorgi M. Lethaia, 2004, 37(1): 97 -111Billingen (Lower Arenig/Lower Ordovician)sediments of the St. Petersburg region,northwest Russia and the eba area, northernPoland of the East European Craton yieldacritarch assemblages, which are largelyhomogenous though displaying minorcompositional differences that probably reflecta gradient from inner to outer shelfenvironments. Comparison with coevalacritarch microflora from the YangtzePlatform, South China, shows an overallsimilarity between Baltoscandian and SouthChinese phytoplankton. The widespreaduniformity in the fossil microphytoplanktonmay be related to the extensive global 'evae'sea-level transgression, which characterizedthe Billingen time. This suggests that duringthe Tremadoc through early Arenig times,acritarch assemblages displayed essentially anundifferentiated cold-water and oceaniccharacter along the whole margin ofPerigondwana in the South, as well as on theSouth Chinese and Baltic platforms, at middlelatitudes (Mediterranean oceanic Realm).Despite this overall similarity, however, sometypical taxa of the high-latitude MediterraneanProvince (Arbusculidium, Coryphidium andStriatotheca) occur in South China, but areabsent in Baltica. This discrepancy isexplained as caused by differences in climaticand physiographic conditions that prevailed atthe two palaeocontinents at this time. Theinferred pattern of oceanic circulation duringthe Lower Ordovician is consistent with thepalynological evidence of a prevailing warmerclimate in Baltica than in South China,although the two palaeocontinents occupiedthe same palaeolatitudinal position.2009010086湖 北 宜 昌 埃 迪 卡 拉 系 陡 山 沱 组 天 柱 山 卵 囊胞 ——Tianzhushania 的 新 认 识 = New DataOn Tianzhushania-- An Ediacaran DiapauseEgg Cyst From Yichang, Hubei. ( 中 文 ). 尹 磊明 ; 周 传 明 ; 袁 训 来 . 古 生 物 学 报 , 2008, 47(2):129-140我 国 南 方 陡 山 沱 组 的 渗 透 矿 化 微 体 化 石为 认 识 埃 迪 卡 拉 动 物 辐 射 前 的 生 物 多 样性 , 提 供 了 异 乎 寻 常 的 窗 口 ; 其 中 包 括 一些 被 视 为 早 期 动 物 胚 胎 的 磷 酸 盐 化 球 形 化石 。 但 是 , 一 些 学 者 将 之 与 现 生Thiomargarita sp. 比 较 , 把 陡 山 沱 组 胚 胎解 释 为 巨 大 氧 化 硫 细 菌 。 湖 北 宜 昌 晓 峰 河剖 面 陡 山 沱 组 中 发 现 Tianzhushania 的 大 型具 刺 疑 源 类 的 膜 壳 中 显 示 有 1、2、4、8、16 乃 至 数 百 个 卵 裂 细 胞 标 本 , 表 明 它 们 应是 真 核 生 物 , 很 可 能 是 在 滞 育 卵 囊 胞 中 保存 的 早 期 卵 裂 的 动 物 胚 胎 。 此 有 力 地 论 证了 我 国 南 方 埃 迪 卡 拉 纪 陡 山 沱 组 动 物 胚 胎化 石 的 保 存 , 并 将 动 物 化 石 记 录 推 前 至632Ma 前 。 为 了 区 别 Tianzhushania 的 已 知形 态 种 , 新 建 Tianzhushania fissurasp . nov . 和 Tianzhushania confrertasp.nov. 两 个 新 种 , 它 们 分 别 以 含 有 不 同数 量 卵 裂 细 胞 为 特 征 。 它 们 在 陡 山 沱 组中 、 上 部 的 集 中 保 存 , 可 能 与 海 平 面 变 化29

或 其 它 地 质 事 件 密 切 相 关 。 而 这 需 要 更 多有 效 年 代 地 层 资 料 加 以 合 理 解 释 。2009010087湖 北 峡 东 地 区 九 龙 湾 剖 面 震 旦 系 陡 山 沱 组微 体 化 石 的 新 发 现 = Microfossils discoveredfrom the Sinian Doushantuo Formation in theJiulongwan Section, East Yangtze GorgesAera, Hubei Province, South China. ( 中 文 ).解 古 巍 ; 周 传 明 ;McFadden K A; 肖 书 海 ; 袁 训来 . 古 生 物 学 报 , 2008, 47(3): 279-291中 国 南 方 扬 子 地 台 震 旦 系 陡 山 沱 组 产 出丰 富 的 微 体 化 石 , 它 们 主 要 保 存 在 磷 块 岩以 及 燧 石 结 核 和 条 带 中 。 文 章 详 细 报 道 湖北 峡 东 地 区 九 龙 湾 剖 面 震 旦 系 陡 山 沱 组 微体 化 石 , 描 述 以 前 未 曾 在 峡 东 地 区 碳 酸 盐相 燧 石 中 发 现 的 8 属 8 种 微 体 化 石 。 研 究九 龙 湾 剖 面 陡 山 沱 组 大 型 带 刺 疑 源 类 、 微体 多 细 胞 藻 类 和 动 物 胚 胎 化 石 的 分 布 特征 , 发 现 Tianzhushania spinosa 是 最 早 出现 的 大 型 带 刺 疑 源 类 分 子 , 大 冰 期 后 微 体生 物 的 辐 射 是 一 个 阶 段 性 渐 进 的 过 程 。 同时 . 本 项 研 究 进 一 步 证 实 华 南 扬 子 区 陡 山沱 组 碳 酸 盐 相 燧 石 和 磷 块 岩 地 层 中 保 存 的微 体 化 石 面 貌 基 本 一 致 。牙 形 石2009010088波 希 米 亚 拉 德 洛 阶 一 新 的 具 有 初 始 互 生 细齿 的 Spathognathodontidae 科 牙 形 类 = Anew Ludlow (Late Silurian)Spathognathodontidae (conodonta) fromBohemia with insipient alternatingdenticulation. ( 英 文 ). Carls P; Slavik L;Valenzuela-Rios J I. Neues Jahrbuch furGeologie u. Palaontologie /Monatschefte, 2005, (9): 547-564The Spathognathodontidae until recentlyhave been mostly lumped on the genusOzarkodina. Separation of Zieglerodina on thebasis of the presence in the transition-serieselements of alternation of denticle sizes on anundulose blade that lacks outer ledges hasprovided many taxa that were formerlyincluded in the old eosteinhornensisremscheidensisnomenclature with ataxonomic home. The origin of alternatingdenticle size offers biostratigraphical potential,however, this development is known to occurheterochronously in severalspathognathodontid clades in the Ludlow.Besides it also occurs in Delotaxis since earlyPridili.2009010089加 拿 大 不 列 颠 哥 伦 比 亚 Cassiar 地 台 下 至上 奥 陶 统 Road River 群 Kechika 组 牙 形 刺= Conodonts from the Kechika Formation andRoad River Group (Lower to UpperOrdovician) of the Cassiar Terrane, northernBritish Columbia. ( 英 文 ). Pyle L J; Barnes CR. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 2001,38(10): 1387–1401This study examines the lower Paleozoicstratigraphy of the Cassiar Terrane from threekey sections comprising an east-west transectacross the terrane. The Cassiar Terrane, westof the Northern Rocky Mountain Trench,consists of a Neoproterozoic to Triassicsuccession and is a fragment of theCordilleran Miogeocline that has beendisplaced northward. The amount ofdisplacement from its original positionremains controversial. Conodonts from theCassiar Terrane have been previously reportedfrom only a few reconnaissance studies. Morethan 3000 m of strata have been measured andexamined in detail and 85 conodont samplescollected. A total of 926 identifiable conodontelements are assigned to 31 speciesrepresenting 21 genera. The conodonts aremainly representative of the MidcontinentFaunal Realm, but some also represent theAtlantic Realm. Conodonts from the upperKechika Formation and base of the RoadRiver Group are Early Ordovician(Tremadocian) in age, and those from theupper Road River Group range into the UpperOrdovician (Caradocian). The detailedOrdovician stratigraphy and temporalconstraints established by conodontbiostratigraphy provide for correlation tocoeval facies of ancestral North America. Theonset of Road River sedimentation in the mid-Tremadocian is, however, older than that inthe Macdonald Platform to the east (earlyArenigian). This onset timing may help linkthe Cassiar Terrane to a specific part of themiogeocline from which it was transported.2009010090金 伯 利 岩 重 硅 线 石 中 的 牙 形 刺 和 珊 瑚 证 实加 拿 大 安 大 略 中 部 和 魁 北 克 泥 盆 纪 的 海 道的 存 在 = Conodonts and corals in kimberlitexenoliths confirm a Devonian seaway incentral Ontario and Quebec. ( 英 文 ).McCracken A D; Armstrong D K; Bolton T E.Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 2000,37(12): 1651–166330

Eighteen samples containing sedimentaryrock xenoliths were obtained from coresdrilled into eight Mesozoic kimberlite pipes inthe Kirkland Lake area, Ontario, and inOntario and Quebec near Lake Timiskaming.Nine samples from five pipes contained fossilsthat were used for age determinations. Thesefossils are Middle or Late Ordoviciangraptolites, inarticulate brachiopods, andconodonts; Silurian and (or) Devonianconodonts; Early Devonian colonial corals; aDevonian stromatoporoid; and Early toMiddle Devonian conodonts. Regionally,conodonts are unaltered (conodont colouralteration index, CAI 1). Conodont CAIvalues from the xenoliths are elevated (CAI 2),and a few conodonts have surface colourchanges, suggesting hydrothermal alteration.Age determinations allow stratigraphiccorrelation between xenoliths and Paleozoicoutcrops. For the Ordovician and Siluriansamples, correlations are made to exposures inthe nearby Lake Timiskaming outlier. For theDevonian samples, the closest possiblecorrelative outcrops are about 300 km away.These fossils provide the first physicalevidence of a connection between a LakeTimiskaming "basin" and other Ontario basinsduring at least part of the Devonian. Thesestrata persisted at least until the Mesozoicbefore they were removed by erosion.2009010091湖 南 罗 依 溪 寒 武 系 古 丈 阶 底 部 全 球 层 型 剖面 的 牙 形 类 = Conodonts from the GlobalStratotype section for the base of theGuzhangian Stage (Cambrian) at Luoyixi,Hunan, South China. ( 英 文 ). Bagnoli G; QiYu-Ping; Wang Zhi-Hao. Palaeoworld, 2008,17(2): 108-114The base of the Guzhangian Stage(Cambrian) has been ratified recently at thelowest occurrence of the cosmopolitanagnostoid trilobite Lejopyge laevigata (base ofthe Lejopyge laevigata Zone) in the HuaqiaoFormation in the Luoyixi section, GuzhangCounty, Hunan Province, China.Sampling of the Luoyixi section in theboundary interval reveals 16 protoconodontand paraconodont taxa. The conodontsuccession can be correlated with theGapparodus bisulcatus-Westergaardodinabrevidens and the Shandongodus priscus-Hunanognathus tricuspidatus zones of SouthChina and with the Laiwugnathus laiwuensisand the Shandongodus priscus zones of NorthChina. Laiwugnathus laiwuensis occursimmediately below the lowest occurrence ofLejopyge laevigata. The first occurrence ofShandongodus priscus is 14.95 m above thebase of the Lejopyge laevigata Zone. Asignificant change in the conodontassociations occurs in the intervalcorresponding to the uppermost Lejopygearmata trilobite Zone. This interval ischaracterized by an increase in diversity withthe appearance of the paracondont generaFurnishina and Laiwugnathus. Laiwugnathuslaiwuensis, which occurs immediately belowthe lowest occurrence of Lejopyge laevigata,has a short stratigraphic record and allowsconfident correlation with North China.2009010092奥 陶 纪 牙 形 石 生 物 地 理 再 思 考 = Ordovicianconodont biogeography - reconsidered. ( 英 文 ).Zhen Yong-Yi; Percival I G. Lethaia, 2003,36(4): 357 - 369Review of the traditional separation ofglobal Ordovician conodont distribution intothe North American Midcontinent Province(NAMP) and North Atlantic Province (NAP)reveals a confusing variety of concepts anddefinitions that hinder biogeographic analysis.Use of this twofold scheme and its subsequentvariants should bediscontinued in favour ofthe more detailed divisions proposed here.Major biogeographical entities of the Shallow-Sea and Open-Sea Realms, separated by theshelf-slope break, are both further subdivisibleinto Tropical, Temperate and Cold Domains.In the Cold domains, faunal differencesbetween the two Realms and theirsubdivisions are not easily discernible, sincebiofacies zones and different habitats werehighly condensed. Faunal differences areamplified in the tropical regions, where theNorth American Midcontinent Province andNorth Atlantic Province were originallydefined. Recognition of endemic taxa isessential for finer classification withindomains of the Shallow-Sea Realm (SSR).Our preliminary analysis of Early Ordovicianconodont distribution identifies the LaurentianProvince (in the Tropical Domain),Australian(Tropical Domain), North China(Tropical Domain), South China (TemperateDomain), Argentine Precordillera (TemperateDomain) and Balto-Scandian Province (in theCold Domain). The Open-Sea Realm (OSR) isdominated by cosmopolitan and widespreadtaxa, and formal subdivision at provinciallevel is yet to be achieved. The North AtlanticProvince encompasses both the Open-Sea31

Realm and the Temperate and Cold Domainsof the Shallow-Sea Realm. The NorthAmerican Midcontinent Province sensu strictois more or less equivalent to the LaurentianProvince, representing shallow-water regionsfringing Laurentia; in a broader sense theNorth American Midcontinent Provinceincludes all provinces of the Tropical Domainwithin the Shallow-Sea Realm.2009010093根 据 波 罗 的 海 动 物 群 更 新 志 留 纪 兰 多 维 列世 特 列 奇 期 牙 形 石 带 = An updatedTelychian (Late Llandovery, Silurian)conodont zonation based on Baltic faunas. ( 英文 ). Männik P. Lethaia, 2007, 40(1): 45-60Five conodont zones, Pterospathoduseopennatus ssp. n. 1, P. eopennatus ssp. n. 2,P. amorphognathoides angulatus, P. a.lennarti and P. a. lithuanicus, are described inthe interval previously known as the P. celloniZone. The new zones are grouped into twosuperzones: the first two form the P.eopennatus Superzone and the other three theP. celloni Superzone. All zones correspond tothe intervals of the total ranges of the nominaltaxa and to the boundaries between the zonesto the levels at which one taxon wasevolutionally replaced by another. The lowerboundary of the P. a. amorphognathoidesZone is redefined. The P. eopennatus ssp. n. 2,P. a. angulatus and P. a. amorphognathoideszones are further subdivided into the Lowerand Upper subzones. Although the zonesdescribed are mainly based on data fromEstonia, they can be recognized all over theworld, in most sections containing Telychianstrata and from where adequate data areavailable. Most of the subzones can so far beapplied only in a limited area.2009010094浙 江 黄 芝 山 剖 面 二 叠 - 三 叠 系 界 线 附 近 的 牙形 类 序 列 及 其 地 层 对 比 = ConodontSuccession Around The Permian-TriassicBoundary At The HuangzhishanSection,Zhejiang And Its StratigraphicCorrelation. ( 英 文 ). 陈 军 ; Henderson C M; 沈树 忠 . 古 生 物 学 报 , 2008, 47(1): 91-114首 次 系 统 研 究 浙 江 黄 芝 山 剖 面 二 叠 - 三 叠系 界 线 附 近 的 牙 形 类 化 石 , 共 鉴 定 2 属 16 种 ,并 据 此 识 别 出 5 个 牙 形 类 化 石 带 , 从 下 至 上依 次 为 : Clarkina changxingensischangxingensis 带 , C.parasubcarinata带 ,C.chan-gxingensis yini-C.meishanensiszhangi 带 , C.meishanensis meishanensis 带 ,Hindeodus parvus 带 。 Hindeoduschangxingensis, H.eurypyge, H.parvus 分 别在 第 15 层 、 第 18 层 底 部 、 第 18 层 中 部 依次 出 现 , 为 确 定 该 剖 面 二 叠 - 三 叠 系 界 线 在18-3 层 之 底 提 供 了 依 据 。 作 者 还 讨 论 黄 芝山 剖 面 二 叠 - 三 叠 系 界 线 附 近 的 牙 形 类 序 列与 浙 江 煤 山 、 伊 朗 剖 面 二 叠 - 三 叠 系 界 线 层牙 形 类 序 列 的 对 比 。2009010095湖 北 宜 昌 奥 陶 纪 特 马 豆 克 期 晚 期 - 桑 比 期 早期 牙 形 刺 多 样 性 初 探 = OrdovicianConodont Diversification Of Yichang, HubeiProvince. ( 中 文 ). 王 志 浩 ; 吴 荣 昌 . 古 生 物 学报 , 2007, 46(4): 430-440根 据 前 人 发 表 的 和 作 者 现 有 资 料 , 对 宜昌 地 区 奥 陶 系 南 津 关 组 至 庙 坡 组(Tremadocian—early Sandbian) 所 报 道 的牙 形 刺 属 种 进 行 厘 定 , 并 根 据 牙 形 刺 带 进行 统 计 分 析 , 初 步 编 制 出 牙 形 刺 属 种 的 地层 延 限 图 。 研 究 表 明 , 牙 形 刺 在 奥 陶 纪 的宏 演 化 经 历 了 3 次 较 为 明 显 的 辐 射 事 件 ,分 别 发 生 在 早 奥 陶 世 晚 期 ,Darriwilian 期中 期 和 中 、 晚 奥 陶 世 之 交 , 并 都 与 局 部 环境 的 变 化 有 关 。小 壳 化 石2009010096在 磁 分 选 之 前 提 高 牙 形 石 样 品 残 渣 的 磁 化率 = Upgrading of magnetic susceptibility ofconodont sample residues before magneticseparation. ( 英 文 ). Carls P; Slavik L.Lethaia, 2005, 38(2): 171 - 1722009010097早 寒 武 世 Salterella 和 Volborthella(Agmata 动 物 门 ) 再 评 价 = Early CambrianSalterella and Volborthella (Phylum Agmata)re-evaluated. ( 英 文 ). Yochelson E L; KisselevG N. Lethaia, 2003, 36(1): 8-20The genus Volborthella is removed fromsynonymy under Salterella and placed in theextinct phylum Agmata. Volborthella is morerestricted geographically and occurs in olderLower Cambrian strata than Salterella, butdistinguishing younger specimens of thatgenus from poorly preserved Salterella isdifficult. Vologinella is not related toVolborthella or other Agmata. Other generaassigned to the phylum by various workers arediscussed, but their assignment to this phylumis either enigmatic or rejected. The published32

concept that specimens of Volborthella andSalterella are agglutinated sclerites or spineson a larger soft-bodied organism is discussed.The material on which this notion is based isre-illustrated and the notion rejected in favorof the view that these conical forms are thehard parts of discrete organisms.2009010098陕 南 早 寒 武 世 Anabarites 壳 体 内 部 结 构 及亲 缘 关 系 探 讨 = Internal Microstructure andAffiliation of the Lower Cambrian Anabaritesfrom Southern Shaanxi, China. ( 中 文 ). 李 朋 ;华 洪 ; 张 录 易 ; 张 东 东 ; 金 显 宝 ; 刘 竹 . 古 生 物 学报 , 2007, 46(3): 327-333陕 南 灯 影 组 宽 川 铺 段 的 小 壳 化 石 具 完 好的 三 维 保 存 方 式 。Anabarites 是 三 辐 射 对称 、 单 管 底 栖 群 居 生 物 , 亲 缘 关 系 不 明 。 作者 通 过 对 陕 南 宁 强 下 寒 武 统 宽 川 铺 段 进 行数 次 系 统 采 样 , 经 过 对 样 品 的 醋 酸 溶 蚀 处 理和 电 子 扫 描 电 镜 照 像 后 , 发 现 Anabarites 壳体 内 部 具 螺 旋 状 微 结 构 ; 经 测 试 分 析 后 认 为该 结 构 可 能 与 中 槽 的 深 浅 成 正 相 关 , 两 者 的形 成 可 能 与 微 环 境 中 水 体 的 变 化 有 关 。 探讨 其 可 能 的 亲 缘 关 系 及 其 演 化 序 列 。古 植 物 学综 论2009010099植 物 中 cutan 存 在 的 再 研 究 —— 对 于 叶 化石 记 录 的 意 义 = Reinvestigation of theoccurrence of cutan in plants: implications forthe leaf fossil record. ( 英 文 ). Gupta N S;Collinson M E; Briggs D E G; Evershed R P;Pancost R D. Paleobiology, 2006, 32(3): 432-449Cutan, a resistant non-hydrolyzablealiphatic biopolymer, was first reported in thecuticle of Agave americana and has generallybeen considered ubiquitous in leaf cuticlesalong with the structural biopolyester cutin.Because leaves and cuticles in the fossil recordalmost always have an aliphatic composition,it was argued that selective preservation ofcutan played an important role in leafpreservation. However, the analysis of leavesusing chemical degradation techniquesinvolving hydrolysis to test for the presence ofcutan reveals that it is absent in 16 of 19 taxa(angiosperm and gymnosperm), includingmany previously reported to contain cutan onthe basis of pyrolysis data. Cutan is clearlymuch less widespread in leaves thanpreviously thought, and its presence orabsence does not exert any major bias on thepreservation of leaves in the fossil record. Inthe absence of cutan, other constituents—cutin,plant waxes, and internal plant lipids — areincorporated into the geomacromolecule andcontribute to the formation of a resistantaliphatic polymer by in situ polymerizationduring diagenesis.2009010100陆 生 植 物 株 型 的 演 化 —— 超 越 顶 枝 理 论 =Evolution of land plant architecture: beyondthe telome theory. ( 英 文 ). Stein W E; Boyer JS. Lethaia, 2006, 32(3): 450-482For well over 50 years, the telome theory ofWalter Zimmermann has been extremelyinfluential in interpreting the evolutionaryhistory of land plant architecture. Using the"telome/ mesome" distinction, and the conceptof universal "elementary processes"underlying the change in form in all plants, thetheory was an ambitious synthesis based onthe proposition that evolutionary change mightbe understood by a simple set ofdevelopmental or evolutionary rules. However,a major problem resides in deciding exactlyhow assertions of change are to span bothdevelopmental and evolutionary domainssimultaneously, and, we argue, the theorycritically fails testability as a scientific theory.Thus, despite continued popularity for thedescriptive terms derived from the theory inevolutionary studies of early land plants, timehas come to replace it with a more explicit,testable approach. Presented here is an attemptto clarify perhaps the most important issueraised by the telome theory—whether simplechanges in basic developmental processessuffice to describe much of early land plantevolution. Considering the morphology ofSilurian – Devonian fossil members, it ishypothesized that early land plants possessed acommon set of developmental processescentered on primary growth of shoot apicalmeristems. Among these were (1) the capacityto monitor and act upon internal physiologicalstatus here modeled as "apex strength," (2) amechanism for allocation of apex strength in acontext-dependent way at each point ofbranching, (3) a rule for context-dependentapex angle for branches, (4) a largely invariantphyllotaxis unrelated to physiological status,and (5) a simple switch for terminatingprimary growth, based in part on genetics.Implemented as a set of developmental ruleswithin a simple L-system model, these aspectsof primary development in plants determine a33

sizable range of resultant morphologies, someof which are highly reminiscent of the earlyfossils. Thus, some support is found, perhaps,for Zimmermann's intuition. However,traditional concepts of growth patterns inplants, including the contrast betweenepidogenesis and apoxogenesis, requireupdating. In our reformulation, developmentalprocesses, stated as rules of developmentaldynamics, together constitute what we termthe plant's developmental state. Using ahypothetico-deductive format, one mayhypothesize intrinsic (or genetic)developmental processes that play out asrealized developmental activity in specificspatial/temporal contexts, as modified bymultiple context factors. The resultant plantmorphology is highly dependent on multipleand simultaneous pathway ontogenetictrajectories. Within a likely set ofdevelopmental rules reasonably inferred fromplant development, some of Zimmermann'selementary processes are perhaps recognizablewhereas others are not. Progressively"overtopped" morphologies are easilyproduced by modifying intrinsic branchallocation. However, even so, the otherdevelopmental rules have a profound effect onfinal architectures. Planate architectures andcircination vernation, often treated as specialcases by plant morphologists, are perhapsbetter understood in terms of recurrent oriterative developmental relationships. Muchanalytic work remains before a completelyspecified system of rules will emerge. A wellarticulatedrelationship between ontogeny andphylogeny remains fundamentally important inassessing evolutionary change. Fossil andliving plants make it abundantly clear thatcurrent evolutionary concepts involvingmodification of a single ontogenetic trajectoryfrom ancestor to descendant need to be greatlyexpanded into consideration of the entirelogical geometry of causation in development.A mechanism for testing is also required thatneed not wait for complete elucidation at themolecular level. The relative simplicity ofplant development, combined with anoutstanding fossil record of early members,offers unique opportunities along these lines.2009010101东 格 陵 兰 穿 越 三 叠 系 / 侏 罗 系 界 线 时 期 陆 生植 被 对 气 候 和 大 气 变 化 的 宏 观 生 态 响 应 =Macroecological responses of terrestrialvegetation to climatic and atmospheric changeacross the Triassic/Jurassic boundary in EastGreenland. ( 英 文 ). McElwain J C; Popa M E;Hesselbo S P; Haworth M; Surlyk F.Paleobiology, 2007, 33(4): 547-573The magnitude and pace of terrestrial plantextinction and macroecological changeassociated with the Triassic/Jurassic (Tr/J)mass extinction boundary have not beenquantified using paleoecological data.However, tracking the diversity and ecologyof primary producers provides an idealsurrogate with which to explore patterns ofecosystem stability, collapse, and recoveryand to explicitly test for gradual versuscatastrophic causal mechanisms of extinction.We present an analysis of the vegetationdynamics in the Jameson Land Basin, EastGreenland, spanning the Tr/J extinction event,from a census collected paleoecological dataset of 4303 fossil leaf specimens, in an attemptto better constrain our understanding of thecauses and consequences of the fourth greatestextinction event in earth history. Our analysesreveal (1) regional turnover of ecologicaldominants between Triassic and Jurassic plantcommunities, (2) marked structural changes inthe vegetation as reflected by potential loss ofa mid-canopy habit, and (3) decline in genericlevelrichness and evenness and change inecological composition prior to the Tr/Jboundary; all of these findings argue against asingle catastrophic causal mechanism, such asa meteorite impact for Tr/J extinctions. Weidentify various key ecological and biologicaltraits that increased extinction risk at the Tr/Jboundary and corroborate predictions of metapopulationtheory or plant ecophysiologicalmodels. These include ecological rarity,complex reproductive biology, and large leafsize.Recovery in terms of generic-level richnesswas quite rapid following Tr/J extinctions;however, species-level turnover in earliestJurassic plant communities remained an orderof magnitude higher than observed for theTriassic. We hypothesize, on the basis ofevidence for geographically extensivemacrofossil and palynological turnover acrossthe entire Jameson Land Basin, that the natureand magnitude of paleoecological changesrecorded in this study reflect wider vegetationchange across the whole region. How exactlythese changes in dominance patterns of plantprimary production affected the entireecosystem remains an important avenue offuture research.200901010234

叶 化 石 定 量 经 济 —— 标 定 、 始 新 世 实 例 研究 和 意 义 = Fossil leaf economics quantified:calibration, Eocene case study, andimplications. ( 英 文 ). Royer D L; Sack L; WilfP; Lusk C H; Jordan G J; Niinemets Ü; WrightI J; Westoby M; Cariglino B; Coley P D;Cutter A D; Johnson K R; Labandeira C C;Moles A T; Palmer M B; Valladares F.Paleobiology, 2007, 33(4): 574-589Leaf mass per area (M A ) is a centralecological trait that is intercorrelated with leaflife span, photosynthetic rate, nutrientconcentration, and palatability to herbivores.These coordinated variables form a globallyconvergent leaf economics spectrum, whichrepresents a general continuum running fromrapid resource acquisition to maximizedresource retention. Leaf economics are littlestudied in ancient ecosystems because theycannot be directly measured from leaf fossils.Here we use a large extant data set (65 sites;667 species-site pairs) to develop a new, easilymeasured scaling relationship between petiolewidth and leaf mass, normalized for leaf area;this enables M A estimation for fossil leavesfrom petiole width and leaf area, two variablesthat are commonly measurable in leafcompression floras. The calibration data arerestricted to woody angiosperms exclusive ofmonocots, but a preliminary data set (25species) suggests that broad-leavedgymnosperms exhibit a similar scaling.Application to two well-studied, classicEocene floras demonstrates that M A can bequantified in fossil assemblages. First, ourresults are consistent with predictions frompaleobotanical and paleoclimatic studies ofthese floras. We found exclusively low-M Aspecies from Republic (Washington, U.S.A.,49 Ma), a humid, warm-temperate flora with astrong deciduous component among theangiosperms, and a wide M A range in aseasonally dry, warm-temperate flora from theGreen River Formation at Bonanza (Utah,U.S.A, 47 Ma), presumed to comprise a mixof short and long leaf life spans. Second,reconstructed M A in the fossil species isnegatively correlated with levels of insectherbivory, whether measured as the proportionof leaves with insect damage, the proportion ofleaf area removed by herbivores, or thediversity of insect-damage morphotypes.These correlations are consistent withherbivory observations in extant floras andthey reflect fundamental trade-offs in plantherbivoreassociations. Our results indicatethat several key aspects of plant and plantanimalecology can now be quantified in thefossil record and demonstrate that herbivoryhas helped shape the evolution of leafstructure for millions of years.2009010103为 加 拿 大 萨 斯 喀 彻 温 木 材 山 白 垩 - 第 三 纪 界线 生 态 破 坏 提 供 的 古 植 物 证 据 =Paleobotanical evidence for ecosystemdisruption at the Cretaceous-Tertiaryboundary from Wood Mountain,Saskatchewan, Canada. ( 英 文 ). McIver E E.Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 1999,36(5): 775–789continuous, subsurface Cretaceous-Tertiaryboundary section, including the boundary claywithin an 87 cm thick lignite, has beenrecovered from a core hole near WoodMountain, Saskatchewan, Canada. The ligniteencompassedclay layer with geochemicalanomaly indicates that peat deposition wascontinuous across the boundary. Core dataindicate that, locally, a pre-boundary, coniferdominatedswamp was abruptly replaced byan angiosperm-dominated, herbaceouswetland. Sudden extermination of thedominant forest elements indicates mass kill atthe level of the boundary and supports thetheory of extraterrestrial impact accompaniedby catastrophic destruction. Devastation of thestanding vegetation may have been caused byone or more of the killing agents predicted tohave accompanied impact, including freezingtemperatures caused by atmospheric dust, acidrain, thermal pulse, and shock waves. There isno evidence supporting wildfires as a killingagent. Vegetational change apparent withinthe boundary interval is consistent withobservations elsewhere in the Western Interiorof North America of abrupt replacement of anecosystem. Early Paleocene reestablishment ofthe cypress swamp vegetation is calculated tohave taken from 1 to 5 millennia.2009010104我 国 古 植 物 命 名 中 若 干 值 得 重 视 的 问 题 —— 兼 述 维 也 纳 法 规 中 有 关 的 规 定 = SomeImportant Concerns About Nomenclature OfFossil Plants In China, With Reference ToRelevant Articles Of The Vienna Code. ( 中 文 ).周 志 炎 . 古 生 物 学 报 , 2007, 46(4): 387-393根 据 2006 年 发 表 的 新 版 国 际 植 物 命 名 法规 ( 维 也 纳 法 规 ) 的 有 关 规 则 和 条 款 , 讨论 我 国 古 植 物 命 名 中 一 些 值 得 重 视 的 和 存在 的 问 题 , 着 重 在 分 类 单 元 名 称 的 合 格 发表 、 模 式 指 定 以 及 拉 丁 属 、 种 名 称 构 成 和35

性 别 等 几 个 方 面 。 文 中 也 介 绍 了 新 法 规 中对 古 植 物 形 态 分 类 单 元 (morphotaxa) 定义 的 改 变 和 相 关 规 则 的 更 动 情 况 , 以 及 有关 在 学 位 论 文 和 电 子 版 文 档 中 发 表 分 类 单元 名 称 等 新 规 则 。 文 后 附 有 古 植 物 命 名 的一 些 重 要 规 则 生 效 的 日 期 和 相 关 说 明 。2009010105东 濮 凹 陷 沙 河 街 组 ( 古 近 纪 ) 植 物 活 动 痕迹 类 型 及 其 环 境 与 层 序 地 层 学 意 义 =Features Of Plant Trace Fossils DiscoveredFrom The Shahejie Formation(Palaeogene) , Dongpu Depression And ItsSignificance In The Environments AndSequence Stritigraphy. ( 中 文 ). 吴 贤 涛 . 古 生物 学 报 , 2007, 46(3): 373-379植 物 活 动 痕 迹 即 根 迹 , 是 层 序 地 层 学 中 识别 低 位 期 沉 积 的 重 要 标 志 。 东 濮 凹 陷 沙 河街 组 ( 古 近 纪 ) 根 迹 发 育 , 形 态 各 异 , 可 分 为A、B、C、D、E 五 种 类 型 , 分 别 被 解 释 为五 类 次 级 沉 积 环 境 下 的 产 物 。 其 中 A 型 根迹 、B 型 根 迹 与 河 口 湾 沉 积 环 境 相 关 , 前 者见 于 河 口 湾 陆 方 一 侧 的 河 口 沙 坝 (bay headbar), 后 者 则 出 现 于 海 方 一 侧 易 受 海 浪 冲 蚀的 盐 碱 凹 地 。 已 有 资 料 证 明 , 植 物 活 动 痕 迹 ,结 合 动 物 活 动 痕 迹 和 古 生 物 学 、 沉 积 学 研究 , 可 为 判 别 河 口 湾 沉 积 环 境 、 层 序 界 面 提供 重 要 实 据 , 从 而 在 层 序 地 层 学 研 究 和 储 层沉 积 环 境 探 索 中 显 示 重 要 作 用 。藻 类2009010106利 用 区 室 化 法 研 究 蓝 细 菌 的 形 态 和 生 境 演化 = Morphological and habitat evolution inthe Cyanobacteria using acompartmentalization approach. ( 英 文 ). S ánchez-Baracaldo P; Hayes P K; Blank C E.Geobiology, 2005, 3(3): 145-165A phylogenomic approach was used tostudy the evolution of traits in theCyanobacteria. A cyanobacterial backbonetree was constructed using multipleconcatenated sequences from whole genomesequences. Additional taxa were added using aseparate alignment that containedmorphological characters, SSU (small subunit)and LSU (large subunit) rDNA, rpoC, rpoD,tufA, and gyrB genes. A compartmentalizationapproach was then used to construct a robustphylogeny with resolved deep branches.Additional morphological characters (e.g.unicellular or filamentous growth, presence orabsence of heterocysts) were coded, mappedonto the backbone cyanobacterial tree, and theancestral character states inferred. Ouranalyses show that the earliest cyanobacteriallineages were likely unicellularcoccoid/ellipsoidal/short rods that lived interrestrial/freshwater environments. Latercyanobacterial lineages independently gainedthe ability to colonize brackish, marine, andhypersaline environments while acquiring alarge number of more complex traits: sheath,filamentous growth, nitrogen fixation,thermophily, motility, and use of sulphide asan electron donor. Many of these adaptationswould have been important in the appearanceof dense microbial mats early in Earth'shistory. Complex traits such as hormogonia,heterocysts, and akinetes had a single ancestor.Within the Nostocales, hormogonia andheterocysts arose before akinetes.2009010107原 子 力 显 微 镜 下 活 体 观 察 : 蓝 细 菌 细 胞 生 矿成 核 表 面 变 化 的 体 内 研 究 优 化 方 法 =Living under an atomic force microscope: Anoptimized approach for in vivo investigationson surface alterations towards biomineralnucleation on cyanobacterial cells. ( 英 文 ).Obst M; Dittrich M. Geobiology, 2005, 3(3):179 - 193An approach for long-term in vivoinvestigations on cyanobacterial cell surfacechanges at high spatial resolution by AtomicForce Microscopy (AFM) was developed inthis study.Until recently, changes of bacterial cellsurfaces due to changes of the chemicalenvironment could neither be investigated insitu nor in vivo. However, in vivoinvestigations give insights into kinetics ofcell response to environmental changes andmineral nucleation at the cell's surface.Continuously cultured cyanobacteria of therepresentative freshwater strainSynechococcus leopoliensis (PCC 7942) werewashed and artificially immobilized on poly-llysine-coatedglass slides. Bothimmobilization and environmental conditionswere optimized in order to facilitate long-termexperiments (> 100 h) with living cells. AFMsamples were investigated in situ in twodifferent solutions: Culture medium was usedfor cultivation experiments and nutrient-freeNaHCO 3 /CaCl 2 solutions (supersaturated withrespect to calcite) for long-termcharacterizations of the changes in cell surfacetopography. Cell viability under theseconditions was investigated by AFM, TEM36

and epifluorescence microscopy,independently.No indications for extended starvation werefound within the relevant timescales.Analysing the influence of Ca 2+ on the surfaceof S. leopoliensis, we found significantchanges compared to a Ca-free solution. Fewhours after CaCl 2 was added to thecircumfluent solution, small protuberanceswere observed on the cell surface.These are promising results to environmentalscientists for a wide range of applications, ascell response to environmental changes cannow be monitored online and in vivo attimescales, which are relevant for naturalprocesses. Most especially studies ofbiomineralization and mineral nucleation onbacterial cell surfaces will profit from this newapproach.2009010108智 利 高 原 热 泉 泉 华 : 前 寒 武 纪 早 期 蓝 细 菌 的紫 外 线 屏 蔽 机 制 的 模 拟 系 统 = Chilean highaltitudehot-spring sinters: a model system forUV screening mechanisms by earlyPrecambrian cyanobacteria. ( 英 文 ). PhoenixV R; Bennett P C; Engel A S; Tyler S W;Ferris F G. Geobiology, 2006, 4(1): 15 - 28Before the build-up of stratospheric ozone,Archean and early Proterozoic phototrophsexisted in an environment subjected to highlyelevated levels of ultraviolet (UV) radiation.Therefore, phototrophic life would haverequired a protective habitat that balanced UVattenuation and photosynthetically activeradiation (PAR) transmission. Here we reporton aspects of the phototroph geomicrobiologyof El Tatio geothermal field, located at4300 m in the Andes Mountains of northernChile (22 °S), as an analogue system to earlyPrecambrian environments. El Tatio microbessurvive in a geochemical environment ofrapidly precipitating amorphous silica (sinter)and unusually high solar radiation (includingelevated UV-B flux) due to the high-altitude,low-latitude location. Cyanobacteria produce10-mm-thick surface mats containingfilaments encased in amorphous silicamatrices up to 5 µm thick. Relative radiationabsorbance of these silica matrices was UV-C > UV-B > UV-A > PAR, suggesting thesilica provides a significant UV shield to thecyanobacteria. Cyanobacteria also occur incryptoendolithic communities 1 – 10 mmbelow siliceous sinter surfaces, and insiliceous stromatolites, where viablecyanobacteria are found at least ∼ 10 mmbelow the sinter surface. UV-B wasdramatically attenuated within ∼1 mm of thesinter surface, whereas UV-C (a frequencyrange absent today but present in the earlyPrecambrian) was attenuated even moreefficiently. PAR was attenuated the least, andminimum PAR levels required forphotosynthesis penetrated 5–10 mm into thesinter. Thus, a favourable niche occursbetween approximately 1–10 mm in siliceoussinters where there is a balance between PARtransmission and UV attenuation. Thesedeposits also would have strongly attenuatedArchean and early Precambrian levels of UVand thus, by analogy, cyanobacteria of earlyPrecambrian shallow aquatic environments,inhabiting silicified biofilms and silicastromatolites, would have similarly beenafforded protection against high-intensity UVradiation.2009010109早 白 垩 世 (Valanginian - Hauterivian) 北 半球 钙 质 超 微 化 石 和 同 位 素 —— 了 解 白 垩 纪气 候 的 途 径 = Early Cretaceous (Valanginian- Hauterivian) calcareous nannofossils andisotopes of the northern hemisphere: proxiesfor the understanding of Cretaceous climate.( 英 文 ). Kessels K; Mutterlose J; Michalzik D.Lethaia, 2006, 39(2): 157 - 172From three boreholes (DSDP Site 535;ODP Site 638; BGS borehole 81/43) of theCentral Atlantic and the North Sea Basin 379samples of early Cretaceous age (Valanginian-Hauterivian) were examined. The localitiescover a S-N transect of approximately 3000km stretching from 17°N to 40°Npalaeolatitude. The distribution of calcareousnannofossils and fluctuations of the stableisotopes (δ 13 C, δ 18 O) have been recorded andwere compared with results of recent studies.We differentiate between high nutrientindicators and oligotrophic taxa and propose afour step scheme to characterize the trophiclevel of the surface water. (1) Highabundances of the fertility group (Biscutumconstans/Zeugrhabdotus spp.) combined witha high dominance of B. constans and lowabundances of Watznaueria barnesae/W.fossacincta represent a high nutrientenvironment (eutrophic setting). (2) Highabundances of the fertility group combinedwith a high dominance of Zeugrhabdotus spp.and low abundances of W. barnesae/W.fossacincta reflect enhanced nutrient contentsof the surface water (mesotrophic setting). (3)37

Enhanced abundances of the fertility groupcombined with high abundances of W.barnesae/W. fossacincta indicate slightlyincreased nutrient contents of the surfacewater (meso- to oligotrophic setting). (4) Lowabundances of the fertility group and highabundances of W. barnesae/W. fossacincta areof low nutrient affinities (oligotrophic setting).Our estimations of seawaterpalaeotemperatures in combination withliterature data show a distinctive trend for theValanginian to Hauterivian interval. A generaldecrease of water temperature from theValanginian to the early Hauterivian isobvious. This decrease of temperaturecoincides with the southward migration of thehigh latitudinal cold water speciesCrucibiscutum salebrosum to lower latitudes.Our findings shed new light on the evolutionof the earliest Cretaceous climate, which maybe characterized as a warm greenhouse worldwith interludes of short cooling.2009010110英 国 南 部 晚 三 叠 世 高 分 异 度 沟 鞭 藻 胞 囊 组合 —— 有 关 早 期 沟 鞭 藻 演 化 和 古 地 理 的 新信 息 = High diversity dinoflagellate cystassemblages from the Late Triassic ofsouthern England: new information on earlydinoflagellate evolution and palaeogeography.( 英 文 ). Palliani R B; Buratti N. Lethaia, 2006,39(4): 305 - 312Abundant and diverse dinoflagellate cystassemblages from the Rhaetian of southernEngland are characterized by the occurrenceof a new species of Rhaetogonyaulax, someundescribed taxa and numerous forms withArctic and Australasian affinities. Thedinoflagellate cyst assemblages permit adiscussion of the palaeogeographicdistribution of dinoflagellate cysts in the LateTriassic. The hypothesis on a Late Triassicmigration event of organic walledmicroplankton from higher latitudes to theBoreal domain is presented.2009010111早 志 留 世 ( 兰 多 维 列 世 ) 陆 地 生 物 群 中 的 大 型蓝 藻 —— 美 国 弗 吉 尼 亚 州 Passage 溪Massanutten 砂 岩 下 部 = Cyanobacterialmacrophytes in an Early Silurian (Llandovery)continental biota: Passage Creek, lowerMassanutten Sandstone, Virginia, USA. ( 英文 ). Tomescu A M F; Rothwell G W;Honegger R. Lethaia, 2006, 39(4): 329 - 338A compression macrofossil with structureconsisting of mineral-replaced filamentsembedded in an amorphous carbonaceousmatrix is described as a macrophyticcyanobacterial colony from continentalassemblages of the Early Silurian (Llandovery)Passage Creek biota, in the lower MassanuttenSandstone (Virginia, USA). Filaments arepredominantly multiseriate and consist ofspheroidal crystalline aggregates representingearly pyrite (subsequently replaced by ironhydroxides) precipitated preferentially insidecells. Interpretation of the fossils ascyanobacteria is based on close similarities tomodern organisms in terms of overallmorphology and production of copiousextracellular investments, filament and cellsizes, and continental epigeal (freshwater orterrestrial) habitat. This interpretationincorporates data on cyanobacterialtaphonomy and mechanisms of diageneticmineral precipitation. These fossils are part ofthe oldest macrofossil assemblagesdocumenting well-developed and diversecommunities on continents. They provide theearliest direct evidence for cyanobacteria instrictly continental habitats, corroborating thecommonly held but poorly documented viewthat cyanobacteria were among the initialcolonizers of continents.2009010112密 西 西 比 亚 纪 晚 期 疑 难 藻 类 Calcifolium 对波 动 的 古 生 态 环 境 的 形 态 适 应 =Morphological adaptations of the lateMississippian problematic alga Calcifolium tofluctuating palaeoecologic environments. ( 英文 ). Cózar P; Vachard D. Lethaia, 2004, 37(4):351 - 363Well-preserved specimens of Calcifolium?punctatum Maslov from the Guadiato area(Spain) show a great adaptability toenvironmental modifications. Sixmorphotypes are recognized: flabellumshapedcups, massive erect cups, stockadecups, crustose growth, petals and inter-cupsegments. These morphologies are anadaptative response to fluctuation of thefollowing factors: substratum,light/turbidity/depth, competition for space,influx of micrite/rate of sedimentation,hydrodynamic energy and bioturbation.2009010113绿 藻 Ivanovia triassica 的 有 性 生 殖 构 造 =Sexual reproductive structures in the green38

alga Ivanovia triassica. ( 英 文 ). Torres A M.Lethaia, 2003, 36(1): 33-40Ivanovia triassica is a new species ofcalcified Codiaceae from Triassic rocks of theYukon Stikine Terrane in Canada. The genuswas known previously only from the latePaleozoic. Stalked outgrowths of the thalli areinterpreted as oogonia and dome-shapedoutpocketings as male gametangia. Theserepresent the first sexual reproductivestructures observed in Ivanovia. Sectionalviews of the thalli indicate the species wascyathiform and that the inner and outercortices of the membranes comprising thethallus were dimorphic.2009010114加 拿 大 西 部 曼 尼 托 巴 龟 山 岩 芯 钻 孔 的 坎 潘阶 至 古 新 世 沟 鞭 藻 组 合 = Campanian toPaleocene dinoflagellate assemblages from theTurtle Mountain core hole, Manitoba, westernCanada. ( 英 文 ). McIntyre D J. CanadianJournal of Earth Sciences, 1999, 36(5): 769–774Dinoflagellate assemblages from the TurtleMountain core hole provide evidence for thePaleocene age of the Turtle MountainFormation and confirm that the BoissevainFormation and the Coulter Member of thePierre Formation are Maastrichtian. Evidencefrom dinoflagellates suggests that the OdonahMember of the Pierre Formation is lateCampanian. The dinoflagellate assemblagesindicate that nearshore shallow marineconditions were present at times duringdeposition of all the formations.2009010115淮 南 地 区 新 元 古 代 九 里 桥 组 叠 层 石 成 礁 过程 及 其 影 响 因 素 = The Building Process AndInfluential Factors Of The Stromatolite In TheNeoproterozoic Jiuliqiao Formation InHuainan Region,Anhui. ( 中 文 ). 贾 志 海 ; 洪 天求 ; 王 伟 . 古 生 物 学 报 , 2008, 47(1): 47-57淮 南 地 区 新 元 古 代 九 里 桥 组 中 段 灰 岩 中发 育 有 形 态 多 变 的 叠 层 石 礁 体 , 具 有 与 显 生宙 生 物 礁 相 似 的 相 分 异 特 征 , 基 底 、 礁 核 、盖 层 、 礁 前 、 礁 后 、 礁 翼 等 不 同 微 相 可 以明 确 区 分 , 定 殖 期 、 拓 殖 期 、 泛 殖 期 和 衰 亡期 等 不 同 造 礁 阶 段 的 叠 层 石 柱 体 变 化 特 征明 显 。 该 组 叠 层 石 礁 体 自 下 而 上 分 别 为 分散 分 布 的 小 型 丘 状 礁 体 、 连 绵 分 布 的 大 型丘 状 礁 体 和 分 散 分 布 的 小 型 丘 状 礁 体 或 透镜 状 礁 体 , 该 变 化 趋 势 指 示 了 九 里 桥 组 沉 积时 期 海 平 面 先 升 高 后 降 低 的 变 化 趋 势 , 结 合该 组 沉 积 期 沉 积 环 境 变 化 特 征 可 将 该 组 叠层 石 礁 体 划 分 为 风 暴 环 境 型 礁 体 、 海 进 环境 型 礁 体 和 海 退 环 境 型 礁 体 三 种 类 型 。 对九 里 桥 组 沉 积 学 、 古 生 物 学 等 研 究 表 明 , 该组 沉 积 时 期 造 叠 层 石 生 物 与 其 它 生 物 之 间存 在 较 强 的 生 存 竞 争 关 系 , 但 更 能 适 应 风 暴沉 积 环 境 , 叠 层 石 在 该 组 沉 积 晚 期 的 消 失 很可 能 与 以 海 平 面 变 化 为 特 征 的 沉 积 构 造 环境 变 化 有 关 。2009010116鄂 尔 多 斯 盆 地 三 叠 系 延 长 组 葡 萄 藻 形 态 特征 = Studies Of Modality Assemble OfBotryococcus From The Triassic YanchangFormation In The Ordos Basin, NorthwestChina. ( 中 文 ). 吉 利 明 ; 祝 幼 华 ; 王 少 飞 . 古 生物 学 报 , 2008, 47(2): 185-194鄂 尔 多 斯 盆 地 西 南 部 西 峰 地 区 三 叠 系 延长 组 主 要 烃 源 岩 层 长 7^3- 长 7^2 段 发 现 大量 藻 类 化 石 , 丰 度 高 , 但 分 异 度 很 低 , 属种 单 凋 . 主 要 由 极 其 丰 富 的 光 球 型 疑 源 类( Leiosphaeridia ) 和 丰 富 的 葡 萄 藻(Botryococcus) 组 成 。 其 中 , 葡 萄 藻 形态 各 异 . 多 为 团 块 状 , 也 有 串 珠 状 、 云 朵状 的 群 体 。 团 块 状 化 石 又 可 区 分 为 球 形 、心 形 、 三 瓣 形 、 品 字 形 、 菊 花 形 等 多 种 形态 。 透 光 镜 下 化 石 多 为 桔 黄 、 棕 红 色 。 反射 荧 光 强 烈 . 大 多 呈 黄 色 、 浅 黄 褐 色 。 葡萄 藻 化 石 可 明 显 区 分 为 淡 水 和 做 成 水 两 种生 态 类 型 . 前 者 群 体 及 单 个 细 胞 较 小 , 群体 边 缘 呈 波 状 或 锯 齿 状 , 细 胞 放 射 状 排 列明 显 。 后 者 群 体 及 单 个 细 胞 较 大 . 群 体 轮廓 线 较 光 滑 , 细 胞 放 射 状 不 十 分 明 显 。 对葡 萄 藻 生 态 环 境 分 析 和 古 环 境 对 比 研 究 认为 . 西 峰 地 区 中 、 晚 三 叠 世 葡 萄 藻 繁 盛 的延 长 组 长 7 段 沉 积 时 期 . 恰 好 是 湖 盆 水 域扩 大 , 并 逐 步 达 到 最 大 湖 泛 面 的 湖 进 期 ,气 候 温 暖 适 宜 . 雨 量 充 沛 。 两 种 生 态 类 型葡 萄 藻 化 石 的 出 现 表 明 , 延 长 组 长 7 段 沉积 时 期 , 湖 水 的 盐 度 有 一 定 的 波 动 。 通 过对 该 层 位 共 生 疑 源 类 和 其 他 反 映 盐 度 地 球化 学 指 标 的 研 究 , 认 为 中 、 晚 三 叠 世 鄂 尔多 斯 湖 盆 正 处 于 逐 渐 淡 化 过 程 . 盐 度 的 变化 范 围 比 较 有 限 , 为 典 型 的 淡 水 湖 泊 。 延长 组 长 8- 长 7 段 发 现 的 孢 粉 组 合 的 生 态 类型 与 我 国 云 贵 高 原 抚 仙 湖 中 与 葡 萄 藻 伴 生的 孢 粉 组 合真 菌200901011739

“ 二 叠 纪 末 真 菌 事 件 ” 质 疑 —— 兼 论 二 叠 -三 叠 纪 过 渡 孢 粉 植 物 群 = Query TheAssumption Of "End-Permian Fungal SpikeEvent " , With Special Reference To ThePermo-Triassic Transitional Palyloras. ( 中 文 ).欧 阳 舒 ; 朱 怀 诚 . 古 生 物 学 报 , 2007, 46(4):394-410作 为 二 叠 纪 末 植 物 集 群 灭 绝 的 重 要 证据 , 目 前 国 际 上 流 行 着 “ 二 叠 纪 末 真 菌 事件 ” 的 说 法 , 甚 至 将 其 作 为 划 代 的 一 个 时间 界 面 , 但 无 论 是 植 物 属 性 、 分 布 时 代 、是 否 真 的 是 一 个 “ 事 件 ”, 都 很 成 问 题 。所 谓 腐 生 “ 真 菌 ” 属 Reduviasporonites 实际 上 很 可 能 是 藻 类 ( 绿 藻 ?), 而 且 在 前寒 武 纪 已 经 存 在 , 所 谓 高 峰 事 件 在 区 域 岩石 地 层 对 比 上 也 许 有 一 定 意 义 , 但 在 年 代地 层 上 无 全 球 对 比 价 值 。 南 阿 尔 卑 斯 、 以色 列 、 东 格 陵 兰 ( 海 相 ) 和 南 非 ( 陆 相 )的 P/T 过 渡 剖 面 , 都 存 在 这 样 那 样 的 缺点 , 不 太 适 宜 用 于 探 讨 二 叠 纪 末 植 物 的 集群 灭 绝 问 题 。 浙 江 长 兴 煤 山 D 剖 面Hindeodus parvus 带 之 上 早 三 叠 世 青 龙 组与 新 疆 大 龙 口 陆 相 的 锅 底 坑 组 上 部 一 韭 菜圆 组 下 部 的 P/T 过 渡 孢 粉 组 合 代 表 分 子 惊人 地 相 似 , 而 锅 底 坑 组 一 韭 菜 圆 组 烧 房 沟组 更 是 至 今 在 北 半 球 甚 至 全 球 广 泛 分 布的 、 不 同 程 度 的 二 叠 纪 一 三 叠 纪 过 渡 植 物群 中 , 发 现 孢 粉 最 丰 富 多 彩 、 连 续 性 最 强者 , 也 是 二 叠 纪 末 陆 生 植 物 95% 以 上 的 种皆 灭 绝 的 主 张 者 难 以 克 服 的 障 碍 , 即 使 将富 产 水 龙 兽 的 韭 菜 园 组 全 部 划 归 二 叠 纪 ,仍 然 如 此 。地 衣 植 物 与 苔 藓 植 物2009010118泥 盆 纪 陆 生 生 物 Spongiophyton 的 稳 定 碳同 位 素 和 新 陈 代 谢 = Stable carbon isotopesand the metabolism of the terrestrial Devonianorganism Spongiophyton. ( 英 文 ). Fletcher B J;Beerling D J; Chaloner W G.Geobiology, 2004, 2(2): 107-119Devonian fossils of Spongiophyton havebeen identified as a terrestrial evolutionaryintermediate between algae and vascular landplants on the basis of their dichotomouslybranched, tubular morphology, thick cuticles,and the scattered distribution of surface pores.Our understanding of their physiology is,however, severely limited, but may beincreased through the use of stable carbonisotope measurements. One such study led tothe hypothesis that Spongiophyton carried acarbon isotope (δ 13 C) signature characteristicof lichens (Jahren et al., 2003 Geology 31,99–102). Here, we outline three difficultieswith accepting this idea and reportindependent isotopic measurements ofSpongiophyton fossils from Canada andGhana. Our results show that the isotopicdiscrimination of analogous tissues ofSpongiophyton, extant lichens, liverworts andmosses are statistically indistinguishable. Wesuggest therefore that claims to havedefinitively identified lichen metabolism arepremature, and cannot be sustained.蕨 类 植 物 ( 广 义 )2009010119中 国 前 晚 石 炭 世 植 物 群 的 性 质 —— 对 “ 前华 夏 植 物 群 ” 的 讨 论 = Characteristics OfPre-late Carboniferous Flora Of China:A NoteOn Pro-Cathaysian Flora. ( 中 文 ). 吴 秀 元 ; 王军 ; 张 宜 . 古 生 物 学 报 , 2008, 47(1): 1-20" 前 华 夏 植 物 群 " 一 词 由 李 星 学 等 提 出 , 原义 指 以 西 北 地 区 下 石 炭 统 ( 臭 牛 沟 组 、 靖 远组 为 主 ) 及 华 南 相 当 地 层 中 的 植 物 总 称 。 作者 分 析 了 当 前 古 植 物 地 理 区 划 的 有 关 理 论 ,结 合 中 国 的 具 体 情 况 , 提 出 " 前 华 夏 植 物 群 "的 涵 义 不 但 可 以 代 替 欧 美 植 物 群 中 拟 鳞 木植 物 群 (Lepidodendropsis flora), 而 且 还 可 能包 括 自 早 志 留 世 植 物 登 陆 以 来 至 早 石 炭 世 ,在 中 国 大 陆 ( 或 称 华 夏 复 合 大 陆 ) 生 长 的 、 独立 的 植 物 群 。 文 中 以 晚 泥 盆 世 — 早 石 炭 世的 植 物 群 中 独 特 的 科 、 属 、 种 等 地 方 性 土著 分 子 为 例 , 以 当 前 古 植 物 地 理 区 的 有 关 理论 为 依 据 , 认 为 " 前 华 夏 植 物 群 区 " 可 以 从 以往 的 " 欧 美 植 物 群 " 或 " 拟 鳞 木 植 物 群 " 区 中 单独 划 分 出 来 成 为 独 立 的 植 物 地 理 区 。2009010120运 用 数 理 统 计 方 法 对 Pecopteris lativenosaHalle 羽 叶 形 态 的 复 原 研 究 = ReconstructionOf Pinna Of Pecopteris Lativenosa HalleBased On Statistic Analysis. ( 中 文 ). 张 宜 ; 王军 ; 刘 陆 军 . 古 生 物 学 报 , 2008, 47(1): 21-38Pecopteris lativenosa Halle 是 栉 羊 齿 属 中羽 叶 形 态 变 化 十 分 显 著 的 一 个 种 。 作 者 在详 细 观 察 的 基 础 上 , 尝 试 性 地 运 用 定 量 统 计和 方 差 分 析 方 法 判 定 该 植 物 具 有 代 表 性 的各 项 特 征 , 提 出 了 普 遍 存 在 的 5 种 小 羽 片 类型 、6 种 末 次 羽 片 类 型 和 2 种 末 二 次 羽 片 类型 , 以 及 各 类 型 小 羽 片 、 末 次 羽 片 、 末 二 次羽 片 和 末 三 次 羽 片 的 空 间 分 布 关 系 , 并 以 此为 依 据 绘 制 了 Pecopteris lativenosaHalle 三 次 羽 状 复 叶 复 原 图 。 这 一 复 原 图 能40

够 解 释 以 往 发 现 的 Pecopteris lativenosaHalle 标 本 所 属 类 型 。2009010121中 泥 盆 世 草 本 石 松 植 物 原 始 鳞 木 属 的 命 名问 题 = A Nomenclatural Note On The MiddleDevonian Herbaceous LycopsidProtolepidodendron. ( 英 文 ). 徐 洪 河 ; 王 祺 . 古生 物 学 报 , 2008, 47(2): 256-259草 本 石 松 植 物 原 始 鳞 木 属( Protolepidodendron ) 一 名 , 最 初 由Krejci 根 据 波 希 米 亚 泥 盆 纪 地 层 中 一 种 具 叶的 茎 干 标 本 所 建 立 , 当 时 为 了 强 调 其 与 石炭 纪 鳞 木 属 (Lepidodendron) 石 松 植 物 的相 似 性 , 取 名 为 ProtoLepidodendron。 后来 , 这 种 以 具 有 二 分 叉 的 叶 为 特 征 的 草 本石 松 植 物 相 继 在 捷 克 、 德 国 、 比 利 时 、 美国 、 中 国 、 哈 萨 克 斯 坦 、 俄 罗 斯 等 地 的早 、 中 泥 盆 世 地 层 中 被 发 现 。 值 得 一 提 的是 , 对 该 属 及 模 式 种 的 命 名 问 题 存 在 一 定的 争 议 , 同 时 存 在 多 种 作 者 引 证 , 甚 至 还存 在 不 同 拼 写 的 种 本 名 。 根 据 国 际 植 物 学命 名 法 规 , 对 化 石 植 物 的 命 名 必 须 依 据 模式 标 本 。 目 前 ,Protolepidodendron 的 模 式标 本 保 存 在 捷 克 共 和 国 首 都 布 拉 格 的 国 家博 物 馆 。 通 过 对 模 式 标 本 进 行 的 重 新 观察 , 并 发 现 Gothan(1921) 首 次 根 据 模 式标 本 明 确 了 Protolepidodendron 的 属 征 ,是 该 属 最 早 的 合 格 发 表 作 者 ; 后 来 , 模 式标 本 又 经 过 Krausel 和 Weyland(1929) 的 研究 , 唯 一 合 法 的 种 P.scharyanum 被 确 立 为模 式 种 , 并 提 出 了 种 征 。 对Protolepidodendron 属 及 其 模 式 种 , 尽 管后 来 有 大 量 研 究 和 报 道 , 但 都 不 是 基 于 原始 的 模 式 标 本 。 因 此 。 根 据 国 际 植 物 学 命名 法 规 , 该 属 及 其 模 式 种 的 合 法 名 称 应 为Protolepidodendron Krejci ex Gothan 和P . scharyanum Krejci ex Krausel etWeyland。2009010122关 于 晚 古 生 代 楔 叶 属 ( 楔 叶 纲 ) 的 名 实 问题 = On The Identities Of Late PaleozoicSphenophyllum Koenig And SphenophyllumBrongniart (Sphenopsida). ( 中 文 ). 熊 聪 慧 ;王 祺 . 古 生 物 学 报 , 2008, 47(2): 260-264简 要 回 顾 Sphenophyllum Koenig 和Sphenophyllum Brongniart 的 研 究 历 史 ,详 细 讨 论 该 属 命 名 中 存 在 的 问 题 。 这 两 者是 基 于 相 同 的 模 式 ( 即 Sphenophyllitesemarginatus Brongniart,1822) 建 立 的 。根 据 2006 年 《 国 际 植 物 命 名 法 规 》( 维 也纳 法 规 ) 规 则 32.1,14.4 和 附 录 Ⅲ,Sphenophyllum Koenig 因 没 有 明 确 的 发 表日 期 ( 出 版 年 ), 故 为 非 法 名 称 , 应 予 废弃 ; 而 Sphenophyllum Brongniart 因 广 为 使用 已 被 提 议 为 保 留 名 , 其 命 名 异 名Sphenophyllites Brongniart,1822 应 被 废弃 。 因 此 , 正 确 名 称 应 是 SphenophyllumBrongniart,1828。2009010123贵 州 凤 冈 志 留 纪 晚 Llandovery 世 植 物 黔 羽枝 研 究 综 述 = A Review Of The Study Of ALate Llandovery Plant, Pinnatiramosusqianensis geng, From Fenggang,Guizhou, SWChina. ( 中 文 ). 王 怿 ; 蔡 重 阳 . 古 生 物 学报 , 2007, 46(3): 269-277简 要 论 述 贵 州 凤 冈 志 留 纪 Llandovery 世 晚期 Pinnatiramosus qianensis Geng( 黔 羽枝 ) 的 研 究 历 史 、 地 层 时 代 、 主 要 特 征 、早 期 陆 生 维 管 植 物 起 源 和 演 化 意 义 、 争 议焦 点 及 其 今 后 的 研 究 途 径 和 展 望 。P.qianensis 代 表 了 一 类 目 前 仍 鲜 为 人 知 、由 水 生 藻 类 植 物 向 陆 生 环 境 过 渡 的 植 物 类群 , 具 有 陆 生 维 管 植 物 某 些 重 要 特 征 , 在 后 续演 化 过 程 中 , 可 能 是 一 类 不 成 功 的 灭 绝 类群 。 由 于 P.qianensis 的 特 有 外 部 形 态 和 复杂 的 内 部 解 剖 特 征 , 对 其 认 识 引 发 了 很 大 的争 议 , 焦 点 集 中 在 是 否 属 于 真 正 的 志 留 纪 植物 ( 产 出 地 层 是 否 为 志 留 纪 Llandovery 世 晚期 , 是 否 属 于 这 个 时 期 的 早 期 维 管 植 物 或 植物 根 系 )。 作 者 认 为 : 我 国 西 南 地 区 是 探索 早 期 陆 生 维 管 植 物 起 源 和 早 期 演 化 的 关键 地 区 , 通 过 一 系 列 野 外 和 室 内 研 究 , 进 一 步强 化 对 P.qianensis 及 其 共 生 植 物 群 的 研 究 ,并 采 用 多 学 科 交 叉 的 方 法 , 系 统 揭 示P.qianensis 的 生 物 学 属 性 、 分 类 系 统 及 其生 态 环 境 , 在 早 期 植 物 演 化 上 提 出 新 观 点 和演 化 模 式 , 推 进 早 期 陆 生 维 管 植 物 起 源 、 演化 的 研 究 。2009010124云 南 禄 劝 中 泥 盆 世 晚 期 角 质 残 植 煤 中 植 物角 质 层 的 再 研 究 = Restudy On The CuticlesOf Late Middle Devonian Coal From Luquan,Yunnan, China. ( 中 文 ). 孙 德 伟 ; 王 怿 ; 徐 洪 河 ;傅 强 . 古 生 物 学 报 , 2007, 46(3): 355-364通 过 光 学 、 扫 描 电 子 和 透 射 电 子 显 微 镜观 察 , 对 云 南 禄 劝 中 泥 盆 世 晚 期 角 质 残 植 煤层 中 的 植 物 角 质 层 进 行 再 研 究 。 禄 劝 的 植物 角 质 层 定 为 Orestovia cf.devonicaErgolskaya,1936, 具 有 两 种 类 型 : 类 型 Ⅰ, 角41

质 层 具 有 规 则 分 布 的 孔 状 结 构 , 分 布 密 度 为40—45 个 /mm^2, 表 皮 细 胞 呈 不 规 则 多 边 形或 长 条 形 ; 类 型 Ⅱ, 角 质 层 规 则 分 布 似 气 孔 结构 , 分 布 密 度 为 50—60 个 /mm^2, 表 皮 细 胞 呈长 方 形 。 根 据 大 植 物 化 石 研 究 , 结 合 生 物 地层 资 料 , 云 南 禄 劝 的 植 物 角 质 残 植 煤 层 的 成煤 时 代 为 中 泥 盆 世 晚 期 (late Givetian)。基 于 对 当 时 古 地 理 和 古 气 候 分 析 , 云 南 禄 劝角 质 残 植 煤 层 的 形 成 主 要 受 控 于 当 时 区 域古 地 理 环 境 及 其 局 部 古 气 候 条 件 。2009010125黔 西 滇 东 早 三 叠 世 早 期 Annalepis( 脊 囊属 ) 的 出 现 及 其 地 层 意 义 = The Early EarlyTriassic Annalepis From Western GuizhouAnd Eastern Yunnan, South China. ( 中 文 ). 喻建 新 ; 黄 其 胜 ;Broutin J; 杨 逢 清 . 古 生 物 学报 , 2008, 47(3): 292-300为 解 决 早 三 叠 世 卡 以 头 组 地 质 时 代 和 植物 组 合 问 题 , 对 采 于 黔 西 滇 东 地 区 两 条 二叠 系 - 三 叠 系 海 陆 交 互 相 界 线 剖 面 卡 以 头 组中 、 下 部 的 植 物 化 石 Annalepis( 脊 囊 属 )进 行 深 入 研 究 。 与 Annalepis 同 层 或 上 部 层位 见 有 早 三 叠 世 早 期 的 海 相 双 壳 类 、 介 形类 、 腕 足 类 、 菊 石 类 及 大 羽 羊 齿 植 物 群 残余 分 子 , 因 此 可 以 确 定 Annalepis 在 该 地 区出 现 于 早 三 叠 世 早 期 的 印 度 期(Induan), 说 明 卡 以 头 组 ( 至 少 中 、 下部 ) 地 质 时 代 属 早 三 叠 世 早 期 。 推 测 我 国南 方 的 Annalepis 在 早 三 叠 世 始 于 黔 西 滇东 , 随 后 向 北 迁 移 、 中 三 叠 世 广 布 于 长 江中 下 游 地 区 。 建 立 由 早 三 叠 世 Annalepis 和大 羽 羊 齿 植 物 群 残 存 分 子 共 同 构 成 的 我 国南 方 早 三 叠 世 早 期 植 物 组 合 , 填 补 了 早 三叠 世 晚 期 岭 文 组 与 晚 二 叠 世 B 期Gigantonoclea guizhouensis—Ullmanniacf . bronnia-Annularia pinglouensis 组合 之 间 的 空 白 。裸 子 植 物2009010126阿 根 廷 圣 克 鲁 斯 省 下 白 垩 统 松 柏 类 雌 球 果化 石 = Coniferous Ovulate Cones from theLower Cretaceous of Santa Cruz Province,Argentina. ( 英 文 ). Del Fueyo G M;Archangelsky S; Llorens M; C ú neo R.International Journal of Plant Sciences, 2008,169(6): 799–813 6 图 版 .Two types of coniferous ovulate conesborne on leafy twigs are described from theLower Cretaceous Kachaike Formation inSanta Cruz Province, Argentina. The fossilsare impressions and compressions with wellpreservedcuticles. Morphology, anatomy, andultrastructure were studied using LM, SEM,and TEM. Ovulate cones were assigned toAthrotaxis ungeri (Halle) Florin of thetaxodiaceous Cupressaceae andKachaikestrobus acuminatus gen. et sp. nov.of the Cheirolepidiaceae. This latter taxon ischaracterized by terminal elongate conesborne on twigs with Brachyphyllum leaves,cone scales densely and helically disposed,broad bracts with an accentuated acuminateapex fused at their bases to eight-lobedovuliferous dwarf shoots shorter than thebracts, and an epimatium covering at least oneovule that has preserved only the outerintegument and the megaspore membrane.The ultrastructure of the bract and ovuliferousdwarf shoot cuticle is composed of threelayers. Comparisons of K. acuminatus withother cheirolepidiaceous ovulate conesshowed closest resemblance to Hirmeriellamuensteri (Schenk) Jung. These Patagoniancone scales appear to have some of the mostancestral characters in the family. By the earlyAlbian, A. ungeri and K. acuminatus were partof a plant assemblage dominated by ferns anda few subordinate angiosperms. The finding ofA. ungeri in the Kachaike Formation extendsits distribution during the Lower Cretaceous inPatagonia. These fossils also show that at thattime, the taxodiaceaous Cupressaceae and theCheirolepidiaceae still were well representedin southern South America.2009010127银 杏 属 Ginkgo 的 演 化 趋 势 = Evolutionarytrends in the genus Ginkgo. ( 英 文 ). Tralau H.Lethaia, 1968, 1(1): 63-101Three main independent phylogeneticgroups within Ginkgoales, consisting ofdifferent families, are suggested. It isconsidered impossible to deduce the genusGinkgo from any other genus by means offossil evidence known at present.The oldest finds of Ginkgo date from theLower Jurassic. During the Cretaceous,increasing polymorphy in foliar remainsindicates the rise of new species. During theLower Cretaceous there also appears a type ofleaf known both as G. adiantoides and as G.paradiantoides. This leaf is from the grossmorphological and the anatomical point ofview almost identical with the Tertiary andRecent Ginkgo populations, thus making adirect ancestry between the present-dayGinkgo and those of the Lower Cretaceous42

likely. By Lower Tertiary times a considerablereduction has taken place leaving only onegross morphological type of leaf, that of G.adiantoides. This is suggested to be identicalwith G. biloba. Although there is no positiveevidence, it can be assumed that the finalreduction of the genus, to its present-day EastAsiatic home, has taken place during thePleistocene period.被 子 植 物2009010128阿 根 廷 巴 利 雷 斯 湖 晚 土 仑 期 - 早 康 尼 亚 克 期Neuquen 群 被 子 植 物 叶 化 石 的 首 次 记 录 =First record of angiosperm leaves in theNeuquen Group (late Turonian-earlyConiacian), Lake Barreales, Argentina. ( 其 他 ).Passalia M G; Pramparo M B; Calvo J;Heredia S. Ameghiniana, 2008, 45(1): 233-2392009010129阿 根 廷 上 白 垩 统 一 个 新 的 棕 榈 树 干 化 石 =A new palm trunk from the Upper Cretaceousof Argentina. ( 英 文 ). Ottone E G.Ameghiniana, 2007, 44(4): 719-725A new morphospecies of palm trunk,Palmoxylon pichaihuensis sp. nov., isproposed on the basis of several specimensrecovered from a succession of tuffs andbreccias at Pichaihue, Neuquen Province,Argentina. The specimens compriseatactosteles that display densely crowdedfibrovascular bundles in the peripheral zone,and less congested fibrovascular bundles,randomly scattered or arranged in irregularcircles in the central zone; sclerenchymareniform; xylem with 1-4 large metaxylemvessels and 6-12 smaller protoxylem elementsin the central zone, and an f/v ratio of 1.3-2:1.The Pichaihue fossil assemblage is similar to,and probably coeval with the flora of Bajo deSanta Rosa, Rio Negro Province, reflecting awarm and relatively humid climate, at ca. 40-45 degrees S, in southern South Americaduring the Late Cretaceous.2009010130哥 伦 比 亚 中 - 晚 古 新 世 Cerrejón 组 防 己 科 植物 化 石 = Menispermaceae from the CerrejónFormation, middle to late Paleocene,Colombia. ( 英 文 ). Doria G; Jaramillo C A;Herrera F. American Journal of Botany, 2008,95(8): 954-973 8 图 版 .The origin and processes creating the highdiversity of plant species in neotropical rainforests and their floristic composition andmultistratitified forest structure are stilluncertain. Here, we studied one of the mostcommon leaf morphotypes of the Cerrej ó nflora (middle-late Paleocene, ca. 60-58 Ma),Guajira, Colombia, that contains one of theoldest records of neotropical rain forest floras.Fifty-seven leaf specimens were carefullyexamined with a focus on generalmorphology, venation patterns, and cuticularcharacteristics. The analysis allowed us torecognize four new species that were assignedto the fossil-leaf genus Menispermites on thebasis of an ovate leaf shape with cordate totruncate bases, actinodromous primaryvenation, brochidodromous secondaryvenation, percurrent tertiary venation, regularpolygonal reticulate fourth and fifth venation,well-developed polygonal areoles, entiremargin, and the presence of a fimbrial vein.This set of characters suggests a possibleaffinity with the pantropical angiospermfamily Menispermaceae. The predominantlyclimbing habit of this family suggests that theCerrejón Paleocene tropical rain forest wasalready multistratified. These findingsrepresent the earliest record for the family innorthern South America.2009010131被 子 植 物 化 石 记 录 ——“ 挽 歌 ” 还 是 “ 复兴 ” = The Fossil Record of Angiosperms:Requiem or Renaissance?. ( 英 文 ). Crepet W L.Annals of the Missouri BotanicalGarden, 2008, 95(1): 3–33The fossil record of angiosperms has morepotential than ever for contributing to theresolution of major questions in the evolutionof the flowering plants due to the betterunderstanding of the significance of leaf andpollen records and because of the increasinglycomplete and informative fossil record offlowers. Nonetheless, the record has fallenshort of its potential (and of its potentiallysynergistic value) because, although it is betterunderstood than ever, there are still problemsin identifying fossils' affinities that have notbeen fully resolved and that have majorimplications with respect to determiningtiming in angiosperm evolution with eithermolecular clock–based models or minimumagenode mapping. This issue is of particularsignificance with respect to early angiospermradiation, where more careful studies ofexisting specimens seem to have unrealizedvalue for increasing our comprehension of43

floral evolution and homology, potentially inthe context of strides in understandingMADS-box genes. Subjective methods withtypological overtones are still often used inidentifying fossils, even though phylogeneticcontext is available. Identification usingphylogenetic context, among other things,does not obscure relative character changeswithin monophyletic groups, does not lenditself to facultative interpretation of affinitiesto suit outcomes of various models, and, thus,does not impede our understanding ofangiosperm evolutionary history. Nonetheless,a reasonably good fossil record ofangiosperms is emerging from the combinedefforts of many laboratories and, whencarefully evaluated, reveals an interesting andpossibly informative pattern of flowering plantevolution. One of its most striking aspects isthe rapid radiation of angiosperm taxa that arenow unusually diverse around two particulartimes in geological history: the Turonian andEarly Tertiary. Possible reasons for theseintervals of rapid radiation amongangiosperms will be discussed.2009010132木 质 还 是 非 木 质 的 ? 作 为 早 期 被 子 植 物 习性 证 据 的 欧 洲 早 白 垩 世 化 石 木 材 = Woodyor not woody? Evidence for early angiospermhabit from the Early Cretaceous fossil woodrecord of Europe. ( 英 文 ). Philippe M; GomezB; Girard V. Palaeoworld, 2008, 17(2): 142-152The important question of early angiospermgrowth habit (i.e., trees, shrubs or herbs?)remains unanswered. Various theories havebeen based on data from both living and fossilplants. The Early Cretaceous fossil woodrecord, however, was seldom used toinvestigate early angiosperm habit. We set upa database for the Early Cretaceous andCenomanian of Europe, as this area has themost complete and stratigraphically wellconstrainedrecord. The database has 170entries, based on a bibliographical survey andon the examination of more than 600 newfossil wood specimens from a wide range ofpalaeoenvironments. In our record the woodycharacteristic in angiosperms appeared duringthe Albian, whereas most of the angiosperm'searly evolution took place earlier, during theearliest Cretaceous. From the European fossilwood record for the Early Cretaceous andCenomanian, the global extension anddominance of angiosperms in the Cenomanianis concomitant with a sharp increase inheteroxylous wood diversity. It appears thatsmall stature and weak wood limited theangiosperm ecological radiation for some time.2009010133东 比 利 牛 斯 上 白 垩 统 近 海 相 Sabalites cf.longirhachis 的 准 原 地 大 型 残 体 的 出 现 =Occurrence of parauthocthonous megaremainsof Sabalites cf. longirhachis (Unger, 1805)Kvacek & Herman, 2004 in paralic faciesfrom the Upper Cretaceous of the EasternPyrenes. ( 其 他 ). Marmi J; Gomez B; Martin-Closas C. Revista Espanola depaleontologia, 2008, 23(1): 7-14Costapalmate leaf adpressions of Sabalitescf. longirhachis have been recrntly discoveredfrom the Upper Cretaceous sites of Fumanya(Bergueda) and Pinyes (Alt Urgell) in theEastern Pyrenees. Moreover, the Fumanyaoutcrops supply significant data for the habitatof this plant in brackish coastal swamps.2009010134青 藏 高 原 常 见 早 熟 禾 亚 科 植 硅 体 形 态 特 征初 步 研 究 = The Morphology AndAssemblages Of Phytolith In Pooideae FromThe Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. ( 中 文 ). 秦 利 ; 李杰 ; 旺 罗 ; 吕 厚 远 . 古 生 物 学 报 , 2008, 47(2):176-184文 章 对 采 自 青 藏 高 原 地 区 早 熟 禾 亚 科(Pooideae) 常 见 的 10 属 19 种 现 代 植 物 进行 详 细 的 植 硅 体 形 态 描 述 、 分 类 、 统 计 、测 量 和 对 比 。 分 析 发 现 : 青 藏 高 原 现 生 植物 早 熟 禾 亚 科 (Pooideae) 特 有 的 植 硅 体 形态 主 要 包 括 帽 型 、 齿 型 、 针 茅 哑 铃 型 和 针茅 多 铃 型 , 同 时 发 育 塔 型 、 棒 型 、 尖 型 、刺 球 型 等 其 它 亚 科 常 见 的 类 型 。 初 步 明 确了 部 分 属 一 级 的 植 硅 体 形 态 特 点 , 例 如 ,羊 茅 属 (Festuca)、 早 熟 禾 属 (Poa) 等主 要 发 育 尖 顶 帽 型 ; 长 芒 草 (Stipabungeana Trin .)、 赖 草 (Leymussecalinus(Georgi)Tzvel.) 等 主 要 发 育平 顶 帽 型 ; 针 茅 属 (Stipa) 主 要 发 育 针 茅哑 铃 型 ; 早 熟 禾 属 (Poa )、 三 毛 草 属(Trisetum) 同 时 发 育 较 丰 富 的 帽 型 和 齿型 。 为 进 一 步 地 深 入 研 究 该 区 草 原 植 被 群落 的 演 替 过 程 和 规 律 提 供 了 植 硅 体 形 态 学分 析 的 基 础 。2009010135侏 罗 纪 的 施 迈 斯 内 果 (Schmeissneria) 是不 是 被 子 植 物 ? = Is Jurassic SchmeissneriaAn Angiosperm?. ( 中 文 ). 王 鑫 ; 段 淑 英 ; 耿 宝44

印 ; 崔 金 钟 ; 杨 永 . 古 生 物 学 报 , 2007, 46(4):486-490中 华 施 迈 斯 内 果 在 辽 西 的 发 现 为 被 子 植物 的 历 史 添 上 了 重 要 的 一 笔 。 施 迈 斯 内 果是 一 个 具 有 近 170 年 研 究 历 史 的 植 物 化 石属 。 新 近 发 现 的 中 华 施 迈 斯 内 果 中 发 现 了以 前 没 被 认 识 到 的 新 特 征 ( 未 成 熟 的 雌 性器 官 的 中 央 结 构 有 一 个 纵 向 的 隔 壁 和 封 闭的 顶 端 )。 新 的 特 征 促 使 人 们 重 新 审 视 该化 石 的 系 统 位 置 。 王 鑫 等 人 通 过 仔 细 分 析被 子 植 物 的 定 义 、 结 合 新 的 化 石 特 征 认 为施 迈 斯 内 果 代 表 了 一 个 具 有 被 子 植 物 特 征的 新 类 群 。 按 照 现 有 的 被 子 植 物 定 义 , 施迈 斯 内 果 可 以 归 入 被 子 植 物 。 这 样 一 来 ,被 子 植 物 的 历 史 就 会 被 前 推 到 早 侏 罗 世 。当 然 也 不 排 除 未 来 被 子 植 物 的 定 义 改 变 后为 施 迈 斯 内 果 建 立 一 个 与 被 子 植 物 平 行 的种 子 植 物 新 类 群 的 可 能 性 。 文 章 简 要 地 介绍 了 施 迈 斯 内 果 的 由 来 、 特 征 以 及 王 鑫 等人 如 何 判 定 其 为 被 子 植 物 的 逻 辑 思 维 过程 , 以 便 大 家 论 评 。2009010136辽 宁 北 票 下 白 垩 统 义 县 组 的 单 子 叶 被 子 植物 新 属 种 = Two New Taxa OfMonocotyledomous Angiosperm From LowerCretaceous Yixian Formation Of Beipiao,Liaoning. ( 中 文 ). 郑 少 林 ; 高 家 俊 ; 薄 学 . 古 生物 学 报 , 2008, 47(3): 326-340文 章 报 道 可 能 属 于 单 子 叶 被 子 植 物 化 石的 两 个 新 属 Shangyuania gen . nov . 和Zhouia gen.nov., 标 本 采 自 辽 宁 省 北 票市 上 园 乡 黄 半 吉 沟 下 白 垩 统 义 县 组 尖 山 沟层 。 前 者 属 于 水 生 草 本 植 物 , 具 有 一 个 非常 细 弱 的 茎 , 茎 保 存 不 全 , 未 见 分 枝 。 茎上 生 有 对 生 和 互 生 的 沉 水 型 叶 ; 叶 线 形 ,全 缘 。 基 部 无 柄 , 顶 端 为 钝 圆 形 ; 具 有 一条 中 脉 , 中 脉 的 两 侧 各 有 3—4 条 细 而 平 行的 侧 脉 和 在 叶 的 远 轴 面 上 各 有 一 行 可 能 的通 气 组 织 ; 穗 状 花 序 生 于 叶 腋 中 , 具 有 一个 细 弱 的 花 序 梗 , 由 4~5 轮 小 花 组 成 。 后者 是 一 个 单 独 保 存 的 种 子 , 卵 圆 形 , 被 压扁 , 表 面 具 有 多 角 形 的 细 胞 或 泡 沫 状 纹饰 。 通 过 对 两 新 属 形 态 特 征 研 究 和 对 比 ,推 测 它 们 可 能 与 现 生 眼 子 菜 科(Potamogetonaceae), 特 别 是 该 科 中 的 眼子 菜 属 (Potamogeton ), 以 及 茨 藻 科(Najadaceae) 的 茨 藻 属 (Najas) 有 某 种亲 缘 关 系 。古 无 脊 椎 动 物 学综 论2009010137地 方 种 丰 度 的 斑 状 分 布 及 其 对 大 尺 度 多 样性 型 式 的 启 示 : 以 Paratethys 中 中 新 世 为 例= Patchiness of local species richness and itsimplication for large-scale diversity patterns:an example from the middle Miocene of theParatethys. ( 英 文 ). Zuschin M; Harzhauser M;Sauermoser K. Lethaia, 2006, 39(1): 65 - 80The best hope for understanding globaldiversity patterns is to compare localassemblages, which are mostly preserved intaphonomically-complex shell beds. Thepresent study investigates the variability infaunal composition and diversity at the scaleof a single outcrop. A total of 152 species(3315 shells) occurred in 25 samples from 5tempestitic shell beds. Although samplingintensity was high, total species richness wasnot captured by far at the hierarchical levelspresent (outcrop, shell beds, samples) becausethe majority of species is rare. In contrast,sampling intensity was sufficient to cover themost abundant species, as indicated by stableevenness values. Four taxa dominate theassemblage, but their rank order differsstrongly between individual shell beds andindividual samples; significant differencesbetween some shell beds are evident for faunalcomposition, and one shell bed differs from allothers with respect to species accumulationcurves. Within shell beds, rarefaction curvesare generally characterized by stronglyoverlapping confidence intervals, but outliersoccur in three of five shell beds. Patchiness isadditionally indicated by a wide scatter ofdiversity indices in some shell beds and by awide scatter of samples of one shell bed in anordination on faunal composition. Most of theoutcrop-scale variability in faunal compositionand diversity can be related to differencesbetween shell beds. This suggests thatsampling a single shell bed of the outcrop isinsufficient to characterize the local fauna andits diversity, even when sampling intensity (i.e.the number of samples and shells) within theshell bed was high. Similarly, a single samplefrom such a shell bed may not be sufficient tocharacterize its diversity, even when thenumber of counted shells was high. It istherefore confirmed that sampling strategy andsampling intensity are crucial to confidentlycharacterize the shelly assemblages at such asmall spatial scale and that dispersed samplingeffort with many small replicate samples willcharacterize a local assemblage and itsdiversity better than a few large samples.45

Diversity comparisons of individual samplesbetween localities must account for the highvariability present at the smaller spatial scale,as observed in our study.2009010138三 叠 纪 海 相 大 型 动 物 群 和 海 平 面 变 化 : 来自 俄 罗 斯 新 特 提 斯 北 部 高 加 索 西 北 部 的 证据 = Evolutionary rates of the Triassic marinemacrofauna and sea-level changes: Evidencesfrom the Northwestern Caucasus, NorthernNeotethys (Russia. ( 英 文 ). Ruban D A.Palaeoworld, 2008, 17(2): 115-125A diverse Triassic marine macrofauna fromthe Northwestern Caucasus sheds new light onthe biotic evolution after the end-Permianmass extinction. In the early Mesozoic, thestudy area was located on the northern marginof the Neotethys Ocean. Data on stratigraphicranges of 130 genera of brachiopods, bivalves,ammonoids, corals, and sponges have beenused to calculate the changes in twoevolutionary rates, namely faunaltransformation rate (FTR) and rate oftransformation of the taxonomic diversitystructure (TTDSR). The FTR demonstrates thechanges in the generic composition ofassemblages through geologic time, whereasthe TTDSR indicates changes in the genericcontrol of the species diversity. The Triassicmarine macrofauna of the NorthwesternCaucasus was characterized by very high FTRand TTDSR during the Early Triassic throughearly Late Triassic. The FTR slowed in theMiddle Triassic, and accelerated again in theCarnian–Norian. In contrast, the FTR wasabnormally slow in the Norian–Rhaetian. Aremarkable turnover among macrofaunaoccurred at the Carnian–Norian transition.Regional sea-level changes were similar to theglobal eustatic fluctuations. It is difficult toestablish their direct connections with changesin the evolutionary rates, although theturnover at the Carnian – Norian boundarycoincided with a prominent regressive episode.In general, high evolutionary rates reported forthe Triassic marine macrofauna of theNorthwestern Caucasus may be explained as aconsequence of the devastating end-Permianmass extinction.2009010139古 生 代 海 生 动 物 的 底 质 喜 好 和 多 样 性 动 因= Substrate affinity and diversity dynamics ofPaleozoic marine animals. ( 英 文 ). Foote M.Paleobiology, 2006, 32(3): 345-366Short-term fluctuations in thediversification rate of Paleozoic marine animalgenera are more strongly correlated withextinction-rate variation than with originationratevariation. Diversity dynamics arestrikingly different in the Mesozoic andCenozoic, when variation in origination ismore important than extinction. Data on thelithologic context of taxonomic occurrences inthe Paleobiology Database are used to assessthe substrate affinities of Paleozoic genera.The greater role of extinction-rate variation inthe Paleozoic is found to characterize generawith an affinity for carbonate substrates butnot those that prefer terrigenous clasticsubstrates. It is therefore plausible that thePaleozoic to post-Paleozoic shift in diversitydynamics is underlain in part by the seculardecline in the relative areal extent of carbonateenvironments, and the concomitant decline inthe relative diversity of carbonate- versusclastic-loving taxa.2009010140加 拿 大 安 大 略 南 部 晚 奥 陶 世 乔 治 湾 组 一 个新 的 骨 化 的 后 生 动 物 = A new scleritomousmetazoan from the Late Ordovician GeorgianBay Formation, southern Ontario. ( 英 文 ).Rudkin D M. Canadian Journal of EarthSciences, 1998, 35(7): 827–831A new genus and species of articulatedscleritomous metazoan, Curviconophorusandersoni, is described on the basis of aunique specimen from the Late OrdovicianGeorgian Bay Formation of southern Ontario.The affinities of the organism remain obscure,although the overall morphology ofcomponent sclerites suggests a possiblerelationship with the Agmata, an extinctphylum-level group so far known withcertainty only from the Cambrian. Curved,conical elements of the scleritome arepreserved as internal moulds and yield nodetails of ultrastructure or primarycomposition, precluding detailed comparisonswith the aggultinated, internally laminatedsclerites of agmatans. Curviconophorusgen.nov. has a scleritome architecture similarto that of the Early Ordovician putativeagmatan Dimorphoconus granulatus, though ithas fewer elements that are strictlymonomorphic.原 生 动 物200901014146

印 度 洋 南 部 ODP744 站 中 新 世 浮 游 有 孔 虫的 水 深 分 布 = Water-depth distribution ofmiocene planktonic foraminifera from ODPsite 744,southern Indian Ocean. ( 英 文 ).Majewski W. Journal of ForaminiferalResearch, 2003, 33(2): 144-154 1 图 版 .Planktonic foraminifera were sampled fromthe stratigraphic interval between 21 and 10Ma at ODP Site 744 (southern Indian Ocean).The water-depth hierarchy of 18 taxa wasestablished using 18O measurements andmorphological indicators. The latter werederived from modern foraminifera, andincluded the presence of spines, test size, walltexture, chamber shape, and type of coiling.The shallow-water fauna includespredominantly small, microperforate speciesbelonging to Globigerinita, Tenuitellinata,Tenuitella, as well as small Globigerina andNeogloborotalia. The intermediate groupcomprises heavily ornamentedmicroperforates (Tenuitella and Turborotalita)as well as large Globigerina and possiblyNeogloboquadrina. The deep-water taxainclude large forms such as Globorotalia,Catapsydrax and possibly Turborotalita.There is general agreement between isotopicand morphological proxies of water-depthhabitats among the analyzed Mioceneplanktonic foraminifera from southern highlatitudes. Large and deep-water dwellingforaminifera have significantly shorterstratigraphic ranges compared to smallforaminifera inhabiting shallow-waters. Thisrelationship is probably due to commoncryptic speciation among planktonicforaminifera, which may be more pronouncedamong small taxa of simple test morphology.2009010142深 海 钻 探 171 航 次 1049 站 下 Albian 阶 黑色 页 岩 的 底 栖 有 孔 虫 — 非 均 变 记 录 的 证 据= Benthic foraminifers from Lower Albianblack shales (site 1049, odp leg 171):evidencefor a non "uniformitarian" record. ( 英 文 ).Holbourn A; Kuhnt W. Journal ofForaminiferal Research, 2001, 31(1): 60-74 3图 版 .A comparison of benthic foraminifers fromlower Albian black shales at Ocean DrillingProgram Site 1049 with modern and Mesozoichigh carbon flux/low oxygen assemblagesindicate that no preferential test shapecharacterizes benthic foraminifers fromdysaerobic environments, as almost the entirespectrum of test morphologies is representedwithin these assemblages. The lower Albianbenthic foraminiferal assemblages from Site1049 are the first black shale assemblages tobe dominated by Fursenkoina viscida,Ellipsoidella cuneata, Pleurostomella reussiand Osangularia schloenbachi, all membersof the suborder Rotaliina. Thus, early Albianblack shale assemblages differ markedly fromAptian and Jurassic assemblages dominatedmainly by representatives of the subordersTextulariina and Lagenina. Members of thesuborder Rotaliina continued to radiateprofusely during the Late Cretaceous andCenozoic, eventually giving rise to a largeproportion of the modern fauna, includingmany of the high productivity/low oxygentaxa. There is no evidence for a progressivemorphological adaptation to low oxygen withtime.2009010143苏 格 兰 西 部 陆 架 微 体 有 孔 虫 新 种 :Gavelinopsis caledonia = A new species ofmicroforaminifera (Gavelinopsis caledonia)from the continental shelf, west of Scotland.( 英 文 ). Murray J W; Whittaker J E. Journal ofMicropalaeontology, 2001, 20(part 2): 179-182Gavelinopsis caledonia. sp. nov. is adistinctive, tiny (< 160 mum in greatestdiameter) foraminifer which has thecompressed trochospiral, low planoconvexshape commonly associated with an attachedor clinging mode of life, It is described frommodern sediments on the continental shelf tothe west of Scotland. Previously, it had beenrecorded from Recent sediments off Irelandand in the North Sea, and from the Quaternaryof Northern Ireland, but under the name of theCretaceous taxon, Rotalina (or Discorbina)polyrraphes of Reuss.2009010144具 纵 向 肋 的 白 垩 纪 浮 游 有 孔 虫 分 类 =Classification of the meridionally costellateCretaceous planktonic foraminifera. ( 英 文 ).El-Nakhal H A. Journal ofMicropalaeontology, 2002, 21(part 1): 1-8The meridionally arranged rugosity, whichis restricted to the Cretaceous globigerines, isgiven a superfamily taxonomic Status. Theglobigerines displaying this type ofornamentation are placed in theRugoglobigerinacea which is subdivided intotwo families the Rugoglobigerinidae and theAbathomphalidae. The Rugoglobigerinidaeincludes the forms having an umbilical47

primary aperture with a tegillum(Rugoglobigerina Bronnimann, TrinitellaBronnimann, and Plummerita Bronnimann).The Abathomphalidae includes the generawhich have an umbilical-extraumbilical tospiro-umbilical primary aperture with ategillum (Abathomphalus Bolli, Loeblich &Tappan, and Kassabella El-Nakhal), or aporticus (Meridionalla El-Nakhal, andBadriella n. gen.). Badriella is introduced as anew genus with B. mouradi n. sp. (= hypotypeof Praeglobotruncana loeblichae Douglas) as atype species, to accommodate themeridionally costellate species withcompressed chambers and umbilicalextraumbilicalprimary aperture, which werepreviously assigned to PraeglobotruncanaBermudez. The Rugoglobigerinacca may haveevolved front a hedbergelline ancestor duringthe latest Albian via the development of themeridinally arranged rugosity.2009010145德 国 Mainz 盆 地 早 渐 新 世 沉 积 (Selztal群 , Latdorfian, Rupelian) 有 孔 虫 分 带 =Foraminiferal zonation of early Oligocenedeposits (Selztal group, Latdorfian, Rupelian)in the Mainz Basin, Germany. ( 英 文 ). GrimmK I. Journal of Micropalaeontology, 2002,21(part 1): 67-74The foraminiferal zonation reported here isvalid for the marine Oligocene deposits in theMainz Basin. Thirteen zones and one subzoneare defined in the basin facies, which may becorrelated biostratigraphically with the currentnannoplankton zones and alsolithostratigraphically. The zonation for thebeach facies, already described by the presentauthor, is incorporated into the scheme. It ispossible, therefore, to generate a highresolution foraminiferal biostratigraphicalsubdivision of the marine Oligocene depositsof the Mainz Basin.2009010146澳 大 利 亚 西 北 边 缘 Exmouth 高 原 钻 孔762C 早 古 近 纪 浮 游 有 孔 虫 和 碳 同 位 素 地 层学 = Early Palaeogene planktic foraminiferaland carbon isotope stratigraphy, Hole 762C,Exmouth Plateau, northwest Australianmargin. ( 英 文 ). Hancock H J L; ChaproniereG C; Dickens G R; Henderson R A. Journal ofMicropalaeontology, 2002, 21(part 1): 29-42Although the northwest margin of Australiais an important region for petroleumexploration and palaeoceanographicinvestigations, its Palaeogene stratigraphy ispoorly documented, especially in terms of aforaminiferal biozonation. Early Palaeogenecores from 502.96 to 307.80 in below seafloor at Ocean Drilling Program Site 762 onthe Exmouth Plateau were examined in thisStudy for their planktic foraminiferalassemblages and the carbon isotopiccompositions of Subbotina spp. Plankticforaminifera are generally well preserved andbelong to 74 species and 17 genera. In spite ofa mid-latitudinal palaeolatitude (c. 40degreesS)the sequence, deposited between the earlyPaleocene and Middle Eocene, contains allplanktic foraminiferal Zones Plc through P10of the current global scheme for tropicallocations, except for Subzone P4b. Most zonesare well defined by the datums of primarymarker species except P3a and P9, which haveboundaries that probably occur in core gaps,and the P9 zonal boundaries are defined bysecondary marker species. Overall, variationsin delta(13)C based on sequential samples ofSubbotina are similar in pattern andmagnitude to global summary isotope curvesspanning the early Palaeogene. However, theprominent delta(13)C excursion thatcharacterizes the Palaeocene/Eocene transitionis mostly missing and appears to lie in a coregap. The planktic foraminiferal zonation,linked with that based on nannofossils, arecalibrated magnetostratigraphy and carbonisotope records, provides a robust temporalframework for the Early Palaeogene of thenorthwest margin of Australia.2009010147新 种 Cribratina hoeverensis Steffahn &Helm: 德 国 西 北 Hannover 上 白 垩 统 ( 下坎 佩 尼 阶 ) 新 的 大 型 胶 结 有 孔 虫 =Cribratina hoeverensis Steffahn & Helm spnov.: a new 'larger' agglutinated foraminiferalspecies from the Upper Cretaceous (LowerCampanian) of Hannover, NW Germany. ( 英文 ). Steffahn J; Helm C. Journal ofMicropalaeontology, 2002, 21(part 1): 17-22A new species, Cribratina hoeverensis sp.nov., is erected to accommodate the youngestknown species of the larger agglutinatedforaminiferal genus Cribratina Sample. 1932,recovered from Upper Cretaceous beds(Lower Campanian, lingualquadrata Zone andlowermost pilula Zone) east of Hannover, NWGermany.200901014848

