District Planning Office, Sehore

District Planning Office, Sehore

District Planning Office, Sehore

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dk;kZy; ftyk ;kstuk ,oa lkaf[;dh vf/kdkjh lhgksjiz’kklfud foHkkx & e-iz-'kklu];kstuk vkfFkZd ,oa lkaf[;dh foHkkxfoHkkxk/;{k &- lapkyd vkfFkZd ,oa lkaf[;dh e-iz-HkksikylaajpukRed

1.B Functions and duties of each unit of the <strong>Office</strong> ( 1 to 2 page )S.No. Unit / Section Functions performed1 rduhdh @ lkaf[;dh ra= fu/kkZfjr Lkakf[;dh izdk’ku ,oa fofo/klkaf[;dh fdz;kdyki2 thoukad TUe&e`R;q iath;u dk;Z dh ekuhVfjaxrFkk foyafcr iath;u dh l{ke Lohd`fr3 ;kstuk 'kk[kk ftyk ;kstuk izk#Ik rS;kj djuk Lkkln@ fo/kk;d @ tuHkkxhnkjh fuf/k esaizkIr vkaoVu ls fuekZ.k dk;Z dh Lohd`frrFkk /kujkf’k dk fuxZeu4 iz'kklu 'kk[kk iz'kklfud dk;Z LFkkiuk vf/kdkjh@deZpkfj;ska ds vfHkys[k la/kkj.k] vodk’k@ osru HkRrs LoRo vkfn dk;Z5 ys[kk vkoaVu ,oa O;; fu;a=.k ]ys[kk iath;ksadk la/kkj.k ] ds’k cqd la/kkj.k ]fu/kkZfjrlHkh vko’;d vfHkys[k la/kkj.k rFkkleLr foRrh; ekeys5 LVksj dk;Zky; dh leLr Hk.Mkj lkexzh dkHk.Mkj.k ] LVkd iath dk la/kkj.k]ejEer vkfn LVksj laca/kh leLr la/kkj.kdk;Z

4- A) Time norm, if decided by the organization. U/S 4.1 (b) (iv)B) Quality Norms, if decided by the organization.C) Quantity target, for the office work to be done in the year .Supervisory Authority<strong>Office</strong>r to whom accountablefoHkkx dh xfrfof/k;kWa&dza dk;Z@ xfrfof/k@ ;kstuk dk uke fuiVkjs dh le; lhek1 2 41 ftyk ;kstuk fuekZ.k 2006&-0731-8-20052 ftyk Lrjh; izdk’kuv ftyk ds izeq[k vkadMs o"kZ 2005 30-9-2005c ftyk lkaf[;dh iqfLrdk o"kZ 2005 15-2-2006l ftyk fodkl iqfLrdk o"kZ 2005 15-3-2006n tuin Lrjh; izdk’ku & tuin iapk;r ds izeq[k vkadMs 31-8-20053 U;k; laed o"kZ 2004 30-6-2005eqnz.k lakf[;dh o"kZ 2004 30-6-2005LokLF; lkaf[;dh o"kZ 2004&05 30-6-20054 e-iz-iz’kklfud {ks= esa fu;kstu x.kuk 31-3-2005 30-9-20055 cktkj lekpkj x I+k=d ekfld izfr ekg6 cktkj ewY;ksa ls lacaf/kr +=Sekfld leh{kk izfr =Sekl7 with fuekZ.k laca/kh okf"kd izfrosnu 30-9-20058 eafM;ksa dh vk; O;; dh tkudkjh 31-10-20059 yskd foRr ,oa ctV fo’ys"k.k laca/kh tkudkjh Okf"kZd10 Okkf"kZd thoukad lkaf[;dh 2005 30-3-200611 ftys esa tUe e`R;q iath;u vf/kfu;e ds dk;kZUo;u dk izfrosnu 30-4-200612 ekfld thoukad lkaf[;dh izfrekg;kstuk1 lkaln fuf/k @ fo/kk;d fuf/k ls izkIr izLrkoksa ls Lohd`fr o jkf’k fuxZeu 45 fnol2 tuHkkxh fuf/k &v’aknku lqfuf’prrk mijkUr 45 fnol

