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Worship the KingThe word worship has a curious background.It’s related to the word worth.When we worship God, we are proclaiminghow much he is worth. The songs <strong>of</strong> Revelationcome to mind. Several <strong>of</strong> them startwith words like “Worthy is the Lamb whowas slain!”Worship is a word that can easily be misunderstood.The focus can easily shift fromthe one who is worthy (Jesus ) to the oneswho are expressing how much he is worth(the worshipers). Many Christians todaysee worship as merely the praises thatChristians express when they are praying orsinging to God rather than as the proclamation<strong>of</strong> the gospel, which (have you noticed?)takes place every time we worship.Worship is not merely a response or an expression<strong>of</strong> how the believer feels aboutJesus. The best way to proclaim how muchJesus is worth is to tell what he has done.One <strong>of</strong> the most important parts <strong>of</strong> worship—evenmore important than the worshipers’response <strong>of</strong> praise — is the proclamation<strong>of</strong> what Jesus has done. Proclaimingwhat Jesus has done is the best way topraise him!The events that surround the birth <strong>of</strong> Jesusas recorded in the Bible are beautiful examples<strong>of</strong> worship. When the people saw thebaby Jesus — and even before he was born,when his coming birth was first announced— their words again and again expressedhis worth. They praised God because <strong>of</strong>what he was doing. It was the saving deeds<strong>of</strong> God, not their feelings about thosedeeds that they expressed. Mary, for instance,in the song she composed duringher pregnancy, sang,“My spirit rejoices in God my Savior. . .Forthe Mighty One has done great things forme.. .He has performed mighty deeds withhis arm.”Zechariah was also inspired to compose asong just before the birth <strong>of</strong> Jesus. It beings,“Praise be to the Lord, the God <strong>of</strong> Israel,because he has come and has redeemedhis people.”The patterns for New Testament worshipare so clearly evident in the incidents surroundingthe birth <strong>of</strong> Christ. When the angelsappeared to the shepherds on thenight that Jesus was born, one angel proclaimedthe gospel: “I bring you good news<strong>of</strong> great joy that will be for all the people.Today in the town <strong>of</strong> David a Savior hasbeen born to you; he is Christ the Lord.”And this proclamation was followed by themasses <strong>of</strong> angels responding with a song <strong>of</strong>praise:“Glory to God in the highest, and on earthpeace to men on whom his favor rests.”It’s striking how worship was bound upwith the birth <strong>of</strong> this child. Those to whomthe birth <strong>of</strong> God’s Son was revealed clearlygrasped from the very beginning that hewas more than just a special child — he wasGod! Even the Magi who were summonedfrom afar recognized who he was. Whenthey came into the presence <strong>of</strong> the Christchild, “they bowed down and worshipedhim” The gifts they brought to him werealso an act <strong>of</strong> worship that reflected hisworth. They presented him with gold, incenseand myrrh.May God enrichyour Advent,Christmas andEpiphany worshipthis year,highlighting foryou that worshipbegins withGod proclaiminghis good newsto us and culminatesin uspraising him forhis saving deeds.Adapted from St.Mark’s <strong>Lutheran</strong>, CitrusHeights, <strong>CA</strong>Page 9

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