利 用 大 型 底 栖 有 孔 虫 壳 径 / 壳 厚 比 率 估 算 水深 = Depth estimation using diameterthicknessratios in larger benthic foraminifera.( 英 文 ). Renema W. Lethaia, 2005, 38(2): 137- 141The diameter-thickness ratio (D/T) of largerbenthic foraminifera varies indirectly withdepth. Increased turbulence thickens the test,whilst decreased light intensity causes a flattertest. It is shown that in a nearshore-offshoretransect the D/T gradient is similar betweenreefs, but stretched over a larger depthgradient. In facies analysis an increase in D/Tcan either be caused by decreasedhydrodynamic energy, increased transparencyor increased depth (or a combination of these).2009010149西 特 提 斯 浅 海 碳 酸 盐 岩 早 侏 罗 世 底 栖 有 孔虫 的 多 样 性 和 生 物 带 = Early Jurassicbenthic foraminiferal diversification andbiozones in shallow-marine carbonates ofwestern Tethys. ( 英 文 ). BouDagher-Fadel MK; Bosence D W J. Senckenbergiana Lethaea/ International Journal of Palaeontology andStratigraphy, 2007, 87(1): 1-39Low-latitudecarbonate platforms dominatedthe southern and northern margins andmicroplates of western Tethys during theEarly Jurassic. However, these have proveddificult fo date in the past partly due to a lackof study but also a perception of low bioticdiversity following the Triassic-Jurassicextinction event. Detailed logging andsampling of seven continuously ecposedsections of lower Jurassic shallow-marinecarbonates in Gibraltar, Morocco, Tunisia,Greece, Italy, and in Spain reveals theoccurrence of 12 benthic foraminifera species.These taxa are described and illustrated. Theforaminiferal occurrences indicate a similarityof associations from the southern and northernshallow carbonate shelves of Tethys, whilstreflecting the relative isolation of the Apulcianand Pelagonian microplates within Tethys.The foraminifera show a progressivediversification of forms through the lateHettangian to early Pliensbachian interval thatis interpreted to reflect the evolutionaryrecovery and diversification of these biotasfollowing the Triassic-Jurassic extinctionevent.2009010150伊 朗 发 现 莫 斯 科 阶 新 的 蜓 类 = Newfusulinids of the Moscovian Stage found inIran. ( 英 文 ). Leven E Ja; Gorgij M N.Stratigraphy and GeologicalCorrelation, 2008, 16(4): 383-399The described fusulinids of the MoscovianStage are found in the Asad-Abad section ofthe Sanandaj-Sirjan tectonic zone of Iran. Fivesuccessive fusulinid assemblages aredistinguished. Three lower of them belong tothe Kashirian Substage, the other two to thePodolskian Substage. The section studied iscorrelated with most complete sections of theMoscovian Stage in the western Tethys. Twonew species Fusulinella (Moellerites) pygmeaand Putrella primaris are identified; inaddition to nominative taxon, the latterincludes new subspecies P. primaris compacta.2009010151浮 游 有 孔 虫 的 长 期 演 化 过 程 中 周 期 性 影 响的 自 组 织 变 化 研 究 = Periodically forced selforganizationin the long-term evolution ofplanktic foraminifera. ( 英 文 ). Prokoph A;Fowler A D; Patterson R T. Canadian Journalof Earth Sciences, 2001, 38(2): 293-308Wavelet transform and other signal analysistechniques suggest that the plankticforaminiferal (PF) long-term evolutionaryrecord of the last 127 Ma can be attributed tocomplex periodic and nonlinear patterns.Correlation of the PF extinction pattern withother geological series favors an origin of the~30 Ma periodicity and self-organization byquasi-periodic mantle-plume cycles that inturn drive episodic volcanism, CO 2 -degassing,oceanic anoxic conditions, and sea-levelfluctuations. Stationary ~30 Ma periodicityand a weak secular trend of ~100 Ma periodare evident in the PF record, even withoutconsideration of the mass extinction at theK–T boundary. The 27–32 Ma periodicityin the impact crater record and lows in theglobal sea-level curve, respectively, are ~6.5Ma and ~2.3 Ma out of phase with PFextinctiondata, although major PF-extinctionevents correspond to the bolide impacts at theK–T boundary and in late Eocene. Anothersix extinction events correspond to abruptglobal sea-level falls between the late Albianand early Oligocene. Self-organization in thePF record is characterized by increasedradiation rates after major extinction eventsand a steady number of baseline species. Ourcomputer model of long-term PF evolutionreplicates this SO pattern. The model consistsof output from the logistic map, which isforced at 30 Ma and 100 Ma frequencies. Themodel has significant correlations with the49

elative PF-extinction data. In particular, itreplicates singularities, such as the K – Tevent, nonstationary 2.5–10 Ma periodicities,and phase shifts in the ~30 Ma periodicity ofthe PF record.2009010152加 拿 大 艾 伯 塔 西 北 部 Giroux 湖 和 KaybobNorth 矿 区 上 阿 尔 布 阶 Viking 组 一 个 钙 质有 孔 虫 动 物 群 : 对 区 域 生 物 地 层 对 比 的 意义 = A calcareous foraminiferal faunule fromthe upper Albian Viking Formation of theGiroux Lake and Kaybob North fields,northwestern Alberta: implications forregional biostratigraphic correlation. ( 英 文 ).Stelck C E; MacEachern J A; Pemberton S G.Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 2000,37(10): 1389–1410Arenaceous foraminifera from the upperAlbian Viking Formation and associated strataare recorded and charted from five wells in thenorthwestern portion of the West AlbertaBasin, viz. Gulf Giroux Lake 04-11-66-21W5,Candel Arco Giroux Lake 00/10-05-65-20W5,Pan Am B-1 Giroux 02/10-05-65-20W5,Calstan B.A. Kaybob W 02-28-63-20W5, andChevron Fox Creek 10-15-62-19W5. Ananomalous calcareous foraminiferalcomponent in three Gulf Giroux Lake samplesis illustrated. Ichnological, sedimentological,and stratigraphic studies of the VikingFormation strata, based on 26 cored intervals,indicate largely transgressive, shallow-marinedeposition in the area. The microfaunal andichnological assemblages indicate a generalincrease in salinity toward normal marineconditions. Facies analysis demonstrates thestacking of two shoreface parasequences,truncated by wave-ravinement surfaces. Thecalcareous foraminifera in the VikingFormation are associated with abundant anddiverse arenaceous foraminifera, with arcticaffinities that we have used for determiningthe microfaunal zone positions.Biostratigraphic correlation has been madewith a calcareous faunule in the lower part ofthe Hasler Formation, within the expandedFort St. John Group, found in the southernportion of the Keg River subbasin, HudsonHope region, northeastern British Columbia.This helps to resolve the problem ofcorrelating the stratigraphically equivalentPaddy Member at the type section near thetown of Peace River, Alberta.2009010153有 孔 虫 壳 的 形 态 变 化 : 来 自 移 动 参 照 模 型 研究 的 结 果 = Morphospace of foraminiferalshells: results from the moving referencemodel. ( 英 文 ). Tyszka J. Lethaia, 2006, 39(1):1 - 12The moving reference model offoraminiferal tests (shells) is based onprincipal morphogenetic rules revealed fromreal foraminifera. The model has introducedapertures as moving reference points based onminimization of the distance between them.These modifications greatly enhancedvariability of simulated shells closelyresembling actual complexity of smallpolythalamous foraminifers. The resultedtheoretical morphospace of all simulatedforms is far more extensive than any producedbefore. The fragments of the multidimensionaltheoretical morphospace are presented in twoforms, i.e. a (classical) box model and amorphotree. The theoretical morphospace offoraminifera reveals regions of themorphospace that include similar forms.These specific fields in the morphospace,called morphophases, are separated from eachother by either sharp or gradual morphophasetransitions, which involve sharp or gradualchanges in morphology controlled by changesof the model parameters. Optimizedemplacement of foraminiferal apertures isresponsible for these morphophase transitions.The overall morphospace splits into the'possible range' and the 'forbidden range'. The'possible range' includes existent andnonexistent foraminiferal forms, which arefurther separated into 'vacant', 'dysfunctional',and 'deficient' ranges. All the ranges provideadditional knowledge on theoreticalforaminiferal morphology. The 'vacant range'of possible, although nonexistent,morphologies is limited and that may suggestthat the real evolution of foraminifera hasdiscovered most of the morphologicpossibilities. It is suggested that the 'forbidden'and 'deficient' ranges present modelconstraints useful for understandingmorphogenesis, which may be tested byfurther modifications of the model. Theanalysed theoretical morphospace verifies themoving reference model, indicating thefundamental role of apertures in themorphogenesis of foraminifera.2009010154赛 诺 曼 阶 - 土 仑 阶 界 线 大 有 孔 虫 的 逐 步 灭绝 : 在 大 洋 厌 氧 事 件 2(Bonarelli 事 件 )期 间 浅 水 区 营 养 变 化 的 研 究 = Stepwise50

extinction of larger foraminifers at theCenomanian-Turonian boundary: A shallowwaterperspective on nutrient fluctuationsduring Oceanic Anoxic Event 2 (BonarelliEvent). ( 英 文 ). Parente M; Frijia G; Di LuciaM; Jenkyns H C; Woodfine R G; Baroncini F.Geology, 2008, 36(9): 715-718A two-step pattern in the extinction oflarger foraminifers is recorded in the upperCenomanian shallow-water carbonates of thesouthern Apennines (Italy). The first stepeliminated the alveolinids, the most extremeoligotrophs, and reduced dramatically thediversity of larger foraminifers. The secondstep wiped out the few survivors, seeminglyable to tolerate mesotrophic conditions,leaving a disaster fauna dominated by smallheterotrophs. This pattern of extinctionparallels the ecological succession of shallowwaterbenthic foraminiferal assemblages alonga gradient of increasing nutrient availability.High-resolution carbon isotope stratigraphyshows that the extinction of alveolinids wascontemporaneous with the extinction ofrotaliporid planktic foraminifers, the drowningof certain Tethyan carbonate platforms, and anepisode of thermal instability recorded in seasurfacetemperature in the open ocean. Oceanstratification, during the first phase of OceanicAnoxic Event 2, would have promotedoligotrophic conditions in surface tropicalwaters and maximum diversity of largerforaminifers. Following this, oceanoverturning caused by surface-water cooling iscredited with delivering to shallow-waterenvironments the excess nutrient loadspreviously stored at depth, triggering theenvironmental changes leading to stepwiseextinction of larger foraminifers.2009010155日 本 海 Posiet 湾 基 底 环 境 指 示 者 的 底 栖 有孔 虫 组 合 = Benthic foraminifera assemblagesas bottom environmental indicators, PosietBay, Sea of Japan. ( 英 文 ). Annin V K.Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 2001, 20(1):9-29Benthic foraminiferal fauna patterns havebeen investigated as possible indicators of thevarious morphological features interpreted asthe expression of slightly differentenvironmental conditions within a ria bay.Eighty grab-top samples from the Posiet Bayand twenty littoral stations were examinedconcerning the distribution of benthicforaminifera in different bottom environmentsin one of the largest ria bays of the WesternJapan Sea. Altogether 51 species of benthicforaminifera belonging to 32 genera weredetermined from the bay bottom sediments.The zones of high productivity and diversity(Shannon diversity) are established. Thedistribution of agglutinated and carbonateforms reflects mainly river input. Agglutinatedforaminifera dominate within brackishshallow closed and semi-open inlets.Calcareous species dominate within theinshore part of open inlets and seaward part ofthe bay. The combination of the speciescomposition, an information function(Shannon diversity), and population densityare used to characterize modern bottomenvironments based on benthic foraminifera.Four faunal assemblages were identified by Q-mode cluster analysis. The first assemblage,dominated by Eggerella advena, is presentfrom 7 to 40 m and is associated withtemperatures of 9.7–16.9°C, that are typicalfor semi-open inlet environments with siltsubstrate. A second assemblage, dominated byTrochammina inflata, occurs in closed inletsat depths up to 21 m, and is associated withtemperatures of 12.9–17.5°C, a brackishenvironment, and muddy substrate. The thirdCribroelphidium asterenium assemblagerepresents a semi-open marine environment.The fourth assemblage, dominated by C.etigoense, is present to a depth of 18 m withinan open shallow inlet. This assemblage withthe highest species diversity is associated withbottom temperatures of 10 – 18 ° C and asandy substrate. The difference in the benthicforaminiferal assemblages at similar depths inPosiet Bay is the result of different hydrologicregimes in closed, semi-open, and openenvironments. Littoral benthic foraminiferalassemblages are different from bottom ones.Regional environmental conditions can berecognized as deviations from the depthbottomtemperature range, river influx, andcoastal configuration features.Benthic foraminiferal fauna patterns havebeen investigated as possible indicators of thevarious morphological features interpreted asthe expression of slightly differentenvironmental conditions within a ria bay.Eighty grab-top samples from the Posiet Bayand twenty littoral stations were examinedconcerning the distribution of benthicforaminifera in different bottom environmentsin one of the largest ria bays of the WesternJapan Sea. Altogether 51 species of benthicforaminifera belonging to 32 genera weredetermined from the bay bottom sediments.51

The zones of high productivity and diversity(Shannon diversity) are established. Thedistribution of agglutinated and carbonateforms reflects mainly river input. Agglutinatedforaminifera dominate within brackishshallow closed and semi-open inlets.Calcareous species dominate within theinshore part of open inlets and seaward part ofthe bay. The combination of the speciescomposition, an information function(Shannon diversity), and population densityare used to characterize modern bottomenvironments based on benthic foraminifera.Four faunal assemblages were identified by Q-mode cluster analysis. The first assemblage,dominated by Eggerella advena, is presentfrom 7 to 40 m and is associated withtemperatures of 9.7–16.9°C, that are typicalfor semi-open inlet environments with siltsubstrate. A second assemblage, dominated byTrochammina inflata, occurs in closed inletsat depths up to 21 m, and is associated withtemperatures of 12.9–17.5°C, a brackishenvironment, and muddy substrate. The thirdCribroelphidium asterenium assemblagerepresents a semi-open marine environment.The fourth assemblage, dominated by C.etigoense, is present to a depth of 18 m withinan open shallow inlet. This assemblage withthe highest species diversity is associated withbottom temperatures of 10 – 18 ° C and asandy substrate. The difference in the benthicforaminiferal assemblages at similar depths inPosiet Bay is the result of different hydrologicregimes in closed, semi-open, and openenvironments. Littoral benthic foraminiferalassemblages are different from bottom ones.Regional environmental conditions can berecognized as deviations from the depthbottomtemperature range, river influx, andcoastal configuration features.2009010156有 孔 虫 Ovum De Wever, 1982, nonSchneider, 1801, non Blainville, 1830 的 新名 Ovumella = Ovumella, a new name for thegenus Ovum De Wever, 1982, non Schneider,1801, non Blainville, 1830. ( 英 文 ). Wever PD; O'Dogherty L. Lethaia, 2006, 39(4): 3042009010157下 Danian 阶 新 的 高 分 辨 率 浮 游 有 孔 虫 带 和亚 带 = A new high-resolution plankticforaminiferal zonation and subzonation for thelower Danian. ( 英 文 ). Arenillas I; Arz J A;Molina E. Lethaia, 2004, 37(1): 79 - 95A new planktic foraminiferal zonation hasbeen established for the lower Danian, basedon some of most expanded and continuouspelagic sections known to date (from Spain,Tunisia and Mexico). This biozonation isconsidered valid for low and middle latitudes.The maximum stratigraphical distribution ofthe index-species approximately coincides inall the studied sections. The index-species areabundant and easily recognizable. We proposethe following biozones and subzones:Guembelitria cretacea Zone and theHedbergella holmdelensis andParvularugoglobigerina longiaperturasubzones; the Parvularugoglobigerinaeugubina Zone, which is subdivided into theParvularugoglobigerina sabina andEoglobigerina simplicissima subzones and theParasubbotina pseudobulloides Zone with theEoglobigerina trivialis and Subbotinatriloculinoides subzones. Abiomagnetostratigraphic correlation andcalibration of the stratigraphical ranges ofthese species suggest that the biohorizons usedto define the new biozonation are veryisochronous, at least in the geographical areasanalysed.2009010158中 国 西 南 中 二 叠 世 蜓 类 的 绝 灭 过 程 和 模 式= Extinction process and patterns of MiddlePermian Fusulinaceans in southwest China.( 英 文 ). Yang Xiangning; Liu Jiarun; ShiGuijun. Lethaia, 2004, 37(2): 139 - 147Study of the extinction process of 179fusulinacean species belonging to 34 genera insouthwest China demonstrates that diversitychanges in the small (shell length ≤6 mm) andlarge (shell length >6 mm) species groupswere very similar throughout the 'Maokouan'(≈Guadalupian). However, significantdifferences in the timing of extinction pulsesoccur between different fusulinacean cladeswith different wall structures, i.e. thenankinellids, schwagerinids, verbeekinids andneoschwagerinds, and between the large andsmall species groups within the schwagerinidsand verbeekinids. Fusulinacean diversityreveals that the Guadalupian mass extinctionbegan in the Middle 'Maokouan' and greatlyintensified in the late 'Maokouan'. With onlyseven species of five genera surviving into theLate Permian, the extinction of fusulinaceansin the Guadalupian mass extinction is 96% atspecies level and 85% at generic level insouthwest China. The preferential extinction52

of large, morphologically complicated speciesand the survival of simpler, ecologically moretolerant species of the nankinellids suggestthat the extinction of Guadalupianfusulinaceans was caused by falling sea leveland the consequent effects related to salinity,temperature and substrate changes. It is alsodemonstrated that biological characters offusulinaceans such as shell size and teststructures could have certain effects onsurvivorship of species in the early stages ofmass extinction when extinction pressure wasless intensive but were ineffectual during theextinction climax.2009010159指 状 浮 游 有 孔 虫 的 迭 代 演 化 = Iterativeevolution of digitate planktonic foraminifera.( 英 文 ). Coxall H K; Wilson P A; Pearson P N;Sexton P F. Paleobiology, 2007, 33(4): 495-516Digitate shell morphologies have evolvedrepeatedly in planktonic foraminiferathroughout the Cretaceous and Cenozoic.Digitate species are usually rare in fossil andmodern assemblages but show increasedabundance and diversity at times during theCretaceous and middle Eocene. In this paperwe discuss the morphology and stratigraphicdistribution of digitate planktonic foraminiferaand establish the isotopic depth ecology offossil ones to draw parallels with moderncounterparts. 18 O and 13 C values of six extinctand two modern digitate species, from sixtime slices (Cenomanian, Turonian, Eocene,Miocene, Pleistocene and Holocene) havesimilar isotopic depth ecologies, consistentlyregistering the most negative 13 C and usuallythe most positive 18 O compared to coexistingspecies. These results indicate a similar deep,subthermocline (>150 m) habitat,characterized by lower temperatures, reducedoxygen, and enrichment of dissolvedinorganic carbon. This is consistent withwater-column plankton studies that provideinsight into the depth preferences of the threemodern digitate species; in over 70% ofobservations digitates occurred in nets below150 m, and down to 2000 m. The correlationbetween digitate species and subsurfacehabitats across multiple epochs suggests thatelongated chambers were advantageous forsurvival in a deep mesopelagic habitat, wherefood is usually scarce. Increased abundanceand diversity of digitates in association withsome early and mid-Cretaceous oceanicanoxic events, in middle Eocene regions ofcoastal and equatorial upwelling, andoccasionally in some modern upwellingregions, suggests an additional link withepisodes of enhanced ocean productivityassociated with expansion of the oxygenminimum zone (OMZ). We suggest that theprimary function of digitate chambers was as afeeding specialization that increased effectiveshell size and food gathering efficiency, forsurvival in a usually food-poor environment,close to the OMZ. Episodes of increaseddigitate abundance and diversity indicateexpansion of the deep-water ecologicopportunity under conditions that wereunfavorable to other planktonic species. Ourresults provide evidence of iterative evolutionreflecting common functional constraints onplanktonic foraminifera shell morphologywithin similar subsurface habitats. They alsohighlight the potential of digitate species to actas indicators of deep watermasses, especiallywhere there was expansion of the OMZ.2009010160有 孔 虫 对 加 拿 大 艾 伯 塔 西 北 部 和 中 部 阿 尔比 期 相 关 海 平 面 变 化 的 反 映 = Foraminiferalresponse to Albian relative sea-level changesin northwestern and central Alberta, Canada.( 英 文 ). Stritch R A; Schröder-Adams C J.Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 1999,36(10): 1617–1643Albian foraminiferal assemblages fromthree wells in northwestern (Imperial SpiritRiver No. 1, 12-20-78-6W6), central(AngloHome C&E Fort Augustus No. 1, 7-29-55-21W4), and southern Alberta (Amoco B1Youngstown, 6-34-30-8W4) provide the basisto track a fluctuating sea-level history inwestern Canada. Two global second-ordermarine cycles (Kiowa - Skull Creek andGreenhorn) were punctuated by higherfrequency relative sea-level cycles expressedduring the time of the Moosebar-Clearwater,Hulcross, Joli Fou, and Mowry seas. A total of34 genera and 93 subgeneric taxa arerecognized in these Albian-age strata.Foraminiferal abundance and species diversityof the latest Albian Mowry Sea were higherthan in the early to middle Albian Moosebar-Clearwater and Hulcross seas. The two earliestpaleo-seas were shallow embayments of theBoreal Sea, and relative sea-level fluctuationscaused variable marine to brackish conditionsexpressed in a variety of faunal assemblages.Towards the late Albian, relative sea levelrose, deepening the basin and establishingincreased marine conditions and more53

favourable habitats for foraminifera. In thedeeper Joli Fou Seaway and Mowry Sea,however, reduced bottom water oxygenthrough stratification or stagnant circulationcaused times of diminished benthic faunas.The Bluesky Formation in northwesternAlberta contains the initial transgression of theearly Albian Moosebar-Clearwater Sea and ismarked by a sudden faunal increase. Incontrast, transgression by the late late AlbianMowry Sea was associated with a gradualincrease of foraminiferal faunas. Numerousagglutinated species range throughout theentire Albian, absent only at times of basinshallowing. However, each major marineincursion throughout the Albian introducednew taxa.2009010161加 拿 大 北 极 地 区 下 志 留 统 菲 利 浦 角 组 放 射虫 Insolitignum 新 属 和 Palaeoephippium属 = Insolitignum n.gen. and PalaeoephippiumGoodbody 1986 (Radiolaria) from the LowerSilurian of the Cape Phillips Formation, ArcticCanada. ( 英 文 ). MacDonald E W. CanadianJournal of Earth Sciences, 1999, 36(12):2051–2057Radiolaria of the family Palaeoscenidiidaewere recovered from two bedded-limestoneand two limestone-concretion samples fromthe upper Llandovery of the Cape PhillipsFormation, Cornwallis Island, Arctic Canada.The new genus Insolitignum is defined by twoapical rays, three basal rays, and a principalray in an intermediate position. The principalray distinguishes this genus fromPalaeoephippium. Insolitignum dissimile, thetype species of the new genus, was previouslyplaced in Palaeoephippium. New speciesdescribed here are Insolitignum peranima,Insolitignum vivanima, and Palaeoephippiumadraini2009010162北 非 摩 洛 哥 中 部 阿 达 欧 赤 地 区 晚 维 宪 期 - 谢尔 普 霍 夫 期 有 孔 虫 和 钙 藻 = Late Viséan-Serpukhovian foraminiferans and calcareousalgae from the Adarouch region (centralMorocco), North Africa. ( 英 文 ). C ó zar P;Vachard D; Somerville I D; Berkhli M;Medina-Varea P;Rodríguez S. GeologicalJournal, 2008, 43(4): 463 - 485Three Upper Vis é an to Serpukhovianlimestone formations from the Adarouchregion (central Morocco), North Africa, havebeen dated precisely using foraminiferans andcalcareous algae. The lower and middle partof the oldest formation, the Tizra Formation(Fm), is assigned to the latest Asbian (upperCf6 Subzone), and its upper part to the EarlyBrigantian (lower Cf6 Subzone). The topmostbeds of this formation are assigned to the LateBrigantian (upper Cf6 Subzone). The lowerpart of the succeeding Mouarhaz Fm is alsoassigned to the Late Brigantian (upper Cf6Subzone). The Akerchi Fm is younger thanthe other formations within the region, rangingfrom the latest Brigantian (uppermost Cf6Subzone) up to the Serpukhovian (E 1 -E 2 ). Thebase of the Serpukhovian (Pendleian Substage,E 1 ) is repositioned, to coincide with theappearance of a suite of foraminiferansincluding Archaediscus at tenuis stage,Endothyranopsis plana, Eostaffellapseudostruvei, Loeblichia ukrainica,Loeblichia aff. minima and Biseriella? sp. 1.The upper Serpukhovian (ArnsbergianSubstage, E 2 ) is marked by the firstappearance of Eostaffellina ex. gr.paraprotvae and Globoomphalotis aff.pseudosamarica. The biostratigraphicalscheme used for the reassessment of theforaminiferal zones and subzones in theAdarouch area closely compares with that forthe British succession in northern England(Pennine Region), where the stratotypes of theUpper Viséan (Asbian and Brigantian) andEarly Serpukhovian (Pendleian) substages arelocated. Thus, a succession equivalent to aninterval from the Melmerby Scar Limestone tothe Great (or Little) Limestone is recognized.These assemblages are also compared to otherforaminiferal zones proposed in other regionsof Morocco. Several foraminiferans have beenidentified that are proposed as potentialSerpukhovian markers for other basins inWestern Europe, and compared to sequencesin Russia and the Donets Basin, Ukraine.2009010163韩 国 东 南 部 镜 城 超 群 河 阳 群 含 放 射 虫 砾 岩= Radiolarian-bearing conglomerate from theHayang Group, the Kyongsang Supergroup,southeastern Korea. ( 英 文 ). Mitsugi T; IshidaK; Woo B -G; Chang K –H; Park S –O;Hirano H. Journal of Asian EarthSciences, 2001, 19(6): 751-763The non-marine Cretaceous KyongsangSupergroup, which is divided into the Sindong,the Hayang and the Yuchon groups, is widelydistributed in southeastern Korea. Radiolarianbearingpebbles are collected from theconglomerates of the Kumidong and the54

Kisadong formations of the Hayang Group.The age of radiolarian fossils range from LatePermian to Middle Jurassic. In Korea,Permian to Middle Jurassic marine chert bedsare not exposed. The directions ofpaleocurrents of the Kumidong and theKisadong formations are mainly from thenortheast to southwest. During Cretaceoustime, the Mino-Tamba Belt, within whichPermian to Middle Jurassic chert beds areexposed, is suggested to have been locatednortheast of the Kyongsang Basin. Theradiolarian faunas of the Hayang Group aresimilar to those of the Mino-Tamba Belt andother associated Mesozoic accretionary beltsin Japan (e.g. the Ashio Belt). The provenanceof the radiolarian-bearing pebbles collectedfrom the Kumidong and the Kisadongformations is interpreted to be the Mino-Tamba Belt and other associated Mesozoicaccretionary belts in Japan.2009010164蒙 古 中 部 杭 爱 - 肯 特 带 晚 志 留 纪 和 泥 盆 纪 远海 深 水 放 射 虫 燧 石 : 作 为 中 亚 造 山 带 中 古生 代 俯 冲 加 大 的 证 据 = Upper Silurian andDevonian pelagic deep-water radiolarian chertfrom the Khangai–Khentei belt of CentralMongolia: Evidence for Middle Paleozoicsubduction–accretion activity in the CentralAsian Orogenic Belt. ( 英 文 ). Kurihara T;Tsukada K; Otoh S et al.. Journal of AsianEarth Sciences, 2008, 34(2): 209-225Recent mapping projects undertaken inCentral Mongolia have revealed thewidespread occurrence of radiolarian chertwithin a Paleozoic accretionary complex. Wepresent the results of the first detailedtectonostratigraphic and radiolarianbiostratigraphic investigations of the GorkhiFormation in the Khangai–Khentei belt ofthe Central Asian Orogenic Belt.The Gorkhi Formation consists of sandstoneshale, alternating sandstone and shale ofturbidite affinity and chert with small amountsof siliceous shale, basalt, limestone, and clastbearingmudstone. Radiolarian chert that iscompletely devoid of terrigenous clasticmaterial is commonly associated withunderlying basalt (sedimentary contact) andwith conformably overlying siliceous shaleand turbidite deposits. The tectonic stacking ofbasalt–chert and chert–turbidite successionsis the most remarkable structural feature of theformation.The recovery of moderately well-preservedradiolarians and conodonts from red chert ledto the recognition of four radiolarianassemblages that have a combined age rangefrom the latest Silurian (Pridolian) to the LateDevonian (Frasnian). No age control exists forthe siliceous shale, shale, and sandstone,although they are considered to be latestDevonian or slightly younger on the basis ofstratigraphic relationships with underlyingchert.The Gorkhi Formation has previously beeninterpreted as a thick sedimentary basindeposit overlying an unexposed Archean –Neoproterozoic basement; however, thestratigraphy within individual tectonic slicesclearly corresponds to that of an ocean platestratigraphy of an accretionary complexgenerated by the trenchward movement of anoceanic plate. From the lowermost touppermost units, the stratigraphy comprisesocean floor basalt, pelagic deep-waterradiolarian chert, hemipelagic siliceous shale,and terrigenous turbidite deposits. Thebiostratigraphic data obtained in the presentstudy provide corroborating evidence for theexistence of an extensive deep-water oceanthat enabled the continuous sedimentation ofpelagic chert over a period of nearly 50million years. These data, together withstructural data characterized by tectonicrepetition of the stratigraphy, indicate thatthese rocks formed as an accretionary wedgealong an active continental margin, possiblythat of the Angara Craton. The mid-oceanicchert was probably deposited in the NorthernHemisphere portion of the Paleo – PacificOcean that faced the Angara Craton and theNorth China – Tarim blocks. Thus, wepropose that subduction–accretion processesalong the Paleo – Pacific rim played animportant role in the accretionary growth ofthe active continental margin of the AngaraCraton, directly influencing the evolution ofthe Central Asian Orogenic Belt.古 杯 、 多 孔 及 腔 肠 动 物2009010165层 孔 虫 形 状 的 参 数 化 改 进 —— 层 孔 虫 形 态度 量 的 精 细 研 究 = Improving theparameterization of stromatoporoid shapes - adetailed approach to stromatoporoidmorphometry. ( 英 文 ). Luczynski P.Lethaia, 2005, 38(2): 143 - 154Eight specimens of Devonianstromatoporoids with well visible latilaminae55

arrangement exposed on polished slabs weresubjected to a detailed morphometric analysis.The studies have revealed that the so far usedstromatoporoid parameterization methodleaves a broad field of uncertainty concerningthe exact definitions of particular parameters.The possible ways of making themeasurements and the propositions of moreprecise definitions of the parameters used inthe method, both of the growth form above thesea bottom and of the whole skeleton aretherefore presented in this paper. The B m -basal length of the skeleton, has been definedas a straight line joining the two ends of thebasal surface, which have been pointed basingon the stromatoporoid's overall shape,latilaminae arrangement and angular relationto the main growth axis position inontogenetical development, length. The BBn -basal length of the growth form above the seabottom, is to be measured along a straight linejoining the ends of the last visible latilamina.From among a number of possible definitionsof the V m - vertical height of the wholeskeleton, a straight line joining the initialgrowth nucleus and the highest point on thespecimen's surface above the BmB line has beenselected. The V n - vertical height of the growthform above the sea bottom is defined as theheight of the point on the stromatoporoidsurface highest above the BBn measuredperpendicularly to it. A parameter of burialratio, BR=(V m -V n )/V m , is introduced.2009010166澄 江 生 物 群 保 存 软 组 织 的 寒 武 纪 海 葵 化 石= Cambrian anemones with preserved softtissue from the Chengjiang biota, China. ( 英文 ). Hou Xian-Guang; Stanley Jr G D; ZhaoJie; Ma Xiao-Ya. Lethaia, 2005, 38(3): 193 -203The group Cnidaria includes 'jellyfish', softbodiedanemone and anemone-like forms andcalcified corals. These diploblastic organismshave a fossil record extending back to theearliest metazoans of the Neoproterozoic;however certain cnidarians of the subclassZoantharia, characterized by soft-bodiedanemone-like forms, are absent or poorlyrepresented in the fossil record. Despite thepaucity of fossils, it is thought thatcalcification by soft anemone-like animalswas responsible for producing the skeletonthat allowed the preservation of the first corals.We report discovery of an abundantassemblage of in situ soft-bodied polyps withtissues. They are preserved in exquisite detailand come from the well-known LowerCambrian Chengjiang biota of Yunnan, China.The soft-bodied polyps display a simpleanatomy that is comparable to some extantanemones of the order Actinaria. The newfossils are assigned to Archisaccophylliakunmingensis n. gen. et n. sp. Their simpleand conservative form suggests that thesefossils may represent some kind of ancestralrootstock. The preserved life assemblageprovides a unique snapshot of LowerCambrian anemone life and provides clues forrelationships with extant actiniarians as wellas calcified corals.2009010167志 留 纪 四 射 珊 瑚 Stauria favosa 规 则 的 增 殖方 式 、 受 限 且 多 变 的 生 长 形 态 = Regularmode of increase, and constrained but variablegrowth, in the Silurian rugose coral Stauriafavosa. ( 英 文 ). Ezaki Y; Yasuhara Y.Lethaia, 2005, 38(4): 297 - 303Stauria favosa exhibits a typical pattern ofaxial division (tripartite or quadripartite). Thefour protosepta first appear with a definitepolarity in offset corallites, and metasepta areinserted serially, following Kunth's rule. Thereare no variations in essential modes of asexualreproduction. However, at the corallumperiphery, up to four offset corallites appear tohave been derived by discrete offsettingwithin the parent calices. Detailedobservations of vertical morphologicalchanges, however, indicate that this apparentlyunique mode of increase is derived from axialdivision at the sites of the four protosepta, asusual in this species. Just after the initiation ofdivision, the contraction of polyps occurred inresponse to somewhat accidental, deterioratinghabitat conditions. The combination ofasexually divided corallites andrejuvenescence resulted in phaceloid daughtercorallites, which subsequently underwentpartial mortality at the corallum periphery.Stauria favosa always exhibits not onlyregular modes of asexual reproduction andseptal insertion under the strict control ofphylogenetic and developmental constraints,but also variable growth forms of corallitesand coralla. This variability, though withinlimited options, is palaeoecologicallysignificant for successfully coping withunpredictable habitats.2009010168加 拿 大 Manitoba 南 部 上 奥 陶 统 床 板 珊 瑚Catenipora 一 个 种 的 生 活 史 策 略 = Life-56

history strategies of a species of Catenipora(Tabulata; Upper Ordovician; southernManitoba, Canada). ( 英 文 ). Bae Boo-Young;Lee Dong-Jin; Elias R J. Lethaia, 2006, 39(2):141 - 156Detailed study of coralla by transverseserial sections permits the determination andevaluation of life-history strategies (survivaland growth characteristics) in response todifferent physical environments, forCatenipora foerstei Nelson, 1963 from theSelkirk Member, Red River Formation, inManitoba. We recognize various modes ofcorallite increase: one type of axial increase,four types of lateral increase, and agglutinatedpatches of corallites in association withnormal, undamaged corallites; and one type ofaxial increase, one type of lateral increase, andtemporary agglutinated patches from therecovery processes of corallites damaged bysediment or bioclast influx. In addition, theformation of new ranks by lateral increase isthe most effective method for rapid growth ofa corallum or for reconstructing part of acorallum damaged by physical disturbances.Fluctuations in the tabularial area of corallitesoccur in cycles over vertical intervals rangingfrom 3.20-7.90 mm. We consider each cycleto represent annual growth. Average annualgrowth of the three coralla ranges from 4.20-6.27 mm. According to correlations betweenannual growth cycles and other growthcharacteristics, a high frequency of offsettingis associated with rapid vertical growth.Specifically, annual growth is relatively highin association with episodes of sediment orbioclast influx, probably generated by storms.In some coralla, however, annual growth ishighest in the cycle characterized by few newcorallites or by extraordinarily high rates ofoffsetting by normal, undamaged corallites aswell as damaged corallites. This suggests thatvertical growth could also be affected byfactors other than storm-related disturbance.2009010169层 孔 虫 生 长 过 程 中 形 态 和 埋 藏 率 变 化 以 及对 形 态 定 量 分 析 方 法 的 影 响 =Stromatoporoid shape and burial ratio changesduring growth history and theirmethodological consequences inmorphometrical analyses. ( 英 文 ). Łuczyński P.Lethaia, 2006, 39(4): 339 - 358Eight Devonian stromatoporoids withclearly exposed arrangements of latilaminaewere subjected to detailed morphometricalanalyses. Distinctive sets of latilaminae weremarked on photographs taken from polishedspecimens, which allowed reconstruction oftheir individual growth histories by presentingconsecutive stages of their growth. Thegrowth forms measured above the sedimentsurface and the overall shapes of the skeletonat a given time have proved to differ distinctlybetween each other throughout the growthhistory of these stromatoporoids. Themorphometrical features of individualspecimens (both of their growth forms and oftheir whole skeletons) distinctly changedthroughout their development. Changingenvironmental factors directly influenced thegrowth form above the sea floor, and eachspecimen shows its own specific history ofgrowth form changes. Instead, overall shapesof the skeleton of most of the studiedspecimens changed in a similar generalmanner resulting from growth during sedimentaccumulation. Basing thepalaeoenvironmental considerations only onthe stromatoporoids' final shapes may thus bevery misleading. It is therefore suggested thatthe ascription of a specimen to a particularmorphometrical category should be based onthe mode of its growth history represented bya curve recording the V/B changes (verticalheight versus basal length) during consecutivegrowth stages. Certain sedimentary processeshave their direct reflection in the mode ofstromatoporoid growth, and are recorded bythe attributes of the shape profile (V/B), andburial ratio (BR) curves, which allowsdeciphering such features as, for example,periodicity of sediment supply, substrateconsistency and tempo of sedimentcementation. This is particularly valuablewhen the deposits are recrystallized and thesedimentary structures are not visible. Thepaper also tests the applicability of the newdefinitions of the parameters describing thestromatoporoid shape introduced recently bythe author.2009010170西 班 牙 Jumilla 地 区 阿 普 特 早 期 硅 质Montlivaltia 泥 灰 岩 中 的 群 体 珊 瑚 =Colonial corals from the Early Aptiansiliciclastic Montlivaltia Marls of Jumilla(Murcia, Spain). ( 英 文 ). Loser H; SaldanaVillodre J C. Revista Espanola depaleontologia, 2008, 23(1): 1-6Three species of colonial scleractiniancorals are reported. While solitary corals ofthe genus Montlivaltia are extremely commonin the marls, colonial corals are rare. The three57

colonil coral species presented here(Cryptocoenia sp. n. aff. C. pygmaea,Holocystis elegans, and Columnocoeniaaragonensis) are all common early Cretaceousspecies. Their geographical distribution islarge and all species were found in the centralTethys as well as in the Caribbean province.All species were previously found insiliciclastic environments and whileHolocystis elegans occurs primarily in suchfacies, the other two species occur in purecarbonates as well.2009010171下 古 生 界 海 绵 的 生 长 模 式 = Growth patternsof Lower Palaeozoic sponges. ( 英 文 ). BottingJ P. Lethaia, 2003, 36(1): 41-52Detailed studies of the growth patterns ofmodern siliceous sponges are restricted todemosponges and theoretical models. It isgenerally assumed that sponge growth isessentially incremental, with completion ofone arbitrary unit being followed by externaladdition. All recent species are thick-walled,but Lower Palaeozoic sponges are dominatedby thin-walled hexactinellids, with mostCambrian taxa consisting of a single spiculelayer. Large populations of a primitivedictyospongiid have allowed thereconstruction of the growth patterns of theirspicules and body morphology. The resultsindicate that growth occurred throughcontinuous expansion of the globose body,accompanied by continuous enlargement ofexisting spicules, with a spicule size limitbeing reached only during the lifetime of afew individuals. It is noted that this skeletalgrowth pattern is otherwise restricted todeuterostomes. Consecutive appearance ofsuccessive spicule size orders appears to havemaintained a maximum inhalant pore area.Comparisons with more limited data from twoacanthose hexactinellids and a hazeliiddemosponge indicate that an identical growthpattern operated in these species. Thesubsequent evolution of growth patterns isdiscussed, with various mechanismsproducing the later thick-walled morphologiesof hexactinellids and demosponges. Theimplications of these observations arediscussed with reference to identification andsystematics, since spicule size andarrangement are shown to vary during growth.2009010172杯 藻 海 绵 和 普 通 海 绵 的 起 源 =Cyathophycus and the origin of demosponges.( 英 文 ). Botting J P. Lethaia, 2003, 36(4): 335- 343The relationships between the poriferanclasses are currently obscure. Molecularphylogenies appear to be reaching a consensusthat the hexactinellids and demosponges areclosely related, despite previous attempts toseparate the Hexactinellida from othersponges on cytological grounds, but the detailsof the transition are unknown. Similarities ofspicule morphology and structure are used toinfer that the transition probably occurredafter the onset of silicification, and shouldtherefore be seen in fossils. The similaritybetween protosponges and early demospongeshas been noted previously, based largely on athin, reticulated wall of simple spicules(monaxons in Leptomitus, stauracts inProtospongia). A close relationship is,however, unlikely, since the protospongiidspossessed a precise geometric arrangement ofmultiple spicule size orders that is lacking indemosponges. A close morphologicalsimilarity exists between the skeletons oftransitional protosponge-dictyospongereticulosids, such as Cyathophycus, and theearly hazeliid demosponges. The inner spiculelayer of primitive dictyosponges consists of across-hatched array of fine monaxons, as seenin the wall of some simple hazeliids. Althoughmost described species of hazeliids weremorphologically complex, a simple globosespecies is here recorded from the Caradoc ofWales. The evolutionary link between theclasses is suggested to lie within thedictyospongioid and hazeliid lineages.Although the direction of evolution cannot becertainly fixed, it is conceptually much easierto derive the demosponges from thehexactinellids, rather than vice versa.2009010173南 澳 大 利 亚 St Vincent 盆 地 始 新 世 苔 藓 虫的 生 物 地 理 = Biogeography of Eocenebryozoans from the St Vincent Basin, SouthAustralia. ( 英 文 ). Schmidt R; Bone Y.Lethaia, 2003, 36(4): 345 - 356The first extensive and stratigraphicallydetailed taxonomic study of the Middle toLate Eocene Bryozoa of the St Vincent Basinhas identified more than 200 species ofCheilostomata and 50 species of Cyclostomata.There are three biogeographic groups: basinendemic, Australian and global. Two-thirds(116) of the cheilostome species and sevengenera are currently considered endemic tothis basin. Most species are endemic to58

Australia and similar to those found in theOligo-Miocene of Victoria. The Cellariidaeare a common component of most AustralianCainozoic deposits, but the species are highlydissimilar, with 13 of the 17 species herebeing new. The global component indicatesthat biogeographic links with regions outsideAustralia still existed in the Eocene. Thecyclostome genus Reticrescis is only knownfrom the Australian and Antarctic Eocene. Tengenera have their first occurrence in theEocene St Vincent Basin. The Phidoloporidaeand Smittinidae represent the most diverse andubiquitous groups at a geological time close totheir time of origination. Contemporaneoussediments in Antarctica, eastern Europe andNorth America also have a diverse fauna ofthis family, pointing to a strong Tethyan link.Rhamphosmittina lateralis (MacGillivray) isstill extant in New Zealand, having anexceptionally long time range of 40 millionyears. Overall, the fauna has a distinct LateCretaceous character. A new genus ofOnychocellidae appears similar to genera thatwere common in Cretaceous Tethyan faunasbut rare during the Cainozoic. This similarityends in the Oligocene, after which theAustralian bryozoan became endemic.2009010174加 拿 大 西 北 地 区 金 马 伦 岛 Bent Horn 油 田泥 盆 纪 层 孔 虫 动 物 群 = Devonianstromatoporoid fauna of the Bent Horn oilfield,Cameron Island, Northwest Territories. ( 英 文 ).Stearn C W. Canadian Journal of EarthSciences, 1998, 35(1): 16–22The reservoir reef carbonates at the BentHorn field have been referred to as the BlueFiord Formation, but they are younger thanthe type Blue Fiord of Ellesmere Island. Thetop of these carbonates, from which thestromatoporoid fauna is here described, isdated by conodonts as of Eifelian age. Theyare the same unit that has also been called theUnnamed Formation. Fourteen taxa ofstromatoporoids, none of them described hereas new, are identified from cores. Five speciesare common to the fauna of the UnnamedFormation of surface exposures on Bathurstand Truro islands. The ranges of the threespecies from the fauna of the typical BlueFiord of Emsian age are extended into thisUnnamed Formation. A synthesis of thepaleontological evidence suggests that the topof the reservoir is basal Eifelian age. Therecognition of Pseudoactinodictyon cf.P.stearni and Simplexodictyon vermiforme atBent Horn suggests paleogeographicconnections to the Great Lakes and Yukonstromatoporoid faunas of this age.2009010175华 南 中 泥 盆 世 艾 菲 尔 期 浅 海 相 四 射 珊 瑚 的组 合 特 征 和 古 生 物 地 理 区 系 = TheAssemblage Sequences And BiogeographicProvinces Of The Eifelian Rugose Corals InNear-Shore Facies From South China. ( 中 文 ).廖 卫 华 ; 马 学 平 . 古 生 物 学 报 , 2008, 47(1):39-46虽 然 在 华 南 中 泥 盆 世 艾 菲 尔 期 (Eifelian)较 深 水 或 斜 坡 相 地 层 中 产 有 许 多 国 际 标 准的 牙 形 类 带 化 石 , 但 在 广 阔 的 浅 海 相 地 层 中却 很 难 寻 觅 到 其 踪 影 。 华 南 浅 海 相 沉 积 地区 是 否 缺 失 艾 菲 尔 阶 ? 在 野 外 众 多 剖 面 的 实地 考 察 中 表 明 , 从 下 泥 盆 统 埃 姆 斯 阶 到 中 泥盆 统 吉 维 特 阶 都 是 连 续 沉 积 , 中 间 并 没 有 发现 地 层 的 缺 失 或 间 断 现 象 。 浅 海 相 的 艾 菲尔 阶 与 其 上 覆 的 吉 维 特 阶 和 下 伏 的 埃 姆 斯阶 都 是 连 续 沉 积 , 说 明 可 能 是 由 于 海 水 太 浅 ,不 太 适 合 那 些 国 际 标 准 分 子 的 生 存 而 已 。艾 菲 尔 期 中 期 末 发 生 一 次 生 物 灭 绝 事 件(Mid-Eifelian event),favositids,heliolitids 和 许多 古 老 类 型 的 珊 瑚 在 地 球 上 灭 绝 。 华 南 艾菲 尔 期 四 射 珊 瑚 可 以 划 分 成 下 、 上 两 个 完全 不 同 的 组 合 :1)Utara-tuiasinen sis-Sociophyllum minor 组 合 ( 牙 形 类 partitus 带 —costatus 带 );2)Columnaria spinosa-Dendrostella praerhenana 组 合 ( 牙 形 类australis 带 —kocklianus 带 )。2009010176新 疆 巴 楚 中 奥 陶 统 上 部 一 间 房 组 瓶 筐 石 礁丘 的 演 化 意 义 = Evolutionary SignificanceOf The Calathium Reef Mound From TheYijianfang Formation, Bachu, Xinjiang. ( 中文 ). 李 越 ; 王 建 坡 ; 沈 安 江 ; 黄 智 斌 . 古 生 物 学报 , 2007, 46(3): 347-354从 建 造 时 代 和 群 落 组 成 的 角 度 , 专 论 新 疆巴 楚 地 区 一 间 房 组 瓶 筐 石 礁 丘 的 演 化 定位 。 瓶 筐 石 作 为 群 落 的 主 体 造 礁 始 于 早 奥陶 世 早 期 , 繁 盛 于 早 奥 陶 世 晚 期 , 中 奥 陶 世 开始 趋 于 衰 落 。 一 间 房 组 发 育 中 小 型 点 礁 丘 ,除 礁 灰 岩 中 常 见 的 藻 屑 外 , 主 要 由 瓶 筐 石 并伴 生 少 量 石 海 绵 共 同 形 成 礁 格 架 岩 。 在 群落 组 成 上 , 一 间 房 组 的 瓶 筐 礁 丘 与 世 界 其 它地 区 的 瓶 筐 礁 类 似 , 但 在 建 造 时 间 上 却 显 得极 为 特 殊 : 中 奥 陶 世 晚 期 。 这 时 , 一 个 全 新的 群 落 —— 珊 瑚 — 层 孔 海 绵 礁 群 落 开 始 在世 界 其 它 地 区 起 源 , 却 全 然 不 见 于 一 间 房59

组 。 一 间 房 组 的 礁 丘 在 时 间 上 完 全 不 吻 合于 早 奥 陶 世 的 瓶 筐 石 造 礁 事 件 , 而 是 晚 于 此类 礁 繁 盛 期 并 滞 后 了 约 10Ma, 是 目 前 所 发现 这 类 礁 群 落 在 全 球 范 围 内 的 孓 遗 孤 例 , 是承 先 而 不 启 后 的 礁 群 落 。2009010177应 用 聚 类 分 析 研 究 十 字 珊 瑚 亚 科 的 分 类 并探 讨 其 起 源 与 演 化 = Application Of ClusterAnalysis To Taxonomic Studies Of SubfamilyStauriinae And Discussions On Its Origin AndEvolution. ( 中 文 ). 唐 兰 ; 何 心 ; 陈 建 强 . 古 生 物学 报 , 2008, 47(3): 301-312提 要 具 分 裂 繁 殖 的 十 字 珊 瑚 类 在 我 国 扬子 区 兰 多 维 列 统 (Llandovery) 分 布 广 泛 ,属 种 繁 多 , 有 重 要 的 地 层 意 义 . 但 长 期 以来 关 于 该 类 群 的 分 类 位 置 及 各 属 的 定 义 和范 围 各 家 意 见 不 一 。 文 章 应 用 Q 型 聚 类 分 析研 究 十 字 珊 瑚 类 的 分 类 . 提 出 十 字 珊 瑚 亚科 可 分 为 7 属 . 即 :Stauria Milne-Edwards et Haime, Cystostauria He et Li,Ceriaster Lindstrom. Eostauria He et Li.Paraceriaster Y. X. He. Parastauria He et Li.Massparaseriaster nora. provis. 对 7 个 属 分别 给 予 简 要 定 义 。 文 中 对 十 字 珊 瑚 亚 科 的起 源 、 演 化 及 扩 散 进 行 探 讨 . 并 分 析 各 属可 能 的 演 化 亲 缘 关 系 。 资 料 表 明 . 最 原 始最 早 期 的 Eostauria 属 很 可 能 起 源 于 澳 大 利亚 的 新 南 威 尔 士 晚 奥 陶 世 的 Palaeophyllum的 某 一 种 群 . 后 在 早 兰 多 维 列 世 晚 期 扩 散到 扬 子 区 . 在 中 兰 多 维 列 世 的 爱 隆 期(Aeronian) 迅 速 繁 衍 , 产 生 许 多 新 属 种 ,因 而 扬 子 区 在 兰 多 维 列 世 是 十 字 珊 瑚 类 的演 化 中 心 。 除 少 数 类 群 , 如 :Eostauria,Ceriaster.Stauria 在 晚 兰 多 维 列 世 或 文洛 克 世 (Wenlock) 早 期 分 别 迁 移 到 中 亚 地区 和 欧 洲 , 多 数 类 群 在 扬 子 区 晚 兰 多 维 列世 的 早 、 中 期 因 不 适 应 环 境 巨 变 而 快 速 衰亡 。2009010178加 拿 大 温 哥 华 岛 的 一 种 三 叠 纪 海 绵 : 可 能是 寒 武 纪 残 存 的 生 物 = A Triassic spongefrom Vancouver Island: possible holdoverfrom the Cambrian. ( 英 文 ). Stanley G D Jr..Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 1998,35(9): 1037–1043Tiny cap-shaped fossils recovered fromsilicified residues in Upper Triassic rocks ofVancouver Island (Wrangellia) are identifiedas a calcareous sponge Nucha?vancouverensis n. sp. nov. The genus NuchaPickett and Jell was first reported from MiddleCambrian rocks of Australia. The Triassicexample constitutes the first occurrenceoutside the Cambrian system and the continentof Australia. The absence of representatives inrocks between Triassic and Cambrian agesuggests that it is a long-range refugium taxon.The occurrence of such a wide-rangingholdover organism reinforces the role ofrefugia in preferential survivorship over longperiods of geologic time. Other holdover taxaare known from volcanic displaced terranes ofwestern American Cordillera, and their studymay help clarify neglected aspects of survivaland evolution.苔 藓 动 物2009010179西 班 牙 东 北 部 伊 比 利 亚 山 脉 阿 什 吉 期 苔 藓虫 及 其 对 北 刚 瓦 纳 地 区 晚 奥 陶 世 生 物 多 样性 峰 值 研 究 的 意 义 = Ashgill bryozoans fromthe Iberian Chains (NE Spain) and theircontribution to the Late Ordovicianbiodiversity peak in North Gondwana. ( 英 文 ).Jimenez-Sanchez A; Spjeldnaes N; Villas E.Ameghiniana, 2007, 44(4): 681-696In the lower-middle Ashgill CystoidLimestone Formation of the Iberian Chains(NE Spain) twenty one bryozoan genera havebeen identified, which belong to the fourStenolaemata orders that were already spreadworldwide by the Mid Ordovician:Cryptostomata, Cyclostomata, Cystoporata.and Trepostomata. Five of them:Cyclophaenopora Spjeldnaes, GlauconomellaBassler, Orbignyella Ulrich and Bassler,Phaenopora Hall and PseudostictoporellaRoss have been identified here for the firsttime in the Mediterranean Province. This listincreases the number of bryozoan generaknown to sixty six, making it the mostdiversified group in the region for that period.2009010180捷 克 共 和 国 维 也 纳 盆 地 摩 拉 维 亚 部 分 巴 登阶 新 而 稀 有 的 苔 藓 虫 = New and unusualBryozoa from the Badenian (MiddleMiocene)of the Moravian part of the ViennaBasin (Central Paratethys, Czech Republic).( 英 文 ). Zagorsek K; Vavra N; Holcova K.Neues Jahrbuch fur Geologie u. Palaontologie/ Abhandlungen, 2007, 243(2): 201-215First trace fossils of Ctenostomata in theTertiary of Czech Republic (Terebriporafalunica Fischer, 1866) have been found in theCzech part of the Vienna Basin as well as two60

specimens of the very rare Cerioporatumulifera and the youngest fossil record ofthe genus Tholopora. A new species ofCalpensia (Calpensia sedleci n. sp.) and twodifferent species of the genus Schizomavellacould be distinguished. A dubious taxon listedin many different genera (Flustra (?) dubiaBusk, 1895) hs been restudied, redescribedand attributed to the genus Laminopora now.Atable is given finally, summarizing the bulkof taxonomical results achieved.2009010181多 瑙 河 盆 地 Sarmatian 阶 一 新 的 中 新 世 苔藓 虫 = A new Miocene Bryozoa from theSarmatian of the Danube bassin. ( 英 文 ).Zagorsek K. Neues Jahrbuch fur Geologie u.Palaontologie / Abhandlungen, 2007, 243(3):299-303New species of Sarmatian BryozoaCelleporina dubovaensis sp. n. has been foundin the section Dubova (Slovakia) anddescribed in details. The new species differsfrom all other known species of Celleporinahaving combination of thick radial ribs in theperforated area of the ovicells, only onesuboral avicularium per zooecium and rare,very large vicarious avicularia.腕 足 动 物2009010182阿 根 廷 早 侏 罗 世 腹 足 类 Lithotrochus 属 =The genus Lithotrochus Conrad (Gastropoda,Vetigastropoda) in the early Jurassic ofArgentina. ( 其 他 ). Damborenea S E; Ferrari SM. Ameghiniana, 2008, 45(1): 197-209The genus Lithotrochus (Gastropoda,Trochidae) is known in the Andean regionfrom northern Peru to Argentine Patagonia, isendemic to this area and has a short time range(Sinemurian-Pliensbachian). Lithotrochushumboldtii (von Buch) is one of the firstMesozoic gastropod species described forSouth America. Almost all previousdescriptions and figures seem to belong to thetype species, for which there are at least twoavailable names proposed by von Buch andd'Orbigny during the 19th century. A newspecies has been recognized from southernNeuquen Basin and is described here(Lithotrochus rothi n. sp.). The genericdiagnosis is emended accordingly. Althoughthe genus was found in several localities, itsdistribution is limited to sublittoral deposits,associated to a varied benthonic fauna, in thevicinity of coralliferous facies. A detailedanalysis of the shell morphology of the typespecies and its ontogeny shows that there is achange in the traslation rate along the coilingaxis as the shell grows, which could be relatedto a change in the organism life habits withtime. These were probably grazing herbivoresinhabiting firm substrates in well-lit andoxygenated waters. The presence of a smoothcolumellar lip points to links with theTrochidae s.l., but unfortunately theirrelationships are difficult to establish, since noprotoconchs or opercula were found so far.2009010183早 古 生 代 小 嘴 贝 形 腕 足 动 物 幼 虫 浮 游 异 养至 卵 养 的 转 变 = The transition fromplanktotrophy to lecithotrophy in larvae ofLower Palaeozoic Rhynchonelliformbrachiopods. ( 英 文 ). Freeman G; Lundelius JW. Lethaia, 2005, 38(3): 219 - 254Criteria are established for defining thepresence of protegula formed on embryonic orlarval mantle in representative genera ofLower Palaeozoic Obolellata, Strophomenataand Rhynchonellata. Width was used to defineprotegular type. Taxa with only an embryonicprotegulum are inferred to have hadlecithotrophic larvae while taxa with a larvalprotegulum or an embryonic protegulumsurrounded by a larval protegulum are inferredto have had planktotrophic larvae. All or mostof the taxa examined in the Obolellata, theStrophomenata and the orders Protorothidaand Orthida in the Rhynchonellata hadplanktotrophic larvae. In the Pentamerida aminority of genera had only a larval, or anembryonic and a larval protegulum while amajority had protegular widths indicatinglecithotrophy. In the orders Rhynchonellida,Atrypida, Athyrida and Spiriferida derivedfrom the Pentamerida (with the exception ofone species in the Atrypida) a number of thegenera had protegular widths indicatinglecithotrophy. It is suggested that the onset oflecithotrophy in the Pentamerida wasassociated with a developmental innovation inwhich the mantle lobe of the larva wasreflected over the apical lobe during theprocess of metamorphosis. This evolutionaryinnovation probably occurred during the lateCambrian or early Ordovician and wassubsequently inherited during the process ofcladogenesis.2009010184华 盛 顿 圣 胡 安 岛 现 生 腕 足 动 物 的 差 异 埋 藏 :内 因 对 埋 藏 损 伤 和 群 落 丰 度 的 影 响 =61

Differential taphonomy of modernbrachiopods (San Juan Islands, WashingtonState): effect of intrinsic factors on damageand community-level abundance. ( 英 文 ).Tomasovych A; Rothfus T A. Lethaia, 2005,38(3): 271 - 292The differences in shell structure andpopulation turnover between organic-poor,impunctate (Hemithiris) and organic-rich,punctate brachiopod (Terebratalia) in amixed-bottom, siliciclastic setting (San JuanIslands, WA) lead to different taphonomicdamage and fidelity with respect tocommunity-level abundance in deathassemblages. In comparing shell interiors ofsimilar-sized specimens, Terebratalia ispredominantly affected by fibre detachmentand shows almost no microbioerosion at theSEM scale; whereas, Hemithiris shows lessmarked fibre detachment at the SEM scale andis more intensely affected by microbioerosionboth at SEM and light microscope (LM) scales.Fibre detachment related to rapid, microbiallyinducedorganic matter decay appears to bethe main destructive process acting onTerebratalia. Higher bioerosion levels inHemithiris at SEM and LM scales areprobably related to a combination of a lowmaceration rate and a preferential settlementby borers. From their vastly differentabundances in life assemblages it can bededuced that Terebratalia produces deadshells at a much higher rate than Hemithiris.Therefore, the proportion of alteredTerebratalia, relative to Hemithiris, isexpected to be decreased due to its higherproduction of recently dead cohorts. ThatTerebratalia is also characterized by highdamage levels shows that differentialpopulation turnover alone is not responsiblefor the differences in taphonomic damage.This shows that organic-rich and organic-poorshells are characterized by differential postmortemdurability. Although very fewHemithiris are present in the life assemblages,high durability ensures its relative overrepresentationin death assemblages.Terebratalia is not strongly under-representedin death assemblages, despite its highdestruction rate, because of large productionof recently dead shells. Even with the biasingeffect of differential durability, the goodfidelity reported in previous live-dead studiescan be enhanced by higher populationturnover of numerically dominant taxa,leading to constant input of recently deadshells into death assemblages.2009010185扭 月 贝 型 腕 足 动 物 的 铰 合 变 化 和 肌 序 : 以加 拿 大 魁 北 克 安 蒂 库 斯 提 岛 跨 越 奥 陶 纪 - 志留 纪 界 线 为 例 = Hinge modifications andmusculature of strophomenoid brachiopods:examples across the Ordovician-Silurianboundary, Anticosti Island, Quebec. ( 英 文 ).Dewing K. Canadian Journal of EarthSciences, 2001, 38(2): 125-141Six modifications to the hinge occur instrophomenoid brachiopods from AnticostiIsland: (1) overhanging socket ridges; (2)posterolateral socket ridges along the interareaarticulate with grooves on the posterior ofteeth; (3) anteromedian dental notchesarticulate with the crests of socket ridges; (4)dental crenulations on the surfaces of teethmesh with socket ridges; (5) denticles extendlaterally to the cardinal extremities; and (6)the margin of the ventral interarea fits into along socket along the dorsal interarea forminga lateral tooth. Denticulate hinges and dentalnotches that typify Silurian and Devonianstrophomenids begin in the fauna of the EllisBay Formation. Thus the most importantinterval of strophomenid faunal turnover wasat the base of the Gamachian (the base of theHirnantian) and not at the Ordovician –Silurian boundary. Muscle attachment pads inthe delthyrial cavity do not correspond to thepositions of either the adductor or diductormuscle scars. Pedicle adjustor muscles inmodern brachiopods occupy this position. Theround gap between the median fold of thepseudodeltidium and groove on chilidium isproposed as the point of emergence of thepedicle muscle. The tiny foramen, commonlysealed early in growth, is suggested to be partof a neanic water-intake system, active beforethe growth of the cardinal process in ephebicshells. Once the cardinal process appeared, theforamen was blocked. Recurring types ofstrophomenid ornamentation, such asposteriorly steepened rugae and checkerboardornamentation, may have served as a plow toredistribute sediment as the shell was pulledbackwards along the pedicle.2009010186晚 奥 陶 世 北 美 Hiscobeccus 腕 足 动 物 群 的 演化 和 灭 绝 = Evolution and extinction of theNorth American Hiscobeccus brachiopodFauna during the Late Ordovician. ( 英 文 ). JinJisuo. Canadian Journal of EarthSciences, 2001, 38(2): 143-15162

The earliest rhynchonellid brachiopodswere small-shelled and preferred cool-waterconditions in both siliciclastic and carbonateenvironments. Relatively large shells ofRhynchotrema evolved in mid-Caradoc timeand rapidly became widespread in Laurentia.Hiscobeccus probably evolved fromRhynchotrema during the late Caradoc bydeveloping a large, globular, stronglylamellose shell. The earliest form ofHiscobeccusshows transitional characteristicsbetween Rhynchotrema and typicalHiscobeccus, most notably in its nonglobularshell that is wrinkled by growth lamellae onlyon the anterior two thirds of the shell. By earlyAshgill time, Hiscobeccus became widespreadin North American inland basins, although itremained common in marginal carbonateplatforms and basins. During the Ashgill,Hiscobeccus, Lepidocyclus, and Hypsiptycharepresented a distinct North American fauna,characterized by large, globular, andcompletely wrinkled shells. Thesemorphological features were adaptations to theshallow, well-circulated, epicontinental,tropical seas with a soft muddy substrate. Thegigantism exhibited by the Hiscobeccus Faunais also shown by orthid and strophomenidbrachiopods, gastropods, nautiloids, andtrilobites. Extinction of the HiscobeccusFaunawas probably related to its narrow range ofenvironmental tolerance, especially during theGondwana continental glaciation, whichbrought a major global sea-level drawdownand lowered ocean temperature. The coolwaterRostricellulaand Rhynchotrema wereuncommon in inland seas during the Ashgilland were represented by several opportunisticspecies in the Anticosti Basin during theHirnantian and Llandovery, and most of thesepreferred siliciclastic-rich or deep-water shelfcarbonate environments.2009010187艾 菲 尔 晚 期 小 咀 贝 类 Isopoma 属 和Isopomidae ( 新 科 ) = The late Eifelianrhynchonellid (brachiopod) genus IsopomaTorley, 1934, and Isopomidae n. fam.. ( 英 文 ).Sartenaer P; Ebbighausen V. SenckenbergianaLethaea / International Journal ofPalaeontology and Stratigraphy, 2007, 87(1):41-69Fortunate circumstances have recentlyallowed to collect specimens of the lateEifelian Isopoma brachyptyctum from its typelocality. For the first time internal characterswere investigated by means of transverseserial sections of topotypic materiaal. Apartfrom its original description, This species,designated as the type species of the genusIsopoma torley 1934, was only known so farby its lectotype. A new family, Isopomidae,type genus Isopoma, is established. A betterunderstanding of Isopoma made it possible toassess the validity of the various species andsubspecies assigned to the genus at one timeor another.2009010188幸 存 于 奥 陶 纪 末 大 灭 绝 : 来 自 华 东 赣 东 北 和浙 西 志 留 纪 初 期 腕 足 动 物 的 证 据 =Surviving the end-Ordovician extinctions:evidence from the earliest Silurianbrachiopods of northeastern Jiangxi andwestern Zhejiang provinces, East China. ( 英文 ). Rong Jia-Yu; Zhan Ren-Bin.Lethaia, 2006, 39(1): 39 - 48Earliest Rhuddanian (Silurian) brachiopodsare recorded from the basal part of the LowerLlandovery Shiyang and Anji formations inwestern Zhejiang and northeastern Jiangxiprovinces, East China. Associated graptolitesincluding Normalograptus jerini indicate thelowest Rhuddanian Akidograptus ascensusBiozone. The surviving brachiopod faunaincludes 19 genera dominated by orthids andstrophomenids, whereas pentamerids andatrypids that inhabited mainly warmer waterregimes, and were almost absent in thecool/cold Hirnantia Fauna, occur rarely in thestudied fauna. Each family is represented by asingle genus that seeded their recovery. Thepredominance of these long-ranging andwidely distributed genera is one of majorcharacters of the brachiopod survival in eastChina. From qualitative and quantitativeanalysis of faunal composition, diversity andabundance, with evidences frompalaeoecology and palaeogeography, theLevenea qianbeiensis Association,Katastrophomena-Leptaena-LeveneaAssociation, and Glyptorthis-Epitomyonia-Levenea Association are recognized andassigned to BA (Benthic Assemblage) 2, BA3,and an ecozone close to the BA3-4 boundaryrespectively. No Lazarus genera are recordedin this study. Skenidioides and Epitomyoniawere chiefly regarded as deeper-water taxa inthe Ordovician and Silurian, but are recordedfrom shallow-water in east China during theearly Rhuddanian, indicating an ecologicexperiment with these taxa migrating fromdeep into shallower, better-oxygenated sites atthe crisis time and during the subsequent63

survival interval. This study furtherdemonstrates that the brachiopod faunalturnover after the end-Ordovician extinctionsmay not have been completed until the lateRhuddanian in South China.2009010189华 南 长 兴 期 深 水 盆 地 生 态 上 混 合 的 腕 足 动物 群 : 二 叠 纪 末 全 球 变 暖 的 结 果 = Anecologically mixed brachiopod fauna fromChanghsingian deep-water basin of SouthChina: consequence of end-Permian globalwarming. ( 英 文 ). Chen Z Q; Shi G R; YangFeng-Qing; Gao Yong-Quan; Tong Jinnan;Peng Yuan-Qiao. Lethaia, 2006, 39(1): 79 -90The Late Permian Shaiwa Group of theZiyun area of Guizhou, South China is a deepwaterfacies succession characterized by deepwaterassemblages of pelagic radiolarians,foraminifers, bivalves, ammonoids andbrachiopods. Here we report 20 brachiopodspecies in 18 genera from the uppermostShaiwa Group. This brachiopod fauna is latestChanghsingian in age and dominated byproductides. The palaeoecologic andtaphonomic analysis reveals that thebrachiopod fauna is preserved in situ. Theattachment modes and substratum preferencedemonstrate that the Shaiwa brachiopod faunacomprises admixed elements of deep-waterand shallow-water assemblages. The presenceof the shallow-water brachiopods in theShaiwa faunas indicates the involuntarysettlement of shallow-water brachiopods. Thestressed ecologic pressure, triggered bywarming surface waters, restricted ecospaceand short food sources, may have forced someshallow-water elements to move to hospitabledeep-water settings and others to modify theirhabiting behaviours and exploit new ecospacein deep-water environments. We infer that theend-Permian global warming and subsequenttransgression event may have accounted forthe stressed environmental pressure in theshallow-water communities prior to the end-Permian mass extinction.2009010190晚 奥 陶 世 - 早 志 留 世 腕 足 动 物 Epitomyonia的 演 化 、 古 生 态 和 古 生 物 地 理 = Evolution,palaeoecology, and palaeobiogeography of theLate Ordovician–Early Silurian brachiopodEpitomyonia. ( 英 文 ). Chen Pengfei; Jin Jisuo;Lenz A C. , 2008, 17(2): 85-101Epitomyonia is characterized by varioustypes of dorsal ridges, which may betransverse, longitudinal, or highly convolutedand probably served as skeletal supports forlophophores of various complexity.Multivariate analyses suggest that theEpitomyonia-bearing brachiopod associationslived in relatively shallow-water environmentin the Late Ordovician, and inhabited mainlydeep-water environments in the early Wenlock.The temporal and spatial change in the faunaldistribution may be explained by threealternative scenarios: (1) Epitomyoniafollowed the broad evolutionary trend of thePalaeozoic Evolutionary Fauna to shift fromshallow- to deeper-water settings over time; (2)the dicoelosiid communities could notcompete with the large-shelled pentameridecommunities in continental shelf settingsduring the Early Silurian; or (3) only theshallow-water Epitomyonia died out in theLate Ordovician mass extinction event,whereas some poorly known deep-water LateOrdovician forms survived into the EarlySilurian. Epitomyonia paucitropida n. sp.from the lower Whittaker Formation (lateKatian) of the Mackenzie Mountains,northwestern Canada, is reported as the firstknown Ordovician species of Epitomyoniafrom the palaeocontinent of Laurentia,characterized by a small shell with weak,transverse dorsal ridges that are mostprimitive for the genus.2009010191奥 陶 纪 辐 射 期 的 生 物 穿 时 —— 来 自 华 南 的证 据 = Biotic diachroneity during theOrdovician radiation: evidence from SouthChina. ( 英 文 ). Zhan Renbin; Harper D A T.Lethaia, 2006, 39(3): 211 - 226The Ordovician radiation was one of themost marked and sustained increases inPhanerozoic biodiversification; nevertheless itoccurred against a background of minimalglobal climatic and environmentalperturbations. Detailed investigations of theOrdovician successions on the YangtzePlatform of the South China palaeoplateindicate that: (1) the brachiopod - and β-diversity changes are diachronous; (2)macroevolutionary patterns were differentacross the South China palaeoplate, with theEarly Ordovician brachiopod radiation firstoccurring in normal marine, shallow-waterenvironments and then moving gradually toboth nearer-shore and offshore locations; (3)the main contributors to the initial Ordovician64

achiopod radiation were the Orthida andPentamerida; the typical Ordovicianbrachiopod fauna, dominated by the Orthidaand Strophomenida, did not appear until thelate Mid Ordovician (Undulograptusaustrodentatus Biozone) when theStrophomenida apparently replaced thedominant position of the Pentamerida withinthe fauna; (4) different ecotypes (e.g., sessilebenthos, mobile benthos together with pelagicand planktonic organisms) demonstratesubstantially different macroevolutionarypatterns. The Ordovician brachiopod radiationof South China was apparently earlier thanthat suggested by global trends together withthe data available from other palaeoplates orterranes, which may be related to its uniquepalaeogeographic position (peri-Gondwananterrane gradually moving to equatoriallatitudes).2009010192阿 尔 及 利 亚 上 新 世 腕 足 类 壳 体 上 的 高 频 率钻 孔 及 其 生 态 意 义 = High frequency of drillholes in brachiopods from the Pliocene ofAlgeria and its ecological implications. ( 英 文 ).Baumiller T K; Bitner M A; Emig C C.Lethaia, 2006, 39(4): 313 - 320The fossil record holds a wealth ofecological data, including data on bioticinteractions. For example, holes in theskeletons of invertebrates produced by drillingactivities of their enemies are widely used forexploring the intensity of such interactionsthrough time because they are common andeasily distinguished from non-biotic holes orholes produced by other types of interactions.Such drill holes have been described innumerous studies of Palaeozoic brachiopodsbut rarely in those focusing on brachiopods ofthe post-Palaeozoic, a striking pattern giventhat in the late Mesozoic and Cenozoic drillinggastropods diversified and frequencies ofdrilled molluscs increased dramatically.During the past several years, however, drilledbrachiopods were reported in several studiesof the Mesozoic and Cenozoic, suggesting thatthis phenomenon may be more common thanhas been previously assumed. Here we reporton drilled brachiopods from a Pliocenelocality in Algeria where 90 of 261 (34.5%)specimens of Megerlia truncata showevidence of predatory drilling. These dataconfirm that Cenozoic drilling frequencies ofbrachiopods may be locally high and, whentaken together with other published data, thatdrilling frequencies are highly heterogeneousin space and time.2009010193中 国 四 川 下 寒 武 统 舌 形 贝 形 腕 足 类Linnarssonia 的 微 细 构 造 = Microstructureof the linguliformean brachiopod Linnarssoniafrom the Lower Cambrian of Sichuan, China.( 英 文 ). Feng Weimin; Kobayashi I.Lethaia, 2004, 37(3): 263 - 270Acrotretoids, one of the oldest brachiopodgroups, are abundant in the Lower CambrianJiulaodong Formation. The shell ofLinnarssonia sp. is composed of two layers: aprimary layer and a columnar secondary layer.The primary layer is mostly exfoliated,resulting in exposure of the openings to thecentral canal of the columns. Filae are seen onthe surface of the columnar layer, indicatingthat the columnar secondary layer hasinfluenced changes in ornament on the shellsurface. The larval shell has only very weakripples; the post-larval shell has obviousconcentric ribs. Small pits of variable shapecover almost the entire shell surface. Thesecondary layer is composed of severalcolumnar laminations, each of whichcomprises both the upper and lower laminaeand the cylindrical columns between them. Onthe inner side of shell the thin columnarlaminations increase. The new microstructuraldata show that two shell layers are developedin Early Cambrian acrotretoid brachiopods;the columnar lamination may be a primitivefeature of the microstructural development ofthe Brachiopoda and may help establish theaffinity between different stem-groupbrachiopods.2009010194阿 根 廷 西 北 部 特 马 豆 克 期 LipanorthisBenedetto 重 新 鉴 定 为 dalmanellidine——对 于 疹 壳 正 形 贝 类 腕 足 动 物 的 起 源 和 早 期辐 射 的 意 义 = Lipanorthis Benedetto from theTremadocian of NW Argentina reidentified asa dalmanellidine: Significance for the originand early radiation of the punctate orthidebrachiopods. ( 英 文 ). Harper D A T; Villas E;Ortega G. Lethaia, 2004, 37(3): 271 - 279The dalmanellidine brachiopods formed adiverse, abundant and long-lived group ofPalaeozoic benthos, reaching their acmeduring the later Ordovician. The oldestmembers of the suborder occur in Arenigrocks, where both superfamilies, theEnteletoidea and Dalmanelloidea, are65

epresented by relatively simple morphotypes.The reidentification of Lipanorthis Benedettofrom the Tremadocian rocks of Argentina as alinoporellid significantly extends the record ofthe dalmanellidines into older strata. Therelatively complex morphology of the recentlydescribed taxon and its marked morphologicaldivergence from other Arenig dalmanellidinetaxa suggest a significant pre-Ordovicianrecord for the punctate orthide brachiopods.2009010195检 验 古 生 代 穿 孔 贝 类 腕 足 动 物 纬 度 多 样 性梯 度 —— 单 时 段 数 据 (singleton data) 应 该 剔除 吗 ? = Examining the latitudinal diversitygradient in Paleozoic terebratulidebrachiopods: should singleton data beremoved?. ( 英 文 ). Fitzgerald P C; Carlson S J.Paleobiology, 2006, 32(3): 367-386Studies of taxonomic diversity over timecommonly count and compare first- and lastappearancedata (FADs and LADs) over asuccession of temporal intervals, and interpretthem with respect to taxon origination andextinction. Singleton taxa, which first appearand last appear in the same temporal interval,are often removed from analyses because theymight result from preservational biases ratherthan evolutionary processes, or they mightrepresent non-independent FADs and LADs.Should singleton taxa always be excluded? Weargue that in the case of Paleozoicterebratulide brachiopods, although they maybe sensitive to biases in sampling intensity,singleton genera should be included indiversity studies because they do not appear toresult from more typical biases, such asLagerstätten and temporal interval length, thatarguably can result in artificially high numbersof singleton genera.Singleton genera can be critical andeffective when used to test hypothesesregarding the existence and generation oflatitudinal diversity gradients. Contrary to theanti-tropical diversity pattern of modernarticulated brachiopods, Paleozoicterebratulides show a latitudinal diversitygradient that peaks in the Tropics. Thehypothesis that the Tropics are either adiversity source or sink can be tested bycomparing FAD and LAD latitudes. Forsingleton genera, FAD and LAD latitudes aretaken from the same data points and must beremoved for statistical comparisons to be valid.We suggest that taxon age distributions canaccommodate singleton data, as the taxon agemetric considers origination and extinctionsimultaneously. We generated taxon agedistributions to test the hypothesis that theobserved Paleozoic diversity gradient resultsfrom a latitudinal bias in generic turnover rate.We discovered that singletons are notrandomly distributed over latitude, withproportionally more singleton generaoccurring in the Tropics. In this case, singletongenera may reflect rapid evolutionary turnoverof taxa, rather than simply preservational bias.Methods that can accommodate singleton taxashould be used to study the diversity ofPaleozoic terebratulides and possibly otherwell-skeletonized marine metazoans.2009010196下 志 留 统 海 生 群 落 的 组 成 和 结 构 = Thecomposition and structure of Lower Silurianmarine communities. ( 英 文 ). Ziegler A M;Cocks L R M; Bambach R K. Lethaia, 1968,1(1): 1 - 27Five benthic communities occupied theshelf regions of the British Isles, Norway, andNorth America in Upper Llandovery times.The communities are listed below in order ofincreasing distance from shore.(1) The Lingula Community is the leastdiverse; it has both infaunal elements,including a protobranch, and two lingulids,and epifaunal elements, including arhynchonellid, a pterioid, and a cornulitid. Arestricted and protected near-shoreenvironment, such as a bay or estuary, ispostulated.(2) The Eocoelia Community shareselements in common with the formercommunity, but is more diverse and isdominated by epifaunal forms; the many smallpedunculate brachiopods probably livedattached to the large leptostrophiid brachiopod.(3) The Pentamerus Community isdominated by this genus which lived free andupright on the bottom; smaller pedunculatebrachiopods probably attached to this largeneighbor.(4) The Costistricklandia Community wassimilar in structure to the former communitywith the many small pedunculate brachiopodsbeing attached to the large Costistricklandia.(5) The Clorinda Community is the mostdiverse, with a great variety of smallbrachiopods which were probably able toattach to small objects in this quiet off-shoreenvironment, or to some moderately sizedbrachiopods, such as Clorinda and Cyrtia,which apparently lived free on the bottom.66

The brachiopod dominated communities ofthe Silurian clearly inhabited the 'level bottom',an area now occupied mainly by infaunalforms. The main attachment surfaces for theepifaunal elements of the Siluriancommunities were disarticulated, convexupwardshells.2009010197石 炭 纪 腕 足 动 物 Cardiarina cordataCooper, 1956 上 的 密 集 钻 孔 = Intensedrilling in the Carboniferous brachiopodCardiarina cordata Cooper, 1956. ( 英 文 ).Hoffmeister A P; Kowalewski M; Bambach RK; Baumiller T K. Lethaia, 2003, 36(2): 107-117The brachiopod Cardiarina cordata,collected from a Late Pennsylvanian(Virgilian) limestone unit in GrapevineCanyon (Sacramento Mts., New Mexico),reveals frequent drillings: 32.7% (n = 400) ofthese small, invariably articulated specimens(

features, notably tenuous marginal setae anddistinguishable mantle canals and a relativeshort pedicle tapering posteriorly.2009010200美 国 南 达 科 他 州 Deadwood 组 寒 武 纪 晚Marjuman 期 舌 形 贝 形 腕 足 动 物 被 捕 食 =Predation of late Marjuman (Cambrian)linguliformean brachiopods from theDeadwood Formation of South Dakota, USA.( 英 文 ). Robson S P; Pratt B R. Lethaia, 2007,40(1): 19-32One hundred and twenty-fivelinguliformean brachiopods of late Marjuman(Cambrian) age with shell perforations,presumably caused by predation, wererecovered from shallow-water limestones attwo localities of the Deadwood Formation inthe Black Hills of South Dakota, USA. Threequartersof the perforated valves belonged totaxa in the order Acrotretida, while onequarterof the specimens belonged to those ofthe order Lingulida. This is the first report ofpredation of fossil lingulids. In both ordersthere was a marked selection for valve type.Ninety-five per cent of all perforations ofacrotretids were in the ventral valve, while87% of all perforations of lingulids were inthe dorsal valve. The highest rate of predationof collected acrotretids, at any stratigraphichorizon, was 22%, while the rate of predationof collected lingulids, at any givenstratigraphic horizon, was as high as 9%. Halfof the perforated valves had round holes witha sharp, non-beveled exterior edge, and halfhad irregularly shaped holes with chippedinterior edges. The former type is attributed toeither boring or a swift, piercing percussivestrike, while the latter is attributed to asmashing percussive strike with a bluntappendage. A third type of perforationconsisting of minute, roughly circular holes isthought to be too small to be the work ofpredators, and is assumed to be the result of anencrusting organism or parasite. The differenttypes of perforation seen in the brachiopodvalves indicate that there was more than onetype of predator attacking them, includingpossibly one of the earliest durophages.Various hypothetical predators are suggestedas potential candidates for causing the shellperforations. The criteria for their selection aspossible linguliformean predators includepossessing the ability to produce one of thetwo types of shell perforation, and being smallenough to warrant preying on small (< 2 mm)brachiopods.2009010201晚 古 生 代 腕 足 动 物 的 地 理 分 布 范 围 和 属 的时 间 延 限 = Geographic range and genuslongevity of late Paleozoic brachiopods. ( 英文 ). Powell M G. Paleobiology, 2007, 33(4):530-546Geographic range size is one of the fewtraits that promoted survivorship during bothmass and background extinctions, but theexact reason (or reasons) why a largegeographic range confers extinction resistanceremains unclear. Proposed explanations havefocused on the roles of dispersal ability,climate tolerance, global abundance, andwidespread ranges in predicting taxonlongevities. This study uses biogeographicdata for late Paleozoic brachiopod genera totest the relative contribution of these traits togenus longevities, using simple but accurateproxy measurements. The results demonstratea strong positive relationship between genuslongevity and geographic range size, which isrobust to several potential errors. Further,latitudinal range, which predominantly reflectsclimate tolerance, was no more important thanlongitudinal range, which predominantlyreflects dispersal ability, in predicting genuslongevities. Rather, longevities were anoutcome of the total number of occurrences,which estimates global abundance, and theadvantages of widespread distribution,regardless of which particular traits wereresponsible for generating the total geographicrange. The advantages of a large geographicrange were apparent during both backgroundand mass extinctions of late Paleozoic time.Although not statistically significant, therewas a tendency for the greatest selectivity tooccur in intervals with the lowest extinctionrates. The correlation of genus longevity andgeographic range size had a profoundconsequence for the secular pattern of globalbrachiopod diversity: because the diversity ofgenera with small geographic ranges was morevolatile owing to their correspondingly shorterlongevities, global diversity and meangeographic range size paralleled each otheralmost exactly. Given that the correlationbetween taxon longevity and geographic rangesize has also been demonstrated for othertaxonomic groups and at other time intervals,these results suggest that global diversitycurves compiled from taxonomic databasesdominantly reflect changes in the diversity ofgenera with small geographic ranges.68

2009010202华 东 志 留 纪 最 早 期 的 华 夏 正 形 贝 动 物 群 及其 宏 演 化 意 义 = The Earliest SilurianCathaysiorthis Fauna (Brachiopods) Of EChina And Its Evolutionary Significance. ( 中文 ). 戎 嘉 余 ; 黄 冰 ; 詹 仁 斌 ;Harper D A T. 古 生物 学 报 , 2008, 47(2): 141-167志 留 纪 最 早 期 的 腕 足 动 物 群 在 文 献 中 很少 记 录 , 与 标 准 笔 石 相 伴 者 更 为 稀 罕 。 江西 玉 山 志 留 系 底 部 因 发 现 Akidograptusascensus 带 的 笔 石 而 确 定 该 处 盛 产 志 留 纪初 期 ( 鲁 丹 早 期 )、 多 样 性 较 高 的 腕 足 动物 群 。 根 据 组 成 、 性 质 与 层 位 , 它 与 浙 江江 山 、 常 山 、 淳 安 、 余 杭 等 7 个 地 点 的 同期 组 合 可 统 一 命 名 为 华 夏 正 形 贝 动 物 群(Cathaysiorthis Fauna)。 它 包 含 了 不 同群 集 , 都 产 自 细 碎 屑 岩 ( 如 泥 岩 ) 中 , 其分 布 主 要 受 海 水 深 度 和 距 华 夏 古 陆 远 近 的控 制 。 这 个 动 物 群 生 长 在 奥 陶 纪 大 灭 绝 后的 残 存 期 , 文 章 探 讨 了 它 的 残 存 特 征 。 研究 揭 示 , 奥 陶 纪 末 大 灭 绝 对 腕 足 动 物 演 化的 一 个 实 质 性 的 贡 献 在 于 制 约 了 奥 陶 纪 占优 势 的 A 组 ( 正 形 贝 / 扭 月 贝 大 类 群 : 发 育铰 合 面 、 窗 齿 型 铰 齿 、 正 扭 型 主 突 起 和 简单 腕 器 官 ) 的 繁 盛 态 势 , 滋 生 了 B 组 ( 五 房贝 / 无 洞 贝 大 类 群 : 发 育 后 转 面 、 弓 齿 型铰 齿 和 复 杂 腕 器 官 但 缺 失 正 扭 型 主 突 起 )在 志 留 纪 的 优 势 , 造 成 腕 足 动 物 宏 演 化 历程 中 的 一 次 重 大 转 折 。 文 中 提 出 “ 优 势 替代 滞 后 型 式 (Pattern of lag of dominancereplacement)”, 专 指 A 组 类 群 的 优 势 被 B组 类 群 替 代 的 时 间 不 是 紧 跟 在 奥 陶 纪 末 大灭 绝 之 后 , 而 是 距 大 灭 绝 结 束 约 4Ma 之后 。 文 中 描 记 新 属 华 夏 正 形 贝(Cathaysiorthis gen.nov.)。2009010203华 南 奥 陶 纪 末 大 灭 绝 后 腕 足 动 物 是 否 存 在“ 小 型 化 效 应 ”? = Does " LilliputEffect" Of Brachiopods Exist In South ChinaAfter The Late Ordovician Mass Extinction?.( 中 文 ). 黄 冰 . 古 生 物 学 报 , 2008, 47(2): 203-213小 型 化 效 应 (Lilliput effect) 一 般 是 指 灭绝 事 件 后 生 物 个 体 相 对 于 事 件 前 明 显 变 小的 一 种 演 化 现 象 。 为 了 更 深 入 研 究 , 文 中将 它 分 为 狭 义 与 广 义 两 种 类 型 : 狭 义 型 是指 它 的 原 始 定 义 , 专 门 针 对 种 级 分 类 单 元的 小 型 化 , 因 研 究 条 件 苛 刻 而 导 致 相 关 研究 很 少 ; 广 义 型 是 指 高 于 种 级 分 类 单 元 的小 型 化 , 已 有 一 些 实 例 。 文 章 对 华 南 奥 陶纪 末 大 灭 绝 前 后 “Katian 晚 期 ”、“Hirnantian” 及 “Rhuddanian 初 期 ”3 个时 期 的 腕 足 动 物 个 体 大 小 数 据 , 依“ 属 ”、“ 超 科 ” 及 “ 目 ”3 级 分 类 单 元 有选 择 地 进 行 比 较 。 分 析 结 果 表 明 , 奥 陶 纪末 大 灭 绝 后 残 存 期 里 较 低 级 分 类 单 元 ( 属级 ) 在 个 体 大 小 变 化 方 面 显 示 较 大 的 差 异性 , 这 与 二 叠 纪 末 大 灭 绝 后 普 遍 的 小 型 化有 很 大 差 别 , 这 可 能 是 因 为 奥 陶 纪 末 的 灭绝 强 度 远 低 于 后 者 所 致 ; 同 一 较 高 级 分 类单 元 中 不 同 属 级 分 子 个 体 变 化 趋 势 表 现 出较 为 一 致 的 现 象 , 反 映 出 它 们 可 能 具 有 相似 的 灾 难 应 对 机 制 。2009010204腕 足 动 物 数 据 库 及 定 量 古 生 物 地 理 学 研究 —— 以 全 球 二 叠 纪 Roadian—Wordian期 为 例 = Roadian-Wordian ( Permian )Global Brachiopod Database And QuantitativePalaeobiogeographic Analysis. ( 中 文 ). 谢 俊芳 ; 张 华 ; 沈 树 忠 . 古 生 物 学 报 , 2007, 46(4):420-429随 着 古 生 物 原 始 资 料 的 不 断 积 累 , 通 过建 立 数 据 库 对 化 石 资 料 进 行 搜 集 和 管 理 已成 为 一 种 趋 势 。 丰 富 的 原 始 数 据 , 使 我 们进 行 古 生 物 地 理 研 究 , 特 别 是 大 尺 度 定 量古 生 物 地 理 研 究 成 为 可 能 。 文 章 从 化 石 数据 库 的 建 立 开 始 , 详 细 地 介 绍 一 种 古 生 物地 理 学 定 量 研 究 的 方 法 。 通 过 对 二 叠 纪Roadian-Wordian 期 全 球 381 个 腕 足 动 物 属分 布 数 据 的 聚 类 分 析 , 区 分 出 4 个 腕 足 动物 生 物 域 ( 北 方 域 、 冈 瓦 纳 域 、 泛 大 洋域 、 古 赤 道 域 ) 和 9 个 生 物 区 [ 东 北 欧 区( Northeast European )、 维 尔 科 累 马 区(Verkolyma)、 格 兰 丁 区 (Grandian)、华 夏 区 (Cathaysian )、 基 墨 里 区( Cimmerian ) ] 、 中 蒙 日 区 (Sino —Mongolian-Japanese ) 、 泛 大 洋 区(Panthalassan)、 西 澳 区 (Westralian) 和澳 纽 区 (Austrazean), 这 4 个 域 和 9 个 区的 生 物 地 理 区 系 特 征 与 它 们 当 时 的 古 地 理位 置 基 本 吻 合 。 同 时 , 多 维 尺 度 分 析 表明 , 与 纬 度 相 关 的 温 度 梯 度 是 控 制 腕 足 动物 分 布 的 主 要 因 素 , 古 地 理 屏 障 和 洋 流 可能 在 腕 足 动 物 空 间 分 布 模 式 的 形 成 中 同 样扮 演 着 重 要 角 色 。2009010205系 统 古 生 物 研 究 中 的 统 计 新 方 法 初 探 ——以 浙 赣 边 区 志 留 纪 初 期 雕 正 形 贝 属 为 例 =Primary Exploration Of New StatisticalMethods In Systematic Palaeontology ——69

Example Of Early Silurian Glyptorthis FromThe Zhejiang-Jiangxi Border Area. ( 中 文 ). 黄冰 . 古 生 物 学 报 , 2007, 46(3): 278-292对 浙 赣 交 界 地 区 志 留 系 兰 多 维 列 统 底 部编 号 为 DK4( 浙 江 省 淳 安 县 大 坑 坞 剖 面 安吉 组 ) 与 AFL68( 江 西 省 玉 山 县 上 坞 剖 面仕 阳 组 ) 的 两 批 腕 足 动 物 化 石 中 的 雕 正 形贝 (Glyptorthis) 进 行 度 量 与 描 述 , 并 研 究其 腹 壳 肌 痕 面 在 个 体 发 育 过 程 中 的 变 化 , 最终 将 其 确 定 为 Glyptorthis wenchangensis(Liang)。 在 测 量 方 法 上 , 将 “ 协 方 差 分析 ”(covariance analysis) 运 用 于 这 两 个居 群 间 的 性 状 对 比 , 效 果 较 好 。 此 外 , 针 对 系统 古 生 物 研 究 中 的 传 统 统 计 方 法 ——“ 最小 二 乘 回 归 ”(least squares regression) 潜在 的 问 题 与 不 足 , 作 者 引 入 并 证 明 “ 鲁 棒 回归 ”(robust regres-sion ) 方 法 的 优 势 所在 。软 体 动 物2009010206利 用 双 壳 类 壳 埋 葬 学 确 定 海 啸 沉 积 =Identifying tsunami deposits using bivalveshell taphonomy. ( 英 文 ). Donato S V;Reinhardt E G; Boyce J I; Rothaus R; VosmerT. Geology, 2008, 36(3): 199-202On 28 November 1945, in the Makrantrench off Pakistan, a large earthquake (8.1Mw) produced a tsunami that struck the coastof Oman and left a taphonomically distinctshell bed in Sur Lagoon. The shell bed wasthick (5–25 cm) and laterally extensive,covering a >1 km 2 area. The shell assemblagefrom the deposit contained a mean of 59% forarticulated bivalves of allochthonous offshoreand subtidal species (e.g., Tellina palatam) aswell as a mean of 20% for lagoonal species,indicating large-scale erosion and transport.Taphonomic traits (e.g., articulation, rounding,fragment angularity) of all bivalve material>5.6 mm were quantified for eight samplehorizons, and compared with a tsunamite fromCaesarea, Israel. Some of the taphonomiccharacteristics between the shell beds fromthese two different depositional settings weresimilar, and three tsunamigenic specific traitswere identified: (1) thickness and lateral extentof the shell deposit, (2) presence ofallochthonous articulated bivalves out of lifeposition, and (3) extensive angularfragmentation. These results show thattsunamis form shell accumulations and cannotbe ignored when assessing shell bed origin forthe geological record. When these three traitsare collectively found, a tsunamigenic originshould be considered for the shell bed.2009010207在 晚 第 四 纪 化 石 记 录 中 腹 足 类 鸥 螺 科Heleobia 属 的 种 鉴 定 的 限 制 和 古 环 境 意 义= Limitations of the identification of speciesof Heleobia, Stimpson, 1865 (Gastropoda :Rissooidea) in the late Quaternary fossilregister and paleoambiental implications. ( 其他 ). De Francesco C G. Ameghiniana, 2007,44(3): 631-6352009010208阿 根 廷 巴 塔 哥 尼 亚 北 部 万 马 斯 特 里 赫 特期 — 丹 尼 期 软 体 动 物 双 壳 类 贻 贝 和 江 珧 =Late Maastrichtian-Danian Mytilids andPinnids (Mollusca : Bivalvia) from NorthernPatagonia, Argentina. ( 英 文 ). Griffin M;Parras A; Casadio S. Ameghiniana, 2008,45(1): 139-152The Upper Cretaceous - lower Paleogenerocks from northern Patagonia yield a richfauna of marine mollusks that may be usefulin elucidating paleobiogeographic andpaleoenvironmental changes taking placeacross the K/P boundary in the region. Most ofthe mollusk faunas remain poorly understood,as the preservation is generally deficient. Thispaper describes three new species of mytilids(Septifer mayai n. sp., Mytilaster ? edseli n. sp.and Gregariella amara n. sp.), and recordsfour species of pinnids, one of which is new(Plesiopinna pampeana n. sp.). All thematerial comes from the Maastrichtian JaguelFormation, and the Maastrichtian/DanianRoca Formation, exposed in the provinces ofRio Negro, Mendoza and La Pampa(Argentina). A survey of the stratigraphicdistribution of the material described showsthat the only Maastrichtian species thatsurvived into the Danian was Gregariellaamara.2009010209阿 根 廷 丘 布 特 Piedra Shotel 镇 和 Cerro LaTramp 镇 下 二 叠 统 Rio Genoa 组 新 的 腹 足类 = New gastropods (Eotomariidae andSubulitidae) in the towns of Piedra Shotel andCerro La Tramp, Rio Genoa formation, LowerPermian in Chubut. ( 其 他 ). Ferrari S M;Sabattini N. Ameghiniana, 2008, 45(1): 241-246200901021070