5- List of Acts,Rules,Regulations Manuals,Circulers related with thefunctioning of office constituting the organisation. (Original text to be gevenin electronic form) U/S 4.1 (b)(v)Acts 1& e0iz0 ftyk ;kstuk lfefr vf/kfu;e & 1995 ;Fkk la’kksf/kr2& tUe&e`R;q jftLVªhdj.k vf/kfu;e & 1969Rules1- e-iz-tUe&e`R;q fu;e 19992- e-iz-ftyk ;kstuk lfefr fuokZpu fu;e & 19953- e-iz- ftyk ;kstuk milfefr fu;e & 19954- e-iz-ftyk ;kstuk lfefr ;k=k HkRrk fu;e & 1995RegulationNilManuals1- Lkklan LFkkuh; {ks= fodkl ;kstuk fn’kk funsZ’k2- fo/kku lHkk fuokZpu {ks= fodkl ;kstuk ekxZnf’kdk3- tuHkkxhnkjh fu;e &2000CircularsmijksDr ls lacaf/kr le;&le; ij 'kklu }kjk tkjh ifji=

6- Statement of various categories of documents held by it or under itscontrol U/S 4.1(b)(VI)&1&N. Name of Document Kind of Documentlike microfilm,Register, Books,Diskette etc.Nature andContent ofDocumentDuration ofRecords1 ftyk ;kstuk 2006&07 iqfLrdk #Ik vLFkk;h foxr ikWapo"kZ ls2 Lkkaf[;dh izdk’ku iqfLrdk #Ik LFkk;h 5 o"kZ3 ftyk ;kstuk lfefr uLrh ,oa iath LFkk;h 5 o"kZ4 lkaln@fo/kk;d@tuHkkxhnkjh ls lacaf/kr Lohdr dk;Z ,oa vuqnkudh iathLFkk;h5 o"kZ5 thoukad laca/kh lkekU; tkudkjh vLFkk;h 5 o"kZ6 HkaMkj LVkd jftLVj LFkk;h izkjaHk ls7 jksdM+ iath iath LFkk;h izkjaHk ls8 LFkkiuk lca/kh tkudkjh ufLr;ka lkekU; izkjaHk ls9 Lksok iqfLrdk,sa ,ao Hakfo";”fuf/k ikl cqd iqqfLrdk :i lkekU; izkjaHk ls

7- I. Structure of the consultative committees in which public representatives are membersincluding Name of the commitee Copy of the Orders/ Circulars for formation Functions Members Duties and responsibilitiesAccessibility of minutes for public U/s 4.1 (b) (vii)IIProceedings, Minutes of the Meeting ( Copy to made available and be given in theelectronic form with hypertext link)Vhi& bl dk;kZy; esa dksbZ ijke’kZnk=h lfefr xfBr ugha gSA