德 国 西 南 部 侏 罗 系 Kimmeridgian 阶 上 部Nusplingen 石 版 灰 岩 中 箭 鞘 类 喙 化 石 =Coleoid beaks from the NusplingenLithographic Limestone (UpperKimmeridgian, SW Germany). ( 英 文 ). Klug C;Schweigert G; Dietl G; Fuchs D.Lethaia, 2005, 38(3): 173 - 192Over twenty specimens of coleoid beakswere recovered from the NusplingenLithographic Limestone (Upper Jurassic, LateKimmeridgian, Beckeri Zone, UlmenseSubzone; SW Germany). Based on theirmorphology, four forms of lower beaks andthree forms of upper beaks can bedistinguished among the finds. Two gladii ofTrachyteuthis hastiformis are associated witha complete beak and hence enable taxonomicassignment of two beak forms. In one of thetwo specimens, the beaks are still articulated.A third specimen shows another form of upperand lower beak on one slab, which istentatively interpreted as the beak elements ofPlesioteuthis prisca. The largest type of upperbeak probably belongs to Leptotheuthis basedon its scarcity and size. The remaining twoforms are of uncertain taxonomic affiliation.The lower beak of Trachyteuthis resemblesthat of Recent Octopus and thus suggests aclose phylogenetic relation to the Octopoda, asthe lower beak of Vampyroteuthis has adifferent morphology. These originallypartially chitinous structures were discoveredin the Fossillagerstatte of Nusplingen becausethe bituminous sediments still contain asignificant portion of the original organicmatter. This might be the case because of alow permeability of the respective strata.Otherwise, without the color contrast, thesedelicate structures would hardly be discernibleagainst the carbonate matrix.2009010211竹 节 石 个 体 发 育 早 期 部 分 的 描 述 及 分 类 意义 = Description of the early ontogenic part ofthe Tentaculitids, with implications forclassification. ( 英 文 ). Farsan N M.Lethaia, 2005, 38(3): 255 - 270Ontogenic development and classificationof tentaculitids at high systematic levels arereevaluated in the light of new findings onshell structure and morphology of larval parts,and these features are here regarded as beingof primary importance for taxonomy. ClassTentaculita Boucek, 1964 is subdivided intotwo subclasses, of which subclassChionioconarida Farsan, 1994 is distinguishedby a tubular larval process closed at the apexand covered with microrings. The process isdifferentiated into a prolarval, metalarval andepilarval part, of which the latter coincideswith metamorphosis. Morphology of the larvalparts suggests that metamorphosis proceeds intwo different manners, giving rise tosuperorders within this subclass. Withinsuperorder Trompetoconarida Farsan, 1994 abilaterally symmetrical larval cone developswith an aperture oblique to the long axis of theconch; following metamorphosis the conchbecomes radially symmetrical and the apertureperpendicular to the axis; secondary shell,septa and pseudopunctae develop in the adultphase, and the structure of the shell is lamellar.In contrast, within the second superorder,Lirioconarida Farsan, 1994 the epilarval tubedevelops into a larval bulb with no changes insymmetry and position of the aperture;secondary shell, septa and pseudopuncta areabsent. The microstructure of the shell islamellar in the larval part whereas inpostlarval parts it is either sigmoidal orlamellar. The subclass Dacryoconarida Fisher,1962 possesses a subspherical, tear- or droplikeembryonic chamber which may have acaudal process. The microstructure of theembryonic chamber is variable within thisgroup, being lamellar in some taxa whereas inothers, a single layer of shell is present. Thepostembryonic parts of the lamellar formspossess nacreous or sigmoidal structures.2009010212晚 三 叠 世 wallowaconchid 类 伟 齿 蛤 的 生 物地 理 = Biogeography of the Late Triassicwallowaconchid megalodontoid bivalves. ( 英文 ). Yancey T E; Stanley Jr G D; Piller W E;Woods M A. Lethaia, 2005, 38(4): 351 - 365Discoveries of Late Triassic alatoformbivalves (family Wallowaconchidae) inAlaska and in south Asia and Arabia reveal abroad distribution for these tropical bivalves,overturning the concept of these bivalvesbeing endemics of offshore island arc terranesin eastern Panthalassa. They occupied an areaextending from central Tethys to the easternPacific margin of Panthalassa. The Tethyanwallowaconchids occur in nearshoreenvironments on the north margin ofGondwana, indicating an environmentaltolerance for continental shelf settings inaddition to their primary occurrence onisolated oceanic islands. The new sites reveala taxonomic diversity amongwallowaconchids. Wallowaconchids presentin India are conspecific with Wallowaconcha71

aylenea, the type species of Wallowaconcha,whereas wallowaconchids in Arabia are anundescribed taxon and wallowaconchids insouth-central Alaska are small in size and adifferent undescribed taxon. All knownwallowaconchids are of Norian age and theyappear to be a wide-ranging component ofLate Triassic tropical biotas.2009010213中 侏 罗 世 菊 石 绝 灭 、 假 绝 灭 和 分 布 的 模式 : 专 门 术 语 = Modes of extinction,pseudo-extinction and distribution in MiddleJurassic ammonites: terminology. ( 英 文 ).Westermann G E. Canadian Journal of EarthSciences, 2001, 38(2): 187-195Mid-Jurassic Ammonitina (Cephalopoda,Mollusca) provide good examples of true andapparent “extinctions” (i.e., taxon or cladedisappearances) at the local, regional, andglobal scales. A terminology is presented.Extinction is the termination of a phylogeneticlineage or entire clade (not of local demes orregional populations). Extinction was oftenpreceded by progressive range contraction thatresulted in diachronous regionaldisappearance (“extirpation”) and occurredwith the elimination of the last refuge. Otherrange contractions, however, were notterminal, but were followed by renewedexpansions, resulting in temporary absence ofthe lineage over part of its known range only,due to pseudo-extinction. Some lineages,called Lazarus taxa, apparently disappearedentirely for short or extended periods bypseudotermination (causing a “phylogenetichiatus”). This is an extreme form of pseudoextinctionwith unknown refuge due to smallsize and (or) unsuitable facies and location.Lineage or clade reappearance may be in theform of new species, whose relationship toancestral taxa has been problematic. Somedisappearances can be explained withdisplacive competition, where the replacementtaxon is either of endemic origin or animmigrant. Recent research in previouslyunderexplored field areas has closed some ofthe gaps of documentation by finding therefuges. Range contractions and expansions,together with their regional disappearancesand pseudo-extinctions, includingpseudotermination, were often causally relatedto sea-level changes, especially eustasy. Mosttrue extinctions, however, cannot be identifiedprecisely, because they occurred in smallpopulations and (or) refuges. Extinctionspresumably did not coincide with globalgeoevents.2009010214骨 螺 科 ( 腹 足 纲 , 新 腹 足 目 ) 的 螺 旋 索 : 对 描述 构 造 同 源 的 个 体 发 育 和 拓 扑 对 应 的 重 要性 = The spiral cords of the Muricidae(Gastropoda, Neogastropoda): importance ofontogenetic and topological correspondencesfor delineating structural homologies. ( 英 文 ).Merle D. Lethaia, 2005, 38(4): 367 - 379The Muricidae includes about 2500Cenozoic and Recent species. Onecharacteristic of this radiation is its largesculptural diversification. Therefore, the shellfeatures were used for the supraspecificclassification, until anatomical studiessuggested that they represent a morphologicalpitfall, because of their propensity to behomoplastic. However, an overlookedproblem in this reconsideration is the accuracyof the shell descriptions, which generally lackontogenetic data and precise homologies. Thispaper is focused on the definition of structuralhomologies through the spiral cords. Ananalytical approach emphasizes the necessityof three preliminary tests before plausiblydefining them. Three main sequences ofappearance of cords differing in their mode ofinsertion on the shell are recognized using theontogenetic correspondence. This powerfultest demonstrates that cords may evolveindependently and ontogenetic changesrepresent a pitfall when attempting tohomologize them by using the adultmorphology. The topological correspondenceallows identifying cords within the two majorsequences and is completed by a conjunctiontest in order to compare all members of thefamily. The related characters are divided intoa cord group and a groove group. Theiranalysis shows that differences in theexpression of cord, cord spines or nodulesmay exist in spite of a same topologicalposition. It also confirms that labral spines ofa same type are not always homologous.Finally, the proposed method suggests thatmuch progress is expected in order to fullyunderstand the morphogenesis of sculpturalchanges characterizing this gastropodradiation.2009010215阿 根 廷 奥 陶 纪 冈 瓦 纳 盆 地 双 壳 类 早 期 辐 射= The early bivalve radiation in theOrdovician Gondwanan basins of Argentina.72

( 英 文 ). Snchez T M. Alcheringa, 2008, 32(3):223 - 246The Ordovician diversification is marked byan increase in both marine diversity andecospace occupation. Bivalves, like othergroups, underwent a remarkablediversification in the Early Ordovician. Theearly phases of such a bivalve diversificationtook place in the Gondwanan basins ofwestern Argentina. In the NorthwesternArgentina (NWA) Basin, three cladesoriginated during late Tremadocian-Floiantimes. In the Floian successions of theFamatina Basin, a probable basal arcoid isrecorded. Genera from these two basinsbelong to 13 families. Phylogenetic analysis ofthe NWA heteroconchian bivalves indicatesthat redoniids and coxiconchinids may haveoriginated during this radiation event. Thistaxonomic radiation also implies an ecologicaldiversification. Ten guilds are recognized onthe basis of bauplan, mode of life, and feedingtypes. Lifestyles included free endofaunal,free semi-endofaunal, semi-endobyssate, andepibyssate; feeding types includedsuspensivorous and detritivorous habits.Physiological changes imposed bycolonization of low-salinity environments alsoaccount for guild definitions. Recentdiscoveries of Tremadoc to early Darriwilianbivalves from the NWA and Famatina basinsindicate that the dominance of higher groups(e.g. Heteroconchia, Pteriomorphia) deviatesfrom the patterns evident in other Gondwananbasins. This agrees with previous ideassupporting the importance of local radiationsduring the Ordovician diversification. Twonew taxa are described, Eoredonia orientalisgen. et sp. nov. and Babinka notica sp. nov.,and Coxiconchia sellaensis S nchez & Babinis first reported from the NWA Basin.2009010216云 南 东 部 一 些 奥 陶 纪 双 壳 类 的 亲 缘 关 系 和古 生 物 地 理 意 义 = Affinities andpalaeobiogeographical significance of someOrdovician bivalves from East Yunnan, China.( 英 文 ). Fang Zong-Jie; Cope J C W.Alcheringa, 2008, 32(3): 297 - 312The four poorly known Ordovician bivalvegenera erected by Guo (1988) from the LowerOrdovician (Floian) Hongshiya Formation ofEast Yunnan, China are redescribed, based ona re-examination of the type material, andtheir taxonomic position is clarified. Thispaper places the four genera in thesuperfamilyCycloconchoidea.Reinterpretation of the hinge structure ofBaidiostraca allows us to recognize it as acycloconchoid rather than a myophorid; thenew family Baidiostracidae is proposed.Zhenxiongella gen. nov. is described based onTaselasmodum septatum Guo, 1988, becausethis species differs significantly from the typespecies Taselasmodum decussatum Guo, 1985.These two genera differ fundamentally fromother cycloconchids in possession of a strongposterior internal septum in each valve and apedal retractor scar at the posterior of thehinge-plate; they are included in the newsubfamily Taselasmodinae. The poorlyunderstood family Nyassidae Hall, 1885 isenlarged and discussed herein; it seems thatthis family forms a unique lineage in theCycloconchoidea. Zadimerodiidae Guo, 1988is a junior subjective synonym of NyassidaeHall, 1885. On the basis of the bivalve faunas,East Yunnan was sufficiently far from WestYunnan to prevent interchange of mostspecies, although one species is common toboth plates. On the other hand, a commongenus and the similarities between twocycloconchids suggest proximity of EastYunnan and Australia, although these regionshave no species in common. New informationon the duplivincular ligament of glyptarcidsallows these to be classified with thesuperorder Pteriomorphia, rather than theHeteroconchia, as previously proposed. Thecomparisons between the eastern WestYunnan fauna and those of Western Europe,where glyptarcids are also important membersof the fauna, suggest that the eastern WestYunnan fauna lay at a much higherpalaeolatitude than the East Yunnan fauna2009010217加 拿 大 艾 伯 特 上 白 垩 统 土 伦 阶 - 康 尼 亚 克 阶Cardium 组 和 邻 近 单 位 的 菊 石 动 物 群 :1.船 菊 石 科 = Ammonoid faunas from theCardium Formation (Turonian-Coniacian,Upper Cretaceous) and contiguous units,Alberta, Canada: I. Scaphitidae. ( 英 文 ).Braunberger W F; Hall R L. CanadianJournal of Earth Sciences, 2001, 38(3): 333-346While the Cardium Formation (Turonian–Coniacian, Upper Cretaceous) is one of themajor hydrocarbon sources, and consequentlyone of the most intensely studied siliciclasticformations in the Western CanadaSedimentary Basin, it remains one of the morecontroversial units in terms of understandingthe depositional environments and processes it73

epresents, and correlations betweensubsurface and outcrop. Proposed subsurfacesubdivisions based on sequence stratigraphicconcepts, and relation of these allomembers tolong-established members of the outcrop belt,have provoked further disagreements. Thegeneral lack of biostratigraphic data within theCardium Formation makes it difficult to testdifferent models and to resolve conflictingproposals. This paper provides stratigraphicand taxonomic information on all knownscaphitid ammonoids from the CardiumFormation and correlation of these faunas withthe Turonian and Coniacian zonal schemeestablished in the United States WesternInterior; future publications will providesimilar treatments of the collignoniceratidammonites and inoceramid bivalves.2009010218加 拿 大 艾 伯 特 上 白 垩 统 土 伦 阶 - 康 尼 亚 克 阶Cardium 组 和 相 邻 单 位 菊 石 动 物 群 第 二 部分 Collignoniceratidae 科 和Placenticeratidae 科 = Ammonoid faunasfrom the Cardium Formation (Turonian –Coniacian; Upper Cretaceous) and contiguousunits, Alberta, Canada: II. Collignoniceratidaeand Placenticeratidae. ( 英 文 ). Braunberger WF; Hall R L. Canadian Journal of EarthSciences, 2001, 38(7): 1117-1128Ammonite species of the generaPrionocyclus, Subprionocyclus, andCollignoniceras described here from theCardium Formation, in combination withscaphitid ammonoids and inoceramid bivalves,allow recognition of all biozones for theTuronian Stage (Upper Cretaceous)established farther south in the United StatesWestern Interior Basin. Although many of thespecies used in this zonation were endemic tothe Western Interior seaway, morecosmopolitan forms at some levels do allowcorrelation with western European sequences.The presence of Prionocyclus germari Reussis firmly established in the lower parts of theLeyland Member, confirming the position ofthe Turonian-Coniacian boundary and earlierproposed constraints on the duration of theCardinal–Leyland hiatus.2009010219北 美 下 侏 罗 统 Amaltheidae 科 菊 石 : 古 生物 地 理 和 大 地 构 造 意 义 = Lower JurassicAmaltheidae (Ammonitina) in North America:paleobiogeography and tectonic implications.( 英 文 ). Smith P L; Tipper H W; Ham D M.Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 2001,38(10): 1439–1449The amaltheids are restricted temporally tothe late Pliensbachian and geographically tothe northern part of the northern hemisphere.Amaltheus stokesi is the only species thatoccurs in all areas of North America whereamaltheids are found. The craton north of theCanada – U.S.A. border yields the mostdiverse amaltheid fauna, including six of theseven taxa known in North America. OnQuesnellia and Stikinia, there are no endemicamaltheids, and diversity is low; A. stokesiincreases in abundance northwards where, inStikinia, A. margaritatus makes rareappearances. Wrangellia, with its richPliensbachian Tethyan and east Pacific faunas,is almost devoid of amaltheids, but itsamaltheid fauna does include two specimensof A. viligaensis, an eastern Russian speciesthat is unknown elsewhere in North America.Cratonal amaltheid faunas have more incommon with those of northwest Europe thaneastern Eurasia, suggesting that the Arctic andnorthern North Atlantic constituted the maindispersal route. Paleobiogeographic patternson the major allochthonous terranes argueagainst terrane rotation and in support of post-Pliensbachian northward displacement relativeto the North American craton. In addition, thepresence of western Pacific faunal elementson Wrangellia suggests a more significantlongitudinal displacement relative to thecraton for this terrane compared to that forQuesnellia and Stikinia. The Chilliwackterrane of southwestern British Columbia is aPliensbachian paleobiogeographic anomaly.2009010220Dynamics of Taxonomic Diversity ofBivalves in the Phanerozoic = 显 生 宙 双 壳类 分 类 学 多 样 性 动 态 . ( 英 文 ). Nevesskaya LA. Paleontological Journal, 2008, 42(4): 335-342 2 图 版 .Changes in the taxonomic composition ofbivalves during the Phanerozoic areconsidered. Each period is characterized by aspecial set of taxa, in particular, families.Changes in taxonomic diversity, the episodesof maximum and minimum diversity areestablished and compared with those of otherinvertebrate groups. In general, the taxonomicdiversity of bivalves gradually increased,except for a sharp decrease in the EarlyTriassic.200901022174

加 拿 大 艾 伯 塔 西 北 部 赫 塘 阶 Fernie 组 最 下部 新 的 菊 石 和 颗 石 藻 = A new ammonite andcoccolith fauna from the lowermost FernieFormation (Hettangian) in northwesternAlberta, Canada. ( 英 文 ). Hall R L; Kendall DR; Taylor D G; Craig J. Canadian Journal ofEarth Sciences, 2000, 37(10): 1373–1376The occurrence of the ammoniteDiscamphiceras cf. silberlingi Guex in a core25 cm above the base of dark, bituminousshales of the lowermost Fernie Formation inthe subsurface of northwestern Albertaestablishes their middle to late Hettangian age.Associated coccoliths suggest a possible lateHettangian to early Sinemurian age, which isthe oldest so far assigned to these shales anddiffers considerably from both the Sinemurianage of the type Nordegg Member of theoutcrop belt and the Pliensbachian age of itssupposed basinal equivalents ("NordeggMember" of some recent authors).2009010222印 度 中 部 巴 格 地 区 康 尼 亚 克 阶 菊 石 纲Barroisiceras 属 的 新 记 录 和 二 态 现 象 =Dimorphism and a new record ofBarroisiceras De Grossouvre (Ammonoidea)from the Coniacian of Bagh, central India. ( 英文 ). Gangopadhyay T K; Bardhan S.Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 2000,37(10): 1377–1387Barroisiceras de Grossouvre was hithertounknown in India. B. onilahyense Basse,which elsewhere belongs exclusively to theConiacian, has been recorded from theBryozoan Limestone Formation of centralIndia. This find, as well as the presence ofanother time-diagnostic Coniacian ammonite,Placenticeras kaffrarium Etheridge and twoinoceramid bivalves, Inoceramus (Mytiloides)incertus Jimbo and I. (Platyceramus) mantelli(Barrois) Mercey in the underlying horizons,help in resolving the long standing problem ofthe age of the Bagh Group. B. onilahyenseshows wide intraspecific variability andoverlaps morphometrically with the lateTuronian type species, B. haberfellneri(Hauer). They may be conspecific. Thepresent species has been found to be sexuallydimorphic, a phenomenon previously not wellrecognised in the subfamily Barroisiceratinae.As in many Late Cretaceous ammonites,dimorphism is manifest mainly by differencesin relative adult sizes and in strength ofornamentation, the microconch being smallerand more strongly ornamented.2009010223白 垩 纪 鹦 鹉 螺 Cymatoceras 壳 表 装 饰 的 微细 构 造 和 形 态 发 生 : 系 统 分 类 意 义 = Shellmicrostructure and morphogenesis of theornamentation in Cymatoceras Hyatt, 1883,Cretaceous Nautilida. Systematic implications.( 英 文 ). Chirat R; Bucher H. Lethaia, 2006,39(1): 57 - 64The transverse ridges or so-called 'ribs' ofCretaceous Cymatoceras correspond to thejuxtaposition of thick, projected andimbricated radial tile-shaped lamellae of outerprismatic layer. Each of these lamellae formedin a cycle including an outward extension andsecreting phase of the mantle edge, followedby his temporary withdrawal behind theperiphery of the lamella. The sculpture of theunderlying nacreous layer reflects only theunderlying morphology of the juxtaposedadapical parts of the imbricated lamellae ofouter prismatic layer. On internal moulds, thesubdued symmetric undulations, which reflectthe internal surface of the nacreous layer, caneasily be mistaken for imprints of comarginalribs (this last term is restricted here toundulations of the outer shell withoutstructural discontinuities other than growthlines). Distinction of this kind ofornamentation challenges the monophyly ofthe family Cymatoceratidae, classicallyinterpreted to include all 'ribbed' post-TriassicNautilida, the so-called 'ribbing pattern'encompassing lamellae, fasciculate growthlines and divaricate ornamentation. Whetheror not radial tile-shaped lamellae of outerprismatic layers a synapomorphy of anemended 'cymatoceratid' clade cannot besolved until its history can be traced through awell-corroborated phylogeny, allowing in turnthe evaluation of the hypothesizedheterochronic (paedomorphic) shifting of theembryonic growth pattern trough postembryonicdevelopment.2009010224美 国 晚 古 生 代 鹦 鹉 螺 和 掘 足 类 的 异 物 同 形= Nautiloid-scaphopod homeomorphy in thelate Palaeozoic of the United States. ( 英 文 ).Kues B S; Mapes R H; Yochelson E L.Lethaia, 2006, 39(1): 93 - 952009010225Silberlingitoides 作 为 代 替 SilberlingiaMonnet & Bucher, 2005 non Imlay, 1963 的新 名 称 = Silberlingitoides, new name for75

Silberlingia Monnet & Bucher, 2005 nonImlay, 1963. ( 英 文 ). Monnet C; Bucher H.Lethaia, 2006, 39(2): 1282009010226Baltoscandia 地 区 中 奥 陶 世 Darriwillian 期直 角 石 类 的 早 期 生 长 阶 段 和 分 类 = Earlygrowth-stages and classification oforthoceridan Cephalopods of the Darriwillian(Middle Ordovician) of Baltoscandia. ( 英 文 ).Kroeger B. Lethaia, 2006, 39(2): 129 - 139Five apices of orthoceridan cephalopodsfrom the early Middle Ordovician HolenLimestone of land, Sweden that wherecollected in the late 19 th Century by G. Holmprovide information on cephalopod evolutionin the early Palaeozoic. The apices belong tospecimens of the genus HedstroemocerasFoerste, 1930 and Archigeisonoceras Chen,1984. The apices are small in comparison withapices of other cephalopods of the Ordovician;the initial chambers of the shells of bothgenera are hemispherical and approximately 1mm and 1.5 mm in cross-section diameter,respectively. The apical 2-3 mm of the shellare free from growth-lines and possess nocicatrix, though distinct longitudinal wrinklesare present. There is a slight variability ofsiphuncle position during early growth inArchigeisonoceras. It can be shown that thestructure of the connecting ring ofHedstroemoceras is similar to that of otherOrthocerida. Additionally, the hemisphericalapex of Lituites perfectus Wahlenberg, 1821gives evidence for the orthoceridan affinity oflituitidans. The investigation shows that earlyMiddle Ordovician Orthocerida display acharacteristic connecting ring structure, acharacteristic apex morphology and variablesiphuncular positions that differs significantlyfrom other cephalopods of the Ordovician.Based on this evidence it is concluded that asmall spherical apex is an autapomorphy ofthe Orthocerida. Moreover, this evidencesupports a splitting of the order Orthocerida intwo taxa of different affinities. TheOrthocerida sensu stricto comprisesorthocones with a tubular siphuncle nearlywithout endospiphuncular deposits, and aspherical apex.2009010227软 体 动 物 个 体 发 育 策 略 的 生 态 意 义 —— 以Iberian 半 岛 新 生 代 水 生 生 态 系 统 为 例 =Ecological implications of molluscanontogenetic strategies - examples from aquaticecosystems of the Cenozoic Iberian Peninsula.( 英 文 ). Kowalke T. Lethaia, 2006, 39(3): 195- 209Molluscs from marginal marine and intracontinentalbasins of the Iberian Peninsula aredescribed with special emphasis on the earlyontogenetic shell formation, which reflects theembryogenesis and larval ecology. The fossils,covering a time span from the Early Oligoceneto the Early Pleistocene, are compared tocontemporaneous fossil faunas of theMediterranean and Paratethys, and to extantMediterranean faunas. Larval shells occur inbivalves and gastropods of Upper Tortoniancoastal lagoons near Crevillente (Alicante),indicating marine larval stages and aconnection of the adult habitat with the opensea. The euryhaline marginal marinegastropods display planktotrophic larval shells,which enable a marine distribution, butprevented generally euryhaline genera, such asGranulolabium and Terebralia (Cerithioidea,Potamididae), from colonizing continentalsaline ecosystems. The establishment ofathalassic saline populations implies thepreadaptational loss of planktotrophy. For thefirst time lecithotrophic larval development inan athalassic saline system is documented forPotamides gaudryi (Cerithioidea, Potamididae)from the late Middle to early Upper Mioceneof the Duero Basin. With regard to the earlyontogenetic development, P. gaudryi isdistinguished from its possible descendant, theextant Potamides conicus (Blainville, 1829),which represents a direct developer that lacksany larval stage. In comparison to directdevelopment, lecithotrophic larvaldevelopment was advantageous in thecolonization of temporary habitats, such asflood areas. Two different modes of directdevelopment with hatching of crawling youngare documented: Feeding on embryonic yolkuntil the hatching stage and adelphophagy.Adelphophagous embryonic developmentappears to be advantageous in neritids, thiaridsand pulmonates that live in habitats withstrong predation of juvenile fishes based onthe advanced developmental stage and largershell size of the hatchlings.2009010228奇 特 的 箱 蚶 科 双 壳 类 Ambrogia mytiloides(Brocchi, 1814) 的 生 活 习 性 和 个 体 发 育 =Life habit and ontogeny of the unusual arcidbivalve Ambrogia mytiloides (Brocchi, 1814).( 英 文 ). Perna R L. Lethaia, 2006, 39(3): 245 -25276

The unusual Plio-Pleistocene arcidAmbrogia mytiloides (Brocchi, 1814) has alarge, elongate, smooth and streamlined shell.On the basis of these characters and theoccurrence of moderate shell torsion, themode of life of this species was formerlythought to be semi-infaunal endobyssate,obliquely oriented like the twisted arcidTrisidos. The discovery of shells in lifeposition suggests that this species lived in asubvertical position. Rather than a recliner,this arcid was then a sticker, whose stabilitywas provided by the byssus, which also wasused to aid the bivalve in burrowing, and byits large size. The morphology of juvenilevalves, smaller than 4 mm, suggests anepibyssate mode of life in its early growthstages. Ambrogia represents a remarkablepathway in the secondary return of arcids tosoft bottoms: with this genus, they reachedtheir deepest burrowing level. However, thisstrategy was not very successful, probablybecause of evolutionary constraints on theArcoida.2009010229葡 萄 牙 Cabo Mondego 地 区 巴 柔 阶 / 巴 通 阶界 线 处 的 菊 石 序 列 = Ammonite successionat the Bajocian/Bathonian boundary in theCabo Mondego region (Portugal). ( 英 文 ).Fern á ndez-L ó pez S R; Henriques M H;Mangold C. Lethaia, 2006, 39(3): 253 - 264The Cabo Mondego outcrops exposed alongthe cliffs, on the western margin of the IberianPlate, show an expanded stratigraphic sectionof Lower Bathonian deposits containingabundant ammonoids. Upper Bajociandeposits correspond to similar facies, ofmuddy limestones alternating with marlstones,although ammonoids are scarce. A detailedsuccession of ammonites across theBajocian/Bathonian boundary has beenrecognized at Cabo Mondego, which can forma useful bio- and chronostratigraphic standardfor the Lusitanian Basin. The revision ofprevious collections from the classical sectionand new field samplings of two other separatesections allow the recognition through up totwenty metres of thickness, the highest zoneof Bajocian (Parkinsoni Zone) and the lowestzone of Bathonian (Zigzag Zone). TheParkinsoni and the Zigzag zones establishedfor NW European areas and belonging to theNorthwest European Province, can beidentified in the Lusitanian Basin, althoughthe ammonite fossil assemblages arecomposed of Submediterranean taxa. However,a subdivision of the Parkinsoni Zone is notpossible, due to the scarcity of well preservedammonoids. The Zigzag Zone can berecognized and characterized as composed oftwo subunits (Parvum and Macrescenssubzones) as represented in diverse Europeanbasins of the Submediterranean Province.Ammonite fossil assemblages of the ParvumSubzone may be grouped into two successivehorizons, which are biochronostratigraphicallyequivalent to the subdivisions of theConvergens Subzone distinguished in theDigne-Barr me area (SE France). Newbiochronostratigraphic data on the Bigotitinae,youngest members of Leptosphinctinae andoldest members of Zigzagiceratinae arerelevant in understanding the evolution andfaunal turnover of the West TethyanPerisphinctidae during earliest Bathonian. Theammonite succession at theBajocian/Bathonian boundary in the CaboMondego region (Portugal) represents one ofthe most complete biostratigraphic records sofar recognized on the Iberian Plate.2009010230美 国 内 华 达 二 叠 系 Arcturus 组 前 碟 菊 石 类和 棱 菊 石 类 的 气 室 膜 = Cameral membranesin prolecanitid and goniatitid ammonoids fromthe Permian Arcturus Formation, Nevada,USA. ( 英 文 ). Landman N H; Polizzotto K;Mapes R H; Tanabe K. Lethaia, 2006, 39(4):365 - 379We describe cameral membranes inprolecanitid and goniatitid ammonoids fromthe Lower Permian Arcturus Formation,Nevada, USA. The membranes are preservedas phosphatic sheets and were originallycomposed of organic material such asconchiolin. Because the phragmocones arefilled with micritic calcite, the cameralmembranes can be exposed by etching withweak acetic acid. The membranes areassociated with the siphuncle and also coat theseptal faces and chamber walls. Thesiphuncular membranes are much moreextensive in the prolecanitids than in thegoniatites. These membranes appear in theprolecanitids at the beginning of the thirdwhorl, corresponding to a shell diameter of 3-4 mm, and become more complex throughontogeny. Additional membranes, calledtransverse membranes, appear in some of theseptal saddles on the ventrolateral side. Thesiphuncular membranes in prolecanitids arevery similar to those in the Ceratitina plusMesozoic Ammonoidea, suggesting that such77

membranes are widely distributed in thisgroup. However, the origin and function ofthese membranes are unclear. We argue thatthe siphuncular membranes were sequentiallysecreted by the rear mantle during forwardmovement of the body and were not producedby desiccation of cameral liquid after theformation of the chambers. The mostcompelling arguments for this interpretationare the abrupt appearance of these membranesat a shell diameter of approximately 3-4 mmin prolecanitids, ceratites, and ammonitids,coincident with the end of the neanic stage,and the uniform increase in complexity of themembranes through ontogeny. The shape ofthe siphuncular membranes in prolecanitidssuggests the presence of an invagination onthe dorsal side of the siphuncle during part ofthe chamber formation cycle. Cameralmembranes may have served a variety offunctions including stabilizing the cameralliquid to reduce rocking motion duringswimming, anchoring the siphuncle to thechamber wall, and facilitating cameral liquidremoval, permitting a faster rate of growth.2009010231早 侏 罗 世 土 阿 辛 期 早 期 菊 石 的 两 个 绝 灭 事件 = The two Early Toarcian (Early Jurassic)extinction events in ammonoids. ( 英 文 ).Cecca F; Macchioni F. Lethaia, 2004, 37(1):35 - 56The Early Toarcian (Early Jurassic)biological crisis was one of the 'minor' massextinctions. It is linked with an oceanic anoxicevent. Fossil data from sections located innorthwestern European (epicontinentalplatforms and basins) and Tethyan (distal,epioceanic) areas indicate that LatePliensbachian-Early Toarcian ammonoidsexperienced two extinction events during theEarly Toarcian. The older one is linked withdisruption of the Tethyan-Boreal provinciality,whereas the younger event correlates with theonset of anoxia and corresponds with theEarly Toarcian mass-extinction event. Thesetwo extinctions cannot be interpreted asepisodes of a single, stepwise, event. Valuesof the net diversification, more than thenumber of extinctions, allow the twoextinction events to be clearly recognized anddistinguished. Values of regional netdiversification for northwestern European andTethyan faunas point to greater evolutionarydynamics in the epioceanic areas. Theinclusion of Mediterranean faunas in thedatabase proves that the ammonite turnover atthe Early Toarcian mass-extinction event wasmore important than previously thought.Progenitor (evolute Neolioceratoides),survivor (Dactylioceras, Polyplectuspluricostatus) and Lazarus (Procliviceras)taxa have been recognized. Differentselectivity patterns are shown for the twoevents. The first one, linked to the disruptionof the Tethyan-Boreal provinciality, hasmainly affected ammonites adapted toepicontinental platforms. In the massextinctionevent, no selectivity is recognized,because also Phylloceratina and Lytoceratinawere deeply affected at species level, althoughtheir wide biogeographical distribution atclade level was a significant buffer againstextinction. In contrast to Palaeozoic massextinctions, ammonoid survivors and Lazarustaxa are characterized by complex sutures:Phylloceratina (long-ranging ammonoids) andPolyplectus (relatively long-ranging comparedto other Ammonitina).2009010232Buckman 悖 论 : 菊 石 壳 饰 和 壳 形 的 变 异 和约 束 = Buckman's Paradox: variability andconstraints on ammonoid ornament and shellshape. ( 英 文 ). Yacobucci M M. Lethaia, 2004,37(1): 57 - 69Buckman's Law of Covariation states thatammonoid shell shape and ornamentation aretypically correlated, such that compressed,involute forms have light ornament whilemore inflated, evolute forms have heavierornament. Such covariation has been observedin many ammonoid groups, and implies a linkbetween the morphogenesis of shell shape andornamentation. However, other evidencesuggests that while ornament growth iscontrolled by the genetic-developmentalprogram of the ammonoid, shell shape isstrongly influenced by environmental factors.These differing viewpoints lead to Buckman'sParadox - are ornamentation and shell shapetightly linked, as implied by Buckman'scovariation, or is the morphogenesis ofornament controlled genetically, while shellshape is controlled environmentally? Toaddress this issue, the variability of shellshape and rib morphology has been comparedfor a group of endemic acanthoceratidammonites from the Cretaceous WesternInterior Seaway of North America. IfBuckman's Law holds due to a morphogeneticconnection between shell shape andornamentation, we would expect taxa withmore variable shell shapes to also show more78

variable rib features and growth.Morphometric analysis of seven shell shapeand two rib characters for the Western Interioracanthoceratids finds no such correlation,suggesting that shell shape and rib growth arecontrolled by different processes. Indeed, ribgrowth appears to be more constrained thanshell shape, consistent with the view thatornamentation is more tightly controlled bythe developmental-genetic growth program ofthe ammonoid. These results emphasize thecomplexity of ammonoid morphogenesis andhighlight our limited understanding of thecauses underlying Buckman's Law.2009010233现 生 鹦 鹉 螺 的 实 验 破 碎 模 式 及 其 对 化 石 头足 类 埋 藏 的 意 义 = Experimentalfragmentation patterns of modern Nautilusshells and the implications for fossilcephalopod taphonomy. ( 英 文 ). Wani R.Lethaia, 2004, 37(1): 113 - 123Shells of modern Nautilus pompilius fromthe Philippines were experimentallyfragmented designed to mimic: (1) transportwith sediment; (2) sediment loading; and (3)collision during floating. The breakingpatterns by other mechanisms (predation andimplosion by hydrostatic pressure)documented in the literature were alsoconsidered. The breaking patterns producedby various mechanisms are distinct and cantherefore be differentiated. The results allowidentification of the distinct mechanismsresponsible for specific fragmentation not onlyin modern Nautilus but also in fossilcephalopods. This is a new approach for themore complete recognition of post-mortemtransport of fossil cephalopods and their earlytaphonomic history, and contributes to ourunderstanding of their palaeobiogeographyand palaeoecology.2009010234中 生 代 早 期 并 韧 式 双 壳 类 韧 带 的 演 化 及 其对 确 定 “ 中 生 代 海 洋 剧 变 ” 时 间 的 意 义 =Early Mesozoic evolution of alivincularbivalve ligaments and its implications for thetiming of the 'Mesozoic marine revolution'.( 英 文 ). Hautmann M. Lethaia, 2004, 37(2):165 - 172The early Mesozoic radiation of thePteriomorphia was accompanied and furtheredby the development of several new types ofalivincular ligaments. These new typesevolved as modifications of the primitivealivincular-areate (new term) ligament, whichis characterized by an ontogenetic shift of boththe central resilium and the straight lateralligament in the direction of main shell growth.Arching of the attachment surface of theligament led to the alivincular-arcuate (newterm) ligament type, which has been realizedby the Ostreidae only. By contrast, areplacement of the lateral ligament by hingeteeth, limiting the (primary) ligament to acentral groove (alivincular-fossate, new term),has evolved independently in three families(Dimyidae, Plicatulidae and Spondylidae).Functionally, both kinds of modificationeffectively impede shearing of the valves andare interpreted as an antipredatory adaptationadvantageous in the cemented habit of thesefamilies. The alivincular-alate (new term)ligament of the Entoliidae and Pectinidaediffers from the other types of alivincularligaments by different growth directions ofresilium and lateral ligament, which result inan internal position of the resilium suitable forfast and powerful opening of the valves. Thisarrangement is an important prerequisite foreffective swimming, which, in its turn, is abehaviour chiefly used to escape frompredator attacks. The simultaneous earlyMesozoic appearance of differentantipredatory adaptations within independentclades hints at increased predator pressure as astimulant and may therefore point to acontemporaneous proliferation ofdurophagous predators. Hence, an importantaspect of the 'Mesozoic marine revolution'might have started earlier than previouslythought.2009010235墨 西 哥 西 南 部 巴 雷 姆 期 菊 石 组 合 和 相 变 的古 生 态 意 义 = Palaeoecological significanceof Barremian ammonite assemblages andfacies variations from Southwest Mexico. ( 英文 ). Barragan R; Gonzalez-Arreola C;Villaseñor A B. Lethaia, 2004, 37(3): 223 -234Analyses of ammonite shell forms of twoBarremian stratigraphic sections fromSouthwest Mexico consist of two well-definedmorphotypes: (1) Small uncoiled, mostlyleptoceratoid ancyloconic shells of thefamilies Ancyloceratidae and Hamulinidae,and (2) middle-sized involute to moderatelyevolute oxycone to discocone shells of thefamily Pulchelliidae. Index taxa allow therecognition of standard ammonite biozones forthe Barremian, which permit the relativedating of different processes that occurred79

through the water column in the environmentof deposition. The vertical distribution ofammonite morphotypes and facies suggestschanges of the palaeoceanographic andsedimentological conditions that prevailed inthe area during Barremian time. Petrologicdata, analyses of the organic carbon andcarbonate contents of the rocks support theidea that oxygen-deficient bottom watersexisted within a shallow marine, tectonicallyactive area with little carbonate depositionduring the early early Barremian (upper partof the Taveraidiscus hugii Zone through thebase of the Nicklesia pulchella Zone). Theseconditions in the basin caused a proliferationof middle-water depth ammonites ofMorphotype 1 but prevented the abundance ofnektobenthic forms of Morphotype 2. Oxicconditions on a more calcareous and opennormal marine environment seem to havebeen reestablished progressively during atransgressive episode from late early-early lateBarremian (upper part of the Nicklesiapulchella Zone through the Gerhardtiasartousiana Zone). This environmental settingsupported more facies dependent nektobenthicammonites of Morphotype 2 to flourish withinthe basin.2009010236非 洲 最 年 轻 的 海 神 石 类 ( 菊 石 亚 纲 , 晚 泥盆 世 )——Hangenberg 事 件 失 败 的 幸 存 者= The youngest African clymeniids(Ammonoidea, Late Devonian) - failedsurvivors of the Hangenberg Event. ( 英 文 ).Korn D; Belka Z; Fröhlich S; Rü cklin M;Wendt J. Lethaia, 2004, 37(3): 307 - 315A co-occurrence of the clymeniidPostclymenia evoluta Schmidt, 1924 and thegoniatite Acutimitoceras hilarum Korn, 2002is reported from the Anti-Atlas of Morocco.Both species occur in the same limestonehorizon within the Acutimitoceras prorsumZone, that has yielded an exclusive conodontfauna of the Upper praesulcata Zone (latestDevonian, above the Hangenberg BlackShale). This record is firm evidence that someclymeniids survived the global HangenbergEvent, but soon later became extinct withoutdescendants.2009010237德 国 海 西 相 晚 泥 盆 世 双 壳 类Lunulacardiidae 科 的 修 订 = Revision ofLate Devonian Lunulacardiidae (Bivalvia)from the German Hercynian Facies. ( 英 文 ).Nagel-Myers J; Amler M R W. Geologica etPalaeontologica, 2007, 41(): 47-79Taxa of the Lunulacordiidae werecharacteristic members of the Hercynian orBohemian deeper water bivalve faunas of theDevonian. Most of them show peculiar anduncommon morphologies, but paleobiology,taxonomy, systematics and ecology of thesebivalves, whic are known for more than 150years and often assigned to the Cryptodonta,are poorly understood. Our current revision ofthese taxa tries to interprete their paleobiology,stabilize their taxonomy, regroup themsystematically and make them available forpaleoecological interpretations. In the courseof this study all the species erected byMunster and Holzapfel originally assigned toLunulacardium are re-studied.2009010238难 于 置 信 的 幸 存 —— 修 复 的 鹦 鹉 螺 活 体 闭锥 穿 孔 = A paradox survival - report of arepaired syn vivo perforation in a nautiloidphragmocone. ( 英 文 ). Kröger B; Keupp H.Lethaia, 2004, 37(4): 439 - 444The nautiloid Trocholites depressus(Eichwald, 1840) from the Lasnam giregional stage (Darrivillian, MiddleOrdovician) of Vaike Pakri Island (North-West Estonia) is the only known ectocochleatecephalopod that survived and healed aperforation of the phragmocone. Twochambers of the specimen were broken duringits lifetime. The injury is located on the venterof the conch directly above the peristomalopening of the body chamber. It isreconstructed that the peristomal mantle tissuecarried out an initial sealing of the injuredchambers. The complete calcified sealing andcompensation of the irregular shell surfacestarted late with the overgrowth of the septa ofthe preceding whorl. The position anddiameter of the siphuncle were not disturbedby the regeneration showing that thesecharacters allowed a low phenotypicvariability. Despite the trauma in the midlifegrowth history of this specimen, it appears tohave reached maturity.2009010239基 于 瑞 典 哥 特 兰 岛 志 留 系 的 新 资 料 探 讨 早古 生 代 石 鳖 ( 多 板 纲 , 软 体 动 物 门 ) 的 多 样 化= Early Palaeozoic diversification of chitons(Polyplacophora, Mollusca) based on newdata from the Silurian of Gotland, Sweden.80

( 英 文 ). Cherns L. Lethaia, 2004, 37(4): 445 -456Isolated, well-preserved silicified scleritesof an unusually diverse Silurian paleoloricateassemblage from Gotland preservemorphological features that are important ininterpreting palaeobiology. The typicallygranular dorsal ornament is comparable withRecent chitons, and is hence possibly linkedfunctionally with sensory aesthetes. Ventralstructures particularly in thickened shellsindicate major muscle attachment sites subapicallyor, equivalently, beneath the rim ofthe apical area, and also marginally. In earlychitons such as Cambrian Matthevia, deepventral cavities represent comparable subapicalsites. Three Gotland genera with anunusual, holoperipheral shell growth styleapparently represent plated aplacophorans (cf.Acaenoplax), which coexisted withpaleoloricate chitons in shallow inshorecarbonate shelf environments. Sclerite featuresof all the Gotland genera are discussedtogether since they share most characteristics.The new family Heloplacidae includes thosegenera and Acaenoplax, which in apreliminary cladistic analysis form a sistergroup to other Lower Palaeozoicpaleoloricates. Multiplated skeletons inpaleoloricates and this group of aplacophoransrepresent parallel evolution of dorsal armour,which in chitons resulted in overlapping,articulating sclerites. The diversity of the mid-Silurian Gotland assemblage is examinedagainst early evolutionary diversification ofpolyplacophorans, aplacophorans, and inrelation to the overall record of Palaeozoicpaleoloricate and neoloricate chitons. Peaks indiversity in early Ordovician, mid-Silurianand early Carboniferous times correspond toperiods with widespread development of lowlatitude carbonate shelves. Neoloricates,apparently with an additional shell layer thatcontributed articulatory plates, appeared in theDevonian from where the fossil recordremains poorly known.2009010240背 景 绝 灭 过 程 中 的 选 择 性 —— 加 利 福 尼 亚上 新 世 — 更 新 世 扇 贝 = Selectivity duringbackground extinction: Plio-Pleistocenescallops in California. ( 英 文 ). Smith J T; RoyK. Paleobiology, 2006, 32(3): 408-416Most studies of extinction selectivity havefocused on mass extinctions. Here we analyzethe patterns of susceptibility to extinctionduring the late Pliocene and Pleistocene ofCalifornia in the family Pectinidae. ThePectinidae declined in diversity from a high of32 species in the late Pliocene to the currentlevel of 11 species living in the Californiaregion, indicating that the composition of theliving fauna has been shaped primarily byextinction in the last several million years.Extinction appears to have occurred in onelarge pulse, but because of uneven samplingwe were unable to resolve the timing furtherand have analyzed the patterns of extinctiontreating the late Pliocene through middlePleistocene as a single period of elevatedextinction. Extinctions were not random withregard to taxonomic relationships. Specieslevelextinctions were higher in more speciosegenera, but these genera were buffered againstgenus-level extinctions. This resulted in adisproportionately large number ofmonospecific genera in the living fauna. Inaddition, extinctions were not random withregard to body size, with large speciespreferentially surviving. This selectivitypattern is evident only when clademembership is taken into account; whenanalyzed across the entire family, no pattern ofsize selectivity was apparent. Our resultssuggest that (1) patterns of extinctionselectivity at the genus level may be a poorproxy for species-level patterns, and (2)whole-fauna analyses may not uncover strongselectivity within lineages.2009010241方 舟 已 满 ! 孤 立 的 中 纬 度 大 陆 新 生 代 浅 海 生物 多 样 性 从 保 持 不 变 到 逐 渐 减 少 = The arkwas full! Constant to declining Cenozoicshallow marine biodiversity on an isolatedmidlatitude continent. ( 英 文 ). Crampton J S;Foote M; Beu A G; Maxwell P A; Cooper R A;Matcham I; Marshall B A; Jones C M.Lethaia, 2006, 32(4): 509-532In recent years several authors havequestioned the reality of a widely accepted andapparently large increase in marinebiodiversity through the Cenozoic. Here weuse collection-level occurrence data from therich and uniquely well documented NewZealand (NZ) shelfal marine mollusc fauna totest this question at a regional scale. Becausethe NZ data were generated by a small numberof workers and have been databased overmany decades, we have been able to eitheravoid or quantify many of the biases inherentin analyses of past biodiversity. In particular,our major conclusions are robust to severalpotential taphonomic and systematic biases81

and methodological uncertainties, namely nonuniformloss of aragonitic faunas,biostratigraphic range errors, taxonomic errors,choice of time bins, choice of analyticalprotocols, and taxonomic rank of analysis.The number of taxa sampled increases throughthe Cenozoic. Once diversity estimates arestandardized for sampling biases, however, wesee no evidence for an increase in marinemollusc diversity in the NZ region through themiddle and late Cenozoic. Instead, diversityhas been approximately constant for much ofthe past 40 Myr and, at the species and genuslevels, has declined over the past 5 Myr.Assuming that the result for NZ shelfalmolluscs is representative of other taxonomicgroups and other temperate faunal provinces,then this suggests that the postulated globalincrease in diversity is either an artifact ofsampling bias or analytical methods, resultedfrom increasing provinciality, or was drivenby large increases in diversity in tropicalregions. We see no evidence for a species-areaeffect on diversity. Likewise, we are unable todemonstrate a relationship between marinetemperature and diversity, although thisquestion should be re-examined once refinedshallow marine temperature estimates becomeavailable.2009010242Gryphaea arcuata 的 形 状 和 环 境 = Formand environment of Gryphaea arcuata. ( 英 文 ).Nori L; Lathuilière B. Lethaia, 2003, 36(2):83-96Gryphaea arcuata is one of the moststudied fossils, but its detailed palaeoecologyhas been largely neglected. Specimens werecollected within a short stratigraphic range(three ammonite zones) in the 'Calcaire àgryphées' of Xeuilley (Lorraine, France) datedHettangian to Lower Sinemurian. As far aspossible, they were sampled from each marlybed of the section. A biometric study and anisotopic analysis are compared in regard toorganic matter measurements andpalynological data, the results demonstrating aclear relationship between the shape of G.arcuata and environmental parameters.Factors responsible for the various shapes aretemperature, oxygen levels on the sea floorand nutrient levels. Two main morphotypescan be related to two kinds of environment. Inthe first, controlled by a relatively hot andhumid climate and tending towardseutrophication, the growth rate of Gryphaeawas low, and the shells small, wide and thin.In the second environment, cooler than thefirst one and closer to the optimal livingconditions of G. arcuata, the shell was large,thick and narrow, and exhibited a high growthrate.2009010243塞 舌 尔 群 岛 花 岗 岩 岛 周 围 潮 下 带 硬 底 上 软体 动 物 生 活 组 合 和 死 亡 组 合 的 保 真 度 =Fidelity of molluscan life and deathassemblages on sublittoral hard substrataaround granitic islands of the Seychelles. ( 英文 ). Zuschin M; Oliver P G. Lethaia, 2003,36(2): 133-149This study quantified the degree ofcoincidence between living and deadmolluscan faunas in a shallow-water coral reefenvironment in the Indian Ocean. The resultswere compared with those from a similarlife:death study in the northern Red Sea, andwith those published for reef corals and softsubstrata molluscs. The proportions ofquantitatively important taxa are robust tosampling intensity, but fidelity indices andrank-order correlations are strongly influencedby quantitatively unimportant taxa. Distinctdifferences between life and deathassemblages were recognized, which are dueto distinct biases in the death assemblage.Bivalves that lived in close contact with livingcorals are preferentially overgrown after deathand should provide considerable temporal andecological information in a potential fossilrecord, as they will be preserved within arapidly growing reef framework. Somegastropod taxa are preferentially transportedinto surrounding soft substrata postmortem.Here they will be affected by time-averagingand taphonomic disintegration typicallyoccurring in sediments resulting in theassociated loss of much temporal information.Most gastropod shells, however, are inhabitedby hermit crabs postmortem, which maystrongly alter the fossil gastropod communitystructure. The results are similar to acomparable study in the northern Red Sea,with a major exception being the strongdominance of hermit crab-inhabited gastropodshells in the death assemblage of theSeychelles. Comparison of life:deathassemblages between hard and soft substrata,in keeping with the northern Red Sea study,showed the strong dominance of dead shells inthe soft substrata with the converse on thehard substrata. This results from differentaccumulation conditions for dead shells in softsubstrata. Fidelity indices are well suited to82

demonstrate that sedimentary deathassemblages are typically remarkably robustreflections of local community compositionbut they do not record the strong biases indeath assemblages of coral reef associatedhard substrata molluscs and are thereforeunsuitable for comparisons of life and deathassemblages in reef environments.2009010244鹦 鹉 螺 壳 沟 的 形 态 发 生 意 义 —— 来 自 侏 罗纪 鹦 鹉 螺 早 期 胚 壳 发 育 的 证 据 =Morphogenetic significance of the conchalfurrow in nautiloids: evidence from earlyembryonic shell development of JurassicNautilida. ( 英 文 ). Chirat R; Boletzky S.Lethaia, 2003, 36(3): 161-170As reported by many workers over the pasttwo centuries, the inner part of the shell ofvarious straight and coiled Palaeozoic totertiary nautiloid taxa bears a continuous midventralfurrow that extends into thephragmocone and the body chamber nearly tothe aperture. Study of the early embryonicshell development of Jurassic Nautilida showsthat the most apical part of this so-calledconchal furrow originates from the inner partof the initial, calcified shell apex, in line withthe inner ventral termination of the centrallinear depression of the cicatrix, the initial siteof shell deposition. The conchal furrowcorresponds to a morphological feature arisingas a developmental by-product. Rarespecimens of scattered ammonoid species (andpossibly of bactritoids) display a similarfeature, whereas their protoconch lacks acicatrix. However, the protoconch of recentcuttlefish, Sepia officinalis, often displays alongitudinal fold of the primary shellepithelium. A longitudinal groove or a pair ofgrooves appears connected with this cicatrixlikestructure. Although the mid-ventral ridgein ammonoids must probably be viewed as anincidental 'fabricational noise', whether or notit originates from a so far undocumentedoptional ridge on the protoconch or from someother structure related to shell developmentremains an open question.2009010245菊 石 壳 表 皱 纹 的 形 成 = Formation ofwrinkled shell surfaces in ammonites. ( 英 文 ).Checa A G. Lethaia, 2003, 36(3): 174-1752009010246菊 石 壳 表 皱 纹 的 形 成 —— 回 应 Checa =Formation of wrinkled shell surfaces inammonites: a reply to Checa. ( 英 文 ).Henderson R A; Kennedy W J; Cobban W A.Lethaia, 2003, 36(3): 175-1762009010247欧 洲 侏 罗 纪 三 角 蛤 类 双 壳 动 物 的 生 态 和 演化 = Ecology and evolution of Jurassictrigoniid bivalves in Europe. ( 英 文 ). FrancisA O; Hallam A. Lethaia, 2003, 36(4): 287 -304A modern palaeobiological approach to thetaxonomy, making full allowance for a widerange of variation, has allowed the distinctionof 22 Jurassic trigoniid species in Europe,grouped into 7 genera. Most species wereconfined to shallow marine habitats rangingup to a few tens of metres in depth but wereadapted to low energy environments as well asenvironments of moderate to high energy. Thepresence of external ornament on the shellflanks was probably an adaptation to facilitateburrowing, but in the absence of usefulexternal ornament other adaptations toincrease burrowing efficiency may have beenrealized by the development of an elongateshape. Because their occurrence in Jurassicstrata is only intermittent, confident inferenceson evolutionary patterns are limited to the twocommonest genera, Trigonia and Myophorella.Phyletic size increase has been recognized inthe latter but not the former genus. Thecalculated species longevities correspondfairly closely with those established forJurassic bivalve species in general. The modeof speciation is dominantly punctuational, butonly one likely example of species splitting isrecognized.2009010248晚 泥 盆 世 弗 拉 斯 期 - 法 门 期 集 群 绝 灭 中 等 环竹 节 石 类 的 毁 灭 = The fate of thehomoctenids (Tentaculitoidea) during theFrasnian–Famennian mass extinction (LateDevonian). ( 英 文 ). Bond D. Geobiology, 2006,4(3): 167-177The homoctenids (Tentaculitoidea) aresmall, conical-shelled marine animals that areamong the most abundant and widespread ofall Late Devonian fossils. They were aprincipal casualty of the Frasnian –Famennian (F-F, Late Devonian) massextinction, and thus provide an insight into theextinction dynamics. Despite their abundanceduring the Late Devonian, they have beenlargely neglected by extinction studies. Anumber of Frasnian – Famennian boundary83

sections have been studied, in Poland,Germany, France, and the USA. Thesesections have yielded homoctenids, whichallow precise recognition of the timing of themass extinction. It is clear that thehomoctenids almost disappear from the fossilrecord during the latest Frasnian 'UpperKellwasser Event'. The coincident extinctionof this pelagic group, and the widespreaddevelopment of intense marine anoxia withinthe water column, provides a causal linkbetween anoxia and the F-F extinction. Mostnotable is the sudden demise of a group,which had been present in rock-formingdensities, during this anoxic event. One newspecies, belonging to Homoctenus is described,but is not formally named here.2009010249软 体 动 物 死 亡 组 合 中 保 存 的 均 匀 度 真 实 性= The preservational fidelity of evenness inmolluscan death assemblages. ( 英 文 ).Olszewski T D; Kidwell S M.Paleobiology, 2007, 33(1): 1-23The richness (number of species) andevenness (uniformity of species abundances)of death assemblages can differ fromcorresponding living communities due toprocesses such as between-habitat transport,environmental condensation, and differentialtaphonomic destruction. Analysis of 132single-census live-dead comparisons ofbenthic molluscs from a variety of soft-bottommarine settings indicates that on averageevenness does not differ greatly between liveand dead assemblages, regardless of theparticular depositional setting or grain size ofassociated sediment. However, individualdeath assemblages can deviate quitesubstantially from their corresponding livingassemblages, especially if processed using afine mesh. In addition, death assemblagescollected using sieves with 2 mm mesh orcoarser showed consistently and significantlygreater evenness than corresponding livingassemblages. These results are encouraging forbroad-scale assessments of evenness in thefossil record based on the comparison ofaverage values (rather than for individualassemblages) and where trends in evenness arethe aim of the study.Our live-dead comparisons of richnesssample-size corrected by rarefaction revealedthat death assemblages were on average 1.45times richer than the corresponding livingassemblages regardless of rarefied size. In63.6% of death assemblages both deadrichness and dead evenness were greater thanlive, suggesting sufficient time-averaging tocatch significant random or directionalchanges in the living community and/orintroduction of individuals from outside thesampled habitat. In 12.9% of collections bothdead richness and dead evenness were lessthan live, suggesting either rapid loss of deadshells so that dead diversity is depressedbelow the local living community or selectiveloss of taphonomically vulnerable taxa. In18.2% of data sets dead richness was elevatedbut dead evenness was depressed relative tolive: these are interpreted to reflect theaddition of low-evenness allochthonousmaterial. The remaining 4.5% of data sets hadelevated dead evenness but depressed deadrichness, suggesting that live and dead in thiscase may not be closely related.In seven available time series, temporalvolatility in living communities over 6–24months was considerable but could notaccount for observed (mostly higher) evennessvalues in corresponding death assemblages,whose evenness and composition were quitestable in the few examined studies. A denselysampled spatial transect shows that changes inliving-assemblage evenness along anenvironmental gradient were preserved in thecorresponding death assemblages, althoughdead evenness at any location on the gradientwas substantially higher than living evenness.2009010250西 南 加 勒 比 海 晚 新 近 纪 和 第 四 纪 珊 瑚 礁 驱使 软 体 动 物 多 样 性 局 部 和 区 域 增 长 = Coralreef development drives molluscan diversityincrease at local and regional scales in the lateNeogene and Quaternary of the southwesternCaribbean. ( 英 文 ). Johnson K G; Todd J A;Jackson J B C. Paleobiology, 2007, 33(1): 24-52The late Neogene was a time of majorenvironmental change in Tropical America.Global cooling and associated oceanographicreorganization and the onset andintensification of glaciation in the NorthernHemisphere during the past ten million yearscoincided with the uplift of the CentralAmerican isthmus and resulting changes inregional oceanographic conditions. Previousanalyses of patterns of taxonomic turnoverand the shifting abundances of majorecological guilds indicated that the regionalshallow-water marine biota responded to theseenvironmental changes through extinction andvia a restructuring of local benthic food webs,84

ut it is not clear whether this ecologicalresponse had an effect on the diversity ofmolluscan assemblages in the region. Changesin regional and local diversity are often usedas proxies for similar ecological response toenvironmental change in large-scalepaleontological studies, but a clearrelationship between diversity and ecologicalfunction has rarely been demonstrated inmarine systems dominated by mollusks. Toexplore this relationship, we have compiled adata set of the stratigraphic and environmentaldistribution of genera of mollusks in large newcollections of fossil specimens from the lateNeogene and Recent of the southwesternCaribbean. Analysis of a selection ofecological diversity measures indicates thatwithin shelf depths, assemblages from deeperwater (51–200 m) were more diverse thanshallow-water (

environmental affinities of genera for (1)carbonate versus siliciclastic substrates, (2)onshore versus offshore depositionalenvironments, (3) reefs versus level-bottomcommunities, and (4) tropical versus nontropicallatitudinal zones. Genera withaffinities for carbonates, onshoreenvironments, and reefs have higher turnoverrates than genera with affinities for siliciclastic,offshore, and level-bottom settings.Differences in faunal turnover are largely dueto differences in origination rates. Whereasprevious studies have highlighted the directinfluence of physical and biological factors inexploring environmental controls onevolutionary rates, our analyses show that thepatterns can largely be explained by thepartitioning of higher taxa with differentevolutionary tempos among environments.The relatively slowly evolving bivalves areconcentrated in siliciclastic rocks and in levelbottomcommunities. Furthermore, separateanalyses on bivalves did not producesignificant differences in turnover ratesbetween environmental settings. Therelationship between biodiversity dynamicsand environments in our data set is thusgoverned by the partitioning of higher taxawithin environmental categories and notdirectly due to greater chances of originationin particular settings. As this partitioningprobably has ecological reasons rather thanbeing a simple sampling artifact, we proposean indirect environmental control onevolutionary rates.Affinities for latitudinal zones are notlinked to systematically different turnoverrates, possibly because of paleoclimaticfluctuations and latitudinal migrations of taxa.However, the strong extinction spike oftropical genera in the Rhaetian calls for animportant paleoclimatic component in the end-Triassic mass extinction.2009010253南 美 温 带 太 平 洋 沿 岸 晚 新 近 纪 双 壳 类 的 选择 绝 灭 = Selective extinction of late Neogenebivalves on the temperate Pacific coast ofSouth America. ( 英 文 ). Rivadeneira M M;Marquet P A. Paleobiology, 2007, 33(3): 455-468We assessed selective extinction patterns inbivalves during a late Neogene massextinction event observed along the temperatePacific coast of South America. The analysisof 99 late Neogene and Quaternary fossil sites(recorded from 7°S to 55°S), yielding2800 occurrences and 118 species, revealed anabrupt decline in Lyellian percentages duringthe late Neogene–Pleistocene, suggesting theexistence of a mass extinction that decimated66% of the original assemblage. Using thelate Neogene data set (n = 59 species, 1346occurrences), we tested whether the extinctionwas nonrandom according to taxonomicstructure, life habit, geographic range, andbody size. Our results showed that the numberof higher taxa that went extinct was notdifferent than expected by random. At firstsight, extinction was selective only accordingto life habit and geographic range.Nevertheless, when phylogenetic effects wereaccounted for, body size also showedsignificant selectivity. In general, epifaunal,small-sized (after phylogenetic correction),and short-ranged species tended to haveincreased probability of extinction. This isverified by strong interactions between thevariables herein analyzed, suggesting theexistence of nonlinear effects on extinctionchances. In the heavily decimated epifaunalforms, survival was not enhanced bywidespread ranges or larger body sizes.Conversely, the widespread and large-sizedinfaunal forms tended to have lowerprobability of extinction. Overall, the ultimateextinction of late Neogene bivalve speciesalong the Pacific coast of South Americaseems to have been determined by a complexinterplay of ecological and historical(phylogenetic) effects.2009010254侵 入 的 生 态 学 —— 腹 足 动 物 水 管 沟 的 获 得和 丧 失 = The ecology of invasion: acquisitionand loss of the siphonal canal in gastropods.( 英 文 ). Vermeij G J. Paleobiology, 2007,33(3): 469-493Most evolutionary innovations — powerenhancingphenotypes previously absent in alineage — have arisen multiple times withinmajor clades. This repetition permits acomparative approach to ask how, where,when, in which clades, and under whichcircumstances adaptive innovations areacquired and secondarily lost. I use new andliterature-based data on the phylogeny,functional morphology, and fossil record ofgastropods to explore the acquisition and lossof the siphonal canal and its variations ingastropods. The siphonal indentation, canal,notch, or tube at the front end of the shell isassociated in living gastropods with organsthat detect chemical signals directionally and86

at a distance in an anteriorly restricted inhalantstream of water.Conservative estimates indicate that thesiphonate condition arose 23 times and wassecondarily lost 17 times. Four siphonateclades have undergone prodigiousdiversification. All siphonate gastropods havea shell whose axis of coiling lies at a low angleabove the plane of the aperture (retroaxialcondition). In early gastropods, the siphonalcanal was short and more or less confined tothe apertural plane. Later (mainly Cretaceousand Cenozoic) variations include a dorsallydeflected canal, a long canal, and a closedcanal. The closed siphonal canal, in which theedges join to form a tube, arose 15 times, all inthe adult stages of caenogastropods withdeterminate growth.Gastropods in which the siphonatecondition arose were mobile, bottom-dwelling,microphagous animals. Active predaceoushabits became associated with the siphonatecondition in the Mesozoic and CenozoicPurpurinidae-Latrogastropoda clade. Loss ofthe siphonate condition is associated withnonmarine habits, miniaturization, andespecially with a sedentary or slow-movingmode of life.The siphonate condition arose seven timeseach during the early to middle Paleozoic, thelate Paleozoic, and the early to middleMesozoic, and only once each during the LateCretaceous and Cenozoic. Well-adaptedincumbents prevented most post-Jurassicclades from evolving a siphonal indentationand its associated organs. Dorsally deflected,long, and closed canals are known only fromCretaceous and Cenozoic marine gastropods,and represent improvements in sensation andpassive armor.In a discussion of contrasting ecologies ofclades that gained and lost the siphonatecondition, I argue that macroevolutionarytrends in the comings and goings ofinnovations and clades must incorporateecological and functional data. Acquisitions ofenergy-intensive, complex innovations thatyield greater power have a greater effect onecosystems, communities, and their residentclades than do reversals, which generallyreflect energy savings.2009010255牙 买 加 始 新 世 腹 足 类 新 种 Campaniletrevorjacksoni sp. nov. = Campaniletrevorjacksoni sp. nov. (Mollusca: Gastropoda)from the Eocene of Jamaica: at last, a namefor the first fossil used in intercontinentalbiostratigraphic correlation (de la Beche 1827).( 英 文 ). Portell R W; Donovan S K.Geological Journal, 2008, 43(5): 542 - 551A new species of giant fossil gastropodbelonging to the genus Campanile, Campaniletrevorjacksoni sp. nov., is described from theLower Eocene Stettin Formation of theYellow Limestone Group of Jamaica. Over180 years ago, internal moulds of these giantgastropods were first reported from theEocene of Jamaica and referred to asCerithium; it is only with the discovery of anexternal mould of the shell spire that it cannow be removed from open nomenclature.The ornate shell of C. trevorjacksoni has flatsidedto slightly rounded whorls; straight,impressed sutures; seven beaded, spiral cordsper whorl and a nodose subsutural ridge in themore adapertural part of the shell. Thissculpture differentiates C. trevorjacksoni fromother Paleogene Campanile species. In 1827,de la Beche included C. trevorjacksoni (asCerithium) in a list of over 20 taxa with whichhe correlated his white limestone formation(including the Yellow Limestone Group ofmodern use) with the (Eocene) Calcairegrossier of the Paris Basin. These specimensare lost, but re-examination of de la Beche'slist suggests his identifications were mostlyreasonable.2009010256马 来 西 亚 半 岛 中 部 中 二 叠 世 头 足 类 : 对 动物 群 通 过 南 特 提 斯 迁 移 的 意 义 = MiddlePermian cephalopods from central PeninsularMalaysia: implications for faunal migrationthrough the southern Tethys. ( 英 文 ). Sone M;Lemanb M S; Ehiro M. Journal of AsianEarth Sciences, 2001, 19(6): 805-814A Wordian (Middle Permian) cephalopodfauna consisting of four ammonoid species,Tauroceras aff. scrobiculatum (Gemmellaro),Agathiceras sp., Bamyaniceras orientale n. sp.and Pronoritidae gen. and sp. indet., and twonautiloid species, Tainoceras sp. andOrthocerida fam. indet., were recovered fromthe Bera South area, southern Pahang,Peninsular Malaysia. The outcrop representsthe southernmost extent of the Bera Formation.Bamyaniceras and Tainoceras are recorded inMalaysia for the first time. The presence of T.aff. scrobiculatum suggests a regionalcorrelation with an ammonoid-bearing bed ofSungai Cheroh, western Pahang, and permitsglobal correlations with strata of northeasternIraq, northern Oman and Sicily (Italy). A87

possible eastwards faunal migration throughthe southern Tethys is suggested2009010257日 本 北 部 北 海 道 早 阿 尔 比 期 北 极 型 菊 石Arcthoplites 属 及 其 古 生 物 地 理 和 古 气 候 意义 = An Early Albian Arctic-type ammoniteArcthoplites from Hokkaido, northern Japan,and its paleobiogeographic andpaleoclimatological implications. ( 英 文 ). IbaY. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 2008,34(1): 46-50An Early Albian Arctic-type ammoniteArcthoplites was discovered from the KamijiFormation of the Yezo Group in theNakagawa area, northern Hokkaido, northernJapan. This is the first reliable record of ahoplitid ammonite from Japan and clearlyindicates the distribution of an Arctic fauna inthe middle latitudes of the North Pacific atthat time. Synchronously with the appearanceof this Arctic-type ammonite, the tropicalTethyan biota (Mesogean taxa) disappearedfrom Hokkaido and elsewhere in theNorthwest Pacific. These biogeographicchanges suggest the existence of a“ cooling ” episode in the Early AlbianNorth Pacific.2009010258Yangtzedonta 是 双 壳 类 吗 ? = IsYangtzedonta A Bivalve?. ( 中 文 ). 方 宗 杰 .古 生 物 学 报 , 2007, 46(4): 481-485对 Yangtzedonta primitiva Yu 模 式 标 本( 标 本 登 记 号 :84430) 的 化 石 保 存 类 型 进行 讨 论 , 确 认 这 应 当 是 一 枚 单 壳 瓣 实 体 标本 , 而 非 内 模 标 本 , 由 此 判 断 , 余 汶(1985;Yu,2005) 所 描 述 的 肌 痕 实 际 上是 不 存 在 的 。 所 谓 的 “ 片 状 齿 突 ”( 余汶 ,1985) 或 “ 片 状 脊 ”(Yu,2005) 很可 能 是 外 来 的 附 加 物 , 并 非 壳 体 的 组 成 部分 。 无 论 如 何 ,84430 标 本 现 有 的 形 态 证 据尚 不 足 于 将 它 与 双 壳 类 联 系 在 一 起 。2009010259河 南 西 峡 盆 地 晚 白 垩 世 含 恐 龙 蛋 地 层 中 的腹 足 类 = Late Cretaceous Non-MarineGastropoda From The Dinosaur Egg-BearingStrata Of Xixia Basin, Henan. ( 中 文 ). 潘 华 璋 ;王 德 有 ; 冯 进 城 ; 符 光 宏 ; 朱 世 刚 . 古 生 物 学报 , 2007, 46(3): 293-298描 述 河 南 西 峡 盆 地 晚 白 垩 世 含 恐 龙 蛋 地层 中 的 腹 足 类 化 石 5 属 2 种 、3 未 定 种 。 根据 Bithynia cf.elongata Martinson 和Mesolanistes efremovi(Martinson) 在 地层 中 的 分 布 和 对 比 , 含 化 石 地 层 时 代 为 晚 白垩 世 桑 托 期 (Santonian stage) 至 马 斯 特 里赫 特 期 (Maastrichitian stage)。2009010260河 南 西 峡 盆 地 晚 白 垩 世 含 恐 龙 蛋 地 层 中 的双 壳 类 = Late Cretaceous Non-MarineBivalves From The Dinosaur Egg-BearingStrata Of Xixia Basin, Henan, China. ( 中 文 ).陈 金 华 ; 王 德 有 ; 冯 进 城 ; 符 光 宏 ; 朱 世 刚 . 古 生物 学 报 , 2007, 46(3): 299-313描 述 河 南 西 峡 盆 地 含 恐 龙 蛋 地 层 的 双 壳类 5 属 ( 亚 属 )9 种 , 其 中 1 新 种 。 依 据 双壳 类 的 地 层 分 布 特 征 , 确 认 含 恐 龙 蛋 地 层 的时 代 属 晚 白 垩 世 , 很 可 能 为 晚 白 垩 世 中 - 晚 期(Coniacian-Campanian 期 )。 描 述 的 双 壳类 化 石 有 : Pseudohyria cf.gobiensisMacNeil,Pseudohyria cf.cardiiformis( Martinson ) ,cf.Plicatounio( Plicatounio ) hunanensisZhang,cf.Plicatounio ( Plicatounio )zhuchengensisMa,Plicatounio(Acclinoplicatounio)cf.nan-anensis Maet Huang,Plicatounio ( Tamuraia )henanensis Chen et Wang sp.nov.,Sphaeriumshantungense ( Grabau ) ,Sphaerium taniGrabau 和 Sphaerium laiyangense Chen 。其 中 ,Pseudohyria 属 及 Tamuraia 和Acclinopli-catounio 亚 属 的 历 程 均 限 于晚 白 垩 世 。 韩 国 和 日 本 早 白 垩 世 地 层 发 现的 Pseudohyria matsumotoi Yang,1979 应归 Matsumotoina, 不 属 于 Pseudohyria; 福 建禾 口 组 上 部 原 鉴 定 为 Plicatounio( Plicatounio ) naktongensis 和Plicatounio(Plicatounio)fujianensis的 标 本 , 应 改 归 Tamuraia 亚 属 。2009010261川 西 昌 台 地 区 上 三 叠 统 勉 戈 组 的 双 壳 类Pergamidia-Halobia 群 落 特 征 及 古 环 境 分析 = Characteristics And PaleoenvironmentOf The Bivalve Pergamidia-HalobiaCommunity From Miange Formation OfUpper Triassic In Changtai Of WesternSichuan. ( 中 文 ). 庞 艳 春 ; 付 修 根 ; 王 新 利 ; 马 叶情 ; 李 德 亮 . 古 生 物 学 报 , 2008, 47(3): 341-351川 西 昌 台 地 区 上 三 叠 统 勉 戈 组 上 部 为 一套 直 接 覆 盖 在 流 纹 质 火 山 岩 之 上 的 板 岩 ,该 板 岩 富 集 双 壳 类 化 石 。 化 石 保 存 完 整 ,以 食 悬 浮 物 质 的 外 栖 足 丝 型 双 壳 类 动 物 为88

主 . 根 据 优 势 属 和 常 见 属 可 建 立 一 群 落 ,即 Pergamidia—Halobia 群 落 。 以 根 隆 剖 面为 例 . 该 群 落 的 发 展 可 分 为 3 个 阶 段 : 第一 阶 段 , 群 落 中 只 出 现 了 Halobia 和Parapergamidia 两 个 属 . 具 有 个 体 较 小 、数 量 较 少 的 特 点 ; 第 二 阶 段 . 群 落 中 出 现了 12 个 属 , 以 底 栖 双 壳 类 Pergamidia 为 优势 分 子 .Halobia 仍 是 常 见 属 , 该 时 期 群 落具 有 个 体 较 大 、 数 量 较 多 的 特 点 ; 第 三 阶段 。 该 时 期 群 落 组 成 分 子 相 对 第 二 阶 段 发生 衰 退 , 只 剩 下 3 个 属 , 其 中 Halobia 是 常见 属 。 岩 石 地 层 特 征 表 明 , 该 化 石 群 落 所在 层 位 的 沉 积 环 境 为 火 山 活 动 末 期 的 较 深水 环 境 。 地 球 化 学 特 征 表 明 化 石 群 落 所 在层 位 的 岩 石 具 有 热 水 沉 积 的 特 点 : 常 量 元素 的 三 元 投 点 落 人 热 水 区 域 内 及 其 附 近 ;锰 的 含 量 较 高 ; 微 量 元 素 Si/Ba 比 值 均 小于 1; 铅 、 锌 、 钡 、 铷 等 金 属 元 素 含 量 明 显高 于 地 壳 含 量 。 综 合 分 析 表 明 . 流 纹 质 火山 活 动 后 期 的 热 水 活 动 是 导 致 Pergamidia-Halobia 群 落 发 展 的 外 界 因 素 。2009010262印 度 西 部 库 奇 中 侏 罗 世 菊 石 属Epistrenoceras: 一 个 新 记 录 及 其 年 代 地 层意 义 = Epistrenoceras Bentz (Ammonoidea)from the Middle Jurassic of Kutch (westernIndia): a new record and itschronostratigraphic implication. ( 英 文 ). KayalA; Bardhan S. Canadian Journal of EarthSciences, 1998, 35(8): 931–935The identification of late Bathonian bedsand the position of the boundary between theBathonian and Callovian in Kutch, westernIndia, continued to be elusive until recently.The dominant ammonite faunas show strongendemism and thus are of little value inworldwide age correlations. The present paperrecords Epistrenoceras Bentz from thePatcham Formation of Jumara, which isregarded as a biological stopwatch indicatingonly the upper Bathonian. This find, togetherwith other recently recorded time-diagnosticforms, now resolves the uncertainties.2009010263波 兰 侏 罗 地 区 中 巴 通 阶 菊 石 Tulites cadus及 其 生 物 地 层 意 义 = Tulites cadus Buckman,1921 (Ammonoidea) from the MiddleBathonian of the Polish Jura and itsbiostratigraphic significance. ( 英 文 ). Zaton M.Neues Jahrbuch fur Geologie u. Palaontologie/ Abhandlungen, 2007, 243(2): 191-199Tulites cadus belonging to the familyTulitidae, for the first time was found in situin Poland in two outcrops situated in southernand central part of the Polish Jura (southcentralPoland). Previously, the Tulites speciesnoted in Poland lacked the precise location inthe sections, or even the exact locality. Thepresent findings allows us for the first time tolocate the Subcontractus Zone in Polishoutcrops, delimit the boundary between theSubcontractus and Morrisi Zones in theMiddle Bathonian sediments of the Polish Jura,and prove the Middle Bathonian age of thePolish Tulites species, instead of EarlyBathonian, as was recently suggested by Popik(2006).2009010264罗 马 尼 亚 Persani 山 脉 早 侏 罗 世 菊 石 模 式标 本 的 修 订 = Revision of Early Jurassicammonoid types from the Persani Mts. (EastCarpathians, Romania). ( 英 文 ). Tomas R;Palfy J. Neues Jahrbuch fur Geologie u.Palaontologie / Abhandlungen, 2007, 243(2):231-254This locality furnished type specimens of24 nominal species and 13 subspecies,introduced by six different authors between1866 and 1953. A comprehensive revision ofthe type material is presented. The majority ofthe original specimens are available, two arebelieved lost and another five could not betraced. Senven lectotypes are designatedherein. Rediscovery of types for three speciessuppresses their previously chosen neotypes.Included in this material are the type speciesof four ammonoid genera. Confusionregarding the type species of Tragolytocerasis resolved by introducing T. T bonarellii n. sp.and suggesting it as the new type species ofthe genus. Stratigraphic distribution of someof the revised taxa is assessed on the basis ofnew, detailed collections from a similarolistolith exposed a few km from the classicallocality.2009010265安 提 科 斯 提 岛 奥 陶 纪 和 志 留 纪 鹦 鹉 螺 : 穿越 奥 陶 系 - 志 留 系 集 群 绝 灭 界 线 =Ordovician and Silurian nautiloid cephalopodsfrom Anticosti Island: traject across theOrdovician-Silurian (O-S) mass extinctionboundary. ( 英 文 ). Holland C H; Copper P.Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 2008,45(9): 1015-1038Well-preserved shells of Ashgill (Katian-Hirnantian) and Llandovery nautiloids from89

Anticosti Island include the type species of 10genera. From a diversity high of some 40described nektic and nektobenthic speciesduring the deeper water, distal shelf facies ofthe Vaureal Formation (late Katian,Richmondian), the succeeding Hirnantianshows a decline to ca. 19 species in theshallower water Ellis Bay Formation. Anumber of Katian species possessed very largeorthoconchs (>1m in length), but Hirnantianspecies were less than half that size. Theinitial earliest Silurian (Rhuddanian, BecscieFormation) recovery nautiloid fauna isimpoverished, with low diversity (one sp.?),and generally dwarfed, to shells withdiameters of

considered to be a member of the familyCoreidae is transferred to the Pachymeridiidae.2009010269墨 西 哥 普 埃 布 拉 Los Ahuehuetes 地 区 渐 新世 蝎 和 昆 虫 ( 责 翅 目 和 鞘 翅 目 ) =Oligocene scorpion and insects (Plecopteraand Coleoptera) from the Los Ahuehueteslocality, Puebla, Mexico. ( 英 文 ). Cifuentes-Ruiz P; Vega F J; Cevallos-Ferriz S R S.Ameghiniana, 2007, 44(4): 673-679A scorpion prosoma, a plecopteran nymph,Euperlida parvicercifera Cifuentes-Ruiz gen.et sp. nov., and the elytra of an adult beetle(Coleoptera) are described from the OligoceneCoatzingo Formation, Puebla, Mexico.Specimens were found at the Los Ahuehueteslocality, Puebla, from where numerous plantremains have been previously described. Alacustrine paleoenviromnent for thesesediments is confirmed based on habitat ofrecent Plecoptera. This report represents thefirst record of Oligocene continentalarthropods from Central Mexico, and the firstfor a fossil Plecoptera in this country. It is thefirst record for a Nearctic extinct genus ofPerlidae.2009010270速 足 目 介 形 类 Semicytherura 的 壳 体 形 成 =Carapace formation of the podocopidostracode Semicytherura species (Crustacea:Ostracoda). ( 英 文 ). Yamada S; Tsukagoshi A;Ikeya N. Lethaia, 2005, 38(4): 323 - 332Details of ostracode carapace structureswere examined by SEM and TEM. Thepodocopine ostracode Semicytherurakazahana has major ridges on the carapacesurface and develops its prismatic layer insidethe adult carapace. Electron microscopy at thefinal molt reveals that the major ridges arisefrom the highly dense formation of pits withinthe underlying swollen epidermis, and thatdisappearance of the epidermis in thepresumptive area of the prismatic layer occursafter the calcification of the outer lamellacuticle, and just before synthesis of themembranous layer. These facts suggest thatthe formation of the carapace inSemicytherura takes place via a more complexprocess than that of the other podocopidostracodes.2009010271加 拿 大 西 部 二 个 泥 盆 纪 介 形 类 动 物 群 的 绝灭 模 式 = Modes of extinction in twoDevonian ostracode faunas of western Canada.( 英 文 ). Braun W K. Canadian Journal ofEarth Sciences, 2001, 38(2): 173-185The development of a prominent MiddleDevonian Eifelian and an Upper DevonianFrasnian ostracode faunal sequence of westernCanada is used to trace their evolutionarypathways, to illustrate evolutionary dynamics,and to evaluate the most probable causes andimplications of the major and minor changes,which are clearly expressed in two sets ofcharts. A connection between sedimentarytransgressive – regressive and evolutionarycycles is evident and documented in samplefor-sampleaccounts. Major changes in sealevel were the primary cause for the mostobvious breaks and trends in the faunalsequences and were responsible for the cyclicdevelopment of both the sedimentary andostracode records. In contrast, numeroussubordinate faunal breaks impart a distinctlypunctuated pattern to both extinction andspeciation pathways. Their regular spacingpoint to rhythmic influences that areinterpreted to reflect primarily temperaturefluctuations to which ostracodes are known toreact in direct and indirect ways. In turn, theperiodicity of the changes falls within the timeframe of the Milankovitch Effect or to any one,or a combination, of its three variables. Bycombining the overall cyclic developmentwith the punctuated progression of bothextinction and speciation events in an "eventstratigraphicchart," a blueprint of theevolutionary dynamics emerges, which can bedirectly applied in sequence-stratigraphicreconstructions.2009010272韩 国 和 中 国 二 个 中 寒 武 世 三 叶 虫 属Cyclolorenzella 和 新 属 Jiulongshania =Two middle Cambrian trilobite genera,Cyclolorenzella Kobayashi, 1960 andJiulongshania gen. nov., from Korea andChina. ( 英 文 ). Park T Y; Han Zuozhen; BaiZhiqiang; Choi D K. Alcheringa, 2008, 32(3):247 - 269Cyclolorenzella is an important member ofthe middle Cambrian trilobite faunas in Chinaand Korea. Morphometric analysis based onwell-preserved new material assignable toCyclolorenzella from China and Korea revealsthat most of the species assigned previously toCyclolorenzella in China are morphologicallydistinct from the genotype. Accordingly, thenew genus Jiulongshania, with J. acalle(Walcott, 1905) as type species, is proposed to91

accommodate the following species: J. acalle,J. regularis (Walcott, 1906), J. rotundata(Resser & Endo in Endo & Resser, 1937), J.longispina (Wittke & Zhu in Zhu & Wittke,1989), J. acuta (Duan in Duan et al., 2005)and J. longa sp. nov. Species tentativelytransferred to Jiulongshania are J.?subcylindrica (Chu, 1959), J.? yentaiensis(Chu, 1959), J.? humilis (Zhang in Qiu et al.,1983), and J.? latisulcata (Zhang in Qiu et al.,1983). This taxonomic revision results in onlytwo species remaining in Cyclolorenzella, thetype species C. quadrata (Kobayashi, 1935)and C. convexa (Resser & Endo in Endo &Resser, 1937). Jiulongshania has a relativelylong stratigraphic range from the Damesella-Yabeia Zone to the Blackwelderia Zone ofChina, whereas Cyclolorenzella is restricted tothe stratigraphically younger Drepanura Zonein China and Korea.2009010273莱 茵 片 岩 山 脉 绍 尔 兰 东 部 上 泥 盆 统Dasbergian 阶 ( 相 当 于 法 门 阶 上 部 ) 三 叶虫 新 种 Frithjofia weddigei = Frithjofiaweddigei n. sp. (Drevermanniinae; Trilobita)from shales of the upper Dasbergian Stage(late Famennian; Upper Devonian) of theeastern Sauerland (RheinischesSchiefergebirge; Rhenohercynian Zone). ( 德文 ). Basse M. Senckenbergiana Lethaea /International Journal of Palaeontology andStratigraphy, 2007, 87(1): 71-77Till now, Frithjofia has been documentedwith certainty only by its type speciesannulilobata, which comes from beds ofNehdenian age of the Harz Montains(Germany), whereas Frithjofia globra ofwocklumian age of southern China should beassigned preferably with reservation toFrithjofia. From pelitic shales of Dasbergianage of mapsheet Niedersfeld come twodisarticulated, more or less completecarapaces of holaspid individuals, which aremorphologically close to Frithjofia. They areassigned to weddigei new species, which istentaively placed in Frithjofia. The thorax ofits holtype exhibits ten segments, which isnew for drevermanniinae, the rare completeindividuals of which hae been reported tillnow only with eight or nine segments.2009010274早 泥 盆 世 晚 期 三 叶 虫 Andegaviasimplex,Sagittapeltis triangularis 及 其 几 个相 似 单 元 的 形 态 , 系 统 分 类 和 地 理 分 布 =Andegavia simplex Pillet 1972, Sagittapeltistriangularis Kim 1997 and some similar taxa(Scutelluidae; Trilobita; late Lower Devonian):morphology, systematics and geograhicdistribution. ( 德 文 ). Basse M; Lemke U;Muller P. Senckenbergiana Lethaea /International Journal of Palaeontology andStratigraphy, 2007, 87(1): 79-107The type species of Andegavia is knownonly by its holotype which is a characteristicpygidium. Investigation of two Andegavia-likespecies having a pygidium almost identical tothat of this type species shows that thecorresponding cranidia markedly differ fromeach other; thus related species are regarded asbelonging to different genera. Consequently,diagnostics of the Andegavia group remaindifficult. Generally, the cranidia of this groupare close to those of some Kilihapeltis.2009010275加 拿 大 安 大 略 Brampton 地 区 化 石 鞘 翅 目确 定 的 全 新 世 古 气 候 和 古 生 态 = Holocenepaleoclimate and paleoecology determinedfrom fossil Coleoptera at Brampton, Ontario,Canada. ( 英 文 ). Motz J E; Morgan A V.Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 2001,38(10): 1451–1462An unusually rich and extensive 5 msequence of organic-rich sediments (ca. 13000 to ca. 4500 BP) from a drained glacialkettle near Brampton, Ontario, has produced alarge and varied assemblage of fossil insects.Coleoptera (beetles) from the base includespecies typical of northern boreal or tree linehabitats today. Approximately one metreabove the base of the section (ca. 11 500 BP),there is an abrupt appearance of numerousbark beetles (family Scolytidae) and otherColeoptera that inhabit boreal forests.Temperate species whose ranges arepredominantly or totally south of the Ontarioborder, appear, beginning at ca. 9500 BP,suggesting environmental conditions similarto modern ones. Younger Dryas and Pre-Boreal Oscillation cold events may be evidentin lower parts of the boreal sequence, althoughconsiderations of temporal and climaticresolution make interpretation somewhatambiguous.2009010276劳 伦 古 陆 晚 寒 武 世 三 叶 虫 Cheilocephalus属 和 Oligometopus 属 的 分 类 =Classification of the Late Cambrian(Steptoean) trilobite genera Cheilocephalus92

Berkey, 1898 and Oligometopus Resser, 1936from Laurentia. ( 英 文 ). Westrop S R; Eoff J D;Tin-Wai Ng; Dengler A A; Adrain J M.Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 2008,45(7): 725–744All recent work has assigned the generaCheilocephalus Berkey, 1898 andOligometopus Resser, 1936 to the familyCheilocephalidae Shaw, 1956, a small groupof largely Laurentian trilobites from the LateCambrian Steptoean Stage. New data fromNevada and Newfoundland indicate that theCheilocephalidae is polyphyletic and thatCheilocephalus and Oligometopus are alliedwith different superfamilies. TheCheilocephalidae, which includesCheilocephalus and Pseudokingstonia Palmer,1965, is assigned to the DameselloideaKobayashi, 1935, and a pygidium from theCow Head Group of Newfoundland indicatesthat Cheilocephalus first appears in the lateMarjuman. The Dameselloidea disappeared onother continents at an extinction interval at theend of the Marjuman, but Cheilocephalussurvived and underwent modestdiversification in Laurentia in the succeedingSteptoean Stage. Oligometopus is transferredto the leiostegioidean family LeiostegiidaeBradley, 1925. The genus shows closestaffinities with such Gondwanan genera asIdamea Whitehouse, 1939, and its appearancein mid-Steptoean strata records immigration ofthe Leiostegoidea into shelf-marginenvironments of Laurentia.2009010277加 拿 大 北 极 地 区 西 北 区 早 泥 盆 世 节 肢 动 物板 足 鲎 类 化 石 = Early Devonian eurypteridsfrom the Northwest Territories of ArcticCanada. ( 英 文 ). Braddy S J; Dunlop J A.Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 2000,37(8): 1167–1175A new eurypterid fauna from the LowerBear Rock Formation (Early Devonian,Emsian) of Anderson River, in the NorthwestTerritories of the Canadian Arctic, isdescribed. The material comprises an almostcomplete specimen and five isolated carapacesof Erieopterus microphthalmus; an incompletecarapace and telson referred to Drepanopterussp.; and an isolated prosomal appendage ofCarcinosoma sp. Associations includeactinopterygian, sarcopterygian, andacanthodian fish, as well as lingulids,conchostracans, ostracodes, coprolites, andplant material. A nearshore marineenvironment is inferred. This assemblageprovides the first Canadian record ofDrepanopterus and the youngest Canadianoccurrences of erieopterid and carcinosomatideurypterids.2009010278寒 武 纪 介 形 类 的 微 网 状 纹 饰 及 其 与 第 三 纪和 现 生 介 形 类 中 的 相 似 纹 饰 的 关 系 =Microreticulation in Cambrian Ostracoda andits relation to similar patterns in Tertiary andRecent Ostracoda. ( 英 文 ). Neil J V; Bell K N.Lethaia, 2006, 39(1): 31 - 37The Cambrian bradoriid ?Parahoulongdongella sp. is shown to have amicroreticulate (2nd order) surface sculpture.A possible organic sheet-like origin isproposed for this reticulation. The relationbetween this second order pattern and thosefound in tertiary to Recent Ostracoda isdiscussed.2009010279华 中 陕 西 南 部 下 寒 武 统 阎 王 匾 组 新 的 高 肌虫 化 石 = New bradoriids from the LowerCambrian Yanwangbian formation of southernShaanxi Province, Central China. ( 英 文 ). LiuYu; Zhang Xingliang; Liu Wei; Zhang Qian.Palaeoworld, 2008, 17(2): 102-107Located in the northwest margin of theSouth China Block during the Cambrian, theLower Cambrian Yanwangbian Formation ofsouthern Shaanxi Province, Central China, hasyielded a diverse fossil assemblage thatincludes abundant bradoriid arthropods,inarticulate brachiopods, hyolithids, trilobites,priapulids, lightly sclerotized arthropods, andichnofossils. This assemblage represents thebiodiversity of Early Cambrian marinecommunities in South China. Here wedescribe two new bradoriids from thisstratigraphic unit, Sanlangella xixiangensis n.gen. et n. sp. and Kunmingella pentagona n.sp. On the basis of its carapace morphology, S.xixiangensis is assigned to the familyComptalutidae Öpik. The specimens of thisspecies are preserved either in clay minerals orin calcium phosphate. Scanning electronmicroscopy analysis of phosphatizedspecimens reveals the microscopic reticulatesurface ornaments that form a polygonalpattern on the anterodorsal node, around thebase of mid-dorsal spine and along thelateroadmarginal rim. K. pentagona isdescribed as the third species of thispreexisting genus, based on the eightspecimens with a distinctive pentagonal93

outline, a prominent anterodorsal curve and ananterodorsal sulcus.2009010280瑞 典 南 部 Andrarum 地 区 上 寒 武 统Leptoplastus 带 动 物 群 转 换 和 三 叶 虫 形 态 =Faunal turnovers and trilobite morphologies inthe upper Cambrian Leptoplastus Zone atAndrarum, southern Sweden. ( 英 文 ). AhlbergP; Mansson K; Clarkson E N K; Taylor C M.Lethaia, 2006, 39(2): 97 - 110The Furongian (upper Cambrian)Leptoplastus Zone marks a time of criticalchanges in the evolution of olenid trilobites.This zone, unexposed at Andrarum in Sk ne,southern Sweden, has been re-excavated andthe sequence of faunas and sediments loggedin detail. The faunal succession accords withthat previously described from borehole coresby Westerg rd, and the subzones of L.paucisegmentatus, L. raphidophorus, L.crassicornis, L. ovatus, L. angustatus, and L.stenotus have been recognized. In the first twosubzones the olenid assemblages aremonospecific. At the base of the L.crassicornis Subzone more than one species ispresent and morphotypes with long genalspines appear for the first time. Faunalturnover is rapid, but the incoming of newspecies is invariably linked to an abruptchange in sedimentation, or follows anunfossiliferous interval; species either arose ormigrated in after a time of environmentalperturbation. Particular faunal associations areoften confined to discrete sedimentarypackages though some species may rangethrough a succession of sedimentary changes.Leptoplastus crassicornis has very long genalspines, adapted for resting on the sea floor; itmay have competed with the coeval, and verysimilar, L. angustatus. Subsequently, L.angustatus is accompanied by the stout-bodied,short-spined L. ovatus, which presumablyoccupied a different niche within the sameenvironment. Leptoplastus stenotus isconvergent on the much earlier L.paucisegmentatus, and likewise is found as amonospecific assemblage, presumably beingadapted to a similar niche.2009010281亚 得 里 亚 海 北 部 Trieste 湾 Panzano 海 湾 甲壳 动 物 潜 穴 的 定 向 = Orientation ofcrustacean burrows in the Bay of Panzano(Gulf of Trieste, Northern Adriatic Sea). ( 英文 ). Pervesler P; Hohenegger J. Lethaia, 2006,39(2): 173 - 186Three burrow systems produced by Jaxeanocturna and one cluster of burrows producedby Upogebia pusilla where investigated in theBay of Panzano, Northern Adriatic Sea, todetermine preferred orientations. Thedistributions of dip directions differ betweenboth producers. Steep shafts into theconsolidated mud followed by large,shallowly inclined tunnels oriented in amanner similar to a spiral are characteristic forJaxea nocturna burrows. In contrast, the Y-shaped burrows of Upogebia pusilla haveentrance shafts that are less steep which areconnected by a near-horizontal section, wherea blind ending tunnel branches. Orientationsof the dominating, shallowly inclined burrowparts are not randomly distributed in eitherJaxea or in Upogebia burrows. Threepreferred axial orientations with almost equalproportions in each direction are characteristicfor the Jaxea burrow from the centre of thebay. This system transforms to a squaredstructure near the coast, where one directionparallels the shoreline and the other is orientedat right angles to the coast. The latterorientation demonstrates significant constancyin all investigated burrows. Upogebia burrowclusters coincide with the three preferredorientations of the Jaxea burrow from the baycentre, but the proportions of the directionsare unequal. Burrow segments connecting thesteep entrance shafts in Upogebia are orientedalmost parallel to the shoreline, whereas atright angles to the coast the flat blind-endingtunnels incline towards the open sea. Thestudy shows a strong coincidence betweenempirical and theoretical distributions of thedominating orientations in both species.2009010282挪 威 奥 斯 陆 地 区 中 奥 陶 世 游 泳 三 叶 虫Telephina bicuspis 的 复 原 = Areconstruction of Telephina bicuspis, a pelagictrilobite from the Middle Ordovician of theOslo Region, Norway. ( 英 文 ). Bruton D L;Høyberget M. Lethaia, 2006, 39(4): 359 - 364Well preserved parts of Telephina bicuspisdescribed from dark limestone concretions ofLlanvirn age, in the Oslo Region, Norway,exhibit many features associated with apelagic life style for this trilobite. The freecheek has a huge holochroal eye withperfectly square lenses and a long genal spinewhich is unique in being directed verticallyupwards rather than ventrally. Additional94

spines include an occipital spine, the macrospine on the rachis of the 6th thoracic segmentand paired spines from each of the two rachialrings of the pygidium. These spines may havehad a hydrodynamic and stabilizing function.The genal spine could have had a sensoryfunction or been a dimorphic feature. Thehypostoma is figured for the first time and areconstruction is given for the completeexoskeleton.2009010283中 国 下 寒 武 统 新 的 具 “ 大 附 肢 ” 的 节 肢 动物 以 及 螯 肢 动 物 的 螯 肢 和 捕 食 的 前 腹 部 附肢 的 同 源 = A new 'great-appendage'arthropod from the Lower Cambrian of Chinaand homology of chelicerate chelicerae andraptorial antero-ventral appendages. ( 英 文 ).Chen Junyuan; Waloszek D; Maas A.Lethaia, 2004, 37(1): 3 - 20The uniramous 'great appendages' of severalarthropods from the Early to Middle Cambrianare a characteristic pair of pre-oral limbs,which served for prey capture. It has beenassumed that the morphological differencesbetween the 'great-appendage' arthropodsindicate that raptorial antero-ventral andanteriorly pointing appendages evolved morethan once in arthropod phylogeny. One set ofCambrian 'great-appendage' arthropods has,however, very similar short antero-ventralappendages with a peduncle of two segmentsangled against each other (elbowed) and withstout distally or medio-distally directed spinesor long flexible flagellate spines on each ofthe four distal segments. Moreover, the headappendages of all these forms comprise the'great appendages' and three pairs of biramouslimbs. To this set of taxa we can add a newform from the Lower Cambrian MaotianshanShale of southern China, Haikoucarisercaiensis n. gen. and n. sp. It is known fromthree specimens, possibly being little abundantin the faunal community. It can bedistinguished from all other taxa by theprominence of the proximal claw segment ofits 'great appendages' and by only three distalspines (one on each of the distal segments).The similarity of the short, spiky 'greatappendages' of Haikoucaris with the cheliceraof the Chelicerata leads us to hypothesize thatthis particular type of 'great appendages' wasthe actual precursor of the chelicera.Homeobox gene and developmental datarecently demonstrated the homology betweenthe antenna of ateloceratans and the antennulaof crustaceans on one side and the chelicera ofchelicerates on the other. To this we addpalaeontological evidence for the homologybetween the chelicerae of chelicerates and the'short great appendages' of certain Cambrianarthropods, which leads us to hypothesize thatthe evolutionary path went from the 'shortgreat appendages', by progressive compaction,toward the chelicera with only a two-spinedchela. The new form from China is regardedas the possible latest offshoot, whereas theother 'great appendages' arthropods withsimilar short grasping limbs were derivativesof the stem lineage of the crown-groupChelicerata. Consequently, the chelicera witha chela with one fixed and one mobile fingeris an autapomorphy of the crown group ofChelicerata, whereas a raptorial, but morelimb-like antenna, with more distal spinebearingsegments, characterized the groundpattern of Chelicerata. Further taxa having'great appendages', including the largeAnomalocarididae, are also discussed in thelight of their possible affinities to theChelicerata and possible monophyly of all ofthese arthropods with raptorial anteriorappendages.2009010284犹 他 州 中 寒 武 统 的 节 肢 类 = MiddleCambrian Arthropods from Utah. ( 英 文 ).Briggs D E G; Lieberman B S; Hendricks J R;Halgedahl S L; Jarrard R D. Journal ofPaleontology, 2008, 82(2): 238-254 14 图 版 .The Middle Cambrian Spence ShaleMember (Langston Formation) and Wheelerand Marjum Formations of Utah are known tocontain a diverse soft-bodied fauna, butimportant new paleontological materialcontinues to be uncovered from these strata.New specimens of anomalocaridids includethe largest and smallest near completeexamples yet reported from Utah. Newmaterial of stem group arthropods includestwo new genera and species of arachnomorphs:Nettapezoura basilika and Dicranocarisguntherorum. Other new arachnomorphmaterial includes a new species of Leanchoiliacomparable to L. protogonia Simonetta, 1970;Leanchoilia superlata? Walcott, 1912;Sidneyia Walcott, 1911a; and Mollisoniasymmetrica Walcott, 1912. L. protogonia fromthe Burgess Shale is confirmed as a separatespecies and is not a composite fossil. The firstexample of the trilobite Elrathia kingiipreserving traces of the appendages isdescribed. In addition, new material of thebivalved arthropods Canadaspis Novozhilov95

in Orlov, 1960; Branchiocaris Briggs, 1976;Waptia Walcott, 1912; and Isoxys Walcott,1890 is described.2009010285Tithonian 早 期 龙 介 属 为 主 导 的 洞 穴 居 住 动物 群 和 龙 介 属 幼 虫 的 恢 复 模 式 = EarlyTithonian Serpulid-dominated Cavitydwellingfauna, and the recruitment pattern ofthe Serpulid Larvae. ( 英 文 ). Schlögl J; Michalí k J; Z á gorek K; Atrops F. Journal ofPaleontology, 2008, 82(2): 351-361 5 图 版 .A Lower Tithonian cavity-dwellingcommunity from pelagic carbonate platformdeposits of the Czorsztyn Unit, WesternCarpathians, represents a succession of mostlysolitary coelobite organisms, dominated byscleractinian corals and small-sized serpulidsduring the initial recruitment stage, and byserpulids during the following recruitmentstages. These bioconstructors wereaccompanied with other suspension feeders:thecideidine brachiopods, oysters, bryozoans,sponges, crinoids and sessile foraminifers. Theboundary between the first and the secondrecruitment stage represents an interval ofaggregate growth interruption, when a thinsheet of cyclostome bryozoans developed.Corals and serpulids Neovermilia andVermiliopsis are primary bioconstructors; allother associated organisms profited from thefree spaces between the serpulid tubes. Theaggregates were already bioeroded,mineralized and encrusted during their growth.Serpulid larvae show a special recruitmentpattern. Their tubes were observed attached onthe inner surfaces of adult serpulid tubes only.Possible causes of such a larval behaviourinvolve several physical, biological orchemical factors. Except for the firstrecruitment stage, the rest of the successionseems to be physically controlled by thegradual infilling of cavities.2009010286德 国 黑 森 Erdbach 附 近 Liebstein 地 区 下石 炭 统 Erdbach 灰 岩 的 稀 有 三 叶 虫 = Raretrilobites from the Erbach Limestone of theLiebstein near Erdbach (Lower Carboniferous;Hesse, Germany). ( 德 文 ). Muller P.Geologica et Palaeontologica, 2007, 41(): 27-45The following new taxa are described fromthe Erdbach Limestone from the Liebsteinnear Erdbach in Hesse: Diacoryphe(Diacoryphe) n. sp., Xenadoche zappai n. sp.,Xenadoche cf. pygmalio, Xenadoche cf.xenopyx, Paraglobusia? n. sp.,Carbonocoryphe(Winterbergia)parahahnorum n. sp., Pseudowaribole(Geigibole) krebsi n. sp., Liobolina cf.sculptilis and Bollandia gerehahnorum s. sp.All taxa are rare components of the respectivefaunas.2009010287德 国 黑 森 Erdbach 附 近 Homberg 下 石 炭统 三 叶 虫 = Trilobiten aus dem Unter-Karbon(Ober-Erdbachium, nasutus-Zone) vomHomberg bei Erdbach (Hessen). ( 德 文 ). HahnG; Hahn R; Muller P. Geologica etPalaeontologica, 2007, 41(): 81-93A trilobite fauna consists of ten taxa: five ofthem are new:(Phillibole) delta n. sp.,Chlupacula (Chlupacula) lareosa n. sp. andCarbonocoryphe (Winterbergia) sporada n.sp. This fauna shows connections to faciallysimilar faunas from the Northern RhenishSlate Mountains as well as to facially differentfaunas of the Erdbach Limestone III from theKramberg (Hesse).2009010288摩 洛 哥 西 北 部 渗 流 带 甲 壳 动 物 和 微 生 物 集群 的 特 异 保 存 = Unusual preservation ofcrustaceans and microbial colonies in a vadosezone, northwest Morocco. ( 英 文 ). Duane M J.Lethaia, 2003, 36(1): 21-32Exceptional fossil preservation is observedin self-sealing microcavities in limestoneswhere lichens, cyanobacteria and fungitogether entombed themselves and organicwalled microfossils, crustaceans and theireggs. Preservation has been enabled by calcitecoating, lining and impregnation of theexoskeleton of the crustaceans, which had ahigh original calcium content and acted as anucleus for precipitation. The goodpreservation was facilitated by themicrocavities, the surrounding limestone, theseasonality and rapidity of precipitation, themicrobial colonies living on the specimens,and the fluxing of vadose waters through thekarst. The microbes and the crustaceansprobably became trapped by the very high rateof calcite precipitation promoted within thecavities. Entrapment in mucous-secreting matsof cyanobacteria and fungi preceded thedestruction of some of the soft parts of thecrustaceans. By the time the mats and theincorporated biota were sealed into thecavities in the limestone, the mucosic mats96

and their bacterial communities had mediatedproduction of a range of calcite cementspromoting preservation of the refractorytissues. This process has importantimplications for cementation studies in aridzones (and especially in the Martiansubsurface), since a range of microbes areinvolved in progressive biomineralizationleading to fossilization within a perched,vadose karst.2009010289美 国 三 叶 虫 属 Paladin 和 Kaskia 的 系 统 发生 、 系 统 学 、 古 生 态 和 演 化 = Phylogenetics,systematics, paleoecology, and evolution ofthe Trilobite genera Paladin and Kaskia fromthe United States. ( 英 文 ). Brezinski D K.Journal of Paleontology, 2008, 82(3): 511-527 6 图 版 .Late Mississippian and earliestPennsylvanian trilobite faunas of NorthAmerica are dominated by the Paladin andKaskia clades. Phylogenetic analysis ofmiddle Carboniferous species of these cladesdemonstrates the close ancestral relationshipbetween these groups. The Kaskia cladeconsists of eight species: K. chesterensisWeller, 1936, K. osagensis (Cisne, 1967), K.longispina (Strong, 1872), K. wilsoni (Walter,1924), K. genevievensis (Walter, 1924), K.rosei (Cisne, 1967), K. gersnai n. sp., and K.rollinsi n. sp. Kaskia Weller, 1936 rangesfrom late Osagean to middle Chesterian (earlyVisean-early Serpukhovian) and is restrictedto cyclothemic shelf and nearshore deposits.Species of Kaskia appear to have evolved inareas of shallow water and high environmentalstress. The Paladin clade consists of 12species including previously named species P.morrowensis (Mather, 1915), P. girtyianusHahn and Hahn, 1970, P. rarus Whittington,1954, P. helmsensis Whittington, 1954, and P.moorei (Branson, 1937). New speciesbelonging to this clade are Paladinmoorefieldensis n. sp., P. pleisiomorphus n.sp., P. imoensis n. sp., P. mangeri n. sp., andP. wapanukaensis n. sp. This group rangesfrom the early Chesterian to early Morrowan(late Visean-late Bashkirian). Species ofPaladin appear to be confined to outer shelfshelf-edge and off-shelf facies wherepresumably deeper water environmentsexisted. This is manifested in theirpaleogeographic distribution, which ispaleoenvironmentally controlled.2009010290蛛 形 节 肢 动 物 寒 武 纪 辐 射 系 统 发 生 的 新 见解 = New phylogenetic insights into theCambrian radiation of ArachnomorphArthropods. ( 英 文 ). Hendricks J R; LiebermanB S. Journal of Paleontology, 2008, 82(3):585-594 2 图 版 .The Cambrian fossil record of theArachnomorpha is rich and diverse andincludes trilobites, chelicerates, and many taxaknown from various soft-bodied faunasincluding the Burgess Shale and theChengjiang. Exceptionally well-preservedarthropod fossils are also known from MiddleCambrian strata in Utah. Recently, two newarachnomorphs (Dicranocaris Briggs,Lieberman, Hendricks, Halgedahl, and Jarrard,2008 and Nettapezoura Briggs, Lieberman,Hendricks, Halgedahl, and Jarrard, 2008) weredescribed from the Wheeler and Marjumformations of Utah. Cladistic analysis isundertaken to investigate arachnomorphrelationships in light of these two new genera.The character matrix of Edgecombe andRamsköld (1999) serves as the foundation forthis study, augmented by new characters andtaxa. The results of our cladistic analysissuggest that at least three distinctarachnomorph clades had diverged by theMiddle Cambrian, and perhaps much earlier;the Utah genera can be referred to groupswithin one of these clades.2009010291最 早 的 丽 足 介 类 —— 南 非 晚 奥 陶 世 Soom页 岩 化 石 库 的 介 形 类 = The earliestmyodocopes: ostracodes from the lateOrdovician Soom Shale Lagerstätte of SouthAfrica. ( 英 文 ). Gabbott S; Siveter D; AldridgeR; Theron J. Lethaia, 2003, 36(3): 151-160The late Ordovician Soom Shale Lagerstätteof South Africa has yielded Myodoprimigeniafistuca n. gen. and n. sp., the earliest and onlyknown Ordovician occurrence of myodocopes,one of the major groups of ostracodes. M.fistuca is a likely sister group of the UpperSilurian 'cypridinid' myodocopes and alliedforms. It had a thin, lightly mineralized andflexible shell with microstructures resultingfrom in vivo calcification processes. Itprobably fed on cephalopod carrion, thusextending evidence for a carnivorousscavenging lifestyle in ostracodes back by200 Ma. The species was probablynektobenthic and thus consistent with thenotion that the origin of the late Silurianpelagic myodocopes - and therefore of pelagic97

ostracodes - is to be charted in a benthic topelagic ecological shift in the group.2009010292西 藏 虫 脩 目 两 新 种 (( 虫 脩 ) 目 :( 虫 脩 ) 科 , 异 ( 虫脩 ) 科 ) = Two new species of stick insectsfrom Xizang Autonomous Region(Phasmatodea: Phasmatidae, Heteronemiidae).( 英 文 ). 陈 树 椿 ; 何 允 恒 . EntomologiaSinica, 1994, 1(4): 311-313本 文 记 述 采 自 西 藏 短 肛 ( 虫 脩 ) 属 BaculumSaussure 和 岔 臀 ( 虫 脩 ) 属 Dixippus st(?)l 各一 新 种 . 新 种 模 式 标 本 存 于 中 国 科 学 院 动 物研 究 所 , 北 京 .2009010293三 尾 类 蜉 蝣 成 熟 稚 虫 的 翅 芽 脉 相 ( 蜉 蝣 目 ) =The venation of the mature nymph wing padof Ephemeropsis trisetalis elchwald(Ephemeroptera:Hexagenitidae). ( 英 文 ). 林 启彬 ; 苏 翠 荣 . Entomologia Sinica, 1994, 1(4):289-296本 文 记 述 了 三 尾 类 蜉 蝣 Ephemeropsistrisetalis 稚 虫 的 脉 相 和 翅 关 节 区 特 征 为化 石 昆 虫 保 存 史 上 罕 见 材 料 , 脉 相 中 显 出 颇大 的 径 脉 区 和 前 缘 区 十 分 相 似 于 某 些 原 始的 古 生 代 蜉 蝣 , 或 许 可 以 提 示 发 达 的 径 脉 区和 前 缘 脉 区 是 蜉 蝣 翅 进 化 史 中 的 初 期 特 征 .再 者 , 现 代 蜉 蝣 的 翅 关 节 区 退 化 , 一 般 由 一 组不 发 达 , 分 化 很 弱 的 骨 板 和 肩 板 组 成 ; 这 个 化石 种 的 翅 关 节 区 具 发 达 的 骨 板 和 肩 板 似 指示 现 化 蜉 蝣 翅 关 节 区 退 化 是 后 生 获 得 的 性状 .2009010294中 国 潜 叶 蜂 族 研 究 ( 膜 翅 目 : 叶 蜂 科 ) = Studyof the tribe fenusini of China(Hymenoptera:Tenthredinidae). ( 英 文 ). 魏 美才 . Entomologia Sinica, 1994, 1(2): 110-123本 文 记 述 了 中 国 潜 叶 蜂 族 Fenusini 8 属14 种 , 其 中 新 种 8 种 : 金 眼 榉 潜 叶 蜂Profenusa chrysichlorita sp. nov.、 中 华拟 潜 叶 蜂 Nefusa sinica sp.nov.、 短 距 拟 潜叶 蜂 Nefusa brevi sp.nov.、 四 川 昧 潜 叶 蜂Metallus sichuanensi sp.nov.、 王 氏 昧 潜叶 蜂 Metallus wangi sp.nov.、 马 氏 昧 潜 叶蜂 Metallus mai sp.nov. 、 大 室 缅 潜 叶 蜂Birmella discoidalisa sp.nov.、 北 京 舌 潜 叶 蜂Okutanius pekingensis sp.nov.; 中 国 新 记录 种 3 种 : 日 本 榉 潜 叶 蜂 Profenusahirashima Togashi 、 榆 潜 叶 蜂 Fenusapusilla(Lepel.)、 金 露 梅 小 潜 叶 蜂 Fenellamonilicornis Thomson。 本 文 所 记 述 各 属除 缅 潜 叶 蜂 属 Birmindia Malaise 和 丝 潜 叶蜂 属 Messa Leach 以 外 均 为 中 国 新 记 录 属 。新 种 均 附 有 形 态 特 征 图 , 并 编 制 了 潜 叶 蜂 族中 国 已 知 属 检 索 表 和 各 属 中 国 已 知 种 类 或世 界 种 类 检 索 表 。 模 式 标 本 均 保 存 于 中 国科 学 院 动 物 研 究 所 昆 虫 标 本 馆 。2009010295中 国 的 涧 黾 ( 半 翅 目 ) = An overview ofChinese Metrocoris Mayr. with description ofthree new species (Hemiptera: Gerridae). ( 英文 ). 陈 萍 萍 . Entomologia Sinica, 1994, 1(2):124-134本 文 简 述 了 中 国 涧 黾 属 的 研 究 进 展 和 概况 。 阐 述 和 纠 正 了 过 去 在 种 类 鉴 定 和 研 究中 的 错 误 和 混 乱 状 况 。 提 供 了 完 整 的 中 国涧 黾 16 个 种 的 检 索 表 及 其 地 理 分 布 。 介 绍了 涧 黾 属 昆 虫 的 典 型 栖 息 环 境 。 描 述 了 分别 采 自 湖 北 和 广 东 的 三 个 新 种 。2009010296中 国 槐 祝 蛾 属 研 究 及 四 新 种 记 述 ( 鳞 翅 目 : 祝蛾 科 ) = The Chinese Sarisophora Meyrickand descriptions of four new species(Lepidoptera: Lecithoceridae). ( 英 文 ). 武 春 生 .Entomologia Sinica, 1994, 1(2): 135-139槐 祝 蛾 属 Sarisophora Meyrick,1904 是 祝蛾 亚 科 中 较 大 的 一 个 属 , 我 国 过 去 已 知 2种 。 本 文 记 述 4 新 种 , 灰 白 槐 祝 蛾S.cerussata Wu, 指 瓣 槐 祝 蛾S.dactylisana Wu, 小 槐 祝 蛾 S.neptigotaWu 和 欣 槐 祝 蛾 S.idonea Wu, 并 首 次 记 述 了丝 槐 祝 蛾 S.serena Gozmány 的 雌 性 外 生 殖器 特 征 。 将 我 国 已 知 的 6 种 均 纳 入 分 种 检索 表 。 除 拟 槐 祝 蛾 S.simulatrix Gozmány尚 未 采 到 外 , 其 余 5 种 的 标 本 均 保 存 在 中 国科 学 院 动 物 研 究 所 。2009010297梨 食 芽 蛾 是 桃 白 小 卷 蛾 一 个 亲 缘 新 种 = Anew sibling species of Spilonota albicana(Motschulsky)(Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). ( 英文 ). 刘 友 樵 ; 刘 兵 . Entomologia Sinica, 1994,1(2): 140-145梨 食 芽 蛾 在 中 国 记 载 已 有 数 十 年 历 史 、但 迄 今 只 有 属 名 尚 无 种 名 。 其 原 因 在 於 它和 桃 白 小 卷 蛾 ( 白 小 食 心 虫 )Spilonotaalbicana(Motschulsky) 的 外 形 、 翅 花 纹 等 很相 似 。 经 分 别 饲 育 和 详 细 比 较 、 发 现 它 们在 生 物 学 上 有 着 明 显 的 区 别 、 在 雌 性 外 生殖 器 和 幼 虫 色 泽 、 毛 片 上 都 存 在 固 定 的 不98

同 。 因 此 , 将 它 定 为 新 种 , 中 名 叫 梨 白 小 卷 蛾 ,学 名 为 Spilonota pyrusicola Liu etLiu,sp.nov.。2009010298中 国 食 蚜 蝇 科 — 新 属 新 种 = Notes of a newgenus and species of Syrphidae from China(Insecta: Diptera). ( 英 文 ). 李 清 西 .Entomologia Sinica, 1994, 1(2): 146-149本 文 记 述 了 中 国 食 蚜 蝇 科 Syrphidae、 管蚜 蝇 亚 科 Eristalinae、 管 蚜 蝇 族 Eristalini 的一 新 属 : 艳 管 蚜 蝇 属 Pseudomeromacrusgen.nov. 和 新 种 刺 茎 艳 管 蚜 蝇Pseudomeromacrus setipenitus Li,sp.nov.模 式 标 本 保 存 于 华 南 农 业 大 学 植 保 系 昆 虫标 本 室 。2009010299康 蚖 群 的 系 统 发 生 和 生 物 地 理 学 的 研 究 ( 原尾 目 : 始 蚖 科 ) = Phylogeny and biogeographyof Condeelum group (Protura: Protentomidae).( 英 文 ). 尹 文 英 ; 谢 荣 栋 ; 张 骏 . EntomologiaSinica, 1994, 1(3): 195-204应 用 HENNIG86 系 统 发 生 分 析 程 序 , 选 择出 成 虫 的 有 代 表 性 的 16 个 共 同 衍 征 , 分 析 了与 康 蚖 属 相 关 各 属 的 各 个 种 类 , 得 出 了 该 类群 的 相 关 系 统 树 。 同 时 对 特 征 的 演 化 以 及其 扩 散 途 径 等 也 进 行 了 讨 论 。 文 中 还 应 用Page 1993 的 COMPONENT 程 序 进 行 了 生物 地 理 学 的 分 析 ; 得 到 种 类 — 地 区 支 序 图 。其 中 康 蚖 属 表 现 为 典 型 的 印 度 — 太 平 洋 分布 型 , 而 其 姐 妹 群 新 康 蚖 属 则 兼 有 东 洋 区 和全 北 区 的 分 布 型 。 至 于 分 布 地 区 的 相 互 关系 和 在 这 些 地 区 的 分 衍 替 代 事 件 的 发 生 等问 题 也 作 了 初 步 的 假 想 。2009010300肩 盲 蝽 属 中 国 种 类 记 述 ( 半 翅 目 : 盲 蝽 科 ) =The genus Allorhinocoris reuter from China(Hemiptera: Miridae). ( 英 文 ). 吕 楠 ; 张 远 林 .Entomologia Sinica, 1994, 1(3): 205-208本 文 为 肩 盲 蝽 属 Allorhinocoris Reuter盲 蝽 科 盲 蝽 亚 科 在 中 国 的 首 次 报 道 。 共 记载 两 种 : 分 布 于 新 疆 的 黄 绿 肩 盲 蝽 A.flavus J. Sahlberg 和 发 现 于 甘 肃 、 山 西 、 河北 的 新 种 中 国 肩 盲 蝽 A. chinensis Lu,sp.noV.。 文 中 附 有 中 国 种 类 检 索 表 。 模 式 标本 存 南 开 大 学 生 物 系 。2009010301中 国 方 头 甲 属 两 新 种 记 述 ( 鞘 翅 目 : 方 头 甲 科 )= Two new species of the genus Cybocephalusfrom China (Coleoptera: Cybocephalidae). ( 英文 ). 田 明 义 ; 虞 国 跃 . EntomologiaSinica, 1994, 1(3):本 文 记 述 了 中 国 方 头 甲 属 两 新 种 : 黄 头 方头 甲 Cybocephalus flavicapitus sp. nov.,和 曲 茎 方 头 甲 Cybocephalus undatus sp.nov. 模 式 标 本 保 存 在 华 南 农 业 大 学 。 黄 头方 头 甲 采 于 广 东 始 兴 , 其 形 态 特 征 与 C.politissimus Reitt. 相 似 , 但 前 足 胫 节 和 雄性 外 生 殖 器 与 后 者 明 显 不 同 。 曲 茎 方 头 甲采 于 四 川 成 都 , 与 日 本 方 头 甲 Cybocephalusnipponicus Endr(?)dy-Younga 近 缘 , 但 雄 虫头 部 和 前 胸 背 板 黑 色 , 阳 茎 端 平 截 。2009010302中 国 俪 祝 蛾 属 记 述 ( 鳞 翅 目 : 祝 蛾 科 ) = Thegenus Philharmonia gozmany from China(Lepidoptera: Lecithoceridae). ( 英 文 ). 武 春 生 .Entomologia Sinica, 1994, 1(3): 214-216俪 祝 蛾 属 Philharmonia Gozmány 是 瘤 祝蛾 亚 科 (Torodorinae) 中 的 一 个 单 型 属 , 模 式种 Ph.Paratona Gozmány, 1978 分 布 在 我 国云 南 。 本 文 记 述 2 新 种 , 即 : 果 俪 祝 蛾 Ph.melona Wu, sp, nov. 和 静 俪 祝 蛾 Ph.calypsa Wu, sp. nov. 文 中 编 制 了 分 种 检 索表 。 模 式 标 本 保 存 在 中 国 科 学 院 动 物 研 究所 。2009010303中 国 的 平 盲 蝽 属 ( 半 翅 目 ; 盲 蝽 科 ) = GenusZangchius distant (Hemiptera:Miridae) ofChina. ( 英 文 ). 刘 国 卿 ; 郑 乐 怡 . EntomologiaSinica, 1994, 1(4): 307-310本 文 报 导 中 国 盲 蝽 科 平 盲 蝽 属 8 种 , 其 中包 括 一 新 种 . 他 们 是 : 碎 斑 平 盲 蝽 Zanchiusmosaicus Zhenget Liang, 红 点 平 盲 蝽Z.tarasovi Kerzhner, 绿 斑 平 盲 蝽Z.marmoratus Zou, 五 斑 平 盲 蝽Z.quinquemaculatus Zou, 邹 氏 平 盲 蝽Z.zoui Zheng et Liu, 黄 平 盲 蝽 Z.vitellinusZou, 红 平 盲 蝽 Z.rubidus Liu et Zhengsp.nov., 台 湾 平 盲 蝽 Z.apicalis Poppius. 模式 标 本 保 存 在 天 津 南 开 大 学 生 物 系 . 本 属 过去 所 描 述 的 种 均 为 淡 色 或 绿 色 , 没 有 发 现 红色 种 类 , 该 新 种 红 色 , 可 明 显 区 别 于 本 属 其 他各 种 .2009010304中 国 尖 音 库 蚊 复 合 组 生 物 分 类 学 的 研 究 =Biosystematics of Culex pipiens complex inChina. ( 英 文 ). 赵 彤 言 ; 陆 宝 麟 . EntomologiaSinica, 1994, 2(1): 1-899

本 文 对 我 国 尖 音 库 蚊 复 合 组 (Culexpipiens complex) 进 行 了 研 究 , 其 中 包 括 从 新疆 采 集 尖 音 库 蚊 。 建 立 实 验 室 株 , 进 行 杂交 、 不 同 地 理 株 形 态 学 数 值 分 析 、 杂 种 F-1代 形 态 学 的 数 值 分 析 , 表 皮 碳 氢 化 合 物 、 体内 脂 肪 酸 和 单 糖 气 相 色 谱 分 析 以 及 卵 蛋 白质 的 电 泳 分 析 等 。 在 我 国 首 次 发 现 了 骚 扰库 蚊 。 根 据 研 究 结 果 , 我 国 异 域 分 布 的 尖 音库 蚊 复 合 组 实 际 上 包 含 着 同 一 个 种 的 4 个亚 种 , 即 指 名 亚 种 (Culex pipiens pipiens), 淡色 库 蚊 亚 种 (Culex pipiens pallens)、 致 倦 库蚊 亚 种 (Culex pipiens quinquenfasciatus) 和 骚扰 库 蚊 亚 种 (Culex pipiens molestus)。 致 倦库 蚊 不 应 作 为 独 立 的 蚊 种 , 淡 色 库 坟 也 不 应作 为 所 谓 “ 中 间 型 ”。 在 亲 缘 关 系 上 根 据形 态 学 特 征 聚 类 分 析 等 结 果 表 明 , 尖 音 库 蚊与 致 倦 库 蚊 的 距 离 较 远 。2009010305海 南 省 库 蠓 二 新 种 ( 双 翅 目 : 蠓 科 ) = Twonew species of Culicoides from HainanProvince, China (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae).( 英 文 ). 刘 金 华 . Entomologia Sinica, 1994,2(1): 9-12本 文 描 述 在 海 南 省 发 现 的 库 蠓 二 新 种 : 尖峰 库 蠓 和 开 裂 库 蠓 。2009010306云 南 白 蛉 亚 科 昆 虫 的 研 究 —— 四 、 贵 真 司蛉Sergentomyia(Neophlebotomus)kueichenaesp.nov. 的 描 述 ( 双 翅 目 : 毛 蛉 科 ) = A study ofPhlebotomine sandflies in Yunan Province IV.Sergentomyia (Neophlebotomvs) Kuekhenaesp.nov. (Diptera: Psychodidae). ( 英 文 ). 冷 延家 ; 何 明 生 . Entomologia Sinica, 1994, 2(1):13-171989 年 8 月 5—14 日 , 作 者 等 在 云 南 省 西双 版 纳 勐 腊 县 易 武 (5—9 日 ) 和 勐 远 (12—14日 ) 的 自 然 石 灰 岩 洞 中 捕 获 了 大 批 白 蛉 。 已定 种 名 的 有 : 长 铗 异 蛉 Idiophlebotomuslongiforeps, 云 胜 白 蛉 Plebotomusyunshengensis, 上 门 白 蛉 P. tumenensis, 江苏 白 蛉 P. kiangsuensis, 施 氏 白 蛉 P.stantoni, 卢 氏 司 蛉 S. rud nicki, 鲍 氏 司 蛉S. barraudi, 应 氏 司 蛉 S. iyengari, 歌 乐 山司 蛉 S. koloshanensis 和 贝 氏 司 蛉 S.bailyi。 此 外 有 新 蛉 亚 属 一 新 蛉 种 , 为 对 我国 医 学 昆 虫 学 专 家 李 贵 真 教 授 的 学 术 贡 献表 示 敬 意 而 名 之 为 贵 真 司 蛉 Sergentomyia(Neophlebotomus) kueichenae。 文 中 对 贵 真司 蛉 做 了 详 细 描 述 , 并 与 相 近 蛉 种 : 应 氏 司 蛉和 坦 博 司 蛉 S. tambori 进 行 了 对 比 鉴 别 。正 模 ( 雌 蛉 ): 勐 远 岩 洞 , 北 纬 21°24′, 东 经101°30′, 海 拔 约 1000m; 副 模 : 勐 远 岩 洞 及易 武 岩 洞 ( 海 拔 约 1400m), 皆 存 于 暨 南 大 学医 学 院 寄 生 虫 学 教 研 室 。2009010307中 国 溜 秽 蝇 属 研 究 ( 双 翅 目 : 蝇 科 ) = A studyof the genus Cephalispa Malloch of China(Diptera: Muscidae). ( 英 文 ). 崔 永 胜 ; 薛 万 琦 ;阵 宏 伟 . Entomologia Sinica, 1994, 2(1): 18-34本 文 对 中 国 溜 秽 蝇 属 CephalispaMalloch,(1935) 做 了 分 类 学 研 究 。 国 外 报 导中 国 产 3 种 , 现 描 述 9 新 种 : 剌 溜 秽 蝇 C.spina、 双 叶 溜 秽 蝇 C. biloba、 范 氏 溜 秽蝇 C. fani、 福 建 溜 秽 蝇 C. fujianensis、突 溜 秽 蝇 C. prominentia 、 钩 溜 秽 蝇 C.hamata、 短 板 溜 秽 蝇 C. brevilamina、 剪溜 秽 蝇 C. cultrata 和 短 腹 溜 秽 蝇 C.breviabdominis。 附 中 国 该 属 分 种 检 索 表( 主 要 用 于 雄 性 ) 及 名 录 。 模 式 标 本 存 于 中 国科 学 院 上 海 昆 虫 研 究 听 、 北 京 农 业 大 学 植保 系 、 沈 阳 师 范 学 院 生 物 系2009010308中 国 方 头 甲 属 记 述 ( 鞘 翅 目 : 方 头 甲 科 ) =Notes of the genus Cybocephalus Erichsonfrom China (Coleoptera: Cybocephalidae). ( 英文 ). 虞 国 跃 ; 田 明 义 . EntomologiaSinica, 1994, 2(1): 35-38本 文 记 述 了 中 国 产 方 头 甲 属 4 种 , 其 中 两种 是 新 种 : 内 凹 方 头 甲 Cybocephalusconcavus sp. nov. 和 庞 氏 方 头 甲 C. pangisp. nov. 。2009010309丽 彩 吉 丁 属 的 研 究 ( 鞘 翅 目 : 吉 丁 虫 科 ) = AStudy of the genus NipponobvprestisObenberger (Coleoptera: Buprestidae). ( 英 文 ).彭 忠 亮 . Entomologia Sinica, 1994, 2(2): 95-103丽 彩 吉 丁 属 是 吉 丁 虫 科 (Buprestidae) 中 一个 小 属 , 由 Oberberger 于 1942 年 所 建 立 , 其种 类 体 型 精 美 , 色 彩 艳 丽 , 极 其 稀 见 , 一 向 被 收藏 者 视 为 珍 奇 甲 虫 。 该 属 原 仅 知 2 种 , 本 文记 述 4 个 新 种 , 使 此 属 种 类 增 至 6 种 , 并 将 这个 属 分 划 成 两 个 亚 属 , 对 所 涉 及 的 所 有 分 类单 元 均 作 了 系 统 描 述 。2009010310100

湖 南 莽 山 斑 腿 蝗 科 一 新 属 二 新 种 记 述 ( 直 翅目 : 蝗 总 科 ) = A new genus and two newspeices of Catantopidae from Hunan province,China (Orthopera: Acridoidea). ( 英 文 ). 刘 志伟 ; 李 保 平 . Entomologia Sinica, 1994, 2(2):104-110本 文 记 述 了 位 于 湖 南 省 最 南 缘 南 岭 山 地的 莽 山 自 然 保 护 区 的 斑 腿 蝗 科 一 新 属 二 新种 : 印 氏 蝗 属 Yinia gen. nov. 、 湖 南 印 氏 蝗Yinia hunanica sp. nov. 、 丽 龙 洲 蝗Longzhouacris mirabili sp. nov. , 其 中 新属 以 业 师 印 象 初 教 授 的 姓 氏 命 名 , 以 对 他 为我 国 蝗 虫 分 类 学 作 出 的 贡 献 及 对 作 者 栽 培的 敬 意 和 感 谢 。 模 式 标 本 均 保 存 于 中 南 林学 院 标 本 室 。2009010311中 国 尾 秽 蝇 属 五 新 种 ( 双 翅 目 : 蝇 科 ) = Fivenew species of the genus Pygophora fromChina (Diptera: Muscidae). ( 英 文 ). 崔 永 胜 ; 薛万 琦 ; 张 春 田 . Entomologia Sinica, 1994, 2(2):111-118本 文 记 述 尾 秽 蝇 属 Pygophora Schiner 5新 种 , 即 异 斑 尾 秽 蝇 P. immacularis Cui etXue 、 球 尾 秽 蝇 P. orbiculata Cui etZhang、 锤 尾 秽 蝇 P. capitata Cui et Xue、指 尾 秽 蝇 P. digitata Cui et Xue 和 周 氏 尾秽 蝇 P. choui Cui et Xue。 模 式 标 本 异 斑尾 秽 蝇 存 于 中 国 科 学 院 动 物 研 究 所 ; 锤 尾 秽蝇 存 于 西 北 农 业 大 学 昆 虫 博 物 馆 ; 其 余 存 于沈 阳 师 范 学 院 生 物 系 。2009010312昆 明 地 区 下 寒 武 统 节 肢 动 物 GuangweicarisLuo, Fu et Hu, 2007 的 再 研 究 = Restudy OfGuangweicaris Luo, Fu et Hu,2007 From TheLower Cambrian Canglangpu Formation InKunming Area. ( 中 文 ). 杨 杰 ; 侯 先 光 ; 董 渭 . 古生 物 学 报 , 2008, 47(1): 115-122昆 明 地 区 下 寒 武 统 沧 浪 铺 组 乌 龙 箐 段 所产 的 节 肢 动 物 Guangweicaris Luo, Fu et Hu,2007, 为 研 究 寒 武 纪 生 命 大 爆 发 之 后 节 肢动 物 辐 射 特 征 提 供 了 重 要 资 料 。 罗 惠 麟 等(2007) 在 报 道 该 节 肢 动 物 时 , 因 标 本 不完 整 , 对 其 头 部 和 尾 部 特 征 均 作 了 错 误 鉴别 和 描 述 。 笔 者 根 据 完 整 且 保 存 有 软 体 附肢 的 标 本 , 对 Guangweicaris Luo, Fu et Hu,2007 作 了 重 新 研 究 和 复 原 , 据 此 讨 论 了 该节 肢 动 物 的 分 类 归 属 问 题 。2009010313我 国 寒 武 纪 崮 山 期 的 两 个 晚 出 同 名 三 叶 虫属 及 其 替 代 名 称 = Two Junior HomonymsOf Chinese Cambrian Trilobite Genera AndTheir Replacement T Names. ( 中 文 ). 杨 显 峰 ;彭 善 池 . 古 生 物 学 报 , 2007, 46(4): 491-492我 国 寒 武 纪 崮 山 期 两 个 德 氏 虫 科 三 叶 虫属 Drepanura 和 Pionaspis 的 名 称 已 分 别 被先 于 它 们 命 名 的 其 他 动 物 所 占 用 , 成 为 晚出 同 名 , 应 予 废 弃 。 其 替 代 名 称 分 别 为Neodrepanura 和 Kiyakius。2009010314论 早 寒 武 世 三 叶 虫 大 古 油 栉 虫 属 = On TheGenus Megapalaeolenus Chang, 1966. ( 中 文 ).罗 惠 麟 ; 李 勇 ; 胡 世 学 ; 傅 晓 平 ; 侯 蜀 光 ; 尤 霆 ; 庞纪 院 ; 刘 琦 . 古 生 物 学 报 , 2007, 46(3): 314-326报 道 采 自 云 南 昆 明 高 楼 房 及 武 定 石 将 军乌 龙 箐 组 剖 面 古 油 栉 虫 类 (palaeolenid) 的新 材 料 。 详 细 研 究 和 比 较 后 确 认 Mansuy(1912) 所 建 立 Palaeolenus 属 的 3 个 种 特征 明 显 , 特 别 是 P.deprati Mansuy 与P.douvillei Mansuy 区 别 较 大 , 不 能 合 并 为一 个 种 ; 以 Palaeolenusdeprati Mansuy 为模 式 种 建 立 的 MegapalaeolenusChang,1966 应 该 成 立 。 根 据 地 层 分 布 , 下 寒武 统 沧 浪 铺 阶 上 部 的 Palaeolenus 和Megapalaeolenus 两 个 化 石 带 仍 然 适 用 于 华中 、 西 南 地 区 早 寒 武 世 中 期 的 地 层 划 分 , 华北 和 东 北 南 部 只 存 在 Megapalaeolenus 带 的地 层 , 而 Palaeolenus 带 的 地 层 缺 失 。2009010315冀 北 、 辽 西 地 区 上 侏 罗 统 土 城 子 组 的 新 叶肢 介 化 石 = New Fossil Clam Shrimps FromThe Tuchengzi Formation Of Northern HebeiAnd Western Liaoning. ( 中 文 ). 王 思 恩 ; 李 罡 .古 生 物 学 报 , 2008, 47(3): 319-325文 章 描 述 冀 北 、 辽 两 地 区 土 城 予 组 ( 后城 组 ) 的 两 新 属 、 两 新 种 叶 肢 介 化 石 :Pingquania huangtuliangensis gen . etsp . nov ..Lingyuanella shuiquanesisgen.et sp.nov.. 并 附 有 电 子 扫 描 照 片 。文 中 还 讨 论 叶 肢 介 组 合 的 时 代 问 题 . 认 为将 其 时 代 归 入 晚 侏 罗 世 早 期 比 较 合 适 。2009010316澄 江 生 物 群 中 的 卵 形 川 滇 虫 =Chuandianella ovata From Lower CambrianChengjiang Biota. ( 英 文 ). 刘 户 琴 ; 舒 德 干 . 古生 物 学 报 , 2008, 47(3): 352-361101

近 年 来 在 云 南 昆 明 附 近 的 海 口 镇 和 大 板桥 地 区 发 现 大 量 的 节 肢 动 物 卵 形 川 滇 虫 化石 , 这 些 化 石 隶 属 于 澄 江 生 物 群 , 其 所 处的 地 层 是 下 寒 武 统 玉 案 山 组 。 卵 形 川 滇 虫化 石 的 不 断 发 掘 使 得 对 该 属 种 化 石 的 研 究和 认 识 能 在 很 大 程 度 上 取 得 新 的 进 展 。 文章 基 于 相 当 数 量 化 石 的 信 息 统 计 , 首 先 对化 石 保 存 的 多 种 方 式 进 行 总 结 并 分 析 其 埋藏 时 的 环 境 条 件 , 其 次 分 析 卵 形 川 滇 虫 一些 有 趣 的 生 活 习 性 并 初 步 划 分 卵 形 川 滇 虫生 长 中 历 经 3 次 蜕 皮 的 发 育 阶 段 ; 对 雌 雄性 个 体 特 征 ( 包 括 外 部 形 态 和 内 部 器 官 的解 剖 ) 进 行 对 照 性 描 述 。 文 中 揭 示 卵 形 川滇 虫 的 生 活 环 境 及 运 动 方 式 , 并 将 卵 形 川滇 虫 与 中 寒 武 世 瓦 普 塔 虾 进 行 较 为 详 尽 的比 较 , 列 举 两 者 不 可 归 为 一 属 的 可 靠 证据 。2009010317摩 洛 哥 中 寒 武 世 早 期 根 据 三 叶 虫 的 陆 间 对比 = Intercontinental, trilobite-basedcorrelation of the Moroccan early MiddleCambrian. ( 英 文 ). Geyer G. CanadianJournal of Earth Sciences, 1998, 35(4): 374–401Refined correlations of Lower-MiddleCambrian boundary strata and MiddleCambrian strata between Cambrianpaleocontinents require an improvedunderstanding of local stratigraphic ranges ofwell-defined trilobite genera and species. Theconventional definition of the base of theMiddle Cambrian in Spain (base ofAcadoparadoxides mureroensis Zone) has ledto problems even when correlations into otherWest Gondwanan regions (i.e., Moroccan) areattempted because Paradoxides(Acadoparadoxides) mureroensis andprotolenid species from immediatelyunderlying strata have been regularlymisidentified. The A. mureroensis Zone isshown to correlate into strata above the baseof the Moroccan Middle Cambrian, andparadoxidid trilobites, a guide to the MiddleCambrian, have a lower occurrence inMorocco. These correlations are strengthenedby a reevaluation of higher Middle Cambriantrilobite genera and species in Morocco andtheir use in correlation into Spain and Baltica.Two new genera and eight new species ofMiddle Cambrian trilobites from theMoroccan High Atlas and Anti-Atlas areproposed. They areCondylopyge eli n.sp.,Schistocephalus?ornatus n.sp., Paradoxides(Acadoparadoxides) nobilis n.sp.,Parasolenopleura lemdadensis n.sp., Bailiellainconspicua n.sp., Bailiella dilatata n.sp.,Atopiaspis tikasraynensis n.gen. and n.sp., andCambrophatictor cataractis n.gen. and n.sp.Gigoutella atlasensis Hupé 1953 is describedin detail for the first time. Gonzaloia n.gen.(type species Calymene holometopa Angelin1851) is based on a well-known species fromthe Middle Cambrian of Baltica. Theoccurrences of the majority of the newMoroccan taxa clearly corroborate earlierinterregional and intercontinental correlationsby the author and refine and modify proposalsby K. Sdzuy, which were largely based ongeneralized taxonomic assignments of G.atlasensis and the new species S.? ornatus andP. (A.) nobilis.2009010318新 疆 北 部 普 利 道 利 统 笔 石 = Pridoligraptolites from northern Xinjiang, NorthwestChina. ( 英 文 ). Ni Yunan; Lenz A C; Chen Xu.Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 1998,35(10): 1123–1133Integration of graptolite dates obtained fromtwo sections in northern Xinjiang, NorthwestChina, permits the recognition of one Pridolibiostratigraphic zone, the Monograptusbouceki Biozone. Graptolites described fromthe biozone comprise Monograptus anerosusKoren, Monograptus mironovi Koren,Monograptus beatus Koren, Monograptusprognatus Koren, Monograptus bouceki Príbyl, Neocolonograptus nimius (Koren),Pseudomonoclimacis bandaletovi Mikhailova,Callograptus flabellatus Boucek, andDictyonema cf. elongatum Boucek. All arerecorded in China for the first time. The fauna,which is indistinguishable from that of theBalkhash area of Kazakhstan, shows strongendemicity, indicating that the two areasformed a single paleobiogeographic unitduring the Pridoli.2009010319利 用 红 外 光 谱 分 析 、 稳 定 同 位 素 和 古 昆 虫学 进 行 Grassy 湖 和 Cedar 湖 琥 珀 的 对 比 =Correlation of Grassy Lake and Cedar Lakeambers using infrared spectroscopy, stableisotopes, and palaeoentomology. ( 英 文 ).McKellar R C; Wolfe A P; Tappert R;Muehlenbachs K. Canadian Journal of EarthSciences, 2008, 45(9): 1061-1082The Late Cretaceous Grassy Lake andCedar Lake amber deposits of western Canadaare among North America's most famous102

amber-producing localities. Although it hasbeen suggested for over a century that CedarLake amber from western Manitoba may be asecondary deposit having originated fromstrata in Alberta, this hypothesis has not beentested explicitly using geochemicalfingerprinting coupled to comparativeanalyses of arthropod faunal content.Although there are many amber-containinghorizons associated with Cretaceous coalsthroughout Alberta, most are thermally matureand brittle, thus lacking the resilience tosurvive long distance transport whilepreserving intact biotic inclusions. One of thefew exceptions is the amber found in situ atGrassy Lake. We present a suite of newanalyses from these and other Late Cretaceousambers from western Canada, including stableisotopes (H and C), Fourier transform infrared(FTIR) spectra, and an updated faunalcompendium for the Grassy and Cedar lakesarthropod assemblages. When combined withamber's physical properties and stratigraphicconstraints, the results of these analysesconfirm that Cedar Lake amber is deriveddirectly from the Grassy Lake amber depositor an immediate correlative equivalent. Thisenables the palaeoenvironmental context ofGrassy Lake amber to be extended to theCedar Lake deposit, making possible a moreinclusive survey of Cretaceous arthropodfaunas.棘 皮 动 物2009010320西 班 牙 北 部 一 个 新 的 棘 皮 动 物 海 果 及 其 萼盖 的 功 能 形 态 意 义 = A new carpoid (classCincta Jaekel, 1918) from northern Spain andits bearing on the functional morphology ofthe operculum. ( 其 他 ). Zamora S; Linan E;Vintaned J A G. Ameghiniana, 2007, 44(4):727-738Cinctan carpoids from Middle Cambrian(Languedocian) rocks of northern Spain aredescribed. Sampled specimens probablybelong to a new species of the genusGyrocystis Jaekel; nevertheless, the lack ofsome key features prevents against erectingformally a new taxon at this moment. Afunctional interpretation of the operculum ismade, and the evolutionary meaning of somestructures related with its movement isanalysed herein. When the opercular area ofdifferent cinctans (Asturicystis, Sotocinctusand Gyrocystis) are compared, it is concludedthat several features in Gyrocystis sp. L wereprobably related to a better mobility of theoperculum. These are the lesser number ofpostopercular plates anchored to theoperculum, the reduction of the postopercularfacet, a more rigid lintel, and the existence ofquite big adopercular facets on the inner sideof the adopercular processes. All thesefeatures permitted Gyrocystis sp. L a higherefficiency in expelling water out of the theca,and they can be interpreted as apornorphies inthe evolutionary history of cinctans. The termpostopercular facet is defined here as thearticulation structure between the operculumand the postopercular plates.2009010321野 外 采 样 偏 差 、 博 物 馆 标 本 和 化 石 记 录 的完 整 性 = Field sampling bias, museumcollections and completeness of the fossilrecord. ( 英 文 ). Hunter A W; Donovan S K.Lethaia, 2005, 38(4): 305 - 314Museum specimens, particularly oldcollections, typically lack comprehensive fielddata and determination of substrate, samplingbiases, etc., is problematic. Diversity at thegeneric level of all identifiable latestCretaceous (Campanian-Maastrichtian)echinoderm remains in major museumcollections from the Mons (southern Belgium)and Danish (Jylland (Jutland) and Sjalland(Zealand)) basins were compared to those ofthe Liege-Limburg Basin. The last-named hasbeen studied in detail, including microscopicalanalysis of ossicles picked from bulk samples.Echinoids of the Mons Basin show similaritiesto those of the Liege-Limburg Basin, butcrinoids, asteroids and ophiuroids remainpoorly known from the former. Echinodermsof the Danish Basin resemble those of similarchalk lithofacies in the Liege-Limburg Basin,despite significant geographical separation.These disparities can be explained, at least inpart, by collector bias in samplingmethodology, although differences insubstrate presumably also had an influence.2009010322西 班 牙 东 南 部 Serra Gelada 地 区 下 白 垩 统Albian 阶 Sacaras 组 具 壳 的 及 海 胆 类 棘 皮动 物 痕 迹 化 石 = Lower Cretaceous (Albian)shell-armoured and associated echinoid tracefossils from the Sacaras Formation, SerraGelada area, southeast Spain. ( 英 文 ). MonacoP; Giannetti A; Caracuel J E; Yebenes A.Lethaia, 2005, 38(4): 333 - 344The Sacaras Formation (Albian, LowerCretaceous) of the Serra Gelada succession103

(Prebetic of Alicante), southeast Spain,comprises carbonate-rich, upwards thickeningparasequences in which many types of tracefossils have been identified. The present studyfocuses on two types of tubular trace fossilcharacterized by features of their externalcoating. The first type is represented by ashell-covered, structured trace fossil, up to 4cm in diameter and 40 cm in length, builthorizontally, from rectilinear (type 1) to gentlycurved (type 2), which envelopes anunstructured pipe of grey silty sediment. Thecoating is characterized by imbricated, flatparticles, mainly orbitolinid foraminifers andother planar bioclasts, forming thin concentriclayers; in cross section the bioclasts produce atypical plumed structure. This trace fossilrepresents a new ichnogenus and ichnospecies,here named Ereipichnus geladensis. Particlearrangement of the external coating is similarto that of terebelloid tubes, but Ereipichnus isa horizontal trace fossil, whereas structuredworm tubes are vertical. The second type is agrain-coated trace fossil, tubular in shape,with a simple internal structure. The coating isoften reddish with respect to the neighbouringdark grey sediment and shows a slightlycoarser-grained texture, which envelopes theinternal muddy pipe. This type, which yieldedechinoids, was produced by irregular or heartshapedsea-urchins (spatangoids) and isattributed to Scolicia or Cardioichnus. Faciesanalysis of the Serra Gelada succession withEreipichnus and Scolicia or Cardioichnuslocally shows other types of branched tracefossils (primarily represented by differentforms of Thalassinoides) and bioturbation isdeveloped in tiers, increasing upwards inabundance and diversity.2009010323中 国 西 南 三 叠 纪 海 百 合 Traumatocrinus 的假 漂 浮 生 活 方 式 = Pseudoplanktonic lifestyleof the Triassic crinoid Traumatocrinus fromSouthwest China. ( 英 文 ). Wang Xiaofeng;Hagdorn H; Wang Chuanshang. Lethaia, 2006,39(3): 187 - 193Colonies of Traumatocrinus(Echinodermata, Crinoidea) attached todriftwood from the lower Upper Triassic(Carnian) Xiaowa Formation of the Guanlingarea (Guizhou, Southwest China) document apseudoplanktonic lifestyle for this specializedoffshoot of the otherwise benthic MiddleTriassic Encrinidae. After the end-Carniandecline of Traumatocrinus, its ecologicalniche was subsumed in Norian by generaderived from another benthic family(Holocrinidae) with convergent morphologicalmodifications. After the Toarcian (LowerJurassic), this niche disappeared, possibly dueto the emergence of wood-boring bivalves.2009010324牙 买 加 晚 更 新 世 进 积 碎 屑 滨 岸 序 列 —— 对海 胆 类 Leodia 保 存 潜 力 的 意 义 = A latePleistocene progradational clastic shorefacesuccession in Jamaica: Implications for thepreservation potential of the echinoid Leodia.( 英 文 ). Mitchell S F; James S A; Brown I C.Lethaia, 2006, 39(4): 321 - 327A section in the Late Pleistocene PortMorant Formation of Jamaica shows aprogradational deltaic succession passing fromoffshore muddy sands, through shoreface toforeshore deposits. The transition zone/lowershoreface has abundant Ophiomorpha burrowsand contains common examples of theechinoid Leodia cf. sexiesperforata (Leske).Modern Leodia occur in shallow marinecarbonate sands, and the Port Morantoccurrence is the first record of abundantLeodia in the geological record. Despite theirstrong test construction that should giveLeodia a high preservation potential, theseechinoids have a poor fossil record becausethe environments in which they lived arerarely preserved. Consequently, the fossilrecord is biased towards species that occur inenvironments with high preservation potential.2009010325丹 麦 古 新 统 Danian 阶 典 型 地 区 一 种 异 常 的海 百 合 — 藤 壶 生 态 组 合 = An unusualcrinoid-barnacle association in the type area ofthe Danian (Paleocene), Denmark. ( 英 文 ).Donovan S; Jakobsen S. Lethaia, 2004, 37(4):407 - 415The specialization of holopodid crinoids toa sessile habit, by directly cementing the cupto a hard substrate and having short arms thatinterlock on closure to give a watertight seal,led F.A. Bather to speculate in 1928 that theymight once have led an intertidal, barnaclelikeexistence in shallow water. Although thisremains unproven, holopodid-barnacleassociations from the Danian now provideindirect supporting evidence of their similarenvironmental preferences at that time. It haslong been recognized that the holopodidCyathidium holopus Steenstrup was encrustedby the verrucomorph Verruca prisca? Bosquetin Danian submarine caves. This crinoid isnow known to occur with abundant plates of104

the brachylepadomorph barnacle Pycnolepasbruennichi Withers in open sea bed settings,suggesting that they lived together on asubstrate now lost due to diagenesis. Thesewere most likely to have been azooxanthellatescleractinian corals (benthic; 100+ mestimated water depth) and/or logs (either onsunken benthic islands (100+ m) or floating aspseudoplankton). If the tight, barnacle-likeclosure of the holopodid arms was primarilyan anti-predatory adaptation, suggested as analternative hypothesis, then it was of limitedeffectiveness and insufficient to prevent thegroup having to migrate from shallow intodeeper water with the stalked crinoids sincethe Late Cretaceous.2009010326化 石 记 录 的 完 整 性 ——Antilles 群 岛 更 新 世海 百 合 类 = Completeness of a fossil record:the Pleistocene echinoids of the Antilles. ( 英文 ). Donovan S K. Lethaia, 2003, 36(1): 1 - 7Diversity of Pleistocene marineinvertebrates with single component, robust,easily identifiable skeletons shows a goodcorrespondence to that of the Recent whencompared between similar environments in thesame region. Such comparisons are less easilymade for multi-element skeletons. In theAntilles there are 24 extant species ofechinoids in 0 – 30 m water depth.Considering all available fossils - completetests, disarticulated spines, and test fragmentsand ossicles - the Pleistocene echinoids of theAntillean region have a high similarity withthe extant shallow water fauna (c. 63%specific and 72% generic similarity). Many ofthe extant, shallow water, regular echinoidtaxa are known from the Pleistocene, althoughirregular echinoids are less well represented.These results are comparable with thosedetermined for coeval benthic invertebratesfrom this and other geographic regions, andindicate a high degree of similarity from asurvey which is so far limited to only a few ofthe islands. Not all Pleistocene unitsconsidered herein were deposited in shallowwater, but they include autochthonousspecimens of taxa whose depth range extendsbeyond shallow water at the present day orpresumed allochthonous specimens derived bydownslope transport from shallower water, orboth.2009010327非 典 型 的 古 生 代 棘 皮 动 物 的 多 样 化 —— 海桩 纲 差 异 性 、 多 样 性 和 地 理 型 式 的 定 量 研究 = Diversification of atypical Paleozoicechinoderms: a quantitative survey of patternsof stylophoran disparity, diversity, andgeography. ( 英 文 ). Lefebvre B; Eble G J;Navarro N; David B. Paleobiology, 2006,32(3): 483-510The analysis of morphological disparity andof morphospace occupation through themacroevolutionary history of clades is now amajor research program in paleobiology, andincreasingly so in organismal and comparativebiology. Most studies have focused on therelationship between taxonomic diversity andmorphological disparity, and on ecological ordevelopmental controls. However, thegeographic context of diversification hasremained understudied. Here we addressgeography quantitatively. Diversity, disparity,and paleogeographic dispersion are used todescribe the evolutionary history of an extinctechinoderm clade, the class Stylophora(cornutes, mitrates), from the MiddleCambrian to the Middle Devonian (about 128Myr subdivided into 12 stratigraphicintervals). Taxonomic diversity is estimatedfrom a representative sample including 73.3%of described species and 92.4% of describedgenera. Stylophoran morphology is quantifiedon the basis of seven morphometricparameters derived from image analysis ofhomologous skeletal regions. Three separateprincipal coordinates analyses (PCO) areperformed for thecal outlines, plates from thelower thecal surface, and plates from theupper thecal surface, respectively. PCO scoresfrom these three separate analyses are thenused as variables for a single, global, meta-PCO. For each time interval, disparity iscalculated as the sum of variance in themultidimensional morphospace defined by themeta-PCO axes. For each time interval, asemiquantitative index of paleogeographicdispersion is calculated, reflecting both global(continental) and local (regional) aspects ofdispersion.Morphospace occupation of cornutes andmitrates is partly overlapping, suggestingsome morphologic convergences between thetwo main stylophoran clades, probablycorrelated to similar modes of life (e.g.,symmetrical cornutes and primitivemitrocystitids). Hierarchical clusteringallowed the identification of three mainmorphological sets (subdivided into 11 subsets)within the global stylophoran morphospace.105

These morphological sets are used to analyzethe spatiotemporal variations of disparity. Theinitial radiation of stylophorans ischaracterized by a low diversity and a rapidincrease in disparity (Middle Cambrian –Tremadocian). The subsequent diversificationinvolved filling and little expansion ofmorphospace (Arenig – Middle Ordovician).Finally, both stylophoran diversity anddisparity decreased relatively steadily from theLate Ordovician to the Middle Devonian, withthe exception of a second (lower) peak in theEarly Devonian. Such a pattern is comparableto that of other Paleozoic marine invertebratessuch as blastozoans and orthid brachiopods.During the Lower to Middle Ordovician, themost dramatic diversification of stylophoranstook place with a paleogeographic dispersionessentially limited to the periphery ofGondwana. In the Late Ordovician,stylophorans steadily extended toward lowerpaleolatitudes, and new environmentalconditions, where some of them radiated, andfinally survived the end-Ordovician massextinction (e.g., anomalocystitids). Thispattern of paleobiogeographic dispersion iscomparable to that of other examples ofPaleozoic groups of marine invertebrates, suchas bivalve mollusks.2009010328不 规 则 海 胆 —— 未 充 分 了 解 的 一 个 类 群 =Irregular echinoids—An insufficiently knowngroup. ( 英 文 ). Jesionek-Szymañska W.Lethaia, 1968, 1(1): 50-62Some aspects of echinoid evolution from anendocyclic towards an exocyclic apical system,in the light of embryological andpalaeontological data, are discussed. Aprimitive feature — imbrication ofinteramhulacral plates in Jurassic irregularechinoids, recently described — proves oncemore that this group is insufficiently known.Every revision of taxonomic or phylogeneticconcepts concerning this group of echinoidsshould be preceded by careful morphologicalanalysis of the material.2009010329中 泥 盆 世 吉 维 特 期 圆 顶 海 百 合 被 宽 角 螺 类腹 足 动 物 寄 生 及 其 对 生 物 相 互 作 用 性 质 的意 义 = Infestation of Middle Devonian(Givetian) camerate crinoids by platyceratidgastropods and its implications for the natureof their biotic interaction. ( 英 文 ). Gahn F J;Baumiller T K. Lethaia, 2003, 36(2): 71-82One of the classic examples of bioticinteractions preserved in the fossil record isthat between crinoids and infestingplatyceratid gastropods. This relationship,spanning an interval from the MiddleOrdovician to the end of the Permian, isrecognized by the firm attachment andpositioning of platyceratids over the anal ventof their hosts. Several hypotheses have beenproposed to explain this interaction; the mostwidely accepted is that the gastropods werecoprophagous commensals, feeding on crinoidexcrement without any significant detriment totheir hosts. The purpose of this investigationwas to test this hypothesis. Two species ofMiddle Devonian camerate (Monobathrida,Compsocrinina) crinoids, Gennaeocrinusvariabilis Kesling & Smith 1962 andCorocrinus calypso (Hall 1862), were used inthis investigation. The data consisted of 426individuals of G. variabilis collected nearRockport, Michigan, 30 of which wereinfested, and 188 individuals of C. calypsocollected near Arkona, Ontario, Canada, ofwhich 25 were infested. Length and volumewere measured for each crinoid to determinewhether a significant difference existed in thesize of infested versus uninfested individuals.The results indicated that for both species ofcrinoids individuals infested by snails weresignificantly smaller than uninfestedindividuals (p < 0.05). We explored a varietyof scenarios to explain this pattern andconclude that they falsify the null hypothesisthat the crinoid-gastropod relationship wasstrictly commensal. The smaller size of theinfested crinoids is interpreted as aconsequence of nutrient-stealing by theparasitic gastropods, a strategy that findsanalogs in modern seas. Moreover, theabsence of platyceratids on the largest crinoidssuggests that large size may have inferredimmunity from lasting infestation.2009010330化 石 记 录 中 的 个 体 发 育 —— 古 生 代 棘 皮 动物 体 形 规 划 的 多 样 化 和 “ 畸 形 ” 对 称 的 演化 = Ontogeny in the fossil record:diversification of body plans and the evolutionof "aberrant" symmetry in Paleozoicechinoderms. ( 英 文 ). Sumrall C D; Wray G A.Paleobiology, 2007, 33(1): 149-163Echinoderms have long been characterizedby the presence of ambulacra that exhibitpentaradiate symmetry and define five primary106

ody axes. In reality, truly pentaradialambulacral symmetry is a condition derivedonly once in the evolutionary history ofechinoderms and is restricted toeleutherozoans, the clade that contains mostliving echinoderm species. In contrast, earlyechinoderms have a bilaterally symmetrical2–1–2 arrangement, with three ambulacraradiating from the mouth. Branching of thetwo side ambulacra during ontogeny producesthe five adult rays. During the CambrianExplosion and Ordovician Radiation, some 30clades of echinoderms evolved, many ofwhich have aberrant ambulacral systems withone to four rays. Unfortunately, no underlyingmodel has emerged that explains ambulacralhomologies among disparate forms. Here weshow that most Paleozoic echinoderms arecharacterized by uniquely identifiableambulacra that develop in three distinctpostlarval stages. Nearly all "aberrant"echinoderm morphologies can be explained bythe paedomorphic ambulacra reduction (PAR)model through the loss of some combinationof these growth stages during ontogeny.Superficially similar patterns of ambulacralreduction in distantly related clades haveresulted from the parallel loss of homologousambulacra during ontogeny. Pseudo-fivefoldsymmetry seen in Blastoidea and the truefivefold symmetry seen in Eleutherozoa resultfrom great reduction and total loss,respectively, of the 2– 1–2 symmetry earlyin ontogeny. These ambulacral variationssuggest that both developmental andecological constraints affect the evolution ofnovel echinoderm body plans.2009010331化 石 记 录 的 内 部 偏 差 和 外 部 偏 差 对 照 ——利 用 采 样 资 料 、 系 统 发 生 分 析 和 分 子 钟 对比 三 叠 纪 和 早 侏 罗 世 海 胆 类 的 化 石 记 录 =Intrinsic versus extrinsic biases in the fossilrecord: contrasting the fossil record ofechinoids in the Triassic and early Jurassicusing sampling data, phylogenetic analysis,and molecular clocks. ( 英 文 ). Smith A B.Paleobiology, 2007, 33(2): 310-323Four independent lines of evidence, (1) thequality of specimen preservation, (2)taxonomic collection curves, (3) moleculardivergence estimates, and (4) ghost lineageanalysis of a genus-level cladogram, point toechinoids having a much poorer fossil recordin the Triassic than in the Lower Jurassic.Furthermore, preservational differencesbetween Triassic and Lower Jurassicechinoids have remained a consistent featureover 160 years of discovery. Differences existin how effectively paleontologists havecollected the fauna from available outcrops inthe Triassic and Lower Jurassic. Collectioncurves suggest that rocks have been moreefficiently searched for their fossils in Europethan elsewhere in the world, and that LowerJurassic faunas are better sampled fromavailable outcrop than Triassic faunas. Thediscovery of Triassic taxa has quickened inpace over the past 4 decades (though largelydriven by a single Lagerstätte—the St. Cassianbeds) while discoveries of new taxa from theLower Jurassic have slowed. Molecularanalysis of extant families and ghost lineageanalysis of Triassic and Lower Jurassic generaboth point to poorer sampling of Triassicfaunas. This difference in the quality of thefossil record may be partially explained bydifferences in rock outcrop area, as marinesedimentary rocks are much less common inthe Triassic than in the Lower Jurassic.However, improving biomechanical design ofthe echinoid test over this critical time intervalwas probably as important, and better explainsobserved preservational trends. Changes in thequality of the echinoid fossil record were thusdriven as much by intrinsic biological factorsas by sampling patterns.2009010332海 百 合 萼 杯 的 理 论 形 态 = Theoreticalmorphology of the crinoid cup. ( 英 文 ).Kendrick D C. Paleobiology, 2007, 33(2):337-350Two simple plate parameters, P, the heightof the plate measured normal to the plate base,and , the angle formed between the plate baseand the adjacent edge of that plate, serve tomodel crinoid aboral cup morphology. Withfew exceptions, the resulting theoreticalgeometries replicate the range of calyxmorphology observed in the natural world. Atheoretical morphospace, derived from theseparameters, encompasses both the realized andunrealized possibilities of crinoid calyxconstruction. The model and the associatedmorphospace demonstrate that the occupationof crinoid cup space varies non-uniformly intime and space and suggest that functionalconstraints and/or ecological habit areimportant components of the distribution ofcup morphology in time.2009010333107

飘 泊 海 百 合 类 在 我 国 三 叠 系 的 首 次 发 现 及其 意 义 = The First Discovery Of TriassicRoveacrinids In China And It Significance.( 中 文 ). 王 传 尚 ; 汪 啸 风 ;Hagdorn H; 陈 孝 红 ; 程龙 . 古 生 物 学 报 , 2007, 46(3): 334-339产 于 贵 州 关 岭 三 叠 系 营 浮 游 生 活 的 漂 泊海 百 合 类 (roveacrinids) 是 该 类 化 石 在 我国 的 首 次 发 现 , 描 述 其 中 2 种 :Osteocrinuscf.virgatus 和 Osteocrinus spinosus 。Osteocrinus 的 形 态 是 以 萼 部 为 中 心 、 由 位于 中 背 骨 之 上 的 5 块 辐 板 生 长 出 5 个 一 级腕 , 从 5 个 一 级 腕 的 第 2 个 腕 骨 后 再 分 出 10个 二 级 腕 , 共 同 构 成 一 个 纤 巧 的 辐 射 对 称 的身 体 结 构 。 鉴 于 辐 板 外 侧 中 上 部 的 韧 带 凹口 与 冠 部 中 轴 近 于 平 行 , 腕 与 冠 部 的 中 轴 近于 垂 直 联 结 , 表 明 Osteocrinus 的 形 态 与Saccocoma tenella(Goldfuss) 雷 同 , 其 生活 方 式 应 与 之 类 似 , 为 口 面 向 上 的 浮 游 生 活方 式 。2009010334加 拿 大 纽 芬 兰 西 部 Table Head 群 奥 陶 纪Whiterockian 海 百 合 动 物 群 = Whiterockian(Ordovician) crinoid fauna from the TableHead Group, western Newfoundland, Canada.( 英 文 ). Ausich W I; Bolton T E; Cumming LM. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 1998,35(2): 121–130Three crinoids are described from the TablePoint Formation, Table Head Group(Whiterockian – Llanvirn) fromAguathuna quarry, Port au Port Peninsula,western Newfoundland, includingTrichinocrinus terranovicus Moore andLaudon, Isotomocrinus apheles n.sp., andBrechmocrinus eos n.gen. and n.sp.Trichinocrinus terranovicus is one of theoldest camerate crinoids known. It waspreviously described from a single specimen,and the numerous additional specimensconfirm that this crinoid had few fixed calyxplates, demonstrate that the small“pinnulets” are spines, and reveal that thiscrinoid had a very unusual posterior. Theposterior interradius may indicate that allcrinoids had homologous plating inthe posterior interray rather than the camerateposterior interray being distinct from othercrinoids. Isotomocrinus apheles n.sp. is theoldest species of this Ordovician genus, andBrechmocrinus eos n.gen. and n.sp. is the thirdknown Arenig to Llanvirn cladid with acompound radianal.2009010335广 西 上 寒 武 统 发 现 新 的 stylophorans( 棘皮 动 物 ) = New stylophorans(Echinodermata) from the upper Cambrian ofGuangxi, South China. ( 英 文 ). Han Nairen;Chen Guiying. Science in China Series D:Earth Sciences, 2008, 51(2): 181-186This paper describes for the first time thecornute stylophorans (Echinodermata) inChina. The new material came from the GuoleFormation of the Furongian (Late Cambrian)in the Guole area of Jingxi, Guangxi Province,South China. These new cornute specimensare preserved in situ and found along withwell-preserved trilobites and brachiopods. Onenew species, Phyllocystis jingxiensis sp. nov.,is proposed to accommodate these unusualmaterials. The new species is defined by thesmall, heart-shaped theca with the framecomposed of ten narrow, smooth and thickmarginal plates, three adoral plates anddistinctive zygal and aulacophore. Bothsupracentrals and infracentrals are polygonaloutlined.The marginal plate M1 ′ on theinferior face extends posteriorly to form zygalthat possesses a broadened proximal end andthe proximal portion joining with theconjunction between M4 and M5 on theinferior face. Aulacophore comprises tensegments at its proximal part and is conical atthe middle part (named stylocone). Its distalportion is rather long and bears conspicuousambulacrum grooves. Tectals are horizontallyarranged on superior face and obliquelyarranged on inferior face. Both cothurnoporeand anal pyramid are vaguely seen on the rightanterior corner and the extremity of theca’ssuperior face.笔 石 动 物2009010336阿 根 廷 前 科 迪 勒 拉 门 多 萨 San Isidro 河Estancia San Isidro 组 和 Empozada 组 奥 陶纪 笔 石 和 牙 形 类 新 记 录 = New records ofOrdovician graptolites and conodonts fromEstancia San Isidro and Empozada formations,San Isidro Creek, Mendoza Precordillera,Argentina. ( 其 他 ). Ortega G; Albanesi G L;Heredia S E; Beresi M S. Ameghiniana, 2007,44(4): 697-718The San Isidro creek is a classical localityfor the study of the Ordovician System in thePrecordillera of Mendoza Province. TheEstancia San Isidro and Empozada formationsbear allochthonous rocks, Cambrian-Ordovician in age, within an Ordovician shaly108

matrix. Graptolites, conodonts, and trilobitesare abundant in these units. The presentcontribution deals with a late Darriwiliangraptolite association, which was collectedfrom the green-greyish shaly facies of theEstancia San Isidro Formation at the northernflank of San Isidro creek. This fauna refers tothe Pterograptus elegans Zone or probablycorrelates with the Hustedogrdptusteretiusculus Zone, which was documented forother areas of the Precordillera. The graptoliteassemblage is composed of diplograptidsdominated by Archiclimacograptus Mitchell,and a low proportion of glossograptids anddichograptids. It allows us to assign a lateDarriwilian age for the time interval includingthe deposition of the olistostromes of theEstancia San Isidro Formation. At thesouthern margin of the San Isidro creek, aconglomerate bed close to the top of theEstancia San Isidro Formation yielded anearly Darriwilian conodont fauna, referred tothe lower Lenodus variabilis Zone or slightlyolder. This fauna reveals the age of clasts thatmake up the conglomerate. Early Floiangraptolites from allochthonous shales in thebasal Empozada Formation are described. Theconodont Amorphognathus cf. ordovicicusBranson and Mehl, recorded from the lowermember of the Empozada Formation togetherwith graptolites of the Dicellograptuscomplanatus Zone, indicates a late Katian agefor the autochthonous strata.2009010337加 拿 大 魁 北 克 马 坦 地 区 下 至 中 奥 陶 统 凝 缩沉 积 中 的 笔 石 序 列 = A condensed Lower toMiddle Ordovician graptolite succession atMatane, Quebec, Canada. ( 英 文 ). Maletz J.Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 2001,38(11): 1531-1539The highly condensed Lower to MiddleOrdovician deep-water succession from theCap-des-Rosiers Group at Matane bears threeconspicuous graptolite faunas of lateTremadoc to mid-Darriwilian age. TheTremadoc fauna belongs to the Aorograptusvictoriae Zone. In the CastlemainianIsograptus victoriae maximodivergens Zonefauna the earliest Pseudisograptus species,Pseudisograptus initialis n. sp., appearstogether with the ancestral Arienigraptusgracilis. A Darriwilian fauna withHolmograptus spinosus andBergstroemograptus crawfordi represents theyoungest pre-Nemagraptus gracilis Zonefauna described from the QuebecAppalachians.2009010338加 拿 大 育 空 晚 特 马 豆 克 结 合 早 阿 伦 尼 克 阶一 些 笔 石 化 石 = Some graptolites from thelate Tremadoc and early Arenig of Yukon,Canada. ( 英 文 ). Jackson D E; Lenz A C.Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 2000,37(8): 1177–1193Ten graptolite species from upperTremadoc and lower Arenig strata aredescribed from a 160 m thick, homoclinal,totally exposed section of the Road RiverGroup in the Upper Canyon of Peel River,Yukon. This is believed to be one of the mostcomplete sequences of this age range knownto science. Graptolites were collected from 40levels in the (lowest to highest) Adelograptusantiquus, Kiaerograptus pritchardi,Paradelograptuskinnegraptoides,Tetragraptus approximatus, andPendeograptus fruticosus biozones. Two newspecies described are Paradelograptus rallussp.nov. from the K. pritchardi Biozone andKinnegraptus reclinatus sp.nov. from theTetragraptus fruticosus Biozone.2009010339晚 寒 武 — 早 奥 陶 世 树 形 笔 石 Airograptus 的群 体 发 育 及 其 系 统 发 生 意 义 = Astogeneticaspects of the dendroid graptolite Airograptus(Late Cambrian-Early Ordovician) and theirphylogenetic implications. ( 英 文 ). ZhangYuandong; Erdtmann B-D. Lethaia, 2004,37(4): 457 - 465Based on a Backscatter Electron (BSE)examination of partially 3-dimensionalgraptolite specimens of Airograptus from theTremadocian (Early Ordovician) YehliFormation at Dayangcha, Baishan of JilinProvince, NE China, the thecal structure andastogenetic aspects of this genus (except forthe missing proximal part) are described andillustrated in detail. In the present collection,no furcating but only peltate thecal aperturalprocesses are confirmed. A comparisonbetween the presumably benthic dendroidAirograptus and Rhabdinopora, the earliestplanktonic graptolite, indicates that there areremarkable similarities in astogenetic aspectsbetween them, although there are alsodifferences in the development ofdissepiments and thecal apertural processes. Apossible ancestor-descendent relationshipbetween the two genera is herein proposed.109

2009010340奥 陶 纪 笔 石 分 异 史 和 它 与 环 境 变 化 的 关 系= Diversity history of Ordovician graptolitesand its relationship with environmental change.( 英 文 ). Zhang Yuandong; Chen Xu. Sciencein China Series D: Earth Sciences, 2008,51(2): 161-171Statistical analysis based on global dataindicated that the planktonic graptolitespresented a distinguished pattern from that ofbenthic communities during the greatOrdovician biodiversification. The graptolitesstarted to diversify from the beginning ofOrdovician and reached an acme in the earlyMiddle Ordovician, but subsequentlyunderwent a steady decline to the end ofOrdovician. During the Ordovician, manyclades of the graptolites made theiroriginations, flourishing and replacements.However, in different regions and distinctenvironments across the world, graptolitesmay presumably display distinct patterns ofradiation and evolution, a hypothesis to betested. Herein a study of the graptolitediversity in the Early to Middle Ordovician inthe Upper Yangtze Region (Platform) andJiangnan Region (Slope), South China, isconducted. The results indicate that graptolitesunderwent a remarkable increase in bothregions, but with distinct magnitude, scope,process and patterns. The diversification ofgraptolites in the Upper Yangtze Region,though less prominent, is divided into fourstages and includes two peaks. In the JiangnanRegion, the graptolite diversification is farmore prominent and includes three stages andone peak. Based on the distinct diversityhistories and composition of graptolites in thetwo representative regions, a ‘ deep-waterorigin and shallow-water dispersal’ model isproposed for the Ordovician graptolite faunas.According to the model, the major graptolitefaunas of Ordovician originated in the deepwaterregion on the continental slope, thesource of the graptolite novelties, andsubsequently spread into shallow-water regionon the shelf. Besides, we also conduct acomparison study of the Ordovician graptolitediversity in South China and other majorregions. The results display that the graptolitesdiversified globally in the Early and MiddleOrdovician. At the beginning of Ordovician,graptolites underwent a significant ecologicalinnovation of graptolites: planktonic formswere derived from their benthic ancestors.This derivation resulted in the great guildexpansion of graptolites. In late EarlyOrdovician (Floian), the global expansion ofgraptolites commenced. From the Floian to theend of Middle Ordovician, the graptolitesdiversity increased remarkably and displayedthree peaks for all the regions. However, thepeaks are somewhat distinct in magnitude andtiming among regions. The Darriwilian peak isprominent in both South China and Balticregion, but inconspicuous in Australasia. Noclose relationship between the graptolitediversification and the palaeolatitudes aresupported herein. Instead, the graptolitediversification seems to coincide with theglobal sea-level rises, suggesting a possibleintrinsic relationship between them.分 类 位 置 不 明2009010341澳 大 利 亚 东 部 早 侏 罗 世 环 虫 动 物 茧 = EarlyJurassic annelid cocoons from easternAustralia. ( 英 文 ). Jansson I M.Alcheringa, 2008, 32(3): 285 - 296A small assemblage of clitellate annelidcocoons (egg cases) is described from theEarly Jurassic Marburg Subgroup, Clarence-Moreton Basin, eastern Australia. Twocomplete specimens are preserved on beddingplanes, and numerous fragments wererecovered from organic residues prepared formesofossil analysis. The complete specimensare assigned to Burejospermum Krassilovemend. Manum, Bose & Sawyer, 1991,having a well-developed mesh-like hapsineand a solid layer of underlying alytine. Thefragments include a form assigned toDictyothylakos Horst, 1954 emend. Manum,Bose & Sawyer, 1991 having a mesh-likehapsine but lacking an alytine layer. Thecocoons are preserved in floodbasin faciesrepresented by leaf-rich, dark shales.Palynological data indicate a Pliensbachian toearliest Toarcian age for the assemblage.Similarities between the new specimens,congeneric material from the Triassic toNeogene of other continents, and modern eggcases highlight the long-term morphologicalconservatism of clitellate cocoons. The newmaterial extends the distribution of suchfossils, which generally have a poormacrofossil record.A small assemblage of clitellate annelidcocoons (egg cases) is described from theEarly Jurassic Marburg Subgroup, Clarence-Moreton Basin, eastern Australia. Twocomplete specimens are preserved on beddingplanes, and numerous fragments were110

ecovered from organic residues prepared formesofossil analysis. The complete specimensare assigned to Burejospermum Krassilovemend. Manum, Bose & Sawyer, 1991,having a well-developed mesh-like hapsineand a solid layer of underlying alytine. Thefragments include a form assigned toDictyothylakos Horst, 1954 emend. Manum,Bose & Sawyer, 1991 having a mesh-likehapsine but lacking an alytine layer. Thecocoons are preserved in floodbasin faciesrepresented by leaf-rich, dark shales.Palynological data indicate a Pliensbachian toearliest Toarcian age for the assemblage.Similarities between the new specimens,congeneric material from the Triassic toNeogene of other continents, and modern eggcases highlight the long-term morphologicalconservatism of clitellate cocoons. The newmaterial extends the distribution of suchfossils, which generally have a poormacrofossil record.2009010342秘 鲁 奥 陶 纪 首 个 软 躯 体 化 石 = First softbodiedfossil from the Ordovician of Peru. ( 英文 ). Garc a-Bellido D C; Guti rrez-Marco J C;Chacaltana C A. Alcheringa, 2008, 32(3): 313- 320Konservat-Lagerst tten are a source ofinsurmountable information on the diversity offossil assemblages during the lowerPalaeozoic. Soft-bodied fossils are especiallyrare in South America, but a new locality hasbeen discovered from the Middle Ordovicianof Peru that has produced the fairly wellpreservedpossible palaeoscolecidanJuninscolex ingemmetianum gen. et sp. nov.The distinctive characteristics of this wormmake it similar to European taxa within thegroup.2009010343爱 尔 兰 和 英 国 新 的 密 西 西 比 亚 纪 疑 难 化 石 :与 疑 难 化 石 Draffania 的 比 较 = A newMississippian problematicum from Irelandand Britain: comparison with theproblematicum Draffania. ( 英 文 ). SomervilleI D; Cózar P. Lethaia, 2006, 39(1): 49 - 56Upper Vis an platform limestones fromIreland and northern England containoccasionally hemispherical to bean-shapedstructures attached to fenestellid bryozoancolonies. These problematic structures aredescribed and compared with anotherMississippian problematicum, Draffania. Bothproblematic taxa exhibit a similar skeletalstructure, but have some differentmorphological features. They also havecomparable stratigraphic records and occupiedsimilar palaeoecological niches. Possibleaffinities of this new problematicum withforaminiferans, crinoids, algae, and bryozoansare discussed, but its definite taxonomic statusremains to be elucidated.2009010344以 中 国 西 南 帽 天 山 页 岩 中 的 棒 形 虫 和 安 宁虫 为 例 探 讨 早 寒 武 世 曳 鳃 虫 的 解 剖 和 生 活方 式 = Anatomy and lifestyles of EarlyCambrian priapulid worms exemplified byCorynetis and Anningvermis from theMaotianshan Shale (SW China). ( 英 文 ).Huang Di-Ying; Vannier J; Chen Jun-Yuan.Lethaia, 2004, 37(1): 21 - 33Accurate information on the anatomy andecology of worms from the CambrianLagerst tten of SW China is sparse. Thepresent study of two priapulid wormsAnningvermis n. gen. and Corynetis Luo & Hu,1999 from the Lower Cambrian MaotianshanShale biota brings new informationconcerning the anatomical complexity,functional morphology and lifestyles of theEarly Cambrian priapulids. Comparisons aremade with Recent priapulids from Sweden(live observations, SEM). The cuspidatepharyngeal teeth of Anningvermis (circumoralpentagons) and the most peculiar radiatingoral crown of Corynetis added to the veryelongate pharynx of these two forms areinterpreted as two different types of graspingapparatus possibly involved in the capture ofsmall prey. Corynetis and Anningvermis aretwo representative examples of the EarlyCambrian endobenthic communities largelydominated by priapulid worms (more than tenspecies in the Maotianshan Shale biota) and toa much lesser extent by brachiopods.Corynetis and Anningvermis were probablyactive mud-burrowers and predators of smallmeiobenthic animals. Likewise predatorpriapulid worms exploited the interface layerbetween the seawater and bottom sediment,where meiobenthic organisms were abundantand functioned as prey. This implies thatcomplex prey-predator relationship betweencommunities already existed in the EarlyCambrian. This study also shows that thecircumoral pentagonal teeth and caudalappendage were present in the early stages ofthe evolutionary history of the group and wereimportant features of the priapulid body plan111

already in the Early Cambrian. Two newfamilies, one new genus and new species areintroduced and described in the appendix.2009010345中 国 云 南 下 寒 武 统 澄 江 动 物 群 叶 足 动 物 圆形 贫 腿 虫 (Paucipodia inermis ) = Thelobopodian Paucipodia inermis from theLower Cambrian Chengjiang fauna, Yunnan,China. ( 英 文 ). Hou Xian-Guang; Ma Xiao-Ya;Zhao Jie; Bergström J. Lethaia, 2004, 37(3):235 - 244New specimens of Paucipodia inermisChen, Zhou & Ramsk ld, 1995, are describedfrom the Lower Cambrian ChengjiangLagerst tte in Haikou, Kunming. Details notpreviously seen in the Chengjiang materialappear to be caused by early diageneticprocesses. Some features not previouslyobserved in Palaeozoic lobopodians includedetails of the dermomuscular sac, bodycavities, contents of the gut, possible pairedventral nerve ganglia, and a rasping or bitingapparatus with teeth. The latter implies afundamental difference from onychophoransand rules out an ancestral position forPalaeozoic lobopodians. The supposed tail isshown to be the head, and it is shown that thisanimal possessed nine pairs of lobopods ratherthan six, as originally stated. The familyPaucipodiidae n. fam. is introduced.2009010346Wiwaxia 的 再 评 价 和 布 尔 吉 斯 页 岩 中 的 多毛 类 = A reevaluation of Wiwaxia and thepolychaetes of the Burgess Shale. ( 英 文 ).Eibye-Jacobsen D. Lethaia, 2004, 37(3): 317 -335Wiwaxia corrugata and the indisputablepolychaetes of the Middle Cambrian BurgessShale, particularly Canadia spinosa, havefigured prominently in recent hypothesesabout the early evolution of polychaeteannelids. Based on similarities between thesclerites of Wiwaxia and the notochaetae ofCanadia with the broad notochaetae (paleae)of Recent chrysopetalid polychaetes, thesetwo fossil taxa have been variously treated asclosely related to the most highly derived stemforms of the polychaete (and annelid) crowngroup or as members of a specific, Recentsubgroup within Polychaeta, the orderPhyllodocida. Chrysopetalidae is a member ofPhyllodocida, which is part of the majorpolychaete clade Aciculata; the latter two taxaare distinguished by four and six well definedautapomorphic characters, respectively. Thebest preserved or otherwise appropriate fossilsof Wiwaxia corrugata, Canadia spinosa andthe other polychaetes of the Burgess Shalehave been studied in detail in order todetermine whether they possess any charactersthat could support the homology of wiwaxiidsclerites, canadiid notochaetae andchrysopetalid paleae. Most of these fossil taxahave significant autapomorphies but thespecific characters of the Aciculata andPhyllodocida are entirely absent. It isdemonstrated that constraining cladograms insuch a manner that wiwaxiid sclerites,canadiid notochaetae and chrysopetalid paleaeare homologous leads to results that aremarkedly unparsimonious. Furthermore,Canadia and the other polychaetes of theBurgess Shale cannot be referred to any extantsubgroup within the Polychaeta and cannot beused to polarize character evolution within theannelid crown group. Apart from its dubioussclerites, Wiwaxia has no characters that couldindicate any close relationship withPolychaeta or Annelida.2009010347下 寒 武 统 双 瓣 壳 疑 难 化 石 Mickwitziamuralensis Walcott, 1913 的 壳 体 构 造 、 个体 发 育 和 亲 源 关 系 = Shell structure,ontogeny and affinities of the LowerCambrian bivalved problematic fossilMickwitzia muralensis Walcott, 1913. ( 英 文 ).Balthasar U. Lethaia, 2004, 37(4): 381 - 400Exceptionally preserved carbonate- andshale-hosted Mickwitzia muralensis from theLower Cambrian Mural Formation, southernCanadian Rocky Mountains, complement oneanother to yield an unusually completeaccount of its ontogeny, ecology andphylogenetic relationships. The shell of M.muralensis is composed of dense phosphaticlayers interspersed with porous organic-richlayers. At the insertion of shell-penetratingtubes, shell layers deflect inwards to produceinwardly pointing cones. The tubes areinterpreted as having hosted setae that weresecreted by outer-epithelial follicles. Follicularsetae also occurred at the mantle margin,where they were oriented within the plane ofthe shell as in modern brachiopods. Duringontogeny, the initial setae oriented in the planeof the shell occurred before the first shellpenetrativesetae. In the juvenile and earlymaturestages of shell secretion, a posterioropening was present between both valves andwas used for the protrusion of an attachmentstructure. In the late-mature shell, this opening112

ecame fixed in the ventral valve. Based onthe posterior margin and the shellmicrostructure, a close relationship betweenMickwitzia and the paterinids is proposed withdifferences interpreted as heterochronic. Theshell-penetrative setal apparatus of M.muralensis is distinct from that previouslydescribed of Micrina, though both types areconceivably homologous to adult and juvenilesetae of modern brachiopods.2009010348虫 颚 与 颚 部 器 官 = Scolecodonts versus jawapparatuses. ( 英 文 ). Kielan-Jaworowska Z.Lethaia, 1968, 1(1): 39 - 49Polychaete jaw apparatuses, until recentlyvery rare in fossil state, have been discoveredin large numbers in the Ordovician andSilurian limestone of the Baltic Region.Investigations on them (Kielan-Jaworowska1966) have shown that the systematics ofpolychaete annelids based on jaw apparatusesis close to natural and that the jaw apparatusesare important as index fossils. It is stressedthat combining the parataxonomy ofscolecodonts with the systematics of jawapparatuses in one system makes it impossibleto carry out any meaningful scientificinvestigation in this field. An attempt is madeto explain the scarcity of polychaete jaws inMesozoic and Tertiary deposits.2009010349多 分 支 的 埃 迪 卡 拉 化 石 的 埋 葬 学 和 个 体 发育 : 加 拿 大 纽 芬 兰 阿 瓦 龙 半 岛 Bradgatia属 = Taphonomy and ontogeny of amultibranched Ediacaran fossil: Bradgatiafrom the Avalon Peninsula of Newfoundland.( 英 文 ). Flude L I; Narbonne G M. CanadianJournal of Earth Sciences, 2008, 45(10):1095-1109Rangeomorphs, an extinct group ofEdiacaran organisms with a fractalarchitecture and modular construction, occurabundantly in the Mistaken Point assemblage(575-560 Ma) of the Avalon Peninsula ofNewfoundland. Bradgatia is represented byhundreds of specimens, collectively permittinganalysis of its morphology, growth mode, andlife habits. Bradgatia is a petalage thatconsists of a radial array of up to eight petals,each exhibiting up to four visible orders ofrangeomorph branching. The taphonomy andontogeny of Bradgatia are tightly linked by achange in preserved morphology, fromjuvenile I- to V-shaped specimens to larger U-shaped specimens, to the largest andontogenetically oldest O-shaped specimens.Bradgatia probably maintained a constantnumber of petals that gradually spread outwith age. The number of frondlets per petaldoes not correlate with length, suggestingeither fractal or inflationary growth. Presenceof a structure from which petals branch,abundance of contour-parallel specimens,differential preservation within specimens,and specimens overlying spindles and discs allimply that Bradgatia had an attached,epifaunal, suspension-feeding lifestyle.Bradgatia's multiple thin petals would havehelped to filter water more efficiently, whileits lack of a stem would have allowed forsuspension feeding along the entire length ofeach petal.古 脊 椎 动 物 学综 论2009010350中 国 新 疆 准 噶 尔 盆 地 侏 罗 纪 - 白 垩 纪 地 层 中的 层 序 地 层 、 古 气 候 模 式 和 脊 椎 动 物 化 石保 护 = Sequence stratigraphy, paleoclimatepatterns, and vertebrate fossil preservation inJurassic – Cretaceous strata of the JunggarBasin, Xinjiang Autonomous Region, People'sRepublic of China. ( 英 文 ). Eberth D A;Brinkman D B; Chen Pirji.; Yuan F-T.; Wu S-Z; Li G 昂 ; Cheng X-S. Canadian Journal ofEarth Sciences, 2001, 38(12): 1627-1644Multi-kilometre-thick Jurassic –Cretaceous-age sedimentary successionsexposed in the southern, northwestern, andnortheastern regions of the Junggar Basindisplay a consistent and correlativestratigraphy comprising four, stacked secondordermegasequences: Badaowan, Sangonghe,Shishugou, and Kalaza. Each consists of abasal erosional unconformity or discontinuitysurface and lower, middle, and upper unitsthat are interpreted as forestepping,backstepping, and aggradational systems tracts,respectively. Each megasequence isinterpreted as recording an upsection shiftfrom active tectonism and uplift to tectonicquiescence with associated changes in crustalresponse and sediment supply. Basin-wideanalysis of megasequences indicates thattectonism was intermittent and regionallyvariable. A maximum phase of subsidence andsediment accommodation is recorded in themiddle unit of each megasequence andcorrelates with a notable abundance of fossilvertebrates suggesting a primary tectonic andbasin-response control on fossil preservation.113

Seasonally dry climatic conditions weredeveloped first in the northeastern region ofthe basin during the Pliensbachian, followedby basin-wide seasonal dryness during theBajocian. Seasonally dry climatic conditionswere permanently established across the basinby the Oxfordian and intensified during theEarly Cretaceous. A seasonally dry climatefrom Oxfordian through the Early Cretaceouscorrelates positively with the widespreadpresence of fossil vertebrates and suggests anadditional climatic control on fossilpreservation.2009010351Fiume Santo( 意 大 利 撒 丁 岛 西 北 ) 脊 椎 动物 群 的 新 数 据 及 对 中 新 世 晚 期 Tusco-Sardinian 古 生 物 区 域 的 全 面 综 述 = Newdata on the vertebrate assemblage of FiumeSanto (North-West Sardinia, Italy), andoverview on the Late Miocene Tusco-Sardinian Palaeobioprovince. ( 英 文 ). AbbazziL; Delfino M; Gallai G; Trebini L; Rook L.Palaeontology, 2008, 51(2): 425-451This paper reports the results of a study ofmore than 2400 specimens in the collection offossil vertebrates from Fiume Santo in northwestSardinia. This locality represents thewesternmost documentation of the Tusco-Sardinian palaeobioprovince, which was inexistence during the late Tortonian in theNorth Tyrrhenian area. During the Tortonian,the region that presently corresponds tosouthern Tuscany and the Sardinian Massif(Central Italy) was occupied by a complex oflarge islands characterised by endemicvertebrate populations. Morphologicalfeatures, adaptations and trophic structure (e.g.low diversity and scarce carnivore taxa),mainly in the mammal faunas, attest to a longperiod of isolation from the continentalpalaeobioprovinces of the Mediterranean andCentral Europe. The greatest numbers of fossilremains of the well-known endemicOreopithecus fauna of the so called V0–V2assemblages, are found at several sites insouthern Tuscany (e.g. Montebamboli,Casteani, Baccinello). In Sardinia thisendemic fauna occurs only at the Fiume Santolocality, from which 11 taxa have beenrecognized: Crocodylia indet., Chelonii indet.,Oreopithecus bambolii, Mustelidae indet.,Eumaiochoerus cf. E. etruscus, Umbrotheriumazzarolii gen. et sp. nov., Tyrrhenotragusgracillimus, Bovidae gen. et sp. indet.(?Neotragini), Maremmia cf. M. lorenzi,Etruria viallii gen. et sp. nov., Turritraguscasteanensis gen. et sp. nov. Analysis of thesefossils and comparison with material fromlocalities in Tuscany has led to a re-evaluationof the latter and to the description of three newendemic taxa among the ruminants.2009010352四 足 动 物 胫 骨 显 微 解 剖 学 的 演 化 , 及 其 在古 生 物 上 的 应 用 = Evolution of bonemicroanatomy of the tetrapod tibia and its usein palaeobiological inference. ( 英 文 ). KriloffA; Germain D; Canoville A; Vincent P; SacheM; Laurin M. Journal of EvolutionaryBiology, 2008, 21(3): 807-826Bone microanatomy appears to trackchanges in various physiological or ecologicalproperties of the individual or the taxon.Analyses of sections of the tibia of 99 taxashow a highly significant (P ≤ 0.005)relationship between long-bone microanatomyand habitat. Randomization tests reveal ahighly significant (P ≤ 0.005) phylogeneticsignal on several compactness profileparameters and lifestyle. Discriminantanalyses yield an inference model which has asuccess rate of 63% when lifestyle is codedinto three states (aquatic, amphibious andterrestrial) or 83% for a binary model (aquaticvs. amphibious to terrestrial). Lifestyle isinferred to have been terrestrial for the stemtetrapodDiscosauriscus (Early Permian), thebasal synapsid Dimetrodon (Early Permian),the dicynodont therapsid Dicynodon (LatePermian), an unindentified gorgonopsian (LatePermian); the parareptile Pareiasaurus (Middleor Late Permian) is modelled as being aquatic,but was more likely amphibious.2009010353加 拿 大 北 极 地 区 Cornwallis 岛 上 志 留 统 微脊 椎 动 物 组 合 = Microvertebrateassemblages from the Upper Silurian ofCornwallis Island, Arctic Canada. ( 英 文 ).Burrow C J; Vergoossen J M J; Turner S;Uyeno T T; Thorsteinsson R. CanadianJournal of Earth Sciences, 1999, 36(3): 349–361Microvertebrate assemblages from fourUpper Silurian (?Ludlow-Pridoli) localities onCornwallis Island, Arctic Canada, comprisemainly scales, plus dentition cones and jawfragments from ischnacanthid acanthodians,with rare scales assigned to heterostracanLepidaspis? sp., ?chondrichthyan Arauzia? sp.,and Placodermi? gen. et sp. indet. Most of thescales in sample C-11460 are assigned to the114

poracanthodid acanthodian Poracanthodescanadensis sp.nov., which shows closestaffinity to Poracanthodes punctatus Brotzenvariants from the Baltic Pridoli. The flankscales of the new species resemble those of P.punctatus s.s. (Silurian variant; the zone fossilfor the late Pridoli in the Standard Silurianmicrovertebrate scheme), with theirsuperposed crown growth zones, rows ofsmall pores aligned with the underlying zones,number of radial canals, and "arcade" canalsconnecting these radial canals. They differ inhaving numerous anterior crown riblets, "zigzag"rather than straight crown pore rows, andV-shaped arcade canals.2009010354步 林 在 甘 肃 党 河 流 域 塔 奔 布 鲁 克 地 区 的 早期 工 作 记 录 —— 经 典 脊 椎 动 物 化 石 地 点 与现 代 地 层 框 架 的 解 译 = Early ExplorationsOf Tabenbuluk Region(Western GansuProvince) By Birger Bohlin — ReconcilingClassic Vertebrate Fossil Localities WithModern Stratigraph. ( 英 文 ). 王 晓 鸣 ; 王 伴 月 ;邱 占 祥 . 古 脊 椎 动 物 学 报 , 2008, 46(1): 1-191931-1932 年 博 格 · 步 林 在 甘 肃 省 西 部塔 奔 布 鲁 克 地 区 ( 又 名 党 河 地 区 , 位 于 肃 北 县城 西 南 ) 首 次 发 现 丰 富 的 新 生 代 哺 乳 动 物 化石 。 步 林 在 塔 奔 布 鲁 克 盆 地 中 部 燕 丹 图 沟中 找 到 三 个 小 哺 乳 动 物 化 石 异 常 丰 富 的 层位 。 三 个 层 位 紧 靠 在 一 起 , 其 中 产 出 的 哺 乳动 物 群 被 命 名 为 燕 丹 图 动 物 群 。 步 林 明 确指 出 燕 丹 图 动 物 群 为 晚 渐 新 世 。 该 动 物 群以 后 成 为 晚 渐 新 世 塔 奔 布 鲁 克 哺 乳 动 物 期的 典 型 动 物 群 并 沿 用 至 今 。2009010355加 拿 大 艾 伯 塔 西 北 部 组 赛 诺 曼 阶 中 部euselachian 组 合 = A middle Cenomanianeuselachian assemblage from the DunveganFormation of northwestern Alberta. ( 英 文 ).Cook T D; Wilson M V H: Murray A M.Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 2008,45(10): 1185-1197A euselachian assemblage was recoveredfrom the middle Cenomanian DunveganFormation situated in northwestern Alberta.This assemblage is the most northerndescribed within the Western Interior Seawayand provides an important insight into theeuselachian faunal diversity of this littleknownregion of the seaway. Despite its highpaleolatitude, the assemblage contains anumber of elasmobranch taxa, includingHybodus, Squalicorax, Archaeolamna,Cretodus, Dallasiella, and Cretoxyrhina. TheDunvegan assemblage also contains the firstknown reports from Canada of the odontaspidshark Johnlongia parvidens, the cretoxyrhinidshark Protolamna carteri, and the rayPseudohypolophus mcnultyi. This assemblageextends the northern geographical range of alltaxa. Preliminary comparisons with othermiddle Cenomanian Western Interior Seawayassemblages show that the core compositionof the Dunvegan assemblage is remarkablysimilar to that of other time-equivalentassemblages; however, conspicuously absentare species that are exceedingly common inother localities situated farther south. Wesuggest that absence of these taxa from theDunvegan localities may be caused by atemperature intolerance associated withlatitude and sea-water circulation patterns, orby an inability to inhabit environments thatexhibit salinity variation.鱼 类2009010356美 国 西 部 早 泥 盆 世 爱 姆 斯 期 的 棘 鱼 动 物 群= Early Devonian (Emsian) Acanthodianfaunas of the western USA. ( 英 文 ). Burrow CJ. Journal of Paleontology, 2007, 81(5): 824-840 6 图 版 .Isolated spines and scales from acanthodianfishes are common elements in vertebrateassemblages from the Early Devonian(Emsian) of Arizona, Idaho, Nevada, Utah,and Wyoming. The material described here isfrom the Sevy Dolomite and lower Grassy FlatMember, Water Canyon Formation, andincludes one partially articulated specimenplus isolated fin spines and dermal plates of anew ?climatiid Sevyacanthus elliotti n. gen.and sp.; spines and shoulder girdle elements ofa ?climatiid Nodocosta denisoni n. sp.;dentigerous jawbones from at least twoischnacanthiform taxa Ischnacanthus sp. andCacheacanthus utahensis n. gen. and sp.; finspines from a ?diplacanthiform Bryantonchusperacutus n. gen.; and scales of Ptychodictyonamericanum n. sp. Most of the species appearendemic, although some show a closerelationship with older Euramerican taxa(Ischnacanthus, Climatiidae sensu stricto) andyounger Baltic taxa (Ptychodictyon rimosum,Nodocosta pauli).2009010357墨 西 哥 中 部 Tlayúa 采 石 场 下 白 垩 统 一 基 干Pachyrhizodontid 鱼 类 化 石 = A basal115