8- I - Name of the Board, Councils, committees etc. including member and their qualification.( Original text to be given in the electronic form )U/s 4.1 (b) (viii)SN.Name of the Body Name of the members Qualifications1 ftyk ;kstuk lfefr ekuuh; izHkkjh ea=h Jh fgEer dksBkjh ea=h e/; izns’k 'kklu jkT; ea=h eaMy dklgdkfjrk foHkkx &v/;{k lnL;dysDVjlnL; lfpoJherh vuhr ckbZ v/;{k ftyk iapk;r LknL; lnL; ftyk iapk;rJh gsejkt ijekj LknL; lnL; ftyk iapk;rJh tQj [kkWa LknL; lnL; ftyk iapk;rJh eks-yrhQ [kkWa LknL; lnL; ftyk iapk;rJh vt; dqekj LknL; lnL; ftyk iapk;rJh vej flag LknL; lnL; ftyk iapk;rJherh dsyh ckbZ LknL; lnL; ftyk iapk;rJherh ikoZrh ckbZ LknL; lnL; ftyk iapk;rJh fnus’k dqekj LknL; lnL; ftyk iapk;rJh nsoh izlkn LknL; lnL; ftyk iapk;rJherh js[kk ckbZ LknL; lnL; ftyk iapk;rJh erh lquhrk ckbZ LknL; lnL; ftyk iapk;rJh nqxkZ izlkn LknL; lnL; ftyk iapk;rJh dUgS;kyky ykbZV okys LknL; lnL; uxj iapk;rJh esgjoku flag cyHknz LknL; 'kklu }kjk ukaekfdrJh jes’k lDlsuk fo/kk;d LknL; fo’ks"k vkeaf=rJh dju flag oekZ eku- jkT; ea=hLknL; fo’ks"k vkeaf=r@fo/kk;dJh j/kqukFk flag ekyoh; fo/kk;d LknL; fo’ks"k vkeaf=rJh jktsUnz flag jktiwr fo/kk;d LknL; fo’ks"k vkeaf=rJh jek dkUr HkkxZo lkaln izfrfuf/k LknL; fo’ks"k vkeaf=rJh enuyky R;kxh lkaln izfrfuf/k LknL; fo’ks"k vkeaf=rJh vHk; esgrk v/;{k d`f"k xkz-fo-cSd LknL; fo’ks"k vkeaf=rfjDr LknL; u-ik-lhgksjfjDr LknL; u-i-k-vk"VkfjDr LknL; ukekafdr v’kkldh;2 ftyk Lrjh; vUrfoZHkkxh; dysDVj ,oa vfrfjDr eq[; jftLVªkj v/;{k IknsuleUo; lfefr ¼tUe&e`R;qiath;u ½¼tUe &e`Rq;q ½eqq[; dk;Zikyu vf/kdkjh ftyk iapk;r LknL;vuqfoHkkxh; vf/kdkjh jktLOkLknL;mi lapkyd iapk;rLknL;ftyk efgyk ,oa oky fodkl vf/kdkjh LknL;eqq[; fpfdRlk ,oa LokLF; vf/kdkjhLknL;flfoy ltZu ftyk fpfdRlky;LknL;lgk;d lapkyd tulEidZLknL;LFkkuh; eq[; uxj ikfydk vf/kdkjhftyk ;kstuk vf/kdkjh ,oa ftykjftLVªkj ¼tUe &e`Rq;q ½LknL;LknL; lfpoII - Order of the formation( Original text to be given in the electronic form and to be hypertext linked)III - Charter / Memorandum of Articles of Association.( Original text to be given in the electronic form and to be hypertext linked)IV - Govt. instruction for the way in which meeting will be conducted .( Original text to be given inthe electronic form and to be hypertext linked)V - Availability of the proceedings / minutes of the last meetings ( Original text to be givenchronologically in the electronic form and to be hypertext linked)

12- Programmme and beneficiaries U/ S 4.1 (b) (xii)A. List of the programme ( in electronic form)B. Norms for selection of the beneficiary ( Original text of the circular to be given in electronicform)C. Detailed InformationSNo1Name of theProgrammeAdministrativeDepartmentYearAmt.AllocatedNo. ofbeneficiariesVhi& bl dk;kZy; ]}kjk k dksbZ Hkh fgrxzkgh ewyd dk;Zdze lapkfyr ugha gSA

13. List of the recipients and nature of the concession U/S 4.1 (b)(xiii)S NoNature ofconcessionName Address Year Kind ofsupportApproximatevalue ofConcessionVhi& bl dk;kZy; esa dksbZ fgrxzkgh ewyd ;kstuk lapkfyr ugha gSA

14. Information available in the office ( Linked with Item 6) U/S4.1 (b) (xiv)S No Categories Hard Copy Electronic FormgkMZ dkih1 ftyk ;kstuk izLrko234Lkaf[;dh izkdk’kufuekZ.k dk;ksZ gsrq tkjh jkf’k laca/kh tkudkjhLeLr vf/kdkjh depkfj;ksa dh LFkkiuk lac/khtkudkjh5 ftyk ;kstuk lfefr laca/kh dk;ZokghgkMZ dkihiathUkLrh @ iathUkLrh @ iath

15. Facility available ( Library, public counter etc) to citizen forinformation U/S 4.1 (b) (xv)S No Facility Name of In charge Duration of opening (time to be given)1 dk;kZy; Jh ds-ih-dSFkokl] ftyk ;kstukvf/kdkjhContact No.TelephoneNo.izkr% 10%30 ls lk;a 5%30 cts 222988

16. Information about the PIO / Designation / Working experiencesU/S 4.1 (b) (xvi) Name Designation Tel. No. 07562- 222988 (o) 227486 ® e mail address - Place of Work and address- Collectorate, <strong>Sehore</strong> contact hours for public - 10:30am to 5:30 pm.Shri K.P.KAITHWASDISTRICT PLANNING OFFICER SEHORE

17.Any other information in Citizen related facilities U/S 4.1 (b)(xvii) -----No----.

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