Pachyrhizodontid fish (Actinopterygii,Teleostei) from the Lower Cretaceous of theTlay ú a Quarry, Central Mexico. ( 英 文 ).Alvarado-Ortega J; de Mayrinck D; Brito P M.Comptes Rendus Palevol, 2008, 7(5): 269-275Michin csernai gen. et sp. nov. from theEarly Cretaceous (Albian) limestones of theTlayúa Quarry, Puebla State, Central Mexico,is assigned to the Teleost cladePachyrhizodontoidei as it possesses theenlarged inner premaxillary tooth, which is aunique synapomorphy of this clade.Additionally, the occurrence of relativelyprimitive characters (e.g., united parietals,angular and articular completely fused, caudalfin with five uroneurals) suggests that Michincsernai represents the most basalrepresentative of the pachyrhizodontids.2009010358Bothriolepis canadensis( 盾 皮 鱼 纲 , 胴 甲 鱼 目 )网 格 状 骨 层 的 组 织 结 构 = Histologicalstructure of the cancellous bone layer inBothriolepis canadensis (Antiarchi,Placodermi). ( 英 文 ). Burrow C J.Lethaia, 2005, 38(3): 205 - 210The Placodermi are extinct basalgnathostomes which had extensive dermal andperichondral bone, but which lacked theendochondral bone which characterizes themore derived bony fishes. Thin sections ofbone from a specimen of the antiarchplacoderm Bothriolepis canadensis, from theEscuminac Formation (Frasnian, UpperDevonian), Quebec, Canada, reveal that partof the cancellous layer in its dermal andendoskeletal bone formed from perichondralbone trabeculae growing around cartilagespheres. The resultant structure mimics that ofosteichthyan endochondral bone. The layoutand dimensions of this polygonal mosaicpatterning of the bone trabeculae and flattenedcartilage spheres resemble those of theprismatic layers of calcified cartilage inchondrichthyans. If the lack of endoskeletalbone in chondrichthyans is a derived character,then the structure identified in B. canadensiscould represent a 'template' for the formationof prismatic calcified cartilage in the absenceof bone.2009010359冈 瓦 纳 东 部 中 - 晚 泥 盆 世 tristichopterids 类( 古 鳞 鱼 型 肉 鳍 鱼 ) 的 亲 缘 关 系 =Relationships of tristichopterids(osteolepiform lobe-finned fishes) from theMiddle-Late Devonian of East Gondwana. ( 英文 ). Young G C. Alcheringa, 2008, 32(3): 321- 336Two well-preserved articulatedtristichopterids are known from theCanowindra fossil fish locality (Frasnian) incentral New South Wales: MandageriaJohanson & Ahlberg, 1997 and CabonnichthysAhlberg & Johanson, 1997. Two other largetristichopterids are Notorhizodon Young et al.,1992 from the Aztec Siltstone fauna ofAntarctica (Givetian), and the FamennianEusthenodon Jarvik, 1952, first describedfrom East Greenland and recently identified ineastern Australia. Relationships of the EastGondwana tristichopterids were previouslyassessed as Notorhizodon [Platycephalichthys[Cabonnichthys[Mandageria[Eusthenodon]]]], with no endemicGondwanan clade, and more basaltristichopterids(Tristichopterus,Eusthenopteron, Jarvikina) being NorthernHemisphere forms. This suggested that thegroup may have originated in Laurussia, withadvanced tristichopterids later reachingGondwana (Middle-Late Devonian).Reconsideration of evidence from structure ofthe palate and scale morphology suggests analternative phylogeny, with an endemicGondwanan clade (subfamily Mandageriidaenov.) comprising at least three genera:Cabonnichthys and Mandageria fromCanowindra, an undescribed tristichopteridfrom Eden, NSW, and possibly Notorhizodonfrom Antarctica. Distinctive isolated scales of'mandageriid' type are illustrated from theAntarctic Aztec Siltstone assemblage andcontrasted with typical tristichopterid scales,including new examples illustrated from theGivetian Bunga beds, NSW. Biogeographicimplications include a possible Gondwananorigin for tristichopterids.2009010360俄 罗 斯 晚 泥 盆 世 肺 鱼 Orlovichthys limnatis的 头 骨 和 牙 系 统 = The skull and toothsystem of Orlovichthys limnatis, a LateDevonian dipnoan from Russia. ( 英 文 ).Krupina N I; Reisz R R; Scott D. CanadianJournal of Earth Sciences, 2001, 38(9): 1301-1311The cranial anatomy of Orlovichthyslimnatis, a Famennian, Late Devonian dipnoanfrom the Orel region of central Russia, isdescribed on the basis of an almost completelypreserved skull, a mandible, and numerouselements of the dentition. Orlovichthys is116

distinguished from other tooth-platedDevonian dipnoans by its relatively narrowskull and its predatory type of tooth-platemorphology on the pterygoid and prearticular.The marginal dentition of Orlovichthys, whichextends transversely across the edge of theossified ethmoid (upper lip) and along theanterior and lateral edges of the dentary, alsoappears to be organized as tooth plates. Thedistribution of marginal dentition amongDevonian dipnoans and their probableorganization as tooth plates prompts us tosuggest that an important developmentalconstraint may have been associated with thedipnoan dentition throughout the long historyof this group.2009010361加 拿 大 麦 肯 齐 山 脉 志 留 纪 棘 鱼 类 新 种 =New species of Silurian acanthodians from theMackenzie Mountains, Canada. ( 英 文 ). HankeG F; Wilson M V; Lindoe L A. CanadianJournal of Earth Sciences, 2001, 38(11):1517-1529Two new acanthodian taxa are described.The ischnacanthid Xylacanthus kenstewarti isbased on large, dentigerous jaws, andGranulacanthus joenelsoni is based onisolated spines. The isolated remains of thesespecies are similar in that they both possesspustulose denticles or tubercles, either on themesial ridge (X. kenstewarti) or on the finspines (G. joenelsoni). Jaws of X. kenstewartiare similar in size to those of Xylacanthusminutus, Ischnacanthus kingi, and I. wickhamiand smaller than those of X. grandis. The jawsof X. kenstewarti are most similar to those ofX. minutus, but are distinguished from this andother ischnacanthid species by a taperingpatch of pustulose denticles that is widestmidway along the jaw, mesial denticles thatare simple blisterlike structures, themonocuspid, striated primary teeth that aresubcircular in cross section, and aposterodorsal process that is enlarged. Thespines of G. joenelsoni have distinctivetubercular ornamentation. Tubercles, ornodular ornaments on fin spines, arecharacteristic of primitive acanthodians, butthe slender shape of the spines, the lownumber of spine ribs, and the fine striationsposterior to the main ribs of each spinesuggest that G. joenelsoni is a relativelyadvanced acanthodian. Xylacanthuskenstewarti and G. joenelsoni are from theSilurian (Wenlock or Ludlow) of the southernMackenzie Mountains. Xylacanthuskenstewarti represents the earliestrepresentative of the genus, the earliestunequivocal remains of a gnathostome fromthe Mackenzie Mountains, and extends theknown geographical range of the genus fromthe Mackenzie Mountains east to Spitsbergen.2009010362加 拿 大 艾 伯 塔 古 新 世 Paskapoo 组 Amia cf.pattersoni = Amia cf. pattersoni from thePaleocene Paskapoo Formation of Alberta. ( 英文 ). Grande L; Li Guo-Qing; Wilson M V H.Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 2000,37(1): 31–37A well-prepared anterior half of an amiidskull from the Late Paleocene PaskapooFormation of south-central Alberta isdescribed. The specimen is either very closelyrelated to, or conspecific with, Amiapattersoni Grande and Bemis, 1998, from theEarly Eocene Green River Formation ofWyoming. We leave the specimen as Amia cf.pattersoni until additional material is found tofurther clarify its relationships. Amia cf.pattersoni is the oldest known specimenclearly identifiable as belonging to the genusAmia (sensu Grande and Bemis, 1998), andthe Paskapoo species extends the knowngeographic range of Amia both northward andwestward. The fish assemblage of thePaskapoo Formation represents the mostdiverse freshwater Paleocene fish faunaknown from North America. Based oncomparisons of sample size and relativetaxonomic diversity to the better known GreenRiver Formation localities of Wyoming, wepredict that further collecting willsubstantially increase the known diversity ofthe Paskapoo fauna. The Paskapoo Formation,therefore, has great potential to continueadding to the meager knowledge of pre-Eocene freshwater teleost diversity in NorthAmerica.2009010363萊 茵 片 岩 山 脉 早 泥 盆 世 扇 骨 鱼 一 新 属 种Durialepis edentatus = Durialepis edentatusn. gen., n. sp., a new rhipidistian (Osteichthyes,Sarcopterygii) from the Early Devonian of theRheinisches Schiefergebirge. ( 德 文 ). Otto M.Geologica et Palaeontologica, 2007, 41(): 3-25"Heimenia" Orvig 1969 is here regarded asa nomen dubium, and it is emphasized that thegenus Porolepis Woodward, 1891, is in needof revision. due to differences mostly inethmosphenoid complex in comparison to117

Early Devonian rhipidistian material fromSpitsbergen and Poland, the specimendescribed herein is placed in the new taxonDurialepis edentatus n. gen., n. sp. Theobserved spiracular canal and the basal scuteof the second dorsal fin are characters beingknown up to now only in osteolepidorm, notin "porolepiform" rhipidistians. These featuressupport the questioning of the phylogeneticsignificance (paraphyletic?) of the taxon"Porolepiformes".2009010364萊 茵 Schiefergebirge 早 泥 盆 世 扇 骨 鱼 一 新属 种 Durialepis edentatus = Durialepisedentatus n. gen., n. sp., a new rhipidistian(Osteichthyes, Sarcopterygii) from the EarlyDevonian of the Rheinisches Schiefergebirge.( 德 文 ). Otto M. Geologica etPalaeontologica, 2007, 41(): 3-25Porolepis Woodward, 1891, is in need ofrevision. due to differences mostly inethmosphenoid complex in comparison toEarly Devonian rhipidistian material fromSpitsbergen and Poland, the specimendescribed herein is placed in the new taxonDurialepis edentatus n. gen., n. sp. Theobserved spiracular canal and the basal scuteof the second dorsal fin are characters beingknown up"Heimenia" Orvig 1969 is hereregarded as a nomen dubium, and it isemphasized that the genus to now only inosteolepidorm, not in "porolepiform"rhipidistians. These features support thequestioning of the phylogenetic significance(paraphyletic?) of the taxon "Porolepiformes"2009010365云 南 沾 益 早 泥 盆 世 肺 鱼 类 一 新 种 = A NewSpecies Of Dipnoi (Sarcopterygii,Osteichthyes) From Lower Devonian OfYunnan,China. ( 中 文 ). 乔 妥 ; 朱 敏 . 古 脊 椎 动物 学 报 , 2008, 46(1): 71-80记 述 了 云 南 沾 益 地 区 下 泥 盆 统 穿 洞 组 肺鱼 化 石 一 新 种 —— 多 脊 混 磨 鱼(Tarachomylax multicostatus sp.nov.), 归 入 标本 包 括 一 件 左 上 齿 板 、 一 块 B 骨 、 一 块 可 能是 3 骨 的 骨 片 和 6 个 零 散 鳞 片 。 主 要 特 征 :齿 板 内 侧 及 后 侧 边 缘 被 小 齿 (denticles) 覆 盖 ;齿 脊 11-12 列 , 齿 板 中 缘 与 最 后 一 列 齿 脊 夹角 约 135°; 内 翼 骨 侧 凹 不 明 显 , 后 侧 部 窄 小呈 尖 状 ;B 骨 和 J 骨 上 的 前 凹 线 沟 相 连 ; 鳞 片 出露 区 与 被 覆 压 区 之 间 有 小 齿 瘤 带 。2009010366云 南 昭 通 早 泥 盆 世 肉 鳍 鱼 类 — 新 属 = AnEraly Devonian (Pragian) SarcopterygianFrom Zhaotong,Yunnan,China. ( 英 文 ). 卢 静 ;朱 敏 . 古 脊 椎 动 物 学 报 , 2008, 46(3): 161-170记 述 了 产 于 云 南 昭 通 早 泥 盆 世 布 拉 格 期基 干 肺 鱼 形 动 物 一 新 属 、 新 种 —— 多 孔 弓鱼 (Arquatichthys porosus gen.et sp.nov.)。 新材 料 包 括 一 件 较 为 完 整 的 下 颌 和 鳞 片 若干 。 与 基 干 肺 鱼 形 动 物 相 近 的 特 征 有 : 第 四下 齿 骨 水 平 凹 线 呈 "L" 形 ; 下 颌 表 面 可 见 许 多不 规 则 排 列 的 感 觉 管 开 孔 ; 具 三 块 冠 状 骨 ; 冠状 骨 侧 部 为 宽 阔 的 小 齿 带 ; 侧 联 合 齿 骨 附 着区 较 小 ; 颌 收 肌 窝 大 ; 菱 形 鳞 片 具 明 显 的 前 腹突 。 鉴 别 特 征 包 括 下 颌 背 缘 明 显 隆 起 , 以 及后 缘 具 加 长 的 被 覆 压 区 。 多 孔 弓 鱼 的 发 现为 探 讨 肉 鳍 鱼 类 的 早 期 分 化 提 供 了 新 的 资料 , 在 早 期 肉 鳍 鱼 类 的 系 统 发 育 关 系 框 架 下讨 论 了 鳞 片 的 特 征 演 化 序 列 。2009010367浙 江 和 江 西 二 叠 / 三 叠 系 界 线 层 上 下 的 辐鳍 鱼 类 化 石 与 鱼 类 的 绝 灭 、 复 苏 和 辐 射 =Actinopterygian Fishes From The Permian-Triassic Boundary BEDS In Zhenjiang AndJiangxi Province, South China And Fish MassExtinction, Recovery And Radiation. ( 中 文 ).王 念 忠 ; 金 帆 ; 王 炜 ; 朱 相 水 . 古 脊 椎 动 物 学报 , 2007, 45(4): 307-329记 述 了 浙 江 长 兴 县 煤 山 剖 面 、 江 西 修 水县 四 都 乡 东 岭 剖 面 和 信 丰 县 铁 石 口 镇 铁 石口 剖 面 二 叠 / 三 叠 系 界 线 层 上 下 的 辐 鳍 鱼类 6 个 类 别 的 微 体 化 石 , 包 含 2 新 属 2 新种 , 它 们 是 : 赵 氏 浙 江 鱼( Zhejiangichthys zhaoi gen . etsp . nov . ) 和 小 齿 葆 青 鱼( Baoqingichthys microdontus gen . etsp.nov.)。 这 是 包 括 全 球 二 叠 / 三 叠 系界 线 层 型 剖 面 和 点 位 (GSSP) 在 内 的 全 球二 叠 / 三 叠 系 界 线 层 上 下 辐 鳍 鱼 类 微 体 化石 序 列 的 首 次 报 道 。 在 总 结 煤 山 剖 面 已 记述 的 鱼 类 大 化 石 和 微 体 化 石 资 料 的 基 础上 , 分 析 了 长 兴 煤 山 剖 面 二 叠 纪 末 鱼 类 的集 群 绝 灭 。 绝 灭 发 生 得 很 晚 , 持 续 的 时 间很 短 , 规 模 也 很 大 , 绝 灭 率 高 达 93%。 讨论 了 华 南 二 叠 / 三 叠 系 之 交 大 绝 灭 后 鱼 类的 复 苏 和 辐 射 , 认 为 鱼 类 和 牙 形 类 一 样 都是 大 绝 灭 后 在 三 叠 纪 最 早 复 苏 的 类 别 , 最早 复 苏 的 鱼 类 为 裂 齿 鱼 类 ; 鱼 类 从 绝 灭 期到 辐 射 期 仅 用 了 1.3Ma 到 4Ma, 从 地 质 时间 考 虑 , 大 绝 灭 后 鱼 类 的 复 苏 和 辐 射 是 相当 快 的 。 华 南 早 三 叠 世 以 裂 齿 鱼 类 的 张 氏118

鱼 (Zhangina ) 和 软 骨 鱼 类 的 弓 鲛(Hybodus) 为 代 表 的 组 合 替 代 了 晚 二 叠 世以 古 鳕 类 的 中 华 扁 体 鱼(Sinoplatysomys) 和 软 骨 鱼 类 的 中 华 尖齿 鲨 (Sinacrodus) 为 代 表 的 组 合 。 华 南晚 二 叠 世 海 相 地 层 产 出 的 辐 鳍 鱼 类 和 软 骨鱼 类 的 一 些 土 著 属 与 产 于 特 提 斯 区 三 叠 纪的 一 些 属 非 常 相 近 , 表 明 华 南 下 扬 子 区 很可 能 是 后 来 繁 盛 于 特 提 斯 区 的 三 叠 纪 鱼 类的 发 源 地 。2009010368柴 达 木 盆 地 渐 新 世 的 鲤 科 鱼 类 化 石 = FirstFossil Barbin (Cyprinidae, Teleostei) FromOligocene Of Qaidam Basin In NorthernTibetan Plateau. ( 中 文 ). 陈 耿 娇 ; 刘 娟 . 古 脊 椎动 物 学 报 , 2007, 45(4): 330-341记 述 了 首 次 发 现 于 柴 达 木 盆 地 早 渐 新 世晚 期 至 晚 渐 新 世 早 期 ( 距 今 27~29Ma) 的鲤 科 鱼 类 化 石 。 材 料 包 括 咽 骨 、 咽 齿 、 匙骨 、 腹 鳍 骨 及 一 些 零 散 的 鳍 条 。 咽 骨 及 咽齿 化 石 与 原 始 鱼 巴 亚 科 鱼 类 及 裂 腹 鱼 亚 科裂 腹 鱼 属 鱼 类 的 相 似 ; 腹 鳍 骨 化 石 与 原 始鱼 巴 亚 科 鱼 类 的 更 相 似 。 鱼 巴 亚 科 鱼 类 现今 分 布 于 北 纬 35° 以 南 的 亚 洲 、 欧 洲 南 部及 非 洲 北 部 ; 裂 腹 鱼 属 鱼 类 分 布 局 限 于 青藏 高 原 东 、 南 、 西 面 的 边 缘 区 域 , 在 柴 达木 盆 地 没 有 分 布 。 柴 达 木 盆 地 水 系 现 生 鱼类 仅 见 适 于 高 寒 环 境 的 高 度 特 化 等 级 的 裂腹 鱼 亚 科 鱼 类 及 鳅 科 高 原 鳅 属 鱼 类 , 鱼 类组 成 与 早 渐 新 世 晚 期 至 晚 渐 新 世 早 期 的 不尽 相 同 。2009010369法 国 西 南 部 上 侏 罗 统 Proheterodontus 属 的发 现 = Discovery of the genusProheterodontus Underwood & Ward(Elasmobranchii, Neoselachii) in the UpperJurassic of southwestern France. ( 法 文 ). VulloR. Neues Jahrbuch fur Geologie u.Palaontologie / Abhandlungen, 2007, 243(3):371-375Teeth of the herodontiform genusProheterodontus are described from theLower Kimmeridgian of La Rochelle. It is thefirst occurrence of this poorly known genus inthe Upper Jurassic. This form is distinguishedfrom the Late Jurassic Heterrodontussemirugosus by its apparently nondurophagousfeeding behaviour. It has beenfound in bioclastic facies and seems to havelived in reefal to peri-reefal shallow marineenvironments.两 栖 类2009010370Trimerorhachis insignis 的 颅 后 骨 骼 : 北 美下 二 叠 统 一 近 祖 性 状 的 离 片 锥 类 = Thepostcranial skeleton of Trimerorhachisinsignis cope, 1878 (Temnospondyli:Trimerorhachidae): A plesiomorphicTemnospondyl from the Lower Permian ofnorth America. ( 英 文 ). Pawley K. Journal ofPaleontology, 2007, 81(5): 873-894 15 图 版 .The postcranial skeleton of the LowerPermian temnospondyl Trimerorhachisinsignis Cope, 1878 is described and figuredin detail. Postcranial adaptations for an aquaticexistence in T. insignis include the extensiveventral expansion of the interclavicle andclavicles and poorly ossified ends of theendochondral bones. The endochondralpostcranial skeleton of T. insignis ispaedomorphic through the process of neoteny,retaining an osteologically immature conditionthroughout morphogenesis. The endochondralpostcranial elements display progressivemorphological changes that do not stabilize inlarger specimens, indicating indeterminategrowth, with a correlation between size anddegree of ossification. Some postcranialcharacteristics are present only in latermorphogenetic stages of T. insignis. Withinthe Temnospondyli, the postcranial skeletonof T. insignis is most similar to that of othermembers of the Dvinosauria. The morphologyof the postcranial skeleton of T. insignis isconsistent with a phylogenetic position morederived than the basal temnospondylsBalanerpeton woodi and Dendrerpetonacadianum, but less derived than the Euskeliaplus Stereospondylomorpha. A sister-taxonrelationship between the Dvinosauria andbrachyopoids is not supported by postcranialcharacteristics of T. insignis. Characteristicsthat develop last in morphogenesis intemnospondyls, and are consequently onlypresent in well-ossified, morphogeneticallymature temnospondyls, are absent in T.insignis due to paedomorphosis. Otherwise,the postcranial skeletons of T. insignis andother aquatic temnospondyls are similar tothat of terrestrial temnospondyls, supportingthe hypothesis that aquatic temnospondyls hadterrestrial ancestors and are thus secondarilyaquatic.2009010371119

中 国 下 白 垩 统 一 群 体 埋 藏 的 蜥 蜴 类 骨 骼 化石 = An aggregation of lizard skeletons fromthe Lower Cretaceous of China. ( 英 文 ). EvansS E; Wang Yuan; Jones M E H.Senckenbergiana Lethaea / InternationalJournal of Palaeontology andStratigraphy, 2007, 87(1): 109-118Many fossil taxa are known only fromsingle specimens, making it difficult to gaugelevels of intraspecific, and particularlyontognetic, variation. Here we report on anaggregation of the Early Cretaceous lizardDalinghosaurus longidiginus from deposits ofthe Yixian Formation, China. A single blockfrom the Lujiatun Bed contains parts of atleast sixteen three-dimensional skeletonranging from hatching to young adult.Taphonomic features suggest the animals wereprobably part of a natural aggregation caughtup and transported by a localised mudslideduring a vocanic eruption. The most completespecimens on the block add new informationon jaw, polate and braincase morphology forthis derived lizard.2009010372巴 塔 哥 尼 亚 西 北 中 侏 罗 统 Notobatrachus属 一 新 种 = A New species of Notobatrachus(Amphibia, Salientia) from the MiddleJurassic of northwestern Patagonia. ( 英 文 ). Báez A M; Nicoli L. Journal ofPaleontology, 2008, 82(2): 372-376 2 图 版 .Notobatrachus degiustoi is the mostcompletely known Jurassic frog and has beenrecorded in many outcrops of the La MatildeFormation of the Deseado Massif area insouthern Patagonia. Herein, we erect a newspecies of the genus based on partiallyarticulated remains collected from theCallovian Las Chacritas Member of the Cañadó n Asfalto Formation, about 500 kmnorthwest of the northern limit of the knowngeographical distribution of N. degiustoi. Thenew species differs from the latter in having amaxilla with a distinct pterygoid process andlacking teeth at least along the posterior twothirdsof its length, and a complete maxillaryarch. We also provide an expanded diagnosisof Notobatrachus. This finding adds to ourunderstanding of the early diversification offrogs.2009010373三 叠 纪 离 片 椎 类 Metoposaurusdiagnosticus 的 肱 骨 的 形 态 和 个 体 发 育 =Morphology and ontogeny of the humerus ofthe Triassic temnospondyl amphibianMetoposaurus diagnosticus. ( 英 文 ). BaryckaE. Neues Jahrbuch fur Geologie u.Palaontologie / Abhandlungen, 2007, 243(3):351-361A morphology of 22 humeri ofMetoposaurus diagnosticus from Late Triassicassemblage of Krasiejow (Poland) revealsgeneral metoposauroid conditions, being wellossifiedwith well-developed processes andwide, flattened ends. These characteristics donot occur in the humerus referred to as M.diagnosticus by Fraasw, proving the improperidentification of this specimen. In contrast toother metoposauroid species'humeri, theyexhibit a smaller degree of torsion of the ends,unrelated to absolute size. Together with theunscrewed head shape, oblique position of thecondylus radialis, less prominent processussupinatorius and crista deltopectoralis, theseindicate a paddle function of the forelimbs andtherefore imply a fully aquatic mode of life forM. diagnosticus.爬 行 类2009010374欧 洲 最 早 的 新 角 龙 ( 恐 龙 ) 残 体 = The FirstNeoceratopsian Dinosaur Remains FromEurop. ( 英 文 ). Lindgren J; Currie P J;Siverson M; Rees J; Cederström P; Lindgren F.Palaeontology, 2007, 50(4): 929-937Shallow marine, nearshore strata of earliestCampanian (Gonioteuthis granulataquadratabelemnite Zone) and latest Early Campanian(informal Belemnellocamax mammillatusbelemnite zone) age in the Kristianstad Basin,southern Sweden, have yielded isolatedleptoceratopsid teeth and vertebrae,representing the first record of horneddinosaurs from Europe. The newleptoceratopsid occurrence may support aEuropean dispersal route for theLeptoceratopsidae, or may represent anentirely endemic population. The presence ofleptoceratopsid teeth in shallow marinedeposits contradicts previous hypothesessuggesting that basal neoceratopsians mainlypreferred arid and/or semi-arid habitats farfrom coastal areas.2009010375佛 罗 里 达 中 新 世 两 钝 吻 鳄 的 形 态 和 系 统 分类 及 对 钝 吻 鳄 的 生 物 地 理 讨 论 =Morphology and systematics of two MioceneAlligators from Florida, with a discussion ofAlligator biogeography. ( 英 文 ). Snyder D.120

Journal of Paleontology, 2007, 81(5): 917-928 8 图 版 .This paper describes cranial and postcranialremains from Alligator olseni White, 1942 andAlligator cf. mefferdi Mook, 1946. An earlierphylogenetic data set has been augmentedwith new data from these fossils. Althoughmembership in the clade Alligator is generallyin accord with previous analyses, neither strictconsensus nor Adams consensus trees couldresolve placement of all members. Severallines of evidence pertinent to Alligatorbiogeography are analyzed. Alligator mayhave dispersed from North America into Asiaprior to 15 million years ago, but conclusiveevidence is lacking.2009010376辽 宁 发 现 白 垩 纪 Crichtonsaurus 一 新 种 =A New Species of the Ankylosaurid DinosaurCrichtonsaurus(Ankyiosauridae:Ankylosauria)from the Cretaceous of LiaoningProvince,China. ( 英 文 ). Lv Junchang; JiQiang; Gao Yubo; Li Zhixin. Acta GeologicaSinica, 2007, 81(6): 883-897A new ankylosaurid species ofCrichtonsaurus,C.benxiensis sp.nov.,is erectedbased on a well preserved skeleton and anearly complete skull found in the SunjiawanFormation(Cenomanian- Turonian), Beipiao,Liaoning Province. Crichtonsaurus benxiensissp.nov.is characterized by width 84.6% oflength of the skull,a deep depression locatedmedial to the notch between the orbit and thesquamosal horn,paroccipital processes fusedto the quadrates,fused scapula and coracoid,alarge foramen for the supracoracoid nerve.2009010377恐 龙 的 死 亡 绝 不 是 偶 然 发 生 的 “ 巨 大 灭绝 ” = The "Great Extinction" that neverhappened: the demise of the dinosaursconsidered. ( 英 文 ). Sarjeant W A; Currie P J.Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 2001,38(2): 239-247The concept of a sudden extinction of thedinosaurs, consequent upon the impact ofsome extraterrestrial object, is so dramatic thatit has taken hold upon the imaginations ofmany scientists, as well as of the generalpublic. The evidence for an impact, atapproximately the level of the Cretaceous–Tertiary boundary, is impressive. Whether itwas the cause for the iridium concentrations,so widely distributed at that level, remainsdisputable. The wave of extinctions, so oftenattributed to the impact, is equally disputable.It is now evident that no clear line can bedrawn between the smaller theropod dinosaursand the birds. In that sense, the dinosaurs arenot extinct. The dating of the extinction of thelarger saurischians and of the ornithischians,based as it is upon evidence from only onesmall corner of the globe, is equally disputable.Whenever it happened, that extinction appearsto have been the product of natural causes — aslow decline, occasioned by environmentalchanges, and not an extraterrestrially inducedcatastrophe. Whether the impact had anyeffect at all upon the dinosaurs is questionable;if so, it appears to have been not worldwide,but confined to a limited region of theAmericas.2009010378德 国 下 二 叠 统 Dimetrodon 属 一 新 种 : 北 美之 外 该 属 首 次 发 现 = A new species ofDimetrodon (Synapsida: Sphenacodontidae)from the Lower Permian of Germany recordsfirst occurrence of genus outside of NorthAmerica. ( 英 文 ). Berman D S; Reisz R R;Martens T; Henrici A C. Canadian Journal ofEarth Sciences, 2001, 38(5): 803-812A new species of the sphenacodontidsynapsid Dimetrodon, D. teutonis, is describedon the basis of a single, adult specimenconsisting of a large portion of the presacralvertebral column. The holotype was collectedfrom the Lower Permian Tambach Formation,lowermost formational unit of the UpperRotliegend, of the Bromacker quarry localityin the midregion of the Thuringian Forest nearGotha, central Germany. This is the firstrecord of the genus outside of North Americaand, therefore, provides not only additionalbiological evidence of a continuousEuramerican landmass during the EarlyPermian, but also the absence of any majorphysical or biological barrier to faunalinterchange of terrestrial vertebrates. Anestimated weight of 14 kg for D. teutonis ishalf that of the smallest, previously recognizedspecies, D. natalis. Sphenacodontid phylogenyindicates that the diminutive size of D.teutonis represents an autapomorphy and is ingeneral accord with the absence of large-sized,basal synapsid predators at this truly terrestrialupland locality. It is speculated that thediminutive size of D. teutonis was probably anadaptation to a truly terrestrial, relativelyuplands existence like that represented by theBromacker locality. Here it subsisted on smallvertebrates (and possibly large invertebrates)121

of the Bromacker assemblage, in which thedominant members in both size andabundance were herbivorous diadectids, and itwas unlikely to encounter large predators.2009010379晚 白 垩 世 恐 龙 Maiasaura peeblesorum 在运 动 方 面 的 个 体 发 育 = An ontogeneticperspective on locomotion in the LateCretaceous dinosaur Maiasaura peeblesorum(Ornithischia: Hadrosauridae). ( 英 文 ). DilkesD W. Canadian Journal of EarthSciences, 2001, 38(8): 1205-1227Ontogenetic growth in the forelimb andhindlimb of the dinosaur Maiasaurapeeblesorum (Ornithischia: Hadrosauridae)from the Upper Cretaceous (Campanian-Maastrichtian) Two Medicine Formation ofMontana is investigated by multivariate andbivariate morphometrics and the biomechanicsof beam theory. Results support a hypothesisof an age-dependent selection of stance.Juveniles walked primarily as bipeds. As anindividual matured, its predominant stanceshifted to quadrupedality. Within the forelimb,morphometric results show a probableallometric enlargement of postural muscles, anallometric increase in the lever arms ofprotractor muscles, and an increasedrobustness of the humerus to enhance itsresistance to bending stresses. In contrast, thehindlimb is characterized by a relativedecrease in the resistance of the femur andtibia to bending stresses. In addition, there isan allometric enlargement of the femoralfourth trochanter and positive allometry of thelengths of metatarsals III and IV. The mostlikely explanation for the different growthpatterns is that the hindlimb was sufficientlyrobust at a young age to accommodateincreased postural and locomotory stressesthrough largely isometric growth, whereas abehavioral shift to quadrupedality in olderindividuals necessitated an allometricresponse in the forelimb. Osteologicaladaptations for weight-bearing in the manusinclude metacarpals that are united firmly witha resultant cross-sectional shape that isresistant to bending and hyperextendablejoints between the metacarpals and firstphalanges. It is probable that flexor musclesthat attached to the caudal surface of themetacarpals reinforced the reduced carpus andlessened the likelihood of collapse duringquadrupedality.2009010380加 拿 大 艾 伯 塔 南 部 恐 龙 公 园 组 恐 龙 纲 角 龙亚 目 Chasmosaurus 一 新 种 = A new speciesof Chasmosaurus (Dinosauria: Ceratopsia)from the Dinosaur Park Formation of southernAlberta. ( 英 文 ). Holmes R B; Forster C; RyanM; Shepherd K M. Canadian Journal of EarthSciences, 2001, 38(10): 1423–1438Chasmosaurus irvinensis (sp. nov.) isdistinguished from other species of this genusby the possession of a broad snout, absence ofa brow horn (the position of which is occupiedby a pit or rugosities suggestive of boneresorption), broadly rounded and open jugalnotch, subrectangular squamosal, straightposterior parietal bar bearing 10 epoccipitals,eight of which are flattened, strongly curvedanterodorsally, and nearly indistinguishablycoossified to their neighbours, and small,transversely oriented parietal fenestraerestricted to the posterior portion of the frill.This species, restricted to the upper part of theDinosaur Park Formation, is significantlyyounger than the other recognized CanadianChasmosaurus species, C. belli and C. russelli.Phylogenetic analysis shows that C. irvinensisis most closely related to the other CanadianChasmosaurus species and more distantlyrelated to Chasmosaurus mariscalensis fromTexas.2009010381新 疆 准 噶 尔 盆 地 Dracochelys 属 的 新 材 料 =New material of Dracochelys (Eucryptodira:Sinemydidae) from the Junggar Basin,Xinjiang, People's Republic of China. ( 英 文 ).Brinkman D B. Canadian Journal of EarthSciences, 2001, 38(12): 1645–1651A new specimen of Dracochelys bicuspisdocuments the lower jaws and postcranialskeleton of this taxon. Aclose relationshipwith Hangaiemys is supported by the presenceof nine neural bones, with the sulcus betweenthe fourth and fifth vertebral scute crossing theninth neural. The two taxa differ in thecontacts of the first peripheral, shape of thevertebral scutes, and pattern of fenestration ofthe plastron. Dracochelys differs from“ Sinemys ” wuerhoensis and “ S. ”efremovi, which also occur in the TuguluGroup, in features of the carapace, especiallythe arrangement of the posterior neurals andsuprapygals.2009010382中 国 西 北 部 松 辽 平 原 下 白 垩 统 一 新 鳄 类 的颅 骨 解 剖 = Cranial anatomy of a new122

crocodyliform(Archosauria:Crocodylomorpha) from the LowerCretaceous of Song-Liao Plain, northeasternChina. ( 英 文 ). Wu X-C; Cheng Z-W; RussellA P. Canadian Journal of EarthSciences, 2001, 38(12): 1653-1663Rugosuchus nonganensis, a new genus andspecies of crocodyliform, is erected on thebasis of its peculiar cranial features. This lateEarly Cretaceous species represents thesecond, and most complete, crocodyliformknown from northeastern China. Its discoveryis significant for our understanding of both thelocal vertebrate fauna and its stratigraphicalcorrelations, and the paleobiogeography of theCrocodyliformes. The palatine contribution tothe anterior border of the choana excludes thenew form from the Eusuchia, and evidencefrom osteoderms (not detailed in the presentpaper) suggests that the new form appears tobe phylogenetically closer to the Eusuchiathan to the Goniopholididae. Therefore,comparisons are made primarily with thosetaxa which have a closer relationship to theformer than the latter. The unsculpted,depressed, and lobe-like posterolateral processof the squamosal is further demonstrated to beontogenetically variable and thusinappropriate for use as a character inphylogenetic analyses.2009010383根 据 新 材 料 对 初 龙 亚 纲 鳄 目 Leidyosuchuscanadensis 的 评 述 和 颅 骨 变 异 的 评 估 = Areview of Leidyosuchus canadensis Lambe,1907 (Archosauria: Crocodylia) and anassessment of cranial variation based uponnew material. ( 英 文 ). Wu Xiao-Chun;RussellA P; Brinkman D B. Canadian Journalof Earth Sciences, 2001, 38(12): 1665–1687Cranial morphology of Leidyosuchuscanadensis Lambe 1907 is reviewed based onpreviously undescribed material—seven skullsand eight mandibles. This species can bedistinctively diagnosed by more than 10derived features. New information supportsthe contention that L. canadensis is the solerepresentative of Leidyosuchus, and indicatesthat it is very different from the other speciespreviously assigned to this taxon. Themembership of L. Canadensis withinAlligatoroidea is also demonstrated by newinformation revealed in this study.Ontogenetic and individual variation in thecranial anatomy of L. canadensis aredocumented. The contact of thepremaxillary – maxillary suture with theincisive foramen is not diagnostic of the taxon;rather, it exhibits individual variation.Leidyosuchus is endemic to North America.There was no faunal interchange ofcrocodyliforms between North America andcentral Asia during the last two stages of theLate Cretaceous.2009010384加 拿 大 艾 伯 特 南 部 红 鹿 河 峡 谷 古 新 世 底 部一 个 新 鳄 类 = A new crocodylian(Archosauria) from the basal Paleocene of theRed Deer River Valley, southern Alberta. ( 英文 ). Xiao-Chun Wu; Donald B Brinkman;Richard C Fox. Canadian Journal of EarthSciences, 2001, 38(12): 1689–1704Borealosuchus griffithi, sp. nov., isdescribed on the basis of an incompleteskeleton from the basal Paleocene, southernAlberta. This new species records one of a fewbasal Cenozoic occurrences of Crocodylia sofar known. B. griffithi is most distinctive inhaving a markedly laterally concavo-convexsnout; a deep, elongate recess or fossa on theanteroventral surface of the jugal; and a large,nearly rectangular incisive foramen. WithinBorealosuchus, B. griffithi probably takes a"more crownward" position than does B.sternbergii of the late Late Cretaceous. Withadditional information from the new species,the diagnosis of Borealosuchus is revised2009010385辽 宁 Sinosauropteryx prima 的 解 剖 =Anatomy of Sinosauropteryx prima fromLiaoning, northeastern China. ( 英 文 ). Currie PJ; Chen Pei-ji. Canadian Journal of EarthSciences, 2001, 38(12): 1705–1727A spectacular pair of Sinosauropteryxskeletons from Jurassic–Cretaceous strata ofLiaoning in northeastern China attractedworldwide notoriety in 1996 as the firstdinosaurs covered with feather-like structures.Sinosauropteryx prima is important not onlybecause of its integument, but also because itis a basal coelurosaur and represents animportant stage in theropod evolution that ispoorly understood. Coelurosauria, whichincludes (but is not limited to) dromaeosaurids,ornithomimosaurs, oviraptorosaurs,troodontids, and tyrannosaurids, formed themost important radiation of Cretaceouscarnivorous dinosaurs in the NorthernHemisphere. It also includes Aves.Sinosauropteryx prima has a number of123

characters that were poorly preserved inknown specimens of the closely relatedCompsognathus longipes from Europe. Theseinclude the longest tail known for anytheropod and a three-fingered hand dominatedby the first digit, which is longer and thickerthan either of the bones of the forearm. Bothspecimens have a thick coat of feather-likestructures, which seem to be simple branchingstructures. The claim that one skeleton ofSinosauropteryx has preserved the shape ofthe liver is unsupportable, if only because thefossil had collapsed into a single plane, whichwould have distorted any soft, internal organs.2009010386中 国 晚 白 垩 世 霸 王 龙 幼 体Shanshanosaurus huoyanshanensis 的 新 信息 = New information on Shanshanosaurushuoyanshanensis, a juvenile tyrannosaurid(Theropoda, Dinosauria) from the LateCretaceous of China. ( 英 文 ). Currie P J; DongZhiming. Canadian Journal of EarthSciences, 2001, 38(12): 1729–1737Shanshanosaurus huoyanshanensis fromthe Subashi Formation (Upper Cretaceous) ofXinjiang in northwestern China has long beenthought of as a distinctive genus of smalltheropod. Although usually assigned to itsown family, it has generally been included inthe tyrannosaurid subfamily Aublysodontinaein recent years. Restudy and description of theonly known specimen reveal that it is not asmall species, but is a juvenile tyrannosaurine,possibly Tarbosaurus. With a total estimatedlength of 2.3 m, it is the smallesttyrannosaurid skeleton known.Shanshanosaurus provides the bestinformation available on ontogenetic changesin these enormous carnivores and reveals thatyoung tyrannosaurids had long, low skulls,huge pubic boots, and well-developed limbjoints. Evidence suggesting that youngtyrannosaurs had relatively longer forelimbsthan the adults is not supported byShanshanosaurus.2009010387辽 宁 义 县 义 县 组 恐 龙 类 Sinornithosaurusmillenii 的 颅 骨 解 剖 = Cranial morphology ofSinornithosaurus millenii Xu et al. 1999(Dinosauria: Theropoda: Dromaeosauridae)from the Yixian Formation of Liaoning, China.( 英 文 ). Xing Xu: Wu Xiao-Chun. CanadianJournal of Earth Sciences, 2001, 38(12):1739–1752The recent discovery of the earlydromaeosaurid Sinornithosaurus millenii Xuet al. 1999 is especially important for ourunderstanding of maniraptoran evolution,particularly of avian origins. This paperpresents a thorough description of the skull ofthis species, revises the diagnosis based oncranial features, and discusses similarities tothose of other dromaeosaurids andArchaeopteryx. Distinctive cranialcharacteristics of S. millenii include thepresence of a deep excavation on theposteroventral margin of the premaxilla, adiastema between the premaxillary andmaxillary teeth, a number of pits and ridges onthe anterolateral surface of the antorbital fossa,long posterolateral process of the parietal thatare sharply posteriorly directed, the columnlikemargin of the pterygoid process of thequadrate, the bifurcated posterior end of thedentary, and a distinctive groove posterior tothe anterior carina on the lingual surface of thepremaxillary tooth crowns. The present studyon the skull of S. millenii provides newinformation on the poorly known cranialanatomy of dromaeosaurid dinosaurs,revealing that dromaeosaurids share moresimilarities with Archaeopteryx thanpreviously thought. It also provides evidencesuggesting that early dromaeosaurids are morebird-like than the later, more derived ones,thus contradicting claims that more bird-likedinosaurs appeared later in fossil record thanthe earliest birds.2009010388中 国 下 白 垩 统 一 个 新 的 甲 龙 兼 评 甲 龙 类 的亲 缘 关 系 = A new ankylosaurid (Dinosauria:Ankylosauria) from the Lower Cretaceous ofChina, with comments on ankylosaurianrelationships. ( 英 文 ). Vickaryous M K;Russell A P; Currie P J; Zhao Xi-Jin.Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 2001,38(12): 1767–1780Amongst the fossil material collected by theSino-Soviet Expeditions (1959–1960) to theAlshan Desert, China, was a large, virtuallycomplete ankylosaur skeleton. Gobisaurusdomoculus gen. et sp. nov. closely resemblesShamosaurus scutatus, but is distinct inhaving an unfused basipterygoid–pterygoidcontact and elongate premaxillary processes ofthe vomers. Although it is difficult to make adefinitive taxonomic assignment withoutconsidering postcranial material, a preliminaryphylogenetic analysis places Gobisaurus asthe sister taxon of Shamosaurus, clustered as124

one of several successive outgroups of theAnkylosaurinae2009010389新 疆 准 噶 尔 盆 地 Psittacosaurusxinjiangensis 的 发 现 = The occurrence ofPsittacosaurus xinjiangensis Sereno and Chow,1988 in the Urho area, Junggar Basin,Xinjiang, People's Republic of China. ( 英 文 ).Brinkman D B; Eberth D A; Ryan M J; ChenPei-ji. Canadian Journal of EarthSciences, 2001, 38(12): 1781–1786A partial specimen of Psittacosaurusxinjiangensis from the Urho locality in theWestern Junggar basin, China, extends theknown geographical range of P. xinjiangensisand documents the adult morphology in thisspecies. Variation in the number of denticleson the dentary tooth crowns is documented,possibly representing a decrease in the numberof denticles during growth, although a highdenticle count remains a diagnostic feature ofthe species.2009010390中 国 西 北 部 早 白 垩 世 Suzhousaurusmegatherioides 一 块 新 标 本 = A newspecimen of Suzhousaurus megatherioides(Dinosauria: Therizinosauroidea) from theEarly Cretaceous of northwestern China. ( 英文 ). Li Da-qing; You Hai-lu; Zhang Jian-ping.Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 2008,45(7): 769–779A new specimen of a therizinosauroiddinosaur recovered from the LowerCretaceous Xinminpu Group in the YujingziBasin of the Jiuquan area, Gansu Province,northwestern China, consists of a partialpostcranial skeleton, including a wellpreservedleft half of the pelvic girdle. It isreferred to Suzhousaurus megatherioides Li etal., 2007 based on the autapomorphic anteriorconcavity of its pubic shaft and is the secondknown specimen of this taxon. Comparisonsof the structure of therizinosauroid pelvicgirdles show that the pelvis of Suzhousauruspossesses several unique features, including alaterally deflected, thin, and flat preacetabularprocess of the ilium, a smoothly curvedanterodorsal margin of the preacetabularprocess of the ilium, and a concave anteriormargin of the pubic shaft. Cladistic analysisconfirms that Suzhousaurus is more derivedthan the Early Cretaceous therizinosauroidsFalcarius and Beipiaosaurus, less derivedthan Late Cretaceous forms, and likely closelyrelated to Alxasaurus from the EarlyCretaceous of Inner Mongolia, China.2009010391日 本 下 白 垩 统 一 个 新 的 食 肉 龙 = A newcarnosaur (Dinosauria: Theropoda) from theLower Cretaceous of Japan. ( 英 文 ). Azuma Y;Currie P J. Canadian Journal of EarthSciences, 2000, 37(12): 1735–1753An associated skeleton from the Kitadaniquarry of the Lower Cretaceous (Albian)strata in Fukui Prefecture, Japan, represents anew genus and species of carnosaur(Dinosauria: Theropoda). The immaturespecimen, which is about 4.2 m long, is wellpreserved and includes elements of the skull,vertebral column, front limbs, and hind limbs.The hands are relatively large and armed withstrongly curved, sharp claws, suggesting thatit was an active predator. Phylogeneticanalysis indicates it is a basal allosauroid. Anisolated astragalus from Australia mayrepresent a closely related species.2009010392鳄 龙 属 ( 双 孔 亚 纲 , 离 龙 目 ) 的 性 双 型 =Sexual dimorphism in Champsosaurus(Diapsida, Choristodera). ( 英 文 ). Katsura Y.Lethaia, 2004, 37(3): 245 - 253Two nearly complete specimens ofChampsosaurus (Diapsida, Choristodera) withdistinctive morphologies, from the TullockFormation (Early Paleocene) of northeasternMontana, USA, were described as differentspecies. The limb bones of C. ambulator aremore robust than those of C. laramiensis,indicating that C. ambulator was moreadapted for walking than C. laramiensis. Thephylogenetic significance of these limb bonemorphologies, however, appears questionablebecause similar dimorphic variations occur ina closely related genus and champsosaursfrom other geologic ages and locations.Female champsosaurs may have been betteradapted to a terrestrial life than males due tonesting behavior on land, resulting in variablelimb bone morphologies between sexes. Theobserved morphologic variations are, hence,hypothesized to reflect sexual dimorphismrather than sympatry of species. The C.ambulator-shaped humeri and femora,demonstrating a terrestrial adaptation, aresuggested to belong to females and C.laramiensis-shaped limb bones to males. Nosignificant variations of humeral and femoralmorphologies occur in small champsosaur125

specimens, suggesting an aquatic niche forjuveniles like adult males.2009010393已 经 绝 灭 彩 蜥 类 的 古 病 理 和 损 伤 及 其 对 现生 爬 行 类 的 意 义 = Palaeopathology andinjury in the extinct mosasaurs(Lepidosauromorpha, Squamata) andimplications for modern reptiles. ( 英 文 ).Lingham-Soliar T. Lethaia, 2004, 37(3): 255 -262Three fossilized dentaries provide an insightinto the healing of fractures in a major groupof extinct marine predators, mosasaurs. Thedata has implications for modern day reptilesin which such information is scanty. All threedentaries have callus formation. Bothdentaries of Mosasaurus hoffmanni showfracture non-union, possibly resulting fromintervening tissue. They also show evidence ofosteomyelitis. Bone remodeling is complete inan earlier fracture in one of the M. hoffmannidentaries. Given that the most recent fracture(non-union) occurred at a new and muchdeeper part of the dentary and not in theregion of the earlier fracture, it can beassumed that remodeled bone in mosasaurs(probably in reptiles generally) couldwithstand powerful stresses such as thoseencountered during predation and fighting.The splenial bone, attached in life to thedentary only by connective tissue, may haveacted as a natural splint to immobilize thefracture to the dentary and maintain itsalignment during healing. Possibleexplanations for the injuries are feeding onhard-shelled prey, such as turtles, and fighting.2009010394Alligator mississippiensis 的 股 骨 尺 寸 和 中大 腿 骨 周 长 = Femoral dimensions and midthighcircumference in Alligatormississippiensis. ( 英 文 ). Farlow J; Elsey R.Lethaia, 2004, 37(4): 401 - 405The mid-thigh circumference of the intacthindlimb in Alligator mississippiensis istightly correlated with transverse dimensionsof the proximal and distal articular surfaces ofthe femur, and with minimum midshaftfemoral circumference. Maximum diameter ofthe proximal articular end, width across thedistal articular end, and midshaftcircumference are the best femoral predictorsof circumference of the intact thigh.Regression equations of mid-thighcircumference against these femoraldimensions can be used to estimate thetransverse dimensions of the intact hindlimbin extinct crocodylian-like archosaurs.2009010395津 巴 布 韦 中 — 晚 侏 罗 世 与 兽 脚 类 恐 龙 足 迹密 切 相 关 的 大 型 晰 脚 类 足 迹 = Giantsauropod tracks from the Middle-Late Jurassicof Zimbabwe in close association withtheropod tracks. ( 英 文 ). Ahmed A A-K;Lingham-Soliar T; Broderick T. Lethaia, 2004,37(4): 467 - 4702009010396足 迹 揭 示 的 上 侏 罗 统 巨 龟 = A giant UpperJurassic turtle revealed by its trackways. ( 英文 ). Gaillard C; Bernier P; Barale G;Bourseau J-P; Buffetaut E; Ezquerra R; Gall J-C; de Lapparent de Broin F; Renous S; WenzS. Lethaia, 2003, 36(4): 315 - 322Exceptional fossilization of large tetrapodswimming traces occurs in the Cerin Lagersttte (Jura Mountains, France). These trackwaysare imprinted in Jurassic (Late Kimmeridgian)lagoonal fine-grained limestones and areattributed to giant turtles, which swam with asimultaneous movement of their forelimbs likethe modern ones. These turtles swam in veryshallow waters close to land, perhaps near anesting area. As a major consequence, thesenew ichnologic data place the origin of truelarge marine turtles during the Jurassic periodand not during the Cretaceous period aspreviously considered on the basis of skeletalremains.2009010397加 拿 大 艾 伯 塔 下 马 斯 特 里 赫 特 阶Plioplatecarpus 一 新 标 本 : 关 于 异 速 生长 、 功 能 形 态 和 古 生 态 的 评 述 = A newspecimen of Plioplatecarpus (Mosasauridae)from the lower Maastrichtian of Alberta:comments on allometry, functionalmorphology, and paleoecology. ( 英 文 ).Holmes R; Caldwell M W; Cumbaa S L.Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 1999,36(3): 363–369An incomplete specimen of theplioplatecarpine mosasaur Plioplatecarpusfrom the lower Maastrichtian locality ofScabby Butte (Saint Mary River Formation)closely resembles the slightly olderPlioplatecarpus primaevus fromSaskatchewan (Bearpaw Formation). However,quantitative and qualitative differences areobserved: the vertebrae of the Scabby Buttespecimen are more gracile and, although of126

similar shape and proportions, are relativelysmaller. Since these differences cannot bereadily explained by allometry or sexualdimorphism, the hypothesis that this specimenrepresents a new species is provisionallyaccepted. However, in the absence ofdiagnostic cranial features, a new species isnot named. The morphology of the wellpreservedforelimb indicates that the animalcannot be reconstructed as a subaqueous flyer,but probably used the forelimbs for paddling.The associated matrix indicates preservationin overbank deposits in a deltaic systemexhibiting no evidence of open marineenvironments. This suggests that thismosasaur was able to exploit estuarine andfreshwater environments.2009010398中 国 广 西 晚 白 垩 世 一 新 的 巨 龙 类 恐 龙 = ANew Titanosaur(Dinosauria:Sauropoda)FromThe Late Cretaceous Of Guangxi,China. ( 中文 ). 莫 进 尤 ; 黄 超 林 ; 赵 仲 如 ; 王 頠 ; 徐 星 . 古脊 椎 动 物 学 报 , 2008, 46(2): 147-156记 述 了 采 自 广 西 南 宁 市 郊 晚 白 垩 世 地 层中 一 巨 龙 类 恐 龙 新 属 种 : 右 江 清 秀 龙(Qingxiu- saurus youjiangensis gen.etsp.nov.)。 新 属 种 正 型 标 本 包 括 以 下 不 关 联的 头 后 骨 骼 : 一 段 较 完 整 的 前 部 尾 椎 神 经棘 、 左 右 胸 骨 板 、 左 右 肱 骨 。 它 以 以 下 独特 特 征 组 合 区 别 于 其 他 巨 龙 类 : 前 部 尾 椎 神经 棘 板 状 结 构 不 发 育 、 相 对 较 高 并 呈 桨 状 ;胸 骨 与 肱 骨 最 大 长 之 比 值 较 低 ( 约 0.65)。 广西 发 现 的 新 属 种 以 及 近 年 来 报 道 的 巨 龙 类恐 龙 材 料 表 明 , 亚 洲 巨 龙 类 恐 龙 的 头 后 骨 骼形 态 变 异 度 高 , 白 垩 纪 时 期 这 类 恐 龙 曾 在 亚洲 广 为 分 布 。2009010399中 国 西 部 准 噶 尔 盆 地 侏 罗 纪 石 树 沟 组 的 巨型 兽 脚 类 恐 龙 = The Presence Of A GiganticTheropod In The Jurassic ShishugouFormation,Junggar Basin,Western China. ( 中文 ). 徐 星 ; 詹 姆 斯 · 克 拉 克 . 古 脊 椎 动 物 学报 , 2008, 46(2): 157-160中 国 西 部 准 噶 尔 盆 地 东 北 缘 中 侏 罗 世 晚期 到 晚 侏 罗 世 早 期 沉 积 的 石 树 沟 组 (Eberthet al.,2001) 产 出 过 巨 型 的 蜥 脚 类 恐 龙 化 石(Russell and Zheng,1993), 但 产 出 的 兽 脚 类 恐龙 个 体 则 相 对 较 小 (Currie and Zhao,1993)。我 们 近 年 来 在 石 树 沟 组 中 采 集 到 大 量 脊 椎动 物 化 石 (Clark et al.,2006), 其 中 包 括 许 多 零散 的 骨 骼 和 牙 齿 标 本 。 本 文 报 道 一 个 产 自石 树 沟 组 上 部 的 兽 脚 类 牙 齿 化 石 (IVPP V15310), 对 于 全 面 了 解 石 树 沟 脊 椎 动 物 群 具有 一 定 意 义 。V 15310 保 存 了 一 个 近 乎 完 整的 上 颌 齿 或 下 颌 齿 的 齿 冠 。 它 具 有 典 型 兽脚 类 恐 龙 牙 齿 的 特 征 : 强 烈 侧 扁 , 向 后 弯 曲 ,前 后 缘 有 锯 齿 。 齿 冠 有 几 种 不 同 的 磨 蚀 面 :齿 尖 磨 蚀 成 近 圆 形 , 靠 近 齿 尖 的 齿 冠 前 缘 有一 较 大 的 平 的 磨 蚀 面 , 锯 齿 也 受 到 不 同 程 度的 磨 蚀 。V 15310 很 大 , 相 关 的 测 量 数 据 和一 些 白 垩 纪 的 巨 型 兽 脚 类 恐 龙 牙 齿 的 测 量数 据 相 近 。 依 据 我 们 定 义 的 一 个 定 量 评 估锯 齿 大 小 的 指 标 ( 锯 齿 大 小 指 数 ), 得 出 V15310 的 锯 齿 大 小 指 数 非 常 小 , 与 霸 王 龙 相似 , 这 与 锯 齿 和 齿 冠 大 小 具 有 反 比 关 系 的 结论 是 一 致 的 (Farlow et al,1991)。2009010400云 南 中 三 叠 世 豆 齿 龙 类 ( 爬 行 纲 : 楯 齿 龙目 ) — 新 属 = A New Armored PlacodontFrom The Middle Triassic Of YunnanProvince,Southwestern Chian. ( 英 文 ). 赵 丽 君 ;李 淳 ; 刘 俊 ; 何 涛 . 古 脊 椎 动 物 学 报 , 2008,46(3): 171-177中 国 已 知 的 楯 齿 龙 目 (Placodontia) 化 石 仅见 于 贵 州 省 西 南 部 地 区 , 其 中 豆 齿 龙 亚 目(Cya- modontoidea) 产 自 关 岭 地 区 的 法 郎 组瓦 窑 段 , 时 代 为 晚 三 叠 世 卡 尼 期 ; 楯 齿 龙 亚 目(Placodon- toidea) 产 自 盘 县 的 关 岭 组 Ⅱ 段 , 时代 为 中 三 叠 世 安 尼 期 。 本 文 记 述 的 豆 齿 龙类 新 属 种 —— 康 氏 雕 甲 龟 龙 (Clyphodermakangi gen.et sp.nov.) 产 于 云 南 富 源 的 法 郎 组竹 杆 坡 段 , 属 中 三 叠 世 拉 丁 期 。 正 型 标 本 保存 于 浙 江 自 然 博 物 馆 ( 编 号 :M 8729), 其 头 骨高 度 愈 合 , 代 表 一 个 完 全 成 年 之 个 体 , 根 据 以下 特 征 明 显 区 别 于 我 国 的 Psephochelys 和欧 洲 的 Psephoderma:1) 头 骨 枕 部 具 3 枚 大 型的 锥 状 鳞 ;2) 背 甲 甲 片 结 构 更 为 复 杂 , 具 明 显的 放 射 状 沟 / 脊 结 构 。 到 目 前 为 止 , 康 氏 雕 甲龟 龙 是 龟 龙 科 (Placochelyidae) 中 惟 一 的 中 三叠 世 属 种 , 该 科 的 其 他 成 员 全 部 发 现 于 上 三叠 统 。2009010401辽 西 下 白 垩 统 九 佛 堂 组 尾 羽 龙 类 — 新 属 =A New Genus And Species Of CaudipteridDinosaur From The Lower CretaceousJiufotang Formation Of Western Liaoning,China. ( 英 文 ). 何 涛 ; 汪 筱 林 ; 周 忠 和 . 古 脊 椎动 物 学 报 , 2008, 46(3): 178-189记 述 了 一 件 采 自 辽 西 热 河 群 九 佛 堂 组 一新 的 窃 蛋 龙 类 : 义 县 似 尾 羽 龙(Similicaudipteryx yixianensis gen.et sp.nov.),127

并 依 据 其 和 尾 羽 龙 属 的 相 似 特 征 , 及 其 匕 首状 的 尾 综 骨 , 肠 骨 、 踱 骨 和 脚 趾 的 形 态 等 将其 归 入 窃 蛋 龙 类 的 尾 羽 龙 科 , 但 其 所 具 有 的一 些 特 征 也 不 同 于 该 科 已 建 立 的 尾 羽 龙 属 ,如 尾 综 骨 的 形 态 和 较 大 的 个 体 等 。 该 化 石具 有 许 多 典 型 的 窃 蛋 龙 类 的 特 征 , 如 短 尾 、较 短 的 前 肢 等 , 有 别 于 其 他 窃 蛋 龙 类 的 特 征还 包 括 耻 骨 和 肠 骨 的 长 度 比 为 1.46, 背 椎 上发 育 2 个 大 而 深 的 椎 体 下 突 、 背 椎 侧 部 具孔 等 。 义 县 似 尾 羽 龙 是 又 一 类 具 有 真 正 尾综 骨 的 恐 龙 , 表 明 尾 综 骨 这 一 曾 经 被 认 为 是鸟 类 特 有 的 结 构 可 能 是 在 恐 龙 中 独 自 演 化的 。 它 具 有 一 些 进 步 的 特 征 如 具 尾 综 骨 等 ,但 同 时 也 具 有 一 些 原 始 的 特 征 如 5 个 愈 合的 荐 椎 , 耻 骨 联 合 长 , 表 明 在 窃 蛋 龙 类 中 存 在着 特 征 的 镶 嵌 进 化 现 象 。 似 尾 羽 龙 与 驰 龙类 、 其 他 窃 蛋 龙 类 等 恐 龙 一 样 , 脚 趾 并 没 有对 握 , 已 有 的 证 据 说 明 完 全 的 对 握 目 前 还 只是 出 现 于 鸟 类 中 。 根 据 其 短 尾 、 中 部 收 缩的 趾 骨 和 灵 巧 的 身 体 等 都 表 明 它 是 一 类 适于 快 速 奔 跑 的 动 物 。 目 前 为 止 , 已 知 的 尾 羽龙 类 化 石 均 发 现 于 北 票 四 合 屯 地 区 的 义 县组 下 部 尖 山 沟 层 ( 段 ), 距 今 约 125Ma。2009010402贵 州 盘 县 中 三 叠 统 混 鱼 龙 类 化 石 的 初 步 研究 = Preliminary Researches For MixosauridFossils From Middle Triassic GuanlingFormation In Panxian Of Guizhou. ( 中 文 ). 刘冠 邦 ; 尹 恭 正 . 古 生 物 学 报 , 2008, 47(1): 73-90记 述 贵 州 省 盘 县 新 民 乡 羊 圈 村 中 三 叠 统关 岭 组 上 段 的 混 鱼 龙 3 种 , 其 中 有 一 新种 :Mixosaurus mao-taiensis Young,1965,emend.nov. , Mixosauruscornalianus(Bassani),1886 和 Mixosaurusyangjuanensi sp.nov.。 与 混 鱼 龙 类 化 石 同层 产 出 的 有 真 颌 鱼 类 和 龙 鱼 类 化 石 , 真 颌 鱼类 的 特 征 比 意 大 利 和 瑞 士 边 界 地 区 安 尼 - 拉丁 期 和 拉 丁 期 早 期 普 罗 山 头 组 (ProsantoFormation) 所 产 的 始 真 颌 鱼 Eoeugnathus 进步 , 混 鱼 龙 新 种 也 比 意 - 瑞 边 界 地 区 安 尼 - 拉丁 期 过 渡 期 的 混 鱼 龙 进 步 。 因 此 , 我 们 推 测当 前 混 鱼 龙 类 化 石 的 层 位 可 能 包 括 从 下 安尼 阶 上 部 到 拉 丁 阶 下 部 的 一 段 地 层 , 不 是 简单 的 一 个 化 石 层 , 此 问 题 尚 待 进 一 步 深 入 研究 。2009010403中 国 三 叠 纪 海 生 爬 行 动 物 化 石 研 究 的 回 顾与 进 展 = Studies Of The Triassic MarineReptiles Of China: A Review. ( 中 文 ). 赵 丽君 ; 王 立 亭 ; 李 淳 . 古 生 物 学 报 , 2008, 47(2):232-239中 国 三 叠 纪 海 生 爬 行 动 物 化 石 研 究 始 于20 世 纪 50 年 代 , 近 10 年 来 取 得 了 重 要 的进 展 。 此 类 化 石 在 华 南 分 布 广 泛 , 已 见 于多 个 省 区 的 十 余 处 地 点 , 涉 及 自 下 三 叠 统奥 伦 尼 克 阶 至 上 三 叠 统 诺 利 阶 的 至 少 7 个层 位 , 并 显 示 出 由 东 向 西 产 出 层 位 逐 渐 升高 的 趋 势 。 我 国 的 三 叠 纪 海 生 爬 行 动 物 化石 门 类 齐 全 , 属 种 丰 富 , 已 知 类 群 包 括 鱼龙 类 、 海 龙 类 、 檐 齿 龙 类 、 始 鳍 龙 类 、 原龙 类 、 初 龙 类 和 湖 北 鳄 类 , 显 示 出 典 型 的西 特 提 斯 动 物 群 特 征 , 同 时 也 体 现 了 与 东太 平 洋 动 物 群 的 某 些 联 系 , 以 及 一 定 的 地方 色 彩 。 这 些 化 石 为 研 究 三 叠 纪 海 生 爬 行动 物 各 个 类 群 的 起 源 、 演 化 和 绝 灭 以 及 海洋 环 境 的 变 迁 提 供 了 新 的 材 料 。2009010404贵 州 盘 县 中 三 叠 世 混 鱼 龙 类 研 究 进 展 及“Mixosaurus yangjuanensis Liu and Yin,2008” 的 疑 问 和 相 关 问 题 = Middle TriassicMixosaurids Of Panxian, Guizhou AndProblems Of " Mixosaurus YangjuanensisLiu And Yin, 2008". ( 中 文 ). 江 大 勇 ; 郝 维城 ;Motani R; Schmitz L; 孙 元 林 ; 孙 作 玉 . 古生 物 学 报 , 2008, 47(3): 377-384盘 县 新 民 乡 羊 圈 村 及 其 邻 区 关 岭 组 上 段产 出 两 种 混 鱼 龙 : Mixosauruspanxianensis Jiang et al. , 2006 和Phalarodon cf. P. fraasi Mcrriam. 1910. 含混 龟 龙 类 化 石 层 时 代 应 为 中 二 叠 世 安 尼 期Pclsonian 亚 期 。 “ Mixosaurusyangjuanensis Liu and Yin, 2008” 命 名 所依 据 的 正 模 标 本 无 关 键 的 头 骨 特 征 。 选 取的 头 后 骨 骼 做 鉴 定 特 征 对 混 鱼 龙 类 种 一 级分 类 无 意 义 . 鉴 定 特 征 所 依 据 的 基 本 骨 块存 在 鉴 定 错 误 ; “ Mixosaurusmaotaiensis” 的 厘 定 应 无 效 ; 盘 县 动 物 群中 无 Mixosaurus cornalianus 出 现 。2009010405四 川 威 远 恐 龙 足 迹 —— 新 属 = NewDinosaur Footprints From Lower Jurassic OfWeiyuan, Sichuan. ( 中 文 ). 高 玉 辉 . 古 脊 椎 动物 学 报 , 2007, 45(4): 342-3451985 年 , 自 贡 恐 龙 博 物 馆 的 朱 时 达 、 高人 彦 、 彭 光 照 根 据 四 川 威 远 县 荣 胜 乡 沙 坝村 村 民 李 元 吉 、 李 鸣 章 的 报 告 和 地 矿 部 第二 地 质 大 队 提 供 的 资 料 , 在 威 远 县 荣 胜 乡老 鸦 坡 下 侏 罗 统 珍 珠 冲 组 下 部 黄 色 砂 岩 上128

发 掘 出 6 个 连 续 恐 龙 足 迹 化 石 , 并 把 这 批标 本 运 回 自 贡 恐 龙 博 物 馆 保 存 。2009010406贵 州 上 三 叠 统 一 新 的 海 龙 ( 爬 行 纲 : 双 孔亚 纲 ) = A New Thalattosaurian( Reptilia : Diapsida ) From The UpperTriassic Of Guizhou, China. ( 英 文 ). 程 延 年 ;吴 肖 春 ; 佐 藤 环 . 古 脊 椎 动 物 学 报 , 2007,45(3): 246-260根 据 头 骨 和 下 颌 建 立 了 海 龙 一 新 属 新种 —— 短 吻 贫 齿 龙 (Miodentosaurusbrevis gen.et sp.nov.)。 其 正 型 标 本是 采 自 贵 州 三 叠 纪 法 郎 组 的 一 具 骨 架 ( 台中 自 然 科 学 博 物 馆 标 本 编 号 NMNS-004727/F003960)。 虽 然 头 后 骨 胳 还 没 有 修 理 ,但 是 几 近 完 好 的 头 骨 和 下 颌 显 示 出 许 多 与众 不 同 的 特 征 , 足 以 确 定 该 标 本 代 表 了 一新 的 海 龙 属 种 。 短 吻 贫 齿 龙 是 个 体 较 大 的海 龙 , 其 全 长 超 过 4m, 头 骨 背 部 最 长 约 为33cm。 吻 直 且 极 短 是 其 最 显 著 的 特 征 之一 。 其 他 主 要 特 征 有 : 前 颌 骨 沿 前 背 中 央有 一 隆 嵴 ; 上 颌 仅 前 颌 骨 有 6 枚 圆 锥 形齿 , 无 上 颌 骨 齿 ; 上 颌 骨 沿 前 腹 侧 缘 有 一沟 槽 ; 下 颌 齿 骨 齿 都 集 中 在 前 端 且 至 多 不超 过 6 枚 。 依 据 上 述 这 些 特 征 很 易 把 短 吻贫 齿 龙 与 其 他 已 知 海 龙 相 区 别 。 短 吻 贫 齿龙 头 骨 顶 面 松 果 孔 大 且 很 前 位 , 头 骨 腭 面的 锄 骨 和 翼 骨 均 无 齿 , 它 的 颈 较 长 ( 至 少可 以 辨 认 出 13 个 颈 椎 )。 这 些 特 征 显 示 短吻 贫 齿 龙 可 能 与 包 括 中 国 安 顺 龙 属(Anshunsaurus) 在 内 的 Askeptosauroidea超 科 有 相 近 的 系 统 关 系 。2009010407加 拿 大 艾 伯 塔 晚 白 垩 世 Judith 河 群 原 角 龙的 首 次 发 现 = First report ofprotoceratopsians (Neoceratopsia) from theLate Cretaceous Judith River Group, Alberta,Canada. ( 英 文 ). Ryan M J; Currie P J.Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 1998,35(46): 820–826Protoceratopsians are best known in NorthAmerica from associated skeletal material ofMontanoceratops from the early Maastrichtianof Montana and Campanian of Alberta andLeptoceratops from the late Maastrichtian ofAlberta and Wyoming. We report here thefirst occurrence of protoceratopsian elementsfrom the middle Campanian (Dinosaur ParkFormation) of Alberta. The specimens consistof a fragmentary right dentary and an almostcomplete left dentary which can be referred toLeptoceratops sp. Recent examination ofAlbertan microvertebrate material hasidentified cf. protoceratopsians teeth from thelatest Santonian (Milk River Formation),extending the record of Albertanprotoceratopsians back almost 20 millionyears. The rarity of these small ornithischiansin the fossil record of Alberta may have beendue to ecological exclusion from the wet,coastal environments that were preferred bythe larger, more abundant ceratopsids2009010408加 拿 大 不 列 颠 哥 伦 比 亚 上 三 叠 统 组 一 新 的初 龙 类 = A new archosaur from the UpperTriassic Pardonet Formation of BritishColumbia. ( 英 文 ). Nicholls E L; Brinkman DB; Wu Xiao-Chun. Canadian Journal of EarthSciences, 1998, 35(10): 1134–1142Sikannisuchus huskyi, a new genus andspecies of archosaur, is described from theUpper Triassic (Norian) Pardonet Formationof northeastern British Columbia. It has abroad, flat skull, and may have reached 4 m inlength. It is referred to the Archosauria on thebasis of a lateral mandibular fenestra, laterallycompressed serrated teeth, elongate transverseprocesses, neural spine table, osteoderms, andthecodont dentition. It is autapomorphic inthat the postfrontal enters the border of boththe orbit and the supratemporal fenestra, and ithas a large prefrontal that contacts both thenasal and the postfrontal, excluding the frontalfrom the margin of the orbit. The presence ofosteoderms and a well-developed clavicleexclude Sikannisuchus from the Ornithodira;however, in the absence of any preserved limbmaterial, we cannot assign it to the Crurotarsi.Sikannisuchus is not currently referable to anyknown taxon of archosaur and is left asArchosauria incertae sedis.2009010409中 国 新 疆 侏 罗 纪 一 剑 龙 的 首 例 证 据 = Thefirst evidence of a stegosaur (Dinosauria,Ornithischia) from the Jurassic ofXinjiang/China. ( 英 文 ). Wings O;Pfretzschner H-U; Maisch M W. NeuesJahrbuch fur Geologie u. Palaontologie /Abhandlungen, 2007, 243(1): 113-118A well preserved dorsal vertebra of astegosaur is described from the OxfordianQigu Formation of the Junggar Basin,northwestern China. This is the first evidencefor thyreophoran dinosaurs in this Formation.Previously, stegosaurs have been recordedfrom the Lower Cretaceous Tugulu Group of129

this region. Although the generic identity ofthe specimen is indeterminat, the find providesconfirmation for the presence of stegosaurs inthe Jurassic of the Cinjiang UygurAutonomous Region.2009010410匈 牙 利 上 白 垩 统 一 种 新 的 具 多 尖 锥 形 牙 齿的 基 干 真 鳄 类 之 首 例 报 道 = First report on anew basal eusuchian crocodyliform withmulticusped teeth from the Upper Cretaceous(Santonian) of Hungary. ( 英 文 ). Osi A; ClarkJ M; Weishampel D B. Neues Jahrbuch furGeologie u. Palaontologie /Abhandlungen, 2007, 243(2): 169-177A new fossil crocodyliform lying near theancestry of living corocodylians,Iharkulosuchus makadii gen. et sp. nov. fromthe Upper Cretaceous Csehbanya Formationof Iharkut, western Hungary is described here.Phylogenetic analysis indicates thatIharkutosuchus is the sister taxon of the EarlyCretaceous Hylaeochampsa. This basaleusuchian is extremely heterodont andpossesses complex multicusped teeth. Toothwear and muscle architecture indicatebuccolingual movement of the mandibleduring occlusion, and comparison withmammalian teeth suggests that I. makadii dedon very fibrous plant structures.2009010411法 国 西 部 阿 林 阶 一 薄 片 龙 类 = Anelasmosaurid plesiosaur from the Aalenian(Middle Jurassic) of Western France. ( 英 文 ).Vincent P; Bardet N; Morel N. NeuesJahrbuch fur Geologie u. Palaontologie /Abhandlungen, 2007, 243(3): 363-370An historical specimen of a plesiosaur isdescribed for the first time. The specimenpreserves fifty-eight vertebrae, rib fragmentsand the proximal extremities of both humerus.Amphicoelous articulation surfaces, thereniform shape and the longitudinal crest onthe lateral surfaces of the cervical vertebraeindicate that it belongs to the Elasmosauridae,although the specimen is too incomplete togive a more precise dtermination. Thisspecimen represents one of the fewconsequent plesiosaurs from the Aalenianstage worldwide.2009010412第 一 个 命 名 的 锯 齿 龙 Parasaurus geinitzi 的再 评 估 = A re-evaluation of Parasaurusgeinitzi, the first named pareiasaur (Amniota,Parareptilia). ( 英 文 ). Tsuji L A: Müller J.Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 2008,45(10): 1111-1121The historically first named pareiasaurParasaurus geinitzi from the Upper PermianKupferschiefer deposits of Germany is redescribedin detail, including informationfrom recently discovered specimens, as wellas material that was for a long time assumedto be lost. The re-study provides newinformation on both the cranial and thepostcranial anatomy of the taxon, the mostnotable features being the presence of smallspikes in the postero-temporal region of theskull and the apparent lack of osteoderms inthe axial skeleton, which is unique amongpareiasaurs but requires further investigationand new material. A phylogenetic analysisindicates that Parasaurus groups within themore derived pareiasaurs; however, theoverall resolution of the analysis is very poor,most likely because many characterstraditionally used in studies on pareiasaurianphylogeny were originally defined only forinvestigating turtle relationships, but not fordeciphering the ingroup relationships ofpareiasaurs. A careful revision of thephylogeny of the clade is necessary andshould also include a detailed assessment ofpareiasaurian anatomy, which is still poorlyknown.鸟 类2009010413jinfengopteryx 与 始 祖 鸟 的 比 较 及 对 长 尾 鸟类 镶 嵌 演 化 的 评 述 = JinfengopteryxCompared to Archaeopteryx, with Commentson the Mosaic Evolution of Long-tailedAvialan Birds. ( 英 文 ). Ji Shu'an; Ji Qiang.Acta Geologica Sinica, 2007, 81(3): 337-343Jinfengopteryx is a newly uncoveredArchaeopteryx-like avialan bird outsideGermany, which was found from the JeholBiota of northern Hebei in northeastern China.It shares many characters only withArchaeopteryx by the possession of threefenestrae in the antorbital cavity, 23 caudalvertebrae and long tail feathers attached to allthe caudal vertebrae. But the former differsfrom the latter in the relatively short and highpreorbital region of skull, more and closelypacked teeth, much shorter forelimb co...2009010414亚 洲 中 新 世 鸵 鸟 蛋 壳 的 病 理 微 观 结 构 =Pathological Microstructure of a Miocene130

Ostrich Eggshell from Asia. ( 英 文 ). WangShuo. Acta Geologica Sinica, 2007, 81(5):697-702Struthio linxiaensis is the oldest fossilostrich from Asia till today.This paperanalyzes the microstructure of the eggshell ofStruthio linxiaensis.The SEM and lightmicroscopic results show that a pathologicalstructure occurred associated with theformation of pore canal.The feature of thisstructure is that crystals of the columnar layerare around the lower part of the pore canal,andformed a broad structure.This structure unitcontracts upwards more severely than thecanal and looks like a"garli...2009010415河 北 北 部 地 区 发 现 早 白 垩 世 具 四 长 舵 羽 的Enantiornitine 鸟 新 种 = A NewEnantiornitine Bird with Four Long Rectricesfrom the Early Cretaceous of NorthernHebei,China. ( 英 文 ). Zheng Xiaoting; ZhangZihui; Hou Lianhai. Acta GeologicaSinica, 2007, 81(5): 703-708Paraprotopteryx gracilis,a newenantiornithine bird from the Early CretaceousYixian Formation in Fengning,northern HebeiProvince is erected,based on the followingcharacters:Y- shaped furcula with a longhypocleidum and a much narrowinterclavicular angle,and the morphology ofthe sternum are different from otherenantiornithines.Additionally,alular digitbearing the biggest manual claw extendsdistally to the distal end of the majormetacarpal;the minor metacarpal is slenderthan the major metacarpal.Car...2009010416Archaeopteryx lithographica 后 肢 羽 毛 的 构造 和 功 能 = Structure and function ofhindlimb feathers in Archaeopteryxlithographica. ( 英 文 ). Longrich N.Paleobiology, 2006, 32(3): 417-431This study examines the morphology andfunction of hindlimb plumage inArchaeopteryx lithographica. Feathers coverthe legs of the Berlin specimen, extendingfrom the cranial surface of the tibia and thecaudal margins of both tibia and femur. Thesefeathers exhibit features of flight feathersrather than contour feathers, including vaneasymmetry, curved shafts, and a selfstabilizingoverlap pattern. Many of thesefeatures facilitate lift generation in the wingsand tail of birds, suggesting that the hindlimbsacted as airfoils. A new reconstruction ofArchaeopteryx is presented, in which thehindlimbs form approximately 12% of totalairfoil area. Depending upon their orientation,the hindlimbs could have reduced stall speedby up to 6% and turning radius by up to 12%.Presence of the "four-winged" planform inboth Archaeopteryx and basalDromaeosauridae indicates that their commonancestor used fore- and hindlimbs to generatelift. This finding suggests that arborealparachuting and gliding preceded theevolution of avian flight.2009010417Palaeospheniscus patagonicus-- 来 自 阿 根 廷中 新 世 早 期 的 新 发 现 = Palaeospheniscuspatagonicus (Aves, Sphenisciformes): newdiscoveries from the Early Miocene ofArgentina. ( 英 文 ). Hospitaleche C A; CastroL; Tambussi C; Scasso R A. Journal ofPaleontology, 2008, 82(3): 565-575 3 图 版 .The penguin skeleton studied hereconstitutes the fourth partial skeleton found inPatagonia, and the third one with anassociated humerus and tarsometatarsus. Thefinding of this partial skeleton identified withcertainty as Palaeospheniscus patagonicusMoreno and Mercerat, 1891 (Aves,Sphenisciformes) allows the first descriptionof elements other than the tarsometatarsus.The material comes from the basal sector ofthe Gaiman Formation (Early Miocene),located along the Atlantic coast of ChubutProvince, south of Rawson city. This unitcomprises a succession of shales, fine tuffs,sandstones, tuffaceous sandstones, andcoquinas deposited in a shallow marineenvironment. These beds contain abundantmarine vertebrates (sharks, dolphins, rays,birds), mollusk casts, and oyster beds. Theskeleton includes: rostrum, two thoracicvertebrae, right coracoid without the distal end,left humerus, right femur, righttarsometatarsus, left fragmentary scapula, leftcoracoid, left radius without the distal end,proximal portion of left ulna, proximal end ofleft femur, and preacetabular part of thesynsacrum. P. patagonicus would have been amedium-sized penguin weighing about 5 kgthat inhabited the breeding coloniesestablished in the nearby Bryn Gwyn areaduring the early Miocene. Despite theabundance of penguin remains known forArgentina, and the fact that they are amongthe birds with a better fossil record, thisskeleton is an exceptional case. This finding131

allows a readjustment of the taxonomiccriteria applicable to fossil and living species.2009010418加 拿 大 东 部 早 泥 盆 世 的 疑 似 巨 棘 鱼 类 =Early Devonian putative gyracanthidacanthodians from eastern Canada. ( 英 文 ).Burrow C J; Turner S; Desbiens S;Miller R F.Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 2008,45(8): 897–908In 1890, Traquair assigned isolated finspines from the Early Devonian of easternCanada to a new gyracanthid acanthodianGyracanthus incurvus, based on the similarityof the distinctive oblique ridges on the spinesto the ornament on the large robust fin spinesof Gyracanthus spp. from the BritishCarboniferous Coal Measures. Other similarlyornamented spines from the Early Devonianof Germany were tentatively assigned in 1933by Gross to the same genus as a new speciesGyracanthus? convexus. Based onexamination of the type material, as well asnewly collected specimens from Emsiansandstones and mudstones of the Gasp éPeninsula, Quebec and the Atholville beds,New Brunswick, we erect a new genusAnkylacanthus gen. nov. for these twospecies. Spines of the new genus aredistinguished by being laterally flattened andthin-walled, with a single row of denticlesalong one side of the posterior groove, andhaving thin spine ridges ornamented with lowsmooth nodes. Other Early to MiddleDevonian specimens in South America, SaudiArabia, and Iran are also tentatively referredto the new genus, which seems to have had anearly (Lochkovian – Pragian) cross-northGondwanan distribution, transferring intoLaurentia and spanning Emsian – Eifeliantimes. In 1890, Traquair assigned isolated finspines from the Early Devonian of easternCanada to a new gyracanthid acanthodianGyracanthus incurvus, based on the similarityof the distinctive oblique ridges on the spinesto the ornament on the large robust fin spinesof Gyracanthus spp. from the BritishCarboniferous Coal Measures. Other similarlyornamented spines from the Early Devonianof Germany were tentatively assigned in 1933by Gross to the same genus as a new speciesGyracanthus? convexus. Based onexamination of the type material, as well asnewly collected specimens from Emsiansandstones and mudstones of the Gasp éPeninsula, Quebec and the Atholville beds,New Brunswick, we erect a new genusAnkylacanthus gen. nov. for these twospecies. Spines of the new genus aredistinguished by being laterally flattened andthin-walled, with a single row of denticlesalong one side of the posterior groove, andhaving thin spine ridges ornamented with lowsmooth nodes. Other Early to MiddleDevonian specimens in South America, SaudiArabia, and Iran are also tentatively referredto the new genus, which seems to have had anearly (Lochkovian – Pragian) cross-northGondwanan distribution, transferring intoLaurentia and spanning Emsian – Eifeliantimes.2009010419加 拿 大 埃 尔 斯 米 尔 岛 Hesperornis 属 及 与 加拿 大 其 他 已 知 地 点 的 孢 粉 对 比 =Hesperornis (Aves) from Ellesmere Island andpalynological correlation of known Canadianlocalities. ( 英 文 ). Hills L V; Nicholls E L; Núñez-Betelu L ( K ) M; McIntyre D J.Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 1999,36(9): 1583–1588A tarsometatarsus of Hesperornis from theKanguk Formation on Ellesmere Island isdescribed and illustrated and constitutes thenorthernmost occurrence of the genus.Palynological evidence and stratigraphicposition indicate that Canadian occurrences ofHesperornis are Campanian in age except thespecimen from the Mason River Formationwhich might be as young as earlyMaastrichtian.Paleogeographicreconstructions indicate that all specimens arefrom a seaway extending along the westerninterior of North America.2009010420辽 宁 西 部 下 白 垩 统 反 鸟 类 一 新 科 ——Alethoalaorvithidae fam.nov. =Alethoalaorvithidae Fam. Nov. : A NewFamily Of Enantiornithine Bird From TheLower Cretaceous Of Western Liaoning. ( 中文 ). 李 莉 ; 胡 东 宇 ; 段 冶 ; 巩 恩 普 ; 侯 连 海 . 古 生物 学 报 , 2007, 46(3): 365-372记 述 发 现 于 辽 宁 省 朝 阳 县 原 家 洼 村 中 生代 地 层 中 的 反 鸟 类 一 新 科 : 真 翼 鸟 科(Alethoalaornithidae fam.nov.)。 由 于 该 科鸟 类 具 有 肩 胛 骨 直 , 第 1、2 指 仍 有 爪 , 腓 骨和 胫 跗 骨 不 愈 合 , 趾 骨 不 太 钩 曲 等 特 征 , 将 真翼 鸟 科 归 入 华 夏 鸟 目(Cathayornithiformes)。 真 翼 鸟 科 的 特 有特 征 包 括 : 吻 尖 , 齿 少 , 牙 齿 退 化 的 趋 势 明 显 ,132

腕 掌 骨 基 本 形 成 , 乌 喙 骨 远 端 宽 , 肱 骨 近 端 具明 显 的 气 窝 , 尾 综 骨 长 , 跗 蹠 骨 末 端 三 趾 骨 等长 且 滑 车 末 端 基 本 处 于 同 一 水 平 面 , 趾 骨 爪长 , 不 甚 钩 曲 等 。 通 过 对 新 材 料 和 其 它 早 期鸟 类 的 对 比 认 为 , 反 鸟 类 的 灭 绝 不 仅 有 自 身构 造 的 原 因 , 还 有 它 们 所 生 活 的 生 态 环 境 多变 的 原 因 。2009010421关 于 “ 临 夏 鸵 鸟 (Struthio linxiaensis)”分 类 位 置 的 再 讨 论 = Reexamination OfTaxonomic Assignment Of " StruthioLinxiaensis Hou Et Al.,2005". ( 英 文 ). 王 烁 .古 生 物 学 报 , 2008, 47(3): 362-368对 “ 临 夏 鸵 鸟 Struthio linxiaensisHou et al.,2005” 骨 架 和 蛋 壳 化 石 的 重 新观 察 表 明 , 其 骨 架 和 蛋 壳 化 石 的 一 些 特 征有 悖 于 鸵 鸟 (Struthio) 的 特 征 , 因 此 将“ 临 夏 鸵 鸟 ” 建 立 一 新 属 : 东 方 鸵 鸟Orientornis gen . nov . 以 区 别 于Struthio, 并 修 订 了 属 的 特 征 ; 修 订 后 的鸵 鸟 科 化 石 包 括 : Namornis ,Diamantornis , Struthio , Orientornisgen.nov.4 属 。2009010422中 国 中 生 代 鸟 类 后 肢 骨 骼 的 长 度 比 例 特 征及 栖 息 习 性 的 分 析 = Hindlimb BoneProportions Of Chinese Mesozoic Birds AndTheir Implications For Perching Habits. ( 中文 ). 张 玉 光 ; 田 晓 阳 ; 李 志 恒 . 古 脊 椎 动 物 学报 , 2008, 46(4): 317-329通 过 对 18 目 59 科 137 例 现 生 不 同 栖 息习 性 鸟 类 的 后 肢 3 块 骨 骼 ( 股 骨 、 胫 跗 骨和 跗 跖 骨 ) 长 度 比 例 的 观 察 和 特 征 分 析 ,推 断 出 鸟 类 的 栖 息 习 性 与 后 肢 3 块 骨 骼 中各 骨 骼 长 度 所 占 总 长 度 的 比 例 存 在 密 切 的关 系 。 即 在 所 有 鸟 类 的 后 肢 骨 骼 中 , 胫 跗骨 的 长 度 占 3 块 骨 骼 的 比 例 为 最 大 ; 地 栖鸟 类 后 肢 骨 骼 中 股 骨 的 长 度 要 短 于 跗 跖骨 ; 树 栖 鸟 类 后 肢 骨 骼 中 股 骨 的 长 度 要 长于 跗 跖 骨 。 鸟 类 后 肢 3 块 骨 骼 的 长 度 比 例特 征 是 鸟 类 长 期 对 栖 息 等 行 为 适 应 的 结果 。 在 此 基 础 上 , 对 中 国 中 生 代 14 例 鸟 类的 栖 息 习 性 进 行 了 分 析 , 利 用 三 元 投 影 的统 计 方 法 , 并 以 国 内 外 新 生 代 ( 古 近 纪 和新 近 纪 )21 例 鸟 类 标 本 作 为 对 比 参 考 , 得出 辽 西 中 生 代 不 同 类 型 鸟 类 的 栖 息 行 为 特征 : 基 于 鸟 类 以 树 栖 为 主 要 习 性 , 其 中 个别 鸟 类 还 具 有 攀 援 的 习 性 , 而 反 鸟 类 则 是典 型 的 树 栖 鸟 类 , 今 鸟 类 兼 有 树 、 地 栖 的习 性 。 研 究 表 明 , 在 现 行 的 鸟 类 系 统 发 育框 架 下 , 树 栖 适 应 ( 及 攀 援 ) 代 表 了 鸟 类演 化 历 史 中 最 原 始 的 生 活 方 式 。 这 一 结 论也 支 持 鸟 类 飞 行 的 树 栖 起 源 假 说 。 中 生 代鸟 类 栖 息 习 性 分 异 的 多 样 性 反 映 了 早 期 鸟类 演 化 过 程 中 自 身 以 及 与 其 他 同 期 生 物 在生 态 空 间 和 食 物 资 源 的 竞 争 的 加 剧 和 对 环境 的 不 断 适 应 。哺 乳 类2009010423非 洲 - 阿 拉 伯 'Didelphimorph' 有 袋 类 的 起 源= The origin of Afro-Arabian 'Didelphimorph'Marsupials. ( 英 文 ). Hooke J J; S á nchez-Villagra M R; Goin F J; Simons E L; Attia Y;Seiffert E R. Palaeontology, 2008, 51(3): 635-648New specimens of Peratherium africanumfrom Early Oligocene deposits of the Fayum,Egypt, provide key information on therelationships of the species. These include thefirst maxilla to be found and two additionaldentaries. The maxilla can be demonstrated tobelong to the same species as the holotypedentary by study of the occlusal relationshipsof upper and lower molars. It can be shown byseveral synapomorphies that P. africanum isthe sister species to European Bartonian –Rupelian Peratherium lavergnense. P.africanum therefore belongs to the'didelphimorph' family Herpetotheriidae, notto the peradectimorph family Peradectidae.The genus Qatranitherium, previously erectedfor this species alone, is here synonymizedwith Peratherium. Comparison with'didelphimorphian' taxa from early Paleogenedeposits of South America suggests moreremote relationships, indicating an origin for P.africanum by dispersal from Europe asoriginally envisaged. The more preciserelationships deduced here help to constrainthe time interval for dispersal to Afro-Arabia,probably during the earliest Oligocene sealevellow.2009010424怀 俄 明 州 西 北 早 始 新 世 Miacidae 科 =Earliest Eocene Miacidae (Mammalia:Carnivora) from Northwestern Wyoming. ( 英文 ). Heinrich R E; Strait S G; Houde P.Journal of Paleontology, 2008, 82(1): 154-162 4 图 版 .Fossil carnivorans are described fromearliest Eocene localities in the Clarks Forkand southern Bighorn basins of Wyoming.133

Three new species, Miacis rosei, Uintacyongingerichi, and Vassacyon bowni, collectedfrom the base of the Wasatchian NorthAmerican Land Mammal Age (Wa-0), are thesmallest and possibly most basal members oftheir respective genera, and increase from oneto four the number of miacids known fromthis faunal zone. An upper dentition of Miacisdeutschi from slightly younger (Wa-2)deposits is also described. Previously knownonly from lower teeth and a single M1, thespecimen of M. deutschi includes the left P3-M2, alveoli for the canine, first two premolarsand the last molar, as well as most of themaxilla. The new material helps fill gaps inour knowledge of the dental morphology ofbasal Miacidae and provides insight into thefunctional differences of the carnassial teeth inthe diverging Uintacyon and Miacis lineages.It also provides an opportunity to furtherassess the hypothesis that climactic warmingin the earliest Eocene resulted in evolutionarydwarfing of mammalian species; based onthree criteria for identifying dwarfed speciesat least one of the new taxa, U. gingerichi, isconsistent with this hypothesis.2009010425巴 西 巴 伊 亚 晚 更 新 世 灵 长 类 Alouatta 属 的新 种 = New species of Alouatta (Primates,Atelinae) in the Late Pleistocene in Bahia,Brasil. ( 其 他 ). Tejedor M F; Rosenberger A L;Cartelle C. Ameghiniana, 2008, 45(1): 247-2512009010426阿 根 廷 丘 布 特 西 南 部 中 新 世 异 兽 亚 纲Ameghino Pseudonotictis 的 新 种 = Newspecies of Ameghino Pseudonotictis(Metatheria, Sparassodonta, Hathliacynidae)in Miocene-era northwestern Chubut,Argentina. ( 其 他 ). Martin G M; Tejedor M F.Ameghiniana, 2007, 44(4): 747-7502009010427阿 根 廷 科 尔 多 瓦 省 里 奥 夸 图 县 晚 更 新 世 - 早全 新 世 异 关 节 目 = Xenarthra (Mammalia) inthe late Pleistocene-early Holocene era of theRio Cuarto department, Cordoba province,Argentina. Biostratigraphical aspects. ( 其 他 ).Cruz L E. Ameghiniana, 2007, 44(4): 751-7572009010428阿 根 廷 图 库 曼 塔 菲 峡 谷 更 新 世 - 全 新 世 界 线Sigmodontines 属 : 系 统 分 类 、 埋 葬 学 和古 环 境 意 义 = Sigmodontines (Rodentia :Cricetidae) from the Pleistocene-Holoceneboundary of the Tafi Valley (Tucuman,Argentina): Taxonomy, taphonomy andpaleoenvironmental significance. ( 其 他 ). OrtizP E; Jayat J P. Ameghiniana, 2007, 44(4):641-660A fossil-sample of sigmodontine rodentsfrom Tafi del Valle, Tucuman, Argentina (26degrees 51'43" S, 65 degrees 43'06" W, 2007m) was studied. A radiocarbon datation onbone fragments indicates that the sample canbe referred to the Pleistocene-Holoceneboundary (10.25 - 9.65 cal. ky BP). Thesample is dominated by the phyllotinesCalomys cf. C. musculinus (Thomas) andPhyllotis sp., followed by Akodon spegazziniiThomas and Reithrodon auritus (Fischer). Atthe microscopy the surface of bones and teethshows evidences of corrosion and. digestionsuggesting the assemblage was generated bythe predatory activity of owls. Most of thespecies from the assemblage correspond tocommon elements of high altitude grasslandsenvironments from northwestern Argentina,except for R. auritus. All species are currentlysympatric in an area about 1000 meters abovethe fossiliferous locality, in a colder and drierenvironment than the study site. These factsallowed to infer drier and colderpaleoenvironmental conditions at thedeposition time than the current ones duringthe Pleistocene-Holocene boundary in Tafi delValle.2009010429加 拿 大 埃 尔 斯 米 尔 岛 Eureka Sound 群 早 始新 世 啮 齿 类 化 石 = Early Eocene rodents(Mammalia) from the Eureka Sound Group ofEllesmere Island, Canada. ( 英 文 ). Dawson MR. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 2001,38(7): 1107-1116Rodents are a minor element in the EarlyEocene terrestrial fauna from the EurekaSound Group of Ellesmere Island.Nevertheless, at least five taxa can berecognized, all members of the familyIschyromyidae. Two are paramyines, of whichone is described as Paramys hunti, sp. nov.Three of the rodents are microparamyines,Microparamys bayi, sp. nov., and two speciesof the new genus Strathcona, S. minor, sp.nov., and S. major, sp. nov. The paramyinesare Holarctic in distribution in the EarlyEocene, but the microparamyines are knownonly from North America and Europe. TheArctic Microparamyinae provide the first134

clearly documented case for an early Cenozoicmammalian taxon having a North Americanorigin and later dispersal into Europe across aNorth Atlantic terrestrial biogeographicprovince.2009010430保 加 利 亚 Bacho Kiro 洞 穴 上 更 新 统Microtus (Terricola) grafi 所 反 应 的 形 态 变异 和 气 候 波 动 的 关 系 = Relation betweenclimatic fluctuation and morphologicalvariability in Microtus (Terricola) grafi(Arvicolinae, Rodentia) from Bacho Kiro(Bulgaria, Upper Pleistocene). ( 英 文 ).Montuire S; Brunet-Lecomte P. Lethaia, 2004,37(1): 71 - 78Morphological variability within the speciesMicrotus (Terricola) grafi is investigated inrelation to the parameters of time and climate.Microtus (Terricola) grafi has been describedfrom the Upper Pleistocene cave of BachoKiro (Bulgaria), which has yielded numerousteeth from several levels reflecting climaticfluctuations. The first lower molars areanalyzed by 23 biometric variables so as toquantify tooth shape and its variation withtime and climate. This morphological analysisreveals a number of shape indexes reflectingwhether an individual lived in warm or coldconditions. The most significant result is thatindividuals living in warm conditions exhibitthe more primitive feature of having a lesstilted pitymyan rhombus.2009010431阿 根 廷 巴 塔 哥 尼 亚 古 近 纪 Xenungulata 的一 新 属 新 种 = A New Xenungulata(Mammalia) from the Paleocene of Patagonia,Argentina. ( 英 文 ). Gelfo J N; López G M;Bond M. Journal of Paleontology, 2008, 82(2):329-335 2 图 版 .A new form of Xenungulata Paula Couto,1952 from red levels of the Peñas ColoradasFormation in a locality near Puerto Visser (45° 17'S, 67 ° 01'W), Chubut province,Argentina, is represented by a fragmentary leftjaw with the m3 (MPEF-PV 1871).Notoetayoa gargantuai n. gen. and n. sp. is thefirst ever found in direct association withCarodnia feruglioi Simpson, 1935a whichcharacterizes the incompletely knownhomonymous zone of the late Paleocene ofPatagonia. A preliminary phylogeneticanalysis, including representatives of"Condylarthra," Litopterna, Notoungulata,Pyrotheria, Xenungulata and Astrapotheria,plus the characters that could be scored in thenew taxon, was performed using TNTsoftware. A single most parsimonious tree wasobtained. Notoetayoa gargantuai has a closerphylogenetic relationship with theXenungulate Etayoa bacatensis Villarroel,1987 from the ?middle Paleocene of Colombiathan with any other Tertiary ungulate group ofSouth America. Notoetayoa gargantuai fillsan important gap in the knowledge of themammalian faunas from the Paleocene ofPatagonia, particularly of the poorly knownpre-Itaborian times.2009010432玻 利 维 亚 上 新 世 晚 期 Salla 层 有 蹄 类Interatheres 的 新 分 子 = New Interatheres(Mammalia, Notoungulata) from the LateOligocene Salla beds of Bolivia. ( 英 文 ). HitzR B; Billet G; Derryberry D. Journal ofPaleontology, 2008, 82(3): 447-469 5 图 版 .Two new Deseadan interatheriine genera(Interatheriidae, Notoungulata) from the lateOligocene Salla Beds of Bolivia are described.Both are monotypic and one is known from apartial skeleton, a rarity among known pre-Santacrucian interathere taxa.Phylogenetically, both taxa nest well withinInteratheriinae, showing characteristicallybilobed p3–4. Both taxa also have derivedcharacters (hypselodont cheeckteeth,persistent lingual sulcus on upper molars)relative to basal interatheriines such asSantiagorothia and Proargyrohyrax but areclearly plesiomorphic with respect to younger,more highly derived Santacrucianinteratheriine taxa such as Interatherium andProtypotherium. New speciesBrucemacfaddenia boliviensis is on averagelarger than the other new Salla interatheriine,Federicoanaya sallaensis, although they dooverlap in size. Distinguishing between thetwo new taxa based purely on molarmorphology is confounded by lack ofdiagnostic characters on the molar teeth andthe overlap in size between the taxa. Weovercome this difficulty of identifyingspecimens that preserve only molars by usingdiscriminant analysis. We present a few of thesimpler yet still robust discriminant functionswe used so that future workers have a meansof identifying problematic specimens.Analysis of Salla interathere specimens andstratigraphic provenance indicates both taxaexperienced a modest increase in body sizeupsection, the driving mechanism for whichremains unknown, but could be environmental135

changes or simple drift. These two new taxahelp emphasize the fact that while the Sallafauna shares elements with roughlycontemporaneous Deseadan faunas from moresoutherly latitudes, important faunaldistinctions mark the two regions as well.2009010433内 蒙 古 二 连 浩 特 呼 尔 井 组 的 某 些 啮 齿 类 化石 = Addtional Rodent Material FromHouldjin Formation Of Eernhot,NeiMongol,China. ( 中 文 ). 王 伴 月 . 古 脊 椎 动 物学 报 , 2008, 46(1): 21-30描 述 了 产 自 二 连 浩 特 呼 尔 井 组 的 啮 齿 类化 石 :Allosminthus cf.A.diconjugatus,A.majusculus, A.ernos, Prosciurus pristinussp.nov. 和 Marmotini gen.etsp.indet. 。Prosciurus pristinus 的 特 征 是 P4 的 前 附尖 较 弱 小 ,p4 无 下 中 附 尖 和 下 中 尖 , 以 及 下 次脊 较 低 弱 等 。 认 为 Banyuesminthus 是Allosminthus 的 后 出 同 物 异 名 。 上 述 啮 齿类 的 发 现 也 证 明 呼 尔 井 组 的 时 代 为 晚 始 新世 。2009010434河 南 许 昌 灵 井 遗 址 的 晚 更 新 世 偶 蹄 类 =Late Pleistocene Artiodactyla (Mammalia)From The Lingjing Site,Xuchang,HenanProvince (China). ( 中 文 ). 董 为 ; 李 占 扬 . 古 脊椎 动 物 学 报 , 2008, 46(1): 31-50系 统 记 述 了 在 近 两 年 从 河 南 省 许 昌 市 灵井 旧 石 器 遗 址 出 土 的 偶 蹄 目 化 石 : 李 氏 野 猪(Sus lydekkeri) 、 更 新 獐 (Hydropotespleistocenica) 、 河 套 大 角 鹿 (Megalocerosordosianus) 、 马 鹿(Cervus(Elaphus)elaphus) 、 普 氏 原 羚(Procapra przewalskii) 和 原 始 牛 (Bosprimigenius)6 个 种 。 灵 井 遗 址 的 李 氏 野 猪是 这 个 种 最 晚 的 代 表 , 马 鹿 和 原 始 牛 是 欧 洲晚 更 新 世 地 层 中 常 见 的 种 类 , 也 是 我 国 北 方地 区 晚 更 新 世 地 层 中 的 常 见 种 类 , 这 一 现 象不 仅 说 明 了 马 鹿 和 原 始 牛 是 扩 散 和 适 应 能力 很 强 的 动 物 , 而 且 还 证 明 了 在 晚 更 新 世 期间 欧 亚 大 陆 存 在 着 动 物 群 的 交 流2009010435北 京 房 山 十 渡 西 太 平 洞 晚 更 新 世 哺 乳 动 物化 石 = Late Pleistocene Mammalian FossilsFrom The Xitaiping Cave,Shidu,Beijing. ( 中文 ). 同 号 文 ; 张 双 权 ; 李 青 ; 许 治 军 . 古 脊 椎动 物 学 报 , 2008, 46(1): 51-70北 京 市 房 山 区 十 渡 镇 西 太 平 村 发 现 的 动物 化 石 是 首 次 在 该 镇 辖 区 发 现 的 更 新 世 化石 。 动 物 群 由 6 目 、15 科 、22 属 的 22 种组 成 , 以 岩 羊 、 香 麝 及 鼯 鼠 等 为 主 , 为 典 型 的北 方 山 区 动 物 群 。 该 动 物 群 的 时 代 为 晚 更新 世 晚 期 ,~(14)C 年 代 为 距 今 29335~37350年 , 与 山 顶 洞 及 田 园 洞 动 物 群 基 本 同 期 。 西太 平 洞 动 物 群 中 有 76% 的 种 曾 出 现 于 周 口店 田 园 洞 动 物 群 , 而 只 有 38% 的 种 曾 出 现 于山 顶 洞 。 目 前 在 此 发 现 的 可 鉴 定 到 种 的 化石 材 料 均 可 归 入 现 生 种 , 但 其 中 有 23% 的 种已 经 在 北 京 地 区 消 失 , 消 失 属 种 以 大 中 型 动物 为 主 。 在 该 地 点 发 现 的 西 伯 利 亚 飞 鼠 和复 齿 鼯 鼠 材 料 是 首 次 在 华 北 地 区 发 现 的 此类 化 石 记 录 。 该 地 点 是 我 国 北 方 地 区 已 报道 的 第 四 纪 化 石 点 中 含 香 麝 和 岩 羊 材 料 最丰 富 的 地 点 之 一 。 在 国 内 有 关 文 献 中 , 岩 羊化 石 的 分 类 命 名 一 直 没 有 得 到 统 一 , 这 次 发现 的 新 材 料 , 有 利 于 澄 清 该 类 化 石 的 分 类 命名 问 题 。2009010436灵 长 类 化 石 在 内 蒙 古 二 连 地 区 上 始 新 统 的首 次 记 录 = First Record Of Primate FossilsFrom Late Eocene In Eren Region,NeiMongol,China. ( 中 文 ). 王 伴 月 . 古 脊 椎 动 物学 报 , 2008, 46(2): 81-89记 录 了 内 蒙 古 晚 始 新 世 的 3 种 原 始 灵 长类 化 石 (Eosimias sp.A,Eosimias sp.B 和Pseudo- loris erenensis sp.nov.) 。Eosimias sp.A 系 该 属 个 体 较 大 者 , 仅 小 于E.paukkaungensis。Eosi- mias sp.B 个 体较 小 , 齿 冠 较 低 , 主 尖 较 细 小 。Pseudoloriserenensis 的 主 要 特 征 为 : 个 体 小 ,m2 的 下 次小 尖 较 靠 舌 侧 , 无 颊 、 舌 侧 齿 带 等 。Eosimias 在 内 蒙 古 上 始 新 统 的 发 现 , 表 明 内蒙 古 在 晚 始 新 世 时 也 是 高 等 灵 长 类 活 动 的舞 台 。 过 去 已 知 仅 分 布 于 欧 洲 的Pseudoloris 在 内 蒙 古 上 始 新 统 的 发 现 表 明 ,哺 乳 动 物 在 晚 始 新 世 时 , 在 亚 、 欧 问 已 有 某种 交 流 。 上 述 发 现 还 表 明 , 内 蒙 古 地 区 晚 始新 世 的 气 候 可 能 属 亚 热 带 型 , 有 过 树 木 繁 茂的 林 地 。2009010437陕 西 蓝 田 晚 中 新 世 灞 河 组 松 鼠 科 和 林 跳 鼠科 化 石 = Sciurids And Zapodids From TheLate Miocene BaheFormation,Lantian,Shaanxi. ( 英 文 ). 邱 铸 鼎 ;郑 绍 华 ; 张 兆 群 . 古 脊 椎 动 物 学 报 , 2008,46(2): 111-123描 述 了 陕 西 蓝 田 晚 中 新 世 灞 河 组 的 松 鼠类 和 林 跳 鼠 类 。 松 鼠 科 化 石 包 括 3 个 种 : 骊山 花 鼠 ( 新 种 )Eutamias lishanemis sp.nov., 细136

小 岩 松 鼠 ( 新 种 )Sciurotamias pusillus sp.nov.和 松 鼠 属 ( 未 定 种 )Sciurus sp.; 林 跳 鼠 科 有 两个 种 : 西 安 脊 仓 跳 鼠 ( 新 种 )Lophocricetusxianensis sp.nov. 和 脊 仓 跳 鼠 ( 未 定种 )Lophocricetus sp.。 在 牙 齿 的 形 态 上 , 蓝 田松 鼠 科 的 新 种 分 别 与 现 生 花 鼠 (Eutamiassibiricus) 和 岩 松 鼠 (Sciurotamias davidianus)很 相 似 , 但 特 征 原 始 。 其 中 Sciurotamiaspusillus 新 种 代 表 了 该 属 最 早 的 地 史 记录 ;Lophocricetus xianensis 新 种 比 内 蒙 古 最晚 中 新 世 常 见 的 葛 氏 脊 仓 跳 鼠(Lophocricetus grabaui) 原 始 得 多 , 为 中 国 现知 较 为 原 始 的 一 种 。 这 些 新 种 的 特 征 如 下 :骊 山 花 鼠 (Eutamias listmnensis): 个 体 比 现 生花 鼠 (Eutamias sibiricus) 稍 大 , 前 臼 齿 和 第 三臼 齿 的 尺 寸 比 现 生 种 的 相 对 大 。2009010438山 西 保 德 第 30 地 点 的 跳 鼠 化 石 及 其 环 境 意义 = The Dipodidae(Jerboas)From Loc.30 OfBaode And Their Environmental Singificance.( 英 文 ). 刘 丽 萍 ; 张 兆 群 ; 崔 宁 ; 傅 铭 楷 . 古 脊椎 动 物 学 报 , 2008, 46(2): 124-132山 西 保 德 第 30 地 点 发 现 了 两 种 跳 鼠 化 石 ,主 要 是 三 趾 跳 鼠 Dipus fraudator, 还 有 少 量的 五 趾 跳 鼠 Paralactaga cf.P.suni。 这 个 跳鼠 组 合 虽 然 种 类 不 如 内 蒙 古 二 登 图 动 物 群中 的 丰 富 , 但 其 优 势 类 群 和 组 成 比 例 都 与 后者 非 常 相 似 。 而 与 陕 西 蓝 田 灞 河 组 发 现 的跳 鼠 组 合 相 比 , 两 者 相 差 很 大 , 后 者 以Protalactaga 为 主 , 虽 然 可 能 有 一 颗 颊 齿 属于 Paralactaga, 但 其 明 显 比 所 有 已 知 的 种 类原 始 。 保 德 的 跳 鼠 虽 然 只 是 该 地 区 首 批 详细 研 究 的 小 哺 乳 动 物 化 石 , 但 已 经 表 明 保 德动 物 群 和 灞 河 动 物 群 在 小 哺 乳 动 物 组 成 上也 差 异 显 著 , 进 一 步 证 实 了 灞 河 期 和 保 德 期动 物 群 的 截 然 不 同 , 支 持 了 灞 河 期 的 有 效性 。 分 析 表 明 , 跳 鼠 从 10 Ma 以 后 都 是 与 高冠 食 草 动 物 伴 生 , 显 示 出 其 耐 旱 性 。 因 此 , 保德 第 30 地 点 和 相 关 层 位 应 该 是 开 阔 草 原 环境 , 这 与 之 前 根 据 大 哺 乳 动 物 组 合 及 牙 齿 稳定 同 位 素 分 析 所 恢 复 的 生 态 环 境 一 致 。 由于 缺 乏 有 效 的 地 理 隔 离 , 保 德 地 区 第 30 地 点和 第 49 地 点 的 生 态 差 异 显 然 不 是 空 间 上 的 ,而 是 时 间 上 的 。2009010439安 徽 淮 南 晚 新 生 代 鬣 狗 类 化 石 = FossilHyaenidae(Mammalia:Carnivora)FromHuainan,Anhui Province,China. ( 英 文 ). 曾 志杰 ; 金 昌 柱 ; 刘 金 毅 ; 郑 龙 亭 ; 孙 承 凯 . 古 脊 椎动 物 学 报 , 2008, 46(2): 133-146记 述 了 安 徽 淮 南 地 区 晚 新 生 代 洞 穴 、 裂隙 堆 积 中 发 现 的 鬣 狗 化 行 。 材 料 系 2003 年至 2006 年 间 由 本 文 作 者 之 一 ( 金 昌 柱 ) 等 在淮 南 市 八 公 山 区 进 行 地 层 古 生 物 调 查 时 , 于大 居 山 老 洞 、 西 裂 隙 及 大 顶 山 裂 隙 的 堆 积物 中 采 集 到 的 。 与 鬣 狗 伴 生 的 其 他 哺 乳 动物 属 种 多 样 , 并 具 有 一 定 的 地 质 断 代 意 义 。大 居 山 老 洞 有 Pliopentalagushuainanensis 、 Kowalskia sp. 、 Nannocricetusmongolicus 等 , 西 裂 隙 有Sericolagus sp. 、 Mimomys sp. 、 Equussanmeniensis 等 , 大 顶 山 裂 隙 则 有 Lepussp.、Ailuropoda sp.、Homotherium ultima等 。 所 发 现 的 鬣 狗 化 石 包 括 Adcrocutaextmta 、 Chasmaporthetes lunensis 和Crocuta crocuta 三 种 其 中 Crocutacrocuta 至 少 包 括 三 个 个 体 ; 其 他 两 种 则 只有 一 个 个 体 。 淮 南 的 鬣 狗 种 类 跨 越 了 晚 中新 世 至 晚 更 新 世 。Adcrocuta eximia 为 欧亚 大 陆 晚 中 新 世 的 特 有 种 , 为 鬣 狗 科 中 朝 食骨 方 向 演 化 的 类 群 ; 体 型 和 前 臼 齿 主 尖 与 晚中 新 世 较 原 始 的 属 种 。2009010440甘 肃 临 夏 盆 地 晚 中 新 世 貘 类 化 石 ( 奇 蹄 目 、貘 科 ) 一 新 种 = A New Species Of The LateMiocene Tapirs (Perissodactyla,Tapiridae)From The Linxia Basin In Gansu, China. ( 中文 ). 邓 涛 ; 何 文 ; 陈 善 勤 . 古 脊 椎 动 物 学报 , 2008, 46(3): 190-209描 述 在 甘 肃 临 夏 盆 地 晚 中 新 世 地 层 中 发现 的 貘 属 新 种 和 政 貘 (Tapirus hezhengensissp. nov.), 它 是 貘 属 中 已 知 最 小 的 种 之 一 。 在基 本 特 征 上 , 临 夏 盆 地 的 和 政 貘 与 现 生 貘 已相 当 接 近 , 前 臼 齿 完 全 臼 齿 化 , 门 齿 、 犬 齿 的数 目 和 形 态 也 与 现 生 貘 一 致 。 东 亚 晚 中 新世 缺 少 貘 科 化 石 的 材 料 , 和 政 貘 的 发 现 对 中国 第 四 纪 貘 类 的 来 源 提 供 了 重 要 线 索 , 显 示中 中 新 世 起 源 于 欧 洲 的 真 貘 在 晚 中 新 世 时期 已 扩 散 至 东 亚 。 貘 类 通 常 适 应 于 潮 湿 的热 带 森 林 环 境 , 但 和 政 貘 在 华 北 三 趾 马 动 物群 中 的 发 现 说 明 这 类 动 物 也 能 够 生 活 于 干旱 的 温 带 草 原 地 区 。2009010441安 徽 淮 南 大 居 山 早 更 新 世 猪 化 石 = EarlyPleistocene Suid (Mammal) From TheDajushanN,Huainan,Anhui Province (China).( 中 文 ). 董 为 . 古 脊 椎 动 物 学 报 , 2008, 46(3):233-246137

继 在 安 徽 淮 南 大 居 山 发 现 晚 中 新 世 老 洞哺 乳 动 物 群 和 新 洞 早 上 新 世 哺 乳 动 物 群后 ,1998 年 在 老 洞 西 侧 又 发 现 了 西 裂 隙 哺 乳动 物 群 。 记 述 了 西 裂 隙 动 物 群 中 的 李 氏 野猪 (Sus ly- dekkeri), 并 对 李 氏 野 猪 的 地 理 与地 层 分 布 进 行 了 综 述 , 对 李 氏 野 猪 与 其 近 亲之 间 的 关 系 进 行 了 探 讨 。 李 氏 野 猪 主 要 分布 于 华 北 、 东 北 和 江 南 , 最 早 出 现 在 下 更 新统 下 部 , 最 晚 可 延 续 到 上 更 新 统 底 部 。 李 氏野 猪 与 早 更 新 世 分 布 在 长 江 以 南 的 裴 氏 猪(S.peii)、 早 更 新 世 和 中 更 新 世 分 布 在 欧 洲和 中 东 的 斯 氏 猪 (S.strozzii) 之 间 的 关 系 很 可能 是 地 理 亚 种 或 仅 仅 是 形 态 种 , 晚 更 新 世 以后 分 布 于 欧 亚 大 陆 的 野 猪 (S.scrofa) 是 它 们的 直 接 后 裔 。2009010442中 国 首 次 发 现 恐 象 化 石 = First Discovery OfDeinothere In China. ( 中 文 ). 邱 占 祥 ; 王 伴 月 ;李 虹 ; 邓 涛 ; 孙 燕 . 古 脊 椎 动 物 学 报 , 2007,46(4): 261-277记 述 了 一 件 恐 象 类 的 下 颌 。 经 查 证 , 该 下颌 产 于 甘 肃 临 夏 州 东 乡 县 班 土 村 晚 中 新 世柳 树 组 底 部 的 砂 岩 透 镜 体 中 。 根 据 联 合 部斜 向 前 下 方 和 p3 具 下 内 尖 等 特 征 , 该 下 颌 被归 入 原 恐 象 属 Prodeinotherium。 该 下 颌 以 p3相 对 于 其 他 颊 齿 特 别 小 、 无 真 正 下 外 脊 而区 别 于 该 属 已 知 各 种 。 这 是 中 国 目 前 所 知惟 一 一 件 恐 象 化 石 , 故 定 名 为 中 华 原 恐 象P.sinense。 恐 象 类 在 欧 洲 、 南 亚 和 非 洲 早一 中 中 新 世 已 广 泛 分 布 , 至 晚 中 新 世 已 十 分进 步 。 中 华 原 恐 象 一 方 面 保 留 了 某 些 早 期恐 象 的 性 状 , 另 一 方 面 又 具 有 一 些 自 身 特 有的 性 状 。 这 表 明 中 华 原 恐 象 可 能 较 早 从 恐象 主 干 中 分 出 , 而 后 成 为 独 立 发 展 起 来 的 一支 。 在 中 国 或 周 边 地 区 早 - 中 中 新 世 地 层 中应 该 还 有 恐 象 化 石 , 等 待 我 们 去 发 现 。2009010443南 京 汤 山 驼 子 洞 鬣 狗 粪 化 石 的 孢 粉 分 析 =Ollen Analysis Of Hyaena Coprolites FromThe Tuozi Cave At Tangshan, Nanjing. ( 中 文 ).郝 瑞 辉 ; 萧 家 仪 ; 房 迎 三 ; 刘 林 敬 ; 仝 秀 芳 . 古 生物 学 报 , 2008, 47(1): 123-128南 京 汤 山 驼 子 洞 洞 穴 堆 积 中 鬣 狗 粪 化 石含 有 相 对 丰 富 的 孢 粉 . 推 测 草 食 性 哺 乳 动物 食 用 带 有 孢 粉 的 植 物 后 . 经 鬣 狗 的 猎杀 、 摄 食 、 消 化 和 排 泄 , 孢 粉 较 好 地 保 存在 鬣 狗 粪 中 。 形 成 粪 化 石 . 成 为 洞 穴 地 层的 组 成 部 分 。 虽 然 鬣 狗 粪 化 石 中 的 孢 粉 含量 不 及 湖 沼 相 地 层 中 丰 富 。 但 有 几 种 植 物的 花 粉 保 存 较 好 且 相 对 集 中 , 如 Pinus.Tsuga .Quercus, Carpinus, Artemisia,Cyperaceae, Polygonum , Polypodiaceae 出 现的 频 率 较 高 。 孢 粉 组 合 揭 示 早 更 新 世 南 京地 区 植 被 主 要 是 草 原 或 森 林 - 草 地 , 气 候 凉干 或 半 干 旱 半 湿 润 . 可 以 和 地 层 中 脊 椎 动物 群 反 映 的 自 然 环 境 相 互 印 证 。 在 研 究 洞穴 古 环 境 的 代 用 指 标 中 , 堆 积 物 中 的 鬣 狗粪 化 石 中 包 含 的 孢 粉 是 比 较 好 的 研 究 对象 , 对 环 境 有 一 定 的 指 示 意 义 。2009010444浙 江 天 台 晚 白 垩 世 伤 齿 龙 (troodontids)蛋 化 石 的 新 发 现 = Late CretaceousTroodontid Eggs From Tiantai, Zhejiang. ( 中文 ). 钱 迈 平 ; 姜 杨 ; 陈 荣 ; 蒋 严 根 ; 张 元 军 ; 邢 光福 . 古 生 物 学 报 , 2008, 47(2): 248-255浙 江 天 台 上 白 垩 统 赤 城 山 组 中 发 掘 出 属伤 齿 龙 类 的 棱 柱 形 蛋 化 石 。 研 究 认 为 , 棱柱 形 蛋 从 伤 齿 龙 类 恐 龙 中 产 出 就 具 有 较 高刚 度 的 蛋 壳 , 可 直 接 插 入 松 软 的 泥 沙 里 ,明 显 区 别 于 其 他 大 多 数 恐 龙 及 现 代 爬 行 类所 产 的 韧 性 蛋 壳 蛋 , 韧 性 蛋 壳 的 恐 龙 蛋 往往 因 重 力 作 用 产 生 变 形 而 呈 扁 球 形 和 扁 椭球 形 。 伤 齿 龙 类 的 棱 柱 形 蛋 的 刚 性 蛋 壳 很接 近 现 代 鸟 蛋 的 蛋 壳 , 暗 示 伤 齿 龙 类 恐 龙生 殖 系 统 在 蛋 壳 形 成 方 面 与 现 代 鸟 类 有 一定 相 似 性 。 同 时 , 伤 齿 龙 类 的 棱 柱 形 蛋 或多 或 少 地 以 向 外 倾 斜 的 形 式 排 布 , 反 映 出伤 齿 龙 类 恐 龙 产 卵 时 可 能 面 向 巢 穴 外 , 是一 种 对 生 存 环 境 的 适 应 行 为 。2009010445中 国 首 次 发 现 恐 象 化 石 = First Discovery OfDeinothere In China. ( 中 文 ). 邱 占 祥 ; 王 伴 月 ;李 虹 ; 邓 涛 ; 孙 燕 . 古 脊 椎 动 物 学 报 , 2007,45(4): 261-277记 述 了 一 件 恐 象 类 的 下 颌 。 经 查 证 , 该下 颌 产 于 甘 肃 临 夏 州 东 乡 县 班 土 村 晚 中 新世 柳 树 组 底 部 的 砂 岩 透 镜 体 中 。 根 据 联 合部 斜 向 前 下 方 和 p3 具 下 内 尖 等 特 征 , 该 下颌 被 归 人 原 恐 象 属 Prodeinotherium。 该 下颌 以 p3 相 对 于 其 他 颊 齿 特 别 小 、 无 真 正 下外 脊 而 区 别 于 该 属 已 知 各 种 。 这 是 中 国 目前 所 知 惟 一 一 件 恐 象 化 石 , 故 定 名 为 中 华原 恐 象 P.sinense。 恐 象 类 在 欧 洲 、 南 亚和 非 洲 早 一 中 中 新 世 已 广 泛 分 布 , 至 晚 中新 世 已 十 分 进 步 。 中 华 原 恐 象 一 方 面 保 留了 某 些 早 期 恐 象 的 性 状 , 另 一 方 面 又 具 有一 些 自 身 特 有 的 性 状 。 这 表 明 中 华 原 恐 象可 能 较 早 从 恐 象 主 干 中 分 出 , 而 后 成 为 独138

立 发 展 起 来 的 一 支 。 在 中 国 或 周 边 地 区 早一 中 中 新 世 地 层 中 应 该 还 有 恐 象 化 石 , 等待 我 们 去 发 现 。2009010446江 西 池 江 盆 地 上 古 新 统 一 种 类 似 偶 蹄 类 的古 有 蹄 类 = Ganungulatum Xincunliense,AnArtiodactyl-Like Mammal ( Ungulata,Mammalia) From The Paleocene, ChijiangBasin, Jiangxi, China. ( 英 文 ). 丁 素 因 ; 孟 津 ;李 茜 ; 王 元 青 ; 童 永 生 ;Schiebout J A; Koch PL; Clyde W C; Bowen G J. 古 脊 椎 动 物 学报 , 2007, 45(4): 278-286奇 蹄 类 和 偶 蹄 类 是 现 代 的 主 要 有 蹄 动物 , 它 们 的 起 源 一 直 是 古 哺 乳 动 物 学 界 关心 的 课 题 。 近 年 来 的 发 现 表 明 , 在 早 始 新世 奇 蹄 类 出 现 之 前 , 亚 洲 已 有 牙 齿 形 态 与奇 蹄 类 相 近 的 有 蹄 类 存 在 。 偶 蹄 类 的 情 况可 能 也 是 如 此 , 这 里 记 述 的 古 新 世 新 村 里赣 蹄 兽 就 是 一 个 明 证 。 新 村 里 赣 蹄 兽( Ganungulatum xincunliense gen . etsp.nov.) 化 石 产 于 江 西 大 余 青 龙 镇 新 村里 附 近 的 晚 古 新 世 池 江 组 滥 泥 坑 段 , 化 石地 点 编 号 为 72035(76)。 在 同 一 地 点 还 发现 南 方 古 对 锥 兽 Archaeoryctes notialisZheng,1979 和 滥 泥 坑 赣 脊 兽 Canolophuslanikenensis Zhang,1979。 赣 蹄 兽 材 料为 一 对 不 完 整 的 下 颌 骨 , 右 下 颌 骨 保 存i2 — 3 , c 和 p4-m3 , 左 下 颌 骨 存 有 p3-m3( IVPPV14154 )。 其 特 征 是 下 齿 式 为3?·1·4·3;i3 与 颊 齿 列 平 行 ,i2 稍 有些 斜 ; 犬 齿 小 ;p3 有 初 始 的 跟 座 ,p4 三 角座 明 显 , 跟 座 小 ; 下 臼 齿 为 丘 形 齿 , 牙 齿由 m1 向 m3 增 大 , 三 角 座 前 后 收 缩 , 下 前尖 位 于 舌 侧 , 并 靠 近 下 后 尖 , 下 后 尖 较 下原 尖 靠 后 ,m3 有 一 增 大 的 跟 座 , 跟 盆 向 舌侧 开 放 。 新 村 里 赣 蹄 兽 下 颊 齿 低 冠 , 呈 丘形 齿 , 下 臼 齿 三 角 座 前 后 收 缩 和 m3 下 次 小尖 增 大 等 特 征 , 说 明 了 赣 蹄 兽 与 亚 洲 古 新世 地 层 中 常 见 的 真 兽 类 , 例 如 狃 兽 类 、 裂齿 类 、 中 兽 类 和 全 齿 类 不 同 , 而 与 Protheroet a1.(1988) 提 出 的 有 蹄 类 (Ungulata)牙 齿 相 似 , 表 现 出 与 某 些 有 蹄 类 密 切 相关 。 与 已 知 的 晚 白 垩 世 和 古 新 世 有 蹄 类 比较 , 赣 蹄 兽 与 “ 踝 节 类 ”( “ condylarths ” ) 中 的 豕 齿 类(hyopsodontids) 和 昧 兽 类 (mioclaenids)比 较 相 近 。 但 从 其 下 犬 齿 小 ,p4 相 对 较大 , 臼 齿 化 程 度 高 , 以 及 下 臼 齿 下 前 尖 在舌 面 位 置 和 与 下 后 尖 接 近 等 特 征 来 看 , 赣蹄 兽 更 接 近 mioclaenids 。 修 仁 古 亚 兽(Palasiodon siurensis) 是 亚 洲 仅 有 的mioclaenid, 产 于 广 东 南 雄 盆 地 下 古 新 统 上湖 组 , 但 在 牙 齿 形 态 上 容 易 与 这 里 记 述 的赣 蹄 兽 区 别 , 古 亚 兽 下 颊 齿 短 宽 ,m3 很 退化 。 与 其 他 已 知 的 mioclaenids 比 较 , 赣 蹄兽 在 大 小 上 和 牙 齿 形 态 上 与 北 美 Torrejonian的 Litaletes disjunctus 最 接 近 , 两 者 都有 小 的 匙 状 的 下 犬 齿 , 相 对 臼 齿 化 的 p4,下 臼 齿 下 前 尖 向 舌 侧 位 移 , 前 、 后 齿 带 无或 很 弱 ,m3 增 大 。 但 赣 蹄 兽 明 显 不 同 于L.disjunctus, 前 者 p3 更 小 , 更 简 单 ,p4下 前 尖 更 小 , 跟 座 不 成 盆 状 , 下 臼 齿 下 前尖 较 大 , 更 加 舌 位 , 并 与 下 后 尖 靠 近 , 下后 尖 在 下 原 尖 的 后 侧 ,m3 下 内 尖 不 明 显 。由 此 可 见 , 赣 蹄 兽 下 颊 齿 和 已 知 的 “ 踝 节类 ” 是 可 以 区 别 的 , 但 更 重 要 的 区 别 点 是在 下 颌 骨 的 前 面 部 分 。 在 与 arctocyonids、hyopsodontids 和 phenacodontids 等 “ 踝 节类 ” 对 比 时 , 我 们 发 现 赣 蹄 兽 和 “ 踝 节类 ” 之 间 的 重 大 差 异 在 于 下 门 齿 的 排 列上 。 这 些 “ 踝 节 类 ” 的 三 个 下 门 齿 密 集 地排 列 在 下 颌 骨 的 前 端 , 呈 圆 弧 状 , 与 颊 齿列 斜 交 , 而 赣 蹄 兽 的 i3 与 颊 齿 列 平 行 ,i2稍 斜 。 赣 蹄 兽 下 门 齿 的 排 列 形 式 与 早 期 偶蹄 类 Diacodexis pakistanensis 相 似 , 在亚 洲 始 新 世 的 Gobiohyus robustus 和Lophiomeryx angarae 也 有 类 似 的 情 况 。 赣蹄 兽 与 Diacodexis、Gobiohyus 和 Wutuhyus等 早 期 的 偶 蹄 类 的 相 似 之 处 还 在 于 下 颌 骨形 态 , 较 细 长 , 较 浅 , 下 颌 骨 深 度 向 前 变浅 , 下 臼 齿 向 后 增 大 , 下 前 尖 在 舌 面 位置 , 下 后 尖 在 下 原 尖 的 后 面 ,m1-2 下 次 小尖 在 后 缘 上 ,m3 下 次 小 尖 增 大 , 并 形 成 第三 叶 。 但 在 p3—4 形 态 上 , 赣 蹄 兽 与 这 些 早期 偶 蹄 类 不 同 , 赣 蹄 兽 明 显 比 早 期 偶 蹄 类复 杂 , 即 臼 齿 化 程 度 较 高 。 赣 蹄 兽 保 留 了像 某 些 “ 踝 节 类 ”( 如 Litaletes) 的 p3—4, 而 它 的 下 门 齿 排 列 却 与 早 期 偶 蹄 类 相似 。 赣 蹄 兽 下 臼 齿 形 态 与 早 期 偶 蹄 类 具 有相 似 性 , 因 而 不 能 归 入 “ 踝 节 目 ” 已 知科 , 很 有 可 能 代 表 与 偶 蹄 类 相 关 的 一 支 古有 蹄 类 。 赣 蹄 兽 的 发 现 也 为 偶 蹄 类 起 源 打开 了 新 思 路 。2009010447黑 犀 ( 奇 蹄 目 , 犀 科 ) 化 石 在 中 国 的 首 次发 现 = First Discovery Of Diceros(Perissodactyla, Rhinocerotidae) In China.( 中 文 ). 邓 涛 ; 邱 占 祥 . 古 脊 椎 动 物 学 报 , 2007,45(4): 287-306139

黑 犀 (Diceros 属 ) 的 惟 一 现 生 代 表D.bicornis 生 活 在 非 洲 。 该 属 在 新 近 纪 时期 曾 广 泛 分 布 于 希 腊 、 土 耳 其 和 伊 朗 等 地区 , 但 从 未 在 东 亚 地 区 发 现 过 。 新 种 甘 肃黑 犀 (Diceros gansuensi sp.nov.) 是该 属 在 中 国 和 东 亚 的 首 次 发 现 。 化 石 采 自甘 肃 临 夏 盆 地 晚 中 新 世 柳 树 组 中 部 。 新 种以 尺 寸 较 小 、 头 型 短 、 枕 顶 高 耸 、 枕 面 窄而 高 、 枕 嵴 无 中 沟 、 副 枕 突 短 小 、 下 颌 上升 支 距 n13 较 近 、 前 臼 齿 较 小 、DP1 无 后脊 、P2 原 脊 孤 立 、P2 和 P3 后 脊 细 窄 而 区别 于 东 地 中 海 地 区 的 Diceros neumayri。D.neumayri 的 分 类 位 置 一 直 是 一 个 争 论 的焦 点 , 曾 在 黑 犀 (Diceros 属 ) 和 白 犀(Ceratotherium 属 ) 之 间 反 复 变 更 。 研 究显 示 , 甘 肃 黑 犀 和 D.neumayri 的 一 系 列共 同 的 原 始 特 征 表 明 它 们 与 更 进 步 的 白 犀有 明 显 的 区 别 , 应 该 归 入 黑 犀 属 。2009010448新 疆 东 北 部 晚 侏 罗 世 一 新 的 柱 齿 兽 = ANew ate Jurassic Docodont (Mammalia)From Northeastern Xinjiang, China. ( 英 文 ).胡 耀 明 ; 孟 津 ;Clark J M. 古 脊 椎 动 物 学报 , 2007, 45(3): 173-194描 述 了 哺 乳 纲 柱 齿 兽 目 柱 齿 兽 科(Docodontidae,Docodonta,Mammalia)一 新 属 种 —— 孙 氏 尖 钝 齿 兽 (Acuodulodonsunae gen.et sp.nov.)。 标 本 产 于 新 疆东 北 部 准 噶 尔 盆 地 五 彩 湾 地 区 上 侏 罗 统 牛津 阶 石 树 沟 组 上 部 (159—161 Ma), 为 一不 完 整 左 下 颌 骨 及 齿 列 。 新 属 下 臼 齿 具 柱齿 兽 类 典 型 特 征 : 齿 尖 b 位 于 齿 尖 a 前 方 ;齿 尖 c 位 于 齿 尖 a 后 舌 侧 ; 齿 尖 a 前 舌 侧 发 育有 齿 尖 g。 不 同 于 其 他 柱 齿 兽 , 新 属 下 臼 齿无 齿 尖 e 和 齿 脊 b—e。 齿 尖 g 和 齿 脊 b-g 很 快被 磨 蚀 掉 而 齿 尖 a 和 c 却 能 保 持 尖 锐 状 态 ,表 明 该 动 物 的 臼 齿 在 生 活 中 具 备 并 保 持 切割 和 碾 压 双 重 功 能 。 基 于 下 臼 齿 性 状 特 征的 系 统 发 育 分 析 表 明 , 柱 齿 兽 目 作 为 一 单系 类 群 具 有 显 著 的 鉴 定 特 征 。 其 中 尖 钝 齿兽 和 Itatodon + ( Simpsonodon ,Castorocauda + ( Tegotherium +Sibirotherium)) 形 成 一 单 系 子 类 群 ; 但tegotheriids 各 分 子 未 形 成 独 立 于 柱 齿 兽 科 的单 系 类 群 。 尖 钝 齿 兽 的 下 颌 齿 骨 亦 为 典 型的 柱 齿 兽 类 型 。 齿 骨 内 侧 下 部 近 腹 缘 有 浅的 齿 后 骨 槽 和 宽 大 的 内 侧 脊 , 但 两 者 未 延伸 到 下 颌 关 节 髁 的 基 柄 部 。 这 表 明 尖 钝 齿兽 的 齿 后 骨 与 齿 骨 的 连 接 比 摩 根 齿 兽 类 更为 松 散 , 其 中 耳 在 进 化 上 更 接 近 真 正 意 义上 的 哺 乳 动 物 中 耳 。2009010449内 蒙 古 晚 始 新 世 的 仓 鼠 化 石 = Late EoceneCricetids (Rodentia, Mammalia) From NeiMongol, China. ( 中 文 ). 王 伴 月 . 古 脊 椎 动 物学 报 , 2007, 45(3): 195-212描 述 了 产 自 内 蒙 古 晚 始 新 世 地 层 中 的 3属 5 种 仓 鼠 化 石 (Pappocricetodonantiquus , Pappocricetodon sp . ,Pappocricetodon ? sp .,Eocricetodonboreali sp . nov . 和 Oxynocricetodonerenensis sp . nov .), 建 立 了Eocricetodon 和 Oxynocricetodon 两 个 新属 。Eocricetodon 属 的 特 点 是 : 齿 尖 较钝 , 横 脊 较 细 ;M1 前 叶 中 等 大 小 , 前 边 尖单 一 , 原 尖 前 臂 伸 达 前 边 尖 , 原 脊 与 原 尖后 臂 连 , 后 脊 与 次 尖 连 ;m1 三 角 座 特 别 短而 窄 等 。Eocricetodon borealis 的 特 点是 :M1 前 叶 相 对 更 细 窄 , 具 明 显 的 原 小尖 。m1 下 原 尖 和 下 后 尖 位 置 彼 此 相 对 ,m1和 m2 的 下 次 脊 与 下 次 尖 连 等 。Oxynocricetodon 属 的 主 要 特 征 为 : 颊 齿 具相 对 较 细 锐 的 主 尖 和 较 细 长 的 横 脊 ; 上 臼齿 原 脊 和 后 脊 均 为 前 连 ;M1 前 叶 较 大 ; 前边 尖 孤 立 ; 原 尖 前 臂 不 伸 达 前 边 尖 等 。Oxynocricetodon erenensis 的 特 征 主 要是 :M1 前 边 尖 为 较 大 的 新 月 形 ; 无 中 脊 和中 附 尖 ;M1 和 M2 无 原 尖 后 臂 ;M3 较 少退 化 等 。 对 早 期 仓 鼠 的 演 化 趋 势 作 了 归 纳和 补 充 。 讨 论 了 产 仓 鼠 化 石 地 点 的 地 层 的时 代 . 认 为 额 尔 登 敖 包 的 乌 兰 戈 楚 组 的“ 下 白 层 ” 的 时 代 较 二 连 浩 特 的 呼 尔 井 组的 稍 早 , 为 晚 始 新 世 的 较 早 期 , 而 呼 尔 井组 的 时 代 为 晚 始 新 世 的 较 晚 期 。2009010450记 甘 肃 和 内 蒙 古 新 发 现 的 中 华 马 化 石 =New Materials Of Sinohippus From GansuAnd Nei Mongol, China. ( 中 文 ). 侯 素 宽 ; 邓 涛 ;何 文 ; 陈 善 勤 . 古 脊 椎 动 物 学 报 , 2007, 45(3):213-231结 合 甘 肃 临 夏 盆 地 和 内 蒙 古 四 子 王 旗 发现 的 新 材 料 及 之 前 发 现 的 材 料 , 辨 认 出 中国 晚 中 新 世 三 趾 马 地 层 中 的 大 型 中 华 马 与其 他 安 琪 马 类 的 显 著 区 别 : 下 门 齿 前 倾 ,第 一 对 下 门 齿 大 而 粗 壮 , 第 二 对 比 第 一 对稍 小 , 第 三 对 非 常 小 ; 前 臼 齿 列 及 臼 齿 列的 宽 度 分 别 向 前 和 向 后 明 显 变 小 ; 下 前 脊长 , 下 外 谷 与 齿 列 长 轴 近 垂 直 ;m3 第 三 叶140

退 化 。 确 定 Sinohippus 为 一 有 效 属 。 重 新对 中 国 晚 中 新 世 的 安 琪 马 类 材 料 整 理 和 分类 , 建 立 新 种 Sinohippus robustus。 简 要分 析 了 低 冠 的 中 华 马 与 高 冠 的 三 趾 马 共 生的 生 态 学 意 义 。2009010451蔚 县 盆 地 牛 头 山 ( 铺 路 ) 剖 面 晚 上 新 世 /早 更 新 世 小 哺 乳 动 物 = Plio-PleistoceneSmall Mammals From The NiutoushanSection Of The Yuxian Basin, China. ( 中 文 ).蔡 保 全 ; 郑 绍 华 ; 李 强 . 古 脊 椎 动 物 学 报 , 2007,45(3): 232-245牛 头 山 (= 铺 路 ) 剖 面 6 个 含 化 石 层 位中 , 第 3、6、9 和 第 12 层 为 晚 上 新 世 , 第15 、 16 层 为 早 更 新 世 。 晚 上 新 世 以Hypolagus,Nannocricetus mongolicus,Sinocricetus progressus ,Mesosiphneus , Pliosiphneus ,Pseudomeriones complicidens,Micromystedfordi 等 的 最 后 绝 灭 为 特 征 ; 早 更 新 世以 Allophaiomys deucalion ,Yangia 等 的出 现 为 特 征 。 根 据 岩 石 地 层 和 小 哺 乳 动 物组 合 分 析 , 该 剖 面 上 新 世 / 更 新 世 界 限 应在 第 12-13 层 之 间 。 根 据 动 物 组 合 或 动 物群 的 对 比 , 将 牛 头 山 剖 面 、 钱 家 沙 洼 村 的洞 沟 剖 面 与 小 水 沟 剖 面 、 东 窑 子 头 村 的 大南 沟 剖 面 及 稻 地 村 的 老 窝 沟 剖 面 的 不 同 层位 进 行 了 时 代 排 序 。2009010452乌 拉 圭 东 北 部 晚 更 新 世 哺 乳 动 物 的Stegomastodon waringi = Stegomastodonwaringi (Mammalia, Proboscidea) from theLate Pleistocene of northeastern Uruguay. ( 英文 ). Alberdi M T; Prado J L; Perea D; UbillaM. Neues Jahrbuch fur Geologie u.Palaontologie / Abhandlungen, 2007, 243(2):179-189Fossil remains belonging to Proboscideafrom the Cerro Largo Department, aredescribed and tazonomically identified in thiswark. We compared these remains with thoseof Stegomastodon waringi and Stegomastodonplatensis from several localities in Brazil andArgentina using Discriminant Analysis. Basedon general morphology and the results ofmultivariate analyses we considered thisspecimen as Stegomastodon waringi, whichalong with previous reports significantlyexpand the southern geographic distribution ofthis gomphothere species in South America.2009010453西 班 牙 巴 伦 西 亚 省 Venta del Moro 的 三 趾马 = Hipparion (Equidae, Mammalia) fromVenta del Moro (Valencia Province, Spain).( 英 文 ). Pesquero M D; Alberdi M T; MontoyaP. Neues Jahrbuch fur Geologie u.Palaontologie / Abhandlungen, 2007, 243(3):273-297The abundant record of Vallesian andTurolian Hipparion has given rise to aproliferation of taxonomic names andconsiderable systematic confusion. Such is thecase with specimens from venta del Moro(MN13). Those identified as Hiparion (similarto those from the Layna Locality) includ H.primigenium, the large-sized form, with a laterindication of the possible presence of H.primigenium, H. gromovae and anotherdistinct form called Hiparion sp. I. Thesespecimens hve even been assigned to H. cf. H.dietrichi. These results suggest extensivedispersion of H. matthewi and the persistenceof H. primigenium in Spain throughout theend of the Miocene.2009010454食 虫 类 和 翼 手 类 化 石 在 内 蒙 古 上 始 新 统 首次 发 现 = First Record Of Late EoceneInsectivores And Chiropters From NeiMongol, China. ( 中 文 ). 王 伴 月 . 古 脊 椎 动 物学 报 , 2008, 46(4): 249-264描 述 了 2 种 食 虫 类 化 石 (Anatolechinosneimongolensis gen . etsp . nov .,lctopidium lechei),1 刺 猬 科 ( 属 、 种未 定 )(Erinaceidae gen.et sp.indet.)和 2 类 属 、 种 未 定 的 蝙 蝠 化 石(Microchiroptera gen.etsp.indet.A 和B)。Anatolechinos gen.nov. 的 主 要 特点 是 : 个 体 较 小 ; 具 pl/1; 颊 齿 齿 冠 低 ,主 齿 尖 低 钝 ;P3-M3 前 附 尖 低 小 ;P3-M2的 后 附 尖 脊 短 而 低 , 次 尖 与 后 齿 带 有 棱 相连 , 舌 侧 无 齿 带 ;P3—4 舌 叶 较 长 , 次 尖大 ;P3 次 尖 与 原 尖 有 棱 相 连 ;M1 原 小 尖和 后 小 尖 的 前 、 后 棱 均 较 短 , 次 尖 前 棱 很弱 ;M3 后 小 尖 后 棱 长 ; 下 臼 齿 下 内 尖 棱 短等 。 认 为 原 归 人 齿 鼢 猬 的 Tupaiodonhuadianensis 也 应 归 人 Anatolechinos 新属 。 新 种 A . neimongolensis 与A.huadianensis 的 主 要 区 别 是 其 个 体 较小 , 齿 冠 稍 高 ,p4 无 下 前 边 尖 , 外 齿 带 弱而 不 完 全 等 。 将 Anatolechinos 归 入Ednaceidae 的 Tupaiodontinae。 讨 论 了 内 蒙古 中 一 西 部 在 晚 始 新 世 的 古 生 态 环 境 。2009010455141

Machairodus horribilis Schlosser,,1903 头骨 材 料 记 述 = Description Of Skull MaterialOf Machairodus horribilis Schlosser,,1903.( 中 文 ). 邱 占 祥 ; 史 勤 勤 ; 刘 金 毅 . 古 脊 椎 动 物学 报 , 2008, 46(4): 265-283schlosser 于 1903 年 根 据 不 明 地 点 的 零 散牙 齿 所 创 建 的 Machairodus horribilis 种一 直 没 有 得 到 古 生 物 学 家 们 的 认 同 。 最 近发 现 了 产 自 山 西 保 德 的 两 个 剑 齿 虎 头 骨 及一 件 下 颌 。 其 中 的 m1 和 M.horribilis 者在 大 小 和 形 态 上 都 非 常 接 近 , 据 此 把 上 述新 材 料 归 人 M.horribifis。 在 与 中 国 及 欧洲 已 知 各 种 对 比 后 , 确 信 M.horribilis 应为 一 有 效 种 。2009010456青 海 柴 达 木 盆 地 晚 中 新 世 深 沟 小 哺 乳 动 物群 = Late Miocene Micromammals From TheQaidam Basin In The Qinghai-Xizang Plateau.( 英 文 ). 邱 铸 鼎 ; 李 强 . 古 脊 椎 动 物 学 报 , 2008,46(4): 284-306描 述 了 2002—2005 年 间 在 青 海 德 令 哈 深沟 上 油 砂 山 组 采 集 的 小 哺 乳 动 物 化 石 。 化石 共 有 16 种 , 隶 属 食 虫 目 、 啮 齿 目 和 兔 形目 的 12 科 , 代 表 了 迄 今 青 藏 高 原 发 现 种 类最 多 、 材 料 最 丰 富 的 小 哺 乳 动 物 群 。 深 沟动 物 群 的 组 成 与 陕 西 蓝 田 灞 河 组 下 部 层 位发 现 的 小 哺 乳 动 物 组 合 最 为 接 近 , 两 者 有相 似 的 群 体 结 构 , 共 有 Sciurotamias ,Lophocricetus , Protalactaga ,Myocricetodon , Nannocricetus ,Pararhizomys 和 Ochotorta 7 属 。 但 由 于 深沟 动 物 群 含 有 略 进 步 的 属 、 种 , 其 时 代 似乎 稍 晚 , 很 可 能 属 晚 中 新 世 早 期 , 或 者 中国 陆 生 哺 乳 动 物 时 代 的 保 德 期 早 期 , 与 欧洲 MNl0 上 部 或 MNll 下 部 的 时 代 相 当 。 深 沟动 物 群 指 示 了 一 个 温 带 开 阔 干 旱 草 原 为 主体 的 景 观 。 晚 中 新 世 柴 达 木 盆 地 的 气 候 似乎 没 有 现 在 这 样 干 燥 , 在 草 原 中 尚 有 一 些灌 丛 甚 至 林 地 。 动 物 群 的 组 成 及 所 指 示 的生 态 环 境 都 表 明 , 青 藏 高 原 在 中 新 世 以 后有 过 较 大 幅 度 的 上 升 。 深 沟 动 物 群 中 含 有一 鼠 科 新 种 — — 细 弱 许 氏 鼠(Huerzelerimys exiguus sp.nov.)。Huerzelerimys 属 过 去 只 发 现 于 欧 洲 , 新 种为 该 属 在 亚 洲 的 首 次 发 现 。 其 特 征 为 : 与现 知 最 小 种 H.minor 相 比 , 其 臼 齿 更 小 ,M1 中 t1 的 位 置 相 对 靠 后 ,t6 和 t9 间 有 超 过50% 的 标 本 具 一 弱 脊 连 接 ,m1 和 m2 的 唇侧 齿 带 狭 窄 、 附 尖 弱 小 。 Ochotonomaprimitiva(Zheng&Li,1982) 是 动 物 群 中较 为 多 见 的 一 种 鼠 兔 。 该 种 最 先 发 现 于 甘肃 天 祝 , 并 作 为 Ochotona 属 描 述 。 正 型 地点 的 标 本 不 多 , 但 尺 寸 和 形 态 完 全 落 入 深沟 标 本 的 变 异 范 围 , 因 此 认 为 同 属 一 种 。该 种 的 特 征 增 订 为 : 中 等 大 小 的 鼠 兔 。P2冠 面 长 三 角 形 , 舌 侧 长 度 明 显 大 。p3 的 下前 边 尖 宽 大 , 一 般 具 有 两 个 前 褶 或 凹 槽 ,而 且 至 少 有 一 褶 具 水 泥 质 充 填 物 ; 连 接 前边 尖 和 后 边 尖 间 的 齿 桥 (dentine isthmus)宽 ; 前 褶 (paraflexis) 比 O.anatolica 的短 而 狭 窄 , 向 后 延 伸 没 有 0.csarnotana 的那 样 明 显 。2009010457陕 西 蓝 田 晚 中 新 世 灞 河 组 的 仓 鼠 化 石 =Late Miocene Cricetids From The BaheFormation, Lantian, Shaanxi Provicen. ( 英 文 ).张 兆 群 ; 郑 绍 华 ; 刘 丽 萍 . 古 脊 椎 动 物 学报 , 2008, 46(4): 307-316陕 西 蓝 田 是 我 国 晚 中 新 世 地 层 发 育 最 完整 的 地 区 之 一 。 新 近 纪 哺 乳 动 物 分 期 中 的灞 河 期 即 根 据 该 地 区 灞 河 组 发 现 的 化 石 而命 名 。1997 至 2001 年 度 的 中 芬 合 作 在 灞 河组 发 现 大 量 的 新 层 位 与 化 石 标 本 。 连 续 的地 层 剖 面 与 大 量 的 化 石 资 料 为 进 一 步 认 识晚 中 新 世 哺 乳 动 物 的 演 化 历 史 提 供 了 很 好的 基 础 。 灞 河 组 发 现 的 仓 鼠 可 以 归 入 两 个属 : 微 仓 鼠 Nannocricetus 和 科 氏 仓 鼠Kowalskia。 微 仓 鼠 的 分 布 时 限 较 长 , 从 灞河 组 的 底 部 到 中 上 部 层 位 , 古 地 磁 研 究 指示 其 年 代 为 10.2~8Ma。 根 据 形 态 特 征 与测 量 数 据 , 发 现 的 微 仓 鼠 标 本 被 归 入 同 一种 Nannocricetus primitivus。 其 主 要 特征 有 : 个 体 很 小 ;ml 的 下 前 边 尖 在 中 度 或重 度 磨 蚀 的 标 本 上 呈 单 尖 ,metalophulid I存 在 , 但 metalophulidII 缺 如 ;M1 前 边 尖 与原 尖 单 连 接 ; M3 很 退 化 。 与Nannocricetus mongolicus 相 比 ,m1 的 下前 边 尖 更 少 分 开 , 且 在 唇 侧 有 向 后 延 伸 的弱 脊 , 下 前 小 脊 很 弱 或 缺 失 ,m2 的 舌 侧 前边 尖 较 发 育 ,M1 前 边 尖 与 原 尖 单 连 接 ,M3 次 尖 较 发 育 且 缺 失 后 尖 。 推 测Nannocricetus primitivus 是N.mongolicus 的 直 接 祖 先 类 型 , 向 后 者 转换 的 时 间 大 约 发 生 在 7~8Ma。 根 据 新 的 化石 材 料 重 新 修 订 了 微 仓 鼠 的 属 征 : 个 体 很小 的 仓 鼠 ; 上 臼 齿 的 中 脊 与 下 臼 齿 的 下 中脊 完 全 缺 失 或 极 不 发 育 ;m1 下 前 边 尖 呈 单尖 或 较 少 分 开 ;m2 的 下 次 尖 靠 舌 侧 , 使 得rye2 的 后 部 较 窄 ,m2 中 原 谷 向 前 延 伸 不 太远 ;M3 很 退 化 。 科 氏 仓 鼠 的 标 本 很 少 , 仅142

发 现 在 剖 面 的 上 部 , 其 时 代 稍 早 于 8Ma,与 云 南 禄 丰 的 年 代 大 致 相 当 , 是 目 前 中 国发 现 的 最 早 纪 录 之 一 。 推 测 科 氏 仓 鼠 在8Ma 前 从 欧 洲 迁 移 至 中 国 。历 史 地 质 学 、 地 层 学综 论2009010458针 状 泉 华 起 源 和 发 育 的 非 生 物 — 生 物 控制 : 新 西 兰 Waiotapu 地 区 ChampagnePool 原 位 生 长 实 验 = Abiotic – bioticcontrols on the origin and development ofspicular sinter: in situ growth experiments,Champagne Pool, Waiotapu, New Zealand.( 英 文 ). Handley K M; Campbell K A;Mountain B W; Browne P R L.Geobiology, 2005, 3(2): 93 - 114Abiotic – biotic mechanisms ofmicrostromatolitic spicular sinter (geyseritic)initiation and development were elucidated byin situ growth experiments at ChampagnePool (75 °C, pH 5.5). Siliceous sinter formedsubaerially on glass slides placed along themargin of the hot spring. Environment –silica–microbe interactions were revealed byperiodic collections of incremental sintergrowth that formed under a range ofenvironmental conditions includingquiescence vs. wave turbulence, and wind–evaporation vs. steam–condensation. Sintersurfaces were intermittently colonized byvoluminous networks of filamentous microorganisms,with submicron diameters, thatprovided an extensive surface area for silicadeposition. The subaerial distribution of sinterand its textures reflected micron- tocentimetre-scale differences in environmentalconditions, particularly relating to the balancebetween wave-supplied dissolved silica and itsprecipitation, forced by cooling andevaporation. A continuum of sinter texturesformed, representing rates of silicaprecipitation that either out-paced biofilmgrowth or regulated the structuraldevelopment of biofilms, and hence also thenature of microbially templated sinter.Massive laminae of porous, filamentousnetworksinter and/or fenestrae (up to 10's ofmicrons in thickness and diameter) formed atrelatively low rates of silica deposition(approximately 0.2 mg slide −1 day −1 ). At highrates (>1.9 mg slide −1 day −1 ), densely packed,granular or nonporous sinter formed, withfilament networks disappearing into thesiliceous matrix and becoming imperceptibleunder scanning electron microscopy (SEM).Furthermore, spicules were nucleated byfilamentous microcolonies, where theirdiscrete conical morphologies were preservedby accretion of thin sinter laminae.Microstromatolitic spicular growth ensued atfluctuating low to high rates of silicaprecipitation. Greater apical sinter build-up,and hence upward polarity, resulted fromfocused microbial recolonization andprogressively greater subaerial exposure atmicrospicule tips. The biogenic origin ofspicular sinter at Champagne Pool clearlydemonstrates that micron-scale biofilms,displaying self-organization patterns commonto both biofilms and microbial mats, can be anessential factor in shaping characteristiccentimetre-scale sinter macrostructures. Thesefindings suggest that a biogenic origin forgeyserites elsewhere should also beconsidered. Moreover, results corroborate thesupposition that microbially generated surfaceroughness may be significant for stromatolitemorphogenesis in cryptic Precambriancarbonates.2009010459尾 矿 湖 中 微 生 物 驱 动 的 生 酸 反 应 =Microbially driven acidity generation in atailings lake. ( 英 文 ). Bernier L; Warren L A.Geobiology, 2005, 3(2): 115-133In situ characterization and geochemicalmodelling of acid generation in a mine tailingslake (Moose Lake, ON, Canada) over a 2-yearperiod (2001–2002; surficial lake pyrrhotiteslurry disposal initiated in 2002) show thatbacteria significantly impact acidity behaviourthrough particle-associated S oxidation andthat they do so under conditions that differfrom those controlling abiotic pathways.Seasonal epilimnetic pH decreases occurred inboth years, decreasing from approximately 3.5in May to 2.8 by September (2001) or July(2002). Epilimnetic acid generation rates weredepth-dependent, with maximal rates observednot at the surface of lake where O 2concentrations were highest, but rather withina geochemically reactive zone (approximately1 m thick) of steep, decreasing O 2 gradientsand dynamic Fe and S geochemistry in thelower epilimnetic region of the lake. Acidgeneration occurred dominantly throughparticle rather than aqueous pathways, butmodel predictions of acid generation viaabiotic pyrrhotite oxidation involving eitherO 2 or ferric iron (Fe 3+ ) predicted neither theobserved rates nor the depths at which143

maximal rates occurred. In contrast, modelpredictions based on microbial pathwaysinvolving both O 2 and ferric iron (Fe 3+ ) agreedextremely well with both the observed depthprofile of H + generation and the observed ratesat any given depth. Imaging showed extensivemicrobial colonization of epilimneticassociatedpyrrhotite particles commonly withsignificant biofilm formation. FISH(fluorescence in situ hybridization) probing ofthe community in both pelagic and particlecompartments indicated mixed communitiesoccurred in both, and that Acidithiobacillusspp. accounted for 2 – 46% of the totalcommunity in either compartment. Initiationof pyrrhotite slurry discharge at the lakesurface in 2002 was accompanied by a relativeincrease in the number of particle-associatedmicrobes, as well as a relative proportionaldecrease of Acidithiobacillus spp. in the totalmicrobial community. Given the widespreadoccurrence of bacteria across miningenvironments, the implications of our resultsextend beyond this specific site and providenew insight into bacterially driven processescontributing to bulk system characteristicswhich are not currently well constrained.2009010460有 氧 和 缺 氧 环 境 中 化 能 自 养 型 微 生 物 生 物量 合 成 的 能 量 需 求 的 热 力 学 评 价 = Athermodynamic assessment of energyrequirements for biomass synthesis bychemolithoautotrophic micro-organisms inoxic and anoxic environments. ( 英 文 ).McCollom T M; Amend J P.Geobiology, 2005, 3(2): 135 - 144The flow of metabolic energy is arguablythe most fundamental property governingecosystem structure. In many microbialcommunities, particularly those that inhabitenvironments with little input of exogenousorganic matter such as submarinehydrothermal systems and deep subsurfaceenvironments, chemolithoautotrophicorganisms generate most of the organic matteravailable to support heterotrophic growth. Inthese environments, inorganic chemicalreactions constitute the main source of energyinput to the system, and the conversion ofchemical energy to biomass bychemolithoautotrophs exerts a prominentcontrol on the size, composition, and trophicstructure of the biological community. Arigorous accounting of energy flow would aidin understanding the potential biologicalproductivity of chemolithoautotrophiccommunities and help clarify the limits tohabitability in geothermal and subsurfaceenvironments. In a step towards achieving amore complete accounting of energy flow insuch communities, we present herecomputations to quantify the amount ofthermodynamic energy required to synthesizethe molecular components of biomass and tocompare the relative energy requirementsunder oxic and anoxic conditions. The resultssuggest that only about 10% or less of theoverall energy consumed during growth bychemolithoautotrophs is transformed directlyinto biomass. In addition, the results indicateaerobic organisms require approximately17 kJ (g cells) −1 more energy than anaerobesto synthesize the same biomass. Thisadvantage may help explain why anaerobicorganisms appear to yield greater biomass perunit energy input than aerobic organisms inlaboratory growth studies, and why anaerobicmicro-organisms can exist where the energyyield from catabolism is extremely low.2009010461生 物 地 球 化 学 梯 度 中 的 微 生 物 活 动 —— 研究 的 新 方 面 = Microbial activity inbiogeochemical gradients – new aspects ofresearch. ( 英 文 ). Kappler A; Emerson D;Edwards K; Amend J P; Gralnick J A;Grathwohl P; Hoehler T; Straub K L.Geobiology, 2005, 3(3): 229 - 233In April 2004, the German ResearchFoundation (DFG) and the National ScienceFoundation (NSF) co-organized a meeting forUS and German junior geoscientists inWashington DC. As an outcome of thisResearch Conference titled 'Earth, Fire, Water,Air and Life', a follow-up workshop tookplace in May 2005 at the Eberhard-KarlsUniversity of Tuebingen in Germany. Thisworkshop covered new aspects of research toimprove the understanding of steepbiogeochemical gradients covering pHchanges, redox zones, as well as solute andparticulate concentration variations in aqueoussystems. Detailed understanding ofbiogeochemistry in this context delivers newfundamental aspects in interdisciplinaryresearch. Such work is also urgently needed tocontrol ever-increasing scarcity of water thatis to large parts driven by decreasing waterquality. Research ideas on gradients in abiogeochemical context that were discussedby a subgroup of biogeochemists during thatworkshop are summarized and presented here.144

2009010462深 埋 的 海 洋 沉 积 物 中 微 生 物 的 分 层 反 映 硫酸 盐 / 甲 烷 剖 面 的 变 化 = Microbialstratification in deeply buried marine sedimentreflects changes in sulfate/methane profiles.( 英 文 ). Biddle J F; House C H; Brenchley J E.Geobiology, 2005, 3(4): 287-295We examined sediments collected at OceanDrilling Program (ODP) Leg 201 Site 1229 onthe Peru Margin for microbial populationsthroughout the sediment column.Heterotrophic cultivation from thesesediments yielded numerous colonies fromvarious depths, including 49 bacterial isolates.At ODP Site 1229, there are significantinterfaces of sulfate and methane, acrosswhich microbial cell numbers increasesubstantially. At these sulfate/methanetransition zones (SMTZs), however, weobserved a decrease in the success rate for thecultivation of bacterial colonies. Utilizing bothdirect plating and enrichment in differentmedia, we cultivated isolates from the upperSMTZ around 30 m below seafloor (mbsf);however, similar attempts yielded no coloniesfrom within the lower zone at 85 mbsf. Thephylogenetic relationships of the 16S rRNAgene sequences for the isolates weredetermined and most were related to otherorganisms and sequences previously found inthe subsurface belonging to the γ-Proteobacteria, cytophaga–flavobacterium–bacteroides, high G + C Gram-positives, andFirmicutes groups. The most diverse group ofisolates from Site 1229 was found between theSMTZs at 50 mbsf. ODP Leg 201 Site 1228was examined for comparison and yielded anadditional 18 isolates from 16 to 179 mbsf thatwere similar to those found at Site 1229.Direct plating at Site 1228 also showeddecreased colony formation in the area ofsulfate/methane transition. Our results suggestthat heterotrophic bacterial populations areaffected by SMTZs in deeply buried sediment.2009010463深 海 沉 积 的 地 质 微 生 物 学 : 从 低 温 海 床 岩 石和 矿 物 估 计 群 落 分 异 度 = Geomicrobiologyof deep-sea deposits: estimating communitydiversity from low-temperature seafloor rocksand minerals. ( 英 文 ). Rogers D R; Santelli CM; Edwards K J. Geobiology, 2003, 1(2): 109-117The role of deep-sea microbial communitiesin the weathering of hydrothermal ventdeposits is assessed using mineralogical andmolecular biological techniques. Thephylogenetic diversity of varied deep-sea barerock habitats associated with the oceanicspreading centre at the Juan de Fuca Ridgewas accessed using restriction fragment lengthpolymorphism (RFLP) and rDNA sequencing.The mineralogical composition of the depositsused for phylogenetic analysis was determinedby X-ray diffraction in order to determine theproportion and composition of sulphideminerals, and to determine degree of alterationassociated with each sample. RFLP analysesresulted in 15 unique patterns, or OperationalTaxonomic Units (OTUs). Most environmentsexamined were dominated by only one or twoOTUs, which often comprised approximately60% of the rDNA clones generated from thatenvironment. Only one environment, theMound, had a representative rDNA clone fromevery OTU identified in this study. For oneother environment, ODP sediments, rDNAclones were all contained in a single OTU.The diversity of the microbial community isfound to decrease with decreasing reactivity ofthe sulphide component in the samples andwith increasing presence of alteration products.Phylogenetic analyses reveal that OTUscontain representatives of the epsilon-, betaandgamma-subdivisions of the Proteobacteria.OTU1, which dominates clone libraries fromevery environment and is increasinglydominant with increasing rock alteration, isclosely related to a group ofchemolithoautotrophic iron-oxidizing bacteriathat have been recently isolated from the deepsea. The apparent abundance and widespreaddistribution within the samples examined ofthe putative iron-oxidizing bacteria that maybe represented by OTU1 suggests that thisphysiological group could play an importantrole in rock-weathering and carbon fixation atthe seafloor.2009010464现 代 叠 层 石 型 核 形 石 中 微 生 物 钙 化 作 用 和后 生 动 物 生 物 侵 蚀 作 用 之 间 的 平 衡 =Balance between microbial calcification andmetazoan bioerosion in modern stromatoliticoncolites. ( 英 文 ). Garcia-Pichel F; Al-HoraniF A; Farmer J D; Ludwig R; Wade B D.Geobiology, 2004, 2(1): 49-57Stromatolites date back some 3.5 billionyears and constitute the most common andconspicuous fossils through the Proterozoic.These organosedimentary structures decreaseddramatically in diversity and abundance by thelate Neoproterozoic, a phenomenon oftenascribed to destructive grazing by newly145

evolved metazoans. We investigated theconcurrent processes of microbial calcificationand metazoan bioerosion in one of the fewlocations (Rio Mesquites, Cuatro Ciénegas,Coahuila, Mexico) where living freshwaterstromatolites, formed by cyanobacteria anddiatoms, coexist with significant populationsof metazoan grazers. We used microsensorchemical profiling and monitoring of bulkwater Ca 2+ concentrations to determinecalcification rates and their dependence onmicrobial metabolism. The bioerosive impactresulting from grazing by endemic hydrobiidgastropods was assessed by gravimetricquantification of carbonaceous faecal pelletproduction. Calcification was clearly lightdependent,reaching maximal rates (saturation)at low incident light intensity, and wassurprisingly efficient, with O 2 /Ca 2+ exchangeratios well above unity, and with absoluterates similar to those found in corals. However,the erosive action of grazing snails removedmost of these carbonate inputs from theoncolites. Thus, a precarious balance betweenconstructive and destructive geobiologicalprocesses was at play in the system. The factthat accretion barely exceeded bioerosion inan environment highly conducive tocalcification supports the potential impact offaunal grazing as causal agent in the demise ofstromatolites in the late Proterozoic. Ourfindings indicate that a search for fossilevidence of bioerosive grazing in the form ofcarbonaceous faecal pellets associated withfossil stromatolites may provide a means totest that hypothesis directly.2009010465利 用 扫 瞄 透 射 X 射 线 显 微 镜 研 究 微 生 物 钙化 作 用 = Scanning transmission X-raymicroscopy study of microbial calcification.( 英 文 ). Benzerara K; Yoon T H; Tyliszczak T;Constantz B; Spormann A M; Brown Jr G E.Geobiology, 2004, 2(4): 249-259Calcium phosphates and calcium carbonatesare among the most prevalent mineralsinvolved in microbial fossilization.Characterization of both the organic andmineral components in biomineralizedsamples is, however, usually difficult at theappropriate spatial resolution (i.e. at thesubmicrometer scale). Scanning transmissionX-ray microscopy (STXM) was used tomeasure C K-edge, P L-edge, and Ca L-edgenear-edge X-ray absorption fine structure(NEXAFS) spectra of some calciumcontainingminerals common inbiomineralization processes and to study theexperimental biomineralization by the modelmicroorganism, Caulobacter crescentus. Weshowthat the Ca L2,3-edges forhydroxyapatite, calcite, vaterite, and aragoniteare unique and can be used as probes to detectthese different mineral phases. Using theseresults, we showed that C. crescentus cells,when cultured in the presence of high calciumconcentration, precipitated carbonatehydroxyapatite. In parallel, we detectedproteins, polysaccharides, and nucleic acids inthe mineralizing bacteria at the single-cellscale. Finally, we discussed the utility ofSTXM for the study of natural fossilizedmicrobial systems.2009010466地 质 年 代 表 2004—— 理 由 、 方 法 和 下 一 步目 标 = Geologic Time Scale 2004 - why, how,and where next!. ( 英 文 ). Gradstein F M; OggJ G. Lethaia, 2004, 37(2): 175 - 181A Geologic Time Scale (GTS2004) ispresented that integrates currently availablestratigraphic and geochronologic information.The construction of Geologic Time Scale2004 (GTS2004) incorporated differenttechniques depending on the data availablewithin each interval. Construction involved alarge number of specialists, includingcontributions by past and presentsubcommissions officers of the InternationalCommission on Stratigraphy (ICS),geochemists working with radiogenic andstable isotopes, stratigraphers using diversetools from traditional fossils to astronomicalcycles to database programming, andgeomathematicians. Anticipated advancesduring the next four years includeformalization of all Phanerozoic stageboundaries, orbital tuning extended into theCretaceous, standardization of radiometricdating methods and resolving poorly datedintervals, detailed integrated stratigraphy forall periods, and on-line stratigraphic databasesand tools. The geochronological sciencecommunity and the International Commissionon Stratigraphy are focusing on these issues.The next version of the Geologic Time Scaleis planned for 2008, concurrent with theplanned completion of boundary-stratotype(GSSP) definitions for all international stages.2009010467国 际 地 质 年 代 表 划 分 现 状 = Status ofDivisions of the International Geologic Time146

Scale. ( 英 文 ). Ogg J G. Lethaia, 2004, 37(2):183 - 199Each chronostratigraphic unit of theInternational Geologic Time Scale will bedefined at its base by a Global StratotypeSection and Point (GSSP) or Global StandardStratigraphic Age (GSSA). Nearly 50 GSSPsand 10 GSSAs have now been ratified. Ideally,the GSSP coincides with events having aglobal correlation potential. The internationalstage divisions of some systems, such as theJurassic or Neogene, are similar to traditionalusage in European geology. However, in orderto utilize global correlation horizons, theinternational stage divisions of other systems,such as the Ordovician or Permian, haverequired assembling new stage nomenclaturesor hybrids of different regional stages. Areference table by the InternationalCommission on Stratigraphy itemizes thecurrent or potential GSSP and GSSAdefinitions of all international geologic timeunits.2009010468全 球 层 型 剖 面 和 点 位 (GSSP) 历 史 、 原 理和 应 用 = History, philosophy, and applicationof the Global Stratotype Section and Point(GSSP). ( 英 文 ). Walsh S L; Gradstein F M;Ogg J G. Lethaia, 2004, 37(2): 201 - 218The history, philosophy, and application ofthe concept of the Global Stratotype Sectionand Point (GSSP) are reviewed.Geochronologic units defined by GSSPs serveas practical classificatory pigeonholes for thesubdivision of geologic time. Accordingly, themain factor involved in the definition ofGSSPs must be global correlatability. Earlyopposition to the GSSP concept centeredaround the desire for a traditionalbiochronologic time scale definedconceptually in terms of palaeobiologicalevents, but such time scales are inherentlyunstable and thus unsuitable for the use of allgeoscientists. The GSSP concept is alsogenerally incompatible with the desire for'natural' geochronologic boundaries. GSSPshave been defined mainly on the basis ofbiostratigraphic guiding criteria, but magneticpolarity reversals and chemostratigraphic andcyclostratigraphic horizons are now playing animportant role. Most primary guiding criteriaused to place a 'golden spike' will eventuallybecome problematical in some way, so GSSPsshould be defined so as to be correlatable byas many different lines of age-significantinformation as possible. The 'Global StandardStratigraphic Age' (better renamed 'StandardGlobal Numerical Age') is a numericalanalogue of the golden spike. Numericaldefinitions are currently appropriate for theformal subdivision of the Precambrian, andperhaps also for the Pleistocene/Holoceneboundary. Recent suggestions to abandonchronostratigraphic terms (system, series,stage) in favor of geochronologic terms(period, epoch, age) are logically defensible,but could perpetuate the continuing confusionbetween various stratigraphic categories.2009010469地 史 时 期 热 带 海 洋 环 境 —— 绪 言 = Tropicalmarine environments through time: anintroduction. ( 英 文 ). Donovan S; Harper D.Lethaia, 2003, 36(3): 1782009010470显 生 宙 碳 酸 盐 台 地 沉 积 模 式 = Patterns ofPhanerozoic carbonate platform sedimentation.( 英 文 ). Kiessling W; Flügel E; Golonka J.Lethaia, 2003, 36(3): 195 - 225Carbonate platforms changed substantiallyin spatial extent, geometry, composition andpalaeogeographical distribution through thePhanerozoic. Although reef construction andcarbonate platform development areintimately linked today, this was not the casefor most of the Phanerozoic. Carbonateproduction by non-enzymatic precipitationand non-reefal organisms is mostlyresponsible for this decoupling. Non-reefalcarbonate production was especially prolificduring times of depressed reef growth,balancing losses in reef carbonate production.Palaeogeographical distribution and spatialextent of Phanerozoic carbonate platformsexhibit trends related to continental drift,evolutionary patterns within carbonateplatform biotas, climatic change and, possibly,variations in ocean chemistry. Continentaldrift moved large Palaeozoic tropical shelfareas into higher latitudes, thereby reducingthe potential size of tropical platforms.However, the combined global size ofcarbonate platforms shows no significantdecline through the Phanerozoic, suggestingthat availability of tropical shelf areas was nota major control of platform area. This isexplained by the limited platform coverage oflow-latitude shelves (42% maximum) andoccasional high-latitude excursions ofplatform carbonates. We speculate thatreduced tropical shelf area in the icehousetropics forced the migration of the many147

carbonate-secreting organisms into higherlatitudes and, where terrigenous input wassufficiently low, extensive carbonate platformcould develop.2009010471国 际 地 层 委 员 会 (ICS) 论 阶 = ICS on stage.( 英 文 ). Gradstein F M; Finney S C; Lane R;Ogg J G. Lethaia, 2003, 36(4): 371 - 3772009010472地 球 35 亿 年 历 史 中 蓝 细 菌 的 钙 化 和 造 岩 潜力 = Cyanobacterial calcification and its rockbuildingpotential during 3.5 billion years ofEarth history. ( 英 文 ). Altermann W;Kazmierczak J; Oren A; Wright D T.Geobiology, 2006, 4(3): 147-166Microbially mediated calcification can betraced back for at least 2.6 billion years.Although morphological comparison of fossiland recent microbial carbonates suggests thatmineralization processes associated withcyanobacteria and their interactions withheterotrophic bacteria have remained similarfrom the Archaean until today, the metabolicand chemical details remain poorlyconstrained. Microbial consortia often exhibitan ability to change solution chemistry andcontrol pH at the microscale, passively oractively. This leads to oversaturation of Ca 2+and CO 3 2- ions and to the removal of kineticinhibitors to carbonate precipitation, likesulphate or phosphate. The kinetic barriers oflow carbonate ion activity, ion hydration andion complexing, especially in saline waters,inhibit spontaneous carbonate mineralprecipitation from saturated solutions butoxygenic photosynthesis and sulphatereduction by sulphate-reducing bacteria canovercome these natural barriers. Sulphate inseawater tends to form pairs with Ca 2+ andMg 2+ ions. The removal of sulphate reducescomplexing, raises carbonate alkalinity, andalong with pyrite formation, enhancescarbonate precipitation. Cyanobacteria canstore Ca 2+ and Mg 2+ ions in organic envelopesand precipitate carbonates within their sheathsand extracellular polymeric substances, thus,triggering sedimentary carbonate production.We propose that this interplay ofcyanobacteria and heterotrophic bacteria hasbeen the major contributor to the carbonatefactory for the last 3 billion years of Earthhistory.2009010473深 海 孔 隙 液 硫 酸 盐 的 氧 同 位 素 组 成 —— 快速 硫 循 环 的 证 据 = Oxygen isotopiccomposition of sulfate in deep sea pore fluid:evidence for rapid sulfur cycling. ( 英 文 ).Turchyn A V; Sivan O; Schrag D P.Geobiology, 2006, 4(3): 191-201We present new data of oxygen isotopes inmarine sulfate (δ 18 O SO4 ) in pore fluid profilesthrough organic-rich deep-sea sediments from11 ODP sites around the world. In almost allsites studied sulfate is depleted with depth,through both organic matter oxidation andanaerobic methane oxidation. The δ 18 O SO4increases rapidly near the top of the sediments,from seawater values of 9 to maxima between22 and 25, and remains isotopically heavy andconstant at these values with depth. The δ18 O SO4 in these pore fluid profiles is decoupledfrom variations in sulfur isotopes measured onthe same sulfate samples (δ 34 S SO4 ); the δ34 S SO4 increases continuously with depth andexhibits a shallower isotopic increase. Thisisotopic decoupling between the δ 34 S SO4 andthe δ 18 O SO4 is hard to reconcile with thetraditional understanding of bacterial sulfatereduction in sediments. Our data support theidea that sulfate or sulfite and waterisotopically exchange during sulfate reductionand that some of the isotopically altered sulfurpool returns to the environment. We calculatethat the rapid increase in the δ 18 O SO4 in theupper part of these sediments requires rates ofthis oxygen isotope exchange that are severalorders of magnitude higher than the rates ofnet sulfate reduction calculated from thesulfate concentration profiles and supportedby the δ 34 S SO4 . We suggest severalmechanisms by which this may occur,including 'net-zero' sulfur cycling, as well asfurther experiments through which we can testand resolve these processes.2009010474大 气 氧 增 加 的 生 物 地 球 化 学 建 模 =Biogeochemical modelling of the rise inatmospheric oxygen. ( 英 文 ). Claire M W;Catling D C; Zahnle K J. Geobiology, 2006,4(4): 239-269Understanding the evolution of atmosphericmolecular oxygen levels is a fundamentalunsolved problem in Earth's history. Wedevelop a quantitative biogeochemical modelthat simulates the Palaeoproterozoic transitionof the Earth's atmosphere from a weaklyreducing state to an O 2 -rich state. The purposeis to gain an insight into factors that plausibly148

control the timing and rapidity of the oxictransition. The model uses a simplifiedatmospheric chemistry (parameterized fromcomplex photochemical models) and evolvingredox fluxes in the Earth system. We considertime-dependent fluxes that include organiccarbon burial and associated oxygenproduction, reducing gases from metamorphicand volcanic sources, oxidative weathering,and the escape of hydrogen to space. We findthat the oxic transition occurs in a geologicallyshort time when the O 2 -consuming flux ofreducing gases falls below the flux of organiccarbon burial that produces O 2 . A shorttimescale for the oxic transition is enhancedby a positive feedback due to decreasingdestruction of O 2 as stratospheric ozone forms,which is captured in our atmosphericchemistry parameterization. We show that onenumerically self-consistent solution for therise of O 2 involves a decline in flux ofreducing gases driven by irreversible secularoxidation of the crust caused by timeintegratedhydrogen escape to space in thepreoxic atmosphere, and that this iscompatible with constraints from thegeological record. In this model, the timing ofthe oxic transition is strongly affected bybuffers of reduced materials, particularly iron,in the continental crust. An alternative versionof the model, where greater fluxes of reducedhydrothermal cations from the Archeanseafloor consume O 2 , produces a similarhistory of O 2 and CH 4 . When climate andbiosphere feedbacks are included in our modelof the oxic transition, we find that multiple'Snowball Earth' events are simulated undercertain circumstances, as methane collapsesand rises repeatedly before reaching a newsteady-state.2009010475对 地 层 周 期 性 的 定 量 测 试 = Quantitativetests for stratigraphic cyclicity. ( 英 文 ). BaileyR J; Smith D G. Geological Journal, 2008,43(4): 431 - 446Periodic Milankovitch (M-) orbital forcingprovides an explanation for subjectivelyrecognized short-term repetition of lithofaciescycles-inthe stratigraphic record. Tests of thisexplanation often find no order in thelithofacies and/or no regularity in therecurrence of lithofacies. This does notdisprove the influence of M-forcing, but asedimentary response in terms of irregular M-forced cycles is indistinguishable from one inwhich repetition of facies is not M-forced. Useof such cycles in time calibration iscorrespondingly suspect. Stricter, dimensionalcyclicity invokes Sander's Rule, whichsuggests periodicity in sedimentation, forwhich M-forcing provides an obviousexplanation. Time calibration on the basis ofstrict cyclicity thus appears more dependable.Objective tests for regular M-forcedstratigraphic cyclicity commonly depend uponspectral analyses. Such tests are notunambiguous. Bilogarithmic thickness /frequency plots derived from objective layerthickness inventories (LTI) provide analternative. Commonly, such plots showpower-law relationships that precludedimensional M-cyclicities. By contrast, amodel data series that perfectly encodes theM-cyclic fluctuations in terrestrial insolationgenerates a strongly inflected, non-power-lawLTI plot. Power-law plots result where themodel data series is decimated by randomhiatuses, with numbers and durations tuned toM-cycle frequencies. It seems improbable thatnatural data series record such tuning. Thegeneral absence of strict cyclicity in the M-frequency range is more likely to reflect thenonlinear response of sedimentary systems tocyclic M-forcing of insolation. Interestingly,when applied to the classically cycliclacustrine Triassic sediments of the NewarkBasin, USA, the LTI test suggests a decimatedrecord, preserving some evidence of M-cyclicity.古 地 理 学 、 古 气 候 学2009010476二 叠 纪 至 今 热 带 范 围 追 踪 = Tracing thetropics across land and sea: Permian to present.( 英 文 ). Ziegler A; Eshel G; Rees P M;Rothfus T; Rowley D; Sunderlin D.Lethaia, 2003, 36(3): 227 - 254The continuity through the past 300 millionyears of key tropical sediment types, namelycoals, evaporites, reefs and carbonates, isexamined. Physical controls for theirgeographical distributions are related to theHadley cell circulation, and its effects onrainfall and ocean circulation. Climatemodelling studies are reviewed in this context,as are biogeographical studies of key fossilgroups. Low-latitude peats and coals representeverwet climates related to the IntertropicalConvergence Zone near the Equator, as wellas coastal diurnal rainfall systems elsewherein the tropics and subtropics. The incidence oftropical coals and rainforests through time isvariable, being least common during the149

interval of Pangean monsoonal climates.Evaporites represent the descending limbs ofthe Hadley cells and are centred at 10° to 40°north and south in latitudes that today show anexcess of evaporation over precipitation.These deposits coincide with the deserts aswell as seasonally rainy climates, and theirlatitudinal ranges seem to have been relativelyconstant through time. Reefs also can berelated to the Hadley circulation. They thrivewithin the regions of clear water associatedwith broad areas of downwelling which aredisplaced toward the western portions oftropical oceans. These dynamic features areultimately driven by the subtropical highpressurecells which are the surface signatureof the subsiding branches of the Hadleycirculation. Carbonates occupy the same areas,but extend into higher latitudes in regionswhere terrestrial surface gradients are low andclastic runoff from the land is minimal. Weargue that the palaeo-latitudinal record of allthese climate-sensitive sediment types isbroadly similar to their environments andlatitudes of formation today, implying thatdynamic effects of atmospheric and oceaniccirculation control their distribution, ratherthan temperature gradients that would expandor contract through time.2009010477中 国 和 西 伯 利 亚 黄 土 磁 化 率 的 古 气 候 记 录的 两 种 成 壤 模 式 = Two pedogenic modelsfor paleoclimatic records of magneticsusceptibility from Chinese and Siberian loess.( 英 文 ). Liu Xiuming; Liu Tungsheng; Hesse P;Xia Dunsheng; Chlachula J; Wang Guan.Science in China Series D: EarthSciences, 2008, 51(2): 284-293The magnetic susceptibility (MS) ofChinese loess showing a general proportionalrelationship to pedogenic grade has beenwidely recognized and used for reconstructionof paleoclimate by Quaternary scientists. Thein-situ pedogenic enhancement offerrimagnetic content is normally believed tobe the main reason for the increase ofsusceptibility in soil units. However, thispattern of high magnetic susceptibility inpalaeosols, and low values in loess, are notreplicated in some loess deposits. Siberianloess deposits display a completely oppositesusceptibility behavior: high values in loessand low values in palaeosols. This inverserelationship has been explained by the ideathat magnetic susceptibility is reflecting themagnitude of an aeolian ferrimagneticcomponent of consistent mineralogy, the grainsize of which is related to average windvelocity. Our magnetic study of Siberiansamples in this paper suggests that there arenotable differences in magnetic propertiesbetween Siberian loess and developedpalaeosols, not only in magnetic grain-sizeand concentration but also in magneticmineralogy. This evidence is difficult toexplain fully through variation in windstrength alone, but implies that the lowmagnetic susceptibility values in the Siberianpaleosol units are a reflection, at least in part,of the alteration of the ferrimagnetic contentby post-depositional processes. The LoessPlateau is a very arid area where potentialevaporation is always higher than precipitation;pedogenesis occurs under dry oxidisingconditions. The Siberian Kurtak region islocated on the edge of the tundra where it isalways wet and saturation during interglacialswill lead to a reducing pedogenic environment.Ferrimagnetic minerals under this conditionwill be destroyed, resulting in lower magneticsusceptibility. Therefore, great care should betaken when using susceptibility values forpaleoclimatic reconstruction.前 古 生 界2009010478太 古 宙 早 期 地 球 的 大 气 — 生 态 系 统 模 型 =A coupled atmosphere–ecosystem model ofthe early Archean Earth. ( 英 文 ). Kharecha P;Kasting J; Siefert J. Geobiology, 2005, 3(2):53-76A coupled photochemical-ecosystem modelhas been developed to simulate the earlyArchean biosphere. The model incorporateskinetic and nutrient limitations on biologicalproductivity, along with constraints imposedby metabolic thermodynamics. We have usedthis model to predict the biogenic CH 4 fluxand net primary productivity (NPP) of themarine biosphere prior to the advent ofoxygenic photosynthesis. Organismsconsidered include chemotrophic andorganotrophic methanogens, H 2 -, H 2 S-, andFe-using anoxygenic phototrophs, S-reducingbacteria, CO-using acetogens, andfermentative bacteria.CH 4 production and NPP in our model arelimited by the downward flux of H 2 , CO, S 8 ,and H 2 S through the atmosphere – oceaninterface and by the upwelling rate of Fe 2+from the deep oceans. For reasonableestimates of the supply rates of thesecompounds, we find that the biogenic CH 4150

flux should have ranged from approximately1 / 3 to 2.5 times the modern CH 4 flux. In theanoxic Archean atmosphere, this would haveproduced CH 4 concentrations of 100 ppmv toas much as 35 000 ppmv (3.5%), dependingon the rate at which hydrogen escaped tospace. Recent calculations indicating thathydrogen escape was slow favour the higherCH 4 concentrations. Calculated NPP is lowerthan in the modern oceans by a factor of atleast 40. In our model, H 2 -based metabolism ismoderately more productive than Fe 2+ -basedmetabolism, with S-based metabolism beingconsiderably less productive. Internalrecycling of sulphur within the surface oceancould conceivably raise rates of sulphurmetabolism by a factor of 10 higher than thevalues predicted by our model.Although explicit climate calculations havenot been performed here, our results areconsistent with the idea that the Archeanclimate was warm, and possibly very hot.Some or most of our ecosystem scenarios areconsistent with the carbon isotope record,depending on how that record is interpreted. Ifthe conventional view is correct and organiccarbon burial accounted for approximately20% of total carbon burial during the Archean,then only two of our phototroph-based modelecosystems are plausible. However, if a recentalternative analysis is correct and onlyapproximately 0–10% of total buried carbonwas organic, then essentially all of ouranaerobic ecosystems are plausible. A betterunderstanding of both the geochemical and thebiological records is needed to better constrainour models.2009010479前 寒 武 纪 环 境 条 件 下 微 生 物 席 的 生 物 地 球化 学 : 模 型 化 研 究 = Biogeochemistry ofmicrobial mats under Precambrianenvironmental conditions: a modelling study.( 英 文 ). Herman E K; Kump L R.Geobiology, 2005, 3(2): 77-92Microbial mats have arguably been themost important ecosystem on Earth over its3.5 Gyr inhabitation. Mats have persisted asconsortia for billions of years and occupysome of Earth's most hostile environments.With rare exceptions (e.g. microbial matsdeveloped on geothermal springs atYellowstone National Park, USA), today'smats do not exist under conditions analogousto Precambrian habitats with substantiallylower oxygen and sulphate concentrations.This study uses a numerical model of amicrobial mat to investigate how matcomposition in the past might have differedfrom modern mats.We present a numerical model of matbiogeochemistry that simulates the growth ofcyanobacteria (CYA), colourless sulphurbacteria (CSB), and purple sulphur bacteria(PSB), with sulphate-reducing bacteria (SRB)and heterotrophic bacteria represented byparameterized sulphate reduction rates andheterotrophic consumption rates, respectively.Variations in the availability of light, oxygen,sulphide, and sulphate at the upper boundaryof the mat are the driving forces in the model.Mats with remarkably similar biomass andchemical profiles develop in models underoxygen boundary conditions ranging from2.5 × 10 −13 to 0.25 mm and sulphateboundary concentrations ranging from 0.29 to29 mm, designed to simulate variousenvironments from Archean to modern.The modelled mats show little sensitivity tooxygen boundary conditions because,independent of the overlying oxygenconcentrations, cyanobacterial photosynthesiscreates similar O 2 concentrations of 0.45–0.65 mm in the upper reaches of the matduring the photoperiod. Varying sulphateboundary conditions have more effect on thebiological composition of the mat. Sulphidegenerated from sulphate reduction controls themagnitude and distribution of the PSBpopulation, and plays a part in the distributionof CSB. CSB are the most sensitive species toenvironmental change, varying with oxygenand sulphide.2009010480前 寒 武 纪 条 带 状 含 铁 建 造 沉 积 过 程 中 微 生物 铁 (III) 还 原 的 潜 在 意 义 = The potentialsignificance of microbial Fe(III) reductionduring deposition of Precambrian banded ironformations. ( 英 文 ). Konhauser K O; NewmanD K; Kappler A. Geobiology, 2005, 3(3): 167- 177During deposition of late Archean–earlyPalaeoproterozoic Precambrian banded ironformations (BIFs) the downward flux of ferrichydroxide (Fe(OH) 3 ) and phytoplanktonbiomass should have facilitated microbialFe(III) reduction. However, quantifying thesignificance of such a metabolic pathway inthe Precambrian is extremely difficult,considering the post-depositional alteration ofthe rocks and the lack of ideal modernanalogues. Consequently, we have very fewconstraints on the Fe cycle at that time,151

namely (i) the concentration of dissolved Fe(II)in the ocean waters; (ii) by what mechanismsFe(II) was oxidized (chemical, photochemicalor biological, the latter using either O 2 orlight); (iii) where the ferric hydroxide wasprecipitated (over the shelf vs. open ocean);(iv) the amount of phytoplankton biomass,which relates to the nutrient status of thesurface waters; (v) the relative importance ofFe(III) reduction vs. the other types ofmetabolic pathways utilized by sea floormicrobial communities; and (vi) theproportion of primary vs. diagenetic Fe(II) inBIF. Furthermore, although estimates can bemade regarding the quantity of reducingequivalents necessary to account for thediagenetic Fe(II) component in Fe-rich BIFlayers, those same estimates do not offer anyinsights into the magnitude of Fe(III) actuallygenerated within the water column, and hence,the efficiency of Fe and C recycling prior toburial. Accordingly, in this study, we haveattempted to model the ancient Fe cycle, basedsimply on conservative experimental rates ofphotosynthetic Fe(II) oxidation in the euphoticzone. We estimate here that under idealgrowth conditions, as much as 70% of thebiologically formed Fe(III) could have beenrecycled back into the water column viafermentation and organic carbon oxidationcoupled to microbial Fe(III) reduction. Bycomparing the potential amount of biomassgenerated phototrophically with the reducingequivalents required for Fe(III) reduction andmagnetite formation, we also hypothesize thatanother anaerobic metabolic pathway mighthave been utilized in the surface sediment tooxidize the fermentation by-products. Basedon the premise that the deep ocean waterswere anoxic, this role could have beenfulfilled by methanogens, and maybe evenmethanotrophs that employed Fe(III)reduction.2009010481中 亚 形 成 早 加 里 东 超 级 地 体 的 文 德 阶 段 =Vendian stage in formation of the EarlyCaledonian superterrane in Central Asia. ( 英文 ). Kozakov I K; Sal’nikova E B; KovachV P. Stratigraphy and GeologicalCorrelation, 2008, 16(4): 360-382Granitoids and metamorphic rocks of theBaidarik basement block of the Dzabkhanmicrocontinent are studied in terms of geology,geochronology (U-Pb dating of zirconmicrofractions and individual grains) and Ndisotopic-geochemical systematics. As isestablished, the formation history ofmetamorphic belt (disthene-sillimanite facies)in junction zone of the Baidarik block andBayankhongor zone of the Late Riphean (∼665 Ma) ophiolite association characterizesdevelopment of the Vendian (∼560–570 Ma)active continental margin. The high-Pmetamorphic rocks of that time span evidenceformation of structures with the Earth’s crustof considerable thickness. In Central Asia,events of the Vendian low-gradientmetamorphism are established also in theTuva-Mongolian massif, Kan block of theEast Sayan Mountains, and South Chuya inlierof the Caledonides in the Altai Mountains.Based on these data, it is possible todistinguish the Late Baikalian stage indevelopment of the Early Caledoniansuperterrane of Central Asia, which antedatedthe subsequent evolution of this structureduring the Late Cambrian-Ordovician. Thehigh-gradient metamorphism that affectedmost intensively the southeastern part of theBaidarik block can be correlated with theEarly Paleozoic (525–540 Ma) evolution ofactive continental margin and associateddevelopment of the Vendian oceanic basinsand island arcs of the Ozernaya zone.2009010482Pilbara 克 拉 通 3.45 Ga 叠 层 石 碳 酸 盐 岩 为海 相 环 境 沉 积 和 生 物 成 因 的 地 质 和 微 量 元素 证 据 以 及 对 缩 小 的 太 古 宙 洋 假 说 的 支 持= Geological and trace element evidence for amarine sedimentary environment of depositionand biogenicity of 3.45 Ga stromatoliticcarbonates in the Pilbara Craton, and supportfor a reducing Archaean ocean. ( 英 文 ). VanKranendonk M J; Webb G E; Kamber B S.Geobiology, 2003, 1(2): 91 - 108Bedded carbonate rocks from the 3.45 GaWarrawoona Group, Pilbara Craton, containstructures that have been regarded either as theoldest known stromatolites or as abiotichydrothermal deposits. We present new fieldand petrological observations and highprecisionREE + Y data from the carbonates inorder to test the origin of the deposits. Traceelement geochemistry from a number oflaminated stromatolitic dolomite samples ofthe c. 3.40 Ga Strelley Pool Chertconclusively shows that they precipitated fromanoxic seawater, probably in a very shallowenvironment consistent with previoussedimentological observations. Edge-wiseconglomerates in troughs between152

stromatolites and widespread crossstratificationprovide additional evidence ofstromatolite construction, at least partly, fromlayers of particulate sediment, rather thansolely from rigid crusts. Accumulation ofparticulate sediment on steep stromatolitesides in a high-energy environment suggestsorganic binding of the surface. Relative andabsolute REE + Y contents are exactlycomparable with Late Archaean microbialcarbonates of widely agreed biological origin.Ankerite from a unit of bedded ankerite –chert couplets from near the top of thestratigraphically older (3.49 Ga) DresserFormation, which immediately underlieswrinkly stromatolites with small, broad, lowamplitudedomes, also precipitated fromanoxic seawater. The REE + Y data ofcarbonates from the Strelley Pool Chert andDresser Formation contrast strongly withthose from siderite layers in a jasper –siderite – Fe-chlorite banded iron-formationfrom the base of the Panorama Formation(3.45 Ga), which is clearly hydrothermal inorigin. The geochemical results, together withsedimentological data, strongly support: (1)deposition of Dresser Formation and StrelleyPool Chert carbonates from Archaeanseawater, in part as particulate carbonatesediment; (2) biogenicity of the stromatoliticcarbonates; (3) a reducing Archaeanatmosphere; (4) ongoing extensive terrestrialerosion prior to ∼3.45 Ga.2009010483埃 迪 卡 拉 纪 : 地 质 年 代 表 的 新 单 位 = TheEdiacaran Period: a new addition to thegeologic time scale. ( 英 文 ). Knoll A H;Walter M R; Narbonne G M; Christie-Blick N.Lethaia, 2006, 39(1): 13 - 30The International Union of GeologicalSciences has approved a new addition to thegeologic time scale: the Ediacaran Period. TheEdiacaran is the first Proterozoic period to berecognized on the basis of chronostratigraphiccriteria and the first internationally ratified,chronostratigraphically defined period of anyage to be introduced in more than a century. Inaccordance with procedures established by theInternational Commission on Stratigraphy, thebase of the Ediacaran Period is defined by aGlobal Stratotype Section and Point (GSSP)placed at the base of the NuccaleenaFormation cap carbonate directly aboveglacial diamictites and associated facies atEnorama Creek in the Flinders Ranges ofSouth Australia. Its top is defined by the initialGSSP of the Cambrian Period. The newEdiacaran Period encompasses a distinctiveinterval of Earth history that is bounded bothabove and below by equally distinctiveintervals. Both chemostratigraphic andbiostratigraphic data indicate that thesubdivision of the period into two or moreseries is feasible, and this should be a primaryobjective of continuing work by the EdiacaranSubcommission of the ICS.2009010484为 了 “ 自 然 的 ” 前 寒 武 纪 年 代 表 —— 一 个建 议 = Towards a 'natural' time scale for thePrecambrian - A proposal. ( 英 文 ). Bleeker W.Lethaia, 2004, 37(2): 219 - 222A proposal is put forward to redefine thegeological time scale for the Precambrian.Flaws of the present, chronometrically defined,time scale are discussed and illustrated. It isconcluded that we need to go back to the rockrecord to define a “natural” time scale, inwhich major divisions (eons, eras, etc.) aredefined in terms of first-order events andtransitions in the observable stratigraphicrecord. For the earliest part of Earth history,we need a time scale, including a formalizedHadean eon, that is fully consistent withrapidly evolving insights from planetaryscience.2009010485前 寒 武 纪 的 氧 和 生 命 = Oxygen and life inthe Precambrian. ( 英 文 ). Catling D C; Buik R.Geobiology, 2006, 4(4): 225-2262009010486西 格 陵 兰 3770Ma 年 以 前 的 Isua 上 地 壳 带硫 化 物 中 不 依 赖 质 量 的 硫 同 位 素 分 馏 =Mass-independent fractionation of sulfurisotopes in sulfides from the pre-3770 Ma IsuaSupracrustal Belt, West Greenland. ( 英 文 ).Papineau D; Mojzsis S J. Geobiology, 2006,4(4): 227-238Redox chemistry of the coupledatmosphere – hydrosphere system hascoevolved with the biosphere, from globalanoxia in the Archean to an oxygenatedProterozoic surface environment. However, totrace these changes to the very beginning ofthe rock record presents special challenges.All known Eoarchean (c. 3850 – 3600 Ma)volcanosedimentary successions (i.e.supracrustal rocks) are restricted to high-gradegneissic terranes that seldom preserve originalsedimentary structures and lack primary153

organic biomarkers. Although complicated bymetamorphic overprinting, sulfur isotopesfrom Archean supracrustal rocks have thepotential to preserve signatures of bothatmospheric chemistry and metabolicfractionation from the original sediments. Wepresent a synthesis of multiple sulfur isotopemeasurements ( 32 S, 33 S and 34 S) performed onsulfides from amphibolite facies banded ironformations(BIFs) and ferruginous garnetbiotite(metapelitic) schists from the pre-3770 Ma Isua Supracrustal Belt (ISB) in WestGreenland. Because these data come fromsome of the oldest rocks of interpretablemarine sedimentary origin, they provide theopportunity to (i) explore for possiblebiosignatures of sulfur metabolisms in earlylife; (ii) assess changes in atmospheric redoxchemistry from ∼ 3.8 Ga; and (iii) lay thegroundwork to elucidate sulfurbiogeochemical cycles on the early Earth. Wefind that sulfur isotope results from Isua donot unambiguously indicate microbiallyinduced sulfur isotopic fractionation at thattime. A significantly expanded data set of Δ33 S analyses for Isua dictates that theatmosphere was devoid of free oxygen at timeof deposition and also shows that the effectsof post-depositional metamorphicremobilization and/or dilution can be traced inmass-independently fractionated sulfurisotopes.2009010487古 元 古 代 大 气 甲 烷 的 崩 溃 导 致 不 依 赖 质 量的 硫 分 馏 的 减 少 = The loss of massindependentfractionation in sulfur due to aPalaeoproterozoic collapse of atmosphericmethane. ( 英 文 ). Zahnle K; Claire M; CatlingD. Geobiology, 2006, 4(4): 271-283We use a 1-D numerical model to study theatmospheric photochemistry of oxygen,methane, and sulfur after the advent ofoxygenic photosynthesis. We assume thatmass-independent fractionation (MIF) ofsulfur isotopes – characteristic of theArchean – was best preserved in sedimentswhen insoluble elemental sulfur (S 8 ) was animportant product of atmosphericphotochemistry. Efficient S 8 productionrequires three things: (i) very low levels oftropospheric O 2 ; (ii) a source of sulfur gases tothe atmosphere at least as large as the volcanicSO 2 source today; and (iii) a sufficiently highabundance of methane or other reduced gas.All three requirements must be met. Wesuggest that the disappearance of a strong MIFsulfur signature at the beginning of theProterozoic is better explained by the collapseof atmospheric methane, rather than by afailure of volcanism or the rise of oxygen. Thephotochemical models are consistent indemanding that methane decline before O 2 canrise (although they are silent as to howquickly), and the collapse of a methanegreenhouse effect is consistent with the onsetof major ice ages immediately following thedisappearance of MIF sulfur. We attribute thedecline of methane to the growth of theoceanic sulfate pool as indicated by thewidening envelope of mass-dependent sulfurfractionation through the Archean. We findthat a given level of biological forcing cansupport either oxic or anoxic atmospheres, andthat the transition between the anoxic state andthe oxic state is inhibited by high levels ofatmospheric methane. Transition from anoxygen-poor to an oxygen-rich atmosphereoccurs most easily when methane levels arelow, which suggests that the collapse ofmethane not only caused the end of MIF S andmajor ice ages, but it may also have enabledthe rise of O 2 . In this story the earlyProterozoic ice ages were ended by theestablishment of a stable oxic atmosphere,which protected a renewed methanegreenhouse with an ozone shield.2009010488蓝 细 菌 固 氮 的 金 属 限 制 因 素 及 其 对 前 寒 武纪 氮 循 环 的 意 义 = Metal limitation ofcyanobacterial N2 fixation and implicationsfor the Precambrian nitrogen cycle. ( 英 文 ).Zerkle A L; House C H; Cox R P; Canfield DE. Geobiology, 2006, 4(4): 285-297Nitrogen fixation is a critical part of theglobal nitrogen cycle, replacing biologicallyavailable reduced nitrogen lost bydenitrification. The redox-sensitive tracemetals Fe and Mo are key components of theprimary nitrogenase enzyme used bycyanobacteria (and other prokaryotes) to fixatmospheric N 2 into bioessential compounds.Progressive oxygenation of the Earth'satmosphere has forced changes in the redoxstate of the oceans through geologic time,from anoxic Fe-enriched waters in theArchean to partially sulfidic deep waters bythe mid-Proterozoic. This development ofocean redox chemistry during the Precambrianled to fluctuations in Fe and Mo availabilitythat could have significantly impacted theability of prokaryotes to fix nitrogen. It has154

een suggested that metal limitation ofnitrogen fixation and nitrate assimilation,along with increased rates of denitrification,could have resulted in globally reduced ratesof primary production and nitrogen-starvedoceans through much of the Proterozoic. Totest the first part of this hypothesis, we grewN 2 -fixing cyanobacteria in cultures with metalconcentrations reflecting an anoxic Archeanocean (high Fe, low Mo), a sulfidicProterozoic ocean (low Fe, moderate Mo), andan oxic Phanerozoic ocean (low Fe, high Mo).We measured low rates of cellular N 2 fixationunder [Fe] and [Mo] estimated for theArchean ocean. With decreased [Fe] andhigher [Mo] representing sulfidic Proterozoicconditions, N 2 fixation, growth, and biomassC:N were similar to those observed with metalconcentrations of the fully oxygenated oceansthat likely developed in the Phanerozoic. Ourresults raise the possibility that an initial risein atmospheric oxygen could actually haveenhanced nitrogen fixation rates to nearmodern marine levels, providing thatphosphate was available and rising O 2 levelsdid not markedly inhibit nitrogenase activity.2009010489蓝 细 菌 钙 化 、 二 氧 化 碳 聚 集 机 制 和 元 古宙 — 寒 武 纪 大 气 成 分 变 化 = Cyanobacterialcalcification, carbon dioxide concentratingmechanisms, and Proterozoic – Cambrianchanges in atmospheric composition. ( 英 文 ).Riding R. Geobiology, 2006, 4(4): 299-316Photosynthetic uptake of inorganic carboncan raise the pH adjacent to cyanobacterialcells, promoting CaCO 3 precipitation. Thiseffect is enhanced by CO 2 concentratingmechanisms that actively transport HCO 3 -into cells for carbon fixation. CO 2concentrating mechanisms presumablydeveloped in response to atmospheric decreasein CO 2 and increase in O 2 over geologicaltimescales. In present-day cyanobacteria, CO 2concentrating mechanisms are induced whenthe atmospheric partial pressure of CO 2 (p CO2 )falls below ∼0.4%. Reduction in p CO2 duringthe Proterozoic may have had two successiveeffects on cyanobacterial calcification. First,fall in p CO2 below ∼ 1% (33 times presentatmospheric level, PAL) resulted in lowerdissolved inorganic carbon (DIC)concentrations that reduced pH bufferingsufficiently for isolated CaCO 3 crystals tobegin to nucleate adjacent to cyanobacterialcells. As a result, blooms of plankticcyanobacteria induced precipitated 'whitings'of carbonate mud in the water column whosesedimentary accumulation began to dominatecarbonate platforms ∼1400–1300 Ma. Second,fall in p CO2 below ∼0.4% (10 PAL) inducedCO 2 -concentrating mechanisms that furtherincreased pH rise adjacent to cells andpromoted in vivo cyanobacterial sheathcalcification. Crossing of this secondthreshold is indicated in the fossil record bythe appearance of Girvanella 750–700 Ma.Coeval acquisition of CO 2 concentratingmechanisms by planktic cyanobacteria furtherstimulated whiting production. Theseinferences, that p CO2 fell below ∼1%∼1400–1300 Ma and below ∼0.4% 750–700 Ma, areconsistent with empirical and modelledpalaeo-atmosphere estimates. Development ofCO 2 concentrating mechanisms was probablytemporarily slowed by global cooling ∼700–570 Ma that favoured diffusive entry of CO 2into cells. Lower levels of temperature andDIC at this time would have reduced seawatercarbonate saturation state, also hinderingcyanobacterial calcification. It is suggestedthat as Earth emerged from 'Snowball'glaciations in the late Neoproterozoic, globalwarming and O 2 rise reactivated thedevelopment of CO 2 concentratingmechanisms. At the same time, rising levels oftemperature, calcium ions and DIC increasedseawater carbonate saturation state,stimulating widespread cyanobacterial in vivosheath calcification in the Early Cambrian.This biocalcification event promoted rapidwidespread development of calcifiedcyanobacterial reefs and transformed benthicmicrobial carbonate fabrics.2009010490古 元 古 代 Stirling 宏 观 生 物 群 = ThePaleoproterozoic megascopic Stirling biota.( 英 文 ). Bengtson S; Rasmussen B; Krapez B.Paleobiology, 2007, 33(3): 351-381The 2.0 – 1.8-billion-year-old StirlingRange Formation in southwestern Australiapreserves the deposits of a siliciclasticshoreline formed under the influence ofstorms, longshore currents, and tidal currents.Sandstones contain a megascopic fossil biotarepresented by discoidal fossils similar to theEdiacaran Aspidella Billings, 1872, as well asridge pairs preserved in positive hyporelief onthe soles of channel-fill sandstones boundedby mud drapes. The ridges run parallel ornearly parallel for most of their length,meeting in a closed loop at one end and155

opening with a slight divergence at theopposite end. The ridges are interpreted ascasts of sediment-laden mucus strings formedby the movement of multicellular or syncytialorganisms along a muddy surface. The taxaMyxomitodes stirlingensis n. igen., n. isp., areintroduced for these traces. The Stirling biotawas roughly coeval with other presumedmulticellular eukaryotes appearing after a longperiod of profound environmental changesinvolving a rise in ambient oxygen levels,similar to that which preceded the Cambrianexplosion. The failure of multicellular life todiversify during most of the Proterozoic maybe due to environmental constraints related tothe comparatively low level of oxidation of theworld oceans.2009010491陕 西 宁 强 埃 迪 卡 拉 纪 晚 期 高 家 山 生 物 群 中黄 铁 矿 化 化 石 的 成 岩 及 风 化 过 程 = FossilDiagenesis And Weathering Of PyritizedFossils In The Late Ediacaran GaojiashanBiota In Ningqiang, Shaanxi. ( 中 文 ). 蔡 耀 平 :华 洪 . 古 生 物 学 报 , 2008, 47(2): 214-221陕 南 埃 迪 卡 拉 纪 晚 期 的 高 家 山 生 物 群 中部 分 化 石 以 黄 铁 矿 化 三 维 立 体 保 存 软 躯 体管 状 化 石 为 主 要 特 征 。 对 野 外 识 别 出 的 具有 不 同 风 化 程 度 的 3 类 粉 砂 岩 进 行 了 详 细的 手 标 本 特 征 对 比 和 扫 描 电 子 显 微 镜 测 试对 比 研 究 。 锥 管 虫 (Conotubus) 的 化 石 成岩 学 特 征 表 明 黄 铁 矿 最 先 沉 淀 , 随 后 方 解石 充 填 于 黄 铁 矿 留 下 的 空 隙 或 空 腔 中 。 这些 化 石 所 经 历 的 第 一 期 风 化 作 用 相 对 较弱 , 保 留 了 大 量 的 原 始 化 石 成 岩 学 信 息 ;第 二 期 风 化 作 用 则 可 能 形 成 于 一 个 氧 化 条件 较 强 的 环 境 中 。2009010492陕 西 宁 强 胡 家 坝 地 区 晚 埃 迪 卡 拉 世 高 家 山生 物 群 岩 相 变 化 与 化 石 保 存 关 系 =Relationships Between PetrographicVariations and Fossil Preservation of the LateEdiacaran Gaojiashan Biota in the HujiabaArea, Ningqiang, Shaanxi. ( 中 文 ). 马 冀 ; 刘 卓 ;蔡 耀 平 ; 李 朋 ; 林 晋 炎 ; 华 洪 . 古 生 物 学报 , 2008, 47(2): 222-231我 国 上 扬 子 陕 西 宁 强 - 勉 县 境 内 产 出 埃 迪卡 拉 纪 晚 期 高 家 山 生 物 群 , 根 据 大 量 野 外追 踪 、 实 地 观 察 与 室 内 岩 相 分 析 , 对 碎 屑岩 相 黄 铁 矿 化 软 躯 体 化 石 的 出 现 与 岩 相 横向 变 化 之 间 的 关 系 以 及 相 应 的 埋 藏 相 进 行初 步 探 讨 , 认 为 胡 家 坝 露 头 带 为 相 对 远 离风 暴 源 的 沉 积 序 列 , 最 利 于 化 石 的 保 存 ;高 家 山 露 头 带 则 属 于 相 对 靠 近 风 暴 源 的 沉积 序 列 , 化 石 保 存 潜 力 不 如 胡 家 坝 露 头 带的 沉 积 序 列 。2009010493金 厂 特 大 型 金 矿 床 的 地 质 特 征 与 成 因 研 究= Geology and Genesis of the SuperlargeJinchang Gold Deposit, NE China. ( 英 文 ). JiaGuozhi; Chen Jinrong; Yang Zhaoguang; BianHongye; Wang Yangzhong; Liang Haijun; JinTonghe; Li Zhenhui. Acta GeologicaSinica, 2008, 82(4): 750-761The superlarge Jinchang gold deposit islocated in the joint area between theTaipingling uplift and the Laoheishandepression of the Xingkai Block in botheastern Jilin and eastern HeilongjiangProvince. Wall rocks of the gold deposits arethe Neoproterozoic Huangsong Group ofmetamorphic rocks. Yanshanian magmatismin this region can be divided into 5 phases, thediorite, the graphic granite, the granite, thegranite porphyry and the diorite porphyrite,which resulted in the magmatic domes andcryptoexplosive breecia chimney followed bylarge-scale hydrothermal alteration. Goldmineralization is closely related to the fourthand fifth phase of magmatism. According tothe occurrences, gold ores can be subdividedinto auriferous pyritized quartz vein,auriferous quartz-pyrite vein, auriferouspolymetailic sulfide quartz vein and auriferouspyritized calcite vein. The ages of the golddeposit are ranging from 122.53 to 119.40 Ma.The ore bodies were controlled by a uniformtectono-magmatic hydrothermal alterationsystem that the ore-forming materials weredeep derived from and the ore-forming fluidswere dominated by magmatic waters withaddition of some atmospheric water in thelater phase of mineralization. Goldmineralization took place in an environmentof medium to high temperatures and mediumpressures. Ore-forming fluids were the K^+-Na^ + -Ca^2 + -Cl^--SO4^2- type andcharacterized by medium salinity or a slightlyhigher, weak alkaline and weak reductive. Auin the ore-forming fluids was transported ascomplexes of [Au ( HS ) 2]^-, [AuCl2]^-,[Au ( CO2 ) ]^- and [Au ( HCO3 ) 2]^-.Along with the decline of temperatures andpressures, the ore-forming fluids varied fromacidic to weak acidic and then to weakalkaline, which resulted in the dissociation ofthe complex and finally the precipitation ofthe gold.156

2009010494河 北 省 东 部 元 古 代 硫 化 物 黑 烟 囱 的 矿 化 和嗜 热 微 生 物 = Mineralization of a ProterozoicSulfide Black Smoker Chimney andThermophilous Microorganisms in EasternHebei, China. ( 英 文 ). Xia Xuehui; Lian Wei;Yuan Congjian; Yan Fei; Yuan Jiazhong. ActaGeologica Sinica, 2008, 82(4): 858-863A sulfide black smoker chimney exists inthe Gaobanhe seabed exhalation massivesulfide deposit in the Xingiong-Kuanchengsecondary fault basin of the ProterozoicYaniiao rift trough in Hebei Province, takingthe shape of mounds, individually about 2-3cm high. Abundant fossils of thermophilousbacteria and algae in perfect preservation arefound in the ore surrounding the black smokerchimney. Scanning electron microscopy(SEM) and molecular biomarker studies onthe microorganismai ore fabric show that themicroorganism in the sulfide ore is in fact asedimentary product of probiotic bacteria andalgae. In the special food chain based on blacksmoker chimney at ancient seabedthermophilousbacteria, the thermophilousbacteria and algae reproduce in large quantity.Intermittently erupting of fluid from thechimney creats conditions for formation ofsulfide deposit. In the process of exhalationaction of hot fluid, thermophilous bacteria andalgae grow and reproduce around the sulfideblack smoker chimney, absorbingmineralizing substances brought by the fluid.Massive sulfide deposits are formed in thisprocess of absorption of seabed black smokerchimney exhalation-mineralizing fluidpulsation-thermophilous microorganism.2009010495马 萨 诸 塞 州 Berkshire 地 块 中 元 古 代 和 志 留纪 长 英 质 岩 床 的 年 龄 、 来 源 和 构 造 意 义 =Age, origin, and tectonic significance ofMesoproterozoic and Silurian felsic sills in theBerkshire massif, Massachusetts. ( 英 文 ).Karabinos P; Morris D; Hamilton M; RaynerN. American Journal of science, 2008, 308(6):787-812Discontinuous sills of felsic gneiss in theinterior and western margin of the Berkshiremassif and granite sills on the eastern marginof the massif were correlated by Ratcliffe(1984a, 1984b, 1985) and Ratcliffe and Hatch(1979), and interpreted by them as syntectonicanatectic melts that intruded Taconic thrusts.We dated three felsic gneiss sills and twogranite sills in an attempt to constrain the ageof Taconic thrusting, but discovered that thesills are not coeval. Rather, they were intrudedduring two widely separated episodes, oneduring the Mesoproterozoic at approximately1000 Ma and the other during the Silurian atapproximately 430 to 435 Ma. The 1000 Masills of felsic gneiss in the interior of themassif are located in Mesoproterozoic unitsand many of the mapped Taconic thrustswithin the massif closely follow thedistribution of this unit, here informally calledthe felsic gneiss of Harmon Brook. These1000 Ma sills formed during the Ottawan orRigolet orogeny and they have no connectionto the Taconic orogeny. The 430 to 435 Magranite sills along the eastern margin of themassif, informally called the granite of BecketQuarry, are found in both Mesoproterozoicbasement and the Neoproterozoic HoosacFormation. The sills are too young to haveintruded during the Ordovician Taconicorogeny, but they may have formed duringlater faulting near the contact betweenMesoproterozoic basement andNeoproterozoic cover rocks. The TyringhamGneiss is one of the most commonMesoproterozoic units in the Berkshire massif.Zircons from the Tyringham Gneiss containcores with oscillatory zoning and thin unzonedrims. The weighted average of eight206Pb/238U analyses from the cores is 1179+/- 9 Ma, whereas nine spot analyses from therims yield an age of 1004 +/- 9 Ma. Weinterpret these two ages to represent thecrystallization of the Tyringham Gneissprotolith and a subsequent high grademetamorphism, coeval with the intrusion ofthe felsic gneiss of Harmon Brook. Thewestern contact between Mesoproterozoicrocks of the Berkshire massif and underlyingEarly Paleozoic rocks is clearly a thrust, butthere is no independent evidence thatmovement occurred during the Taconicorogeny; displacement may also haveoccurred during the Silurian Salinic or theDevonian Acadian orogeny. Many contactsmapped as Taconic thrusts within theBerkshire massif follow the distribution of the1000 Ma felsic gneiss of Harmon Brook. Theage of the sills is clearly incompatible withthis interpretation, and evidence for faultingalong these mapped thrusts is lacking. Insteadof being deformed into an imbricate stack, themassif behaved as a rigid block duringPaleozoic uplift. Finally, the age of granitesills along the eastern margin of the massif157

does not constrain the basement-cover contactto be a Taconic thrust, as previouslyinterpreted. The contact may be a Silurianfault, possibly related to extension and theopening of the Connecticut Valley trough as aback-arc basin. According to this model, themagma for the granite sills was generatedabove a west-dipping subduction zone underthe Laurentian margin, which developed afterthe Taconic orogeny.2009010496西 伯 利 亚 地 台 西 北 部 文 德 期 - 寒 武 纪Sukharikha 河 剖 面 生 物 地 层 =Biostratigraphy of the Vendian-CambrianSukharikha River section, northwesternSiberian Platform. ( 英 文 ). Rowland S M;Luchinina V A; Korovnikov I V, et al..Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 1998,35(4): 339–352The Sukharikha River section containsmore than 800 m of fossiliferous Vendian andLower Cambrian carbonate rock deposited inramp, shelf, and slope environments. Adiverse fauna of small shelly fossils,calcibionts, brachiopods, trilobites, andarchaeocyaths has allowed us to develop amulti-taxa biostratigraphic framework for thissection. A dearth of distinctive fossils low inthe Sukharikha Formation prevents us fromdetermining the position of the Vendian-Cambrian boundary. Abundant small shellyfossils and archaeocyaths in the uppermostSukharikha Formation and low in theKrasnoporog Formation provide amplebiostratigraphic control near the base of theTommotian Stage, but the Nemakit-Daldynian- Tommotian boundary, as defined atUlakhan-Sulugur on the Aldan River, istemporally ambiguous. For this reason there isno precise definition of this boundary. In theSukharikha River section we haveprovisionally placed the base of theTommotian Stage at the first occurrence ofNochoroicyathus sunnaginicus Zonearchaeocyaths, about 1.5 m below the top ofthe Sukharikha Formation. However, wesuppose that this horizon actually predates thedeposition of nominally basal Tommotian taxain the Aldan region. A new global stratotypesection for the Nemakit-Daldynian -Tommotian boundary should be selected, andthis section may turn out to be a goodcandidate. The paleontological richness(especially small shelly fossils andarchaeocyaths), the apparent absence of longdepositional hiatuses, and the presence ofwell-preserved limestones suggest that theSukharikha River section contains thecombination of paleontological,sedimentological, and isotopic data to resolvesome fundamental problems in EarlyCambrian stratigraphy.2009010497以 Prydz 湾 Larsemann 山 地 区 的 SHRIMP锆 石 年 龄 限 定 南 极 洲 东 部 晚 中 元 古 代 到 早新 元 古 代 构 造 地 热 事 件 时 代 = SHRIMPzircon age constraints from the LarsemannHills region, Prydz Bay, for a lateMesoproterozoic to early Neoproterozoictectono-thermal event in East Antarctica. ( 英文 ). Wang Yanbin; Liu Dunyi; Chung Sunlin;Tong Laixi; Ren Liudong. American Journalof science, 2008, 308(4): 573-617This paper reports a geochronological studyof granulite-facies rocks from the LarsemannHills of Prydz Bay, East Antarctica. SHRIMPzircon ages were obtained for a total of 14samples that cover various rock typesincluding felsic gneiss, mafic gneiss,paragneiss, enderbite, granitic gneiss andleucogneiss. These age results, combined withzircon geochemical data andcathodoluminescence images, enable us toexplore the morphological complexity inzircons that record polytectonic events.Features of multiple age zoning, for example,were observed in zircon separates from threefelsic gneiss samples studied, which containmagmatic cores of ca. 1.13 Ga andmetamorphic mantles and rims of ca. 1.0 and0.53 Ga, respectively. This suggests a periodof magmatism and crust formation in the lateMesoproterozoic and two subsequent phasesof high-grade metamorphism during the earlyNeoproterozoic and early Paleozoic,respectively. Similar phenomena of zirconovergrowth were also observed in other rocktypes. Although early Paleozoic tectonicactivity has been considered as mostsignificant in Antarctic crustal evolution, ourstudy provides the first convincing ageevidence for the existence of a Prydz Bay lateMesoproterozoic mobile belt. The ca. 1.0 Gametamorphic record preserved in diverserocks from the study area furthermoresupports the proposal of a continuous circumEast Antarctica late Mesoproterozoic(Grenville-age) orogenic belt. Within thisframework, the Prydz Bay orogen is proposedto have been located in the central part of theRodinia assembly that brought the Eastern158

Ghats of India together with Antarctica at ca.1.0 Ga.2009010498格 陵 兰 东 南 部 Nagssugtoqidian 造 山 带 : 古元 古 代 碰 撞 和 板 块 组 合 的 证 据 = TheNagssugtoqidian orogen in South-EastGreenland: Evidence for Paleoproterozoiccollision and plate assembly. ( 英 文 ). NutmanA P; Kalsbeek F; Friend C R L. AmericanJournal of science, 2008, 308(4): 529-572The 200 km wide, east-west trendingPaleoproterozoic mobile belt of theAmmassalik region of South-East Greenlandcontains a diverse assemblage ofPaleoproterozoic and Archean rocks, variablyaffected by Paleoproterozoic deformations andhigh-grade low or high pressuremetamorphism. By using previous field andgeochemical data combined with new zircondating and zircon trace element geochemistry,this mobile belt is confirmed as a 1870 to1840 Ma collisional orogen, which containsone or more 1900 to 1880 Ma magmatic suitesand northern and southern Archean basementterranes. The most studied 1900 to 1880 Mamagmatic suite is the Ammassalik IntrusiveComplex, which is dominated by diorites(with arc-like geochemical signatures and withPaleoproterozoic Nd depleted mantle modelages), which was intruded into sedimentaryrocks, (with predominantly Paleoproterozoicdetrital zircons). Both these associated rocktypes show 1900 to 1880 Ma moderatepressure granulite facies metamorphism (7kbar, 850 ° C). Paleoproterozoic mylonitesseparate the Ammassalik Intrusive Complexfrom Archean orthogneisses containing 1870Ma eclogite ( 11 kbar, 650 –700°C) andhigh-pressure granulite facies assemblages inPalaeoproterozoic diabase dike remnants.Associated with these Archean gneisses arepelitic metasediments, marbles andorthoquartzites (with Archean detrital zirconwith complex 1870 to 1740 Ma metamorphicrims) that contain kyanite, thereby alsoshowing high-pressure metamorphism. In theAmmassalik area we propose that one or morePaleoproterozoic magmatic arcs with synmagmaticmoderate pressure, hightemperature metamorphism were emplacedover the edge of southern Archean continentalcrust. This resulted in at least doubling ofcrustal thickness, causing the transient 1870Ma eclogite to high-pressure granulite faciesmetamorphic conditions in the buried southernArchean terrane. Archean orthogneisses in thenorth of the mobile belt preserve low-pressureArchean granulite facies assemblages, and areinterpreted as a different terrane at a higherstructural level, which was juxtaposed withthe southern eclogite-bearing Archean terraneand the lower pressure metamorphismPaleoproterozoic arc rocks during thecollisional event(s). This new informationfrom the Ammassalik region is used in asynthesis of Paleoproterozoic crustal accretionand collisional orogeny in Greenland.2009010499华 南 超 大 陆 裂 解 过 程 中 新 元 古 代 低 氧 18 岩浆 作 用 的 锆 石 U-Pb 年 龄 和 氧 同 位 素 证 据 :对 雪 球 事 件 的 指 示 意 义 = Zircon U-Pb ageand O isotope evidence for Neoproterozoiclow-18O magmatism during supercontinentalrifting in South China: implications for thesnowball earth event. ( 英 文 ). Zheng Y F;Gong B; Zhao Z F; Wu Y B; Chen F K.American Journal of science, 2008, 308(4):484-516Identification of Neoproterozoic low 18Oigneous rocks is a key to demonstrate thathigh-T water-rock interaction and low-18Omagmatism in rift tectonic zones can serve asan efficient interface to transport heat andmaterial from the Earth's interior to exterior atthe onset of the snowball Earth event. Low18O values of – 10.9 to +4.4 permilcharacteristic of meteoric origin wereobserved, on an areal extent over 30,000 km2,for mid-Neoproterozoic metaigneous zirconsfrom the ultrahigh-pressure eclogite-faciesmetamorphic belt of Triassic ages along theDabie-Sulu orogenic belt, China. Although thezircon O isotope system could be reset toacquire its low 18O values by exchange withmatrix minerals during "wet" eclogite-faciesmetamorphism, the abnormal 18O depletion isconfirmed by occurrence of Neoproterozoiclow 18O zircons in low-grade metaigneousrocks in the same belt. Cathodoluminscenceimaging of zircons from low-grademetagranitoid and metavolcanic rocks showspreservation of the internal structures ofoscillatory zoning typical of magmatic origin.Hornblende from two granites of low 18Ozircons gave Ar-Ar plateau ages of 747 ± 6and 776 ± 12 Ma, ruling out that Phanerozoicmetamorphism effected mineral O isotopevalues. Two groups of U-Pb ages weremeasured at 756 ± 5 Ma and 782 ± 5 Ma,respectively, for the low 18O zircons. Thisindicates that low 18O zircons crystallized159

during two episodes of low-18O magmatismin response to tectonic evolution fromsupercontinental rifting at 780 Ma to breakupat 750 Ma. The second episode of low-18Omagmatism is contemporaneous with thecontinental Kaigas iceage. A plate-rift modelis advanced to account for the tectonicconnection between the low-18O magmatism,the continental glaciation and thesupercontinental rifting during the Cryogenianperiod. High-T meteoric water-rockinteraction occurred prior to low-18Omagmatism in rift tectonic zones, and calderacollapse was responsible for melting ofhydrothermally altered low 18O rocks duringrifting of the South China Block from theRodinia supercontinent.2009010500中 国 大 别 - 苏 鲁 造 山 带 黄 土 岭 麻 粒 岩 U-Pb锆 石 和 Sm-Nd 同 位 素 研 究 : 对 扬 子 克 拉 通古 元 古 代 构 造 史 的 指 示 意 义 = U-Pb Zirconand Sm-Nd isotopic study of the Huangtulinggranulite, Dabie-Sulu belt, China: Implicationfor the paleoproterozoic tectonic history of theYangtze craton. ( 英 文 ). Sun Min; ChenNengsong; Zhao Guochun; Wilde S A; Ye Kai;Guo Jinghui; Chen Yi; Yuan Chao. AmericanJournal of science, 2008, 308(4): 469-483SIMS data demonstrate Archean (2.9 to 2.7Ga) and Paleoproterozoic (1991 ± 43 Ma)ages for rounded detrital zircon cores andunzoned rims respectively in a graulite samplecollected from Huangtuling, Dabie-Suluorogenic belt, China. The granulite rocks inthis locality have pelitic compositions andrepresent an exposure of the northern marginof the Yangtze Craton. The rounded zirconcores show oscillatory zoning and have Th/Uratios (0.17 – 0.78) systematically higherthan those of the unzoned luminescent rims(0.005 – 0.03). The age of the detrital zirconcores and whole rock Nd isotope model agesuggest that the Huangtuling granulite waspossibly derived from a provenancedominated by Archean rocks similar to theKongling Complex exposed 200 km in thesouthwest. Multiple phases of metamorphismhave been identified for the granulites, withthe dominant granulite-facies mineralassemblage, defining an early clock-wisemetamorphic P-T path. Orthopyroxene,plagioclase and whole-rock material define alinear trend in a 147Sm/144Nd –143Nd/144Nd diagram, corresponding to anage of 1926 ± 146 Ma. This result and the U-Pb data for the zircon rims suggest that acollisional event may have occurred along thenorthern margin of the Yangtze Craton at 2.0Ga, inviting further study on whether theYangtze Craton was involved in the assemblyof the recently-proposed Paleo-Mesoproterozoic supercontinent Columbia.2009010501碎 屑 锆 石 研 究 所 显 示 的 前 寒 武 纪 扬 子 克 拉通 地 壳 生 长 = Precambrian crustal growth ofYangtze Craton as revealed by detrital zirconstudies. ( 英 文 ). Liu Xiaoming; Gao Shan;Diwu Chunrong; Ling Wenli. AmericanJournal of science, 2008, 308(4): 421-468Clastic sedimentary rocks are naturalsamples of the exposed continental crust overlarge areas. The age and evolution of theYangtze craton is not well known, becausemuch of the craton is covered by thick Nanhua(850 –635Ma), Sinian (635 –543Ma) andPhanerozoic sedimentary rocks. The Nanhuaclastic sedimentary rocks including tillitesprovide ideal samples for studies of age andevolution of the craton. 1130 zircons in 8sandstone and tillite samples of three Nanhuaformations (Liantuo, Gucheng and Nantuo)from the Yangtze Gorges area were dated byLA-ICP-MS. 251 of the 711 concordantzircons were analyzed for Hf isotopiccompositions by LA-MC-ICP-MS. The resultsreveal four major age groups of 720 to 910 Ma,1.90 to 2.05 Ga, 2.40 to 2.55Ga and 2.60 to2.70 Ga with few grains >3.2Ga. Although Hfisotopic compositions show both juvenilecrustal growth and reworking of old crust forall the age groups, the Paleoproterozoic is aperiod of prominent crustal reworking withnegative Hf(t) values. The Neoproterozoic is aperiod of significant juvenile crustal additions,accounting for 68 percent of zircons withpositive Hf(t) values similar to those of thedepleted mantle. Crustal additions at 3.2 to3.8Ga are also significant, as indicated by thezircon Hf continental model ages. Our resultshighlight the importance of analysis of asufficient number of zircons for provenancestudies. In addition, our results illustrate thatpossible temporal and spatial provenancevariations have to be taken into account forbetter characterizing formation and evolutionof the related continental crust. Our obtainedyoungest age for each formation shows astrong negative correlation with stratigraphicheight. Youngest ages provide goodconstraints on the maximum ages of the threeNanhua formations: 770Ma, 733Ma and160

704Ma for the base, middle unit and top of theLiantuo Formation, respectively; 703Ma forthe Gucheng Formation and possibly 600 to606Ma for the Nantuo Formation. Althoughthe North China and Yangtze cratons showsome apparently similar zircon ages, the twocratons have distinct histories of formationand evolution. While the North China cratonis dominated by Archean crustal growth, theYangtze craton is characterized by prominentcrustal additions in the Neoproterozoic, whichis almost lacking in the North China craton.2009010502中 国 胶 东 半 岛 太 古 代 地 壳 演 化 : 来 自 锆 石SHRIMP 地 球 年 代 学 , 元 素 地 球 化 学 和 Nd同 位 素 地 球 化 学 的 证 据 = Archean crustalevolution of the Jiaodong Peninsula, China, asrevealed by zircon SHRIMP geochronology,elemental and Nd-isotope geochemistry. ( 英文 ). Borming J; Liu Dunyi; Wan Yusheng;Song Biao; Wu Jiashan. American Journal ofscience, 2008, 308(3): 232-269The Jiaodong Terrane in eastern ShandongProvince is an important part of the EasternBlock of the North China Craton (NCC). Inorder to better understand the Precambriancrustal evolution of the NCC, we conducted astudy of zircon geochronology, bulk-rockelemental and Nd-isotope geochemistry ongneisses and granodiorites from the JiaodongTerrane. Zircon U-Pb SHRIMP analyses onbiotite leptites and TTG gneisses yielded twogroups of ages, one at ca. 2.90 Ga, and theother at 2.71 to 2.73 Ga. The new age resultsestablish the existence of Mesoarchean andNeoarchean continental crust in the JiaodongTerrane. The association of leptites,interpreted as metadacitic rocks, and TTGgneisses at 2.9 Ga was likely generated in anisland-arc system, hence implying that platetectonics, similar to the modern regime, wasoperative during the Mesoarchean. On theother hand, the results also indicate that theperiod of 2.71 to 2.73 Ga represents the mostsignificant crust-forming episode in theJiaodong Terrane. This is in contrast to thegeneral understanding that the most importantperiod of crustal growth and relatedmetamorphism/deformation in the NCC tookplace in the terminal Archean (2.5 Ga). Thegeochemical and age constraints of theNeoarchean TTG rocks suggest that theirformation was not related to subduction ofoceanic crust, but to underplating andsubsequent partial melting of lower crustalmafic rocks. Nd isotope data indicate that theMesoarchean and Neoarchean rocks weremainly derived from juvenile sources with alimited amount of old crustal component. Likein other parts of the NCC, these rocksrepresent a juvenile addition to the lateArchean continental crust. Finally, theformation of supracrustal rocks and most TTGgneisses in the period of 2.9 to 2.7 Gadistinguishes the Jiaodong Terrane from othertectonic units of the North China Craton.2009010503U-Pb 和 Hf 同 位 素 新 数 据 证 明 鞍 山 是 中 国北 部 地 块 现 存 最 古 老 的 部 分 = New U-Pband Hf isotopic data confirm Anshan as theoldest preserved segment of the North ChinaCraton. ( 英 文 ). Liu Dunyi; Wilde S A; WanYusheng; Wu Jiashan; Zhou Hongyin; DongChunyan; Yin Xiaoyan. American Journal ofscience, 2008, 308(3): 200-231The Anshan area in the northeastern part ofthe North China Craton contains the oldestknown rocks in China. Rocks with ages of 3.8Ga are present in three trondhjemitedominatedgneiss complexes, referred to as theBaijiafen, Dongshan and Shengoushicomplexes. The oldest material identified inthese complexes has weighted mean207Pb/206Pb ages of 3800 ± 5 Ma, 3794 ±4 Ma and 3777 ± 13 Ma, respectively. Inaddition, younger geological events at 3680 ±19 Ma, 3620 ± 23 Ma, and 3573 ± 21 Mahave been identified, recording theemplacement of several generations oftrondhjemite. A biotite schist of possiblesupracrustal origin contains a zirconpopulation with a weighted mean207Pb/206Pb age of 3723 ± 17 Ma and is cutby a 3620 Ma trondhjemite, implyingformation prior to 3.62 Ga. TDM(Hf) modelages for the zircons range from 3256 to 4264Ma, but are mostly 3.9 Ga, indicating thatsignificantly older crust was not present in thesource region of the trondhjemitic magmas.2009010504西 藏 高 喜 马 拉 雅 及 北 喜 马 拉 雅 Dinggye 和LhagoiKangri 地 区 古 元 古 代 花 岗 石 片 麻岩 : 地 球 年 代 学 及 意 义 = Paleoproterozoicgranitic gneisses of the Dinggye andLhagoiKangri areas from the Higher andNorthern Himalaya, Tibet: Geochronologyand implications. ( 英 文 ). Liao Qun'an; LiDewei; Lu Lian; Yuan Yieming; Chu Linglin.Science in China Series D: EarthSciences, 2008, 51(2): 240-248161

Granitic gneisses have been widely found incrystalline rocks in the Dinggye area of theHigher Himalaya (HHM) and theLhagoiKangri area of the North Himalaya(NHM), Tibet. In the HHM, the gneissesintruded in the granulite-amphibolite faciesmetamorphosed sedimentary rocks, known asNyalam group. In the NHM, the gneissesintruded in the amphibolite faciesmetamorphosed ones, known as LhagoiKangrigroup. These granitic gneisses areperaluminous monzonitic granites in terms oftheir mineral assemblage, and are consideredas being derived from metamorphosedsedimentary rocks by anatexis based on thetransitional relationship of the gneisses withtheir migmatitized wall rocks. Zircons aresimilar in crystal shape and interior structurefrom both gneisses. Most of them are euhedralor subhedral elongated prism-shapedtransparent crystals, with fine oscillatoryzoning, showing the magmatic genesis. Someof them are short prism-shaped and with relictcore inherited from magma source andoscillatory zoning mantle crystallized frommagma. SHRIMP U-Pb dating of ziconsshows that both the granitic gneisses in theHHM and NHM are Paleoproterozoic (1811.6±2.9 Ma and 1811.7±7.2 Ma, respectively).These ages are similar to those (1815 to 2120Ma) from granitic gneiss which is widelydistributed in the Lesser Himalaya (LHM).The ages of inherited zircons (>2493.9±7.0Ma, 2095.8±8.8 Ma, 1874±29 Ma) exhibitthe possible presence of several thermalevents in Paleoproterozoic. All of the agessuggest the same India basement beneath thedifferent units in Himalaya area, and do notsupport the idea that the HHM and NHM areaccretionary terranes in Pan-Africa orogenicevent. The fact that the basement in HHM isas old as or even younger than LHM isinconsistent with the presently prevalentorogenic models such as either extrusion oflow-viscosity mid-crust or orogenic channel.古 生 界2009010505加 拿 大 纽 芬 兰 西 部 中 奥 陶 统 CapeCormorant 组 上 部 几 丁 虫 、 牙 形 类 和 笔 石综 合 生 物 地 层 = Integrated chitinozoan,conodont, and graptolite biostratigraphy fromthe upper part of the Cape CormorantFormation (Middle Ordovician), westernNewfoundland. ( 英 文 ). Albani R; Bagnoli G;Maletz J; Stouge S. Canadian Journal ofEarth Sciences, 2001, 38(3): 387-409The Cape Cormorant Formation of theTable Head Group exposed on the Port au PortPeninsula, western Newfoundland, iscomposed of dark-brown to black shales withinterbeds of thin calcareous silty and sandydistal turbidites. Distinctive carbonateconglomerates and breccias derived from thefoundering shelf are occasionally found in theformation. The sediments accumulated in theforeland basin formed during the early stageof the Taconic orogeny. The faunas from theupper part of the Cape Cormorant Formationinclude graptolites, conodonts, andchitinozoans. The graptolites are wellpreserved, but are of low diversity and arereferred to the Darriwil Pterograptus elegansZone. Conodonts recorded from the distalturbidites are rare and fragmented. The faunasinclude taxa that are known from the St.George and Table Head groups. The conodontfauna is tentatively assigned to the Histiodellakristinae Phylozone and to the younger,unzoned interval. The chitinozoans are wellpreserved and the yield is high. The fauna isassigned to the Cyathochitina jenkinsi Zoneand to an undefined interval. The abundanceand diversity of the chitinozoan assemblagesdisplay a cyclic pattern, which is related tochanges of the oceanic watermass in theforeland basin. The new chitinozoan speciesBelonechitina nevillensis n. sp., Belonechitinauniformipunctata n. sp., and Cyathochitinacormorani n. sp. are described.2009010506加 拿 大 不 列 颠 哥 伦 比 亚 中 部 石 炭 纪 至 侏 罗纪 Cache Creek 地 体 生 物 地 层 和 生 物 地 理控 制 = Biostratigraphic and biogeographicconstraints on the Carboniferous to JurassicCache Creek Terrane in central BritishColumbia. ( 英 文 ). Orchard M J; Cordey F;Rui L; Bamber E W; Mamet B. CanadianJournal of Earth Sciences, 2001, 38(4): 551-578Conodonts, radiolarians, foraminiferids, andcorals provide constraints on the geology andtectonics of the Nechako region. They alsosupport the notion that the Cache CreekTerrane is allochthonous with respect to theNorth American craton. The 177 conodontcollections, assigned to 20 faunas, range inage from Bashkirian (Late Carboniferous) toNorian (Late Triassic); 70 radiolariancollections representing 12 zones range fromGzhelian (Late Carboniferous) to Toarcian162

(Early Jurassic); 335 collections assigned to11 fusulinacean assemblages (with associatedforam-algal associations) range fromBashkirian to Wordian (Middle Permian); andtwo coral faunas are of Bashkirian andWordian age. The fossils document a long butsporadic history of sedimentary events withinthe Cache Creek Complex that included twomajor carbonate buildups in the LateCarboniferous (Pope limestone) and MiddlePermian (Copley limestone), punctuated byintervening Early Permian deepening; basalticeruptions during the mid Carboniferous andmid Permian; the onset of oceanic chertsedimentation close to the Carboniferous –Permian boundary and its persistence throughthe Late Triassic (Sowchea succession); latestPermian and Early Triassic mixed clastics andvolcanics (Kloch Lake succession); Middleand Late Triassic reworking of carbonates(Whitefish limestone), including cavity fill inolder limestones (Necoslie breccia), and finegrainedclastic sedimentation extending intothe Early Jurassic (Tezzeron succession).Tethyan, eastern Pacific, and (or) low-latitudebiogeographic attributes of the faunas arenoted in the Gzhelian (fusulines), Artinskian(conodonts, fusulines), Wordian (fusulines,corals, conodonts), and Ladinian (conodonts,radiolarians). The Cache Creek Terrane lay farto the west of the North American continentduring these times.2009010507与 潜 穴 有 关 的 选 择 性 白 云 石 化 的 概 念 模 型以 及 来 自 加 拿 大 Tyndall Stone 的 构 造 和 同位 素 证 据 = Conceptual models for burrowrelated,selective dolomitization with texturaland isotopic evidence from the Tyndall Stone,Canada. ( 英 文 ). Gingras M K; Pemberton S G;Muelenbachs K; Machel H. Geobiology, 2004,2(1): 21-30The formation of dolomite is generallyexplained using models that reflect largerscaleprocesses that describe the relationshipbetween the supply and transport of Mg, andgeochemical conditions that are amenable tothe formation of dolomite. However,heterogeneities in the substrate, such as thosemade by bioturbating infauna, may play amore important role in dolomitization than hasbeen previously considered. Burrowfacilitateddolomitization is evident in theOrdovician Tyndall Stone (Red River Group,Selkirk Formation) of central Canada. Thediagenetic fabrics present are attributed todolomitizing fluids that both flowed throughand evolved within burrow networks.Petrographic analysis suggests that two phasesof dolomite formation took place. The firstformed a fine-grained, fabric-destructive typethat probably accompanied early burial; thesecond is a fine- to medium-grained, locallysucrosic dolomite that is interpreted to haveprecipitated during later burial. Isotopicanalysis supports the proposed paragenetichistory: (1) an apparent linking of the stableisotopes 13 C and 18 O strongly suggests that themicrite matrix formed during very earlydiagenesis and was derived from seawater; (2)the initial phase of dolomitization ispotentially microbially mediated, as evidencedby the enrichment of 13 C; and (3) isotopicvalues for the second generation of dolomitereflect the mixing of ground water andresorbed early dolomite. This paperconceptualizes the physical and chemicalconditions required for the formation ofdolomite in association with burrow fabrics.The proposed model reveals a composite ofbiological and inorganic reactions thatdemonstrates the interdependence of sedimentfabric, organic content and microbialinteractions in the development of burrowmottleddolomitic limestone. It is suggestedthat where burrow-associated dolomite occurs,it is most likely to develop in two stages: first,the byproducts of the degradation of organicmaterial in burrows locally increase thepermeability and porosity around burrowfabrics in shallow diagenetic depositionalenvironments; and, second, the passing ofburrowed media into deeper dysaerobicsediment is accompanied by the establishmentof fermenting micro-organisms whosebyproducts mediate dolomitization.2009010508意 大 利 中 撒 丁 岛 东 部 黑 色 页 岩Cyrtograptus lundgreni 事 件 的 古 生 物 和 生物 地 球 化 学 特 征 = Palaeontologic andbiogeochemical characterization of theCyrtograptus lundgreni event in the blackshales of eastern Mid-Sardinia, Italy. ( 英 文 ).Pittau P; Cotza F; Cristini S; Rio M D; Loi M.Lethaia, 2006, 39(2): 111 - 127A succession of biotic and geochemicalchanges that occurred during the Cyrtograptuslundgreni Event (Late Wenlock) have beenrecorded from the 'pelagic' black-shales in theGoni section, eastern mid-Sardinia, Italy. Thestudied interval encompasses the Cyrtograptusrigidus to Pristiograptus dubius-Gothograptusnassa zones. The fossil association includes163

graptolites, chitinozoans and microplanktoni.e. probable linings of agglutinatedforaminifera and radiolaria capsularmembranes. Analysis of the chitinozoandistribution revealed a succession of severalchitinozoan associations with low speciesdiversity and dominated by opportunisticspecies. Three chitinozoan faunal turnoversand three extinction events have beenrecorded. Two of them coincide withgraptolite extinctions whereas one probably isof local significance. Disappearance of thechitinozoan and microplankton associationsoccurred during four consecutive graptolitezones. Geochemical data (trace elementsanalysis) showed significantly higher (up to c.100%) values for Co and Cd in thesedimentary organic matter (SOM) than in thewhole rock samples. Possible relationshipsbetween peaks of metal enrichment, the majorfaunal changes among chitinozoans, extinctionevents among chitinozoans and graptolites and,to a certain extent, oceanic events may beinferred. The first extinction datum is olderthat those occurring in Gotland, Sweden andTh ringen, Germany and is so far consideredto be of local significance. The secondextinction datum of Sardinia can be matchedwith Datum 1 of Gotland and Th ringen. Aclose correlation between the third extinctiondatum of Sardinia and Datum 2 of Th ringenand Gotland reinforces the importance ofthese events at global scale.2009010509三 个 新 的 奥 陶 系 全 球 阶 名 = Three newOrdovician global stage names. ( 英 文 ).Bergstroem S M; Finney S C; Chen Xu;Goldman D; Leslie S A. Lethaia, 2006, 39(3):287 - 2882009010510地 层 学 中 的 稳 定 性 = Stability in stratigraphy.( 英 文 ). Melchin M J; Rong Jiayu; Gradstein F;Koren T N; Finney S C. Lethaia, 2004, 37(1):124 - 1252009010511中 国 西 南 下 寒 武 统 磷 块 岩 中 海 底 微 生 物 席和 相 关 后 生 动 物 生 活 方 式 的 证 据 =Evidence for seafloor microbial mats andassociated metazoan lifestyles in LowerCambrian phosphorites of Southwest China.( 英 文 ). Dornbos S Q; Bottjer D J; Chen Jun-Yuan. Lethaia, 2004, 37(2): 127 - 137The increase in the depth and intensity ofbioturbation through the Proterozoic--Phanerozoic transition changed the substrateson which marine benthos lived from beingrelatively firm with a sharp sediment-waterinterface to having a high water content andblurry sediment-water interface. Additionally,microbial mats, once dominant on normalmarine Proterozoic seafloors, were relegatedto stressed settings lacking intense metazoanactivity. This change in substrates has beentermed the 'agronomic revolution', and itsimpact on benthic metazoans has been termedthe 'Cambrian substrate revolution'. Theshallow marine phosphorites of the LowerCambrian Meishucun Formation of southwestChina contain evidence suggestive of thepresence of seafloor microbial mats. Thisevidence includes abundant and distinctivered-colored bedding planes enriched in heavyiron minerals and mica, interpreted asresulting from mat-decay mineralization andmica trapping by microbial mats. The radulargrazing trace fossil Radulichnus is also foundin this formation, indicating a firm, microbialmat-bound substrate. These radular scratchesare always preserved with circular impressionsaround 10 cm in diameter, possibly the fossilsof soft-bodied organisms. The first relativelyintense bioturbation in this region is found inthis formation and is dominated by horizontalThalassinoides burrows, which couldrepresent undermat mining behavior. Theevidence for the presence of microbial mats inthe Lower Cambrian Meishucun Formation,and for metazoan lifestyles associated withsuch mat-bound seafloors, reveals that normalmarine environments dominated by typicalProterozoic-style soft substrates still existedduring the Cambrian substrate revolution.2009010512寒 武 系 芙 蓉 统 和 排 碧 阶 全 球 标 准 层 型 剖 面和 点 位 (GSSP ) = Global StandardStratotype-section and Point (GSSP) of theFurongian Series and Paibian Stage(Cambrian). ( 英 文 ). Peng Shanchi; Babcock L;Robison R; Lin Huanling; Rees M; SaltzmanM. Lethaia, 2004, 37(4): 365 - 379The Global Standard Stratotype-section andPoint (GSSP) of the Furongian Series(uppermost series of the Cambrian System)and the Paibian Stage (lowermost stage of theFurongian Series), has been recently definedand ratified by the International Union ofGeological Sciences (IUGS). The boundarystratotype is 369 metres above the base of the164

Huaqiao Formation in the Paibi section,northwestern Hunan Province, China. Thispoint coincides with the first appearance of thecosmopolitan agnostoid trilobiteGlyptagnostus reticulatus, and occurs near thebase of a large positive carbon isotopicexcursion (SPICE excursion).2009010513奥 陶 纪 方 解 石 浅 海 中 方 解 石 的 沉 淀 和 生 物成 因 文 石 的 溶 解 = Calcite precipitation anddissolution of biogenic aragonite in shallowOrdovician calcite seas. ( 英 文 ). Palmer T;Wilson M. Lethaia, 2004, 37(4): 417 - 427The Ordovician was a time of extensive andpervasive low-magnesium calcite (LMC)precipitation on shallow marine sea floors.The evidence comes from field study(extensive hardgrounds and other earlycementation fabrics in shallow-watercarbonate sequences) and petrography (largevolumes of marine calcite cement ingrainstones). Contemporaneous sea-floorevents, particularly relationships with boringand encrusting organisms and reworking insequences of intraformational conglomerates,confirm the early timing of such LMCcementation, and also of widespreadassociated aragonite dissolution. Localevidence points to the dissolved aragonite as asignificant source of the calcite cement. Thisscenario, and the fabrics that provide theevidence for it, are likely to be pointers toother times in the stratigraphic record whenLMC was the predominant shallow marineprecipitate (Calcite Sea times). Thecombination of rapid calcite precipitation andaragonite dissolution at a time early in thePhanerozoic when many major invertebrategroups were becoming established may haveacted as an influence on the evolution of boththeir skeletal mineralogy and their ecology.2009010514地 层 学 中 的 稳 定 性 = Stability in stratigraphy.( 英 文 ). Holland C H; Bassett M G; RickardsR B. Lethaia, 2003, 36(1): 69 - 702009010515志 留 纪 灰 岩 中 的 大 型 波 痕 = Large scaleripples in Silurian limestones. ( 英 文 ).Broadhurst F M. Lethaia, 1968, 1(1): 28-38Large scale ripple marks occur in Silurian(Landovery-Wenlock) limestones of the Oslofjord area, Southern Norway. The limestonesare biosparites with a drifted assemblage offossils and sandstone pebbles.Ripple cross-lamination is developed. It isconcluded that the limestones accumulatedunder the action of strong currents. Features ofthe ripple cross-lamination suggest that thesecurrents may have been tidal in origin.2009010516地 中 海 区 阿 什 极 尔 前 赫 南 特 期 气 候 温 暖 事件 = Pre-Hirnantian Ashgill climatically warmevent in the Mediterranean region. ( 英 文 ).Boucot A J; Rong Jiayu; Chen Xu; Scotese CR. Lethaia, 2003, 36(2): 119-131Compilation of the marine, benthicmegafossils from approximately the mid-Ashgill of the Mediterranean region, includingmuch of Central and Southern Europe plusNorth Africa, and elsewhere indicates a warminterval featuring bioclastic limestone and awarm climate marine fauna. These mid-Ashgill faunas immediately precede the latestAshgillian, Hirnantian, cool interval thatfeatured widespread glaciation, and areunderlain by typical, cold water,Mediterranean Realm, older Ordovician rocksand faunas. The cause or causes responsiblefor the brief warm interval are uncertain, butmay have involved a warm water gateway thatis geographically still not located. There is apossibility that South Africa was similarlyaffected by this roughly mid-Ashgillianmarine situation. Early Paleozoic bauxiteminerals and kaolins in northwestern Sudanand kaolins elsewhere in North Africa mayrepresent the same time interval, which wouldsuggest that there was a non-marineamelioration of the local climate as well as themarine effects.2009010517二 叠 纪 末 集 群 绝 灭 —— 灾 难 性 火 山 活 动 的海 洋 效 应 = End-Permian mass extinction:oceanographic consequences of doublecatastrophic volcanism. ( 英 文 ). Racki G.Lethaia, 2003, 36(3): 171-1732009010518Baltoscandia 地 区 奥 陶 纪 生 物 多 样 性 曲 线 =Biodiversity curves for the Ordovician ofBaltoscandia. ( 英 文 ). Hammer Ø.Lethaia, 2003, 36(4): 305 - 313Biodiversity curves for the Ordovician ofBaltoscandia show a substantial increase intaxonomical diversity through the period, asseen also in global data sets. A database of165

10,340 records of first and last appearances ofspecies at different localities in the region hasbeen analysed using simple species counts,and partly validated with resampling methods.While the biodiversity curve for all fossilgroups combined is probably reasonablyaccurate except for an unknown scalingconstant, taxonomical or geographical subsetsmay not be sufficiently well sampled to allowprecise measurement of their species countsthrough time. The analysis shows a majordiversification event commencing in themiddle Arenig (Ibex-Whiterock boundary),and more limited diversification events in theLlanvirn, Caradoc and Ashgill. TheScandinavian (Norwegian and Swedish)biodiversity curves are broadly correlated withmajor changes in sea level, with lowbiodiversity at highstands and highbiodiversity at lowstands, although this patternis not clear for all fossil groups. In the Arenig,graptolites and trilobites appear to have higherdiversities at high sea levels, while thebrachiopods and ostracodes show higherdiversities at low sea level. As a consequence,the Arenig diversification is delayed for thelatter two groups until the upper end of theinterval.2009010519古 生 代 的 疑 难 问 题 = The problem with thePaleozoic. ( 英 文 ). Peters S E.Paleobiology, 2007, 33(2): 165-181Unfossiliferous marine sedimentary rocksof Phanerozoic age are known to all fieldorientedpaleontologists. These troublesomeunits are often encountered in the field,perhaps cursed roundly for a moment or two,and usually shrugged off in pursuit of the nextfossiliferous interval. Paleontologists tend notto discuss barren units, and they rarely publishon the absence of a fauna from what appearsto be unaltered marine rock. But aren't barrenmarine sediments revealing somethingimportant about their paleoenvironment andpossibly about the paleoenvironments ofconformably adjacent fossil-bearing units?Shouldn't paleontologists be just as interestedin knowing the locations and ages ofunfossiliferous sediments as they arefossiliferous strata?In this essay, I discuss the possibleenvironmental significance of barren marinesediment and present preliminary data tosuggest that its frequency may have variedconsiderably during the Phanerozoic. I alsopresent evidence to suggest that this variationis associated with shifts in the prevailinglocation of preserved marine sedimentaccumulation from expansive epicontinentalseas to comparatively narrow continentalshelves. Finally, I propose that such shifts inthe physiographic contexts of marine shelfhabitats and their preserved sediments areassociated with oceanographic effects thathave greatly influenced environmental andbiological evolution, the character of the fossilrecord, and our perception of marinebiodiversity and macroevolution at manydifferent temporal and spatial scales.2009010520晚 奥 陶 世 海 生 生 物 入 侵 的 多 样 性 分 割 ——对 区 域 生 态 系 统 多 样 性 的 控 制 = Diversitypartitioning of a Late Ordovician marinebiotic invasion: controls on diversity inregional ecosystems. ( 英 文 ). Patzkowsky M E;Holland S M. Paleobiology, 2007, 33(2): 295-309Biotic invasions are a common feature ofthe fossil record, yet remarkably little isknown about them, given their enormouspotential to reveal the processes that regulatelocal and regional diversity over long timescales. We used additive diversity partitioningto examine how diversity structure changed asa result of a marine biotic invasion in tropical,shallow and deep subtidal environmentsspanning approximately 4 Myr in the LateOrdovician. The biotic invasion increasedrichness in the regional ecosystem by nearly40%. Within-habitat turnover diversityaccounts for most of the increase in richness,with between-habitat turnover diversitycontributing a lesser amount. Increases inthese components of diversity wereaccommodated by increased packing ofspecies along a depth gradient and increasedhabitat heterogeneity. Diversity metrics thatincorporate taxon abundance (Shannoninformation, Simpson's D) show similarpatterns and reveal that many invading taxawere locally abundant and widespread in theiroccurrence. Extinction of incumbent taxa didnot foster the invasion; rather the invasionappears to be linked to a regional or globalwarming event. Taken together, theseobservations indicate that these LateOrdovician marine communities were open toinvasion and not saturated with species.Moreover, the increase in species diversitycaused by the invasion was not ephemeral;instead it lasted for at least 1 Myr. Similarstudies of other biotic invasions in the fossil166

ecord are necessary to determine (1) thefactors, such as extinction of incumbents orresource limitation, that may facilitate orinhibit invasion in ancient ecosystems; (2)how local and regional ecosystems respond toinvasion; and (3) the extent to which bioticinvasions play a substantial role in ecosystemchange through geologic time.2009010521晚 奥 陶 世 集 群 绝 灭 演 替 和 复 苏 的 地 理 差 异= Geographic variation in turnover andrecovery from the Late Ordovician massextinction. ( 英 文 ). Krug A Z; Patzkowsky ME. Paleobiology, 2007, 33(3): 435-454Understanding what drives global diversityrequires knowledge of the processes thatcontrol diversity and turnover at a variety ofgeographic and temporal scales. This is ofparticular importance in the study of massextinctions, which have disproportionateeffects on the global ecosystem and have beenshown to vary geographically in extinctionmagnitude and rate of recovery.Here, we analyze regional diversity andturnover patterns for the paleocontinents ofLaurentia, Baltica, and Avalonia spanning theLate Ordovician mass extinction and EarlySilurian recovery. Using a database of genusoccurrences for inarticulate and articulatebrachiopods, bivalves, anthozoans, andtrilobites, we show that sampling-standardizeddiversity trends differ for the three regions.Diversity rebounded to pre-extinction levelswithin 5 Myr in the paleocontinent ofLaurentia, compared with 15 Myr or longer forBaltica and Avalonia. This increased rate ofrecovery in Laurentia was due to both lowerLate Ordovician extinction rates and higherEarly Silurian origination rates relative to theother continents. Using brachiopod data, wedissected the Rhuddanian recovery into genusorigination and invasion. This analysisrevealed that standing diversity in theRhuddanian consisted of a higher proportionof invading taxa in Laurentia than in eitherBaltica or Avalonia. Removing invadinggenera from diversity counts causedRhuddanian diversity to fall in Laurentia.However, Laurentian diversity still reboundedto pre-extinction levels within 10 Myr of theextinction event, indicating that genusorigination rates were also higher in Laurentiathan in either Baltica or Avalonia. Thoughbrachiopod diversity in Laurentia was lowerthan in the higher-latitude continents prior tothe extinction, increased immigration andgenus origination rates made it the mostdiverse continent following the extinction.Higher rates of origination in Laurentia maybe explained by its large size, paleogeographiclocation, and vast epicontinental seas. It ispossible that the tropical position of Laurentiabuffered it somewhat from the intense climaticfluctuations associated with the extinctionevent, reducing extinction intensities andallowing for a more rapid rebound in thisregion. Hypotheses explaining the increasedlevels of invasion into Laurentia remainlargely untested and require further scrutiny.Nevertheless, the Late Ordovician massextinction joins the Late Permian and end-Cretaceous as global extinction eventsdisplaying an underlying spatial complexity.2009010522塔 里 木 盆 地 塔 河 油 田 奥 陶 纪 粒 状 灰 岩 的 埋藏 溶 解 及 其 地 质 意 义 = Burial Dissolution ofOrdovician Granule Limestone in the TaheOilfield of the Tarim Basin, NW China, andIts Geological Significance. ( 英 文 ). LiuChunyan; Lin Changsong; Wang Yi; WuMaobing. Acta Geologica Sinica, 2008, 82(3):520-529With a comprehensive study on thepetrology, geology and geochemistry of someOrdovician granule limestone samples in theTahe Oiifieid of the Tarim Basin, two stagesof burial dissolution were put forward as anin-source dissolution and out-sourcedissolution based on macro-microcosmicpetrology and geochemistry features. Themain differences in the two stages are in theorigin and moving pass of acid fluids.Geochemical evidence indicates that burialdissolution fluids might be ingredients oforganic acids, CO2 and H2S associated withorganic matter maturation and hydrocarbondecomposition, and the in-source fluid camefrom organic matter in the granule limestoneitself, but the out-source was mainly fromother argillaceous carbonate rocks far away.So, the forming of a burial dissolutionreservoir resulted from both in-source and theout-source dissolutions. The granule limestonefirstly formed unattached pinholes under insourcedissolution in situ, and afterwardssuffered wider dissolution with out-sourcefluids moving along unconformities, seams,faults and associate fissures. The second stagewas much more important, and the mineralcomposition in the stratum and heatconvection of the fluid were also important informing favorable reservoirs.167

2009010523塔 里 木 盆 地 中 部 和 北 部 下 奥 陶 统 白 云 岩 中稀 土 元 素 组 成 : 远 古 海 水 稀 土 元 素 的 代 表= REE Compositions of Lower OrdovicianDolomites in Central and North Tarim Basin,NW China : A Potential REE Proxy forAncient Seawater. ( 英 文 ). Zhang Xuefeng; HuWenxuan; Jin Zhijun; Zhang Juntao; QianYixiong; Zhu Jingquan; Zhu Dongya; WangXiaolin; Xie Xiaomin. Acta GeologicaSinica, 2008, 82(3): 610-621Rare earth element compositions of LowerOrdovician dolomites in the Central andNorthern Tarim Basin are studied. Mostdolomite samples are more or lesscontaminated by clay minerals. Their rareearth element compositions have beenconsequently changed, showing bothseawater-like and non-seawater-like features.The clay contamination should be disposedbefore the REE data are used. Through ICP-MS and ICP-AES analyses, the REE featuresare well documented. The clay contaminationis quantitatively determined by microscopicinvestigation, trace elements and REEcontents. The dolomites, at least in the TarimBasin, are thought to be pure when their totalLREE contents are less than 3 × 10^-6.Through comparison, the pure dolomites showsimilarities in REE patterns but differences inREE contents with co-existing pure limestone,which indicates that dolomitization mayslightly change the REE compositions.Nevertheless, whatever the change is, the puredolomites may act as a potential REE proxyfor Ordovician seawater, which would besignificant for ancient massive dolomite stratathat lack limestone.2009010524新 疆 北 部 与 二 叠 纪 镁 铁 质 杂 岩 相 关 的 成 矿序 列 : 后 碰 撞 阶 段 还 是 地 幔 柱 结 果 ? =Metallogenic Series Related to Permian MaficComplex in North Xinjiang: Post-collisionalStage or Mantle Plume Result ? . ( 英 文 ).Wang Yuwang; Wang Jingbin; Wang Lijuan;Long Lingli. Acta Geologica Sinica, 2008,82(4): 788-795There are four deposit types related to aPermian mafic complex in northern Xinjiang,i.e., copper-nickel sulfide deposit, vanadictitanomagnetite deposit, magnetite ( -cobalt) deposit and Cu-Ni- VTiFe compositedeposit. The deposits are distributed spanningtectonic units with close and consecutivemetallogenic ages. A transitional deposit typecan occur among the end-member deposits.Trace elements of host rocks show that theycan derive from similar source area. Hence,they constitute a particular metallogenic seriesrelated to a mafic-ultramafic complex that isalso a symbol series of the post-collisionalstage of the Central Asia MetallogenicProvince (CAMP). The metallogenic agesof the series are between 260 Ma and 300 Mathroughout the Permian. Unlike mineralizationfrom a mantle plume, the metallogenic periodof this series spans at least 40 Ma. Comparedwith related deposits of the Emeishan mantleplume, the North Xinjiang series has a similarore-forming element assemblage but haspreferably developed Cu-Ni sulfide depositsrather than vanadic titanomagnetite deposits.In concomitance with this series, NorthXinjiang area has developed a set ofsyntectonic Au-Cu-Mo metallogenic seriesrelated to a felsic volcanic-intrusive complex,which might indicate that there is no directrelationship with mantle plume activity. Fromearly to late, i.e., the sequence of coppernickelsulfide to magnetite ( -cobalt ) tovanadic titanomagnetite deposit, the host rockseries evolves from mafic-ultramafic andtholeiite series to mafic and alkalic series, the~REE content tends to increase withincreasing of REE fractionation, and some ofthe trace elements (particularly LIL) alsoshow an increasing tendency. The aboveevolutionary regularity possibly reflects acourse where the magma source deepens andthermal interface moves down, energygradually exhausts, and neo-continental crustforming in the postcollision stage tends tostabilize.2009010525新 疆 天 山 西 部 喇 嘛 苏 矽 卡 斑 岩 铜 锌 矿 床 的成 矿 期 和 成 矿 环 境 = Metallogenic Epochand Ore-forming Environment of the LamasuSkarn-porphyritic Cu-Zn deposit, westernTianshan, Xinjiang, NW China. ( 英 文 ). ZhangZuoheng; Wang Zhiliang; Wang Longsheng;Zuo Guochao. Acta Geologica Sinica, 2008,82(4): 731-740Granitic rocks, widely developed in theLamasu copper ore region, western Tianshanwere formed at 390.5±7.7 Ma according tothe SHRIMP zircon U-Pb dating of theplagioclase granite porphyry. Based on theregional tectonic evolution and publishedchronological data of both diagenesis and168

mineralization, the Biezhentao- Kokirqinregion was rolled into the orogen associatedwith the closure of Yili Ocean during earlyDevonian. The N-S-trending thrust faults wereformed during this period and accompanied bythe intrusion of granitic rocks. On this stage,the paleo-Asian Ocean Plate entered into theearly collision orogenic phase and theplagioclase granite porphyry intruded (390.5±7.7 Ma) and replaced with limestone ofthe Mesoproterozoic Kusongmuqieke Group,Jixianian System and formed the early phaseof skarn-type copper mineralization in theLamasu region. Furthermore, the subductionmeltingof Bayingou Ocean Plate duringCarboniferous generated a deep-seatedmagmatic chamber in the Lamasu copper oreregion which located in the northwestern partof the Paleozoic Biezhentao-Kokirqin islandarc. The magmatic chamber segregated Cubearingmagmas, which transported upward tothe shallow earth crust along the faults orfractures and formed the Cu-hosting porphyry.According to the research on thecharacteristics of the ore deposit and the oreformingenvironment as mentioned above, theLamasu Cu-Zn deposit was characterized bythe superposing of mineralization at differentgeological settings and it was skarnporphyritictype.2009010526斯 堪 的 纳 维 亚 加 里 东 造 山 带 早 奥 陶 世 前 陆盆 地 及 相 关 岩 石 圈 挠 曲 = An EarlyOrdovician (Finnmarkian?) foreland basin andrelated lithospheric flexure in theScandinavian Caledonides. ( 英 文 ). Greiling RO; Garfunkel Z. American Journal ofscience, 2007, 307(2): 527-553Early Ordovician (479 – 455 Ma)graywackes overlying Cambrian passivemargin successions in the Balticapalaeocontinent-related Lower Allochthon ofthe Scandinavian Caledonides document earlyCaledonian tectonic activity. Such rocks occurfrom the Jämtland area (Sweden) northwardsalong the eastern Caledonian margin, andimply a wide regional extent of a forelandbasin in Early Ordovician times. This forelandbasin was subsequently incorporated into afold-and-thrust belt during the finalCaledonian, Scandian tectonic episode (c. 425–390 Ma). Based on published cross sectiondata, this late deformation is restored. Theresults and other available information arecompiled into a palaeogeographic map andsections on the geometry and evolution of theEarly Ordovician foreland basin.Graywacke/turbidite sedimentation (FöllingeFormation) started in western (internal) areasalready in Early Arenig times with a mainphase from Llanvirn to Late Caradoc (c. 472– 461 Ma). There, the Föllinge Formationrests with an erosional unconformity on olderbeds. Towards east, however, it overliessuccessively younger beds related to acarbonate domain. It is suggested that theareas of the sub-turbidite erosionalunconformity represent the early location of aflexural forebulge, which subsequentlymigrated eastwards towards the margin of thecarbonate domain of palaeocontinent Baltica.The restored foreland-basin geometry iscompared with numerical models in order toderive some characteristics of the flexure ofthe foreland lithosphere. Time andlithospheric constraints make it possible to testthe viability of the restoration and of forelandbasin models. Relative to the availablelithospheric strength data, the width of thebasin is too large, the depth relatively small,and the large wavelength of the flexure isdifficult to explain with simple orogenicloading. Graywacke sedimentation occurredafter Finnmarkian (515 – 475 Ma) HPmetamorphism, perhaps as a consequence ofexhumation and consequent loading of theBaltican margin. Graywacke sedimentationended at the time of Jämtland phase (460 –440 Ma) HP metamorphism and relativelydeep water conditions. It is speculated thateclogitization of crustal material produced anadditional load, which caused a relativelylarge down flexure of the lithosphere.2009010527西 纽 芬 兰 Dashwoods 微 大 陆 中 奥 陶 世 至 早志 留 世 的 漂 移 历 程 —— 根 据 新 的 U/Pb 和40Ar/39Ar 地 质 年 代 学 和 运 动 学 限 定 条 件 =The Middle Ordovician to Early Silurianvoyage of the Dashwoods microcontinent,West Newfoundland; based on new U/Pb and40Ar/39Ar geochronological, and kinematicconstraints. ( 英 文 ). Brem A G; Lin S; Staal CR V; Davis D W; Mcnicoll V J. AmericanJournal of science, 2007, 307(2): 311-338The Dashwoods microcontinent is animportant tectonic segment in the peri-Laurentian setting of the NewfoundlandAppalachians. In order to better understandthe tectonic history of Dashwoods during theOrdovician Taconic orogeny, we have169

undertaken field mapping, microscopic studies,and U-Pb and 40Ar/39Ar geochronologicalstudies along the northern (Little Grand LakeFault; LGLF) and western (Baie VerteBrompton Line - Cabot Fault Zone; BCZ)boundaries. Oblique-dextral ductiledeformation in the BCZ occurred from lateMiddle Ordovician into the Early Silurian,based on the presence of a late syn-tectonicpegmatite dike (455 ± 12 Ma) and a foliatedgranodiorite sheet (445.8 ± 0.6 Ma).Deformation is coeval with oblique-sinistralaccretion along the eastern margin ofDashwoods, which means that Dashwoodsand its Notre Dame Arc had a southwardtranslation with respect to the Laurentianmargin and the then-present Iapetus Oceanduring the Late Ordovician. Dextralmovement along the BCZ continued after thecollision of Dashwoods with the Laurentianmargin. Deformation along the Little GrandLake Fault is bracketed between 463 ± 5 Maand 440 ± Ma. These ages combined withother geological arguments indicate thatmotion probably took place during the LateOrdovician to earliest Siluriancontemporaneous with the southwardtranslation of Dashwoods. A possibleexplanation is that the Snooks Arm arc movedindependently from and faster southwardsthan the Notre Dame Arc with its Dashwoodsinfrastructure, thereby underthrusting theDashwoods along the Little Grand Lake Fault.Our new U-Pb geochronological data,including a muscovite granite (463 ± 5 Ma),a schistose muscovite granite (459 +17/-21Ma), and a tectonized tonalite (458 ± 20 Ma),add to the geochronological database of thevoluminous second phase of the Notre DameArc. Additionally, in all-but-one of our U-Pbsamples, inherited grains of Mesoproterozoic(circa 1.0 Ga) age have been obtained. Theirregional presence fortifies the possiblerelationship of the Dashwoods microcontinentwith the Long Range Inlier in westernNewfoundland. Furthermore, it introduces apotential link with the Blair River Inlier inCape Breton Island.2009010528纽 芬 兰 中 部 维 多 利 亚 湖 超 群 上 寒 武 统 至 上奥 陶 统 环 冈 瓦 纳 岛 弧 活 动 性 :Ganderian北 部 边 缘 的 构 造 发 育 = Upper Cambrian toUpper Ordovician peri-Gondwanan Island arcactivity in the Victoria Lake Supergroup,Central Newfoundland: Tectonic developmentof the northern Ganderian margin. ( 英 文 ).Zagorevski A; Staal C R V; McNicoll V;Rogers N. American Journal of science, 2007,307(2): 339-370The Exploits Subzone of the NewfoundlandAppalachians comprises remnants of Cambro-Ordovician peri-Gondwanan arc and back-arccomplexes that formed within the IapetusOcean. The Exploits Subzone experienced atleast two accretionary events as a result of therapid closure of the main portion of theIapetus tract: the Penobscot orogeny (c. 480Ma), which juxtaposed the Penobscot Arc (c.513 –486 Ma) with the Gander margin, and c.450 Ma collision of the Victoria Arc (c. 473– 454 Ma) with the AnnieopsquotchAccretionary Tract that juxtaposed the peri-Laurentian and peri-Gondwanan elementsalong the Red Indian Line. The newlyrecognized Pats Pond Group forms a temporalequivalent to other Lower Ordovician intraoceaniccomplexes of the Penobscot Arc. ThePats Pond Group (c. 487 Ma) has ageochemical stratigraphy that is consistentwith rifting of a volcanic arc. An ensialicsetting is indicated by low Nd values (Nd 0.3to -0.5) near the stratigraphic base and itsabundant zircon inheritance (c. 560 Ma and0.9 – 1.2 Ga). The spatial distribution ofTremadocian arc – back-arc complexesindicates that the Penobscot arc is bestexplained in terms of a single east-dippingsubduction zone. This model is favored overwest dipping models, in that it explains thedistribution of the Penobscot arc elements,continental arc magmatism, and the obductionof back-arc Penobscot ophiolites withoutrequiring subduction of the Gander margin orsubduction reversal. The newly recognizedWigwam Brook Group (c. 454 Ma)disconformably overlies the Pats Pond Groupand records the youngest known phase ofensialic arc volcanism (Nd – 4.1) in theVictoria Arc, which is also related to eastdippingsubduction. Thus the Penobscot andthe overlying Victoria Arc are reinterpreted interms of a single, relatively long-lived eastdippingsubduction zone beneath the peri-Gondwanan microcontinent of Ganderia. Thecessation of arc volcanism towards the top ofthe Wigwam Brook Group and the subsequentsyn-tectonic sedimentation in the BadgerGroup constrain the arrival of the leading edgeof Ganderia with the ensialic arc complexes tothe Laurentian margin to c. 454 Ma.2009010529170

新 英 格 兰 东 部 Merrimack 和 Putnam-Nashoba 地 体 变 质 沉 积 岩 年 龄 是 晚 志 留 世的 Shrimp U-Pb 证 据 = Shrimp U-Pbevidence for a Late Silurian age ofmetasedimentary rocks in the Merrimack andPutnam-Nashoba terranes, eastern NewEngland. ( 英 文 ). Wintsch R P; Aleinikoff J N;Walsh G J; Bothner W A; Hussey A M,II;Fanning C M. American Journal ofscience, 2007, 307(1): 119-167U-Pb ages of detrital, metamorphic, andmagmatic zircon and metamorphic monaziteand titanite provide evidence for the ages ofdeposition and metamorphism ofmetasedimentary rocks from the Merrimackand Putnam-Nashoba terranes of eastern NewEngland. Rocks from these terranes areinterpreted here as having been deposited inthe middle Paleozoic above Neoproterozoicbasement of the Gander terrane andjuxtaposed by Late Paleozoic thrusting in thin,fault-bounded slices. The correlative Hebronand Berwick formations (Merrimack terrane)and Tatnic Hill Formation (Putnam-Nashobaterrane), contain detrital zircons withMesoproterozoic, Ordovician, and Silurianage populations. On the basis of the age of theyoungest detrital zircon population (425 Ma),the Hebron, Berwick and Tatnic Hillformations are no older than Late Silurian(Wenlockian). The minimum deposition agesof the Hebron and Berwick are constrained byages of cross-cutting plutons (414 ± 3 and418 ± 2 Ma, respectively). The Tatnic HillFormation must be older than the oldestmetamorphic monazite and zircon (407 Ma).Thus, all three of these units were depositedbetween 425 and 418 Ma, probably in theLudlovian. Age populations of detrital zirconssuggest Laurentian and Ordovician arcprovenance to the west. High grademetamorphism of the Tatnic Hill Formationsoon after deposition probably requires thatsedimentation and burial occurred in a forearcenvironment, whereas time-equivalentcalcareous sediments of the Hebron andBerwick formations probably originated in aback-arc setting. In contrast to age data fromthe Berwick Formation, the Kittery Formationcontains primarily Mesoproterozoic detritalzircons; only 2 younger grains were identified.The absence of a significant Ordovicianpopulation, in addition to paleo-currentdirections from the east and structural dataindicating thrusting, suggest that the Kitterywas derived from peri-Gondwanan sourcesand deposited in the Fredericton Sea. Thus,the Kittery should not be considered part ofthe Laurentian-derived Merrimack terrane; itmore likely correlates with the early SilurianFredericton terrane of northeastern NewEngland and Maritime Canada.2009010530阿 巴 拉 契 亚 造 山 带 北 部 和 南 部 前 志 留 纪 地壳 构 造 单 元 比 较 分 析 = A comparativeanalysis of pre-Silurian crustal building blocksof the northern and the southern Appalachianorogen. ( 英 文 ). Hibbard J P; Staal C R V;Rankin D W. American Journal ofscience, 2007, 307(1): 23-45The New York promontory serves as thedivide between the northern and southernsegments of the Appalachian orogen.Antiquated subdivisions, distinct for eachsegment, implied that they had lithotectonichistories that were independent of each other.Using new lithotectonic subdivisions wecompare first order features of the pre-Silurianorogenic ’building blocks’ in order to testthe validity of the implication of independentlithotectonic histories for the two segments.Three lithotectonic divisions, termed here theLaurentian, Iapetan, and the peri-Gondwananrealms, characterize the entire orogen. TheLaurentian realm, composed of native NorthAmerican rocks, is remarkably uniform for thelength of the orogen. It records the multistageNeoproterozoic-early Paleozoic rift-drifthistory of the Appalachian passive margin,formation of a Taconic Seaway, and theultimate demise of both in the MiddleOrdovician. The Iapetan realm encompassesmainly oceanic and magmatic arc tracts thatonce lay within the Iapetus Ocean, betweenLaurentia and Gondwana. In the northernsegment, the realm is divisible on the basis ofstratigraphy and faunal provinciality into peri-Laurentian and peri-Gondwanan tracts thatwere amalgamated in the Late Ordovician.South of New York, stratigraphic and faunalcontrols decrease markedly; rock associationsare not inconsistent with those of the northernAppalachians, although second-orderdifferences exist. Exposed exotic crustalblocks of the peri-Gondwanan realm includeGanderia, Avalonia, and Meguma in the north,and Carolinia in the south. Carolinia mostclosely resembles Ganderia, both in earlyevolution and Late Ordovician-Siluriandocking to Laurentia. Our comparisonindicates that, to a first order, the pre-SilurianAppalachian orogen developed uniformly,starting with complex rifting and a subsequent171

drift phase to form the Appalachian margin,followed by the consolidation of Iapetancomponents and ending with accretion of theperi-Gonwanan Ganderia and Carolinia. Thisdeduction implies that any first-orderdifferences between northern and southernsegments post-date Late Ordovicianconsolidation of a large portion of the orogen.2009010531美 国 康 涅 狄 格 峡 谷 上 部 志 留 纪 分 布 和 Québec 海 湾 中 古 生 代 盆 地 的 起 源 = Silurianextension in the Upper Connecticut Valley,United States and the origin of middlePaleozoic basins in the Québec embayment.( 英 文 ). Rankin D W; Coish R A; Tucker R D;Peng Z X; Wilson S A; Rouff A A. AmericanJournal of science, 2007, 307(1): 216-264Pre-Silurian strata of the Bronson Hill arch(BHA) in the Upper Connecticut Valley, NH-VT are host to the latest Ludlow ComerfordIntrusive Suite consisting, east to west, of amafic dike swarm with sheeted dikes, and anintrusive complex. The rocks are mostly maficbut with compositions ranging from gabbro toleucocratic tonalite. The suite is truncated onthe west by the Monroe fault, a late Acadianthrust that carries rocks of the BHA westwardover Silurian-Devonian strata of theConnecticut Valley-Gasp é trough (CVGT).Dikes intrude folded strata with a preintrusionmetamorphic fabric (Taconian?) butthey experienced Acadian deformation.Twenty fractions of zircon and baddeleyitefrom three sample sites of gabbro-dioritespanning nearly 40 km yield a weighted207Pb/206Pb age of 419 ± 1 Ma.Greenschist-facies dikes, sampled over astrike distance of 35 km, were tholeiiticbasalts formed by partial melting ofasthenospheric mantle, with little or noinfluence from mantle or crustal lithosphere.The dike chemistry is similar to mid-oceanridge, within-plate, and back-arc basin basalts.Parent magmas originated in theasthenosphere and were erupted throughseverely thinned lithosphere adjacent to theCVGT. Extensive middle Paleozoic basins inthe internides of the Appalachian orogen arerestricted to the Québec embayment of theLaurentian rifted margin, and include theCVGT and the Central Maine trough (CMT),separated from the BHA by a Silurian tectonichinge. The NE-trending Comerford intrusionsparallel the CVGT, CMT, and the tectonichinge, and indicate NW-SE extension. Duringpost-Taconian convergence, the irregularmargins of composite Laurentia and Avalonpermitted continued collision inNewfoundland (St. Lawrence promontory)and coeval extension in the Qu é becembayment. Extension may be related tohinge retreat of the northwest directedBrunswick subduction complex and rise of theasthenosphere following slab break-off. Analternative hypothesis is that the basinsoriginated as pull-apart basins betweennorthwest-trending, left-stepping, sinistralstrike-slip faults along the southern flanks ofthe New York and St. Lawrence promontories.2009010532劳 伦 古 陆 寒 武 纪 的 阶 和 系 的 命 名 原 则 建 议= A proposed nomenclature for stages andseries for the Cambrian of Laurentia. ( 英 文 ).Palmer A R. Canadian Journal of EarthSciences, 1998, 35(4): 323–328An internally consistent succession of sixnamed regional stages (from youngest tooldest: Sunwaptan, Steptoean, Marjuman,Delamaran, Dyeran, Montezuman), with theirboundaries defined by regional extinctionevents within the trilobite record, is proposedfor the trilobite-bearing rocks of Laurentia.Sub-trilobite stage(s) are recommended butunnamed. The three youngest stages havebeen named previously, but the lowerboundary of the Marjuman is shifteddownward. The three older stages within thetrilobite record are new. If deemed necessary,four regional series are also suggested (fromyoungest to oldest: Millardan, Lincolnian,Waucoban, and Begadean); each of the threeyoungest series accommodates two stages.2009010533伊 比 利 亚 半 岛 早 寒 武 世 末 期 海 退 事 件 地 层特 征 = Stratigraphic signature of a terminalEarly Cambrian regressive event in the IberianPeninsula. ( 英 文 ). Álvaro J J; Vennin E.Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 1998,35(4): 402–411In the Iberian Peninsula, the uppermostLower Cambrian (early Bilbilian age) isrepresented by the deposition ofconglomerates and sandstones, except in anorthwestern region (the CantabrianMountains), where carbonate deposition tookplace. These coarse siliciclastic depositsindicate a regressive trend, called the Darocaregression. In its type area (the Iberian Chains,northeast Spain), this regressive episode172

epresents a progradational highstand systemstract, which did not result in widespreadsubaerial exposure of the shelf. In addition,the absence of important stratigraphical gapsand the good biostratigraphical control basedon trilobites and acritarchs in the IberianChains permit a correlation of this regressivetrend with other neighboring areas, where thetop of this trend is represented by a regionalunconformity and a hiatus that began in thelatest Early Cambrian and extended throughearly Middle Cambrian times.2009010534中 寒 武 世 布 尔 吉 斯 页 岩 及 其 与 加 拿 大 洛 矶山 南 部 斯 蒂 芬 组 的 关 系 = The MiddleCambrian Burgess Shale and its relationshipto the Stephen Formation in the southernCanadian Rocky Mountains. ( 英 文 ). FletcherT P; Collins D M. Canadian Journal of EarthSciences, 1998, 35(4): 413–436The Burgess Shale has been an anomalousgeologic unit ever since Walcott named it in1911 as the geographic equivalent of theOgygopsis Shale in the Middle CambrianStephen Formation of southeastern BritishColumbia, but it has never been recognizedoutside of its type locality, so its status relativeto the Stephen Formation remained uncertain.The geologic setting of the Burgess Shale wasdetermined by Aitken and Fritz in 1968, whenthey recognized the Cathedral Escarpment anddivided the Stephen Formation into a "thin"platformal succession on top of theEscarpment, and a "thick" basinal succession,which included Walcott's Burgess Shale, infront. Fieldwork by Royal Ontario Museumparties between 1982 and 1997 has nowdemonstrated that the thin and thick Stephensuccessions lie within different facies beltsand should be regarded as separate formations;the Stephen Shale Formation is part of theMiddle Carbonate Belt succession, whereasthe name Burgess Shale Formation is appliedto the thick basinal succession within theOuter Detrital Belt Chancellor Group. Tendistinct members are recognized in theBurgess Shale: Kicking Horse Shale, YohoRiver Limestone, Campsite Cliff Shale, WashLimestone, Walcott Quarry Shale, RaymondQuarry Shale, Emerald Lake Oncolite, OdarayShale, Paradox Limestone, and MarpoleLimestone. In contrast to the Stephen ShaleFormation with its nonsequences, the thickerBurgess Shale Formation seems to representcontinuous deposition spanning theGlossopleura to Bathyuriscus-Elrathina zonalboundary, incorporating the Polypleuraspisinsignis and Pagetia bootes subzones and themain part of the Pagetia walcotti subzone2009010535瑞 典 下 志 留 统 兰 多 维 列 统 特 列 奇 阶 下 部 一个 新 的 、 生 物 地 层 较 好 控 制 的 放 射 性 同 位素 年 龄 的 意 义 = Implications of a new,biostratigraphically well-controlled, radioisotopicage for the lower Telychian Stage ofthe Llandovery Series (Lower Silurian,Sweden). ( 英 文 ). Bergstrom S M; Toprak FO;Huff W D; Mundil R. Episodes, 2008, 31(3):309-314Radio-isotopic analysis of single zirconsfrom two early Telychian K-bentonites. Oneof which is among the most widespread LowerPaleozoic volcanic ash falls in northernEurope, yields overlapping weighted meanPb-206/U-239 ages of 438.7 +/- 1.0 Ma and437.8 +/- 0.5 Ma, respectively. The former ageis from zircons of the Osmundsberg K-bentonite from the type locality atOsmundsberget in the Siljan area of centralSweden where it occurs in the lower part ofthe Spirograptus turriculatus Graptolite Zoneand in the lower part of the Angochitinalongicollis Chitinozoan Zone. Zircons givingthe latter age are from a bed previouslyidentified as the Osmundsberg K-bentonite atthe Kallholn Quarry in the same area. Basedon new biostratigraphic data, the latter bed isnow considered to be slightly younger than theOsmundsber K-bentonite. The datedstratigraphic level of the ash layers is slightlyyounger than the base of the Telychian Stageand thus represents as minimum age forAeronian/Telychian Stage boundary. A U-Pbage of >438 Ma for the base of this stage,however, is older and in conflict withestimates in the most recent compilation of theSilurian time scale. In view of the fact thatonly three radio-isotopic dates from the entireLlandovery have been previously accepted,this new and biostratigraphically exceptionallywell-controlled radio-isotopic date fills animportant gap in the Lower Siluriangeochronology.2009010536志 留 系 底 界 的 已 定 全 球 层 型 的 再 研 究 =Report of the restudy of the defined globalstratotype of the base of the Silurian System.( 英 文 ). Rong Jiayu; Melchin M; Williams S H;Koren T N; Verniers J. Episodes, 2008, 31(3):315-318173

The Global Stratotype Section and Point(GSSP) for the base of the Silurian Systemwas defined in 1985. Since that time, anumber of researchers have suggested that thissection has serious deficiencies for use as aGSSP. As a result, in 2000, theSubcommission Silurian Stratigraphy (SSS)proposed undertaking a formal restudy of thisGSSP, which was subsequently approved bythe International Commission of Stratigraphy(ICS). The result of this restudy was theformal proposal that the current GSSP, at 1.6m above the base of the Birkhill Shale, atDob's Linn, Scotland, should be maintained asthe same locality and stratigraphic level, butthe biostratigraphical definition of theboundary should be revised. The previouslydefined, basal Silurian graptolite zone, theParakidograptus acuminatus Zone, should besubdivided into lower Akidograptus ascensusZone and a higher P. acuminatus Zone. Thebase of the A. ascensus Zone, marked by thefirst appearance of A. ascensus, should beregarded as the biostratigraphic mark for thebase of the Silurian. The proposal has nowbeen formally approved by the SSS and ICS,and ratified by International Union ofGeological Sciences. This is the first GSSP toundergo formal restudy and redefiniton andthe proposal also included a recommendedprocedure for restudy of GSSPs.2009010537华 南 早 寒 武 世 SHRIMP 地 质 年 代 学 =Further SHRIMP geochronology on the earlyCambrian of South China. ( 英 文 ). CompstonW; Zhang Zichao; Cooper J A; Ma Guogan;Jenkins R J F. American Journal ofscience, 2008, 308(4): 399-420Zircon 206Pb/238U ages are reported forbentonites from two Cambrian sections inSouth China, the Meishucun and the Fandian.The analyzed zircons vary widely in agebecause of the presence of detrital and alteredgrains. Spot ages were corrected forcalibration drift during analysis, and the age ofreference zircon SL13 was calibrated as 580Ma against other standards using SIMS. Useof mixture modeling was essential to resolvethe different age components and to identifythe volcanic ages. Two age groups occurwithin the Meishucun Bed 5 bentonite, ofwhich the larger at 518.7 ± 2.5 Ma () isinterpreted as a post depositional zircongrowth event and the other at 539.4 ± 2.9 Maas the volcanic age. Bentonites from theMeishucun Bed 9 and its Fandian equivalenthave two age groups, 526.5 ± 1.1 Ma and540.2 ± 1.0 Ma. We interpret the younger ofthese as the tuff magmatic age and the older asdetrital. Small shelly fossils indicateMeischucunian Bed 5 is an equivalent of thelate Nemakit Daldynian, and its 539.4 ± 2.9Ma age both closely times the base of theCambrian and is a maximum for the basalTommotian. The 526.5 ± 1.1 Ma for Bed 9and its equivalents approximates the close ofthe Tommotian.2009010538宾 夕 法 尼 亚 州 的 塔 康 事 件 : 可 确 定 年 代 的约 2000 万 年 造 山 阶 段 = Taconic events inPennsylvania: Datable phases of a ~20m.y.orogeny. ( 英 文 ). Ganis G R; Wise D U.American Journal of science, 2008, 308(2):167-183A suite of well-dated graptolite andconodont locations allows division of about 54m.y. of Late Cambrian through LateOrdovician events into three time segments inPennsylvania: 1) Pre-Taconic, offshoredeepwater sediments including olistostromeswere deposited and deformed in severaloffshore domains in Iapetus (sensu lato)from 497 to 459 Ma; 2) Taconic Phase Ibegan as these rocks were translated onto theforeland as allochthons, some with piggybackbasins from 459 to 450 Ma. This wasaccomplished first by thrusting onto the shelfedge, creating a foreland peripheral bulge andlocal depositional basins, then by depressingthe larger foreland region to allowemplacement of allochthons of the DauphinFormation (the erroneous "Hamburg klippe"of past literature), and finally with depositionof the thick, widespread fill of the traditionalMartinsburg Formation; 3) Taconic Phase IIadvanced diachronously across the forelandwith regional overturning and nappe formation(the classic "Taconic" orogeny inPennsylvania), driven as the ongoing collisionoverrode and incorporated the platform and itsforeland basin into alpine-scale nappes. Thisphase started at 459 Ma at the shelf edge andlasted from 450 to 443 Ma in the presentlocation of the Great Valley foreland andeastward. This series of well-dated events maybe a model for timing of a "simple" orogeniccycle in a convergent margin with applicationto other parts of the Appalachians and beyond.2009010539174

约 旦 死 海 东 北 部 Wadi Zerqa Ma'in 地 区 寒武 系 沉 积 序 列 : 岩 性 和 化 石 含 量 = TheCambrian sedimentary succession from theWadi Zerqa Ma'in (northeastern Dead Seaarea, Jordan): lithology and fossil content. ( 英文 ). Shinaq R; Elicki O. Neues Jahrbuch furGeologie u. Palaontologie /Abhandlungen, 2007, 243(3): 255-271Micropalaeontological investigations havebeen carried out here for the first time. Microandmacrofossils are represented byechinoderms, hyoliths, brachiopods, trilobites,poriferans, calcimicrobes, and trace fossils.The outcrop represents a tidally influenced,marginal marine, regressive succession,deposited as the final act of a short-timetransgression on the Arabian-Nubian Sshield.Shallow-subtidal to intertidal, siliciclasticdeposition has taken place probably underdeltaic and/or estuary influence. Interbeddedthin, open-marine, subtidal, and mostly highenergycarbonates point to some minortransgressive pulses during the generallyregressive, but, discontinuously depositedtendency.2009010540广 西 西 南 部 东 攀 二 叠 / 三 叠 系 界 线 剖 面 地 球化 学 记 录 的 高 分 辨 率 旋 回 地 层 学 = Highresolutioncyclostratigraphy of geochemicalrecords from Permo-Triassic boundary sectionof Dongpan, southwestern Guangxi, SouthChina. ( 英 文 ). Peng Xingfang; Feng Qinglai;Li Zhoubo; Meng Youyan. Science in ChinaSeries D: Earth Sciences, 2008, 51(2): 187-193Spectral analysis is applied to geochemicaldata from a deep-water Permian-TriassicBoundary (PTB) section across PTB inDongpan, Guangxi for high-resolutioncyclostratigraphic research. Thecharacteristics of the Milankovitch Cycleshave been well recorded in the strata of theDongpan section. Spectrum on Ce/La recordsshows especially that the ratios among itsthree preponderant cycles in the section are5:2:1, which well displays the phenomenon ofthe sedimentary cycles driven by orbital force.The Milankovitch theory is further confirmedby the Paleozoic records.中 生 界2009010541苏 格 兰 西 部 内 赫 布 里 底 群 岛 海 上 探 井L134/5-1 上 三 叠 统 至 下 侏 罗 统 地 层 = UpperTriassic and Lower Jurassic stratigraphy fromexploration well L134/5-1, offshore InnerHebrides, west Scotland. ( 英 文 ). Ainsworth NR; Boomer I. Journal ofMicropalaeontology, 2001, 20(part 2): 155-168A thick (c. 1368 m) Upper Triassic toLower Jurassic sedimentary sequence fromexploration well L134/5-1, offshore InnerHebrides, has yielded a rich and diverseforaminiferal and ostracod microfauna. Manyof the taxa have been previously describedthroughout northwest Europe. Poorpreservation (often due to crushing and/orovergrowth) and low numbers preclude acomplete taxonomic review of this material,although changes in the faunal composition,rates of faunal turnover andpalaeoenvironmental analyses are discussed.This is the first published account of ostracodand foraminiferal assemblages from the Sea ofHebrides and they indicate that the sediments(argillaceous, arenaceous and carbonates)were deposited in a shelf-marine setting withenvironmental fluctuations that are possiblythe result of local relative sea-level changes.2009010542海 地 富 含 小 球 粒 沉 积 的 时 代 、 化 学 地 层 和生 物 地 层 : 白 垩 - 第 三 纪 之 交 的 多 重 事 件景 象 = Age, chemo- and biostratigraphy ofHaiti spherule-rich deposits: a multi-eventK–T scenario. ( 英 文 ). Keller G; Adatte T;Stinnesbeck W; St ü ben D; Berner Z.Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 2001,38(2): 197-227Examination of two new expanded K–Ttransitions and reexamination of road outcropsnear Beloc, Haiti, reveals that deposition ofthe glass spherule-rich deposit (SRD) occurredwithin the early DanianParvularugoglobigerina eugubina (Pla(1))Zone, followed by an Ir anomaly, and 50 cmabove it, a second Pd-dominated platinumgroup element (PGE) anomaly. The K – Tboundary is at an erosional unconformitybetween the base of the SRD and underlyingMaastrichtian limestone, where an intervalrepresenting about 100–250 thousand yearsappears to be missing (juxtaposition ofplanktic foraminiferal zones (Pla(1)) andPlummerita hantkeninoides (CF1)). It ispossible that the spherule layers are reworkedfrom original deposits at or below the K–Tboundary. The Ir anomaly is of roughlychondritic-type and compatible with an impactevent, whereas the Pd-dominated PGE175

anomaly is a more basalt-type and compatiblewith a magmatic origin. This suggests a multieventscenario consistent with one impactfollowed by a major volcanic event in theCaribbean or elsewhere.2009010543墨 西 哥 东 北 部 小 球 粒 沉 积 的 晚 马 斯 特 里 赫特 阶 时 代 : 对 Chicxulub 地 区 古 环 境 解 析的 意 义 = Late Maastrichtian age of spheruledeposits in northeastern Mexico: implicationfor Chicxulub scenario. ( 英 文 ). Kramar U;Stinnesbeck W; Burns S J; Schulte P.Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 2001,38(2): 229-238In the La Sierrita area of Nuevo Leon,Mexico, three spherule layers are present andseparated from the overlying siliciclasticdeposits by up to 6 m of pelagic marls. Themarls are of latest Maastrichtian age(Plummerita hantkeninoides (CF1) Zone,Micula prinsii Zone) and deposited undernormal pelagic conditions with no significantevidence of reworking or slumping. Originaldeposition of the spherule layers occurredduring the last 300 ka of the Maastrichtian andwell prior to the Cretaceous-Tertiary (K–T)boundary event. Thus, if the spherules innortheastern Mexico provide critical evidenceof an impact at Chicxulub, this impactpredates the K–T boundary.2009010544克 里 米 亚 山 脉 巴 列 姆 阶 : 带 的 细 分 和 对 比= Berriasian Stage of the Crimean Mountains:Zonal subdivisions and correlation. ( 英 文 ).Arkad’ev V V; Bogdanova T N; LobachevaS V; Kalacheva E D; Sey I I. Stratigraphy andGeological Correlation, 2008, 16(4): 400-422Biostratigraphy of the Berriasian Stage inthe Crimean Mountains is specified andsubstantiated. Fragments of all the standardstage zones (jacobi, occitanica, and boissieri)are distinguished based on the found indexspecies, and position of the Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary is targeted. According toverified distribution of ammonites, the jacobiZone is divided into the jacobi and grandissubzones crowned by the Malbosiceraschaperi Beds. The Tirnovella occitanica-Retowskiceras retowskyi Beds and overlyingDalmasiceras tauricum Subzone arerecognized in deposits of the occitanica Zone.The upward succession of biostratigraphicunits established in the boissieri Zone includesthe Euthymiceras-Neocosmoceras Beds,Riasanites crassicostatus Subzone,Symphythyris arguinensis and Jabronella sf.paquieri-Berriasella callisto Beds. The lastbiostratigraphic unit is suggested in this workinstead the former Zeillerina baksanensisBeds. Except for the jacobi Zone, thesubstantiated ammonoid zonation ispractically identical to the Berriasianbiostratigraphic scale of the northern Caucasus,although the Berriasian-Valanginian boundaryhas not been defined in the CrimeanMountains based on ammonites. Severalmarker levels of bivalve mollusks and fourbiostratigraphic subdivisions of brachiopodscale are distinguishable here. As for the latter,these are (from the base upward) theTonasirhynchia janini, Belbekella airgulensis-Sellithyris uniplicata, Symphythyrisarguinensis, and Zeillerina baksanensis beds2009010545西 伯 利 亚 东 北 部 上 沃 尔 金 亚 阶 及 其 根 据 菊石 进 行 泛 北 方 地 区 的 对 比 = The upperVolgian Substage in Northeast Siberia(Nordvik Peninsula) and its Panborealcorrelation based on ammonites. ( 英 文 ).Zakharov V A; Rogov M A. Stratigraphy andGeological Correlation, 2008, 16(4): 423-436Section of the middle and upper Volgiansubstages and basal Boreal Berriasian in theCape Urdyuk-Khaya (Nordvik Peninsula) islargely composed of dark argillitessubstantially enriched in C org . Characteristic ofthe section is a continuous succession ofammonite, foraminiferal, ostracode, anddinocyst zones known also in the other Arcticareas. Boundaries of the upper VolgianSubstage are recognizable only based onbiostratigraphic criteria. The succession of themiddle Volgian Taimyrosphinctes excentricusto basal Ryazanian Hectoroceras kochi zonesis characterized. The range of the substage isrevised. The lower Exoticus Zone, whereammonites characteristic of the Nikitini Zoneupper part in the East European platform havebeen found, is referred to the middle VolgianSubstage. Newly found ammonites are figured.Two possible positions of the Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary in the Arctic region, i.e.,at the lower and upper boundaries of theChetae Zone at the top of the upper VolgianSubstage, are discussed.2009010546新 疆 准 噶 尔 盆 地 侏 罗 纪 - 白 垩 纪 层 序 地 层 、古 气 候 模 式 和 脊 椎 动 物 化 石 保 存 =Sequence stratigraphy, paleoclimate patterns,176

and vertebrate fossil preservation in Jurassic–Cretaceous strata of the Junggar Basin,Xinjiang Autonomous Region, People'sRepublic of China. ( 英 文 ). Eberth D A;Brinkman D B; Chen P-J.; Yuan F-T; Wu S-Z;Li G; Cheng X-S.. Canadian Journal of EarthSciences, 2001, 38(12): 1627-1644Multi-kilometre-thick Jurassic –Cretaceous-age sedimentary successionsexposed in the southern, northwestern, andnortheastern regions of the Junggar Basindisplay a consistent and correlativestratigraphy comprising four, stacked secondordermegasequences: Badaowan, Sangonghe,Shishugou, and Kalaza. Each consists of abasal erosional unconformity or discontinuitysurface and lower, middle, and upper unitsthat are interpreted as forestepping,backstepping, and aggradational systems tracts,respectively. Each megasequence isinterpreted as recording an upsection shiftfrom active tectonism and uplift to tectonicquiescence with associated changes in crustalresponse and sediment supply. Basin-wideanalysis of megasequences indicates thattectonism was intermittent and regionallyvariable. A maximum phase of subsidence andsediment accommodation is recorded in themiddle unit of each megasequence andcorrelates with a notable abundance of fossilvertebrates suggesting a primary tectonic andbasin-response control on fossil preservation.Seasonally dry climatic conditions weredeveloped first in the northeastern region ofthe basin during the Pliensbachian, followedby basin-wide seasonal dryness during theBajocian. Seasonally dry climatic conditionswere permanently established across the basinby the Oxfordian and intensified during theEarly Cretaceous. A seasonally dry climatefrom Oxfordian through the Early Cretaceouscorrelates positively with the widespreadpresence of fossil vertebrates and suggests anadditional climatic control on fossilpreservation.2009010547挪 威 北 极 地 区 斯 瓦 巴 德 Vikinghøgda 组 生物 磁 性 地 层 及 下 三 叠 统 地 磁 极 性 时 间 表 =Biomagnetostratigraphy of the VikinghøgdaFormation, Svalbard (Arctic Norway), and thegeomagnetic polarity timescale for the LowerTriassic. ( 英 文 ). Hounslow M W; Peters C;Mørk A; Weitschat W; Vigran J O.Geological Society of America Bulletin, 2008,120(9-10): 1305-1325A biomagnetostratigraphy for the LowerTriassic is constructed, using the ammonoidbiostratigraphy from Arctic Borealsuccessions. Combined thermal andalternating field demagnetization determinesthe Triassic magnetic field polarity in 86% ofspecimens, with 36% showing linear trajectoryline fits and the remainder showing greatcircletrends toward the characteristicmagnetization. Mean pole directions for theDeltadalen (= 50°, = 159°, dp/dm = 3.9°/5.1°), Lusitaniadalen (= 56 °, = 163°,dp/dm = 4.4°/5.4°), and Vendomdalen (=57 ° , = 143 ° , dp/dm = 4.4 ° /5.4 ° )members fall close to the European LowerTriassic apparent polar wander path. Meandirections for two of these member-meanspass the reversal test. The remanence ispredominantly carried by magnetite. Thepolarity stratigraphy, when integrated with theammonoid and meager conodont data, issimilar to that determined from successions inthe Sverdrup Basin (Canada). The Permian-Triassic boundary post-dates a pronouncedpalynofloral turnover and predates a shortduration reverse magnetozone (LT1n.1r). Inthe correlated Shangsi section (in SouthChina), LT1n.1r occurs after the firstappearance datum (FAD) of H. parvus, but inthe Arctic is within the Otoceras boreale Zone.The late Griesbachian to early Smithian ismostly reverse polarity, with three normalpolarityintervals, overlain by mid and lateSmithian normal polarity. The Spathiancontains four reverse-polarity intervals, theoldest one within the early Spathian with theremainder in the late Spathian. The transitioninto the Anisian is within the uppermostreverse magnetozone, a feature documented inother sections of this age. The polarity patternis correlated to other marine sections,indicating the robustness of the biomagnetostratigraphiccomposite and its utility incalibrating Lower Triassic time.2009010548中 国 东 北 部 黑 龙 江 东 部 早 白 垩 世 龙 爪 沟 群和 鸡 西 群 及 其 东 亚 可 能 存 在 侏 罗 纪 地 层 的时 代 意 义 = Studies on the Early CretaceousLongzhaogou and Jixi Groups of easternHeilongjiang, northeast China, and theirbearing on the age of supposedly Jurassicstrata in eastern Asia. ( 英 文 ). Sha Jingeng;Cai Huawei; He Chengquan; Gu Zhiwei.Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 2001, 20(2):141-150177

The coal-bearing Longzhaogou and JixiGroups in eastern Heilongjiang, northeastChina, consist of alternating marine and nonmarinedeposits containing abundant marineanimal and plant fossils. The Jixi Group alsoyields members of the Johel Fauna that iswidely distributed in northern and easternChina. The two groups have been consideredas Jurassic or mainly Jurassic in age for a longtime. However, recent studies documentedthat the ammonites, bivalves, dinoflagellates,angiosperms and sporopollens are all of EarlyCretaceous rather than Jurassic age. It hasbeen demonstrated that: (1) the Longzhaogouand Jixi Groups and their equivalents, theJohel Group of China and the TransbaikalianGroup of Russia, are of Early Cretaceous age,(2) the Barremian–Albian was also a veryimportant period of coal accumulation innortheastern China and perhaps in all ofeastern Asia, (3) there existed a large shallowembayment connecting with the Palaeo-Pacific in eastern Heilongjiang, and it was theclimate of the embayment that controlled theorigin and development of the animal andplant communities of northeastern Chinaduring the Early Cretaceous. Correlationbetween formations in the Jixi andLongzhaogou Groups has also been revised inthis paper.2009010549早 侏 罗 世 土 阿 辛 期 集 群 绝 灭 事 件 在 东 特 提斯 ( 西 藏 ) 的 记 录 = An eastern Tethyan(Tibetan) record of the Early Jurassic(Toarcian) mass extinction event. ( 英 文 ).Wignall P B; Hallam A; Newton R J; SHA JG; Reeves E; Mattioli E; Crowley S.Geobiology, 2006, 4(3): 179-190A record of the Early Jurassic massextinction event is reported from easternTethyan (Tibetan) locations for the first time.In the Mount Everest region a thick LowerJurassic carbonate formation, here named theYungjia Formation, is developed within thepredominantly clastic Triassic – Jurassicsuccession. Within the formation a sharptransition from peloidal packstones /grainstones to thin-bedded, pyritic micriteshalesinterbeds records a sharp pulse ofdeepening and development of dysoxic bottomwaters. Both the lithiotid bivalves and thelituolid foraminifera are importantconstituents of the lower Yungjia Formationbut they disappear at this flooding surface or ashort distance below it. This extinction eventis comparable to that seen at the base of thePliensbachian/Toarcian boundary in westernTethyan platform carbonates but the Tibetanevents occurred late in the Toarcian Stage asindicated by nannofossil biostratigraphy and Cisotope chemostratigraphy. The Early Jurassicextinction event (and the associated spread ofoxygen-poor waters) was therefore notsynchronous throughout the Tethyan region.2009010550四 川 龙 门 山 前 陆 盆 地 三 叠 纪 石 油 系 统 特 征= Characteristics of Triassic PetroleumSystems in the Longmenshan Foreland Basin,Sichuan Province, China. ( 英 文 ). WuShixiang; Jin Zhijun; Tang Liangjie; BaiZhenrui. Acta Geologica Sinica, 2008, 82(3):554-561The Triassic in the Longmengshan forelandbasin is rich in oil and gas resources. Itsreservoirs feature low-porosity, lowpermeability,small pore throat, high watersaturation, and strong heterogeneity. Theexistence of abnormally high pressure andvarious reservoir-cap combinations developedat different times provide favorable conditionsfor trapping oil and gas. Taking the theory ofpetroleum systems as a guide, and beginningwith research on tectonics, sedimentaryhistory, distribution and evolution of sourcerocks, reservoir evolution, hydraulic forcedistribution, and hydrocarbon migration,analysis and study of static factors like sourcerocks, reservoirs and cap rocks, and dynamicfactors such as hydrocarbon generation,migration, and accumulation revealed thecharacteristics of the Upper Triassic petroleumsystem in western Sichuan province. Thedeepbasin gas in the central hydrocarbonkitchen of the Upper Triassic, structurallithologicalcombination traps on thesurrounding slopes, and the structural traps ofthe Indo-Chinese-Yangshan paleohighs, arepotential plays. The relatively well- developedfault zones in the southern segment of theLongmengshan foothill belt are favorableJurassic gas plays. Pengshan-Xinjin, Qiongxi,and Dayi are recent exploration targets forJurassic oil/gas reservoirs.2009010551松 辽 盆 地 中 生 代 和 新 生 代 的 继 承 特 征 =Successor Characteristics of the Mesozoic andCenozoic Songliao Basins. ( 英 文 ). LiZhongquan; Kusky T; Ying Danlinl; GuoXiaoyu; Li Hongkui. Acta GeologicaSinica, 2008, 82(3): 622-628178

The Songliao basin is a complex successorbasin that was initiated in the Mesozoic andexperienced multiple periods of reactivation.Based on seismic and drilling data, as well asregional geologic research, we suggest that theSongliao basin contains several differentsuccessor basins resting on top ofCarboniferous-Permian folded strata formingthe basement to the Songliao basin. Thesebasins include the Triassic-Mid JurassicPaleo-foreland basin, the Late Jurassic-EarlyCretaceous downfaulted basin, and an earlyCretaceous depressed basin ( since theDenglouku Group). This paper presents asystematic study of the basin-mountaininteractions, and reveals that there aredifferent types of prototype basin at differentgeologic times. These prototype basinssequentially superimposed and formed thelarge Songliao basin. Discovery of theTriassic-early Middle Jurassic paleo-forelandbasin fills a Triassic-early Middle Jurassic gapin the geologic history of the Songliao basin.The paleo- foreland basin, downfaulted basin,and depressed thermal subsidence basin alltogether represent the whole Mesozoic-Cenozoic geologic history and deformation ofthe Songliao basin. Discovery of the TriassicearlyMiddle Jurassic paleo-foreland basinplays an important role both for deep naturalgas exploration and the study of basinmountaincoupling in north China and easternChina in general. This example gives dramaticevidence that we should give much moreattention to the polyphase tectonic evolutionof related basins for the next phase ofexploration and study.2009010552俄 勒 冈 州 东 北 部 蓝 岭 二 叠 纪 - 侏 罗 纪 碰 撞 构造 的 地 层 学 记 录 = Stratigraphic record ofTriassic-Jurassic collisional tectonics in theBlue Mountains province, northeasternOregon. ( 英 文 ). Dorsey R J; Lamaskin T A.American Journal of science, 2007, 307(10):1167-1193Sedimentary and volcanic rocks in the BlueMountains province (BMP) of northeasternOregon preserve a well studied record ofTriassic – Jurassic magmatism, basinevolution, and terrane accretion. Terranes ofthe BMP represent two magmatic arcs(Wallowa and Olds Ferry terranes), anintervening oceanic subduction andaccretionary complex (Baker terrane), and acomplex thick succession of sedimentaryrocks commonly known as the Izee terrane.We divide volcanic and sedimentary rocksinto two regionally correlative, unconformityboundedmegasequences: (1) MS-1, LateTriassic to Early Jurassic deposits that changeup section from (1a) older volcanic andvolcaniclastic deposits of the Wallowa andOlds Ferry arcs to (1b) marine turbidites, shale,and argillite with chert-clast conglomerate andolistostromes derived from the emergentBaker terrane; and (2) MS-2, Early to LateJurassic marine deposits that overlap olderrocks and structures and record 20 to 40 m.y.of deep crustal subsidence in a large marinebasin. Many of the known stratigraphicrelationships in the Blue Mountains cannot beexplained using the existing model for aMiddle Triassic to Late Jurassic west-facing,non-collisional volcanic arc and forearc basin.We propose a new tectonic model for theBMP based on prior studies and comparison tomodern analogues, which includes: (1) MiddleTriassic magmatism in the Wallowa and OldsFerry arcs during subduction and progressiveclosure of an ocean basin; (2) Late Triassiccollision between facing accretionary wedgesof the Wallowa and Olds Ferry arcs, andgrowth of marine basins on both sides of theemergent Baker terrane thrust belt; (3) Earlyto Middle Jurassic terrane-continent collisionwhich resulted in closure of a wide back-arcbasin, crustal thickening and loading inNevada, and growth of a large marinecollisional basin in the BMP; and (4) LateJurassic thrusting, regional shortening, andfinal accretion of the basin and underlyingterranes to western North America. Thisanalysis suggests that collisional tectonicsmay have played a significant role in plateinteractions that drove Triassic – Jurassiccrustal thickening, mountain building, andbasin development in the western NorthAmerican Cordillera.2009010553古 巴 西 部 侏 罗 纪 砂 岩 (San Cayetano 组 )碎 屑 锆 石 地 质 年 代 学 : 对 Proto-Caribbean西 北 部 侏 罗 纪 古 地 理 的 意 义 = Detritalzircon geochronology of Jurassic sandstonesof western Cuba (San Cayetano Formation):Implications for the Jurassic paleogeographyof the NW Proto-Caribbean. ( 英 文 ). Rojas-Agramonte Y; Kröner A; Pindell J; García-Casco A; Garc í a-Delgado D; Liu Dunyi;Wang Yusheng. American Journal ofscience, 2008, 308(4): 639-656179

Clastic sediments of the early (?) to lateJurassic (Oxfordian) San Cayetano Formationof western Cuba are interpreted to reflect synriftsedimentation coeval with the breakup ofPangaea. This sedimentary unit is the oldestknown in the Guaniguanico Mountains andCuba. U-Pb SHRIMP dating of 19 detritalzircon grains from two samples of SanCayetano micaceous sandstone providedconcordant ages ranging from 398 to 2479 Ma.The oldest zircon population is ofPaleoproterozoic age (2479 – 1735 Ma), butmost zircons have early Mesoproterozoic andGrenvillian ages (1556 – 985 Ma), whereasstill younger ages are Pan-African (561 Ma),Ordovician (451 Ma) and early Devonian (398Ma). We discuss the possible origin of thesezircons and conclude that the most likelysource terrain(s) are Precambrian and earlyPaleozoic massifs in northern South America(Colombia and/or Venezuela) and the YucatánPeninsula in Mexico. This is compatible withpaleogeographic reconstructions of theCaribbean that imply that sediments of the SanCayetano Formation were still part of thedisintegrating supercontinent Pangea in premid-Oxfordian time.2009010554阿 根 廷 海 相 侏 罗 纪 : 生 物 地 层 框 架 = Themarine Jurassic of Argentina: abiostratigraphic framework. ( 英 文 ). RiccardiA C. Episodes, 2008, 31(3): 326-335In Argentina the best and most completemarine Jurassic succession is exposed between32 degrees and 39 degrees S, along a N-S beltroughly coincident with the border with Chile.Here all stages, except the Kimmeridgian, arerepresented by marine facies. Ammoniteshave provided a biostratigraphic framework todate and correlate lithostratigraphic units andsequences, to reconstruct the history of marinefill, and allow the development of otherpalaeontological and geological studies.Recent studies on the systematics and/orbiostratigraphy of Andean ammonites haveprovided the basis for the presentation of asummary of the 45 ammonite zones of theJurassic of west-central Argentina and tostress its significance in reconstructing thepalaeogeographic evolution of that region.2009010555奥 地 利 Higerstein-Sandiling 地 区 晚 侏 罗 世至 早 白 垩 世 沉 积 序 列 = The Late Jurassic toEarly Cretaceous sedimentary succession ofthe Hoherstein-Sandling area (Salzkammergut,Austria). ( 德 文 ). Gawlick H-J; SchlagintweitF; Suzuki H. Neues Jahrbuch fur Geologie u.Palaontologie / Abhandlungen, 2007, 243(1):1-70The re-investigation of the sedimentarysuccessio has shown, that both the originalpalaeogeographic arrangement of the Middleto Late Jurassic radiolarite basins as well asthe Late Jurassic Plassen carbonate platformin the central Salzkammergut area weredestroyed by younger tectonism. At theSandling in the south of the Hoherstein pateau,the base below the Late Jurassic/EarlyCretaceous shallow water carbonates isrepresented by cherty sediments of Callovianto Oxfordian age with intercalated polymictmass flow deposits containing clasts of theHallstatt depositional realm, followed bypelagic micrited and transported reefal debris.Below the Late Tithonian to Early/MiddleBerriasian Barmstein limesones, reddishlimestones and cherty sediments withintercalated polymict mass flow depositsoccur containing clasts deriving from the LateTriassic lagoon and its overlying siries,followed by the Late Tithonian OberalmFormation. Based on these new results, thetoday generally accepted palaeogeographicreconstructions of one basin in the centralSalzkammergut area are discussed andreinterpreted.2009010556伊 朗 中 东 部 上 侏 罗 统 Esfandiar 组 的 古 环境 分 析 和 生 物 地 层 = Paleoenvironmentalanalysis and biostratigraphy of the UpperJurassic Esfandiar Formation (East-CentralIran). ( 英 文 ). Bagi H; Tasli K. NeuesJahrbuch fur Geologie u. Palaontologie /Abhandlungen, 2007, 243(1): 101-111Microfacies and paleoenvironmentalinvestigations have been carried out on theUpper Jurassic Esfandiar LimestoneFormation in the Pikuh Area, south of theShotori Mountains (east-central Iran). Basedon field studies and of thin-sections, sevenfacies types are distinguished. These faciescharacterize a sheltered interior platformsetting for the Esfandiar Limestone Formation.Benthic foraminifera provide a direct agedetermination (Middle Oxfordian-LowerKimmeridgian) for the Esfandiar LimestoneFormation.2009010557180

海 水 中 细 粒 碳 酸 盐 的 物 化 沉 淀 作 用 : 保 加 利亚 西 巴 尔 干 地 区 三 叠 系 海 相 微 晶 灰 岩 之 一例 = Physicochemical precipitation of finegrainedcarbonate in seawater - an example ofTriassic marine micrites from the WesternBalkanides, Bulgaria. ( 英 文 ). Chatalov A G.Neues Jahrbuch fur Geologie u. Palaontologie/ Abhandlungen, 2007, 243(2): 149-167The obtained sedimentological data testifyto differing mineralogical precursors of theTriassic marine micrites from the WesternBalkanides. Thus, "microsparites", which arelargely predominant in the Upper Olenekian toMiddle Anisian interval, were consolidatedthrough transformation and cementation offormer aragonite-dominated muds. In turn, thereal "micrites" are found only sporadically inthis part of the Triassic sequence, but occuralone in the Upper Anisian to Lower Carnianinterval. They resulted from stabilization offormer high-Mg Alcite-dominated muds withgood preservation of the primary microfabric.This study demonstrates that ancient micritesmay provide valuable information on theabiotic primary mineralogy for somestratigraphic intervals that lack oolitic andwinnowed carbonate sediments.2009010558德 国 南 部 卡 尼 阶 斯 图 加 特 组 的 河 口 湾 沉 积= Estuarine sedimentation in the StuttgartFormation (Carnian, Late Triassic), SouthGermany. ( 英 文 ). Shukla U K; Bachmann GH. Neues Jahrbuch fur Geologie u.Palaontologie / Abhandlungen, 2007, 243(3):Stuttgart Formation; Schilfsandstein; MiddleKeuper; Carnian; South Germany; fluvial;estuarine; tidThe Stuttgart Formation is some 15 m thickand consists of fluvial and estuarine sediments,which are unconformably entrenched in theunderlying shales of the Grabfeld Formation.An approximately 8 m thick sand body in thelower part exhibits bipolar herringbone crossbedding,sigmoidal bedding with doublemudstone drapes, tidal bundles and polymodalpaleocurrents. These structures suggestintertidal bars and tidal channels dominated bymicrotidal activity towards an estuary mouthbeyond the zone of turbidity maxima.Appreciable wave effect and wave inducedcurrents were instrumental for sedimentation,too. The succession represents a transgressivesystems tract generated during relative sealevelrise in a drowned river valley system.2009010559Cordilleran 前 陆 盆 地 沉 积 物 补 给 : 科 罗 拉多 高 原 晚 侏 罗 世 及 白 垩 纪 地 层 碎 屑 锆 石 U-Pb 年 龄 观 察 = Sediment delivery to theCordilleran foreland basin: Insights from U-Pbages of detrital zircons in Upper Jurassic andCretaceous strata of the Colorado Plateau. ( 英文 ). Dickinson W R; Gehrels G E. AmericanJournal of science, 2008, 308(10): 1041-1082In late Mesozoic time, the southernCordilleran foreland basin was bounded on thewest by the Sevier thrust belt and on the southby the Mogollon highlands. Paleocurrentindicators in fluvial and fluviodeltaic strataimply sediment delivery into the basin fromboth tectonic features. Ages of detrital zirconsin sandstones of the basin provide insights intothe nature of the sediment sources. UpperJurassic and Lower Cretaceous fluvial stratawere deposited as sediment blankets acrossthe width of the basin but Upper Cretaceousmarginal-marine facies were restricted to thebasin margin, with marine facies in the basininterior. Most Upper Jurassic and LowerCretaceous fluvial sandstones containheterogeneous age populations of Precambrianand Paleozoic detrital zircons largely recycledfrom Jurassic eolianites uplifted within theSevier thrust belt or antecedent highlands, andexposed as sedimentary cover over theMogollon highlands, with only minorcontributions of Mesozoic zircon grains fromthe Cordilleran magmatic arc along thecontinental margin. Sources in Yavapai-Mazatzal Proterozoic basement intruded byanorogenic Mesoproterozoic plutons along theMogollon highlands were significant for theWestwater Canyon Member of the UpperJurassic Morrison Formation and for earlyUpper Cretaceous (Turonian) fluviodeltaicdepositional systems, in which arc-derivedCordilleran zircon grains are more abundantthan in older and younger units composeddominantly of recycled detritus. Detritalzircons confirm that the Salt Wash andWestwater Canyon Members of the MorrisonFormation formed separate foreland megafansof different provenance. Late UpperCretaceous (Campanian) fluvial sandstonesinclude units containing mostly recycled sandlacking arc-derived grains in the Sevierforedeep adjacent to the Sevier thrust front,and units derived from both Yavapai-Mazatzalbasement and the Cordilleran arc farther east,with some mingling of sand from both sourcesat selected horizons within the Sevier foredeep.Evidence for longitudinal as well as transversedelivery of sediment to the foreland basin181

shows that paleogeographic and isostaticanalyses of thrust-belt erosion, sediment loads,and basin subsidence in foreland systems needto allow for derivation of foreland sediment insignificant volumes from sources lying outsideadjacent thrust belts.2009010560安 徽 巢 湖 平 顶 山 剖 面 西 部 印 度 期 旋 回 地 层学 = Cyclostratigraphy of the Induan (EarlyTriassic) in West PingdingshanSection,Chaohu,Anhui Province. ( 英 文 ). GuoGang; Tong Jinnan; Zhang Shihong; ZhangJie; Bai Lingyan. Science in China Series D:Earth Sciences, 2008, 51(1): 22-29The Induan sequence in the WestPingdingshan Section, Chaohu, AnhuiProvince, displays a series of superimposedmudstone/limestone cycles. The lithologicalcharacter of the cycles, combined with powerspectral and wavelet analysis of magneticsusceptibility readings, reveals 12 shorteccentricity and 56 precession Milankovitchcycles — obliquity cycles are not apparent.The uniformity of cycle thicknesses indicatesa stable depositional setting making thissection ideal to perform various geologicalstudies. Accordingly, the Induan Stage isestimated to have lasted 1.1 Ma, and thedepositional rate for this part of the section isabout 3.7 cm/ka. This places the Induan –Olenekian boundary in the West PingdingshanSection at about 251.5 Ma based on an age of252.6 Ma for the Permian–Triassic boundary.2009010561羌 塘 北 部 Woruo 山 地 区 火 山 岩 的 年 代 学 和地 球 化 学 : 晚 三 叠 世 火 山 沉 积 事 件 意 义 =Chronology and geochemistry of the volcanicrocks in Woruo Mountain region, northernQiangtang depression: Implications to the LateTriassic volcanic-sedimentary events. ( 英 文 ).Wang Jian; Fu Xiugen; Chen Wenxi; WangZhengjiang; Tan Fuwen; Chen Ming; ZhuoJiewen. Science in China Series D: EarthSciences, 2008, 51(2): 194-205A suite of sedimentary-volcaniclastic rocksintercalated with the volcanic rocksunconformably overlies the TriassicXiaochaka Formation in the Woruo Mountainregion, Qiangtang Basin, northern Tibet. Thevitric tuff from the base of these strata gives aSHRIMP zircon U-Pb age of 216 ± 4.5 Ma,which represents the age of the Late Triassicvolcanic-sedimentary events in the WoruoMountain region, and is consistent with that ofthe formation of the volcanic rocks from theNadi Kangri Formation in the Nadigangri-Shishui River zone. There is a strikingsimilarity in geochemical signatures of thevolcanic rocks from the Woruo Mountainregion and its adjacent Nadigangri-ShishuiRiver zone, indicating that all the volcanicrocks from the Qiangtang region might havethe same magmatic source and similar tectonicsetting during the Late Triassic. The properrecognition of the Late Triassic large-scalevolcanic eruption and volcanic-sedimentaryevents has important implications for theinterpretation of the Late Triassic bioticextinction, climatic changes and regressiveevents in the eastern Tethyan domain, as wellas the understanding of the initiation andnature, and sedimentary features of theQiangtang Basin during the Late Triassic-Jurassic.新 生 界2009010562草 地 辐 射 对 非 海 相 硅 循 环 和 中 新 世 硅 藻 的影 响 = Impact of grassland radiation on thenonmarine silica cycle and Miocene diatomite.( 英 文 ). Kidder D L;Gierlowski-Kordesch E H.Palaios, 2005, 20(2): 198–206The Early Miocene rise of the grassdominatedecosystem is a plausible trigger fora sharp Miocene increase in accumulation ofnonmarine diatomaceous sediment as well asdiversification of nonmarine diatoms. Thisgrassland radiation introduced abiogeochemical mechanism for enhancingwidespread and sustained mobilization ofusable silica and other nutrients. Volcanismwas probably responsible for episodicnonmarine diatomaceous sediments from theadvent of the oldest known nonmarinediatoms in the Late Cretaceous through theOligocene. Although prolific Miocenevolcanism was undoubtedly still important inthe development of many diatomites, feedbackfrom grassland colonization of volcanic soilsmay explain why diatomaceous sedimentationsurged in the Miocene following a moresparse pre-Miocene record.The initial rise of the grass-dominatedecosystem, increased nonmarine diatomiteaccumulation, and Early Mioceneevolutionary radiations of nonmarine diatomtaxa are at least approximately coeval.Although the earliest known grass isPaleocene, multiple lines of evidence,including mollic-epipedon paleosols, fossiloccurrences of hypsodontic ungulate grazers,182

and fossil phytoliths, suggest that the grassdominatedecosystem did not expandsignificantly until Early Miocene. Thegrassland radiation apparently was delayeduntil Middle Miocene in parts of Eurasia,Africa, and Australia. If that delay is real, thediatom/diatomite record in those regionsshould coincide with it. The onset of increasedMiocene diatomite accumulation is as yetimprecisely dated, but coincidence with therise of the grass-dominated ecosystem ispredicted herein. Early Miocenediversifications of Actinocyclus andThalassiosira diatoms are consistenttemporally with grassland expansion where itis Early Miocene.Subsequent adjustments in the silica cyclealso may be attributed to grasslands.Nonmarine diatom radiations in the LateMiocene and Pliocene coincide with sharpregressions that may have released nutrientsand soluble phytolith opal stored in Miocenesoils and paleosols as well as dissolved silicain soil pore waters. Regressional erosivepulses of phytoliths provide a new explanationfor low Ge/ Si ratios in marine diatoms duringPleistocene glacial intervals. Nonmarinediatoms from regressive intervals shouldrecord lower Ge/Si ratios than before and afterthose regressions because of phytolithcontributions with low Ge/Si ratios. LateMiocene radiations of C 4 and moist tall-grassecosystems may have mobilized even moresilica than the short, dry-climate EarlyMiocene grasses. Abundance of diatomitemay have fluctuated in concert with changesin degree of volcanism, even after grasslandexpansion, but at substantially higher levelsthan before this new terrestrial ecosystemarose.2009010563印 度 尼 西 亚 苏 拉 威 西 西 北 部 白 垩 纪 - 古 近 纪火 山 岩 - 沉 积 岩 序 列 的 地 层 和 大 地 构 造 环境 : 苏 拉 威 西 西 部 和 北 部 新 生 代 的 演 化 意义 = Stratigraphy and tectonic setting of theCretaceous and Paleogene volcanicsedimentarysuccessions in northwestSulawesi, Indonesia: implications for theCenozoic evolution of Western and NorthernSulawesi. ( 英 文 ). van Leeuwen T M;Muhardjo. Journal of Asian EarthSciences, 2005, 25(3): 481-511New field and laboratory data from NWSulawesi, Indonesia, integrated with existinginformation, provide a tectonostratigraphicframework for the Cretaceous and Paleogeneof this region. The study area straddles twodistinct provinces, referred to as ‘Western’and ‘Northern Sulawesi’. Western Sulawesiforms the (rifted) continental margin ofeastern Sundaland. It consists of ametamorphic basement, partly of Australianorigin, overlain by Late Cretaceous turbiditesthat were deposited in a fore-arc setting(Latimojong Formation). These are in turncovered by volcanic-sedimentary successionsthat were deposited during the early MiddleEocene to earliest Miocene. They represent atransgressive cycle from syn-rift siliciclastics,through nummulitic limestone and associatedshelf sediments, to deeper marine mudstonesand turbidites (Budungbudung and TinomboFormations). During the same period NorthernSulawesi developed as an oceanic island arc,characterized by bimodal volcanism (PapayatoVolcanics), founded on (back arc?) oceaniccrust. The Cretaceous and Paleogene volcanicand sedimentary suites show lithological andgeochemical characteristics that reflect thecontrasting tectonic setting of the twoprovinces. The tectonic relationship betweenthe two domains is not clear. They probablyformed a more or less continuous beltthroughout the Cenozoic, but were definitelyconnected not later than the early Miocene.Strong deformation in the Paleogeneformations in the northern part of NWSulawesi and their unconformable relationshipwith the overlying formations may be theresult of the collision of the north arm ofSulawesi with a continental fragment, ofAustralian derivation, during the earlyMiocene, or it may be related to the formationof a metamorphic core complex in a mid-Miocene extensional tectonic setting. Asecond major tectonic event, whichcommenced in the Pliocene and is stillongoing, affected the entire region.2009010564南 美 南 部 植 被 和 气 候 变 化 : 阿 根 廷 圣 克 鲁斯 省 Laguna Potrok Aike 地 区 的 微 体 化 石记 录 = Vegetation and climate dynamics insouthern South America: The microfossilrecord of Laguna Potrok Aike, Santa Cruz,Argentina. ( 英 文 ). Wille M; Maidana N I;Schäbitz F; Fey M; Haberzettl T; Janssen S; Lücke A; Mayr C; Ohlendorf C; Schleser G H;Zolitschka B. Review of Palaeobotany andPalynology, 2007, 146(1-4): 234-246Pollen and diatom assemblages of thesediment record from Laguna Potrok Aikeprovide new data about the vegetation and183

climate history since 16,100 cal BP of thedrylands in the Patagonian Steppe, some80 km east of the Andes on the southernmostArgentinean mainland. In combination withformerly published geochemical sedimentproxies it is shown that during the LateGlacial the steppe was cold, wind speeds werelow and available moisture was high. Pollen,diatoms and geochemical parameters recordincreasing temperatures and decreasingmoisture availability resulting in falling lakelevels in the steppe culminating in the lowestlake levels around 7640 cal BP.Contemporaneously, Andean Forestestablished in the mountains and probablywind speeds increased. Between 6000 and2300 cal BP the pollen record points to cyclicseasonality fluctuations in the steppe and theAndes. After 2300 cal BP the research areabecame increasingly humid and the AndeanForest underwent changes in floristiccomposition. Sheep breeders arrived in the19th century, and in the 20th centuryconditions in the steppe area became drier.2009010565根 据 化 石 鞘 翅 目 所 确 定 的 加 拿 大 安 大 略 班顿 地 区 全 新 世 古 气 候 和 古 生 态 = Holocenepaleoclimate and paleoecology determinedfrom fossil Coleoptera at Brampton, Ontario,Canada. ( 英 文 ). Motz J E; Morgan A V.Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 2001,38(10): 1451-1462An unusually rich and extensive 5 msequence of organic-rich sediments (ca. 13000 to ca. 4500 BP) from a drained glacialkettle near Brampton, Ontario, has produced alarge and varied assemblage of fossil insects.Coleoptera (beetles) from the base includespecies typical of northern boreal or tree linehabitats today. Approximately one metreabove the base of the section (ca. 11 500 BP),there is an abrupt appearance of numerousbark beetles (family Scolytidae) and otherColeoptera that inhabit boreal forests.Temperate species whose ranges arepredominantly or totally south of the Ontarioborder, appear, beginning at ca. 9500 BP,suggesting environmental conditions similarto modern ones. Younger Dryas and Pre-Boreal Oscillation cold events may be evidentin lower parts of the boreal sequence, althoughconsiderations of temporal and climaticresolution make interpretation somewhatambiguous.2009010566南 半 球 高 纬 度 大 陆 架 的 始 新 世 气 候 记 录 :南 极 西 摩 岛 = Eocene climate record of ahigh southern latitude continental shelf:Seymour Island, Antarctica. ( 英 文 ). Linda C;Ivany L C; Lohmann K C; Hasiuk F; Blake DB; Glass A; Aronson R B; Moody R M.Geological Society of America Bulletin, 2008,120(5/5): 659-678A high-resolution record of Eocene paleotemperaturevariation is preserved within thehigh southern latitude, marine shelf successionof the La Meseta Formation on SeymourIsland, off the NE side of the AntarcticPeninsula. 87 Sr/ 86 Sr ratios of bivalve shellcarbonate indicate that the La MesetaFormation spans virtually the entire Eocene,and suggest the presence of an early middleEocene unconformity. Paleoclimatic andpaleoceanographic inferences are based on thestable oxygen and carbon isotope values oftwo genera of bivalves collected with a highdegree of stratigraphic resolution within theformation, and with multiple replicate samplesfrom each horizon. 18 O data indicate roughly10 ° C of cooling from the early Eoceneclimatic optimum (~15 °C) through the endof the Eocene (minimum ~5 °C), much ofwhich took place in two comparatively shortintervals at ca. 52 and ca. 41 Ma. Manyfeatures of the isotope curves generated fromthis Eocene shelf section are apparent in 18 Oand 13 C data from the Southern and globaloceans, including warm intervals that likelycorrespond to the early and middle Eoceneclimatic optima (EECO and MECO). A rapidmiddle Eocene shift to much more positivevalues is the most significant in the sectionand reflects a drop to universally coolertemperatures in the late middle and lateEocene that might also be associated with ashort-lived glacial advance. However, evenusing a somewhat depleted value for 18 O ofseawater in the Antarctic peninsular region,average Seymour Island shelf-waterpaleotemperatures did not reach freezingbefore the end of the Eocene.13 C datasimilarly reflect the documented middleEocene surface ocean enrichment followed bymore negative values, but depletion is muchmore pronounced on Seymour Island andpersists for the remainder of the Eocene,suggesting a combination of upwelling,metabolic effects, and/or atypical carboncycling on the shelf in this region. Isotope datacapture information about changes in thepaleoenvironment that also had consequencesfor the biota, as published paleontological184

ecords document marked change in the natureof terrestrial and marine biota at this time. Thefact that middle Eocene cooling and bioticturnover in the Peninsular region correspondwell in time to the proposed initial opening ofDrake Passage suggests that the formation ofgateways, in addition to changes in pCO 2 , hadsignificant consequences for the Earth'sclimate system during the Paleogene.2009010567西 欧 末 次 冰 期 40-16ka 生 态 系 统 对 气 候 突变 的 快 速 响 应 = Rapid ecosystem response toabrupt climate changes during the last glacialperiod in western Europe, 40–16 ka. ( 英 文 ).Wohlfarth B; Veres D; Ampel L; Lacourse T;Blaauw M; Preusser F; Andrieu-Ponel V;.Geology, 2008, 138(5): 407-410We present a high-resolution andindependently dated multiproxy lake sedimentrecord from the paleolake at Les Échets insoutheastern France that displays synchronouschanges in independent limnic and terrestrialecosystem proxies, in concert with millennialscaleclimate oscillations during the lastglacial period. Distinct lake-level fluctuations,low lake organic productivity, and open,treeless vegetation indicate cold and dryconditions in response to Heinrich events.Alternating phases of higher and low lakeorganic productivity, stratified surface watersand long-lasting lake ice cover, decreased orincreased catchment erosion, and treedominatedor herb-dominated vegetationresembleDansgaard-Oeschgerinterstadialstadial variability. Transitionsbetween different ecological states occurred inas little as 40–230 yr and seem to have beencontrolled by the position of the Polar Front.Ecosystem response after 30 ka suggests thatlocal climate conditions became moreimportant. Our results demonstrate that allparts of the terrestrial system responded to theabrupt and dramatic climatic changesassociated with Dansgaard-Oeschger andHeinrich events, and that regional factorsmodulated ecosystem response2009010568亚 马 孙 古 陆 的 火 、 气 候 变 化 和 生 物 多 样性 : 晚 全 新 世 透 视 = Fire, climate changeand biodiversity in Amazonia: a Late-Holocene perspective. ( 英 文 ). Bush M B;Silman M R; McMichae C; Saatch S.Philosophical Transactions of the RoyalSociety B: Biological Sciences, 2008,363(1498): 1795-1802Fire is an important and arguably unnaturalcomponent of many wet Amazonian andAndean forest systems. Soil charcoal has beenused to infer widespread human use oflandscapes prior to European Conquest. Ananalysis of Amazonian soil carbon recordsreveals that the records have distinct spatialand temporal patterns, suggesting that eitherfires were only set in moderately seasonalareas of Amazonia or that strongly seasonaland aseasonal areas are undersampled.Synthesizing data from 300 charcoal records,an age–frequency diagram reveals peaks offire apparently coinciding with some periodsof very strong El Niño activity. However, theEl Niño record does not always provide anaccurate prediction of fire timing, and a bettermatch is found in the record of insolationminima. After the time of European contact,fires became much scarcer within Amazonia.In both the Amazonia and the Andes, modernfire pattern is strongly allied to human activity.On the flank of the Andes, forests that havenever burned are being eroded by firespreading downslope from grasslands. Speciesof these same forests are being forced tomigrate upslope due to warming and willencounter a firm artificial fire boundary ofhuman activity.2009010569瑞 典 北 部 泥 炭 沉 积 所 记 录 的 晚 全 新 世 气 候变 化 及 人 类 的 影 响 = Late Holocene humanimpact and climate change recorded in a NorthSwedish peat deposit. ( 英 文 ). van der LindenM; Barke J; Vickery E; Charman D J; vanGeel B. Palaeogeography PalaeoclimatologyPalaeoecology, 2008, 258(1-2): 1-27A peat core from a mire with poor fenlawns and ombrotrophic hummock strings inNorthern Sweden was examined (plantmacrofossils, pollen/non-pollen microfossils,testate amoebae, colorimetric humification,carbon/nitrogen ratios, bulk densities, loss onignition) to investigate the effects of climatechange and human impact on the plant speciescomposition and peat accumulation of the peatforming vegetation during the last 1700 yr.14 C wiggle-match dating was applied for highprecisiondating. The Lappmyran region wasdominated by Pinus and Picea forest. Changesin land-use patterns and population densitywere visible in the pollen record of theregional vegetation. Juniperus and Rumexacetosa-type pollen indicated the presence of185

grazed land in the area between AD 1500 and1950. The vegetation at the coring spotgradually became ombrotrophic. The localplant and testate amoebae compositions reflectchanges in surface wetness caused by changesin precipitation and the internal dynamics ofthe bog. A wet interval was observed duringthe Maunder minimum of solar activity. Thepresence of Drepanocladus fluitans indicatesless ombrotrophic conditions during thisperiod probably caused by the inflow ofminerogenic water from upslope owing toincreased precipitation. The reconstructedwater table shows agreement withprecipitation measurements which wereavailable since AD 1860.2009010570厄 瓜 多 尔 安 第 斯 山 脉 全 新 世 林 线 : 首 个 来自 土 壤 碳 屑 的 证 据 = The Holocene treelinein the northern Andes (Ecuador): Firstevidence from soil charcoal. ( 英 文 ). PasqualeG; Marziano M; Impagliazzo S; Lubritto C;De Natale A; Bader M. PalaeogeographyPalaeoclimatology Palaeoecology, 2008,259(1): 17-34Indications for the speed and timing of pastaltitudinal treeline shifts are oftencontradictory. Partly, this may be due tointerpretation difficulties of pollen records,which are generally regional rather than localproxies. We used pedoanthracology, theidentification and dating of macroscopic soilcharcoal, to study vegetation history aroundthe treeline in the northern Ecuadorian Andes.Pedoanthracology offers a complementarymethod to pollen-based vegetationreconstructions by providing records with highspatial detail on a local scale. The modernvegetation is tussock grass páramo (tropicalalpine vegetation) and upper montane cloudforest, and the treeline is located at ca. 3600 m.Charcoal was collected from soils in the páramo (at 3890 and 3810 m) and in the forest(at 3540 m), and represents a sequence for theentire Holocene.The presence of páramo taxa throughout allthree soil profiles, especially in combinationwith the absence of forest taxa, shows that thetreeline in the study area has moved up to itspresent position only late in the Holocene(after ca. 5850 cal years BP). The treeline mayhave been situated between 3600 m and3800 m at some time after ca. 4900 cal yearsBP, or it may never have been higher than it istoday. The presence of charcoal throughoutthe profiles also shows that fires haveoccurred in this area at least since thebeginning of the Holocene.These results contradict interpretations ofpalaeological data from Colombia, whichsuggest a rapid treeline rise at thePleistocene–Holocene transition. They alsocontradict the hypothesis that man-made fireshave destroyed large extents of forest abovethe modern treeline. Instead, p á ramo fireshave probably contributed to the slowness oftreeline rise during the Holocene.2009010571南 半 球 热 带 安 第 斯 山 脉 ( 玻 利 维 亚 / 秘 鲁 )冰 期 - 间 冰 期 湿 度 平 衡 的 变 化 及 对 植 被 的 影响 = Glacial-interglacial changes in moisturebalance and the impact on vegetation in thesouthern hemisphere tropical Andes(Bolivia/Peru). ( 英 文 ). Gosling W D; Bush MB; Hanselman J A; Chepstow-Lusty A.Palaeogeography PalaeoclimatologyPalaeoecology, 2008, 259(1): 35-50A palynological investigation of the lastglacial-interglacial cycle in the southernhemisphere tropical Andes reveals changes inthe moisture balance as the main driver invegetation change. Thirty accelerator massspectrometry radiocarbon dates,biostratigraphy and tephra correlation revealthat a 119 m sediment core recovered from theHuiñaimarca sub-basin of Lake Titicaca (16.0° to 17.5° S, 68.5° to 70° W; 3810 masl)contains sediments covering > 151,000 years.Correlation of aridity indicators withprecessional variations in insolation is used tofine tune the structure of the age-depth curvewithin this period.Variations in Isoëtes concentration(above/below 10,000 grains/cm 3 ) identify theextent of shallow water environments.Examination of another palaeolimnologicalindicator (Pediastrum) and consideration ofthe bathymetry of the Huiñaimarca sub-basinallow the reconstruction of lake-levelfluctuations. These data indicate five wet/drycycles between c. 151,000 and 14,200 cal yrBP. High stands are suggested during thetransition into (c. 134,000 cal yr BP), and outof (c. 114,000 and 92,000 cal yr BP), the lastinterglacial, and during full glacial conditions(c. 70,000 and 45,000 cal yr BP). These cyclesare superimposed on a general trend ofdeepening lake levels through the glacialperiod.This interpretation is supported bycorrelation with sediments from Salar de186

Uyuni (20 ° S, 68 ° W; 3653 masl). Theyoungest wet episode is concurrent withpalaeolake Minchin (c. 45,000 cal yr BP),with further evidence for an additional wetperiod commencing c. 28,000 cal yr BP,concomitant with palaeolake Tauca. Thetiming of lake level fluctuations is alsosupported by palaeoshoreline reconstructionsfrom the Uyuni-Poopó region. However, ourdata do not suggest a major peak in lake levelin Huiñaimarca during the Ouki lake cycle (c.120,000–98,000 cal yr BP) as inferred fromU–Th ages obtained from palaeoshorelinesaround Lago Poopó. The most extreme dryevent occurs during the last interglacial periodand resulted in a sedimentary hiatustentatively dated to c. 121,000–129,000 calyr BP.The observed wet/dry cycles are shown tohave a marked and rapid impact on thevegetation. The aridity of the last interglacialpromoted a community dominated byChenopodiaceae/Amaranthacae, with nomodern Andean analogue. Polylepis/Acaenapollen is also shown to fluctuate markedly(0–20%), particularly during the transitionsinto, and out of, the last interglacial. It isprobable that this pollen taxon is primarilyrepresentative of the high altitude arborealgenus Polylepis, which is a key component ofhighly biodiverse Andean woodlands today.Rapid fluctuations indicate the sensitivity ofthis ecosystem to natural environmentalpressure and potential vulnerability to futurehuman impact and climate change.The 100,000 year (eccentricity) solar cycleis shown to be the major controlling factor inmoisture balance and vegetation over the lastglacial-interglacial cycle. However, significantfluctuations in moisture balance are alsoevident on timescales considerably shorterthan the full glacial-interglacial cycle. Wehave linked these to precessional (21,000 year)forcing. Nevertheless, precise independentdating during the full glacial cycle is requiredto confirm the importance of this forcingmechanism.2009010572丘 陵 景 观 花 粉 散 布 和 沉 积 模 式 的 应 用 : 一些 可 能 的 方 法 = Using models of pollendispersal and deposition in hilly landscapes:Some possible approaches. ( 英 文 ). Bunting MJ; Twiddle C L; Middleton R.Palaeogeography PalaeoclimatologyPalaeoecology, 2008, 259(1): 77-91Recent developments in the modelling ofpollen dispersal and deposition have led to thedevelopment of user-friendly computersoftware for simulating vegetation mosaicsand pollen assemblages at specified pointswithin those mosaics. In this paper we discussthe possible application of these approaches tomodelling the pollen deposition in mountainareas. First, we demonstrate the use of theMultiple Scenario Approach by reconstructingmid-Holocene tree line position in thesouthern Dark Peak area of the Peak Districtin northern England from a published pollenrecord. However, the underlying model ofpollen dispersal and deposition assumes a flatlandscape, which makes extending theapproach to mountainous areas problematic.Therefore we also present simulationexperiments exploring the effects ofmodifying aspects of the existing model tobetter simulate the montane situation (ecotonestructure, changes in the wind rose to mimicthe effects of topography on aerial pollentransport). We suggest that, as a firstapproximation, topographic effects can beincorporated in the models by varying thewind rose at the sampling point to reflect theimpact of topography on air flow.2009010573加 拿 大 不 列 颠 哥 伦 比 亚 东 北 部 和 平 河 谷 第四 纪 地 层 和 冰 川 历 史 = Quaternarystratigraphy and glacial history of the PeaceRiver valley, northeast British Columbia. ( 英文 ). Hartman G M D; Clague J J. CanadianJournal of Earth Sciences, 2008, 45(5): 549-564Two Cordilleran and three Laurentideglacial advances are recorded in Quaternarysediments and landforms in the Peace Rivervalley, northeast British Columbia. Theadvances are inferred from fluvial gravels,glaciolacustrine sediments, and tills withinnested paleovalleys excavated during threeinterglaciations and from the distribution ofgranitoid clasts derived from the CanadianShield. Till of the last (Late Wisconsinan)Laurentide glaciation occurs at the surface,except where it is overlain by postglacialsediments. The advance that deposited this tillwas the most extensive in the study area, andthe only advance definitively recognized inwestern Alberta south of the study area. LateWisconsinan Cordilleran till has not beenfound in the study area, but Cordilleran andLaurentide ice may have coalesced brieflyduring the last glaciation. Support for this187

supposition is provided by the inferreddeflection of Laurentide flutings to thesoutheast by Cordilleran ice. The earliestLaurentide advance may have been the leastextensive of the three Laurentide eventsrecognized in the study area. Erraticsattributed to this advance occur only east ofthe Halfway River- Beatton River drainagedivide.2009010574加 拿 大 不 列 颠 哥 伦 比 亚 东 北 部 Prophet 河第 四 纪 地 层 = Quaternary stratigraphy of theProphet River, northeastern British Columbia.( 英 文 ). Trommelen M; Levson V. CanadianJournal of Earth Sciences, 2008, 45(5): 565-575Exposures in the Prophet River valley innortheast British Columbia provide a uniqueglimpse into the Quaternary history of thenorthwest Canadian Boreal Plains. The regionshows evidence of Late WisconsinanLaurentide glaciation in the form ofwidespread till, containing abundant erraticclasts derived from the Canadian Shield.Vertical sections along the Prophet Riverexpose non-glacial and advance glacialsediments below this till. Pre-LateWisconsinan non-glacial or interglacialfloodplain sediments are interbedded withfluvial gravels at many sites. Macrofossilswithin horizontally laminated organic-richblack clay and silt indicate deposition on thefloodplain of the paleo-Prophet River withinan oxbow lake. The climate during depositionis interpreted to be similar to present,supporting a dominantly spruce forest. Woodobtained from eight sites provided non-finiteradiocarbon ages, and one sample provided anage of 49 300 ± 2000 BP, which is alsoconsidered non-finite. Glaciolacustrine claysand silts, deposited during impoundment ofeastward-flowing drainage by the advance ofthe Laurentide Ice Sheet (LIS) in the LateWisconsinan, overlie the non-glacialsediments throughout the valley. A blanket ofclast-poor, clay-rich till up to 20m thick, anddeposited by the LIS, drapes theglaciolacustrine sediments. Since deglaciation,the Prophet River has incised the valley andformed fluvial terraces at different levelsabove the modern river.2009010575赤 道 大 西 洋 Markova 凹 陷 中 更 新 世 - 全 新世 钙 质 浮 游 和 底 栖 生 物 生 物 地 层 = MiddlePleistocene-Holocene calcareous plankton andbenthos biostratigraphy of the MarkovaDepression, equatorial atlantic. ( 英 文 ).Golovina L A; Bylinskaya M E; VernigorovaYU V. Stratigraphy and GeologicalCorrelation, 2008, 16(3): 317-327The analysis of nannoplankton, planktonicand benthic foraminifer assemblages provideddetailed biostratigraphic characteristics of theupper part of sedimentary cover in theMarkova Depression, rift valley of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. The Gephyrocapsa oceanicaand Emiliania huxleyi nannofossil zones, (LO)Helicosphaera inversa biohorizon, Emilianiahuxleyi Acme Zone, and planktonicforaminiferal Globigerina calida calida,Globigerina bermudezi and Globorotaliafimbriata subzones were recognized. Thecompiled paleotemperature curve is correlatedwith the upper 10 oxygen isotope stages. Therecovered deposits were accumulated during400 ka. Changes in abundance and speciescomposition of benthic foraminiferassemblages are suggested to be correlativewith hydrothermal activity outbreaks in therift zone2009010576西 班 牙 马 德 里 省 Lozoya 上 河 谷 的 全 新 世 地貌 = The Holocene landscape in the Lozoyaupper valley (Pinilla del Valle, Madrid). ( 其他 ). Ruiz Zapata B; Gomez Gonzalez C; GilGarcia M J; Lopez Saez J A; Perez-GonzalezA; Baquedano E; Arzuaga J L. RevistaEspanola de paleontologia, 2007, 22(1): 89-94Pollen and non-pollen palynomorphsanalysis of the Buena Pinta cave in the Pinilladel Valle (Madrid) archaeopalaeontologicalsite has been conducted. The results shows avegetation dynamics from the pollen diagramscan be correlated with the vegetationprogressive evolution of an open landscape asadaptation to the installation of hot and drycharacter climatic conditions. The radiocarbondating of 14C locates its development, before5740-5600 cal BP.2009010577爱 尔 兰 西 部 全 新 世 温 度 变 化 : 来 自 淡 水 介形 类 组 合 及 稳 定 同 位 素 的 证 据 = Holocenetemperature variability in westernIreland:Evidence from limnic ostracodeassemblages and stable isotope values. ( 英 文 ).Tibert N E; Patterson W P; Diefendorf A F;.Stratigraphy, 2007, 4(4): 353-361188

Western Ireland is ideally situated toreceive maritime precipitation that hasuncomplicated trajectory histories.Biota in Irish lakes therefore have thepotential to divulge temperature andprecipitation records for the Holocene.Blanket bog cores adjacent to Lough Corribcontain abundant ostracoda whose calciteshells were analyzed for stable oxygen andcarbon isotope values. The earliest Holocenesediments are characterized by the cool water,oligotrophic ostracode Limnocytherinasanctipatricii that displays relatively high δ18O and δ13C values, indicative of cool, aridconditions. Middle Holocene sediments arecharacterized by cool, humid conditionsdifferentiated by abundant Metacypris cordatathat thrivedon productive carbonate benchessurrounding the lake perimeter. Relatively lowoxygen isotope values suggest cool, wetconditions. Carbon isotope values arerelatively low as DIC was dominated byterrestrial organic matter. Late Holocenewarm, humid conditions are differentiated bydecreased Metacypris cordata abundance andrelatively high δ18O values in response toincreased atmospheric warmth and increasedrates of vegetative production. Possibleclimate excursions includethe 8.2 kyr coldevent and the Middle Holocene ThermalMaximum.2009010578较 高 级 别 的 海 相 新 生 代 年 代 地 层 单 元 的 等级 细 分 状 况 = Status of the hierarchicalsubdivision of higher order marine Cenozoicchronostratigraphic units. ( 英 文 ). Berggren WA. Stratigraphy, 2007, 4(2/3): 99-108Chronostratigraphic subdivision of thesedimentary rock record should proceed in abottom up hierarchical manner with lowerunits defining the boundaries ofstratigraphically higher units. Definition of thebase of higher order Cenozoicchronostratigraphic units, however, hasproceeded in an inconsistent manner over thepast 25 yearswith procedures includingessentially ignoring congruent stages(Rupelian/ Priabonian) in the case of theOligocene, retrofitting stages to seriesboundary (base Pleistocene, base Miocene),and lowering a stage boundary (Ypresian)nearly 1my to denote a series boundary(Eocene). Alone among Cenozoic units thebase Pliocene was defined by a GSSP for theZanclean Stage. The inability of INQUA andthe Neogene Subcommission to agree on asuitable placement/ category for theQuaternary in the Cenozoicchronostratigraphic hierarchy and the stubborninsistence on the part of the former that thechronostratigraphically defined base/GSSPPleistocene (1.8Ma) and theclimatostratigraphically-defined baseQuaternary be moved in tandem to the base ofthe Gelasian Stage at 2.6Ma suggests thatperhaps it is time to disengage the two groupsand remove the Quaternary from thechronostratigraphic hierarchy and allowINQUA (and the community of Quaternarygeologists) to function independently of theIGC.2009010579中 新 世 副 特 提 斯 中 部 地 层 — 当 今 状 态 和 将来 方 向 = Miocene Central Paratethysstratigraphy – current status and futuredirections. ( 英 文 ). Piller W E; Harzhauser M;Mandic O. Stratigraphy, 2007, 4(2/3): 151-168The complex geodynamic history of theParatethys periodically fostered the evolutionof a highly endemic biota with onlylimited exchange between the neighboringMediterranean and Indo-Pacific provinces.The resulting very peculiar fossil assemblagesforced the introduction of a regionalchronostratigraphic subdivision for theWestern/Central and Eastern Paratethysrespectively. For the Central Paratethys wepresent a summarized and updated databasefor the individual stages, and we review thecurrent status for correlation with theMediterranean stratigraphic framework. TheMiocene Central Paratethys stages weredefined on exclusively paleontological criteriain type sections (holostratotypes andfaciostratotypes). They are all bounded byeither sedimentary hiatuses or distinct facieschanges, inferred to mark lowstands in sealevel, and not a single boundary stratotype hasbeen defined. Some correlatingtie-points to the Mediterranean succession arebased on calcareous nannoplankton andplanktonic foraminifers; magnetostratigraphiccorrelation is very limited. All stages can beassigned to the putatively third-order sea levelcycles, with the Eggenburgian, Badenian andPannonian Stages each spanning three cyclesand theOttnangian,Karpatian, and Sarmatianone each. The Karpatian/Badenian boundarycorrelateswith the Burdigalian/Langhian(Early/MiddleMiocene) boundary, and theSarmatian/Pannonian boundary correlateswith189

the Serravallian/Tortonian (Middle/LateMiocene) boundary. The correlation to thirdordercycles and the detection of astronomicalsignals suggest that not only a regional butalso a strong global signal is present in therock record of theCentral Paratethys. Since thecurrentdefinitionof a stage includes its global spread, formallydefined regional stages are redundant andtherefore also not necessary for the CentralParatethys.However, if stages are essentiallyregional, then a regional scale as for CentralParatethys would bemuchmore appropriate.2009010580北 太 平 洋 东 北 部 阿 拉 斯 加 湾 ODP887 井 位中 更 新 世 至 全 新 世 孢 粉 地 层 = MiddlePleistocene to Holocene palynostratigraphy ofOcean Drilling Program Site 887 in the Gulfof Alaska, northeastern North Pacific. ( 英 文 ).Marret F; Vernal A D; Pedersen T F;McDonald D. Canadian Journal of EarthSciences, 2001, 38(3): 373-386A palynological investigation wasundertaken on the upper 29 m of sediment atOcean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 887,spanning the last 430 000 years (i.e., isotopicstages 12 to 1). Pollen and dinocystassemblages reveal a major ecostratigraphicalboundary at the Middle – Late Pleistocenetransition. The Middle Pleistocene pollen datadocument the occurrence of a spruce forestvegetation in the source area, likely located onthe adjacent Alaskan coast, whereas the LatePleistocene is marked by higher inputs of pine,shrub, and herb taxa, suggesting predominantinputs from a more open landscape. TheMiddle Pleistocene is characterized by a lowdiversity in dinocyst assemblages, which aredominated by Operculodinium centrocarpum,whereas the Late Pleistocene is marked by thesignificant occurrence of Pentapharsodiniumdalei, Pyxidinopsis reticulata, and by highpercentages of Brigantedinium spp. Suchassemblages suggest open oceanic and cooltemperate conditions during the MiddlePleistocene, changing toward generally colderand less saline conditions during the LatePleistocene. In addition, large fluctuations inthe dinocyst assemblages during the LatePleistocene are recorded in phase with themain shifts in the isotopic stratigraphy. A newdinocyst taxon, Spiniferites alaskensis sp. nov.,exclusively recorded in sediments of theisotopic substage 5e, is described herein.2009010581加 拿 大 安 大 略 木 桥 地 区 伊 利 诺 伊 阶 至 晚 维斯 康 辛 阶 地 层 = Illinoian to LateWisconsinan stratigraphy at Woodbridge,Ontario. ( 英 文 ). Karrow P F; McAndrews J H;Miller B B; Morgan A V; Seymour K L;White O L. Canadian Journal of EarthSciences, 2001, 38(5): 921-942Near Woodbridge, northwest of Toronto,Ontario, a 15 metre-high railroad cut andassociated borrow pit, first excavated in 1962,exposed a multiple till sequence andintervening fossiliferous sediments. Workover the next 35 years revealed that IllinoianYork Till, early Wisconsinan Sunnybrook Till,and late Wisconsinan Humber till, Halton Till,and Wildfield Till are interbedded withfossiliferous sediments equivalent to theSangamonian Don Formation, earlyWisconsinan Scarborough Formation (>50 kaBP), and middle Wisconsinan ThorncliffeFormation (45 ka BP). A complex periglacialrecord displays multistage fossil frost wedges,indicating intervals of severe climate in lateIllinoian and early Wisconsinan time. Coredboreholes indicate deep gravel below and a tillon Ordovician shale bedrock (Georgian BayFormation). Vertebrates, molluscs, ostracodes,insects, and plants (diatoms, wood, seeds,pollen) indicate mostly cool conditions (borealto tundra) for interstadial sediments.Interglacial conditions are represented byvertebrates, molluscs, and plants above YorkTill. Many taxa are new to the Quaternary ofthe Toronto area.2009010582阿 根 廷 西 北 部 高 纬 度 安 第 湖 第 四 纪 湖 泊 石灰 华 及 叠 层 石 的 沉 积 环 境 = Depositionalenvironments of Quaternary lacustrinetravertines and stromatolites from highaltitudeAndean lakes, northwestern Argentina.( 英 文 ). Valero-Garc é s B L; Arenas C;Delgado-Huertas A. Canadian Journal ofEarth Sciences, 2001, 38(8): 1263-1283Four distinctive depositionalsubenvironments of fossil travertines andstromatolites are identified in three highaltitude(3500 – 4000 m above sea level)lacustrine basins: El Peinado, San Francisco(Las Coladas Salar subbasin), and Las Peladas(southern Andean Altiplano, northwesternArgentina). These late Quaternary occurrencesare characterized using geomorphological,sedimentological, petrographic, and stableisotopic data. Stromatolites of cyanobacterialorigin only develop in shallow lacustrine190

margins of El Peinado basin. In the same basin,macrophytic travertines occur both nearthermal spring seepage areas along the lakemargin as in situ facies and in littorallacustrine environments up to water depths ofseveral metres as phytoclastic travertine facies.The stromatolites and macrophytic travertineshave relatively heavy18 O compositions,suggesting initial 16 O-depleted waters and (or)evaporation effects through time. Their high13 C compositions are interpreted as areflection of intense CO 2 evasion from thethermal groundwaters feeding the lakes.Similar laminated travertine facies, with nopetrographic evidence for biotic origin, occurin both Las Coladas and Las Peladas basins.Neither petrographic nor isotopic data alonecan differentiate between these two cases.Besides, diagenetic overprint in Las Peladasfacies precludes the use of isotopic values asoriginal isotopic signatures. However, thedepositional environmental conditions definedby the geomorphological and sedimenttologicalfeatures are different. Laminatedaragonitic crusts in Las Coladas basin formedin a shallow, saline lake and are associatedwith shoreline and terrace deposits cementedby aragonite. These travertine crusts representperiods of spring, 16 O-rich discharge to thelake, as suggested by the lighter oxygenisotopic compositions. In contrast, travertinesfrom Las Peladas occur as laminated calciticand aragonitic units intercalated at the top offining-upward sequences composed ofconglomerates, sandstones, and intraclasticlimestones. Sedimentological data suggest thatthese travertines originated in fluvialinfluencedlake margins during low lake-levelepisodes.2009010583根 据 珊 瑚 稳 定 同 位 素 和 元 素 化 学 推 算 早 渐新 世 海 洋 的 成 分 = Composition of the earlyOligocene ocean from coral stable isotope andelemental chemistry. ( 英 文 ). Ivany L C;Peters S C; Wilkinson B H; Lohmann K C;Reimer B A. Geobiology, 2004, 2(2): 97-106A sectioned and polished specimen of thecoral Archohelia vicksburgensis from the earlyOligocene Byram Formation (∼30 Ma) nearVicksburg, Mississippi, reveals 12 prominentannual growth bands. Stable oxygen isotopiccompositions of 77 growth-band-parallelmicrosamples of original aragonite exhibitwell-constrained fluctuations that rangebetween −2.0 and −4.8. Variation in δ 18 O ofcoral carbonate reflects seasonal variation intemperature ranging from 12 to 24 °C abouta mean of 18 °C. These values are consistentwith those derived from a bivalve and a fishotolith from the same unit, each usingindependently derived palaeotemperatureequations. Mg/Ca and Sr/Ca ratios weredetermined for 40 additional samples spanningfive of the 12 annual bands.Palaeotemperatures calculated usingelemental-ratio thermometers calibrated onmodern corals are consistently lower; meantemperature from Mg/Ca ratios are12.5 ± 1 ° C while those from Sr/Ca are5.8 ± 2.2 °C. Assuming that δ 18 O-derivedtemperatures are correct, relationshipsbetween temperature and elemental ratio forcorals growing in today's ocean can be used toestimate Oligocene palaeoseawater Mg/Caand Sr/Ca ratios. Calculations indicate thatearly Oligocene seawater Mg/Ca was ∼81%(4.2 mol mol −1 ) and Sr/Ca ∼109% (9.9 mmolmol −1 ) of modern values. Oligocene seawaterwith this degree of Mg depletion and Srenrichment is in good agreement with thatexpected during the Palaeogene transitionfrom 'calcite' to 'aragonite' seas. LowerOligocene Mg/Ca probably reflects a decreasetoward the present day in sea-floorhydrothermal activity and concomitantdecrease in scavenging of magnesium fromseawater. Elevated Sr/Ca ratio may recordlesser amounts of Oligocene aragoniteprecipitation and a correspondingly lower fluxof strontium into the sedimentary carbonatereservoir than today.2009010584波 佛 特 海 东 南 部 晚 全 新 世 硅 藻 生 物 地 层 和海 平 面 变 化 = Late Holocene diatombiostratigraphy and sea-level changes in thesoutheastern Beaufort Sea. ( 英 文 ). Campeau S;Héquette A; Pienitz R. Canadian Journal ofEarth Sciences, 2000, 37(1): 63–80Late Holocene sediments from the AtkinsonPoint area were analysed to providequantitative reconstructions of recent sea-levelchanges in the southeastern Beaufort Sea. Thesuccession of diatom assemblages in fivecores revealed paleoenvironmental changesinduced by the transgression of the BeaufortSea during successive periods of lacustrineconditions, breaching and flooding ofthermokarst lakes by the sea, and the landwardmigration of sandy spits. Based onradiocarbon dates and quantitative paleodepthdeterminations, a relative sea-level curve for191

the late Holocene has been developed. Despitea loss of temporal precision due to old carboncontamination, an envelope of sea-levelchange has been defined for the last 2 ka BP,suggesting a sea-level rise in the order of 1.1mm a -1 for the last millennium. This paperpresents the first sea-level reconstructioninferred from a diatom-based transfer function.It represents an improvement over traditionalmethods which were limited to qualitativeestimates of past sea levels.2009010585南 太 平 洋 中 始 新 世 气 候 旋 回 : 对 全 球 冰 量的 意 义 = Middle Eocene climate cyclicity inthe southern Pacific: Implications for globalice volume. ( 英 文 ). Burgess C E; Pearson P N;Lear C H; Morgans H E G; Handley L;Pancost R D; Schouten S. Geology, 2008,36(8): 651-654We use a multiproxy approach to determinesurface and bottom water temperatures off thecoast of New Zealand during the middleEocene and to constrain the 18 O of seawater.We use these data to place constraints on thesize and variability of global ice sheets at thattime. The Hampden Section in South Island ischaracterized by exceptionally well preservedmicro fossils and clear sedimentary cyclicity,providing a remarkable window intoconditions at paleo latitude ~55 ° S in thePacific Ocean. The cyclicity was studied indetail over a ~4 m section corresponding to aninterval of ~70 k.y., ca. 41.7 Ma. Thesedimentary cycles are defined by fluctuationsin the sand (>63 µm) component, occurring ona wavelength of ~1 m, corresponding toMilankovitch-scale frequency. Analyses offoraminifer oxygen isotopic ( 18 O) and Mg/Cacomposition, combined with TEX 86 analysesfrom organic carbon, are used to generaterecords of seawater temperature and oxygenisotopic composition ( 18 O SW ). These indicatebottom water temperatures of ~11–13 °Cand sea surface temperatures of ~23–25 °Cwith good agreement between the proxies.Temperature cyclicity with a magnitude of~1.5 °C occurs in both surface and bottomwaters, approximately in phase with thesedimentary cycles. Estimates of 18 O SW have amean value of – 1.2 throughout the studysection. Taken together, the data suggest alargely ice-free world with orbital-scale cyclesexpressed as temperature and hydrologicalvariation with little or no ice volume change.2009010586越 南 南 部 槟 知 省 湄 公 河 三 角 洲 晚 更 新 世 - 全新 世 深 切 谷 层 序 的 沉 积 相 、 硅 藻 和 有 孔 虫组 合 = Sedimentary facies, diatom andforaminifer assemblages in a latePleistocene – Holocene incised-valleysequence from the Mekong River Delta,Bentre Province, Southern Vietnam: the BT2core. ( 英 文 ). Ta T K O; Nguyen V L; TateishiM; Kobayashi I; Saito Y. Journal of AsianEarth Sciences, 2001, 20(1): 83-94A detailed description of sediment facies,diatom, mollusca and foraminifer assemblages,and 14 C ages of the Mekong River Delta,Southern Vietnam, is presented in this paper.A 71 m long core, recovered in 1997 at theBentre province in the eastern part of theMekong River Delta, is divided into eightunits and nine sediment facies on the basis ofsedimentary properties, diatom andforaminifer assemblages, and 14 C ages. Theseunits show facies changes from transgressionto regression in relation to the latePleistocene–Holocene sea-level changes.The Postglacial transgression caused by asea-level rise led to infilling of the incisedvalley and formation of estuarine sedimentsand open bay muddy sediments in ascendingorder. Estuarine sediments consist of slightlyoxidized yellowish – grey silty sand andintercalated greenish – grey and stifflybrownish–grey sandy silt and silty clay. Themuddy facies, 13.5 m thick, is characterizedby abundant marine planktonic diatoms andopen-sea foraminifers. This facies indicatesthe maximum Holocene marine influence wasaround 5300 cal yr BP at the BT2 site.The regressive succession is composed ofdeltaic sediments from prodelta, delta front,sub- to inter-tidal flat and beach ridge inascending order. 14 C ages indicate that thedelta front passed the core site atapproximately 4000 – 3000 cal yr BP. Thecoastal progradation rate was 17–18 m yr −1during the 5300–3500 cal yr and decreased to13–14 m yr −1 during the last 3500 cal yr.2009010587小 安 的 列 斯 群 岛 格 林 纳 丁 斯 卡 里 亚 库 岛 中新 世 古 水 深 和 古 环 境 = The Miocenepalaeobathymetry and palaeoenvironments ofCarriacou, the Grenadines, Lesser Antilles.( 英 文 ). Donovan S; Pickerill R; Portell R;Jackson T; Harper D. Lethaia, 2003, 36(3):255 - 272192

Carriacou, a small island in the Grenadines,Lesser Antilles, has a Cenozoic rock recordthat has been important in interpreting thegeologic history of the Southern LesserAntilles Arc Platform. The Lower-MiddleMiocene sedimentary succession of thesoutheast and east coasts, consisting of theBelmont, Kendeace, Carriacou and Grand Bayformations, has been interpreted as ashallowing-upward sequence from turbiditebasin to nearshore?/beach? Palaeoenvironments.An earlier interpretation of theBelmont Formation as having been depositedin shallow water is at variance with theturbiditic nature of the succession; theincluded fossils are considered allochthonous.However, an interpretation of the Grand BayFormation as deep water is supported bymultiple lines of evidence, includingsedimentology (turbidites), ichnology(autochthonous association of burrows typicalof deep-water environments) andpalaeontology (terrestrial, planktic, andshallow and deep water benthic species mixedtogether). The minimum depth of depositionof the Grand Bay Formation was 150-200 m.This suggests that the (unseen) contactbetween the Carriacou and Grand Bayformations is either an unconformity, formedfollowing rapid deepening of the basin, or afault, the Grand Bay Formation beingdeposited in a separate basin from theshallowing-upwards Belmont-Kendeace-Carriacou formations, against which it is nowjuxtaposed.2009010588从 历 史 地 质 学 角 度 研 究 生 物 多 样 性 —— 亚马 逊 河 下 游 Maraj ó 岛 的 实 例 研 究 =Biodiversity from a historical geologyperspective: a case study from Marajó Island,lower Amazon. ( 英 文 ). Rossetti D F; DeToledo P M. Geobiology, 2006, 4(3): 215-223Assessing patterns of abundance anddistribution of Amazonian species is still anoverwhelming task that requires integration ofmultiple disciplines. This work is based onbackground information gathered fromprevious reconstructions of the geologicalhistory of the lower Amazon drainage basin,in order to analyse biodiversity patterns withinthe context of landscape transformation. Ahighly dynamic geological scenario isdepicted for this area during the Plio-Pleistocene and Holocene, which consisted ofa large palaeovalley formed as a response oftectonic reactivation. This palaeovalley wasfilled with sediments transported by anorth/northwest orientated palaeo-TocantinsRiver. The palaeodrainage became abandonedas the main river course was deviated to thenortheast, initiating the separation of MarajóIsland from mainland. Geology had a directimpact on the modern physiognomy, withopen vegetation dominating in areas withHolocene sedimentation, while closed forestsprevailing in older Quaternary and, probablyalso, Pliocene terrains. Data from fossil andmodern mammalian groups indicate theconnection of Marajó Island to the mainlandduring the Last Glacial Maximum, when openvegetation seems to have dominated. Tectonicsubsidence was responsible for themaintenance of this vegetation pattern on theeastern side of the Marajó Island, keeping it asa habitat favourable for savanna adaptedfaunal elements. Based on this kind ofinformation, this work attempts to highlightthe importance of integrating studiescombining geological and biological events asthe key to understand biodiversity patterns inAmazonia. It is expected to open new lines ofresearch dealing with the comprehension ofecology, species and genetic diversity,biogeography, evolutionary scenarios, andspeciation mechanisms.2009010589美 国 西 部 中 新 世 大 地 构 造 和 气 候 促 成 生 物多 样 性 = Miocene tectonics and climateforcing of biodiversity, western United States.( 英 文 ). Kohn M J; Fremd T J. Geology, 2008,36(10): 783-786Ungulate and carnivore diversity patternssince 30 Ma in different regions of the westernUnited States suggest abrupt increaseddiversification at 17–17.5 Ma, followed bydecreases ca. 11 Ma, and stasis thereafter.Although global climate change presumablyaffects evolution, we hypothesize thatwidespread extensional tectonism in thewestern U.S. also helped drive diversityincreases ca. 17.5 Ma through atopographically induced increase in floral andhabitat diversity. The decreases in diversitiesca. 11 Ma, as well as the rapid increase in C4ecosystems (RICE) worldwide at 7 – 8 Mamay have responded to climateteleconnections and increased seasonalitylinked to global cooling and growth oforogenic plateaus, particularly the TibetanPlateau between 13 and 8 Ma. Thus,193

iodiversity complexly responds both toclimate and to tectonics.2009010590巴 基 斯 坦 巴 洛 奇 斯 坦 Bugti 山 奇 塔 瓦 塔 组的 岩 相 、 沉 积 环 境 、 区 域 生 物 地 层 和 时 代= Lithofacies, depositional environments,regional biostratigraphy and age of theChitarwata Formation in the Bugti Hills,Balochistan, Pakistan. ( 英 文 ). M é tais G;Antoine P O; Baqri S R H;Crochet J Y; DeFranceschi D; Marivaux L; Welcomme J L.Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 2008, 34(2):154-167The Oligocene-early Miocene ChitarwataFormation records a critical interval ofterrestrial sedimentation that predates theSiwalik deposits on the Potwar Plateau ofnorth-central Pakistan. This Oligocene-earlyMiocene time interval has long beenconsidered as lacking in the entire Indo-Pakistan region. The Chitarwata Formation iswidely exposed in the Sulaiman Range, buthas never been described in detail in theSulaiman Lobe, where the famousfossiliferous strata called ‘ Bugti BoneBeds’ have been known for over a centuryand half. The Chitarwata Formation representscoastal-delta at the base, and plain and fluvialenvironments at the top. Lithofacies andsedimentary structures of the ChitarwataFormation in the Bugti area are described indetail, and show a clearly distinct lithologicpattern, different from that reported from theZinda Pir area. The Chitarwata Formation alsorecords an important transition in theevolution of the drainage systems in the areaduring the late Paleogene and early Neogene.This transition from the west-flowing paleo-Indus fluvial system to the development of theancestral Indus drainage system may explainthe numerous hiatuses that characterize theChitarwata Formation. The abundance offossil mammals from the Chitarwata andoverlying Vihowa formation in the Bugti Hillsprovides critical biochronologic informationthat sheds new light on biostratigraphiccorrelation with the Zinda Pir area and for theentire Sulaiman Range.2009010591澳 大 利 亚 昆 士 兰 东 南 部 更 新 世 含 大 型 动 物群 的 沉 积 物 的 新 的 铀 / 钍 年 龄 = New U/Thages for Pleistocene megafauna deposits ofsoutheastern Queensland, Australia. ( 英 文 ).Price G J; Zhao Jian-xin; Feng Yue-xing;Hocknull S A. Journal of Asian EarthSciences, 2008, 34(2): 190-197Arguments over the extinction ofPleistocene megafauna have becomeparticularly polarised in recent years. Causesfor the extinctions are widely debated withclimate change, human hunting and/or habitatmodification, or a combination of thosefactors, being the dominant hypotheses.However, a lack of a spatially constrainedchronology for many megafauna renders mosthypotheses difficult to test. Here, we presentseveral new U/Th dates for a series ofpreviously undated, megafauna-bearinglocalities from southeastern Queensland,Australia. The sites were previously used toargue for or against various megafaunaextinction hypotheses, and are the typelocalities for two now-extinct Pleistocenemarsupials (including the giant koala,Phascolarctos stirtoni). The new datingallows the deposits to be placed in a spatiallyandtemporally constrained context relevant tothe understanding of Australian megafaunalextinctions. The results indicate that The Joint(Texas Caves) megafaunal assemblage ismiddle Pleistocene or older (>292 ky); theCement Mills (Gore) megafaunal assemblageis late Pleistocene or older (>53 ky); and theRussenden Cave Bone Chamber (Texas Caves)megafaunal assemblage is late Pleistocene(55 ky). Importantly, the new results broadlyshow that the sites date prior to thehypothesised megafaunal extinction‘window’ (i.e., 30–50 ky), and therefore,cannot be used to argue exclusively for oragainst human/climate change extinctionmodels, without first exploring theirpalaeoecological significance on widertemporal and spatial scales2009010592新 疆 准 噶 尔 盆 地 北 缘 新 近 系 顶 山 盐 池 组 及相 关 地 层 问 题 = The NeogeneDingshanyanchi Formation in NorthernJunggar Basin of Xinjiang and itsStratigraphic Implications. ( 中 文 ). 孟 津 ; 叶 捷 ;吴 文 裕 ; 倪 喜 军 ; 毕 顺 东 . 古 脊 椎 动 物 学报 , 2008, 46(2):在 新 疆 准 噶 尔 盆 地 北 缘 乌 伦 古 河 流 域 建立 了 一 个 新 近 纪 岩 石 地 层 单 位 : 顶 山 盐 池组 。 该 组 平 行 不 整 合 于 哈 拉 玛 盖 组 之 上 , 是一 套 以 红 色 泥 质 粉 砂 岩 为 主 体 的 细 碎 屑 岩堆 积 , 厚 约 50 m, 含 有 上 下 两 个 化 石 带 。 上化 石 带 时 代 为 中 新 世 晚 期 或 上 新 世 ; 下 化 石带 为 中 中 新 世 中 晚 期 , 与 通 古 尔 期 默 尔 根 小194

哺 乳 动 物 群 大 体 相 当 。 根 据 岩 性 和 化 石 组合 , 推 测 顶 山 盐 池 组 含 有 风 成 沉 积 物 , 或 主 要为 风 成 堆 积 。 其 下 部 地 层 与 流 域 中 可 可 买登 组 为 同 期 异 相 沉 积 。 通 过 下 伏 的 哈 拉 玛盖 组 , 顶 山 盐 池 组 可 以 和 附 近 地 区 的 铁 尔 斯哈 巴 合 剖 面 衔 接 , 构 成 乌 伦 古 河 流 域 一 个 从晚 渐 新 世 到 中 新 世 晚 期 或 上 新 世 大 体 连 续的 地 层 序 列 。 这 个 序 列 有 可 能 包 含 了 塔 本布 鲁 克 期 至 保 德 期 的 沉 积 物 和 动 物 群 。 我们 将 这 个 序 列 与 中 国 以 及 欧 洲 的 相 同 时 段生 物 年 代 序 列 进 行 了 初 步 的 对 比 , 并 讨 论 了有 关 的 生 物 年 代 和 年 代 地 层 问 题 。 以 哈 拉玛 盖 动 物 群 为 代 表 的 中 中 新 世 动 物 群 的 繁盛 与 它 们 的 地 理 分 布 和 中 中 新 世 全 球 气 候最 佳 期 的 温 暖 气 候 可 能 相 关 。2009010593泥 河 湾 盆 地 上 新 世 生 物 地 层 序 列 与 环 境 =Pliocene Biostratigraphic Sequence in theNihewan Basin,Hebei,China. ( 中 文 ). 李 强 ; 郑绍 华 ; 蔡 保 全 . 古 脊 椎 动 物 学 报 , 2008, 46(3):210-232总 结 了 泥 河 湾 盆 地 晚 上 新 世 生 物 地 层 , 讨论 了 12 个 剖 面 含 哺 乳 动 物 化 石 层 位 的 相 互关 系 , 以 稻 地 老 窝 沟 剖 面 的 地 层 顺 序 为 基 础排 列 出 约 3.7~2.6Ma 时 段 内 的 9 个 代 表 性的 生 物 地 层 单 位 。 哺 乳 动 物 以Paenelimnoecus chinensis、Lunanosorexcf.L.lii、Trischizolagus、Pliopentalagusnihewanicus、Ungaromys、Mimomys sp.、Chardina truncatus 、 Mesosiphneuspraetingi、M. paratingi、Pliosiphneuslyratus 、 Pseudomerionescomplicidens 、 Castor anderssoni 、Huaxiamys downsi 、 Chardinomysyusheensis 、 C.nihowanicus 、 Hipparionhoufenense 和 Gazella blacki 组 合 为 特征 。 动 物 群 在 时 代 上 与 榆 社 麻 则 沟 动 物 组合 、 静 乐 红 土 动 物 群 、 灵 台 雷 家 河 剖 面 V 带及 任 家 沟 静 乐 红 粘 土 动 物 组 合 、 宁 县 水 磨沟 动 物 组 合 、 游 河 动 物 群 及 沂 南 棋 盘 山 洞穴 动 物 组 合 相 当 。2009010594青 海 - 西 藏 高 原 东 部 边 缘 晚 新 生 代 地 质 和 古环 境 变 化 = Late Cenozoic Geology andPaleo-environment Change in the EasternEdge of Qinghai-Xizang Plateau. ( 英 文 ). ZhaoZhizhong; Qiao Yansong; Wang Shubing;Yao Haitao; Wang Yan; Li Chaozhu; Fu Jianli;Liu Zongxiu; Li Mingze; Miao Qi; JiangFuchu. Acta Geologica Sinica, 2008, 82(5):959-966There are late Cenozoic lacustrine depositsand loess and red clay and moraines in easternedge of the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau. Variousgenetic sediments recorded rich informationon late Cenozoic paleo-environment changes.Xigeda lacustrine formed during 4.2 Ma B.P.-2.6 Ma B.P. There were 9 periodic warm-coldalternations. Eolian deposition in westernSichuan began at 1.15 Ma B.P. The loess-soilsequences recorded successively 14 paleomonsoonclimate cycles. Laterite in Chengduplain recorded 5 stages of paleoclimatic stagessince 1.13 Ma B.P. There was an old glacialperiod of 4.3 Ma B.P. in eastern Qinghai-Xizang Plateau. During Quaternary, there are5 extreme paleoclimatic events correspondingwith 5 glaciations.2009010595黄 土 高 原 灵 台 剖 面 坡 缕 石 分 布 及 其 古 气 候意 义 = Distribution of Palygorskite in theLingtai Profile of Chinese Loess Plateau: ItsPaleoclimatic Implications. ( 英 文 ). XieQiaoqin; Chen Tianhu; Chen Jun; Ji Junfeng;Xu Huifang; Xu Xiaochun. Acta GeologicaSinica, 2008, 82(5): 967-974Palygorskite is a typical indicator mineralof the arid and strong evaporationenvironment. Distribution of palygorskite inloess-red clay sequences may act as animportant indicator for reconstruction of thepaleoenvironment and paleoclimate. In thispaper, field emission scanning electronmicroscope and high-resolution transmissionelectron microscope observations on the redclay-loess-paleosol of the Renjiapo profile atLingtai, Gansu Province indicate thatpalygorskite occurs widely in red claysequences formed before 3.6 Ma, but nooccurrence has been found in eolian sedimentssince 3.2 Ma. Micromorphological featuresand microstructure of palygorskite show that itis an autogenic mineral formed duringpedogenesis, and transformed from iilitemontmorilioniteunder the pore water action.In the Lingtai profile, the disappearancehorizon of palygorskite is consistent withthose of increasing magnetic susceptibility,dust flux and depositional rate. Thedistribution of palygorskite in the profileindicates that the interval of around 3.6 Mawas an important transformation period of theEast Asian paleomonsoon, when changes tookplace in the East Asia paleoclimate pattern, i.e.a high-frequency strong fluctuation alternative195

evolution of the environment. Therefore,palygorskite is a key indicator mineral of theEast Asian paleomonsoon evolution of thattime.2009010596喜 马 拉 雅 东 部 河 流 系 统 重 组 的 缅 甸 碎 屑 锆石 证 据 = Detrital zircon evidence fromBurma for reorganization of the easternHimalayan river system. ( 英 文 ). LiangYuhsuan; Chung Sunlin; Liu Dunyi; XuYigang; Wu Fuyuan; Yang Jinhui; WangYanbin; Lo Chinghua. American Journal ofscience, 2008, 308(4): 618-638The first in situ Hf and U-Pb isotopeanalyses of detrital zircons from UpperMiocene sandstone in the Inner-BurmaTertiary Basin, together with data of igneouszircons from the eastern Transhimalayanbatholith from southern Tibet to Burma,enable us to study the sedimentary source tosink relation and river evolution around theeastern Himalayas. Among 47 out of 62 datedzircons from the Miocene sandstone thatexhibit Cretaceous and Paleogene206Pb/238U ages, 24 grains have positiveHf(T) isotope values up to +16. Whilst zirconsof such ages are common in theTranshimalayan plutons, those showing highHf(T) values have been observed so far onlyin the Gangdese batholith. Our results,therefore, support the notion that by LateMiocene time the Yarlu Tsangpo, which flowspast the Gangdese batholith in southeasternTibet, drained into the Irrawaddy River. Weattribute this river routing to not only regionaltopographic control but also the dextralmovement of the Jiali-Gaoligong-Sagaingfault system that appears most active duringthe Middle Miocene. Subsequentreorganization of these mountain rivers wasaffiliated with headward erosion of theBrahmaputra River that eventually cut acrossthe Namche Barwa Syntaxis and captured theYarlu Tsangpo drainage to form the moderneastern Himalayan river system.2009010597海 南 鹿 回 头 半 岛 水 围 岭 全 新 世 海 滩 岩 中 的微 生 物 碳 酸 盐 = Microbial carbonates inHolocene beachrocks, Shuiweiling, LuhuitouPeninsula, Hainan Island. ( 英 文 ). TengJianbin; Shen Jianwei. Science in China SeriesD: Earth Sciences, 2008, 51(1): 30-40Two research methods, geomicrobiologyand carbonate sedimentology, were adopted tostudy the microbial carbonates in thebeachrocks, Shuiweiling, Luhuitou, SanyaCity, Hainan Island. The results indicate thatmicrobial carbonates occur in Shuiweilingbeachrocks and cements related to microbialactivitives are common. Microbial carbonateswere mainly developed on the surfaces ofcoral skeletons and within the coral(fragments and shivers) skeletal cavities, andrarely grew in interspaces formed by coral andother biological detritus. The growthmorphologies of microbial carbonates arevarious, including stromatolitic lamination,thin crusts, dome-like, and microbialites.Microbial carbonates commonly trap finesizedbioclasts, contain tubular filaments, andshow laminated growth striation. Microbialcarbonates within the coral skeletal cavitiesare generally stromatolitic cone-shaped, with arandom growth direction along the bearing oftrend of cavities, showing distinct growthlaminae and recognizable growth phases. It isa special growth pattern of crypt microbialcarbonates. Microbial cements occur mainlyin shape of needle cement, calcified filaments,microborings, and calcified framboidalspheres. The needle cement is the mostcommon type. These microbial cementsindicate that microbial activities and microbialcarbonates played an important role inbeachrock formation in which carbonates weredominant components and the climate oftropical ocean monsoon was influential. Suchmicrobial carbonates and microbialcementation have not been reported here frombeachrocks along the northern shorelines ofthe South China Sea. The results support aclear microbial origin for certain carbonatecements in beachrocks, confirm that microbialcarbonates are a significant contributor tocarbonate sedimentation, and widen theknowledge of beachrocks from a new field.2009010598华 南 珠 江 三 角 洲 沉 积 物 磁 特 征 : 古 环 境 意义 = Magnetic properties of sediments fromthe Pearl River Delta, South China:Paleoenvironmental implications. ( 英 文 ).Yang Xiaoqiang; Grapes R; Zhou Houyun;Yang Jie. Science in China Series D: EarthSciences, 2008, 51(1): 56-66Magnetic parameters and theirenvironmental implications of sediments in acore (PD) from the Pearl River Delta, SouthChina, indicate that ferrimagnetic mineralswith low coercivity, such as magnetite,dominate the magnetic properties although196

small amounts of Fe-sulphides occur. Thefraction of Fe-sulphides increases andbecomes the dominant minerals determiningthe magnetic characteristics in grey-blackorganic-rich clay horizons, indicating ananoxic, sulphate-reducing swamp environmentresulting from a marine regression. In the“ Huaban clay ” , hard magnetic minerals,such as hematite and goethite, largely controlthe magnetic properties of the sediments andimply a long period of exposure andweathering. Where magnetite is the mainmagnetic mineral, its fraction and grain sizedetermine properties such as magneticsusceptibility (κ) and saturation isothermalremanent magnetization (SIRM). Ratios ofSIRM/κ and χ arm/SIRM reflect changes insea level with high SIRM/ κ and χarm/SIRM correlating with a smaller magneticmineral grain size and rising sea level. Basedon downcore variations of theseenvironmental magnetic parameters alongwith sediment characteristics and microfauna,the sedimentary environment of the PearlRiver Delta area can be divided into two maincycles of transgression and regression duringthe late Pleistocene and Holocene with moresub-cycles of sea level fluctuation during eachtransgression.2009010599华 东 新 生 代 玄 武 岩 中 高 Fe/Mn 比 的 成 岩 作用 意 义 = Petrogenetic significance of highFe/Mn ratios of the Cenozoic basalts fromeastern China. ( 英 文 ). Zhang Binhui; LiuYongsheng; Gao Shan. Science in ChinaSeries D: Earth Sciences, 2008, 51(2): 229-239The Cenozoic basalts from eastern Chinashow commonly high Fe/Mn ratios (average =68.6 ± 11.5) coupled with OIB-type traceelement signature. The Cenozoic basalts formthe northern margin and the southern marginof the North China Craton are studied in detail.Model calculations point out that the couplingfeature of high Fe/Mn ratio with OIB-typetrace element signature of these basalts cannotbe produced by neither pyroxene/olivinecrystallization nor remelting of previouslymelted mantle, but require partial melting of agarnet pyroxenite-rich mantle source.Combining these features of the Cenozoicbasalts with the Phanerozoic lithosphericevolution of the eastern China, we suggest thatthe Cenozoic basalts were derived from agarnet pyroxenite-rich mantle sourceassociated with continental crust delaminationor oceanic crust subduction.2009010600藏 南 Oiyug 盆 地 晚 新 生 代 火 山 岩 和 湖 积 序列 的 构 造 意 义 和 年 代 年 龄 测 定 =Chronological dating and tectonicimplications of late Cenozoic volcanic rocksand lacustrine sequence in Oiyug Basin ofsouthern Tibet. ( 英 文 ). Chen Hehai; HanJingtai; Ding Zhongli; Sun Huiguo; GuoZhengfu. Science in China Series D: EarthSciences, 2008, 51(2): 275-283Reconstruction of uplift history of theTibetan Plateau is crucial for understanding itsenvironmental impacts. The Oiyug Basin insouthern Tibet contains multiple periods ofsedimentary sequences and volcanic rocks thatspan much of the Cenozoic and has greatpotential for further studying this issue.However, these strata were poorly dated. Thispaper presents a chronological study of the145 m thick and horizontally-distributedlacustrine sequence using paleomagneticmethod as well as a K-Ar dating of theunderlying volcanic rocks. Based on thesedating results, a chronostratigraphicframework and the basin-developmentalhistory have been established for the past 15Ma, during which three tectonic stages areidentified. The period of 15 – 8.1 Ma ischaracterized by intense volcanic activitiesinvolving at least three major eruptions.Subsequently, the basin came into atectonically quiescent period and a lacustrinesedimentary sequence was developed. Around2.5 Ma, an N-S fault occurred across thesouthern margin of the basin, leading to thedisappearance of the lake environment and thedevelopment of the Oiyug River. The Gyirongbasin on northern slope of the Himalayasshows a similar basin developmental historyand thus there is a good agreement in tectonicactivities between the Himalayan andGangdise orogenic belts. Therefore, thetectonic evolution stages experienced by theOiyug Basin during the past 15 Ma could havea regional significance for southern Tibet. Thechronological data obtained from this studymay provide some constraints for furtherstudies with regard to the tectonic processesand environmental changes in southernTibetan Plateau.197

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